path: root/Doc/ref/ref5.tex
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1 files changed, 162 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/ref/ref5.tex b/Doc/ref/ref5.tex
index 0b4e97821b..9a4fe3ac2a 100644
--- a/Doc/ref/ref5.tex
+++ b/Doc/ref/ref5.tex
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ categorized syntactically as atoms. The syntax for atoms is:
{\token{parenth_form} | \token{list_display}}
\productioncont{| \token{generator_expression} | \token{dict_display}}
- \productioncont{| \token{string_conversion}}
+ \productioncont{| \token{string_conversion} | \token{yield_atom}}
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ categorized syntactically as atoms. The syntax for atoms is:
An identifier occurring as an atom is a name. See
+section \ref{identifiers} for lexical definition and
section~\ref{naming} for documentation of naming and binding.
When the name is bound to an object, evaluation of the atom yields
@@ -154,22 +155,20 @@ A list display is a possibly empty series of expressions enclosed in
square brackets:
- \production{test}
- {\token{or_test} | \token{lambda_form}}
- \production{testlist}
- {\token{test} ( "," \token{test} )* [ "," ]}
- {"[" [\token{listmaker}] "]"}
- \production{listmaker}
- {\token{expression} ( \token{list_for}
- | ( "," \token{expression} )* [","] )}
- \production{list_iter}
- {\token{list_for} | \token{list_if}}
+ {"[" [\token{expression_list} | \token{list_comprehension}] "]"}
+ \production{list_comprehension}
+ {\token{expression} \token{list_for}}
- {"for" \token{expression_list} "in" \token{testlist}
+ {"for" \token{target_list} "in" \token{old_expression_list}
+ \production{old_expression_list}
+ {\token{old_expression}
+ [("," \token{old_expression})+ [","]]}
+ \production{list_iter}
+ {\token{list_for} | \token{list_if}}
- {"if" \token{test} [\token{list_iter}]}
+ {"if" \token{old_expression} [\token{list_iter}]}
A list display yields a new list object. Its contents are specified
@@ -200,19 +199,18 @@ A generator expression is a compact generator notation in parentheses:
- {"(" \token{test} \token{genexpr_for} ")"}
+ {"(" \token{expression} \token{genexpr_for} ")"}
- {"for" \token{expression_list} "in" \token{test}
+ {"for" \token{target_list} "in" \token{or_test}
{\token{genexpr_for} | \token{genexpr_if}}
- {"if" \token{test} [\token{genexpr_iter}]}
+ {"if" \token{old_expression} [\token{genexpr_iter}]}
A generator expression yields a new generator object.
-\obindex{generator expression}
It consists of a single expression followed by at least one
\keyword{for} clause and zero or more \keyword{for} or \keyword{if}
clauses. The iterating values of the new generator are those that
@@ -268,6 +266,142 @@ stored for a given key value prevails.
+\subsection{Yield expressions\label{yieldexpr}}
+ \production{yield_atom}
+ {"(" \token{yield_expression} ")"}
+ \production{yield_expression}
+ {"yield" [\token{expression_list}]}
+The \keyword{yield} expression is only used when defining a generator
+function, and can only be used in the body of a function definition.
+Using a \keyword{yield} expression in a function definition is
+sufficient to cause that definition to create a generator function
+instead of a normal function.
+When a generator function is called, it returns an iterator known as a
+generator. That generator then controls the execution of a generator
+function. The execution starts when one of the generator's methods is
+called. At that time, the execution proceeds to the first
+\keyword{yield} expression, where it is suspended again, returning the
+value of \grammartoken{expression_list} to generator's caller. By
+suspended we mean that all local state is retained, including the
+current bindings of local variables, the instruction pointer, and the
+internal evaluation stack. When the execution is resumed by calling
+one of the generator's methods, the function can proceed exactly as
+if the \keyword{yield} expression was just another external call.
+The value of the \keyword{yield} expression after resuming depends on
+the method which resumed the execution.
+All of this makes generator functions quite similar to coroutines; they
+yield multiple times, they have more than one entry point and their
+execution can be suspended. The only difference is that a generator
+function cannot control where should the execution continue after it
+yields; the control is always transfered to the generator's caller.
+The following generator's methods can be used to control the execution
+of a generator function:
+ Starts the execution of a generator function or resumes it at the
+ last executed \keyword{yield} expression. When a generator function
+ is resumed with a \method{next()} method, the current \keyword{yield}
+ expression always evaluates to \constant{None}. The execution then
+ continues to the next \keyword{yield} expression, where the generator
+ is suspended again, and the value of the
+ \grammartoken{expression_list} is returned to \method{next()}'s
+ caller. If the generator exits without yielding another value, a
+ \exception{StopIteration} exception is raised.
+ Resumes the execution and ``sends'' a value into the generator
+ function. The \code{value} argument becomes the result of the
+ current \keyword{yield} expression. The \method{send()} method
+ returns the next value yielded by the generator, or raises
+ \exception{StopIteration} if the generator exits without yielding
+ another value.
+ When \method{send()} is called to start the generator, it must be
+ called with \constant{None} as the argument, because there is no
+ \keyword{yield} expression that could receieve the value.
+ {type\optional{, value\optional{, traceback}}}
+ Raises an exception of type \code{type} at the point where generator
+ was paused, and returns the next value yielded by the generator
+ function. If the generator exits without yielding another value, a
+ \exception{StopIteration} exception is raised. If the generator
+ function does not catch the passed-in exception, or raises a
+ different exception, then that exception propagates to the caller.
+ Raises a \exception{GeneratorExit} at the point where the generator
+ function was paused. If the generator function then raises
+ \exception{StopIteration} (by exiting normally, or due to already
+ being closed) or \exception{GeneratorExit} (by not catching the
+ exception), close returns to its caller. If the generator yields a
+ value, a \exception{RuntimeError} is raised. If the generator raises
+ any other exception, it is propagated to the caller. \method{close}
+ does nothing if the generator has already exited due to an exception
+ or normal exit.
+Here is a simple example that demonstrates the behavior of generators
+and generator functions:
+>>> def echo(value=None):
+... print "Execution starts when 'next()' is called for the first time."
+... try:
+... while True:
+... try:
+... value = (yield value)
+... except GeneratorExit:
+... # never catch GeneratorExit
+... raise
+... except Exception, e:
+... value = e
+... finally:
+... print "Don't forget to clean up when 'close()' is called."
+>>> generator = echo(1)
+>>> print
+Execution starts when 'next()' is called for the first time.
+>>> print
+>>> print generator.send(2)
+>>> generator.throw(TypeError, "spam")
+>>> generator.close()
+Don't forget to clean up when 'close()' is called.
+ \seepep{0342}{Coroutines via Enhanced Generators}
+ {The proposal to enhance the API and syntax of generators,
+ making them usable as simple coroutines.}
@@ -430,9 +564,8 @@ series of arguments:
- {\token{primary} "(" [\token{argument_list} [","]] ")"}
- {\token{primary} "(" [\token{argument_list} [","] |
- \token{test} \token{genexpr_for} ] ")"}
+ {\token{primary} "(" [\token{argument_list} [","]}
+ \productioncont{ | \token{expression} \token{genexpr_for}] ")"}
{\token{positional_arguments} ["," \token{keyword_arguments}]}
\productioncont{ ["," "*" \token{expression}]}
@@ -765,10 +898,9 @@ The shifting operations have lower priority than the arithmetic
- % The empty groups below prevent conversion to guillemets.
- | \token{shift_expr} ( "<{}<" | ">{}>" ) \token{a_expr}}
+ | \token{shift_expr} ( "<<" | ">>" ) \token{a_expr}}
These operators accept plain or long integers as arguments. The
@@ -966,14 +1098,18 @@ truth value.
\section{Boolean operations\label{Booleans}}
Boolean operations have the lowest priority of all Python operations:
- {\token{or_test} [\token{if} \token{or_test} \token{else}
- \token{test}] | \token{lambda_form}}
+ {\token{conditional_expression} | \token{lambda_form}}
+ \production{old_expression}
+ {\token{or_test} | \token{old_lambda_form}}
+ \production{conditional_expression}
+ {\token{or_test} ["if" \token{or_test} "else" \token{expression}]}
{\token{and_test} | \token{or_test} "or" \token{and_test}}
@@ -1025,6 +1161,8 @@ not \code{''}.)
{"lambda" [\token{parameter_list}]: \token{expression}}
+ \production{old_lambda_form}
+ {"lambda" [\token{parameter_list}]: \token{old_expression}}
Lambda forms (lambda expressions) have the same syntactic position as