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1 files changed, 40 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/util/signer/ b/util/signer/
index 430f58168b..9e0397916f 100755
--- a/util/signer/
+++ b/util/signer/
@@ -55,9 +55,11 @@ verify_ro() {
# RW version numbers, which is where eventually the ebuild downloading the
# tarball from the BCS expects the dev and prod images be.
prepare_image() {
+ local awk_prog
local count=0
local extra_param=
local image_type="${1}"
+ local raw_version
local ro_a_hex="$(readlink -f "${2}")"
local ro_b_hex="$(readlink -f "${3}")"
local rw_a="$(readlink -f "${4}")"
@@ -88,9 +90,44 @@ prepare_image() {
dd if="${TMPD}/0.bin" of="${RESULT_FILE}" conv=notrunc
dd if="${TMPD}/1.bin" of="${RESULT_FILE}" seek=262144 bs=1 conv=notrunc
- version="$("${USB_UPDATER}" -b "${RESULT_FILE}" |
- awk '/^RO_A:/ {gsub(/R[OW]_A:/, ""); print "r" $1 ".w" $2}')"
+ # A typical Cr50 version reported by usb_updater looks as follows:
+ # RO_A:0.0.10 RW_A:0.0.22[ABCD:00000013:00000012] ...(the same for R[OW]_B).
+ #
+ # In case Board ID field is not set in the image, it is reported as
+ # [00000000:00000000:00000000]
+ #
+ # We want the generated tarball file name to include all relevant version
+ # fields. Let's retrieve the version string and process it using awk to
+ # generate the proper file name. Only the RO_A and RW_A version numbers are
+ # used, this script trusts the user to submit for processing a proper image
+ # where both ROs and both RWs are of the same version respectively.
+ #
+ # As a result, blob versions are converted as follows:
+ # RO_A:0.0.10 RW_A:0.0.22[ABCD:00000013:00000012] into
+ # r0.0.10.w0.0.22_ABCD_00000013_00000012
+ #
+ # RO_A:0.0.10 RW_A:0.0.22[00000000:00000000:00000000] into
+ # r0.0.10.w0.0.22
+ #
+ # The below awk program accomplishes this preprocessing.
+ awk_prog='/^RO_A:/ {
+ # drop the RO_A/RW_A strings
+ gsub(/R[OW]_A:/, "")
+ # Drop default mask value completely.
+ gsub(/\[00000000:00000000:00000000\]/, "")
+ # If there is a non-default mask:
+ # - replace opening brackets and colons with underscores.
+ gsub(/[\[\:]/, "_")
+ # - drop the trailing bracket.
+ gsub(/\]/, "")
+ # Print filtered out RO_A and RW_A values
+ print "r" $1 ".w" $2
+ raw_version="$("${USB_UPDATER}" -b "${RESULT_FILE}")" ||
+ ( echo "${ME}: Failed to retrieve blob version" >&2 && exit 1 )
+ version="$(awk "${awk_prog}" <<< "${raw_version}" )"
if [ -z "${dest_dir}" ]; then
# Note that this is a global variable