path: root/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't')
4 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/00-compile.t b/t/00-compile.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b7224f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/00-compile.t
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# this test was generated with Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Compile 2.051
+use Test::More;
+plan tests => 1 + ($ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} ? 1 : 0);
+my @module_files = (
+ 'ExtUtils/'
+# no fake home requested
+my $inc_switch = -d 'blib' ? '-Mblib' : '-Ilib';
+use File::Spec;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use IO::Handle;
+open my $stdin, '<', File::Spec->devnull or die "can't open devnull: $!";
+my @warnings;
+for my $lib (@module_files)
+ # see L<perlfaq8/How can I capture STDERR from an external command?>
+ my $stderr = IO::Handle->new;
+ my $pid = open3($stdin, '>&STDERR', $stderr, $^X, $inc_switch, '-e', "require q[$lib]");
+ binmode $stderr, ':crlf' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+ my @_warnings = <$stderr>;
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ is($?, 0, "$lib loaded ok");
+ if (@_warnings)
+ {
+ warn @_warnings;
+ push @warnings, @_warnings;
+ }
+is(scalar(@warnings), 0, 'no warnings found')
+ or diag 'got warnings: ', ( Test::More->can('explain') ? Test::More::explain(\@warnings) : join("\n", '', @warnings) ) if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING};
diff --git a/t/destinations.t b/t/destinations.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0575eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/destinations.t
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use Test::More tests => 105;
+use Config;
+use File::Temp ();
+use File::Spec::Functions 0.83 ':ALL';
+my $tmp = File::Temp::tempdir('EIP-XXXXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1, DIR => tmpdir);
+use ExtUtils::Config;
+use ExtUtils::InstallPaths;
+# We need to create a well defined environment to test install paths.
+# We do this by setting up appropriate Config entries.
+my @installstyle = qw(lib perl5);
+my $config = ExtUtils::Config->new({
+ installstyle => catdir(@installstyle),
+ installprivlib => catdir($tmp, @installstyle),
+ installarchlib => catdir($tmp, @installstyle, @Config{qw(version archname)}),
+ installbin => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
+ installscript => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
+ installman1dir => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man1'),
+ installman3dir => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man3'),
+ installhtml1dir => catdir($tmp, 'html'),
+ installhtml3dir => catdir($tmp, 'html'),
+ installsitelib => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl'),
+ installsitearch => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl', @Config{qw(version archname)}),
+ installsitebin => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
+ installsitescript => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
+ installsiteman1dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man1'),
+ installsiteman3dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man3'),
+ installsitehtml1dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
+ installsitehtml3dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
+sub get_ei {
+ my %args = @_;
+ return ExtUtils::InstallPaths->new(installdirs => 'site', config => $config, dist_name => 'ExtUtils-InstallPaths', %args);
+isa_ok(get_ei, 'ExtUtils::InstallPaths');
+ my $elem = catdir(rootdir, qw/foo bar/);
+ my $ei = get_ei(install_path => { elem => $elem});
+ is($ei->install_path('elem'), $elem, ' can read stored path');
+ my $ei = get_ei(install_base => catdir(rootdir, 'bar'), install_base_relpaths => { 'elem' => catdir(qw/foo bar/) });
+ is($ei->install_base_relpaths('elem'), catdir(qw/foo bar/), ' can read stored path');
+ is($ei->install_destination('lib'), catdir(rootdir, qw/bar lib perl5/), 'destination of other items is not affected');
+ my $ei = eval { get_ei(prefix_relpaths => { 'site' => { 'elem' => catdir(rootdir, qw/foo bar/)} }) };
+ is ($ei, undef, '$ei undefined');
+ like($@, qr/Value must be a relative path/, ' emits error if path not relative');
+ my $ei = get_ei(prefix_relpaths => { site => { elem => catdir(qw/foo bar/) } });
+ my $path = $ei->prefix_relpaths('site', 'elem');
+ is($path, catdir(qw(foo bar)), ' can read stored path');
+# Check that we install into the proper default locations.
+ my $ei = get_ei();
+ test_install_destinations($ei, {
+ lib => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl'),
+ arch => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl', @Config{qw(version archname)}),
+ bin => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
+ script => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
+ bindoc => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man1'),
+ libdoc => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man3'),
+ binhtml => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
+ libhtml => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
+ }, 'installdirs=site');
+ test_install_map($ei, {
+ read => '',
+ write => catfile($ei->install_destination('arch'), qw/auto ExtUtils InstallPaths .packlist/),
+ catdir('blib', 'lib') => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl'),
+ catdir('blib', 'arch') => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl', @Config{qw(version archname)}),
+ catdir('blib', 'bin') => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
+ catdir('blib', 'script') => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
+ }, 'installdirs=site');
+# Is installdirs honored?
+ my $ei = get_ei(installdirs => 'core');
+ is($ei->installdirs, 'core');
+ test_install_destinations($ei, {
+ lib => catdir($tmp, @installstyle),
+ arch => catdir($tmp, @installstyle, @Config{qw(version archname)}),
+ bin => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
+ script => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
+ bindoc => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man1'),
+ libdoc => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man3'),
+ binhtml => catdir($tmp, 'html'),
+ libhtml => catdir($tmp, 'html'),
+ });
+# Check install_base()
+ my $install_base = catdir('foo', 'bar');
+ my $ei = get_ei(install_base => $install_base);
+ is($ei->prefix, undef);
+ is($ei->install_base, $install_base);
+ test_install_destinations($ei, {
+ lib => catdir($install_base, 'lib', 'perl5'),
+ arch => catdir($install_base, 'lib', 'perl5', $Config{archname}),
+ bin => catdir($install_base, 'bin'),
+ script => catdir($install_base, 'bin'),
+ bindoc => catdir($install_base, 'man', 'man1'),
+ libdoc => catdir($install_base, 'man', 'man3'),
+ binhtml => catdir($install_base, 'html'),
+ libhtml => catdir($install_base, 'html'),
+ });
+ test_install_map($ei, {
+ read => '',
+ write => catfile($ei->install_destination('arch'), qw/auto ExtUtils InstallPaths .packlist/),
+ catdir('blib', 'lib') => catdir($install_base, 'lib', 'perl5'),
+ catdir('blib', 'arch') => catdir($install_base, 'lib', 'perl5', $Config{archname}),
+ catdir('blib', 'bin') => catdir($install_base, 'bin'),
+ catdir('blib', 'script') => catdir($install_base, 'bin'),
+ }, 'install_base');
+# Basic prefix test. Ensure everything is under the prefix.
+ my $prefix = catdir(qw/some prefix/);
+ my $ei = get_ei(prefix => $prefix);
+ ok(!defined $ei->install_base, 'install_base is not defined');
+ is($ei->prefix, $prefix, "The prefix is $prefix");
+ test_prefix($ei, $prefix);
+# test_prefix($ei, $prefix, $ei->install_sets('site'));
+# And now that prefix honors installdirs.
+ my $prefix = catdir(qw/some prefix/);
+ my $ei = get_ei(prefix => $prefix, installdirs => 'core');
+ is($ei->installdirs, 'core');
+ test_prefix($ei, $prefix);
+ my $ei = get_ei;
+# Try a config setting which would result in installation locations outside
+# the prefix. Ensure it doesn't.
+ # Get the prefix defaults
+ my @types = $ei->install_types;
+ # Create a configuration involving weird paths that are outside of
+ # the configured prefix.
+ my @prefixes = ([qw(foo bar)], [qw(biz)], []);
+ my %test_config;
+ foreach my $type (@types) {
+ my $prefix = shift @prefixes || [qw(foo bar)];
+ $test_config{$type} = catdir(rootdir, @$prefix, @{$ei->prefix_relpaths('site', $type)});
+ }
+ # Poke at the innards of E::IP to change the default install locations.
+ my $prefix = catdir('another', 'prefix');
+ my $config = ExtUtils::Config->new({ siteprefixexp => catdir(rootdir, 'wierd', 'prefix')});
+ $ei = get_ei(install_sets => { site => \%test_config }, config => $config, prefix => $prefix);
+ test_prefix($ei, $prefix, \%test_config);
+# Check that we can use install_base after setting prefix.
+ my $install_base = catdir('foo', 'bar');
+ my $ei = get_ei(install_base => $install_base, prefix => 'whatever');
+ test_install_destinations($ei, {
+ lib => catdir($install_base, 'lib', 'perl5'),
+ arch => catdir($install_base, 'lib', 'perl5', $Config{archname}),
+ bin => catdir($install_base, 'bin'),
+ script => catdir($install_base, 'bin'),
+ bindoc => catdir($install_base, 'man', 'man1'),
+ libdoc => catdir($install_base, 'man', 'man3'),
+ binhtml => catdir($install_base, 'html'),
+ libhtml => catdir($install_base, 'html'),
+ });
+sub dir_contains {
+ my ($first, $second) = @_;
+ # File::Spec doesn't have an easy way to check whether one directory
+ # is inside another, unfortunately.
+ ($first, $second) = map { canonpath($_) } ($first, $second);
+ my @first_dirs = splitdir($first);
+ my @second_dirs = splitdir($second);
+ return 0 if @second_dirs < @first_dirs;
+ my $is_same = ( case_tolerant() ? sub { lc(shift()) eq lc(shift()) } : sub { shift() eq shift() });
+ while (@first_dirs) {
+ return 0 unless $is_same->(shift @first_dirs, shift @second_dirs);
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub test_prefix {
+ my ($ei, $prefix, $test_config) = @_;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ foreach my $type (qw/lib arch bin script bindoc libdoc binhtml libhtml/) {
+ my $dest = $ei->install_destination($type);
+ ok dir_contains($prefix, $dest), "$type prefixed";
+ SKIP: {
+ skip("'$type' not configured", 1) unless $test_config && $test_config->{$type};
+ have_same_ending($dest, $test_config->{$type}, " suffix correctish ($test_config->{$type} + $prefix = $dest)");
+ }
+ }
+sub have_same_ending {
+ my ($dir1, $dir2, $message) = @_;
+ $dir1 =~ s{/$}{} if $^O eq 'cygwin'; # remove any trailing slash
+ my (undef, $dirs1, undef) = splitpath $dir1;
+ my @dir1 = splitdir $dirs1;
+ $dir2 =~ s{/$}{} if $^O eq 'cygwin'; # remove any trailing slash
+ my (undef, $dirs2, undef) = splitpath $dir2;
+ my @dir2 = splitdir $dirs2;
+ is $dir1[-1], $dir2[-1], $message;
+sub test_install_destinations {
+ my ($build, $expect) = @_;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ while(my ($type, $expect) = each %$expect) {
+ is($build->install_destination($type), $expect, "$type destination");
+ }
+sub test_install_map {
+ my ($paths, $expect, $case) = @_;
+ local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
+ my $map = $paths->install_map;
+ while(my ($type, $expect) = each %$expect) {
+ is($map->{$type}, $expect, "$type destination for $case");
+ }
diff --git a/t/release-pod-coverage.t b/t/release-pod-coverage.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18a8274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/release-pod-coverage.t
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ unless ($ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}) {
+ require Test::More;
+ Test::More::plan(skip_all => 'these tests are for release candidate testing');
+ }
+# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodCoverageTests.
+use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08;
+use Pod::Coverage::TrustPod;
+all_pod_coverage_ok({ coverage_class => 'Pod::Coverage::TrustPod' });
diff --git a/t/release-pod-syntax.t b/t/release-pod-syntax.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdd6a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/release-pod-syntax.t
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ unless ($ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}) {
+ require Test::More;
+ Test::More::plan(skip_all => 'these tests are for release candidate testing');
+ }
+# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSyntaxTests.
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Pod 1.41;