path: root/Doc/ext/windows.tex
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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/ext/windows.tex b/Doc/ext/windows.tex
index ca18a1ec94..f9de54858d 100644
--- a/Doc/ext/windows.tex
+++ b/Doc/ext/windows.tex
@@ -28,13 +28,15 @@ Python; typically Microsoft Visual \Cpp.
\section{A Cookbook Approach \label{win-cookbook}}
There are two approaches to building extension modules on Windows,
-just as there are on \UNIX: use the \refmodule{distutils} package to
+just as there are on \UNIX: use the
+\ulink{\module{distutils}}{../lib/module-distutils.html} package to
control the build process, or do things manually. The distutils
approach works well for most extensions; documentation on using
-\refmodule{distutils} to build and package extension modules is
-available in \citetitle[../dist/dist.html]{Distributing Python
-Modules}. This section describes the manual approach to building
-Python extensions written in C or \Cpp.
+\ulink{\module{distutils}}{../lib/module-distutils.html} to build and
+package extension modules is available in
+\citetitle[../dist/dist.html]{Distributing Python Modules}. This
+section describes the manual approach to building Python extensions
+written in C or \Cpp.
To build extensions using these instructions, you need to have a copy
of the Python sources of the same version as your installed Python.