path: root/Lib
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authorMiss Islington (bot) <>2019-08-21 14:09:33 -0700
committerGitHub <>2019-08-21 14:09:33 -0700
commitc30c869e8dec5eefdee7977943ffa11a8e3c8d75 (patch)
treea8a2f4f67110fb442b2ca2c72ca174cd7a531ee8 /Lib
parent7e293f5e4c27592c6808bd7db13d7bd09dd7f5a0 (diff)
bpo-9949: Enable symlink traversal for ntpath.realpath (GH-15287)
(cherry picked from commit 75e064962ee0e31ec19a8081e9d9cc957baf6415) Co-authored-by: Steve Dower <>
Diffstat (limited to 'Lib')
5 files changed, 291 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index f3cfabf023..ef4999e147 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -519,8 +519,94 @@ else: # use native Windows method on Windows
except (OSError, ValueError):
return _abspath_fallback(path)
-# realpath is a no-op on systems without islink support
-realpath = abspath
+ from nt import _getfinalpathname, readlink as _nt_readlink
+except ImportError:
+ # realpath is a no-op on systems without _getfinalpathname support.
+ realpath = abspath
+ def _readlink_deep(path, seen=None):
+ if seen is None:
+ seen = set()
+ while normcase(path) not in seen:
+ seen.add(normcase(path))
+ try:
+ path = _nt_readlink(path)
+ except OSError as ex:
+ # Stop on file (2) or directory (3) not found, or
+ # paths that are not reparse points (4390)
+ if ex.winerror in (2, 3, 4390):
+ break
+ raise
+ except ValueError:
+ # Stop on reparse points that are not symlinks
+ break
+ return path
+ def _getfinalpathname_nonstrict(path):
+ # Fast path to get the final path name. If this succeeds, there
+ # is no need to go any further.
+ try:
+ return _getfinalpathname(path)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ # Allow file (2) or directory (3) not found, invalid syntax (123),
+ # and symlinks that cannot be followed (1921)
+ allowed_winerror = 2, 3, 123, 1921
+ # Non-strict algorithm is to find as much of the target directory
+ # as we can and join the rest.
+ tail = ''
+ seen = set()
+ while path:
+ try:
+ path = _readlink_deep(path, seen)
+ path = _getfinalpathname(path)
+ return join(path, tail) if tail else path
+ except OSError as ex:
+ if ex.winerror not in allowed_winerror:
+ raise
+ path, name = split(path)
+ if path and not name:
+ return abspath(path + tail)
+ tail = join(name, tail) if tail else name
+ return abspath(tail)
+ def realpath(path):
+ path = os.fspath(path)
+ if isinstance(path, bytes):
+ prefix = b'\\\\?\\'
+ unc_prefix = b'\\\\?\\UNC\\'
+ new_unc_prefix = b'\\\\'
+ cwd = os.getcwdb()
+ else:
+ prefix = '\\\\?\\'
+ unc_prefix = '\\\\?\\UNC\\'
+ new_unc_prefix = '\\\\'
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ had_prefix = path.startswith(prefix)
+ path = _getfinalpathname_nonstrict(path)
+ # The path returned by _getfinalpathname will always start with \\?\ -
+ # strip off that prefix unless it was already provided on the original
+ # path.
+ if not had_prefix and path.startswith(prefix):
+ # For UNC paths, the prefix will actually be \\?\UNC\
+ # Handle that case as well.
+ if path.startswith(unc_prefix):
+ spath = new_unc_prefix + path[len(unc_prefix):]
+ else:
+ spath = path[len(prefix):]
+ # Ensure that the non-prefixed path resolves to the same path
+ try:
+ if _getfinalpathname(spath) == path:
+ path = spath
+ except OSError as ex:
+ pass
+ return path
# Win9x family and earlier have no Unicode filename support.
supports_unicode_filenames = (hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion") and
sys.getwindowsversion()[3] >= 2)
@@ -633,23 +719,6 @@ def commonpath(paths):
-# determine if two files are in fact the same file
- # GetFinalPathNameByHandle is available starting with Windows 6.0.
- # Windows XP and non-Windows OS'es will mock _getfinalpathname.
- if sys.getwindowsversion()[:2] >= (6, 0):
- from nt import _getfinalpathname
- else:
- raise ImportError
-except (AttributeError, ImportError):
- # On Windows XP and earlier, two files are the same if their absolute
- # pathnames are the same.
- # Non-Windows operating systems fake this method with an XP
- # approximation.
- def _getfinalpathname(f):
- return normcase(abspath(f))
# The genericpath.isdir implementation uses os.stat and checks the mode
# attribute to tell whether or not the path is a directory.
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index 92d85ecbc4..74dc8c378e 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from import TestFailed, FakePath
from test import support, test_genericpath
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
import nt
except ImportError:
@@ -14,6 +15,14 @@ except ImportError:
# but for those that require it we import here.
nt = None
+ ntpath._getfinalpathname
+except AttributeError:
def tester(fn, wantResult):
fn = fn.replace("\\", "\\\\")
gotResult = eval(fn)
@@ -194,6 +203,189 @@ class TestNtpath(unittest.TestCase):
tester("ntpath.normpath('\\\\.\\NUL')", r'\\.\NUL')
tester("ntpath.normpath('\\\\?\\D:/XY\\Z')", r'\\?\D:/XY\Z')
+ def test_realpath_curdir(self):
+ expected = ntpath.normpath(os.getcwd())
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('.')", expected)
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('./.')", expected)
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('/'.join(['.'] * 100))", expected)
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('.\\.')", expected)
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('\\'.join(['.'] * 100))", expected)
+ def test_realpath_pardir(self):
+ expected = ntpath.normpath(os.getcwd())
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('..')", ntpath.dirname(expected))
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('../..')",
+ ntpath.dirname(ntpath.dirname(expected)))
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('/'.join(['..'] * 50))",
+ ntpath.splitdrive(expected)[0] + '\\')
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('..\\..')",
+ ntpath.dirname(ntpath.dirname(expected)))
+ tester("ntpath.realpath('\\'.join(['..'] * 50))",
+ ntpath.splitdrive(expected)[0] + '\\')
+ @support.skip_unless_symlink
+ @unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_GETFINALPATHNAME, 'need _getfinalpathname')
+ def test_realpath_basic(self):
+ ABSTFN = ntpath.abspath(support.TESTFN)
+ open(ABSTFN, "wb").close()
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN)
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "1")
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN, ABSTFN + "1")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1"), ABSTFN)
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(os.fsencode(ABSTFN + "1")),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN))
+ @support.skip_unless_symlink
+ @unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_GETFINALPATHNAME, 'need _getfinalpathname')
+ def test_realpath_relative(self):
+ ABSTFN = ntpath.abspath(support.TESTFN)
+ open(ABSTFN, "wb").close()
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN)
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "1")
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN, ntpath.relpath(ABSTFN + "1"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1"), ABSTFN)
+ @support.skip_unless_symlink
+ @unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_GETFINALPATHNAME, 'need _getfinalpathname')
+ def test_realpath_broken_symlinks(self):
+ ABSTFN = ntpath.abspath(support.TESTFN)
+ os.mkdir(ABSTFN)
+ self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, ABSTFN)
+ with support.change_cwd(ABSTFN):
+ os.mkdir("subdir")
+ os.chdir("subdir")
+ os.symlink(".", "recursive")
+ os.symlink("..", "parent")
+ os.chdir("..")
+ os.symlink(".", "self")
+ os.symlink("missing", "broken")
+ os.symlink(r"broken\bar", "broken1")
+ os.symlink(r"self\self\broken", "broken2")
+ os.symlink(r"subdir\parent\subdir\parent\broken", "broken3")
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN + r"\broken", "broken4")
+ os.symlink(r"recursive\..\broken", "broken5")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath("broken"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(r"broken\foo"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing\foo")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(r"broken1"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing\bar")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(r"broken1\baz"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing\bar\baz")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath("broken2"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath("broken3"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath("broken4"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath("broken5"),
+ ABSTFN + r"\missing")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(b"broken"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(rb"broken\foo"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing\foo"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(rb"broken1"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing\bar"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(rb"broken1\baz"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing\bar\baz"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(b"broken2"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(rb"broken3"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(b"broken4"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing"))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(b"broken5"),
+ os.fsencode(ABSTFN + r"\missing"))
+ @support.skip_unless_symlink
+ @unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_GETFINALPATHNAME, 'need _getfinalpathname')
+ def test_realpath_symlink_loops(self):
+ # Bug #930024, return the path unchanged if we get into an infinite
+ # symlink loop.
+ ABSTFN = ntpath.abspath(support.TESTFN)
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN)
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "1")
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "2")
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "y")
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "c")
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "a")
+ P = "\\\\?\\"
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN, ABSTFN)
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN), P + ABSTFN)
+ # cycles are non-deterministic as to which path is returned, but
+ # it will always be the fully resolved path of one member of the cycle
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN + "1", ABSTFN + "2")
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN + "2", ABSTFN + "1")
+ expected = (P + ABSTFN + "1", P + ABSTFN + "2")
+ self.assertIn(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1"), expected)
+ self.assertIn(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "2"), expected)
+ self.assertIn(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1\\x"),
+ (ntpath.join(r, "x") for r in expected))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1\\.."),
+ ntpath.dirname(ABSTFN))
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1\\..\\x"),
+ ntpath.dirname(P + ABSTFN) + "\\x")
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN + "x", ABSTFN + "y")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1\\..\\"
+ + ntpath.basename(ABSTFN) + "y"),
+ P + ABSTFN + "x")
+ self.assertIn(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "1\\..\\"
+ + ntpath.basename(ABSTFN) + "1"),
+ expected)
+ os.symlink(ntpath.basename(ABSTFN) + "a\\b", ABSTFN + "a")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "a"), P + ABSTFN + "a")
+ os.symlink("..\\" + ntpath.basename(ntpath.dirname(ABSTFN))
+ + "\\" + ntpath.basename(ABSTFN) + "c", ABSTFN + "c")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "c"), P + ABSTFN + "c")
+ # Test using relative path as well.
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ntpath.basename(ABSTFN)), P + ABSTFN)
+ @support.skip_unless_symlink
+ @unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_GETFINALPATHNAME, 'need _getfinalpathname')
+ def test_realpath_symlink_prefix(self):
+ ABSTFN = ntpath.abspath(support.TESTFN)
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "3")
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, "\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + "3.")
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "3link")
+ self.addCleanup(support.unlink, ABSTFN + "")
+ with open(ABSTFN + "3", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b'0')
+ os.symlink(ABSTFN + "3", ABSTFN + "3link")
+ with open("\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + "3.", "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b'1')
+ os.symlink("\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + "3.", ABSTFN + "")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "3link"),
+ ABSTFN + "3")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + ""),
+ "\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + "3.")
+ # Resolved paths should be usable to open target files
+ with open(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + "3link"), "rb") as f:
+ self.assertEqual(, b'0')
+ with open(ntpath.realpath(ABSTFN + ""), "rb") as f:
+ self.assertEqual(, b'1')
+ # When the prefix is included, it is not stripped
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath("\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + "3link"),
+ "\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + "3")
+ self.assertEqual(ntpath.realpath("\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + ""),
+ "\\\\?\\" + ABSTFN + "3.")
def test_expandvars(self):
with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
@@ -288,11 +480,11 @@ class TestNtpath(unittest.TestCase):
def test_relpath(self):
tester('ntpath.relpath("a")', 'a')
- tester('ntpath.relpath(os.path.abspath("a"))', 'a')
+ tester('ntpath.relpath(ntpath.abspath("a"))', 'a')
tester('ntpath.relpath("a/b")', 'a\\b')
tester('ntpath.relpath("../a/b")', '..\\a\\b')
with support.temp_cwd(support.TESTFN) as cwd_dir:
- currentdir = os.path.basename(cwd_dir)
+ currentdir = ntpath.basename(cwd_dir)
tester('ntpath.relpath("a", "../b")', '..\\'+currentdir+'\\a')
tester('ntpath.relpath("a/b", "../c")', '..\\'+currentdir+'\\a\\b')
tester('ntpath.relpath("a", "b/c")', '..\\..\\a')
@@ -417,7 +609,7 @@ class TestNtpath(unittest.TestCase):
# locations below cannot then refer to mount points
drive, path = ntpath.splitdrive(sys.executable)
- with support.change_cwd(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)):
+ with support.change_cwd(ntpath.dirname(sys.executable)):
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index b2cd4cca5f..15fd65b551 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -3358,10 +3358,7 @@ class OSErrorTests(unittest.TestCase):
if hasattr(os, "lchmod"):
funcs.append((self.filenames, os.lchmod, 0o777))
if hasattr(os, "readlink"):
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- funcs.append((self.unicode_filenames, os.readlink,))
- else:
- funcs.append((self.filenames, os.readlink,))
+ funcs.append((self.filenames, os.readlink,))
for filenames, func, *func_args in funcs:
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
index e209607f22..88dc4d9e19 100644
--- a/Lib/test/
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -1871,11 +1871,7 @@ class TestMove(unittest.TestCase):
dst_link = os.path.join(self.dst_dir, 'quux')
shutil.move(dst, dst_link)
- # On Windows, os.path.realpath does not follow symlinks (issue #9949)
- if == 'nt':
- self.assertEqual(os.path.realpath(src), os.readlink(dst_link))
- else:
- self.assertEqual(os.path.realpath(src), os.path.realpath(dst_link))
+ self.assertEqual(os.path.realpath(src), os.path.realpath(dst_link))
diff --git a/Lib/unittest/test/ b/Lib/unittest/test/
index 204043b493..16e081e1fb 100644
--- a/Lib/unittest/test/
+++ b/Lib/unittest/test/
@@ -723,11 +723,13 @@ class TestDiscovery(unittest.TestCase):
original_listdir = os.listdir
original_isfile = os.path.isfile
original_isdir = os.path.isdir
+ original_realpath = os.path.realpath
def cleanup():
os.listdir = original_listdir
os.path.isfile = original_isfile
os.path.isdir = original_isdir
+ os.path.realpath = original_realpath
del sys.modules['foo']
if full_path in sys.path:
@@ -742,6 +744,10 @@ class TestDiscovery(unittest.TestCase):
os.listdir = listdir
os.path.isfile = isfile
os.path.isdir = isdir
+ if == 'nt':
+ # ntpath.realpath may inject path prefixes when failing to
+ # resolve real files, so we substitute abspath() here instead.
+ os.path.realpath = os.path.abspath
return full_path
def test_detect_module_clash(self):