path: root/t/old-base.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/old-base.t')
1 files changed, 978 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/old-base.t b/t/old-base.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b562b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/old-base.t
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use URI::URL qw(url);
+use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape uri_unescape);
+use File::Temp 'tempdir';
+# want compatibility
+use URI::file;
+$URI::file::DEFAULT_AUTHORITY = undef;
+package main;
+# Must ensure that there is no relative paths in @INC because we will
+# chdir in the newlocal tests.
+unless ($^O eq "MacOS") {
+chomp(my $pwd = ($^O =~ /mswin32/i ? `cd` : $^O eq 'VMS' ? `show default` : `pwd`));
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $pwd =~ s#^\s+##;
+ $pwd = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($pwd);
+ $pwd =~ s#/$##;
+for (@INC) {
+ my $x = $_;
+ $x = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($x) if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ next if $x =~ m|^/| or $^O =~ /os2|mswin32/i
+ and $x =~ m#^(\w:[\\/]|[\\/]{2})#;
+ note "Turn lib path $x into $pwd/$x\n";
+ $_ = "$pwd/$x";
+$| = 1;
+# Do basic tests first.
+note "Self tests for URI::URL version $URI::URL::VERSION...\n";
+subtest 'scheme tests' => \&scheme_parse_test;
+subtest 'parts test' => \&parts_test;
+subtest 'escape test' => \&escape_test;
+subtest 'newlocal test' => \&newlocal_test;
+subtest 'Test relative/absolute URI::URL parsing' => \&absolute_test;
+subtest 'eq test' => \&eq_test;
+# Let's test making our own things
+# This should work after URI::URL::strict(0)
+my $url = new URI::URL "x-myscheme:something";
+# Since no implementor is registered for 'x-myscheme' then it will
+# be handled by the URI::URL::_generic class
+is($url->as_string, 'x-myscheme:something', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+is($url->path, 'something', ref($url) . '->path');
+# Let's try to make our URL subclass
+ package MyURL;
+ @ISA = URI::URL::implementor();
+ sub _parse {
+ my($self, $init) = @_;
+ $self->URI::URL::_generic::_parse($init, qw(netloc path));
+ }
+ sub foo {
+ my $self = shift;
+ print ref($self)."->foo called for $self\n";
+ }
+# Let's say that it implements the 'x-a+b.c' scheme (alias 'x-foo')
+URI::URL::implementor('x-a+b.c', 'MyURL');
+URI::URL::implementor('x-foo', 'MyURL');
+# Now we are ready to try our new URL scheme
+$url = new URI::URL 'x-a+b.c://foo/bar;a?b';
+is($url->as_string, 'x-a+b.c://foo/bar;a?b', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+is($url->path, '/bar;a?b', ref($url) . '->path');
+$newurl = new URI::URL 'xxx', $url;
+$url = new URI::URL 'yyy', 'x-foo:';
+# Test the new wash&go constructor
+is(url("../foo.html", "")->abs->as_string,
+ '', 'wash&go');
+note "URI::URL version $URI::URL::VERSION ok\n";
+exit 0;
+# scheme_parse_test()
+# test parsing and retrieval methods
+sub scheme_parse_test {
+ my $tests = {
+ 'hTTp://'
+ => { 'scheme'=>'http', 'host'=>'', 'port'=>80,
+ 'path'=>'/a/b/c/welcome', 'frag'=>'intro','query'=>undef,
+ 'epath'=>'/a/b/c/welcome', 'equery'=>undef,
+ 'params'=>undef, 'eparams'=>undef,
+ 'as_string'=>'',
+ 'full_path' => '/a/b/c/welcome' },
+ 'http://web:1/a?query+text'
+ => { 'scheme'=>'http', 'host'=>'web', 'port'=>1,
+ 'path'=>'/a', 'frag'=>undef, 'query'=>'query+text' },
+ ''
+ => { 'scheme'=>'http', 'host'=>'', 'port'=>80,
+ 'path'=>'/', 'frag'=>undef, 'query'=>undef,
+ 'full_path' => '/',
+ 'as_string' => '' },
+ ''
+ => { 'scheme'=>'http', 'host'=>'', 'port'=>80,
+ 'path'=>'/', 'frag'=>undef, 'query'=>undef,
+ 'full_path' => '/',
+ 'as_string' => '' },
+ 'http:0'
+ => { 'scheme'=>'http', 'path'=>'0', 'query'=>undef,
+ 'as_string'=>'http:0', 'full_path'=>'0', },
+ 'http:/0?0'
+ => { 'scheme'=>'http', 'path'=>'/0', 'query'=>'0',
+ 'as_string'=>'http:/0?0', 'full_path'=>'/0?0', },
+ 'http://0:0/0/0;0?0#0'
+ => { 'scheme'=>'http', 'host'=>'0', 'port'=>'0',
+ 'path' => '/0/0', 'query'=>'0', 'params'=>'0',
+ 'netloc'=>'0:0',
+ 'frag'=>0, 'as_string'=>'http://0:0/0/0;0?0#0' },
+ 'ftp://0%3A:%40@h:0/0?0'
+ => { 'scheme'=>'ftp', 'user'=>'0:', 'password'=>'@',
+ 'host'=>'h', 'port'=>'0', 'path'=>'/0?0',
+ 'query'=>'0', params=>undef,
+ 'netloc'=>'0%3A:%40@h:0',
+ 'as_string'=>'ftp://0%3A:%40@h:0/0?0' },
+ 'ftp://usr:pswd@web:1234/a/b;type=i'
+ => { 'host'=>'web', 'port'=>1234, 'path'=>'/a/b',
+ 'user'=>'usr', 'password'=>'pswd',
+ 'params'=>'type=i',
+ 'as_string'=>'ftp://usr:pswd@web:1234/a/b;type=i' },
+ 'ftp://host/a/b'
+ => { 'host'=>'host', 'port'=>21, 'path'=>'/a/b',
+ 'user'=>'anonymous',
+ 'as_string'=>'ftp://host/a/b' },
+ 'file://host/fseg/fs?g/fseg'
+ # don't escape ? for file: scheme
+ => { 'host'=>'host', 'path'=>'/fseg/fs',
+ 'as_string'=>'file://host/fseg/fs?g/fseg' },
+ 'gopher://host'
+ => { 'gtype'=>'1', 'as_string' => 'gopher://host', },
+ 'gopher://host/'
+ => { 'gtype'=>'1', 'as_string' => 'gopher://host/', },
+ 'gopher://gopher/2a_selector'
+ => { 'gtype'=>'2', 'selector'=>'a_selector',
+ 'as_string' => 'gopher://gopher/2a_selector', },
+ ''
+ => { 'address' => '',
+ 'encoded822addr'=> '',
+# 'user' => 'libwww-perl',
+# 'host' => '',
+ 'as_string' => '', },
+ 'news:*'
+ => { 'groupart'=>'*', 'group'=>'*', as_string=>'news:*' },
+ 'news:comp.lang.perl'
+ => { 'group'=>'comp.lang.perl' },
+ 'news:perl-faq/'
+ => { 'article'=>
+ 'perl-faq/' },
+ 'nntp://'
+ => { 'group'=>'comp.lang.perl', }, #'digits'=>42 },
+ 'telnet://usr:pswd@web:12345/'
+ => { 'user'=>'usr', 'password'=>'pswd', 'host'=>'web' },
+ 'rlogin://'
+ => { 'user'=>'aas', 'host'=>'' },
+# 'tn3270://aas@ibm'
+# => { 'user'=>'aas', 'host'=>'ibm',
+# 'as_string'=>'tn3270://aas@ibm/'},
+# 'wais://'
+# => { 'database'=>'db' },
+# 'wais://'
+# => { 'database'=>'db', 'query'=>'query' },
+# 'wais://'
+# => { 'database'=>'db', 'wtype'=>'wt', 'wpath'=>'wp',
+# 'password'=>'pswd' },
+ };
+ foreach my $url_str (sort keys %$tests ){
+ note "Testing '$url_str'\n";
+ my $url = new URI::URL $url_str;
+ my $tests = $tests->{$url_str};
+ while( my ($method, $exp) = each %$tests ){
+ is($url->$method, $exp, ref($url) . "->$method");
+ }
+ }
+# parts_test() (calls netloc_test test)
+# Test individual component part access functions
+sub parts_test {
+ # test storage part access/edit methods (netloc, user, password,
+ # host and port are tested by &netloc_test)
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file://web/orig/path';
+ $url->scheme('http');
+ $url->path('1info');
+ $url->query('key words');
+ $url->frag('this');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web/1info?key%20words#this', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->epath('%2f/%2f');
+ $url->equery('a=%26');
+ is($url->full_path, '/%2f/%2f?a=%26', ref($url) . '->full_path');
+ # At this point it should be impossible to access the members path()
+ # and query() without complaints.
+ eval { my $p = $url->path; note "Path is $p\n"; };
+ fail "Path exception failed" unless $@;
+ eval { my $p = $url->query; note "Query is $p\n"; };
+ fail "Query exception failed" unless $@;
+ # but we should still be able to set it
+ $url->path("howdy");
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web/howdy?a=%26#this', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Test the path_components function
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:%2f/%2f';
+ my $p;
+ $p = join('-', $url->path_components);
+ fail "\$url->path_components returns '$p', expected '/-/'"
+ unless $p eq "/-/";
+ $url->host("localhost");
+ $p = join('-', $url->path_components);
+ fail "\$url->path_components returns '$p', expected '-/-/'"
+ unless $p eq "-/-/";
+ $url->epath("/foo/bar/");
+ $p = join('-', $url->path_components);
+ fail "\$url->path_components returns '$p', expected '-foo-bar-'"
+ unless $p eq "-foo-bar-";
+ $url->path_components("", "/etc", "\0", "..", "øse", "");
+ is($url->full_path, '/%2Fetc/%00/../%F8se/', ref($url) . '->full_path');
+ # Setting undef
+ $url = new URI::URL 'http://web/p;p?q#f';
+ $url->epath(undef);
+ $url->equery(undef);
+ $url->eparams(undef);
+ $url->frag(undef);
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Test http query access methods
+ $url->keywords('dog');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web?dog', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->keywords(qw(dog bones));
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web?dog+bones', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->keywords(0,0);
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web?0+0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->keywords('dog', 'bones', '#+=');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web?dog+bones+%23%2B%3D', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $a = join(":", $url->keywords);
+ is($a, 'dog:bones:#+=', "\$url->keywords");
+ # calling query_form is an error
+# eval { my $foo = $url->query_form; };
+# fail "\$url->query_form should croak since query contains keywords not a form."
+# unless $@;
+ $url->query_form(a => 'foo', b => 'bar');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web?a=foo&b=bar', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ my %a = $url->query_form;
+ is_deeply(
+ \%a,
+ { a => 'foo', b => 'bar' },
+ "\$url->query_form",
+ );
+ $url->query_form(a => undef, a => 'foo', '&=' => '&=+');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web?a=&a=foo&%26%3D=%26%3D%2B', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ my @a = $url->query_form;
+ is(scalar(@a), 6, 'length');
+ is_deeply(
+ \@a,
+ [
+ 'a', '',
+ 'a', 'foo',
+ '&=', '&=+',
+ ],
+ 'query_form',
+ );
+ # calling keywords is an error
+# eval { my $foo = $url->keywords; };
+# die "\$url->keywords should croak when query is a form"
+# unless $@;
+ # Try this odd one
+ $url->equery('&=&=b&a=&a&a=b=c&&a=b');
+ @a = $url->query_form;
+ #note join(":", @a), "\n";
+ is(scalar(@a), 16, 'length');
+ ok(
+ $a[4] eq "" && $a[5] eq "b" && $a[10] eq "a" && $a[11] eq "b=c",
+ 'sequence',
+ );
+ # Try array ref values in the key value pairs
+ $url->query_form(a => ['foo', 'bar'], b => 'foo', c => ['bar', 'foo']);
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://web?a=foo&a=bar&b=foo&c=bar&c=foo', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ subtest 'netloc_test' => \&netloc_test;
+ subtest 'port_test' => \&port_test;
+ $url->query(undef);
+ is($url->query, undef, ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'gopher://gopher/';
+ $url->port(33);
+ $url->gtype("3");
+ $url->selector("S");
+ $url->search("query");
+ is($url->as_string, 'gopher://gopher:33/3S%09query', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->epath("45%09a");
+ is($url->gtype, '4', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->selector, '5', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->search, 'a', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->string, undef, ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->path, "/45\ta", ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# $url->path("00\t%09gisle");
+# is($url->search '%09gisle', ref($url) . '->search');
+ # Let's test som other URL schemes
+ $url = new URI::URL 'news:';
+ $url->group("comp.lang.perl.misc");
+ is($url->as_string, 'news:comp.lang.perl.misc', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->article('<>');
+ is($url->as_string, '', ref($url) . '->as_string: "<" and ">" are gone');
+ # This one should be illegal
+ eval { $url->article("no.perl"); };
+ die "This one should really complain" unless $@;
+# $url = new URI::URL 'mailto:';
+# $url->user("aas");
+# $url->host("");
+# is($url->as_string, '', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# $url->address('foo@bar');
+# is($url->host, 'bar', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# is($url->user, 'foo', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# $url = new URI::URL 'wais://host/database/wt/wpath';
+# $url->database('foo');
+# is($url->as_string, 'wais://host/foo/wt/wpath', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# $url->wtype('bar');
+# is($url->as_string, 'wais://host/foo/bar/wpath', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Test crack method for various URLs
+ my(@crack, $crack);
+ @crack = URI::URL->new("http://host/path;param?query#frag")->crack;
+ is(scalar(@crack), 9, '9 elements');
+ $crack = join("*", map { defined($_) ? $_ : "UNDEF" } @crack);
+ note "Cracked result: $crack";
+ is($crack, "http*UNDEF*UNDEF*host*80*/path*param*query*frag", 'crack result');
+ @crack = URI::URL->new("foo/bar", "ftp://aas\")->crack;
+ is(scalar(@crack), 9, '9 elements');
+ $crack = join("*", map { defined($_) ? $_ : "UNDEF" } @crack);
+ note "Cracked result: $crack";
+# die "Bad crack result" unless
+# $crack eq "ftp*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF*21*foo/bar*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF";
+ @crack = URI::URL->new('ftp://u:p@host/q?path')->crack;
+ is(scalar(@crack), 9, '9 elements');
+ $crack = join("*", map { defined($_) ? $_ : "UNDEF" } @crack);
+ note "Cracked result: $crack";
+ is($crack, "ftp*u*p*host*21*/q?path*UNDEF*path*UNDEF", 'crack result');
+ @crack = URI::URL->new("")->crack; # Test anon ftp
+ is(scalar(@crack), 9, '9 elements');
+ ok($crack[2], "passwd in anonymous crack");
+ $crack[2] = 'passwd'; # easier to test when we know what it is
+ $crack = join("*", map { defined($_) ? $_ : "UNDEF" } @crack);
+ note "Cracked result: $crack";
+ is($crack, "ftp*anonymous*passwd**21*/pub*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF", 'crack result');
+ @crack = URI::URL->new('')->crack;
+ is(scalar(@crack), 9, '9 elements');
+ $crack = join("*", map { defined($_) ? $_ : "UNDEF" } @crack);
+ note "Cracked result: $crack";
+# die "Bad crack result" unless
+# $crack eq "mailto*aas*UNDEF**UNDEF*aas\*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF";
+ @crack = URI::URL->new('news:comp.lang.perl.misc')->crack;
+ is(scalar(@crack), 9, '9 elements');
+ $crack = join("*", map { defined($_) ? $_ : "UNDEF" } @crack);
+ note "Cracked result: $crack";
+ is($crack, "news*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF*119*comp.lang.perl.misc*UNDEF*UNDEF*UNDEF", 'crack result');
+# netloc_test()
+# Test automatic netloc synchronisation
+sub netloc_test {
+ my $url = new URI::URL 'ftp://anonymous:p%61ss@håst:12345';
+ is($url->user, 'anonymous', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->password, 'pass', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->host, 'xn--hst-ula', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->port, 12345, ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Can't really know how netloc is represented since it is partially escaped
+ #is($url->netloc, 'anonymous:pass@hst:12345', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->as_string, 'ftp://anonymous:pass@xn--hst-ula:12345', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # The '0' is sometimes tricky to get right
+ $url->user(0);
+ $url->password(0);
+ $url->host(0);
+ $url->port(0);
+ is($url->netloc, '0:0@0:0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->host(undef);
+ is($url->netloc, '0:0@:0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->host('h');
+ $url->user(undef);
+ is($url->netloc, ':0@h:0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->user('');
+ is($url->netloc, ':0@h:0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->password('');
+ is($url->netloc, ':@h:0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->user('foo');
+ is($url->netloc, 'foo:@h:0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Let's try a simple one
+ $url->user('nemo');
+ $url->password('p2');
+ $url->host('hst2');
+ $url->port(2);
+ is($url->netloc, 'nemo:p2@hst2:2', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->user(undef);
+ $url->password(undef);
+ $url->port(undef);
+ is($url->netloc, 'hst2', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->port, '21', ref($url) . '->as_string'); # the default ftp port
+ $url->port(21);
+ is($url->netloc, 'hst2:21', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Let's try some reserved chars
+ $url->user("@");
+ $url->password(":-#-;-/-?");
+ is($url->as_string, 'ftp://%40::-%23-;-%2F-%3F@hst2:21', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# port_test()
+# Test port behaviour
+sub port_test {
+ $url = URI::URL->new('http://foo/root/dir/');
+ my $port = $url->port;
+ is($port, 80, 'port');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://foo/root/dir/', 'string');
+ $url->port(8001);
+ $port = $url->port;
+ is($port, 8001, 'port');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://foo:8001/root/dir/', 'string');
+ $url->port(80);
+ $port = $url->port;
+ is($port, 80, 'port');
+ is($url->canonical->as_string, 'http://foo/root/dir/', 'string');
+ $url->port(8001);
+ $url->port(undef);
+ $port = $url->port;
+ is($port, 80, 'port');
+ is($url->canonical->as_string, 'http://foo/root/dir/', 'string');
+# escape_test()
+# escaping functions
+sub escape_test {
+ # supply escaped URL
+ $url = new URI::URL 'http://web/this%20has%20spaces';
+ # check component is unescaped
+ is($url->path, '/this has spaces', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # modify the unescaped form
+ $url->path('this ALSO has spaces');
+ # check whole url is escaped
+ is($url->as_string,
+ 'http://web/this%20ALSO%20has%20spaces', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL uri_escape('http://web/try %?#" those');
+ is($url->as_string,
+ 'http%3A%2F%2Fweb%2Ftry%20%25%3F%23%22%20those', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ my $all = pack('C*',0..255);
+ my $esc = uri_escape($all);
+ my $new = uri_unescape($esc);
+ is($all, $new, "uri_escape->uri_unescape"),
+ $url->path($all);
+ is($url->full_path, q(%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0A%0B%0C%0D%0E%0F%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1A%1B%1C%1D%1E%1F%20!%22%23$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;%3C=%3E%3F@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[%5C]%5E_%60abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%7B%7C%7D~%7F%80%81%82%83%84%85%86%87%88%89%8A%8B%8C%8D%8E%8F%90%91%92%93%94%95%96%97%98%99%9A%9B%9C%9D%9E%9F%A0%A1%A2%A3%A4%A5%A6%A7%A8%A9%AA%AB%AC%AD%AE%AF%B0%B1%B2%B3%B4%B5%B6%B7%B8%B9%BA%BB%BC%BD%BE%BF%C0%C1%C2%C3%C4%C5%C6%C7%C8%C9%CA%CB%CC%CD%CE%CF%D0%D1%D2%D3%D4%D5%D6%D7%D8%D9%DA%DB%DC%DD%DE%DF%E0%E1%E2%E3%E4%E5%E6%E7%E8%E9%EA%EB%EC%ED%EE%EF%F0%F1%F2%F3%F4%F5%F6%F7%F8%F9%FA%FB%FC%FD%FE%FF), ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # test escaping uses uppercase (preferred by rfc1837)
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file://h/';
+ $url->path(chr(0x7F));
+ is($url->as_string, 'file://h/%7F', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ return;
+ # reserved characters differ per scheme
+ ## XXX is this '?' allowed to be unescaped
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file://h/test?ing';
+ is($url->path, '/test?ing', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file://h/';
+ $url->epath('question?mark');
+ is($url->as_string, 'file://h/question?mark', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # XXX Why should this be any different???
+ # Perhaps we should not expect too much :-)
+ $url->path('question?mark');
+ is($url->as_string, 'file://h/question%3Fmark', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # See what happens when set different elements to this ugly sting
+ my $reserved = ';/?:@&=#%';
+ $url->path($reserved . "foo");
+ is($url->as_string, 'file://h/%3B/%3F%3A%40%26%3D%23%25foo', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->scheme('http');
+ $url->path('');
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://h/', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url->query($reserved);
+ $url->params($reserved);
+ $url->frag($reserved);
+ is($url->as_string, 'http://h/;%3B%2F%3F%3A%40&=%23%25?%3B%2F%3F%3A%40&=%23%25#;/?:@&=#%', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ my $str = $url->as_string;
+ $url = new URI::URL $str;
+ die "URL changed" if $str ne $url->as_string;
+ $url = new URI::URL 'ftp:foo';
+ $url->user($reserved);
+ $url->host($reserved);
+ is($url->as_string, 'ftp://%3B%2F%3F%3A%40%26%3D%23%25@%3B%2F%3F%3A%40%26%3D%23%25/foo', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# newlocal_test()
+sub newlocal_test {
+ return 1 if $^O eq "MacOS";
+ my $isMSWin32 = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i);
+ my $pwd = ($isMSWin32 ? 'cd' :
+ ($^O eq 'qnx' ? '/usr/bin/fullpath -t' :
+ ($^O eq 'VMS' ? 'show default' :
+ (-e '/bin/pwd' ? '/bin/pwd' : 'pwd'))));
+ my $tmpdir = tempdir();
+ if ( $^O eq 'qnx' ) {
+ $tmpdir = `/usr/bin/fullpath -t $tmpdir`;
+ chomp $tmpdir;
+ }
+ $tmpdir = '/sys$scratch' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ $tmpdir =~ tr|\\|/|;
+ my $savedir = `$pwd`; # we don't use because we want to check
+ # that it get require'd correctly by
+ chomp $savedir;
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $savedir =~ s#^\s+##;
+ $savedir = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($savedir);
+ $savedir =~ s#/$##;
+ }
+ # cwd
+ chdir($tmpdir) or die $!;
+ my $dir = `$pwd`; $dir =~ tr|\\|/|;
+ chomp $dir;
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $dir =~ s#^\s+##;
+ $dir = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($dir);
+ $dir =~ s#/$##;
+ }
+ $dir = uri_escape($dir, ':');
+ $dir =~ s/^(\w)%3A/$1:/ if $isMSWin32 or $^O eq 'os2';
+ $url = newlocal URI::URL;
+ my $ss = $isMSWin32 ? '//' : (($dir =~ m,^/,) ? '' : '///' );
+ is($url->as_string, URI::URL->new("file:$ss$dir/")->as_string, ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ note "Local directory is ". $url->local_path . "\n";
+ if ($^O ne 'VMS') {
+ # absolute dir
+ chdir('/') or die $!;
+ $url = newlocal URI::URL '/usr/';
+ is($url->as_string, 'file:/usr/', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # absolute file
+ $url = newlocal URI::URL '/vmunix';
+ is($url->as_string, 'file:/vmunix', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ }
+ # relative file
+ chdir($tmpdir) or fail $!;
+ $dir = `$pwd`; $dir =~ tr|\\|/|;
+ chomp $dir;
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $dir =~ s#^\s+##;
+ $dir = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($dir);
+ $dir =~ s#/$##;
+ }
+ $dir = uri_escape($dir, ':');
+ $dir =~ s/^(\w)%3A/$1:/ if $isMSWin32 or $^O eq 'os2';
+ $url = newlocal URI::URL 'foo';
+ is($url->as_string, "file:$ss$dir/foo", ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # relative dir
+ chdir($tmpdir) or fail $!;
+ $dir = `$pwd`; $dir =~ tr|\\|/|;
+ chomp $dir;
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $dir =~ s#^\s+##;
+ $dir = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($dir);
+ $dir =~ s#/$##;
+ }
+ $dir = uri_escape($dir, ':');
+ $dir =~ s/^(\w)%3A/$1:/ if $isMSWin32 or $^O eq 'os2';
+ $url = newlocal URI::URL 'bar/';
+ is($url->as_string, "file:$ss$dir/bar/", ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # 0
+ if ($^O ne 'VMS') {
+ chdir('/') or fail $!;
+ $dir = `$pwd`; $dir =~ tr|\\|/|;
+ chomp $dir;
+ $dir = uri_escape($dir, ':');
+ $dir =~ s/^(\w)%3A/$1:/ if $isMSWin32 or $^O eq 'os2';
+ $url = newlocal URI::URL '0';
+ is($url->as_string, "file:$ss${dir}0", ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ }
+ # Test access methods for file URLs
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:/c:/dos';
+ is($url->dos_path, 'C:\\DOS', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->unix_path, '/c:/dos', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ #is($url->vms_path, '[C:]DOS', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->mac_path, undef, ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:/foo/bar';
+ is($url->unix_path, '/foo/bar', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->mac_path, 'foo:bar', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Some edge cases
+# $url = new URI::URL 'file:';
+# is($url->unix_path, '/', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:/';
+ is($url->unix_path, '/', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:.';
+ is($url->unix_path, '.', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:./foo';
+ is($url->unix_path, './foo', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:0';
+ is($url->unix_path, '0', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:../../foo';
+ is($url->unix_path, '../../foo', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:foo/../bar';
+ is($url->unix_path, 'foo/../bar', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # Relative files
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file:foo/b%61r/Note.txt';
+ is($url->unix_path, 'foo/bar/Note.txt', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->mac_path, ':foo:bar:Note.txt', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ is($url->dos_path, 'FOO\\BAR\\NOTE.TXT', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ #is($url->vms_path', '[.FOO.BAR]NOTE.TXT', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ # The VMS path found in RFC 1738 (section 3.10)
+ $url = new URI::URL 'file://$user/my/notes/note12345.txt';
+# is($url->vms_path, 'DISK$USER:[MY.NOTES]NOTE12345.TXT', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+# is($url->mac_path, 'disk$user:my:notes:note12345.txt', ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ chdir($savedir) or fail $!;
+# absolute_test()
+sub absolute_test {
+ # Tests from draft-ietf-uri-relative-url-06.txt
+ # Copied verbatim from the draft, parsed below
+ @URI::URL::g::ISA = qw(URI::URL::_generic); # for these tests
+ my $base = 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f';
+ my $absolute_tests = <<EOM;
+5.1. Normal Examples
+ g:h = <URL:g:h>
+ g = <URL:http://a/b/c/g>
+ ./g = <URL:http://a/b/c/g>
+ g/ = <URL:http://a/b/c/g/>
+ /g = <URL:http://a/g>
+ //g = <URL:http://g>
+# ?y = <URL:http://a/b/c/d;p?y>
+ g?y = <URL:http://a/b/c/g?y>
+ g?y/./x = <URL:http://a/b/c/g?y/./x>
+ #s = <URL:http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s>
+ g#s = <URL:http://a/b/c/g#s>
+ g#s/./x = <URL:http://a/b/c/g#s/./x>
+ g?y#s = <URL:http://a/b/c/g?y#s>
+ # ;x = <URL:http://a/b/c/d;x>
+ g;x = <URL:http://a/b/c/g;x>
+ g;x?y#s = <URL:http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s>
+ . = <URL:http://a/b/c/>
+ ./ = <URL:http://a/b/c/>
+ .. = <URL:http://a/b/>
+ ../ = <URL:http://a/b/>
+ ../g = <URL:http://a/b/g>
+ ../.. = <URL:http://a/>
+ ../../ = <URL:http://a/>
+ ../../g = <URL:http://a/g>
+5.2. Abnormal Examples
+ Although the following abnormal examples are unlikely to occur
+ in normal practice, all URL parsers should be capable of resolving
+ them consistently. Each example uses the same base as above.
+ An empty reference resolves to the complete base URL:
+ <> = <URL:http://a/b/c/d;p?q#f>
+ Parsers must be careful in handling the case where there are more
+ relative path ".." segments than there are hierarchical levels in
+ the base URL's path. Note that the ".." syntax cannot be used to
+ change the <net_loc> of a URL.
+ ../../../g = <URL:http://a/../g>
+ ../../../../g = <URL:http://a/../../g>
+ Similarly, parsers must avoid treating "." and ".." as special
+ when they are not complete components of a relative path.
+ /./g = <URL:http://a/./g>
+ /../g = <URL:http://a/../g>
+ g. = <URL:http://a/b/c/g.>
+ .g = <URL:http://a/b/c/.g>
+ g.. = <URL:http://a/b/c/g..>
+ ..g = <URL:http://a/b/c/..g>
+ Less likely are cases where the relative URL uses unnecessary or
+ nonsensical forms of the "." and ".." complete path segments.
+ ./../g = <URL:http://a/b/g>
+ ./g/. = <URL:http://a/b/c/g/>
+ g/./h = <URL:http://a/b/c/g/h>
+ g/../h = <URL:http://a/b/c/h>
+ Finally, some older parsers allow the scheme name to be present in
+ a relative URL if it is the same as the base URL scheme. This is
+ considered to be a loophole in prior specifications of partial
+ URLs [1] and should be avoided by future parsers.
+ http:g = <URL:http:g>
+ http: = <URL:http:>
+ # convert text to list like
+ # @absolute_tests = ( ['g:h' => 'g:h'], ...)
+ my @absolute_tests;
+ for my $line (split("\n", $absolute_tests)) {
+ next unless $line =~ /^\s{6}/;
+ if ($line =~ /^\s+(\S+)\s*=\s*<URL:([^>]*)>/) {
+ my($rel, $abs) = ($1, $2);
+ $rel = '' if $rel eq '<>';
+ push(@absolute_tests, [$rel, $abs]);
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "illegal line '$line'";
+ }
+ }
+ # add some extra ones for good measure
+ push(@absolute_tests, ['x/y//../z' => 'http://a/b/c/x/y/z'],
+ ['1' => 'http://a/b/c/1' ],
+ ['0' => 'http://a/b/c/0' ],
+ ['/0' => 'http://a/0' ],
+# ['%2e/a' => 'http://a/b/c/%2e/a'], # %2e is '.'
+# ['%2e%2e/a' => 'http://a/b/c/%2e%2e/a'],
+ );
+ note " Relative + Base => Expected Absolute URL";
+ note "================================================\n";
+ for my $test (@absolute_tests) {
+ my($rel, $abs) = @$test;
+ my $abs_url = new URI::URL $abs;
+ my $abs_str = $abs_url->as_string;
+ note sprintf(" %-10s + $base => %s", $rel, $abs);
+ my $u = new URI::URL $rel, $base;
+ my $got = $u->abs;
+ is($got->as_string, $abs_str, ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ }
+ # bug found and fixed in 1.9 by "J.E. Fritz" <>
+ $base = new URI::URL 'http://host/directory/file';
+ my $relative = new URI::URL 'file', $base;
+ my $result = $relative->abs;
+ my ($a, $b) = ($base->path, $result->path);
+ is($a, $b, 'identity');
+ # Counter the expectation of least surprise,
+ # section 6 of the draft says the URL should
+ # be canonicalised, rather than making a simple
+ # substitution of the last component.
+ # Better doublecheck someone hasn't "fixed this bug" :-)
+ $base = new URI::URL 'http://host/dir1/../dir2/file';
+ $relative = new URI::URL 'file', $base;
+ $result = $relative->abs;
+ is($result, 'http://host/dir2/file', 'URL canonicalised');
+ note "--------";
+ # Test various other kinds of URLs and how they like to be absolutized
+ for (["http://abc/", "news:45664545", "http://abc/"],
+ ["news:abc", "http://abc/", "news:abc"],
+ ["abc", "file:/test?aas", "file:/abc"],
+# ["gopher:", "", "gopher:"],
+# ["?foo", "http://abc/a", "http://abc/a?foo"],
+ ["?foo", "file:/abc", "file:/abc?foo"],
+ ["#foo", "http://abc/a", "http://abc/a#foo"],
+ ["#foo", "file:a", "file:a#foo"],
+ ["#foo", "file:/a", "file:/a#foo"],
+ ["#foo", "file:/a", "file:/a#foo"],
+ ["#foo", "file://localhost/a", "file://localhost/a#foo"],
+ ['', "news:comp.lang.perl.misc", 'news:/'],
+ ['no.perl', '', 'news:/no.perl'],
+ ['', "", ''],
+ # Test absolutizing with old behaviour.
+ ['http:foo', 'http://h/a/b', 'http://h/a/foo'],
+ ['http:/foo', 'http://h/a/b', 'http://h/foo'],
+ ['http:?foo', 'http://h/a/b', 'http://h/a/b?foo'],
+ ['http:#foo', 'http://h/a/b', 'http://h/a/b#foo'],
+ ['http:?foo#bar','http://h/a/b', 'http://h/a/b?foo#bar'],
+ ['file:/foo', 'http://h/a/b', 'file:/foo'],
+ )
+ {
+ my($url, $base, $expected_abs) = @$_;
+ my $rel = new URI::URL $url, $base;
+ my $abs = $rel->abs($base, 1);
+ note sprintf(" %-12s+ $base => %s", $rel, $abs);
+ is($abs->as_string, $expected_abs, ref($url) . '->as_string');
+ }
+ note "absolute test ok\n";
+ # Test relative function
+ for (
+ ["http://abc/a", "http://abc", "a"],
+ ["http://abc/a", "http://abc/b", "a"],
+ ["http://abc/a?q", "http://abc/b", "a?q"],
+ ["http://abc/a;p", "http://abc/b", "a;p"],
+ ["http://abc/a", "http://abc/a/b/c/", "../../../a"],
+ ["http://abc/a/", "http://abc/a/", "./"],
+ ["http://abc/a#f", "http://abc/a", "#f"],
+ ["file:/etc/motd", "file:/", "etc/motd"],
+ ["file:/etc/motd", "file:/etc/passwd", "motd"],
+ ["file:/etc/motd", "file:/etc/rc2.d/", "../motd"],
+ ["file:/etc/motd", "file:/usr/lib/doc", "../../etc/motd"],
+ ["file:", "file:/etc/", "../"],
+ ["file:foo", "file:/etc/", "../foo"],
+ ["mailto:aas", "http://abc", "mailto:aas"],
+ # Nicolai Langfeldt's original example
+ ["",
+ "", "../mail/top.html"],
+ )
+ {
+ my($abs, $base, $expect) = @$_;
+ my $rel = URI::URL->new($abs, $base)->rel;
+ is($rel->as_string, $expect, "url('$abs', '$base')->rel = '$expect'");
+ }
+ note "relative test ok\n";
+sub eq_test
+ my $u1 = new URI::URL '';
+ my $u2 = new URI::URL '';
+ my $u3 = new URI::URL '';
+ # Test all permutations of these tree
+ ok($u1->eq($u2), "1: $u1 ne $u2");
+ ok($u1->eq($u3), "2: $u1 ne $u3");
+ ok($u2->eq($u1), "3: $u2 ne $u1");
+ ok($u2->eq($u3), "4: $u2 ne $u3");
+ ok($u3->eq($u1), "5: $u3 ne $u1");
+ ok($u3->eq($u2), "6: $u3 ne $u2");
+ # Test empty path
+ my $u4 = new URI::URL '';
+ ok($u4->eq("HTTP://WWW.SN.NO:80/"), "7: $u4");
+ ok(!$u4->eq(""),"8: $u4");
+ # Test mailto
+# my $u5 = new URI::URL '';
+# ok($u5->eq(''), "9: $u5");
+ # Test reserved char
+ my $u6 = new URI::URL 'ftp://ftp/%2Fetc';
+ ok($u6->eq("ftp://ftp/%2fetc"), "10: $u6");
+ ok(!$u6->eq("ftp://ftp://etc"), "11: $u6");