path: root/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/
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1 files changed, 643 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/ b/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2043d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Log/Log4perl/Appender/
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+package Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI;
+our @ISA = qw(Log::Log4perl::Appender);
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+sub new {
+ my($proto, %p) = @_;
+ my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self->_init(%p);
+ my %defaults = (
+ reconnect_attempts => 1,
+ reconnect_sleep => 0,
+ );
+ for (keys %defaults) {
+ if(exists $p{$_}) {
+ $self->{$_} = $p{$_};
+ } else {
+ $self->{$_} = $defaults{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ #e.g.
+ #log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.1 = %p
+ #log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.2 = %5.5m
+ foreach my $pnum (keys %{$p{params}}){
+ $self->{bind_value_layouts}{$pnum} =
+ Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new({
+ ConversionPattern => {value => $p{params}->{$pnum}},
+ undef_column_value => undef,
+ });
+ }
+ #'bind_value_layouts' now contains a PatternLayout
+ #for each parameter heading for the Sql engine
+ $self->{SQL} = $p{sql}; #save for error msg later on
+ $self->{MAX_COL_SIZE} = $p{max_col_size};
+ $self->{BUFFERSIZE} = $p{bufferSize} || 1;
+ if ($p{usePreparedStmt}) {
+ $self->{sth} = $self->create_statement($p{sql});
+ $self->{usePreparedStmt} = 1;
+ }else{
+ $self->{layout} = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new({
+ ConversionPattern => {value => $p{sql}},
+ undef_column_value => undef,
+ });
+ }
+ if ($self->{usePreparedStmt} && $self->{bufferSize}){
+ warn "Log4perl: you've defined both usePreparedStmt and bufferSize \n".
+ "in your appender '$p{name}'--\n".
+ "I'm going to ignore bufferSize and just use a prepared stmt\n";
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub _init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ if ($params{dbh}) {
+ $self->{dbh} = $params{dbh};
+ } else {
+ $self->{connect} = sub {
+ DBI->connect(@params{qw(datasource username password)},
+ {PrintError => 0, $params{attrs} ? %{$params{attrs}} : ()})
+ or croak "Log4perl: $DBI::errstr";
+ };
+ $self->{dbh} = $self->{connect}->();
+ $self->{_mine} = 1;
+ }
+sub create_statement {
+ my ($self, $stmt) = @_;
+ $stmt || croak "Log4perl: sql not set in Log4perl::Appender::DBI";
+ return $self->{dbh}->prepare($stmt) || croak "Log4perl: DBI->prepare failed $DBI::errstr\n$stmt";
+sub log {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %p = @_;
+ #%p is
+ # { name => $appender_name,
+ # level => loglevel
+ # message => $message,
+ # log4p_category => $category,
+ # log4p_level => $level,);
+ # },
+ #getting log4j behavior with no specified ConversionPattern
+ chomp $p{message} unless ref $p{message};
+ my $qmarks = $self->calculate_bind_values(\%p);
+ if ($self->{usePreparedStmt}) {
+ $self->query_execute($self->{sth}, @$qmarks);
+ }else{
+ #first expand any %x's in the statement
+ my $stmt = $self->{layout}->render(
+ $p{message},
+ $p{log4p_category},
+ $p{log4p_level},
+ 5 + $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth,
+ );
+ push @{$self->{BUFFER}}, $stmt, $qmarks;
+ $self->check_buffer();
+ }
+sub query_execute {
+ my($self, $sth, @qmarks) = @_;
+ my $errstr = "[no error]";
+ for my $attempt (0..$self->{reconnect_attempts}) {
+ #warn "Exe: @qmarks"; # TODO
+ if(! $sth->execute(@qmarks)) {
+ # save errstr because ping() would override it [RT 56145]
+ $errstr = $self->{dbh}->errstr();
+ # Exe failed -- was it because we lost the DB
+ # connection?
+ if($self->{dbh}->ping()) {
+ # No, the connection is ok, we failed because there's
+ # something wrong with the execute(): Bad SQL or
+ # missing parameters or some such). Abort.
+ croak "Log4perl: DBI appender error: '$errstr'";
+ }
+ if($attempt == $self->{reconnect_attempts}) {
+ croak "Log4perl: DBI appender failed to " .
+ ($self->{reconnect_attempts} == 1 ? "" : "re") .
+ "connect " .
+ "to database after " .
+ "$self->{reconnect_attempts} attempt" .
+ ($self->{reconnect_attempts} == 1 ? "" : "s") .
+ " (last error error was [$errstr]";
+ }
+ if(! $self->{dbh}->ping()) {
+ # Ping failed, try to reconnect
+ if($attempt) {
+ #warn "Sleeping"; # TODO
+ sleep($self->{reconnect_sleep}) if $self->{reconnect_sleep};
+ }
+ eval {
+ #warn "Reconnecting to DB"; # TODO
+ $self->{dbh} = $self->{connect}->();
+ };
+ }
+ if ($self->{usePreparedStmt}) {
+ $sth = $self->create_statement($self->{SQL});
+ $self->{sth} = $sth if $self->{sth};
+ } else {
+ #warn "Pending stmt: $self->{pending_stmt}"; #TODO
+ $sth = $self->create_statement($self->{pending_stmt});
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ croak "Log4perl: DBI->execute failed $errstr, \n".
+ "on $self->{SQL}\n @qmarks";
+sub calculate_bind_values {
+ my ($self, $p) = @_;
+ my @qmarks;
+ my $user_ph_idx = 0;
+ my $i=0;
+ if ($self->{bind_value_layouts}) {
+ my $prev_pnum = 0;
+ my $max_pnum = 0;
+ my @pnums = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{bind_value_layouts}};
+ $max_pnum = $pnums[-1];
+ #Walk through the integers for each possible bind value.
+ #If it doesn't have a layout assigned from the config file
+ #then shift it off the array from the $log call
+ #This needs to be reworked now that we always get an arrayref? --kg 1/2003
+ foreach my $pnum (1..$max_pnum){
+ my $msg;
+ #we've got a bind_value_layout to fill the spot
+ if ($self->{bind_value_layouts}{$pnum}){
+ $msg = $self->{bind_value_layouts}{$pnum}->render(
+ $p->{message},
+ $p->{log4p_category},
+ $p->{log4p_level},
+ 5 + $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth,
+ );
+ #we don't have a bind_value_layout, so get
+ #a message bit
+ }elsif (ref $p->{message} eq 'ARRAY' && @{$p->{message}}){
+ #$msg = shift @{$p->{message}};
+ $msg = $p->{message}->[$i++];
+ #here handle cases where we ran out of message bits
+ #before we ran out of bind_value_layouts, just keep going
+ }elsif (ref $p->{message} eq 'ARRAY'){
+ $msg = undef;
+ $p->{message} = undef;
+ #here handle cases where we didn't get an arrayref
+ #log the message in the first placeholder and nothing in the rest
+ }elsif (! ref $p->{message} ){
+ $msg = $p->{message};
+ $p->{message} = undef;
+ }
+ if ($self->{MAX_COL_SIZE} &&
+ length($msg) > $self->{MAX_COL_SIZE}){
+ substr($msg, $self->{MAX_COL_SIZE}) = '';
+ }
+ push @qmarks, $msg;
+ }
+ }
+ #handle leftovers
+ if (ref $p->{message} eq 'ARRAY' && @{$p->{message}} ) {
+ #push @qmarks, @{$p->{message}};
+ push @qmarks, @{$p->{message}}[$i..@{$p->{message}}-1];
+ }
+ return \@qmarks;
+sub check_buffer {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless ($self->{BUFFER} && ref $self->{BUFFER} eq 'ARRAY');
+ if (scalar @{$self->{BUFFER}} >= $self->{BUFFERSIZE} * 2) {
+ my ($sth, $stmt, $prev_stmt);
+ $prev_stmt = ""; # Init to avoid warning (ms 5/10/03)
+ while (@{$self->{BUFFER}}) {
+ my ($stmt, $qmarks) = splice (@{$self->{BUFFER}},0,2);
+ $self->{pending_stmt} = $stmt;
+ #reuse the sth if the stmt doesn't change
+ if ($stmt ne $prev_stmt) {
+ $sth->finish if $sth;
+ $sth = $self->create_statement($stmt);
+ }
+ $self->query_execute($sth, @$qmarks);
+ $prev_stmt = $stmt;
+ }
+ $sth->finish;
+ my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
+ if ($dbh && ! $dbh->{AutoCommit}) {
+ $dbh->commit;
+ }
+ }
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{BUFFERSIZE} = 1;
+ $self->check_buffer();
+ if ($self->{_mine} && $self->{dbh}) {
+ $self->{dbh}->disconnect;
+ }
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI - implements appending to a DB
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $config = q{
+ log4j.category = WARN, DBAppndr
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr = Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.datasource = DBI:CSV:f_dir=t/tmp
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.username = bobjones
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.password = 12345
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.sql = \
+ insert into log4perltest \
+ (loglevel, custid, category, message, ipaddr) \
+ values (?,?,?,?,?)
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.1 = %p
+ #2 is custid from the log() call
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.3 = %c
+ #4 is the message from log()
+ #5 is ipaddr from log()
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.usePreparedStmt = 1
+ #--or--
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.bufferSize = 2
+ #just pass through the array of message items in the log statement
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::NoopLayout
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.warp_message = 0
+ #driver attributes support
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.attrs.f_encoding = utf8
+ };
+ $logger->warn( $custid, 'big problem!!', $ip_addr );
+=head1 CAVEAT
+This is a very young module and there are a lot of variations
+in setups with different databases and connection methods,
+so make sure you test thoroughly! Any feedback is welcome!
+This is a specialized Log::Dispatch object customized to work with
+log4perl and its abilities, originally based on Log::Dispatch::DBI
+by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa but with heavy modifications.
+It is an attempted compromise between what Log::Dispatch::DBI was
+doing and what log4j's JDBCAppender does. Note the log4j docs say
+the JDBCAppender "is very likely to be completely replaced in the future."
+The simplest usage is this:
+ log4j.category = WARN, DBAppndr
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr = Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.datasource = DBI:CSV:f_dir=t/tmp
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.username = bobjones
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.password = 12345
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.sql = \
+ INSERT INTO logtbl \
+ (loglevel, message) \
+ VALUES ('%c','%m')
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
+ $logger->fatal('fatal message');
+ $logger->warn('warning message');
+ ===============================
+ |FATAL|fatal message |
+ |WARN |warning message |
+ ===============================
+But the downsides to that usage are:
+=over 4
+=item *
+You'd better be darn sure there are not quotes in your log message, or your
+insert could have unforeseen consequences! This is a very insecure way to
+handle database inserts, using place holders and bind values is much better,
+keep reading. (Note that the log4j docs warn "Be careful of quotes in your
+messages!") B<*>.
+=item *
+It's not terribly high-performance, a statement is created and executed
+for each log call.
+=item *
+The only run-time parameter you get is the %m message, in reality
+you probably want to log specific data in specific table columns.
+So let's try using placeholders, and tell the logger to create a
+prepared statement handle at the beginning and just reuse it
+(just like Log::Dispatch::DBI does)
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.sql = \
+ INSERT INTO logtbl \
+ (custid, loglevel, message) \
+ VALUES (?,?,?)
+ #---------------------------------------------------
+ #now the bind values:
+ #1 is the custid
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.2 = %p
+ #3 is the message
+ #---------------------------------------------------
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::NoopLayout
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.warp_message = 0
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.usePreparedStmt = 1
+ $logger->warn( 1234, 'warning message' );
+Now see how we're using the '?' placeholders in our statement? This
+means we don't have to worry about messages that look like
+ invalid input: 1234';drop table custid;
+fubaring our database!
+Normally a list of things in the logging statement gets concatenated into
+a single string, but setting C<warp_message> to 0 and using the
+NoopLayout means that in
+ $logger->warn( 1234, 'warning message', 'bgates' );
+the individual list values will still be available for the DBI appender later
+on. (If C<warp_message> is not set to 0, the default behavior is to
+join the list elements into a single string. If PatternLayout or SimpleLayout
+are used, their attempt to C<render()> your layout will result in something
+like "ARRAY(0x841d8dc)" in your logs. More information on C<warp_message>
+is in Log::Log4perl::Appender.)
+In your insert SQL you can mix up '?' placeholders with conversion specifiers
+(%c, %p, etc) as you see fit--the logger will match the question marks to
+params you've defined in the config file and populate the rest with values
+from your list. If there are more '?' placeholders than there are values in
+your message, it will use undef for the rest. For instance,
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.sql = \
+ insert into log4perltest \
+ (loglevel, message, datestr, subpoena_id)\
+ values (?,?,?,?)
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.1 = %p
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.3 = %d
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.warp_message=0
+ $logger->info('arrest him!', $subpoena_id);
+results in the first '?' placeholder being bound to %p, the second to
+"arrest him!", the third to the date from "%d", and the fourth to your
+$subpoenaid. If you forget the $subpoena_id and just log
+ $logger->info('arrest him!');
+then you just get undef in the fourth column.
+If the logger statement is also being handled by other non-DBI appenders,
+they will just join the list into a string, joined with
+C<$Log::Log4perl::JOIN_MSG_ARRAY_CHAR> (default is an empty string).
+And see the C<usePreparedStmt>? That creates a statement handle when
+the logger object is created and just reuses it. That, however, may
+be problematic for long-running processes like webservers, in which case
+you can use this parameter instead
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.bufferSize=2
+This copies log4j's JDBCAppender's behavior, it saves up that many
+log statements and writes them all out at once. If your INSERT
+statement uses only ? placeholders and no %x conversion specifiers
+it should be quite efficient because the logger can re-use the
+same statement handle for the inserts.
+If the program ends while the buffer is only partly full, the DESTROY
+block should flush the remaining statements, if the DESTROY block
+runs of course.
+* I<As I was writing this, Danko Mannhaupt was coming out with his
+improved log4j JDBCAppender (
+which overcomes many of the drawbacks of the original JDBCAppender.>
+Or another way to say the same thing:
+The idea is that if you're logging to a database table, you probably
+want specific parts of your log information in certain columns. To this
+end, you pass an list to the log statement, like
+ $logger->warn('big problem!!',$userid,$subpoena_nr,$ip_addr);
+and the array members drop into the positions defined by the placeholders
+in your SQL statement. You can also define information in the config
+file like
+ log4j.appender.DBAppndr.params.2 = %p
+in which case those numbered placeholders will be filled in with
+the specified values, and the rest of the placeholders will be
+filled in with the values from your log statement's array.
+=over 4
+=item usePreparedStmt
+See above.
+=item warp_message
+see Log::Log4perl::Appender
+=item max_col_size
+If you're used to just throwing debugging messages like huge stacktraces
+into your logger, some databases (Sybase's DBD!!) may surprise you
+by choking on data size limitations. Normally, the data would
+just be truncated to fit in the column, but Sybases's DBD it turns out
+maxes out at 255 characters. Use this parameter in such a situation
+to truncate long messages before they get to the INSERT statement.
+If you want to get your dbh from some place in particular, like
+maybe a pool, subclass and override _init() and/or create_statement(),
+for instance
+ sub _init {
+ ; #no-op, no pooling at this level
+ }
+ sub create_statement {
+ my ($self, $stmt) = @_;
+ $stmt || croak "Log4perl: sql not set in ".__PACKAGE__;
+ return My::Connections->getConnection->prepare($stmt)
+ || croak "Log4perl: DBI->prepare failed $DBI::errstr\n$stmt";
+ }
+If you're using C<log4j.appender.DBAppndr.usePreparedStmt>
+this module creates an sth when it starts and keeps it for the life
+of the program. For long-running processes (e.g. mod_perl), connections
+might go stale, but if C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI> tries to write
+a message and figures out that the DB connection is no longer working
+(using DBI's ping method), it will reconnect.
+The reconnection process can be controlled by two parameters,
+C<reconnect_attempts> and C<reconnect_sleep>. C<reconnect_attempts>
+specifies the number of reconnections attempts the DBI appender
+performs until it gives up and dies. C<reconnect_sleep> is the
+time between reconnection attempts, measured in seconds.
+C<reconnect_attempts> defaults to 1, C<reconnect_sleep> to 0.
+Alternatively, use C<Apache::DBI> or C<Apache::DBI::Cache> and read
+Note that C<Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI> holds one connection open
+for every appender, which might be too many.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright 2002-2013 by Mike Schilli E<lt>m@perlmeister.comE<gt>
+and Kevin Goess E<lt>cpan@goess.orgE<gt>.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Please contribute patches to the project on Github:
+Send bug reports or requests for enhancements to the authors via our
+MAILING LIST (questions, bug reports, suggestions/patches):
+Authors (please contact them via the list above, not directly):
+Mike Schilli <>,
+Kevin Goess <>
+Contributors (in alphabetical order):
+Ateeq Altaf, Cory Bennett, Jens Berthold, Jeremy Bopp, Hutton
+Davidson, Chris R. Donnelly, Matisse Enzer, Hugh Esco, Anthony
+Foiani, James FitzGibbon, Carl Franks, Dennis Gregorovic, Andy
+Grundman, Paul Harrington, Alexander Hartmaier David Hull,
+Robert Jacobson, Jason Kohles, Jeff Macdonald, Markus Peter,
+Brett Rann, Peter Rabbitson, Erik Selberg, Aaron Straup Cope,
+Lars Thegler, David Viner, Mac Yang.