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+ <title>Boost.Build tutorial</title>
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+ <span><b>Boost.Build Tutorial</b></span>
+ </div>
+ <hr class="hrhead">
+ <p>Written by Boris Schäling.</p>
+ <div class="toc">
+ <h3>Table of Contents</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#introduction">1. Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#buildprocess">2. Build process</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#basic_tasks">3. Basic tasks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#project_management">4. Project management</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#best_practices">5. Best practices</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#rule_reference">6. Rule reference</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#feature_reference">7. Feature reference</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="introduction">Introduction<br><small>Compiler- and
+ platform-independent build system</small></h2>
+ <div>
+ <p>Boost.Build is a high-level build system which makes it as easy as
+ possible to manage C++ projects. The idea is to specify in
+ configuration files just as much as necessary to build a program. For
+ example it is not required to tell Boost.Build how to use a certain
+ compiler. Boost.Build supports many compilers out of the box and knows
+ how to use them. If you create a configuration file you just need to
+ tell Boost.Build where to find the source files, what the executable
+ should be called and which compiler Boost.Build should use. Boost.Build
+ will then try to find the compiler and automatically build the
+ program.</p>
+ <p>As Boost.Build supports many compilers configuration files never
+ contain any compiler-specific options. Configuration files are entirely
+ compiler-independent. Of course it is possible to set options like
+ whether code should be optimized. However these options are written in
+ a language only understood by Boost.Build. Once a compiler is picked to
+ build a program Boost.Build translates options in configuration files
+ to command line options expected by the selected compiler. This makes
+ it possible to write configuration files once and build a program on
+ different platforms with different compilers.</p>
+ <p>As nice as it sounds Boost.Build can only be used for C++ and C
+ projects. Boost.Build doesn't know how to use other compilers like a
+ Java compiler. Although Boost.Build is extensible it makes more sense
+ to use a different build system for programs implemented in other
+ programming languages.</p>
+ <p>Boost.Build was created to build and install the <a class="link"
+ href="" target="_top">Boost C++ libraries</a>
+ easily with different compilers on different platforms. Although
+ Boost.Build is part of and shipped with the Boost C++ libraries it can
+ be used separately for any C++ or C project. It's even possible to
+ <a class="link" href=""
+ target="_top">download only Boost.Build</a> in case you don't want to
+ use the Boost C++ libraries.</p>
+ <p>This article is an introduction to help you using Boost.Build for
+ your own C++ or C projects. It gives you a basic understanding of how
+ Boost.Build works and how you start using it. After reading the article
+ you should not only be able to use Boost.Build for your own projects,
+ it will also be easier to understand the <a class="link" href=
+ "" target=
+ "_top">Boost.Build documentation</a> as you'll know the big
+ picture.</p>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="buildprocess">Build process<br>
+ <small>Jamfiles and an interpreter called b2</small>
+ </h2>
+ <div>
+ <p>The program you use to build a project managed by Boost.Build is
+ called <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>. If you
+ downloaded and built the Boost C++ libraries you have used <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> already. <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> looks for configuration files,
+ reads them and builds a project accordingly. It also accepts various
+ command line options which can be useful for example to show all
+ commands executed by <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>
+ to build a project.</p>
+ <p>Projects can be large and can consist of many components whose
+ source code is distributed over many directories. Instead of creating
+ one big configuration file for the entire project components typically
+ get their own configuration files. This is no different with
+ Boost.Build: In a large project there will be many configuration files
+ which have to be found and interpreted by <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span>.</p>
+ <p>For Boost.Build every directory with a configuration file is a
+ project: If there is a configuration file in a directory something can
+ be built. Whether it's a component in a subdirectory or a software
+ consisting of many components doesn't make a difference for
+ Boost.Build.</p>
+ <p>When <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> is started
+ it doesn't run a search for configuration files on the entire file
+ system. It searches for a configuration file in the current working
+ directory only. If it doesn't find a configuration file it doesn't do
+ anything. <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> does not
+ search for configuration files in any other directory if there is no
+ configuration file in the current working directory.</p>
+ <p>The configuration file <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> is looking for is called
+ <code class="filename">Jamfile.jam</code>. Files with the extension
+ <code class="filename">jam</code> are called Jamfiles. If <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> finds a Jamfile in the current
+ working directory it searches for more Jamfiles in parent directories.
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> climbs up parent
+ directories until it finds a configuration file called <code class=
+ "filename">Jamroot.jam</code>. <code class=
+ "filename">Jamroot.jam</code> is no different from <code class=
+ "filename">Jamfile.jam</code>. It only indicates that <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> doesn't need to look
+ further.</p>
+ <p>The reason why <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>
+ looks for Jamfiles in parent directories is that it makes it possible
+ to group settings. If there are some components which should be built
+ with similar settings they can be stored in a Jamfile in a parent
+ directory which will be automatically used if a component in a
+ subdirectory is built.</p>
+ <p>Please note that <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>
+ must find a file called <code class="filename">Jamroot.jam</code>. It
+ is an error if no <code class="filename">Jamroot.jam</code> exists. If
+ <code class="filename">Jamroot.jam</code> is in the current working
+ directory no other file <code class="filename">Jamfile.jam</code> is
+ required. If <code class="filename">Jamroot.jam</code> is in a parent
+ directory a file <code class="filename">Jamfile.jam</code> must exist
+ in the current working directory - otherwise <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> doesn't do anything.</p>
+ <p>If you copy <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> to a
+ directory which contains no Jamfiles and start the program you get an
+ error message. However <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> doesn't complain that it can't
+ find a Jamfile. It complains about not finding the build system.</p>
+ <pre class="screen">
+Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find "boost-build.jam"
+Attempted search from C:\Users\Boris\Desktop up to the root
+Please consult the documentation at ''.
+ <p>The first thing <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>
+ does is not looking for a Jamfile but loading the build system. But
+ what exactly is the build system?</p>
+ <p><span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> is an
+ interpreter. It doesn't really know how to build anything. What
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> does is interpreting
+ Jamfiles. Boost.Build is really implemented in Jamfiles. And they
+ contain all the logic which makes Boost.Build such a powerful tool. As
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> only does what it
+ reads in Jamfiles it needs to know where to find the Jamfiles
+ Boost.Build is made of.</p>
+ <p>When <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> is started
+ it looks for a file <code class="filename">boost-build.jam</code> in
+ the current working directory. If it doesn't find the file it searches
+ all parent directories. This file needs to contain only one line to
+ tell <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> where to find
+ the build system.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+boost-build C:/boost_1_57_0/tools/build/src ;
+ <p>The path after <code class="code">boost-build</code> must refer to a
+ directory which contains a file called <code class=
+ "filename">bootstrap.jam</code>. This is the file <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> needs to load the build system.
+ As the Boost C++ libraries ship Boost.Build you can refer to the
+ subdirectory <code class="filename">tools/build</code> of the root
+ directory of the Boost C++ libraries. And you can always use a slash as
+ a path separator - even if you are on Windows.</p>
+ <p>Please note that there must be a space between the path and the
+ semicolon at the end of the line. It is an error if the space is
+ missing. You'll learn more about the syntax used in Jamfiles later in
+ this article.</p>
+ <p>If <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> finds
+ <code class="filename">boost-build.jam</code> it uses the path within
+ the file to load the build system. When the build system is loaded it
+ also prepares itself to use a certain compiler, linker and maybe other
+ tools required to build a project. Boost.Build refers to these programs
+ as a toolset. If no command line option is used to start <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> the build system tries to find a
+ toolset it can use automatically. On Windows for example it searches
+ for Visual C++. And if it detects that Visual C++ is installed it uses
+ the toolset msvc.</p>
+ <pre class="screen">
+warning: No toolsets are configured.
+warning: Configuring default toolset "msvc".
+warning: If the default is wrong, your build may not work correctly.
+warning: Use the "toolset=xxxxx" option to override our guess.
+warning: For more configuration options, please consult
+ <p>If you start <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>
+ without specifying which toolset should be used you see a warning.
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> tells you which
+ toolset it detected and decided to use. If you want to suppress the
+ warning you must specify the toolset yourself. For example you tell the
+ build system to use Visual C++ with <span class="command"><strong>b2
+ toolset=msvc</strong></span>. If you want GCC to be used you enter
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2 toolset=gcc</strong></span>.</p>
+ <p>As of today there are more than 10 toolsets supported. There is a
+ good chance that Boost.Build will work with the compiler you use out of
+ the box.</p>
+ <p>Once the build system has been found, loaded and knows which toolset
+ to use - either because you specified one or the build system detected
+ one automatically - <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span>
+ looks for a file <code class="filename">Jamfile.jam</code> in the
+ current working directory. If it doesn't find a Jamfile an error
+ message is printed.</p>
+ <pre class="screen">
+error: error: no Jamfile in current directory found, and no target references specified.
+ <p>If you create an empty file <code class=
+ "filename">Jamfile.jam</code> and start <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> again another error message is
+ printed.</p>
+ <pre class="screen">
+error: Could not find parent for project at '.'
+error: Did not find Jamfile.jam or Jamroot.jam in any parent directory.
+ <p><span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> is ultimately
+ looking for a Jamfile called <code class="filename">Jamroot.jam</code>.
+ If it doesn't exist in the current working directory <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> expects to find it in a parent
+ directory.</p>
+ <p>If you create an empty file <code class=
+ "filename">Jamroot.jam</code> and start <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> the error message is gone.
+ Obviously there is nothing done by Boost.Build. But now you know how
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> proceeds to build a
+ program and what the minimum Boost.Build configuration looks like.</p>
+ <p>Please note that if you work on a small project and you need only
+ one configuration file you can simply call it <code class=
+ "filename">Jamroot.jam</code>. You don't need another file called
+ <code class="filename">Jamfile.jam</code>.</p>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="basic_tasks">Basic tasks<br>
+ <small>Rules and features</small>
+ </h2>
+ <div class="sect1">
+ <p>If you look at Jamfiles the syntax might remind you of configuration
+ files used by other build systems. Simple Jamfiles can look like plain
+ old configuration files where for example values seem to be assigned to
+ keys. What is important to understand though is that Jamfiles are
+ really script files. There is a programming language used to write
+ Jamfiles. <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> isn't the
+ core component of Boost.Build which knows how to build programs. The
+ logic of Boost.Build is in the Jamfiles which tell <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> how to build programs.</p>
+ <p>Even though Boost.Build is based on a programming language you don't
+ need to think of programming when you create Jamfiles. The syntax of
+ the programming language used by Boost.Build tries to remind you more
+ of creating plain old configuration files. The idea is to have the best
+ of two worlds: A powerful and flexible programming language but a
+ simple syntax you might be familiar with from other build systems.</p>
+ <p>This article doesn't introduce you into the programming language
+ Boost.Build is based on. The programming language is proprietary and
+ not really a joy to use. It is no competitor to popular scripting
+ languages like Javascript or Python. The developers of Boost.Build
+ recognize it and work on another version of Boost.Build based on
+ Python. However all of this shouldn't matter to developers who plan to
+ manage their projects with Boost.Build. It helps to understand the
+ syntax of Jamfiles better once one realizes that there is a programming
+ language inside Boost.Build. But it's not required to learn the details
+ of the programming language.</p>
+ <p>Let's look at a simple Jamfile which can be used to build an
+ executable <span class="command"><strong>hello</strong></span> from a
+ source file <code class="filename">hello.cpp</code>.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp ;
+ <p>Boost.Build provides a lot of built-in rules and <code class=
+ "code">exe</code> is one of them. While the documentation of
+ Boost.Build refers to <code class="code">exe</code> as a rule you know
+ already that the above Jamfile is actually built using a programming
+ language. As it turns out rules are simply functions. And the Jamfile
+ above contains a function call.</p>
+ <p>For the majority of tasks which are typically required to build
+ programs Boost.Build provides predefined rules - or functions if you
+ like. As with functions in other programming languages it is possible
+ to pass parameters. In the Jamfile above the function <code class=
+ "code">exe</code> is called with the two parameters hello and
+ hello.cpp.</p>
+ <p>The programming language Boost.Build is based on knows only one data
+ type: Everything is a list of strings. A list can be empty or contain
+ one or more strings. In the Jamfile above the function <code class=
+ "code">exe</code> is called with two parameters each one a list
+ containing one string.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe "hello" : "hello.cpp" ;
+ <p>It is possible to use quotes. It's not necessary though as after all
+ every item in a list has the data type string anyway. Quotes are only
+ used if parameters contain spaces.</p>
+ <p>While there is no special delimiter between a rule and the first
+ parameter a colon must be used to separate other parameters. It is also
+ required to end a line with a semicolon just as you are used to from
+ C++.</p>
+ <p>Please note that the programming language of Boost.Build requires
+ that there is a space around all tokens. For example there must be a
+ space on the left and on the right of the colon and there must be a
+ space on the left of the semicolon. Without spaces around tokens
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> won't be able to
+ parse Jamfiles correctly.</p>
+ <p>If <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> is run in a
+ directory which contains the Jamfile above and a source file
+ <code class="filename">hello.cpp</code>, and if the msvc toolset is
+ used on Windows a subdirectory <code class=
+ "filename">bin\msvc-9.0\debug</code> is created to build an executable
+ <code class="filename">hello.exe</code>.</p>
+ <pre class="screen">
+...found 9 targets...
+...updating 5 targets...
+common.mkdir bin
+common.mkdir bin\msvc-9.0
+common.mkdir bin\msvc-9.0\debug
+compile-c-c++ bin\msvc-9.0\debug\hello.obj
+hello.cpp bin\msvc-9.0\debug\hello.exe
+msvc.manifest bin\msvc-9.0\debug\hello.exe
+...updated 5 targets...
+ <p>As you see it takes only one line in a Jamfile to build an
+ executable from a source file. And if the program is built on Windows
+ there is even the correct file extension <code class=
+ "filename">exe</code> appended.</p>
+ <p>The main advantage of Boost.Build is that you specify just as much
+ as necessary for a build system to know how to build a program.
+ Anything Boost.Build can do automatically is done automatically. You
+ don't need to detect the platform a program is built on to decide if a
+ file extension like <code class="filename">exe</code> should be
+ appended or not. And you don't need to specify how a compiler like
+ Visual C++ has actually to be invoked to compile source code.</p>
+ <p>Boost.Build supports a lot of toolsets out of the box. As a program
+ can be built using different toolsets Boost.Build uses toolset-specific
+ directories. This way it is possible to build a program with different
+ toolsets without a toolset constantly overwriting files produced by
+ another toolset.</p>
+ <p>There are not only toolset-specific directories but also
+ variant-specific directories. A variant is a debug or release version
+ of a program. For each variant another directory is used to build a
+ program - again for the reason not to overwrite files produced by
+ another variant. By default the debug variant is used. That's why the
+ subdirectory <code class="filename">bin\msvc-9.0\debug</code> was
+ created. If you want a release version to be created you can specify
+ the variant on the command line with <span class="command"><strong>b2
+ variant=release</strong></span> or, even simpler, <span class="command">
+ <strong>b2 release </strong></span>.</p>
+ <pre class="screen">
+...found 9 targets...
+...updating 5 targets...
+common.mkdir bin
+common.mkdir bin\msvc-9.0
+common.mkdir bin\msvc-9.0\release
+compile-c-c++ bin\msvc-9.0\release\hello.obj
+hello.cpp bin\msvc-9.0\release\hello.exe
+msvc.manifest bin\msvc-9.0\release\hello.exe
+...updated 5 targets...
+ <p>With the variant set to release the subdirectory <code class=
+ "filename">bin\msvc-9.0\release</code> is used to create the executable
+ <code class="filename">hello.exe</code>.</p>
+ <p>Choosing a variant is something which is done so often that it's
+ sufficient to enter <span class="command"><strong>b2
+ release</strong></span>. Boost.Build figures out that release is meant
+ to choose the variant.</p>
+ <p>If you don't want to specify the variant on the command line but
+ want to build release versions of <code class=
+ "filename">hello.exe</code> by default the Jamfile has to be
+ changed.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+ <p>The <code class="code">exe</code> rule (or, if you prefer, function)
+ accepts a few more parameters which are optional. The third parameter
+ is a list of requirements. You can think of command line options which
+ are always set and passed to commands run to build an executable.</p>
+ <p>In order to force a release version to be built the variant has to
+ be set to release just as it was done before on the command line. The
+ syntax to set the variant in a Jamfile is different though.</p>
+ <p>Boost.Build defines features which look like XML tags. One of the
+ features supported by Boost.Build is <code class=
+ "code">&lt;variant&gt;</code>. If a feature should be set to a value it
+ has to be put next to it - without a space in between. Some features
+ are free which means they can be set to any value you want.
+ <code class="code">&lt;variant&gt;</code> is a non-free feature as it
+ can only be set to debug or release. No other value is allowed. If
+ another value is set <code class="code">b2</code> will report an
+ error.</p>
+ <p>If you run <code class="code">b2 variant=debug</code> and try to
+ build a debug version of <code class="filename">hello.exe</code> it
+ won't work as the Jamfile contains the requirement that <code class=
+ "filename">hello.exe</code> is built as a release version. If you want
+ to be able to overwrite the feature on the command line you have to
+ pass the feature as the fourth parameter instead of the third.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : : &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+ <p>The fourth parameter contains features which are used by default but
+ which can be overwritten.</p>
+ <p>If you want both a debug and a release version of <code class=
+ "filename">hello.exe</code> to be built by default the <code class=
+ "code">&lt;variant&gt;</code> feature needs to be set twice to debug
+ and release.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : : &lt;variant&gt;debug &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+ <p>It is important that <code class="code">&lt;variant&gt;</code> is
+ set twice in the fourth parameter where default values are specified.
+ If it was the third parameter where requirements are specified
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> would report an
+ error. It is possible to set a feature multiple times in the
+ requirements but only if values are not mutually exclusive. As a
+ program can't be a debug and a release version at the same time
+ <code class="code">&lt;variant&gt;</code> must be set in the default
+ values. Only then Boost.Build understands that two versions of
+ <code class="filename">hello.exe</code> should be built.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : &lt;define&gt;WIN32 &lt;define&gt;_WIN32 : &lt;variant&gt;debug &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+ <p>The above Jamfile is an example for setting a feature multiple times
+ in the requirements. The feature <code class=
+ "code">&lt;define&gt;</code> is used to define preprocessor directives.
+ It is no problem to define several preprocessor directives. Thus there
+ are now two versions of <code class="filename">hello.exe</code> built
+ both with the two directives <code class="code">WIN32</code> and
+ <code class="code">_WIN32</code> defined.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : : &lt;variant&gt;debug &lt;variant&gt;release &lt;define&gt;WIN32 &lt;define&gt;_WIN32 ;
+ <p>If the definitions are moved to the fourth parameter and you run
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> you get the same two
+ versions of <code class="filename">hello.exe</code> built with the two
+ directives <code class="code">WIN32</code> and <code class=
+ "code">_WIN32</code>. As <code class="code">&lt;define&gt;</code> does
+ not expect mutually exclusive values there is no other set of
+ executables generated. The only difference between this Jamfile and the
+ previous one is that directives passed in the fourth parameter are
+ default values which can be dropped while anything passed as a third
+ parameter is an immutable requirement.</p>
+ <p>Here is another example of a feature whose values are mutually
+ exclusive.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp : : &lt;variant&gt;debug &lt;variant&gt;release &lt;optimization&gt;speed &lt;optimization&gt;off ;
+ <p><span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> creates four
+ versions of <code class="filename">hello.exe</code>: A debug version
+ optimized for speed, a debug version with no optimization, a release
+ version optimized for speed and a release version with no optimization.
+ All of these versions are built in seperate directories which are
+ automatically created.</p>
+ <p>So far the only rule used was <code class="code">exe</code>. But of
+ course Boost.Build provides many more built-in rules. Another important
+ rule is <code class="code">lib</code>. It is used to build a
+ library.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+lib world : world.cpp ;
+ <p>The above Jamfile builds a shared library from the source file
+ <code class="filename">world.cpp</code>. On Windows a file <code class=
+ "filename">world.dll</code> is created. The usual file extension is
+ again automatically appended by Boost.Build.</p>
+ <p>By default a shared library is built. If you want a static library
+ to be generated you set the <code class="code">&lt;link&gt;</code>
+ feature to static.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+lib world : world.cpp : &lt;link&gt;static ;
+ <p>Another useful rule is <code class="code">install</code>. After
+ executables and libraries have been built this rule can be used to
+ install them.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp ;
+install "C:/Program Files/hello" : hello ;
+ <p>The above Jamfile installs the executable <code class=
+ "filename">hello.exe</code> to the directory <code class=
+ "filename">C:\Program Files\hello</code>. The second parameter hello is
+ a reference to the target hello defined in the first line. Please note
+ that the path has to be put in quotes as it contains a space.</p>
+ <p>Here concepts known from other build systems shine through: Instead
+ of thinking of function calls every line defines a target. Dependencies
+ are created by referencing other targets. That's how Boost.Build knows
+ in what order it should build targets.</p>
+ <p>Typically the rule <code class="code">install</code> is written
+ differently though. Instead of passing the installation directory as
+ the first parameter a feature <code class=
+ "code">&lt;location&gt;</code> is used to set the installation
+ directory in the third parameter.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp ;
+install install-bin : hello : &lt;location&gt;"C:/Program Files/hello" ;
+ <p>The main reason why it's better to use <code class=
+ "code">&lt;location&gt;</code> is that the first parameter always
+ defines a target. Other rules might refer to a target. That's why it is
+ a good idea to use target names which don't have to be changed later.
+ Imagine a program should be installed to a different directory. It's
+ easier to change the installation directory if the <code class=
+ "code">&lt;location&gt;</code> feature has been used as no other rules
+ which might refer to install-bin have to be updated.</p>
+ <p>There is another reason why it makes sense to use a feature.
+ Boost.Build supports conditional properties which make it possible to
+ use different installation directories depending on the platform a
+ program is built on.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp ;
+install install-bin : hello : &lt;target-os&gt;windows:&lt;location&gt;"C:/Program Files/hello" &lt;target-os&gt;linux:&lt;location&gt;/usr/local/bin ;
+ <p>The feature <code class="code">&lt;target-os&gt;</code> is another
+ feature with mutually exclusive values. It can be set for example to
+ windows or linux but not to both.</p>
+ <p>The feature <code class="code">&lt;location&gt;</code> follows
+ <code class="code">&lt;target-os&gt;</code> only delimited by a colon.
+ Such a construct is called conditional property: Boost.Build selects
+ the installation directory depending on the operating system.</p>
+ <p>Of course conditional properties can also be used with other rules.
+ It is for example possible to define different preprocessor directives
+ depending on the variant when building a program or a library.</p>
+ <p>Boost.Build provides many more built-in rules. Another useful rule
+ is <code class="code">glob</code> which makes it possible to use
+ wildcards. In a big project with many source files it's then not
+ required to list them all one by one but refer to all of them with
+ <code class="code">glob</code>.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : [ glob *.cpp ] ;
+ <p>The above Jamfile contains a nested function call: The result of the
+ rule <code class="code">glob</code> is passed as the second parameter
+ to <code class="code">exe</code>. Due to requirements of the
+ programming language Boost.Build is based on brackets must be used for
+ nested function calls.</p>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="project_management">Project management<br>
+ <small>Multiple Jamfiles</small>
+ </h2>
+ <div>
+ <p>In large projects with many Jamfiles it's necessary to connect
+ Jamfiles somehow. There is typically a <code class=
+ "filename">Jamroot.jam</code> file in the project's root directory and
+ many <code class="filename">Jamfile.jam</code> files in subdirectories.
+ If <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> is run in the
+ root directory developers probably expect that the entire project
+ including all components in subdirectories is built. As <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> looks for Jamfiles in parent
+ directories but not in subdirectories Jamfiles need to refer to
+ Jamfiles in subdirectories explicitly.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+build-project hello ;
+ <p>If a Jamfile looks like the sample above it refers to a Jamfile in a
+ subdirectory <code class="filename">hello</code>. <code class=
+ "code">build-project</code> is a rule which expects a path as its sole
+ parameter. The path is then used to lookup a Jamfile.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+build-project hello ;
+build-project world ;
+ <p>If you want several projects to be built you must use <code class=
+ "code">build-project</code> multiple times.</p>
+ <p>Apart from referring to Jamfiles in subdirectories it makes also
+ sense to group options which should be used when building components in
+ a project.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+project : default-build release ;
+build-project hello ;
+build-project world ;
+ <p>The <code class="code">project</code> rule accepts various
+ parameters to set options for the Jamfile in the current working
+ directory and in subdirectories.</p>
+ <p>While other rules like <code class="code">exe</code> and
+ <code class="code">lib</code> expect parameters to be passed in a
+ certain order <code class="code">project</code> uses named arguments.
+ In the sample above the argument's name is default-build. That's why it
+ is possible to pass the value release in a very different
+ parameter.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+project : : : : : : : : : default-build release ;
+build-project hello ;
+build-project world ;
+ <p>It doesn't make sense to pass release as the tenth parameter. But it
+ works as <code class="code">project</code> doesn't care about the
+ order. As the tenth parameter is called default-build it is
+ accepted.</p>
+ <p><code class="code">project</code> supports only a few named
+ arguments. Another one is requirements which can be used to set options
+ which can't be overwritten.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+project : requirements &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+build-project hello ;
+build-project world ;
+ <p>The Jamfile above builds only release versions. It is not possible
+ to build a debug version anymore as requirements can not be
+ overwritten. That's the difference to the named argument called
+ default-build which was used in the previous sample: It can be
+ overwritten.</p>
+ <p>When <code class="code">build-project</code> is used Boost.Build
+ assumes that the parameter is a reference to a subdirectory. We had
+ seen another type of reference before.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp ;
+install install-bin : hello : &lt;location&gt;"C:/Program Files/hello" ;
+ <p>In the above Jamfile the <code class="code">install</code> rule
+ refers to the target hello defined in the first line.</p>
+ <p>In a large project it might be necessary to refer to targets which
+ are defined in Jamfiles in other directories. It is possible to
+ concatenate a path to a Jamfile and a target with a double slash.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+install install-bin : subdir//hello : &lt;location&gt;"C:/Program Files/hello" ;
+ <p>Now the <code class="code">install</code> rule refers to a target
+ hello in a Jamfile in the subdirectory <code class=
+ "filename">subdir</code>.</p>
+ <p>Let's assume that the executable <span class=
+ "command"><strong>hello</strong></span> depends on a library in another
+ directory <code class="filename">world</code>. The library is also
+ built with Boost.Build using the rule <code class=
+ "code">lib</code>.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+lib world : world.cpp ;
+ <p>In the Jamfile to build the executable a reference is required to
+ the Jamfile of the library. It's not necessary to refer to the target
+ world directly as all targets in a Jamfile are built by default.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp world : : &lt;variant&gt;debug &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+ <p>The above Jamfile assumes that the library and its Jamfile are in a
+ subdirectory <code class="filename">world</code>.</p>
+ <p>When the executable is built there are two versions generated - a
+ debug and a release version. The Jamfile of the library however doesn't
+ set the <code class="code">&lt;variant&gt;</code> feature. But
+ Boost.Build assumes that it should build two versions of the library,
+ too. The feature <code class="code">&lt;variant&gt;</code> is said to
+ be propagated.</p>
+ <p>Propagating features simplify project management as you don't need
+ to set the same features in various Jamfiles. However it also makes it
+ a bit more complicated to understand how components are built as it all
+ depends on what features are propagated. You can assume that
+ Boost.Build knows what it should do. But of course it doesn't mean that
+ you easily understand what it does.</p>
+ <p>Let's look at another example using the feature <code class=
+ "code">&lt;define&gt;</code>.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp world : &lt;define&gt;WIN32 : &lt;variant&gt;debug &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+ <p>The above Jamfile defines a preprocessor directive <code class=
+ "code">WIN32</code> for the program <span class=
+ "command"><strong>hello</strong></span>. But will <code class=
+ "code">WIN32</code> be defined for the library, too?</p>
+ <p>It won't as <code class="code">&lt;define&gt;</code> is not a
+ propagating feature. If you wonder how you should know: The only way to
+ find out which features are propagated is to lookup the
+ documentation.</p>
+ <p>If you installed the Boost C++ libraries you probably want to link
+ against some of them. You somehow have to add a dependency to the
+ respective Boost C++ library to your project's Jamfile. If you didn't
+ delete the directories you had unzipped the source files of the Boost
+ C++ libraries to you can refer to a target in a Jamfile in the root
+ directory.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp world C:/boost_1_39_0//filesystem/ ;
+ <p>Now <span class="command"><strong>hello</strong></span> also depends
+ on the Boost.Filesystem library. As the target filesystem is defined in
+ a Jamfile in the root directory of the Boost C++ libraries the
+ <code class="code">exe</code> rule can refer to it. Not only will the
+ appropriate Boost C++ libraries be linked - an include directory is
+ also passed to the compiler to find the header files. If <code class=
+ "filename">hello.cpp</code> includes <code class=
+ "filename">boost/filesystem.hpp</code> the header file will be
+ found.</p>
+ <p>In the above Jamfile the path to the root directory of the Boost C++
+ libraries is hardcoded. Somehow <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> needs to know where to find the
+ Boost C++ libraries. But it would be better if the path was hardcoded
+ only once in case several components in a project need to link against
+ some Boost C++ libraries.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+project : requirements &lt;variant&gt;release ;
+use-project /boost : C:/boost_1_39_0 ;
+build-project hello ;
+build-project world ;
+ <p>The <code class="code">use-project</code> rule is used to define an
+ alias to a Jamfile in another directory. Jamfiles in subdirectories use
+ then the alias to refer to a Boost C++ library.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp world /boost//filesystem ;
+ <p><span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> figures out that
+ <code class="filename">hello.cpp</code> is a source file, <code class=
+ "filename">world</code> a subdirectory and /boost//filesystem a
+ reference to a target filesystem in a Jamfile in <code class=
+ "filename">C:\boost_1_39_0</code>.</p>
+ <p>Please note that a reference must start with a slash if it should
+ refer to a project.</p>
+ <p>As libraries can be linked differently it is possible to set
+ features relevant to the linker.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp world /boost//filesystem/&lt;link&gt;static ;
+ <p>By default libraries are linked dynamically. If libraries should be
+ linked statically the feature <code class="code">&lt;link&gt;</code>
+ has to be set to static.</p>
+ <p>Features can be appended with a slash. If more than one feature
+ should be set it is appended with another slash to the previous
+ feature.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe hello : hello.cpp world /boost//filesystem/&lt;link&gt;static/&lt;threading&gt;multi ;
+ <p><code class="code">&lt;threading&gt;</code> is another feature which
+ can be set to single or multi. If <span class=
+ "command"><strong>hello</strong></span> should be linked against the
+ thread-safe version of Boost.Filesystem the feature can be set
+ accordingly.</p>
+ <p>Linking a Boost C++ library by referencing a Jamfile might not
+ always work. If the Boost C++ libraries were installed differently
+ because they weren't built from source for example there won't be any
+ Jamfile to reference.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+lib filesystem : : &lt;name&gt;libboost_filesystem &lt;search&gt;C:/libs ;
+exe hello : hello.cpp world filesystem : &lt;include&gt;C:/include ;
+ <p>The <code class="code">lib</code> rule can not only be used to build
+ a library from source. It also has to be used to refer to an existing
+ and pre-built library.</p>
+ <p>If <code class="code">lib</code> shouldn't build a library from
+ source the second parameter must be empty. Instead in the third
+ parameter the features <code class="code">&lt;name&gt;</code> and
+ <code class="code">&lt;search&gt;</code> are used to specify the
+ library's name and a location where Boost.Build will find the
+ library.</p>
+ <p>It is important to specify the library's name in a
+ platform-independent way. For example for the Jamfile above Boost.Build
+ will try to find a file <code class=
+ "filename">libboost_filesystem.lib</code> on Windows. The usual file
+ extension is again automatically appended.</p>
+ <p>If you want to reference a file by specifying its exact name you can
+ use the <code class="code">&lt;file&gt;</code> feature.</p>
+ <p>If a system library should be referenced for which you can expect
+ Boost.Build to know where to find it the feature <code class=
+ "code">&lt;search&gt;</code> can be dropped.</p>
+ <p>It is also possible to use the <code class="code">project</code>
+ rule to make sure all targets in a project are automatically linked
+ against a library.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+lib filesystem : : &lt;name&gt;libboost_filesystem &lt;search&gt;C:/libs ;
+explicit filesystem ;
+project : requirements &lt;include&gt;C:/include &lt;library&gt;filesystem ;
+lib world : world.cpp ;
+ <p>A feature called <code class="code">&lt;library&gt;</code> must be
+ used to add a library dependency to a <code class="code">project</code>
+ rule. <code class="code">&lt;library&gt;</code> must refer to a
+ <code class="code">lib</code> rule which uses the already known
+ features <code class="code">&lt;name&gt;</code> and <code class=
+ "code">&lt;search&gt;</code>.</p>
+ <p>It is now very important to make the <code class="code">lib</code>
+ rule explicit. This is done by using the <code class=
+ "code">explicit</code> rule. It is important as by default all targets
+ in a Jamfile are built. As the <code class="code">project</code> rule
+ defines requirements for all targets in the Jamfile they are also
+ requirements for the <code class="code">lib</code> rule. Thus the
+ <code class="code">lib</code> rule refers to itself. If the
+ <code class="code">lib</code> rule is made explicit though it's not
+ built and no recursive reference occurs.</p>
+ <p>Please note that the order of rules in a Jamfile matters only if a
+ rule refers to a target: Before a target can be referenced it must have
+ been defined.</p>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="best_practices">Best practices<br>
+ <small>How Boost.Build is used by others</small>
+ </h2>
+ <div>
+ <p>As Boost.Build is a high-level build system you benefit most if you
+ keep Jamfiles platform- and compiler-independent. After all the idea is
+ to build your C++ or C projects on any platform with any compiler
+ without being required to modify or maintain several Jamfiles.</p>
+ <p>A typical problem you'll run into is that third-party libraries you
+ want to use will be installed in different directories. If you want to
+ build your project on Windows and Unix platforms paths also look very
+ different. Furthermore you might need to link against some system
+ libraries on a platform but not on another.</p>
+ <p>Instead of trying to put paths for various platforms in a project's
+ Jamfiles it is better to rely on configuration files on every system
+ for system-specific settings. As it turns out <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> does indeed look for two more
+ configuration files when it starts.</p>
+ <p>The file <code class="filename">site-config.jam</code> should be
+ used to set options for an entire system. As it is machine-dependent
+ <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> expects to find it
+ in <code class="filename">C:\Windows</code> on Windows platforms and in
+ <code class="filename">/etc</code> on Unix systems. As <code class=
+ "filename">site-config.jam</code> is machine-dependent paths to local
+ libraries are no problem.</p>
+ <p>Users might not be able to create or change <code class=
+ "filename">site-config.jam</code> though. They would either need to
+ wait for system administrators to update the file or be forced again to
+ add system-specific paths to their own Jamfiles. As neither is a good
+ solution, <span class="command"><strong>b2</strong></span> also looks
+ for a file <code class="filename">user-config.jam</code> in a user's
+ home directory. On Windows it is a subdirectory of <code class=
+ "filename">C:\Users</code>, on Unix a subdirecory of <code class=
+ "filename">/home</code>. As the file <code class=
+ "filename">user-config.jam</code> can be maintained by users it is
+ probably used more often than <code class=
+ "filename">site-config.jam</code>.</p>
+ <p>You use <code class="filename">site-config.jam</code> and
+ <code class="filename">user-config.jam</code> just like any other
+ Jamfile. As these configuration files do not belong to a project but to
+ a machine or a user on a machine they are allowed to contain
+ machine-specific options. For example they could contain a <code class=
+ "code">using</code> rule.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+using msvc ;
+ <p>The <code class="code">using</code> rule above tells <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> to use the msvc toolset. If you
+ know that there is only Visual C++ installed on a system it makes sense
+ to put this line into a configuration file. Then <span class=
+ "command"><strong>b2</strong></span> doesn't need to guess anymore
+ which toolset to use and won't omit a warning.</p>
+ <p>If you define targets in <code class=
+ "filename">site-config.jam</code> or <code class=
+ "filename">user-config.jam</code> and want to refer to these targets in
+ Jamfiles the <code class="code">project</code> rule must be used to set
+ a name.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+using msvc ;
+project user-config ;
+lib xml : : &lt;name&gt;libxml &lt;search&gt;C:/lib : : &lt;include&gt;C:/include ;
+ <p>The <code class="code">lib</code> rule is used to refer to a
+ pre-built library whose basename is libxml and can be found in
+ <code class="filename">C:\lib</code>. A program which uses this XML
+ library probably needs to include header files from this library.
+ That's why in the usage requirements - this is the fifth parameter -
+ the feature <code class="code">&lt;include&gt;</code> is set to
+ <code class="filename">C:\include</code>: Whoever uses this rule will
+ inherit the <code class="code">&lt;include&gt;</code> feature.</p>
+ <p>As the <code class="code">project</code> rule has been used to set
+ the name user-config a Jamfile can refer to the XML library via
+ /user-config//xml.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+exe xmlparser : xmlparser.cpp : &lt;library&gt;/user-config//xml ;
+ <p>In order to build <span class=
+ "command"><strong>xmlparser</strong></span> the program must be linked
+ against the XML library. Even though the location of the library and
+ its header files might vary the Jamfile does not contain any
+ system-specific paths. The Jamfile expects to find the target xml in
+ the project user-config. If this is a configuration file it's no
+ problem to use system-specific paths as after all configuration files
+ are bound to a machine or to a user on a machine.</p>
+ <p>As Boost.Build has been created to build and install the Boost C++
+ libraries there is built-in support to use pre-built Boost C++
+ libraries more easily.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+using msvc ;
+project user-config ;
+using boost : 1.39 : &lt;include&gt;C:/include/boost-1_39 &lt;library&gt;C:/lib ;
+ <p>The <code class="code">using</code> rule must be used to refer to a
+ toolset called boost. This toolset is different from toolsets like msvc
+ which you've read about so far: It doesn't contain any programs which
+ will be run later. As support for pre-built Boost C++ libraries has
+ been implemented in a toolset though it's required to use the
+ <code class="code">using</code> rule.</p>
+ <p>Just as with other libraries the location of the Boost C++ libraries
+ might vary. Thus it makes sense to put the <code class=
+ "code">using</code> rule into one of the two configuration files.</p>
+ <p>It is possible to pass parameters to the <code class=
+ "code">using</code> rule: The first one is the version number, the
+ second a list of options. In the Jamfile above the Boost C++ libraries
+ 1.39 are used which can be found in the directories passed as
+ options.</p>
+ <p>Once the boost toolset is used it is possible to use Boost C++
+ libraries without defining targets yourself.</p>
+ <pre class="programlisting">
+import boost ;
+boost.use-project 1.39 ;
+exe hello : hello.cpp : &lt;library&gt;/boost//thread ;
+ <p>If a program uses a Boost C++ library it can refer to targets in a
+ project called boost. In order to recognize the project boost though
+ the boost module must be imported and the rule <code class=
+ "code">boost.use-project</code> used: Importing the boost module makes
+ the <code class="code">boost.use-project</code> rule available. This
+ rule expects a version number as its sole argument. As it is possible
+ to use the <code class="code">using</code> rule to refer to various
+ versions of the Boost C++ libraries a project can specify which version
+ it wants to use. In the Jamfile above the program <span class=
+ "command"><strong>hello</strong></span> uses Boost.Thread from version
+ 1.39.</p>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="rule_reference">Rule reference<br>
+ <small>Building blocks for Jamfiles</small>
+ </h2>
+ <div>
+ <p>If you manage a project with Boost.Build and create Jamfiles you use
+ rules all the time. Thus you should know which rules exist and how they
+ are used. The following table gives you an overview about the most
+ important rules.</p>
+ <p>There is a star, plus sign or question mark behind some parameters.
+ The star means there can be arbitrary many values, the plus sign there
+ must be at least one value and the question mark there must be zero or
+ exactly one value.</p>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="id369340">
+ <caption>
+ Table&nbsp;1.&nbsp;Rules
+ </caption>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th class="col-md-2">Name</th>
+ <th>Parameters</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>alias</td>
+ <td>name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements *</td>
+ <td>Refer to sources or any other targets via a new name.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>build-project</td>
+ <td>dir</td>
+ <td>Refer to a Jamfile in another directory to build a
+ project.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>conditional</td>
+ <td>condition + : requirements *</td>
+ <td>Create conditional requirements without using conditional
+ properties.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>exe</td>
+ <td>name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements *</td>
+ <td>Build an executable.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>explicit</td>
+ <td>target-names *</td>
+ <td>Make targets explicit.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>glob</td>
+ <td>wildcards + : excludes *</td>
+ <td>Reference files in a directory via wildcards.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>glob-tree</td>
+ <td>wildcards + : excludes *</td>
+ <td>Reference files in a directory and all subdirectories via
+ wildcards.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>install</td>
+ <td>name-and-dir : sources * : requirements * : default-build
+ *</td>
+ <td>Install files to a directory.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>lib</td>
+ <td>names + : sources * : requirements * : default-build * :
+ usage-requirements *</td>
+ <td>Build a library.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>project</td>
+ <td>id ? : options * : *</td>
+ <td>Set project options.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>unit-test</td>
+ <td>target : source : properties *</td>
+ <td>Build and run an executable.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>use-project</td>
+ <td>id : where</td>
+ <td>Reference a Jamfile in another directory to use the project
+ id as a target.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>using</td>
+ <td>toolset-module : *</td>
+ <td>Select a toolset.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <p>Your Boost.Build version might support more rules than listed above.
+ If you want to find out which rules are supported you should check out
+ the files in the subdirectory <code class="filename">build</code> of
+ your Boost.Build installation.</p>
+ </div>
+ <hr>
+ <h2 id="feature_reference">Feature reference<br>
+ <small>Configuration options for the build process</small>
+ </h2>
+ <div>
+ <p>Features allow you to specify exactly how binaries are built. As
+ there are many configuration options available the list of features is
+ pretty long. The following table introduces you to the most important
+ features.</p>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="id369624">
+ <caption>
+ Table&nbsp;2.&nbsp;Features
+ </caption>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th class="col-md-2">Name</th>
+ <th>Values</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;address-model&gt;</td>
+ <td>16, 32, 64, 32_64</td>
+ <td>Generate 16-, 32- or 64-bit code.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;architecture&gt;</td>
+ <td>x86, ia64, sparc, power, mips1, mips2, mips3, mips4, mips32,
+ mips32r2, mips64, parisc, arm, combined, combined-x86-power</td>
+ <td>Set processor family to generate code for.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;c++-template-depth&gt;</td>
+ <td>1, 2, 3, ...</td>
+ <td>Set maximum template depth.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;cflags&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Pass flags to C compiler.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;cxxflags&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Pass flags to C++ compiler</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;debug-symbols&gt;</td>
+ <td>on, off</td>
+ <td>Create debug symbols.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;def-file&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Set path to <code class="filename">def</code> file (specific
+ to Windows DLLs).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;define&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Define preprocessor directives.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;embed-manifest&gt;</td>
+ <td>on, off</td>
+ <td>Embed manifest (specific to msvc toolset).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;host-os&gt;</td>
+ <td>aix, bsd, cygwin, darwin, freebsd, hpux, iphone, linux,
+ netbsd, openbsd, osf, qnx, qnxnto, sgi, solaris, unix, unixware,
+ windows</td>
+ <td>Use in conditional properties if features depend on host
+ operating systems.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;include&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Set include directories.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;inlining&gt;</td>
+ <td>off, on, full</td>
+ <td>Inline functions.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;library&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Link to a library (use in <code class="code">project</code>
+ rule).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;link&gt;</td>
+ <td>shared, static</td>
+ <td>Link to shared or static version of a library.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;linkflags&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Pass flags to linker.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;location&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Set directory (use in <code class="code">install</code>
+ rule).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;name&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Set basename of a library (use in <code class=
+ "code">lib</code> rule).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;optimization&gt;</td>
+ <td>off, speed, space</td>
+ <td>Generate optimized code.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;profiling&gt;</td>
+ <td>off, on</td>
+ <td>Generate profiled code.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;runtime-link&gt;</td>
+ <td>shared, static</td>
+ <td>Link to single-threaded or thread-safe runtime library.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;search&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Set directory to search for libraries (use in <code class=
+ "code">lib</code> rule together with <code class=
+ "code">&lt;name&gt;</code>).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;source&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Set source in requirements parameter of <code class=
+ "code">project</code> rule or in conditional properties.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;target-os&gt;</td>
+ <td>aix, bsd, cygwin, darwin, freebsd, hpux, iphone, linux,
+ netbsd, openbsd, osf, qnx, qnxnto, sgi, solaris, unix, unixware,
+ windows</td>
+ <td>Use in conditional properties if features depend on target
+ operating systems.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;threading&gt;</td>
+ <td>single, multi</td>
+ <td>Build singlethreaded or thread-safe version.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;toolset&gt;</td>
+ <td>gcc, msvc, intel-linux, intel-win, acc, borland, como-linux,
+ cw, dmc, hp_cxx, sun</td>
+ <td>Use in conditional properties if features depend on
+ toolsets.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;undef&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Undefine preprocessor directives.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;use&gt;</td>
+ <td>...</td>
+ <td>Take over only usage requirements of a referenced target but
+ don't do anything else.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;variant&gt;</td>
+ <td>debug, release, profile</td>
+ <td>Build debug, release or profile version.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;warnings&gt;</td>
+ <td>on, all, off</td>
+ <td>Switch off warnings.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>&lt;warnings-as-errors&gt;</td>
+ <td>off, on</td>
+ <td>Treat warnings as errors.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <p>For a complete and up-to-date reference of Boost.Build features look
+ up the file <code class="filename">builtin.jam</code> in the
+ subdirectory <code class="filename">tools</code> of your Boost.Build
+ installation. Search for lines starting with <code class=
+ "code">feature.feature</code> - this is the internal rule used to
+ define features.</p>
+ </div>
+ <hr id="hrfoot">
+ <p>Copyright Boris Schäling 2009. Distributed under the Boost Software
+ License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ <a href=""></a>)
+ </div>