path: root/t/25socket.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/25socket.t')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/25socket.t b/t/25socket.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da852f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/25socket.t
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use Socket qw( unpack_sockaddr_in );
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::Async::Socket;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new_builtin;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+# useful test function
+sub recv_data
+ my ( $s ) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ret = $s->recv( $buffer, 8192 );
+ return $buffer if defined $ret and length $buffer;
+ die "Socket closed" if defined $ret;
+ return "" if $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
+ die "Cannot recv - $!";
+ok( !exception { IO::Async::Socket->new( write_handle => \*STDOUT ) }, 'Send-only Socket works' );
+# Receiving
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ my @S2addr = unpack_sockaddr_in $S2->sockname;
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my @received;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_recv => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $dgram, $sender ) = @_;
+ push @received, [ $dgram, unpack_sockaddr_in $sender ];
+ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $socket, 'recving $socket defined' );
+ isa_ok( $socket, "IO::Async::Socket", 'recving $socket isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'recving $socket has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'recving $socket has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $S2->send( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@received, [], '@received before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @received };
+ is_deeply( \@received,
+ [ [ "message\n", @S2addr ] ],
+ '@received after wait' );
+ undef @received;
+ my @new_received;
+ $socket->configure(
+ on_recv => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $dgram, $sender ) = @_;
+ push @new_received, [ $dgram, unpack_sockaddr_in $sender ];
+ },
+ );
+ $S2->send( "another message\n" );
+ wait_for { scalar @new_received };
+ is( scalar @received, 0, '@received still empty after on_recv replace' );
+ is_deeply( \@new_received,
+ [ [ "another message\n", @S2addr ] ],
+ '@new_received after on_recv replace' );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'receiving $socket has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'receiving $socket refcount 1 finally' );
+SKIP: {
+ # Don't bother with an OS constant for this as it's only used by this unit-test
+ skip "This OS cannot safely ->recv with truncation", 3 if $^O eq "MSWin32";
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my @frags;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ recv_len => 4,
+ on_recv => sub {
+ my ( $self, $dgram ) = @_;
+ push @frags, $dgram;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ $S2->send( "A nice long message" );
+ $S2->send( "another one here" );
+ $S2->send( "and again" );
+ wait_for { scalar @frags };
+ is_deeply( \@frags, [ "A ni" ], '@frags with recv_len=4 without recv_all' );
+ wait_for { @frags == 3 };
+ is_deeply( \@frags, [ "A ni", "anot", "and " ], '@frags finally with recv_len=4 without recv_all' );
+ undef @frags;
+ $socket->configure( recv_all => 1 );
+ $S2->send( "Long messages" );
+ $S2->send( "Repeated" );
+ $S2->send( "Once more" );
+ wait_for { scalar @frags };
+ is_deeply( \@frags, [ "Long", "Repe", "Once" ], '@frags with recv_len=4 with recv_all' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ my $no_on_recv_socket;
+ ok( !exception { $no_on_recv_socket = IO::Async::Socket->new( handle => $S1 ) },
+ 'Allowed to construct a Socket without an on_recv handler' );
+ ok( exception { $loop->add( $no_on_recv_socket ) },
+ 'Not allowed to add an on_recv-less Socket to a Loop' );
+ }
+# Subclass
+my @sub_received;
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ my @S2addr = unpack_sockaddr_in $S2->sockname;
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my $socket = TestSocket->new(
+ handle => $S1,
+ );
+ ok( defined $socket, 'receiving subclass $socket defined' );
+ isa_ok( $socket, "IO::Async::Socket", 'receiving $socket isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'subclass $socket has refcount 1 initially' );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'subclass $socket has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ $S2->send( "message\n" );
+ is_deeply( \@sub_received, [], '@sub_received before wait' );
+ wait_for { scalar @sub_received };
+ is_deeply( \@sub_received,
+ [ [ "message\n", @S2addr ] ],
+ '@sub_received after wait' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+# Sending
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( "inet", "dgram" ) or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ # Need sockets in nonblocking mode
+ $S1->blocking( 0 );
+ $S2->blocking( 0 );
+ my $empty;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ write_handle => $S1,
+ on_outgoing_empty => sub { $empty = 1 },
+ );
+ ok( defined $socket, 'sending $socket defined' );
+ isa_ok( $socket, "IO::Async::Socket", 'sending $socket isa IO::Async::Socket' );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'sending $socket has refcount 1 intially' );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'sending $socket has refcount 2 after adding to Loop' );
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'want_writeready before send' );
+ $socket->send( "message\n" );
+ ok( $socket->want_writeready, 'want_writeready after send' );
+ wait_for { $empty };
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'want_writeready after wait' );
+ is( $empty, 1, '$empty after writing buffer' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "message\n", 'data after writing buffer' );
+ $socket->configure( autoflush => 1 );
+ $socket->send( "immediate\n" );
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'not want_writeready after autoflush send' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "immediate\n", 'data after autoflush send' );
+ $socket->configure( autoflush => 0 );
+ $socket->send( "First\n" );
+ $socket->configure( autoflush => 1 );
+ $socket->send( "Second\n" );
+ ok( !$socket->want_writeready, 'not want_writeready after split autoflush send' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "First\n", 'data[0] after split autoflush send' );
+ is( recv_data( $S2 ), "Second\n", 'data[1] after split autoflush send' );
+ is_refcount( $socket, 2, 'sending $socket has refcount 2 before removing from Loop' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ is_oneref( $socket, 'sending $socket has refcount 1 finally' );
+# Socket errors
+ my ( $ES1, $ES2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ $ES2->syswrite( "X" ); # ensuring $ES1 is read- and write-ready
+ # cheating and hackery
+ bless $ES1, "ErrorSocket";
+ $ErrorSocket::errno = ECONNRESET;
+ my $recv_errno;
+ my $send_errno;
+ my $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ read_handle => $ES1,
+ on_recv => sub {},
+ on_recv_error => sub { ( undef, $recv_errno ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ wait_for { defined $recv_errno };
+ cmp_ok( $recv_errno, "==", ECONNRESET, 'errno after failed recv' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+ $socket = IO::Async::Socket->new(
+ write_handle => $ES1,
+ on_send_error => sub { ( undef, $send_errno ) = @_ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $socket );
+ $socket->send( "hello" );
+ wait_for { defined $send_errno };
+ cmp_ok( $send_errno, "==", ECONNRESET, 'errno after failed send' );
+ $loop->remove( $socket );
+package TestSocket;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Socket );
+use Socket qw( unpack_sockaddr_in );
+sub on_recv
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $dgram, $sender ) = @_;
+ push @sub_received, [ $dgram, unpack_sockaddr_in $sender ];
+package ErrorSocket;
+use base qw( IO::Socket );
+our $errno;
+sub recv { $! = $errno; undef; }
+sub send { $! = $errno; undef; }
+sub close { }