path: root/lib/Log/Log4perl/
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+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Log::Log4perl::FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions on Log::Log4perl
+This FAQ shows a wide variety of
+commonly encountered logging tasks and how to solve them
+in the most elegant way with Log::Log4perl. Most of the time, this will
+be just a matter of smartly configuring your Log::Log4perl configuration files.
+=head2 Why use Log::Log4perl instead of any other logging module on CPAN?
+That's a good question. There's dozens of logging modules on CPAN.
+When it comes to logging, people typically think: "Aha. Writing out
+debug and error messages. Debug is lower than error. Easy. I'm gonna
+write my own." Writing a logging module is like a rite of passage for
+every Perl programmer, just like writing your own templating system.
+Of course, after getting the basics right, features need to
+be added. You'd like to write a timestamp with every message. Then
+timestamps with microseconds. Then messages need to be written to both
+the screen and a log file.
+And, as your application grows in size you might wonder: Why doesn't
+my logging system scale along with it? You would like to switch on
+logging in selected parts of the application, and not all across the
+board, because this kills performance. This is when people turn to
+Log::Log4perl, because it handles all of that.
+Avoid this costly switch.
+Use C<Log::Log4perl> right from the start. C<Log::Log4perl>'s C<:easy>
+mode supports easy logging in simple scripts:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+ DEBUG "A low-level message";
+ ERROR "Won't make it until level gets increased to ERROR";
+And when your application inevitably grows, your logging system grows
+with it without you having to change any code.
+Please, don't re-invent logging. C<Log::Log4perl> is here, it's easy
+to use, it scales, and covers many areas you haven't thought of yet,
+but will enter soon.
+=head2 What's the easiest way to use Log4perl?
+If you just want to get all the comfort of logging, without much
+overhead, use I<Stealth Loggers>. If you use Log::Log4perl in
+C<:easy> mode like
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+you'll have the following functions available in the current package:
+ DEBUG("message");
+ INFO("message");
+ WARN("message");
+ ERROR("message");
+ FATAL("message");
+Just make sure that every package of your code where you're using them in
+pulls in C<use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy)> first, then you're set.
+Every stealth logger's category will be equivalent to the name of the
+package it's located in.
+These stealth loggers
+will be absolutely silent until you initialize Log::Log4perl in
+your main program with either
+ # Define any Log4perl behavior
+ Log::Log4perl->init("foo.conf");
+(using a full-blown Log4perl config file) or the super-easy method
+ # Just log to STDERR
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+or the parameter-style method with a complexity somewhat in between:
+ # Append to a log file
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level => $DEBUG,
+ file => ">>test.log" } );
+For more info, please check out L<Log::Log4perl/"Stealth Loggers">.
+=head2 How can I simply log all my ERROR messages to a file?
+After pulling in the C<Log::Log4perl> module, just initialize its
+behavior by passing in a configuration to its C<init> method as a string
+reference. Then, obtain a logger instance and write out a message
+with its C<error()> method:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+ # Define configuration
+ my $conf = q(
+ log4perl.logger = ERROR, FileApp
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %d> %m%n
+ );
+ # Initialize logging behavior
+ Log::Log4perl->init( \$conf );
+ # Obtain a logger instance
+ my $logger = get_logger("Bar::Twix");
+ $logger->error("Oh my, a dreadful error!");
+ $logger->warn("Oh my, a dreadful warning!");
+This will append something like
+ 2002/10/29 20:11:55> Oh my, a dreadful error!
+to the log file C<test.log>. How does this all work?
+While the Log::Log4perl C<init()> method typically
+takes the name of a configuration file as its input parameter like
+ Log::Log4perl->init( "/path/mylog.conf" );
+the example above shows how to pass in a configuration as text in a
+scalar reference.
+The configuration as shown
+defines a logger of the root category, which has an appender of type
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::File> attached. The line
+ log4perl.logger = ERROR, FileApp
+doesn't list a category, defining a root logger. Compare that with
+ log4perl.logger.Bar.Twix = ERROR, FileApp
+which would define a logger for the category C<Bar::Twix>,
+showing probably different behavior. C<FileApp> on
+the right side of the assignment is
+an arbitrarily defined variable name, which is only used to somehow
+reference an appender defined later on.
+Appender settings in the configuration are defined as follows:
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
+It selects the file appender of the C<Log::Log4perl::Appender>
+hierarchy, which will append to the file C<test.log> if it already
+exists. If we wanted to overwrite a potentially existing file, we would
+have to explicitly set the appropriate C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::File>
+parameter C<mode>:
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.mode = write
+Also, the configuration defines a PatternLayout format, adding
+the nicely formatted current date and time, an arrow (E<gt>) and
+a space before the messages, which is then followed by a newline:
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %d> %m%n
+Obtaining a logger instance and actually logging something is typically
+done in a different system part as the Log::Log4perl initialisation section,
+but in this example, it's just done right after init for the
+sake of compactness:
+ # Obtain a logger instance
+ my $logger = get_logger("Bar::Twix");
+ $logger->error("Oh my, a dreadful error!");
+This retrieves an instance of the logger of the category C<Bar::Twix>,
+which, as all other categories, inherits behavior from the root logger if no
+other loggers are defined in the initialization section.
+The C<error()>
+method fires up a message, which the root logger catches. Its
+priority is equal to
+or higher than the root logger's priority (ERROR), which causes the root logger
+to forward it to its attached appender. By contrast, the following
+ $logger->warn("Oh my, a dreadful warning!");
+doesn't make it through, because the root logger sports a higher setting
+(ERROR and up) than the WARN priority of the message.
+=head2 How can I install Log::Log4perl on Microsoft Windows?
+You can install Log::Log4perl using the CPAN client.
+Alternatively you can install it using
+ ppm install Log-Log4perl
+if you're using ActiveState perl.
+That's it! Afterwards, just create a Perl script like
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+ my $logger = get_logger("Twix::Bar");
+ $logger->debug("Watch me!");
+and run it. It should print something like
+ 2002/11/06 01:22:05 Watch me!
+If you find that something doesn't work, please let us know at -- we'll appreciate it. Have fun!
+=head2 How can I include global (thread-specific) data in my log messages?
+Say, you're writing a web application and want all your
+log messages to include the current client's IP address. Most certainly,
+you don't want to include it in each and every log message like in
+ $logger->debug( $r->connection->remote_ip,
+ " Retrieving user data from DB" );
+do you? Instead, you want to set it in a global data structure and
+have Log::Log4perl include it automatically via a PatternLayout setting
+in the configuration file:
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %X{ip} %m%n
+The conversion specifier C<%X{ip}> references an entry under the key
+C<ip> in the global C<MDC> (mapped diagnostic context) table, which
+you've set once via
+ Log::Log4perl::MDC->put("ip", $r->connection->remote_ip);
+at the start of the request handler. Note that this is a
+I<static> (class) method, there's no logger object involved.
+You can use this method with as many key/value pairs as you like as long
+as you reference them under different names.
+The mappings are stored in a global hash table within Log::Log4perl.
+Luckily, because the thread
+model in 5.8.0 doesn't share global variables between threads unless
+they're explicitly marked as such, there's no problem with multi-threaded
+For more details on the MDC, please refer to
+L<Log::Log4perl/"Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC)"> and
+=head2 My application is already logging to a file. How can I duplicate all messages to also go to the screen?
+Assuming that you already have a Log4perl configuration file like
+ log4perl.logger = DEBUG, FileApp
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %d> %m%n
+and log statements all over your code,
+it's very easy with Log4perl to have the same messages both printed to
+the logfile and the screen. No reason to change your code, of course,
+just add another appender to the configuration file and you're done:
+ log4perl.logger = DEBUG, FileApp, ScreenApp
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %d> %m%n
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp.stderr = 0
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %d> %m%n
+The configuration file above is assuming that both appenders are
+active in the same logger hierarchy, in this case the C<root> category.
+But even if you've got file loggers defined in several parts of your system,
+belonging to different logger categories,
+each logging to different files, you can gobble up all logged messages
+by defining a root logger with a screen appender, which would duplicate
+messages from all your file loggers to the screen due to Log4perl's
+appender inheritance. Check
+for details. Have fun!
+=head2 How can I make sure my application logs a message when it dies unexpectedly?
+Whenever you encounter a fatal error in your application, instead of saying
+something like
+ open FILE, "<blah" or die "Can't open blah -- bailing out!";
+just use Log::Log4perl's fatal functions instead:
+ my $log = get_logger("Some::Package");
+ open FILE, "<blah" or $log->logdie("Can't open blah -- bailing out!");
+This will both log the message with priority FATAL according to your current
+Log::Log4perl configuration and then call Perl's C<die()>
+afterwards to terminate the program. It works the same with
+stealth loggers (see L<Log::Log4perl/"Stealth Loggers">),
+all you need to do is call
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ open FILE, "<blah" or LOGDIE "Can't open blah -- bailing out!";
+What can you do if you're using some library which doesn't use Log::Log4perl
+and calls C<die()> internally if something goes wrong? Use a
+C<$SIG{__DIE__}> pseudo signal handler
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+ if($^S) {
+ # We're in an eval {} and don't want log
+ # this message but catch it later
+ return;
+ }
+ local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth =
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;
+ my $logger = get_logger("");
+ $logger->fatal(@_);
+ die @_; # Now terminate really
+ };
+This will catch every C<die()>-Exception of your
+application or the modules it uses. In case you want to
+will fetch a root logger and pass on the C<die()>-Message to it.
+If you make sure you've configured with a root logger like this:
+ Log::Log4perl->init(\q{
+ log4perl.category = FATAL, Logfile
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = fatal_errors.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = \
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %F{1}-%L (%M)> %m%n
+ });
+then all C<die()> messages will be routed to a file properly. The line
+ local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth =
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;
+in the pseudo signal handler above merits a more detailed explanation. With
+the setup above, if a module calls C<die()> in one of its functions,
+the fatal message will be logged in the signal handler and not in the
+original function -- which will cause the %F, %L and %M placeholders
+in the pattern layout to be replaced by the filename, the line number
+and the function/method name of the signal handler, not the error-throwing
+module. To adjust this, Log::Log4perl has the C<$caller_depth> variable,
+which defaults to 0, but can be set to positive integer values
+to offset the caller level. Increasing
+it by one will cause it to log the calling function's parameters, not
+the ones of the signal handler.
+See L<Log::Log4perl/"Using Log::Log4perl from wrapper classes"> for more
+=head2 How can I hook up the LWP library with Log::Log4perl?
+Or, to put it more generally: How can you utilize a third-party
+library's embedded logging and debug statements in Log::Log4perl?
+How can you make them print
+to configurable appenders, turn them on and off, just as if they
+were regular Log::Log4perl logging statements?
+The easiest solution is to map the third-party library logging statements
+to Log::Log4perl's stealth loggers via a typeglob assignment.
+As an example, let's take LWP, one of the most popular Perl modules,
+which makes handling WWW requests and responses a breeze.
+Internally, LWP uses its own logging and debugging system,
+utilizing the following calls
+inside the LWP code (from the LWP::Debug man page):
+ # Function tracing
+ LWP::Debug::trace('send()');
+ # High-granular state in functions
+ LWP::Debug::debug('url ok');
+ # Data going over the wire
+ LWP::Debug::conns("read $n bytes: $data");
+First, let's assign Log::Log4perl priorities
+to these functions: I'd suggest that
+C<debug()> messages have priority C<INFO>,
+C<trace()> uses C<DEBUG> and C<conns()> also logs with C<DEBUG> --
+although your mileage may certainly vary.
+Now, in order to transparently hook up LWP::Debug with Log::Log4perl,
+all we have to do is say
+ package LWP::Debug;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ *trace = *INFO;
+ *conns = *DEBUG;
+ *debug = *DEBUG;
+ package main;
+ # ... go on with your regular program ...
+at the beginning of our program. In this way, every time the, say,
+C<LWP::UserAgent> module calls C<LWP::Debug::trace()>, it will implicitly
+call INFO(), which is the C<info()> method of a stealth logger defined for
+the Log::Log4perl category C<LWP::Debug>. Is this cool or what?
+Here's a complete program:
+ use LWP::UserAgent;
+ use HTTP::Request::Common;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init(
+ { category => "LWP::Debug",
+ level => $DEBUG,
+ layout => "%r %p %M-%L %m%n",
+ });
+ package LWP::Debug;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ *trace = *INFO;
+ *conns = *DEBUG;
+ *debug = *DEBUG;
+ package main;
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+ my $resp = $ua->request(GET "");
+ if($resp->is_success()) {
+ print "Success: Received ",
+ length($resp->content()), "\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Error: ", $resp->code(), "\n";
+ }
+This will generate the following output on STDERR:
+ 174 INFO LWP::UserAgent::new-164 ()
+ 208 INFO LWP::UserAgent::request-436 ()
+ 211 INFO LWP::UserAgent::send_request-294 GET
+ 212 DEBUG LWP::UserAgent::_need_proxy-1123 Not proxied
+ 405 INFO LWP::Protocol::http::request-122 ()
+ 859 DEBUG LWP::Protocol::collect-206 read 233 bytes
+ 863 DEBUG LWP::UserAgent::request-443 Simple response: Found
+ 869 INFO LWP::UserAgent::request-436 ()
+ 871 INFO LWP::UserAgent::send_request-294
+ 872 DEBUG LWP::UserAgent::_need_proxy-1123 Not proxied
+ 873 INFO LWP::Protocol::http::request-122 ()
+ 1016 DEBUG LWP::UserAgent::request-443 Simple response: Found
+ 1020 INFO LWP::UserAgent::request-436 ()
+ 1022 INFO LWP::UserAgent::send_request-294
+ 1023 DEBUG LWP::UserAgent::_need_proxy-1123 Not proxied
+ 1024 INFO LWP::Protocol::http::request-122 ()
+ 1382 DEBUG LWP::Protocol::collect-206 read 632 bytes
+ ...
+ 2605 DEBUG LWP::Protocol::collect-206 read 77 bytes
+ 2607 DEBUG LWP::UserAgent::request-443 Simple response: OK
+ Success: Received 42584
+Of course, in this way, the embedded logging and debug statements within
+LWP can be utilized in any Log::Log4perl way you can think of. You can
+have them sent to different appenders, block them based on the
+category and everything else Log::Log4perl has to offer.
+Only drawback of this method: Steering logging behavior via category
+is always based on the C<LWP::Debug> package. Although the logging
+statements reflect the package name of the issuing module properly,
+the stealth loggers in C<LWP::Debug> are all of the category C<LWP::Debug>.
+This implies that you can't control the logging behavior based on the
+package that's I<initiating> a log request (e.g. LWP::UserAgent) but only
+based on the package that's actually I<executing> the logging statement,
+C<LWP::Debug> in this case.
+To work around this conundrum, we need to write a wrapper function and
+plant it into the C<LWP::Debug> package. It will determine the caller and
+create a logger bound to a category with the same name as the caller's
+ package LWP::Debug;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:levels get_logger);
+ sub l4p_wrapper {
+ my($prio, @message) = @_;
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth += 2;
+ get_logger(scalar caller(1))->log($prio, @message);
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth -= 2;
+ }
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *trace = sub { l4p_wrapper($INFO, @_); };
+ *debug = *conns = sub { l4p_wrapper($DEBUG, @_); };
+ package main;
+ # ... go on with your main program ...
+This is less performant than the previous approach, because every
+log request will request a reference to a logger first, then call
+the wrapper, which will in turn call the appropriate log function.
+This hierarchy shift has to be compensated for by increasing
+C<$Log::Log4perl::caller_depth> by 2 before calling the log function
+and decreasing it by 2 right afterwards. Also, the C<l4p_wrapper>
+function shown above calls C<caller(1)> which determines the name
+of the package I<two> levels down the calling hierarchy (and
+therefore compensates for both the wrapper function and the
+anonymous subroutine calling it).
+C<no warnings 'redefine'> suppresses a warning Perl would generate
+upon redefining C<LWP::Debug>'s C<trace()>, C<debug()> and C<conns()>
+functions. In case you use a perl prior to 5.6.x, you need
+to manipulate C<$^W> instead.
+To make things easy for you when dealing with LWP, Log::Log4perl 0.47
+introduces C<Log::Log4perl-E<gt>infiltrate_lwp()> which does exactly the
+=head2 What if I need dynamic values in a static Log4perl configuration file?
+Say, your application uses Log::Log4perl for logging and
+therefore comes with a Log4perl configuration file, specifying the logging
+But, you also want it to take command line parameters to set values
+like the name of the log file.
+How can you have
+both a static Log4perl configuration file and a dynamic command line
+As of Log::Log4perl 0.28, every value in the configuration file
+can be specified as a I<Perl hook>. So, instead of saying
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = test.log
+you could just as well have a Perl subroutine deliver the value
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = sub { logfile(); };
+given that C<logfile()> is a valid function in your C<main> package
+returning a string containing the path to the log file.
+Or, think about using the value of an environment variable:
+ log4perl.appender.DBI.user = sub { $ENV{USERNAME} };
+When C<Log::Log4perl-E<gt>init()> parses the configuration
+file, it will notice the assignment above because of its
+C<sub {...}> pattern and treat it in a special way:
+It will evaluate the subroutine (which can contain
+arbitrary Perl code) and take its return value as the right side
+of the assignment.
+A typical application would be called like this on the command line:
+ app # log file is "test.log"
+ app -l mylog.txt # log file is "mylog.txt"
+Here's some sample code implementing the command line interface above:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+ use Getopt::Std;
+ getopt('l:', \our %OPTS);
+ my $conf = q(
+ log4perl.category.Bar.Twix = WARN, Logfile
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = sub { logfile(); };
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = SimpleLayout
+ );
+ Log::Log4perl::init(\$conf);
+ my $logger = get_logger("Bar::Twix");
+ $logger->error("Blah");
+ ###########################################
+ sub logfile {
+ ###########################################
+ if(exists $OPTS{l}) {
+ return $OPTS{l};
+ } else {
+ return "test.log";
+ }
+ }
+Every Perl hook may contain arbitrary perl code,
+just make sure to fully qualify eventual variable names
+(e.g. C<%main::OPTS> instead of C<%OPTS>).
+B<SECURITY NOTE>: this feature means arbitrary perl code
+can be embedded in the config file. In the rare case
+where the people who have access to your config file
+are different from the people who write your code and
+shouldn't have execute rights, you might want to call
+ $Log::Log4perl::Config->allow_code(0);
+before you call init(). This will prevent Log::Log4perl from
+executing I<any> Perl code in the config file (including
+code for custom conversion specifiers
+(see L<Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout/"Custom cspecs">).
+=head2 How can I roll over my logfiles automatically at midnight?
+Long-running applications tend to produce ever-increasing logfiles.
+For backup and cleanup purposes, however, it is often desirable to move
+the current logfile to a different location from time to time and
+start writing a new one.
+This is a non-trivial task, because it has to happen in sync with
+the logging system in order not to lose any messages in the process.
+Luckily, I<Mark Pfeiffer>'s C<Log::Dispatch::FileRotate> appender
+works well with Log::Log4perl to rotate your logfiles in a variety of ways.
+Note, however, that having the application deal with rotating a log
+file is not cheap. Among other things, it requires locking the log file
+with every write to avoid race conditions.
+There are good reasons to use external rotators like C<newsyslog>
+See the entry C<How can I rotate a logfile with newsyslog?> in the
+FAQ for more information on how to configure it.
+When using C<Log::Dispatch::FileRotate>,
+all you have to do is specify it in your Log::Log4perl configuration file
+and your logfiles will be rotated automatically.
+You can choose between rolling based on a maximum size ("roll if greater
+than 10 MB") or based on a date pattern ("roll everyday at midnight").
+In both cases, C<Log::Dispatch::FileRotate> allows you to define a
+number C<max> of saved files to keep around until it starts overwriting
+the oldest ones. If you set the C<max> parameter to 2 and the name of
+your logfile is C<test.log>, C<Log::Dispatch::FileRotate> will
+move C<test.log> to C<test.log.1> on the first rollover. On the second
+rollover, it will move C<test.log.1> to C<test.log.2> and then C<test.log>
+to C<test.log.1>. On the third rollover, it will move C<test.log.1> to
+C<test.log.2> (therefore discarding the old C<test.log.2>) and
+C<test.log> to C<test.log.1>. And so forth. This way, there's always
+going to be a maximum of 2 saved log files around.
+Here's an example of a Log::Log4perl configuration file, defining a
+daily rollover at midnight (date pattern C<yyyy-MM-dd>), keeping
+a maximum of 5 saved logfiles around:
+ log4perl.category = WARN, Logfile
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.max = 5
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.DatePattern = yyyy-MM-dd
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.TZ = PST
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = \
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m %n
+Please see the C<Log::Dispatch::FileRotate> documentation for details.
+C<Log::Dispatch::FileRotate> is available on CPAN.
+=head2 What's the easiest way to turn off all logging, even with a lengthy Log4perl configuration file?
+In addition to category-based levels and appender thresholds,
+Log::Log4perl supports system-wide logging thresholds. This is the
+minimum level the system will require of any logging events in order for them
+to make it through to any configured appenders.
+For example, putting the line
+ log4perl.threshold = ERROR
+anywhere in your configuration file will limit any output to any appender
+to events with priority of ERROR or higher (ERROR or FATAL that is).
+However, in order to suppress all logging entirely, you need to use a
+priority that's higher than FATAL: It is simply called C<OFF>, and it is never
+used by any logger. By definition, it is higher than the highest
+defined logger level.
+Therefore, if you keep the line
+ log4perl.threshold = OFF
+somewhere in your Log::Log4perl configuration, the system will be quiet
+as a graveyard. If you deactivate the line (e.g. by commenting it out),
+the system will, upon config reload, snap back to normal operation, providing
+logging messages according to the rest of the configuration file again.
+=head2 How can I log DEBUG and above to the screen and INFO and above to a file?
+You need one logger with two appenders attached to it:
+ log4perl.logger = DEBUG, Screen, File
+ log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.appender.File = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.File.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.File.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.Threshold = INFO
+Since the file logger isn't supposed to get any messages with a priority
+less than INFO, the appender's C<Threshold> setting blocks those out,
+although the logger forwards them.
+It's a common mistake to think you can define two loggers for this, but
+it won't work unless those two loggers have different categories. If you
+wanted to log all DEBUG and above messages from the Foo::Bar module to a file
+and all INFO and above messages from the Quack::Schmack module to the
+screen, then you could have defined two loggers with different levels
+C<log4perl.logger.Foo.Bar> (level INFO)
+and C<log4perl.logger.Quack.Schmack> (level DEBUG) and assigned the file
+appender to the former and the screen appender to the latter. But what we
+wanted to accomplish was to route all messages, regardless of which module
+(or category) they came from, to both appenders. The only
+way to accomplish this is to define the root logger with the lower
+level (DEBUG), assign both appenders to it, and block unwanted messages at
+the file appender (C<Threshold> set to INFO).
+=head2 I keep getting duplicate log messages! What's wrong?
+Having several settings for related categories in the Log4perl
+configuration file sometimes leads to a phenomenon called
+"message duplication". It can be very confusing at first,
+but if thought through properly, it turns out that Log4perl behaves
+as advertised. But, don't despair, of course there's a number of
+ways to avoid message duplication in your logs.
+Here's a sample Log4perl configuration file that produces the
+ log4perl.logger.Cat = ERROR, Screen
+ log4perl.logger.Cat.Subcat = WARN, Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout
+It defines two loggers, one for category C<Cat> and one for
+C<Cat::Subcat>, which is obviously a subcategory of C<Cat>.
+The parent logger has a priority setting of ERROR, the child
+is set to the lower C<WARN> level.
+Now imagine the following code in your program:
+ my $logger = get_logger("Cat.Subcat");
+ $logger->warn("Warning!");
+What do you think will happen? An unexperienced Log4perl user
+might think: "Well, the message is being sent with level WARN, so the
+C<Cat::Subcat> logger will accept it and forward it to the
+attached C<Screen> appender. Then, the message will percolate up
+the logger hierarchy, find
+the C<Cat> logger, which will suppress the message because of its
+ERROR setting."
+But, perhaps surprisingly, what you'll get with the
+code snippet above is not one but two log messages written
+to the screen:
+ WARN - Warning!
+ WARN - Warning!
+What happened? The culprit is that once the logger C<Cat::Subcat>
+decides to fire, it will forward the message I<unconditionally>
+to all directly or indirectly attached appenders. The C<Cat> logger
+will never be asked if it wants the message or not -- the message
+will just be pushed through to the appender attached to C<Cat>.
+One way to prevent the message from bubbling up the logger
+hierarchy is to set the C<additivity> flag of the subordinate logger to
+ log4perl.logger.Cat = ERROR, Screen
+ log4perl.logger.Cat.Subcat = WARN, Screen
+ log4perl.additivity.Cat.Subcat = 0
+ log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout
+The message will now be accepted by the C<Cat::Subcat> logger,
+forwarded to its appender, but then C<Cat::Subcat> will suppress
+any further action. While this setting avoids duplicate messages
+as seen before, it is often not the desired behavior. Messages
+percolating up the hierarchy are a useful Log4perl feature.
+If you're defining I<different> appenders for the two loggers,
+one other option is to define an appender threshold for the
+higher-level appender. Typically it is set to be
+equal to the logger's level setting:
+ log4perl.logger.Cat = ERROR, Screen1
+ log4perl.logger.Cat.Subcat = WARN, Screen2
+ log4perl.appender.Screen1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen1.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.appender.Screen1.Threshold = ERROR
+ log4perl.appender.Screen2 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen2.layout = SimpleLayout
+Since the C<Screen1> appender now blocks every message with
+a priority less than ERROR, even if the logger in charge
+lets it through, the message percolating up the hierarchy is
+being blocked at the last minute and I<not> appended to C<Screen1>.
+So far, we've been operating well within the boundaries of the
+Log4j standard, which Log4perl adheres to. However, if
+you would really, really like to use a single appender
+and keep the message percolation intact without having to deal
+with message duplication, there's a non-standard solution for you:
+ log4perl.logger.Cat = ERROR, Screen
+ log4perl.logger.Cat.Subcat = WARN, Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.oneMessagePerAppender = 1
+The C<oneMessagePerAppender> flag will suppress duplicate messages
+to the same appender. Again, that's non-standard. But way cool :).
+=head2 How can I configure Log::Log4perl to send me email if something happens?
+Some incidents require immediate action. You can't wait until someone
+checks the log files, you need to get notified on your pager right away.
+The easiest way to do that is by using the C<Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSend>
+module as an appender. It comes with the C<Log::Dispatch> bundle and
+allows you to specify recipient and subject of outgoing emails in the Log4perl
+configuration file:
+ log4perl.category = FATAL, Mailer
+ log4perl.appender.Mailer = Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSend
+ =
+ log4perl.appender.Mailer.subject = Something's broken!
+ log4perl.appender.Mailer.layout = SimpleLayout
+The message of every log incident this appender gets
+will then be forwarded to the given
+email address. Check the C<Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSend> documentation
+for details. And please make sure there's not a flood of email messages
+sent out by your application, filling up the recipient's inbox.
+There's one caveat you need to know about: The C<Log::Dispatch::Email>
+hierarchy of appenders turns on I<buffering> by default. This means that
+the appender will not send out messages right away but wait until a
+certain threshold has been reached. If you'd rather have your alerts
+sent out immediately, use
+ log4perl.appender.Mailer.buffered = 0
+to turn buffering off.
+=head2 How can I write my own appender?
+First off, Log::Log4perl comes with a set of standard appenders. Then,
+there's a lot of Log4perl-compatible appenders already
+available on CPAN: Just run a search for C<Log::Dispatch> on
+ and chances are that what you're looking for
+has already been developed, debugged and been used successfully
+in production -- no need for you to reinvent the wheel.
+Also, Log::Log4perl ships with a nifty database appender named
+Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI -- check it out if talking to databases is your
+But if you're up for a truly exotic task, you might have to write
+an appender yourself. That's very easy -- it takes no longer
+than a couple of minutes.
+Say, we wanted to create an appender of the class
+C<ColorScreenAppender>, which logs messages
+to the screen in a configurable color. Just create a new class
+in C<>:
+ package ColorScreenAppender;
+Now let's assume that your Log::Log4perl
+configuration file C<test.conf> looks like this:
+ log4perl.logger = INFO, ColorApp
+ log4perl.appender.ColorApp=ColorScreenAppender
+ log4perl.appender.ColorApp.color=blue
+ log4perl.appender.ColorApp.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.ColorApp.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %m %n
+This will cause Log::Log4perl on C<init()> to look for a class
+ColorScreenAppender and call its constructor new(). Let's add
+new() to
+ sub new {
+ my($class, %options) = @_;
+ my $self = { %options };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ return $self;
+ }
+To initialize this appender, Log::Log4perl will call
+and pass all attributes of the appender as defined in the configuration
+file to the constructor as name/value pairs (in this case just one):
+ ColorScreenAppender->new(color => "blue");
+The new() method listed above stores the contents of the
+%options hash in the object's
+instance data hash (referred to by $self).
+That's all for initializing a new appender with Log::Log4perl.
+Second, ColorScreenAppender needs to expose a
+C<log()> method, which will be called by Log::Log4perl
+every time it thinks the appender should fire. Along with the
+object reference (as usual in Perl's object world), log()
+will receive a list of name/value pairs, of which only the one
+under the key C<message> shall be of interest for now since it is the
+message string to be logged. At this point, Log::Log4perl has already taken
+care of joining the message to be a single string.
+For our special appender ColorScreenAppender, we're using the
+Term::ANSIColor module to colorize the output:
+ use Term::ANSIColor;
+ sub log {
+ my($self, %params) = @_;
+ print colored($params{message},
+ $self->{color});
+ }
+The color (as configured in the Log::Log4perl configuration file)
+is available as $self-E<gt>{color} in the appender object. Don't
+forget to return
+ 1;
+at the end of and you're done. Install the new appender
+somewhere where perl can find it and try it with a test script like
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->init("test.conf");
+ ERROR("blah");
+to see the new colored output. Is this cool or what?
+And it gets even better: You can write dynamically generated appender
+classes using the C<Class::Prototyped> module. Here's an example of
+an appender prepending every outgoing message with a configurable
+number of bullets:
+ use Class::Prototyped;
+ my $class = Class::Prototyped->newPackage(
+ "MyAppenders::Bulletizer",
+ bullets => 1,
+ log => sub {
+ my($self, %params) = @_;
+ print "*" x $self->bullets(),
+ $params{message};
+ },
+ );
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->init(\ q{
+ log4perl.logger = INFO, Bully
+ log4perl.appender.Bully=MyAppenders::Bulletizer
+ log4perl.appender.Bully.bullets=3
+ log4perl.appender.Bully.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.Bully.layout.ConversionPattern=%m %n
+ });
+ # ... prints: "***Boo!\n";
+ INFO "Boo!";
+=head2 How can I drill down on references before logging them?
+If you've got a reference to a nested structure or object, then
+you probably don't want to log it as C<HASH(0x81141d4)> but rather
+dump it as something like
+ $VAR1 = {
+ 'a' => 'b',
+ 'd' => 'e'
+ };
+via a module like Data::Dumper. While it's syntactically correct to say
+ $logger->debug(Data::Dumper::Dumper($ref));
+this call imposes a huge performance penalty on your application
+if the message is suppressed by Log::Log4perl, because Data::Dumper
+will perform its expensive operations in any case, because it doesn't
+know that its output will be thrown away immediately.
+As of Log::Log4perl 0.28, there's a better way: Use the
+message output filter format as in
+ $logger->debug( {filter => \&Data::Dumper::Dumper,
+ value => $ref} );
+and Log::Log4perl won't call the filter function unless the message really
+gets written out to an appender. Just make sure to pass the whole slew as a
+reference to a hash specifying a filter function (as a sub reference)
+under the key C<filter> and the value to be passed to the filter function in
+When it comes to logging, Log::Log4perl will call the filter function,
+pass the C<value> as an argument and log the return value.
+Saves you serious cycles.
+=head2 How can I collect all FATAL messages in an extra log file?
+Suppose you have employed Log4perl all over your system and you've already
+activated logging in various subsystems. On top of that, without disrupting
+any other settings, how can you collect all FATAL messages all over the system
+and send them to a separate log file?
+If you define a root logger like this:
+ log4perl.logger = FATAL, File
+ log4perl.appender.File = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.File.filename = /tmp/fatal.txt
+ log4perl.appender.File.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.File.layout.ConversionPattern= %d %m %n
+ # !!! Something's missing ...
+you'll be surprised to not only receive all FATAL messages
+issued anywhere in the system,
+but also everything else -- gazillions of
+ERROR, WARN, INFO and even DEBUG messages will end up in
+your fatal.txt logfile!
+Reason for this is Log4perl's (or better: Log4j's) appender additivity.
+Once a
+lower-level logger decides to fire, the message is going to be forwarded
+to all appenders upstream -- without further priority checks with their
+attached loggers.
+There's a way to prevent this, however: If your appender defines a
+minimum threshold, only messages of this priority or higher are going
+to be logged. So, just add
+ log4perl.appender.File.Threshold = FATAL
+to the configuration above, and you'll get what you wanted in the
+first place: An overall system FATAL message collector.
+=head2 How can I bundle several log messages into one?
+Would you like to tally the messages arriving at your appender and
+dump out a summary once they're exceeding a certain threshold?
+So that something like
+ $logger->error("Blah");
+ $logger->error("Blah");
+ $logger->error("Blah");
+won't be logged as
+ Blah
+ Blah
+ Blah
+but as
+ [3] Blah
+instead? If you'd like to hold off on logging a message until it has been
+sent a couple of times, you can roll that out by creating a buffered
+Let's define a new appender like
+ package TallyAppender;
+ sub new {
+ my($class, %options) = @_;
+ my $self = { maxcount => 5,
+ %options
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->{last_message} = "";
+ $self->{last_message_count} = 0;
+ return $self;
+ }
+with two additional instance variables C<last_message> and
+C<last_message_count>, storing the content of the last message sent
+and a counter of how many times this has happened. Also, it features
+a configuration parameter C<maxcount> which defaults to 5 in the
+snippet above but can be set in the Log4perl configuration file like this:
+ log4perl.logger = INFO, A
+ log4perl.appender.A=TallyAppender
+ log4perl.appender.A.maxcount = 3
+The main tallying logic lies in the appender's C<log> method,
+which is called every time Log4perl thinks a message needs to get logged
+by our appender:
+ sub log {
+ my($self, %params) = @_;
+ # Message changed? Print buffer.
+ if($self->{last_message} and
+ $params{message} ne $self->{last_message}) {
+ print "[$self->{last_message_count}]: " .
+ "$self->{last_message}";
+ $self->{last_message_count} = 1;
+ $self->{last_message} = $params{message};
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->{last_message_count}++;
+ $self->{last_message} = $params{message};
+ # Threshold exceeded? Print, reset counter
+ if($self->{last_message_count} >=
+ $self->{maxcount}) {
+ print "[$self->{last_message_count}]: " .
+ "$params{message}";
+ $self->{last_message_count} = 0;
+ $self->{last_message} = "";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+We basically just check if the oncoming message in C<$param{message}>
+is equal to what we've saved before in the C<last_message> instance
+variable. If so, we're increasing C<last_message_count>.
+We print the message in two cases: If the new message is different
+than the buffered one, because then we need to dump the old stuff
+and store the new. Or, if the counter exceeds the threshold, as
+defined by the C<maxcount> configuration parameter.
+Please note that the appender always gets the fully rendered message and
+just compares it as a whole -- so if there's a date/timestamp in there,
+that might confuse your logic. You can work around this by specifying
+%m %n as a layout and add the date later on in the appender. Or, make
+the comparison smart enough to omit the date.
+At last, don't forget what happens if the program is being shut down.
+If there's still messages in the buffer, they should be printed out
+at that point. That's easy to do in the appender's DESTROY method,
+which gets called at object destruction time:
+ sub DESTROY {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ if($self->{last_message_count}) {
+ print "[$self->{last_message_count}]: " .
+ "$self->{last_message}";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+This will ensure that none of the buffered messages are lost.
+Happy buffering!
+=head2 I want to log ERROR and WARN messages to different files! How can I do that?
+Let's assume you wanted to have each logging statement written to a
+different file, based on the statement's priority. Messages with priority
+C<WARN> are supposed to go to C</tmp/app.warn>, events prioritized
+as C<ERROR> should end up in C</tmp/app.error>.
+Now, if you define two appenders C<AppWarn> and C<AppError>
+and assign them both to the root logger,
+messages bubbling up from any loggers below will be logged by both
+appenders because of Log4perl's message propagation feature. If you limit
+their exposure via the appender threshold mechanism and set
+C<AppWarn>'s threshold to C<WARN> and C<AppError>'s to C<ERROR>, you'll
+still get C<ERROR> messages in C<AppWarn>, because C<AppWarn>'s C<WARN>
+setting will just filter out messages with a I<lower> priority than
+C<WARN> -- C<ERROR> is higher and will be allowed to pass through.
+What we need for this is a Log4perl I<Custom Filter>, available with
+Log::Log4perl 0.30.
+Both appenders need to verify that
+the priority of the oncoming messages exactly I<matches> the priority
+the appender is supposed to log messages of. To accomplish this task,
+let's define two custom filters, C<MatchError> and C<MatchWarn>, which,
+when attached to their appenders, will limit messages passed on to them
+to those matching a given priority:
+ log4perl.logger = WARN, AppWarn, AppError
+ # Filter to match level ERROR
+ log4perl.filter.MatchError = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch
+ log4perl.filter.MatchError.LevelToMatch = ERROR
+ log4perl.filter.MatchError.AcceptOnMatch = true
+ # Filter to match level WARN
+ log4perl.filter.MatchWarn = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch
+ log4perl.filter.MatchWarn.LevelToMatch = WARN
+ log4perl.filter.MatchWarn.AcceptOnMatch = true
+ # Error appender
+ log4perl.appender.AppError = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.AppError.filename = /tmp/app.err
+ log4perl.appender.AppError.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.appender.AppError.Filter = MatchError
+ # Warning appender
+ log4perl.appender.AppWarn = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.AppWarn.filename = /tmp/app.warn
+ log4perl.appender.AppWarn.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.appender.AppWarn.Filter = MatchWarn
+The appenders C<AppWarn> and C<AppError> defined above are logging to C</tmp/app.warn> and
+C</tmp/app.err> respectively and have the custom filters C<MatchWarn> and C<MatchError>
+This setup will direct all WARN messages, issued anywhere in the system, to /tmp/app.warn (and
+ERROR messages to /tmp/app.error) -- without any overlaps.
+=head2 On our server farm, Log::Log4perl configuration files differ slightly from host to host. Can I roll them all into one?
+You sure can, because Log::Log4perl allows you to specify attribute values
+dynamically. Let's say that one of your appenders expects the host's IP address
+as one of its attributes. Now, you could certainly roll out different
+configuration files for every host and specify the value like
+ log4perl.appender.MyAppender = Log::Log4perl::Appender::SomeAppender
+ log4perl.appender.MyAppender.ip =
+but that's a maintenance nightmare. Instead, you can have Log::Log4perl
+figure out the IP address at configuration time and set the appender's
+value correctly:
+ # Set the IP address dynamically
+ log4perl.appender.MyAppender = Log::Log4perl::Appender::SomeAppender
+ log4perl.appender.MyAppender.ip = sub { \
+ use Sys::Hostname; \
+ use Socket; \
+ return inet_ntoa(scalar gethostbyname hostname); \
+ }
+If Log::Log4perl detects that an attribute value starts with something like
+C<"sub {...">, it will interpret it as a perl subroutine which is to be executed
+once at configuration time (not runtime!) and its return value is
+to be used as the attribute value. This comes in handy
+for rolling out applications where Log::Log4perl configuration files
+show small host-specific differences, because you can deploy the unmodified
+application distribution on all instances of the server farm.
+=head2 Log4perl doesn't interpret my backslashes correctly!
+If you're using Log4perl's feature to specify the configuration as a
+string in your program (as opposed to a separate configuration file),
+chances are that you've written it like this:
+ # *** WRONG! ***
+ Log::Log4perl->init( \ <<END_HERE);
+ log4perl.logger = WARN, A1
+ log4perl.appender.A1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.A1.layout = \
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern = %m%n
+ # *** WRONG! ***
+and you're getting the following error message:
+ Layout not specified for appender A1 at .../ line 342.
+What's wrong? The problem is that you're using a here-document with
+substitution enabled (C<E<lt>E<lt>END_HERE>) and that Perl won't
+interpret backslashes at line-ends as continuation characters but
+will essentially throw them out. So, in the code above, the layout line
+will look like
+ log4perl.appender.A1.layout =
+to Log::Log4perl which causes it to report an error. To interpret the backslash
+at the end of the line correctly as a line-continuation character, use
+the non-interpreting mode of the here-document like in
+ # *** RIGHT! ***
+ Log::Log4perl->init( \ <<'END_HERE');
+ log4perl.logger = WARN, A1
+ log4perl.appender.A1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.A1.layout = \
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern = %m%n
+ # *** RIGHT! ***
+(note the single quotes around C<'END_HERE'>) or use C<q{...}>
+instead of a here-document and Perl will treat the backslashes at
+line-end as intended.
+=head2 I want to suppress certain messages based on their content!
+Let's assume you've plastered all your functions with Log4perl
+statements like
+ sub some_func {
+ INFO("Begin of function");
+ # ... Stuff happens here ...
+ INFO("End of function");
+ }
+to issue two log messages, one at the beginning and one at the end of
+each function. Now you want to suppress the message at the beginning
+and only keep the one at the end, what can you do? You can't use the category
+mechanism, because both messages are issued from the same package.
+Log::Log4perl's custom filters (0.30 or better) provide an interface for the
+Log4perl user to step in right before a message gets logged and decide if
+it should be written out or suppressed, based on the message content or other
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl::init( \ <<'EOT' );
+ log4perl.logger = INFO, A1
+ log4perl.appender.A1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.A1.layout = \
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern = %m%n
+ log4perl.filter.M1 = Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch
+ log4perl.filter.M1.StringToMatch = Begin
+ log4perl.filter.M1.AcceptOnMatch = false
+ log4perl.appender.A1.Filter = M1
+The last four statements in the configuration above are defining a custom
+filter C<M1> of type C<Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch>, which comes with
+Log4perl right out of the box and allows you to define a text pattern to match
+(as a perl regular expression) and a flag C<AcceptOnMatch> indicating
+if a match is supposed to suppress the message or let it pass through.
+The last line then assigns this filter to the C<A1> appender, which will
+call it every time it receives a message to be logged and throw all
+messages out I<not> matching the regular expression C<Begin>.
+Instead of using the standard C<Log::Log4perl::Filter::StringMatch> filter,
+you can define your own, simply using a perl subroutine:
+ log4perl.filter.ExcludeBegin = sub { !/Begin/ }
+ log4perl.appender.A1.Filter = ExcludeBegin
+For details on custom filters, check L<Log::Log4perl::Filter>.
+=head2 My new module uses Log4perl -- but what happens if the calling program didn't configure it?
+If a Perl module uses Log::Log4perl, it will typically rely on the
+calling program to initialize it. If it is using Log::Log4perl in C<:easy>
+mode, like in
+ package MyMod;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ sub foo {
+ DEBUG("In foo");
+ }
+ 1;
+and the calling program doesn't initialize Log::Log4perl at all (e.g. because
+it has no clue that it's available), Log::Log4perl will silently
+ignore all logging messages. However, if the module is using Log::Log4perl
+in regular mode like in
+ package MyMod;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+ sub foo {
+ my $logger = get_logger("");
+ $logger->debug("blah");
+ }
+ 1;
+and the main program is just using the module like in
+ use MyMode;
+ MyMode::foo();
+then Log::Log4perl will also ignore all logging messages but
+issue a warning like
+ Log4perl: Seems like no initialization happened.
+ Forgot to call init()?
+(only once!) to remind novice users to not forget to initialize
+the logging system before using it.
+However, if you want to suppress this message, just
+add the C<:nowarn> target to the module's C<use Log::Log4perl> call:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :nowarn);
+This will have Log::Log4perl silently ignore all logging statements if
+no initialization has taken place. If, instead of using init(), you're
+using Log4perl's API to define loggers and appenders, the same
+notification happens if no call to add_appenders() is made, i.e. no
+appenders are defined.
+If the module wants to figure out if some other program part has
+already initialized Log::Log4perl, it can do so by calling
+ Log::Log4perl::initialized()
+which will return a true value in case Log::Log4perl has been initialized
+and a false value if not.
+=head2 How can I synchronize access to an appender?
+If you're using the same instance of an appender in multiple processes,
+and each process is passing on messages to the appender in parallel,
+you might end up with overlapping log entries.
+Typical scenarios include a file appender that you create in the main
+program, and which will then be shared between the parent and a
+forked child process. Or two separate processes, each initializing a
+Log4perl file appender on the same logfile.
+Log::Log4perl won't synchronize access to the shared logfile by
+default. Depending on your operating system's flush mechanism,
+buffer size and the size of your messages, there's a small chance of
+an overlap.
+The easiest way to prevent overlapping messages in logfiles written to
+by multiple processes is setting the
+file appender's C<syswrite> flag along with a file write mode of C<"append">.
+This makes sure that
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::File> uses C<syswrite()> (which is guaranteed
+to run uninterrupted) instead of C<print()> which might buffer
+the message or get interrupted by the OS while it is writing. And in
+C<"append"> mode, the OS kernel ensures that multiple processes share
+one end-of-file marker, ensuring that each process writes to the I<real>
+end of the file. (The value of C<"append">
+for the C<mode> parameter is the default setting in Log4perl's file
+appender so you don't have to set it explicitly.)
+ # Guarantees atomic writes
+ log4perl.category.Bar.Twix = WARN, Logfile
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.mode = append
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.syswrite = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = SimpleLayout
+Another guaranteed way of having messages separated with any kind of
+appender is putting a Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized composite
+appender in between Log::Log4perl and the real appender. It will make
+sure to let messages pass through this virtual gate one by one only.
+Here's a sample configuration to synchronize access to a file appender:
+ log4perl.category.Bar.Twix = WARN, Syncer
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.autoflush = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer.appender = Logfile
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> uses
+the C<IPC::Shareable> module and its semaphores, which will slow down writing
+the log messages, but ensures sequential access featuring atomic checks.
+Check L<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> for details.
+=head2 Can I use Log::Log4perl with log4j's Chainsaw?
+Yes, Log::Log4perl can be configured to send its events to log4j's
+graphical log UI I<Chainsaw>.
+=for html
+<A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""></A>
+<I>Figure 1: Chainsaw receives Log::Log4perl events</I>
+=for text
+Figure1: Chainsaw receives Log::Log4perl events
+Here's how it works:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Get Guido Carls' E<lt>gcarls@cpan.orgE<gt> Log::Log4perl extension
+C<Log::Log4perl::Layout::XMLLayout> from CPAN and install it:
+ perl -MCPAN -eshell
+ cpan> install Log::Log4perl::Layout::XMLLayout
+=item *
+Install and start Chainsaw, which is part of the C<log4j> distribution now
+(see ). Create a configuration file like
+ <log4j:configuration debug="true">
+ <plugin name="XMLSocketReceiver"
+ class="">
+ <param name="decoder" value="org.apache.log4j.xml.XMLDecoder"/>
+ <param name="Port" value="4445"/>
+ </plugin>
+ <root> <level value="debug"/> </root>
+ </log4j:configuration>
+and name it e.g. C<config.xml>. Then start Chainsaw like
+ java -Dlog4j.debug=true -Dlog4j.configuration=config.xml \
+ -classpath ".:log4j-1.3alpha.jar:log4j-chainsaw-1.3alpha.jar" \
+ org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.LogUI
+and watch the GUI coming up.
+=item *
+Configure Log::Log4perl to use a socket appender with an XMLLayout, pointing
+to the host/port where Chainsaw (as configured above) is waiting with its
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+ use Log::Log4perl::Layout::XMLLayout;
+ my $conf = q(
+ log4perl.category.Bar.Twix = WARN, Appender
+ log4perl.appender.Appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Socket
+ log4perl.appender.Appender.PeerAddr = localhost
+ log4perl.appender.Appender.PeerPort = 4445
+ log4perl.appender.Appender.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::XMLLayout
+ );
+ Log::Log4perl::init(\$conf);
+ # Nasty hack to suppress encoding header
+ my $app = Log::Log4perl::appenders->{"Appender"};
+ $app->layout()->{enc_set} = 1;
+ my $logger = get_logger("Bar.Twix");
+ $logger->error("One");
+The nasty hack shown in the code snippet above is currently (October 2003)
+necessary, because Chainsaw expects XML messages to arrive in a format like
+ <log4j:event logger="Bar.Twix"
+ timestamp="1066794904310"
+ level="ERROR"
+ thread="10567">
+ <log4j:message><![CDATA[Two]]></log4j:message>
+ <log4j:NDC><![CDATA[undef]]></log4j:NDC>
+ <log4j:locationInfo class="main"
+ method="main"
+ file="./t"
+ line="32">
+ </log4j:locationInfo>
+ </log4j:event>
+without a preceding
+ <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "iso8859-1"?>
+which Log::Log4perl::Layout::XMLLayout applies to the first event sent
+over the socket.
+See figure 1 for a screenshot of Chainsaw in action, receiving events from
+the Perl script shown above.
+Many thanks to Chainsaw's
+Scott Deboy <> for his support!
+=head2 How can I run Log::Log4perl under mod_perl?
+In persistent environments it's important to play by the rules outlined
+in section L<Log::Log4perl/"Initialize once and only once">.
+If you haven't read this yet, please go ahead and read it right now. It's
+very important.
+And no matter if you use a startup handler to init() Log::Log4perl or use the
+init_once() strategy (added in 0.42), either way you're very likely to have
+unsynchronized writes to logfiles.
+If Log::Log4perl is configured with a log file appender, and it is
+initialized via
+the Apache startup handler, the file handle created initially will be
+shared among all Apache processes. Similarly, with the init_once()
+approach: although every process has a separate L4p configuration,
+processes are gonna share the appender file I<names> instead, effectively
+opening several different file handles on the same file.
+Now, having several appenders using the same file handle or having
+several appenders logging to the same file unsynchronized, this might
+result in overlapping messages. Sometimes, this is acceptable. If it's
+not, here's two strategies:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Use the L<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> appender to connect to
+your file appenders. Here's the writeup:
+=item *
+Use a different logfile for every process like in
+ #log4perl.conf
+ ...
+ log4perl.appender.A1.filename = sub { "mylog.$$.log" }
+=head2 My program already uses warn() and die(). How can I switch to Log4perl?
+If your program already uses Perl's C<warn()> function to spew out
+error messages and you'd like to channel those into the Log4perl world,
+just define a C<__WARN__> handler where your program or module resides:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth =
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;
+ WARN @_;
+ };
+Why the C<local> setting of C<$Log::Log4perl::caller_depth>?
+If you leave that out,
+C<PatternLayout> conversion specifiers like C<%M> or C<%F> (printing
+the current function/method and source filename) will refer
+to where the __WARN__ handler resides, not the environment
+Perl's C<warn()> function was issued from. Increasing C<caller_depth>
+adjusts for this offset. Having it C<local>, makes sure the level
+gets set back after the handler exits.
+Once done, if your program does something like
+ sub some_func {
+ warn "Here's a warning";
+ }
+you'll get (depending on your Log::Log4perl configuration) something like
+ 2004/02/19 20:41:02-main::some_func: Here's a warning at ./t line 25.
+in the appropriate appender instead of having a screen full of STDERR
+messages. It also works with the C<Carp> module and its C<carp()>
+and C<cluck()> functions.
+If, on the other hand, catching C<die()> and friends is
+required, a C<__DIE__> handler is appropriate:
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+ if($^S) {
+ # We're in an eval {} and don't want log
+ # this message but catch it later
+ return;
+ }
+ local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth =
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;
+ LOGDIE @_;
+ };
+This will call Log4perl's C<LOGDIE()> function, which will log a fatal
+error and then call die() internally, causing the program to exit. Works
+equally well with C<Carp>'s C<croak()> and C<confess()> functions.
+=head2 Some module prints messages to STDERR. How can I funnel them to Log::Log4perl?
+If a module you're using doesn't use Log::Log4perl but prints logging
+messages to STDERR instead, like
+ ########################################
+ package IgnorantModule;
+ ########################################
+ sub some_method {
+ print STDERR "Parbleu! An error!\n";
+ }
+ 1;
+there's still a way to capture these messages and funnel them
+into Log::Log4perl, even without touching the module. What you need is
+a trapper module like
+ ########################################
+ package Trapper;
+ ########################################
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless [], $class;
+ }
+ sub PRINT {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth++;
+ DEBUG @_;
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth--;
+ }
+ 1;
+and a C<tie> command in the main program to tie STDERR to the trapper
+module along with regular Log::Log4perl initialization:
+ ########################################
+ package main;
+ ########################################
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init(
+ {level => $DEBUG,
+ file => 'stdout', # make sure not to use stderr here!
+ layout => "%d %M: %m%n",
+ });
+ tie *STDERR, "Trapper";
+Make sure not to use STDERR as Log::Log4perl's file appender
+here (which would be the default in C<:easy> mode), because it would
+end up in an endless recursion.
+Now, calling
+ IgnorantModule::some_method();
+will result in the desired output
+ 2004/05/06 11:13:04 IgnorantModule::some_method: Parbleu! An error!
+=head2 How come PAR (Perl Archive Toolkit) creates executables which then can't find their Log::Log4perl appenders?
+If not instructed otherwise, C<Log::Log4perl> dynamically pulls in
+appender classes found in its configuration. If you specify
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ #
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+ my $conf = q(
+ log4perl.category.Bar.Twix = WARN, Logfile
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = SimpleLayout
+ );
+ Log::Log4perl::init(\$conf);
+ my $logger = get_logger("Bar::Twix");
+ $logger->error("Blah");
+then C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen> will be pulled in while the program
+runs, not at compile time. If you have PAR compile the script above to an
+executable binary via
+ pp -o mytest
+and then run C<mytest> on a machine without having Log::Log4perl installed,
+you'll get an error message like
+ ERROR: can't load appenderclass 'Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen'
+ Can't locate Log/Log4perl/Appender/ in @INC ...
+Why? At compile time, C<pp> didn't realize that
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen> would be needed later on and didn't
+wrap it into the executable created. To avoid this, either say
+C<use Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen> in the script explicitly or
+compile it with
+ pp -o mytest -M Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+to make sure the appender class gets included.
+=head2 How can I access a custom appender defined in the configuration?
+Any appender defined in the configuration file or somewhere in the code
+can be accessed later via
+which returns a reference of the appender object.
+Once you've got a hold of the object, it can be queried or modified to
+your liking. For example, see the custom C<IndentAppender> defined below:
+After calling C<init()> to define the Log4perl settings, the
+appender object is retrieved to call its C<indent_more()> and C<indent_less()>
+methods to control indentation of messages:
+ package IndentAppender;
+ sub new {
+ bless { indent => 0 }, $_[0];
+ }
+ sub indent_more { $_[0]->{indent}++ }
+ sub indent_less { $_[0]->{indent}-- }
+ sub log {
+ my($self, %params) = @_;
+ print " " x $self->{indent}, $params{message};
+ }
+ package main;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ my $conf = q(
+ log4perl.category = DEBUG, Indented
+ log4perl.appender.Indented = IndentAppender
+ log4perl.appender.Indented.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout
+ );
+ Log::Log4perl::init(\$conf);
+ my $appender = Log::Log4perl->appender_by_name("Indented");
+ DEBUG "No identation";
+ $appender->indent_more();
+ DEBUG "One more";
+ $appender->indent_more();
+ DEBUG "Two more";
+ $appender->indent_less();
+ DEBUG "One less";
+As you would expect, this will print
+ DEBUG - No identation
+ DEBUG - One more
+ DEBUG - Two more
+ DEBUG - One less
+because the very appender used by Log4perl is modified dynamically at
+=head2 I don't know if Log::Log4perl is installed. How can I prepare my script?
+In case your script needs to be prepared for environments that may or may
+not have Log::Log4perl installed, there's a trick.
+If you put the following BEGIN blocks at the top of the program,
+you'll be able to use the DEBUG(), INFO(), etc. macros in
+Log::Log4perl's C<:easy> mode.
+If Log::Log4perl
+is installed in the target environment, the regular Log::Log4perl rules
+apply. If not, all of DEBUG(), INFO(), etc. are "stubbed" out, i.e. they
+turn into no-ops:
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ eval { require Log::Log4perl; };
+ if($@) {
+ print "Log::Log4perl not installed - stubbing.\n";
+ no strict qw(refs);
+ *{"main::$_"} = sub { } for qw(DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL);
+ } else {
+ no warnings;
+ print "Log::Log4perl installed - life is good.\n";
+ require Log::Log4perl::Level;
+ Log::Log4perl::Level->import(__PACKAGE__);
+ Log::Log4perl->import(qw(:easy));
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($main::DEBUG);
+ }
+ }
+ # The regular script begins ...
+ DEBUG "Hey now!";
+This snippet will first probe for Log::Log4perl, and if it can't be found,
+it will alias DEBUG(), INFO(), with empty subroutines via typeglobs.
+If Log::Log4perl is available, its level constants are first imported
+(C<$DEBUG>, C<$INFO>, etc.) and then C<easy_init()> gets called to initialize
+the logging system.
+=head2 Can file appenders create files with different permissions?
+Typically, when C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::File> creates a new file,
+its permissions are set to C<rw-r--r-->. Why? Because your
+environment's I<umask> most likely defaults to
+C<0022>, that's the standard setting.
+What's a I<umask>, you're asking? It's a template that's applied to
+the permissions of all newly created files. While calls like
+C<open(FILE, "E<gt>foo")> will always try to create files in C<rw-rw-rw-
+> mode, the system will apply the current I<umask> template to
+determine the final permission setting. I<umask> is a bit mask that's
+inverted and then applied to the requested permission setting, using a
+bitwise AND:
+ $request_permission &~ $umask
+So, a I<umask> setting of 0000 (the leading 0 simply indicates an
+octal value) will create files in C<rw-rw-rw-> mode, a setting of 0277
+will use C<r-------->, and the standard 0022 will use C<rw-r--r-->.
+As an example, if you want your log files to be created with
+C<rw-r--rw-> permissions, use a I<umask> of C<0020> before
+calling Log::Log4perl->init():
+ use Log::Log4perl;
+ umask 0020;
+ # Creates log.out in rw-r--rw mode
+ Log::Log4perl->init(\ q{
+ log4perl.logger = WARN, File
+ log4perl.appender.File = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.File.filename = log.out
+ log4perl.appender.File.layout = SimpleLayout
+ });
+=head2 Using Log4perl in an END block causes a problem!
+It's not easy to get to this error, but if you write something like
+ END { Log::Log4perl::get_logger()->debug("Hey there."); }
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+it won't work. The reason is that C<Log::Log4perl> defines an
+END block that cleans up all loggers. And perl will run END blocks
+in the reverse order as they're encountered in the compile phase,
+so in the scenario above, the END block will run I<after> Log4perl
+has cleaned up its loggers.
+Placing END blocks using Log4perl I<after>
+a C<use Log::Log4perl> statement fixes the problem:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+ END { Log::Log4perl::get_logger()->debug("Hey there."); }
+In this scenario, the shown END block is executed I<before> Log4perl
+cleans up and the debug message will be processed properly.
+=head2 Help! My appender is throwing a "Wide character in print" warning!
+This warning shows up when Unicode strings are printed without
+precautions. The warning goes away if the complaining appender is
+set to utf-8 mode:
+ # Either in the log4perl configuration file:
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.utf8 = 1
+ # Or, in easy mode:
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init( {
+ level => $DEBUG,
+ file => ":utf8> test.log"
+ } );
+If the complaining appender is a screen appender, set its C<utf8> option:
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.stderr = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.utf8 = 1
+Alternatively, C<binmode> does the trick:
+ # Either STDOUT ...
+ binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8);
+ # ... or STDERR.
+ binmode(STDERR, ":utf8);
+Some background on this: Perl's strings are either byte strings or
+Unicode strings. C<"Mike"> is a byte string.
+C<"\x{30DE}\x{30A4}\x{30AF}"> is a Unicode string. Unicode strings are
+marked specially and are UTF-8 encoded internally.
+If you print a byte string to STDOUT,
+all is well, because STDOUT is by default set to byte mode. However,
+if you print a Unicode string to STDOUT without precautions, C<perl>
+will try to transform the Unicode string back to a byte string before
+printing it out. This is troublesome if the Unicode string contains
+'wide' characters which can't be represented in Latin-1.
+For example, if you create a Unicode string with three japanese Katakana
+characters as in
+ perl -le 'print "\x{30DE}\x{30A4}\x{30AF}"'
+(coincidentally pronounced Ma-i-ku, the japanese pronunciation of
+"Mike"), STDOUT is in byte mode and the warning
+ Wide character in print at ./ line 14.
+appears. Setting STDOUT to UTF-8 mode as in
+ perl -le 'binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); print "\x{30DE}\x{30A4}\x{30AF}"'
+will silently print the Unicode string to STDOUT in UTF-8. To see the
+characters printed, you'll need a UTF-8 terminal with a font including
+japanese Katakana characters.
+=head2 How can I send errors to the screen, and debug messages to a file?
+Let's assume you want to maintain a detailed DEBUG output in a file
+and only messages of level ERROR and higher should be printed on the
+screen. Often times, developers come up with something like this:
+ # Wrong!!!
+ log4perl.logger = DEBUG, FileApp
+ log4perl.logger = ERROR, ScreenApp
+ # Wrong!!!
+This won't work, however. Logger definitions aren't additive, and the
+second statement will overwrite the first one. Log4perl versions
+below 1.04 were silently accepting this, leaving people confused why
+it wouldn't work as expected.
+As of 1.04, this will throw a I<fatal error> to notify the user of
+the problem.
+What you want to do instead, is this:
+ log4perl.logger = DEBUG, FileApp, ScreenApp
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout = SimpleLayout
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp.stderr = 0
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp.layout = SimpleLayout
+ ### limiting output to ERROR messages
+ log4perl.appender.ScreenApp.Threshold = ERROR
+ ###
+Note that without the second appender's C<Threshold> setting, both appenders
+would receive all messages prioritized DEBUG and higher. With the
+threshold set to ERROR, the second appender will filter the messages
+as required.
+=head2 Where should I put my logfiles?
+Your log files may go anywhere you want them, but the effective
+user id of the calling process must have write access.
+If the log file doesn't exist at program start, Log4perl's file appender
+will create it. For this, it needs write access to the directory where
+the new file will be located in. If the log file already exists at startup,
+the process simply needs write access to the file. Note that it will
+need write access to the file's directory if you're encountering situations
+where the logfile gets recreated, e.g. during log rotation.
+If Log::Log4perl is used by a web server application (e.g. in a CGI script
+or mod_perl), then the webserver's user (usually C<nobody> or C<www>)
+must have the permissions mentioned above.
+To prepare your web server to use log4perl, we'd recommend:
+ webserver:~$ su -
+ webserver:~# mkdir /var/log/cgiapps
+ webserver:~# chown nobody:root /var/log/cgiapps/
+ webserver:~# chown nobody:root -R /var/log/cgiapps/
+ webserver:~# chmod 02755 -R /var/log/cgiapps/
+Then set your /etc/log4perl.conf file to include:
+ log4perl.appender.FileAppndr1.filename =
+ /var/log/cgiapps/<app-name>.log
+=head2 How can my file appender deal with disappearing log files?
+The file appender that comes with Log4perl, L<Log::Log4perl::Appender::File>,
+will open a specified log file at initialization time and will
+keep writing to it via a file handle.
+In case the associated file goes way, messages written by a
+long-running process will still be written
+to the file handle. In case the file has been moved to a different
+location on the same file system, the writer will keep writing to
+it under the new filename. In case the file has been removed from
+the file system, the log messages will end up in nowhere land. This
+is not a bug in Log4perl, this is how Unix works. There is
+no error message in this case, because the writer has no idea that
+the file handle is not associated with a visible file.
+To prevent the loss of log messages when log files disappear, the
+file appender's C<recreate> option needs to be set to a true value:
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate = 1
+This will instruct the file appender to check in regular intervals
+(default: 30 seconds) if the log file is still there. If it finds
+out that the file is missing, it will recreate it.
+Continuously checking if the log file still exists is fairly
+expensive. For this reason it is only performed every 30 seconds. To
+change this interval, the option C<recreate_check_interval> can be set
+to the number of seconds between checks. In the extreme case where the
+check should be performed before every write, it can even be set to 0:
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate_check_interval = 0
+To avoid having to check the file system so frequently, a signal
+handler can be set up:
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate_check_signal = USR1
+This will install a signal handler which will recreate a missing log file
+immediately when it receives the defined signal.
+Note that the init_and_watch() method for Log4perl's initialization
+can also be instructed to install a signal handler, usually using the
+HUP signal. Make sure to use a different signal if you're using both
+of them at the same time.
+=head2 How can I rotate a logfile with newsyslog?
+Here's a few things that need to be taken care of when using the popular
+log file rotating utility C<newsyslog>
+( with Log4perl's file appender
+in long-running processes.
+For example, with a newsyslog configuration like
+ # newsyslog.conf
+ /tmp/test.log 666 12 5 * B
+and a call to
+ # newsyslog -f /path/to/newsyslog.conf
+C<newsyslog> will take action if C</tmp/test.log> is larger than the
+specified 5K in size. It will move the current log file C</tmp/test.log> to
+C</tmp/test.log.0> and create a new and empty C</tmp/test.log> with
+the specified permissions (this is why C<newsyslog> needs to run as root).
+An already existing C</tmp/test.log.0> would be moved to
+C</tmp/test.log.1>, C</tmp/test.log.1> to C</tmp/test.log.2>, and so
+forth, for every one of a max number of 12 archived logfiles that have
+been configured in C<newsyslog.conf>.
+Although a new file has been created, from Log4perl's appender's point
+of view, this situation is identical to the one described in the
+previous FAQ entry, labeled C<How can my file appender deal with
+disappearing log files>.
+To make sure that log messages are written to the new log file and not
+to an archived one or end up in nowhere land,
+the appender's C<recreate> and C<recreate_check_interval> have to be
+configured to deal with the 'disappearing' log file.
+The situation gets interesting when C<newsyslog>'s option
+to compress archived log files is enabled. This causes the
+original log file not to be moved, but to disappear. If the
+file appender isn't configured to recreate the logfile in this situation,
+log messages will actually be lost without warning. This also
+applies for the short time frame of C<recreate_check_interval> seconds
+in between the recreator's file checks.
+To make sure that no messages get lost, one option is to set the
+interval to
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate_check_interval = 0
+However, this is fairly expensive. A better approach is to define
+a signal handler:
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate_check_signal = USR1
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.recreate_pid_write = /tmp/myappid
+As a service for C<newsyslog> users, Log4perl's file appender writes
+the current process ID to a PID file specified by the C<recreate_pid_write>
+option. C<newsyslog> then needs to be configured as in
+ # newsyslog.conf configuration for compressing archive files and
+ # sending a signal to the Log4perl-enabled application
+ /tmp/test.log 666 12 5 * B /tmp/myappid 30
+to send the defined signal (30, which is USR1 on FreeBSD) to the
+application process at rotation time. Note that the signal number
+is different on Linux, where USR1 denotes as 10. Check C<man signal>
+for details.
+=head2 How can a process under user id A log to a file under user id B?
+This scenario often occurs in configurations where processes run under
+various user IDs but need to write to a log file under a fixed, but
+different user id.
+With a traditional file appender, the log file will probably be created
+under one user's id and appended to under a different user's id. With
+a typical umask of 0002, the file will be created with -rw-rw-r--
+permissions. If a user who's not in the first user's group
+subsequently appends to the log file, it will fail because of a
+permission problem.
+Two potential solutions come to mind:
+=over 4
+=item *
+Creating the file with a umask of 0000 will allow all users to append
+to the log file. Log4perl's file appender C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::File>
+has an C<umask> option that can be set to support this:
+ log4perl.appender.File = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.File.umask = sub { 0000 };
+This way, the log file will be created with -rw-rw-rw- permissions and
+therefore has world write permissions. This might open up the logfile
+for unwanted manipulations by arbitrary users, though.
+=item *
+Running the process under an effective user id of C<root> will allow
+it to write to the log file, no matter who started the process.
+However, this is not a good idea, because of security concerns.
+Luckily, under Unix, there's the syslog daemon which runs as root and
+takes log requests from user processes over a socket and writes them
+to log files as configured in C</etc/syslog.conf>.
+By modifying C</etc/syslog.conf> and HUPing the syslog daemon, you can
+configure new log files:
+ # /etc/syslog.conf
+ ...
+ user.* /some/path/file.log
+Using the C<Log::Dispatch::Syslog> appender, which comes with the
+C<Log::Log4perl> distribution, you can then send messages via syslog:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->init(\<<EOT);
+ log4perl.logger = DEBUG, app
+ # Writes to /some/path/file.log
+ ERROR "Message!";
+This way, the syslog daemon will solve the permission problem.
+Note that while it is possible to use syslog() without Log4perl (syslog
+supports log levels, too), traditional syslog setups have a
+significant drawback.
+Without Log4perl's ability to activate logging in only specific
+parts of a system, complex systems will trigger log events all over
+the place and slow down execution to a crawl at high debug levels.
+Remote-controlling logging in the hierarchical parts of an application
+via Log4perl's categories is one of its most distinguished features.
+It allows for enabling high debug levels in specified areas without
+noticeable performance impact.
+=head2 I want to use UTC instead of the local time!
+If a layout defines a date, Log::Log4perl uses local time to populate it.
+If you want UTC instead, set
+ log4perl.utcDateTimes = 1
+in your configuration. Alternatively, you can set
+ $Log::Log4perl::DateFormat::GMTIME = 1;
+in your program before the first log statement.
+=head2 Can Log4perl intercept messages written to a filehandle?
+You have a function that prints to a filehandle. You want to tie
+into that filehandle and forward all arriving messages to a
+Log4perl logger.
+First, let's write a package that ties a file handle and forwards it
+to a Log4perl logger:
+ package FileHandleLogger;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:levels get_logger);
+ my($class, %options) = @_;
+ my $self = {
+ level => $DEBUG,
+ category => '',
+ %options
+ };
+ $self->{logger} = get_logger($self->{category}),
+ bless $self, $class;
+ }
+ sub PRINT {
+ my($self, @rest) = @_;
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth++;
+ $self->{logger}->log($self->{level}, @rest);
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth--;
+ }
+ sub PRINTF {
+ my($self, $fmt, @rest) = @_;
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth++;
+ $self->PRINT(sprintf($fmt, @rest));
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth--;
+ }
+ 1;
+Now, if you have a function like
+ sub function_printing_to_fh {
+ my($fh) = @_;
+ printf $fh "Hi there!\n";
+ }
+which takes a filehandle and prints something to it, it can be used
+with Log4perl:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ usa FileHandleLogger;
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+ tie *SOMEHANDLE, 'FileHandleLogger' or
+ die "tie failed ($!)";
+ function_printing_to_fh(*SOMEHANDLE);
+ # prints "2007/03/22 21:43:30 Hi there!"
+If you want, you can even specify a different log level or category:
+ tie *SOMEHANDLE, 'FileHandleLogger',
+ level => $INFO, category => "Foo::Bar" or die "tie failed ($!)";
+=head2 I want multiline messages rendered line-by-line!
+With the standard C<PatternLayout>, if you send a multiline message to
+an appender as in
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log
+it gets rendered this way:
+ 2007/04/04 23:23:39 multi
+ line
+ message
+If you want each line to be rendered separately according to
+the layout use C<Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout::Multiline>:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->init(\<<EOT);
+ log4perl.category = DEBUG, Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = \\
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout::Multiline
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m %n
+ DEBUG "some\nmultiline\nmessage";
+and you'll get
+ 2007/04/04 23:23:39 some
+ 2007/04/04 23:23:39 multiline
+ 2007/04/04 23:23:39 message
+=head2 I'm on Windows and I'm getting all these 'redefined' messages!
+If you're on Windows and are getting warning messages like
+ Constant subroutine Log::Log4perl::_INTERNAL_DEBUG redefined at
+ C:/Programme/Perl/lib/ line 103.
+ Subroutine import redefined at
+ C:/Programme/Perl/site/lib/Log/ line 69.
+ Subroutine initialized redefined at
+ C:/Programme/Perl/site/lib/Log/ line 207.
+then chances are that you're using 'Log::Log4Perl' (wrong uppercase P)
+instead of the correct 'Log::Log4perl'. Perl on Windows doesn't
+handle this error well and spits out a slew of confusing warning
+messages. But now you know, just use the correct module name and
+you'll be fine.
+=head2 Log4perl complains that no initialization happened during shutdown!
+If you're using Log4perl log commands in DESTROY methods of your objects,
+you might see confusing messages like
+ Log4perl: Seems like no initialization happened. Forgot to call init()?
+ Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at
+ /home/y/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Log/ line 134 during global
+ destruction. (in cleanup) Undefined subroutine &main:: called at
+ /home/y/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Log/ line 134 during global
+ destruction.
+when the program shuts down. What's going on?
+This phenomenon happens if you have circular references in your objects,
+which perl can't clean up when an object goes out of scope but waits
+until global destruction instead. At this time, however, Log4perl has
+already shut down, so you can't use it anymore.
+For example, here's a simple class which uses a logger in its DESTROY
+ package A;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ sub new { bless {}, shift }
+ sub DESTROY { DEBUG "Waaah!"; }
+Now, if the main program creates a self-referencing object, like in
+ package main;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+ my $a = A->new();
+ $a->{selfref} = $a;
+then you'll see the error message shown above during global destruction.
+How to tackle this problem?
+First, you should clean up your circular references before global
+destruction. They will not only cause objects to be destroyed in an order
+that's hard to predict, but also eat up memory until the program shuts
+So, the program above could easily be fixed by putting
+ $a->{selfref} = undef;
+at the end or in an END handler. If that's hard to do, use weak references:
+ package main;
+ use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG);
+ my $a = A->new();
+ $a->{selfref} = weaken $a;
+This allows perl to clean up the circular reference when the object
+goes out of scope, and doesn't wait until global destruction.
+=head2 How can I access POE heap values from Log4perl's layout?
+POE is a framework for creating multitasked applications running in a
+single process and a single thread. POE's threads equivalents are
+'sessions' and since they run quasi-simultaneously, you can't use
+Log4perl's global NDC/MDC to hold session-specific data.
+However, POE already maintains a data store for every session. It is called
+'heap' and is just a hash storing session-specific data in key-value pairs.
+To access this per-session heap data from a Log4perl layout, define a
+custom cspec and reference it with the newly defined pattern in the layout:
+ use strict;
+ use POE;
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->init( \ q{
+ log4perl.logger = DEBUG, Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = PatternLayout
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %U %m%n
+ log4perl.PatternLayout.cspec.U = \
+ sub { POE::Kernel->get_active_session->get_heap()->{ user } }
+ } );
+ for (qw( Huey Lewey Dewey )) {
+ POE::Session->create(
+ inline_states => {
+ _start => sub {
+ $_[HEAP]->{user} = $_;
+ POE::Kernel->yield('hello');
+ },
+ hello => sub {
+ DEBUG "I'm here now";
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ POE::Kernel->run();
+ exit;
+The code snippet above defines a new layout placeholder (called
+'cspec' in Log4perl) %U which calls a subroutine, retrieves the active
+session, gets its heap and looks up the entry specified ('user').
+Starting with Log::Log4perl 1.20, cspecs also support parameters in
+curly braces, so you can say
+ log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %U{user} %U{id} %m%n
+ log4perl.PatternLayout.cspec.U = \
+ sub { POE::Kernel->get_active_session-> \
+ get_heap()->{ $_[0]->{curlies} } }
+and print the POE session heap entries 'user' and 'id' with every logged
+message. For more details on cpecs, read the PatternLayout manual.
+=head2 I want to print something unconditionally!
+Sometimes it's a script that's supposed to log messages regardless if
+Log4perl has been initialized or not. Or there's a logging statement that's
+not going to be suppressed under any circumstances -- many people want to
+have the final word, make the executive decision, because it seems like
+the only logical choice.
+But think about it:
+First off, if a messages is supposed to be printed, where is it supposed
+to end up at? STDOUT? STDERR? And are you sure you want to set in stone
+that this message needs to be printed, while someone else might
+find it annoying and wants to get rid of it?
+The truth is, there's always going to be someone who wants to log a
+messages at all cost, but also another person who wants to suppress it
+with equal vigilance. There's no good way to serve these two conflicting
+desires, someone will always want to win at the cost of leaving
+the other party disappointed.
+So, the best Log4perl offers is the ALWAYS level for a message that even
+fires if the system log level is set to $OFF:
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $OFF );
+ ALWAYS "This gets logged always. Well, almost always";
+The logger won't fire, though, if Log4perl hasn't been initialized or
+if someone defines a custom log hurdle that's higher than $OFF.
+Bottom line: Leave the setting of the logging level to the initial Perl
+script -- let their owners decided what they want, no matter how tempting
+it may be to decide it for them.
+=head2 Why doesn't my END handler remove my log file on Win32?
+If you have code like
+ use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy );
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level => $DEBUG, file => "my.log" } );
+ END { unlink "my.log" or die };
+then you might be in for a surprise when you're running it on
+Windows, because the C<unlink()> call in the END handler will complain that
+the file is still in use.
+What happens in Perl if you have something like
+ END { print "first end in main\n"; }
+ use Module;
+ END { print "second end in main\n"; }
+ package Module;
+ END { print "end in module\n"; }
+ 1;
+is that you get
+ second end in main
+ end in module
+ first end in main
+because perl stacks the END handlers in reverse order in which it
+encounters them in the compile phase.
+Log4perl defines an END handler that cleans up left-over appenders (e.g.
+file appenders which still hold files open), because those appenders have
+circular references and therefore aren't cleaned up otherwise.
+Now if you define an END handler after "use Log::Log4perl", it'll
+trigger before Log4perl gets a chance to clean up, which isn't a
+problem on Unix where you can delete a file even if some process has a
+handle to it open, but it's a problem on Win32, where the OS won't
+let you do that.
+The solution is easy, just place the END handler I<before> Log4perl
+gets loaded, like in
+ END { unlink "my.log" or die };
+ use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy );
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init( { level => $DEBUG, file => "my.log" } );
+which will call the END handlers in the intended order.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright 2002-2013 by Mike Schilli E<lt>m@perlmeister.comE<gt>
+and Kevin Goess E<lt>cpan@goess.orgE<gt>.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Please contribute patches to the project on Github:
+Send bug reports or requests for enhancements to the authors via our
+MAILING LIST (questions, bug reports, suggestions/patches):
+Authors (please contact them via the list above, not directly):
+Mike Schilli <>,
+Kevin Goess <>
+Contributors (in alphabetical order):
+Ateeq Altaf, Cory Bennett, Jens Berthold, Jeremy Bopp, Hutton
+Davidson, Chris R. Donnelly, Matisse Enzer, Hugh Esco, Anthony
+Foiani, James FitzGibbon, Carl Franks, Dennis Gregorovic, Andy
+Grundman, Paul Harrington, Alexander Hartmaier David Hull,
+Robert Jacobson, Jason Kohles, Jeff Macdonald, Markus Peter,
+Brett Rann, Peter Rabbitson, Erik Selberg, Aaron Straup Cope,
+Lars Thegler, David Viner, Mac Yang.