path: root/test/lib/library.exp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lib/library.exp')
1 files changed, 908 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lib/library.exp b/test/lib/library.exp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c76d9854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lib/library.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+ # Source `init.tcl' again to restore the `unknown' procedure
+ # NOTE: DejaGnu has an old `unknown' procedure which unfortunately disables
+ # tcl auto-loading.
+source [file join [info library] init.tcl]
+package require textutil::string
+# Execute a bash command and make sure the exit status is successful.
+# If not, output the error message.
+# @param string $cmd Bash command line to execute. If empty string (""), the
+# exit status of the previously executed bash command will be
+# checked; specify `title' to adorn the error message.
+# @param string $title (optional) Command title. If empty, `cmd' is used.
+# @param string $prompt (optional) Bash prompt. Default is "/@"
+# @param mixed $out (optional) Reference to (tcl) variable to hold output.
+# If variable equals -1 (default) the bash command is expected
+# to return no output. If variable equals 0, any output
+# from the bash command is disregarded.
+proc assert_bash_exec {{aCmd ""} {title ""} {prompt /@} {out -1}} {
+ if {$out != 0 && $out != -1} {upvar $out results}
+ if {[string length $aCmd] != 0} {
+ send "$aCmd\r"
+ expect -ex "$aCmd\r\n"
+ }; # if
+ if {[string length $title] == 0} {set title $aCmd}
+ expect -ex $prompt
+ set results $expect_out(buffer); # Catch output
+ # Remove $prompt suffix from output
+ set results [
+ string range $results 0 [
+ expr [string length $results] - [string length $prompt] - 1
+ ]
+ ]
+ if {$out == -1 && [string length $results] > 0} {
+ if {[info exists multipass_name]} {
+ fail "ERROR Unexpected output from bash command \"$title\""
+ }; # if
+ send_user "ERROR Unexpected output from bash command \"$title\":\n$results"
+ }; # if
+ set cmd "echo $?"
+ send "$cmd\r"
+ expect {
+ -ex "$cmd\r\n0\r\n$prompt" {}
+ $prompt {
+ if {[info exists multipass_name]} {
+ fail "ERROR executing bash command \"$title\""
+ }; # if
+ send_user "ERROR executing bash command \"$title\""
+ }
+ }; # expect
+}; # assert_bash_exec()
+# Test `type ...' in bash
+# Indicate "unsupported" if `type' exits with error status.
+# @param string $command Command to locate
+proc assert_bash_type {command} {
+ set test "$command should be available in bash"
+ set cmd "type $command &> /dev/null && echo -n 0 || echo -n 1"
+ send "$cmd\r"
+ expect "$cmd\r\n"
+ expect {
+ -ex 0 { set result true }
+ -ex 1 { set result false; unsupported "$test" }
+ }; # expect
+ expect "/@"
+ return $result
+}; # assert_bash_type()
+# Make sure the expected list is returned by executing the specified command.
+# @param list $expected
+# @param string $cmd Command given to generate items
+# @param string $test (optional) Test title. Default is "$cmd<TAB> should show completions"
+# @param string $prompt (optional) Bash prompt. Default is "/@"
+# @param integer $size (optional) Chunk size. Default is 20.
+# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
+proc assert_bash_list {expected cmd {test ""} {prompt /@} {size 20}} {
+ if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should show expected output"}
+ if {[llength $expected] == 0} {
+ assert_no_output $cmd $test $prompt
+ } else {
+ send "$cmd\r"
+ expect -ex "$cmd\r\n"
+ if {[match_items $expected $test $prompt $size]} {
+ expect {
+ -re $prompt { pass "$test" }
+ -re eof { unresolved "eof" }
+ }
+ } else {
+ fail "$test"
+ }
+ }
+proc assert_bash_list_dir {expected cmd dir {test ""} {prompt /@} {size 20}} {
+ set prompt "/$dir/@"
+ assert_bash_exec "cd $dir" "" $prompt
+ assert_bash_list $expected $cmd $test $prompt $size
+ sync_after_int $prompt
+ assert_bash_exec {cd "$TESTDIR"}
+}; # assert_bash_list_dir()
+# Make sure the expected items are returned by TAB-completing the specified
+# command.
+# @param list $expected Expected completions.
+# @param string $cmd Command given to generate items
+# @param string $test (optional) Test title. Default is "$cmd<TAB> should show completions"
+# @param string $prompt (optional) Bash prompt. Default is "/@"
+# @param integer $size (optional) Chunk size. Default is 20.
+# @param string $cword (optional) Last argument of $cmd which is an
+# argument-to-complete and to be replaced with the longest common prefix
+# of $expected. If empty string (default), `assert_complete' autodetects
+# if the last argument is an argument-to-complete by checking if $cmd
+# doesn't end with whitespace. Specifying `cword' should only be necessary
+# if this autodetection fails, e.g. when the last whitespace is escaped or
+# quoted, e.g. "finger foo\ " or "finger 'foo "
+# @param list $filters (optional) List of filters to apply to this function to tweak
+# the expected completions and argument-to-complete. Possible values:
+# - "ltrim_colon_completions"
+# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
+proc assert_complete {expected cmd {test ""} {prompt /@} {size 20} {cword ""} {filters ""}} {
+ if {[llength $expected] == 0} {
+ assert_no_complete $cmd $test
+ } else {
+ if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should show completions"}
+ send "$cmd\t"
+ if {[llength $expected] == 1} {
+ expect -ex "$cmd"
+ if {[lsearch -exact $filters "ltrim_colon_completions"] == -1} {
+ set cur ""; # Default to empty word to complete on
+ set words [split_words_bash $cmd]
+ if {[llength $words] > 1} {
+ # Assume last word of `$cmd' is word to complete on.
+ set index [expr [llength $words] - 1]
+ set cur [lindex $words $index]
+ }; # if
+ # Remove second word from beginning of single item $expected
+ if {[string first $cur $expected] == 0} {
+ set expected [list [string range $expected [string length $cur] end]]
+ }; # if
+ }; # if
+ } else {
+ expect -ex "$cmd\r\n"
+ # Make sure expected items are unique
+ set expected [lsort -unique $expected]
+ }; # if
+ if {[lsearch -exact $filters "ltrim_colon_completions"] != -1} {
+ # If partial contains colon (:), remove partial from begin of items
+ # See also: bash_completion.__ltrim_colon_completions()
+ _ltrim_colon_completions cword expected
+ }; # if
+ if {[match_items $expected $test $prompt $size]} {
+ if {[llength $expected] == 1} {
+ pass "$test"
+ } else {
+ # Remove optional (partial) last argument-to-complete from `cmd',
+ # E.g. "finger test@" becomes "finger"
+ if {[lsearch -exact $filters "ltrim_colon_completions"] != -1} {
+ set cmd2 $cmd
+ } else {
+ set cmd2 [_remove_cword_from_cmd $cmd $cword]
+ }; # if
+ # Determine common prefix of completions
+ set common [::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefixList $expected]
+ #if {[string length $common] > 0} {set common " $common"}
+ expect {
+ -ex "$prompt$cmd2$common" { pass "$test" }
+ -re $prompt { unresolved "$test at prompt" }
+ -re eof { unresolved "eof" }
+ }; # expect
+ }; # if
+ } else {
+ fail "$test"
+ }; # if
+ }; # if
+}; # assert_complete()
+# @param string $cmd Command to remove cword from
+# @param string $cword (optional) Last argument of $cmd which is an
+# argument-to-complete and to be deleted. If empty string (default),
+# `_remove_cword_from_cmd' autodetects if the last argument is an
+# argument-to-complete by checking if $cmd doesn't end with whitespace.
+# Specifying `cword' is only necessary if this autodetection fails, e.g.
+# when the last whitespace is escaped or quoted, e.g. "finger foo\ " or
+# "finger 'foo "
+# @return string Command with cword removed
+proc _remove_cword_from_cmd {cmd {cword ""}} {
+ set cmd2 $cmd
+ # Is $cword specified?
+ if {[string length $cword] > 0} {
+ # Remove $cword from end of $cmd
+ if {[string last $cword $cmd] == [string length $cmd] - [string length $cword]} {
+ set cmd2 [string range $cmd 0 [expr [string last $cword $cmd] - 1]]
+ }; # if
+ } else {
+ # No, $cword not specified;
+ # Check if last argument is really an-argument-to-complete, i.e.
+ # doesn't end with whitespace.
+ # NOTE: This check fails if trailing whitespace is escaped or quoted,
+ # e.g. "finger foo\ " or "finger 'foo ". Specify parameter
+ # $cword in those cases.
+ # Is last char whitespace?
+ if {! [string is space [string range $cmd end end]]} {
+ # No, last char isn't whitespace;
+ # Remove argument-to-complete from end of $cmd
+ set cmd2 [lrange [split $cmd] 0 end-1]
+ append cmd2 " "
+ }; # if
+ }; # if
+ return $cmd2
+}; # _remove_cword_from_cmd()
+# Escape regexp special characters
+proc _escape_regexp_chars {var} {
+ upvar $var str
+ regsub -all {([\^$+*?.|(){}[\]\\])} $str {\\\1} str
+# Make sure any completions are returned
+proc assert_complete_any {cmd {test ""} {prompt /@}} {
+ if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should show completions"}
+ send "$cmd\t"
+ expect -ex "$cmd"
+ _escape_regexp_chars cmd
+ expect {
+ -timeout 1
+ # Match completions, multiple words
+ # NOTE: The `\S*' (zero or more non-whitespace characters) matches a
+ # longest common prefix of the completions shown.
+ # E.g. `fmt -' becomes `fmt --' (two dashes) when completing
+ -re "^\r\n.*$prompt$cmd\\S*$" { pass "$test" }
+ timeout {
+ expect {
+ # Match completion, single word. This word is shown on the
+ # same line as the command.
+ -re "^\\w+ $" { pass "$test" }
+ # Try matching multiple words again, with new timeout
+ -re "^\r\n.*$prompt$cmd\\S*$" { pass "$test" }
+ }
+ }
+ -re $prompt { unresolved "$test at prompt" }
+ eof { unresolved "eof" }
+ }; # expect
+}; # assert_complete_any()
+# Make sure the expected files are returned by TAB-completing the
+# specified command in the specified subdirectory.
+# @param list $expected
+# @param string $cmd Command given to generate items
+# @param string $dir Subdirectory to attempt completion in. The directory must be relative from the $TESTDIR and without a trailing slash. E.g. `fixtures/evince'
+# @param string $test (optional) Test title. Default is "$cmd<TAB> should show completions"
+# @param string $prompt (optional) Bash prompt. Default is "/@"
+# @param integer $size (optional) Chunk size. Default is 20.
+# @param string $cword (optional) Last word of $cmd to complete. See: assert_complete()
+# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
+proc assert_complete_dir {expected cmd dir {test ""} {size 20} {cword ""}} {
+ set prompt "/$dir/@"
+ assert_bash_exec "cd $dir" "" $prompt
+ assert_complete $expected $cmd $test $prompt $size $cword
+ sync_after_int $prompt
+ assert_bash_exec {cd "$TESTDIR"}
+}; # assert_complete_dir
+# Make sure a partial argument is completed.
+# A completion is tried with `$partial', or if this is empty, the first
+# character of the first item of `$expected'. Only the items from $expected,
+# starting with this character are then expected as completions.
+# @param list $expected List of all completions.
+# @param string $cmd Command given to generate items
+# @param string $partial Word to complete
+# @param string $test (optional) Test title. Default is "$cmd<TAB> should show completions"
+# @param string $prompt (optional) Bash prompt. Default is "/@"
+# @param integer $size (optional) Chunk size. Default is 20.
+# @param list $filters (optional) List of filters to apply to this function to tweak
+# the expected completions and argument-to-complete.
+# @see assert_complete()
+# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
+proc assert_complete_partial {expected cmd {partial ""} {test ""} {prompt /@} {size 20} {filters ""}} {
+ if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should complete partial argument"}
+ if {[llength $expected] == 0} {
+ unresolved "$test"
+ } else {
+ set pick {}
+ # Make sure expected items are unique
+ set expected [lsort -unique $expected]
+ foreach item $expected {
+ if {$partial == ""} {set partial [string range $item 0 0]}
+ # Only append item if starting with $partial
+ if {[string range $item 0 [expr [string length $partial] - 1]] == "$partial"} {
+ lappend pick $item
+ }; # if
+ }; # foreach
+ assert_complete $pick "$cmd $partial" $test $prompt $size $partial $filters
+ }; # if
+}; # assert_complete_partial()
+# See also: bash_completion._ltrim_colon_completions
+proc _ltrim_colon_completions {cword items} {
+ upvar 1 $cword cword_out
+ upvar 1 $items items_out
+ # If word-to-complete contains a colon,
+ # and bash-version < 4,
+ # or bash-version >= 4 and COMP_WORDBREAKS contains a colon
+ if {
+ [string first : $cword_out] > -1 && (
+ [lindex $::BASH_VERSINFO 0] < 4 ||
+ ([lindex $::BASH_VERSINFO 0] >= 4 && [string first ":" $::COMP_WORDBREAKS] > -1)
+ )
+ } {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $items_out]} {incr i} {
+ set item [lindex $items_out $i]
+ if {[string first $cword_out $item] == 0} {
+ # Strip colon-prefix
+ lset items_out $i [string range $item [string length $cword_out] end]
+ }; # if
+ }; # for
+ #set cword_out ""
+ }; # if
+}; # _ltrim_colon_completions()
+# Make sure the bash environment hasn't changed between now and the last call
+# to `save_env()'.
+# @param string $sed Sed commands to preprocess diff output.
+# Example calls:
+# # Replace `COMP_PATH=.*' with `COMP_PATH=PATH'
+# assert_env_unmodified {s/COMP_PATH=.*/COMP_PATH=PATH/}
+# # Remove lines containing `OLDPWD='
+# assert_env_unmodified {/OLDPWD=/d}
+# @param string $file Filename to generate environment save file from. See
+# `gen_env_filename()'.
+# @param string $diff Expected diff output (after being processed by $sed)
+# @see save_env()
+proc assert_env_unmodified {{sed ""} {file ""} {diff ""}} {
+ set test "Environment should not be modified"
+ _save_env [gen_env_filename $file 2]
+ # Prepare sed script
+ # Escape special bash characters ("\)
+ regsub -all {([\"\\])} $sed {\\\1} sed; #"# (fix Vim syntax highlighting)
+ # Escape newlines
+ regsub -all {\n} [string trim $sed] "\r\n" sed
+ # Prepare diff script
+ # If diff is filled, escape newlines and make sure it ends with a newline
+ if {[string length [string trim $diff]]} {
+ regsub -all {\n} [string trim $diff] "\r\n" diff
+ append diff "\r\n"
+ } else {
+ set diff ""
+ }; # if
+ # Execute diff
+ # NOTE: The dummy argument 'LAST-ARG' sets bash variable $_ (last argument) to
+ # 'LAST-ARG' so that $_ doesn't mess up the diff (as it would if $_
+ # was the (possibly multi-lined) sed script).
+ set cmd "diff_env \"[gen_env_filename $file 1]\" \"[gen_env_filename $file 2]\" \"$sed\" LAST-ARG"
+ send "$cmd\r"
+ expect "LAST-ARG\r\n"
+ expect {
+ -re "^$diff[wd]@$" { pass "$test" }
+ -re [wd]@ {
+ fail "$test"
+ # Show diff to user
+ set diff $expect_out(buffer)
+ # Remove possible `\r\n[wd]@' from end of diff
+ if {[string last "\r\n[wd]@" $diff] == [string length $diff] - [string length "\r\n[wd]@"]} {
+ set diff [string range $diff 0 [expr [string last "\r\n[wd]@" $diff] - 1]]
+ }; # if
+ send_user $diff;
+ }
+ }; # expect
+}; # assert_env_unmodified()
+# Make sure the specified command executed from within Tcl/Expect.
+# Fail the test with status UNSUPPORTED if Tcl fails with error "POSIX/ENOENT
+# (No such file or directory)", or with the given Tcl failure status command
+# (default "unresolved") if other error occurs.
+# NOTE: Further tests are assumed if executing the command is successful. The
+# test isn't immediately declared to have PASSED if the command is
+# executed successful.
+# @param string $command
+# @param string $stdout (optional) Reference to variable to hold stdout.
+# @param string $test (optional) Test title
+# @param string $failcmd (optional, default "unresolved") Failure command
+# @see assert_bash_exec()
+proc assert_exec {cmd {stdout ''} {test ''} {failcmd "unresolved"}} {
+ if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should execute successfully"}
+ upvar $stdout results
+ set status [catch {eval exec $cmd} results]
+ if {$status == 0} {
+ set result true
+ } else {
+ set result false
+ # Command not found (POSIX/ENOENT = no such file or directory)?
+ if {[lindex $::errorCode 0] == "POSIX" && [lindex $::errorCode 1] == "ENOENT"} {
+ # Yes, command not found;
+ # Indicate test is unsupported
+ unsupported "$test"
+ } else {
+ $failcmd "$test"
+ }; # if
+ }; # if
+ return $result
+}; # assert_exec()
+# Check that no completion is attempted on a certain command.
+# Params:
+# @cmd The command to attempt to complete.
+# @test Optional parameter with test name.
+proc assert_no_complete {{cmd} {test ""}} {
+ if {[string length $test] == 0} {
+ set test "$cmd shouldn't complete"
+ }; # if
+ send "$cmd\t"
+ expect -ex "$cmd"
+ # We can't anchor on $, simulate typing a magical string instead.
+ set endguard "Magic End Guard"
+ send "$endguard"
+ expect {
+ -re "^$endguard$" { pass "$test" }
+ default { fail "$test" }
+ timeout { fail "$test" }
+ }; # expect
+}; # assert_no_complete()
+# Check that no output is generated on a certain command.
+# @param string $cmd The command to attempt to complete.
+# @param string $test Optional parameter with test name.
+# @param string $prompt (optional) Bash prompt. Default is "/@"
+proc assert_no_output {{cmd} {test ""} {prompt /@}} {
+ if {[string length $test] == 0} {
+ set test "$cmd shouldn't generate output"
+ }
+ send "$cmd\r"
+ expect -ex "$cmd"
+ expect {
+ -re "^\r\n$prompt$" { pass "$test" }
+ default { fail "$test" }
+ timeout { fail "$test" }
+ }
+# Source/run file with additional tests if completion for the specified command
+# is installed in bash.
+# @param string $command Command to check completion availability for.
+# @param string $file (optional) File to source/run. Default is
+# "lib/completions/$cmd.exp".
+proc assert_source_completions {command {file ""}} {
+ if {[is_bash_completion_installed_for $command]} {
+ if {[string length $file] == 0} {
+ set file "lib/completions/$command.exp"
+ }
+ source $file
+ } else {
+ untested $command
+ }
+# Sort list.
+# `exec sort' is used instead of `lsort' to achieve exactly the
+# same sort order as in bash.
+# @param list $items
+# @return list Sort list
+proc bash_sort {items} {
+ return [split [exec sort << [join $items "\n"]] "\n"]
+# Get 'known' hostnames. Looks also in ssh's 'known_hosts' files.
+# @param string cword (optional) Word, hosts should start with.
+# @return list Hostnames
+# @see get_hosts()
+proc get_known_hosts {{cword ''}} {
+ assert_bash_exec "_known_hosts_real '$cword'; echo_array COMPREPLY" \
+ {} /@ result
+ return $result
+}; # get_known_hosts()
+# Get hostnames
+# @return list Hostnames
+# @see get_known_hosts()
+proc get_hosts {} {
+ set hosts [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"]
+ # NOTE: Circumventing var `avahi_hosts' and appending directly to `hosts'
+ # causes an empty element to be inserted in `hosts'.
+ # -- FVu, Fri Jul 17 23:11:46 CEST 2009
+ set avahi_hosts [get_hosts_avahi]
+ if {[llength $avahi_hosts] > 0} {
+ lappend hosts $avahi_hosts
+ }; # if
+ return $hosts
+}; # get_hosts()
+# Get hostnames according to avahi
+# @return list Hostnames
+proc get_hosts_avahi {} {
+ # Retrieving hosts is successful?
+ if { [catch {exec bash -c {
+ type avahi-browse >&/dev/null \
+ && avahi-browse -cpr _workstation._tcp 2>/dev/null | command grep ^= | cut -d\; -f7 | sort -u
+ }} hosts] } {
+ # No, retrieving hosts yields error;
+ # Reset hosts
+ set hosts {}
+ }; # if
+ return $hosts
+}; # get_hosts_avahi()
+# Get signals
+# This function is written in analogy to the bash function `_signals()' in
+# `bash_completion'.
+# @return list Signals starting with `SIG', but with the `SIG' prefix removed.
+proc get_signals {} {
+ set signals {}
+ foreach signal [exec bash -c {compgen -A signal}] {
+ # Does signal start with `SIG'?
+ if {[string range $signal 0 [expr [string length "SIG"] - 1]] == "SIG"} {
+ # Remove `SIG' prefix
+ set signal [string range $signal 3 end]
+ # Add signal (with dash (-) prefix) to list
+ lappend signals -$signal
+ }; # if
+ }; # foreach
+ return $signals
+}; # get_signals()
+# Initialize tcl globals with bash variables
+proc init_tcl_bash_globals {} {
+ assert_bash_exec {printf "%s" "$COMP_WORDBREAKS"} {} /@ COMP_WORDBREAKS
+ assert_bash_exec {printf "%s " "${BASH_VERSINFO[@]}"} "" /@ BASH_VERSINFO
+ assert_bash_exec {printf "%s" "$BASH_VERSION"} "" /@ BASH_VERSION
+ assert_bash_exec {printf "%s" "$TESTDIR"} "" /@ TESTDIR
+}; # init_tcl_bash_globals()
+# Check whether completion is installed for the specified command by executing
+# `complete -p ...' in bash.
+# @param string $command Command to check completion availability for.
+# @return boolean True (1) if completion is installed, False (0) if not.
+proc is_bash_completion_installed_for {command} {
+ set test "$command should have completion installed in bash"
+ set cmd "complete -p $command &> /dev/null && echo -n 0 || echo -n 1"
+ send "$cmd\r"
+ expect "$cmd\r\n"
+ expect {
+ -ex 0 { set result true }
+ -ex 1 { set result false }
+ }
+ expect "/@"
+ return $result
+}; # is_bash_completion_installed_for()
+# Detect if test suite is running under Cygwin/Windows
+proc is_cygwin {} {
+ expr {[string first [string tolower [exec uname -s]] cygwin] >= 0}
+}; # is_cygwin()
+# Expect items.
+# Break items into chunks because `expect' seems to have a limited buffer size
+# @param list $items
+# @param integer $size Chunk size
+# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
+proc match_items {items test {prompt /@} {size 20}} {
+ set items [bash_sort $items]
+ set result false
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $items]} {set i [expr {$i + $size}]} {
+ # For chunks > 1, allow leading whitespace
+ if {$i > $size} { set expected "\\s*" } else { set expected "" }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $size && $i + $j < [llength $items]} {incr j} {
+ set item "[lindex $items [expr {$i + $j}]]"
+ _escape_regexp_chars item
+ append expected $item
+ if {[llength $items] > 1} {append expected {\s+}};
+ }; # for
+ if {[llength $items] == 1} {
+ expect {
+ -re "^$expected\r\n$" { set result true }
+ # NOTE: The optional space ( ?) depends on whether -o nospace is active
+ -re "^$expected ?$" { set result true }
+ -re "^$prompt$" {set result false; break }
+ "\r\n" { set result false; break }
+ default { set result false; break }
+ timeout { set result false; break }
+ }; # expect
+ } else {
+ expect {
+ -re "^$expected" { set result true }
+ default { set result false; break }
+ timeout { set result false; break }
+ }; # expect
+ }; # if
+ }; # for
+ return $result
+}; # match_items()
+# Get real command.
+# - arg: $1 Command
+# - return: Command found, empty string if not found
+proc realcommand {cmd} {
+ set result ""
+ if [string length [set path [auto_execok $cmd]]] {
+ if {[string length [auto_execok realpath]]} {
+ set result [exec realpath $path]
+ } elseif {[string length [auto_execok readlink]]} {
+ set result [exec readlink -f $path]
+ } else {
+ set result $path
+ }; # if
+ }; # if
+ return $result
+}; # realcommand()
+# Generate filename to save environment to.
+# @param string $file File-basename to save environment to. If the file has a
+# `.exp' suffix, it is removed. E.g.:
+# - "file.exp" becomes "file.env1~"
+# - "" becomes "env.env1~"
+# - "filename" becomes "filename.env1~"
+# The file will be stored in the $TESTDIR/tmp directory.
+# @param integer $seq Sequence number. Must be either 1 or 2.
+proc gen_env_filename {{file ""} {seq 1}} {
+ if {[string length $file] == 0} {
+ set file "env"
+ } else {
+ # Remove possible directories
+ set file [file tail $file]
+ # Remove possible '.exp' suffix from filename
+ if {[string last ".exp" $file] == [string length $file] - [string length ".exp"]} {
+ set file [string range $file 0 [expr [string last ".exp" $file] - 1]]
+ }; # if
+ }; # if
+ return "\$TESTDIR/tmp/$file.env$seq~"
+}; # gen_env_filename()
+# Save the environment for later comparison
+# @param string $file Filename to generate environment save file from. See
+# `gen_env_filename()'.
+proc save_env {{file ""}} {
+ _save_env [gen_env_filename $file 1]
+}; # save_env()
+# Save the environment for later comparison
+# @param string File to save the environment to. Default is "$TESTDIR/tmp/env1~".
+# @see assert_env_unmodified()
+proc _save_env {{file ""}} {
+ assert_bash_exec "{ set; declare -F; shopt -p; } > \"$file\""
+}; # _save_env()
+# Source bash_completion package
+proc source_bash_completion {} {
+ assert_bash_exec {BASH_COMPLETION_DIR=$(cd "$TESTDIR/.."; pwd)/contrib}
+ assert_bash_exec {BASH_COMPLETION=$(cd "$TESTDIR/.."; pwd)/bash_completion}
+ assert_bash_exec {source "$BASH_COMPLETION"}
+}; # source_bash_completion()
+# Split line into words, disregarding backslash escapes (e.g. \b (backspace),
+# \g (bell)), but taking backslashed spaces into account.
+# Aimed for simulating bash word splitting.
+# Example usage:
+# % set a {f cd\ \be}
+# % split_words $a
+# f {cd\ \be}
+# @param string Line to split
+# @return list Words
+proc split_words_bash {line} {
+ set words {}
+ set glue false
+ foreach part [split $line] {
+ set glue_next false
+ # Does `part' end with a backslash (\)?
+ if {[string last "\\" $part] == [string length $part] - [string length "\\"]} {
+ # Remove end backslash
+ set part [string range $part 0 [expr [string length $part] - [string length "\\"] - 1]]
+ # Indicate glue on next run
+ set glue_next true
+ }; # if
+ # Must `part' be appended to latest word (= glue)?
+ if {[llength $words] > 0 && [string is true $glue]} {
+ # Yes, join `part' to latest word;
+ set zz [lindex $words [expr [llength $words] - 1]]
+ # Separate glue with backslash-space (\ );
+ lset words [expr [llength $words] - 1] "$zz\\ $part"
+ } else {
+ # No, don't append word to latest word;
+ # Append `part' as separate word
+ lappend words $part
+ }; # if
+ set glue $glue_next
+ }; # foreach
+ return $words
+}; # split_words_bash()
+# Given a list of items this proc finds a (part, full) pair so that when
+# completing from $part $full will be the only option.
+# Arguments:
+# list The list of full completions.
+# partName Output parameter for the partial string.
+# fullName Output parameter for the full string, member of item.
+# Results:
+# 1, or 0 if no suitable result was found.
+proc find_unique_completion_pair {{list} {partName} {fullName}} {
+ upvar $partName part
+ upvar $fullName full
+ set bestscore 0
+ set list [lsort $list]
+ set n [llength $list]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
+ set cur [lindex $list $i]
+ set curlen [string length $cur]
+ set prev [lindex $list [expr {$i - 1}]]
+ set next [lindex $list [expr {$i + 1}]]
+ set diffprev [expr {$prev == ""}]
+ set diffnext [expr {$next == ""}]
+ # Analyse each item of the list and look for the minimum length of the
+ # partial prefix which is distinct from both $next and $prev. The list
+ # is sorted so the prefix will be unique in the entire list.
+ #
+ # In the worst case we analyse every character in the list 3 times.
+ # That's actually very fast, sorting could take more.
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $curlen} {incr j} {
+ set curchar [string index $cur $j]
+ if {!$diffprev && [string index $prev $j] != $curchar} {
+ set diffprev 1
+ }
+ if {!$diffnext && [string index $next $j] != $curchar} {
+ set diffnext 1
+ }
+ if {$diffnext && $diffprev} {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # At the end of the loop $j is the index of last character of
+ # the unique partial prefix. The length is one plus that.
+ set parlen [expr {$j + 1}]
+ if {$parlen >= $curlen} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Try to find the most "readable pair"; look for a long pair where
+ # $part is about half of $full.
+ if {$parlen < $curlen / 2} {
+ set parlen [expr {$curlen / 2}]
+ }
+ set score [expr {$curlen - $parlen}]
+ if {$score > $bestscore} {
+ set bestscore $score
+ set part [string range $cur 0 [expr {$parlen - 1}]]
+ set full $cur
+ }
+ }
+ return [expr {$bestscore != 0}]
+# Start bash running as test environment.
+proc start_bash {} {
+ set TESTDIR [pwd]
+ # If `--tool_exec' option not specified, use "bash"
+ if {! [info exists TOOL_EXECUTABLE]} {set TOOL_EXECUTABLE bash}
+ exp_spawn $TOOL_EXECUTABLE --rcfile config/bashrc
+ assert_bash_exec {} "$TOOL_EXECUTABLE --rcfile config/bashrc"
+ # Bash < 3.2.41 has a bug where 'history' disappears from SHELLOPTS
+ # whenever a shopt setting is sourced or eval'ed. Disabling 'history'
+ # makes it not show in tests "Environment should not be modified"
+ # for bash < 3.2.41.
+ # -- FVu, Tue Sep 15 22:52:00 CEST 2009
+ assert_bash_exec {is_bash_version_minimal 3 2 41 || set +o history}
+}; # start_bash()
+# Redirect xtrace output to a file.
+# 'set -x' can be very useful for debugging but by default it writes to
+# stderr. Bash 4.1 has a feature to redirect this output to a random FD.
+# This function uses file descriptor 6. This will break if any completion
+# tries to use the same descriptor.
+proc init_bash_xtrace {{fname xtrace.log}} {
+ if {([lindex $BASH_VERSINFO 0] == 4 && [lindex $BASH_VERSINFO 1] < 1) ||
+ [lindex $BASH_VERSINFO 0] < 4} {
+ note "BASH_XTRACEFD not available in this version; no xtrace.log"
+ return
+ }
+ verbose "Enabling bash xtrace output to '$fname'"
+ assert_bash_exec "exec 6>'$fname'"
+ assert_bash_exec "BASH_XTRACEFD=6"
+ assert_bash_exec "set -o xtrace"
+# Setup test environment
+# Common initialization for unit and completion tests.
+proc start_interactive_test {} {
+ start_bash
+ source_bash_completion
+ init_tcl_bash_globals
+ if {[info exists OPT_BASH_XTRACE]} {
+ init_bash_xtrace
+ }
+ global OPT_TIMEOUT
+ if {[info exists OPT_TIMEOUT]} {
+ global timeout
+ verbose "Changing default expect timeout from $timeout to $OPT_TIMEOUT"
+ set timeout $OPT_TIMEOUT
+ }
+# Interrupt completion and sync with prompt.
+# Send signals QUIT & INT.
+# @param string $prompt (optional) Bash prompt. Default is "/@"
+proc sync_after_int {{prompt /@}} {
+ set test "Sync after INT"
+ sleep .1
+ send \031\003; # QUIT/INT
+ # Wait to allow bash to become ready
+ # See also:
+ # 2010-February/002566.html
+ sleep .1
+ # NOTE: Regexp `.*' causes `expect' to discard previous unknown output.
+ # This is necessary if a completion doesn't match expectations.
+ # For instance with `filetype_xspec' completion (e.g. `kdvi') if
+ # one expects `.txt' as a completion (wrong, because it isn't
+ # there), the unmatched completions need to be cleaned up.
+ expect -re ".*$prompt$"
+proc sync_after_tab {} {
+ # NOTE: Wait in case completion returns nothing - because `units' isn't
+ # installed, so that "^$cdm.*$" doesn't match too early - before
+ # comp_install has finished
+ sleep .4
+}; # sync_after_tab()
+# Return current working directory with `TESTDIR' stripped
+# @return string Working directory. E.g. /, or /fixtures/
+proc wd {} {
+ global TESTDIR
+ # Remove `$TESTDIR' prefix from current working directory
+ set wd [string replace [pwd] 0 [expr [string length $TESTDIR] - 1]]/
+}; # wd()