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diff --git a/Doc/library/sched.rst b/Doc/library/sched.rst
index 6094a7b871..03753af4b2 100644
--- a/Doc/library/sched.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/sched.rst
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ scheduler:
The :class:`scheduler` class defines a generic interface to scheduling events.
It needs two functions to actually deal with the "outside world" --- *timefunc*
should be callable without arguments, and return a number (the "time", in any
- units whatsoever). If time.monotonic is not available, the *timefunc* default
- is time.time instead. The *delayfunc* function should be callable with one
+ units whatsoever). The *delayfunc* function should be callable with one
argument, compatible with the output of *timefunc*, and should delay that many
time units. *delayfunc* will also be called with the argument ``0`` after each
event is run to allow other threads an opportunity to run in multi-threaded