path: root/t/message.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/message.t')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/message.t b/t/message.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39691d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/message.t
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan tests => 129;
+require HTTP::Message;
+use Config qw(%Config);
+my($m, $m2, @parts);
+$m = HTTP::Message->new;
+is(ref($m), "HTTP::Message");
+is(ref($m->headers), "HTTP::Headers");
+is($m->as_string, "\n");
+is($m->headers->as_string, "");
+is($m->headers_as_string, "");
+is($m->content, "");
+$m->header("Foo", 1);
+is($m->as_string, "Foo: 1\n\n");
+$m2 = HTTP::Message->new($m->headers);
+$m2->header(bar => 2);
+is($m->as_string, "Foo: 1\n\n");
+is($m2->as_string, "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\n\n");
+is($m2->dump, "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\n\n(no content)\n");
+is($m2->dump(no_content => ""), "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\n\n\n");
+is($m2->dump(no_content => "-"), "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\n\n-\n");
+is($m2->dump(no_content => "-"), "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\n\n0\n");
+is($m2->dump(no_content => "0"), "Bar: 2\nFoo: 1\n\n\\x30\n");
+$m2 = HTTP::Message->new($m->headers, "foo");
+is($m2->as_string, "Foo: 1\n\nfoo\n");
+is($m2->as_string("<<\n"), "Foo: 1<<\n<<\nfoo");
+$m2 = HTTP::Message->new($m->headers, "foo\n");
+is($m2->as_string, "Foo: 1\n\nfoo\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->new([a => 1, b => 2], "abc");
+is($m->as_string, "A: 1\nB: 2\n\nabc\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("");
+is($m->as_string, "\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("\n");
+is($m->as_string, "\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("\n\n");
+is($m->as_string, "\n\n");
+is($m->content, "\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("foo");
+is($m->as_string, "\nfoo\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("foo: 1");
+is($m->as_string, "Foo: 1\n\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("foo_bar: 1");
+is($m->as_string, "Foo_bar: 1\n\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("foo: 1\n\nfoo");
+is($m->as_string, "Foo: 1\n\nfoo\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse(<<EOT);
+FOO : 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 1
+Baz: 1
+is($m->as_string, <<EOT);
+ 1
+Baz: 1
+FOO: 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse(<<EOT);
+Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 18:33:46 GMT
+Connection: close
+Content-Type: text/plain
+second line
+is($m->content(""), <<EOT);
+second line
+is($m->as_string, <<EOT);
+Connection: close
+Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 18:33:46 GMT
+Content-Type: text/plain
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse(" abc\nfoo: 1\n");
+is($m->as_string, "\n abc\nfoo: 1\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse(" foo : 1\n");
+is($m->as_string, "\n foo : 1\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->parse("\nfoo: bar\n");
+is($m->as_string, "\nfoo: bar\n");
+$m = HTTP::Message->new([a => 1, b => 2], "abc");
+is($m->content("foo\n"), "abc");
+is($m->content, "foo\n");
+is($m->content, "foo\nbar");
+is($m->content, "foo\nbar\n");
+is(ref($m->content_ref), "SCALAR");
+is(${$m->content_ref}, "foo\nbar\n");
+${$m->content_ref} =~ s/[ao]/i/g;
+is($m->content, "fii\nbir\n");
+is($m->headers->header_field_names, 0);
+is($m->content, "");
+is($m->parts, undef);
+ HTTP::Message->new([a => 1], "foo"),
+ HTTP::Message->new(undef, "bar\n"),
+ );
+is($m->parts->as_string, "\n");
+my $str = $m->as_string;
+$str =~ s/\r/<CR>/g;
+is($str, <<EOT);
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=xYzZY
+A: 1<CR>
+$m2 = HTTP::Message->new;
+$str = $m2->as_string;
+$str =~ s/\r/<CR>/g;
+ok($str =~ /boundary=(\S+)/);
+is($str, <<EOT);
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=$1
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=xYzZY<CR>
+A: 1<CR>
+@parts = $m2->parts;
+is(@parts, 1);
+@parts = $parts[0]->parts;
+is(@parts, 3);
+is($parts[1]->header("A"), 1);
+@parts = $m2->parts;
+is(@parts, 1);
+@parts = $m2->parts;
+is(@parts, 0);
+$m = HTTP::Message->new([content_type => "message/http; boundary=aaa",
+ ],
+ <<EOT);
+GET / HTTP/1.1
+@parts = $m->parts;
+is(@parts, 1);
+$m2 = $parts[0];
+is(ref($m2), "HTTP::Request");
+is($m2->method, "GET");
+is($m2->uri, "/");
+is($m2->protocol, "HTTP/1.1");
+is($m2->header("Host"), "");
+is($m2->content, "");
+HTTP/1.0 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/plain
+$m2 = $m->parts;
+is(ref($m2), "HTTP::Response");
+is($m2->protocol, "HTTP/1.0");
+is($m2->code, "200");
+is($m2->message, "OK");
+is($m2->content_type, "text/plain");
+is($m2->content, "Hello\n");
+eval { $m->parts(HTTP::Message->new, HTTP::Message->new) };
+$m->add_part(HTTP::Message->new([a=>[1..3]], "a"));
+$str = $m->as_string;
+$str =~ s/\r/<CR>/g;
+is($str, <<EOT);
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=xYzZY
+Content-Type: message/http; boundary=aaa<CR>
+HTTP/1.0 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/plain
+A: 1<CR>
+A: 2<CR>
+A: 3<CR>
+$m->add_part(HTTP::Message->new([b=>[1..3]], "b"));
+$str = $m->as_string;
+$str =~ s/\r/<CR>/g;
+is($str, <<EOT);
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=xYzZY
+Content-Type: message/http; boundary=aaa<CR>
+HTTP/1.0 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/plain
+A: 1<CR>
+A: 2<CR>
+A: 3<CR>
+B: 1<CR>
+B: 2<CR>
+B: 3<CR>
+$m = HTTP::Message->new;
+$m->add_part(HTTP::Message->new([a=>[1..3]], "a"));
+is($m->header("Content-Type"), "multipart/mixed; boundary=xYzZY");
+$str = $m->as_string;
+$str =~ s/\r/<CR>/g;
+is($str, <<EOT);
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=xYzZY
+A: 1<CR>
+A: 2<CR>
+A: 3<CR>
+$m = HTTP::Message->new;
+$m->content_ref(\my $foo);
+is($m->content_ref, \$foo);
+$foo = "foo";
+is($m->content, "foo");
+is($foo, "foobar");
+is($m->as_string, "\nfoobar\n");
+$m->parts(HTTP::Message->new(["h", "v"], "C"));
+is($foo, "H: v\r\n\r\nC");
+$foo =~ s/C/c/;
+$m2 = $m->parts;
+is($m2->content, "c");
+$m = HTTP::Message->new;
+$foo = [];
+is($m->content, $foo);
+is(${$m->content_ref}, $foo);
+is(${$m->content_ref([])}, $foo);
+isnt($m->content_ref, $foo);
+eval {$m->add_content("x")};
+like($@, qr/^Can't append to ARRAY content/);
+$foo = sub { "foo" };
+is($m->content, $foo);
+is(${$m->content_ref}, $foo);
+is($m->content, $foo);
+is($m->content_ref, $foo);
+eval {$m->content_ref("foo")};
+like($@, qr/^Setting content_ref to a non-ref/);
+eval {$m->content("bar")};
+like($@, qr/^Modification of a read-only value/);
+$foo = "foo";
+is($m->content("bar"), "foo");
+is($foo, "bar");
+is($m->content, "bar");
+is($m->content_ref, \$foo);
+$m = HTTP::Message->new;
+is($m->decoded_content, "fo=6F");
+$m->header("Content-Encoding", "quoted-printable");
+is($m->decoded_content, "foo");
+$m = HTTP::Message->new;
+$m->header("Content-Encoding", "gzip, base64");
+$m->content_type("text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
+$@ = "";
+is(eval { $m->decoded_content }, "\x{FEFF}Hi there \x{263A}\n");
+is($@ || "", "");
+is($m->content, "H4sICFWAq0ECA3h4eAB7v3u/R6ZCSUZqUarCoxm7uAAZKHXiEAAAAA==\n");
+$m2 = $m->clone;
+is($m2->header("Content-Encoding"), undef);
+like($m2->content, qr/Hi there/);
+ok(grep { $_ eq "gzip" } $m->decodable);
+my $tmp = MIME::Base64::decode($m->content);
+$m->header("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
+$@ = "";
+is(eval { $m->decoded_content }, "\x{FEFF}Hi there \x{263A}\n");
+is($@ || "", "");
+is($m->content, $tmp);
+is($m->decoded_content, "a\x{FFFD}");
+is($m->decoded_content(charset_strict => 1), undef);
+$m->header("Content-Encoding", "foobar");
+is($m->decoded_content, undef);
+like($@, qr/^Don't know how to decode Content-Encoding 'foobar'/);
+my $err = 0;
+eval {
+ $m->decoded_content(raise_error => 1);
+ $err++;
+like($@, qr/Don't know how to decode Content-Encoding 'foobar'/);
+is($err, 0);
+eval {
+ HTTP::Message->new([], "\x{263A}");
+like($@, qr/bytes/);
+$m = HTTP::Message->new;
+eval {
+ $m->add_content("\x{263A}");
+like($@, qr/bytes/);
+eval {
+ $m->content("\x{263A}");
+like($@, qr/bytes/);
+# test the add_content_utf8 method
+$m = HTTP::Message->new(["Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"]);
+is($m->content, "\xE2\x98\xBA-\xC3\x85");
+is($m->decoded_content, "\x{263A}-\x{00C5}");
+$m = HTTP::Message->new([
+ "Content-Type", "text/plain",
+ ],
+ "Hello world!"
+$m->content_length(length $m->content);
+$m->dump(prefix => "# ");
+is($m->dump(prefix => "| "), <<'EOT');
+| Content-Encoding: deflate
+| Content-Type: text/plain
+| x\x9C\xF3H\xCD\xC9\xC9W(\xCF/\xCAIQ\4\0\35\t\4^
+$m->encode("base64", "identity");
+is($m->as_string, <<'EOT');
+Content-Encoding: deflate, base64, identity
+Content-Type: text/plain
+is($m->decoded_content, "Hello world!");
+# Raw RFC 1951 deflate
+$m = HTTP::Message->new([
+ "Content-Type" => "text/plain",
+ "Content-Encoding" => "deflate, base64",
+ ],
+ "80jNyclXCM8vyklRBAA="
+ );
+is($m->decoded_content, "Hello World!");
+if (eval "require IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2") {
+ $m = HTTP::Message->new([
+ "Content-Type" => "text/plain",
+ "Content-Encoding" => "x-bzip2, base64",
+ ],
+ );
+ is($m->decoded_content, "Hello world!\n");
+ ok($m->decode);
+ is($m->content, "Hello world!\n");
+ if (eval "require IO::Compress::Bzip2") {
+ $m = HTTP::Message->new([
+ "Content-Type" => "text/plain",
+ ],
+ "Hello world!"
+ );
+ ok($m->encode("x-bzip2"));
+ is($m->header("Content-Encoding"), "x-bzip2");
+ like($m->content, qr/^BZh.*\0/);
+ is($m->decoded_content, "Hello world!");
+ ok($m->decode);
+ is($m->content, "Hello world!");
+ }
+ else {
+ skip("Need IO::Compress::Bzip2", undef) for 1..6;
+ }
+else {
+ skip("Need IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2", undef) for 1..9;
+# test decoding of XML content
+$m = HTTP::Message->new(["Content-Type", "application/xml"], "\xFF\xFE<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0 \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0\"\x001\0.\x000\0\"\0 \0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0\"\0U\0T\0F\0-\x001\x006\0l\0e\0\"\0?\0>\0\n\0<\0r\0o\0o\0t\0>\0\xC9\0r\0i\0c\0<\0/\0r\0o\0o\0t\0>\0\n\0");
+is($m->decoded_content, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<root>\xC9ric</root>\n");