path: root/Tools/idle/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/idle/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 655 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/idle/ b/Tools/idle/
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9cbc4580..0000000000
--- a/Tools/idle/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-"""Provides access to stored IDLE configuration information.
-Refer to the comments at the beginning of config-main.def for a description of
-the available configuration files and the design implemented to update user
-configuration information. In particular, user configuration choices which
-duplicate the defaults will be removed from the user's configuration files,
-and if a file becomes empty, it will be deleted.
-The contents of the user files may be altered using the Options/Configure IDLE
-menu to access the configuration GUI (, or manually.
-Throughout this module there is an emphasis on returning useable defaults
-when a problem occurs in returning a requested configuration value back to
-idle. This is to allow IDLE to continue to function in spite of errors in
-the retrieval of config information. When a default is returned instead of
-a requested config value, a message is printed to stderr to aid in
-configuration problem notification and resolution.
-import os
-import sys
-import string
-from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError
-class InvalidConfigType(Exception): pass
-class InvalidConfigSet(Exception): pass
-class InvalidFgBg(Exception): pass
-class InvalidTheme(Exception): pass
-class IdleConfParser(ConfigParser):
- """
- A ConfigParser specialised for idle configuration file handling
- """
- def __init__(self, cfgFile, cfgDefaults=None):
- """
- cfgFile - string, fully specified configuration file name
- """
- self.file=cfgFile
- ConfigParser.__init__(self,defaults=cfgDefaults)
- def Get(self, section, option, type=None, default=None):
- """
- Get an option value for given section/option or return default.
- If type is specified, return as type.
- """
- if type=='bool':
- getVal=self.getboolean
- elif type=='int':
- getVal=self.getint
- else:
- getVal=self.get
- if self.has_option(section,option):
- #return getVal(section, option, raw, vars, default)
- return getVal(section, option)
- else:
- return default
- def GetOptionList(self,section):
- """
- Get an option list for given section
- """
- if self.has_section(section):
- return self.options(section)
- else: #return a default value
- return []
- def Load(self):
- """
- Load the configuration file from disk
- """
-class IdleUserConfParser(IdleConfParser):
- """
- IdleConfigParser specialised for user configuration handling.
- """
- def AddSection(self,section):
- """
- if section doesn't exist, add it
- """
- if not self.has_section(section):
- self.add_section(section)
- def RemoveEmptySections(self):
- """
- remove any sections that have no options
- """
- for section in self.sections():
- if not self.GetOptionList(section):
- self.remove_section(section)
- def IsEmpty(self):
- """
- Remove empty sections and then return 1 if parser has no sections
- left, else return 0.
- """
- self.RemoveEmptySections()
- if self.sections():
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
- def RemoveOption(self,section,option):
- """
- If section/option exists, remove it.
- Returns 1 if option was removed, 0 otherwise.
- """
- if self.has_section(section):
- return self.remove_option(section,option)
- def SetOption(self,section,option,value):
- """
- Sets option to value, adding section if required.
- Returns 1 if option was added or changed, otherwise 0.
- """
- if self.has_option(section,option):
- if self.get(section,option)==value:
- return 0
- else:
- self.set(section,option,value)
- return 1
- else:
- if not self.has_section(section):
- self.add_section(section)
- self.set(section,option,value)
- return 1
- def RemoveFile(self):
- """
- Removes the user config file from disk if it exists.
- """
- if os.path.exists(self.file):
- os.remove(self.file)
- def Save(self):
- """Update user configuration file.
- Remove empty sections. If resulting config isn't empty, write the file
- to disk. If config is empty, remove the file from disk if it exists.
- """
- if not self.IsEmpty():
- cfgFile=open(self.file,'w')
- self.write(cfgFile)
- else:
- self.RemoveFile()
-class IdleConf:
- """
- holds config parsers for all idle config files:
- default config files
- (idle install dir)/config-main.def
- (idle install dir)/config-extensions.def
- (idle install dir)/config-highlight.def
- (idle install dir)/config-keys.def
- user config files
- (user home dir)/.idlerc/config-main.cfg
- (user home dir)/.idlerc/config-extensions.cfg
- (user home dir)/.idlerc/config-highlight.cfg
- (user home dir)/.idlerc/config-keys.cfg
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.defaultCfg={}
- self.userCfg={}
- self.cfg={}
- self.CreateConfigHandlers()
- self.LoadCfgFiles()
- #self.LoadCfg()
- def CreateConfigHandlers(self):
- """
- set up a dictionary of config parsers for default and user
- configurations respectively
- """
- #build idle install path
- if __name__ != '__main__': # we were imported
- idleDir=os.path.dirname(__file__)
- else: # we were exec'ed (for testing only)
- idleDir=os.path.abspath(sys.path[0])
- userDir=self.GetUserCfgDir()
- configTypes=('main','extensions','highlight','keys')
- defCfgFiles={}
- usrCfgFiles={}
- for cfgType in configTypes: #build config file names
- defCfgFiles[cfgType]=os.path.join(idleDir,'config-'+cfgType+'.def')
- usrCfgFiles[cfgType]=os.path.join(userDir,'config-'+cfgType+'.cfg')
- for cfgType in configTypes: #create config parsers
- self.defaultCfg[cfgType]=IdleConfParser(defCfgFiles[cfgType])
- self.userCfg[cfgType]=IdleUserConfParser(usrCfgFiles[cfgType])
- def GetUserCfgDir(self):
- """
- Creates (if required) and returns a filesystem directory for storing
- user config files.
- """
- cfgDir='.idlerc'
- userDir=os.path.expanduser('~')
- if userDir != '~': #'HOME' exists as a key in os.environ
- if not os.path.exists(userDir):
- warn=('\n Warning: HOME environment variable points to\n '+
- userDir+'\n but the path does not exist.\n')
- sys.stderr.write(warn)
- userDir='~'
- if userDir=='~': #we still don't have a home directory
- #traditionally idle has defaulted to os.getcwd(), is this adeqate?
- userDir = os.getcwd() #hack for no real homedir
- userDir=os.path.join(userDir,cfgDir)
- if not os.path.exists(userDir):
- try: #make the config dir if it doesn't exist yet
- os.mkdir(userDir)
- except IOError:
- warn=('\n Warning: unable to create user config directory\n '+
- userDir+'\n')
- sys.stderr.write(warn)
- return userDir
- def GetOption(self, configType, section, option, default=None, type=None):
- """
- Get an option value for given config type and given general
- configuration section/option or return a default. If type is specified,
- return as type. Firstly the user configuration is checked, with a
- fallback to the default configuration, and a final 'catch all'
- fallback to a useable passed-in default if the option isn't present in
- either the user or the default configuration.
- configType must be one of ('main','extensions','highlight','keys')
- If a default is returned a warning is printed to stderr.
- """
- if self.userCfg[configType].has_option(section,option):
- return self.userCfg[configType].Get(section, option, type=type)
- elif self.defaultCfg[configType].has_option(section,option):
- return self.defaultCfg[configType].Get(section, option, type=type)
- else: #returning default, print warning
- warning=('\n Warning: - IdleConf.GetOption -\n'+
- ' problem retrieving configration option '+`option`+'\n'+
- ' from section '+`section`+'.\n'+
- ' returning default value: '+`default`+'\n')
- sys.stderr.write(warning)
- return default
- def GetSectionList(self, configSet, configType):
- """
- Get a list of sections from either the user or default config for
- the given config type.
- configSet must be either 'user' or 'default'
- configType must be one of ('main','extensions','highlight','keys')
- """
- if not (configType in ('main','extensions','highlight','keys')):
- raise InvalidConfigType, 'Invalid configType specified'
- if configSet == 'user':
- cfgParser=self.userCfg[configType]
- elif configSet == 'default':
- cfgParser=self.defaultCfg[configType]
- else:
- raise InvalidConfigSet, 'Invalid configSet specified'
- return cfgParser.sections()
- def GetHighlight(self, theme, element, fgBg=None):
- """
- return individual highlighting theme elements.
- fgBg - string ('fg'or'bg') or None, if None return a dictionary
- containing fg and bg colours (appropriate for passing to Tkinter in,
- e.g., a tag_config call), otherwise fg or bg colour only as specified.
- """
- if self.defaultCfg['highlight'].has_section(theme):
- themeDict=self.GetThemeDict('default',theme)
- else:
- themeDict=self.GetThemeDict('user',theme)
- fore=themeDict[element+'-foreground']
- if element=='cursor': #there is no config value for cursor bg
- back=themeDict['normal-background']
- else:
- back=themeDict[element+'-background']
- highlight={"foreground": fore,"background": back}
- if not fgBg: #return dict of both colours
- return highlight
- else: #return specified colour only
- if fgBg == 'fg':
- return highlight["foreground"]
- if fgBg == 'bg':
- return highlight["background"]
- else:
- raise InvalidFgBg, 'Invalid fgBg specified'
- def GetThemeDict(self,type,themeName):
- """
- type - string, 'default' or 'user' theme type
- themeName - string, theme name
- Returns a dictionary which holds {option:value} for each element
- in the specified theme. Values are loaded over a set of ultimate last
- fallback defaults to guarantee that all theme elements are present in
- a newly created theme.
- """
- if type == 'user':
- cfgParser=self.userCfg['highlight']
- elif type == 'default':
- cfgParser=self.defaultCfg['highlight']
- else:
- raise InvalidTheme, 'Invalid theme type specified'
- #foreground and background values are provded for each theme element
- #(apart from cursor) even though all these values are not yet used
- #by idle, to allow for their use in the future. Default values are
- #generally black and white.
- theme={ 'normal-foreground':'#000000',
- 'normal-background':'#ffffff',
- 'keyword-foreground':'#000000',
- 'keyword-background':'#ffffff',
- 'comment-foreground':'#000000',
- 'comment-background':'#ffffff',
- 'string-foreground':'#000000',
- 'string-background':'#ffffff',
- 'definition-foreground':'#000000',
- 'definition-background':'#ffffff',
- 'hilite-foreground':'#000000',
- 'hilite-background':'gray',
- 'break-foreground':'#ffffff',
- 'break-background':'#000000',
- 'hit-foreground':'#ffffff',
- 'hit-background':'#000000',
- 'error-foreground':'#ffffff',
- 'error-background':'#000000',
- #cursor (only foreground can be set)
- 'cursor-foreground':'#000000',
- #shell window
- 'stdout-foreground':'#000000',
- 'stdout-background':'#ffffff',
- 'stderr-foreground':'#000000',
- 'stderr-background':'#ffffff',
- 'console-foreground':'#000000',
- 'console-background':'#ffffff' }
- for element in theme.keys():
- if not cfgParser.has_option(themeName,element):
- #we are going to return a default, print warning
- warning=('\n Warning: - IdleConf.GetThemeDict'+
- ' -\n problem retrieving theme element '+`element`+
- '\n from theme '+`themeName`+'.\n'+
- ' returning default value: '+`theme[element]`+'\n')
- sys.stderr.write(warning)
- colour=cfgParser.Get(themeName,element,default=theme[element])
- theme[element]=colour
- return theme
- def CurrentTheme(self):
- """
- Returns the name of the currently active theme
- """
- return self.GetOption('main','Theme','name',default='')
- def CurrentKeys(self):
- """
- Returns the name of the currently active key set
- """
- return self.GetOption('main','Keys','name',default='')
- def GetExtensions(self, activeOnly=1):
- """
- Gets a list of all idle extensions declared in the config files.
- activeOnly - boolean, if true only return active (enabled) extensions
- """
- extns=self.RemoveKeyBindNames(
- self.GetSectionList('default','extensions'))
- userExtns=self.RemoveKeyBindNames(
- self.GetSectionList('user','extensions'))
- for extn in userExtns:
- if extn not in extns: #user has added own extension
- extns.append(extn)
- if activeOnly:
- activeExtns=[]
- for extn in extns:
- if self.GetOption('extensions',extn,'enable',default=1,
- type='bool'):
- #the extension is enabled
- activeExtns.append(extn)
- return activeExtns
- else:
- return extns
- def RemoveKeyBindNames(self,extnNameList):
- #get rid of keybinding section names
- names=extnNameList
- kbNameIndicies=[]
- for name in names:
- if name.endswith('_bindings') or name.endswith('_cfgBindings'):
- kbNameIndicies.append(names.index(name))
- kbNameIndicies.sort()
- kbNameIndicies.reverse()
- for index in kbNameIndicies: #delete each keybinding section name
- del(names[index])
- return names
- def GetExtnNameForEvent(self,virtualEvent):
- """
- Returns the name of the extension that virtualEvent is bound in, or
- None if not bound in any extension.
- virtualEvent - string, name of the virtual event to test for, without
- the enclosing '<< >>'
- """
- extName=None
- vEvent='<<'+virtualEvent+'>>'
- for extn in self.GetExtensions(activeOnly=0):
- for event in self.GetExtensionKeys(extn).keys():
- if event == vEvent:
- extName=extn
- return extName
- def GetExtensionKeys(self,extensionName):
- """
- returns a dictionary of the configurable keybindings for a particular
- extension,as they exist in the dictionary returned by GetCurrentKeySet;
- that is, where previously used bindings are disabled.
- """
- keysName=extensionName+'_cfgBindings'
- activeKeys=self.GetCurrentKeySet()
- extKeys={}
- if self.defaultCfg['extensions'].has_section(keysName):
- eventNames=self.defaultCfg['extensions'].GetOptionList(keysName)
- for eventName in eventNames:
- event='<<'+eventName+'>>'
- binding=activeKeys[event]
- extKeys[event]=binding
- return extKeys
- def __GetRawExtensionKeys(self,extensionName):
- """
- returns a dictionary of the configurable keybindings for a particular
- extension, as defined in the configuration files, or an empty dictionary
- if no bindings are found
- """
- keysName=extensionName+'_cfgBindings'
- extKeys={}
- if self.defaultCfg['extensions'].has_section(keysName):
- eventNames=self.defaultCfg['extensions'].GetOptionList(keysName)
- for eventName in eventNames:
- binding=self.GetOption('extensions',keysName,
- eventName,default='').split()
- event='<<'+eventName+'>>'
- extKeys[event]=binding
- return extKeys
- def GetExtensionBindings(self,extensionName):
- """
- Returns a dictionary of all the event bindings for a particular
- extension. The configurable keybindings are returned as they exist in
- the dictionary returned by GetCurrentKeySet; that is, where re-used
- keybindings are disabled.
- """
- bindsName=extensionName+'_bindings'
- extBinds=self.GetExtensionKeys(extensionName)
- #add the non-configurable bindings
- if self.defaultCfg['extensions'].has_section(bindsName):
- eventNames=self.defaultCfg['extensions'].GetOptionList(bindsName)
- for eventName in eventNames:
- binding=self.GetOption('extensions',bindsName,
- eventName,default='').split()
- event='<<'+eventName+'>>'
- extBinds[event]=binding
- return extBinds
- def GetKeyBinding(self, keySetName, eventStr):
- """
- returns the keybinding for a specific event.
- keySetName - string, name of key binding set
- eventStr - string, the virtual event we want the binding for,
- represented as a string, eg. '<<event>>'
- """
- eventName=eventStr[2:-2] #trim off the angle brackets
- binding=self.GetOption('keys',keySetName,eventName,default='').split()
- return binding
- def GetCurrentKeySet(self):
- return self.GetKeySet(self.CurrentKeys())
- def GetKeySet(self,keySetName):
- """
- Returns a dictionary of: all requested core keybindings, plus the
- keybindings for all currently active extensions. If a binding defined
- in an extension is already in use, that binding is disabled.
- """
- keySet=self.GetCoreKeys(keySetName)
- activeExtns=self.GetExtensions(activeOnly=1)
- for extn in activeExtns:
- extKeys=self.__GetRawExtensionKeys(extn)
- if extKeys: #the extension defines keybindings
- for event in extKeys.keys():
- if extKeys[event] in keySet.values():
- #the binding is already in use
- extKeys[event]='' #disable this binding
- keySet[event]=extKeys[event] #add binding
- return keySet
- def IsCoreBinding(self,virtualEvent):
- """
- returns true if the virtual event is bound in the core idle keybindings.
- virtualEvent - string, name of the virtual event to test for, without
- the enclosing '<< >>'
- """
- return ('<<'+virtualEvent+'>>') in self.GetCoreKeys().keys()
- def GetCoreKeys(self, keySetName=None):
- """
- returns the requested set of core keybindings, with fallbacks if
- required.
- Keybindings loaded from the config file(s) are loaded _over_ these
- defaults, so if there is a problem getting any core binding there will
- be an 'ultimate last resort fallback' to the CUA-ish bindings
- defined here.
- """
- keyBindings={
- '<<copy>>': ['<Control-c>', '<Control-C>'],
- '<<cut>>': ['<Control-x>', '<Control-X>'],
- '<<paste>>': ['<Control-v>', '<Control-V>'],
- '<<beginning-of-line>>': ['<Control-a>', '<Home>'],
- '<<center-insert>>': ['<Control-l>'],
- '<<close-all-windows>>': ['<Control-q>'],
- '<<close-window>>': ['<Alt-F4>'],
- '<<do-nothing>>': ['<Control-x>'],
- '<<end-of-file>>': ['<Control-d>'],
- '<<python-docs>>': ['<F1>'],
- '<<python-context-help>>': ['<Shift-F1>'],
- '<<history-next>>': ['<Alt-n>'],
- '<<history-previous>>': ['<Alt-p>'],
- '<<interrupt-execution>>': ['<Control-c>'],
- '<<view-restart>>': ['<F6>'],
- '<<restart-shell>>': ['<Control-F6>'],
- '<<open-class-browser>>': ['<Alt-c>'],
- '<<open-module>>': ['<Alt-m>'],
- '<<open-new-window>>': ['<Control-n>'],
- '<<open-window-from-file>>': ['<Control-o>'],
- '<<plain-newline-and-indent>>': ['<Control-j>'],
- '<<print-window>>': ['<Control-p>'],
- '<<redo>>': ['<Control-y>'],
- '<<remove-selection>>': ['<Escape>'],
- '<<save-copy-of-window-as-file>>': ['<Alt-Shift-s>'],
- '<<save-window-as-file>>': ['<Alt-s>'],
- '<<save-window>>': ['<Control-s>'],
- '<<select-all>>': ['<Alt-a>'],
- '<<toggle-auto-coloring>>': ['<Control-slash>'],
- '<<undo>>': ['<Control-z>'],
- '<<find-again>>': ['<Control-g>', '<F3>'],
- '<<find-in-files>>': ['<Alt-F3>'],
- '<<find-selection>>': ['<Control-F3>'],
- '<<find>>': ['<Control-f>'],
- '<<replace>>': ['<Control-h>'],
- '<<goto-line>>': ['<Alt-g>'],
- '<<smart-backspace>>': ['<Key-BackSpace>'],
- '<<newline-and-indent>>': ['<Key-Return> <Key-KP_Enter>'],
- '<<smart-indent>>': ['<Key-Tab>'],
- '<<indent-region>>': ['<Control-Key-bracketright>'],
- '<<dedent-region>>': ['<Control-Key-bracketleft>'],
- '<<comment-region>>': ['<Alt-Key-3>'],
- '<<uncomment-region>>': ['<Alt-Key-4>'],
- '<<tabify-region>>': ['<Alt-Key-5>'],
- '<<untabify-region>>': ['<Alt-Key-6>'],
- '<<toggle-tabs>>': ['<Alt-Key-t>'],
- '<<change-indentwidth>>': ['<Alt-Key-u>']
- }
- if keySetName:
- for event in keyBindings.keys():
- binding=self.GetKeyBinding(keySetName,event)
- if binding:
- keyBindings[event]=binding
- else: #we are going to return a default, print warning
- warning=('\n Warning: - IdleConf.GetCoreKeys'+
- ' -\n problem retrieving key binding for event '+
- `event`+'\n from key set '+`keySetName`+'.\n'+
- ' returning default value: '+`keyBindings[event]`+'\n')
- sys.stderr.write(warning)
- return keyBindings
- def GetExtraHelpSourceList(self,configSet):
- """Fetch list of extra help sources from a given configSet.
- Valid configSets are 'user' or 'default'. Return a list of tuples of
- the form (menu_item , path_to_help_file , option), or return the empty
- list. 'option' is the sequence number of the help resource. 'option'
- values determine the position of the menu items on the Help menu,
- therefore the returned list must be sorted by 'option'.
- """
- helpSources=[]
- if configSet=='user':
- cfgParser=self.userCfg['main']
- elif configSet=='default':
- cfgParser=self.defaultCfg['main']
- else:
- raise InvalidConfigSet, 'Invalid configSet specified'
- options=cfgParser.GetOptionList('HelpFiles')
- for option in options:
- value=cfgParser.Get('HelpFiles',option,default=';')
- if value.find(';')==-1: #malformed config entry with no ';'
- menuItem='' #make these empty
- helpPath='' #so value won't be added to list
- else: #config entry contains ';' as expected
- value=string.split(value,';')
- menuItem=value[0].strip()
- helpPath=value[1].strip()
- if menuItem and helpPath: #neither are empty strings
- helpSources.append( (menuItem,helpPath,option) )
- helpSources.sort(self.__helpsort)
- return helpSources
- def __helpsort(self, h1, h2):
- if int(h1[2]) < int(h2[2]):
- return -1
- elif int(h1[2]) > int(h2[2]):
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
- def GetAllExtraHelpSourcesList(self):
- """
- Returns a list of tuples containing the details of all additional help
- sources configured, or an empty list if there are none. Tuples are of
- the format returned by GetExtraHelpSourceList.
- """
- allHelpSources=( self.GetExtraHelpSourceList('default')+
- self.GetExtraHelpSourceList('user') )
- return allHelpSources
- def LoadCfgFiles(self):
- """
- load all configuration files.
- """
- for key in self.defaultCfg.keys():
- self.defaultCfg[key].Load()
- self.userCfg[key].Load() #same keys
- def SaveUserCfgFiles(self):
- """
- write all loaded user configuration files back to disk
- """
- for key in self.userCfg.keys():
- self.userCfg[key].Save()
-### module test
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- def dumpCfg(cfg):
- print '\n',cfg,'\n'
- for key in cfg.keys():
- sections=cfg[key].sections()
- print key
- print sections
- for section in sections:
- options=cfg[key].options(section)
- print section
- print options
- for option in options:
- print option, '=', cfg[key].Get(section,option)
- dumpCfg(idleConf.defaultCfg)
- dumpCfg(idleConf.userCfg)
- print idleConf.userCfg['main'].Get('Theme','name')
- #print idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].GetDefHighlight('Foo','normal')