path: root/test/docker
diff options
authorGabriel F. T. Gomes <>2018-03-18 12:02:11 -0300
committerGabriel F. T. Gomes <>2018-03-18 12:02:11 -0300
commit9cd22d1df8f0f5b554858471c86faa9f37b8fed4 (patch)
tree6399b936aecc388506ec32cfc10fdb06cfc1949f /test/docker
parent6d88f1055806932d9291f96847d2b691cccda2cd (diff)
New upstream version 2.8upstream/2.8
Diffstat (limited to 'test/docker')
3 files changed, 26 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/test/docker/Dockerfile-centos6 b/test/docker/Dockerfile-centos6
index 8686fde4..6f886ffa 100644
--- a/test/docker/Dockerfile-centos6
+++ b/test/docker/Dockerfile-centos6
@@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
-FROM centos:6
+FROM vskytta/bash-completion:centos6
-# TODO: more coverage
-# /usr/bin/which:
-RUN sed -i -e /tsflags=nodocs/d /etc/yum.conf \
- && \
- yum -y install \
- \
- && \
- yum -y install \
- autoconf \
- automake \
- dejagnu \
- tcllib \
- /usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/bin/which
+# When adding new completions, install packages desired for their testing here
+# in case they're not in the base image, and remove later when the base image
+# has caught up.
+#RUN yum -y install \
+# some-package
-WORKDIR /usr/src/bash-completion
+WORKDIR /work
COPY . .
+CMD ["bash"]
diff --git a/test/docker/Dockerfile-fedoradev b/test/docker/Dockerfile-fedoradev
index 423f836b..8c4f86d7 100644
--- a/test/docker/Dockerfile-fedoradev
+++ b/test/docker/Dockerfile-fedoradev
@@ -1,41 +1,11 @@
-FROM fedora:rawhide
+FROM vskytta/bash-completion:fedoradev
-# TODO: more coverage
-# /usr/bin/which:
-RUN dnf --refresh -y install \
- autoconf \
- automake \
- dejagnu \
- tcllib \
- /usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/bin/which \
- && \
- dnf -y install \
- /usr/bin/checksec \
- /usr/bin/compare \
- /usr/bin/dcop \
- /usr/sbin/ether-wake \
- /usr/bin/g77 \
- /usr/sbin/hping2 \
- /usr/bin/koji \
- /usr/bin/lua \
- /usr/bin/luac \
- /usr/sbin/mii-diag \
- /usr/bin/mock \
- /usr/bin/msynctool \
- /usr/bin/mutt \
- /usr/bin/ncftp \
- /usr/bin/phing \
- /usr/bin/plague-client \
- /usr/bin/pngfix \
- /usr/bin/pyvenv \
- /usr/bin/snownews \
- /usr/bin/stream \
- /usr/bin/svk \
- /usr/sbin/tipc \
- /usr/bin/wine \
- /usr/bin/wol \
- /usr/bin/xmms \
- /usr/bin/zopflipng
+# When adding new completions, install packages desired for their testing here
+# in case they're not in the base image, and remove later when the base image
+# has caught up.
+#RUN dnf --nogpgcheck --refresh -y install \
+# some-package
-WORKDIR /usr/src/bash-completion
+WORKDIR /work
COPY . .
+CMD ["bash"]
diff --git a/test/docker/Dockerfile-ubuntu14 b/test/docker/Dockerfile-ubuntu14
index 8db91503..a1086add 100644
--- a/test/docker/Dockerfile-ubuntu14
+++ b/test/docker/Dockerfile-ubuntu14
@@ -1,197 +1,13 @@
-FROM ubuntu:14.04
+FROM vskytta/bash-completion:ubuntu14
-# TODO: more coverage
-# TODO: wine needs dpkg --add-architecture i386 before apt-get update, but
-# that results in apt-get update errors (some index files not found)
-RUN apt-get update && \
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
- autoconf \
- automake \
- dejagnu \
- tcllib \
- xvfb \
- software-properties-common && \
- apt-add-repository multiverse && \
- apt-get update && \
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
- a2ps \
- abook \
- acpi \
- alpine \
- android-tools-adb \
- ant \
- apache2 \
- apache2-utils \
- apt-build \
- asciidoc \
- aspell \
- autoconf \
- automake \
- bc \
- bind9-host \
- bison \
- bluez \
- bridge-utils \
- bsdgames \
- ccache \
- cfengine2 \
- chrony \
- chrpath \
- cksfv \
- clisp \
- cowsay \
- cppcheck \
- cryptsetup-bin \
- cups-bsd \
- cups-client \
- curl \
- cvs \
- cvsps \
- deja-dup \
- desktop-file-utils \
- dict \
- dnsutils \
- dselect \
- dsniff \
- enscript \
- eog \
- evince \
- expat \
- fbi \
- feh \
- file-roller \
- finger \
- freerdp-x11 \
- fuse \
- gcj-jdk \
- gcl \
- gdb \
- genisoimage \
- gkrellm \
- gnat-4.6 \
- gnokii-cli \
- gnome-mplayer \
- gperf \
- gphoto2 \
- graphicsmagick \
- graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat \
- graphviz \
- growisofs \
- grub \
- hddtemp \
- hping3 \
- htop \
- icedtea-netx \
- idn \
- iftop \
- info \
- iperf \
- ipmitool \
- iputils-arping \
- iputils-ping \
- iputils-tracepath \
- ipv6calc \
- isc-dhcp-client \
- jpegoptim \
- k3b \
- kcov \
- kplayer \
- ldap-utils \
- ldapvi \
- lftp \
- liblz4-tool \
- libuser \
- lilo \
- links \
- lrzip \
- lsof \
- lvm2 \
- lzip \
- lzop \
- mailman \
- man \
- mariadb-client-5.5 \
- mc \
- mcrypt \
- mdadm \
- medusa \
- mencoder \
- minicom \
- monodevelop \
- mplayer-gui \
- mr \
- mtx \
- mussh \
- net-tools \
- nethogs \
- network-manager \
- nfs-common \
- ngrep \
- nis \
- nodejs-legacy \
- npm \
- ntpdate \
- open-iscsi-utils \
- openjdk-7-jdk \
- openswan \
- optipng \
- p7zip-full \
- patchutils \
- perl-doc \
- pinfo \
- poppler-utils \
- postgresql-client-9.3 \
- postfix \
- prelink \
- protobuf-compiler \
- puppet-common \
- pwgen \
- pyflakes \
- pylint \
- python-flake8 \
- python-pytest \
- python3 \
- quota \
- rcs \
- rdesktop \
- reportbug \
- reptyr \
- ri \
- rpm \
- rsync \
- samba-common-bin \
- sbcl \
- screen \
- sharutils \
- sitecopy \
- smartmontools \
- smbclient \
- sqlite3 \
- strace \
- subversion \
- sysbench \
- tcpdump \
- texinfo \
- tshark \
- unace \
- unrar \
- units \
- unixodbc \
- valgrind \
- vpnc \
- wget \
- wireless-tools \
- wodim \
- wvdial \
- x11-xserver-utils \
- xserver-xorg-input-synaptics \
- xsltproc \
- xvnc4viewer \
- xzdec \
- yum \
- yum-utils \
- zopfli && \
- npm install -g jshint
+# When adding new completions, install packages desired for their testing here
+# in case they're not in the base image, and remove later when the base image
+# has caught up.
+#RUN apt-get update \
+# && \
+# DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
+# some-package
-WORKDIR /usr/src/bash-completion
+WORKDIR /work
COPY . .
+CMD ["bash"]