path: root/utests/compiler_fill_gl_image.cpp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Runtime: re-enable cl_khr_gl_sharing with existing egl extension.Chuanbo Weng2016-09-121-35/+34
* Fix delete operator using.Yan Wang2014-12-161-1/+1
* utests: use OpenCL 1.2 API for image related test cases.Zhigang Gong2014-06-131-1/+1
* CLGL: Refine the hack of gbm extension initialization.Zhigang Gong2013-07-051-0/+4
* update to OpenCL 1.1 headerHomer Hsing2013-06-191-1/+1
* utests: add a simple test case for cl_khr_gl_sharing.Zhigang Gong2013-04-121-0/+72