path: root/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/
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1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/ b/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/
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index 0000000..a36ed31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# -- 2003, 2007 Mike Schilli <>
+# Special appender employing a locking strategy to synchronize
+# access.
+package Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Log::Log4perl::Util::Semaphore;
+our @ISA = qw(Log::Log4perl::Appender);
+our $CVSVERSION = '$Revision: 1.12 $';
+our ($VERSION) = ($CVSVERSION =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/);
+sub new {
+ my($class, %options) = @_;
+ my $self = {
+ appender=> undef,
+ key => '_l4p',
+ level => 0,
+ %options,
+ };
+ my @values = ();
+ for my $param (qw(uid gid mode destroy key)) {
+ push @values, $param, $self->{$param} if defined $self->{$param};
+ }
+ $self->{sem} = Log::Log4perl::Util::Semaphore->new(
+ @values
+ );
+ # Pass back the appender to be synchronized as a dependency
+ # to the configuration file parser
+ push @{$options{l4p_depends_on}}, $self->{appender};
+ # Run our post_init method in the configurator after
+ # all appenders have been defined to make sure the
+ # appender we're synchronizing really exists
+ push @{$options{l4p_post_config_subs}}, sub { $self->post_init() };
+ bless $self, $class;
+sub log {
+ my($self, %params) = @_;
+ $self->{sem}->semlock();
+ # Relay that to the SUPER class which needs to render the
+ # message according to the appender's layout, first.
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth +=2;
+ $self->{app}->SUPER::log(\%params,
+ $params{log4p_category},
+ $params{log4p_level});
+ $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth -=2;
+ $self->{sem}->semunlock();
+sub post_init {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ if(! exists $self->{appender}) {
+ die "No appender defined for " . __PACKAGE__;
+ }
+ my $appenders = Log::Log4perl->appenders();
+ my $appender = Log::Log4perl->appenders()->{$self->{appender}};
+ if(! defined $appender) {
+ die "Appender $self->{appender} not defined (yet) when " .
+ __PACKAGE__ . " needed it";
+ }
+ $self->{app} = $appender;
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+ Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized - Synchronizing other appenders
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+ my $conf = qq(
+ log4perl.category = WARN, Syncer
+ # File appender (unsynchronized)
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.autoflush = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename = test.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.mode = truncate
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout = SimpleLayout
+ # Synchronizing appender, using the file appender above
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer.appender = Logfile
+ Log::Log4perl->init(\$conf);
+ WARN("This message is guaranteed to be complete.");
+If multiple processes are using the same C<Log::Log4perl> appender
+without synchronization, overwrites might happen. A typical scenario
+for this would be a process spawning children, each of which inherits
+the parent's Log::Log4perl configuration.
+In most cases, you won't need an external synchronisation tool like
+Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized at all. Log4perl's file appender,
+Log::Log4perl::Appender::File, for example, provides the C<syswrite>
+mechanism for making sure that even long log lines won't interleave.
+Short log lines won't interleave anyway, because the operating system
+makes sure the line gets written before a task switch occurs.
+In cases where you need additional synchronization, however, you can use
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> as a gateway between your
+loggers and your appenders. An appender itself,
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> just takes two additional
+=over 4
+=item C<appender>
+Specifies the name of the appender it synchronizes access to. The
+appender specified must be defined somewhere in the configuration file,
+not necessarily before the definition of
+=item C<key>
+This optional argument specifies the key for the semaphore that
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> uses internally to ensure
+atomic operations. It defaults to C<_l4p>. If you define more than
+one C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> appender, it is
+important to specify different keys for them, as otherwise every
+new C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> appender will nuke
+previously defined semaphores. The maximum key length is four
+characters, longer keys will be truncated to 4 characters --
+C<mylongkey1> and C<mylongkey2> are interpreted to be the same:
+C<mylo> (thanks to David Viner E<lt>dviner@yahoo-inc.comE<gt> for
+pointing this out).
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> uses Log::Log4perl::Util::Semaphore
+internally to perform locking with semaphores provided by the
+operating system used.
+=head2 Performance tips
+The C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> serializes access to a
+protected resource globally, slowing down actions otherwise performed in
+Unless specified otherwise, all instances of
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> objects in the system will
+use the same global IPC key C<_l4p>.
+To control access to different appender instances, it often makes sense
+to define different keys for different synchronizing appenders. In this
+way, Log::Log4perl serializes access to each appender instance separately:
+ log4perl.category = WARN, Syncer1, Syncer2
+ # File appender 1 (unsynchronized)
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile1.filename = test1.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile1.layout = SimpleLayout
+ # File appender 2 (unsynchronized)
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile2 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile2.filename = test2.log
+ log4perl.appender.Logfile2.layout = SimpleLayout
+ # Synchronizing appender, using the file appender above
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer1.appender = Logfile1
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer1.key = l4p1
+ # Synchronizing appender, using the file appender above
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer2 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer2.appender = Logfile2
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer2.key = l4p2
+Without the C<.key = l4p1> and C<.key = l4p2> lines, both Synchronized
+appenders would be using the default C<_l4p> key, causing unnecessary
+serialization of output written to different files.
+=head2 Advanced configuration
+To configure the underlying Log::Log4perl::Util::Semaphore module in
+a different way than with the default settings provided by
+Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized, use the following parameters:
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer1.destroy = 1
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer1.mode = sub { 0775 }
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer1.uid = hugo
+ log4perl.appender.Syncer1.gid = 100
+Valid options are
+C<destroy> (Remove the semaphore on exit),
+C<mode> (permissions on the semaphore),
+C<uid> (uid or user name the semaphore is owned by),
+C<gid> (group id the semaphore is owned by),
+Note that C<mode> is usually given in octal and therefore needs to be
+specified as a perl sub {}, unless you want to calculate what 0755 means
+in decimal.
+Changing ownership or group settings for a semaphore will obviously only
+work if the current user ID owns the semaphore already or if the current
+user is C<root>. The C<destroy> option causes the current process to
+destroy the semaphore on exit. Spawned children of the process won't
+inherit this behavior.
+=head2 Semaphore user and group IDs with mod_perl
+Setting user and group IDs is especially important when the Synchronized
+appender is used with mod_perl. If Log4perl gets initialized by a startup
+handler, which runs as root, and not as the user who will later use
+the semaphore, the settings for uid, gid, and mode can help establish
+matching semaphore ownership and access rights.
+C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::Synchronized> is a I<composite> appender.
+Unlike other appenders, it doesn't log any messages, it just
+passes them on to its attached sub-appender.
+For this reason, it doesn't need a layout (contrary to regular appenders).
+If it defines none, messages are passed on unaltered.
+Custom filters are also applied to the composite appender only.
+They are I<not> applied to the sub-appender. Same applies to appender
+thresholds. This behaviour might change in the future.
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright 2002-2013 by Mike Schilli E<lt>m@perlmeister.comE<gt>
+and Kevin Goess E<lt>cpan@goess.orgE<gt>.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Please contribute patches to the project on Github:
+Send bug reports or requests for enhancements to the authors via our
+MAILING LIST (questions, bug reports, suggestions/patches):
+Authors (please contact them via the list above, not directly):
+Mike Schilli <>,
+Kevin Goess <>
+Contributors (in alphabetical order):
+Ateeq Altaf, Cory Bennett, Jens Berthold, Jeremy Bopp, Hutton
+Davidson, Chris R. Donnelly, Matisse Enzer, Hugh Esco, Anthony
+Foiani, James FitzGibbon, Carl Franks, Dennis Gregorovic, Andy
+Grundman, Paul Harrington, Alexander Hartmaier David Hull,
+Robert Jacobson, Jason Kohles, Jeff Macdonald, Markus Peter,
+Brett Rann, Peter Rabbitson, Erik Selberg, Aaron Straup Cope,
+Lars Thegler, David Viner, Mac Yang.