path: root/zephyr/projects/nissa/nereid/generated.dtsi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zephyr/projects/nissa/nereid/generated.dtsi')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/zephyr/projects/nissa/nereid/generated.dtsi b/zephyr/projects/nissa/nereid/generated.dtsi
deleted file mode 100644
index bca58c478e..0000000000
--- a/zephyr/projects/nissa/nereid/generated.dtsi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- *
- * This file is auto-generated - do not edit!
- */
-/ {
- named-adc-channels {
- compatible = "named-adc-channels";
- adc_ec_vsense_pp1050_proc: ec_vsense_pp1050_proc {
- enum-name = "ADC_PP1050_PROC";
- io-channels = <&adc0 14>;
- };
- adc_ec_vsense_pp3300_s5: ec_vsense_pp3300_s5 {
- enum-name = "ADC_PP3300_S5";
- io-channels = <&adc0 0>;
- };
- adc_temp_sensor_1: temp_sensor_1 {
- enum-name = "ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_1";
- io-channels = <&adc0 2>;
- };
- adc_temp_sensor_2: temp_sensor_2 {
- enum-name = "ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_2";
- io-channels = <&adc0 3>;
- };
- adc_temp_sensor_3: temp_sensor_3 {
- enum-name = "ADC_TEMP_SENSOR_3";
- io-channels = <&adc0 13>;
- };
- };
- named-gpios {
- compatible = "named-gpios";
- gpio_acc_int_l: acc_int_l {
- gpios = <&gpioc 0 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_all_sys_pwrgd: all_sys_pwrgd {
- gpios = <&gpiob 7 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ccd_mode_odl: ccd_mode_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioh 5 GPIO_INPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_CCD_MODE_ODL";
- };
- gpio_cpu_c10_gate_l: cpu_c10_gate_l {
- gpios = <&gpiog 1 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ec_battery_pres_odl: ec_battery_pres_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioi 4 GPIO_INPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_BATT_PRES_ODL";
- };
- gpio_ec_cbi_wp: ec_cbi_wp {
- gpios = <&gpioj 5 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ec_edp_bl_en_od: ec_edp_bl_en_od {
- gpios = <&gpiok 4 GPIO_ODR_HIGH>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_ENABLE_BACKLIGHT";
- };
- gpio_ec_entering_rw: ec_entering_rw {
- gpios = <&gpioc 7 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_ENTERING_RW";
- };
- gpio_ec_gsc_packet_mode: ec_gsc_packet_mode {
- gpios = <&gpioh 1 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_PACKET_MODE_EN";
- };
- gpio_ec_pch_wake_odl: ec_pch_wake_odl {
- gpios = <&gpiob 2 GPIO_ODR_LOW>;
- };
- gpio_ec_prochot_odl: ec_prochot_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioi 1 GPIO_ODR_HIGH>;
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_dsw_pwrok: ec_soc_dsw_pwrok {
- gpios = <&gpiol 7 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_hdmi_hpd: ec_soc_hdmi_hpd {
- gpios = <&gpiok 7 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_int_odl: ec_soc_int_odl {
- gpios = <&gpiod 5 GPIO_ODR_HIGH>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_EC_INT_L";
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_pch_pwrok_od: ec_soc_pch_pwrok_od {
- gpios = <&gpiod 6 GPIO_ODR_HIGH>;
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_pwr_btn_odl: ec_soc_pwr_btn_odl {
- gpios = <&gpiob 6 GPIO_ODR_HIGH>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_PCH_PWRBTN_L";
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_rsmrst_l: ec_soc_rsmrst_l {
- gpios = <&gpioh 0 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_rtcrst: ec_soc_rtcrst {
- gpios = <&gpiok 2 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_sys_pwrok: ec_soc_sys_pwrok {
- gpios = <&gpiof 2 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_ec_soc_vccst_pwrgd_od: ec_soc_vccst_pwrgd_od {
- gpios = <&gpioe 5 GPIO_ODR_HIGH>;
- };
- gpio_ec_wp_odl: ec_wp_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioa 6 (GPIO_INPUT | GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW)>;
- };
- gpio_en_kb_bl: en_kb_bl {
- gpios = <&gpioj 3 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_en_pp3300_s5: en_pp3300_s5 {
- gpios = <&gpioc 5 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_TEMP_SENSOR_POWER";
- };
- gpio_en_pp5000_pen_x: en_pp5000_pen_x {
- gpios = <&gpiob 5 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_en_pp5000_s5: en_pp5000_s5 {
- gpios = <&gpiok 5 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_en_slp_z: en_slp_z {
- gpios = <&gpiok 3 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_en_usb_a0_vbus: en_usb_a0_vbus {
- gpios = <&gpiol 6 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_en_usb_c0_cc1_vconn: en_usb_c0_cc1_vconn {
- gpios = <&gpioh 4 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_en_usb_c0_cc2_vconn: en_usb_c0_cc2_vconn {
- gpios = <&gpioh 6 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_gsc_ec_pwr_btn_odl: gsc_ec_pwr_btn_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioe 2 GPIO_INPUT_PULL_UP>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_POWER_BUTTON_L";
- };
- gpio_hdmi_sel: hdmi_sel {
- gpios = <&gpioc 6 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_imu_int_l: imu_int_l {
- gpios = <&gpioj 0 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_imvp91_vrrdy_od: imvp91_vrrdy_od {
- gpios = <&gpioj 4 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_lid_open: lid_open {
- gpios = <&gpiof 3 GPIO_INPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_LID_OPEN";
- };
- gpio_pen_detect_odl: pen_detect_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioj 1 GPIO_INPUT_PULL_UP>;
- };
- gpio_pg_pp1050_mem_s3_od: pg_pp1050_mem_s3_od {
- gpios = <&gpiod 3 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_pg_pp5000_s5_od: pg_pp5000_s5_od {
- gpios = <&gpioe 3 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_rsmrst_pwrgd_l: rsmrst_pwrgd_l {
- gpios = <&gpioe 1 GPIO_INPUT_PULL_UP>;
- };
- gpio_slp_s0_l: slp_s0_l {
- gpios = <&gpioe 4 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_slp_s3_l: slp_s3_l {
- gpios = <&gpioh 3 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_slp_s4_l: slp_s4_l {
- gpios = <&gpioi 5 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_slp_sus_l: slp_sus_l {
- gpios = <&gpiog 2 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_sub_usb_a1_ilimit_sdp: sub_usb_a1_ilimit_sdp {
- gpios = <&gpiof 1 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_USB2_ILIM_SEL";
- };
- gpio_sys_rst_odl: sys_rst_odl {
- gpios = <&gpiod 1 GPIO_ODR_HIGH>;
- };
- gpio_tablet_mode_l: tablet_mode_l {
- gpios = <&gpioa 7 GPIO_INPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_TABLET_MODE_L";
- };
- gpio_usb_a0_ilimit_sdp: usb_a0_ilimit_sdp {
- gpios = <&gpiol 5 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_USB1_ILIM_SEL";
- };
- gpio_usb_c0_frs: usb_c0_frs {
- gpios = <&gpioc 4 GPIO_OUTPUT>;
- };
- gpio_usb_c0_int_odl: usb_c0_int_odl {
- gpios = <&gpiok 0 GPIO_INPUT_PULL_UP>;
- };
- gpio_vccin_aux_vid0: vccin_aux_vid0 {
- gpios = <&gpiod 0 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_vccin_aux_vid1: vccin_aux_vid1 {
- gpios = <&gpiok 1 GPIO_INPUT>;
- };
- gpio_voldn_btn_odl: voldn_btn_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioi 6 GPIO_INPUT_PULL_UP>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_VOLUME_DOWN_L";
- };
- gpio_volup_btn_odl: volup_btn_odl {
- gpios = <&gpioi 7 GPIO_INPUT_PULL_UP>;
- enum-name = "GPIO_VOLUME_UP_L";
- };
- };
- named-i2c-ports {
- compatible = "named-i2c-ports";
- i2c_ec_i2c_eeprom: ec_i2c_eeprom {
- i2c-port = <&i2c0>;
- enum-names = "I2C_PORT_EEPROM";
- };
- i2c_ec_i2c_batt: ec_i2c_batt {
- i2c-port = <&i2c1>;
- enum-names = "I2C_PORT_BATTERY";
- };
- i2c_ec_i2c_sensor: ec_i2c_sensor {
- i2c-port = <&i2c2>;
- enum-names = "I2C_PORT_SENSOR";
- };
- i2c_ec_i2c_sub_usb_c1: ec_i2c_sub_usb_c1 {
- i2c-port = <&i2c4>;
- enum-names = "I2C_PORT_USB_C1_TCPC";
- };
- i2c_ec_i2c_usb_c0: ec_i2c_usb_c0 {
- i2c-port = <&i2c5>;
- enum-names = "I2C_PORT_USB_C0_TCPC";
- };
- };
-&adc0 {
- status = "okay";
-&i2c0 {
- status = "okay";
-&i2c1 {
- status = "okay";
-&i2c2 {
- status = "okay";
-&i2c4 {
- status = "okay";
-&i2c5 {
- status = "okay";