path: root/firmware/lib/include
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Diffstat (limited to 'firmware/lib/include')
5 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/lib/include/stateful_util.h b/firmware/lib/include/stateful_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e782ed88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/lib/include/stateful_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+/* Helper functions/wrappers for memory allocations, manipulation and
+ * comparison.
+ */
+#include "sysincludes.h"
+/* Track remaining data to be read in a buffer. */
+typedef struct MemcpyState {
+ void* remaining_buf;
+ uint64_t remaining_len; /* Remaining length of the buffer. */
+ uint8_t overrun; /* Flag set to 1 when an overrun occurs. */
+} MemcpyState;
+/* Skip [len] bytes only if there's enough data to skip according
+ * to [state].
+ * On success, return a meaningless but non-NULL pointer and updates [state].
+ * On failure, return NULL, set remaining_len in state to -1.
+ *
+ * Useful for iterating through a binary blob to populate a struct. After the
+ * first failure (buffer overrun), successive calls will always fail.
+ */
+void* StatefulSkip(MemcpyState* state, uint64_t len);
+/* Copy [len] bytes into [dst] only if there's enough data to read according
+ * to [state].
+ * On success, return [dst] and update [state].
+ * On failure, return NULL, set remaining len in state to -1.
+ *
+ * Useful for iterating through a binary blob to populate a struct. After the
+ * first failure (buffer overrun), successive calls will always fail.
+ */
+void* StatefulMemcpy(MemcpyState* state, void* dst, uint64_t len);
+/* Like StatefulMemcpy() but copies in the opposite direction, populating
+ * data from [src] into the buffer encapsulated in state [state].
+ * On success, return [src] and update [state].
+ * On failure, return NULL, set remaining_len in state to -1.
+ *
+ * Useful for iterating through a structure to populate a binary blob. After the
+ * first failure (buffer overrun), successive calls will always fail.
+ */
+const void* StatefulMemcpy_r(MemcpyState* state, const void* src, uint64_t len);
+/* Like StatefulMemcpy_r() but fills a portion of the encapsulated buffer with
+ * a constant value.
+ * On success, return a meaningless but non-NULL pointer and updates [state].
+ * On failure, return NULL, set remaining_len in state to -1.
+ *
+ * After the first failure (buffer overrun), successive calls will always fail.
+ */
+const void* StatefulMemset_r(MemcpyState* state, const uint8_t val,
+ uint64_t len);
diff --git a/firmware/lib/include/tss_constants.h b/firmware/lib/include/tss_constants.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2371485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/lib/include/tss_constants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * Some TPM constants and type definitions for standalone compilation for use in
+ * the firmware
+ */
+/* FIXME(gauravsh):
+ * NOTE: This file is copied over from
+ * src/platform/tpm_lite/src/tlcl/tss_constants.h
+ * Ideally, we want to directly include it without having two maintain
+ * duplicate copies in sync. But in the current model, this is hard
+ * to do without breaking standalone compilation.
+ * Eventually tpm_lite should be moved into vboot_reference.
+ */
+#include "sysincludes.h"
+#define TPM_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE 4096
+#define TPM_LARGE_ENOUGH_COMMAND_SIZE 256 /* saves space in the firmware */
+#define TPM_SUCCESS ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
+#define TPM_E_BADINDEX ((uint32_t)0x00000002)
+#define TPM_E_MAXNVWRITES ((uint32_t)0x00000048)
+#define TPM_E_ALREADY_INITIALIZED ((uint32_t)0x00005000) /* vboot local */
+#define TPM_E_INTERNAL_INCONSISTENCY ((uint32_t)0x00005001) /* vboot local */
+#define TPM_E_MUST_REBOOT ((uint32_t)0x00005002) /* vboot local */
+#define TPM_NV_INDEX0 ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
+#define TPM_NV_INDEX_LOCK ((uint32_t)0xffffffff)
+#define TPM_NV_PER_WRITE_STCLEAR (((uint32_t)1)<<14)
+#define TPM_NV_PER_PPWRITE (((uint32_t)1)<<0)
+#define TPM_NV_PER_GLOBALLOCK (((uint32_t)1)<<15)
+typedef uint8_t TSS_BOOL;
+typedef uint16_t TPM_STRUCTURE_TAG;
+typedef struct tdTPM_WRITE_INFO {
+ uint32_t nvIndex;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ uint32_t dataSize;
+typedef struct tdTPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS
+ TSS_BOOL disable;
+ TSS_BOOL ownership;
+ TSS_BOOL deactivated;
+ TSS_BOOL readPubek;
+ TSS_BOOL disableOwnerClear;
+ TSS_BOOL allowMaintenance;
+ TSS_BOOL physicalPresenceLifetimeLock;
+ TSS_BOOL physicalPresenceHWEnable;
+ TSS_BOOL physicalPresenceCMDEnable;
+ TSS_BOOL TPMpostLock;
+ TSS_BOOL Operator;
+ TSS_BOOL enableRevokeEK;
+ TSS_BOOL nvLocked;
+ TSS_BOOL readSRKPub;
+ TSS_BOOL tpmEstablished;
+ TSS_BOOL maintenanceDone;
+ TSS_BOOL disableFullDALogicInfo;
+ | TPM_LOC_THREE | TPM_LOC_FOUR) /* 0x1f */
+#define TPM_ENCAUTH_SIZE 20
+#define TPM_PUBEK_SIZE 256
diff --git a/firmware/lib/include/vboot_common.h b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7998a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * Common functions between firmware and kernel verified boot.
+ */
+#include "cryptolib.h"
+#include "vboot_struct.h"
+/* Error Codes for all common functions. */
+enum {
+ VBOOT_KEY_BLOCK_INVALID, /* Key block internal structure is
+ * invalid, or not a key block */
+ VBOOT_KEY_BLOCK_SIGNATURE, /* Key block signature check failed */
+ VBOOT_KEY_BLOCK_HASH, /* Key block hash check failed */
+ VBOOT_PUBLIC_KEY_INVALID, /* Invalid public key passed to a
+ * signature verficiation function. */
+ VBOOT_PREAMBLE_INVALID, /* Preamble internal structure is
+ * invalid */
+ VBOOT_PREAMBLE_SIGNATURE, /* Preamble signature check failed */
+extern char* kVbootErrors[VBOOT_ERROR_MAX];
+/* Return offset of ptr from base. */
+uint64_t OffsetOf(const void* base, const void* ptr);
+/* Helper functions to get data pointed to by a public key or signature. */
+uint8_t* GetPublicKeyData(VbPublicKey* key);
+const uint8_t* GetPublicKeyDataC(const VbPublicKey* key);
+uint8_t* GetSignatureData(VbSignature* sig);
+const uint8_t* GetSignatureDataC(const VbSignature* sig);
+/* Helper functions to verify the data pointed to by a subfield is inside
+ * the parent data. Returns 0 if inside, 1 if error. */
+int VerifyMemberInside(const void* parent, uint64_t parent_size,
+ const void* member, uint64_t member_size,
+ uint64_t member_data_offset,
+ uint64_t member_data_size);
+int VerifyPublicKeyInside(const void* parent, uint64_t parent_size,
+ const VbPublicKey* key);
+int VerifySignatureInside(const void* parent, uint64_t parent_size,
+ const VbSignature* sig);
+/* Initialize a public key to refer to [key_data]. */
+void PublicKeyInit(VbPublicKey* key, uint8_t* key_data, uint64_t key_size);
+/* Copy a public key from [src] to [dest].
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if success, non-zero if error. */
+int PublicKeyCopy(VbPublicKey* dest, const VbPublicKey* src);
+/* Converts a public key to RsaPublicKey format. The returned key must
+ * be freed using RSAPublicKeyFree().
+ *
+ * Returns NULL if error. */
+RSAPublicKey* PublicKeyToRSA(const VbPublicKey* key);
+/* Verifies [data] matches signature [sig] using [key]. */
+int VerifyData(const uint8_t* data, const VbSignature* sig,
+ const RSAPublicKey* key);
+/* Verifies a secure hash digest from DigestBuf() or DigestFinal(),
+ * using [key]. */
+int VerifyDigest(const uint8_t* digest, const VbSignature *sig,
+ const RSAPublicKey* key);
+/* Checks the sanity of a key block of size [size] bytes, using public
+ * key [key]. If [key]==NULL, uses only the block checksum to verify
+ * the key block. Header fields are also checked for sanity. Does not
+ * verify key index or key block flags. */
+int KeyBlockVerify(const VbKeyBlockHeader* block, uint64_t size,
+ const VbPublicKey *key);
+/* Checks the sanity of a firmware preamble of size [size] bytes,
+ * using public key [key].
+ *
+ * Returns VBOOT_SUCCESS if successful. */
+int VerifyFirmwarePreamble2(const VbFirmwarePreambleHeader* preamble,
+ uint64_t size, const RSAPublicKey* key);
+/* Checks the sanity of a kernel preamble of size [size] bytes,
+ * using public key [key].
+ *
+ * Returns VBOOT_SUCCESS if successful. */
+int VerifyKernelPreamble2(const VbKernelPreambleHeader* preamble,
+ uint64_t size, const RSAPublicKey* key);
diff --git a/firmware/lib/include/vboot_kernel.h b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_kernel.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cb7f028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_kernel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * Data structure and API definitions for a verified boot kernel image.
+ * (Firmware Portion)
+ */
+#include "cgptlib.h"
+/* Allocates and reads GPT data from the drive. The sector_bytes and
+ * drive_sectors fields should be filled on input. The primary and
+ * secondary header and entries are filled on output.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, 1 if error. */
+int AllocAndReadGptData(GptData* gptdata);
+/* Writes any changes for the GPT data back to the drive, then frees the
+ * buffers. */
+int WriteAndFreeGptData(GptData* gptdata);
diff --git a/firmware/lib/include/vboot_struct.h b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_struct.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a60615c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_struct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * Data structure definitions for verified boot, for on-disk / in-eeprom
+ * data.
+ */
+#include "sysincludes.h"
+/* Public key data */
+typedef struct VbPublicKey {
+ uint64_t key_offset; /* Offset of key data from start of this struct */
+ uint64_t key_size; /* Size of key data in bytes (NOT strength of key
+ * in bits) */
+ uint64_t algorithm; /* Signature algorithm used by the key */
+ uint64_t key_version; /* Key version */
+} __attribute__((packed)) VbPublicKey;
+/* Signature data (a secure hash, possibly signed) */
+typedef struct VbSignature {
+ uint64_t sig_offset; /* Offset of signature data from start of this
+ * struct */
+ uint64_t sig_size; /* Size of signature data in bytes */
+ uint64_t data_size; /* Size of the data block which was signed in bytes */
+} __attribute__((packed)) VbSignature;
+/* Flags for key_block_flags */
+/* The following flags set where the key is valid */
+#define KEY_BLOCK_FLAG_DEVELOPER_0 UINT64_C(0x01) /* Developer switch off */
+#define KEY_BLOCK_FLAG_DEVELOPER_1 UINT64_C(0x02) /* Developer switch on */
+#define KEY_BLOCK_FLAG_RECOVERY_0 UINT64_C(0x04) /* Not recovery mode */
+#define KEY_BLOCK_FLAG_RECOVERY_1 UINT64_C(0x08) /* Recovery mode */
+/* Key block, containing the public key used to sign some other chunk
+ * of data. */
+typedef struct VbKeyBlockHeader {
+ uint8_t magic[KEY_BLOCK_MAGIC_SIZE]; /* Magic number */
+ uint32_t header_version_major; /* Version of this header format */
+ uint32_t header_version_minor; /* Version of this header format */
+ uint64_t key_block_size; /* Length of this entire key block,
+ * including keys, signatures, and
+ * padding, in bytes */
+ VbSignature key_block_signature; /* Signature for this key block
+ * (header + data pointed to by data_key)
+ * For use with signed data keys*/
+ VbSignature key_block_checksum; /* SHA-512 checksum for this key block
+ * (header + data pointed to by data_key)
+ * For use with unsigned data keys */
+ uint64_t key_block_flags; /* Flags for key (KEY_BLOCK_FLAG_*) */
+ VbPublicKey data_key; /* Key to verify the chunk of data */
+} __attribute__((packed)) VbKeyBlockHeader;
+/* This should be followed by:
+ * 1) The data_key key data, pointed to by data_key.key_offset.
+ * 2) The checksum data for (VBKeyBlockHeader + data_key data), pointed to
+ * by key_block_checksum.sig_offset.
+ * 3) The signature data for (VBKeyBlockHeader + data_key data), pointed to
+ * by key_block_signature.sig_offset. */
+/* Preamble block for rewritable firmware */
+typedef struct VbFirmwarePreambleHeader {
+ uint64_t preamble_size; /* Size of this preamble, including keys,
+ * signatures, and padding, in bytes */
+ VbSignature preamble_signature; /* Signature for this preamble
+ * (header + kernel subkey +
+ * body signature) */
+ uint32_t header_version_major; /* Version of this header format */
+ uint32_t header_version_minor; /* Version of this header format */
+ uint64_t firmware_version; /* Firmware version */
+ VbPublicKey kernel_subkey; /* Key to verify kernel key block */
+ VbSignature body_signature; /* Signature for the firmware body */
+} __attribute__((packed)) VbFirmwarePreambleHeader;
+/* This should be followed by:
+ * 1) The kernel_subkey key data, pointed to by kernel_subkey.key_offset.
+ * 2) The signature data for the firmware body, pointed to by
+ * body_signature.sig_offset.
+ * 3) The signature data for (VBFirmwarePreambleHeader + kernel_subkey data
+ * + body signature data), pointed to by
+ * preamble_signature.sig_offset. */
+/* Preamble block for kernel */
+typedef struct VbKernelPreambleHeader {
+ uint64_t preamble_size; /* Size of this preamble, including keys,
+ * signatures, and padding, in bytes */
+ VbSignature preamble_signature; /* Signature for this preamble
+ * (header + body signature) */
+ uint32_t header_version_major; /* Version of this header format */
+ uint32_t header_version_minor; /* Version of this header format */
+ uint64_t kernel_version; /* Kernel version */
+ uint64_t body_load_address; /* Load address for kernel body */
+ uint64_t bootloader_address; /* Address of bootloader, after body is
+ * loaded at body_load_address */
+ uint64_t bootloader_size; /* Size of bootloader in bytes */
+ VbSignature body_signature; /* Signature for the kernel body */
+} __attribute__((packed)) VbKernelPreambleHeader;
+/* This should be followed by:
+ * 2) The signature data for the kernel body, pointed to by
+ * body_signature.sig_offset.
+ * 3) The signature data for (VBFirmwarePreambleHeader + body signature
+ * data), pointed to by preamble_signature.sig_offset. */