path: root/lib/Log/Log4perl/Layout/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Log/Log4perl/Layout/')
1 files changed, 888 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Log/Log4perl/Layout/ b/lib/Log/Log4perl/Layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94854db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Log/Log4perl/Layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+package Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use constant _INTERNAL_DEBUG => 0;
+use Carp;
+use Log::Log4perl::Util;
+use Log::Log4perl::Level;
+use Log::Log4perl::DateFormat;
+use Log::Log4perl::NDC;
+use Log::Log4perl::MDC;
+use Log::Log4perl::Util::TimeTracker;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Basename;
+our $CSPECS = 'cCdFHIlLmMnpPrRtTxX%';
+ # Check if we've got Sys::Hostname. If not, just punt.
+ $HOSTNAME = "";
+ if(Log::Log4perl::Util::module_available("Sys::Hostname")) {
+ require Sys::Hostname;
+ $HOSTNAME = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
+ }
+use base qw(Log::Log4perl::Layout);
+no strict qw(refs);
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class = ref ($class) || $class;
+ my $options = ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? shift : {};
+ my $layout_string = @_ ? shift : '%m%n';
+ my $self = {
+ format => undef,
+ info_needed => {},
+ stack => [],
+ dontCollapseArrayRefs => $options->{dontCollapseArrayRefs}{value},
+ last_time => undef,
+ undef_column_value =>
+ (exists $options->{ undef_column_value }
+ ? $options->{ undef_column_value }
+ : "[undef]"),
+ };
+ $self->{timer} = Log::Log4perl::Util::TimeTracker->new(
+ time_function => $options->{time_function}
+ );
+ if(exists $options->{ConversionPattern}->{value}) {
+ $layout_string = $options->{ConversionPattern}->{value};
+ }
+ if(exists $options->{message_chomp_before_newline}) {
+ $self->{message_chomp_before_newline} =
+ $options->{message_chomp_before_newline}->{value};
+ } else {
+ $self->{message_chomp_before_newline} = 1;
+ }
+ bless $self, $class;
+ #add the global user-defined cspecs
+ foreach my $f (keys %GLOBAL_USER_DEFINED_CSPECS){
+ #add it to the list of letters
+ $self->{CSPECS} .= $f;
+ #for globals, the coderef is already evaled,
+ }
+ #add the user-defined cspecs local to this appender
+ foreach my $f (keys %{$options->{cspec}}){
+ $self->add_layout_cspec($f, $options->{cspec}{$f}{value});
+ }
+ # non-portable line breaks
+ $layout_string =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+ $layout_string =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
+ $self->define($layout_string);
+ return $self;
+sub define {
+ my($self, $format) = @_;
+ # If the message contains a %m followed by a newline,
+ # make a note of that so that we can cut a superfluous
+ # \n off the message later on
+ if($self->{message_chomp_before_newline} and $format =~ /%m%n/) {
+ $self->{message_chompable} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $self->{message_chompable} = 0;
+ }
+ # Parse the format
+ $format =~ s/%(-?\d*(?:\.\d+)?)
+ ([$self->{CSPECS}])
+ (?:{(.*?)})*/
+ rep($self, $1, $2, $3);
+ /gex;
+ $self->{printformat} = $format;
+sub rep {
+ my($self, $num, $op, $curlies) = @_;
+ return "%%" if $op eq "%";
+ # If it's a %d{...} construct, initialize a simple date
+ # format formatter, so that we can quickly render later on.
+ # If it's just %d, assume %d{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}
+ if($op eq "d") {
+ if(defined $curlies) {
+ $curlies = Log::Log4perl::DateFormat->new($curlies);
+ } else {
+ $curlies = Log::Log4perl::DateFormat->new("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
+ }
+ } elsif($op eq "m") {
+ $curlies = $self->curlies_csv_parse($curlies);
+ }
+ push @{$self->{stack}}, [$op, $curlies];
+ $self->{info_needed}->{$op}++;
+ return "%${num}s";
+sub curlies_csv_parse {
+ my($self, $curlies) = @_;
+ my $data = {};
+ if(defined $curlies and length $curlies) {
+ $curlies =~ s/\s//g;
+ for my $field (split /,/, $curlies) {
+ my($key, $value) = split /=/, $field;
+ $data->{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+sub render {
+ my($self, $message, $category, $priority, $caller_level) = @_;
+ $caller_level = 0 unless defined $caller_level;
+ my %info = ();
+ $info{m} = $message;
+ # See 'define'
+ chomp $info{m} if $self->{message_chompable};
+ my @results = ();
+ my $caller_offset = Log::Log4perl::caller_depth_offset( $caller_level );
+ if($self->{info_needed}->{L} or
+ $self->{info_needed}->{F} or
+ $self->{info_needed}->{C} or
+ $self->{info_needed}->{l} or
+ $self->{info_needed}->{M} or
+ $self->{info_needed}->{T} or
+ 0
+ ) {
+ my ($package, $filename, $line,
+ $subroutine, $hasargs,
+ $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require,
+ $hints, $bitmask) = caller($caller_offset);
+ # If caller() choked because of a whacko caller level,
+ # correct undefined values to '[undef]' in order to prevent
+ # warning messages when interpolating later
+ unless(defined $bitmask) {
+ for($package,
+ $filename, $line,
+ $subroutine, $hasargs,
+ $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require,
+ $hints, $bitmask) {
+ $_ = '[undef]' unless defined $_;
+ }
+ }
+ $info{L} = $line;
+ $info{F} = $filename;
+ $info{C} = $package;
+ if($self->{info_needed}->{M} or
+ $self->{info_needed}->{l} or
+ 0) {
+ # To obtain the name of the subroutine which triggered the
+ # logger, we need to go one additional level up.
+ my $levels_up = 1;
+ {
+ my @callinfo = caller($caller_offset+$levels_up);
+ callinfo_dump( $caller_offset, \@callinfo );
+ }
+ $subroutine = $callinfo[3];
+ # If we're inside an eval, go up one level further.
+ if(defined $subroutine and
+ $subroutine eq "(eval)") {
+ print "Inside an eval, one up\n" if _INTERNAL_DEBUG;
+ $levels_up++;
+ redo;
+ }
+ }
+ $subroutine = "main::" unless $subroutine;
+ print "Subroutine is '$subroutine'\n" if _INTERNAL_DEBUG;
+ $info{M} = $subroutine;
+ $info{l} = "$subroutine $filename ($line)";
+ }
+ }
+ $info{X} = "[No curlies defined]";
+ $info{x} = Log::Log4perl::NDC->get() if $self->{info_needed}->{x};
+ $info{c} = $category;
+ $info{d} = 1; # Dummy value, corrected later
+ $info{n} = "\n";
+ $info{p} = $priority;
+ $info{P} = $$;
+ $info{H} = $HOSTNAME;
+ my $current_time;
+ if($self->{info_needed}->{r} or $self->{info_needed}->{R}) {
+ !$self->{timer}->hires_available()) {
+ warn "Requested %r/%R pattern without installed Time::HiRes\n";
+ }
+ $current_time = [$self->{timer}->gettimeofday()];
+ }
+ if($self->{info_needed}->{r}) {
+ $info{r} = $self->{timer}->milliseconds( $current_time );
+ }
+ if($self->{info_needed}->{R}) {
+ $info{R} = $self->{timer}->delta_milliseconds( $current_time );
+ }
+ # Stack trace wanted?
+ if($self->{info_needed}->{T}) {
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel =
+ $Carp::CarpLevel + $caller_offset;
+ my $mess = Carp::longmess();
+ chomp($mess);
+ # $mess =~ s/(?:\A\s*at.*\n|^\s*Log::Log4perl.*\n|^\s*)//mg;
+ $mess =~ s/(?:\A\s*at.*\n|^\s*)//mg;
+ $mess =~ s/\n/, /g;
+ $info{T} = $mess;
+ }
+ # As long as they're not implemented yet ..
+ $info{t} = "N/A";
+ # Iterate over all info fields on the stack
+ for my $e (@{$self->{stack}}) {
+ my($op, $curlies) = @$e;
+ my $result;
+ if(exists $self->{USER_DEFINED_CSPECS}->{$op}) {
+ next unless $self->{info_needed}->{$op};
+ $self->{curlies} = $curlies;
+ $result = $self->{USER_DEFINED_CSPECS}->{$op}->($self,
+ $message, $category, $priority,
+ $caller_offset+1);
+ } elsif(exists $info{$op}) {
+ $result = $info{$op};
+ if($curlies) {
+ $result = $self->curly_action($op, $curlies, $info{$op},
+ $self->{printformat}, \@results);
+ } else {
+ # just for %d
+ if($op eq 'd') {
+ $result = $info{$op}->format($self->{timer}->gettimeofday());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "Format %'$op' not implemented (yet)";
+ $result = "FORMAT-ERROR";
+ }
+ $result = $self->{undef_column_value} unless defined $result;
+ push @results, $result;
+ }
+ # dbi appender needs that
+ if( scalar @results == 1 and
+ !defined $results[0] ) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return (sprintf $self->{printformat}, @results);
+sub curly_action {
+ my($self, $ops, $curlies, $data, $printformat, $results) = @_;
+ if($ops eq "c") {
+ $data = shrink_category($data, $curlies);
+ } elsif($ops eq "C") {
+ $data = shrink_category($data, $curlies);
+ } elsif($ops eq "X") {
+ $data = Log::Log4perl::MDC->get($curlies);
+ } elsif($ops eq "d") {
+ $data = $curlies->format( $self->{timer}->gettimeofday() );
+ } elsif($ops eq "M") {
+ $data = shrink_category($data, $curlies);
+ } elsif($ops eq "m") {
+ if(exists $curlies->{chomp}) {
+ chomp $data;
+ }
+ if(exists $curlies->{indent}) {
+ if(defined $curlies->{indent}) {
+ # fixed indent
+ $data =~ s/\n/ "\n" . (" " x $curlies->{indent})/ge;
+ } else {
+ # indent on the lead-in
+ no warnings; # trailing array elements are undefined
+ my $indent = length sprintf $printformat, @$results;
+ $data =~ s/\n/ "\n" . (" " x $indent)/ge;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif($ops eq "F") {
+ my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($data);
+ # Limit it to max curlies entries
+ if(@parts > $curlies) {
+ splice @parts, 0, @parts - $curlies;
+ }
+ $data = File::Spec->catfile(@parts);
+ } elsif($ops eq "p") {
+ $data = substr $data, 0, $curlies;
+ }
+ return $data;
+sub shrink_category {
+ my($category, $len) = @_;
+ my @components = split /\.|::/, $category;
+ if(@components > $len) {
+ splice @components, 0, @components - $len;
+ $category = join '.', @components;
+ }
+ return $category;
+sub add_global_cspec {
+# This is a Class method.
+# Accepts a coderef or text
+ unless($Log::Log4perl::ALLOW_CODE_IN_CONFIG_FILE) {
+ die "\$Log::Log4perl::ALLOW_CODE_IN_CONFIG_FILE setting " .
+ "prohibits user defined cspecs";
+ }
+ my ($letter, $perlcode) = @_;
+ croak "Illegal value '$letter' in call to add_global_cspec()"
+ unless ($letter =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/);
+ croak "Missing argument for perlcode for 'cspec.$letter' ".
+ "in call to add_global_cspec()"
+ unless $perlcode;
+ croak "Please don't redefine built-in cspecs [$CSPECS]\n".
+ "like you do for \"cspec.$letter\"\n "
+ if ($CSPECS =~/$letter/);
+ if (ref $perlcode eq 'CODE') {
+ $GLOBAL_USER_DEFINED_CSPECS{$letter} = $perlcode;
+ }elsif (! ref $perlcode){
+ Log::Log4perl::Config::compile_if_perl($perlcode);
+ if ($@) {
+ die qq{Compilation failed for your perl code for }.
+ qq{"log4j.PatternLayout.cspec.$letter":\n}.
+ qq{This is the error message: \t$@\n}.
+ qq{This is the code that failed: \n$perlcode\n};
+ }
+ croak "eval'ing your perlcode for 'log4j.PatternLayout.cspec.$letter' ".
+ "doesn't return a coderef \n".
+ "Here is the perl code: \n\t$perlcode\n "
+ unless (ref $GLOBAL_USER_DEFINED_CSPECS{$letter} eq 'CODE');
+ }else{
+ croak "I don't know how to handle perlcode=$perlcode ".
+ "for 'cspec.$letter' in call to add_global_cspec()";
+ }
+sub add_layout_cspec {
+# object method
+# adds a cspec just for this layout
+ my ($self, $letter, $perlcode) = @_;
+ unless($Log::Log4perl::ALLOW_CODE_IN_CONFIG_FILE) {
+ die "\$Log::Log4perl::ALLOW_CODE_IN_CONFIG_FILE setting " .
+ "prohibits user defined cspecs";
+ }
+ croak "Illegal value '$letter' in call to add_layout_cspec()"
+ unless ($letter =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/);
+ croak "Missing argument for perlcode for 'cspec.$letter' ".
+ "in call to add_layout_cspec()"
+ unless $perlcode;
+ croak "Please don't redefine built-in cspecs [$CSPECS] \n".
+ "like you do for 'cspec.$letter'"
+ if ($CSPECS =~/$letter/);
+ if (ref $perlcode eq 'CODE') {
+ $self->{USER_DEFINED_CSPECS}{$letter} = $perlcode;
+ }elsif (! ref $perlcode){
+ $self->{USER_DEFINED_CSPECS}{$letter} =
+ Log::Log4perl::Config::compile_if_perl($perlcode);
+ if ($@) {
+ die qq{Compilation failed for your perl code for }.
+ qq{"cspec.$letter":\n}.
+ qq{This is the error message: \t$@\n}.
+ qq{This is the code that failed: \n$perlcode\n};
+ }
+ croak "eval'ing your perlcode for 'cspec.$letter' ".
+ "doesn't return a coderef \n".
+ "Here is the perl code: \n\t$perlcode\n "
+ unless (ref $self->{USER_DEFINED_CSPECS}{$letter} eq 'CODE');
+ }else{
+ croak "I don't know how to handle perlcode=$perlcode ".
+ "for 'cspec.$letter' in call to add_layout_cspec()";
+ }
+ $self->{CSPECS} .= $letter;
+sub callinfo_dump {
+ my($level, $info) = @_;
+ my @called_by = caller(0);
+ # Just for internal debugging
+ $called_by[1] = basename $called_by[1];
+ print "caller($level) at $called_by[1]-$called_by[2] returned ";
+ my @by_idx;
+ # $info->[1] = basename $info->[1] if defined $info->[1];
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $field (qw(package filename line subroutine hasargs
+ wantarray evaltext is_require hints bitmask)) {
+ $by_idx[$i] = $field;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ for my $value (@$info) {
+ my $field = $by_idx[ $i ];
+ print "$field=",
+ (defined $info->[$i] ? $info->[$i] : "[undef]"),
+ " ";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ print "\n";
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout - Pattern Layout
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout;
+ my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new(
+ "%d (%F:%L)> %m");
+Creates a pattern layout according to
+and a couple of Log::Log4perl-specific extensions.
+The C<new()> method creates a new PatternLayout, specifying its log
+format. The format
+string can contain a number of placeholders which will be
+replaced by the logging engine when it's time to log the message:
+ %c Category of the logging event.
+ %C Fully qualified package (or class) name of the caller
+ %d Current date in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format
+ %d{...} Current date in customized format (see below)
+ %F File where the logging event occurred
+ %H Hostname (if Sys::Hostname is available)
+ %l Fully qualified name of the calling method followed by the
+ callers source the file name and line number between
+ parentheses.
+ %L Line number within the file where the log statement was issued
+ %m The message to be logged
+ %m{chomp} Log message, stripped off a trailing newline
+ %m{indent} Log message, multi-lines indented so they line up with first
+ %m{indent=n} Log message, multi-lines indented by n spaces
+ %M Method or function where the logging request was issued
+ %n Newline (OS-independent)
+ %p Priority of the logging event (%p{1} shows the first letter)
+ %P pid of the current process
+ %r Number of milliseconds elapsed from program start to logging
+ event
+ %R Number of milliseconds elapsed from last logging event to
+ current logging event
+ %T A stack trace of functions called
+ %x The topmost NDC (see below)
+ %X{key} The entry 'key' of the MDC (see below)
+ %% A literal percent (%) sign
+NDC and MDC are explained in L<Log::Log4perl/"Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC)">
+and L<Log::Log4perl/"Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC)">.
+The granularity of time values is milliseconds if Time::HiRes is available.
+If not, only full seconds are used.
+Every once in a while, someone uses the "%m%n" pattern and
+additionally provides an extra newline in the log message (e.g.
+C<-E<gt>log("message\n")>. To avoid printing an extra newline in
+this case, the PatternLayout will chomp the message, printing only
+one newline. This option can be controlled by PatternLayout's
+C<message_chomp_before_newline> option. See L<Advanced options>
+for details.
+=head2 Quantify placeholders
+All placeholders can be extended with formatting instructions,
+just like in I<printf>:
+ %20c Reserve 20 chars for the category, right-justify and fill
+ with blanks if it is shorter
+ %-20c Same as %20c, but left-justify and fill the right side
+ with blanks
+ %09r Zero-pad the number of milliseconds to 9 digits
+ %.8c Specify the maximum field with and have the formatter
+ cut off the rest of the value
+=head2 Fine-tuning with curlies
+Some placeholders have special functions defined if you add curlies
+with content after them:
+ %c{1} Just show the right-most category compontent, useful in large
+ class hierarchies (Foo::Baz::Bar -> Bar)
+ %c{2} Just show the two right most category components
+ (Foo::Baz::Bar -> Baz::Bar)
+ %F Display source file including full path
+ %F{1} Just display filename
+ %F{2} Display filename and last path component (dir/test.log)
+ %F{3} Display filename and last two path components (d1/d2/test.log)
+ %M Display fully qualified method/function name
+ %M{1} Just display method name (foo)
+ %M{2} Display method name and last path component (main::foo)
+In this way, you're able to shrink the displayed category or
+limit file/path components to save space in your logs.
+=head2 Fine-tune the date
+If you're not happy with the default %d format for the date which
+looks like
+ yyyy/MM/DD HH:mm:ss
+(which is slightly different from Log4j which uses C<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS>)
+you're free to fine-tune it in order to display only certain characteristics
+of a date, according to the SimpleDateFormat in the Java World
+ %d{HH:mm} "23:45" -- Just display hours and minutes
+ %d{yy, EEEE} "02, Monday" -- Just display two-digit year
+ and spelled-out weekday
+Here's the symbols and their meaning, according to the SimpleDateFormat
+ Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
+ ------ ------- ------------ -------
+ G era designator (Text) AD
+ y year (Number) 1996
+ M month in year (Text & Number) July & 07
+ d day in month (Number) 10
+ h hour in am/pm (1-12) (Number) 12
+ H hour in day (0-23) (Number) 0
+ m minute in hour (Number) 30
+ s second in minute (Number) 55
+ E day in week (Text) Tuesday
+ D day in year (Number) 189
+ a am/pm marker (Text) PM
+ e epoch seconds (Number) 1315011604
+ (Text): 4 or more pattern letters--use full form, < 4--use short or
+ abbreviated form if one exists.
+ (Number): the minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are
+ zero-padded to this amount. Year is handled
+ specially; that is, if the count of 'y' is 2, the
+ Year will be truncated to 2 digits.
+ (Text & Number): 3 or over, use text, otherwise use number.
+There's also a bunch of pre-defined formats:
+ %d{ABSOLUTE} "HH:mm:ss,SSS"
+ %d{DATE} "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS"
+ %d{ISO8601} "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"
+=head2 Custom cspecs
+First of all, "cspecs" is short for "conversion specifiers", which is
+the log4j and the printf(3) term for what Mike is calling "placeholders."
+I suggested "cspecs" for this part of the api before I saw that Mike was
+using "placeholders" consistently in the log4perl documentation. Ah, the
+joys of collaboration ;=) --kg
+If the existing corpus of placeholders/cspecs isn't good enough for you,
+you can easily roll your own:
+ #'U' a global user-defined cspec
+ log4j.PatternLayout.cspec.U = sub { return "UID: $< "}
+ #'K' cspec local to appndr1 (pid in hex)
+ log4j.appender.appndr1.layout.cspec.K = sub { return sprintf "%1x", $$}
+ #and now you can use them
+ log4j.appender.appndr1.layout.ConversionPattern = %K %U %m%n
+The benefit of this approach is that you can define and use the cspecs
+right next to each other in the config file.
+If you're an API kind of person, there's also this call:
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout::
+ add_global_cspec('Z', sub {'zzzzzzzz'}); #snooze?
+When the log message is being put together, your anonymous sub
+will be called with these arguments:
+ ($layout, $message, $category, $priority, $caller_level);
+ layout: the PatternLayout object that called it
+ message: the logging message (%m)
+ category: e.g.
+ caller_level: how many levels back up the call stack you have
+ to go to find the caller
+Please note that the subroutines you're defining in this way are going
+to be run in the C<main> namespace, so be sure to fully qualify functions
+and variables if they're located in different packages. I<Also make sure
+these subroutines aren't using Log4perl, otherwise Log4perl will enter
+an infinite recursion.>
+With Log4perl 1.20 and better, cspecs can be written with parameters in
+curly braces. Writing something like
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %U{user} %U{id} %m%n
+will cause the cspec function defined for %U to be called twice, once
+with the parameter 'user' and then again with the parameter 'id',
+and the placeholders in the cspec string will be replaced with
+the respective return values.
+The parameter value is available in the 'curlies' entry of the first
+parameter passed to the subroutine (the layout object reference).
+So, if you wanted to map %U{xxx} to entries in the POE session hash,
+you'd write something like:
+ log4perl.PatternLayout.cspec.U = sub { \
+ POE::Kernel->get_active_session->get_heap()->{ $_[0]->{curlies} } }
+This feature means arbitrary perl code can be embedded in the config file.
+In the rare case where the people who have access to your config file are
+different from the people who write your code and shouldn't have execute
+rights, you might want to set
+ $Log::Log4perl::Config->allow_code(0);
+before you call init(). Alternatively you can supply a restricted set of
+Perl opcodes that can be embedded in the config file as described in
+L<Log::Log4perl/"Restricting what Opcodes can be in a Perl Hook">.
+=head2 Advanced Options
+The constructor of the C<Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout> class
+takes an optional hash reference as a first argument to specify
+additional options in order to (ab)use it in creative ways:
+ my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new(
+ { time_function => \&my_time_func,
+ },
+ "%d (%F:%L)> %m");
+Here's a list of parameters:
+=over 4
+=item time_function
+Takes a reference to a function returning the time for the time/date
+fields, either in seconds
+since the epoch or as an array, carrying seconds and
+microseconds, just like C<Time::HiRes::gettimeofday> does.
+=item message_chomp_before_newline
+If a layout contains the pattern "%m%n" and the message ends with a newline,
+PatternLayout will chomp the message, to prevent printing two newlines.
+If this is not desired, and you want two newlines in this case,
+the feature can be turned off by setting the
+C<message_chomp_before_newline> option to a false value:
+ my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new(
+ { message_chomp_before_newline => 0
+ },
+ "%d (%F:%L)> %m%n");
+In a Log4perl configuration file, the feature can be turned off like this:
+ log4perl.appender.App.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.App.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m%n
+ # Yes, I want two newlines
+ log4perl.appender.App.layout.message_chomp_before_newline = 0
+=head2 Getting rid of newlines
+If your code contains logging statements like
+ # WRONG, don't do that!
+ $logger->debug("Some message\n");
+then it's usually best to strip the newlines from these calls. As explained
+in L<Log::Log4perl/Logging newlines>, logging statements should never contain
+newlines, but rely on appender layouts to add necessary newlines instead.
+If changing the code is not an option, use the special PatternLayout
+placeholder %m{chomp} to refer to the message excluding a trailing
+ log4perl.appender.App.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m{chomp}%n
+This will add a single newline to every message, regardless if it
+complies with the Log4perl newline guidelines or not (thanks to
+Tim Bunce for this idea).
+=head2 Multi Lines
+If a log message consists of several lines, like
+ $logger->debug("line1\nline2\nline3");
+then by default, they get logged like this (assuming the the layout is
+set to "%d>%m%n"):
+ # layout %d>%m%n
+ 2014/07/27 12:46:16>line1
+ line2
+ line3
+If you'd rather have the messages aligned like
+ # layout %d>%m{indent}%n
+ 2014/07/27 12:46:16>line1
+ line2
+ line3
+then use the C<%m{indent}> option for the %m specifier. This option
+can also take a fixed value, as in C<%m{indent=2}>, which indents
+subsequent lines by two spaces:
+ # layout %d>%m{indent=2}%n
+ 2014/07/27 12:46:16>line1
+ line2
+ line3
+Note that you can still add the C<chomp> option for the C<%m> specifier
+in this case (see above what it does), simply add it after a
+separating comma, like in C<%m{indent=2,chomp}>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright 2002-2013 by Mike Schilli E<lt>m@perlmeister.comE<gt>
+and Kevin Goess E<lt>cpan@goess.orgE<gt>.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Please contribute patches to the project on Github:
+Send bug reports or requests for enhancements to the authors via our
+MAILING LIST (questions, bug reports, suggestions/patches):
+Authors (please contact them via the list above, not directly):
+Mike Schilli <>,
+Kevin Goess <>
+Contributors (in alphabetical order):
+Ateeq Altaf, Cory Bennett, Jens Berthold, Jeremy Bopp, Hutton
+Davidson, Chris R. Donnelly, Matisse Enzer, Hugh Esco, Anthony
+Foiani, James FitzGibbon, Carl Franks, Dennis Gregorovic, Andy
+Grundman, Paul Harrington, Alexander Hartmaier David Hull,
+Robert Jacobson, Jason Kohles, Jeff Macdonald, Markus Peter,
+Brett Rann, Peter Rabbitson, Erik Selberg, Aaron Straup Cope,
+Lars Thegler, David Viner, Mac Yang.