path: root/.cz.json
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* refactor(hooks): replace cz-conventional-changelog with cz-commitlintChris Kay2022-01-241-840/+1
* style(commitlint): reorder header/body max line length fieldsChris Kay2022-01-101-0/+4
* fix(fiptool): avoid packing the zero size images in the FIPManish V Badarkhe2021-12-201-0/+4
* fix(docs): update the v2.6 change-logManish V Badarkhe2021-12-071-2/+6
* feat(mt8186): initialize platform for MediaTek MT8186Rex-BC Chen2021-12-011-0/+4
* docs(changelog): categorize scopesChris Kay2021-11-171-1/+755
* build(docs): introduce release scriptChris Kay2021-11-171-2/+69
* build(hooks): add Commitizen hookChris Kay2021-04-191-0/+5