path: root/CHANGES
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-Babel Changelog
-Version 2.9.1
-* The internal locale-data loading functions now validate the name of the locale file to be loaded and only
- allow files within Babel's data directory. Thank you to Chris Lyne of Tenable, Inc. for discovering the issue!
-Version 2.9.0
-Upcoming version support changes
-* This version, Babel 2.9, is the last version of Babel to support Python 2.7, Python 3.4, and Python 3.5.
-* CLDR: Use CLDR 37 – Aarni Koskela (#734)
-* Dates: Handle ZoneInfo objects in get_timezone_location, get_timezone_name - Alessio Bogon (#741)
-* Numbers: Add group_separator feature in number formatting - Abdullah Javed Nesar (#726)
-* Dates: Correct default Format().timedelta format to 'long' to mute deprecation warnings – Aarni Koskela
-* Import: Simplify iteration code in "" – Felix Schwarz
-* Import: Stop using deprecated ElementTree methods "getchildren()" and "getiterator()" – Felix Schwarz
-* Messages: Fix unicode printing error on Python 2 without TTY. – Niklas Hambüchen
-* Messages: Introduce invariant that _invalid_pofile() takes unicode line. – Niklas Hambüchen
-* Tests: fix tests when using Python 3.9 – Felix Schwarz
-* Tests: Remove deprecated 'sudo: false' from Travis configuration – Jon Dufresne
-* Tests: Support Py.test 6.x – Aarni Koskela
-* Utilities: LazyProxy: Handle AttributeError in specified func – Nikiforov Konstantin (#724)
-* Utilities: Replace usage of parser.suite with ast.parse – Miro Hrončok
-* Update parse_number comments – Brad Martin (#708)
-* Add __iter__ to Catalog documentation – @CyanNani123
-Version 2.8.1
-This is solely a patch release to make running tests on Py.test 6+ possible.
-* Support Py.test 6 - Aarni Koskela (#747, #750, #752)
-Version 2.8.0
-* CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 36.0 - Aarni Koskela (#679)
-* Messages: Don't even open files with the "ignore" extraction method - @sebleblanc (#678)
-* Numbers: Fix formatting very small decimals when quantization is disabled - Lev Lybin, @miluChen (#662)
-* Messages: Attempt to sort all messages – Mario Frasca (#651, #606)
-* Add years to changelog - Romuald Brunet
-* Note that installation requires pytz - Steve (Gadget) Barnes
-Version 2.7.0
-Possibly incompatible changes
-These may be backward incompatible in some cases, as some more-or-less internal
-APIs have changed. Please feel free to file issues if you bump into anything
-strange and we'll try to help!
-* General: Internal uses of ``babel.util.odict`` have been replaced with
- ``collections.OrderedDict`` from The Python standard library.
-* CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 35.1 - Alberto Mardegan, Aarni Koskela (#626, #643)
-* General: allow anchoring path patterns to the start of a string - Brian Cappello (#600)
-* General: Bumped version requirement on pytz - @chrisbrake (#592)
-* Messages: `pybabel compile`: exit with code 1 if errors were encountered - Aarni Koskela (#647)
-* Messages: Add omit-header to update_catalog - Cédric Krier (#633)
-* Messages: Catalog update: keep user comments from destination by default - Aarni Koskela (#648)
-* Messages: Skip empty message when writing mo file - Cédric Krier (#564)
-* Messages: Small fixes to avoid crashes on badly formatted .po files - Bryn Truscott (#597)
-* Numbers: `parse_decimal()` `strict` argument and `suggestions` - Charly C (#590)
-* Numbers: don't repeat suggestions in parse_decimal strict - Serban Constantin (#599)
-* Numbers: implement currency formatting with long display names - Luke Plant (#585)
-* Numbers: parse_decimal(): assume spaces are equivalent to non-breaking spaces when not in strict mode - Aarni Koskela (#649)
-* Performance: Cache locale_identifiers() - Aarni Koskela (#644)
-* CLDR: Skip alt=... for week data (minDays, firstDay, weekendStart, weekendEnd) - Aarni Koskela (#634)
-* Dates: Fix wrong weeknumber for 31.12.2018 - BT-sschmid (#621)
-* Locale: Avoid KeyError trying to get data on WindowsXP - mondeja (#604)
-* Locale: get_display_name(): Don't attempt to concatenate variant information to None - Aarni Koskela (#645)
-* Messages: pofile: Add comparison operators to _NormalizedString - Aarni Koskela (#646)
-* Messages: pofile: don't crash when message.locations can't be sorted - Aarni Koskela (#646)
-Tooling & docs
-* Docs: Remove all references to deprecated easy_install - Jon Dufresne (#610)
-* Docs: Switch print statement in docs to print function - NotAFile
-* Docs: Update all URLs to - Jon Dufresne (#587)
-* Docs: Use https URLs throughout project where available - Jon Dufresne (#588)
-* Support: Add testing and document support for Python 3.7 - Jon Dufresne (#611)
-* Support: Test on Python 3.8-dev - Aarni Koskela (#642)
-* Support: Using ABCs from collections instead of is deprecated. - Julien Palard (#609)
-* Tests: Fix compatibility with pytest 4.3 - Miro Hrončok (#635)
-* Tests: Update pytest and pytest-cov - Miro Hrončok (#635)
-Version 2.6.0
-Possibly incompatible changes
-These may be backward incompatible in some cases, as some more-or-less internal APIs have changed.
-Please feel free to file issues if you bump into anything strange and we'll try to help!
-* Numbers: Refactor decimal handling code and allow bypass of decimal quantization. (@kdeldycke) (PR #538)
-* Messages: allow processing files that are in locales unknown to Babel (@akx) (PR #557)
-* General: Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3 (@hugovk) (PR #546)
-Other changes
-* CLDR: Use CLDR 33 (@akx) (PR #581)
-* Lists: Add support for various list styles other than the default (@akx) (#552)
-* Messages: Add new PoFileError exception (@Bedrock02) (PR #532)
-* Times: Simplify Linux distro specific explicit timezone setting search (@scop) (PR #528)
-* CLDR: avoid importing alt=narrow currency symbols (@akx) (PR #558)
-* CLDR: ignore non-Latin numbering systems (@akx) (PR #579)
-* Docs: Fix improper example for date formatting (@PTrottier) (PR #574)
-* Tooling: Fix some deprecation warnings (@akx) (PR #580)
-Tooling & docs
-* Add explicit signatures to some date autofunctions (@xmo-odoo) (PR #554)
-* Include license file in the generated wheel package (@jdufresne) (PR #539)
-* Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes (@scop) (PR #528)
-* Test and document all supported Python versions (@jdufresne) (PR #540)
-* Update copyright header years and authors file (@akx) (PR #559)
-Version 2.5.3
-This is a maintenance release that reverts undesired API-breaking changes that slipped into 2.5.2
-It is based on v2.5.1 (f29eccd) with commits 7cedb84, 29da2d2 and edfb518 cherry-picked on top.
-Version 2.5.2
-* Revert the unnecessary PyInstaller fixes from 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 (#533) (@yagebu)
-Version 2.5.1
-Minor Improvements and bugfixes
-* Use a fixed datetime to avoid test failures (#520) (@narendravardi)
-* Parse multi-line __future__ imports better (#519) (@akx)
-* Fix validate_currency docstring (#522)
-* Allow normalize_locale and exists to handle various unexpected inputs (#523) (@suhojm)
-* Make PyInstaller support more robust (#525, #526) (@thijstriemstra, @akx)
-Version 2.5.0
-New Features
-* Numbers: Add currency utilities and helpers (#491) (@kdeldycke)
-* Support PyInstaller (#500, #505) (@wodo)
-Minor Improvements and bugfixes
-* Dates: Add __str__ to DateTimePattern (#515) (@sfermigier)
-* Dates: Fix an invalid string to bytes comparison when parsing TZ files on Py3 (#498) (@rowillia)
-* Dates: Formatting zero-padded components of dates is faster (#517) (@akx)
-* Documentation: Fix "Good Commits" link in (#511) (@naryanacharya6)
-* Documentation: Fix link to Python gettext module (#512) (@Linkid)
-* Messages: Allow both dash and underscore separated locale identifiers in pofiles (#489, #490) (@akx)
-* Messages: Extract Python messages in nested gettext calls (#488) (@sublee)
-* Messages: Fix in-place editing of dir list while iterating (#476, #492) (@MarcDufresne)
-* Messages: Stabilize sort order (#482) (@xavfernandez)
-* Time zones: Honor the no-inherit marker for metazone names (#405) (@akx)
-Version 2.4.0
-New Features
-Some of these changes might break your current code and/or tests.
-* CLDR: CLDR 29 is now used instead of CLDR 28 (#405) (@akx)
-* Messages: Add option 'add_location' for location line formatting (#438, #459) (@rrader, @alxpy)
-* Numbers: Allow full control of decimal behavior (#410) (@etanol)
-Minor Improvements and bugfixes
-* Documentation: Improve Date Fields descriptions (#450) (@ldwoolley)
-* Documentation: Typo fixes and documentation improvements (#406, #412, #403, #440, #449, #463) (@zyegfryed, @adamchainz, @jwilk, @akx, @roramirez, @abhishekcs10)
-* Messages: Default to UTF-8 source encoding instead of ISO-8859-1 (#399) (@asottile)
-* Messages: Ensure messages are extracted in the order they were passed in (#424) (@ngrilly)
-* Messages: Message extraction for JSX files is improved (#392, #396, #425) (@karloskar, @georgschoelly)
-* Messages: PO file reading supports multi-line obsolete units (#429) (@mbirtwell)
-* Messages: Python message extractor respects unicode_literals in __future__ (#427) (@sublee)
-* Messages: Roundtrip Language headers (#420) (@kruton)
-* Messages: units before obsolete units are no longer erroneously marked obsolete (#452) (@mbirtwell)
-* Numbers: `parse_pattern` now preserves the full original pattern (#414) (@jtwang)
-* Numbers: Fix float conversion in `extract_operands` (#435) (@akx)
-* Plurals: Fix plural forms for Czech and Slovak locales (#373) (@ykshatroff)
-* Plurals: More plural form fixes based on Mozilla and CLDR references (#431) (@mshenfield)
-Internal improvements
-* Local times are constructed correctly in tests (#411) (@etanol)
-* Miscellaneous small improvements (#437) (@scop)
-* Regex flags are extracted from the regex strings (#462) (@singingwolfboy)
-* The PO file reader is now a class and has seen some refactoring (#429, #452) (@mbirtwell)
-Version 2.3.4
-(Bugfix release, released on April 22th 2016)
-* CLDR: The lxml library is no longer used for CLDR importing, so it should not cause strange failures either. Thanks to @aronbierbaum for the bug report and @jtwang for the fix. (
-* CLI: Every last single CLI usage regression should now be gone, and both distutils and stand-alone CLIs should work as they have in the past. Thanks to @paxswill and @ajaeger for bug reports. (
-Version 2.3.3
-(Bugfix release, released on April 12th 2016)
-* CLI: Usage regressions that had snuck in between 2.2 and 2.3 should be no more. ( Thanks to @ajaeger, @sebdiem and @jcristovao for bug reports and patches.
-Version 2.3.2
-(Bugfix release, released on April 9th 2016)
-* Dates: Period (am/pm) formatting was broken in certain locales (namely zh_TW). Thanks to @jun66j5 for the bug report. (,
-Version 2.3.1
-(Bugfix release because of deployment problems, released on April 8th 2016)
-Version 2.3
-(Feature release, released on April 8th 2016)
-Internal improvements
-* The CLI frontend and Distutils commands use a shared implementation (
-* PyPy3 is supported (
-* CLDR: Add an API for territory language data (
-* Core: Character order and measurement system data is imported and exposed (
-* Dates: Add an API for time interval formatting (
-* Dates: More pattern formats and lengths are supported (
-* Dates: Period IDs are imported and exposed (
-* Dates: Support for date-time skeleton formats has been added (
-* Dates: Timezone formatting has been improved (
-* Messages: JavaScript extraction now supports dotted names, ES6 template strings and JSX tags (
-* Messages: npgettext is recognized by default (
-* Messages: The CLI learned to accept multiple domains (
-* Messages: The extraction commands now accept filenames in addition to directories (
-* Units: A new API for unit formatting is implemented (
-* Core: Mixed-case locale IDs work more reliably (
-* Dates: S...S formats work correctly now (
-* Messages: All messages are now sorted correctly if sorting has been specified (
-* Messages: Fix the unexpected behavior caused by catalog header updating (e0e7ef1) (
-* Messages: Gettext operands are now generated correctly (
-* Messages: Message extraction has been taught to detect encodings better (
-Version 2.2
-(Feature release, released on January 2nd 2016)
-* General: Add __hash__ to Locale. (#303) (2aa8074)
-* General: Allow files with BOM if they're UTF-8 (#189) (da87edd)
-* General: localedata directory is now locale-data (#109) (2d1882e)
-* General: odict: Fix pop method (0a9e97e)
-* General: Removed uses of class from *.dat files (#174) (94f6830)
-* Messages: Fix plural selection for Chinese (531f666)
-* Messages: Fix typo and add semicolon in plural_forms (5784501)
-* Messages: Flatten NullTranslations.files into a list (ad11101)
-* Times: FixedOffsetTimezone: fix display of negative offsets (d816803)
-* CLDR: Update to CLDR 28 (#292) (9f7f4d0)
-* General: Add __copy__ and __deepcopy__ to LazyProxy. (a1cc3f1)
-* General: Add official support for Python 3.4 and 3.5
-* General: Improve odict performance by making key search O(1) (6822b7f)
-* Locale: Add an ordinal_form property to Locale (#270) (b3f3430)
-* Locale: Add support for list formatting (37ce4fa, be6e23d)
-* Locale: Check inheritance exceptions first (3ef0d6d)
-* Messages: Allow file locations without line numbers (#279) (79bc781)
-* Messages: Allow passing a callable to `extract()` (#289) (3f58516)
-* Messages: Support 'Language' header field of PO files (#76) (3ce842b)
-* Messages: Update catalog headers from templates (e0e7ef1)
-* Numbers: Properly load and expose currency format types (#201) (df676ab)
-* Numbers: Use cdecimal by default when available (b6169be)
-* Numbers: Use the CLDR's suggested number of decimals for format_currency (#139) (201ed50)
-* Times: Add format_timedelta(format='narrow') support (edc5eb5)
-Version 2.1
-(Bugfix/minor feature release, released on September 25th 2015)
-- Parse and honour the locale inheritance exceptions
- (
-- Fix Locale.parse using ``global.dat`` incompatible types
- (
-- Fix display of negative offsets in ``FixedOffsetTimezone``
- (
-- Improved odict performance which is used during localization file
- build, should improve compilation time for large projects
-- Add support for "narrow" format for ``format_timedelta``
-- Add universal wheel support
-- Support 'Language' header field in .PO files
- (fixes
-- Test suite enhancements (coverage, broken tests fixed, etc)
-- Documentation updated
-Version 2.0
-(Released on July 27th 2015, codename Second Coming)
-- Added support for looking up currencies that belong to a territory
- through the :func:`babel.numbers.get_territory_currencies`
- function.
-- Improved Python 3 support.
-- Fixed some broken tests for timezone behavior.
-- Improved various smaller things for dealing with dates.
-Version 1.4
-(bugfix release, release date to be decided)
-- Fixed a bug that caused deprecated territory codes not being
- converted properly by the subtag resolving. This for instance
- showed up when trying to use ``und_UK`` as a language code
- which now properly resolves to ``en_GB``.
-- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to import the CLDR data
- from scratch on windows systems.
-Version 1.3
-(bugfix release, released on July 29th 2013)
-- Fixed a bug in likely-subtag resolving for some common locales.
- This primarily makes ``zh_CN`` work again which was broken
- due to how it was defined in the likely subtags combined with
- our broken resolving. This fixes :gh:`37`.
-- Fixed a bug that caused pybabel to break when writing to stdout
- on Python 3.
-- Removed a stray print that was causing issues when writing to
- stdout for message catalogs.
-Version 1.2
-(bugfix release, released on July 27th 2013)
-- Included all tests in the tarball. Previously the include
- skipped past recursive folders.
-- Changed how tests are invoked and added separate standalone
- test command. This simplifies testing of the package for
- linux distributors.
-Version 1.1
-(bugfix release, released on July 27th 2013)
-- added dummy version requirements for pytz so that it installs
- on pip 1.4.
-- Included tests in the tarball.
-Version 1.0
-(Released on July 26th 2013, codename Revival)
-- support python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3+ and pypy - drop all other versions
-- use tox for testing on different pythons
-- Added support for the locale plural rules defined by the CLDR.
-- Added `format_timedelta` function to support localized formatting of
- relative times with strings such as "2 days" or "1 month" (:trac:`126`).
-- Fixed negative offset handling of Catalog._set_mime_headers (:trac:`165`).
-- Fixed the case where messages containing square brackets would break with
- an unpack error.
-- updated to CLDR 23
-- Make the CLDR import script work with Python 2.7.
-- Fix various typos.
-- Sort output of list-locales.
-- Make the POT-Creation-Date of the catalog being updated equal to
- POT-Creation-Date of the template used to update (:trac:`148`).
-- Use a more explicit error message if no option or argument (command) is
- passed to pybabel (:trac:`81`).
-- Keep the PO-Revision-Date if it is not the default value (:trac:`148`).
-- Make --no-wrap work by reworking --width's default and mimic xgettext's
- behaviour of always wrapping comments (:trac:`145`).
-- Add --project and --version options for commandline (:trac:`173`).
-- Add a __ne__() method to the Local class.
-- Explicitly sort instead of using sorted() and don't assume ordering
- (Jython compatibility).
-- Removed ValueError raising for string formatting message checkers if the
- string does not contain any string formattings (:trac:`150`).
-- Fix Serbian plural forms (:trac:`213`).
-- Small speed improvement in format_date() (:trac:`216`).
-- Fix so does not accumulate logging
- handlers (:trac:`227`, reported with initial patch by dfraser)
-- Fix exception if environment contains an invalid locale setting
- (:trac:`200`)
-- use cPickle instead of pickle for better performance (:trac:`225`)
-- Only use bankers round algorithm as a tie breaker if there are two nearest
- numbers, round as usual if there is only one nearest number (:trac:`267`,
- patch by Martin)
-- Allow disabling cache behaviour in LazyProxy (:trac:`208`, initial patch
- from Pedro Algarvio)
-- Support for context-aware methods during message extraction (:trac:`229`,
- patch from David Rios)
-- "init" and "update" commands support "--no-wrap" option (:trac:`289`)
-- fix formatting of fraction in format_decimal() if the input value is a float
- with more than 7 significant digits (:trac:`183`)
-- fix format_date() with datetime parameter (:trac:`282`, patch from Xavier
- Morel)
-- fix format_decimal() with small Decimal values (:trac:`214`, patch from
- George Lund)
-- fix handling of messages containing '\\n' (:trac:`198`)
-- handle irregular multi-line msgstr (no "" as first line) gracefully
- (:trac:`171`)
-- parse_decimal() now returns Decimals not floats, API change (:trac:`178`)
-- no warnings when running without installed setuptools (:trac:`262`)
-- modified Locale.__eq__ method so Locales are only equal if all of their
- attributes (language, territory, script, variant) are equal
-- resort to hard-coded message extractors/checkers if pkg_resources is
- installed but no egg-info was found (:trac:`230`)
-- format_time() and format_datetime() now accept also floats (:trac:`242`)
-- add class similar to gettext.NullTranslations
- but with all of Babel's new gettext methods (:trac:`277`)
-- "init" and "update" commands support "--width" option (:trac:`284`)
-- fix 'input_dirs' option for setuptools integration (:trac:`232`, initial
- patch by Étienne Bersac)
-- ensure .mo file header contains the same information as the source .po file
- (:trac:`199`)
-- added support for get_language_name() on the locale objects.
-- added support for get_territory_name() on the locale objects.
-- added support for get_script_name() on the locale objects.
-- added pluralization support for currency names and added a '¤¤¤'
- pattern for currencies that includes the full name.
-- depend on pytz now and wrap it nicer. This gives us improved support
- for things like timezone transitions and an overall nicer API.
-- Added support for explicit charset to PO file reading.
-- Added experimental Python 3 support.
-- Added better support for returning timezone names.
-- Don't throw away a Catalog's obsolete messages when updating it.
-- Added basic likelySubtag resolving when doing locale parsing and no
- match can be found.
-Version 0.9.6
-(released on March 17th 2011)
-- Backport r493-494: documentation typo fixes.
-- Make the CLDR import script work with Python 2.7.
-- Fix various typos.
-- Fixed Python 2.3 compatibility (:trac:`146`, :trac:`233`).
-- Sort output of list-locales.
-- Make the POT-Creation-Date of the catalog being updated equal to
- POT-Creation-Date of the template used to update (:trac:`148`).
-- Use a more explicit error message if no option or argument (command) is
- passed to pybabel (:trac:`81`).
-- Keep the PO-Revision-Date if it is not the default value (:trac:`148`).
-- Make --no-wrap work by reworking --width's default and mimic xgettext's
- behaviour of always wrapping comments (:trac:`145`).
-- Fixed negative offset handling of Catalog._set_mime_headers (:trac:`165`).
-- Add --project and --version options for commandline (:trac:`173`).
-- Add a __ne__() method to the Local class.
-- Explicitly sort instead of using sorted() and don't assume ordering
- (Python 2.3 and Jython compatibility).
-- Removed ValueError raising for string formatting message checkers if the
- string does not contain any string formattings (:trac:`150`).
-- Fix Serbian plural forms (:trac:`213`).
-- Small speed improvement in format_date() (:trac:`216`).
-- Fix number formatting for locales where CLDR specifies alt or draft
- items (:trac:`217`)
-- Fix bad check in format_time (:trac:`257`, reported with patch and tests by
- jomae)
-- Fix so does not accumulate logging
- handlers (:trac:`227`, reported with initial patch by dfraser)
-- Fix exception if environment contains an invalid locale setting
- (:trac:`200`)
-Version 0.9.5
-(released on April 6th 2010)
-- Fixed the case where messages containing square brackets would break with
- an unpack error.
-- Backport of r467: Fuzzy matching regarding plurals should *NOT* be checked
- against len( because this is always 2, instead, it's should be
- checked against catalog.num_plurals (:trac:`212`).
-Version 0.9.4
-(released on August 25th 2008)
-- Currency symbol definitions that is defined with choice patterns in the
- CLDR data are no longer imported, so the symbol code will be used instead.
-- Fixed quarter support in date formatting.
-- Fixed a serious memory leak that was introduces by the support for CLDR
- aliases in 0.9.3 (:trac:`128`).
-- Locale modifiers such as "@euro" are now stripped from locale identifiers
- when parsing (:trac:`136`).
-- The system locales "C" and "POSIX" are now treated as aliases for
- "en_US_POSIX", for which the CLDR provides the appropriate data. Thanks to
- Manlio Perillo for the suggestion.
-- Fixed JavaScript extraction for regular expression literals (:trac:`138`)
- and concatenated strings.
-- The `Translation` class in `` can now manage catalogs with
- different message domains, and exposes the family of `d*gettext` functions
- (:trac:`137`).
-Version 0.9.3
-(released on July 9th 2008)
-- Fixed invalid message extraction methods causing an UnboundLocalError.
-- Extraction method specification can now use a dot instead of the colon to
- separate module and function name (:trac:`105`).
-- Fixed message catalog compilation for locales with more than two plural
- forms (:trac:`95`).
-- Fixed compilation of message catalogs for locales with more than two plural
- forms where the translations were empty (:trac:`97`).
-- The stripping of the comment tags in comments is optional now and
- is done for each line in a comment.
-- Added a JavaScript message extractor.
-- Updated to CLDR 1.6.
-- Fixed timezone calculations when formatting datetime and time values.
-- Added a `get_plural` function into the plurals module that returns the
- correct plural forms for a locale as tuple.
-- Added support for alias definitions in the CLDR data files, meaning that
- the chance for items missing in certain locales should be greatly reduced
- (:trac:`68`).
-Version 0.9.2
-(released on February 4th 2008)
-- Fixed catalogs' charset values not being recognized (:trac:`66`).
-- Numerous improvements to the default plural forms.
-- Fixed fuzzy matching when updating message catalogs (:trac:`82`).
-- Fixed bug in catalog updating, that in some cases pulled in translations
- from different catalogs based on the same template.
-- Location lines in PO files do no longer get wrapped at hyphens in file
- names (:trac:`79`).
-- Fixed division by zero error in catalog compilation on empty catalogs
- (:trac:`60`).
-Version 0.9.1
-(released on September 7th 2007)
-- Fixed catalog updating when a message is merged that was previously simple
- but now has a plural form, for example by moving from `gettext` to
- `ngettext`, or vice versa.
-- Fixed time formatting for 12 am and 12 pm.
-- Fixed output encoding of the `pybabel --list-locales` command.
-- MO files are now written in binary mode on windows (:trac:`61`).
-Version 0.9
-(released on August 20th 2007)
-- The `new_catalog` distutils command has been renamed to `init_catalog` for
- consistency with the command-line frontend.
-- Added compilation of message catalogs to MO files (:trac:`21`).
-- Added updating of message catalogs from POT files (:trac:`22`).
-- Support for significant digits in number formatting.
-- Apply proper "banker's rounding" in number formatting in a cross-platform
- manner.
-- The number formatting functions now also work with numbers represented by
- Python `Decimal` objects (:trac:`53`).
-- Added extensible infrastructure for validating translation catalogs.
-- Fixed the extractor not filtering out messages that didn't validate against
- the keyword's specification (:trac:`39`).
-- Fixed the extractor raising an exception when encountering an empty string
- msgid. It now emits a warning to stderr.
-- Numerous Python message extractor fixes: it now handles nested function
- calls within a gettext function call correctly, uses the correct line number
- for multi-line function calls, and other small fixes (tickets :trac:`38` and
- :trac:`39`).
-- Improved support for detecting Python string formatting fields in message
- strings (:trac:`57`).
-- CLDR upgraded to the 1.5 release.
-- Improved timezone formatting.
-- Implemented scientific number formatting.
-- Added mechanism to lookup locales by alias, for cases where browsers insist
- on including only the language code in the `Accept-Language` header, and
- sometimes even the incorrect language code.
-Version 0.8.1
-(released on July 2nd 2007)
-- `default_locale()` would fail when the value of the `LANGUAGE` environment
- variable contained multiple language codes separated by colon, as is
- explicitly allowed by the GNU gettext tools. As the `default_locale()`
- function is called at the module level in some modules, this bug would
- completely break importing these modules on systems where `LANGUAGE` is set
- that way.
-- The character set specified in PO template files is now respected when
- creating new catalog files based on that template. This allows the use of
- characters outside the ASCII range in POT files (:trac:`17`).
-- The default ordering of messages in generated POT files, which is based on
- the order those messages are found when walking the source tree, is no
- longer subject to differences between platforms; directory and file names
- are now always sorted alphabetically.
-- The Python message extractor now respects the special encoding comment to be
- able to handle files containing non-ASCII characters (:trac:`23`).
-- Added ``N_`` (gettext noop) to the extractor's default keywords.
-- Made locale string parsing more robust, and also take the script part into
- account (:trac:`27`).
-- Added a function to list all locales for which locale data is available.
-- Added a command-line option to the `pybabel` command which prints out all
- available locales (:trac:`24`).
-- The name of the command-line script has been changed from just `babel` to
- `pybabel` to avoid a conflict with the OpenBabel project (:trac:`34`).
-Version 0.8
-(released on June 20th 2007)
-- First public release