path: root/utests/
diff options
authorYi Sun <>2013-12-24 11:15:18 +0800
committerZhigang Gong <>2013-12-25 13:57:14 +0800
commitc69a86ba2760568c6c3a1b36a5dbe71d57a48fa2 (patch)
treeac3db736093ed2b5f39c3b207df1e2f1db460e7f /utests/
parent6e2d5ebf0a09590a3365302b088de20841ebd97e (diff)
Add test cases generator.
v1: File contain the base class and function for generating File can generate most math function for all the gentype can be run during cmake. v2: 1. Put all the generated unit test cases to folder utest/generated. 2. Delete all generated folder while involve make clean. 3. At the top of the generated test cases, add some comments 4. Instead of defined FLT_ULP(0.000001) as the ulp unit, caculate the float ulp before using it. 5. Add several math functions' test case. v3: 1. Refine the calculation for float, and calculate each float got from cpu function. v4: Refine the calculation for float. Following fucntions test cases fail with input 0, 1 or 3.14: builtin_atan2_float builtin_atanh_float builtin_rootn_float builtin_cos_float builtin_cospi_float builtin_erf_float builtin_erfc_float builtin_mad_float builtin_nextafter_float builtin_pown_float builtin_powr_float builtin_rint_float builtin_sinpi_float builtin_tan_float builtin_tanpi_float v5: remove case builtin_mad_float todo: atan2pi fmax fmin sincos Signed-off-by: Yi Sun <> Signed-off-by: Yangwei Shui <> Reviewed-by: Zhigang Gong <> Reviewed-by: "Song, Ruiling" <>
Diffstat (limited to 'utests/')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utests/ b/utests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..626ac967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utests/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+import os,sys,re
+def ulpUnit(ulpSize):
+ return re.findall(r"([a-zA-Z_]+)",ulpSize)[0]
+def ulpNum(ulpSize):
+ return re.findall(r"([0-9]+)",ulpSize)[0]
+def udebug(ulpSize,returnType):
+ #ulpUnit=re.findall(r"([a-zA-Z_]+)",ulpSize)[0]
+ #ulpNum=re.findall(r"([0-9]+)",ulpSize)[0]
+ text='''
+ static const char* INFORNAN;
+ static %s ULPSIZE;
+ if (isinf(cpu_data[index])){
+ }
+ else if (isnan(cpu_data[index])){
+ }
+ else{
+ ULPSIZE=cl_%s(cpu_data[index]) * %s;
+ }
+#if udebug
+ if (isinf(cpu_data[index])){
+ if (isinf(gpu_data[index]))
+ printf("%s expect:%s\\n", log, INFORNAN);
+ else
+ printf_c("%s expect:%s\\n", log, INFORNAN);
+ }
+ else if (isnan(cpu_data[index])){
+ if (isnan(gpu_data[index]))
+ printf("%s expect:%s\\n", log, INFORNAN);
+ else
+ printf_c("%s expect:%s\\n", log, INFORNAN);
+ }
+ else if (diff <= ULPSIZE){
+ printf("%s expect:%s\\n", log, ULPSIZE);
+ }
+ else
+ printf_c("%s expect:%s\\n", log, ULPSIZE);
+ if (isinf(cpu_data[index])){
+ sprintf(log, "%s expect:%s\\n", log, INFORNAN);
+ OCL_ASSERTM(isinf(gpu_data[index]),log);
+ }
+ else if (isnan(cpu_data[index])){
+ sprintf(log, "%s expect:%s\\n", log, INFORNAN);
+ OCL_ASSERTM(isnan(gpu_data[index]),log);
+ }
+ else{
+ sprintf(log, "%s expect:%s\\n", log, ULPSIZE);
+ OCL_ASSERTM(fabs(gpu_data[index]-cpu_data[index]) <= ULPSIZE, log);
+ }
+ }
+ ulpUnit(ulpSize),ulpNum(ulpSize),\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['string'],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['string'],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['string'],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['string'],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['%s'%(returnType)],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['%s'%(returnType)],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['string'],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['string'],\
+ paraTypeList['string'],paraTypeList['%s'%(returnType)])
+ return text
+def gene2ValuesLoop(values1,values2,inputValues):
+ values2=values2+inputValues*len(inputValues)
+ for i in inputValues:
+ for j in range(0,len(inputValues)):
+ values1 += [i]
+ return values1,values2
+def gene3ValuesLoop(values1,values2,values3,inputValues):
+ for i in inputValues:
+ for j in range(0,len(inputValues)):
+ for k in range(0,len(inputValues)):
+ values1 += [i]
+ for i in inputValues:
+ for j in inputValues:
+ for k in range(0,len(inputValues)):
+ values2 += [j]
+ values3=inputValues*(len(inputValues)**2)
+ return values1,values2,values3
+class func:
+ """ This class will define all needed instance attribute in fundation a c programing file. """
+ def __init__(self,name,cpuFuncName,inputType,outputType,values,ulp, cpu_func=''):
+ self.funcName = name
+ self.cpuFuncName = cpuFuncName
+ self.fileName = 'builtin_'+name
+ self.inputtype = inputType
+ self.outputtype = outputType
+ self.values = values
+ self.ulp = ulp
+ self.cpufunc=cpu_func
+ self.cpplines = []
+#####cpp file required information:
+ self.Head='''/*
+This file is generated by
+Usually you need NOT modify this file manually.
+But when any bug occured, you can change the value of udebug from 0 to 1,
+which can print more values and information to assist debuging the issue.
+#include "utest_helper.hpp"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#define udebug 0
+#define FLT_MAX 0x1.fffffep127f
+#define FLT_MIN 0x1.0p-126f
+#define INT_ULP 0
+#define printf_c(...) \\
+ printf("\\033[1m\\033[40;31m");\\
+ printf( __VA_ARGS__ );\\
+ printf("\\033[0m");\\
+ #########Execute class itself
+ self.geneProcess()
+#####Computer vector && argument type:
+ def argtype(self,paraN,index):
+ return re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z_]+",self.inputtype[paraN][index])[0]
+ def argvector(self,paraN,index):
+ vector=re.findall(r"[0-9]+",self.inputtype[paraN][index])
+ if vector:
+ vector=vector[0]
+ else:
+ vector=1
+ return vector
+ def returnVector(self,index):
+ returnVector=re.findall(r"[0-9]+",self.outputtype[index])
+ if returnVector:
+ returnVector=returnVector[0]
+ else:
+ returnVector=1
+ return returnVector
+ def retType(self,index):
+ return re.findall("[a-zA-Z_]+",self.outputtype[index])[0]
+ def inputNumFormat(self,paraN,index):
+ return paraTypeList['%s'%(self.argtype(paraN,index))]
+ def outputNumFormat(self,index):
+ return paraTypeList['%s'%(self.retType(index))]
+#####Cpu values analyse
+ def GenInputValues(self,index):
+ #namesuffix=self.inputtype[0][index]
+ for i in range(0,self.values.__len__()):
+ self.cpplines += [ "const %s input_data%d[] = {%s};" %(self.argtype(i,index),i+1,str(self.values[i]).strip('[]').replace('\'','')) ]
+ self.cpplines += [ "const int count_input = sizeof(input_data1) / sizeof(input_data1[0]);" ]
+ self.cpplines += [ "const int vector = %s;\n"%(self.argvector(self.inputtype.__len__()-1,index)) ]
+#####Cpu Function
+ def GenCpuCompilerMath(self,index):
+ #namesuffix=self.inputtype[0][index]
+ defline='static void cpu_compiler_math(%s *dst, '%(self.retType(index))
+ cpufunargs='('
+ funcline = ['{']
+ vectorargs=[]
+ if (self.returnVector(index) == 1 and self.argvector(0,index) != 1):
+ for i in range(0,self.values.__len__()):
+ defline += 'const %s *src%d'%(self.argtype(i,index),i+1)
+ defline += ( i == self.values.__len__()-1 ) and ')' or ','
+ vectorargs.append('(')
+ for i in range(0,self.values.__len__()):
+ for j in range(0,self.vector):
+ vectorargs += "x%d%d"%(i+1,j+1)
+ vectorargs += ( j == self.vector-1 ) and ');' or ','
+ funcline += [" const %s x%d%d = *(src%d+%d);"%(self.argtype(i,index),i+1,j+1,i+1,j)]
+ return 0
+ for i in range(0,self.values.__len__()):
+ defline += 'const %s *src%d'%(self.argtype(i,index),i+1)
+ defline += ( i == self.values.__len__()-1 ) and ')' or ','
+ cpufunargs += "x%d"%(i+1)
+ cpufunargs += ( i == self.values.__len__()-1 ) and ');' or ','
+ funcline += [" const %s x%d = *src%d;"%(self.argtype(i,index),i+1,i+1)]
+ funcline += [ " dst[0] = %s%s"%(self.cpuFuncName, cpufunargs) ]
+ funcline += [ '}']
+ funcline = [defline] + funcline
+ self.cpplines += funcline
+# self.writeCPP( '\n'.join(funcline), 'a', namesuffix)
+ def writeCPP(self,content,authority,namesuffix):
+ file_object = open("generated/%s_%s.cpp"%(self.fileName,namesuffix),authority)
+ file_object.writelines(content)
+ file_object.close()
+ def writeCL(self,content,authority,namesuffix):
+ file_object = open(os.getcwd()+"/../kernels/"%(self.fileName,namesuffix),authority)
+ file_object.writelines(content)
+ file_object.close()
+ def nameForCmake(self,content,namesuffix):
+ print("generated/%s_%s.cpp"%(self.fileName,namesuffix)),
+ def utestFunc(self,index):
+ funcLines=[]
+ namesuffix=self.inputtype[0][index]
+ funcline=[]
+ funchead='''
+static void %s_%s(void)
+ int index;
+ %s gpu_data[count_input] = {0}, cpu_data[count_input] = {0}, diff=0.0;
+ char log[1024] = {0};
+ OCL_CREATE_KERNEL(\"%s_%s\");
+ OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[0], CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, count_input * sizeof(%s), NULL);
+ globals[0] = count_input;
+ locals[0] = 1;
+ '''%(self.fileName,namesuffix,\
+ self.retType(index),\
+ self.fileName, namesuffix,\
+ self.retType(index))
+ funcline += [funchead]
+ for i in range(1,self.values.__len__()+1):
+ funcline += [" OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[%d], CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, count_input * sizeof(%s), NULL);"%(i,self.argtype(i-1,index))]
+ funcline += [" clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, buf[%d], CL_TRUE, 0, count_input * sizeof(%s), input_data%d, 0, NULL, NULL);"%(i,self.argtype(i-1,index),i)]
+ funcline += [" OCL_CREATE_BUFFER(buf[%d], CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(int), NULL);"%(self.inputtype.__len__()+1)]
+ funcline += [" clEnqueueWriteBuffer( queue, buf[%d], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(int), &vector, 0, NULL, NULL);"%(self.inputtype.__len__()+1)]
+ #0=output 1=input1 2=input2 ... len+2=output
+ for i in range(0,self.values.__len__()+2):
+ funcline += [" OCL_SET_ARG(%d, sizeof(cl_mem), &buf[%d]);"%(i,i)]
+ funcrun='''
+ // Run the kernel:
+ clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, buf[0], CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(%s) * count_input, gpu_data, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ funcline += [ funcrun ]
+ funcsprintfa=' sprintf(log, \"'
+ funcsprintfb=''
+ if (self.returnVector(index) == 1 and self.argvector(0,index) != 1):
+ funccompare='''
+ for (index = 0; index < count_input/vector; index++)
+ {
+ cpu_compiler_math( cpu_data + index, '''
+ else:
+ funccompare='''
+ for (index = 0; index < count_input; index++)
+ {
+ cpu_compiler_math( cpu_data + index,'''
+ for i in range(0,self.values.__len__()):
+ funccompare += " input_data%d + index"%(i+1)
+ funccompare += (self.values.__len__() - 1 == i) and ');' or ','
+ funcsprintfa += "input_data%d:"%(i+1)
+ funcsprintfa += "%s "%(self.inputNumFormat(i,index))
+ funcsprintfb += " input_data%d[index],"%(i+1)
+ funcline += [ funccompare ]
+ funcsprintfa += " -> gpu:%s cpu:%s diff:%s\","%(self.outputNumFormat(index),self.outputNumFormat(index),self.outputNumFormat(index))#,self.outputNumFormat(index))
+ funcsprintfb += " gpu_data[index], cpu_data[index], diff);"#%(ulpUnit(self.ulp),ulpNum(self.ulp))
+ #funcdiff = " diff = fabs((gpu_data[index]-cpu_data[index])"
+ #funcdiff += (self.retType(index) == "int") and ');' or '/(cpu_data[index]>1?cpu_data[index]:1));'
+ funcdiff = " diff = fabs((gpu_data[index]-cpu_data[index]));"
+ funcline += [ funcdiff ]
+ funcline += [ funcsprintfa + funcsprintfb ]
+ self.cpplines += funcline
+ self.cpplines += [ udebug(self.ulp,self.retType(index)) ]
+ self.cpplines += [ "MAKE_UTEST_FROM_FUNCTION(%s_%s)"%(self.fileName,namesuffix) ]
+ def genCL(self,index):
+ namesuffix=self.inputtype[0][index]
+ clLine = []
+ clhead = '__kernel void %s_%s(__global %s *dst, '%(self.fileName,namesuffix,self.retType(index))
+ clvalueDef=''
+ clcomputer=''
+ tmp=''
+ for i in range(0,self.values.__len__()):
+ clhead += ' __global %s *src%d,'%(self.argtype(i,index),i+1)
+ clvalueDef += ' %s x%d = (%s) ('%(self.inputtype[i][index],i+1,self.inputtype[i][index])
+ tmp = 'src%d[i * (*vector) + '%(i+1)
+ for j in range(0,int(self.argvector(i,index))):
+ clvalueDef += tmp + ((int(self.argvector(i-1,index)) == j+1 ) and '%d]);\n'%(j) or '%d],'%(j))
+ clcomputer += (self.values.__len__() == i+1) and 'x%d);'%(i+1) or 'x%d,'%(i+1)
+ clhead += ' __global int *vector) {\n'
+ clhead += ' int i = get_global_id(0);'
+ clLine += [ clhead ]
+ clLine += [ clvalueDef ]
+ clLine += [ ' %s ret;'%(self.outputtype[index]) ]
+ clLine += [ ' ret = %s('%(self.funcName) + clcomputer ]
+ if (int(self.returnVector(index)) == 1):
+ clLine += [ ' dst[i] = ret;' ]
+ else:
+ for i in range(0,int(self.returnVector(index))):
+ clLine += [ ' dst[i * (*vector) + %d] = ret[%d];'%(i,i) ]
+ clLine += [ '};' ]
+ self.writeCL('\n'.join(clLine),'w',namesuffix)
+ def geneProcess(self):
+ for i in range(0,self.inputtype[0].__len__()):
+##########Write Cpp file
+ namesuffix=self.inputtype[0][i]
+ self.cpplines = []
+ #The head:
+ self.cpplines += [self.Head]
+ #Parameters:
+ self.GenInputValues(i)
+ #cpu function generator:
+ self.cpplines += [self.cpufunc]
+ #Cpu function:
+ self.GenCpuCompilerMath(i)
+ #utest function
+ self.utestFunc(i)
+ #kernel cl
+ self.genCL(i)
+ #CMakelists.txt
+ self.nameForCmake(self.fileName,namesuffix)
+ self.writeCPP( '\n'.join(self.cpplines) ,'w',namesuffix)
+#def main():
+#if __name__ == "__main__":
+# main()