diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1016 deletions
diff --git a/user_tools/README.txt b/user_tools/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 37500652..00000000
--- a/user_tools/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-The tools under this directory are for the end users of Chromium OS devices.
diff --git a/user_tools/README_recovery.txt b/user_tools/README_recovery.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f413f8..00000000
--- a/user_tools/README_recovery.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-The recovery tool assists the user in creating a bootable USB drive that can
-recover a non-functional Chromium OS device. It generally operates in three
-1. Download a config file from a known URL. This file describes the
- available images and where they can be found.
-2. Ask the user to select the appropriate image, download it, and verify
- that it matches what the config file describes.
-3. Ask the user to select a USB drive, and write the recovery image to it.
-Here's the format of the config file:
-The config file is a machine-generated, human-readable text file containing
-at least two paragraphs or stanzas, which are separated by at least one
-blank line.
-* Each line in the file ends with "\n" (LF), not "\r\n" (CRLF).
-* The file shall not contain any tab characters.
-* Lines beginning with '#' are completely ignored and do not count as blank
- lines.
-* Non-blank lines must consist of a non-blank key and non-blank value
- separated by a '=' with no spaces on either side. The key may not contain
- whitespace. The value may contain spaces, but all trailing whitespace is
- discarded.
-* The first stanza must contain a key named "recovery_tool_version'. Its
- value must match the version of the recovery tool. If the value does not
- match, then the key 'recovery_tool_update', if it exists in the first
- stanza, should contain a string to display to the user. Regardless, if the
- version doesn't match, the recovery tool should exit.
-* The first stanza MAY have platform-specific keys such as
- 'recovery_tool_linux_version'. If present, this key is used instead of the
- 'recovery_tool_version' key to determine the required recovery tool
- version.
-* The current recovery_tool_version value is 0.9.1
-* The archive shall be in ZIP format.
-The second and remaining stanzas describe recovery images to put on the USB
-drive. Each image stanza must contain, in this order:
-* One and only one of each of these keys:
- name - string to show to the user
- zipfilesize - size in bytes of the zipfile
- file - the name of the file to extract from the zipfile
- filesize - size in bytes of the extracted, uncompressed file
- channel - the channel for this image ("beta-channel",
- "dev-channel", "pilot-channel", etc.)
-* Zero or more of these keys:
- hwid - the HWID of the device which can use this image (no
- entry means "any device")
-* One or both of these keys:
- md5 - md5sum of the zipfile
- sha1 - sha1sum of the zipfile
-* One or more of these keys:
- url - where to find the zipfile to download
-Any other keys are informational only and are not used by the recovery tool.
-If more than one url is provided, then they should be tried, in turn, until
-one succeeds.
-At a minimum, the user shall be shown the name, channel, and all hwid values
-for each image.
diff --git a/user_tools/linux/ b/user_tools/linux/
deleted file mode 100755
index 56fc255a..00000000
--- a/user_tools/linux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,930 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This attempts to guide linux users through the process of putting a recovery
-# image onto a removeable USB drive.
-# We may not need root privileges if we have the right permissions.
-set -eu
-# Configuration goes here
-# Where should we do our work? Use 'WORKDIR=' to make a temporary directory,
-# but using a persistent location may let us resume interrupted downloads or
-# run again without needing to download a second time.
-# Where do we look for the config file? Note that we can override this by just
-# specifying the config file URL on the command line.
-# Device to put this stuff on, perhaps the user knows best?
-# What version is this script? It must match the 'recovery_tool_version=' value
-# in the config file that we'll download.
-# Some temporary filenames
-# Various warning messages
-DEBUG() {
- echo "DEBUG: $@" >>"$debug"
-prompt() {
- # builtin echo may not grok '-n'. We should always have /bin/echo, right?
- /bin/echo -n "$@"
-warn() {
- echo "$@" 1>&2
-quit() {
- warn "quitting..."
- exit 1
-fatal() {
- warn "ERROR: $@"
- exit 1
-ufatal() {
- warn "
-ERROR: $@
-You may need to run this program as a different user. If that doesn't help, try
-using a different computer, or ask a knowledgeable friend for help.
- exit 1
-gfatal() {
- warn "
-ERROR: $@
-You may need to run this program as a different user. If that doesn't help, it
-may be a networking problem or a problem with the images provided by Google.
-You might want to check to see if there is a newer version of this tool
-available, or if someone else has already reported a problem.
-If all else fails, you could try using a different computer, or ask a
-knowledgeable friend for help.
- exit 1
-# Identify the external utilities that we MUST have available.
-# I'd like to keep the set of external *NIX commands to an absolute minimum,
-# but I have to balance that against producing mysterious errors because the
-# shell can't always do everything. Let's make sure that these utilities are
-# all in our $PATH, or die with an error.
-# This also sets the following global variables to select alternative utilities
-# when there is more than one equivalent tool available:
-# FETCH = name of utility used to download files from the web
-# CHECK = command to invoke to generate checksums on a file
-# CHECKTYPE = type of checksum generated
-# DISKUTIL = set if we have 'diskutil' (for Macs)
-require_utils() {
- local extern
- local errors
- local tool
- local tmp
- extern='awk cat cut dd grep ls mkdir mount readlink sed sync umount unzip wc'
- if [ -z "$WORKDIR" ]; then
- extern="$extern mktemp"
- fi
- errors=
- for tool in $extern ; do
- if ! type "$tool" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- warn "ERROR: need \"$tool\""
- errors=yes
- fi
- done
- # We also need to a way to fetch files from teh internets. Note that the args
- # are different depending on which utility we find. We'll use two variants,
- # one to fetch fresh every time and one to try again from where we left off.
- if [ -z "$FETCH" ] && tmp=$(type curl 2>/dev/null) ; then
- FETCH=curl
- fi
- if [ -z "$FETCH" ] && tmp=$(type wget 2>/dev/null) ; then
- FETCH=wget
- fi
- if [ -z "$FETCH" ]; then
- warn "ERROR: need \"curl\" or \"wget\""
- errors=yes
- fi
- # Once we've fetched a file we need to compute its checksum. There are
- # multiple possiblities here too.
- if [ -z "$CHECK" ] && tmp=$(type md5sum 2>/dev/null) ; then
- CHECK="md5sum"
- fi
- if [ -z "$CHECK" ] && tmp=$(type sha1sum 2>/dev/null) ; then
- CHECK="sha1sum"
- CHECKTYPE="sha1"
- fi
- if [ -z "$CHECK" ] && tmp=$(type openssl 2>/dev/null) ; then
- CHECK="openssl"
- fi
- if [ -z "$CHECK" ]; then
- warn "ERROR: need \"md5sum\" or \"sha1sum\" or \"openssl\""
- errors=yes
- fi
- # This utility is on Macs, so use it if we find it.
- if type diskutil >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- DISKUTIL=diskutil
- fi
- if [ -n "$errors" ]; then
- ufatal "Some required utilities are missing."
- fi
-# This retrieves a URL and stores it locally. It uses the global variable
-# 'FETCH' to determine the utility (and args) to invoke.
-fetch_url() {
- local url
- local filename
- local resume
- local err
- url="$1"
- filename="$2"
- resume="${3:-}"
- DEBUG "FETCH=($FETCH) url=($url) filename=($filename) resume=($resume)"
- if [ "$FETCH" = "curl" ]; then
- if [ -z "$resume" ]; then
- # quietly fetch a new copy each time
- rm -f "$filename"
- curl -L -f -s -S -o "$filename" "$url"
- else
- # continue where we left off, if possible
- curl -L -f -C - -o "$filename" "$url"
- # If you give curl the '-C -' option but the file you want is already
- # complete and the server doesn't report the total size correctly, it
- # will report an error instead of just doing nothing. We'll try to work
- # around that.
- err=$?
- if [ "$err" = "18" ]; then
- warn "Ignoring spurious complaint"
- true
- fi
- fi
- elif [ "$FETCH" = "wget" ]; then
- if [ -z "$resume" ]; then
- # quietly fetch a new copy each time
- rm -f "$filename"
- wget -nv -q -O "$filename" "$url"
- else
- # continue where we left off, if possible
- wget -c -O "$filename" "$url"
- fi
- fi
-# This returns a checksum on a file. It uses the global variable 'CHECK' to
-# determine the utility (and args) to invoke.
-compute_checksum() {
- local filename
- filename="$1"
- if [ "$CHECK" = "openssl" ]; then
- openssl md5 < "$filename"
- else
- $CHECK "$zipfile" | cut -d' ' -f1
- fi
-# Helper functions to handle the config file and image zipfile.
-# Convert bytes to MB, rounding up to determine storage needed to hold bytes.
-roundup() {
- local num=$1
- local div=$(( 1024 * 1024 ))
- local rem=$(( $num % $div ))
- if [ $rem -ne 0 ]; then
- num=$(($num + $div - $rem))
- fi
- echo $(( $num / $div ))
-# Die unless the filesystem containing the current directory has enough free
-# space. The argument is the number of MB required.
-verify_tmp_space() {
- local need
- local got
- need="$1"
- # The output of "df -m ." could take two forms:
- #
- # Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
- # /some/really/long/path/to/some/where
- # 37546 11118 24521 32% /
- #
- # Filesystem 1048576-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
- # /some/short/path 37546 11118 24521 32% /
- #
- got=$(df -m . | awk '/^\/[^ ]+ +[0-9]/ {print $4} /^ +[0-9]/ {print $3}')
- if [ "$need" -gt "$got" ]; then
- fatal " There is not enough free space in ${WORKDIR}" \
-"(it has ${got}MB, we need ${need}MB).
-Please free up some space on that filesystem, or specify a temporary directory
-on the commandline like so:
- WORKDIR=/path/to/some/dir $0
- fi
-# Each paragraph in the config file should describe a new image. Let's make
-# sure it follows all the rules. This scans the config file and returns success
-# if it looks valid. As a side-effect, it lists the line numbers of the start
-# and end of each stanza in the global variables 'start_lines' and 'end_lines'
-# and saves the total number of images in the global variable 'num_images'.
-good_config() {
- local line
- local key
- local val
- local name
- local file
- local zipfilesize
- local filesize
- local url
- local md5
- local sha1
- local skipping
- local errors
- local count
- local line_num
- name=
- file=
- zipfilesize=
- filesize=
- url=
- md5=
- sha1=
- skipping=yes
- errors=
- count=0
- line_num=0
- # global
- start_lines=
- end_lines=
- while read line; do
- line_num=$(( line_num + 1 ))
- # We might have some empty lines before the first stanza. Skip them.
- if [ -n "$skipping" ] && [ -z "$line" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- # Got something...
- if [ -n "$line" ]; then
- key=${line%=*}
- val=${line#*=}
- if [ -z "$key" ] || [ -z "$val" ] || [ "$key=$val" != "$line" ]; then
- DEBUG "ignoring $line"
- continue
- fi
- # right, looks good
- if [ -n "$skipping" ]; then
- skipping=
- start_lines="$start_lines $line_num"
- fi
- case $key in
- name)
- if [ -n "$name" ]; then
- DEBUG "duplicate $key"
- errors=yes
- fi
- name="$val"
- ;;
- file)
- if [ -n "$file" ]; then
- DEBUG "duplicate $key"
- errors=yes
- fi
- file="$val"
- ;;
- zipfilesize)
- if [ -n "$zipfilesize" ]; then
- DEBUG "duplicate $key"
- errors=yes
- fi
- zipfilesize="$val"
- ;;
- filesize)
- if [ -n "$filesize" ]; then
- DEBUG "duplicate $key"
- errors=yes
- fi
- filesize="$val"
- ;;
- url)
- url="$val"
- ;;
- md5)
- md5="$val"
- ;;
- sha1)
- sha1="$val"
- ;;
- esac
- else
- # Between paragraphs. Time to check what we've found so far.
- end_lines="$end_lines $line_num"
- count=$(( count + 1))
- if [ -z "$name" ]; then
- DEBUG "image $count is missing name"
- errors=yes
- fi
- if [ -z "$file" ]; then
- DEBUG "image $count is missing file"
- errors=yes
- fi
- if [ -z "$zipfilesize" ]; then
- DEBUG "image $count is missing zipfilesize"
- errors=yes
- fi
- if [ -z "$filesize" ]; then
- DEBUG "image $count is missing filesize"
- errors=yes
- fi
- if [ -z "$url" ]; then
- DEBUG "image $count is missing url"
- errors=yes
- fi
- if [ "$CHECKTYPE" = "md5" ] && [ -z "$md5" ]; then
- DEBUG "image $count is missing required md5"
- errors=yes
- fi
- if [ "$CHECKTYPE" = "sha1" ] && [ -z "$sha1" ]; then
- DEBUG "image $count is missing required sha1"
- errors=yes
- fi
- # Prepare for next stanza
- name=
- file=
- zipfilesize=
- filesize=
- url=
- md5=
- sha1=
- skipping=yes
- fi
- done < "$config"
- DEBUG "$count images found"
- num_images="$count"
- DEBUG "start_lines=($start_lines)"
- DEBUG "end_lines=($end_lines)"
- # return error status
- [ "$count" != "0" ] && [ -z "$errors" ]
-# Make the user pick an image to download. On success, it sets the global
-# variable 'user_choice' to the selected image number.
-choose_image() {
- local show
- local count
- local line
- local num
- show=yes
- while true; do
- if [ -n "$show" ]; then
- echo
- if [ "$num_images" -gt 1 ]; then
- echo "There are $num_images recovery images to choose from:"
- else
- echo "There is $num_images recovery image to choose from:"
- fi
- echo
- count=0
- echo "0 - <quit>"
- # NOTE: making assumptions about the order of lines in each stanza!
- while read line; do
- if echo "$line" | grep -q '^name='; then
- echo
- count=$(( count + 1 ))
- echo "$line" | sed "s/name=/$count - /"
- elif echo "$line" | grep -q '^channel='; then
- echo "$line" | sed 's/channel=/ channel: /'
- elif echo "$line" | grep -q '^hwid='; then
- echo "$line" | sed 's/hwid=/ model: /'
- fi
- done < "$config"
- echo
- show=
- fi
- prompt "Please select a recovery image to download: "
- read num
- if [ -z "$num" ] || [ "$num" = "?" ]; then
- show=yes
- elif echo "$num" | grep -q '[^0-9]'; then
- echo "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
- else
- if [ "$num" -lt "0" ] || [ "$num" -gt "$num_images" ]; then
- echo "That's not one of the choices."
- elif [ "$num" -eq 0 ]; then
- quit
- else
- break;
- fi
- fi
- done
- echo
- # global
- user_choice="$num"
-# Fetch and verify the user's chosen image. On success, it sets the global
-# variable 'image_file' to indicate the local name of the unpacked binary that
-# should be written to the USB drive. It also sets the global variable
-# 'disk_needed' to the minimum capacity of the USB drive required (in MB).
-fetch_image() {
- local start
- local end
- local line
- local key
- local val
- local file
- local zipfilesize
- local filesize
- local url
- local md5
- local sha1
- local line_num
- local zipfile
- local err
- local sum
- file=
- zipfilesize=
- filesize=
- url=
- md5=
- sha1=
- line_num="0"
- # Convert image number to line numbers within config file.
- start=$(echo $start_lines | cut -d' ' -f$1)
- end=$(echo $end_lines | cut -d' ' -f$1)
- while read line; do
- # Skip to the start of the desired stanza
- line_num=$(( line_num + 1 ))
- if [ "$line_num" -lt "$start" ] || [ "$line_num" -ge "$end" ]; then
- continue;
- fi
- # Process the stanza.
- if [ -n "$line" ]; then
- key=${line%=*}
- val=${line#*=}
- if [ -z "$key" ] || [ -z "$val" ] || [ "$key=$val" != "$line" ]; then
- DEBUG "ignoring $line"
- continue
- fi
- case $key in
- # The descriptive stuff we'll just save for later.
- file)
- file="$val"
- ;;
- zipfilesize)
- zipfilesize="$val"
- ;;
- filesize)
- filesize="$val"
- ;;
- md5)
- md5="$val"
- ;;
- sha1)
- sha1="$val"
- ;;
- url)
- # Make sure we have enough temp space available. Die if we don't.
- verify_tmp_space $(roundup $(( $zipfilesize + $filesize )))
- # Try to download each url until one works.
- if [ -n "$url" ]; then
- # We've already got one (it's very nice).
- continue;
- fi
- warn "Downloading image zipfile from $val"
- warn ""
- zipfile=${val##*/}
- if fetch_url "$val" "$zipfile" "resumeok"; then
- # Got it.
- url="$val"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- done < "$config"
- if [ -z "$url" ]; then
- DEBUG "couldn't fetch zipfile"
- return 1
- fi
- # Verify the zipfile
- if ! ls -l "$zipfile" | grep -q "$zipfilesize"; then
- DEBUG "zipfilesize is wrong"
- return 1
- fi
- sum=$(compute_checksum "$zipfile")
- DEBUG "checksum is $sum"
- if [ "$CHECKTYPE" = "md5" ] && [ "$sum" != "$md5" ]; then
- DEBUG "wrong $CHECK"
- return 1
- elif [ "$CHECKTYPE" = "sha1" ] && [ "$sum" != "$sha1" ]; then
- DEBUG "wrong $CHECK"
- return 1
- fi
- # Unpack the file
- warn "Unpacking the zipfile"
- rm -f "$file"
- if ! unzip "$zipfile" "$file"; then
- DEBUG "Can't unpack the zipfile"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! ls -l "$file" | grep -q "$filesize"; then
- DEBUG "unpacked filesize is wrong"
- return 1
- fi
- # global
- image_file="$file"
- disk_needed=$(roundup "$filesize")
-# Helper functions to manage USB drives.
-# Return a list of base device names ("sda sdb ...") for all USB drives
-get_devlist() {
- local dev
- local t
- local r
- # Are we on a mac?
- if [ -n "$DISKUTIL" ]; then
- for dev in $(diskutil list | grep '^/dev'); do
- r=$(diskutil info $dev | grep 'Ejectable\: *Yes') || true
- t=$(diskutil info $dev | grep 'Protocol\: *USB') || true
- if [ "$r" != "" ]; then
- if [ "$t" != "" ]; then
- echo "$dev" | sed 's,/dev/,,'
- fi
- fi
- done
- else
- # No, linux, I hope
- for dev in $(cat /proc/partitions); do
- [ -r "/sys/block/$dev/device/type" ] &&
- t=$(cat "/sys/block/$dev/device/type") &&
- [ "$t" = "0" ] &&
- r=$(cat "/sys/block/$dev/removable") &&
- [ "$r" = "1" ] &&
- readlink -f "/sys/block/$dev" | grep -q -i usb &&
- echo "$dev" || true
- done
- fi
-# Return the raw size in MB of each provided base device name ("sda sdb ...")
-get_devsize() {
- local dev
- local bytes
- local sectors
- # Are we on a mac?
- if [ -n "$DISKUTIL" ]; then
- for dev in $1; do
- bytes=$(diskutil info $dev | \
- awk '/\([0-9]+ Bytes\)/' | sed -E 's/.*\(([0-9]+) Bytes\).*/\1/')
- echo $(( $bytes / 1024 / 1024))
- done
- else
- for dev in $1; do
- sectors=$(cat "/sys/block/$dev/size")
- echo $(( $sectors * 512 / 1024 / 1024 ))
- done
- fi
-# Return descriptions for each provided base device name ("sda sdb ...")
-get_devinfo() {
- local dev
- local v
- local m
- local s
- local ss
- # Are we on a mac?
- if [ -n "$DISKUTIL" ]; then
- for dev in $1; do
- m=$(diskutil info $dev | grep 'Device \/ Media Name\:' | \
- sed 's/^[^:]*: *//') || true
- s=$(diskutil info $dev | grep 'Total Size\:' | \
- sed 's/^[^:]*: *\([^(]*\).*/\1/') || true
- echo "/dev/$dev $s $m"
- done
- else
- # No, linux, hopefully
- for dev in $1; do
- v=$(cat "/sys/block/$dev/device/vendor") &&
- m=$(cat "/sys/block/$dev/device/model") &&
- s=$(cat "/sys/block/$dev/size") && ss=$(( $s * 512 / 1000000 )) &&
- echo "/dev/$dev ${ss}MB $v $m"
- done
- fi
-# Enumerate and descript the specified base device names ("sda sdb ...")
-get_choices() {
- local dev
- local desc
- local count
- count=1
- echo "0 - <quit>"
- for dev in $1; do
- desc=$(get_devinfo "$dev")
- echo ""
- echo "$count - Use $desc"
- count=$(( count + 1 ))
- done
-# Make the user pick a USB drive to write to. On success, it sets the global
-# variable 'user_choice' to the selected device name ("sda", "sdb", etc.)
-choose_drive() {
- local show
- local devlist
- local choices
- local num_drives
- local msg
- local num
- show=yes
- while true; do
- if [ -n "$show" ]; then
- devlist=$(get_devlist)
- choices=$(get_choices "$devlist")
- if [ -z "$devlist" ]; then
- num_drives="0"
- msg="I can't seem to find a valid USB drive."
- else
- num_drives=$(echo "$devlist" | wc -l)
- if [ "$num_drives" != "1" ]; then
- msg="I found $num_drives USB drives."
- else
- msg="I found $num_drives USB drive."
- fi
- fi
- echo "
-$msg We need one with at least ${disk_needed}MB capacity.
- show=
- fi
- prompt "Tell me what to do (or just press Enter to scan again): "
- read num
- if [ -z "$num" ] || [ "$num" = "?" ]; then
- show=yes
- elif echo "$num" | grep -q '[^0-9]'; then
- echo "Sorry, I didn't understand that."
- else
- if [ "$num" -lt "0" ] || [ "$num" -gt "$num_drives" ]; then
- echo "That's not one of the choices."
- elif [ "$num" -eq 0 ]; then
- quit
- else
- break;
- fi
- fi
- done
- # global
- user_choice=$(echo $devlist | cut -d' ' -f$num)
-# Unmount a partition
-unmount_partition() {
- if [ -n "$DISKUTIL" ]; then
- diskutil unmountDisk "$1" || ufatal "Unable to unmount $1."
- else
- umount "$1" || ufatal "Unable to unmount $1."
- fi
-# Okay, do something...
-# Make sure we have the tools we need
-# Need a place to work. We prefer a fixed location so we can try to resume any
-# interrupted downloads.
-if [ -n "$WORKDIR" ]; then
- if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR" ] && ! mkdir "$WORKDIR" ; then
- warn "Using temporary directory"
- fi
-if [ -z "$WORKDIR" ]; then
- WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
- # Clean up temporary directory afterwards
- trap "cd; rm -rf ${WORKDIR}" EXIT
-cd "$WORKDIR"
-warn "Working in $WORKDIR/"
-rm -f "$debug"
-# Download the config file to see what choices we have.
-warn "Downloading config file from $CONFIGURL"
-fetch_url "$CONFIGURL" "$tmpfile" || \
- gfatal "Unable to download the config file"
-# Separate the version info from the images
-grep '^recovery_tool' "$tmpfile" > "$version"
-grep -v '^#' "$tmpfile" | grep -v '^recovery_tool' > "$config"
-# Add one empty line to the config file to terminate the last stanza
-echo >> "$config"
-# Make sure that the config file version matches this script version.
-tmp=$(grep '^recovery_tool_linux_version=' "$version") || \
- tmp=$(grep '^recovery_tool_version=' "$version") || \
- gfatal "The config file doesn't contain a version string."
-if [ "$filevers" != "$MYVERSION" ]; then
- tmp=$(grep '^recovery_tool_update=' "$version");
- msg=${tmp#*=}
- warn "This tool is version $MYVERSION." \
- "The config file is for version $filevers."
- fatal ${msg:-Please download a matching version of the tool and try again.}
-# Check the config file to be sure it's valid. As a side-effect, this sets the
-# global variable 'num_images' with the number of image stanzas read, but
-# that's independent of whether the config is valid.
-good_config || gfatal "The config file isn't valid."
-# Make the user pick an image to download, or exit.
-# Download the user's choice
-fetch_image "$user_choice" || \
- gfatal "Unable to download a valid recovery image."
-if [ -n "$DEVICE" ]; then
- user_choice="${DEVICE#/dev/}"
- dev_desc="${DEVICE}"
- # Make the user pick a USB drive, or exit.
- choose_drive
- # Be sure
- dev_desc=$(get_devinfo "$user_choice")
-# Start asking for confirmation
-dev_size=$(get_devsize "$user_choice")
-if [ "$dev_size" -lt "$disk_needed" ]; then
- echo "
-WARNING: This drive seems too small (${dev_size}MB)." \
- "The recovery image is ${disk_needed}MB."
-echo "
-Is this the device you want to put the recovery image on?
- $dev_desc
-prompt "You must enter 'YES' (all uppercase) to continue: "
-read tmp
-if [ "$tmp" != "YES" ]; then
- quit
-# Be very sure
-echo "
-I'm really going to erase this device. This will permanently ERASE
-whatever you may have on that drive. You won't be able to undo it.
- $dev_desc
-prompt "If you're sure that's correct, enter 'DoIt' now (case is important): "
-read tmp
-if [ "$tmp" != "DoIt" ]; then
- quit
-echo "
-Installing the recovery image
-# Unmount anything on that device.
-echo "unmounting..."
-for tmp in $(mount | grep ^"/dev/${user_choice}" | cut -d' ' -f1); do
- unmount_partition "$tmp"
-# Write it.
-echo "copying... (this may take several minutes)"
-# Many BSD variants provide both normal /dev/FOO and raw /dev/rFOO devices,
-# with the raw path being much faster. If that device exists, we'll use it.
-if [ -e /dev/r${user_choice} ]; then
- user_choice="r${user_choice}"
-dd bs=4194304 of=/dev/${user_choice} if="$image_file" conv=sync ||
- ufatal "Unable to write the image."
-echo "
-Done. Remove the USB drive and insert it in your Chrome notebook.
-prompt "Shall I remove the temporary files now? [y/n] "
-read tmp
-case $tmp in
- [Yy]*)
- cd
- \rm -rf ${WORKDIR}
- ;;
-exit 0