path: root/t/http-config.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/http-config.t')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/http-config.t b/t/http-config.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cd42d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/http-config.t
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+plan tests => 16;
+use HTTP::Config;
+sub j { join("|", @_) }
+my $conf = HTTP::Config->new;
+is(j($conf->matching_items("")), 42);
+is(j($conf->remove_items), 42);
+is($conf->matching_items(""), 0);
+$conf = HTTP::Config->new;
+$conf->add_item("GET", m_method => ["GET", "HEAD"]);
+$conf->add_item("POST", m_method => "POST");
+$conf->add_item(".com", m_domain => ".com");
+$conf->add_item("secure", m_secure => 1);
+$conf->add_item("not secure", m_secure => 0);
+$conf->add_item("slash", m_host_port => "", m_path_prefix => "/");
+$conf->add_item("u:p", m_host_port => "", m_path_prefix => "/foo");
+$conf->add_item("success", m_code => "2xx");
+use HTTP::Request;
+my $request = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => "");
+$request->header("User-Agent" => "Moz/1.0");
+is(j($conf->matching_items($request)), "u:p|slash|.com|GET|not secure|always");
+is(j($conf->matching_items($request)), ".com|GET|secure|always");
+is(j($conf->matching_items("")), ".com|not secure|always");
+use HTTP::Response;
+my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200 => "OK");
+$response->content("Hello, world!\n");
+is(j($conf->matching_items($response)), ".com|success|GET|secure|always");
+$conf->remove_items(m_secure => 1);
+$conf->remove_items(m_domain => ".com");
+is(j($conf->matching_items($response)), "success|GET|always");
+$conf->remove_items; # start fresh
+is(j($conf->matching_items($response)), "");
+$conf->add_item("any", "m_media_type" => "*/*");
+$conf->add_item("text", m_media_type => "text/*");
+$conf->add_item("html", m_media_type => "html");
+$conf->add_item("HTML", m_media_type => "text/html");
+$conf->add_item("xhtml", m_media_type => "xhtml");
+is(j($conf->matching_items($response)), "text|any");
+is(j($conf->matching_items($response)), "xhtml|html|any");
+is(j($conf->matching_items($response)), "HTML|html|text|any");
+ my @warnings;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, grep { length } @_ };
+ my $conf = HTTP::Config->new;
+ $conf->add(owner => undef, callback => sub { 'bleah' });
+ $conf->remove(owner => undef);
+ ok(($conf->empty), 'found and removed the config entry');
+ is(scalar(@warnings), 0, 'no warnings')
+ or diag('got warnings: ', explain(\@warnings));