path: root/lib/IO/Async/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/IO/Async/')
1 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2009-2015 --
+package IO::Async::LoopTests;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Exporter 'import';
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ run_tests
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Test qw();
+use IO::Async::OS;
+use IO::File;
+use Fcntl qw( SEEK_SET );
+use POSIX qw( SIGTERM );
+use Socket qw( sockaddr_family AF_UNIX );
+use Time::HiRes qw( time );
+our $VERSION = '0.67';
+# Abstract Units of Time
+use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
+# The loop under test. We keep it in a single lexical here, so we can use
+# is_oneref tests in the individual test suite functions
+my $loop;
+END { undef $loop }
+=head1 NAME
+C<IO::Async::LoopTests> - acceptance testing for C<IO::Async::Loop> subclasses
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use IO::Async::LoopTests;
+ run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Shiney', 'io' );
+This module contains a collection of test functions for running acceptance
+tests on L<IO::Async::Loop> subclasses. It is provided as a facility for
+authors of such subclasses to ensure that the code conforms to the Loop API
+required by C<IO::Async>.
+=head1 TIMING
+Certain tests require the use of timers or timed delays. Normally these are
+counted in units of seconds. By setting the environment variable
+C<TEST_QUICK_TIMERS> to some true value, these timers run 10 times quicker,
+being measured in units of 0.1 seconds instead. This value may be useful when
+running the tests interactively, to avoid them taking too long. The slower
+timers are preferred on automated smoke-testing machines, to help guard
+against false negatives reported simply because of scheduling delays or high
+system load while testing.
+ TEST_QUICK_TIMERS=1 ./Build test
+=head2 run_tests( $class, @tests )
+Runs a test or collection of tests against the loop subclass given. The class
+being tested is loaded by this function; the containing script does not need
+to C<require> or C<use> it first.
+This function runs C<Test::More::plan> to output its expected test count; the
+containing script should not do this.
+sub run_tests
+ my ( $testclass, @tests ) = @_;
+ my $count = 0;
+ $count += __PACKAGE__->can( "count_tests_$_" )->() + 4 for @tests;
+ plan tests => $count;
+ ( my $file = "$" ) =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ eval { require $file };
+ if( $@ ) {
+ BAIL_OUT( "Unable to load $testclass - $@" );
+ }
+ foreach my $test ( @tests ) {
+ $loop = $testclass->new;
+ isa_ok( $loop, $testclass, '$loop' );
+ is( IO::Async::Loop->new, $loop, 'magic constructor yields $loop' );
+ # Kill the reference in $ONE_TRUE_LOOP so as not to upset the refcounts
+ # and to ensure we get a new one each time
+ undef $IO::Async::Loop::ONE_TRUE_LOOP;
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1' );
+ __PACKAGE__->can( "run_tests_$test" )->();
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 finally' );
+ }
+sub wait_for(&)
+ # Bounce via here so we don't upset refcount tests by having loop
+ # permanently set in IO::Async::Test
+ IO::Async::Test::testing_loop( $loop );
+ # Override prototype - I know what I'm doing
+ &IO::Async::Test::wait_for( @_ );
+ IO::Async::Test::testing_loop( undef );
+sub time_between(&$$$)
+ my ( $code, $lower, $upper, $name ) = @_;
+ my $start = time;
+ $code->();
+ my $took = ( time - $start ) / AUT;
+ cmp_ok( $took, '>=', $lower, "$name took at least $lower seconds" ) if defined $lower;
+ cmp_ok( $took, '<=', $upper * 3, "$name took no more than $upper seconds" ) if defined $upper;
+ if( $took > $upper and $took <= $upper * 3 ) {
+ diag( "$name took longer than $upper seconds - this may just be an indication of a busy testing machine rather than a bug" );
+ }
+The following test suite names exist, to be passed as a name in the C<@tests>
+argument to C<run_tests>:
+=head2 io
+Tests the Loop's ability to watch filehandles for IO readiness
+use constant count_tests_io => 18;
+sub run_tests_io
+ {
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
+ my $readready = 0;
+ my $writeready = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+ );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_io on_read_ready' );
+ is( $readready, 0, '$readready still 0 before ->loop_once' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 0, '$readready when idle' );
+ $S2->syswrite( "data\n" );
+ # We should still wait a little while even thought we expect to be ready
+ # immediately, because talking to ourself with 0 poll timeout is a race
+ # condition - we can still race with the kernel.
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 1, '$readready after loop_once' );
+ # Ready $S1 to clear the data
+ $S1->getline; # ignore return
+ $loop->unwatch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+ );
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+ );
+ $readready = 0;
+ $S2->syswrite( "more data\n" );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 1, '$readready after ->unwatch_io/->watch_io' );
+ $S1->getline; # ignore return
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
+ );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_io on_write_ready' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $writeready, 1, '$writeready after loop_once' );
+ $loop->unwatch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_write_ready => 1,
+ );
+ $readready = 0;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 0, '$readready before HUP' );
+ $S2->close;
+ $readready = 0;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 1, '$readready after HUP' );
+ $loop->unwatch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ # HUP of pipe - can be different to sockets on some architectures
+ {
+ my ( $Prd, $Pwr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+ $_->blocking( 0 ) for $Prd, $Pwr;
+ my $readready = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $Prd,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+ );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 0, '$readready before pipe HUP' );
+ $Pwr->close;
+ $readready = 0;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 1, '$readready after pipe HUP' );
+ $loop->unwatch_io(
+ handle => $Prd,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ $loop->_CAN_ON_HANGUP or skip "Loop cannot watch_io for on_hangup", 2;
+ SKIP: {
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ $_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
+ sockaddr_family( $S1->sockname ) == AF_UNIX or skip "Cannot reliably detect hangup condition on non AF_UNIX sockets", 1;
+ my $hangup = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_hangup => sub { $hangup = 1 },
+ );
+ $S2->close;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $hangup, 1, '$hangup after socket close' );
+ }
+ my ( $Prd, $Pwr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
+ $_->blocking( 0 ) for $Prd, $Pwr;
+ my $hangup = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $Pwr,
+ on_hangup => sub { $hangup = 1 },
+ );
+ $Prd->close;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $hangup, 1, '$hangup after pipe close for writing' );
+ }
+ # Check that combined read/write handlers can cancel each other
+ {
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ $_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
+ my $callcount = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub {
+ $callcount++;
+ $loop->unwatch_io( handle => $S1, on_read_ready => 1, on_write_ready => 1 );
+ },
+ on_write_ready => sub {
+ $callcount++;
+ $loop->unwatch_io( handle => $S1, on_read_ready => 1, on_write_ready => 1 );
+ },
+ );
+ $S2->close;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $callcount, 1, 'read/write_ready can cancel each other' );
+ }
+ # Check that cross-connected handlers can cancel each other
+ {
+ my ( $SA1, $SA2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ my ( $SB1, $SB2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
+ $_->blocking( 0 ) for $SA1, $SA2, $SB1, $SB2;
+ my @handles = ( $SA1, $SB1 );
+ my $callcount = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $_,
+ on_write_ready => sub {
+ $callcount++;
+ $loop->unwatch_io( handle => $_, on_write_ready => 1 ) for @handles;
+ },
+ ) for @handles;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $callcount, 1, 'write_ready on crosslinked handles can cancel each other' );
+ }
+ # Check that error conditions that aren't true read/write-ability are still
+ # invoked
+ {
+ my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( 'inet', 'dgram' ) or die "Cannot create AF_INET/SOCK_DGRAM connected pair - $!";
+ $_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
+ $S2->close;
+ my $readready = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+ );
+ $S1->syswrite( "Boo!" );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 1, 'exceptional socket invokes on_read_ready' );
+ $loop->unwatch_io(
+ handle => $S1,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+ );
+ }
+ # Check that regular files still report read/writereadiness
+ {
+ my $F = IO::File->new_tmpfile or die "Cannot create temporary file - $!";
+ $F->print( "Here's some content\n" );
+ $F->seek( 0, SEEK_SET );
+ my $readready = 0;
+ my $writeready = 0;
+ $loop->watch_io(
+ handle => $F,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
+ on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
+ );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $readready, 1, 'regular file is readready' );
+ is( $writeready, 1, 'regular file is writeready' );
+ $loop->unwatch_io(
+ handle => $F,
+ on_read_ready => 1,
+ on_write_ready => 1,
+ );
+ }
+=head2 timer
+Tests the Loop's ability to handle timer events
+use constant count_tests_timer => 21;
+sub run_tests_timer
+ my $done = 0;
+ # New watch/unwatch API
+ cmp_ok( abs( $loop->time - time ), "<", 0.1, '$loop->time gives the current time' );
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 2 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 1; } );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_time' );
+ time_between {
+ my $now = time;
+ $loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
+ # poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
+ # doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
+ while( !$done ) {
+ die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
+ }
+ } 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for watch_time after';
+ $loop->watch_time( at => time + 2 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 2; } );
+ time_between {
+ my $now = time;
+ $loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
+ # poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
+ # doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
+ while( !$done ) {
+ die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
+ }
+ } 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for watch_time at';
+ my $cancelled_fired = 0;
+ my $id = $loop->watch_time( after => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $cancelled_fired = 1 } );
+ $loop->unwatch_time( $id );
+ undef $id;
+ $loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT );
+ ok( !$cancelled_fired, 'unwatched watch_time does not fire' );
+ $loop->watch_time( after => -1, code => sub { $done = 1 } );
+ $done = 0;
+ time_between {
+ $loop->loop_once while !$done;
+ } 0, 0.1, 'loop_once while waiting for negative interval timer';
+ {
+ my $done;
+ my $id;
+ $id = $loop->watch_time( after => 1 * AUT, code => sub {
+ $loop->unwatch_time( $id ); undef $id;
+ });
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 1.1 * AUT, code => sub {
+ $done++;
+ });
+ wait_for { $done };
+ is( $done, 1, 'Other timers still fire after self-cancelling one' );
+ }
+ # Legacy enqueue/requeue/cancel API
+ $done = 0;
+ $loop->enqueue_timer( delay => 2 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 1; } );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after enqueue_timer' );
+ time_between {
+ my $now = time;
+ $loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
+ # poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
+ # doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
+ while( !$done ) {
+ die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
+ }
+ } 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for timer';
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Unable to handle sub-second timers accurately", 3 unless $loop->_CAN_SUBSECOND_ACCURATELY;
+ # Check that short delays are achievable in one ->loop_once call
+ foreach my $delay ( 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 ) {
+ my $done;
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $start = time;
+ $loop->enqueue_timer( delay => $delay, code => sub { $done++ } );
+ while( !$done ) {
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 );
+ $count++;
+ last if time - $start > 5; # bailout
+ }
+ is( $count, 1, "One ->loop_once(1) sufficient for a single $delay second timer" );
+ }
+ }
+ $cancelled_fired = 0;
+ $id = $loop->enqueue_timer( delay => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $cancelled_fired = 1 } );
+ $loop->cancel_timer( $id );
+ undef $id;
+ $loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT );
+ ok( !$cancelled_fired, 'cancelled timer does not fire' );
+ $id = $loop->enqueue_timer( delay => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 2; } );
+ $id = $loop->requeue_timer( $id, delay => 2 * AUT );
+ $done = 0;
+ time_between {
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 * AUT );
+ is( $done, 0, '$done still 0 so far' );
+ my $now = time;
+ $loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
+ # poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
+ # doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
+ while( !$done ) {
+ die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
+ }
+ } 1.5, 2.5, 'requeued timer of delay 2';
+ is( $done, 2, '$done is 2 after requeued timer' );
+=head2 signal
+Tests the Loop's ability to watch POSIX signals
+use constant count_tests_signal => 14;
+sub run_tests_signal
+ unless( IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS ) {
+ SKIP: { skip "This OS does not have signals", 14; }
+ return;
+ }
+ my $caught = 0;
+ $loop->watch_signal( TERM => sub { $caught++ } );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_signal' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $caught, 0, '$caught idling' );
+ kill SIGTERM, $$;
+ is( $caught, 0, '$caught before ->loop_once' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $caught, 1, '$caught after ->loop_once' );
+ kill SIGTERM, $$;
+ is( $caught, 1, 'second raise is still deferred' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $caught, 2, '$caught after second ->loop_once' );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 before unwatch_signal' );
+ $loop->unwatch_signal( 'TERM' );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after unwatch_signal' );
+ my ( $cA, $cB );
+ my $idA = $loop->attach_signal( TERM => sub { $cA = 1 } );
+ my $idB = $loop->attach_signal( TERM => sub { $cB = 1 } );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after 2 * attach_signal' );
+ kill SIGTERM, $$;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $cA, 1, '$cA after raise' );
+ is( $cB, 1, '$cB after raise' );
+ $loop->detach_signal( 'TERM', $idA );
+ undef $cA;
+ undef $cB;
+ kill SIGTERM, $$;
+ $loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
+ is( $cA, undef, '$cA after raise' );
+ is( $cB, 1, '$cB after raise' );
+ $loop->detach_signal( 'TERM', $idB );
+ ok( exception { $loop->attach_signal( 'this signal name does not exist', sub {} ) },
+ 'Bad signal name fails' );
+=head2 idle
+Tests the Loop's support for idle handlers
+use constant count_tests_idle => 11;
+sub run_tests_idle
+ my $called = 0;
+ my $id = $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 1 } );
+ ok( defined $id, 'idle watcher id is defined' );
+ is( $called, 0, 'deferred sub not yet invoked' );
+ time_between { $loop->loop_once( 3 * AUT ) } undef, 1.0, 'loop_once(3) with deferred sub';
+ is( $called, 1, 'deferred sub called after loop_once' );
+ $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub {
+ $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 2 } )
+ } );
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 );
+ is( $called, 1, 'inner deferral not yet invoked' );
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 );
+ is( $called, 2, 'inner deferral now invoked' );
+ $called = 2; # set it anyway in case previous test fails
+ $id = $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 20 } );
+ $loop->unwatch_idle( $id );
+ time_between { $loop->loop_once( 1 * AUT ) } 0.5, 1.5, 'loop_once(1) with unwatched deferral';
+ is( $called, 2, 'unwatched deferral not called' );
+ $id = $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 3 } );
+ my $timer_id = $loop->watch_time( after => 5, code => sub {} );
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 );
+ is( $called, 3, '$loop->later still invoked with enqueued timer' );
+ $loop->unwatch_time( $timer_id );
+ $loop->later( sub { $called = 4 } );
+ $loop->loop_once( 1 );
+ is( $called, 4, '$loop->later shortcut works' );
+=head2 child
+Tests the Loop's support for watching child processes by PID
+sub run_in_child(&)
+ my $kid = fork;
+ defined $kid or die "Cannot fork() - $!";
+ return $kid if $kid;
+ shift->();
+ die "Fell out of run_in_child!\n";
+use constant count_tests_child => 7;
+sub run_tests_child
+ my $kid = run_in_child {
+ exit( 3 );
+ };
+ my $exitcode;
+ $loop->watch_child( $kid => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; } );
+ is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_child' );
+ ok( !defined $exitcode, '$exitcode not defined before ->loop_once' );
+ undef $exitcode;
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ ok( ($exitcode & 0x7f) == 0, 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after child exit' );
+ is( ($exitcode >> 8), 3, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after child exit' );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "This OS does not have signals", 1 unless IO::Async::OS->HAVE_SIGNALS;
+ # We require that SIGTERM perform its default action; i.e. terminate the
+ # process. Ensure this definitely happens, in case the test harness has it
+ # ignored or handled elsewhere.
+ local $SIG{TERM} = "DEFAULT";
+ $kid = run_in_child {
+ sleep( 10 );
+ # Just in case the parent died already and didn't kill us
+ exit( 0 );
+ };
+ $loop->watch_child( $kid => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; } );
+ kill SIGTERM, $kid;
+ undef $exitcode;
+ wait_for { defined $exitcode };
+ is( ($exitcode & 0x7f), SIGTERM, 'WTERMSIG($exitcode) after SIGTERM' );
+ }
+ my %kids;
+ $loop->watch_child( 0 => sub { my ( $kid ) = @_; delete $kids{$kid} } );
+ %kids = map { run_in_child { exit 0 } => 1 } 1 .. 3;
+ is( scalar keys %kids, 3, 'Waiting for 3 child processes' );
+ wait_for { !keys %kids };
+ ok( !keys %kids, 'All child processes reclaimed' );
+=head2 control
+Tests that the C<run>, C<stop>, C<loop_once> and C<loop_forever> methods
+behave correctly
+use constant count_tests_control => 8;
+sub run_tests_control
+ time_between { $loop->loop_once( 0 ) } 0, 0.1, 'loop_once(0) when idle';
+ time_between { $loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT ) } 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(2) when idle';
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->stop( result => "here" ) } );
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Test timed out before ->stop" };
+ alarm( 1 );
+ my @result = $loop->run;
+ alarm( 0 );
+ is_deeply( \@result, [ result => "here" ], '->stop arguments returned by ->run' );
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->stop( result => "here" ) } );
+ my $result = $loop->run;
+ is( $result, "result", 'First ->stop argument returned by ->run in scalar context' );
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub {
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->stop( "inner" ) } );
+ my @result = $loop->run;
+ $loop->stop( @result, "outer" );
+ } );
+ @result = $loop->run;
+ is_deeply( \@result, [ "inner", "outer" ], '->run can be nested properly' );
+ $loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->loop_stop } );
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Test timed out before ->loop_stop" };
+ alarm( 1 );
+ $loop->loop_forever;
+ alarm( 0 );
+ ok( 1, '$loop->loop_forever interruptable by ->loop_stop' );
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>