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39 files changed, 5905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db6f991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Params-Util
+1.07 Sun 11 Mar 2012
+ - Disable XS version on cygwin as it shows bizarre behaviour
+ that breaks form when using Params::Util XS verwion.
+1.06 Thu 1 Mar 2012
+ - Remove the need for the sanexs.c file by generating into a temp
+ file instead.
+1.05 Thu 1 Mar 2012
+ - Restore compatibility with pre-5.8.8 Perls without a working
+ compiler available install time (RIBASUSHI)
+1.04 Wed 20 Apr 2011
+ - Fixed #67522 have_compiler returns
+1.03 Mon 22 Nov 2010
+ - No CPAN Testers failures, moving to production release
+1.02_01 Thu 16 Sep 2010
+ - Trying for a much more advanced can_xs() alternative to can_cc()
+ to deal with the situation where a host has a superficially
+ working compiler, but completely screwed up headers.
+ - Adding some fallback strategies to deal with cases where these
+ same machines don't support configure_requires.
+ - Adopt Chorny's eumm-upgrade style for the Makefile.PL.
+ - Allow the Makefile.PL to build it's own META.yml now.
+1.01 Thu 18 Mar 2010
+ - Fixed can_cc() bug in Makefile.PL where it was checking an existence
+ of PATH directory rather than executables. RT#55668 (DGOLDEN, MIYAGAWA)
+1.00 Sun 31 May 2009
+ - Now all known XS bugs are worked out, I've removed
+ the experimental flags and set that as the first 1+ release.
+ - Fixed XS implementation of _*LIKE and _INSTANCE
+ - Added test for a negative custom isa returning ('')
+ - Improving the 'clean' file list in a Makefile.PL
+0.38 Tue 17 Feb 2009
+ - Fix _IDENTIFIER to return false for "foo\n" (ZEFRAM)
+ - Fix _CLASS to return false for "foo\n" (ZEFRAM)
+0.37 Wed 4 Feb 2009
+ - Fix _HASH for bleadperl (patch from RAFL)
+ - Fix regex (more) for bleadperl (patch from RAFL)
+0.36 Fri 30 Jan 2009
+ - Fixing the overload for _REGEX
+ - Adding the tests for _REGEX
+ - Reorganising the Makefile.PL
+ - Adding duplicate tests for when the XS version isn't compiled
+0.35 Tue 11 Nov 2008
+ - No changes
+ - CPAN Testers results look good, moving to production version
+0.34_01 Mon 3 Nov 2008
+ - Adding experimental XS implementation by the awesome Jens Rehsack
+0.33 Tue 27 May 2008
+ - Upgrading to Module::Install 0.74
+ - Bumping Scalar::Util version to 1.18 to get a fixed better looks_like_number
+ - Moved B driver test class to My_B to prevent collision with the B modules
+0.32_01 Sat 23 Feb 2008
+ - Moving 01_compile.t minimum version to 5.005 to match Makefile.PL
+ (Resolves #26674)
+ - Removing the deprecated _CALLABLE function
+0.31 Wed 14 Nov 2007
+ - Upgrading to Module::Install 0.68
+0.30 Mon 22 Oct 2007
+ - Incremental release to get a newer and non-broken version of the
+ author-only tests.
+0.29 Thu 23 Aug 2007
+ - Correcting a test which only ran under AUTOMATED_TESTING,
+ apparently my release automation isn't doing what I think
+ it is doing.
+0.28 Sat 18 Aug 2007
+ - Dropping the Perl version requirement in 01_compile.t to 5.004
+0.27 Sat 18 Aug 2007
+ - Skipping one particularly evil test that we know fails on a few OS
+ unless AUTOMATED_TESTING is enabled.
+ These failures weren't worth preventing installation at all.
+0.26 Fri 27 Jul 2007
+ - Adding the _NONNEGINT function
+0.25 Mon 14 May 2007
+ - Adding the _CLASSISA and _SUBCLASS functions to fill
+ a gap between _CLASS and _DRIVER
+0.24 Wed 9 May 2007
+ - Adding the _DRIVER function for use in writing driver APIs
+0.23 Tue 20 Feb 2007
+ - Bug fix to _INVOCANT to handle false classes.
+0.22 Wed 1 Nov 2006
+ - Bug fix to _CODELIKE to handle CODE refs properly
+ - Updating tests to work more accurately in this regard.
+0.21 Tue 10 Oct 2006
+ - When no compiler available, minimise the dependency on Scalar::Util,
+ because it's better to leave them with a slightly leaky version
+ than to fail altogether.
+0.20 Tue 26 Sep 2006
+ - Advanced deprecation of _CALLABLE to "warn but work".
+ - Correctly refer to _CALLABLE being deprecated, not _CODELIKE.
+ - Add support for Tie::Handle objects to _HANDLE
+ - Add support for IO::Scalar objects to _HANDLE
+ - Add support for IO::String objects to _HANDLE
+0.19 Thu 14 Sep 2006
+ - Adding more Scalar::Util tests, this time with some diagnostics
+0.18 Thu 14 Sep 2006
+ - Explicitly importing refaddr in t/07_handle.t to fix
+ test failure on ActivePerl 5.8.0.
+ - Increased Scalar::Util dep to 1.14 because we may well
+ be hurt by tied handles-related bug.
+0.17 Tue 8 Aug 2006
+ - Adding experimental _HANDLE implementation
+0.16 Sun 2 Jul 2006
+ - We don't check for stash definedness for _INVOCANT.
+ (This is required for 5.005 compat.)
+0.15 Sun 2 Jul 2006
+ # This release contains only build-time changes
+ - Updating to Module::Install 0.63 to add 5.004 support (sorta)
+ - Dropping version dependency to 5.004 (Ricardo Signes)
+0.14 Wed 10 May 2006
+ - No features() used in this dist, so removing auto_install
+ - Moved _CALLABLE to _CODELIKE for symmetry reasons. Sorry :(
+ Immediate doc changover. Silent alias for a month, then
+ warning alias for 3 months, then full deprecation at the end
+ of August.
+ - Removed RJBS's use warnings that broke 5.005-compatibility.
+ - Other minor test cleanups.
+0.13 Sun May 7 2006
+ # This release contains only build-time changes
+ - Upgrading Module::Install to 0.62 final
+0.12 Mon May 1 2006
+ - Added _ARRAYLIKE and _HASHLIKE (Ricardo Signes again)
+ - Added _INVOCANT (Ricardo Signes again!)
+ - Expanded test suite (Does Ricardo Signes ever sleep??)
+0.11 Wed Apr 12 2006
+ - Update _CLASS to allow numeric parts in the tail, like Foo::10
+ (provided by Ricardo Signes)
+0.10 Sat Jan 14 2006
+ - Updated copyright
+ - Added _STRING
+0.09 Fri Dec 30 2005
+ - Fixed broken link to RT in POD
+0.08 Mon Dec 19 2005
+ - Moved from old CVS repository to newer SVN repository
+ - Added _CALLABLE (provided by Ricardo Signes)
+0.07 Mon Oct 10 2005
+ - Adding the :ALL tag
+0.06 Wed Oct 5 2005
+ - Rereleasing with newer Module::Install that correctly
+ includes ExtUtils::AutoInstall.
+0.05 Mon May 2 2005
+ - Added _POSINT
+0.04 Wed Apr 27 2005
+ - Fixed a POD bug in the synopsis
+0.03 Sun Apr 24 2005
+ - Added the _CODE function
+0.02 Fri Apr 22 2005
+ - Added the _CLASS function
+0.01 Fri Apr 22 2005
+ - Completed the first implementation
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e455655
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+Terms of Perl itself
+a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
+ later version, or
+b) the "Artistic License"
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+The Artistic License
+The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a Package
+may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of
+artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of the
+package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less customary
+fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications.
+- "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright
+ Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through textual
+ modification.
+- "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified,
+ or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright
+ Holder.
+- "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for
+ the package.
+- "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package.
+- "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the basis of
+ media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You
+ will not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the
+ computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.)
+- "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though
+ there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that
+ recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they
+ received it.
+1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
+Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you duplicate
+all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
+2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived from
+the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such a
+way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
+3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided
+that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when
+you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise
+ make them Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications
+ to Usenet or an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on
+ a major archive site such as, or by allowing the
+ Copyright Holder to include your modifications in the Standard
+ Version of the Package.
+ b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or
+ organization.
+ c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not
+ conflict with standard executables, which must also be provided,
+ and provide a separate manual page for each non-standard
+ executable that clearly documents how it differs from the Standard
+ Version.
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable
+form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library
+ files, together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent)
+ on where to get the Standard Version.
+ b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
+ the Package with your modifications.
+ c) accompany any non-standard executables with their
+ corresponding Standard Version executables, giving the
+ non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly
+ documenting the differences in manual pages (or equivalent),
+ together with instructions on where to get the Standard Version.
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this Package.
+You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. You may not
+charge a fee for this Package itself. However, you may distribute this Package in
+aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a larger
+(possibly commercial) software distribution provided that you do not advertise
+this Package as a product of your own.
+6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as output from
+the programs of this Package do not automatically fall under the copyright of this
+Package, but belong to whomever generated them, and may be sold
+commercially, and may be aggregated with this Package.
+7. C or perl subroutines supplied by you and linked into this Package shall not
+be considered part of this Package.
+8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
+products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+The End
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebc596a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+MANIFEST This list of files
+META.yml Module YAML meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
+META.json Module JSON meta-data (added by MakeMaker)
diff --git a/META.json b/META.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dbad84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ "abstract" : "Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions",
+ "author" : [
+ "Adam Kennedy <>"
+ ],
+ "dynamic_config" : 1,
+ "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621",
+ "license" : [
+ "perl_5"
+ ],
+ "meta-spec" : {
+ "url" : "",
+ "version" : "2"
+ },
+ "name" : "Params-Util",
+ "no_index" : {
+ "directory" : [
+ "t",
+ "inc"
+ ]
+ },
+ "prereqs" : {
+ "build" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.52",
+ "File::Spec" : "0.80",
+ "Test::More" : "0.42"
+ }
+ },
+ "configure" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "ExtUtils::CBuilder" : "0.27",
+ "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.52"
+ }
+ },
+ "runtime" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "Scalar::Util" : "1.18",
+ "perl" : "5.00503"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "release_status" : "stable",
+ "version" : "1.07"
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f2a561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+abstract: 'Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions'
+ - 'Adam Kennedy <>'
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.52
+ File::Spec: 0.80
+ Test::More: 0.42
+ ExtUtils::CBuilder: 0.27
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.52
+dynamic_config: 1
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621'
+license: perl
+ url:
+ version: 1.4
+name: Params-Util
+ directory:
+ - t
+ - inc
+ Scalar::Util: 1.18
+ perl: 5.00503
+version: 1.07
diff --git a/MYMETA.json b/MYMETA.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d9b9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MYMETA.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ "abstract" : "Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions",
+ "author" : [
+ "Adam Kennedy <>"
+ ],
+ "dynamic_config" : 0,
+ "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.112621",
+ "license" : [
+ "perl_5"
+ ],
+ "meta-spec" : {
+ "url" : "",
+ "version" : "2"
+ },
+ "name" : "Params-Util",
+ "no_index" : {
+ "directory" : [
+ "t",
+ "inc"
+ ]
+ },
+ "prereqs" : {
+ "build" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.52",
+ "File::Spec" : "0.80",
+ "Test::More" : "0.42"
+ }
+ },
+ "configure" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "ExtUtils::CBuilder" : "0.27",
+ "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.52"
+ }
+ },
+ "runtime" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "Scalar::Util" : "1.18",
+ "perl" : "5.00503"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "release_status" : "stable",
+ "version" : "1.07"
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8731ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+use strict;
+ require 5.00503;
+use Config;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ();
+# Should we build the XS version?
+my $make_xs = undef;
+foreach ( @ARGV ) {
+ /^-pm/ and $make_xs = 0;
+ /^-xs/ and $make_xs = 1;
+unless ( defined $make_xs ) {
+ $make_xs = can_xs();
+if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' and $make_xs == 1 and not /^-xs/ ) {
+ # Cygwin goes bonkers breaking `` if using Params::Util XS version
+ # for no apparent reason.
+ $make_xs = 0;
+# Generate the non-XS tests if we are making the XS version
+my @tests = qw{
+ t/01_compile.t
+ t/02_main.t
+ t/03_all.t
+ t/04_codelike.t
+ t/05_typelike.t
+ t/06_invocant.t
+ t/07_handle.t
+ t/08_driver.t
+ t/09_insideout.t
+if ( $make_xs ) {
+ foreach my $file ( @tests ) {
+ # Load the original
+ local *FILE;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ open( FILE, "<$file" ) or die("Failed to open '$file'");
+ my $buffer = <FILE>;
+ close( FILE ) or die("Failed to close '$file'");
+ # Convert it to a pure perl version
+ $file =~ s/0/1/;
+ $buffer =~ s/0;/1;/;
+ # Write the pure perl version
+ open( FILE, ">$file" ) or die("Failed to open '$file'");
+ print FILE $buffer;
+ close( FILE ) or die("Failed to close '$file'");
+ }
+my @clean = (
+ # 'test.c',
+ '*.old'
+if ( $make_xs ) {
+ push @clean, @tests;
+ # We created our own META.yml
+ # NO_META => 1,
+ NAME => 'Params::Util',
+ ABSTRACT => 'Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Params/',
+ AUTHOR => 'Adam Kennedy <>',
+ LICENSE => 'perl',
+ MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.00503',
+ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.52',
+ 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => '0.27',
+ },
+ PREREQ_PM => {
+ 'Scalar::Util' => $make_xs ? '1.18' : '1.10',
+ },
+ 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.52',
+ 'Test::More' => '0.42',
+ 'File::Spec' => '0.80',
+ },
+ # Special stuff
+ CONFIGURE => sub {
+ my $hash = $_[1];
+ unless ( $make_xs ) {
+ $hash->{XS} = {};
+ $hash->{C} = [];
+ }
+ return $hash;
+ },
+ clean => {
+ FILES => join( ' ', @clean ),
+ },
+# Support Functions (adapted from Module::Install)
+# Modified from eumm-upgrade by Alexandr Ciornii.
+sub WriteMakefile {
+ my %params=@_;
+ my $eumm_version=$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;
+ $eumm_version=eval $eumm_version;
+ die "EXTRA_META is deprecated" if exists $params{EXTRA_META};
+ die "License not specified" unless exists $params{LICENSE};
+ if ( $params{BUILD_REQUIRES} and $eumm_version < 6.5503 ) {
+ #EUMM 6.5502 has problems with BUILD_REQUIRES
+ $params{PREREQ_PM} = {
+ %{$params{PREREQ_PM} || {}},
+ %{$params{BUILD_REQUIRES}},
+ };
+ delete $params{BUILD_REQUIRES};
+ }
+ delete $params{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} if $eumm_version < 6.52;
+ delete $params{MIN_PERL_VERSION} if $eumm_version < 6.48;
+ delete $params{META_MERGE} if $eumm_version < 6.46;
+ delete $params{META_ADD} if $eumm_version < 6.46;
+ delete $params{LICENSE} if $eumm_version < 6.31;
+ delete $params{AUTHOR} if $] < 5.005;
+ delete $params{ABSTRACT_FROM} if $] < 5.005;
+ delete $params{BINARY_LOCATION} if $] < 5.005;
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%params);
+# Secondary compile testing via ExtUtils::CBuilder
+sub can_xs {
+ # Do we have the configure_requires checker?
+ local $@;
+ eval "require ExtUtils::CBuilder;";
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ # They don't obey configure_requires, so it is
+ # someone old and delicate. Try to avoid hurting
+ # them by falling back to an older simpler test.
+ return can_cc();
+ }
+ # Do a simple compile that consumes the headers we need
+ my @libs = ();
+ my $object = undef;
+ my $builder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new( quiet => 1 );
+ unless ( $builder->have_compiler ) {
+ # Lack of a compiler at all
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Write a C file representative of what XS becomes
+ require File::Temp;
+ my ( $FH, $tmpfile ) = File::Temp::tempfile(
+ "sanexs-XXXXX",
+ SUFFIX => '.c',
+ );
+ binmode $FH;
+ print $FH <<'END_C';
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ return 0;
+int boot_sanexs() {
+ return 1;
+ close $FH;
+ eval {
+ $object = $builder->compile(
+ source => $tmpfile,
+ );
+ @libs = $builder->link(
+ objects => $object,
+ module_name => 'sanexs',
+ );
+ };
+ my $broken = !! $@;
+ foreach ( $tmpfile, $object, @libs ) {
+ next unless defined $_;
+ 1 while unlink $_;
+ }
+ if ( $broken ) {
+ ### NOTE: Don't do this in a production release.
+ # Compiler is officially screwed, you don't deserve
+ # to do any of our downstream depedencies as you'll
+ # probably end up choking on them as well.
+ # Trigger an NA for their own protection.
+ print "Unresolvable broken external dependency.\n";
+ print "This package requires a C compiler with full perl headers.\n";
+ print "Trivial test code using them failed to compile.\n";
+ print STDERR "NA: Unable to build distribution on this platform.\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub can_cc {
+ my @chunks = split(/ /, $Config::Config{cc}) or return;
+ # $Config{cc} may contain args; try to find out the program part
+ while ( @chunks ) {
+ return can_run("@chunks") || (pop(@chunks), next);
+ }
+ return;
+sub can_run {
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ my $_cmd = $cmd;
+ return $_cmd if (-x $_cmd or $_cmd = MM->maybe_command($_cmd));
+ for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') {
+ next if $dir eq '';
+ my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $cmd);
+ return $abs if (-x $abs or $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs));
+ }
+ return;
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2524b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ Params::Util - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
+ # Import some functions
+ use Params::Util qw{_SCALAR _HASH _INSTANCE};
+ # If you are lazy, or need a lot of them...
+ use Params::Util ':ALL';
+ sub foo {
+ my $object = _INSTANCE(shift, 'Foo') or return undef;
+ my $image = _SCALAR(shift) or return undef;
+ my $options = _HASH(shift) or return undef;
+ # etc...
+ }
+ "Params::Util" provides a basic set of importable functions that makes
+ checking parameters a hell of a lot easier
+ While they can be (and are) used in other contexts, the main point
+ behind this module is that the functions both Do What You Mean, and Do
+ The Right Thing, so they are most useful when you are getting params
+ passed into your code from someone and/or somewhere else and you can't
+ really trust the quality.
+ Thus, "Params::Util" is of most use at the edges of your API, where
+ params and data are coming in from outside your code.
+ The functions provided by "Params::Util" check in the most strictly
+ correct manner known, are documented as thoroughly as possible so their
+ exact behaviour is clear, and heavily tested so make sure they are not
+ fooled by weird data and Really Bad Things.
+ To use, simply load the module providing the functions you want to use
+ as arguments (as shown in the SYNOPSIS).
+ To aid in maintainability, "Params::Util" will never export by default.
+ You must explicitly name the functions you want to export, or use the
+ ":ALL" param to just have it export everything (although this is not
+ recommended if you have any _FOO functions yourself with which future
+ additions to "Params::Util" may clash)
+ _STRING $string
+ The "_STRING" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a normal
+ non-false string of non-zero length.
+ Note that this will NOT do anything magic to deal with the special '0'
+ false negative case, but will return it.
+ # '0' not considered valid data
+ my $name = _STRING(shift) or die "Bad name";
+ # '0' is considered valid data
+ my $string = _STRING($_[0]) ? shift : die "Bad string";
+ Please also note that this function expects a normal string. It does not
+ support overloading or other magic techniques to get a string.
+ Returns the string as a conveince if it is a valid string, or "undef" if
+ not.
+ _IDENTIFIER $string
+ The "_IDENTIFIER" function is intended to be imported into your package,
+ and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a string that
+ is a valid Perl identifier.
+ Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid identifier, or
+ "undef" if not.
+ _CLASS $string
+ The "_CLASS" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a string that is
+ a valid Perl class.
+ This function only checks that the format is valid, not that the class
+ is actually loaded. It also assumes "normalised" form, and does not
+ accept class names such as "::Foo" or "D'Oh".
+ Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+ "undef" if not.
+ _CLASSISA $string, $class
+ The "_CLASSISA" function is intended to be imported into your package,
+ and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a string that
+ is a particularly class, or a subclass of it.
+ This function checks that the format is valid and calls the ->isa method
+ on the class name. It does not check that the class is actually loaded.
+ It also assumes "normalised" form, and does not accept class names such
+ as "::Foo" or "D'Oh".
+ Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+ "undef" if not.
+ _CLASSDOES $string, $role
+ This routine behaves exactly like "_CLASSISA", but checks with "->DOES"
+ rather than "->isa". This is probably only a good idea to use on Perl
+ 5.10 or later, when UNIVERSAL::DOES has been implemented.
+ _SUBCLASS $string, $class
+ The "_SUBCLASS" function is intended to be imported into your package,
+ and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a string that
+ is a subclass of a specified class.
+ This function checks that the format is valid and calls the ->isa method
+ on the class name. It does not check that the class is actually loaded.
+ It also assumes "normalised" form, and does not accept class names such
+ as "::Foo" or "D'Oh".
+ Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+ "undef" if not.
+ _NUMBER $scalar
+ The "_NUMBER" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a number. That
+ is, it is defined and perl thinks it's a number.
+ This function is basically a Params::Util-style wrapper around the
+ Scalar::Util "looks_like_number" function.
+ Returns the value as a convience, or "undef" if the value is not a
+ number.
+ _POSINT $integer
+ The "_POSINT" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a positive
+ integer (of any length).
+ Returns the value as a convience, or "undef" if the value is not a
+ positive integer.
+ The name itself is derived from the XML schema constraint of the same
+ name.
+ _NONNEGINT $integer
+ The "_NONNEGINT" function is intended to be imported into your package,
+ and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is a
+ non-negative integer (of any length). That is, a positive integer, or
+ zero.
+ Returns the value as a convience, or "undef" if the value is not a
+ non-negative integer.
+ As with other tests that may return false values, care should be taken
+ to test via "defined" in boolean validy contexts.
+ unless ( defined _NONNEGINT($value) ) {
+ die "Invalid value";
+ }
+ The name itself is derived from the XML schema constraint of the same
+ name.
+ _SCALAR \$scalar
+ The "_SCALAR" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed "SCALAR"
+ reference, with content of non-zero length.
+ For a version that allows zero length "SCALAR" references, see the
+ "_SCALAR0" function.
+ Returns the "SCALAR" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if
+ the value provided is not a "SCALAR" reference.
+ _SCALAR0 \$scalar
+ The "_SCALAR0" function is intended to be imported into your package,
+ and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed "SCALAR0"
+ reference, allowing content of zero-length.
+ For a simpler "give me some content" version that requires non-zero
+ length, "_SCALAR" function.
+ Returns the "SCALAR" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if
+ the value provided is not a "SCALAR" reference.
+ _ARRAY $value
+ The "_ARRAY" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed "ARRAY"
+ reference containing at least one element of any kind.
+ For a more basic form that allows zero length ARRAY references, see the
+ "_ARRAY0" function.
+ Returns the "ARRAY" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the
+ value provided is not an "ARRAY" reference.
+ _ARRAY0 $value
+ The "_ARRAY0" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed "ARRAY"
+ reference, allowing "ARRAY" references that contain no elements.
+ For a more basic "An array of something" form that also requires at
+ least one element, see the "_ARRAY" function.
+ Returns the "ARRAY" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the
+ value provided is not an "ARRAY" reference.
+ _ARRAYLIKE $value
+ The "_ARRAYLIKE" function tests whether a given scalar value can respond
+ to array dereferencing. If it can, the value is returned. If it cannot,
+ "_ARRAYLIKE" returns "undef".
+ _HASH $value
+ The "_HASH" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed "HASH"
+ reference with at least one entry.
+ For a version of this function that allows the "HASH" to be empty, see
+ the "_HASH0" function.
+ Returns the "HASH" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the
+ value provided is not an "HASH" reference.
+ _HASH0 $value
+ The "_HASH0" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed "HASH"
+ reference, regardless of the "HASH" content.
+ For a simpler "A hash of something" version that requires at least one
+ element, see the "_HASH" function.
+ Returns the "HASH" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the
+ value provided is not an "HASH" reference.
+ _HASHLIKE $value
+ The "_HASHLIKE" function tests whether a given scalar value can respond
+ to hash dereferencing. If it can, the value is returned. If it cannot,
+ "_HASHLIKE" returns "undef".
+ _CODE $value
+ The "_CODE" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed "CODE"
+ reference.
+ Returns the "CODE" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the
+ value provided is not an "CODE" reference.
+ _CODELIKE $value
+ The "_CODELIKE" is the more generic version of "_CODE". Unlike "_CODE",
+ which checks for an explicit "CODE" reference, the "_CODELIKE" function
+ also includes things that act like them, such as blessed objects that
+ overload '&{}'.
+ Please note that in the case of objects overloaded with '&{}', you will
+ almost always end up also testing it in 'bool' context at some stage.
+ For example:
+ sub foo {
+ my $code1 = _CODELIKE(shift) or die "No code param provided";
+ my $code2 = _CODELIKE(shift);
+ if ( $code2 ) {
+ print "Got optional second code param";
+ }
+ }
+ As such, you will most likely always want to make sure your class has at
+ least the following to allow it to evaluate to true in boolean context.
+ # Always evaluate to true in boolean context
+ use overload 'bool' => sub () { 1 };
+ Returns the callable value as a convenience, or "undef" if the value
+ provided is not callable.
+ Note - This function was formerly known as _CALLABLE but has been
+ renamed for greater symmetry with the other _XXXXLIKE functions.
+ The use of _CALLABLE has been deprecated. It will continue to work, but
+ with a warning, until end-2006, then will be removed.
+ I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
+ _INVOCANT $value
+ This routine tests whether the given value is a valid method invocant.
+ This can be either an instance of an object, or a class name.
+ If so, the value itself is returned. Otherwise, "_INVOCANT" returns
+ "undef".
+ _INSTANCE $object, $class
+ The "_INSTANCE" function is intended to be imported into your package,
+ and provides a convenient way to test for an object of a particular
+ class in a strictly correct manner.
+ Returns the object itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the value
+ provided is not an object of that type.
+ _INSTANCEDOES $object, $role
+ This routine behaves exactly like "_INSTANCE", but checks with "->DOES"
+ rather than "->isa". This is probably only a good idea to use on Perl
+ 5.10 or later, when UNIVERSAL::DOES has been implemented.
+ _REGEX $value
+ The "_REGEX" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a regular expression.
+ Returns the value itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the value
+ provided is not a regular expression.
+ _SET \@array, $class
+ The "_SET" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for set of at least one object of a
+ particular class in a strictly correct manner.
+ The set is provided as a reference to an "ARRAY" of objects of the class
+ provided.
+ For an alternative function that allows zero-length sets, see the
+ "_SET0" function.
+ Returns the "ARRAY" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the
+ value provided is not a set of that class.
+ _SET0 \@array, $class
+ The "_SET0" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test for a set of objects of a particular
+ class in a strictly correct manner, allowing for zero objects.
+ The set is provided as a reference to an "ARRAY" of objects of the class
+ provided.
+ For an alternative function that requires at least one object, see the
+ "_SET" function.
+ Returns the "ARRAY" reference itself as a convenience, or "undef" if the
+ value provided is not a set of that class.
+ The "_HANDLE" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to test whether or not a single scalar value
+ is a file handle.
+ Unfortunately, in Perl the definition of a file handle can be a little
+ bit fuzzy, so this function is likely to be somewhat imperfect (at first
+ anyway).
+ That said, it is implement as well or better than the other file handle
+ detectors in existance (and we stole from the best of them).
+ _DRIVER $string
+ sub foo {
+ my $class = _DRIVER(shift, 'My::Driver::Base') or die "Bad driver";
+ ...
+ }
+ The "_DRIVER" function is intended to be imported into your package, and
+ provides a convenient way to load and validate a driver class.
+ The most common pattern when taking a driver class as a parameter is to
+ check that the name is a class (i.e. check against _CLASS) and then to
+ load the class (if it exists) and then ensure that the class returns
+ true for the isa method on some base driver name.
+ Return the value as a convenience, or "undef" if the value is not a
+ class name, the module does not exist, the module does not load, or the
+ class fails the isa test.
+ - Add _CAN to help resolve the UNIVERSAL::can debacle
+ - Would be even nicer if someone would demonstrate how the hell to build
+ a Module::Install dist of the ::Util dual Perl/XS type. :/
+ - Implement an assertion-like version of this module, that dies on
+ error.
+ - Implement a Test:: version of this module, for use in testing
+ Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at
+ <>
+ For other issues, contact the author.
+ Adam Kennedy <>
+ Params::Validate
+ Copyright 2005 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the same terms as Perl itself.
+ The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
+ with this module.
diff --git a/Util.xs b/Util.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f63cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Util.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+/* Changes in 5.7 series mean that now IOK is only set if scalar is
+ precisely integer but in 5.6 and earlier we need to do a more
+ complex test */
+#if PERL_VERSION <= 6
+#define DD_is_integer(sv) (SvIOK(sv) && (SvIsUV(val) ? SvUV(sv) == SvNV(sv) : SvIV(sv) == SvNV(sv)))
+#define DD_is_integer(sv) SvIOK(sv)
+static int
+is_string0( SV *sv )
+ return SvFLAGS(sv) & (SVf_OK & ~SVf_ROK);
+static int
+is_string( SV *sv )
+ STRLEN len = 0;
+ if( is_string0(sv) )
+ {
+ const char *pv = SvPV(sv, len);
+ }
+ return len;
+static int
+is_array( SV *sv )
+ return SvROK(sv) && ( SVt_PVAV == SvTYPE(SvRV(sv) ) );
+static int
+is_hash( SV *sv )
+ return SvROK(sv) && ( SVt_PVHV == SvTYPE(SvRV(sv) ) );
+static int
+is_like( SV *sv, const char *like )
+ int likely = 0;
+ if( sv_isobject( sv ) )
+ {
+ dSP;
+ int count;
+ XPUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVsv( sv ) ) );
+ XPUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVpv( like, strlen(like) ) ) );
+ if( ( count = call_pv("overload::Method", G_SCALAR) ) )
+ {
+ I32 ax;
+ SP -= count;
+ ax = (SP - PL_stack_base) + 1;
+ if( SvTRUE(ST(0)) )
+ ++likely;
+ }
+ }
+ return likely;
+MODULE = Params::Util PACKAGE = Params::Util
+ SV *sv
+ if( SvMAGICAL(sv) )
+ mg_get(sv);
+ if( is_string( sv ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = sv;
+ }
+ SV *sv;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(sv) )
+ mg_get(sv);
+ if( ( SvIOK(sv) ) || ( SvNOK(sv) ) || ( is_string( sv ) && looks_like_number( sv ) ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = sv;
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) )
+ {
+ if( ( SvTYPE(SvRV(ref)) <= SVt_PVBM ) && !sv_isobject(ref) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) )
+ {
+ svtype tp = SvTYPE(SvRV(ref));
+ if( ( SvTYPE(SvRV(ref)) <= SVt_PVBM ) && (!sv_isobject(ref)) && is_string( SvRV(ref) ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) )
+ {
+ svtype tp = SvTYPE(SvRV(ref));
+#if PERL_VERSION >= 11
+ if( ( SVt_REGEXP == tp ) )
+ if( ( SVt_PVMG == tp ) && sv_isobject(ref)
+ && ( 0 == strncmp( "Regexp", sv_reftype(SvRV(ref),TRUE),
+ strlen("Regexp") ) ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( is_array(ref) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( is_array(ref) && ( av_len((AV *)(SvRV(ref))) >= 0 ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) )
+ {
+ if( is_array(ref) || is_like( ref, "@{}" ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( is_hash(ref) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( is_hash(ref) && ( HvKEYS(SvRV(ref)) >= 1 ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) )
+ {
+ if( is_hash(ref) || is_like( ref, "%{}" ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) )
+ {
+ if( SVt_PVCV == SvTYPE(SvRV(ref)) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) )
+ {
+ if( ( SVt_PVCV == SvTYPE(SvRV(ref)) ) || ( is_like(ref, "&{}" ) ) )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ SV *ref;
+ char *type;
+ STRLEN len;
+ if( SvMAGICAL(ref) )
+ mg_get(ref);
+ if( SvROK(ref) && type && ( ( len = strlen(type) ) > 0 ) )
+ {
+ if( sv_isobject(ref) )
+ {
+ I32 isa_type = 0;
+ int count;
+ XPUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVsv( ref ) ) );
+ XPUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVpv( type, len ) ) );
+ if( ( count = call_method("isa", G_SCALAR) ) )
+ {
+ I32 oldax = ax;
+ SP -= count;
+ ax = (SP - PL_stack_base) + 1;
+ isa_type = SvTRUE(ST(0));
+ ax = oldax;
+ }
+ if( isa_type )
+ {
+ ST(0) = ref;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Params/ b/lib/Params/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a40e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Params/
@@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
+package Params::Util;
+=head1 NAME
+Params::Util - Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # Import some functions
+ use Params::Util qw{_SCALAR _HASH _INSTANCE};
+ # If you are lazy, or need a lot of them...
+ use Params::Util ':ALL';
+ sub foo {
+ my $object = _INSTANCE(shift, 'Foo') or return undef;
+ my $image = _SCALAR(shift) or return undef;
+ my $options = _HASH(shift) or return undef;
+ # etc...
+ }
+C<Params::Util> provides a basic set of importable functions that makes
+checking parameters a hell of a lot easier
+While they can be (and are) used in other contexts, the main point
+behind this module is that the functions B<both> Do What You Mean,
+and Do The Right Thing, so they are most useful when you are getting
+params passed into your code from someone and/or somewhere else
+and you can't really trust the quality.
+Thus, C<Params::Util> is of most use at the edges of your API, where
+params and data are coming in from outside your code.
+The functions provided by C<Params::Util> check in the most strictly
+correct manner known, are documented as thoroughly as possible so their
+exact behaviour is clear, and heavily tested so make sure they are not
+fooled by weird data and Really Bad Things.
+To use, simply load the module providing the functions you want to use
+as arguments (as shown in the SYNOPSIS).
+To aid in maintainability, C<Params::Util> will B<never> export by
+You must explicitly name the functions you want to export, or use the
+C<:ALL> param to just have it export everything (although this is not
+recommended if you have any _FOO functions yourself with which future
+additions to C<Params::Util> may clash)
+use 5.00503;
+use strict;
+require overload;
+require Exporter;
+require Scalar::Util;
+require DynaLoader;
+$VERSION = '1.07';
+@ISA = qw{
+ Exporter
+ DynaLoader
+@EXPORT_OK = qw{
+ _SET _SET0
+eval {
+ bootstrap Params::Util $VERSION;
+ 1;
+# Use a private pure-perl copy of looks_like_number if the version of
+# Scalar::Util is old (for whatever reason).
+my $SU = eval "$Scalar::Util::VERSION" || 0;
+if ( $SU >= 1.18 ) {
+ Scalar::Util->import('looks_like_number');
+} else {
+ eval <<'END_PERL';
+sub looks_like_number {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ # checks from perlfaq4
+ return 0 if !defined($_);
+ if (ref($_)) {
+ return overload::Overloaded($_) ? defined(0 + $_) : 0;
+ }
+ return 1 if (/^[+-]?[0-9]+$/); # is a +/- integer
+ return 1 if (/^([+-]?)(?=[0-9]|\.[0-9])[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?([Ee]([+-]?[0-9]+))?$/); # a C float
+ return 1 if ($] >= 5.008 and /^(Inf(inity)?|NaN)$/i) or ($] >= 5.006001 and /^Inf$/i);
+ 0;
+# Param Checking Functions
+=head2 _STRING $string
+The C<_STRING> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a normal non-false string of non-zero length.
+Note that this will NOT do anything magic to deal with the special
+C<'0'> false negative case, but will return it.
+ # '0' not considered valid data
+ my $name = _STRING(shift) or die "Bad name";
+ # '0' is considered valid data
+ my $string = _STRING($_[0]) ? shift : die "Bad string";
+Please also note that this function expects a normal string. It does
+not support overloading or other magic techniques to get a string.
+Returns the string as a conveince if it is a valid string, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_STRING;
+sub _STRING ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and length($_[0])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _IDENTIFIER $string
+The C<_IDENTIFIER> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a valid Perl identifier.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid identifier, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_IDENTIFIER;
+sub _IDENTIFIER ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*\z/s) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CLASS $string
+The C<_CLASS> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a valid Perl class.
+This function only checks that the format is valid, not that the
+class is actually loaded. It also assumes "normalised" form, and does
+not accept class names such as C<::Foo> or C<D'Oh>.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CLASS;
+sub _CLASS ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CLASSISA $string, $class
+The C<_CLASSISA> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a particularly class, or a subclass of it.
+This function checks that the format is valid and calls the -E<gt>isa
+method on the class name. It does not check that the class is actually
+It also assumes "normalised" form, and does
+not accept class names such as C<::Foo> or C<D'Oh>.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CLASSISA;
+sub _CLASSISA ($$) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s and $_[0]->isa($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CLASSDOES $string, $role
+This routine behaves exactly like C<L</_CLASSISA>>, but checks with C<< ->DOES
+>> rather than C<< ->isa >>. This is probably only a good idea to use on Perl
+5.10 or later, when L<UNIVERSAL::DOES|UNIVERSAL::DOES/DOES> has been
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CLASSDOES;
+sub _CLASSDOES ($$) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s and $_[0]->DOES($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SUBCLASS $string, $class
+The C<_SUBCLASS> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a string that is a subclass of a specified class.
+This function checks that the format is valid and calls the -E<gt>isa
+method on the class name. It does not check that the class is actually
+It also assumes "normalised" form, and does
+not accept class names such as C<::Foo> or C<D'Oh>.
+Returns the string as a convenience if it is a valid class name, or
+C<undef> if not.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SUBCLASS;
+sub _SUBCLASS ($$) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*\z/s and $_[0] ne $_[1] and $_[0]->isa($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _NUMBER $scalar
+The C<_NUMBER> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a number. That is, it is defined and perl thinks it's a number.
+This function is basically a Params::Util-style wrapper around the
+L<Scalar::Util> C<looks_like_number> function.
+Returns the value as a convience, or C<undef> if the value is not a
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_NUMBER;
+sub _NUMBER ($) {
+ ( defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and looks_like_number($_[0]) )
+ ? $_[0]
+ : undef;
+=head2 _POSINT $integer
+The C<_POSINT> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a positive integer (of any length).
+Returns the value as a convience, or C<undef> if the value is not a
+positive integer.
+The name itself is derived from the XML schema constraint of the same
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_POSINT;
+sub _POSINT ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^[1-9]\d*$/) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _NONNEGINT $integer
+The C<_NONNEGINT> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to test to see if a value is
+a non-negative integer (of any length). That is, a positive integer,
+or zero.
+Returns the value as a convience, or C<undef> if the value is not a
+non-negative integer.
+As with other tests that may return false values, care should be taken
+to test via "defined" in boolean validy contexts.
+ unless ( defined _NONNEGINT($value) ) {
+ die "Invalid value";
+ }
+The name itself is derived from the XML schema constraint of the same
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_NONNEGINT;
+sub _NONNEGINT ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and ! ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ m/^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SCALAR \$scalar
+The C<_SCALAR> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<SCALAR> reference, with content of non-zero length.
+For a version that allows zero length C<SCALAR> references, see
+the C<_SCALAR0> function.
+Returns the C<SCALAR> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not a C<SCALAR> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SCALAR;
+sub _SCALAR ($) {
+ (ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' and defined ${$_[0]} and ${$_[0]} ne '') ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SCALAR0 \$scalar
+The C<_SCALAR0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<SCALAR0> reference, allowing content of zero-length.
+For a simpler "give me some content" version that requires non-zero
+length, C<_SCALAR> function.
+Returns the C<SCALAR> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not a C<SCALAR> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SCALAR0;
+sub _SCALAR0 ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _ARRAY $value
+The C<_ARRAY> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<ARRAY> reference containing B<at least> one element of any kind.
+For a more basic form that allows zero length ARRAY references, see
+the C<_ARRAY0> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<ARRAY> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_ARRAY;
+sub _ARRAY ($) {
+ (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$_[0]}) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _ARRAY0 $value
+The C<_ARRAY0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<ARRAY> reference, allowing C<ARRAY> references that contain no
+For a more basic "An array of something" form that also requires at
+least one element, see the C<_ARRAY> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<ARRAY> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_ARRAY0;
+sub _ARRAY0 ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _ARRAYLIKE $value
+The C<_ARRAYLIKE> function tests whether a given scalar value can respond to
+array dereferencing. If it can, the value is returned. If it cannot,
+C<_ARRAYLIKE> returns C<undef>.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_ARRAYLIKE;
+ (defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] and (
+ (Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY')
+ or
+ overload::Method($_[0], '@{}')
+ )) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _HASH $value
+The C<_HASH> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<HASH> reference with at least one entry.
+For a version of this function that allows the C<HASH> to be empty,
+see the C<_HASH0> function.
+Returns the C<HASH> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<HASH> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HASH;
+sub _HASH ($) {
+ (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and scalar %{$_[0]}) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _HASH0 $value
+The C<_HASH0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<HASH> reference, regardless of the C<HASH> content.
+For a simpler "A hash of something" version that requires at least one
+element, see the C<_HASH> function.
+Returns the C<HASH> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<HASH> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HASH0;
+sub _HASH0 ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _HASHLIKE $value
+The C<_HASHLIKE> function tests whether a given scalar value can respond to
+hash dereferencing. If it can, the value is returned. If it cannot,
+C<_HASHLIKE> returns C<undef>.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HASHLIKE;
+sub _HASHLIKE {
+ (defined $_[0] and ref $_[0] and (
+ (Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH')
+ or
+ overload::Method($_[0], '%{}')
+ )) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CODE $value
+The C<_CODE> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a raw and unblessed
+C<CODE> reference.
+Returns the C<CODE> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef>
+if the value provided is not an C<CODE> reference.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CODE;
+sub _CODE ($) {
+ ref $_[0] eq 'CODE' ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _CODELIKE $value
+The C<_CODELIKE> is the more generic version of C<_CODE>. Unlike C<_CODE>,
+which checks for an explicit C<CODE> reference, the C<_CODELIKE> function
+also includes things that act like them, such as blessed objects that
+overload C<'&{}'>.
+Please note that in the case of objects overloaded with '&{}', you will
+almost always end up also testing it in 'bool' context at some stage.
+For example:
+ sub foo {
+ my $code1 = _CODELIKE(shift) or die "No code param provided";
+ my $code2 = _CODELIKE(shift);
+ if ( $code2 ) {
+ print "Got optional second code param";
+ }
+ }
+As such, you will most likely always want to make sure your class has
+at least the following to allow it to evaluate to true in boolean
+ # Always evaluate to true in boolean context
+ use overload 'bool' => sub () { 1 };
+Returns the callable value as a convenience, or C<undef> if the
+value provided is not callable.
+Note - This function was formerly known as _CALLABLE but has been renamed
+for greater symmetry with the other _XXXXLIKE functions.
+The use of _CALLABLE has been deprecated. It will continue to work, but
+with a warning, until end-2006, then will be removed.
+I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_CODELIKE;
+sub _CODELIKE($) {
+ (
+ (Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0])||'') eq 'CODE'
+ or
+ Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) and overload::Method($_[0],'&{}')
+ )
+ ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _INVOCANT $value
+This routine tests whether the given value is a valid method invocant.
+This can be either an instance of an object, or a class name.
+If so, the value itself is returned. Otherwise, C<_INVOCANT>
+returns C<undef>.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_INVOCANT;
+sub _INVOCANT($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and
+ (defined Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0])
+ or
+ # We used to check for stash definedness, but any class-like name is a
+ # valid invocant for UNIVERSAL methods, so we stopped. -- rjbs, 2006-07-02
+ Params::Util::_CLASS($_[0]))
+ ) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _INSTANCE $object, $class
+The C<_INSTANCE> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for an object of a particular class
+in a strictly correct manner.
+Returns the object itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if the value
+provided is not an object of that type.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_INSTANCE;
+sub _INSTANCE ($$) {
+ (Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _INSTANCEDOES $object, $role
+This routine behaves exactly like C<L</_INSTANCE>>, but checks with C<< ->DOES
+>> rather than C<< ->isa >>. This is probably only a good idea to use on Perl
+5.10 or later, when L<UNIVERSAL::DOES|UNIVERSAL::DOES/DOES> has been
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_INSTANCEDOES;
+sub _INSTANCEDOES ($$) {
+ (Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->DOES($_[1])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _REGEX $value
+The C<_REGEX> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a regular expression.
+Returns the value itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if the value
+provided is not a regular expression.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_REGEX;
+sub _REGEX ($) {
+ (defined $_[0] and 'Regexp' eq ref($_[0])) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head2 _SET \@array, $class
+The C<_SET> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for set of at least one object of
+a particular class in a strictly correct manner.
+The set is provided as a reference to an C<ARRAY> of objects of the
+class provided.
+For an alternative function that allows zero-length sets, see the
+C<_SET0> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if
+the value provided is not a set of that class.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SET;
+sub _SET ($$) {
+ my $set = shift;
+ _ARRAY($set) or return undef;
+ foreach my $item ( @$set ) {
+ _INSTANCE($item,$_[0]) or return undef;
+ }
+ $set;
+=head2 _SET0 \@array, $class
+The C<_SET0> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test for a set of objects of a
+particular class in a strictly correct manner, allowing for zero objects.
+The set is provided as a reference to an C<ARRAY> of objects of the
+class provided.
+For an alternative function that requires at least one object, see the
+C<_SET> function.
+Returns the C<ARRAY> reference itself as a convenience, or C<undef> if
+the value provided is not a set of that class.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_SET0;
+sub _SET0 ($$) {
+ my $set = shift;
+ _ARRAY0($set) or return undef;
+ foreach my $item ( @$set ) {
+ _INSTANCE($item,$_[0]) or return undef;
+ }
+ $set;
+=head2 _HANDLE
+The C<_HANDLE> function is intended to be imported into your package,
+and provides a convenient way to test whether or not a single scalar
+value is a file handle.
+Unfortunately, in Perl the definition of a file handle can be a little
+bit fuzzy, so this function is likely to be somewhat imperfect (at first
+That said, it is implement as well or better than the other file handle
+detectors in existance (and we stole from the best of them).
+# We're doing this longhand for now. Once everything is perfect,
+# we'll compress this into something that compiles more efficiently.
+# Further, testing file handles is not something that is generally
+# done millions of times, so doing it slowly is not a big speed hit.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_HANDLE;
+sub _HANDLE {
+ my $it = shift;
+ # It has to be defined, of course
+ unless ( defined $it ) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # Normal globs are considered to be file handles
+ if ( ref $it eq 'GLOB' ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # Check for a normal tied filehandle
+ # Side Note: 5.5.4's tied() and can() doesn't like getting undef
+ if ( tied($it) and tied($it)->can('TIEHANDLE') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # There are no other non-object handles that we support
+ unless ( Scalar::Util::blessed($it) ) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # Check for a common base classes for conventional IO::Handle object
+ if ( $it->isa('IO::Handle') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # Check for tied file handles using Tie::Handle
+ if ( $it->isa('Tie::Handle') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # IO::Scalar is not a proper seekable, but it is valid is a
+ # regular file handle
+ if ( $it->isa('IO::Scalar') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # Yet another special case for IO::String, which refuses (for now
+ # anyway) to become a subclass of IO::Handle.
+ if ( $it->isa('IO::String') ) {
+ return $it;
+ }
+ # This is not any sort of object we know about
+ return undef;
+=head2 _DRIVER $string
+ sub foo {
+ my $class = _DRIVER(shift, 'My::Driver::Base') or die "Bad driver";
+ ...
+ }
+The C<_DRIVER> function is intended to be imported into your
+package, and provides a convenient way to load and validate
+a driver class.
+The most common pattern when taking a driver class as a parameter
+is to check that the name is a class (i.e. check against _CLASS)
+and then to load the class (if it exists) and then ensure that
+the class returns true for the isa method on some base driver name.
+Return the value as a convenience, or C<undef> if the value is not
+a class name, the module does not exist, the module does not load,
+or the class fails the isa test.
+eval <<'END_PERL' unless defined &_DRIVER;
+sub _DRIVER ($$) {
+ (defined _CLASS($_[0]) and eval "require $_[0];" and ! $@ and $_[0]->isa($_[1]) and $_[0] ne $_[1]) ? $_[0] : undef;
+=head1 TO DO
+- Add _CAN to help resolve the UNIVERSAL::can debacle
+- Would be even nicer if someone would demonstrate how the hell to
+build a Module::Install dist of the ::Util dual Perl/XS type. :/
+- Implement an assertion-like version of this module, that dies on
+- Implement a Test:: version of this module, for use in testing
+=head1 SUPPORT
+Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at
+For other issues, contact the author.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Copyright 2005 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute
+it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+The full text of the license can be found in the
+LICENSE file included with this module.
diff --git a/t/01_compile.t b/t/01_compile.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e375547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/01_compile.t
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use 5.00503;
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+# Does the module load
+# Double check that Scalar::Util is valid
+require_ok( 'Scalar::Util' );
+ok( $Scalar::Util::VERSION >= 1.10, 'Scalar::Util version is at least 1.18' );
+ok( defined &Scalar::Util::refaddr, 'Scalar::Util has a refaddr implementation' );
diff --git a/t/02_main.t b/t/02_main.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64ef1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02_main.t
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 632;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+use Params::Util ();
+# Utility functions
+sub true { is( shift, 1, shift || () ) }
+sub false { is( shift, '', shift || () ) }
+sub null { is( shift, undef, shift || () ) }
+sub dies {
+ my ($code, $regexp, $message) = @_;
+ eval "$code";
+ ok( (defined($@) and length($@)), $message );
+ if ( defined $regexp ) {
+ like( $@, $regexp, '... with expected error message' );
+ }
+# Tests for _STRING
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_STRING()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_STRING() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(undef), '...::_STRING(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(''), '...::_STRING(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING({ foo => 1 }), '...::_STRING(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(sub () { 1 }), '...::_STRING(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING([]), '...::_STRING(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(\""), '...::_STRING(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(\"foo"), '...::_STRING(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{0 1 foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar}, ' ', ' foo' ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_STRING($ident), $ident, "...::_STRING('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_STRING' );
+ok( defined *_STRING{CODE}, '_STRING imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_STRING()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_STRING() dies' );
+null( _STRING(undef), '_STRING(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(''), '_STRING(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING({ foo => 1 }), '_STRING(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(sub () { 1 }), '_STRING(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING([]), '_STRING(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(\""), '_STRING(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(\"foo"), '_STRING(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{0 1 foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar}, ' ', ' foo' ) {
+ is( _STRING($ident), $ident, "...::_STRING('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _IDENTIFIER
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_IDENTIFIER() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(undef), '...::_IDENTIFIER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(''), '...::_IDENTIFIER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(1), '...::_IDENTIFIER(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(' foo'), '...::_IDENTIFIER(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER({ foo => 1 }), '...::_IDENTIFIER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(sub () { 1 }), '...::_IDENTIFIER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER([]), '...::_IDENTIFIER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(\""), '...::_IDENTIFIER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(\"foo"), '...::_IDENTIFIER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER("Foo::Bar"), '...::_IDENTIFIER(CLASS) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER("foo\n"), '...::_IDENTIFIER(BAD) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER($ident), $ident, "...::_IDENTIFIER('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_IDENTIFIER' );
+ok( defined *_IDENTIFIER{CODE}, '_IDENTIFIER imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_IDENTIFIER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_IDENTIFIER() dies' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(undef), '_IDENTIFIER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(''), '_IDENTIFIER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(1), '_IDENTIFIER(number) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(' foo'), '_IDENTIFIER(string) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER({ foo => 1 }), '_IDENTIFIER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(sub () { 1 }), '_IDENTIFIER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER([]), '_IDENTIFIER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(\""), '_IDENTIFIER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(\"foo"), '_IDENTIFIER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER("Foo::Bar"), '_IDENTIFIER(CLASS) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER("foo\n"), '_IDENTIFIER(BAD) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1} ) {
+ is( _IDENTIFIER($ident), $ident, "...::_IDENTIFIER('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _CLASS
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_CLASS()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_CLASS() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(undef), '...::_CLASS(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(''), '...::_CLASS(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(1), '...::_CLASS(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(' foo'), '...::_CLASS(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS({ foo => 1 }), '...::_CLASS(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(sub () { 1 }), '...::_CLASS(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS([]), '...::_CLASS(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(\""), '...::_CLASS(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(\"foo"), '...::_CLASS(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS("D'oh"), '...::_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS("::Foo"), '...::_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS("1::X"), '...::_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar _Foo::Baaar::Baz X::1} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_CLASS($ident), $ident, "...::_CLASS('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_CLASS' );
+ok( defined *_CLASS{CODE}, '_CLASS imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_CLASS()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_CLASS() dies' );
+null( _CLASS(undef), '_CLASS(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(''), '_CLASS(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(1), '_CLASS(number) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(' foo'), '_CLASS(string) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS({ foo => 1 }), '_CLASS(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(sub () { 1 }), '_CLASS(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS([]), '_CLASS(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(\""), '_CLASS(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(\"foo"), '_CLASS(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS("D'oh"), '_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS("::Foo"), '_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS("1::X"), '_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar _Foo::Baaar::Baz X::1} ) {
+ is( _CLASS($ident), $ident, "_CLASS('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _NUMBER
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_NUMBER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_NUMBER() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(undef), '...::_NUMBER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(''), '...::_NUMBER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(' foo'), '...::_NUMBER(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER({ foo => 1 }), '...::_NUMBER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(sub () { 1 }), '...::_NUMBER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER([]), '...::_NUMBER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(\""), '...::_NUMBER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(\"foo"), '...::_NUMBER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER("D'oh"), '...::_NUMBER(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789 -1 0 +1 02 .1 0.013e-3 1e1} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_NUMBER($id), $id, "...::_NUMBER('$id') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_NUMBER' );
+ok( defined *_NUMBER{CODE}, '_NUMBER imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_NUMBER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_NUMBER() dies' );
+null( _NUMBER(undef), '_NUMBER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(''), '_NUMBER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(' foo'), '_NUMBER(string) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER({ foo => 1 }), '_NUMBER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(sub () { 1 }), '_NUMBER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER([]), '_NUMBER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(\""), '_NUMBER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(\"foo"), '_NUMBER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER("D'oh"), '_NUMBER(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789 -1 0 +1 02 .1 0.013e-3 1e1} ) {
+ is( _NUMBER($id), $id, "_NUMBER('$id') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _POSINT
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_POSINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_POSINT() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(undef), '...::_POSINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(''), '...::_POSINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(' foo'), '...::_POSINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT({ foo => 1 }), '...::_POSINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(sub () { 1 }), '...::_POSINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT([]), '...::_POSINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(\""), '...::_POSINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(\"foo"), '...::_POSINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT("D'oh"), '...::_POSINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(-1), '...::_POSINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(0), '...::_POSINT(zero) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT("+1"), '...::_POSINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT("02"), '...::_POSINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_POSINT($id), $id, "...::_POSINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_POSINT' );
+ok( defined *_POSINT{CODE}, '_POSINT imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_POSINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_POSINT() dies' );
+null( _POSINT(undef), '_POSINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(''), '_POSINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(' foo'), '_POSINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT({ foo => 1 }), '_POSINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(sub () { 1 }), '_POSINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT([]), '_POSINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(\""), '_POSINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(\"foo"), '_POSINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT("D'oh"), '_POSINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(-1), '_POSINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(0), '_POSINT(zero) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT("+1"), '_POSINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT("02"), '_POSINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( _POSINT($id), $id, "_POSINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _NONNEGINT
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_NONNEGINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_NONNEGINT() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(undef), '...::_NONNEGINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(''), '...::_NONNEGINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(' foo'), '...::_NONNEGINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT({ foo => 1 }), '...::_NONNEGINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(sub () { 1 }), '...::_NONNEGINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT([]), '...::_NONNEGINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(\""), '...::_NONNEGINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(\"foo"), '...::_NONNEGINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT("D'oh"), '...::_NONNEGINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(-1), '...::_NONNEGINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT("+1"), '...::_NONNEGINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT("02"), '...::_NONNEGINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{0 1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT($id), $id, "...::_NONNEGINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_NONNEGINT' );
+ok( defined *_NONNEGINT{CODE}, '_NONNEGINT imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_NONNEGINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_NONNEGINT() dies' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(undef), '_NONNEGINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(''), '_NONNEGINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(' foo'), '_NONNEGINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT({ foo => 1 }), '_NONNEGINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(sub () { 1 }), '_NONNEGINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT([]), '_NONNEGINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(\""), '_NONNEGINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(\"foo"), '_NONNEGINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT("D'oh"), '_NONNEGINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(-1), '_NONNEGINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT("+1"), '_NONNEGINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT("02"), '_NONNEGINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{0 1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( _NONNEGINT($id), $id, "_NONNEGINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _SCALAR
+my $foo = "foo";
+my $scalar = \$foo;
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SCALAR()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(undef), '...::_SCALAR(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(\undef), '...::_SCALAR(\undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(''), '...::_SCALAR(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(1), '...::_SCALAR(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR('foo'), '...::_SCALAR(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR([]), '...::_SCALAR(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(\""), '...::_SCALAR(null constant) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_SCALAR($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SCALAR' );
+ok( defined *_SCALAR{CODE}, '_SCALAR imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the imported function
+dies( "_SCALAR()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR() dies' );
+null( _SCALAR(undef), '...::_SCALAR(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(\undef), '...::_SCALAR(\undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(''), '...::_SCALAR(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(1), '...::_SCALAR(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR('foo'), '...::_SCALAR(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR([]), '...::_SCALAR(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(\""), '...::_SCALAR(null constant) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_SCALAR(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR(SCALAR) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(_SCALAR($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Tests for _SCALAR0
+my $null = "";
+my $scalar0 = \$null;
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SCALAR0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR0() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(undef), '...::_SCALAR0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(''), '...::_SCALAR0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(1), '...::_SCALAR0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0('foo'), '...::_SCALAR0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0([]), '...::_SCALAR0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0(\"")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0(\undef)), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(\undef) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar0)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar0)), refaddr($scalar0),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SCALAR0' );
+ok( defined *_SCALAR0{CODE}, '_SCALAR0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the imported function
+dies( "_SCALAR0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR0() dies' );
+null( _SCALAR0(undef), '...::_SCALAR0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0(''), '...::_SCALAR0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0(1), '...::_SCALAR0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0('foo'), '...::_SCALAR0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0([]), '...::_SCALAR0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_SCALAR0(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0(\"")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0(\undef)), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(\undef) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0($scalar0)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(_SCALAR0($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+is( refaddr(_SCALAR0($scalar0)), refaddr($scalar0),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Tests for _ARRAY
+my $array = [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_ARRAY()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_ARRAY() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(undef), '...::_ARRAY(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(''), '...::_ARRAY(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(1), '...::_ARRAY(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY('foo'), '...::_ARRAY(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(\'foo'), '...::_ARRAY(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY({ foo => 1 }), '...::_ARRAY(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(sub () { 1 }), '...::_ARRAY(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY([]), '...::_ARRAY(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "...::_ARRAY(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY($array)), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_ARRAY($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '...::_ARRAY($array) returns the same ARRAY reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_ARRAY' );
+ok( defined *_ARRAY{CODE}, '_ARRAY imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_ARRAY();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_ARRAY() dies' );
+null( _ARRAY(undef), '_ARRAY(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(''), '_ARRAY(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(1), '_ARRAY(number) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY('foo'), '_ARRAY(string) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(\'foo'), '_ARRAY(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY({ foo => 1 }), '_ARRAY(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(sub () { 1 }), '_ARRAY(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY([]), '_ARRAY(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_ARRAY([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_ARRAY([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "_ARRAY(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(_ARRAY($array)), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(_ARRAY($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '_ARRAY($array) returns the same ARRAY reference');
+# Tests for _ARRAY0
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_ARRAY0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_ARRAY0() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(undef), '...::_ARRAY0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(''), '...::_ARRAY0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(1), '...::_ARRAY0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0('foo'), '...::_ARRAY0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(\'foo'), '...::_ARRAY0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0({ foo => 1 }), '...::_ARRAY0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_ARRAY0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0([])), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "...::_ARRAY0(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0($array)), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_ARRAY0($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '...::_ARRAY0($array) returns the same ARRAY reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_ARRAY0' );
+ok( defined *_ARRAY0{CODE}, '_ARRAY0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_ARRAY0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_ARRAY0() dies' );
+null( _ARRAY0(undef), '_ARRAY0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(''), '_ARRAY0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(1), '_ARRAY0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0('foo'), '_ARRAY0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(\'foo'), '_ARRAY0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0({ foo => 1 }), '_ARRAY0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(sub () { 1 }), '_ARRAY0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_ARRAY0([])), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(_ARRAY0([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_ARRAY0([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "_ARRAY0(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(_ARRAY0($array)), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(_ARRAY0($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '_ARRAY0($array) returns the same reference');
+# Tests for _HASH
+my $hash = { 'foo' => 'bar' };
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_HASH();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_HASH() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(undef), '...::_HASH(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(''), '...::_HASH(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(1), '...::_HASH(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH('foo'), '...::_HASH(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(\'foo'), '...::_HASH(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH([ 'foo' ]), '...::_HASH(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(sub () { 1 }), '...::_HASH(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH({}), '...::_HASH(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '...::_HASH([undef]) returns ok' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH($hash)), 'HASH', '...::_HASH returns an HASH ok' );
+ refaddr(Params::Util::_HASH($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '...::_HASH($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_HASH' );
+ok( defined *_HASH{CODE}, '_HASH imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_HASH();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_HASH() dies' );
+null( _HASH(undef), '_HASH(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(''), '_HASH(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(1), '_HASH(number) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH('foo'), '_HASH(string) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(\'foo'), '_HASH(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH([]), '_HASH(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(sub () { 1 }), '_HASH(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH({}), '...::_HASH(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_HASH({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '_HASH([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_HASH($hash)), 'HASH', '_HASH returns an ARRAY ok' );
+ refaddr(_HASH($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '_HASH($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Tests for _HASH0
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_HASH0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_HASH0() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(undef), '...::_HASH0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(''), '...::_HASH0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(1), '...::_HASH0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0('foo'), '...::_HASH0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(\'foo'), '...::_HASH0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0([ 'foo' ]), '...::_HASH0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_HASH0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH0({})), 'HASH', '...::_HASH0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH0({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '...::_HASH0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH0($hash)), 'HASH', '...::_HASH0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+ refaddr(Params::Util::_HASH0($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '...::_HASH0($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_HASH0' );
+ok( defined *_HASH0{CODE}, '_HASH0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_HASH0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_HASH0() dies' );
+null( _HASH0(undef), '_HASH0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(''), '_HASH0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(1), '_HASH0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0('foo'), '_HASH0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(\'foo'), '_HASH0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0([]), '_HASH0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(sub () { 1 }), '_HASH0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_HASH0({})), 'HASH', '_HASH0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(_HASH0({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '_HASH0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_HASH0($hash)), 'HASH', '_HASH0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+ refaddr(_HASH0($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '_HASH0($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Tests for _CODE
+my $code = sub () { 1 };
+sub testcode { 3 };
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_CODE' );
+ok( defined *_CODE{CODE}, '_CODE imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_CODE();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_CODE() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(undef), '...::_CODE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(''), '...::_CODE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(1), '...::_CODE(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE('foo'), '...::_CODE(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(\'foo'), '...::_CODE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE([ 'foo' ]), '...::_CODE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE({}), '...::_CODE(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_CODE();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_CODE() dies' );
+null( _CODE(undef), '_CODE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE(''), '_CODE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE(1), '_CODE(number) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE('foo'), '_CODE(string) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE(\'foo'), '_CODE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE([]), '_CODE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE({}), '...::_CODE(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function
+is( ref(Params::Util::_CODE(sub { 2 })), 'CODE', '...::_CODE(anon) returns ok' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_CODE($code)), 'CODE', '...::_CODE(ref) returns ok' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_CODE(\&testsub)), 'CODE', '...::_CODE(\&func) returns ok' );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_CODE($code)), refaddr($code),
+ '...::_CODE(ref) returns the same reference');
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_CODE(\&testsub)), refaddr(\&testsub),
+ '...::_CODE(\&func) returns the same reference');
+# Test good things against the imported function
+is( ref(_CODE(sub { 2 })), 'CODE', '_CODE(anon) returns ok' );
+is( ref(_CODE($code)), 'CODE', '_CODE(ref) returns ok' );
+is( ref(_CODE(\&testsub)), 'CODE', '_CODE(\&func) returns ok' );
+is( refaddr(_CODE($code)), refaddr($code),
+ '_CODE(ref) returns the same reference');
+is( refaddr(_CODE(\&testsub)), refaddr(\&testsub),
+ '_CODE(\&func) returns the same reference');
+# Tests for _INSTANCE
+my $s1 = "foo";
+my $s2 = "bar";
+my $s3 = "baz";
+my $scalar1 = \$s1;
+my $scalar2 = \$s2;
+my $scalar3 = \$s3;
+my @objects = (
+ bless( {}, 'Foo'),
+ bless( [], 'Foo'),
+ bless( $scalar1, 'Foo'),
+ bless( {}, 'Bar'),
+ bless( [], 'Bar'),
+ bless( $scalar1, 'Bar'),
+ bless( {}, 'Baz'),
+ bless( [], 'Baz'),
+ bless( $scalar3, 'Baz'),
+ );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_INSTANCE()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_INSTANCE() dies' );
+dies( "Params::Util::_INSTANCE(bless {}, 'Foo')", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_INSTANCE(object) dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(undef, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE('', 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(1, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE('foo', 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE([], 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(\"", 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(\"foo", 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(bless({},'Bad'), 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(bad object) returns undef' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_INSTANCE' );
+ok( defined *_INSTANCE{CODE}, '_INSTANCE imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_INSTANCE()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_INSTANCE() dies' );
+dies( "_INSTANCE(bless {}, 'Foo')", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_INSTANCE(object) dies' );
+null( _INSTANCE(undef, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE('', 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(1, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(number) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE('foo', 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(string) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE([], 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(\"", 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(\"foo", 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(bless({},'Bad'), 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(bad object) returns undef' );
+# Testing good things is a little more complicated in this case,
+# so lets do the basic ones first.
+foreach my $object ( @objects ) {
+ ok( Params::Util::_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(object, class) returns true when expected' );
+ is( refaddr(Params::Util::_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo')), refaddr($object), '...::_INSTANCE(object, class) returns the same object' );
+# Testing good things is a little more complicated in this case,
+# so lets do the basic ones first.
+foreach my $object ( @objects ) {
+ ok( _INSTANCE($object, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(object, class) returns true when expected' );
+ is( refaddr(_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo')), refaddr($object), '_INSTANCE(object, class) returns the same object' );
+SKIP: {
+ use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_INSTANCEDOES' );
+ skip "DOES tests do not make sense on perls before 5.10", 19
+ unless $] >= 5.010;
+ null( _INSTANCEDOES(bless({},'Bad'), 'Foo'), '_INSTANCEDOES(bad object) returns undef' );
+ foreach my $object ( @objects ) {
+ ok( _INSTANCEDOES($object, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCEDOES(object, class) returns true when expected' );
+ is( refaddr(_INSTANCEDOES($object, 'Foo')), refaddr($object), '_INSTANCEDOES(object, class) returns the same object' );
+ }
+# Tests for _REGEX
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_REGEX();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_REGEX() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(undef), '...::_REGEX(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(''), '...::_REGEX(STRING0) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(1), '...::_REGEX(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX('foo'), '...::_REGEX(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(\'foo'), '...::_REGEX(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX([ 'foo' ]), '...::_REGEX(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(sub () { 1 }), '...::_REGEX(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX({}), '...::_REGEX(HASH0) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX({ foo => 1 }), '...::_REGEX(HASH) returns undef' );
+ok( Params::Util::_REGEX(qr//), '...::_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+ok( Params::Util::_REGEX(qr/foo/), '...::_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_REGEX' );
+ok( defined *_REGEX{CODE}, '_REGEX imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_REGEX();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_REGEX() dies' );
+null( _REGEX(undef), '_REGEX(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(''), '_REGEX(STRING0) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(1), '_REGEX(number) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX('foo'), '_REGEX(string) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(\'foo'), '_REGEX(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX([]), '_REGEX(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(sub () { 1 }), '_REGEX(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX({}), 'REGEX(HASH0) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX({ foo => 1 }), 'REGEX(HASH) returns undef' );
+ok( _REGEX(qr//), '_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+ok( _REGEX(qr/foo/), '_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+# Tests for _SET
+my %set = (
+ good => [ map { bless {} => 'Foo' } qw(1..3) ],
+ mixed => [ map { bless {} => "Foo$_" } qw(1..3) ],
+ unblessed => [ map { {} } qw(1..3) ],
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET() dies' );
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET(single) dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(undef, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET('', 'Foo'), '...::_SET(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(1, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET('foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(\'foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET([], 'Foo'), '...::_SET(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+ok( Params::Util::_SET($set{good}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(homogenous ARRAY) returns true' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(mixed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SET' );
+ok( defined *_SET{CODE}, '_SET imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_SET()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET() dies' );
+dies( "_SET([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET(single) dies' );
+null( _SET(undef, 'Foo'), '_SET(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SET('', 'Foo'), '_SET(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SET(1, 'Foo'), '_SET(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SET('foo', 'Foo'), '_SET(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SET(\'foo', 'Foo'), '_SET(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _SET({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SET(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _SET([], 'Foo'), '_SET(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+ok( _SET($set{good}, 'Foo'), '_SET(homogenous ARRAY) returns true');
+null( _SET($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '_SET(mixed ARRAY) returns undef');
+null( _SET($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '_SET(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef');
+# Tests for _SET0
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET0() dies' );
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET0([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET0(single) dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(undef, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0('', 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(1, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0('foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(\'foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(CODE) returns undef' );
+ok( Params::Util::_SET0([], 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(empty ARRAY) returns true' );
+ok( Params::Util::_SET0($set{good}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(homogenous ARRAY) returns true' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(mixed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SET0' );
+ok( defined *_SET0{CODE}, '_SET0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_SET0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET0() dies' );
+dies( "_SET0([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET0(single) dies' );
+null( _SET0(undef, 'Foo'), '_SET0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0('', 'Foo'), '_SET0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0(1, 'Foo'), '_SET0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0('foo', 'Foo'), '_SET0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0(\'foo', 'Foo'), '_SET0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET0(CODE) returns undef' );
+ok( _SET0([], 'Foo'), '_SET0(empty ARRAY) returns true' );
+ok( _SET0($set{good}, 'Foo'), '_SET0(homogenous ARRAY) returns true' );
+null( _SET0($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '_SET0(mixed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '_SET0(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Base class
+package Foo;
+sub foo { 1 }
+# Normal inheritance
+package Bar;
+use vars qw{@ISA};
+ @ISA = 'Foo';
+# Coded isa
+package Baz;
+sub isa {
+ return 1 if $_[1] eq 'Foo';
+ shift->SUPER::isa(@_);
+# Not a subclass
+package Bad;
+sub bad { 1 }
diff --git a/t/03_all.t b/t/03_all.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f8aab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/03_all.t
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 26;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ use_ok( 'Params::Util', ':ALL' );
+# Is everything imported
+ok( defined &_STRING, '_STRING imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_IDENTIFIER, '_IDENTIFIER imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CLASS, '_CLASS imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CLASSISA, '_CLASSISA imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SUBCLASS, '_SUBCLASS imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_DRIVER, '_DRIVER imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_NUMBER, '_NUMBER imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_POSINT, '_POSINT imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_NONNEGINT, '_NONNEGINT imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SCALAR, '_SCALAR imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SCALAR0, '_SCALAR0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_ARRAY, '_ARRAY imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_ARRAY0, '_ARRAY0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_ARRAYLIKE, '_ARRAYLIKE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HASH, '_HASH imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HASH0, '_HASH0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HASHLIKE, '_HASHLIKE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CODE, '_CODE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CODELIKE, '_CODELIKE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_INVOCANT, '_INVOCANT imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_INSTANCE, '_INSTANCE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_REGEX, '_REGEX imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SET, '_SET imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SET0, '_SET0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HANDLE, '_HANDLE imported ok' );
diff --git a/t/04_codelike.t b/t/04_codelike.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2762c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/04_codelike.t
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+sub _CODELIKE($);
+use Test::More;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+use Scalar::Util qw(
+ blessed
+ reftype
+ refaddr
+use overload;
+sub c_ok { is(
+ refaddr(_CODELIKE($_[0])),
+ refaddr($_[0]),
+ "callable: $_[1]",
+) }
+sub nc_ok {
+ my $left = shift;
+ $left = _CODELIKE($left);
+ is( $left, undef, "not callable: $_[0]" );
+my @callables = (
+ "callable itself" => \&_CODELIKE,
+ "a boring plain code ref" => sub {},
+ 'an object with overloaded &{}' => C::O->new,
+ 'a object build from a coderef' => C::C->new,
+ 'an object with inherited overloaded &{}' => C::O::S->new,
+ 'a coderef blessed into CODE' => (bless sub {} => 'CODE'),
+my @uncallables = (
+ "undef" => undef,
+ "a string" => "a string",
+ "a number" => 19780720,
+ "a ref to a ref to code" => \(sub {}),
+ "a boring plain hash ref" => {},
+ 'a class that builds from coderefs' => "C::C",
+ 'a class with overloaded &{}' => "C::O",
+ 'a class with inherited overloaded &{}' => "C::O::S",
+ 'a plain boring hash-based object' => UC->new,
+ 'a non-coderef blessed into CODE' => (bless {} => 'CODE'),
+my $tests = (@callables + @uncallables) / 2 + 2;
+if ( $] > 5.006 ) {
+ push @uncallables, 'a regular expression', qr/foo/;
+ $tests += 1;
+plan tests => $tests;
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_CODELIKE' );
+ok( defined *_CODELIKE{CODE}, '_CODELIKE imported ok' );
+while ( @callables ) {
+ my $name = shift @callables;
+ my $object = shift @callables;
+ c_ok( $object, $name );
+while ( @uncallables ) {
+ my $name = shift @uncallables;
+ my $object = shift @uncallables;
+ nc_ok( $object, $name );
+# callable: is a blessed code ref
+package C::C;
+sub new {
+ bless sub {} => shift;
+# callable: overloads &{}
+# but only objects are callable, not class
+package C::O;
+sub new {
+ bless {} => shift;
+use overload '&{}' => sub { sub {} };
+use overload 'bool' => sub () { 1 };
+# callable: subclasses C::O
+package C::O::S;
+use vars qw{@ISA};
+ @ISA = 'C::O';
+# uncallable: some boring object with no codey magic
+package UC;
+sub new {
+ bless {} => shift;
diff --git a/t/05_typelike.t b/t/05_typelike.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5f4391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/05_typelike.t
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 44;
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+use Params::Util qw{_ARRAYLIKE _HASHLIKE};
+# Tests that two objects are the same object
+sub addr {
+ my $have = shift;
+ my $want = shift;
+ is( refaddr($have), refaddr($want), 'Objects are the same object' );
+my $listS = bless \do { my $i } => 'Foo::Listy';
+my $hashS = bless \do { my $i } => 'Foo::Hashy';
+my $bothS = bless \do { my $i } => 'Foo::Bothy';
+my $listH = bless {} => 'Foo::Listy';
+my $hashH = bless {} => 'Foo::Hashy';
+my $bothH = bless {} => 'Foo::Bothy';
+my $listA = bless [] => 'Foo::Listy';
+my $hashA = bless [] => 'Foo::Hashy';
+my $bothA = bless [] => 'Foo::Bothy';
+my @data = (# A H
+ [ undef , 0, 0, 'undef' ],
+ [ 1000 => 0, 0, '1000' ],
+ [ 'Foo' => 0, 0, '"Foo"' ],
+ [ [] => 1, 0, '[]' ],
+ [ {} => 0, 1, '{}' ],
+ [ $listS => 1, 0, 'scalar-based Foo::Listy' ],
+ [ $hashS => 0, 1, 'scalar-based Foo::Hashy' ],
+ [ $bothS => 1, 1, 'scalar-based Foo::Bothy' ],
+ [ $listH => 1, 1, 'hash-based Foo::Listy' ],
+ [ $hashH => 0, 1, 'hash-based Foo::Hashy' ],
+ [ $bothH => 1, 1, 'hash-based Foo::Bothy' ],
+ [ $listA => 1, 0, 'array-based Foo::Listy' ],
+ [ $hashA => 1, 1, 'array-based Foo::Hashy' ],
+ [ $bothA => 1, 1, 'array-based Foo::Bothy' ],
+for my $t (@data) {
+ is(
+ _ARRAYLIKE($t->[0]) ? 1 : 0,
+ $t->[1],
+ "$t->[3] " . ($t->[1] ? 'is' : "isn't") . ' @ish'
+ );
+ if ( _ARRAYLIKE($t->[0]) ) {
+ addr( _ARRAYLIKE($t->[0]), $t->[0] );
+ }
+ is(
+ _HASHLIKE( $t->[0]) ? 1 : 0,
+ $t->[2],
+ "$t->[3] " . ($t->[2] ? 'is' : "isn't") . ' %ish'
+ );
+ if ( _HASHLIKE($t->[0]) ) {
+ addr( _HASHLIKE($t->[0]), $t->[0] );
+ }
+package Foo;
+# this package is totally unremarkable;
+package Foo::Listy;
+use overload
+ '@{}' => sub { [] },
+ fallback => 1;
+package Foo::Hashy;
+use overload
+ '%{}' => sub { {} },
+ fallback => 1;
+package Foo::Bothy;
+use overload
+ '@{}' => sub { [] },
+ '%{}' => sub { {} },
+ fallback => 1;
diff --git a/t/06_invocant.t b/t/06_invocant.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2722c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/06_invocant.t
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 11;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_INVOCANT));
+my $object = bless \do { my $i } => 'Params::Util::Test::Bogus::Whatever';
+my $false_obj1 = bless \do { my $i } => 0;
+my $false_obj2 = bless \do { my $i } => "\0";
+my $tied = tie my $x, 'Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Tied';
+my $unpkg = 'Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Fake';
+my $pkg = 'Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Real'; eval "package $pkg;"; ## no critic
+my @data = (# I
+ [ undef , 0, 'undef' ],
+ [ 1000 => 0, '1000' ],
+ [ $unpkg => 1, qq("$unpkg") ],
+ [ $pkg => 1, qq("$pkg") ],
+ [ [] => 0, '[]' ],
+ [ {} => 0, '{}' ],
+ [ $object => 1, 'blessed reference' ],
+ [ $false_obj1 => 1, 'blessed reference' ],
+ [ $tied => 1, 'tied value' ],
+for my $datum (@data) {
+ is(
+ _INVOCANT($datum->[0]) ? 1 : 0,
+ $datum->[1],
+ "$datum->[2] " . ($datum->[1] ? 'is' : "isn't") . " _IN"
+ );
+# Skip the most evil test except on automated testing, because it
+# fails on at least one common production OS (RedHat Enterprise Linux 4)
+# and the test case should be practically impossible to encounter
+# in real life. The damage the bug could cause users in production is
+# far lower than the damage caused by Params::Util failing to install.
+SKIP: {
+ unless ( $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} ) {
+ skip("Skipping nasty test unless AUTOMATED_TESTING", 1);
+ }
+ ok( !! _INVOCANT($false_obj2), 'Testing null class as an invocant' );
+package Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Tied;
+ my ($class, $value) = @_;
+ return bless \$value => $class;
diff --git a/t/07_handle.t b/t/07_handle.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9925b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/07_handle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 23;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ ok( ! defined &_HANDLE, '_HANDLE does not exist' );
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_HANDLE));
+ ok( defined &_HANDLE, '_HANDLE imported ok' );
+# Import refaddr to make certain we have it
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+# Preparing
+my $readfile = catfile( 't', 'handles', 'readfile.txt' );
+ok( -f $readfile, "$readfile exists" );
+my $writefile = catfile( 't', 'handles', 'writefile.txt' );
+ if ( -f $writefile ) { unlink $writefile };
+END { if ( -f $writefile ) { unlink $writefile }; }
+ok( ! -e $writefile, "$writefile does not exist" );
+sub is_handle {
+ my $maybe = shift;
+ my $message = shift || 'Is a file handle';
+ my $result = _HANDLE($maybe);
+ ok( defined $result, '_HANDLE does not return undef' );
+ is( refaddr($result), refaddr($maybe), '_HANDLE returns the passed value' );
+sub not_handle {
+ my $maybe = shift;
+ my $message = shift || 'Is not a file handle';
+ my $result = _HANDLE($maybe);
+ ok( ! defined $result, '_HANDLE returns undef' );
+# Basic Filesystem Handles
+# A read filehandle
+ local *HANDLE;
+ open( HANDLE, $readfile );
+ is_handle( \*HANDLE, 'Ordinary read filehandle' );
+ close HANDLE;
+# A write filehandle
+ local *HANDLE;
+ open( HANDLE, "> $readfile" );
+ is_handle( \*HANDLE, 'Ordinary read filehandle' );
+ print HANDLE "A write filehandle";
+ close HANDLE;
+ if ( -f $writefile ) { unlink $writefile };
+# On 5.8+ the new style filehandle
+SKIP: {
+ skip( "Skipping 5.8-style 'my \$fh' handles", 2 ) if $] < 5.008;
+ open( my $handle, $readfile );
+ is_handle( $handle, '5.8-style read filehandle' );
+# Things that are not file handles
+foreach (
+ undef, '', ' ', 'foo', 1, 0, -1, 1.23,
+ [], {}, \'', bless( {}, "foo" )
+) {
+ not_handle( $_ );
diff --git a/t/08_driver.t b/t/08_driver.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaef76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/08_driver.t
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 91;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ ok( ! defined &_CLASSISA, '_CLASSISA does not exist' );
+ ok( ! defined &_SUBCLASS, '_SUBCLASS does not exist' );
+ ok( ! defined &_DRIVER, '_DRIVER does not exist' );
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_CLASSISA _SUBCLASS _DRIVER));
+ ok( defined &_CLASSISA, '_CLASSISA imported ok' );
+ ok( defined &_SUBCLASS, '_SUBCLASS imported ok' );
+ ok( defined &_DRIVER, '_DRIVER imported ok' );
+# Import refaddr to make certain we have it
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+# Preparing
+my $A = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $A, 'A exists' );
+my $B = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $B, 'My_B exists' );
+my $C = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( ! -f $C, 'C does not exist' );
+my $D = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $D, 'D does not exist' );
+my $E = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $E, 'E does not exist' );
+my $F = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $F, 'F does not exist' );
+unshift @INC, catdir( 't', 'driver' );
+# Things that are not file handles
+foreach (
+ undef, '', ' ', 'foo bar', 1, 0, -1, 1.23,
+ [], {}, \'', bless( {}, "foo" )
+) {
+ is( _CLASSISA($_, 'A'), undef, 'Non-classisa returns undef' );
+ is( _SUBCLASS($_, 'A'), undef, 'Non-subclass returns undef' );
+ is( _DRIVER($_, 'A'), undef, 'Non-driver returns undef' );
+# Sample Classes
+# classisa should not load classes
+is( _CLASSISA('A', 'A'), 'A', 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'A'), undef, 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _CLASSISA('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('D', 'A'), undef, 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('F', 'A'), undef, 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# classisa should not load classes
+is( _SUBCLASS('A', 'A'), undef, 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'A'), undef, 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('D', 'A'), undef, 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('F', 'A'), undef, 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# The base class itself is not a driver
+is( _DRIVER('A', 'A'), undef, 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+ok( $A::VERSION, 'A: Class is loaded ok' );
+is( _DRIVER('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _DRIVER('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+ok( $My_B::VERSION, 'B: Class is loaded ok' );
+is( _DRIVER('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _DRIVER('D', 'A'), undef, 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _DRIVER('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _DRIVER('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# Repeat for classisa
+is( _CLASSISA('A', 'A'), 'A', 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _CLASSISA('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('D', 'A'), 'D', 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# Repeat for subclasses
+is( _SUBCLASS('A', 'A'), undef, 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('D', 'A'), 'D', 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+SKIP: {
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_CLASSDOES));
+ skip "DOES tests do not make sense on perls before 5.10", 4
+ unless $] >= 5.010;
+ is( _CLASSDOES('A', 'A'), 'A', 'A: DOES A' );
+ is( _CLASSDOES('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'My_B: DOES A' );
+ is( _CLASSDOES('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: DOES not A' );
+ is( _CLASSDOES('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: DOES A' );
diff --git a/t/09_insideout.t b/t/09_insideout.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90cb327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/09_insideout.t
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Test for a custom isa method that returns the same way that
+# Object::InsideOut does.
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Scalar::Util ();
+use Params::Util ();
+# Create an object and test it
+ my $object = Foo->new;
+ ok( Scalar::Util::blessed($object), 'Foo' );
+ my $instance = Params::Util::_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo');
+ is( $instance, undef, '_INSTANCE correctly returns undef' );
+# Create a package to simulate Object::InsideOut
+ package Foo;
+ sub new {
+ my $foo = 1234;
+ my $self = \$foo;
+ bless $self, $_[0];
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub isa {
+ return ('');
+ }
+ 1;
diff --git a/t/11_compile.t b/t/11_compile.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e11f727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/11_compile.t
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+use 5.00503;
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+# Does the module load
+# Double check that Scalar::Util is valid
+require_ok( 'Scalar::Util' );
+ok( $Scalar::Util::VERSION >= 1.10, 'Scalar::Util version is at least 1.18' );
+ok( defined &Scalar::Util::refaddr, 'Scalar::Util has a refaddr implementation' );
diff --git a/t/12_main.t b/t/12_main.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8cf68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/12_main.t
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 632;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+use Params::Util ();
+# Utility functions
+sub true { is( shift, 1, shift || () ) }
+sub false { is( shift, '', shift || () ) }
+sub null { is( shift, undef, shift || () ) }
+sub dies {
+ my ($code, $regexp, $message) = @_;
+ eval "$code";
+ ok( (defined($@) and length($@)), $message );
+ if ( defined $regexp ) {
+ like( $@, $regexp, '... with expected error message' );
+ }
+# Tests for _STRING
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_STRING()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_STRING() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(undef), '...::_STRING(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(''), '...::_STRING(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING({ foo => 1 }), '...::_STRING(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(sub () { 1 }), '...::_STRING(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING([]), '...::_STRING(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(\""), '...::_STRING(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_STRING(\"foo"), '...::_STRING(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{0 1 foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar}, ' ', ' foo' ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_STRING($ident), $ident, "...::_STRING('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_STRING' );
+ok( defined *_STRING{CODE}, '_STRING imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_STRING()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_STRING() dies' );
+null( _STRING(undef), '_STRING(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(''), '_STRING(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING({ foo => 1 }), '_STRING(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(sub () { 1 }), '_STRING(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING([]), '_STRING(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(\""), '_STRING(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _STRING(\"foo"), '_STRING(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{0 1 foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar}, ' ', ' foo' ) {
+ is( _STRING($ident), $ident, "...::_STRING('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _IDENTIFIER
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_IDENTIFIER() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(undef), '...::_IDENTIFIER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(''), '...::_IDENTIFIER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(1), '...::_IDENTIFIER(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(' foo'), '...::_IDENTIFIER(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER({ foo => 1 }), '...::_IDENTIFIER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(sub () { 1 }), '...::_IDENTIFIER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER([]), '...::_IDENTIFIER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(\""), '...::_IDENTIFIER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER(\"foo"), '...::_IDENTIFIER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER("Foo::Bar"), '...::_IDENTIFIER(CLASS) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER("foo\n"), '...::_IDENTIFIER(BAD) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_IDENTIFIER($ident), $ident, "...::_IDENTIFIER('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_IDENTIFIER' );
+ok( defined *_IDENTIFIER{CODE}, '_IDENTIFIER imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_IDENTIFIER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_IDENTIFIER() dies' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(undef), '_IDENTIFIER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(''), '_IDENTIFIER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(1), '_IDENTIFIER(number) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(' foo'), '_IDENTIFIER(string) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER({ foo => 1 }), '_IDENTIFIER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(sub () { 1 }), '_IDENTIFIER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER([]), '_IDENTIFIER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(\""), '_IDENTIFIER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER(\"foo"), '_IDENTIFIER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER("Foo::Bar"), '_IDENTIFIER(CLASS) returns undef' );
+null( _IDENTIFIER("foo\n"), '_IDENTIFIER(BAD) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1} ) {
+ is( _IDENTIFIER($ident), $ident, "...::_IDENTIFIER('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _CLASS
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_CLASS()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_CLASS() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(undef), '...::_CLASS(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(''), '...::_CLASS(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(1), '...::_CLASS(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(' foo'), '...::_CLASS(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS({ foo => 1 }), '...::_CLASS(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(sub () { 1 }), '...::_CLASS(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS([]), '...::_CLASS(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(\""), '...::_CLASS(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS(\"foo"), '...::_CLASS(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS("D'oh"), '...::_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS("::Foo"), '...::_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CLASS("1::X"), '...::_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar _Foo::Baaar::Baz X::1} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_CLASS($ident), $ident, "...::_CLASS('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_CLASS' );
+ok( defined *_CLASS{CODE}, '_CLASS imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_CLASS()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_CLASS() dies' );
+null( _CLASS(undef), '_CLASS(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(''), '_CLASS(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(1), '_CLASS(number) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(' foo'), '_CLASS(string) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS({ foo => 1 }), '_CLASS(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(sub () { 1 }), '_CLASS(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS([]), '_CLASS(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(\""), '_CLASS(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS(\"foo"), '_CLASS(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS("D'oh"), '_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS("::Foo"), '_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _CLASS("1::X"), '_CLASS(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $ident ( qw{foo _foo foo1 __foo_1 Foo::Bar _Foo::Baaar::Baz X::1} ) {
+ is( _CLASS($ident), $ident, "_CLASS('$ident') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _NUMBER
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_NUMBER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_NUMBER() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(undef), '...::_NUMBER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(''), '...::_NUMBER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(' foo'), '...::_NUMBER(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER({ foo => 1 }), '...::_NUMBER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(sub () { 1 }), '...::_NUMBER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER([]), '...::_NUMBER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(\""), '...::_NUMBER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER(\"foo"), '...::_NUMBER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NUMBER("D'oh"), '...::_NUMBER(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789 -1 0 +1 02 .1 0.013e-3 1e1} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_NUMBER($id), $id, "...::_NUMBER('$id') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_NUMBER' );
+ok( defined *_NUMBER{CODE}, '_NUMBER imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_NUMBER()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_NUMBER() dies' );
+null( _NUMBER(undef), '_NUMBER(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(''), '_NUMBER(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(' foo'), '_NUMBER(string) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER({ foo => 1 }), '_NUMBER(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(sub () { 1 }), '_NUMBER(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER([]), '_NUMBER(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(\""), '_NUMBER(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER(\"foo"), '_NUMBER(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _NUMBER("D'oh"), '_NUMBER(bad class) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789 -1 0 +1 02 .1 0.013e-3 1e1} ) {
+ is( _NUMBER($id), $id, "_NUMBER('$id') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _POSINT
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_POSINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_POSINT() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(undef), '...::_POSINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(''), '...::_POSINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(' foo'), '...::_POSINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT({ foo => 1 }), '...::_POSINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(sub () { 1 }), '...::_POSINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT([]), '...::_POSINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(\""), '...::_POSINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(\"foo"), '...::_POSINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT("D'oh"), '...::_POSINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(-1), '...::_POSINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT(0), '...::_POSINT(zero) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT("+1"), '...::_POSINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_POSINT("02"), '...::_POSINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_POSINT($id), $id, "...::_POSINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_POSINT' );
+ok( defined *_POSINT{CODE}, '_POSINT imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_POSINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_POSINT() dies' );
+null( _POSINT(undef), '_POSINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(''), '_POSINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(' foo'), '_POSINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT({ foo => 1 }), '_POSINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(sub () { 1 }), '_POSINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT([]), '_POSINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(\""), '_POSINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(\"foo"), '_POSINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT("D'oh"), '_POSINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(-1), '_POSINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT(0), '_POSINT(zero) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT("+1"), '_POSINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( _POSINT("02"), '_POSINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( _POSINT($id), $id, "_POSINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _NONNEGINT
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_NONNEGINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_NONNEGINT() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(undef), '...::_NONNEGINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(''), '...::_NONNEGINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(' foo'), '...::_NONNEGINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT({ foo => 1 }), '...::_NONNEGINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(sub () { 1 }), '...::_NONNEGINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT([]), '...::_NONNEGINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(\""), '...::_NONNEGINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(\"foo"), '...::_NONNEGINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT("D'oh"), '...::_NONNEGINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT(-1), '...::_NONNEGINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT("+1"), '...::_NONNEGINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT("02"), '...::_NONNEGINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{0 1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( Params::Util::_NONNEGINT($id), $id, "...::_NONNEGINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_NONNEGINT' );
+ok( defined *_NONNEGINT{CODE}, '_NONNEGINT imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_NONNEGINT()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_NONNEGINT() dies' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(undef), '_NONNEGINT(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(''), '_NONNEGINT(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(' foo'), '_NONNEGINT(string) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT({ foo => 1 }), '_NONNEGINT(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(sub () { 1 }), '_NONNEGINT(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT([]), '_NONNEGINT(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(\""), '_NONNEGINT(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(\"foo"), '_NONNEGINT(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT("D'oh"), '_NONNEGINT(bad class) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT(-1), '_NONNEGINT(negative) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT("+1"), '_NONNEGINT(explicit positive) returns undef' );
+null( _NONNEGINT("02"), '_NONNEGINT(zero lead) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+foreach my $id ( qw{0 1 2 10 123456789} ) {
+ is( _NONNEGINT($id), $id, "_NONNEGINT('$id') returns ok" );
+# Tests for _SCALAR
+my $foo = "foo";
+my $scalar = \$foo;
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SCALAR()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(undef), '...::_SCALAR(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(\undef), '...::_SCALAR(\undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(''), '...::_SCALAR(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(1), '...::_SCALAR(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR('foo'), '...::_SCALAR(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR([]), '...::_SCALAR(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR(\""), '...::_SCALAR(null constant) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_SCALAR($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SCALAR' );
+ok( defined *_SCALAR{CODE}, '_SCALAR imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the imported function
+dies( "_SCALAR()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR() dies' );
+null( _SCALAR(undef), '...::_SCALAR(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(\undef), '...::_SCALAR(\undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(''), '...::_SCALAR(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(1), '...::_SCALAR(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR('foo'), '...::_SCALAR(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR([]), '...::_SCALAR(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR(\""), '...::_SCALAR(null constant) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_SCALAR(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR(SCALAR) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(_SCALAR($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Tests for _SCALAR0
+my $null = "";
+my $scalar0 = \$null;
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SCALAR0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR0() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(undef), '...::_SCALAR0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(''), '...::_SCALAR0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(1), '...::_SCALAR0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0('foo'), '...::_SCALAR0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SCALAR0([]), '...::_SCALAR0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0(\"")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0(\undef)), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(\undef) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar0)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_SCALAR0($scalar0)), refaddr($scalar0),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SCALAR0' );
+ok( defined *_SCALAR0{CODE}, '_SCALAR0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the imported function
+dies( "_SCALAR0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SCALAR0() dies' );
+null( _SCALAR0(undef), '...::_SCALAR0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0(''), '...::_SCALAR0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0(1), '...::_SCALAR0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0('foo'), '...::_SCALAR0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0({ foo => 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_SCALAR0(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _SCALAR0([]), '...::_SCALAR0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_SCALAR0(\"foo")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0(\"")), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0(\undef)), 'SCALAR', '...::_SCALAR0(\undef) returns true' );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0($scalar)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( ref(_SCALAR0($scalar0)), 'SCALAR', "...::_SCALAR0(constant) returns true" );
+is( refaddr(_SCALAR0($scalar)), refaddr($scalar),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+is( refaddr(_SCALAR0($scalar0)), refaddr($scalar0),
+ '...::_SCALAR returns the same SCALAR reference');
+# Tests for _ARRAY
+my $array = [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_ARRAY()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_ARRAY() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(undef), '...::_ARRAY(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(''), '...::_ARRAY(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(1), '...::_ARRAY(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY('foo'), '...::_ARRAY(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(\'foo'), '...::_ARRAY(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY({ foo => 1 }), '...::_ARRAY(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY(sub () { 1 }), '...::_ARRAY(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY([]), '...::_ARRAY(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "...::_ARRAY(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY($array)), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_ARRAY($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '...::_ARRAY($array) returns the same ARRAY reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_ARRAY' );
+ok( defined *_ARRAY{CODE}, '_ARRAY imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_ARRAY();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_ARRAY() dies' );
+null( _ARRAY(undef), '_ARRAY(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(''), '_ARRAY(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(1), '_ARRAY(number) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY('foo'), '_ARRAY(string) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(\'foo'), '_ARRAY(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY({ foo => 1 }), '_ARRAY(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY(sub () { 1 }), '_ARRAY(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY([]), '_ARRAY(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_ARRAY([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_ARRAY([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "_ARRAY(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(_ARRAY($array)), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(_ARRAY($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '_ARRAY($array) returns the same ARRAY reference');
+# Tests for _ARRAY0
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_ARRAY0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_ARRAY0() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(undef), '...::_ARRAY0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(''), '...::_ARRAY0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(1), '...::_ARRAY0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0('foo'), '...::_ARRAY0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(\'foo'), '...::_ARRAY0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0({ foo => 1 }), '...::_ARRAY0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_ARRAY0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_ARRAY0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0([])), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "...::_ARRAY0(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_ARRAY0($array)), 'ARRAY', '...::_ARRAY0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_ARRAY0($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '...::_ARRAY0($array) returns the same ARRAY reference');
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_ARRAY0' );
+ok( defined *_ARRAY0{CODE}, '_ARRAY0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_ARRAY0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_ARRAY0() dies' );
+null( _ARRAY0(undef), '_ARRAY0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(''), '_ARRAY0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(1), '_ARRAY0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0('foo'), '_ARRAY0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(\'foo'), '_ARRAY0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0({ foo => 1 }), '_ARRAY0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _ARRAY0(sub () { 1 }), '_ARRAY0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_ARRAY0([])), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(_ARRAY0([ undef ])), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_ARRAY0([ 'foo' ])), 'ARRAY', "_ARRAY0(['foo']) returns true" );
+is( ref(_ARRAY0($array)), 'ARRAY', '_ARRAY0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+is( refaddr(_ARRAY0($array)), refaddr($array),
+ '_ARRAY0($array) returns the same reference');
+# Tests for _HASH
+my $hash = { 'foo' => 'bar' };
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_HASH();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_HASH() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(undef), '...::_HASH(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(''), '...::_HASH(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(1), '...::_HASH(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH('foo'), '...::_HASH(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(\'foo'), '...::_HASH(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH([ 'foo' ]), '...::_HASH(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH(sub () { 1 }), '...::_HASH(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH({}), '...::_HASH(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '...::_HASH([undef]) returns ok' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH($hash)), 'HASH', '...::_HASH returns an HASH ok' );
+ refaddr(Params::Util::_HASH($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '...::_HASH($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_HASH' );
+ok( defined *_HASH{CODE}, '_HASH imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_HASH();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_HASH() dies' );
+null( _HASH(undef), '_HASH(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(''), '_HASH(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(1), '_HASH(number) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH('foo'), '_HASH(string) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(\'foo'), '_HASH(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH([]), '_HASH(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH(sub () { 1 }), '_HASH(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH({}), '...::_HASH(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_HASH({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '_HASH([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_HASH($hash)), 'HASH', '_HASH returns an ARRAY ok' );
+ refaddr(_HASH($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '_HASH($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Tests for _HASH0
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_HASH0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_HASH0() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(undef), '...::_HASH0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(''), '...::_HASH0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(1), '...::_HASH0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0('foo'), '...::_HASH0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(\'foo'), '...::_HASH0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0([ 'foo' ]), '...::_HASH0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_HASH0(sub () { 1 }), '...::_HASH0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH0({})), 'HASH', '...::_HASH0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH0({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '...::_HASH0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_HASH0($hash)), 'HASH', '...::_HASH0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+ refaddr(Params::Util::_HASH0($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '...::_HASH0($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_HASH0' );
+ok( defined *_HASH0{CODE}, '_HASH0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_HASH0();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_HASH0() dies' );
+null( _HASH0(undef), '_HASH0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(''), '_HASH0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(1), '_HASH0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0('foo'), '_HASH0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(\'foo'), '_HASH0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0([]), '_HASH0(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _HASH0(sub () { 1 }), '_HASH0(CODE) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function (carefully)
+is( ref(_HASH0({})), 'HASH', '_HASH0(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+is( ref(_HASH0({ foo => 1 })), 'HASH', '_HASH0([undef]) returns true' );
+is( ref(_HASH0($hash)), 'HASH', '_HASH0 returns an ARRAY ok' );
+ refaddr(_HASH0($hash)),
+ refaddr($hash),
+ '_HASH0($hash) returns the same reference',
+# Tests for _CODE
+my $code = sub () { 1 };
+sub testcode { 3 };
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_CODE' );
+ok( defined *_CODE{CODE}, '_CODE imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_CODE();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_CODE() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(undef), '...::_CODE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(''), '...::_CODE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(1), '...::_CODE(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE('foo'), '...::_CODE(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE(\'foo'), '...::_CODE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE([ 'foo' ]), '...::_CODE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_CODE({}), '...::_CODE(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_CODE();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_CODE() dies' );
+null( _CODE(undef), '_CODE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE(''), '_CODE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE(1), '_CODE(number) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE('foo'), '_CODE(string) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE(\'foo'), '_CODE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE([]), '_CODE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _CODE({}), '...::_CODE(empty HASH) returns undef' );
+# Test good things against the actual function
+is( ref(Params::Util::_CODE(sub { 2 })), 'CODE', '...::_CODE(anon) returns ok' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_CODE($code)), 'CODE', '...::_CODE(ref) returns ok' );
+is( ref(Params::Util::_CODE(\&testsub)), 'CODE', '...::_CODE(\&func) returns ok' );
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_CODE($code)), refaddr($code),
+ '...::_CODE(ref) returns the same reference');
+is( refaddr(Params::Util::_CODE(\&testsub)), refaddr(\&testsub),
+ '...::_CODE(\&func) returns the same reference');
+# Test good things against the imported function
+is( ref(_CODE(sub { 2 })), 'CODE', '_CODE(anon) returns ok' );
+is( ref(_CODE($code)), 'CODE', '_CODE(ref) returns ok' );
+is( ref(_CODE(\&testsub)), 'CODE', '_CODE(\&func) returns ok' );
+is( refaddr(_CODE($code)), refaddr($code),
+ '_CODE(ref) returns the same reference');
+is( refaddr(_CODE(\&testsub)), refaddr(\&testsub),
+ '_CODE(\&func) returns the same reference');
+# Tests for _INSTANCE
+my $s1 = "foo";
+my $s2 = "bar";
+my $s3 = "baz";
+my $scalar1 = \$s1;
+my $scalar2 = \$s2;
+my $scalar3 = \$s3;
+my @objects = (
+ bless( {}, 'Foo'),
+ bless( [], 'Foo'),
+ bless( $scalar1, 'Foo'),
+ bless( {}, 'Bar'),
+ bless( [], 'Bar'),
+ bless( $scalar1, 'Bar'),
+ bless( {}, 'Baz'),
+ bless( [], 'Baz'),
+ bless( $scalar3, 'Baz'),
+ );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_INSTANCE()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_INSTANCE() dies' );
+dies( "Params::Util::_INSTANCE(bless {}, 'Foo')", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_INSTANCE(object) dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(undef, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE('', 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(1, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE('foo', 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE([], 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(\"", 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(\"foo", 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_INSTANCE(bless({},'Bad'), 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(bad object) returns undef' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_INSTANCE' );
+ok( defined *_INSTANCE{CODE}, '_INSTANCE imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_INSTANCE()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_INSTANCE() dies' );
+dies( "_INSTANCE(bless {}, 'Foo')", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_INSTANCE(object) dies' );
+null( _INSTANCE(undef, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE('', 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(1, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(number) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE('foo', 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(string) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE([], 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(\"", 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(null constant) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(\"foo", 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _INSTANCE(bless({},'Bad'), 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(bad object) returns undef' );
+# Testing good things is a little more complicated in this case,
+# so lets do the basic ones first.
+foreach my $object ( @objects ) {
+ ok( Params::Util::_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo'), '...::_INSTANCE(object, class) returns true when expected' );
+ is( refaddr(Params::Util::_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo')), refaddr($object), '...::_INSTANCE(object, class) returns the same object' );
+# Testing good things is a little more complicated in this case,
+# so lets do the basic ones first.
+foreach my $object ( @objects ) {
+ ok( _INSTANCE($object, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCE(object, class) returns true when expected' );
+ is( refaddr(_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo')), refaddr($object), '_INSTANCE(object, class) returns the same object' );
+SKIP: {
+ use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_INSTANCEDOES' );
+ skip "DOES tests do not make sense on perls before 5.10", 19
+ unless $] >= 5.010;
+ null( _INSTANCEDOES(bless({},'Bad'), 'Foo'), '_INSTANCEDOES(bad object) returns undef' );
+ foreach my $object ( @objects ) {
+ ok( _INSTANCEDOES($object, 'Foo'), '_INSTANCEDOES(object, class) returns true when expected' );
+ is( refaddr(_INSTANCEDOES($object, 'Foo')), refaddr($object), '_INSTANCEDOES(object, class) returns the same object' );
+ }
+# Tests for _REGEX
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_REGEX();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_REGEX() dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(undef), '...::_REGEX(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(''), '...::_REGEX(STRING0) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(1), '...::_REGEX(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX('foo'), '...::_REGEX(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(\'foo'), '...::_REGEX(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX([ 'foo' ]), '...::_REGEX(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX(sub () { 1 }), '...::_REGEX(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX({}), '...::_REGEX(HASH0) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_REGEX({ foo => 1 }), '...::_REGEX(HASH) returns undef' );
+ok( Params::Util::_REGEX(qr//), '...::_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+ok( Params::Util::_REGEX(qr/foo/), '...::_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_REGEX' );
+ok( defined *_REGEX{CODE}, '_REGEX imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_REGEX();", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_REGEX() dies' );
+null( _REGEX(undef), '_REGEX(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(''), '_REGEX(STRING0) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(1), '_REGEX(number) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX('foo'), '_REGEX(string) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(\'foo'), '_REGEX(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX([]), '_REGEX(ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX(sub () { 1 }), '_REGEX(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX({}), 'REGEX(HASH0) returns undef' );
+null( _REGEX({ foo => 1 }), 'REGEX(HASH) returns undef' );
+ok( _REGEX(qr//), '_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+ok( _REGEX(qr/foo/), '_REGEX(qr//) ok' );
+# Tests for _SET
+my %set = (
+ good => [ map { bless {} => 'Foo' } qw(1..3) ],
+ mixed => [ map { bless {} => "Foo$_" } qw(1..3) ],
+ unblessed => [ map { {} } qw(1..3) ],
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET() dies' );
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET(single) dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(undef, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET('', 'Foo'), '...::_SET(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(1, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET('foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(\'foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET([], 'Foo'), '...::_SET(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+ok( Params::Util::_SET($set{good}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(homogenous ARRAY) returns true' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(mixed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SET' );
+ok( defined *_SET{CODE}, '_SET imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_SET()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET() dies' );
+dies( "_SET([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET(single) dies' );
+null( _SET(undef, 'Foo'), '_SET(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SET('', 'Foo'), '_SET(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SET(1, 'Foo'), '_SET(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SET('foo', 'Foo'), '_SET(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SET(\'foo', 'Foo'), '_SET(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _SET({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SET(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET(CODE) returns undef' );
+null( _SET([], 'Foo'), '_SET(empty ARRAY) returns undef' );
+ok( _SET($set{good}, 'Foo'), '_SET(homogenous ARRAY) returns true');
+null( _SET($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '_SET(mixed ARRAY) returns undef');
+null( _SET($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '_SET(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef');
+# Tests for _SET0
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET0() dies' );
+dies( "Params::Util::_SET0([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '...::_SET0(single) dies' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(undef, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0('', 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(1, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(number) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0('foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(string) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(\'foo', 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(CODE) returns undef' );
+ok( Params::Util::_SET0([], 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(empty ARRAY) returns true' );
+ok( Params::Util::_SET0($set{good}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(homogenous ARRAY) returns true' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(mixed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( Params::Util::_SET0($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '...::_SET0(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_SET0' );
+ok( defined *_SET0{CODE}, '_SET0 imported ok' );
+# Test bad things against the actual function
+dies( "_SET0()", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET0() dies' );
+dies( "_SET0([])", qr/Not enough arguments/, '_SET0(single) dies' );
+null( _SET0(undef, 'Foo'), '_SET0(undef) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0('', 'Foo'), '_SET0(nullstring) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0(1, 'Foo'), '_SET0(number) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0('foo', 'Foo'), '_SET0(string) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0(\'foo', 'Foo'), '_SET0(SCALAR) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0({ foo => 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET0(HASH) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0(sub () { 1 }, 'Foo'), '_SET0(CODE) returns undef' );
+ok( _SET0([], 'Foo'), '_SET0(empty ARRAY) returns true' );
+ok( _SET0($set{good}, 'Foo'), '_SET0(homogenous ARRAY) returns true' );
+null( _SET0($set{mixed}, 'Foo'), '_SET0(mixed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+null( _SET0($set{unblessed}, 'Foo'), '_SET0(unblessed ARRAY) returns undef' );
+# Base class
+package Foo;
+sub foo { 1 }
+# Normal inheritance
+package Bar;
+use vars qw{@ISA};
+ @ISA = 'Foo';
+# Coded isa
+package Baz;
+sub isa {
+ return 1 if $_[1] eq 'Foo';
+ shift->SUPER::isa(@_);
+# Not a subclass
+package Bad;
+sub bad { 1 }
diff --git a/t/13_all.t b/t/13_all.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90c2618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/13_all.t
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 26;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ use_ok( 'Params::Util', ':ALL' );
+# Is everything imported
+ok( defined &_STRING, '_STRING imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_IDENTIFIER, '_IDENTIFIER imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CLASS, '_CLASS imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CLASSISA, '_CLASSISA imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SUBCLASS, '_SUBCLASS imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_DRIVER, '_DRIVER imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_NUMBER, '_NUMBER imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_POSINT, '_POSINT imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_NONNEGINT, '_NONNEGINT imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SCALAR, '_SCALAR imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SCALAR0, '_SCALAR0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_ARRAY, '_ARRAY imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_ARRAY0, '_ARRAY0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_ARRAYLIKE, '_ARRAYLIKE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HASH, '_HASH imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HASH0, '_HASH0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HASHLIKE, '_HASHLIKE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CODE, '_CODE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_CODELIKE, '_CODELIKE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_INVOCANT, '_INVOCANT imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_INSTANCE, '_INSTANCE imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_REGEX, '_REGEX imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SET, '_SET imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_SET0, '_SET0 imported ok' );
+ok( defined &_HANDLE, '_HANDLE imported ok' );
diff --git a/t/14_codelike.t b/t/14_codelike.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58833fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/14_codelike.t
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+sub _CODELIKE($);
+use Test::More;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+use Scalar::Util qw(
+ blessed
+ reftype
+ refaddr
+use overload;
+sub c_ok { is(
+ refaddr(_CODELIKE($_[0])),
+ refaddr($_[0]),
+ "callable: $_[1]",
+) }
+sub nc_ok {
+ my $left = shift;
+ $left = _CODELIKE($left);
+ is( $left, undef, "not callable: $_[0]" );
+my @callables = (
+ "callable itself" => \&_CODELIKE,
+ "a boring plain code ref" => sub {},
+ 'an object with overloaded &{}' => C::O->new,
+ 'a object build from a coderef' => C::C->new,
+ 'an object with inherited overloaded &{}' => C::O::S->new,
+ 'a coderef blessed into CODE' => (bless sub {} => 'CODE'),
+my @uncallables = (
+ "undef" => undef,
+ "a string" => "a string",
+ "a number" => 19780720,
+ "a ref to a ref to code" => \(sub {}),
+ "a boring plain hash ref" => {},
+ 'a class that builds from coderefs' => "C::C",
+ 'a class with overloaded &{}' => "C::O",
+ 'a class with inherited overloaded &{}' => "C::O::S",
+ 'a plain boring hash-based object' => UC->new,
+ 'a non-coderef blessed into CODE' => (bless {} => 'CODE'),
+my $tests = (@callables + @uncallables) / 2 + 2;
+if ( $] > 5.006 ) {
+ push @uncallables, 'a regular expression', qr/foo/;
+ $tests += 1;
+plan tests => $tests;
+# Import the function
+use_ok( 'Params::Util', '_CODELIKE' );
+ok( defined *_CODELIKE{CODE}, '_CODELIKE imported ok' );
+while ( @callables ) {
+ my $name = shift @callables;
+ my $object = shift @callables;
+ c_ok( $object, $name );
+while ( @uncallables ) {
+ my $name = shift @uncallables;
+ my $object = shift @uncallables;
+ nc_ok( $object, $name );
+# callable: is a blessed code ref
+package C::C;
+sub new {
+ bless sub {} => shift;
+# callable: overloads &{}
+# but only objects are callable, not class
+package C::O;
+sub new {
+ bless {} => shift;
+use overload '&{}' => sub { sub {} };
+use overload 'bool' => sub () { 1 };
+# callable: subclasses C::O
+package C::O::S;
+use vars qw{@ISA};
+ @ISA = 'C::O';
+# uncallable: some boring object with no codey magic
+package UC;
+sub new {
+ bless {} => shift;
diff --git a/t/15_typelike.t b/t/15_typelike.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45ee98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/15_typelike.t
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 44;
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+use Params::Util qw{_ARRAYLIKE _HASHLIKE};
+# Tests that two objects are the same object
+sub addr {
+ my $have = shift;
+ my $want = shift;
+ is( refaddr($have), refaddr($want), 'Objects are the same object' );
+my $listS = bless \do { my $i } => 'Foo::Listy';
+my $hashS = bless \do { my $i } => 'Foo::Hashy';
+my $bothS = bless \do { my $i } => 'Foo::Bothy';
+my $listH = bless {} => 'Foo::Listy';
+my $hashH = bless {} => 'Foo::Hashy';
+my $bothH = bless {} => 'Foo::Bothy';
+my $listA = bless [] => 'Foo::Listy';
+my $hashA = bless [] => 'Foo::Hashy';
+my $bothA = bless [] => 'Foo::Bothy';
+my @data = (# A H
+ [ undef , 0, 0, 'undef' ],
+ [ 1000 => 0, 0, '1000' ],
+ [ 'Foo' => 0, 0, '"Foo"' ],
+ [ [] => 1, 0, '[]' ],
+ [ {} => 0, 1, '{}' ],
+ [ $listS => 1, 0, 'scalar-based Foo::Listy' ],
+ [ $hashS => 0, 1, 'scalar-based Foo::Hashy' ],
+ [ $bothS => 1, 1, 'scalar-based Foo::Bothy' ],
+ [ $listH => 1, 1, 'hash-based Foo::Listy' ],
+ [ $hashH => 0, 1, 'hash-based Foo::Hashy' ],
+ [ $bothH => 1, 1, 'hash-based Foo::Bothy' ],
+ [ $listA => 1, 0, 'array-based Foo::Listy' ],
+ [ $hashA => 1, 1, 'array-based Foo::Hashy' ],
+ [ $bothA => 1, 1, 'array-based Foo::Bothy' ],
+for my $t (@data) {
+ is(
+ _ARRAYLIKE($t->[0]) ? 1 : 0,
+ $t->[1],
+ "$t->[3] " . ($t->[1] ? 'is' : "isn't") . ' @ish'
+ );
+ if ( _ARRAYLIKE($t->[0]) ) {
+ addr( _ARRAYLIKE($t->[0]), $t->[0] );
+ }
+ is(
+ _HASHLIKE( $t->[0]) ? 1 : 0,
+ $t->[2],
+ "$t->[3] " . ($t->[2] ? 'is' : "isn't") . ' %ish'
+ );
+ if ( _HASHLIKE($t->[0]) ) {
+ addr( _HASHLIKE($t->[0]), $t->[0] );
+ }
+package Foo;
+# this package is totally unremarkable;
+package Foo::Listy;
+use overload
+ '@{}' => sub { [] },
+ fallback => 1;
+package Foo::Hashy;
+use overload
+ '%{}' => sub { {} },
+ fallback => 1;
+package Foo::Bothy;
+use overload
+ '@{}' => sub { [] },
+ '%{}' => sub { {} },
+ fallback => 1;
diff --git a/t/16_invocant.t b/t/16_invocant.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a14e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/16_invocant.t
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 11;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_INVOCANT));
+my $object = bless \do { my $i } => 'Params::Util::Test::Bogus::Whatever';
+my $false_obj1 = bless \do { my $i } => 0;
+my $false_obj2 = bless \do { my $i } => "\0";
+my $tied = tie my $x, 'Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Tied';
+my $unpkg = 'Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Fake';
+my $pkg = 'Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Real'; eval "package $pkg;"; ## no critic
+my @data = (# I
+ [ undef , 0, 'undef' ],
+ [ 1000 => 0, '1000' ],
+ [ $unpkg => 1, qq("$unpkg") ],
+ [ $pkg => 1, qq("$pkg") ],
+ [ [] => 0, '[]' ],
+ [ {} => 0, '{}' ],
+ [ $object => 1, 'blessed reference' ],
+ [ $false_obj1 => 1, 'blessed reference' ],
+ [ $tied => 1, 'tied value' ],
+for my $datum (@data) {
+ is(
+ _INVOCANT($datum->[0]) ? 1 : 0,
+ $datum->[1],
+ "$datum->[2] " . ($datum->[1] ? 'is' : "isn't") . " _IN"
+ );
+# Skip the most evil test except on automated testing, because it
+# fails on at least one common production OS (RedHat Enterprise Linux 4)
+# and the test case should be practically impossible to encounter
+# in real life. The damage the bug could cause users in production is
+# far lower than the damage caused by Params::Util failing to install.
+SKIP: {
+ unless ( $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} ) {
+ skip("Skipping nasty test unless AUTOMATED_TESTING", 1);
+ }
+ ok( !! _INVOCANT($false_obj2), 'Testing null class as an invocant' );
+package Params::Util::Test::_INVOCANT::Tied;
+ my ($class, $value) = @_;
+ return bless \$value => $class;
diff --git a/t/17_handle.t b/t/17_handle.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39d7b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/17_handle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 23;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ ok( ! defined &_HANDLE, '_HANDLE does not exist' );
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_HANDLE));
+ ok( defined &_HANDLE, '_HANDLE imported ok' );
+# Import refaddr to make certain we have it
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+# Preparing
+my $readfile = catfile( 't', 'handles', 'readfile.txt' );
+ok( -f $readfile, "$readfile exists" );
+my $writefile = catfile( 't', 'handles', 'writefile.txt' );
+ if ( -f $writefile ) { unlink $writefile };
+END { if ( -f $writefile ) { unlink $writefile }; }
+ok( ! -e $writefile, "$writefile does not exist" );
+sub is_handle {
+ my $maybe = shift;
+ my $message = shift || 'Is a file handle';
+ my $result = _HANDLE($maybe);
+ ok( defined $result, '_HANDLE does not return undef' );
+ is( refaddr($result), refaddr($maybe), '_HANDLE returns the passed value' );
+sub not_handle {
+ my $maybe = shift;
+ my $message = shift || 'Is not a file handle';
+ my $result = _HANDLE($maybe);
+ ok( ! defined $result, '_HANDLE returns undef' );
+# Basic Filesystem Handles
+# A read filehandle
+ local *HANDLE;
+ open( HANDLE, $readfile );
+ is_handle( \*HANDLE, 'Ordinary read filehandle' );
+ close HANDLE;
+# A write filehandle
+ local *HANDLE;
+ open( HANDLE, "> $readfile" );
+ is_handle( \*HANDLE, 'Ordinary read filehandle' );
+ print HANDLE "A write filehandle";
+ close HANDLE;
+ if ( -f $writefile ) { unlink $writefile };
+# On 5.8+ the new style filehandle
+SKIP: {
+ skip( "Skipping 5.8-style 'my \$fh' handles", 2 ) if $] < 5.008;
+ open( my $handle, $readfile );
+ is_handle( $handle, '5.8-style read filehandle' );
+# Things that are not file handles
+foreach (
+ undef, '', ' ', 'foo', 1, 0, -1, 1.23,
+ [], {}, \'', bless( {}, "foo" )
+) {
+ not_handle( $_ );
diff --git a/t/18_driver.t b/t/18_driver.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cf1c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/18_driver.t
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 91;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+ ok( ! defined &_CLASSISA, '_CLASSISA does not exist' );
+ ok( ! defined &_SUBCLASS, '_SUBCLASS does not exist' );
+ ok( ! defined &_DRIVER, '_DRIVER does not exist' );
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_CLASSISA _SUBCLASS _DRIVER));
+ ok( defined &_CLASSISA, '_CLASSISA imported ok' );
+ ok( defined &_SUBCLASS, '_SUBCLASS imported ok' );
+ ok( defined &_DRIVER, '_DRIVER imported ok' );
+# Import refaddr to make certain we have it
+use Scalar::Util 'refaddr';
+# Preparing
+my $A = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $A, 'A exists' );
+my $B = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $B, 'My_B exists' );
+my $C = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( ! -f $C, 'C does not exist' );
+my $D = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $D, 'D does not exist' );
+my $E = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $E, 'E does not exist' );
+my $F = catfile( 't', 'driver', '' );
+ok( -f $F, 'F does not exist' );
+unshift @INC, catdir( 't', 'driver' );
+# Things that are not file handles
+foreach (
+ undef, '', ' ', 'foo bar', 1, 0, -1, 1.23,
+ [], {}, \'', bless( {}, "foo" )
+) {
+ is( _CLASSISA($_, 'A'), undef, 'Non-classisa returns undef' );
+ is( _SUBCLASS($_, 'A'), undef, 'Non-subclass returns undef' );
+ is( _DRIVER($_, 'A'), undef, 'Non-driver returns undef' );
+# Sample Classes
+# classisa should not load classes
+is( _CLASSISA('A', 'A'), 'A', 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'A'), undef, 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _CLASSISA('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('D', 'A'), undef, 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('F', 'A'), undef, 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# classisa should not load classes
+is( _SUBCLASS('A', 'A'), undef, 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'A'), undef, 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('D', 'A'), undef, 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('F', 'A'), undef, 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# The base class itself is not a driver
+is( _DRIVER('A', 'A'), undef, 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+ok( $A::VERSION, 'A: Class is loaded ok' );
+is( _DRIVER('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _DRIVER('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+ok( $My_B::VERSION, 'B: Class is loaded ok' );
+is( _DRIVER('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _DRIVER('D', 'A'), undef, 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _DRIVER('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _DRIVER('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# Repeat for classisa
+is( _CLASSISA('A', 'A'), 'A', 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _CLASSISA('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _CLASSISA('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('D', 'A'), 'D', 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _CLASSISA('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+# Repeat for subclasses
+is( _SUBCLASS('A', 'A'), undef, 'A: Driver base class is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'B: Good driver returns ok' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('My_B', 'H'), undef, 'B: Good driver return undef for incorrect base' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('C', 'A'), undef, 'C: Non-existant driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('D', 'A'), 'D', 'D: Broken driver is undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: Not a driver returns undef' );
+is( _SUBCLASS('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: Faked isa returns ok' );
+SKIP: {
+ use_ok('Params::Util', qw(_CLASSDOES));
+ skip "DOES tests do not make sense on perls before 5.10", 4
+ unless $] >= 5.010;
+ is( _CLASSDOES('A', 'A'), 'A', 'A: DOES A' );
+ is( _CLASSDOES('My_B', 'A'), 'My_B', 'My_B: DOES A' );
+ is( _CLASSDOES('E', 'A'), undef, 'E: DOES not A' );
+ is( _CLASSDOES('F', 'A'), 'F', 'F: DOES A' );
diff --git a/t/19_insideout.t b/t/19_insideout.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2fc781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/19_insideout.t
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Test for a custom isa method that returns the same way that
+# Object::InsideOut does.
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+use Scalar::Util ();
+use Params::Util ();
+# Create an object and test it
+ my $object = Foo->new;
+ ok( Scalar::Util::blessed($object), 'Foo' );
+ my $instance = Params::Util::_INSTANCE($object, 'Foo');
+ is( $instance, undef, '_INSTANCE correctly returns undef' );
+# Create a package to simulate Object::InsideOut
+ package Foo;
+ sub new {
+ my $foo = 1234;
+ my $self = \$foo;
+ bless $self, $_[0];
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub isa {
+ return ('');
+ }
+ 1;
diff --git a/t/driver/ b/t/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aeb627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package A;
+# This is our driver class
+use strict;
+use vars qw{$VERSION};
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub dummy { 1 }
diff --git a/t/driver/ b/t/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb8ccbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Don't want to collide with the B:: modules
+package My_B;
+# This is our good driver class
+use strict;
+use A ();
+use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA};
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+ @ISA = 'A';
+sub dummy { 1 }
diff --git a/t/driver/ b/t/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b147a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package D;
+# This is our broken driver class
+use strict;
+use A ();
+use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA};
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+ @ISA = 'A';
+sub dummy { 1 }
diff --git a/t/driver/ b/t/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad7d060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package E;
+# This is a good class, but not a driver
+use strict;
+use vars qw{$VERSION};
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub dummy { 1 }
diff --git a/t/driver/ b/t/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7592d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+package F;
+# This is a driver with a faked ->isa
+use strict;
+use vars qw{$VERSION};
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+sub isa {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $parent = shift;
+ if ( defined $parent and ! ref $parent and $parent eq 'A' ) {
+ return !!1;
+ } else {
+ return !1;
+ }
+sub dummy { 1 }
diff --git a/t/driver/ b/t/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb8ccbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Don't want to collide with the B:: modules
+package My_B;
+# This is our good driver class
+use strict;
+use A ();
+use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA};
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+ @ISA = 'A';
+sub dummy { 1 }
diff --git a/t/handles/handle.txt b/t/handles/handle.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0637880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/handles/handle.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This is a file
diff --git a/t/handles/readfile.txt b/t/handles/readfile.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a98faff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/handles/readfile.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+A write filehandle \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xt/meta.t b/xt/meta.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8b2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/meta.t
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Test that our META.yml file matches the current specification.
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+my $MODULE = 'Test::CPAN::Meta 0.17';
+# Don't run tests for installs
+use Test::More;
+ plan( skip_all => "Author tests not required for installation" );
+# Load the testing module
+eval "use $MODULE";
+if ( $@ ) {
+ ? die( "Failed to load required release-testing module $MODULE" )
+ : plan( skip_all => "$MODULE not available for testing" );
diff --git a/xt/pmv.t b/xt/pmv.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f285be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/pmv.t
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Test that our declared minimum Perl version matches our syntax
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+my @MODULES = (
+ 'Perl::MinimumVersion 1.27',
+ 'Test::MinimumVersion 0.101080',
+# Don't run tests for installs
+use Test::More;
+ plan( skip_all => "Author tests not required for installation" );
+# Load the testing modules
+foreach my $MODULE ( @MODULES ) {
+ eval "use $MODULE";
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ ? die( "Failed to load required release-testing module $MODULE" )
+ : plan( skip_all => "$MODULE not available for testing" );
+ }
diff --git a/xt/pod.t b/xt/pod.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..170cae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/pod.t
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Test that the syntax of our POD documentation is valid
+use strict;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+my @MODULES = (
+ 'Pod::Simple 3.14',
+ 'Test::Pod 1.44',
+# Don't run tests for installs
+use Test::More;
+ plan( skip_all => "Author tests not required for installation" );
+# Load the testing modules
+foreach my $MODULE ( @MODULES ) {
+ eval "use $MODULE";
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ ? die( "Failed to load required release-testing module $MODULE" )
+ : plan( skip_all => "$MODULE not available for testing" );
+ }