path: root/t/zzz-spec.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/zzz-spec.t')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/zzz-spec.t b/t/zzz-spec.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33146b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/zzz-spec.t
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+use 5.008001;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More 0.96;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use TestUtils qw/exception/;
+use Path::Tiny;
+use Cwd;
+my $IS_WIN32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+# tests adapted from File::Spec's t/Spec.t test
+# Each element in this array is a single test. Storing them this way makes
+# maintenance easy, and should be OK since perl should be pretty functional
+# before these tests are run.
+# the third column has Win32 specific alternative output; this appears to be
+# collapsing of foo/../bar type structures since Win32 has no symlinks and
+# doesn't need to keep the '..' part. -- xdg, 2013-01-30
+my @tests = (
+ # [ Function , Expected , Win32-different ]
+ [ "path('a','b','c')", 'a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('a','b','./c')", 'a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('./a','b','c')", 'a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('c')", 'c' ],
+ [ "path('./c')", 'c' ],
+ [ "path('/')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('d1','d2','d3')", 'd1/d2/d3' ],
+ [ "path('/','d2/d3')", '/d2/d3' ],
+ [ "path('/.')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/./')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/a/./')", '/a' ],
+ [ "path('/a/.')", '/a' ],
+ [ "path('/../../')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/../..')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/t1/t2/t4')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", '../t4' ],
+ [ "path('/t1/t2')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", '..' ],
+ [ "path('/t1/t2/t3/t4')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", 't4' ],
+ [ "path('/t4/t5/t6')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", '../../../t4/t5/t6' ],
+ [ "path('/')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", '../../..' ],
+ [ "path('///')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", '../../..' ],
+ [ "path('/.')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", '../../..' ],
+ [ "path('/./')->relative('/t1/t2/t3')", '../../..' ],
+ [ "path('/t1/t2/t3')->relative( '/')", 't1/t2/t3' ],
+ [ "path('/t1/t2/t3')->relative( '/t1')", 't2/t3' ],
+ [ "path('t1/t2/t3')->relative( 't1')", 't2/t3' ],
+ [ "path('t1/t2/t3')->relative( 't4')", '../t1/t2/t3' ],
+ [ "path('.')->relative( '.')", '.' ],
+ [ "path('/')->relative( '/')", '.' ],
+ [ "path('../t1')->relative( 't2/t3')", '../../../t1' ],
+ [ "path('t1')->relative( 't2/../t3')", '../t1' ],
+ [ "path('t4')->absolute('/t1/t2/t3')", '/t1/t2/t3/t4' ],
+ [ "path('t4/t5')->absolute('/t1/t2/t3')", '/t1/t2/t3/t4/t5' ],
+ [ "path('.')->absolute('/t1/t2/t3')", '/t1/t2/t3' ],
+ [ "path('///../../..//./././a//b/.././c/././')", '/a/b/../c', '/a/c' ],
+ [ "path('a/../../b/c')", 'a/../../b/c', '../b/c' ],
+ [ "path('..')->absolute('/t1/t2/t3')", '/t1/t2/t3/..', '/t1/t2' ],
+ [ "path('../t4')->absolute('/t1/t2/t3')", '/t1/t2/t3/../t4', '/t1/t2/t4' ],
+ # need to wash through rootdir->absolute->child to pick up volume on Windows
+ [ "path('/t1')->absolute('/t1/t2/t3')", Path::Tiny->rootdir->absolute->child("t1") ],
+my @win32_tests;
+# this is lazy so we don't invoke any calls unless we're on Windows
+if ($IS_WIN32) {
+ @win32_tests = (
+ [ "path('/')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/', '../')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/', '..\\')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('\\', '../')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('\\', '..\\')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('\\d1\\','d2')", '/d1/d2' ],
+ [ "path('\\d1','d2')", '/d1/d2' ],
+ [ "path('\\d1','\\d2')", '/d1/d2' ],
+ [ "path('\\d1','\\d2\\')", '/d1/d2' ],
+ [ "path('d1','d2','d3')", 'd1/d2/d3' ],
+ [ "path('A:/d1','d2','d3')", 'A:/d1/d2/d3' ],
+ [ "path('A:/')", 'A:/' ],
+ [ "path('\\', 'foo')", '/foo' ],
+ [ "path('A:', 'foo')", 'A:/foo' ],
+ [ "path('a','b','c')", 'a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('a','b','.\\c')", 'a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('.\\a','b','c')", 'a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('c')", 'c' ],
+ [ "path('.\\c')", 'c' ],
+ [ "path('a/..','../b')", '../b' ],
+ [ "path('A:', 'foo')", 'A:/foo' ],
+ [ "path('a:/')", 'A:/' ],
+ [ "path('A:f')", 'A:/f' ],
+ [ "path('A:/')", 'A:/' ],
+ [ "path('a\\..\\..\\b\\c')", '../b/c' ],
+ [ "path('//a\\b//c')", '//a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('/a/..../c')", '/a/..../c' ],
+ [ "path('//a/b\\c')", '//a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('////')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('//')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/.')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('//a/b/../../c')", '//a/b/c' ],
+ [ "path('//a/b/c/../d')", '//a/b/d' ],
+ [ "path('//a/b/c/../../d')", '//a/b/d' ],
+ [ "path('//a/b/c/.../d')", '//a/b/d' ],
+ [ "path('/a/b/c/../../d')", '/a/d' ],
+ [ "path('/a/b/c/.../d')", '/a/d' ],
+ [ "path('\\../temp\\')", '/temp' ],
+ [ "path('\\../')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('\\..\\')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/../')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('/../')", '/' ],
+ [ "path('d1/../foo')", 'foo' ],
+ # if there's no C drive, getdcwd will probably return '', so fake it
+ [ "path('C:')", path( eval { Cwd::getdcwd("C:") } || "C:/" ) ],
+ [ "path('\\\\server\\share\\')", '//server/share/' ],
+ [ "path('\\\\server\\share')", '//server/share/' ],
+ [ "path('//server/share/')", '//server/share/' ],
+ [ "path('//server/share')", '//server/share/' ],
+ [ "path('//d1','d2')", '//d1/d2/' ],
+ );
+# XXX not sure how to adapt this sanely for use with Path::Tiny testing, so
+# I'll punt for now
+### FakeWin32 subclass (see below) just sets CWD to C:\one\two and getdcwd('D') to D:\alpha\beta
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/t1/t2/t3','/t1/t2/t3')", '.' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/t1/t2/t4','/t1/t2/t3')", '..\\t4' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/t1/t2','/t1/t2/t3')", '..' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/t1/t2/t3/t4','/t1/t2/t3')", 't4' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/t4/t5/t6','/t1/t2/t3')", '..\\..\\..\\t4\\t5\\t6' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('../t4','/t1/t2/t3')", '..\\..\\..\\one\\t4' ], # Uses _cwd()
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/','/t1/t2/t3')", '..\\..\\..' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('///','/t1/t2/t3')", '..\\..\\..' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/.','/t1/t2/t3')", '..\\..\\..' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('/./','/t1/t2/t3')", '..\\..\\..' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('\\\\a/t1/t2/t4','/t2/t3')", '\\\\a\\t1\\t2\\t4' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('//a/t1/t2/t4','/t2/t3')", '\\\\a\\t1\\t2\\t4' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('A:/t1/t2/t3','A:/t1/t2/t3')", '.' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('A:/t1/t2/t3/t4','A:/t1/t2/t3')", 't4' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('A:/t1/t2/t3','A:/t1/t2/t3/t4')", '..' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('A:/t1/t2/t3','B:/t1/t2/t3')", 'A:\\t1\\t2\\t3' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('A:/t1/t2/t3/t4','B:/t1/t2/t3')", 'A:\\t1\\t2\\t3\\t4' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('E:/foo/bar/baz')", 'E:\\foo\\bar\\baz' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('C:/one/two/three')", 'three' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('C:\\Windows\\System32', 'C:\\')", 'Windows\System32' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('\\\\computer2\\share3\\foo.txt', '\\\\computer2\\share3')", 'foo.txt' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('C:\\one\\two\\t\\asd1\\', 't\\asd\\')", '..\\asd1' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->abs2rel('\\one\\two', 'A:\\foo')", 'C:\\one\\two' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('temp','C:/')", 'C:\\temp' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('temp','C:/a')", 'C:\\a\\temp' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('temp','C:/a/')", 'C:\\a\\temp' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('../','C:/')", 'C:\\' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('../','C:/a')", 'C:\\' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('\\foo','C:/a')", 'C:\\foo' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('temp','//prague_main/work/')", '\\\\prague_main\\work\\temp' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('../temp','//prague_main/work/')", '\\\\prague_main\\work\\temp' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('temp','//prague_main/work')", '\\\\prague_main\\work\\temp' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('../','//prague_main/work')", '\\\\prague_main\\work' ],
+##[ "FakeWin32->rel2abs('D:foo.txt')", 'D:\\alpha\\beta\\foo.txt' ],
+##can_ok('File::Spec::Win32', '_cwd');
+## package File::Spec::FakeWin32;
+## use vars qw(@ISA);
+## @ISA = qw(File::Spec::Win32);
+## sub _cwd { 'C:\\one\\two' }
+## # Some funky stuff to override Cwd::getdcwd() for testing purposes,
+## # in the limited scope of the rel2abs() method.
+## if ($Cwd::VERSION && $Cwd::VERSION gt '2.17') { # Avoid a 'used only once' warning
+## local $^W;
+## *rel2abs = sub {
+## my $self = shift;
+## local $^W;
+## local *Cwd::getdcwd = sub {
+## return 'D:\alpha\beta' if $_[0] eq 'D:';
+## return 'C:\one\two' if $_[0] eq 'C:';
+## return;
+## };
+## *Cwd::getdcwd = *Cwd::getdcwd; # Avoid a 'used only once' warning
+## return $self->SUPER::rel2abs(@_);
+## };
+## *rel2abs = *rel2abs; # Avoid a 'used only once' warning
+## }
+# Tries a named function with the given args and compares the result against
+# an expected result. Works with functions that return scalars or arrays.
+for ( @tests, $IS_WIN32 ? @win32_tests : () ) {
+ my ( $function, $expected, $win32case ) = @$_;
+ $expected = $win32case if $IS_WIN32 && $win32case;
+ $function =~ s#\\#\\\\#g;
+ my $got = join ',', eval $function;
+ if ($@) {
+ is( $@, '', $function );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $got, $expected, $function );
+ }
+# This file is part of Path-Tiny
+# This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by David Golden.
+# This is free software, licensed under:
+# The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004