path: root/t/41routine.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/41routine.t')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/41routine.t b/t/41routine.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..945a1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/41routine.t
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Routine;
+use IO::Async::Channel;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+sub test_with_model
+ my ( $model ) = @_;
+ {
+ my $calls = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $returns = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ channels_in => [ $calls ],
+ channels_out => [ $returns ],
+ code => sub {
+ while( my $args = $calls->recv ) {
+ last if ref $args eq "SCALAR";
+ my $ret = 0;
+ $ret += $_ for @$args;
+ $returns->send( \$ret );
+ }
+ },
+ on_finish => sub {},
+ );
+ isa_ok( $routine, "IO::Async::Routine", "\$routine for $model model" );
+ is_oneref( $routine, "\$routine has refcount 1 initially for $model model" );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ is_refcount( $routine, 2, "\$routine has refcount 2 after \$loop->add for $model model" );
+ is( $routine->model, $model, "\$routine->model for $model model" );
+ $calls->send( [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
+ my $f = $returns->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ my $result = $f->get;
+ is( ${$result}, 6, "Result for $model model" );
+ is_refcount( $routine, 2, '$routine has refcount 2 before $loop->remove' );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );
+ is_oneref( $routine, '$routine has refcount 1 before EOF' );
+ }
+ {
+ my $returned;
+ my $return_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ code => sub { return 23 },
+ on_return => sub { $returned = $_[1]; },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $return_routine );
+ wait_for { defined $returned };
+ is( $returned, 23, "on_return for $model model" );
+ my $died;
+ my $die_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ code => sub { die "ARGH!\n" },
+ on_die => sub { $died = $_[1]; },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $die_routine );
+ wait_for { defined $died };
+ is( $died, "ARGH!\n", "on_die for $model model" );
+ }
+ {
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $finished;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ channels_in => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub { while( $channel->recv ) { 1 } },
+ on_finish => sub { $finished++ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ $channel->close;
+ wait_for { $finished };
+ pass( "Recv on closed channel for $model model" );
+ }
+ {
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => $model,
+ channels_out => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ $SIG{INT} = sub { $channel->send( \"SIGINT" ); die "SIGINT" };
+ $channel->send( \"READY" );
+ # Busy-wait so thread kill still works
+ my $until = time() + 5;
+ 1 while time() < $until;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ my $f;
+ $f = $channel->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $f->get }, "READY", 'Routine is ready for SIGINT' );
+ $routine->kill( "INT" );
+ $f = $channel->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $f->get }, "SIGINT", 'Routine caught SIGINT' );
+ }
+foreach my $model (qw( fork thread )) {
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "This Perl does not support threads", 9
+ if $model eq "thread" and not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_THREADS;
+ skip "This Perl does not support fork()", 9
+ if $model eq "fork" and not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+ test_with_model( $model );
+ }
+# multiple channels in and out
+ my $in1 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $in2 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $out1 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $out2 = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ channels_in => [ $in1, $in2 ],
+ channels_out => [ $out1, $out2 ],
+ code => sub {
+ while( my $op = $in1->recv ) {
+ $op = $$op; # deref
+ $out1->send( \"Ready $op" );
+ my @args = @{ $in2->recv };
+ my $result = $op eq "+" ? $args[0] + $args[1]
+ : "ERROR";
+ $out2->send( \$result );
+ }
+ },
+ on_finish => sub { },
+ );
+ isa_ok( $routine, "IO::Async::Routine", '$routine' );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ $in1->send( \"+" );
+ my $status_f = $out1->recv;
+ wait_for { $status_f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $status_f->get }, "Ready +", '$status_f result midway through Routine' );
+ $in2->send( [ 10, 20 ] );
+ my $result_f = $out2->recv;
+ wait_for { $result_f->is_ready };
+ is( ${ $result_f->get }, 30, '$result_f result at end of Routine' );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );
+# sharing a Channel between Routines
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $src_finished;
+ my $src_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ channels_out => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ $channel->send( [ some => "data" ] );
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_finish => sub { $src_finished++ },
+ on_die => sub { die "source routine failed - $_[1]" },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $src_routine );
+ my $sink_result;
+ my $sink_routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ channels_in => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ my @data = @{ $channel->recv };
+ return ( $data[0] eq "some" and $data[1] eq "data" ) ? 0 : 1;
+ },
+ on_return => sub { $sink_result = $_[1] },
+ on_die => sub { die "sink routine failed - $_[1]" },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $sink_routine );
+ wait_for { $src_finished and defined $sink_result };
+ is( $sink_result, 0, 'synchronous src->sink can share a channel' );
+# Test that 'setup' works
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This Perl does not support fork()", 1
+ if not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+ my $channel = IO::Async::Channel->new;
+ my $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => "fork",
+ setup => [
+ env => { FOO => "Here is a random string" },
+ ],
+ channels_out => [ $channel ],
+ code => sub {
+ $channel->send( [ $ENV{FOO} ] );
+ $channel->close;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ on_finish => sub {},
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ my $f = $channel->recv;
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ my $result = $f->get;
+ is( $result->[0], "Here is a random string", '$result from Routine with modified ENV' );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );
+# Test that STDOUT/STDERR are unaffected
+SKIP: {
+ skip "This Perl does not support fork()", 1
+ if not IO::Async::OS->HAVE_POSIX_FORK;
+ my ( $pipe_rd, $pipe_wr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair;
+ my $routine;
+ {
+ open my $stdoutsave, ">&", \*STDOUT;
+ POSIX::dup2( $pipe_wr->fileno, STDOUT->fileno );
+ open my $stderrsave, ">&", \*STDERR;
+ POSIX::dup2( $pipe_wr->fileno, STDERR->fileno );
+ $routine = IO::Async::Routine->new(
+ model => "fork",
+ code => sub {
+ STDOUT->autoflush(1);
+ print STDOUT "A line to STDOUT\n";
+ print STDERR "A line to STDERR\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ );
+ $loop->add( $routine );
+ POSIX::dup2( $stdoutsave->fileno, STDOUT->fileno );
+ POSIX::dup2( $stderrsave->fileno, STDERR->fileno );
+ }
+ my $buffer = "";
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $pipe_rd,
+ on_read_ready => sub { sysread $pipe_rd, $buffer, 8192, length $buffer or die "Cannot read - $!" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $buffer =~ m/\n.*\n/ };
+ is( $buffer, "A line to STDOUT\nA line to STDERR\n", 'Write-to-STD{OUT+ERR} wrote to pipe' );
+ $loop->unwatch_io( handle => $pipe_rd, on_read_ready => 1 );
+ $loop->remove( $routine );