path: root/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't')
62 files changed, 9674 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/00use.t b/t/00use.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268ef56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/00use.t
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Notifier" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Handle" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Stream" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Timer" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Timer::Absolute" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Timer::Countdown" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Timer::Periodic" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Signal" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Listener" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Socket" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::File" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::FileStream" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::OS" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Loop::Select" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Loop::Poll" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Test" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Function" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Resolver" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Protocol" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Protocol::Stream" );
+use_ok( "IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream" );
diff --git a/t/01timequeue.t b/t/01timequeue.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b05f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/01timequeue.t
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use IO::Async::Internals::TimeQueue;
+my $queue = IO::Async::Internals::TimeQueue->new;
+ok( defined $queue, '$queue defined' );
+isa_ok( $queue, "IO::Async::Internals::TimeQueue", '$queue isa IO::Async::Internals::TimeQueue' );
+is( $queue->next_time, undef, '->next_time when empty is undef' );
+ok( exception { $queue->enqueue( code => sub { "DUMMY" } ) },
+ 'enqueue no time fails' );
+ok( exception { $queue->enqueue( time => 123 ) },
+ 'enqueue no code fails' );
+ok( exception { $queue->enqueue( time => 123, code => 'HELLO' ) },
+ 'enqueue code not CODE ref fails' );
+$queue->enqueue( time => 1000, code => sub { "DUMMY" } );
+is( $queue->next_time, 1000, '->next_time after single enqueue' );
+my $fired = 0;
+$queue->enqueue( time => 500, code => sub { $fired = 1; } );
+is( $queue->next_time, 500, '->next_time after second enqueue' );
+my $count = $queue->fire( now => 700 );
+is( $fired, 1, '$fired after fire at time 700' );
+is( $count, 1, '$count after fire at time 700' );
+is( $queue->next_time, 1000, '->next_time after fire at time 700' );
+$count = $queue->fire( now => 900 );
+is( $count, 0, '$count after fire at time 900' );
+is( $queue->next_time, 1000, '->next_time after fire at time 900' );
+$count = $queue->fire( now => 1200 );
+is( $count, 1, '$count after fire at time 1200' );
+is( $queue->next_time, undef, '->next_time after fire at time 1200' );
+$queue->enqueue( time => 1300, code => sub{ $fired++; } );
+$queue->enqueue( time => 1301, code => sub{ $fired++; } );
+$count = $queue->fire( now => 1400 );
+is( $fired, 3, '$fired after fire at time 1400' );
+is( $count, 2, '$count after fire at time 1400' );
+is( $queue->next_time, undef, '->next_time after fire at time 1400' );
+my $id = $queue->enqueue( time => 1500, code => sub { $fired++ } );
+$queue->enqueue( time => 1505, code => sub { $fired++ } );
+is( $queue->next_time, 1500, '->next_time before cancel' );
+$queue->cancel( $id );
+is( $queue->next_time, 1505, '->next_time after cancel' );
+$fired = 0;
+$count = $queue->fire( now => 1501 );
+is( $fired, 0, '$fired after fire at time 1501' );
+is( $count, 0, '$count after fire at time 1501' );
+$count = $queue->fire( now => 1510 );
+is( $fired, 1, '$fired after fire at time 1510' );
+is( $count, 1, '$count after fire at time 1510' );
+# Performance for large collections
+ foreach my $t ( 2000 .. 2100 ) {
+ $queue->enqueue( time => $t, code => sub {} );
+ }
+ foreach my $t ( 2000 .. 2100 ) {
+ $queue->next_time == $t or fail( "Failed for large collection - expected $t" ), last;
+ $queue->fire( now => $t );
+ }
+ ok( "Large collection" );
diff --git a/t/02os.t b/t/02os.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2d5a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02os.t
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use Socket qw(
+ pack_sockaddr_in pack_sockaddr_in6 pack_sockaddr_un inet_aton inet_pton
+use POSIX qw( SIGTERM );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "No IO::Socket::IP", 2 unless eval { require IO::Socket::IP };
+ my $S_inet = IO::Async::OS->socket( "inet", "stream" );
+ isa_ok( $S_inet, "IO::Socket::IP", 'IO::Async::OS->socket("inet")' );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No AF_INET6", 1 unless eval { socket( my $fh, AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) };
+ my $S_inet6 = IO::Async::OS->socket( "inet6", "stream" );
+ isa_ok( $S_inet6, "IO::Socket::IP", 'IO::Async::OS->socket("inet6")' );
+ }
+foreach my $family ( undef, "inet" ) {
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( $family, "stream" )
+ or die "Could not socketpair - $!";
+ isa_ok( $S1, "IO::Socket", '$S1 isa IO::Socket' );
+ isa_ok( $S2, "IO::Socket", '$S2 isa IO::Socket' );
+ # Due to a bug in IO::Socket, ->socktype may not be set
+ is( $S1->sockopt(SO_TYPE), SOCK_STREAM, 'SO_TYPE of $S1 is SOCK_STREAM' );
+ is( $S2->sockopt(SO_TYPE), SOCK_STREAM, 'SO_TYPE of $S2 is SOCK_STREAM' );
+ $S1->syswrite( "Hello" );
+ is( do { my $b; $S2->sysread( $b, 8192 ); $b }, "Hello", '$S1 --writes-> $S2' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "Goodbye" );
+ is( do { my $b; $S1->sysread( $b, 8192 ); $b }, "Goodbye", '$S2 --writes-> $S1' );
+ ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( $family, "dgram" )
+ or die "Could not socketpair - $!";
+ isa_ok( $S1, "IO::Socket", '$S1 isa IO::Socket' );
+ isa_ok( $S2, "IO::Socket", '$S2 isa IO::Socket' );
+ is( $S1->socktype, SOCK_DGRAM, '$S1->socktype is SOCK_DGRAM' );
+ is( $S2->socktype, SOCK_DGRAM, '$S2->socktype is SOCK_DGRAM' );
+ $S1->syswrite( "Hello" );
+ is( do { my $b; $S2->sysread( $b, 8192 ); $b }, "Hello", '$S1 --writes-> $S2' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "Goodbye" );
+ is( do { my $b; $S1->sysread( $b, 8192 ); $b }, "Goodbye", '$S2 --writes-> $S1' );
+ my ( $Prd, $Pwr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Could not pipepair - $!";
+ $Pwr->syswrite( "Hello" );
+ is( do { my $b; $Prd->sysread( $b, 8192 ); $b }, "Hello", '$Pwr --writes-> $Prd' );
+ # Writing to $Prd _may_ fail, but some systems might implement this as a
+ # socketpair instead. We won't test it just in case
+ my ( $rdA, $wrA, $rdB, $wrB ) = IO::Async::OS->pipequad or die "Could not pipequad - $!";
+ $wrA->syswrite( "Hello" );
+ is( do { my $b; $rdA->sysread( $b, 8192 ); $b }, "Hello", '$wrA --writes-> $rdA' );
+ $wrB->syswrite( "Goodbye" );
+ is( do { my $b; $rdB->sysread( $b, 8192 ); $b }, "Goodbye", '$wrB --writes-> $rdB' );
+is( IO::Async::OS->signame2num( 'TERM' ), SIGTERM, 'signame2num' );
+is( IO::Async::OS->getfamilybyname( "inet" ), AF_INET, 'getfamilybyname "inet"' );
+is( IO::Async::OS->getfamilybyname( AF_INET ), AF_INET, 'getfamilybyname AF_INET' );
+is( IO::Async::OS->getsocktypebyname( "stream" ), SOCK_STREAM, 'getsocktypebyname "stream"' );
+is( IO::Async::OS->getsocktypebyname( SOCK_STREAM ), SOCK_STREAM, 'getsocktypebyname SOCK_STREAM' );
+ my $sinaddr = pack_sockaddr_in( 56, inet_aton( "" ) );
+ is_deeply( [ IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( [ "inet", "stream", 0, $sinaddr ] ) ],
+ [ AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, $sinaddr ],
+ 'extract_addrinfo( ARRAY )' );
+ is_deeply( [ IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( {
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ addr => $sinaddr
+ } ) ],
+ [ AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, $sinaddr ],
+ 'extract_addrinfo( HASH )' );
+ is_deeply( [ IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( {
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ ip => "",
+ port => "56",
+ } ) ],
+ [ AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, $sinaddr ],
+ 'extract_addrinfo( HASH ) with inet, ip+port' );
+ is_deeply( [ IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( {
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ port => "56",
+ } ) ],
+ [ AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, pack_sockaddr_in( 56, INADDR_ANY ) ],
+ 'extract_addrinfo( HASH ) with inet, port' );
+ is_deeply( [ IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( {
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ } ) ],
+ [ AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, pack_sockaddr_in( 0, INADDR_ANY ) ],
+ 'extract_addrinfo( HASH ) with inet only' );
+ ok( exception { IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( {
+ family => "inet",
+ host => "",
+ } ) }, 'extract_addrinfo for inet complains about unrecognised key' );
+SKIP: {
+ my $sin6addr = eval { Socket::pack_sockaddr_in6( 1234, inet_pton( AF_INET6, "fe80::5678" ) ) };
+ skip "No pack_sockaddr_in6", 1 unless defined $sin6addr;
+ is_deeply( [ IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( {
+ family => "inet6",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ ip => "fe80::5678",
+ port => "1234",
+ } ) ],
+ [ AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0, $sin6addr ],
+ 'extract_addrinfo( HASH ) with inet6, ip+port' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "No pack_sockaddr_un", 1 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SOCKADDR_UN;
+ my $sunaddr = pack_sockaddr_un( "foo.sock" );
+ is_deeply( [ IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( {
+ family => "unix",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ path => "foo.sock",
+ } ) ],
+ [ AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, $sunaddr ],
+ 'extract_addrinfo( HASH ) with unix, path' );
+ok( exception { IO::Async::OS->extract_addrinfo( { family => "hohum" } ) },
+ 'extract_addrinfo on unrecognised family complains' );
diff --git a/t/03loop-magic.t b/t/03loop-magic.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede4105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/03loop-magic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+$IO::Async::Loop::LOOP_NO_OS = 1;
+delete $ENV{IO_ASYNC_LOOP}; # Just in case it was already set
+my $loop;
+my $LOOPCLASS = "IO::Async::Loop::" . ( IO::Async::OS->LOOP_BUILTIN_CLASSES )[0];
+$loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+isa_ok( $loop, $LOOPCLASS, 'Magic constructor in default mode' ) or
+ diag( 'ref($loop) is ' . ref $loop );
+is( IO::Async::Loop->new, $loop, 'IO::Async::Loop->new again yields same loop' );
+ local $ENV{IO_ASYNC_LOOP} = "t::StupidLoop";
+ undef $IO::Async::Loop::ONE_TRUE_LOOP;
+ $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+ isa_ok( $loop, "t::StupidLoop", 'Magic constructor obeys $ENV{IO_ASYNC_LOOP}' );
+ local $IO::Async::Loop::LOOP = "t::StupidLoop";
+ undef $IO::Async::Loop::ONE_TRUE_LOOP;
+ $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+ isa_ok( $loop, "t::StupidLoop", 'Magic constructor obeys $IO::Async::Loop::LOOP' );
+ local $IO::Async::Loop::LOOP = "Select";
+ undef $IO::Async::Loop::ONE_TRUE_LOOP;
+ $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+ isa_ok( $loop, "IO::Async::Loop::Select", 'Magic constructor expands unqualified package names' );
diff --git a/t/04notifier.t b/t/04notifier.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8016583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/04notifier.t
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Notifier;
+ my $notifier = IO::Async::Notifier->new(
+ notifier_name => "test1",
+ );
+ ok( defined $notifier, '$notifier defined' );
+ isa_ok( $notifier, "IO::Async::Notifier", '$notifier isa IO::Async::Notifier' );
+ is_oneref( $notifier, '$notifier has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is( $notifier->notifier_name, "test1", '$notifier->notifier_name' );
+ ok( !exception { $notifier->configure; },
+ '$notifier->configure no params succeeds' );
+ ok( exception { $notifier->configure( oranges => 1 ) },
+ '$notifier->configure an unknown parameter fails' );
+ my %other;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Notifier::configure_unknown = sub {
+ shift;
+ %other = @_;
+ };
+ ok( !exception { $notifier->configure( oranges => 3 ) },
+ '$notifier->configure with configure_unknown succeeds' );
+ is_deeply( \%other, { oranges => 3 }, '%other after configure_unknown' );
+# weaseling
+ my $notifier = IO::Async::Notifier->new;
+ my @args;
+ my $mref = $notifier->_capture_weakself( sub { @args = @_ } );
+ is_oneref( $notifier, '$notifier has refcount 1 after _capture_weakself' );
+ $mref->( 123 );
+ is_deeply( \@args, [ $notifier, 123 ], '@args after invoking $mref' );
+ my @callstack;
+ $notifier->_capture_weakself( sub {
+ my $level = 0;
+ push @callstack, [ (caller $level++)[0,3] ] while defined caller $level;
+ } )->();
+ is_deeply( \@callstack,
+ [ [ "main", "main::__ANON__" ] ],
+ 'trampoline does not appear in _capture_weakself callstack' );
+ undef @args;
+ $mref = $notifier->_replace_weakself( sub { @args = @_ } );
+ is_oneref( $notifier, '$notifier has refcount 1 after _replace_weakself' );
+ my $outerself = bless [], "OtherClass";
+ $mref->( $outerself, 456 );
+ is_deeply( \@args, [ $notifier, 456 ], '@args after invoking replacer $mref' );
+ isa_ok( $outerself, "OtherClass", '$outerself unchanged' );
+ ok( exception { $notifier->_capture_weakself( 'cannotdo' ) },
+ '$notifier->_capture_weakself on unknown method name fails' );
+# Subclass
+ my @subargs;
+ {
+ package TestNotifier;
+ use base qw( IO::Async::Notifier );
+ sub frobnicate { @subargs = @_ }
+ }
+ my $subn = TestNotifier->new;
+ my $mref = $subn->_capture_weakself( 'frobnicate' );
+ is_oneref( $subn, '$subn has refcount 1 after _capture_weakself on named method' );
+ $mref->( 456 );
+ is_deeply( \@subargs, [ $subn, 456 ], '@subargs after invoking $mref on named method' );
+ undef @subargs;
+ # Method capture
+ {
+ my @newargs;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *TestNotifier::frobnicate = sub { @newargs = @_; };
+ $mref->( 321 );
+ is_deeply( \@subargs, [], '@subargs empty after TestNotifier::frobnicate replacement' );
+ is_deeply( \@newargs, [ $subn, 321 ], '@newargs after TestNotifier::frobnicate replacement' );
+ }
+ undef @subargs;
+ $subn->invoke_event( 'frobnicate', 78 );
+ is_deeply( \@subargs, [ $subn, 78 ], '@subargs after ->invoke_event' );
+ undef @subargs;
+ is_deeply( $subn->maybe_invoke_event( 'frobnicate', 'a'..'c' ),
+ [ $subn, 'a'..'c' ],
+ 'return value from ->maybe_invoke_event' );
+ is( $subn->maybe_invoke_event( 'mangle' ), undef, 'return value from ->maybe_invoke_event on missing event' );
+ undef @subargs;
+ my $cb = $subn->make_event_cb( 'frobnicate' );
+ is( ref $cb, "CODE", '->make_event_cb returns a CODE reference' );
+ is_oneref( $subn, '$subn has refcount 1 after ->make_event_cb' );
+ $cb->( 90 );
+ is_deeply( \@subargs, [ $subn, 90 ], '@subargs after ->make_event_cb->()' );
+ isa_ok( $subn->maybe_make_event_cb( 'frobnicate' ), "CODE", '->maybe_make_event_cb yields CODE ref' );
+ is( $subn->maybe_make_event_cb( 'mangle' ), undef, '->maybe_make_event_cb on missing event yields undef' );
+ undef @subargs;
+ is_oneref( $subn, '$subn has refcount 1 finally' );
+# parent/child
+ my $parent = IO::Async::Notifier->new;
+ my $child = IO::Async::Notifier->new;
+ is_oneref( $parent, '$parent has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is_oneref( $child, '$child has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $parent->add_child( $child );
+ is( $child->parent, $parent, '$child->parent is $parent' );
+ is_deeply( [ $parent->children ], [ $child ], '$parent->children' );
+ is_oneref( $parent, '$parent has refcount 1 after add_child' );
+ is_refcount( $child, 2, '$child has refcount 2 after add_child' );
+ ok( exception { $parent->add_child( $child ) }, 'Adding child again fails' );
+ $parent->remove_child( $child );
+ is_oneref( $child, '$child has refcount 1 after remove_child' );
+ is_deeply( [ $parent->children ], [], '$parent->children now empty' );
+# invoke_error
+ my $parent = IO::Async::Notifier->new;
+ my $child = IO::Async::Notifier->new;
+ $parent->add_child( $child );
+ # invoke_error no handler
+ ok( exception { $parent->invoke_error( "It went wrong", wrong => ) },
+ 'Exception thrown from ->invoke_error with no handler' );
+ # invoke_error handler
+ my $err;
+ $parent->configure( on_error => sub { $err = $_[1] } );
+ ok( !exception { $parent->invoke_error( "It's still wrong", wrong => ) },
+ 'Exception not thrown from ->invoke_error with handler' );
+ is( $err, "It's still wrong", '$message to on_error' );
+ ok( !exception { $child->invoke_error( "Wrong on child", wrong => ) },
+ 'Exception not thrown from ->invoke_error on child' );
+ is( $err, "Wrong on child", '$message to parent on_error' );
diff --git a/t/05notifier-loop.t b/t/05notifier-loop.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceaea6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/05notifier-loop.t
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Notifier;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+is_refcount( $loop, 2, '$loop has refcount 2 initially' );
+ package TestNotifier;
+ use base qw( IO::Async::Notifier );
+ sub new
+ {
+ my $self = shift->SUPER::new;
+ ( $self->{varref} ) = @_;
+ return $self;
+ }
+ sub _add_to_loop
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ${ $self->{varref} } = 1;
+ }
+ sub _remove_from_loop
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ${ $self->{varref} } = 0;
+ }
+# $loop->add
+ my $notifier = TestNotifier->new( \my $in_loop );
+ is_deeply( [ $loop->notifiers ],
+ [],
+ '$loop->notifiers empty' );
+ is( $notifier->loop, undef, 'loop undef' );
+ $loop->add( $notifier );
+ is_refcount( $loop, 2, '$loop has refcount 2 adding Notifier' );
+ is_refcount( $notifier, 2, '$notifier has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ is( $notifier->loop, $loop, 'loop $loop' );
+ is_deeply( [ $loop->notifiers ],
+ [ $notifier ],
+ '$loop->notifiers contains new Notifier' );
+ ok( $in_loop, '_add_to_loop called' );
+ ok( exception { $loop->add( $notifier ) }, 'adding again produces error' );
+ $loop->remove( $notifier );
+ is( $notifier->loop, undef, '$notifier->loop is undef' );
+ is_deeply( [ $loop->notifiers ],
+ [],
+ '$loop->notifiers empty once more' );
+ ok( !$in_loop, '_remove_from_loop called' );
+ is_oneref( $notifier, '$notifier has refcount 1 finally' );
+# parent/child in Loop
+ my $parent = TestNotifier->new( \my $parent_in_loop );
+ my $child = TestNotifier->new( \my $child_in_loop );
+ $loop->add( $parent );
+ $parent->add_child( $child );
+ is_refcount( $child, 3, '$child has refcount 3 after add_child within loop' );
+ is( $parent->loop, $loop, '$parent->loop is $loop' );
+ is( $child->loop, $loop, '$child->loop is $loop' );
+ ok( $parent_in_loop, '$parent now in loop' );
+ ok( $child_in_loop, '$child now in loop' );
+ ok( exception { $loop->remove( $child ) }, 'Directly removing a child from the loop fails' );
+ $loop->remove( $parent );
+ is_deeply( [ $parent->children ], [ $child ], '$parent->children after $loop->remove' );
+ is_oneref( $parent, '$parent has refcount 1 after removal from loop' );
+ is_refcount( $child, 2, '$child has refcount 2 after removal of parent from loop' );
+ is( $parent->loop, undef, '$parent->loop is undef' );
+ is( $child->loop, undef, '$child->loop is undef' );
+ ok( !$parent_in_loop, '$parent no longer in loop' );
+ ok( !$child_in_loop, '$child no longer in loop' );
+ ok( exception { $loop->add( $child ) }, 'Directly adding a child to the loop fails' );
+ $loop->add( $parent );
+ is( $child->loop, $loop, '$child->loop is $loop after remove/add parent' );
+ ok( $parent_in_loop, '$parent now in loop' );
+ ok( $child_in_loop, '$child now in loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $parent );
+ $parent->remove_child( $child );
+ is_oneref( $parent, '$parent has refcount 1 finally' );
+ is_oneref( $child, '$child has refcount 1 finally' );
+is_refcount( $loop, 2, '$loop has refcount 2 finally' );
diff --git a/t/06notifier-mixin.t b/t/06notifier-mixin.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7554fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/06notifier-mixin.t
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+is_refcount( $loop, 2, '$loop has refcount 2 initially' );
+my $notifier = SomeEventSource::Async->new;
+my $in_loop;
+isa_ok( $notifier, "SomeEventSource", '$notifier isa SomeEventSource' );
+isa_ok( $notifier, "IO::Async::Notifier", '$notifier isa IO::Async::Notifier' );
+$loop->add( $notifier );
+is_refcount( $loop, 2, '$loop has refcount 2 adding Notifier' );
+is_refcount( $notifier, 2, '$notifier has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+is( $notifier->loop, $loop, 'loop $loop' );
+ok( $in_loop, 'SomeEventSource::Async added to Loop' );
+$loop->remove( $notifier );
+is( $notifier->loop, undef, '$notifier->loop is undef' );
+ok( !$in_loop, 'SomeEventSource::Async removed from Loop' );
+package SomeEventSource;
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless {}, $class;
+package SomeEventSource::Async;
+use base qw( SomeEventSource IO::Async::Notifier );
+sub _add_to_loop { $in_loop = 1 }
+sub _remove_from_loop { $in_loop = 0 }
diff --git a/t/07notifier-future.t b/t/07notifier-future.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066fbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/07notifier-future.t
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Notifier;
+use Future;
+my ( $err, $name, @detail );
+my $notifier = IO::Async::Notifier->new(
+ on_error => sub {
+ ( undef, $err, $name, @detail ) = @_;
+ },
+# done
+ my $f = Future->new;
+ $notifier->adopt_future( $f );
+ is_refcount( $f, 2, '$f has refcount 2 after ->adopt_future' );
+ is_oneref( $notifier, '$notifier still has refcount 1 after ->adopt_future' );
+ $f->done( "result" );
+ is_refcount( $f, 1, '$f has refcount 1 after $f->done' );
+# fail
+ my $f = Future->new;
+ $notifier->adopt_future( $f );
+ $f->fail( "It failed", name => 1, 2, 3 );
+ is( $err, "It failed", '$err after $f->fail' );
+ is( $name, "name", '$name after $f->fail' );
+ is_deeply( \@detail, [ 1, 2, 3 ], '@detail after $f->fail' );
+ is_refcount( $f, 1, '$f has refcount 1 after $f->fail' );
+ undef $err;
+ $f = Future->new;
+ $notifier->adopt_future( $f->else_done() );
+ $f->fail( "Not captured" );
+ ok( !defined $err, '$err not defined after ->else_done suppressed failure' );
diff --git a/t/10loop-poll-io.t b/t/10loop-poll-io.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c34ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/10loop-poll-io.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Poll', 'io' );
diff --git a/t/10loop-select-io.t b/t/10loop-select-io.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e3916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/10loop-select-io.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Select', 'io' );
diff --git a/t/11loop-poll-timer.t b/t/11loop-poll-timer.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..748ba2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/11loop-poll-timer.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Poll', 'timer' );
diff --git a/t/11loop-select-timer.t b/t/11loop-select-timer.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..314bd38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/11loop-select-timer.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Select', 'timer' );
diff --git a/t/12loop-poll-signal.t b/t/12loop-poll-signal.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c8ef24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/12loop-poll-signal.t
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+Test::More::plan skip_all => "This OS does not have signals" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Poll', 'signal' );
diff --git a/t/12loop-select-signal.t b/t/12loop-select-signal.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a6c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/12loop-select-signal.t
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+Test::More::plan skip_all => "This OS does not have signals" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Select', 'signal' );
diff --git a/t/13loop-poll-idle.t b/t/13loop-poll-idle.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce457b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/13loop-poll-idle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Poll', 'idle' );
diff --git a/t/13loop-select-idle.t b/t/13loop-select-idle.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cea7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/13loop-select-idle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Select', 'idle' );
diff --git a/t/14loop-poll-child.t b/t/14loop-poll-child.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5337166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/14loop-poll-child.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Poll', 'child' );
diff --git a/t/14loop-select-child.t b/t/14loop-select-child.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e31e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/14loop-select-child.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Select', 'child' );
diff --git a/t/15loop-poll-control.t b/t/15loop-poll-control.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74839dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/15loop-poll-control.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Poll', 'control' );
diff --git a/t/15loop-select-control.t b/t/15loop-select-control.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff62634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/15loop-select-control.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Select', 'control' );
diff --git a/t/18loop-poll-legacy.t b/t/18loop-poll-legacy.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c20dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/18loop-poll-legacy.t
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Poll;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Loop::Poll;
+my $poll = IO::Poll->new;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop::Poll->new( poll => $poll );
+my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+# Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+$S1->blocking( 0 );
+$S2->blocking( 0 );
+# Empty
+is_deeply( [ $poll->handles ], [], '$poll->handles empty initially' );
+# watch_io
+my $readready = 0;
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+is_deeply( [ $poll->handles ], [ $S1 ], '$poll->handles after watch_io read_ready' );
+$S2->syswrite( "data\n" );
+# We should still wait a little while even thought we expect to be ready
+# immediately, because talking to ourself with 0 poll timeout is a race
+# condition - we can still race with the kernel.
+$poll->poll( 0.1 );
+is( $readready, 0, '$readready before post_poll' );
+is( $readready, 1, '$readready after post_poll' );
+# Ready $S1 to clear the data
+$S1->getline; # ignore return
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+is_deeply( [ $poll->handles ], [], '$poll->handles empty after unwatch_io read_ready' );
+my $writeready = 0;
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
+is_deeply( [ $poll->handles ], [ $S1 ], '$poll->handles after watch_io write_ready' );
+$poll->poll( 0.1 );
+is( $writeready, 0, '$writeready before post_poll' );
+is( $writeready, 1, '$writeready after post_poll' );
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_write_ready => 1,
+is_deeply( [ $poll->handles ], [], '$poll->handles empty after unwatch_io write_ready' );
+# Removal is clean (tests for workaround to bug in IO::Poll version 0.05)
+my ( $P1, $P2 ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+# Just to make the loop non-empty
+$loop->watch_io( handle => $P2, on_read_ready => sub {} );
+$loop->watch_io( handle => \*STDOUT, on_write_ready => sub {} );
+is( scalar $poll->handles, 2, '$poll->handles before removal in clean removal test' );
+$loop->unwatch_io( handle => \*STDOUT, on_write_ready => 1 );
+is( scalar $poll->handles, 1, '$poll->handles after removal in clean removal test' );
diff --git a/t/18loop-select-legacy.t b/t/18loop-select-legacy.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5796b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/18loop-select-legacy.t
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Time::HiRes qw( time );
+use IO::Async::Loop::Select;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop::Select->new;
+my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+# Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+$S1->blocking( 0 );
+$S2->blocking( 0 );
+my $testvec = '';
+vec( $testvec, $S1->fileno, 1 ) = 1;
+my ( $rvec, $wvec, $evec ) = ('') x 3;
+my $timeout;
+# Empty
+$loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
+is( $rvec, '', '$rvec idling pre_select' );
+is( $wvec, '', '$wvec idling pre_select' );
+is( $evec, '', '$evec idling pre_select' );
+is( $timeout, undef, '$timeout idling pre_select' );
+# watch_io
+my $readready = 0;
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+$loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
+is( $rvec, $testvec, '$rvec readready pre_select' );
+is( $wvec, '', '$wvec readready pre_select' );
+is( $evec, '', '$evec readready pre_select' );
+is( $timeout, undef, '$timeout readready pre_select' );
+is( $readready, 0, '$readready readready pre_select' );
+$rvec = $testvec;
+$wvec = '';
+$evec = '';
+$loop->post_select( $rvec, $wvec, $evec );
+is( $readready, 1, '$readready readready post_select' );
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+my $writeready = 0;
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
+$loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
+is( $rvec, $testvec, '$rvec writeready pre_select' );
+is( $wvec, $testvec, '$wvec writeready pre_select' );
+is( $evec, IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SELECT_CONNECT_EVEC ? $testvec : '', '$evec writeready pre_select' );
+is( $timeout, undef, '$timeout writeready pre_select' );
+is( $writeready, 0, '$writeready writeready pre_select' );
+$rvec = '';
+$wvec = $testvec;
+$evec = '';
+$loop->post_select( $rvec, $wvec, $evec );
+is( $writeready, 1, '$writeready writeready post_select' );
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_write_ready => 1,
+# watch_time
+$rvec = $wvec = $evec = '';
+$timeout = 5 * AUT;
+$loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
+is( $timeout, 5 * AUT, '$timeout idling pre_select with timeout' );
+my $done = 0;
+$loop->watch_time( after => 2 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 1; } );
+$loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
+cmp_ok( $timeout/AUT, '>', 1.7, '$timeout while timer waiting pre_select at least 1.7' );
+cmp_ok( $timeout/AUT, '<', 2.5, '$timeout while timer waiting pre_select at least 2.5' );
+my ( $now, $took );
+$now = time;
+select( $rvec, $wvec, $evec, $timeout );
+$took = (time - $now) / AUT;
+cmp_ok( $took, '>', 1.7, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for timer takes at least 1.7 seconds' );
+cmp_ok( $took, '<', 10, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for timer no more than 10 seconds' );
+if( $took > 2.5 ) {
+ diag( "took more than 2.5 seconds to select(2).\n" .
+ "This is not itself a bug, and may just be an indication of a busy testing machine" );
+$loop->post_select( $rvec, $evec, $wvec );
+# select might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
+# doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
+while( !$done ) {
+ die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
+ $timeout = 0.1 * AUT;
+ $loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
+ select( $rvec, $wvec, $evec, $timeout );
+ $loop->post_select( $rvec, $evec, $wvec );
+is( $done, 1, '$done after post_select while waiting for timer' );
+my $id = $loop->watch_time( after => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 2; } );
+$loop->unwatch_time( $id );
+$done = 0;
+$now = time;
+$loop->pre_select( \$rvec, \$wvec, \$evec, \$timeout );
+select( $rvec, $wvec, $evec, 1.5 * AUT );
+$loop->post_select( $rvec, $evec, $wvec );
+is( $done, 0, '$done still 0 before cancelled timeout' );
diff --git a/t/19loop-future.t b/t/19loop-future.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45ab441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/19loop-future.t
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use t::TimeAbout;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Future;
+use IO::Async::Future;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+ my $future = Future->new;
+ $loop->later( sub { $future->done( "result" ) } );
+ my $ret = $loop->await( $future );
+ identical( $ret, $future, '$loop->await( $future ) returns $future' );
+ is_deeply( [ $future->get ], [ "result" ], '$future->get' );
+ my @futures = map { Future->new } 0 .. 2;
+ do { my $id = $_; $loop->later( sub { $futures[$id]->done } ) } for 0 .. 2;
+ $loop->await_all( @futures );
+ ok( 1, '$loop->await_all' );
+ ok( $futures[$_]->is_ready, "future $_ ready" ) for 0 .. 2;
+ my $future = IO::Async::Future->new( $loop );
+ identical( $future->loop, $loop, '$future->loop yields $loop' );
+ $loop->later( sub { $future->done( "result" ) } );
+ is_deeply( [ $future->get ], [ "result" ], '$future->get on IO::Async::Future' );
+ my $future = $loop->new_future;
+ $loop->later( sub { $future->done( "result" ) } );
+ is_deeply( [ $future->get ], [ "result" ], '$future->get on IO::Async::Future from $loop->new_future' );
+# done_later
+ my $future = $loop->new_future;
+ identical( $future->done_later( "deferred result" ), $future, '->done_later returns $future' );
+ ok( !$future->is_ready, '$future not yet ready after ->done_later' );
+ is_deeply( [ $future->get ], [ "deferred result" ], '$future now ready after ->get' );
+# fail_later
+ my $future = $loop->new_future;
+ identical( $future->fail_later( "deferred exception\n" ), $future, '->fail_later returns $future' );
+ ok( !$future->is_ready, '$future not yet ready after ->fail_later' );
+ $loop->await( $future );
+ is_deeply( [ $future->failure ], [ "deferred exception\n" ], '$future now ready after $loop->await' );
+# delay_future
+ my $future = $loop->delay_future( after => 1 * AUT );
+ time_about( sub { $loop->await( $future ) }, 1, '->delay_future is ready' );
+ ok( $future->is_ready, '$future is ready from delay_future' );
+ is_deeply( [ $future->get ], [], '$future->get returns empty list on delay_future' );
+ # Check that ->cancel does not crash
+ $loop->delay_future( after => 1 * AUT )->cancel;
+# timeout_future
+ my $future = $loop->timeout_future( after => 1 * AUT );
+ time_about( sub { $loop->await( $future ) }, 1, '->timeout_future is ready' );
+ ok( $future->is_ready, '$future is ready from timeout_future' );
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "Timeout", '$future failed with "Timeout" for timeout_future' );
+ # Check that ->cancel does not crash
+ $loop->timeout_future( after => 1 * AUT )->cancel;
diff --git a/t/19test.t b/t/19test.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc24d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/19test.t
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+is_refcount( $loop, 2, '$loop has refcount 2 initially' );
+testing_loop( $loop );
+is_refcount( $loop, 3, '$loop has refcount 3 after adding to IO::Async::Test' );
+my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+my $readbuffer = "";
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub {
+ $S1->sysread( $readbuffer, 8192, length $readbuffer ) or die "Test failed early";
+ },
+# This is just a token "does it run once?" test. A test of a test script.
+# Mmmmmm. Meta-testing.
+# Coming up with a proper test that would guarantee multiple loop_once
+# cycles, etc.. is difficult. TODO for later I feel.
+# In any case, the wait_for function is effectively tested to death in later
+# test scripts which use it. If it fails to work, they'd notice it.
+$S2->syswrite( "A line\n" );
+wait_for { $readbuffer =~ m/\n/ };
+is( $readbuffer, "A line\n", 'Single-wait' );
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+# Now the automatic version
+$readbuffer = "";
+$S2->syswrite( "Another line\n" );
+wait_for_stream { $readbuffer =~ m/\n/ } $S1 => $readbuffer;
+is( $readbuffer, "Another line\n", 'Automatic stream read wait' );
+$readbuffer = "";
+$S2->syswrite( "Some dynamic data\n" );
+wait_for_stream { $readbuffer =~ m/\n/ } $S1 => sub { $readbuffer .= shift };
+is( $readbuffer, "Some dynamic data\n" );
diff --git a/t/20handle.t b/t/20handle.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..194a621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/20handle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Identity;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::Handle;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use Socket qw( AF_INET SOCK_STREAM SOCK_DGRAM SO_TYPE unpack_sockaddr_in );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub mkhandles
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ return ( $S1, $S2 );
+ok( exception { IO::Async::Handle->new( handle => "Hello" ) }, 'Not a filehandle' );
+# Read readiness
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = mkhandles;
+ my $fd1 = $S1->fileno;
+ my $readready = 0;
+ my @rrargs;
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ read_handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub { @rrargs = @_; $readready = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $handle, '$handle defined' );
+ isa_ok( $handle, "IO::Async::Handle", '$handle isa IO::Async::Handle' );
+ is( $handle->notifier_name, "r=$fd1", '$handle->notifier_name for read_handle' );
+ is_oneref( $handle, '$handle has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle, $S1, '->read_handle returns S1' );
+ is( $handle->read_fileno, $S1->fileno, '->read_fileno returns fileno(S1)' );
+ is( $handle->write_handle, undef, '->write_handle returns undef' );
+ ok( $handle->want_readready, 'want_readready true' );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ is_refcount( $handle, 2, '$handle has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 ); # nothing happens
+ is( $readready, 0, '$readready while idle' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "data\n" );
+ wait_for { $readready };
+ is( $readready, 1, '$readready while readable' );
+ is_deeply( \@rrargs, [ $handle ], 'on_read_ready args while readable' );
+ $S1->getline; # ignore return
+ $readready = 0;
+ my $new_readready = 0;
+ $handle->configure( on_read_ready => sub { $new_readready = 1 } );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 ); # nothing happens
+ is( $readready, 0, '$readready while idle after on_read_ready replace' );
+ is( $new_readready, 0, '$new_readready while idle after on_read_ready replace' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "data\n" );
+ wait_for { $new_readready };
+ is( $readready, 0, '$readready while readable after on_read_ready replace' );
+ is( $new_readready, 1, '$new_readready while readable after on_read_ready replace' );
+ $S1->getline; # ignore return
+ ok( exception { $handle->want_writeready( 1 ); },
+ 'setting want_writeready with write_handle == undef dies' );
+ ok( !$handle->want_writeready, 'wantwriteready write_handle == undef false' );
+ undef @rrargs;
+ is_refcount( $handle, 2, '$handle has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $handle );
+ is_oneref( $handle, '$handle has refcount 1 finally' );
+# Write readiness
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = mkhandles;
+ my $fd1 = $S1->fileno;
+ my $writeready = 0;
+ my @wrargs;
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ write_handle => $S1,
+ on_write_ready => sub { @wrargs = @_; $writeready = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $handle, '$handle defined' );
+ isa_ok( $handle, "IO::Async::Handle", '$handle isa IO::Async::Handle' );
+ is( $handle->notifier_name, "w=$fd1", '$handle->notifier_name for write_handle' );
+ is_oneref( $handle, '$handle has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is( $handle->write_handle, $S1, '->write_handle returns S1' );
+ is( $handle->write_fileno, $S1->fileno, '->write_fileno returns fileno(S1)' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle, undef, '->read_handle returns undef' );
+ ok( !$handle->want_writeready, 'want_writeready false' );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ is_refcount( $handle, 2, '$handle has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 ); # nothing happens
+ is( $writeready, 0, '$writeready while idle' );
+ $handle->want_writeready( 1 );
+ wait_for { $writeready };
+ is( $writeready, 1, '$writeready while writeable' );
+ is_deeply( \@wrargs, [ $handle ], 'on_write_ready args while writeable' );
+ $writeready = 0;
+ my $new_writeready = 0;
+ $handle->configure( on_write_ready => sub { $new_writeready = 1 } );
+ wait_for { $new_writeready };
+ is( $writeready, 0, '$writeready while writeable after on_write_ready replace' );
+ is( $new_writeready, 1, '$new_writeready while writeable after on_write_ready replace' );
+ undef @wrargs;
+ is_refcount( $handle, 2, '$handle has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $handle );
+ is_oneref( $handle, '$handle has refcount 1 finally' );
+# Combined handle
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = mkhandles;
+ my $fd1 = $S1->fileno;
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub {},
+ on_write_ready => sub {},
+ );
+ is( $handle->read_handle, $S1, '->read_handle returns S1' );
+ is( $handle->write_handle, $S1, '->write_handle returns S1' );
+ is( $handle->notifier_name, "rw=$fd1", '$handle->notifier_name for handle' );
+# Subclass
+my $sub_readready = 0;
+my $sub_writeready = 0;
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = mkhandles;
+ my $handle = TestHandle->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ );
+ ok( defined $handle, 'subclass $handle defined' );
+ isa_ok( $handle, "IO::Async::Handle", 'subclass $handle isa IO::Async::Handle' );
+ is_oneref( $handle, 'subclass $handle has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle, $S1, 'subclass ->read_handle returns S1' );
+ is( $handle->write_handle, $S1, 'subclass ->write_handle returns S1' );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ is_refcount( $handle, 2, 'subclass $handle has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "data\n" );
+ wait_for { $sub_readready };
+ is( $sub_readready, 1, '$sub_readready while readable' );
+ is( $sub_writeready, 0, '$sub_writeready while readable' );
+ $S1->getline; # ignore return
+ $sub_readready = 0;
+ $handle->want_writeready( 1 );
+ wait_for { $sub_writeready };
+ is( $sub_readready, 0, '$sub_readready while writeable' );
+ is( $sub_writeready, 1, '$sub_writeready while writeable' );
+ $loop->remove( $handle );
+# Close
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = mkhandles;
+ my $closed = 0;
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ read_handle => $S1,
+ want_writeready => 0,
+ on_read_ready => sub {},
+ on_closed => sub { $closed = 1 },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ my $close_future = $handle->new_close_future;
+ my $closed_by_future;
+ $close_future->on_done( sub { $closed_by_future++ } );
+ $handle->close;
+ is( $closed, 1, '$closed after ->close' );
+ ok( $close_future->is_ready, '$close_future is now ready' );
+ is( $closed_by_future, 1, '$closed_by_future after ->close' );
+ # removed itself
+# Close read/write
+ my ( $Srd1, $Srd2 ) = mkhandles;
+ my ( $Swr1, $Swr2 ) = mkhandles;
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = "IGNORE";
+ my $readready = 0;
+ my $writeready = 0;
+ my $closed = 0;
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ read_handle => $Srd1,
+ write_handle => $Swr1,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready++ },
+ on_write_ready => sub { $writeready++ },
+ on_closed => sub { $closed++ },
+ want_writeready => 1,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ $handle->close_read;
+ wait_for { $writeready };
+ is( $writeready, 1, '$writeready after ->close_read' );
+ $handle->write_handle->syswrite( "Still works\n" );
+ is( $Swr2->getline, "Still works\n", 'write handle still works' );
+ is( $closed, 0, 'not $closed after ->close_read' );
+ is( $handle->loop, $loop, 'Handle still member of Loop after ->close_read' );
+ ( $Srd1, $Srd2 ) = mkhandles;
+ $handle->configure( read_handle => $Srd1 );
+ $handle->close_write;
+ $Srd2->syswrite( "Also works\n" );
+ wait_for { $readready };
+ is( $readready, 1, '$readready after ->close_write' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle->getline, "Also works\n", 'read handle still works' );
+ is( $Swr2->getline, undef, 'sysread from EOF write handle' );
+ is( $handle->loop, $loop, 'Handle still member of Loop after ->close_write' );
+ is( $closed, 0, 'not $closed after ->close_read' );
+ $handle->close_read;
+ is( $closed, 1, '$closed after ->close_read + ->close_write' );
+ is( $handle->loop, undef, '$handle no longer member of Loop' );
+# Late-binding of handle
+ my $readready;
+ my $writeready;
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ want_writeready => 0,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+ on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $handle, '$handle defined' );
+ ok( !defined $handle->read_handle, '->read_handle not defined' );
+ ok( !defined $handle->write_handle, '->write_handle not defined' );
+ is_oneref( $handle, '$handle latebound has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is( $handle->notifier_name, "no", '$handle->notifier_name for late bind before handles' );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ is_refcount( $handle, 2, '$handle latebound has refcount 2 after $loop->add' );
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = mkhandles;
+ my $fd1 = $S1->fileno;
+ $handle->set_handle( $S1 );
+ is( $handle->read_handle, $S1, '->read_handle now S1' );
+ is( $handle->write_handle, $S1, '->write_handle now S1' );
+ is_refcount( $handle, 2, '$handle latebound still has refcount 2 after set_handle' );
+ is( $handle->notifier_name, "rw=$fd1", '$handle->notifier_name for late bind after handles' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "readable" );
+ wait_for { $readready };
+ pass( '$handle latebound still invokes on_read_ready' );
+ $loop->remove( $handle );
+# ->socket and ->bind
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new( on_read_ready => sub {}, on_write_ready => sub {} );
+ $handle->socket( [ 'inet', 'stream', 0 ] );
+ ok( defined $handle->read_handle, '->socket sets handle' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle->sockdomain, AF_INET, 'handle->sockdomain is AF_INET' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle->sockopt(SO_TYPE), SOCK_STREAM, 'handle->socktype is SOCK_STREAM' );
+ $handle->bind( { family => "inet", socktype => "dgram" } )->get;
+ is( $handle->read_handle->sockopt(SO_TYPE), SOCK_DGRAM, 'handle->socktype is SOCK_DGRAM' );
+ # Not sure what port number but it should be nonzero
+ ok( ( unpack_sockaddr_in( $handle->read_handle->sockname ) )[0], 'handle->sockname has nonzero port' );
+# Construction of IO::Handle from fileno
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ read_fileno => 0,
+ on_read_ready => sub { },
+ );
+ ok( defined $handle->read_handle, '->new with read_fileno creates read_handle' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle->fileno, 0, '->fileno of read_handle' );
+ $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ write_fileno => 1,
+ on_write_ready => sub { },
+ );
+ ok( defined $handle->write_handle, '->new with write_fileno creates write_handle' );
+ is( $handle->write_handle->fileno, 1, '->fileno of write_handle' );
+ $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ read_fileno => 2,
+ write_fileno => 2,
+ on_read_ready => sub { },
+ on_write_ready => sub { },
+ );
+ identical( $handle->read_handle, $handle->write_handle,
+ '->new with equal read and write fileno only creates one handle' );
+package TestHandle;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Handle );
+sub on_read_ready { $sub_readready = 1 }
+sub on_write_ready { $sub_writeready = 1 }
diff --git a/t/21stream-1read.t b/t/21stream-1read.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa49453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/21stream-1read.t
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::File;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub mkhandles
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipe() - $!";
+ # Need handles in nonblocking mode
+ $rd->blocking( 0 );
+ $wr->blocking( 0 );
+ return ( $rd, $wr );
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my @lines;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $stream, 'reading $stream defined' );
+ isa_ok( $stream, "IO::Async::Stream", 'reading $stream isa IO::Async::Stream' );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'reading $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'reading $stream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [], '@lines before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "message\n" ], '@lines after wait' );
+ undef @lines;
+ $wr->syswrite( "return" );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 ); # nothing happens
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [], '@lines partial still empty' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "return\n" ], '@lines partial completed now received' );
+ undef @lines;
+ $wr->syswrite( "hello\nworld\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "hello\n", "world\n" ], '@lines two at once' );
+ undef @lines;
+ my @new_lines;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @new_lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $wr->syswrite( "new\nlines\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @new_lines };
+ is( scalar @lines, 0, '@lines still empty after on_read replace' );
+ is_deeply( \@new_lines, [ "new\n", "lines\n" ], '@new_lines after on_read replace' );
+ is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'reading $stream has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'reading $stream refcount 1 finally' );
+# Abstract reading with reader function
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $buffer = "Here is the contents\n";
+ my @lines;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ reader => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $more = substr( $buffer, 0, $_[2], "" );
+ $_[1] .= $more;
+ return length $more;
+ },
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ # make it readready
+ $wr->syswrite( "1" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "Here is the contents\n" ], '@lines from stream with abstract reader' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# ->want_readready_for_write
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $reader_called;
+ my $writer_called;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub { return 0; }, # ignore reading
+ reader => sub { $reader_called++; sysread( $rd, $_[2], $_[3] ) },
+ writer => sub { $writer_called++; return 1 },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ # Hacky hack - make the stream want to write, but don't mark the stream write-ready
+ $stream->write( "A" );
+ $stream->want_writeready_for_write( 0 );
+ # End hack
+ # make it readready
+ $wr->syswrite( "1" );
+ wait_for { $reader_called };
+ ok( !$writer_called, 'writer not yet called before ->want_readready_for_write' );
+ $stream->want_readready_for_write( 1 );
+ undef $reader_called;
+ $wr->syswrite( "2" );
+ wait_for { $reader_called && $writer_called };
+ ok( $writer_called, 'writer now invoked with ->want_readready_for_write' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my @chunks;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ read_len => 2,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @chunks, $$buffref;
+ $$buffref = "";
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "partial" );
+ wait_for { scalar @chunks };
+ is_deeply( \@chunks, [ "pa" ], '@lines with read_len=2 without read_all' );
+ wait_for { @chunks == 4 };
+ is_deeply( \@chunks, [ "pa", "rt", "ia", "l" ], '@lines finally with read_len=2 without read_all' );
+ undef @chunks;
+ $stream->configure( read_all => 1 );
+ $wr->syswrite( "partial" );
+ wait_for { scalar @chunks };
+ is_deeply( \@chunks, [ "pa", "rt", "ia", "l" ], '@lines with read_len=2 with read_all' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $no_on_read_stream;
+ ok( !exception { $no_on_read_stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( read_handle => $rd ) },
+ 'Allowed to construct a Stream without an on_read handler' );
+ ok( exception { $loop->add( $no_on_read_stream ) },
+ 'Not allowed to add an on_read-less Stream to a Loop' );
+# Subclass
+my @sub_lines;
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = TestStream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ );
+ ok( defined $stream, 'reading subclass $stream defined' );
+ isa_ok( $stream, "IO::Async::Stream", 'reading $stream isa IO::Async::Stream' );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'subclass $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'subclass $stream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [], '@sub_lines before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @sub_lines };
+ is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [ "message\n" ], '@sub_lines after wait' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# Dynamic on_read chaining
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $outer_count = 0;
+ my $inner_count = 0;
+ my $record;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ $outer_count++;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ my $length = $1;
+ return sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ $inner_count++;
+ return 0 unless length $$buffref >= $length;
+ $record = substr( $$buffref, 0, $length, "" );
+ return undef;
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'dynamic reading $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "11" ); # No linefeed yet
+ wait_for { $outer_count > 0 };
+ is( $outer_count, 1, '$outer_count after idle' );
+ is( $inner_count, 0, '$inner_count after idle' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "\n" );
+ wait_for { $inner_count > 0 };
+ is( $outer_count, 2, '$outer_count after received length' );
+ is( $inner_count, 1, '$inner_count after received length' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "Hello " );
+ wait_for { $inner_count > 1 };
+ is( $outer_count, 2, '$outer_count after partial body' );
+ is( $inner_count, 2, '$inner_count after partial body' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "world" );
+ wait_for { $inner_count > 2 };
+ is( $outer_count, 3, '$outer_count after complete body' );
+ is( $inner_count, 3, '$inner_count after complete body' );
+ is( $record, "Hello world", '$record after complete body' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'dynamic reading $stream has refcount 1 finally' );
+# ->push_on_read
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $base;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ $base = $$buffref; $$buffref = "";
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $firstline;
+ $stream->push_on_read(
+ sub {
+ my ( $stream, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/(.*)\n//;
+ $firstline = $1;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ );
+ my $eightbytes;
+ $stream->push_on_read(
+ sub {
+ my ( $stream, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless length $$buffref >= 8;
+ $eightbytes = substr( $$buffref, 0, 8, "" );
+ return undef;
+ }
+ );
+ $wr->syswrite( "The first line\nABCDEFGHIJK" );
+ wait_for { defined $firstline and defined $eightbytes };
+ is( $firstline, "The first line", '$firstline from ->push_on_read CODE' );
+ is( $eightbytes, "ABCDEFGH", '$eightbytes from ->push_on_read CODE' );
+ is( $base, "IJK", '$base from ->push_on_read CODE' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# EOF
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $eof = 0;
+ my $partial;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( undef, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ $partial = $$buffref if $eof;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_read_eof => sub { $eof++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "Incomplete" );
+ $wr->close;
+ ok( !$stream->is_read_eof, '$stream ->is_read_eof before wait' );
+ is( $eof, 0, 'EOF indication before wait' );
+ wait_for { $eof };
+ ok( $stream->is_read_eof, '$stream ->is_read_eof after wait' );
+ is( $eof, 1, 'EOF indication after wait' );
+ is( $partial, "Incomplete", 'EOF stream retains partial input' );
+ ok( !defined $stream->loop, 'EOF stream no longer member of Loop' );
+ ok( !defined $stream->read_handle, 'Stream no longer has a read_handle' );
+# Disabled close_on_read_eof
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $eof = 0;
+ my $partial;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( undef, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ $partial = $$buffref if $eof;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_read_eof => sub { $eof++ },
+ close_on_read_eof => 0,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "Incomplete" );
+ $wr->close;
+ is( $eof, 0, 'EOF indication before wait' );
+ wait_for { $eof };
+ is( $eof, 1, 'EOF indication after wait' );
+ is( $partial, "Incomplete", 'EOF stream retains partial input' );
+ ok( defined $stream->loop, 'EOF stream still member of Loop' );
+ ok( defined $stream->read_handle, 'Stream still has a read_handle' );
+# Close
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $closed = 0;
+ my $loop_during_closed;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub { },
+ on_closed => sub {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ $closed = 1;
+ $loop_during_closed = $self->loop;
+ },
+ );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'closing $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'closing $stream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ is( $closed, 0, 'closed before close' );
+ $stream->close;
+ is( $closed, 1, 'closed after close' );
+ is( $loop_during_closed, $loop, 'loop during closed' );
+ ok( !defined $stream->loop, 'Stream no longer member of Loop' );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'closing $stream refcount 1 finally' );
+# ->read Futures
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ die "Base on_read invoked with data in the buffer" if length $$buffref;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $f_atmost = $stream->read_atmost( 256 );
+ $wr->syswrite( "Some data\n" );
+ wait_for { $f_atmost->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f_atmost->get, "Some data\n", '->read_atmost' );
+ my $f_exactly = $stream->read_exactly( 4 );
+ my $f_until_qr = $stream->read_until( qr/[A-Z][a-z]*/ );
+ my $f_until_str = $stream->read_until( "\n" );
+ $wr->syswrite( "Here is the First line of input\n" );
+ wait_for { $f_exactly->is_ready and $f_until_qr->is_ready and $f_until_str->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f_exactly->get, "Here", '->read_exactly' );
+ is( scalar $f_until_qr->get, " is the First", '->read_until regexp' );
+ is( scalar $f_until_str->get, " line of input\n", '->read_until str' );
+ my $f_first = $stream->read_until( "\n" );
+ my $f_second = $stream->read_until( "\n" );
+ $f_first->cancel;
+ $wr->syswrite( "For the second\n" );
+ wait_for { $f_second->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f_second->get, "For the second\n", 'Second ->read_until recieves data after first is ->cancelled' );
+ my $f_until_eof = $stream->read_until_eof;
+ $wr->syswrite( "And the rest of it" );
+ $wr->close;
+ wait_for { $f_until_eof->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f_until_eof->get, "And the rest of it", '->read_until_eof' );
+ # No need to remove as ->close did it
+# RT101774
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub { 0 },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "lalaLALA" );
+ my $f = $stream->read_exactly( 4 )->then( sub {
+ $stream->read_exactly( 4 );
+ });
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f->get, "LALA", 'chained ->read_exactly' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# watermarks
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $high_hit = 0;
+ my $low_hit = 0;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub { 0 }, # we'll work by Futures
+ read_high_watermark => 8,
+ read_low_watermark => 4,
+ on_read_high_watermark => sub { $high_hit++ },
+ on_read_low_watermark => sub { $low_hit++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "1234567890" );
+ wait_for { $high_hit };
+ ok( 1, "Reading too much hits high watermark" );
+ is( $stream->read_exactly( 8 )->get, "12345678", 'Stream->read_exactly yields bytes' );
+ is( $low_hit, 1, 'Low watermark hit after ->read' );
+# Errors
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ $wr->syswrite( "X" ); # ensuring $rd is read-ready
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Handle::sysread = sub {
+ return undef;
+ };
+ my $read_errno;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {},
+ on_read_error => sub { ( undef, $read_errno ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ wait_for { defined $read_errno };
+ cmp_ok( $read_errno, "==", ECONNRESET, 'errno after failed read' );
+ my $f = $stream->read_atmost( 256 );
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ cmp_ok( ( $f->failure )[-1], "==", ECONNRESET, 'failure from ->read_atmost after failed read' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ binmode STDIN; # Avoid harmless warning in case -CS is in effect
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new_for_stdin;
+ is( $stream->read_handle, \*STDIN, 'Stream->new_for_stdin->read_handle is STDIN' );
+package TestStream;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Stream );
+sub on_read
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ push @sub_lines, $1;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/t/21stream-2write.t b/t/21stream-2write.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b49cea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/21stream-2write.t
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub mkhandles
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipe() - $!";
+ # Need handles in nonblocking mode
+ $rd->blocking( 0 );
+ $wr->blocking( 0 );
+ return ( $rd, $wr );
+# useful test function
+sub read_data
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ret = $s->sysread( $buffer, 8192 );
+ return $buffer if( defined $ret && $ret > 0 );
+ die "Socket closed" if( defined $ret && $ret == 0 );
+ return "" if $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
+ die "Cannot sysread() - $!";
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $empty;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ on_outgoing_empty => sub { $empty = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $stream, 'writing $stream defined' );
+ isa_ok( $stream, "IO::Async::Stream", 'writing $stream isa IO::Async::Stream' );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'writing $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'writing $stream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ ok( !$stream->want_writeready, 'want_writeready before write' );
+ $stream->write( "message\n" );
+ ok( $stream->want_writeready, 'want_writeready after write' );
+ wait_for { $empty };
+ ok( !$stream->want_writeready, 'want_writeready after wait' );
+ is( $empty, 1, '$empty after writing buffer' );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "message\n", 'data after writing buffer' );
+ my $written = 0;
+ my $flushed;
+ my $f = $stream->write( "hello again\n",
+ on_write => sub {
+ is( $_[0], $stream, 'on_write $_[0] is $stream' );
+ $written += $_[1];
+ },
+ on_flush => sub {
+ is( $_[0], $stream, 'on_flush $_[0] is $stream' );
+ $flushed++
+ },
+ );
+ ok( !$f->is_ready, '->write future not yet ready' );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ ok( $f->is_ready, '->write future is ready after flush' );
+ is( $written, 12, 'on_write given total write length after flush' );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "hello again\n", 'flushed data does get flushed' );
+ $flushed = 0;
+ $stream->write( "", on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ ok( 1, "write empty data with on_flush" );
+ $stream->configure( autoflush => 1 );
+ $stream->write( "immediate\n" );
+ ok( !$stream->want_writeready, 'not want_writeready after autoflush write' );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "immediate\n", 'data after autoflush write' );
+ $stream->configure( autoflush => 0 );
+ $stream->write( "partial " );
+ $stream->configure( autoflush => 1 );
+ $stream->write( "data\n" );
+ ok( !$stream->want_writeready, 'not want_writeready after split autoflush write' );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "partial data\n", 'data after split autoflush write' );
+ is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'writing $stream has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'writing $stream refcount 1 finally' );
+# Abstract writing with writer function
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ writer => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $buffer .= substr( $_[1], 0, $_[2], "" );
+ return $_[2];
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $flushed;
+ $stream->write( "Some data for abstract buffer\n", on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( $buffer, "Some data for abstract buffer\n", '$buffer after ->write to stream with abstract writer' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# ->want_writeready_for_read
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $reader_called;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ handle => $wr,
+ on_read => sub { return 0; }, # ignore reading
+ reader => sub { $reader_called++; $! = EAGAIN; return undef },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 ); # haaaaack
+ ok( !$reader_called, 'reader not yet called before ->want_writeready_for_read' );
+ $stream->want_writeready_for_read( 1 );
+ wait_for { $reader_called };
+ ok( $reader_called, 'reader now invoked with ->want_writeready_for_read' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# on_writeable_{start,stop}
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $writeable;
+ my $unwriteable;
+ my $emulate_writeable = 0;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ writer => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $! = EAGAIN, return undef unless $emulate_writeable;
+ $buffer .= substr( $_[1], 0, $_[2], "" );
+ return $_[2];
+ },
+ on_writeable_start => sub { $writeable++ },
+ on_writeable_stop => sub { $unwriteable++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $stream->write( "Something" );
+ wait_for { $unwriteable };
+ $emulate_writeable = 1;
+ wait_for { $writeable };
+ is( $buffer, "Something", '$buffer after emulated EAGAIN' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ write_len => 2,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $stream->write( "partial" );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "pa", 'data after writing buffer with write_len=2 without write_all');
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 ) for 1 .. 3;
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "rtial", 'data finally after writing buffer with write_len=2 without write_all' );
+ $stream->configure( write_all => 1 );
+ $stream->write( "partial" );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "partial", 'data after writing buffer with write_len=2 with write_all');
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# EOF
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This loop cannot detect hangup condition", 5 unless $loop->_CAN_ON_HANGUP;
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = "IGNORE";
+ my $eof = 0;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( write_handle => $wr,
+ on_write_eof => sub { $eof++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $write_future = $stream->write( "Junk" );
+ $rd->close;
+ ok( !$stream->is_write_eof, '$stream->is_write_eof before wait' );
+ is( $eof, 0, 'EOF indication before wait' );
+ wait_for { $eof };
+ ok( $stream->is_write_eof, '$stream->is_write_eof after wait' );
+ is( $eof, 1, 'EOF indication after wait' );
+ ok( !defined $stream->loop, 'EOF stream no longer member of Loop' );
+ ok( $write_future->is_ready,'write future ready after stream closed' );
+ ok( $write_future->is_failed,'write future failed after stream closed' );
+# Close
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $closed = 0;
+ my $loop_during_closed;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new( write_handle => $wr,
+ on_closed => sub {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ $closed = 1;
+ $loop_during_closed = $self->loop;
+ },
+ );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'closing $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $stream->write( "hello" );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'closing $stream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ is( $closed, 0, 'closed before close' );
+ $stream->close_when_empty;
+ is( $closed, 0, 'closed after close' );
+ wait_for { $closed };
+ is( $closed, 1, 'closed after wait' );
+ is( $loop_during_closed, $loop, 'loop during closed' );
+ ok( !defined $stream->loop, 'Stream no longer member of Loop' );
+ is_oneref( $stream, 'closing $stream refcount 1 finally' );
+# ->write( Future )
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $written = 0;
+ my $flushed;
+ $stream->write(
+ my $future = $loop->new_future,
+ on_write => sub { $written += $_[1] },
+ on_flush => sub { $flushed++ },
+ );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "", 'stream idle before Future completes' );
+ $future->done( "some data to write" );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( $written, 18, 'stream written by Future completion invokes on_write' );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "some data to write", 'stream written by Future completion' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# ->write( CODE )
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $done;
+ my $written = 0;
+ my $flushed;
+ $stream->write(
+ sub {
+ is( $_[0], $stream, 'Writersub $_[0] is $stream' );
+ return $done++ ? undef : "a lazy message\n";
+ },
+ on_write => sub { $written += $_[1] },
+ on_flush => sub { $flushed++ },
+ );
+ $flushed = 0;
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( $written, 15, 'stream written by generator CODE invokes on_write' );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "a lazy message\n", 'lazy data was written' );
+ my @chunks = ( "some ", "message chunks ", "here\n" );
+ $stream->write(
+ sub {
+ return shift @chunks;
+ },
+ on_flush => sub { $flushed++ },
+ );
+ $flushed = 0;
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "some message chunks here\n", 'multiple lazy data was written' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# ->write mixed returns
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $flushed;
+ $stream->write( my $future = $loop->new_future, on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ my $once = 0;
+ $future->done( sub {
+ return $once++ ? undef : ( $future = $loop->new_future );
+ });
+ wait_for { $once };
+ $future->done( "Eventual string" );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "Eventual string", 'multiple lazy data was written' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new;
+ my $flushed;
+ $stream->write( "Prequeued data", on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ $stream->configure( write_handle => $wr );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ ok( 1, 'prequeued data gets flushed' );
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "Prequeued data", 'prequeued data gets written' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# Errors
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Handle::syswrite = sub {
+ return undef;
+ };
+ my $write_errno;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ on_write_error => sub { ( undef, $write_errno ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $write_future = $stream->write( "hello" );
+ wait_for { defined $write_errno };
+ cmp_ok( $write_errno, "==", ECONNRESET, 'errno after failed write' );
+ ok( $write_future->is_ready,'write future ready after failed write' );
+ ok( $write_future->is_failed,'write future failed after failed write' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new_for_stdout;
+ is( $stream->write_handle, \*STDOUT, 'Stream->new_for_stdout->write_handle is STDOUT' );
diff --git a/t/21stream-3split.t b/t/21stream-3split.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fd99e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/21stream-3split.t
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::File;
+use Errno qw( EAGAIN EWOULDBLOCK );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+my ( $S3, $S4 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+# Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+$_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2, $S3, $S4;
+# useful test function
+sub read_data
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ret = $s->sysread( $buffer, 8192 );
+ return $buffer if( defined $ret && $ret > 0 );
+ die "Socket closed" if( defined $ret && $ret == 0 );
+ return "" if $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
+ die "Cannot sysread() - $!";
+my @lines;
+my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $S2,
+ write_handle => $S3,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+is_oneref( $stream, 'split read/write $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+undef @lines;
+$loop->add( $stream );
+is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'split read/write $stream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+$stream->write( "message\n" );
+$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+is( read_data( $S4 ), "message\n", '$S4 receives data from split stream' );
+is( read_data( $S1 ), "", '$S1 empty from split stream' );
+$S1->syswrite( "reverse\n" );
+$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+is_deeply( \@lines, [ "reverse\n" ], '@lines on response to split stream' );
+is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'split read/write $stream has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+$loop->remove( $stream );
+is_oneref( $stream, 'split read/write $stream refcount 1 finally' );
+undef $stream;
+my $buffer = "";
+my $closed;
+$stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ # No handle yet
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ $buffer .= $$buffref;
+ $$buffref = "";
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_closed => sub {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ $closed = 1;
+ },
+is_oneref( $stream, 'latehandle $stream has refcount 1 initially' );
+$loop->add( $stream );
+is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'latehandle $stream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ok( exception { $stream->write( "some text" ) },
+ '->write on stream with no IO handle fails' );
+$stream->set_handle( $S1 );
+is_refcount( $stream, 2, 'latehandle $stream has refcount 2 after setting a handle' );
+$stream->write( "some text" );
+$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+my $buffer2;
+$S2->sysread( $buffer2, 8192 );
+is( $buffer2, "some text", 'stream-written text appears' );
+$S2->syswrite( "more text" );
+wait_for { length $buffer };
+is( $buffer, "more text", 'stream-read text appears' );
+is( $closed, 1, 'closed after close' );
+ok( !defined $stream->loop, 'Stream no longer member of Loop' );
+is_oneref( $stream, 'latehandle $stream refcount 1 finally' );
+# Now try re-opening the stream with a new handle, and check it continues to
+# work
+$loop->add( $stream );
+$stream->set_handle( $S3 );
+$stream->write( "more text" );
+$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+undef $buffer2;
+$S4->sysread( $buffer2, 8192 );
+is( $buffer2, "more text", 'stream-written text appears after reopen' );
+$loop->remove( $stream );
+undef $stream;
+( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+$stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read => sub { },
+$stream->write( "hello" );
+$loop->add( $stream );
+is_refcount( $stream, 2, '$stream has two references' );
+undef $stream; # Only ref is now in the Loop
+# $S1 should now be both read- and write-ready.
+ok( !exception { $loop->loop_once }, 'read+write-ready closed Stream doesn\'t die' );
+undef $stream;
+binmode STDIN; # Avoid harmless warning in case -CS is in effect
+$stream = IO::Async::Stream->new_for_stdio;
+is( $stream->read_handle, \*STDIN, 'Stream->new_for_stdio->read_handle is STDIN' );
+is( $stream->write_handle, \*STDOUT, 'Stream->new_for_stdio->write_handle is STDOUT' );
diff --git a/t/21stream-4encoding.t b/t/21stream-4encoding.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae0cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/21stream-4encoding.t
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use Errno qw( EAGAIN EWOULDBLOCK );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub mkhandles
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipe() - $!";
+ # Need handles in nonblocking mode
+ $rd->blocking( 0 );
+ $wr->blocking( 0 );
+ return ( $rd, $wr );
+# useful test function
+sub read_data
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ret = $s->sysread( $buffer, 8192 );
+ return $buffer if( defined $ret && $ret > 0 );
+ die "Socket closed" if( defined $ret && $ret == 0 );
+ return "" if $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
+ die "Cannot sysread() - $!";
+# To test correct multi-byte encoding handling, we'll use a UTF-8 character
+# that requires multiple bytes. Furthermore we'll use one that doesn't appear
+# in Latin-1
+# :0xc4 0x89
+# Read encoding
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $read = "";
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ encoding => "UTF-8",
+ on_read => sub {
+ $read = ${$_[1]};
+ ${$_[1]} = "";
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "\xc4\x89" );
+ wait_for { length $read };
+ is( $read, "\x{109}", 'Unicode characters read by on_read' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "\xc4\x8a\xc4" );
+ $read = "";
+ wait_for { length $read };
+ is( $read, "\x{10a}", 'Partial UTF-8 character not yet visible' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "\x8b" );
+ $read = "";
+ wait_for { length $read };
+ is( $read, "\x{10b}", 'Partial UTF-8 character visible after completion' );
+ # An invalid sequence
+ $wr->syswrite( "\xc4!" );
+ $read = "";
+ wait_for { length $read };
+ is( $read, "\x{fffd}!", 'Invalid UTF-8 byte yields U+FFFD' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
+# Write encoding
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
+ write_handle => $wr,
+ encoding => "UTF-8",
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ my $flushed;
+ $stream->write( "\x{109}", on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "\xc4\x89", 'UTF-8 bytes written by ->write string' );
+ $stream->configure( write_len => 1 );
+ $stream->write( "\x{109}" );
+ my $byte;
+ $loop->loop_once while !length( $byte = read_data( $rd ) );
+ is( $byte, "\xc4", 'First UTF-8 byte written with write_len 1' );
+ $loop->loop_once while !length( $byte = read_data( $rd ) );
+ is( $byte, "\x89", 'Remaining UTF-8 byte written with write_len 1' );
+ $flushed = 0;
+ $stream->write( Future->done( "\x{10a}" ), on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "\xc4\x8a", 'UTF-8 bytes written by ->write Future' );
+ $flushed = 0;
+ my $once = 0;
+ $stream->write( sub { $once++ ? undef : "\x{10b}" }, on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is( read_data( $rd ), "\xc4\x8b", 'UTF-8 bytes written by ->write CODE' );
+ $loop->remove( $stream );
diff --git a/t/22timer-absolute.t b/t/22timer-absolute.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6192bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/22timer-absolute.t
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use t::TimeAbout;
+use Time::HiRes qw( time );
+use IO::Async::Timer::Absolute;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my $expired;
+ my @eargs;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Absolute->new(
+ time => time + 2 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { @eargs = @_; $expired = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $timer, '$timer defined' );
+ isa_ok( $timer, "IO::Async::Timer", '$timer isa IO::Async::Timer' );
+ is_oneref( $timer, '$timer has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Started Timer is running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $expired } }, 2, 'Timer works' );
+ is_deeply( \@eargs, [ $timer ], 'on_expire args' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_running, 'Expired Timer is no longer running' );
+ undef @eargs;
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ is_oneref( $timer, '$timer has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+ my $expired;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Absolute->new(
+ time => time + 2 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { $expired++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ $loop->loop_once( 3 * AUT );
+ ok( !$expired, "Removed Timer does not expire" );
+ my $expired;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Absolute->new(
+ time => time + 5 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { $expired++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->configure( time => time + 1 * AUT );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $expired } }, 1, 'Reconfigured timer works' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Absolute->new(
+ time => time + 1 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { die "Test failed to replace expiry handler" },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ my $new_expired;
+ $timer->configure( on_expire => sub { $new_expired = 1 } );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $new_expired } }, 1, 'Reconfigured timer on_expire works' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+## Subclass
+my $sub_expired;
+ my $timer = TestTimer->new(
+ time => time + 2 * AUT,
+ );
+ ok( defined $timer, 'subclass $timer defined' );
+ isa_ok( $timer, "IO::Async::Timer", 'subclass $timer isa IO::Async::Timer' );
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'subclass $timer has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Started subclass Timer is running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $sub_expired } }, 2, 'subclass Timer works' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_running, 'Expired subclass Timer is no longer running' );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'subclass $timer has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+package TestTimer;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Timer::Absolute );
+sub on_expire { $sub_expired = 1 }
diff --git a/t/22timer-countdown.t b/t/22timer-countdown.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db8b49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/22timer-countdown.t
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use t::TimeAbout;
+use Time::HiRes qw( time );
+use IO::Async::Timer::Countdown;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my $expired;
+ my @eargs;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
+ delay => 2 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { @eargs = @_; $expired = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $timer, '$timer defined' );
+ isa_ok( $timer, "IO::Async::Timer", '$timer isa IO::Async::Timer' );
+ is_oneref( $timer, '$timer has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_running, 'New Timer is no yet running' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_expired, 'New Timer is no yet expired' );
+ is( $timer->start, $timer, '$timer->start returns $timer' );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 after starting' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Started Timer is running' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_expired, 'Started Timer not yet expired' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $expired } }, 2, 'Timer works' );
+ is_deeply( \@eargs, [ $timer ], 'on_expire args' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_running, 'Expired Timer is no longer running' );
+ ok( $timer->is_expired, 'Expired Timer now expired' );
+ undef @eargs;
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ is_oneref( $timer, '$timer has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+ undef $expired;
+ is( $timer->start, $timer, '$timer->start out of a Loop returns $timer' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Re-started Timer is running' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_expired, 'Re-started Timer not yet expired' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $expired } }, 2, 'Timer works a second time' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_running, '2nd-time expired Timer is no longer running' );
+ ok( $timer->is_expired, '2nd-time expired Timer now expired' );
+ undef $expired;
+ $timer->start;
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 * AUT );
+ $timer->stop;
+ $timer->stop;
+ ok( 1, "Timer can be stopped a second time" );
+ $loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT );
+ ok( !$expired, "Stopped timer doesn't expire" );
+ undef $expired;
+ $timer->start;
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 * AUT );
+ my $now = time;
+ $timer->reset;
+ $loop->loop_once( 1.5 * AUT );
+ ok( !$expired, "Reset Timer hasn't expired yet" );
+ wait_for { $expired };
+ my $took = (time - $now) / AUT;
+ cmp_ok( $took, '>', 1.5, "Timer has now expired took at least 1.5" );
+ cmp_ok( $took, '<', 2.5, "Timer has now expired took no more than 2.5" );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ undef @eargs;
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'Timer has refcount 1 finally' );
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
+ delay => 2 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->start;
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ $loop->loop_once( 3 * AUT );
+ ok( !$timer->is_expired, "Removed Timer does not expire" );
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
+ delay => 2 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { },
+ );
+ $timer->start;
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Pre-started Timer is running after adding' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $timer->is_expired } }, 2, 'Pre-started Timer works' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
+ delay => 2 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { },
+ );
+ $timer->start;
+ $timer->stop;
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $loop->loop_once( 3 * AUT );
+ ok( !$timer->is_expired, "start/stopped Timer doesn't expire" );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
+ delay => 2 * AUT,
+ on_expire => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->configure( delay => 1 * AUT );
+ $timer->start;
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $timer->is_expired } }, 1, 'Reconfigured timer delay works' );
+ my $expired;
+ $timer->configure( on_expire => sub { $expired = 1 } );
+ $timer->start;
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $expired } }, 1, 'Reconfigured timer on_expire works' );
+ $timer->start;
+ ok( exception { $timer->configure( delay => 5 ); },
+ 'Configure a running timer fails' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Countdown->new(
+ delay => 1 * AUT,
+ remove_on_expire => 1,
+ on_expire => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->start;
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $timer->is_expired } }, 1, 'remove_on_expire Timer' );
+ is( $timer->loop, undef, 'remove_on_expire Timer removed from Loop after expire' );
+## Subclass
+my $sub_expired;
+ my $timer = TestTimer->new(
+ delay => 2 * AUT,
+ );
+ ok( defined $timer, 'subclass $timer defined' );
+ isa_ok( $timer, "IO::Async::Timer", 'subclass $timer isa IO::Async::Timer' );
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'subclass $timer has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $timer->start;
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 after starting' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Started subclass Timer is running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $sub_expired } }, 2, 'subclass Timer works' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_running, 'Expired subclass Timer is no longer running' );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'subclass $timer has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+package TestTimer;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Timer::Countdown );
+sub on_expire { $sub_expired = 1 }
diff --git a/t/22timer-periodic.t b/t/22timer-periodic.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2fc28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/22timer-periodic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use t::TimeAbout;
+use IO::Async::Timer::Periodic;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my $tick = 0;
+ my @targs;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
+ interval => 2 * AUT,
+ on_tick => sub { @targs = @_; $tick++ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $timer, '$timer defined' );
+ isa_ok( $timer, "IO::Async::Timer", '$timer isa IO::Async::Timer' );
+ is_oneref( $timer, '$timer has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ is( $timer->start, $timer, '$timer->start returns $timer' );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 after starting' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Started Timer is running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 1 } }, 2, 'Timer works' );
+ is_deeply( \@targs, [ $timer ], 'on_tick args' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Timer is still running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 2 } }, 2, 'Timer works a second time' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 * AUT );
+ $timer->stop;
+ $timer->stop;
+ ok( 1, "Timer can be stopped a second time" );
+ $loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT );
+ ok( $tick == 2, "Stopped timer doesn't tick" );
+ undef @targs;
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, '$timer has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ is_oneref( $timer, '$timer has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+ ok( !$timer->is_running, 'Removed timer not running' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->configure( interval => 1 * AUT );
+ $timer->start;
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 3 } }, 1, 'Reconfigured timer interval works' );
+ $timer->stop;
+ $timer->configure( interval => 2 * AUT, first_interval => 0 );
+ $timer->start;
+ is( $tick, 3, 'Zero first_interval start not invoked yet' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 4 } }, 0, 'Zero first_interval invokes callback async' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 5 } }, 2, 'Normal interval used after first invocation' );
+ ok( exception { $timer->configure( interval => 5 ); },
+ 'Configure a running timer fails' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ undef @targs;
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'Timer has refcount 1 finally' );
+# reschedule => "skip"
+ my $tick = 0;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
+ interval => 1 * AUT,
+ reschedule => "skip",
+ on_tick => sub { $tick++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->start;
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 1 } }, 1, 'skip Timer works' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'skip Timer is still running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 2 } }, 1, 'skip Timer ticks a second time' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+# reschedule => "drift"
+ my $tick = 0;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
+ interval => 1 * AUT,
+ reschedule => "drift",
+ on_tick => sub { $tick++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->start;
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 1 } }, 1, 'drift Timer works' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'drift Timer is still running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $tick == 2 } }, 1, 'drift Timer ticks a second time' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+# Self-stopping
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ on_tick => sub { $count++; shift->stop if $count >= 5 },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->start;
+ my $timedout;
+ my $id = $loop->watch_time( after => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $timedout++ } );
+ wait_for { $timedout };
+ is( $count, 5, 'Self-stopping timer can stop itself' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ $loop->unwatch_time( $id );
+# Exception in on_tick shouldn't prevent reschedule
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ on_tick => sub { $count++; die "FAIL $count" },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ $timer->start;
+ like( exception { wait_for { $count > 0 } },
+ qr/FAIL 1/, 'on_tick death throws exception' );
+ like( exception { wait_for { $count > 1 } },
+ qr/FAIL 2/, 'on_tick death rescheduled and runs a second time' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+## Subclass
+my $sub_tick = 0;
+ my $timer = TestTimer->new(
+ interval => 2 * AUT,
+ );
+ ok( defined $timer, 'subclass $timer defined' );
+ isa_ok( $timer, "IO::Async::Timer", 'subclass $timer isa IO::Async::Timer' );
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'subclass $timer has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $timer );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $timer->start;
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 after starting' );
+ ok( $timer->is_running, 'Started subclass Timer is running' );
+ time_about( sub { wait_for { $sub_tick == 1 } }, 2, 'subclass Timer works' );
+ is_refcount( $timer, 2, 'subclass $timer has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $timer );
+ is_oneref( $timer, 'subclass $timer has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+package TestTimer;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Timer::Periodic );
+sub on_tick { $sub_tick++ }
diff --git a/t/23signal.t b/t/23signal.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc28642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/23signal.t
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use POSIX qw( SIGTERM );
+use IO::Async::Signal;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "This OS does not have signals" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $caught = 0;
+my @rargs;
+my $signal = IO::Async::Signal->new(
+ name => 'TERM',
+ on_receipt => sub { @rargs = @_; $caught++ },
+ok( defined $signal, '$signal defined' );
+isa_ok( $signal, "IO::Async::Signal", '$signal isa IO::Async::Signal' );
+is_oneref( $signal, '$signal has refcount 1 initially' );
+is( $signal->notifier_name, "TERM", '$signal->notifier_name' );
+$loop->add( $signal );
+is_refcount( $signal, 2, '$signal has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+$loop->loop_once( 0.1 ); # nothing happens
+is( $caught, 0, '$caught idling' );
+kill SIGTERM, $$;
+wait_for { $caught };
+is( $caught, 1, '$caught after raise' );
+is_deeply( \@rargs, [ $signal ], 'on_receipt args after raise' );
+my $caught2 = 0;
+my $signal2 = IO::Async::Signal->new(
+ name => 'TERM',
+ on_receipt => sub { $caught2++ },
+$loop->add( $signal2 );
+undef $caught;
+kill SIGTERM, $$;
+wait_for { $caught };
+is( $caught, 1, '$caught after raise' );
+is( $caught2, 1, '$caught2 after raise' );
+$loop->remove( $signal2 );
+undef $caught; undef $caught2;
+kill SIGTERM, $$;
+wait_for { $caught };
+is( $caught, 1, '$caught after raise' );
+is( $caught2, undef, '$caught2 after raise' );
+undef $caught;
+my $new_caught;
+$signal->configure( on_receipt => sub { $new_caught++ } );
+kill SIGTERM, $$;
+wait_for { $new_caught };
+is( $caught, undef, '$caught after raise after replace on_receipt' );
+is( $new_caught, 1, '$new_caught after raise after replace on_receipt' );
+undef @rargs;
+is_refcount( $signal, 2, '$signal has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+$loop->remove( $signal );
+is_oneref( $signal, '$signal has refcount 1 finally' );
+undef $signal;
+## Subclass
+my $sub_caught = 0;
+$signal = TestSignal->new(
+ name => 'TERM',
+ok( defined $signal, 'subclass $signal defined' );
+isa_ok( $signal, "IO::Async::Signal", 'subclass $signal isa IO::Async::Signal' );
+is_oneref( $signal, 'subclass $signal has refcount 1 initially' );
+$loop->add( $signal );
+is_refcount( $signal, 2, 'subclass $signal has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+$loop->loop_once( 0.1 ); # nothing happens
+is( $sub_caught, 0, '$sub_caught idling' );
+kill SIGTERM, $$;
+wait_for { $sub_caught };
+is( $sub_caught, 1, '$sub_caught after raise' );
+ok( exception {
+ my $signal = IO::Async::Signal->new(
+ name => 'this signal name does not exist',
+ on_receipt => sub {},
+ );
+ $loop->add( $signal );
+ },
+ 'Bad signal name fails'
+package TestSignal;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Signal );
+sub on_receipt { $sub_caught++ }
diff --git a/t/24listener.t b/t/24listener.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a296aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/24listener.t
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use IO::Async::Listener;
+# Some odd locations like BSD jails might not like INADDR_ANY. We'll establish
+# a baseline first to test against
+my $INADDR_ANY = do {
+ my $anysock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 0, Listen => 1 );
+ $anysock->sockaddr;
+my $INADDR_ANY_HOST = inet_ntoa( $INADDR_ANY );
+ diag( "Testing with INADDR_ANY=$INADDR_ANY_HOST; this may be because of odd networking" );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $listensock;
+$listensock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => "localhost",
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ Listen => 1,
+) or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ my $newclient;
+ my $listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
+ handle => $listensock,
+ on_accept => sub { ( undef, $newclient ) = @_ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $listener, 'defined $listener' );
+ isa_ok( $listener, "IO::Async::Listener", '$listener isa IO::Async::Listener' );
+ isa_ok( $listener, "IO::Async::Notifier", '$listener isa IO::Async::Notifier' );
+ is_oneref( $listener, '$listener has refcount 1 initially' );
+ ok( $listener->is_listening, '$listener is_listening' );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $listener->sockname ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $listensock->sockname ], '$listener->sockname' );
+ is( $listener->family, AF_INET, '$listener->family' );
+ is( $listener->socktype, SOCK_STREAM, '$listener->sockname' );
+ $loop->add( $listener );
+ is_refcount( $listener, 2, '$listener has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ ok( defined $clientsock->peername, '$clientsock is connected' );
+ wait_for { defined $newclient };
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $newclient->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $clientsock->sockname ], '$newclient peer is correct' );
+ is_refcount( $listener, 2, '$listener has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $listener );
+ is_oneref( $listener, '$listener has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+# on_accept handle constructors
+ my $accepted;
+ my $listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
+ handle => $listensock,
+ on_accept => sub { ( undef, $accepted ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $listener );
+ require IO::Async::Stream;
+ # handle_constructor
+ {
+ $listener->configure( handle_constructor => sub {
+ return IO::Async::Stream->new;
+ } );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ wait_for { defined $accepted };
+ isa_ok( $accepted, "IO::Async::Stream", '$accepted with handle_constructor' );
+ undef $accepted;
+ }
+ # handle_class
+ {
+ $listener->configure( handle_class => "IO::Async::Stream" );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ wait_for { defined $accepted };
+ isa_ok( $accepted, "IO::Async::Stream", '$accepted with handle_constructor' );
+ undef $accepted;
+ }
+ $loop->remove( $listener );
+# on_stream
+ my $newstream;
+ my $listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
+ handle => $listensock,
+ on_stream => sub { ( undef, $newstream ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $listener );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ wait_for { defined $newstream };
+ isa_ok( $newstream, "IO::Async::Stream", 'on_stream $newstream isa IO::Async::Stream' );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $newstream->read_handle->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $clientsock->sockname ], '$newstream sock peer is correct' );
+ $loop->remove( $listener );
+# on_socket
+ my $newsocket;
+ my $listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
+ handle => $listensock,
+ on_socket => sub { ( undef, $newsocket ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $listener );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ wait_for { defined $newsocket };
+ isa_ok( $newsocket, "IO::Async::Socket", 'on_socket $newsocket isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $newsocket->read_handle->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $clientsock->sockname ], '$newsocket sock peer is correct' );
+ $loop->remove( $listener );
+# Subclass
+ my $sub_newclient;
+ {
+ package TestListener;
+ use base qw( IO::Async::Listener );
+ sub on_accept { ( undef, $sub_newclient ) = @_ }
+ }
+ my $listener = TestListener->new(
+ handle => $listensock,
+ );
+ ok( defined $listener, 'subclass defined $listener' );
+ isa_ok( $listener, "IO::Async::Listener", 'subclass $listener isa IO::Async::Listener' );
+ is_oneref( $listener, 'subclass $listener has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $listener );
+ is_refcount( $listener, 2, 'subclass $listener has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalAddr => "", Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ ok( defined $clientsock->peername, 'subclass $clientsock is connected' );
+ wait_for { defined $sub_newclient };
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sub_newclient->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $clientsock->sockname ], '$sub_newclient peer is correct' );
+ is_refcount( $listener, 2, 'subclass $listener has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $listener );
+ is_oneref( $listener, 'subclass $listener has refcount 1 after removing from Loop' );
+# Subclass with handle_constructor
+ {
+ package TestListener::WithConstructor;
+ use base qw( IO::Async::Listener );
+ sub handle_constructor { return IO::Async::Stream->new }
+ }
+ my $accepted;
+ my $listener = TestListener::WithConstructor->new(
+ handle => $listensock,
+ on_accept => sub { ( undef, $accepted ) = @_; },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $listener );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ wait_for { defined $accepted };
+ isa_ok( $accepted, "IO::Async::Stream", '$accepted with handle_constructor method' );
+ $loop->remove( $listener );
+ my $newclient;
+ my $listener = IO::Async::Listener->new(
+ on_accept => sub { ( undef, $newclient ) = @_ },
+ );
+ ok( !$listener->is_listening, '$listener is_listening not yet' );
+ $loop->add( $listener );
+ my $listen_self;
+ $listener->listen(
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "stream", addr => pack_sockaddr_in( 0, $INADDR_ANY ) },
+ on_listen => sub { $listen_self = shift },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0] - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ );
+ ok( $listener->is_listening, '$listener is_listening' );
+ my $sockname = $listener->sockname;
+ ok( defined $sockname, 'defined $sockname' );
+ my ( $port, $sinaddr ) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $sockname );
+ ok( $port > 0, 'socket listens on some defined port number' );
+ is( inet_ntoa( $sinaddr ), $INADDR_ANY_HOST, 'socket listens on INADDR_ANY' );
+ is( $listener->family, AF_INET, '$listener->family' );
+ is( $listener->socktype, SOCK_STREAM, '$listener->sockname' );
+ is( $listen_self, $listener, '$listen_self is $listener' );
+ undef $listen_self; # for refcount
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( pack_sockaddr_in( $port, INADDR_LOOPBACK ) ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ ok( defined $clientsock->peername, '$clientsock is connected' );
+ wait_for { defined $newclient };
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $newclient->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $clientsock->sockname ], '$newclient peer is correct' );
+ $loop->remove( $listener );
diff --git a/t/25socket.t b/t/25socket.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da852f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/25socket.t
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use Socket qw( unpack_sockaddr_in );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Socket;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# useful test function
+sub recv_data
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ret = $s->recv( $buffer, 8192 );
+ return $buffer if defined $ret and length $buffer;
+ die "Socket closed" if defined $ret;
+ return "" if $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
+ die "Cannot recv - $!";
+ok( !exception { IO::Async::Socket->new( write_handle => \*STDOUT ) }, 'Send-only Socket works' );
+# Receiving
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ my @S2addr = unpack_sockaddr_in $S2->sockname;
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my @received;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_recv => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $dgram, $sender ) = @_;
+ push @received, [ $dgram, unpack_sockaddr_in $sender ];
+ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $socket, 'recving $socket defined' );
+ isa_ok( $socket, "IO::Async::Socket", 'recving $socket isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'recving $socket has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'recving $socket has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $S2->send( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@received, [], '@received before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @received };
+ is_deeply( \@received,
+ [ [ "message\n", @S2addr ] ],
+ '@received after wait' );
+ undef @received;
+ my @new_received;
+ $socket->configure(
+ on_recv => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $dgram, $sender ) = @_;
+ push @new_received, [ $dgram, unpack_sockaddr_in $sender ];
+ },
+ );
+ $S2->send( "another message\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @new_received };
+ is( scalar @received, 0, '@received still empty after on_recv replace' );
+ is_deeply( \@new_received,
+ [ [ "another message\n", @S2addr ] ],
+ '@new_received after on_recv replace' );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'receiving $socket has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'receiving $socket refcount 1 finally' );
+SKIP: {
+ # Don't bother with an OS constant for this as it's only used by this unit-test
+ skip "This OS cannot safely ->recv with truncation", 3 if $^O eq "MSWin32";
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my @frags;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ recv_len => 4,
+ on_recv => sub {
+ my ( $self, $dgram ) = @_;
+ push @frags, $dgram;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ $S2->send( "A nice long message" );
+ $S2->send( "another one here" );
+ $S2->send( "and again" );
+ wait_for { scalar @frags };
+ is_deeply( \@frags, [ "A ni" ], '@frags with recv_len=4 without recv_all' );
+ wait_for { @frags == 3 };
+ is_deeply( \@frags, [ "A ni", "anot", "and " ], '@frags finally with recv_len=4 without recv_all' );
+ undef @frags;
+ $socket->configure( recv_all => 1 );
+ $S2->send( "Long messages" );
+ $S2->send( "Repeated" );
+ $S2->send( "Once more" );
+ wait_for { scalar @frags };
+ is_deeply( \@frags, [ "Long", "Repe", "Once" ], '@frags with recv_len=4 with recv_all' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ my $no_on_recv_socket;
+ ok( !exception { $no_on_recv_socket = IO::Async::Socket->new( handle => $S1 ) },
+ 'Allowed to construct a Socket without an on_recv handler' );
+ ok( exception { $loop->add( $no_on_recv_socket ) },
+ 'Not allowed to add an on_recv-less Socket to a Loop' );
+ }
+# Subclass
+my @sub_received;
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ my @S2addr = unpack_sockaddr_in $S2->sockname;
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my $socket = TestSocket->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ );
+ ok( defined $socket, 'receiving subclass $socket defined' );
+ isa_ok( $socket, "IO::Async::Socket", 'receiving $socket isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'subclass $socket has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'subclass $socket has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $S2->send( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@sub_received, [], '@sub_received before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @sub_received };
+ is_deeply( \@sub_received,
+ [ [ "message\n", @S2addr ] ],
+ '@sub_received after wait' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+# Sending
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my $empty;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ write_handle => $S1,
+ on_outgoing_empty => sub { $empty = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $socket, 'sending $socket defined' );
+ isa_ok( $socket, "IO::Async::Socket", 'sending $socket isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'sending $socket has refcount 1 intially' );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'sending $socket has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'want_writeready before send' );
+ $socket->send( "message\n" );
+ ok( $socket->want_writeready, 'want_writeready after send' );
+ wait_for { $empty };
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'want_writeready after wait' );
+ is( $empty, 1, '$empty after writing buffer' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "message\n", 'data after writing buffer' );
+ $socket->configure( autoflush => 1 );
+ $socket->send( "immediate\n" );
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'not want_writeready after autoflush send' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "immediate\n", 'data after autoflush send' );
+ $socket->configure( autoflush => 0 );
+ $socket->send( "First\n" );
+ $socket->configure( autoflush => 1 );
+ $socket->send( "Second\n" );
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'not want_writeready after split autoflush send' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "First\n", 'data[0] after split autoflush send' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "Second\n", 'data[1] after split autoflush send' );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'sending $socket has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'sending $socket has refcount 1 finally' );
+# Socket errors
+ my ( $ES1, $ES2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ $ES2->syswrite( "X" ); # ensuring $ES1 is read- and write-ready
+ # cheating and hackery
+ bless $ES1, "ErrorSocket";
+ $ErrorSocket::errno = ECONNRESET;
+ my $recv_errno;
+ my $send_errno;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ read_handle => $ES1,
+ on_recv => sub {},
+ on_recv_error => sub { ( undef, $recv_errno ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ wait_for { defined $recv_errno };
+ cmp_ok( $recv_errno, "==", ECONNRESET, 'errno after failed recv' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ write_handle => $ES1,
+ on_send_error => sub { ( undef, $send_errno ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ $socket->send( "hello" );
+ wait_for { defined $send_errno };
+ cmp_ok( $send_errno, "==", ECONNRESET, 'errno after failed send' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+package TestSocket;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Socket );
+use Socket qw( unpack_sockaddr_in );
+sub on_recv
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $dgram, $sender ) = @_;
+ push @sub_received, [ $dgram, unpack_sockaddr_in $sender ];
+package ErrorSocket;
+use base qw( IO::Socket );
+our $errno;
+sub recv { $! = $errno; undef; }
+sub send { $! = $errno; undef; }
+sub close { }
diff --git a/t/26pid.t b/t/26pid.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdd770b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/26pid.t
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use POSIX qw( SIGTERM );
+use IO::Async::PID;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my $kid = fork;
+ defined $kid or die "Cannot fork() - $!";
+ if( $kid == 0 ) {
+ # child
+ exit( 3 );
+ # this exists as a zombie for now, but we'll deal with this later
+ }
+ my $exitcode;
+ my $pid = IO::Async::PID->new(
+ pid => $kid,
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; }
+ );
+ ok( defined $pid, '$pid defined' );
+ isa_ok( $pid, "IO::Async::PID", '$pid isa IO::Async::PID' );
+ is_oneref( $pid, '$pid has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is( $pid->pid, $kid, '$pid->pid' );
+ is( $pid->notifier_name, "$kid", '$pid->notifier_name' );
+ $loop->add( $pid );
+ is_refcount( $pid, 2, '$pid has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ # reap zombie
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after process exit' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 3, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after process exit' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This OS has no signals", 1 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+ # We require that SIGTERM perform its default action; i.e. terminate the
+ # process. Ensure this definitely happens, in case the test harness has it
+ # ignored or handled elsewhere.
+ local $SIG{TERM} = "DEFAULT";
+ my $kid = fork;
+ defined $kid or die "Cannot fork() - $!";
+ if( $kid == 0 ) {
+ sleep( 10 );
+ # Just in case the parent died already and didn't kill us
+ exit( 0 );
+ }
+ my $exitcode;
+ my $pid = IO::Async::PID->new(
+ pid => $kid,
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; }
+ );
+ $loop->add( $pid );
+ $pid->kill( SIGTERM );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ is( ($exitcode & 0x7f), SIGTERM, 'WTERMSIG($exitcode) after SIGTERM' );
diff --git a/t/27file.t b/t/27file.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c79ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/27file.t
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use Fcntl qw( SEEK_SET SEEK_END );
+use File::Temp qw( tempfile );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::File;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub mkhandles
+ my ( $rd, $filename ) = tempfile( "tmpfile.XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1 );
+ open my $wr, ">", $filename or die "Cannot reopen file for writing - $!";
+ $wr->autoflush( 1 );
+ return ( $rd, $wr, $filename );
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $size_change;
+ my ( $new_size, $old_size );
+ my ( $new_stat, $old_stat );
+ my $file = IO::Async::File->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ handle => $rd,
+ on_size_changed => sub {
+ ( undef, $new_size, $old_size ) = @_;
+ $size_change++;
+ },
+ on_stat_changed => sub {
+ ( undef, $new_stat, $old_stat ) = @_;
+ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $file, '$file defined' );
+ isa_ok( $file, "IO::Async::File", '$file isa IO::Async::File' );
+ is_oneref( $file, '$file has refcount 1 initially' );
+ is( $file->handle, $rd, '$file->handle is $rd' );
+ $loop->add( $file );
+ is_refcount( $file, 2, '$file has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ wait_for { $size_change };
+ is( $old_size, 0, '$old_size' );
+ is( $new_size, 8, '$new_size' );
+ isa_ok( $old_stat, "File::stat", '$old_stat isa File::stat' );
+ isa_ok( $new_stat, "File::stat", '$new_stat isa File::stat' );
+ $loop->remove( $file );
+# Follow by name
+SKIP: {
+ skip "OS is unable to rename open files", 3 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_RENAME_OPEN_FILES;
+ my ( undef, $wr, $filename ) = mkhandles;
+ my $devino_changed;
+ my ( $old_stat, $new_stat );
+ my $file = IO::Async::File->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ filename => $filename,
+ on_devino_changed => sub {
+ ( undef, $new_stat, $old_stat ) = @_;
+ $devino_changed++;
+ },
+ );
+ ok( $file->handle, '$file has a ->handle' );
+ $loop->add( $file );
+ close $wr;
+ rename( $filename, "$filename.old" ) or die "Cannot rename $filename - $!";
+ END { defined $filename and -f $filename and unlink $filename }
+ END { defined $filename and -f "$filename.old" and unlink "$filename.old" }
+ open $wr, ">", $filename or die "Cannot reopen $filename for writing - $!";
+ wait_for { $devino_changed };
+ is( $new_stat->dev, (stat $wr)[0], '$new_stat->dev for renamed file' );
+ is( $new_stat->ino, (stat $wr)[1], '$new_stat->ino for renamed file' );
+ $loop->remove( $file );
diff --git a/t/28filestream.t b/t/28filestream.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f51887e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/28filestream.t
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use Fcntl qw( SEEK_SET SEEK_END );
+use File::Temp qw( tempfile );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::FileStream;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub mkhandles
+ my ( $rd, $filename ) = tempfile( "tmpfile.XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1 );
+ open my $wr, ">", $filename or die "Cannot reopen file for writing - $!";
+ $wr->autoflush( 1 );
+ return ( $rd, $wr, $filename );
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my @lines;
+ my $initial_size;
+ my $filestream = IO::Async::FileStream->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_initial => sub { ( undef, $initial_size ) = @_ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $filestream, '$filestream defined' );
+ isa_ok( $filestream, "IO::Async::FileStream", '$filestream isa IO::Async::FileStream' );
+ is_oneref( $filestream, 'reading $filestream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $filestream );
+ is_refcount( $filestream, 2, '$filestream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ is( $initial_size, 0, '$initial_size is 0' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [], '@lines before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "message\n" ], '@lines after wait' );
+ $loop->remove( $filestream );
+# on_initial
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ $wr->syswrite( "Some initial content\n" );
+ my @lines;
+ my $initial_size;
+ my $filestream = IO::Async::FileStream->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_initial => sub { ( undef, $initial_size ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $filestream );
+ is( $initial_size, 21, '$initial_size is 21' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "More content\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "Some initial content\n", "More content\n" ], 'All content is visible' );
+ $loop->remove( $filestream );
+# seek_to_last
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ $wr->syswrite( "Some skipped content\nWith a partial line" );
+ my @lines;
+ my $filestream = IO::Async::FileStream->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless( $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)// );
+ push @lines, $1;
+ return 1;
+ },
+ on_initial => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Give it a tiny block size, forcing it to have to seek harder to find the \n
+ ok( $self->seek_to_last( "\n", blocksize => 8 ), 'FileStream successfully seeks to last \n' );
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $filestream );
+ $wr->syswrite( " finished here\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "With a partial line finished here\n" ], 'Partial line completely returned' );
+ $loop->remove( $filestream );
+# on_initial can skip content
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ $wr->syswrite( "Some skipped content\n" );
+ my @lines;
+ my $filestream = IO::Async::FileStream->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless( $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)// );
+ push @lines, $1;
+ return 1;
+ },
+ on_initial => sub { my $self = shift; $self->seek( 0, SEEK_END ); },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $filestream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "Additional content\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "Additional content\n" ], 'Initial content is skipped' );
+ $loop->remove( $filestream );
+# Truncation
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my @lines;
+ my $truncated;
+ my $filestream = IO::Async::FileStream->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless( $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)// );
+ push @lines, $1;
+ return 1;
+ },
+ on_truncated => sub { $truncated++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $filestream );
+ $wr->syswrite( "Some original lines\nin the file\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ $wr->truncate( 0 );
+ sysseek( $wr, 0, SEEK_SET );
+ $wr->syswrite( "And another\n" );
+ wait_for { @lines == 3 };
+ is( $truncated, 1, 'File content truncation detected' );
+ is_deeply( \@lines,
+ [ "Some original lines\n", "in the file\n", "And another\n" ],
+ 'All three lines read' );
+ $loop->remove( $filestream );
+# Follow by name
+SKIP: {
+ skip "OS is unable to rename open files", 7 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_RENAME_OPEN_FILES;
+ my ( undef, $wr, $filename ) = mkhandles;
+ my @lines;
+ my $filestream = IO::Async::FileStream->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ filename => $filename,
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $filestream, '$filestream defined for filenaem' );
+ isa_ok( $filestream, "IO::Async::FileStream", '$filestream isa IO::Async::FileStream' );
+ is_oneref( $filestream, 'reading $filestream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $filestream );
+ is_refcount( $filestream, 2, '$filestream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "message\n" ], '@lines after wait' );
+ shift @lines;
+ $wr->syswrite( "last line of old file\n" );
+ close $wr;
+ rename( $filename, "$filename.old" ) or die "Cannot rename $filename - $!";
+ END { defined $filename and -f $filename and unlink $filename }
+ END { defined $filename and -f "$filename.old" and unlink "$filename.old" }
+ open $wr, ">", $filename or die "Cannot reopen $filename for writing - $!";
+ $wr->syswrite( "first line of new file\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( $lines[0], "last line of old file\n", '@lines sees last line of old file' );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines >= 2 };
+ is_deeply( $lines[1], "first line of new file\n", '@lines sees first line of new file' );
+ $loop->remove( $filestream );
+# Subclass
+my @sub_lines;
+ my ( $rd, $wr ) = mkhandles;
+ my $filestream = TestStream->new(
+ interval => 0.1 * AUT,
+ read_handle => $rd,
+ );
+ ok( defined $filestream, 'subclass $filestream defined' );
+ isa_ok( $filestream, "IO::Async::FileStream", '$filestream isa IO::Async::FileStream' );
+ is_oneref( $filestream, 'subclass $filestream has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $filestream );
+ is_refcount( $filestream, 2, 'subclass $filestream has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $wr->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [], '@sub_lines before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @sub_lines };
+ is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [ "message\n" ], '@sub_lines after wait' );
+ $loop->remove( $filestream );
+package TestStream;
+use base qw( IO::Async::FileStream );
+sub on_read
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ push @sub_lines, $1;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/t/30loop-fork.t b/t/30loop-fork.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..927b6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/30loop-fork.t
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use POSIX qw( SIGINT );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my $exitcode;
+ $loop->fork(
+ code => sub { return 5; },
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_ },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after child exit' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 5, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after child exit' );
+ my $exitcode;
+ $loop->fork(
+ code => sub { die "error"; },
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_ },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after child die' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 255, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after child die' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This OS does not have signals", 1 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+ local $SIG{INT} = sub { exit( 22 ) };
+ my $exitcode;
+ $loop->fork(
+ code => sub { kill SIGINT, $$ },
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_ },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ is( ($exitcode & 0x7f), SIGINT, 'WTERMSIG($exitcode) after child SIGINT' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This OS does not have signals", 2 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+ local $SIG{INT} = sub { exit( 22 ) };
+ my $exitcode;
+ $loop->fork(
+ code => sub { kill SIGINT, $$ },
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_ },
+ keep_signals => 1,
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after child SIGINT with keep_signals' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 22, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after child SIGINT with keep_signals' );
diff --git a/t/31loop-spawnchild.t b/t/31loop-spawnchild.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cac1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/31loop-spawnchild.t
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+# Need to look this up, so we don't hardcode the message in the test script
+# This might cause locale issues
+use constant ENOENT_MESSAGE => do { local $! = ENOENT; "$!" };
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ok( exception { $loop->spawn_child( badoption => 1 ); }, 'Bad option to spawn fails' );
+ok( exception { $loop->spawn_child( code => sub { 1 }, command => "hello" ); },
+ 'Both code and command options to spawn fails' );
+ok( exception { $loop->spawn_child( on_exit => sub { 1 } ); }, 'Bad option to spawn fails' );
+ my ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ my $spawned_pid = $loop->spawn_child(
+ code => sub { return 42; },
+ on_exit => sub { ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; }
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exited_pid };
+ is( $exited_pid, $spawned_pid, '$exited_pid == $spawned_pid after spawn CODE' );
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after spawn CODE' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 42, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after spawn CODE' );
+ # dollarbang isn't interesting here
+ is( $dollarat, '', '$dollarat after spawn CODE' );
+my $ENDEXIT = 10;
+END { exit $ENDEXIT if defined $ENDEXIT; }
+ my ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ my $spawned_pid = $loop->spawn_child(
+ code => sub { return 0; },
+ on_exit => sub { ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; }
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exited_pid };
+ is( $exited_pid, $spawned_pid, '$exited_pid == $spawned_pid after spawn CODE with END' );
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after spawn CODE with END' );
+ # If this comes out as 10 then the END block ran and we fail.
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after spawn CODE with END' );
+ # dollarbang isn't interesting here
+ is( $dollarat, '', '$dollarat after spawn CODE with END' );
+ my ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ my $spawned_pid = $loop->spawn_child(
+ code => sub { die "An exception here\n"; },
+ on_exit => sub { ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; }
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exited_pid };
+ is( $exited_pid, $spawned_pid, '$exited_pid == $spawned_pid after spawn CODE with die with END' );
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after spawn CODE with die with END' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 255, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after spawn CODE with die with END' );
+ # dollarbang isn't interesting here
+ is( $dollarat, "An exception here\n", '$dollarat after spawn CODE with die with END' );
+undef $ENDEXIT;
+# We need a command that just exits immediately with 0
+my $true;
+foreach (qw( /bin/true /usr/bin/true )) {
+ $true = $_, last if -x $_;
+# Didn't find a likely-looking candidate. We'll fake one using perl itself
+$true = "$^X -e 1" if !defined $true;
+ my ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ my $spawned_pid = $loop->spawn_child(
+ command => $true,
+ on_exit => sub { ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; }
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exited_pid };
+ is( $exited_pid, $spawned_pid, '$exited_pid == $spawned_pid after spawn '.$true );
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after spawn '.$true );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after spawn '.$true );
+ is( $dollarbang+0, 0, '$dollarbang after spawn '.$true );
+ is( $dollarat, '', '$dollarat after spawn '.$true );
+# Just be paranoid in case anyone actually has this
+my $donotexist = "/bin/donotexist";
+$donotexist .= "X" while -e $donotexist;
+ my ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ my $spawned_pid = $loop->spawn_child(
+ command => $donotexist,
+ on_exit => sub { ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; }
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exited_pid };
+ is( $exited_pid, $spawned_pid, '$exited_pid == $spawned_pid after spawn donotexist' );
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after spawn donotexist' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 255, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after spawn donotexist' );
+ is( $dollarbang+0, ENOENT, '$dollarbang numerically after spawn donotexist' );
+ is( "$dollarbang", ENOENT_MESSAGE, '$dollarbang string after spawn donotexist' );
+ is( $dollarat, '', '$dollarat after spawn donotexist' );
+ my ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ my $spawned_pid = $loop->spawn_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", "exit 14" ],
+ on_exit => sub { ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; }
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exited_pid };
+ is( $exited_pid, $spawned_pid, '$exited_pid == $spawned_pid after spawn ARRAY' );
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after spawn ARRAY' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 14, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after spawn ARRAY' );
+ is( $dollarbang+0, 0, '$dollarbang after spawn ARRAY' );
+ is( $dollarat, '', '$dollarat after spawn ARRAY' );
+ my( $pipe_r, $pipe_w ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+ my ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ my $spawned_pid = $loop->spawn_child(
+ code => sub { return $pipe_w->syswrite( "test" ); },
+ on_exit => sub { ( $exited_pid, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; }
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exited_pid };
+ is( $exited_pid, $spawned_pid, '$exited_pid == $spawned_pid after pipe close test' );
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after pipe close test' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 255, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after pipe close test' );
+ is( $dollarbang+0, EBADF, '$dollarbang numerically after pipe close test' );
+ is( $dollarat, '', '$dollarat after pipe close test' );
diff --git a/t/32loop-spawnchild-setup.t b/t/32loop-spawnchild-setup.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ecdf85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/32loop-spawnchild-setup.t
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use File::Temp qw( tmpnam );
+use POSIX qw( ENOENT EBADF getcwd );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ok( exception { $loop->spawn_child( code => sub { 1 }, setup => "hello" ); },
+ 'Bad setup type fails' );
+ok( exception { $loop->spawn_child( code => sub { 1 }, setup => [ 'somerandomthing' => 1 ] ); },
+ 'Setup with bad key fails' );
+# These tests are all very similar looking, with slightly different start and
+# code values. Easiest to wrap them up in a common testing wrapper.
+sub TEST
+ my ( $name, %attr ) = @_;
+ my $exitcode;
+ my $dollarbang;
+ my $dollarat;
+ my ( undef, $callerfile, $callerline ) = caller;
+ $loop->spawn_child(
+ code => $attr{code},
+ exists $attr{setup} ? ( setup => $attr{setup} ) : (),
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_; },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ if( exists $attr{exitstatus} ) {
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, "WIFEXITED(\$exitcode) after $name" );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), $attr{exitstatus}, "WEXITSTATUS(\$exitcode) after $name" );
+ }
+ if( exists $attr{dollarbang} ) {
+ is( $dollarbang+0, $attr{dollarbang}, "\$dollarbang numerically after $name" );
+ }
+ if( exists $attr{dollarat} ) {
+ is( $dollarat, $attr{dollarat}, "\$dollarat after $name" );
+ }
+# A useful utility function like blocking read with a timeout
+sub read_timeout
+ my ( $fh, undef, $len, $timeout ) = @_;
+ my $rvec = '';
+ vec( $rvec, fileno $fh, 1 ) = 1;
+ select( $rvec, undef, undef, $timeout );
+ return undef if !vec( $rvec, fileno $fh, 1 );
+ return $fh->read( $_[1], $len );
+my $buffer;
+my $ret;
+ my( $pipe_r, $pipe_w ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+ TEST "pipe dup to fd1",
+ setup => [ fd1 => [ 'dup', $pipe_w ] ],
+ code => sub { print "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to fd1' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after pipe dup to fd1' );
+ my $pipe_w_fileno = fileno $pipe_w;
+ TEST "pipe dup to fd1 closes pipe",
+ setup => [ fd1 => [ 'dup', $pipe_w ] ],
+ code => sub {
+ my $f = IO::Handle->new_from_fd( $pipe_w_fileno, "w" );
+ defined $f and return 1;
+ $! == EBADF or return 1;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ exitstatus => 0,
+ dollarat => '';
+ TEST "pipe dup to stdout shortcut",
+ setup => [ stdout => $pipe_w ],
+ code => sub { print "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to stdout shortcut' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after pipe dup to stdout shortcut' );
+ TEST "pipe dup to \\*STDOUT IO reference",
+ setup => [ \*STDOUT => $pipe_w ],
+ code => sub { print "test2"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 5, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 5, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to \\*STDOUT IO reference' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test2', '$buffer after pipe dup to \\*STDOUT IO reference' );
+ TEST "pipe keep open",
+ setup => [ "fd$pipe_w_fileno" => [ 'keep' ] ],
+ code => sub { $pipe_w->autoflush(1); $pipe_w->print( "test" ) },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after keep pipe open' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after keep pipe open' );
+ TEST "pipe keep shortcut",
+ setup => [ "fd$pipe_w_fileno" => 'keep' ],
+ code => sub { $pipe_w->autoflush(1); $pipe_w->print( "test" ) },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after keep pipe open' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after keep pipe open' );
+ TEST "pipe dup to stdout",
+ setup => [ stdout => [ 'dup', $pipe_w ] ],
+ code => sub { print "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to stdout' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after pipe dup to stdout' );
+ TEST "pipe dup to fd2",
+ setup => [ fd2 => [ 'dup', $pipe_w ] ],
+ code => sub { print STDERR "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to fd2' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after pipe dup to fd2' );
+ TEST "pipe dup to stderr",
+ setup => [ stderr => [ 'dup', $pipe_w ] ],
+ code => sub { print STDERR "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to stderr' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after pipe dup to stderr' );
+ TEST "pipe dup to other FD",
+ setup => [ fd4 => [ 'dup', $pipe_w ] ],
+ code => sub {
+ close STDOUT;
+ open( STDOUT, ">&=4" ) or die "Cannot open fd4 as stdout - $!";
+ print "test";
+ },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to other FD' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after pipe dup to other FD' );
+ TEST "pipe dup to its own FD",
+ setup => [ "fd$pipe_w_fileno" => $pipe_w ],
+ code => sub {
+ close STDOUT;
+ open( STDOUT, ">&=$pipe_w_fileno" ) or die "Cannot open fd$pipe_w_fileno as stdout - $!";
+ print "test";
+ },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to its own FD' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after pipe dup to its own FD' );
+ TEST "other FD close",
+ code => sub { return $pipe_w->syswrite( "test" ); },
+ exitstatus => 255,
+ dollarbang => EBADF,
+ dollarat => '';
+ # Try to force a writepipe clash by asking to dup the pipe to lots of FDs
+ TEST "writepipe clash",
+ code => sub { print "test"; },
+ setup => [ map { +"fd$_" => $pipe_w } ( 1 .. 19 ) ],
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$pipe_r->read after writepipe clash' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after writepipe clash' );
+ my( $pipe2_r, $pipe2_w ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+ $pipe2_r->blocking( 0 );
+ TEST "pipe dup to stdout and stderr",
+ setup => [ stdout => $pipe_w, stderr => $pipe2_w ],
+ code => sub { print "output"; print STDERR "error"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 6, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 6, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to stdout and stderr' );
+ is( $buffer, 'output', '$buffer after pipe dup to stdout and stderr' );
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe2_r, $buffer, 5, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 5, '$pipe2_r->read after pipe dup to stdout and stderr' );
+ is( $buffer, 'error', '$buffer after pipe dup to stdout and stderr' );
+ TEST "pipe dup to stdout and stderr same pipe",
+ setup => [ stdout => $pipe_w, stderr => $pipe_w ],
+ code => sub { print "output"; print STDERR "error"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $pipe_r, $buffer, 11, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 11, '$pipe_r->read after pipe dup to stdout and stderr same pipe' );
+ is( $buffer, 'outputerror', '$buffer after pipe dup to stdout and stderr same pipe' );
+ my ( $child_r, $my_w, $my_r, $child_w ) = IO::Async::OS->pipequad or die "Cannot pipequad - $!";
+ $my_w->syswrite( "hello\n" );
+ TEST "pipe quad to fd0/fd1",
+ setup => [ stdin => $child_r,
+ stdout => $child_w, ],
+ code => sub { print uc scalar <STDIN>; return 0 },
+ exitstatus => 0,
+ dollarat => '';
+ my $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $my_r, $buffer, 6, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 6, '$my_r->read after pipe quad to fd0/fd1' );
+ is( $buffer, "HELLO\n", '$buffer after pipe quad to fd0/fd1' );
+ # Try to swap two filehandles and cause a dup2() collision
+ my @fhA = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+ my @fhB = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+ my $filenoA = $fhA[1]->fileno;
+ my $filenoB = $fhB[1]->fileno;
+ TEST "fd swap",
+ setup => [
+ "fd$filenoA" => $fhB[1],
+ "fd$filenoB" => $fhA[1],
+ ],
+ code => sub {
+ $fhA[1]->print( "FHA" ); $fhA[1]->autoflush(1);
+ $fhB[1]->print( "FHB" ); $fhB[1]->autoflush(1);
+ return 0;
+ },
+ exitstatus => 0;
+ my $buffer;
+ read_timeout( $fhA[0], $buffer, 3, 0.1 );
+ is( $buffer, "FHB", '$buffer [A] after dup2() swap' );
+ read_timeout( $fhB[0], $buffer, 3, 0.1 );
+ is( $buffer, "FHA", '$buffer [B] after dup2() swap' );
+TEST "stdout close",
+ setup => [ stdout => [ 'close' ] ],
+ code => sub { print "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 255,
+ dollarbang => EBADF,
+ dollarat => '';
+TEST "stdout close shortcut",
+ setup => [ stdout => 'close' ],
+ code => sub { print "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 255,
+ dollarbang => EBADF,
+ dollarat => '';
+ my $name = tmpnam;
+ END { unlink $name if defined $name and -f $name }
+ TEST "stdout open",
+ setup => [ stdout => [ 'open', '>', $name ] ],
+ code => sub { print "test"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ ok( -f $name, 'tmpnam file exists after stdout open' );
+ open( my $tmpfh, "<", $name ) or die "Cannot open '$name' for reading - $!";
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $tmpfh, $buffer, 4, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 4, '$tmpfh->read after stdout open' );
+ is( $buffer, 'test', '$buffer after stdout open' );
+ TEST "stdout open append",
+ setup => [ stdout => [ 'open', '>>', $name ] ],
+ code => sub { print "value"; },
+ exitstatus => 1,
+ dollarat => '';
+ seek( $tmpfh, 0, 0 );
+ undef $buffer;
+ $ret = read_timeout( $tmpfh, $buffer, 9, 0.1 );
+ is( $ret, 9, '$tmpfh->read after stdout open append' );
+ is( $buffer, 'testvalue', '$buffer after stdout open append' );
+$ENV{TESTKEY} = "parent value";
+TEST "environment is preserved",
+ setup => [],
+ code => sub { return $ENV{TESTKEY} eq "parent value" ? 0 : 1 },
+ exitstatus => 0,
+ dollarat => '';
+TEST "environment is overwritten",
+ setup => [ env => { TESTKEY => "child value" } ],
+ code => sub { return $ENV{TESTKEY} eq "child value" ? 0 : 1 },
+ exitstatus => 0,
+ dollarat => '';
+SKIP: {
+ # Some of the CPAN smoke testers might run test scripts under modified nice
+ # anyway. We'd better get our starting value to check for difference, not
+ # absolute
+ my $prio_now = getpriority(0,0);
+ # If it's already quite high, we don't want to hit the limit and be
+ # clamped. Just skip the tests if it's too high before we start.
+ skip "getpriority is already above 15, so I won't try renicing upwards", 3 if $prio_now > 15;
+ TEST "nice works",
+ setup => [ nice => 3 ],
+ code => sub { return getpriority(0,0) == $prio_now + 3 ? 0 : 1 },
+ exitstatus => 0,
+ dollarat => '';
+TEST "chdir works",
+ setup => [ chdir => "/" ],
+ code => sub { return getcwd eq "/" ? 0 : 1 },
+ exitstatus => 0,
+ dollarat => '';
diff --git a/t/33process.t b/t/33process.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c07b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/33process.t
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use constant ENOENT_MESSAGE => do { local $! = ENOENT; "$!" };
+use IO::Async::Process;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my ( $invocant, $exitcode );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { return 0 },
+ on_finish => sub { ( $invocant, $exitcode ) = @_; },
+ );
+ is_oneref( $process, '$process has refcount 1 before $loop->add' );
+ is( $process->notifier_name, "nopid", '$process->notifier_name before $loop->add' );
+ ok( !$process->is_running, '$process is not yet running' );
+ ok( !defined $process->pid, '$process has no PID yet' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ is_refcount( $process, 2, '$process has refcount 2 after $loop->add' );
+ my $pid = $process->pid;
+ ok( $process->is_running, '$process is running' );
+ ok( defined $pid, '$process now has a PID' );
+ is( $process->notifier_name, "$pid", '$process->notifier_name after $loop->add' );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ is( $invocant, $process, '$_[0] in on_finish is $process' );
+ undef $invocant; # refcount
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after sub { 0 }' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after sub { 0 }' );
+ ok( !$process->is_running, '$process no longer running' );
+ ok( defined $process->pid, '$process still has PID after exit' );
+ is( $process->notifier_name, "[$pid]", '$process->notifier_name after exit' );
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after sub { 0 }' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after sub { 0 }' );
+ ok( !defined $process->loop, '$process no longer in Loop' );
+ is_oneref( $process, '$process has refcount 1 before EOS' );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { return 3 },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after sub { 3 }' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 3, '$process->exitstatus after sub { 3 }' );
+ my ( $invocant, $exception, $exitcode );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { die "An exception\n" },
+ on_finish => sub { die "Test failed early\n" },
+ on_exception => sub { ( $invocant, $exception, undef, $exitcode ) = @_ },
+ );
+ is_oneref( $process, '$process has refcount 1 before $loop->add' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ is_refcount( $process, 2, '$process has refcount 2 after $loop->add' );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ is( $invocant, $process, '$_[0] in on_exception is $process' );
+ undef $invocant; # refcount
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after sub { die }' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 255, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after sub { die }' );
+ is( $exception, "An exception\n", '$exception after sub { die }' );
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after sub { die }' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 255, '$process->exitstatus after sub { die }' );
+ is( $process->exception, "An exception\n", '$process->exception after sub { die }' );
+ is_oneref( $process, '$process has refcount 1 before EOS' );
+ my $exitcode;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { die "An exception\n" },
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after sub { die } on_finish' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 255, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after sub { die } on_finish' );
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after sub { die } on_finish' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 255, '$process->exitstatus after sub { die } on_finish' );
+ is( $process->exception, "An exception\n", '$process->exception after sub { die } on_finish' );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", '1' ],
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl -e 1' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl -e 1' );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'exit 5' ],
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl -e exit 5' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 5, '$process->exitstatus after perl -e exit 5' );
+ # Just be paranoid in case anyone actually has this
+ my $donotexist = "/bin/donotexist";
+ $donotexist .= "X" while -e $donotexist;
+ my ( $exception, $errno );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => $donotexist,
+ on_finish => sub { die "Test failed early\n" },
+ on_exception => sub { ( undef, $exception, $errno ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ is( $errno+0, ENOENT, '$errno number after donotexist' );
+ is( "$errno", ENOENT_MESSAGE, '$errno string after donotexist' );
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after donotexist' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 255, '$process->exitstatus after donotexist' );
+ is( $process->errno, ENOENT, '$process->errno number after donotexist' );
+ is( $process->errstr, ENOENT_MESSAGE, '$process->errno string after donotexist' );
+ is( $process->exception, "", '$process->exception after donotexist' );
+ $ENV{TEST_KEY} = "foo";
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { $ENV{TEST_KEY} eq "bar" ? 0 : 1 },
+ setup => [
+ env => { TEST_KEY => "bar" },
+ ],
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after %ENV test' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after %ENV test' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This OS does not have signals", 2 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+ my $child_ready;
+ $loop->watch_signal( USR1 => sub { $child_ready++ } );
+ my $parentpid = $$;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub {
+ my $exitcode = 10;
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{TERM} = sub { $exitcode = 20; die };
+ kill SIGUSR1 => $parentpid;
+ sleep 60; # block on signal
+ };
+ return $exitcode;
+ },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { $child_ready };
+ $process->kill( SIGTERM );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after ->kill' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 20, '$process->exitstatus after ->kill' );
+ $loop->unwatch_signal( USR1 => );
diff --git a/t/34process-handles.t b/t/34process-handles.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f199ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/34process-handles.t
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Process;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+use Socket qw( PF_INET sockaddr_family );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { print "hello\n"; return 0 },
+ stdout => { via => "pipe_read" },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdout, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdout' );
+ is( $process->stdout->notifier_name, "stdout", '$process->stdout->notifier_name' );
+ my @stdout_lines;
+ $process->stdout->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( undef, $buffref ) = @_;
+ push @stdout_lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdout->read_handle, '$process->stdout has read_handle for sub { print }' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after sub { print }' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after sub { print }' );
+ is_deeply( \@stdout_lines, [ "hello\n" ], '@stdout_lines after sub { print }' );
+ my @stdout_lines;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { print "hello\n"; return 0 },
+ stdout => {
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( undef, $buffref ) = @_;
+ push @stdout_lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdout, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdout' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdout->read_handle, '$process->stdout has read_handle for sub { print } inline' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after sub { print } inline' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after sub { print } inline' );
+ is_deeply( \@stdout_lines, [ "hello\n" ], '@stdout_lines after sub { print } inline' );
+ my $stdout;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { print "hello\n"; return 0 },
+ stdout => { into => \$stdout },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdout, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdout' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdout->read_handle, '$process->stdout has read_handle for sub { print } into' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after sub { print } into' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after sub { print } into' );
+ is( $stdout, "hello\n", '$stdout after sub { print } into' )
+ my $stdout;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'print "hello\n"' ],
+ stdout => { into => \$stdout },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDOUT' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDOUT' );
+ is( $stdout, "hello\n", '$stdout after perl STDOUT' );
+ my $stdout;
+ my $stderr;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'print STDOUT "output\n"; print STDERR "error\n";' ],
+ stdout => { into => \$stdout },
+ stderr => { into => \$stderr },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stderr, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stderr' );
+ is( $process->stderr->notifier_name, "stderr", '$process->stderr->notifier_name' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stderr->read_handle, '$process->stderr has read_handle' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+ is( $stdout, "output\n", '$stdout after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+ is( $stderr, "error\n", '$stderr after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+ my $stdout;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-pe", '$_ = uc' ],
+ stdin => { via => "pipe_write" },
+ stdout => { into => \$stdout },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdin, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdin' );
+ is( $process->stdin->notifier_name, "stdin", '$process->stdin->notifier_name' );
+ $process->stdin->write( "some data\n", on_flush => sub { $_[0]->close } );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdin->write_handle, '$process->stdin has write_handle for perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+ is( $stdout, "SOME DATA\n", '$stdout after perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'exit 4' ],
+ stdin => { via => "pipe_write" },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdin, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdin' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdin->write_handle, '$process->stdin has write_handle for perl STDIN no-wait close' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIN no-wait close' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 4, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIN no-wait close' );
+ my $stdout;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-pe", '$_ = uc' ],
+ stdin => { from => "some data\n" },
+ stdout => { into => \$stdout },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdin, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdin' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdin->write_handle, '$process->stdin has write_handle for perl STDIN->STDOUT from' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIN->STDOUT from' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIN->STDOUT from' );
+ is( $stdout, "SOME DATA\n", '$stdout after perl STDIN->STDOUT from' );
+ my $stdout;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-pe", '$_ = "line"' ],
+ stdin => { from => "" },
+ stdout => { into => \$stdout },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdin, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdin' );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdin->write_handle, '$process->stdin has write_handle for perl STDIN->STDOUT from empty string' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIN->STDOUT from empty string' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIN->STDOUT from empty string' );
+ is( $stdout, "", '$stdout after perl STDIN->STDOUT from empty string' );
+ my $stdout;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-pe", '$_ = uc' ],
+ fd0 => { from => "some data\n" },
+ fd1 => { into => \$stdout },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIN->STDOUT using fd[n]' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIN->STDOUT using fd[n]' );
+ is( $stdout, "SOME DATA\n", '$stdout after perl STDIN->STDOUT using fd[n]' );
+ my $output;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-pe", '$_ = uc' ],
+ stdio => { via => "pipe_rdwr" },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdio, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdio' );
+ is( $process->stdio->notifier_name, "stdio", '$process->stdio->notifier_name' );
+ my @output_lines;
+ $process->stdio->write( "some data\n", on_flush => sub { $_[0]->close_write } );
+ $process->stdio->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( undef, $buffref ) = @_;
+ push @output_lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ ok( defined $process->stdio->read_handle, '$process->stdio has read_handle for perl STDIO' );
+ ok( defined $process->stdio->write_handle, '$process->stdio has write_handle for perl STDIO' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIO' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIO' );
+ is_deeply( \@output_lines, [ "SOME DATA\n" ], '@output_lines after perl STDIO' );
+ my $output;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => [ $^X, "-pe", '$_ = uc' ],
+ stdio => {
+ from => "some data\n",
+ into => \$output,
+ },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIN->STDOUT using stdio' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIN->STDOUT using stdio' );
+ is( $output, "SOME DATA\n", '$stdout after perl STDIN->STDOUT using stdio' );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub {
+ defined( recv STDIN, my $pkt, 8192, 0 ) or die "Cannot recv - $!";
+ send STDOUT, $pkt, 0 or die "Cannot send - $!";
+ return 0;
+ },
+ stdio => { via => "socketpair" },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdio, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdio isa Stream' );
+ $process->stdio->write( "A packet to be echoed" );
+ my $output_packet = "";
+ $process->stdio->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( undef, $buffref ) = @_;
+ $output_packet .= $$buffref;
+ $$buffref = "";
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdio->read_handle, "IO::Socket", '$process->stdio handle isa IO::Socket' );
+ wait_for { defined $output_packet and !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIO via socketpair' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIO via socketpair' );
+ is_deeply( $output_packet, "A packet to be echoed", '$output_packet after perl STDIO via socketpair' );
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub { return 0 },
+ stdio => { via => "socketpair", family => "inet" },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdio, "IO::Async::Stream", '$process->stdio isa Stream' );
+ $process->stdio->configure( on_read => sub { } );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdio->read_handle, "IO::Socket", '$process->stdio handle isa IO::Socket' );
+ is( sockaddr_family( $process->stdio->read_handle->sockname ), PF_INET, '$process->stdio handle sockdomain is PF_INET' );
+ wait_for { !$process->is_running };
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ code => sub {
+ for( 1, 2 ) {
+ defined( recv STDIN, my $pkt, 8192, 0 ) or die "Cannot recv - $!";
+ send STDOUT, $pkt, 0 or die "Cannot send - $!";
+ }
+ return 0;
+ },
+ stdio => { via => "socketpair", socktype => "dgram", family => "inet" },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdio, "IO::Async::Socket", '$process->stdio isa Socket' );
+ my @output_packets;
+ $process->stdio->configure(
+ on_recv => sub {
+ my ( $self, $packet ) = @_;
+ push @output_packets, $packet;
+ $self->close if @output_packets == 2;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $process );
+ isa_ok( $process->stdio->read_handle, "IO::Socket", '$process->stdio handle isa IO::Socket' );
+ ok( defined sockaddr_family( $process->stdio->read_handle->sockname ), '$process->stdio handle sockdomain is defined' );
+ $process->stdio->send( $_ ) for "First packet", "Second packet";
+ wait_for { @output_packets == 2 and !$process->is_running };
+ ok( $process->is_exited, '$process->is_exited after perl STDIO via dgram socketpair' );
+ is( $process->exitstatus, 0, '$process->exitstatus after perl STDIO via dgram socketpair' );
+ is_deeply( \@output_packets,
+ [ "First packet", "Second packet" ],
+ '@output_packets after perl STDIO via dgram socketpair' );
diff --git a/t/35loop-openchild.t b/t/35loop-openchild.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..608952d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/35loop-openchild.t
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $exitcode;
+ code => sub { 0 },
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after sub { 0 }' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after sub { 0 }' );
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'exit 5' ],
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after perl -e exit 5' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 5, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after perl -e exit 5' );
+ok( exception { $loop->open_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 1 ]
+ ) },
+ 'Missing on_finish fails'
+ok( exception { $loop->open_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 1 ],
+ on_finish => "hello"
+ ) },
+ 'on_finish not CODE ref fails'
+ok( exception { $loop->open_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 1 ],
+ on_finish => sub {},
+ on_exit => sub {},
+ ) },
+ 'on_exit parameter fails'
diff --git a/t/36loop-runchild.t b/t/36loop-runchild.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50801d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/36loop-runchild.t
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my ( $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err );
+ code => sub { 0 },
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after sub { 0 }' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after sub { 0 }' );
+is( $child_out, "", '$child_out after sub { 0 }' );
+is( $child_err, "", '$child_err after sub { 0 }' );
+ code => sub { 3 },
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after sub { 3 }' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 3, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after sub { 3 }' );
+is( $child_out, "", '$child_out after sub { 3 }' );
+is( $child_err, "", '$child_err after sub { 3 }' );
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", '1' ],
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after perl -e 1' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after perl -e 1' );
+is( $child_out, "", '$child_out after perl -e 1' );
+is( $child_err, "", '$child_err after perl -e 1' );
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'exit 5' ],
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after perl -e exit 5' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 5, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after perl -e exit 5' );
+is( $child_out, "", '$child_out after perl -e exit 5' );
+is( $child_err, "", '$child_err after perl -e exit 5' );
+ code => sub { print "hello\n"; 0 },
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after sub { print }' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after sub { print }' );
+is( $child_out, "hello\n", '$child_out after sub { print }' );
+is( $child_err, "", '$child_err after sub { print }' );
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'print "goodbye\n"' ],
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after perl STDOUT' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after perl STDOUT' );
+is( $child_out, "goodbye\n", '$child_out after perl STDOUT' );
+is( $child_err, "", '$child_err after perl STDOUT' );
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 'print STDOUT "output\n"; print STDERR "error\n";' ],
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+is( $child_out, "output\n", '$child_out after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+is( $child_err, "error\n", '$child_err after perl STDOUT/STDERR' );
+# perl -pe 1 behaves like cat; copies STDIN to STDOUT
+ command => [ $^X, "-pe", '1' ],
+ stdin => "some data\n",
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out, $child_err ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+is( ($exitcode >> 8), 0, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+is( $child_out, "some data\n", '$child_out after perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+is( $child_err, "", '$child_err after perl STDIN->STDOUT' );
+ok( exception { $loop->run_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 1 ]
+ ) },
+ 'Missing on_finish fails'
+ok( exception { $loop->run_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 1 ],
+ on_finish => "hello"
+ ) },
+ 'on_finish not CODE ref fails'
+ok( exception { $loop->run_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 1 ],
+ on_finish => sub {},
+ on_exit => sub {},
+ ) },
+ 'on_exit parameter fails'
+ok( exception { $loop->run_child(
+ command => [ $^X, "-e", 1 ],
+ on_finish => sub {},
+ some_key_you_fail => 1
+ ) },
+ 'unrecognised key fails'
diff --git a/t/37loop-child-root.t b/t/37loop-child-root.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..237b338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/37loop-child-root.t
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "POSIX fork() is not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+# These tests check the parts of Loop->spawn_child that need to be root to
+# work. Since we're unlikely to be root, skip the lot if we're not.
+unless( $< == 0 ) {
+ plan skip_all => "not root";
+is( $>, 0, 'am root');
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my ( $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat );
+ code => sub { return $> },
+ setup => [ setuid => 10 ],
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_ },
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+is( WEXITSTATUS($exitcode), 10, 'setuid' );
+ code => sub { return $) },
+ setup => [ setgid => 10 ],
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_ },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+is( WEXITSTATUS($exitcode), 10, 'setgid' );
+ code => sub { return $) =~ m/ 5 / },
+ setup => [ setgroups => [ 4, 5, 6 ] ],
+ on_exit => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $dollarbang, $dollarat ) = @_ },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+is( WEXITSTATUS($exitcode), 1, 'setgroups' );
+my $child_out;
+ code => sub {
+ print "EUID: $>\n";
+ my ( $gid, @groups ) = split( m/ /, $) );
+ print "EGID: $gid\n";
+ print "Groups: " . join( " ", sort { $a <=> $b } @groups ) . "\n";
+ return 0;
+ },
+ setup => [
+ setgid => 10,
+ setgroups => [ 4, 5, 6, 10 ],
+ setuid => 20,
+ ],
+ on_finish => sub { ( undef, $exitcode, $child_out ) = @_; },
+undef $exitcode;
+wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+is( $child_out,
+ "EUID: 20\nEGID: 10\nGroups: 4 5 6 10\n",
+ 'combined setuid/gid/groups' );
diff --git a/t/38loop-thread.t b/t/38loop-thread.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d2389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/38loop-thread.t
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+plan skip_all => "Threads are not available" unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_THREADS;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# thread in scalar context
+ my @result;
+ $loop->create_thread(
+ code => sub { return "A result" },
+ on_joined => sub { @result = @_ },
+ );
+ wait_for { @result };
+ is_deeply( \@result, [ return => "A result" ], 'result to on_joined for returning thread' );
+# thread in list context
+ my @result;
+ $loop->create_thread(
+ code => sub { return "A result", "of many", "values" },
+ context => "list",
+ on_joined => sub { @result = @_ },
+ );
+ wait_for { @result };
+ is_deeply( \@result, [ return => "A result", "of many", "values" ], 'result to on_joined for returning thread in list context' );
+# thread that dies
+ my @result;
+ $loop->create_thread(
+ code => sub { die "Ooops I fail\n" },
+ on_joined => sub { @result = @_ },
+ );
+ wait_for { @result };
+ is_deeply( \@result, [ died => "Ooops I fail\n" ], 'result to on_joined for a died thread' );
diff --git a/t/40channel.t b/t/40channel.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930129b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/40channel.t
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Channel;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Storable qw( freeze );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# sync->sync - mostly doesn't involve IO::Async
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_rd->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_rd );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_wr->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ structure => "here" ] );
+ is_deeply( $channel_rd->recv, [ structure => "here" ], 'Sync mode channels can send/recv structures' );
+ $channel_wr->send_frozen( freeze [ prefrozen => "data" ] );
+ is_deeply( $channel_rd->recv, [ prefrozen => "data" ], 'Sync mode channels can send_frozen' );
+ $channel_wr->close;
+ is( $channel_rd->recv, undef, 'Sync mode can be closed' );
+# async->sync
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_rd->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_rd );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_wr->setup_async_mode( write_handle => $pipe_wr );
+ $loop->add( $channel_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ data => "by async" ] );
+ # Cheat for semi-sync
+ my $flushed;
+ $channel_wr->{stream}->write( "", on_flush => sub { $flushed++ } );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ is_deeply( $channel_rd->recv, [ data => "by async" ], 'Async mode channel can send' );
+ $channel_wr->close;
+ is( $channel_rd->recv, undef, 'Sync mode can be closed' );
+# sync->async configured on_recv
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my @recv_queue;
+ my $recv_eof;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_rd->setup_async_mode( read_handle => $pipe_rd );
+ $loop->add( $channel_rd );
+ $channel_rd->configure(
+ on_recv => sub {
+ identical( $_[0], $channel_rd, 'Channel passed to on_recv' );
+ push @recv_queue, $_[1];
+ },
+ on_eof => sub {
+ $recv_eof++;
+ },
+ );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_wr->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ data => "by sync" ] );
+ wait_for { @recv_queue };
+ is_deeply( shift @recv_queue, [ data => "by sync" ], 'Async mode channel can on_recv' );
+ $channel_wr->close;
+ wait_for { $recv_eof };
+ is( $recv_eof, 1, 'Async mode channel can on_eof' );
+# sync->async oneshot ->recv with future
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_rd->setup_async_mode( read_handle => $pipe_rd );
+ $loop->add( $channel_rd );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_wr->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ data => "by sync" ] );
+ my $recv_f = $channel_rd->recv;
+ wait_for { $recv_f->is_ready };
+ is_deeply( scalar $recv_f->get, [ data => "by sync" ], 'Async mode future can receive data' );
+ $channel_wr->close;
+ my $eof_f = $channel_rd->recv;
+ wait_for { $eof_f->is_ready };
+ is( ( $eof_f->failure )[1], "eof", 'Async mode future can receive EOF' );
+# sync->async oneshot ->recv with callbacks
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_rd->setup_async_mode( read_handle => $pipe_rd );
+ $loop->add( $channel_rd );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_wr->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ data => "by sync" ] );
+ my $recved;
+ $channel_rd->recv(
+ on_recv => sub {
+ identical( $_[0], $channel_rd, 'Channel passed to ->recv on_recv' );
+ $recved = $_[1];
+ },
+ on_eof => sub { die "Test failed early" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $recved };
+ is_deeply( $recved, [ data => "by sync" ], 'Async mode channel can ->recv on_recv' );
+ $channel_wr->close;
+ my $recv_eof;
+ $channel_rd->recv(
+ on_recv => sub { die "Channel recv'ed when not expecting" },
+ on_eof => sub { $recv_eof++ },
+ );
+ wait_for { $recv_eof };
+ is( $recv_eof, 1, 'Async mode channel can ->recv on_eof' );
+# sync->async write once then close
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_rd->setup_async_mode( read_handle => $pipe_rd );
+ $loop->add( $channel_rd );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_wr->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ "One value here" ] );
+ $channel_wr->close;
+ undef $channel_wr;
+ my $recved;
+ $channel_rd->recv(
+ on_recv => sub {
+ $recved = $_[1];
+ },
+ on_eof => sub { die "Test failed early" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $recved };
+ is( $recved->[0], "One value here", 'Async mode channel can ->recv buffer at EOF' );
+ $loop->remove( $channel_rd );
+# Async ->recv cancellation
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_rd->setup_async_mode( read_handle => $pipe_rd );
+ $loop->add( $channel_rd );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ $channel_wr->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ "first" ] );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ "second" ] );
+ my $r1_f = $channel_rd->recv;
+ my $r2_f = $channel_rd->recv;
+ $r1_f->cancel;
+ wait_for { $r2_f->is_ready };
+ is_deeply( scalar $r2_f->get, [ "second" ], 'Async recv result after cancellation' );
+ $loop->remove( $channel_rd );
+# Sereal encoder
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Sereal is not available", 1 unless eval { require Sereal::Encoder; require Sereal::Decoder; };
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $channel_rd = IO::Async::Channel->new(
+ codec => "Sereal"
+ );
+ $channel_rd->setup_async_mode( read_handle => $pipe_rd );
+ $loop->add( $channel_rd );
+ my $channel_wr = IO::Async::Channel->new(
+ codec => "Sereal",
+ );
+ $channel_wr->setup_sync_mode( $pipe_wr );
+ $channel_wr->send( [ data => "by sync" ] );
+ my $recv_f = $channel_rd->recv;
+ wait_for { $recv_f->is_ready };
+ is_deeply( scalar $recv_f->get, [ data => "by sync" ], 'Channel can use Sereal as codec' );
+ $loop->remove( $channel_rd );
diff --git a/t/41routine.t b/t/41routine.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..945a1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/41routine.t
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Routine;
+use IO::Async::Channel;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub test_with_model
+ my ( $model ) = @_;
+ {
+ my $calls = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $returns = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ channels_in => [ $calls ],
+ channels_out => [ $returns ],
+ code => sub {
+ while( my $args = $calls->recv ) {
+ last if ref $args eq "SCALAR";
+ my $ret = 0;
+ $ret += $_ for @$args;
+ $returns->send( \$ret );
+ }
+ },
+ on_finish => sub {},
+ );
+ isa_ok( $routine, "IO::Async::Routine", "\$routine for $model model" );
+ is_oneref( $routine, "\$routine has refcount 1 initially for $model model" );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ is_refcount( $routine, 2, "\$routine has refcount 2 after \$loop->add for $model model" );
+ is( $routine->model, $model, "\$routine->model for $model model" );
+ $calls->send( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
+ my $f = $returns->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ my $result = $f->get;
+ is( ${$result}, 6, "Result for $model model" );
+ is_refcount( $routine, 2, '$routine has refcount 2 before $loop->remove' );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );
+ is_oneref( $routine, '$routine has refcount 1 before EOF' );
+ }
+ {
+ my $returned;
+ my $return_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ code => sub { return 23 },
+ on_return => sub { $returned = $_[1]; },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $return_routine );
+ wait_for { defined $returned };
+ is( $returned, 23, "on_return for $model model" );
+ my $died;
+ my $die_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ code => sub { die "ARGH!\n" },
+ on_die => sub { $died = $_[1]; },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $die_routine );
+ wait_for { defined $died };
+ is( $died, "ARGH!\n", "on_die for $model model" );
+ }
+ {
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $finished;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ channels_in => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub { while( $channel->recv ) { 1 } },
+ on_finish => sub { $finished++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ $channel->close;
+ wait_for { $finished };
+ pass( "Recv on closed channel for $model model" );
+ }
+ {
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ channels_out => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ $SIG{INT} = sub { $channel->send( \"SIGINT" ); die "SIGINT" };
+ $channel->send( \"READY" );
+ # Busy-wait so thread kill still works
+ my $until = time() + 5;
+ 1 while time() < $until;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ my $f;
+ $f = $channel->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $f->get }, "READY", 'Routine is ready for SIGINT' );
+ $routine->kill( "INT" );
+ $f = $channel->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $f->get }, "SIGINT", 'Routine caught SIGINT' );
+ }
+foreach my $model (qw( fork thread )) {
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "This Perl does not support threads", 9
+ if $model eq "thread" and not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_THREADS;
+ skip "This Perl does not support fork()", 9
+ if $model eq "fork" and not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+ test_with_model( $model );
+ }
+# multiple channels in and out
+ my $in1 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $in2 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $out1 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $out2 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ channels_in => [ $in1, $in2 ],
+ channels_out => [ $out1, $out2 ],
+ code => sub {
+ while( my $op = $in1->recv ) {
+ $op = $$op; # deref
+ $out1->send( \"Ready $op" );
+ my @args = @{ $in2->recv };
+ my $result = $op eq "+" ? $args[0] + $args[1]
+ : "ERROR";
+ $out2->send( \$result );
+ }
+ },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $routine, "IO::Async::Routine", '$routine' );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ $in1->send( \"+" );
+ my $status_f = $out1->recv;
+ wait_for { $status_f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $status_f->get }, "Ready +", '$status_f result midway through Routine' );
+ $in2->send( [ 10, 20 ] );
+ my $result_f = $out2->recv;
+ wait_for { $result_f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $result_f->get }, 30, '$result_f result at end of Routine' );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );
+# sharing a Channel between Routines
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $src_finished;
+ my $src_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ channels_out => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ $channel->send( [ some => "data" ] );
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_finish => sub { $src_finished++ },
+ on_die => sub { die "source routine failed - $_[1]" },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $src_routine );
+ my $sink_result;
+ my $sink_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ channels_in => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ my @data = @{ $channel->recv };
+ return ( $data[0] eq "some" and $data[1] eq "data" ) ? 0 : 1;
+ },
+ on_return => sub { $sink_result = $_[1] },
+ on_die => sub { die "sink routine failed - $_[1]" },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $sink_routine );
+ wait_for { $src_finished and defined $sink_result };
+ is( $sink_result, 0, 'synchronous src->sink can share a channel' );
+# Test that 'setup' works
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This Perl does not support fork()", 1
+ if not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => "fork",
+ setup => [
+ env => { FOO => "Here is a random string" },
+ ],
+ channels_out => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ $channel->send( [ $ENV{FOO} ] );
+ $channel->close;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_finish => sub {},
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ my $f = $channel->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ my $result = $f->get;
+ is( $result->[0], "Here is a random string", '$result from Routine with modified ENV' );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );
+# Test that STDOUT/STDERR are unaffected
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This Perl does not support fork()", 1
+ if not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $routine;
+ {
+ open my $stdoutsave, ">&", \*STDOUT;
+ POSIX::dup2( $pipe_wr->fileno, STDOUT->fileno );
+ open my $stderrsave, ">&", \*STDERR;
+ POSIX::dup2( $pipe_wr->fileno, STDERR->fileno );
+ $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => "fork",
+ code => sub {
+ STDOUT->autoflush(1);
+ print STDOUT "A line to STDOUT\n";
+ print STDERR "A line to STDERR\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ POSIX::dup2( $stdoutsave->fileno, STDOUT->fileno );
+ POSIX::dup2( $stderrsave->fileno, STDERR->fileno );
+ }
+ my $buffer = "";
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $pipe_rd,
+ on_read_ready => sub { sysread $pipe_rd, $buffer, 8192, length $buffer or die "Cannot read - $!" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $buffer =~ m/\n.*\n/ };
+ is( $buffer, "A line to STDOUT\nA line to STDERR\n", 'Write-to-STD{OUT+ERR} wrote to pipe' );
+ $loop->unwatch_io( handle => $pipe_rd, on_read_ready => 1 );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );
diff --git a/t/42function.t b/t/42function.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4b1c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/42function.t
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use constant HAVE_TEST_MEMORYGROWTH => eval { require Test::MemoryGrowth; };
+use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
+use Time::HiRes qw( sleep );
+use IO::Async::Function;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# by future
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ min_workers => 1,
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => sub { return $_[0] + $_[1] },
+ );
+ ok( defined $function, '$function defined' );
+ isa_ok( $function, "IO::Async::Function", '$function isa IO::Async::Function' );
+ is_oneref( $function, '$function has refcount 1' );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ is_refcount( $function, 2, '$function has refcount 2 after $loop->add' );
+ is( $function->workers, 1, '$function has 1 worker' );
+ is( $function->workers_busy, 0, '$function has 0 workers busy' );
+ is( $function->workers_idle, 1, '$function has 1 workers idle' );
+ my $future = $function->call(
+ args => [ 10, 20 ],
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future' );
+ is_refcount( $function, 2, '$function has refcount 2 after ->call' );
+ is( $function->workers_busy, 1, '$function has 1 worker busy after ->call' );
+ is( $function->workers_idle, 0, '$function has 0 worker idle after ->call' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my ( $result ) = $future->get;
+ is( $result, 30, '$result after call returns by future' );
+ is( $function->workers_busy, 0, '$function has 0 workers busy after call returns' );
+ is( $function->workers_idle, 1, '$function has 1 workers idle after call returns' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# by callback
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ min_workers => 1,
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => sub { return $_[0] + $_[1] },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [ 10, 20 ],
+ on_return => sub { $result = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $result, 30, '$result after call returns by callback' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# Test queueing
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ min_workers => 1,
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => sub { return $_[0] + $_[1] },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my @result;
+ my $f1 = $function->call(
+ args => [ 1, 2 ],
+ on_return => sub { push @result, shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ my $f2 = $function->call(
+ args => [ 3, 4 ],
+ on_return => sub { push @result, shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ is( $function->workers, 1, '$function->workers is still 1 after 2 calls' );
+ isa_ok( $f1, "Future", '$f1' );
+ isa_ok( $f2, "Future", '$f2' );
+ wait_for { @result == 2 };
+ is_deeply( \@result, [ 3, 7 ], '@result after both calls return' );
+ is( $function->workers, 1, '$function->workers is still 1 after 2 calls return' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# References
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ code => sub { return ref( $_[0] ), \$_[1] },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my @result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [ \'a', 'b' ],
+ on_return => sub { @result = @_ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ wait_for { scalar @result };
+ is_deeply( \@result, [ 'SCALAR', \'b' ], 'Call and result preserves references' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# Exception throwing
+ my $line = __LINE__ + 2;
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ code => sub { die shift },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my $err;
+ my $f = $function->call(
+ args => [ "exception name" ],
+ on_return => sub { },
+ on_error => sub { $err = shift },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $err };
+ like( $err, qr/^exception name at \Q$0\E line \d+\.$/, '$err after exception' );
+ is_deeply( [ $f->failure ],
+ [ "exception name at $0 line $line.", error => ],
+ '$f->failure after exception' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# max_workers
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => sub { $count++; die "$count\n" },
+ exit_on_die => 0,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my @errs;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { },
+ on_error => sub { push @errs, shift },
+ );
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { },
+ on_error => sub { push @errs, shift },
+ );
+ undef @errs;
+ wait_for { scalar @errs == 2 };
+ is_deeply( \@errs, [ "1", "2" ], 'Closed variables preserved when exit_on_die => 0' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# exit_on_die
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => sub { $count++; die "$count\n" },
+ exit_on_die => 1,
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my @errs;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { },
+ on_error => sub { push @errs, shift },
+ );
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { },
+ on_error => sub { push @errs, shift },
+ );
+ undef @errs;
+ wait_for { scalar @errs == 2 };
+ is_deeply( \@errs, [ "1", "1" ], 'Closed variables preserved when exit_on_die => 1' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# restart after exit
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This Perl does not support fork()", 4
+ if not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ model => "fork",
+ min_workers => 0,
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => sub { $_[0] ? exit shift : return 0 },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my $err;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [ 16 ],
+ on_return => sub { $err = "" },
+ on_error => sub { $err = [ @_ ] },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $err };
+ # Not sure what reason we might get - need to check both
+ ok( $err->[0] eq "closed" || $err->[0] eq "exit", '$err->[0] after child death' )
+ or diag( 'Expected "closed" or "exit", found ' . $err->[0] );
+ is( scalar $function->workers, 0, '$function->workers is now 0' );
+ $function->call(
+ args => [ 0 ],
+ on_return => sub { $err = "return" },
+ on_error => sub { $err = [ @_ ] },
+ );
+ is( scalar $function->workers, 1, '$function->workers is now 1 again' );
+ undef $err;
+ wait_for { defined $err };
+ is( $err, "return", '$err is "return" after child nondeath' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+## Now test that parallel runs really are parallel
+ # touch $dir/$n in each worker, touch $dir/done to finish it
+ sub touch
+ {
+ my ( $file ) = @_;
+ open( my $fh, ">", $file ) or die "Cannot write $file - $!";
+ close( $fh );
+ }
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ min_workers => 3,
+ code => sub {
+ my ( $dir, $n ) = @_;
+ my $file = "$dir/$n";
+ touch( $file );
+ # Wait for synchronisation
+ sleep 0.1 while ! -e "$dir/done";
+ unlink( $file );
+ return $n;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ is( scalar $function->workers, 3, '$function->workers is 3' );
+ my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ my %ret;
+ foreach my $id ( 1, 2, 3 ) {
+ $function->call(
+ args => [ $dir, $id ],
+ on_return => sub { $ret{$id} = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ }
+ wait_for { -e "$dir/1" and -e "$dir/2" and -e "$dir/3" };
+ ok( 1, 'synchronise files created' );
+ # Synchronize deleting them;
+ touch( "$dir/done" );
+ undef %ret;
+ wait_for { keys %ret == 3 };
+ unlink( "$dir/done" );
+ is_deeply( \%ret, { 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3 }, 'ret keys after parallel run' );
+ is( scalar $function->workers, 3, '$function->workers is still 3' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# Test for idle timeout
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ min_workers => 0,
+ max_workers => 1,
+ idle_timeout => 2 * AUT,
+ code => sub { return $_[0] },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [ 1 ],
+ on_result => sub { $result = $_[0] },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $function->workers, 1, '$function has 1 worker after call' );
+ my $waited;
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $waited++ } );
+ wait_for { $waited };
+ is( $function->workers, 1, '$function still has 1 worker after short delay' );
+ undef $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [ 1 ],
+ on_result => sub { $result = $_[0] },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ undef $waited;
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 3 * AUT, code => sub { $waited++ } );
+ wait_for { $waited };
+ is( $function->workers, 0, '$function has 0 workers after longer delay' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# Restart
+ my $value = 1;
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ code => sub { return $value },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { $result = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $result, 1, '$result before restart' );
+ $value = 2;
+ $function->restart;
+ undef $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { $result = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $result, 2, '$result after restart' );
+ undef $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { $result = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ $function->restart;
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $result, 2, 'call before restart still returns result' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# max_worker_calls
+ my $counter;
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ max_workers => 1,
+ max_worker_calls => 2,
+ code => sub { return ++$counter; }
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { $result = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $result, 1, '$result from first call' );
+ undef $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { $result = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $result, 2, '$result from second call' );
+ undef $result;
+ $function->call(
+ args => [],
+ on_return => sub { $result = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - @_" },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $result };
+ is( $result, 1, '$result from third call' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# Cancellation of sent calls
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => sub {
+ return 123;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ my $f1 = $function->call( args => [] );
+ $f1->cancel;
+ my $f2 = $function->call( args => [] );
+ wait_for { $f2->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f2->get, 123, 'Result of function call after cancelled call' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# Cancellation of pending calls
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ max_workers => 1,
+ code => do { my $state; sub {
+ my $oldstate = $state;
+ $state = shift;
+ return $oldstate;
+ } },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ # Queue 3 calls but immediately cancel the middle one
+ my ( $f1, $f2, $f3 ) = map {
+ $function->call( args => [ $_ ] )
+ } 1 .. 3;
+ $f2->cancel;
+ wait_for { $f1->is_ready and $f3->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f1->get, undef, '$f1 result is undef' );
+ is( scalar $f3->get, 1, '$f3 result is 1' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+# Leak test (RT99552)
+ diag( "Performing memory leak test" );
+ my $function = IO::Async::Function->new(
+ max_workers => 8,
+ code => sub {},
+ );
+ $loop->add( $function );
+ Test::MemoryGrowth::no_growth( sub {
+ $function->restart;
+ $function->call( args => [] )->get;
+ }, calls => 100,
+ 'IO::Async::Function calls do not leak memory' );
+ $loop->remove( $function );
+ undef $function;
diff --git a/t/50resolver.t b/t/50resolver.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73bc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/50resolver.t
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Socket 1.93 qw(
+ pack_sockaddr_in getaddrinfo getnameinfo
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $resolver = $loop->resolver;
+isa_ok( $resolver, "IO::Async::Resolver", '$loop->resolver' );
+SKIP: {
+ my @pwuid;
+ defined eval { @pwuid = getpwuid( $< ) } or
+ skip "No getpwuid()", 5;
+ {
+ my $future = $resolver->resolve(
+ type => 'getpwuid',
+ data => [ $< ],
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my @result = $future->get;
+ is_deeply( \@result, \@pwuid, 'getpwuid from future' );
+ }
+ {
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->resolve(
+ type => 'getpwuid',
+ data => [ $< ],
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ is_deeply( $result, \@pwuid, 'getpwuid' );
+ }
+ {
+ my $result;
+ $loop->resolve(
+ type => 'getpwuid',
+ data => [ $< ],
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ is_deeply( $result, \@pwuid, 'getpwuid via $loop->resolve' );
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ my $user_name = $pwuid[0];
+ skip "getpwnam - No user name", 1 unless defined $user_name;
+ my @pwnam = getpwnam( $user_name );
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->resolve(
+ type => 'getpwnam',
+ data => [ $user_name ],
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ is_deeply( $result, \@pwnam, 'getpwnam' );
+ }
+my @proto = getprotobyname( "tcp" );
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->resolve(
+ type => 'getprotobyname',
+ data => [ "tcp" ],
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ is_deeply( $result, \@proto, 'getprotobyname' );
+SKIP: {
+ my $proto_number = $proto[2];
+ skip "getprotobynumber - No protocol number", 1 unless defined $proto_number;
+ my @proto = getprotobynumber( $proto_number );
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->resolve(
+ type => 'getprotobynumber',
+ data => [ $proto_number ],
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ is_deeply( $result, \@proto, 'getprotobynumber' );
+# Some systems seem to mangle the order of results between PF_INET and
+# PF_INET6 depending on who asks. We'll hint AF_INET + SOCK_STREAM to minimise
+# the risk of a spurious test failure because of ordering issues
+my ( $localhost_err, @localhost_addrs ) = getaddrinfo( "localhost", "www", { family => AF_INET, socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->resolve(
+ type => 'getaddrinfo_array',
+ data => [ "localhost", "www", "inet", "stream" ],
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ 'resolved', @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { $result = [ 'error', @_ ] },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ if( $localhost_err ) {
+ is( $result->[0], "error", 'getaddrinfo_array - error' );
+ is_deeply( $result->[1], "$localhost_err\n", 'getaddrinfo_array - error message' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $result->[0], "resolved", 'getaddrinfo_array - resolved' );
+ my @got = @{$result}[1..$#$result];
+ my @expect = map { [ @{$_}{qw( family socktype protocol addr canonname )} ] } @localhost_addrs;
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@expect, 'getaddrinfo_array - resolved addresses' );
+ }
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->resolve(
+ type => 'getaddrinfo_hash',
+ data => [ host => "localhost", service => "www", family => "inet", socktype => "stream" ],
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ 'resolved', @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { $result = [ 'error', @_ ] },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ if( $localhost_err ) {
+ is( $result->[0], "error", 'getaddrinfo_hash - error' );
+ is_deeply( $result->[1], "$localhost_err\n", 'getaddrinfo_hash - error message' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $result->[0], "resolved", 'getaddrinfo_hash - resolved' );
+ my @got = @{$result}[1..$#$result];
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@localhost_addrs, 'getaddrinfo_hash - resolved addresses' );
+ }
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->getaddrinfo(
+ host => "localhost",
+ service => "www",
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ 'resolved', @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { $result = [ 'error', @_ ] },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ if( $localhost_err ) {
+ is( $result->[0], "error", '$resolver->getaddrinfo - error' );
+ is_deeply( $result->[1], "$localhost_err\n", '$resolver->getaddrinfo - error message' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $result->[0], "resolved", '$resolver->getaddrinfo - resolved' );
+ my @got = @{$result}[1..$#$result];
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@localhost_addrs, '$resolver->getaddrinfo - resolved addresses' );
+ }
+ my $future = $resolver->getaddrinfo(
+ host => "localhost",
+ service => "www",
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future for $resolver->getaddrinfo' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ if( $localhost_err ) {
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "$localhost_err\n", '$resolver->getaddrinfo - error message' );
+ }
+ else {
+ my @got = $future->get;
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@localhost_addrs, '$resolver->getaddrinfo - resolved addresses' );
+ }
+ my ( $lo_err, @lo_addrs ) = getaddrinfo( "", "80", { socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->getaddrinfo(
+ host => "",
+ service => "80",
+ socktype => SOCK_STREAM,
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ 'resolved', @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { $result = [ 'error', @_ ] },
+ );
+ is( $result->[0], 'resolved', '$resolver->getaddrinfo on numeric host/service is synchronous' );
+ my @got = @{$result}[1..$#$result];
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@lo_addrs, '$resolver->getaddrinfo resolved addresses synchronously' );
+ my ( $passive_err, @passive_addrs ) = getaddrinfo( "", "3000", { socktype => SOCK_STREAM, family => AF_INET, flags => AI_PASSIVE } );
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->getaddrinfo(
+ family => "inet",
+ service => "3000",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ passive => 1,
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ 'resolved', @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { $result = [ 'error', @_ ] },
+ );
+ if( $passive_err ) {
+ is( $result->[0], "error", '$resolver->getaddrinfo passive - error synchronously' );
+ is_deeply( $result->[1], "$passive_err\n", '$resolver->getaddrinfo passive - error message' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $result->[0], "resolved", '$resolver->getaddrinfo passive - resolved synchronously' );
+ my @got = @{$result}[1..$#$result];
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@passive_addrs, '$resolver->getaddrinfo passive - resolved addresses' );
+ }
+ my ( $lo_err, @lo_addrs ) = getaddrinfo( "", "80", { socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
+ my $future = $resolver->getaddrinfo(
+ host => "",
+ service => "80",
+ socktype => SOCK_STREAM,
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future for $resolver->getaddrinfo numerical' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my @got = $future->get;
+ is_deeply( \@got, \@lo_addrs, '$resolver->getaddrinfo resolved addresses synchronously' );
+my $testaddr = pack_sockaddr_in( 80, INADDR_LOOPBACK );
+my ( $testerr, $testhost, $testserv ) = getnameinfo( $testaddr );
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->getnameinfo(
+ addr => $testaddr,
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ 'resolved', @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { $result = [ 'error', @_ ] },
+ );
+ wait_for { $result };
+ if( $testerr ) {
+ is( $result->[0], "error", '$resolver->getnameinfo - error' );
+ is_deeply( $result->[1], "$testerr\n", '$resolver->getnameinfo - error message' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $result->[0], "resolved", '$resolver->getnameinfo - resolved' );
+ is_deeply( [ @{$result}[1..2] ], [ $testhost, $testserv ], '$resolver->getnameinfo - resolved names' );
+ }
+ my $future = $resolver->getnameinfo(
+ addr => $testaddr,
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ if( $testerr ) {
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "$testerr\n", '$resolver->getnameinfo - error message from future' );
+ }
+ else {
+ my @got = $future->get;
+ is_deeply( \@got, [ $testhost, $testserv ], '$resolver->getnameinfo - resolved names from future' );
+ }
+ my $result;
+ $resolver->getnameinfo(
+ addr => $testaddr,
+ numeric => 1,
+ on_resolved => sub { $result = [ 'resolved', @_ ] },
+ on_error => sub { $result = [ 'error', @_ ] },
+ );
+ is_deeply( $result, [ resolved => "", 80 ], '$resolver->getnameinfo with numeric is synchronous' );
+ my $future = $resolver->getnameinfo(
+ addr => $testaddr,
+ numeric => 1,
+ );
+ is_deeply( [ $future->get ], [ "", 80 ], '$resolver->getnameinfo with numeric is synchronous for future' );
+# $loop->set_resolver
+ my $callcount = 0;
+ {
+ package MockResolver;
+ use base qw( IO::Async::Notifier );
+ sub new { bless {}, shift }
+ sub resolve {
+ $callcount++; return Future->done();
+ }
+ sub getaddrinfo {}
+ sub getnameinfo {}
+ }
+ $loop->set_resolver( MockResolver->new );
+ $loop->resolve( type => "getpwuid", data => [ 0 ] )->get;
+ is( $callcount, 1, '$callcount 1 after ->resolve' );
diff --git a/t/51loop-connect.t b/t/51loop-connect.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c217397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/51loop-connect.t
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use POSIX qw( ENOENT );
+use Socket qw( AF_UNIX inet_ntoa );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+use IO::Async::Socket;
+# Some odd locations like BSD jails might not like INADDR_LOOPBACK. We'll
+# establish a baseline first to test against
+ my $localsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalAddr => "localhost", Listen => 1 );
+ $localsock->sockaddr;
+ diag( "Testing with INADDR_LOOPBACK=$INADDR_LOOPBACK_HOST; this may be because of odd networking" );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# Try connect(2)ing to a socket we've just created
+my $listensock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ LocalAddr => 'localhost',
+ LocalPort => 0,
+ Listen => 1
+) or die "Cannot create listensock - $!";
+my $addr = $listensock->sockname;
+ my $future = $loop->connect(
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "stream", addr => $addr },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my ( $sock ) = $future->get;
+ can_ok( $sock, qw( peerhost peerport ) );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sock->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $addr ], 'by addr: $sock->getpeername is $addr from future' );
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+# handle
+ my $future = $loop->connect(
+ handle => my $given_stream = IO::Async::Stream->new,
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "stream", addr => $addr },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future for ->connect( handle )' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my $stream = $future->get;
+ identical( $stream, $given_stream, '$future->get returns given Stream' );
+ ok( my $sock = $stream->read_handle, '$stream has a read handle' );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sock->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $addr ], 'Returned $stream->read_handle->getpeername is $addr' );
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+# legacy callbacks
+ my $sock;
+ $loop->connect(
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "stream", addr => $addr },
+ on_connected => sub { $sock = shift; },
+ on_connect_error => sub { die "Test died early - connect error $_[0]() - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ );
+ wait_for { $sock };
+ # Not sure if it'll be an IO::Socket::INET or ::IP, but either way it should support these
+ can_ok( $sock, qw( peerhost peerport ) );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sock->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $addr ], 'by addr: $sock->getpeername is $addr' );
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+# Now try by name
+ my $future = $loop->connect(
+ host => $listensock->sockhost,
+ service => $listensock->sockport,
+ socktype => $listensock->socktype,
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my ( $sock ) = $future->get;
+ can_ok( $sock, qw( peerhost peerport ) );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sock->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $addr ], 'by host/service: $sock->getpeername is $addr from future' );
+ is( $sock->sockhost, $INADDR_LOOPBACK_HOST, '$sock->sockhost is INADDR_LOOPBACK_HOST from future' );
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+# legacy callbacks
+ my $sock;
+ $loop->connect(
+ host => $listensock->sockhost,
+ service => $listensock->sockport,
+ socktype => $listensock->socktype,
+ on_connected => sub { $sock = shift; },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test died early - resolve error - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ on_connect_error => sub { die "Test died early - connect error $_[0]() - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ );
+ wait_for { $sock };
+ can_ok( $sock, qw( peerhost peerport ) );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sock->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $addr ], 'by host/service: $sock->getpeername is $addr' );
+ is( $sock->sockhost, $INADDR_LOOPBACK_HOST, '$sock->sockhost is INADDR_LOOPBACK_HOST' );
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+SKIP: {
+ # Some OSes can't bind(2) locally to other addresses on 127./8
+ skip "Cannot bind to", 1 unless eval { IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalHost => "", LocalPort => 0
+ ) };
+ # Some can bind(2) but then cannot connect() to from it
+ chomp($@), skip "Cannot connect to from - $@", 1 unless eval {
+ my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalHost => "", LocalPort => 0,
+ PeerHost => $listensock->sockhost, PeerPort => $listensock->sockport,
+ ) or die $@;
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+ $s->sockhost eq "" or die "sockhost is not\n"; };
+ my $sock;
+ $loop->connect(
+ local_host => "",
+ host => $listensock->sockhost,
+ service => $listensock->sockport,
+ socktype => $listensock->socktype,
+ on_connected => sub { $sock = shift; },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test died early - resolve error - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ on_connect_error => sub { die "Test died early - connect error $_[0]() - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ );
+ wait_for { $sock };
+ is( $sock->sockhost, "", '$sock->sockhost is' );
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+ undef $sock; # This too
+# Now try on_stream event
+ my $stream;
+ $loop->connect(
+ host => $listensock->sockhost,
+ service => $listensock->sockport,
+ socktype => $listensock->socktype,
+ on_stream => sub { $stream = shift; },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test died early - resolve error - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ on_connect_error => sub { die "Test died early - connect error $_[0]() - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ );
+ wait_for { $stream };
+ isa_ok( $stream, "IO::Async::Stream", 'on_stream $stream isa IO::Async::Stream' );
+ my $sock = $stream->read_handle;
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sock->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $addr ], 'on_stream $sock->getpeername is $addr' );
+ $listensock->accept; # Throw it away
+my $udpsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalAddr => 'localhost', Protocol => 'udp' ) or
+ die "Cannot create udpsock - $!";
+ my $future = $loop->connect(
+ handle => my $given_socket = IO::Async::Socket->new,
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "dgram", addr => $udpsock->sockname },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $future, "Future", '$future for ->connect( handle socket )' );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my $socket = $future->get;
+ identical( $socket, $given_socket, '$future->get returns given Socket' );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $socket->read_handle->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $udpsock->sockname ], 'Returned $socket->read_handle->getpeername is $addr' );
+# legacy callbacks
+ my $sock;
+ $loop->connect(
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "dgram", addr => $udpsock->sockname },
+ on_socket => sub { $sock = shift; },
+ on_connect_error => sub { die "Test died early - connect error $_[0]() - $_[-1]\n"; },
+ );
+ wait_for { $sock };
+ isa_ok( $sock, "IO::Async::Socket", 'on_socket $sock isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $sock->read_handle->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $udpsock->sockname ], 'on_socket $sock->read_handle->getpeername is $addr' );
+SKIP: {
+ # Now try an address we know to be invalid - a UNIX socket that doesn't exist
+ socket( my $dummy, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or
+ skip "Cannot create AF_UNIX sockets - $!", 2;
+ my $error;
+ my $failop;
+ my $failerr;
+ $loop->connect(
+ addr => { family => "unix", socktype => "stream", path => "/some/path/we/know/breaks" },
+ on_connected => sub { die "Test died early - connect succeeded\n"; },
+ on_fail => sub { $failop = shift @_; $failerr = pop @_; },
+ on_connect_error => sub { $error = 1 },
+ );
+ wait_for { $error };
+ is( $failop, "connect", '$failop is connect' );
+ is( $failerr+0, ENOENT, '$failerr is ENOENT' );
+SKIP: {
+ socket( my $dummy, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or
+ skip "Cannot create AF_UNIX sockets - $!", 2;
+ my $failop;
+ my $failerr;
+ my $future = $loop->connect(
+ addr => { family => "unix", socktype => "stream", path => "/some/path/we/know/breaks" },
+ on_fail => sub { $failop = shift @_; $failerr = pop @_; },
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ is( $failop, "connect", '$failop is connect' );
+ is( $failerr+0, ENOENT, '$failerr is ENOENT' );
+ ok( $future->is_failed, '$future failed' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[2], "connect", '$future fail op is connect' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[3]+0, ENOENT, '$future fail err is ENOENT' );
+# UNIX sockets always connect(2) synchronously, meaning if they fail, the error
+# is available immediately. The above has therefore not properly tested
+# asynchronous connect(2) failures. INET sockets should do this.
+# First off we need a local socket that isn't listening - at lease one of the
+# first 100 is likely not to be
+my $port;
+my $failure;
+foreach ( 1 .. 100 ) {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerHost => "", PeerPort => $_ ) and next;
+ $failure = "$!";
+ $port = $_;
+ last;
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Cannot find an un-connect(2)able socket on", 2 unless defined $port;
+ my $failop;
+ my $failerr;
+ my @error;
+ $loop->connect(
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "stream", port => $port, ip => "" },
+ on_connected => sub { die "Test died early - connect succeeded\n"; },
+ on_fail => sub { $failop = shift @_; $failerr = pop @_; },
+ on_connect_error => sub { @error = @_; },
+ );
+ wait_for { @error };
+ is( $failop, "connect", '$failop is connect' );
+ is( "$failerr", $failure, "\$failerr is '$failure'" );
+ is( $error[0], "connect", '$error[0] is connect' );
+ is( "$error[1]", $failure, "\$error[1] is '$failure'" );
diff --git a/t/52loop-listen.t b/t/52loop-listen.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5453630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/52loop-listen.t
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use Socket qw( inet_ntoa unpack_sockaddr_in );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+# Some odd locations like BSD jails might not like INADDR_LOOPBACK. We'll
+# establish a baseline first to test against
+ my $localsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalAddr => "localhost", Listen => 1 );
+ $localsock->sockaddr;
+ diag( "Testing with INADDR_LOOPBACK=$INADDR_LOOPBACK_HOST; this may be because of odd networking" );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my $listensock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => "localhost",
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ Listen => 1,
+ ) or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ my $newclient;
+ my $f = $loop->listen(
+ handle => $listensock,
+ on_accept => sub { $newclient = $_[0]; },
+ );
+ ok( $f->is_ready, '$loop->listen on handle ready synchronously' );
+ my $notifier = $f->get;
+ isa_ok( $notifier, "IO::Async::Notifier", 'synchronous on_notifier given a Notifier' );
+ identical( $notifier->loop, $loop, 'synchronous $notifier->loop is $loop' );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listensock->sockname ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ ok( defined $clientsock->peername, '$clientsock is connected' );
+ wait_for { defined $newclient };
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $newclient->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $clientsock->sockname ], '$newclient peer is correct' );
+ my $listensock;
+ my $newclient;
+ my $f = $loop->listen(
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ service => "", # Ask the kernel to allocate a port for us
+ host => "localhost",
+ on_listen => sub { $listensock = $_[0]; },
+ on_accept => sub { $newclient = $_[0]; },
+ );
+ my $notifier = $f->get;
+ ok( defined $listensock->fileno, '$listensock has a fileno' );
+ # Not sure if it'll be an IO::Socket::INET or ::IP, but either way it should support these
+ can_ok( $listensock, qw( peerhost peerport ) );
+ isa_ok( $notifier, "IO::Async::Notifier", 'asynchronous on_notifier given a Notifier' );
+ identical( $notifier->loop, $loop, 'asynchronous $notifier->loop is $loop' );
+ my $listenaddr = $listensock->sockname;
+ ok( defined $listenaddr, '$listensock has address' );
+ my ( $listenport, $listen_inaddr ) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $listenaddr );
+ is( inet_ntoa( $listen_inaddr ), $INADDR_LOOPBACK_HOST, '$listenaddr is INADDR_LOOPBACK' );
+ my $clientsock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Type => SOCK_STREAM )
+ or die "Cannot socket() - $!";
+ $clientsock->connect( $listenaddr ) or die "Cannot connect() - $!";
+ is( (unpack_sockaddr_in( $clientsock->peername ))[0], $listenport, '$clientsock on the correct port' );
+ wait_for { defined $newclient };
+ can_ok( $newclient, qw( peerhost peerport ) );
+ is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $newclient->peername ],
+ [ unpack_sockaddr_in $clientsock->sockname ], '$newclient peer is correct' );
+# Now we want to test failure. It's hard to know in a test script what will
+# definitely fail, but it's likely we're either running as non-root, or the
+# machine has at least one of an SSH or a webserver running. In this case,
+# it's likely we'll fail to bind TCP port 22 or 80.
+my $badport;
+my $failure;
+foreach my $port ( 22, 80 ) {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ LocalHost => "localhost",
+ LocalPort => $port,
+ ReuseAddr => 1,
+ Listen => 1,
+ ) and next;
+ $badport = $port;
+ $failure = $!;
+ last;
+SKIP: {
+ skip "No bind()-failing ports found", 6 unless defined $badport;
+ my $failop;
+ my $failerr;
+ my @error;
+ # We need to capture the Listener object before failure, so we can assert
+ # it gets removed from the Loop again afterwards
+ my $listener;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ my $add = IO::Async::Loop->can( "add" );
+ local *IO::Async::Loop::add = sub {
+ $listener = $_[1];
+ $add->( @_ );
+ };
+ $loop->listen(
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ host => "localhost",
+ service => $badport,
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test died early - resolve error $_[0]\n"; },
+ on_listen => sub { die "Test died early - listen on port $badport actually succeeded\n"; },
+ on_accept => sub { "DUMMY" }, # really hope this doesn't happen ;)
+ on_fail => sub { $failop = shift; $failerr = pop; },
+ on_listen_error => sub { @error = @_; },
+ );
+ ok( defined $listener, 'Managed to capture listener being added to Loop' );
+ wait_for { @error };
+ is( $failop, "bind", '$failop is bind' );
+ is( "$failerr", $failure, "\$failerr is '$failure'" );
+ is( $error[0], "bind", '$error[0] is bind' );
+ is( "$error[1]", $failure, "\$error[1] is '$failure'" );
+ ok( defined $listener, '$listener defined after bind failure' );
+ ok( !$listener->loop, '$listener not in loop after bind failure' );
diff --git a/t/53loop-extend.t b/t/53loop-extend.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e7088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/53loop-extend.t
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# connect
+ my %connectargs;
+ my $connect_future;
+ sub IO::Async::Loop::FOO_connect
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ %connectargs = @_;
+ identical( $self, $loop, 'FOO_connect invocant is $loop' );
+ return $connect_future = $loop->new_future;
+ }
+ my $sock;
+ my $f = $loop->connect(
+ extensions => [qw( FOO )],
+ some_param => "here",
+ on_connected => sub { $sock = shift },
+ );
+ is( ref delete $connectargs{on_connected}, "CODE", 'FOO_connect received on_connected continuation' );
+ is_deeply( \%connectargs,
+ { some_param => "here" },
+ 'FOO_connect received some_param and no others' );
+ identical( $f, $connect_future, 'FOO_connect returns Future object' );
+ $loop->connect(
+ extensions => [qw( FOO BAR )],
+ param1 => "one",
+ param2 => "two",
+ on_connected => sub { $sock = shift },
+ );
+ delete $connectargs{on_connected};
+ is_deeply( \%connectargs,
+ { extensions => [qw( BAR )],
+ param1 => "one",
+ param2 => "two" },
+ 'FOO_connect still receives other extensions' );
+# listen
+ my %listenargs;
+ my $listen_future;
+ sub IO::Async::Loop::FOO_listen
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ %listenargs = @_;
+ identical( $self, $loop, 'FOO_listen invocant is $loop' );
+ return $listen_future = $loop->new_future;
+ }
+ my $sock;
+ my $f = $loop->listen(
+ extensions => [qw( FOO )],
+ some_param => "here",
+ on_accept => sub { $sock = shift },
+ );
+ isa_ok( delete $listenargs{listener}, "IO::Async::Listener", '$listenargs{listener}' );
+ is_deeply( \%listenargs,
+ { some_param => "here" },
+ 'FOO_listen received some_param and no others' );
+ identical( $f, $listen_future, 'FOO_listen returns Future object' );
+ $loop->listen(
+ extensions => [qw( FOO BAR )],
+ param1 => "one",
+ param2 => "two",
+ on_accept => sub { $sock = shift },
+ );
+ delete $listenargs{listener};
+ is_deeply( \%listenargs,
+ { extensions => [qw( BAR )],
+ param1 => "one",
+ param2 => "two" },
+ 'FOO_listen still receives other extensions' );
diff --git a/t/60protocol.t b/t/60protocol.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..493931e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/60protocol.t
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Handle;
+use IO::Async::Protocol;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+# Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+$S1->blocking( 0 );
+$S2->blocking( 0 );
+my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub {},
+ on_write_ready => sub {},
+my @setup_args;
+my @teardown_args;
+my $readready;
+my $writeready;
+my $proto = TestProtocol->new;
+ok( defined $proto, '$proto defined' );
+isa_ok( $proto, "IO::Async::Protocol", '$proto isa IO::Async::Protocol' );
+is_oneref( $proto, '$proto has refcount 1 initially' );
+$proto->configure( transport => $handle );
+identical( $proto->transport, $handle, '$proto->transport' );
+is( scalar @setup_args, 1, '@setup_args after configure transport' );
+identical( $setup_args[0], $handle, '$setup_args[0] after configure transport');
+undef @setup_args;
+is_oneref( $proto, '$proto has refcount 1 after configure transport' );
+# lexical $handle, $proto->{transport}, $proto->{children} == 3
+is_refcount( $handle, 3, '$handle has refcount 3 after proto configure transport' );
+$loop->add( $proto );
+is_refcount( $proto, 2, '$proto has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+is_refcount( $handle, 4, '$handle has refcount 4 after adding proto to Loop' );
+$S2->syswrite( "hello\n" );
+wait_for { $readready };
+is( $readready, 1, '$readready after wait' );
+# Just to shut poll/select/etc... up
+$S1->sysread( my $dummy, 8192 );
+my $newhandle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub {},
+ on_write_ready => sub {},
+$proto->configure( transport => $newhandle );
+identical( $proto->transport, $newhandle, '$proto->transport after reconfigure' );
+is( scalar @teardown_args, 1, '@teardown_args after reconfigure transport' );
+identical( $teardown_args[0], $handle, '$teardown_args[0] after reconfigure transport');
+is( scalar @setup_args, 1, '@setup_args after reconfigure transport' );
+identical( $setup_args[0], $newhandle, '$setup_args[0] after reconfigure transport');
+undef @teardown_args;
+undef @setup_args;
+is_oneref( $handle, '$handle has refcount 1 after reconfigure' );
+my $closed = 0;
+ on_closed => sub { $closed++ },
+wait_for { $closed };
+is( $closed, 1, '$closed after stream close' );
+is( $proto->transport, undef, '$proto->transport is undef after close' );
+is_refcount( $proto, 2, '$proto has refcount 2 before removal from Loop' );
+$loop->remove( $proto );
+is_oneref( $proto, '$proto has refcount 1 before EOF' );
+package TestProtocol;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Protocol );
+sub setup_transport
+ my $self = shift;
+ @setup_args = @_;
+ my ( $transport ) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::setup_transport( $transport );
+ $transport->configure(
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+ on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
+ );
+sub teardown_transport
+ my $self = shift;
+ @teardown_args = @_;
+ my ( $transport ) = @_;
+ $transport->configure(
+ on_read_ready => sub {},
+ on_write_ready => sub {},
+ );
+ $self->SUPER::teardown_transport( $transport );
diff --git a/t/61protocol-stream.t b/t/61protocol-stream.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da5832a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/61protocol-stream.t
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+use IO::Async::Protocol::Stream;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use Socket qw( SOCK_STREAM );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+# Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my @lines;
+ my $streamproto = IO::Async::Protocol::Stream->new(
+ transport => IO::Async::Stream->new( handle => $S1 ),
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $streamproto, '$streamproto defined' );
+ isa_ok( $streamproto, "IO::Async::Protocol::Stream", '$streamproto isa IO::Async::Protocol::Stream' );
+ is_oneref( $streamproto, '$streamproto has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $streamproto );
+ is_refcount( $streamproto, 2, '$streamproto has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [], '@lines before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @lines };
+ is_deeply( \@lines, [ "message\n" ], '@lines after wait' );
+ undef @lines;
+ my @new_lines;
+ $streamproto->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @new_lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $S2->syswrite( "new\nlines\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @new_lines };
+ is( scalar @lines, 0, '@lines still empty after on_read replace' );
+ is_deeply( \@new_lines, [ "new\n", "lines\n" ], '@new_lines after on_read replace' );
+ $streamproto->write( "response\n" );
+ my $response = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $response =~ m/\n/ } $S2 => $response;
+ is( $response, "response\n", 'response written by protocol' );
+ my $done;
+ my $flushed;
+ $streamproto->write(
+ sub {
+ is( $_[0], $streamproto, 'writersub $_[0] is $streamproto' );
+ return $done++ ? undef : "a lazy message\n";
+ },
+ on_flush => sub {
+ is( $_[0], $streamproto, 'on_flush $_[0] is $streamproto' );
+ $flushed = 1;
+ },
+ );
+ wait_for { $flushed };
+ $response = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $response =~ m/\n/ } $S2 => $response;
+ is( $response, "a lazy message\n", 'response written by protocol writersub' );
+ my $closed = 0;
+ $streamproto->configure(
+ on_closed => sub { $closed++ },
+ );
+ $S2->close;
+ wait_for { $closed };
+ is( $closed, 1, '$closed after stream close' );
+ is_refcount( $streamproto, 2, '$streamproto has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $streamproto );
+ is_oneref( $streamproto, '$streamproto refcount 1 finally' );
+my @sub_lines;
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my $streamproto = TestProtocol::Stream->new(
+ transport => IO::Async::Stream->new( handle => $S1 ),
+ );
+ ok( defined $streamproto, 'subclass $streamproto defined' );
+ isa_ok( $streamproto, "IO::Async::Protocol::Stream", '$streamproto isa IO::Async::Protocol::Stream' );
+ is_oneref( $streamproto, 'subclass $streamproto has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $streamproto );
+ is_refcount( $streamproto, 2, 'subclass $streamproto has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [], '@sub_lines before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @sub_lines };
+ is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [ "message\n" ], '@sub_lines after wait' );
+ $loop->remove( $streamproto );
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my $serversock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ LocalHost => "localhost",
+ LocalPort => 0,
+ Listen => 1,
+ ) or die "Cannot create server socket - $!";
+ my @lines;
+ my $streamproto = IO::Async::Protocol::Stream->new(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ );
+ $loop->add( $streamproto );
+ my $connected = 0;
+ $streamproto->connect(
+ host => $serversock->sockhost,
+ service => $serversock->sockport,
+ family => $serversock->sockdomain,
+ on_connected => sub { $connected++ },
+ on_connect_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $connected };
+ my $clientsock = $serversock->accept;
+ is( $streamproto->transport->read_handle->peerport,
+ $serversock->sockport,
+ 'Protocol is connected to server socket port' );
+ $clientsock->syswrite( "A message\n" );
+ undef @lines;
+ wait_for { @lines };
+ is( $lines[0], "A message\n", 'Protocol transport works' );
+ my $read_eof;
+ my $write_eof;
+ my $streamproto = IO::Async::Protocol::Stream->new(
+ on_read_eof => sub { $read_eof++ },
+ on_write_eof => sub { $write_eof++ },
+ );
+ $streamproto->configure( transport => my $stream = IO::Async::Stream->new );
+ $stream->invoke_event( on_read_eof => );
+ is( $read_eof, 1, '$read_eof after on_read_eof' );
+ $stream->invoke_event( on_write_eof => );
+ is( $write_eof, 1, '$write_eof after on_write_eof' );
+package TestProtocol::Stream;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Protocol::Stream );
+sub on_read
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $eof ) = @_;
+ push @sub_lines, $1 while $$buffref =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/t/62protocol-linestream.t b/t/62protocol-linestream.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2acab97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/62protocol-linestream.t
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+# Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+$S1->blocking( 0 );
+$S2->blocking( 0 );
+my @lines;
+my $linestreamproto = IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_line => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @lines, $_[0];
+ },
+ok( defined $linestreamproto, '$linestreamproto defined' );
+isa_ok( $linestreamproto, "IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream", '$linestreamproto isa IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream' );
+is_oneref( $linestreamproto, '$linestreamproto has refcount 1 initially' );
+$loop->add( $linestreamproto );
+is_refcount( $linestreamproto, 2, '$linestreamproto has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+$S2->syswrite( "message\r\n" );
+is_deeply( \@lines, [], '@lines before wait' );
+wait_for { scalar @lines };
+is_deeply( \@lines, [ "message" ], '@lines after wait' );
+undef @lines;
+my @new_lines;
+ on_read_line => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @new_lines, $_[0];
+ },
+$S2->syswrite( "new\r\nlines\r\n" );
+wait_for { scalar @new_lines };
+is( scalar @lines, 0, '@lines still empty after on_read replace' );
+is_deeply( \@new_lines, [ "new", "lines" ], '@new_lines after on_read replace' );
+$linestreamproto->write_line( "response" );
+my $response = "";
+wait_for_stream { $response =~ m/\r\n/ } $S2 => $response;
+is( $response, "response\r\n", 'response written by protocol' );
+my @sub_lines;
+$linestreamproto = TestProtocol::Stream->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ok( defined $linestreamproto, 'subclass $linestreamproto defined' );
+isa_ok( $linestreamproto, "IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream", '$linestreamproto isa IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream' );
+is_oneref( $linestreamproto, 'subclass $linestreamproto has refcount 1 initially' );
+$loop->add( $linestreamproto );
+is_refcount( $linestreamproto, 2, 'subclass $linestreamproto has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+$S2->syswrite( "message\r\n" );
+is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [], '@sub_lines before wait' );
+wait_for { scalar @sub_lines };
+is_deeply( \@sub_lines, [ "message" ], '@sub_lines after wait' );
+undef @lines;
+$loop->remove( $linestreamproto );
+undef $linestreamproto;
+package TestProtocol::Stream;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Protocol::LineStream );
+sub on_read_line
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @sub_lines, $_[0];
diff --git a/t/63handle-connect.t b/t/63handle-connect.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1318923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/63handle-connect.t
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::Handle;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use Socket qw( SOCK_STREAM );
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# Try connect(2)ing to a socket we've just created
+my $listensock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ LocalAddr => 'localhost',
+ LocalPort => 0,
+ Listen => 1
+) or die "Cannot create listensock - $!";
+my $addr = $listensock->sockname;
+# ->connect to plain addr
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ on_read_ready => sub {},
+ on_write_ready => sub {},
+ );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ my $f = $handle->connect( addr => [ 'inet', 'stream', 0, $addr ] );
+ ok( defined $f, '$handle->connect Future defined' );
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ $f->is_failed and $f->get;
+ ok( defined $handle->read_handle, '$handle->read_handle defined after ->connect addr' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle->peerport, $listensock->sockport, '$handle->read_handle->peerport after ->connect addr' );
+ $listensock->accept; # drop it
+ $loop->remove( $handle );
+# ->connect to host/service
+ my $handle = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ on_read_ready => sub {},
+ on_write_ready => sub {},
+ );
+ $loop->add( $handle );
+ my $f = $handle->connect(
+ family => "inet",
+ socktype => "stream",
+ host => $listensock->sockhost,
+ service => $listensock->sockport,
+ );
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ $f->is_failed and $f->get;
+ ok( defined $handle->read_handle, '$handle->read_handle defined after ->connect host/service' );
+ is( $handle->read_handle->peerport, $listensock->sockport, '$handle->read_handle->peerport after ->connect host/service' );
+ $listensock->accept; # drop it
+ $loop->remove( $handle );
diff --git a/t/64handle-bind.t b/t/64handle-bind.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..772f9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/64handle-bind.t
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::Handle;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# ->bind a UDP service
+ my $recv_count;
+ my $receiver = IO::Async::Handle->new(
+ on_read_ready => sub { $recv_count++ },
+ on_write_ready => sub { },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $receiver );
+ $receiver->bind(
+ service => "0",
+ socktype => "dgram",
+ )->get;
+ ok( $receiver->read_handle->sockport, '$receiver bound to a read handle' );
diff --git a/t/99pod.t b/t/99pod.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb319fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/99pod.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b4fc9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package t::StupidLoop;
+use strict;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Loop );
+sub new { return bless {}, shift; }
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b3d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package t::TimeAbout;
+use Test::More;
+use Time::HiRes qw( time );
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+use Exporter 'import';
+our @EXPORT = qw( time_about );
+# Kindof like Test::Timer only we use Time::HiRes
+# We'll be quite lenient on the time taken, in case of heavy test machine load
+sub time_about
+ my ( $code, $target, $name ) = @_;
+ my $lower = $target*0.75;
+ my $upper = $target*1.5 + 1;
+ my $now = time;
+ $code->();
+ my $took = (time - $now) / AUT;
+ cmp_ok( $took, '>', $lower, "$name took at least $lower" );
+ cmp_ok( $took, '<', $upper * 3, "$name took no more than $upper" );
+ if( $took > $upper and $took <= $upper * 3 ) {
+ diag( "$name took longer than $upper - this may just be an indication of a busy testing machine rather than a bug" );
+ }