path: root/lib
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authorLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2015-03-10 19:55:44 +0000
committerLorry Tar Creator <lorry-tar-importer@lorry>2015-03-10 19:55:44 +0000
commit8cc5160aefb2ba3611d1d5d6b12b996227f9da72 (patch)
tree256923c9d568f659ca72d254993e6a40c439a7b5 /lib
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 3528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d7490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,2200 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2011-2015 --
+package Future;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings 'recursion'; # Disable the "deep recursion" warning
+our $VERSION = '0.32';
+use Carp qw(); # don't import croak
+use Scalar::Util qw( weaken blessed reftype );
+use B qw( svref_2object );
+use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval );
+# we are not overloaded, but we want to check if other objects are
+require overload;
+our @CARP_NOT = qw( Future::Utils );
+use constant DEBUG => $ENV{PERL_FUTURE_DEBUG};
+=head1 NAME
+C<Future> - represent an operation awaiting completion
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $future = Future->new;
+ perform_some_operation(
+ on_complete => sub {
+ $future->done( @_ );
+ }
+ );
+ $future->on_ready( sub {
+ say "The operation is complete";
+ } );
+A C<Future> object represents an operation that is currently in progress, or
+has recently completed. It can be used in a variety of ways to manage the flow
+of control, and data, through an asynchronous program.
+Some futures represent a single operation and are explicitly marked as ready
+by calling the C<done> or C<fail> methods. These are called "leaf" futures
+here, and are returned by the C<new> constructor.
+Other futures represent a collection of sub-tasks, and are implicitly marked
+as ready depending on the readiness of their component futures as required.
+These are called "convergent" futures here as they converge control and
+data-flow back into one place. These are the ones returned by the various
+C<wait_*> and C<need_*> constructors.
+It is intended that library functions that perform asynchronous operations
+would use future objects to represent outstanding operations, and allow their
+calling programs to control or wait for these operations to complete. The
+implementation and the user of such an interface would typically make use of
+different methods on the class. The methods below are documented in two
+sections; those of interest to each side of the interface.
+It should be noted however, that this module does not in any way provide an
+actual mechanism for performing this asynchronous activity; it merely provides
+a way to create objects that can be used for control and data flow around
+those operations. It allows such code to be written in a neater,
+forward-reading manner, and simplifies many common patterns that are often
+involved in such situations.
+See also L<Future::Utils> which contains useful loop-constructing functions,
+to run a future-returning function repeatedly in a loop.
+This class easily supports being subclassed to provide extra behavior, such as
+giving the C<get> method the ability to block and wait for completion. This
+may be useful to provide C<Future> subclasses with event systems, or similar.
+Each method that returns a new future object will use the invocant to
+construct its return value. If the constructor needs to perform per-instance
+setup it can override the C<new> method, and take context from the given
+ sub new
+ {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $self = $proto->SUPER::new;
+ if( ref $proto ) {
+ # Prototype was an instance
+ }
+ else {
+ # Prototype was a class
+ }
+ return $self;
+ }
+If an instance provides a method called C<await>, this will be called by the
+C<get> and C<failure> methods if the instance is pending.
+ $f->await
+In most cases this should allow future-returning modules to be used as if they
+were blocking call/return-style modules, by simply appending a C<get> call to
+the function or method calls.
+ my ( $results, $here ) = future_returning_function( @args )->get;
+The F<examples> directory in the distribution contains some examples of how
+futures might be integrated with various event systems.
+Modules that provide future-returning functions or methods may wish to adopt
+the following styles in some way, to document the eventual return values from
+these futures.
+ func( ARGS, HERE... ) ==> ( RETURN, VALUES... )
+ OBJ->method( ARGS, HERE... ) ==> ( RETURN, VALUES... )
+Code returning a future that yields no values on success can use empty
+ func( ... ) ==> ()
+By the time a C<Future> object is destroyed, it ought to have been completed
+or cancelled. By enabling debug tracing of objects, this fact can be checked.
+If a future object is destroyed without having been completed or cancelled, a
+warning message is printed.
+ $ PERL_FUTURE_DEBUG=1 perl -MFuture -E 'my $f = Future->new'
+ Future=HASH(0xaa61f8) was constructed at -e line 1 and was lost near -e line 0 before it was ready.
+Note that due to a limitation of perl's C<caller> function within a C<DESTROY>
+destructor method, the exact location of the leak cannot be accurately
+determined. Often the leak will occur due to falling out of scope by returning
+from a function; in this case the leak location may be reported as being the
+line following the line calling that function.
+ $ PERL_FUTURE_DEBUG=1 perl -MFuture
+ sub foo {
+ my $f = Future->new;
+ }
+ foo();
+ print "Finished\n";
+ Future=HASH(0x14a2220) was constructed at - line 2 and was lost near - line 6 before it was ready.
+ Finished
+A warning is also printed in debug mode if a C<Future> object is destroyed
+that completed with a failure, but the object believes that failure has not
+been reported anywhere.
+ $ PERL_FUTURE_DEBUG=1 perl -Mblib -MFuture -E 'my $f = Future->fail("Oops")'
+ Future=HASH(0xac98f8) was constructed at -e line 1 and was lost near -e line 0 with an unreported failure of: Oops
+Such a failure is considered reported if the C<get> or C<failure> methods are
+called on it, or it had at least one C<on_ready> or C<on_fail> callback, or
+its failure is propagated to another C<Future> instance (by a sequencing or
+converging method).
+=head2 $future = Future->new
+=head2 $future = $orig->new
+Returns a new C<Future> instance to represent a leaf future. It will be marked
+as ready by any of the C<done>, C<fail>, or C<cancel> methods. It can be
+called either as a class method, or as an instance method. Called on an
+instance it will construct another in the same class, and is useful for
+This constructor would primarily be used by implementations of asynchronous
+# Callback flags
+use constant {
+ CB_DONE => 1<<0, # Execute callback on done
+ CB_FAIL => 1<<1, # Execute callback on fail
+ CB_CANCEL => 1<<2, # Execute callback on cancellation
+ CB_SELF => 1<<3, # Pass $self as first argument
+ CB_RESULT => 1<<4, # Pass result/failure as a list
+ CB_SEQ_ONDONE => 1<<5, # Sequencing on success (->then)
+ CB_SEQ_ONFAIL => 1<<6, # Sequencing on failure (->else)
+ CB_SEQ_IMDONE => 1<<7, # $code is in fact immediate ->done result
+ CB_SEQ_IMFAIL => 1<<8, # $code is in fact immediate ->fail result
+# Useful for identifying CODE references
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ my $cv = svref_2object( $code );
+ my $name = join "::", $cv->STASH->NAME, $cv->GV->NAME;
+ return $name unless $cv->GV->NAME eq "__ANON__";
+ # $cv->GV->LINE isn't reliable, as outside of perl -d mode all anon CODE
+ # in the same file actually shares the same GV. :(
+ # Walk the optree looking for the first COP
+ my $cop = $cv->START;
+ $cop = $cop->next while $cop and ref $cop ne "B::COP";
+ sprintf "%s(%s line %d)", $cv->GV->NAME, $cop->file, $cop->line;
+sub _callable
+ my ( $cb ) = @_;
+ defined $cb and ( reftype($cb) eq 'CODE' || overload::Method($cb, '&{}') );
+sub new
+ my $proto = shift;
+ return bless {
+ ready => 0,
+ callbacks => [], # [] = [$type, ...]
+ ( DEBUG ?
+ ( do { my $at = Carp::shortmess( "constructed" );
+ chomp $at; $at =~ s/\.$//;
+ constructed_at => $at } )
+ : () ),
+ ( $TIMES ?
+ ( btime => [ gettimeofday ] )
+ : () ),
+ }, ( ref $proto || $proto );
+END { $GLOBAL_END = 1; }
+sub DESTROY_debug {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return if $GLOBAL_END;
+ return if $self->{ready} and ( $self->{reported} or !$self->{failure} );
+ my $lost_at = join " line ", (caller)[1,2];
+ # We can't actually know the real line where the last reference was lost;
+ # a variable set to 'undef' or close of scope, because caller can't see it;
+ # the current op has already been updated. The best we can do is indicate
+ # 'near'.
+ if( $self->{ready} and $self->{failure} ) {
+ warn "${\$self->__selfstr} was $self->{constructed_at} and was lost near $lost_at with an unreported failure of: " .
+ $self->{failure}[0] . "\n";
+ }
+ elsif( !$self->{ready} ) {
+ warn "${\$self->__selfstr} was $self->{constructed_at} and was lost near $lost_at before it was ready.\n";
+ }
+=head2 $future = Future->done( @values )
+=head2 $future = Future->fail( $exception, @details )
+Shortcut wrappers around creating a new C<Future> then immediately marking it
+as done or failed.
+=head2 $future = Future->wrap( @values )
+If given a single argument which is already a C<Future> reference, this will
+be returned unmodified. Otherwise, returns a new C<Future> instance that is
+already complete, and will yield the given values.
+This will ensure that an incoming argument is definitely a C<Future>, and may
+be useful in such cases as adapting synchronous code to fit asynchronous
+libraries driven by C<Future>.
+sub wrap
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @values = @_;
+ if( @values == 1 and blessed $values[0] and $values[0]->isa( __PACKAGE__ ) ) {
+ return $values[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ return $class->done( @values );
+ }
+=head2 $future = Future->call( \&code, @args )
+A convenient wrapper for calling a C<CODE> reference that is expected to
+return a future. In normal circumstances is equivalent to
+ $future = $code->( @args )
+except that if the code throws an exception, it is wrapped in a new immediate
+fail future. If the return value from the code is not a blessed C<Future>
+reference, an immediate fail future is returned instead to complain about this
+sub call
+ my $class = shift;
+ my ( $code, @args ) = @_;
+ my $f;
+ eval { $f = $code->( @args ); 1 } or $f = $class->fail( $@ );
+ blessed $f and $f->isa( "Future" ) or $f = $class->fail( "Expected " . CvNAME_FILE_LINE($code) . " to return a Future" );
+ return $f;
+sub _shortmess
+ my $at = Carp::shortmess( $_[0] );
+ chomp $at; $at =~ s/\.$//;
+ return $at;
+sub _mark_ready
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{ready} = 1;
+ $self->{ready_at} = _shortmess $_[0] if DEBUG;
+ if( $TIMES ) {
+ $self->{rtime} = [ gettimeofday ];
+ }
+ delete $self->{on_cancel};
+ my $callbacks = delete $self->{callbacks} or return;
+ my $cancelled = $self->{cancelled};
+ my $fail = defined $self->{failure};
+ my $done = !$fail && !$cancelled;
+ my @result = $done ? $self->get :
+ $fail ? $self->failure :
+ ();
+ foreach my $cb ( @$callbacks ) {
+ my ( $flags, $code ) = @$cb;
+ my $is_future = blessed( $code ) && $code->isa( "Future" );
+ next if $done and not( $flags & CB_DONE );
+ next if $fail and not( $flags & CB_FAIL );
+ next if $cancelled and not( $flags & CB_CANCEL );
+ $self->{reported} = 1 if $fail;
+ if( $is_future ) {
+ $done ? $code->done( @result ) :
+ $fail ? $code->fail( @result ) :
+ $code->cancel;
+ }
+ elsif( $flags & (CB_SEQ_ONDONE|CB_SEQ_ONFAIL) ) {
+ my ( undef, undef, $fseq ) = @$cb;
+ if( !$fseq ) { # weaken()ed; it might be gone now
+ # This warning should always be printed, even not in DEBUG mode.
+ # It's always an indication of a bug
+ Carp::carp +(DEBUG ? "${\$self->__selfstr} ($self->{constructed_at})"
+ : "${\$self->__selfstr} $self" ) .
+ " lost a sequence Future";
+ next;
+ }
+ my $f2;
+ if( $done and $flags & CB_SEQ_ONDONE or
+ $fail and $flags & CB_SEQ_ONFAIL ) {
+ if( $flags & CB_SEQ_IMDONE ) {
+ $fseq->done( @$code );
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif( $flags & CB_SEQ_IMFAIL ) {
+ $fseq->fail( @$code );
+ next;
+ }
+ my @args = (
+ ( $flags & CB_SELF ? $self : () ),
+ ( $flags & CB_RESULT ? @result : () ),
+ );
+ unless( eval { $f2 = $code->( @args ); 1 } ) {
+ $fseq->fail( $@ );
+ next;
+ }
+ unless( blessed $f2 and $f2->isa( "Future" ) ) {
+ $fseq->fail( "Expected " . CvNAME_FILE_LINE($code) . " to return a Future" );
+ next;
+ }
+ $fseq->on_cancel( $f2 );
+ }
+ else {
+ $f2 = $self;
+ }
+ if( $f2->is_ready ) {
+ $f2->on_ready( $fseq ) if !$f2->{cancelled};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{ $f2->{callbacks} }, [ CB_DONE|CB_FAIL, $fseq ];
+ weaken( $f2->{callbacks}[-1][1] );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $code->(
+ ( $flags & CB_SELF ? $self : () ),
+ ( $flags & CB_RESULT ? @result : () ),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+sub _state
+ my $self = shift;
+ return !$self->{ready} ? "pending" :
+ DEBUG ? $self->{ready_at} :
+ $self->{failure} ? "failed" :
+ $self->{cancelled} ? "cancelled" :
+ "done";
+These methods would primarily be used by implementations of asynchronous
+=head2 $future->done( @result )
+Marks that the leaf future is now ready, and provides a list of values as a
+result. (The empty list is allowed, and still indicates the future as ready).
+Cannot be called on a convergent future.
+If the future is already cancelled, this request is ignored. If the future is
+already complete with a result or a failure, an exception is thrown.
+=head2 Future->done( @result )
+May also be called as a class method, where it will construct a new Future and
+immediately mark it as done.
+Returns the C<$future> to allow easy chaining to create an immediate future by
+ return Future->done( ... )
+sub done
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( ref $self ) {
+ $self->{cancelled} and return $self;
+ $self->{ready} and Carp::croak "${\$self->__selfstr} is already ".$self->_state." and cannot be ->done";
+ $self->{subs} and Carp::croak "${\$self->__selfstr} is not a leaf Future, cannot be ->done";
+ $self->{result} = [ @_ ];
+ $self->_mark_ready( "done" );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self = $self->new;
+ $self->{ready} = 1;
+ $self->{ready_at} = _shortmess "done" if DEBUG;
+ $self->{result} = [ @_ ];
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $code = $future->done_cb
+Returns a C<CODE> reference that, when invoked, calls the C<done> method. This
+makes it simple to pass as a callback function to other code.
+As the same effect can be achieved using L<curry>, this method is deprecated
+now and may be removed in a later version.
+ $code = $future->curry::done;
+sub done_cb
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sub { $self->done( @_ ) };
+=head2 $future->fail( $exception, @details )
+Marks that the leaf future has failed, and provides an exception value. This
+exception will be thrown by the C<get> method if called.
+The exception must evaluate as a true value; false exceptions are not allowed.
+Further details may be provided that will be returned by the C<failure> method
+in list context. These details will not be part of the exception string raised
+by C<get>.
+If the future is already cancelled, this request is ignored. If the future is
+already complete with a result or a failure, an exception is thrown.
+=head2 Future->fail( $exception, @details )
+May also be called as a class method, where it will construct a new Future and
+immediately mark it as failed.
+Returns the C<$future> to allow easy chaining to create an immediate failed
+future by
+ return Future->fail( ... )
+sub fail
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $exception, @details ) = @_;
+ $_[0] or Carp::croak "$self ->fail requires an exception that is true";
+ if( ref $self ) {
+ $self->{cancelled} and return $self;
+ $self->{ready} and Carp::croak "${\$self->__selfstr} is already ".$self->_state." and cannot be ->fail'ed";
+ $self->{subs} and Carp::croak "${\$self->__selfstr} is not a leaf Future, cannot be ->fail'ed";
+ $self->{failure} = [ $exception, @details ];
+ $self->_mark_ready( "fail" );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self = $self->new;
+ $self->{ready} = 1;
+ $self->{ready_at} = _shortmess "fail" if DEBUG;
+ $self->{failure} = [ $exception, @details ];
+ }
+ if( DEBUG ) {
+ my $at = Carp::shortmess( "failed" );
+ chomp $at; $at =~ s/\.$//;
+ $self->{ready_at} = $at;
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $code = $future->fail_cb
+Returns a C<CODE> reference that, when invoked, calls the C<fail> method. This
+makes it simple to pass as a callback function to other code.
+As the same effect can be achieved using L<curry>, this method is deprecated
+now and may be removed in a later version.
+ $code = $future->curry::fail;
+sub fail_cb
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sub { $self->fail( @_ ) };
+=head2 $future->die( $message, @details )
+A convenient wrapper around C<fail>. If the exception is a non-reference that
+does not end in a linefeed, its value will be extended by the file and line
+number of the caller, similar to the logic that C<die> uses.
+Returns the C<$future>.
+sub die :method
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $exception, @details ) = @_;
+ if( !ref $exception and $exception !~ m/\n$/ ) {
+ $exception .= sprintf " at %s line %d\n", (caller)[1,2];
+ }
+ $self->fail( $exception, @details );
+=head2 $future->on_cancel( $code )
+If the future is not yet ready, adds a callback to be invoked if the future is
+cancelled by the C<cancel> method. If the future is already ready, throws an
+If the future is cancelled, the callbacks will be invoked in the reverse order
+to that in which they were registered.
+ $on_cancel->( $future )
+=head2 $future->on_cancel( $f )
+If passed another C<Future> instance, the passed instance will be cancelled
+when the original future is cancelled. This method does nothing if the future
+is already complete.
+sub on_cancel
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ my $is_future = blessed( $code ) && $code->isa( "Future" );
+ $is_future or _callable( $code ) or
+ Carp::croak "Expected \$code to be callable or a Future in ->on_cancel";
+ $self->{ready} and return $self;
+ push @{ $self->{on_cancel} }, $code;
+ return $self;
+=head2 $cancelled = $future->is_cancelled
+Returns true if the future has been cancelled by C<cancel>.
+sub is_cancelled
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{cancelled};
+These methods would primarily be used by users of asynchronous interfaces, on
+objects returned by such an interface.
+=head2 $ready = $future->is_ready
+Returns true on a leaf future if a result has been provided to the C<done>
+method, failed using the C<fail> method, or cancelled using the C<cancel>
+Returns true on a convergent future if it is ready to yield a result,
+depending on its component futures.
+sub is_ready
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{ready};
+=head2 $future->on_ready( $code )
+If the future is not yet ready, adds a callback to be invoked when the future
+is ready. If the future is already ready, invokes it immediately.
+In either case, the callback will be passed the future object itself. The
+invoked code can then obtain the list of results by calling the C<get> method.
+ $on_ready->( $future )
+Returns the C<$future>.
+=head2 $future->on_ready( $f )
+If passed another C<Future> instance, the passed instance will have its
+C<done>, C<fail> or C<cancel> methods invoked when the original future
+completes successfully, fails, or is cancelled respectively.
+sub on_ready
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ my $is_future = blessed( $code ) && $code->isa( "Future" );
+ $is_future or _callable( $code ) or
+ Carp::croak "Expected \$code to be callable or a Future in ->on_ready";
+ if( $self->{ready} ) {
+ my $fail = defined $self->{failure};
+ my $done = !$fail && !$self->{cancelled};
+ $self->{reported} = 1 if $fail;
+ $is_future ? ( $done ? $code->done( $self->get ) :
+ $fail ? $code->fail( $self->failure ) :
+ $code->cancel )
+ : $code->( $self );
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{ $self->{callbacks} }, [ CB_ALWAYS|CB_SELF, $self->wrap_cb( on_ready => $code ) ];
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $done = $future->is_done
+Returns true on a future if it is ready and completed successfully. Returns
+false if it is still pending, failed, or was cancelled.
+sub is_done
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{ready} && !$self->{failure} && !$self->{cancelled};
+=head2 @result = $future->get
+=head2 $result = $future->get
+If the future is ready and completed successfully, returns the list of
+results that had earlier been given to the C<done> method on a leaf future,
+or the list of component futures it was waiting for on a convergent future. In
+scalar context it returns just the first result value.
+If the future is ready but failed, this method raises as an exception the
+failure string or object that was given to the C<fail> method.
+If the future was cancelled an exception is thrown.
+If it is not yet ready and is not of a subclass that provides an C<await>
+method an exception is thrown. If it is subclassed to provide an C<await>
+method then this is used to wait for the future to be ready, before returning
+the result or propagating its failure exception.
+sub await
+ my $self = shift;
+ Carp::croak "$self is not yet complete and does not provide ->await";
+sub get
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->await until $self->{ready};
+ if( $self->{failure} ) {
+ $self->{reported} = 1;
+ my $exception = $self->{failure}->[0];
+ !ref $exception && $exception =~ m/\n$/ ? CORE::die $exception : Carp::croak $exception;
+ }
+ $self->{cancelled} and Carp::croak "${\$self->__selfstr} was cancelled";
+ return $self->{result}->[0] unless wantarray;
+ return @{ $self->{result} };
+=head2 @values = Future->unwrap( @values )
+If given a single argument which is a C<Future> reference, this method will
+call C<get> on it and return the result. Otherwise, it returns the list of
+values directly in list context, or the first value in scalar. Since it
+involves an implicit C<await>, this method can only be used on immediate
+futures or subclasses that implement C<await>.
+This will ensure that an outgoing argument is definitely not a C<Future>, and
+may be useful in such cases as adapting synchronous code to fit asynchronous
+libraries that return C<Future> instances.
+sub unwrap
+ shift; # $class
+ my @values = @_;
+ if( @values == 1 and blessed $values[0] and $values[0]->isa( __PACKAGE__ ) ) {
+ return $values[0]->get;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $values[0] if !wantarray;
+ return @values;
+ }
+=head2 $future->on_done( $code )
+If the future is not yet ready, adds a callback to be invoked when the future
+is ready, if it completes successfully. If the future completed successfully,
+invokes it immediately. If it failed or was cancelled, it is not invoked at
+The callback will be passed the result passed to the C<done> method.
+ $on_done->( @result )
+Returns the C<$future>.
+=head2 $future->on_done( $f )
+If passed another C<Future> instance, the passed instance will have its
+C<done> method invoked when the original future completes successfully.
+sub on_done
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ my $is_future = blessed( $code ) && $code->isa( "Future" );
+ $is_future or _callable( $code ) or
+ Carp::croak "Expected \$code to be callable or a Future in ->on_done";
+ if( $self->{ready} ) {
+ return $self if $self->{failure} or $self->{cancelled};
+ $is_future ? $code->done( $self->get )
+ : $code->( $self->get );
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{ $self->{callbacks} }, [ CB_DONE|CB_RESULT, $self->wrap_cb( on_done => $code ) ];
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $failed = $future->is_failed
+Returns true on a future if it is ready and it failed. Returns false if it is
+still pending, completed successfully, or was cancelled.
+sub is_failed
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{ready} && !!$self->{failure}; # boolify
+=head2 $exception = $future->failure
+=head2 $exception, @details = $future->failure
+Returns the exception passed to the C<fail> method, C<undef> if the future
+completed successfully via the C<done> method, or raises an exception if
+called on a future that is not yet ready.
+If called in list context, will additionally yield a list of the details
+provided to the C<fail> method.
+Because the exception value must be true, this can be used in a simple C<if>
+ if( my $exception = $future->failure ) {
+ ...
+ }
+ else {
+ my @result = $future->get;
+ ...
+ }
+sub failure
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->await until $self->{ready};
+ return unless $self->{failure};
+ $self->{reported} = 1;
+ return $self->{failure}->[0] if !wantarray;
+ return @{ $self->{failure} };
+=head2 $future->on_fail( $code )
+If the future is not yet ready, adds a callback to be invoked when the future
+is ready, if it fails. If the future has already failed, invokes it
+immediately. If it completed successfully or was cancelled, it is not invoked
+at all.
+The callback will be passed the exception and details passed to the C<fail>
+ $on_fail->( $exception, @details )
+Returns the C<$future>.
+=head2 $future->on_fail( $f )
+If passed another C<Future> instance, the passed instance will have its
+C<fail> method invoked when the original future fails.
+To invoke a C<done> method on a future when another one fails, use a CODE
+ $future->on_fail( sub { $f->done( @_ ) } );
+sub on_fail
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ my $is_future = blessed( $code ) && $code->isa( "Future" );
+ $is_future or _callable( $code ) or
+ Carp::croak "Expected \$code to be callable or a Future in ->on_fail";
+ if( $self->{ready} ) {
+ return $self if not $self->{failure};
+ $self->{reported} = 1;
+ $is_future ? $code->fail( $self->failure )
+ : $code->( $self->failure );
+ }
+ else {
+ push @{ $self->{callbacks} }, [ CB_FAIL|CB_RESULT, $self->wrap_cb( on_fail => $code ) ];
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $future->cancel
+Requests that the future be cancelled, immediately marking it as ready. This
+will invoke all of the code blocks registered by C<on_cancel>, in the reverse
+order. When called on a convergent future, all its component futures are also
+cancelled. It is not an error to attempt to cancel a future that is already
+complete or cancelled; it simply has no effect.
+Returns the C<$future>.
+sub cancel
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self if $self->{ready};
+ $self->{cancelled}++;
+ foreach my $code ( reverse @{ $self->{on_cancel} || [] } ) {
+ my $is_future = blessed( $code ) && $code->isa( "Future" );
+ $is_future ? $code->cancel
+ : $code->( $self );
+ }
+ $self->_mark_ready( "cancel" );
+ return $self;
+=head2 $code = $future->cancel_cb
+Returns a C<CODE> reference that, when invoked, calls the C<cancel> method.
+This makes it simple to pass as a callback function to other code.
+As the same effect can be achieved using L<curry>, this method is deprecated
+now and may be removed in a later version.
+ $code = $future->curry::cancel;
+sub cancel_cb
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sub { $self->cancel };
+The following methods all return a new future to represent the combination of
+its invocant followed by another action given by a code reference. The
+combined activity waits for the first future to be ready, then may invoke the
+code depending on the success or failure of the first, or may run it
+regardless. The returned sequence future represents the entire combination of
+In some cases the code should return a future; in some it should return an
+immediate result. If a future is returned, the combined future will then wait
+for the result of this second one. If the combinined future is cancelled, it
+will cancel either the first future or the second, depending whether the first
+had completed. If the code block throws an exception instead of returning a
+value, the sequence future will fail with that exception as its message and no
+further values.
+As it is always a mistake to call these sequencing methods in void context and lose the
+reference to the returned future (because exception/error handling would be
+silently dropped), this method warns in void context.
+sub _sequence
+ my $f1 = shift;
+ my ( $code, $flags ) = @_;
+ # For later, we might want to know where we were called from
+ my $func = (caller 1)[3];
+ $func =~ s/^.*:://;
+ $flags & (CB_SEQ_IMDONE|CB_SEQ_IMFAIL) or _callable( $code ) or
+ Carp::croak "Expected \$code to be callable in ->$func";
+ if( !defined wantarray ) {
+ Carp::carp "Calling ->$func in void context";
+ }
+ if( $f1->is_ready ) {
+ # Take a shortcut
+ return $f1 if $f1->is_done and not( $flags & CB_SEQ_ONDONE ) or
+ $f1->failure and not( $flags & CB_SEQ_ONFAIL );
+ if( $flags & CB_SEQ_IMDONE ) {
+ return Future->done( @$code );
+ }
+ elsif( $flags & CB_SEQ_IMFAIL ) {
+ return Future->fail( @$code );
+ }
+ my @args = (
+ ( $flags & CB_SELF ? $f1 : () ),
+ ( $flags & CB_RESULT ? $f1->is_done ? $f1->get :
+ $f1->failure ? $f1->failure :
+ () : () ),
+ );
+ my $fseq;
+ unless( eval { $fseq = $code->( @args ); 1 } ) {
+ return Future->fail( $@ );
+ }
+ unless( blessed $fseq and $fseq->isa( "Future" ) ) {
+ return Future->fail( "Expected " . CvNAME_FILE_LINE($code) . " to return a Future" );
+ }
+ return $fseq;
+ }
+ my $fseq = $f1->new;
+ $fseq->on_cancel( $f1 );
+ # TODO: if anyone cares about the op name, we might have to synthesize it
+ # from $flags
+ $code = $f1->wrap_cb( sequence => $code ) unless $flags & (CB_SEQ_IMDONE|CB_SEQ_IMFAIL);
+ push @{ $f1->{callbacks} }, [ CB_DONE|CB_FAIL|$flags, $code, $fseq ];
+ weaken( $f1->{callbacks}[-1][2] );
+ return $fseq;
+=head2 $future = $f1->then( \&done_code )
+Returns a new sequencing C<Future> that runs the code if the first succeeds.
+Once C<$f1> succeeds the code reference will be invoked and is passed the list
+of results. It should return a future, C<$f2>. Once C<$f2> completes the
+sequence future will then be marked as complete with whatever result C<$f2>
+gave. If C<$f1> fails then the sequence future will immediately fail with the
+same failure and the code will not be invoked.
+ $f2 = $done_code->( @result )
+=head2 $future = $f1->else( \&fail_code )
+Returns a new sequencing C<Future> that runs the code if the first fails. Once
+C<$f1> fails the code reference will be invoked and is passed the failure and
+details. It should return a future, C<$f2>. Once C<$f2> completes the sequence
+future will then be marked as complete with whatever result C<$f2> gave. If
+C<$f1> succeeds then the sequence future will immediately succeed with the
+same result and the code will not be invoked.
+ $f2 = $fail_code->( $exception, @details )
+=head2 $future = $f1->then( \&done_code, \&fail_code )
+The C<then> method can also be passed the C<$fail_code> block as well, giving
+a combination of C<then> and C<else> behaviour.
+This operation is designed to be compatible with the semantics of other future
+systems, such as Javascript's Q or Promises/A libraries.
+sub then
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $done_code, $fail_code ) = @_;
+ if( $done_code and !$fail_code ) {
+ return $self->_sequence( $done_code, CB_SEQ_ONDONE|CB_RESULT );
+ }
+ !$done_code or _callable( $done_code ) or
+ Carp::croak "Expected \$done_code to be callable in ->then";
+ !$fail_code or _callable( $fail_code ) or
+ Carp::croak "Expected \$fail_code to be callable in ->then";
+ # Complex
+ return $self->_sequence( sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( !$self->{failure} ) {
+ return $self unless $done_code;
+ return $done_code->( $self->get );
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self unless $fail_code;
+ return $fail_code->( $self->failure );
+ }
+sub else
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $fail_code ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( $fail_code, CB_SEQ_ONFAIL|CB_RESULT );
+=head2 $future = $f1->transform( %args )
+Returns a new sequencing C<Future> that wraps the one given as C<$f1>. With no
+arguments this will be a trivial wrapper; C<$future> will complete or fail
+when C<$f1> does, and C<$f1> will be cancelled when C<$future> is.
+By passing the following named arguments, the returned C<$future> can be made
+to behave differently to C<$f1>:
+=over 8
+=item done => CODE
+Provides a function to use to modify the result of a successful completion.
+When C<$f1> completes successfully, the result of its C<get> method is passed
+into this function, and whatever it returns is passed to the C<done> method of
+=item fail => CODE
+Provides a function to use to modify the result of a failure. When C<$f1>
+fails, the result of its C<failure> method is passed into this function, and
+whatever it returns is passed to the C<fail> method of C<$future>.
+sub transform
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $xfrm_done = $args{done};
+ my $xfrm_fail = $args{fail};
+ return $self->_sequence( sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( !$self->{failure} ) {
+ return $self unless $xfrm_done;
+ my @result = $xfrm_done->( $self->get );
+ return $self->new->done( @result );
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self unless $xfrm_fail;
+ my @failure = $xfrm_fail->( $self->failure );
+ return $self->new->fail( @failure );
+ }
+=head2 $future = $f1->then_with_f( \&code )
+Returns a new sequencing C<Future> that runs the code if the first succeeds.
+Identical to C<then>, except that the code reference will be passed both the
+original future, C<$f1>, and its result.
+ $f2 = $code->( $f1, @result )
+This is useful for conditional execution cases where the code block may just
+return the same result of the original future. In this case it is more
+efficient to return the original future itself.
+sub then_with_f
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $done_code ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( $done_code, CB_SEQ_ONDONE|CB_SELF|CB_RESULT );
+=head2 $future = $f->then_done( @result )
+=head2 $future = $f->then_fail( $exception, @details )
+Convenient shortcuts to returning an immediate future from a C<then> block,
+when the result is already known.
+sub then_done
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( @result ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( \@result, CB_SEQ_ONDONE|CB_SEQ_IMDONE );
+sub then_fail
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( @failure ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( \@failure, CB_SEQ_ONDONE|CB_SEQ_IMFAIL );
+=head2 $future = $f1->else_with_f( \&code )
+Returns a new sequencing C<Future> that runs the code if the first fails.
+Identical to C<else>, except that the code reference will be passed both the
+original future, C<$f1>, and its exception and details.
+ $f2 = $code->( $f1, $exception, @details )
+This is useful for conditional execution cases where the code block may just
+return the same result of the original future. In this case it is more
+efficient to return the original future itself.
+sub else_with_f
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $fail_code ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( $fail_code, CB_SEQ_ONFAIL|CB_SELF|CB_RESULT );
+=head2 $future = $f->else_done( @result )
+=head2 $future = $f->else_fail( $exception, @details )
+Convenient shortcuts to returning an immediate future from a C<else> block,
+when the result is already known.
+sub else_done
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( @result ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( \@result, CB_SEQ_ONFAIL|CB_SEQ_IMDONE );
+sub else_fail
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( @failure ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( \@failure, CB_SEQ_ONFAIL|CB_SEQ_IMFAIL );
+=head2 $future = $f1->followed_by( \&code )
+Returns a new sequencing C<Future> that runs the code regardless of success or
+failure. Once C<$f1> is ready the code reference will be invoked and is passed
+one argument, C<$f1>. It should return a future, C<$f2>. Once C<$f2> completes
+the sequence future will then be marked as complete with whatever result
+C<$f2> gave.
+ $f2 = $code->( $f1 )
+sub followed_by
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ return $self->_sequence( $code, CB_SEQ_ONDONE|CB_SEQ_ONFAIL|CB_SELF );
+sub and_then
+ Carp::croak "Future->and_then is now removed; use ->then_with_f instead";
+sub or_else
+ Carp::croak "Future->or_else is now removed; use ->else_with_f instead";
+=head2 $future = $f1->without_cancel
+Returns a new sequencing C<Future> that will complete with the success or
+failure of the original future, but if cancelled, will not cancel the
+original. This may be useful if the original future represents an operation
+that is being shared among multiple sequences; cancelling one should not
+prevent the others from running too.
+sub without_cancel
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $new = $self->new;
+ $self->on_ready( sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if( $self->failure ) {
+ $new->fail( $self->failure );
+ }
+ else {
+ $new->done( $self->get );
+ }
+ });
+ return $new;
+The following constructors all take a list of component futures, and return a
+new future whose readiness somehow depends on the readiness of those
+components. The first derived class component future will be used as the
+prototype for constructing the return value, so it respects subclassing
+correctly, or failing that a plain C<Future>.
+sub _new_convergent
+ shift; # ignore this class
+ my ( $subs ) = @_;
+ foreach my $sub ( @$subs ) {
+ blessed $sub and $sub->isa( "Future" ) or Carp::croak "Expected a Future, got $_";
+ }
+ # Find the best prototype. Ideally anything derived if we can find one.
+ my $self;
+ ref($_) eq "Future" or $self = $_->new, last for @$subs;
+ # No derived ones; just have to be a basic class then
+ $self ||= Future->new;
+ $self->{subs} = $subs;
+ # This might be called by a DESTROY during global destruction so it should
+ # be as defensive as possible (see RT88967)
+ $self->on_cancel( sub {
+ foreach my $sub ( @$subs ) {
+ $sub->cancel if $sub and !$sub->{ready};
+ }
+ } );
+ return $self;
+=head2 $future = Future->wait_all( @subfutures )
+Returns a new C<Future> instance that will indicate it is ready once all of
+the sub future objects given to it indicate that they are ready, either by
+success, failure or cancellation. Its result will a list of its component
+When given an empty list this constructor returns a new immediately-done
+This constructor would primarily be used by users of asynchronous interfaces.
+sub wait_all
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @subs = @_;
+ unless( @subs ) {
+ my $self = $class->done;
+ $self->{subs} = [];
+ return $self;
+ }
+ my $self = Future->_new_convergent( \@subs );
+ my $pending = 0;
+ $_->{ready} or $pending++ for @subs;
+ # Look for immediate ready
+ if( !$pending ) {
+ $self->{result} = [ @subs ];
+ $self->_mark_ready( "wait_all" );
+ return $self;
+ }
+ weaken( my $weakself = $self );
+ my $sub_on_ready = sub {
+ return unless $weakself;
+ $pending--;
+ $pending and return;
+ $weakself->{result} = [ @subs ];
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "wait_all" );
+ };
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} or $sub->on_ready( $sub_on_ready );
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $future = Future->wait_any( @subfutures )
+Returns a new C<Future> instance that will indicate it is ready once any of
+the sub future objects given to it indicate that they are ready, either by
+success or failure. Any remaining component futures that are not yet ready
+will be cancelled. Its result will be the result of the first component future
+that was ready; either success or failure. Any component futures that are
+cancelled are ignored, apart from the final component left; at which point the
+result will be a failure.
+When given an empty list this constructor returns an immediately-failed
+This constructor would primarily be used by users of asynchronous interfaces.
+sub wait_any
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @subs = @_;
+ unless( @subs ) {
+ my $self = $class->fail( "Cannot ->wait_any with no subfutures" );
+ $self->{subs} = [];
+ return $self;
+ }
+ my $self = Future->_new_convergent( \@subs );
+ # Look for immediate ready
+ my $immediate_ready;
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} and $immediate_ready = $sub, last;
+ }
+ if( $immediate_ready ) {
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} or $sub->cancel;
+ }
+ if( $immediate_ready->{failure} ) {
+ $self->{failure} = [ $immediate_ready->failure ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{result} = [ $immediate_ready->get ];
+ }
+ $self->_mark_ready( "wait_any" );
+ return $self;
+ }
+ my $pending = 0;
+ weaken( my $weakself = $self );
+ my $sub_on_ready = sub {
+ return unless $weakself;
+ return if $weakself->{result} or $weakself->{failure}; # don't recurse on child ->cancel
+ return if --$pending and $_[0]->{cancelled};
+ if( $_[0]->{cancelled} ) {
+ $weakself->{failure} = [ "All component futures were cancelled" ];
+ }
+ elsif( $_[0]->{failure} ) {
+ $weakself->{failure} = [ $_[0]->failure ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $weakself->{result} = [ $_[0]->get ];
+ }
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} or $sub->cancel;
+ }
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "wait_any" );
+ };
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ # No need to test $sub->{ready} since we know none of them are
+ $sub->on_ready( $sub_on_ready );
+ $pending++;
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $future = Future->needs_all( @subfutures )
+Returns a new C<Future> instance that will indicate it is ready once all of the
+sub future objects given to it indicate that they have completed successfully,
+or when any of them indicates that they have failed. If any sub future fails,
+then this will fail immediately, and the remaining subs not yet ready will be
+cancelled. Any component futures that are cancelled will cause an immediate
+failure of the result.
+If successful, its result will be a concatenated list of the results of all
+its component futures, in corresponding order. If it fails, its failure will
+be that of the first component future that failed. To access each component
+future's results individually, use C<done_futures>.
+When given an empty list this constructor returns a new immediately-done
+This constructor would primarily be used by users of asynchronous interfaces.
+sub needs_all
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @subs = @_;
+ unless( @subs ) {
+ my $self = $class->done;
+ $self->{subs} = [];
+ return $self;
+ }
+ my $self = Future->_new_convergent( \@subs );
+ # Look for immediate fail
+ my $immediate_fail;
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} and $sub->{failure} and $immediate_fail = $sub, last;
+ }
+ if( $immediate_fail ) {
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} or $sub->cancel;
+ }
+ $self->{failure} = [ $immediate_fail->failure ];
+ $self->_mark_ready( "needs_all" );
+ return $self;
+ }
+ my $pending = 0;
+ $_->{ready} or $pending++ for @subs;
+ # Look for immediate done
+ if( !$pending ) {
+ $self->{result} = [ map { $_->get } @subs ];
+ $self->_mark_ready( "needs_all" );
+ return $self;
+ }
+ weaken( my $weakself = $self );
+ my $sub_on_ready = sub {
+ return unless $weakself;
+ return if $weakself->{result} or $weakself->{failure}; # don't recurse on child ->cancel
+ if( $_[0]->{cancelled} ) {
+ $weakself->{failure} = [ "A component future was cancelled" ];
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->cancel if !$sub->{ready};
+ }
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "needs_all" );
+ }
+ elsif( my @failure = $_[0]->failure ) {
+ $weakself->{failure} = \@failure;
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->cancel if !$sub->{ready};
+ }
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "needs_all" );
+ }
+ else {
+ $pending--;
+ $pending and return;
+ $weakself->{result} = [ map { $_->get } @subs ];
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "needs_all" );
+ }
+ };
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} or $sub->on_ready( $sub_on_ready );
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head2 $future = Future->needs_any( @subfutures )
+Returns a new C<Future> instance that will indicate it is ready once any of
+the sub future objects given to it indicate that they have completed
+successfully, or when all of them indicate that they have failed. If any sub
+future succeeds, then this will succeed immediately, and the remaining subs
+not yet ready will be cancelled. Any component futures that are cancelled are
+ignored, apart from the final component left; at which point the result will
+be a failure.
+If successful, its result will be that of the first component future that
+succeeded. If it fails, its failure will be that of the last component future
+to fail. To access the other failures, use C<failed_futures>.
+Normally when this future completes successfully, only one of its component
+futures will be done. If it is constructed with multiple that are already done
+however, then all of these will be returned from C<done_futures>. Users should
+be careful to still check all the results from C<done_futures> in that case.
+When given an empty list this constructor returns an immediately-failed
+This constructor would primarily be used by users of asynchronous interfaces.
+sub needs_any
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @subs = @_;
+ unless( @subs ) {
+ my $self = $class->fail( "Cannot ->needs_any with no subfutures" );
+ $self->{subs} = [];
+ return $self;
+ }
+ my $self = Future->_new_convergent( \@subs );
+ # Look for immediate done
+ my $immediate_done;
+ my $pending = 0;
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} and !$sub->{failure} and $immediate_done = $sub, last;
+ $sub->{ready} or $pending++;
+ }
+ if( $immediate_done ) {
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} ? $sub->{reported} = 1 : $sub->cancel;
+ }
+ $self->{result} = [ $immediate_done->get ];
+ $self->_mark_ready( "needs_any" );
+ return $self;
+ }
+ # Look for immediate fail
+ my $immediate_fail = 1;
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} or $immediate_fail = 0, last;
+ }
+ if( $immediate_fail ) {
+ $_->{reported} = 1 for @subs;
+ # For consistency we'll pick the last one for the failure
+ $self->{failure} = [ $subs[-1]->{failure} ];
+ $self->_mark_ready( "needs_any" );
+ return $self;
+ }
+ weaken( my $weakself = $self );
+ my $sub_on_ready = sub {
+ return unless $weakself;
+ return if $weakself->{result} or $weakself->{failure}; # don't recurse on child ->cancel
+ return if --$pending and $_[0]->{cancelled};
+ if( $_[0]->{cancelled} ) {
+ $weakself->{failure} = [ "All component futures were cancelled" ];
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "needs_any" );
+ }
+ elsif( my @failure = $_[0]->failure ) {
+ $pending and return;
+ $weakself->{failure} = \@failure;
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "needs_any" );
+ }
+ else {
+ $weakself->{result} = [ $_[0]->get ];
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->cancel if !$sub->{ready};
+ }
+ $weakself->_mark_ready( "needs_any" );
+ }
+ };
+ foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
+ $sub->{ready} or $sub->on_ready( $sub_on_ready );
+ }
+ return $self;
+The following methods apply to convergent (i.e. non-leaf) futures, to access
+the component futures stored by it.
+=head2 @f = $future->pending_futures
+=head2 @f = $future->ready_futures
+=head2 @f = $future->done_futures
+=head2 @f = $future->failed_futures
+=head2 @f = $future->cancelled_futures
+Return a list of all the pending, ready, done, failed, or cancelled
+component futures. In scalar context, each will yield the number of such
+component futures.
+sub pending_futures
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{subs} or Carp::croak "Cannot call ->pending_futures on a non-convergent Future";
+ return grep { not $_->{ready} } @{ $self->{subs} };
+sub ready_futures
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{subs} or Carp::croak "Cannot call ->ready_futures on a non-convergent Future";
+ return grep { $_->{ready} } @{ $self->{subs} };
+sub done_futures
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{subs} or Carp::croak "Cannot call ->done_futures on a non-convergent Future";
+ return grep { $_->{ready} and not $_->{failure} and not $_->{cancelled} } @{ $self->{subs} };
+sub failed_futures
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{subs} or Carp::croak "Cannot call ->failed_futures on a non-convergent Future";
+ return grep { $_->{ready} and $_->{failure} } @{ $self->{subs} };
+sub cancelled_futures
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{subs} or Carp::croak "Cannot call ->cancelled_futures on a non-convergent Future";
+ return grep { $_->{ready} and $_->{cancelled} } @{ $self->{subs} };
+=head2 $future = $future->set_label( $label )
+=head2 $label = $future->label
+Chaining mutator and accessor for the label of the C<Future>. This should be a
+plain string value, whose value will be stored by the future instance for use
+in debugging messages or other tooling, or similar purposes.
+sub set_label
+ my $self = shift;
+ ( $self->{label} ) = @_;
+ return $self;
+sub label
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{label};
+sub __selfstr
+ my $self = shift;
+ return "$self" unless defined $self->{label};
+ return "$self (\"$self->{label}\")";
+=head2 [ $sec, $usec ] = $future->btime
+=head2 [ $sec, $usec ] = $future->rtime
+Accessors that return the tracing timestamps from the instance. These give the
+time the instance was contructed ("birth" time, C<btime>) and the time the
+result was determined (the "ready" time, C<rtime>). Each result is returned as
+a two-element ARRAY ref, containing the epoch time in seconds and
+microseconds, as given by C<Time::HiRes::gettimeofday>.
+In order for these times to be captured, they have to be enabled by setting
+C<$Future::TIMES> to a true value. This is initialised true at the time the
+module is loaded if either C<PERL_FUTURE_DEBUG> or C<PERL_FUTURE_TIMES> are
+set in the environment.
+sub btime
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{btime};
+sub rtime
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{rtime};
+=head2 $sec = $future->elapsed
+If both tracing timestamps are defined, returns the number of seconds of
+elapsed time between them as a floating-point number. If not, returns
+sub elapsed
+ my $self = shift;
+ return undef unless defined $self->{btime} and defined $self->{rtime};
+ return $self->{elapsed} ||= tv_interval( $self->{btime}, $self->{rtime} );
+=head2 $cb = $future->wrap_cb( $operation_name, $cb )
+I<Since version 0.31.>
+I<Note: This method is experimental and may be changed or removed in a later
+This method is invoked internally by various methods that are about to save a
+callback CODE reference supplied by the user, to be invoked later. The default
+implementation simply returns the callback agument as-is; the method is
+provided to allow users to provide extra behaviour. This can be done by
+applying a method modifier of the C<around> kind, so in effect add a chain of
+wrappers. Each wrapper can then perform its own wrapping logic of the
+callback. C<$operation_name> is a string giving the reason for which the
+callback is being saved; currently one of C<on_ready>, C<on_done>, C<on_fail>
+or C<sequence>; the latter being used for all the sequence-returning methods.
+This method is intentionally invoked only for CODE references that are being
+saved on a pending C<Future> instance to be invoked at some later point. It
+does not run for callbacks to be invoked on an already-complete instance. This
+is for performance reasons, where the intended behaviour is that the wrapper
+can provide some amount of context save and restore, to return the operating
+environment for the callback back to what it was at the time it was saved.
+For example, the following wrapper saves the value of a package variable at
+the time the callback was saved, and restores that value at invocation time
+later on. This could be useful for preserving context during logging in a
+Future-based program.
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ my $orig = Future->can( "wrap_cb" );
+ *Future::wrap_cb = sub {
+ my $cb = $orig->( @_ );
+ my $saved_logging_ctx = $LOGGING_CTX;
+ return sub {
+ local $LOGGING_CTX = $saved_logging_ctx;
+ $cb->( @_ );
+ };
+ };
+At this point, any code deferred into a C<Future> by any of its callbacks will
+observe the C<$LOGGING_CTX> variable as having the value it held at the time
+the callback was saved, even if it is invoked later on when that value is
+Remember when writing such a wrapper, that it still needs to invoke the
+previous version of the method, so that it plays nicely in combination with
+others (see the C<< $orig->( @_ ) >> part).
+sub wrap_cb
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $op, $cb ) = @_;
+ return $cb;
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+The following examples all demonstrate possible uses of a C<Future>
+object to provide a fictional asynchronous API.
+For more examples, comparing the use of C<Future> with regular call/return
+style Perl code, see also L<Future::Phrasebook>.
+=head2 Providing Results
+By returning a new C<Future> object each time the asynchronous function is
+called, it provides a placeholder for its eventual result, and a way to
+indicate when it is complete.
+ sub foperation
+ {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $future = Future->new;
+ do_something_async(
+ foo => $args{foo},
+ on_done => sub { $future->done( @_ ); },
+ );
+ return $future;
+ }
+In most cases, the C<done> method will simply be invoked with the entire
+result list as its arguments. In that case, it is simpler to use the
+C<done_cb> wrapper method to create the C<CODE> reference.
+ my $future = Future->new;
+ do_something_async(
+ foo => $args{foo},
+ on_done => $future->done_cb,
+ );
+The caller may then use this future to wait for a result using the C<on_ready>
+method, and obtain the result using C<get>.
+ my $f = foperation( foo => "something" );
+ $f->on_ready( sub {
+ my $f = shift;
+ say "The operation returned: ", $f->get;
+ } );
+=head2 Indicating Success or Failure
+Because the stored exception value of a failed future may not be false, the
+C<failure> method can be used in a conditional statement to detect success or
+ my $f = foperation( foo => "something" );
+ $f->on_ready( sub {
+ my $f = shift;
+ if( not my $e = $f->failure ) {
+ say "The operation succeeded with: ", $f->get;
+ }
+ else {
+ say "The operation failed with: ", $e;
+ }
+ } );
+By using C<not> in the condition, the order of the C<if> blocks can be
+arranged to put the successful case first, similar to a C<try>/C<catch> block.
+Because the C<get> method re-raises the passed exception if the future failed,
+it can be used to control a C<try>/C<catch> block directly. (This is sometimes
+called I<Exception Hoisting>).
+ use Try::Tiny;
+ $f->on_ready( sub {
+ my $f = shift;
+ try {
+ say "The operation succeeded with: ", $f->get;
+ }
+ catch {
+ say "The operation failed with: ", $_;
+ };
+ } );
+Even neater still may be the separate use of the C<on_done> and C<on_fail>
+ $f->on_done( sub {
+ my @result = @_;
+ say "The operation succeeded with: ", @result;
+ } );
+ $f->on_fail( sub {
+ my ( $failure ) = @_;
+ say "The operation failed with: $failure";
+ } );
+=head2 Immediate Futures
+Because the C<done> method returns the future object itself, it can be used to
+generate a C<Future> that is immediately ready with a result. This can also be
+used as a class method.
+ my $f = Future->done( $value );
+Similarly, the C<fail> and C<die> methods can be used to generate a C<Future>
+that is immediately failed.
+ my $f = Future->die( "This is never going to work" );
+This could be considered similarly to a C<die> call.
+An C<eval{}> block can be used to turn a C<Future>-returning function that
+might throw an exception, into a C<Future> that would indicate this failure.
+ my $f = eval { function() } || Future->fail( $@ );
+This is neater handled by the C<call> class method, which wraps the call in
+an C<eval{}> block and tests the result:
+ my $f = Future->call( \&function );
+=head2 Sequencing
+The C<then> method can be used to create simple chains of dependent tasks,
+each one executing and returning a C<Future> when the previous operation
+ my $f = do_first()
+ ->then( sub {
+ return do_second();
+ })
+ ->then( sub {
+ return do_third();
+ });
+The result of the C<$f> future itself will be the result of the future
+returned by the final function, if none of them failed. If any of them fails
+it will fail with the same failure. This can be considered similar to normal
+exception handling in synchronous code; the first time a function call throws
+an exception, the subsequent calls are not made.
+=head2 Merging Control Flow
+A C<wait_all> future may be used to resynchronise control flow, while waiting
+for multiple concurrent operations to finish.
+ my $f1 = foperation( foo => "something" );
+ my $f2 = foperation( bar => "something else" );
+ my $f = Future->wait_all( $f1, $f2 );
+ $f->on_ready( sub {
+ say "Operations are ready:";
+ say " foo: ", $f1->get;
+ say " bar: ", $f2->get;
+ } );
+This provides an ability somewhat similar to C<CPS::kpar()> or
+=head2 Cancellation of Non-Final Sequence Futures
+The behaviour of future cancellation still has some unanswered questions
+regarding how to handle the situation where a future is cancelled that has a
+sequence future constructed from it.
+In particular, it is unclear in each of the following examples what the
+behaviour of C<$f2> should be, were C<$f1> to be cancelled:
+ $f2 = $f1->then( sub { ... } ); # plus related ->then_with_f, ...
+ $f2 = $f1->else( sub { ... } ); # plus related ->else_with_f, ...
+ $f2 = $f1->followed_by( sub { ... } );
+In the C<then>-style case it is likely that this situation should be treated
+as if C<$f1> had failed, perhaps with some special message. The C<else>-style
+case is more complex, because it may be that the entire operation should still
+fail, or it may be that the cancellation of C<$f1> should again be treated
+simply as a special kind of failure, and the C<else> logic run as normal.
+To be specific; in each case it is unclear what happens if the first future is
+cancelled, while the second one is still waiting on it. The semantics for
+"normal" top-down cancellation of C<$f2> and how it affects C<$f1> are already
+clear and defined.
+=head2 Cancellation of Divergent Flow
+A further complication of cancellation comes from the case where a given
+future is reused multiple times for multiple sequences or convergent trees.
+In particular, it is in clear in each of the following examples what the
+behaviour of C<$f2> should be, were C<$f1> to be cancelled:
+ my $f_initial = Future->new; ...
+ my $f1 = $f_initial->then( ... );
+ my $f2 = $f_initial->then( ... );
+ my $f1 = Future->needs_all( $f_initial );
+ my $f2 = Future->needs_all( $f_initial );
+The point of cancellation propagation is to trace backwards through stages of
+some larger sequence of operations that now no longer need to happen, because
+the final result is no longer required. But in each of these cases, just
+because C<$f1> has been cancelled, the initial future C<$f_initial> is still
+required because there is another future (C<$f2>) that will still require its
+Initially it would appear that some kind of reference-counting mechanism could
+solve this question, though that itself is further complicated by the
+C<on_ready> handler and its variants.
+It may simply be that a comprehensive useful set of cancellation semantics
+can't be universally provided to cover all cases; and that some use-cases at
+least would require the application logic to give extra information to its
+C<Future> objects on how they should wire up the cancel propagation logic.
+Both of these cancellation issues are still under active design consideration;
+see the discussion on RT96685 for more information
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item *
+L<curry> - Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or
+=item *
+"The Past, The Present and The Future" - slides from a talk given at the
+London Perl Workshop, 2012.
+=item *
+"Futures advent calendar 2013"
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item *
+Consider the ability to pass the constructor an C<await> CODEref, instead of
+needing to use a subclass. This might simplify async/etc.. implementations,
+and allows the reuse of the idea of subclassing to extend the abilities of
+C<Future> itself - for example to allow a kind of Future that can report
+incremental progress.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Future/Phrasebook.pod b/lib/Future/Phrasebook.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2798536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Future/Phrasebook.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2014 --
+=head1 NAME
+C<Future::Phrasebook> - coding examples for C<Future> and C<Future::Utils>
+This documentation-only module provides a phrasebook-like approach to giving
+examples on how to use L<Future> and L<Future::Utils> to structure
+Future-driven asynchronous or concurrent logic. As with any inter-dialect
+phrasebook it is structured into pairs of examples; each given first in a
+traditional call/return Perl style, and second in a style using Futures. In
+each case, the generic function or functions in the example are named in
+C<ALL_CAPITALS()> to make them stand out.
+In the examples showing use of Futures, any function that is expected to
+return a C<Future> instance is named with a leading C<F_> prefix. Each example
+is also constructed so as to yield an overall future in a variable called
+C<$f>, which represents the entire operation.
+The simplest example of a sequencing operation is simply running one piece of
+code, then immediately running a second. In call/return code we can just place
+one after the other.
+ FIRST();
+Using a Future it is necessary to await the result of the first C<Future>
+before calling the second.
+ my $f = F_FIRST()
+ ->then( sub { F_SECOND(); } );
+Here, the anonymous closure is invoked once the C<Future> returned by
+C<F_FIRST()> succeeds. Because C<then> invokes the code block only if the
+first Future succeeds, it shortcircuits around failures similar to the way that
+C<die()> shortcircuits around thrown exceptions. A C<Future> representing the
+entire combination is returned by the method.
+Because the C<then> method itself returns a C<Future> representing the
+overall operation, it can itself be further chained.
+ FIRST();
+ THIRD();
+ my $f = F_FIRST()
+ ->then( sub { F_SECOND(); } )
+ ->then( sub { F_THIRD(); } );
+See below for examples of ways to handle exceptions.
+=head2 Passing Results
+Often the result of one function can be passed as an argument to another
+The result of the first C<Future> is passed into the code block given to the
+C<then> method.
+ my $f = F_INNER()
+ ->then( sub { F_OUTER( @_ ) } );
+It may be that the result of one function call is used to determine whether or
+not another operation is taken.
+ if( COND() == $value ) {
+ }
+Because the C<then_with_f> code block is given the first future in addition to
+its results it can decide whether to call the second function to return a new
+future, or simply return the one it was given.
+ my $f = F_COND()
+ ->then_with_f( sub {
+ my ( $f_cond, $result ) = @_;
+ if( $result == $value ) {
+ return F_ACTION();
+ }
+ else {
+ return $f_cond;
+ }
+ });
+In regular call/return style code, if any function throws an exception, the
+remainder of the block is not executed, the containing C<try> or C<eval> is
+aborted, and control is passed to the corresponding C<catch> or line after the
+ try {
+ FIRST();
+ }
+ catch {
+ my $e = $_;
+ ERROR( $e );
+ };
+The C<else> method on a C<Future> can be used here. It behaves similar to
+C<then>, but is only invoked if the initial C<Future> fails; not if it
+ my $f = F_FIRST()
+ ->else( sub { F_ERROR( @_ ); } );
+Alternatively, the second argument to the C<then> method can be applied, which
+is invoked only on case of failure.
+ my $f = F_FIRST()
+ ->then( undef, sub { F_ERROR( @_ ); } );
+Often it may be the case that the failure-handling code is in fact immediate,
+and doesn't return a C<Future>. In that case, the C<else> code block can
+return an immediate C<Future> instance.
+ my $f = F_FIRST()
+ ->else( sub {
+ ERROR( @_ );
+ return Future->done;
+ });
+Sometimes the failure handling code simply needs to be aware of the failure,
+but rethrow it further up.
+ try {
+ FIRST();
+ }
+ catch {
+ my $e = $_;
+ ERROR( $e );
+ die $e;
+ };
+In this case, while the C<else> block could return a new C<Future> failed with
+the same exception, the C<else_with_f> block is passed the failed C<Future>
+itself in addition to the failure details so it can just return that.
+ my $f = F_FIRST()
+ ->else_with_f( sub {
+ my ( $f1, @failure ) = @_;
+ ERROR( @failure );
+ return $f1;
+ });
+The C<followed_by> method is similar again, though it invokes the code block
+regardless of the success or failure of the initial C<Future>. It can be used
+to create C<finally> semantics. By returning the C<Future> instance that it
+was passed, the C<followed_by> code ensures it doesn't affect the result of
+the operation.
+ try {
+ FIRST();
+ }
+ catch {
+ ERROR( $_ );
+ }
+ finally {
+ };
+ my $f = F_FIRST()
+ ->else( sub {
+ ERROR( @_ );
+ return Future->done;
+ })
+ ->followed_by( sub {
+ return shift;
+ });
+To repeat a single block of code multiple times, a C<while> block is often
+ while( COND() ) {
+ FUNC();
+ }
+The C<Future::Utils::repeat> function can be used to repeatedly iterate a
+given C<Future>-returning block of code until its ending condition is
+ use Future::Utils qw( repeat );
+ my $f = repeat {
+ F_FUNC();
+ } while => sub { COND() };
+Unlike the statement nature of perl's C<while> block, this C<repeat> C<Future>
+can yield a value; the value returned by C<< $f->get >> is the result of the
+final trial of the code block.
+Here, the condition function it expected to return its result immediately. If
+the repeat condition function itself returns a C<Future>, it can be combined
+along with the loop body. The trial C<Future> returned by the code block is
+passed to the C<while> condition function.
+ my $f = repeat {
+ F_FUNC()
+ ->followed_by( sub { F_COND(); } );
+ } while => sub { shift->get };
+The condition can be negated by using C<until> instead
+ until( HALTING_COND() ) {
+ FUNC();
+ }
+ my $f = repeat {
+ F_FUNC();
+ } until => sub { HALTING_COND() };
+=head2 Iterating with Exceptions
+Technically, this loop isn't quite the same as the equivalent C<while> loop in
+plain Perl, because the C<while> loop will also stop executing if the code
+within it throws an exception. This can be handled in C<repeat> by testing for
+a failed C<Future> in the C<until> condition.
+ while(1) {
+ TRIAL();
+ }
+ my $f = repeat {
+ F_TRIAL();
+ } until => sub { shift->failure };
+When a repeat loop is required to retry a failure, the C<try_repeat> function
+should be used. Currently this function behaves equivalently to C<repeat>,
+except that it will not print a warning if it is asked to retry after a
+failure, whereas this behaviour is now deprecated for the regular C<repeat>
+function so that yields a warning.
+ my $f = try_repeat {
+ F_TRIAL();
+ } while => sub { shift->failure };
+Another variation is the C<try_repeat_until_success> function, which provides
+a convenient shortcut to calling C<try_repeat> with a condition that makes
+another attempt each time the previous one fails; stopping once it achieves a
+successful result.
+ while(1) {
+ eval { TRIAL(); 1 } and last;
+ }
+ my $f = try_repeat_until_success {
+ F_TRIAL();
+ };
+=head2 Iterating over a List
+A variation on the idea of the C<while> loop is the C<foreach> loop; a loop
+that executes once for each item in a given list, with a variable set to one
+value from that list each time.
+ foreach my $thing ( @THINGS ) {
+ INSPECT( $thing );
+ }
+This can be performed with C<Future> using the C<foreach> parameter to the
+C<repeat> function. When this is in effect, the block of code is passed each
+item of the given list as the first parameter.
+ my $f = repeat {
+ my $thing = shift;
+ F_INSPECT( $thing );
+ } foreach => \@THINGS;
+=head2 Recursing over a Tree
+A regular call/return function can use recursion to walk over a tree-shaped
+structure, where each item yields a list of child items.
+ sub WALK
+ {
+ my ( $item ) = @_;
+ ...
+ WALK($_) foreach CHILDREN($item);
+ }
+This recursive structure can be turned into a C<while()>-based repeat loop by
+using an array to store the remaining items to walk into, instead of using the
+perl stack directly:
+ sub WALK
+ {
+ my @more = ( $root );
+ while( @more ) {
+ my $item = shift @more;
+ ...
+ unshift @more, CHILDREN($item)
+ }
+ }
+This arrangement then allows us to use C<fmap_void> to walk this structure
+using Futures, possibly concurrently. A lexical array variable is captured
+that holds the stack of remaining items, which is captured by the item code so
+it can C<unshift> more into it, while also being used as the actual C<fmap>
+control array.
+ my @more = ( $root );
+ my $f = fmap_void {
+ my $item = shift;
+ ...->on_done( sub {
+ unshift @more, @CHILDREN;
+ })
+ } foreach => \@more;
+By choosing to either C<unshift> or C<push> more items onto this list, the
+tree can be walked in either depth-first or breadth-first order.
+Sometimes a result is determined that should be returned through several
+levels of control structure. Regular Perl code has such keywords as C<return>
+to return a value from a function immediately, or C<last> for immediately
+stopping execution of a loop.
+ sub func {
+ foreach my $item ( @LIST ) {
+ if( COND($item) ) {
+ return $item;
+ }
+ }
+ return MAKE_NEW_ITEM();
+ }
+The C<Future::Utils::call_with_escape> function allows this general form of
+control flow, by calling a block of code that is expected to return a future,
+and itself returning a future. Under normal circumstances the result of this
+future propagates through to the one returned by C<call_with_escape>.
+However, the code is also passed in a future value, called here the "escape
+future". If the code captures this future and completes it (either by calling
+C<done> or C<fail>), then the overall returned future immediately completes
+with that result instead, and the future returned by the code block is
+ my $f = call_with_escape {
+ my $escape_f = shift;
+ ( repeat {
+ my $item = shift;
+ COND($item)->then( sub {
+ my ( $result ) = @_;
+ if( $result ) {
+ $escape_f->done( $item );
+ }
+ return Future->done;
+ })
+ } foreach => \@ITEMS )->then( sub {
+ });
+ };
+Here, if C<$escape_f> is completed by the condition test, the future chain
+returned by the code (that is, the C<then> chain of the C<repeat> block
+followed by C<MAKE_NEW_ITEM()>) will be cancelled, and C<$f> itself will
+receive this result.
+This final section of the phrasebook demonstrates a number of abilities that
+are simple to do with C<Future> but can't easily be done with regular
+call/return style programming, because they all involve an element of
+concurrency. In these examples the comparison with regular call/return code
+will be somewhat less accurate because of the inherent ability for the
+C<Future>-using version to behave concurrently.
+=head2 Waiting on Multiple Functions
+The C<< Future->wait_all >> constructor creates a C<Future> that waits for all
+of the component futures to complete. This can be used to form a sequence with
+ { FIRST_A(); FIRST_B() }
+ my $f = Future->wait_all( FIRST_A(), FIRST_B() )
+ ->then( sub { SECOND() } );
+Unlike in the call/return case, this can perform the work of C<FIRST_A()> and
+C<FIRST_B()> concurrently, only proceeding to C<SECOND()> when both are ready.
+The result of the C<wait_all> C<Future> is the list of its component
+C<Future>s. This can be used to obtain the results.
+ my $f = Future->wait_all( FIRST_A(), FIRST_B() )
+ ->then( sub {
+ my ( $f_a, $f_b ) = @_
+ SECOND( $f_a->get, $f_b->get );
+ } );
+Because the C<get> method will re-raise an exception caused by a failure of
+either of the C<FIRST> functions, the second stage will fail if any of the
+initial Futures failed.
+As this is likely to be the desired behaviour most of the time, this kind of
+control flow can be written slightly neater using C<< Future->needs_all >>
+ my $f = Future->needs_all( FIRST_A(), FIRST_B() )
+ ->then( sub { SECOND( @_ ) } );
+The C<get> method of a C<needs_all> convergent Future returns a concatenated
+list of the results of all its component Futures, as the only way it will
+succeed is if all the components do.
+=head2 Waiting on Multiple Calls of One Function
+Because the C<wait_all> and C<needs_all> constructors take an entire list of
+C<Future> instances, they can be conveniently used with C<map> to wait on the
+result of calling a function concurrently once per item in a list.
+ my @RESULT = map { FUNC( $_ ) } @ITEMS;
+Again, the C<needs_all> version allows more convenient access to the list of
+ my $f = Future->needs_all( map { F_FUNC( $_ ) } @ITEMS )
+ ->then( sub {
+ my @RESULT = @_;
+ } );
+This form of the code starts every item's future concurrently, then waits for
+all of them. If the list of C<@ITEMS> is potentially large, this may cause a
+problem due to too many items running at once. Instead, the
+C<Future::Utils::fmap> family of functions can be used to bound the
+concurrency, keeping at most some given number of items running, starting new
+ones as existing ones complete.
+ my $f = fmap {
+ my $item = shift;
+ F_FUNC( $item )
+ } foreach => \@ITEMS;
+By itself, this will not actually act concurrently as it will only keep one
+Future outstanding at a time. The C<concurrent> flag lets it keep a larger
+number "in flight" at any one time:
+ my $f = fmap {
+ my $item = shift;
+ F_FUNC( $item )
+ } foreach => \@ITEMS, concurrent => 10;
+The C<fmap> and C<fmap_scalar> functions return a Future that will eventually
+give the collected results of the individual item futures, thus making them
+similar to perl's C<map> operator.
+Sometimes, no result is required, and the items are run in a loop simply for
+some side-effect of the body.
+ foreach my $item ( @ITEMS ) {
+ FUNC( $item );
+ }
+To avoid having to collect a potentially-large set of results only to throw
+them away, the C<fmap_void> function variant of the C<fmap> family yields a
+Future that completes with no result after all the items are complete.
+ my $f = fmap_void {
+ my $item = shift;
+ F_FIRST( $item )
+ } foreach => \@ITEMS, concurrent => 10;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Future/ b/lib/Future/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..563f327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Future/
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2013-2015 --
+package Future::Utils;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.32';
+use Exporter 'import';
+# Can't import the one from Exporter as it relies on package inheritance
+sub export_to_level
+ my $pkg = shift; local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1 + shift; $pkg->import(@_);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ call
+ call_with_escape
+ repeat
+ try_repeat try_repeat_until_success
+ repeat_until_success
+ fmap fmap_concat
+ fmap1 fmap_scalar
+ fmap0 fmap_void
+use Carp;
+our @CARP_NOT = qw( Future );
+use Future;
+=head1 NAME
+C<Future::Utils> - utility functions for working with C<Future> objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Future::Utils qw( call_with_escape );
+ my $result_f = call_with_escape {
+ my $escape_f = shift;
+ my $f = ...
+ $escape_f->done( "immediate result" );
+ ...
+ };
+ use Future::Utils qw( repeat try_repeat try_repeat_until_success );
+ my $eventual_f = repeat {
+ my $trial_f = ...
+ return $trial_f;
+ } while => sub { my $f = shift; return want_more($f) };
+ my $eventual_f = repeat {
+ ...
+ return $trail_f;
+ } until => sub { my $f = shift; return acceptable($f) };
+ my $eventual_f = repeat {
+ my $item = shift;
+ ...
+ return $trial_f;
+ } foreach => \@items;
+ my $eventual_f = try_repeat {
+ my $trial_f = ...
+ return $trial_f;
+ } while => sub { ... };
+ my $eventual_f = try_repeat_until_success {
+ ...
+ return $trial_f;
+ };
+ my $eventual_f = try_repeat_until_success {
+ my $item = shift;
+ ...
+ return $trial_f;
+ } foreach => \@items;
+ use Future::Utils qw( fmap_concat fmap_scalar fmap_void );
+ my $result_f = fmap_concat {
+ my $item = shift;
+ ...
+ return $item_f;
+ } foreach => \@items, concurrent => 4;
+ my $result_f = fmap_scalar {
+ my $item = shift;
+ ...
+ return $item_f;
+ } foreach => \@items, concurrent => 8;
+ my $done_f = fmap_void {
+ my $item = shift;
+ ...
+ return $item_f;
+ } foreach => \@items, concurrent => 10;
+=head2 $f = call { CODE }
+The C<call> function invokes a block of code that returns a future, and simply
+returns the future it returned. The code is wrapped in an C<eval {}> block, so
+that if it throws an exception this is turned into an immediate failed
+C<Future>. If the code does not return a C<Future>, then an immediate failed
+C<Future> instead.
+(This is equivalent to using C<< Future->call >>, but is duplicated here for
+sub call(&)
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ return Future->call( $code );
+=head2 $f = call_with_escape { CODE }
+The C<call_with_escape> function invokes a block of code that returns a
+future, and passes in a separate future (called here an "escape future").
+Normally this is equivalent to the simple C<call> function. However, if the
+code captures this future and completes it by calling C<done> or C<fail> on
+it, the future returned by C<call_with_escape> immediately completes with this
+result, and the future returned by the code itself is cancelled.
+This can be used to implement short-circuit return from an iterating loop or
+complex sequence of code, or immediate fail that bypasses failure handling
+logic in the code itself, or several other code patterns.
+ $f = $code->( $escape_f )
+(This can be considered similar to C<call-with-escape-continuation> as found
+in some Scheme implementations).
+sub call_with_escape(&)
+ my ( $code ) = @_;
+ my $escape_f = Future->new;
+ return Future->wait_any(
+ Future->call( $code, $escape_f ),
+ $escape_f,
+ );
+The C<repeat> function provides a way to repeatedly call a block of code that
+returns a L<Future> (called here a "trial future") until some ending condition
+is satisfied. The C<repeat> function itself returns a C<Future> to represent
+running the repeating loop until that end condition (called here the "eventual
+future"). The first time the code block is called, it is passed no arguments,
+and each subsequent invocation is passed the previous trial future.
+The result of the eventual future is the result of the last trial future.
+If the eventual future is cancelled, the latest trial future will be
+If some specific subclass or instance of C<Future> is required as the return
+value, it can be passed as the C<return> argument. Otherwise the return value
+will be constructed by cloning the first non-immediate trial C<Future>.
+=head2 $future = repeat { CODE } while => CODE
+Repeatedly calls the C<CODE> block while the C<while> condition returns a true
+value. Each time the trial future completes, the C<while> condition is passed
+the trial future.
+ $trial_f = $code->( $previous_trial_f )
+ $again = $while->( $trial_f )
+If the C<$code> block dies entirely and throws an exception, this will be
+caught and considered as an immediately-failed C<Future> with the exception as
+the future's failure. The exception will not be propagated to the caller.
+=head2 $future = repeat { CODE } until => CODE
+Repeatedly calls the C<CODE> block until the C<until> condition returns a true
+value. Each time the trial future completes, the C<until> condition is passed
+the trial future.
+ $trial_f = $code->( $previous_trial_f )
+ $accept = $until->( $trial_f )
+=head2 $future = repeat { CODE } foreach => ARRAY, otherwise => CODE
+Calls the C<CODE> block once for each value obtained from the array, passing
+in the value as the first argument (before the previous trial future). When
+there are no more items left in the array, the C<otherwise> code is invoked
+once and passed the last trial future, if there was one, or C<undef> if the
+list was originally empty. The result of the eventual future will be the
+result of the future returned from C<otherwise>.
+The referenced array may be modified by this operation.
+ $trial_f = $code->( $item, $previous_trial_f )
+ $final_f = $otherwise->( $last_trial_f )
+The C<otherwise> code is optional; if not supplied then the result of the
+eventual future will simply be that of the last trial. If there was no trial,
+because the C<foreach> list was already empty, then an immediate successful
+future with an empty result is returned.
+=head2 $future = repeat { CODE } foreach => ARRAY, while => CODE, ...
+=head2 $future = repeat { CODE } foreach => ARRAY, until => CODE, ...
+Combines the effects of C<foreach> with C<while> or C<until>. Calls the
+C<CODE> block once for each value obtained from the array, until the array is
+exhausted or the given ending condition is satisfied.
+If a C<while> or C<until> condition is combined with C<otherwise>, the
+C<otherwise> code will only be run if the array was entirely exhausted. If the
+operation is terminated early due to the C<while> or C<until> condition being
+satisfied, the eventual result will simply be that of the last trial that was
+=head2 $future = repeat { CODE } generate => CODE, otherwise => CODE
+Calls the C<CODE> block once for each value obtained from the generator code,
+passing in the value as the first argument (before the previous trial future).
+When the generator returns an empty list, the C<otherwise> code is invoked and
+passed the last trial future, if there was one, otherwise C<undef> if the
+generator never returned a value. The result of the eventual future will be
+the result of the future returned from C<otherwise>.
+ $trial_f = $code->( $item, $previous_trial_f )
+ $final_f = $otherwise->( $last_trial_f )
+ ( $item ) = $generate->()
+The generator is called in list context but should return only one item per
+call. Subsequent values will be ignored. When it has no more items to return
+it should return an empty list.
+For backward compatibility this function will allow a C<while> or C<until>
+condition that requests a failure be repeated, but it will print a warning if
+it has to do that. To apply repeating behaviour that can catch and retry
+failures, use C<try_repeat> instead. This old behaviour is now deprecated and
+will be removed in the next version.
+sub _repeat
+ my ( $code, $return, $trialp, $cond, $sense, $is_try ) = @_;
+ my $prev = $$trialp;
+ while(1) {
+ my $trial = $$trialp ||= Future->call( $code, $prev );
+ $prev = $trial;
+ if( !$trial->is_ready ) {
+ # defer
+ $return ||= $trial->new;
+ $trial->on_ready( sub {
+ return if $$trialp->is_cancelled;
+ _repeat( $code, $return, $trialp, $cond, $sense, $is_try );
+ });
+ return $return;
+ }
+ my $stop;
+ if( not eval { $stop = !$cond->( $trial ) ^ $sense; 1 } ) {
+ $return ||= $trial->new;
+ $return->fail( $@ );
+ return $return;
+ }
+ if( $stop ) {
+ # Return result
+ $return ||= $trial->new;
+ $trial->on_done( $return );
+ $trial->on_fail( $return );
+ return $return;
+ }
+ if( !$is_try and $trial->failure ) {
+ carp "Using Future::Utils::repeat to retry a failure is deprecated; use try_repeat instead";
+ }
+ # redo
+ undef $$trialp;
+ }
+sub repeat(&@)
+ my $code = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ # This makes it easier to account for other conditions
+ defined($args{while}) + defined($args{until}) == 1
+ or defined($args{foreach})
+ or defined($args{generate})
+ or croak "Expected one of 'while', 'until', 'foreach' or 'generate'";
+ if( $args{foreach} ) {
+ $args{generate} and croak "Cannot use both 'foreach' and 'generate'";
+ my $array = delete $args{foreach};
+ $args{generate} = sub {
+ @$array ? shift @$array : ();
+ };
+ }
+ if( $args{generate} ) {
+ my $generator = delete $args{generate};
+ my $otherwise = delete $args{otherwise};
+ # TODO: This is slightly messy as this lexical is captured by both
+ # blocks of code. Can we do better somehow?
+ my $done;
+ my $orig_code = $code;
+ $code = sub {
+ my ( $last_trial_f ) = @_;
+ my $again = my ( $value ) = $generator->( $last_trial_f );
+ if( $again ) {
+ unshift @_, $value; goto &$orig_code;
+ }
+ $done++;
+ if( $otherwise ) {
+ goto &$otherwise;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $last_trial_f || Future->done;
+ }
+ };
+ if( my $orig_while = delete $args{while} ) {
+ $args{while} = sub {
+ $orig_while->( $_[0] ) and !$done;
+ };
+ }
+ elsif( my $orig_until = delete $args{until} ) {
+ $args{while} = sub {
+ !$orig_until->( $_[0] ) and !$done;
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ $args{while} = sub { !$done };
+ }
+ }
+ my $future = $args{return};
+ my $trial;
+ $args{while} and $future = _repeat( $code, $future, \$trial, $args{while}, 0, $args{try} );
+ $args{until} and $future = _repeat( $code, $future, \$trial, $args{until}, 1, $args{try} );
+ $future->on_cancel( sub { $trial->cancel } );
+ return $future;
+=head2 $future = try_repeat { CODE } ...
+A variant of C<repeat> that doesn't warn when the trial fails and the
+condition code asks for it to be repeated.
+In some later version the C<repeat> function will be changed so that if a
+trial future fails, then the eventual future will immediately fail as well,
+making its semantics a little closer to that of a C<while {}> loop in Perl.
+Code that specifically wishes to catch failures in trial futures and retry
+the block should use C<try_repeat> specifically.
+sub try_repeat(&@)
+ # defeat prototype
+ &repeat( @_, try => 1 );
+=head2 $future = try_repeat_until_success { CODE } ...
+A shortcut to calling C<try_repeat> with an ending condition that simply tests
+for a successful result from a future. May be combined with C<foreach> or
+This function used to be called C<repeat_until_success>, and is currently
+aliased as this name as well.
+sub try_repeat_until_success(&@)
+ my $code = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ # TODO: maybe merge while/until conditions one day...
+ defined($args{while}) or defined($args{until})
+ and croak "Cannot pass 'while' or 'until' to try_repeat_until_success";
+ # defeat prototype
+ &try_repeat( $code, while => sub { shift->failure }, %args );
+# Legacy name
+*repeat_until_success = \&try_repeat_until_success;
+The C<fmap> family of functions provide a way to call a block of code that
+returns a L<Future> (called here an "item future") once per item in a given
+list, or returned by a generator function. The C<fmap*> functions themselves
+return a C<Future> to represent the ongoing operation, which completes when
+every item's future has completed.
+While this behaviour can also be implemented using C<repeat>, the main reason
+to use an C<fmap> function is that the individual item operations are
+considered as independent, and thus more than one can be outstanding
+concurrently. An argument can be passed to the function to indicate how many
+items to start initially, and thereafter it will keep that many of them
+running concurrently until all of the items are done, or until any of them
+fail. If an individual item future fails, the overall result future will be
+marked as failing with the same failure, and any other pending item futures
+that are outstanding at the time will be cancelled.
+The following named arguments are common to each C<fmap*> function:
+=over 8
+=item foreach => ARRAY
+Provides the list of items to iterate over, as an C<ARRAY> reference.
+The referenced array will be modified by this operation, C<shift>ing one item
+from it each time. The can C<push> more items to this array as it runs, and
+they will be included in the iteration.
+=item generate => CODE
+Provides the list of items to iterate over, by calling the generator function
+once for each required item. The function should return a single item, or an
+empty list to indicate it has no more items.
+ ( $item ) = $generate->()
+This function will be invoked each time any previous item future has completed
+and may be called again even after it has returned empty.
+=item concurrent => INT
+Gives the number of item futures to keep outstanding. By default this value
+will be 1 (i.e. no concurrency); larger values indicate that multiple item
+futures will be started at once.
+=item return => Future
+Normally, a new instance is returned by cloning the first non-immediate future
+returned as an item future. By passing a new instance as the C<return>
+argument, the result will be put into the given instance. This can be used to
+return subclasses, or specific instances.
+In each case, the main code block will be called once for each item in the
+list, passing in the item as the only argument:
+ $item_f = $code->( $item )
+The expected return value from each item's future, and the value returned from
+the result future will differ in each function's case; they are documented
+# This function is invoked in two circumstances:
+# a) to create an item Future in a slot,
+# b) once a non-immediate item Future is complete, to check its results
+# It can tell which circumstance by whether the slot itself is defined or not
+sub _fmap_slot
+ my ( $slots, undef, $code, $generator, $collect, $results, $return ) = @_;
+ SLOT: while(1) {
+ # Capture args each call because we mutate them
+ my ( undef, $idx ) = my @args = @_;
+ unless( $slots->[$idx] ) {
+ # No item Future yet (case a), so create one
+ my $item;
+ unless( ( $item ) = $generator->() ) {
+ # All out of items, so now just wait for the slots to be finished
+ undef $slots->[$idx];
+ defined and return $return for @$slots;
+ # All the slots are done
+ $return ||= Future->new;
+ $return->done( @$results );
+ return $return;
+ }
+ my $f = $slots->[$idx] = Future->call( $code, $item );
+ if( $collect eq "array" ) {
+ push @$results, my $r = [];
+ $f->on_done( sub { @$r = @_ });
+ }
+ elsif( $collect eq "scalar" ) {
+ push @$results, undef;
+ my $r = \$results->[-1];
+ $f->on_done( sub { $$r = $_[0] });
+ }
+ }
+ my $f = $slots->[$idx];
+ # Slot is non-immediate; arrange for us to be invoked again later when it's ready
+ if( !$f->is_ready ) {
+ $args[-1] = ( $return ||= $f->new );
+ $f->on_done( sub { _fmap_slot( @args ) } );
+ $f->on_fail( $return );
+ # Try looking for more that might be ready
+ my $i = $idx + 1;
+ while( $i != $idx ) {
+ $i++;
+ $i %= @$slots;
+ next if defined $slots->[$i];
+ $_[1] = $i;
+ redo SLOT;
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ # Either we've been invoked again (case b), or the immediate Future was
+ # already ready.
+ if( $f->failure ) {
+ $return ||= $f->new;
+ $return->fail( $f->failure );
+ return $return;
+ }
+ undef $slots->[$idx];
+ # next
+ }
+sub _fmap
+ my $code = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $concurrent = $args{concurrent} || 1;
+ my @slots;
+ my $results = [];
+ my $future = $args{return};
+ my $generator;
+ if( $generator = $args{generate} ) {
+ # OK
+ }
+ elsif( my $array = $args{foreach} ) {
+ $generator = sub { return unless @$array; shift @$array };
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Expected either 'generate' or 'foreach'";
+ }
+ # If any of these immediately fail, don't bother continuing
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $concurrent-1 ) {
+ $future = _fmap_slot( \@slots, $idx, $code, $generator, $args{collect}, $results, $future );
+ last if $future->is_ready;
+ }
+ $future->on_fail( sub {
+ !defined $_ or $_->is_ready or $_->cancel for @slots;
+ });
+ $future->on_cancel( sub {
+ $_->cancel for @slots;
+ });
+ return $future;
+=head2 $future = fmap_concat { CODE } ...
+This version of C<fmap> expects each item future to return a list of zero or
+more values, and the overall result will be the concatenation of all these
+results. It acts like a future-based equivalent to Perl's C<map> operator.
+The results are returned in the order of the original input values, not in the
+order their futures complete in. Because of the intermediate storage of
+C<ARRAY> references and final flattening operation used to implement this
+behaviour, this function is slightly less efficient than C<fmap_scalar> or
+C<fmap_void> in cases where item futures are expected only ever to return one,
+or zero values, respectively.
+This function is also available under the name of simply C<fmap> to emphasise
+its similarity to perl's C<map> keyword.
+sub fmap_concat(&@)
+ my $code = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ _fmap( $code, %args, collect => "array" )->then( sub {
+ return Future->done( map { @$_ } @_ );
+ });
+*fmap = \&fmap_concat;
+=head2 $future = fmap_scalar { CODE } ...
+This version of C<fmap> acts more like the C<map> functions found in Scheme or
+Haskell; it expects that each item future returns only one value, and the
+overall result will be a list containing these, in order of the original input
+items. If an item future returns more than one value the others will be
+discarded. If it returns no value, then C<undef> will be substituted in its
+place so that the result list remains in correspondence with the input list.
+This function is also available under the shorter name of C<fmap1>.
+sub fmap_scalar(&@)
+ my $code = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ _fmap( $code, %args, collect => "scalar" )
+*fmap1 = \&fmap_scalar;
+=head2 $future = fmap_void { CODE } ...
+This version of C<fmap> does not collect any results from its item futures, it
+simply waits for them all to complete. Its result future will provide no
+While not a map in the strictest sense, this variant is still useful as a way
+to control concurrency of a function call iterating over a list of items,
+obtaining its results by some other means (such as side-effects on captured
+variables, or some external system).
+This function is also available under the shorter name of C<fmap0>.
+sub fmap_void(&@)
+ my $code = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ _fmap( $code, %args, collect => "void" )
+*fmap0 = \&fmap_void;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Test/ b/lib/Test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2a7d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Test/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2014 --
+package Test::Future;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw( Test::Builder::Module );
+our $VERSION = '0.32';
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ no_pending_futures
+use Scalar::Util qw( refaddr );
+use constant HAVE_DEVEL_MAT_DUMPER => defined eval { require Devel::MAT::Dumper };
+=head1 NAME
+C<Test::Future> - unit test assertions for L<Future> instances
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Test::More tests => 2;
+ use Test::Future;
+ no_pending_futures {
+ my $f = some_function();
+ is( $f->get, "result", 'Result of the some_function()' );
+ } 'some_function() leaves no pending Futures';
+This module provides unit testing assertions that may be useful when testing
+code based on, or using L<Future> instances or subclasses.
+=head2 no_pending_futures( \&code, $name )
+Runs the given block of code, while keeping track of every C<Future> instance
+constructed while doing so. After the code has returned, each of these
+instances are inspected to check that they are not still pending. If they are
+all either ready (by success or failure) or cancelled, the test will pass. If
+any are still pending then the test fails.
+If L<Devel::MAT> is installed, it will be used to write a memory state dump
+after a failure. It will create a F<.pmat> file named the same as the unit
+test, but with the trailing F<.t> suffix replaced with F<-TEST.pmat> where
+C<TEST> is the number of the test that failed (in case there was more than
+one). A list of addresses of C<Future> instances that are still pending is
+also printed to assist in debugging the issue.
+It is not an error if the code does not construct any C<Future> instances at
+all. The block of code may contain other testing assertions; they will be run
+before the assertion by C<no_pending_futures> itself.
+sub no_pending_futures(&@)
+ my ( $code, $name ) = @_;
+ my @futures;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ my $new = Future->can( "new" );
+ local *Future::new = sub {
+ my $f = $new->(@_);
+ push @futures, $f;
+ $f->on_ready( sub {
+ my $f = shift;
+ for ( 0 .. $#futures ) {
+ refaddr( $futures[$_] ) == refaddr( $f ) or next;
+ splice @futures, $_, 1, ();
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ return $f;
+ };
+ my $done = Future->can( "done" );
+ local *Future::done = sub {
+ my $f = $done->(@_);
+ pop @futures if !ref $_[0]; # class method
+ return $f;
+ };
+ my $fail = Future->can( "fail" );
+ local *Future::fail = sub {
+ my $f = $fail->(@_);
+ pop @futures if !ref $_[0]; # class method
+ return $f;
+ };
+ my $tb = __PACKAGE__->builder;
+ $code->();
+ my @pending = grep { !$_->is_ready } @futures;
+ return $tb->ok( 1, $name ) if !@pending;
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( 0, $name );
+ $tb->diag( "The following Futures are still pending:" );
+ $tb->diag( join ", ", map { sprintf "0x%x", refaddr $_ } @pending );
+ my $file = $0;
+ my $num = $tb->current_test;
+ # Trim the .t off first then append -$num.pmat, in case $0 wasn't a .t file
+ $file =~ s/\.(?:t|pm|pl)$//;
+ $file .= "-$num.pmat";
+ $tb->diag( "Writing heap dump to $file" );
+ Devel::MAT::Dumper::dump( $file );
+ }
+ return $ok;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>