path: root/autoopts/tpl/rc-sample.tpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'autoopts/tpl/rc-sample.tpl')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoopts/tpl/rc-sample.tpl b/autoopts/tpl/rc-sample.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f01d506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoopts/tpl/rc-sample.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+[= AutoGen5 Template rc
+# Time-stamp: "2011-11-21 04:52:41 bkorb"
+## This file is part of AutoOpts, a companion to AutoGen.
+## AutoOpts is free software.
+## AutoOpts is Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
+## AutoOpts is available under any one of two licenses. The license
+## in use must be one of these two and the choice is under the control
+## of the user of the license.
+## The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later
+## See the files "COPYING.lgplv3" and "COPYING.gplv3"
+## The Modified Berkeley Software Distribution License
+## See the file "COPYING.mbsd"
+## These files have the following md5sums:
+## 43b91e8ca915626ed3818ffb1b71248b COPYING.gplv3
+## 06a1a2e4760c90ea5e1dad8dfaac4d39 COPYING.lgplv3
+## 66a5cedaf62c4b2637025f049f9b826f COPYING.mbsd
+# [= (define prog-name (get "prog-name")) prog-name =] sample configuration file
+IF (if (not (exist? "homerc"))
+ (error "RC file samples only work for rc-optioned programs") )
+ (out-move (string-append "sample-"
+ (if (exist? "rcfile") (get "rcfile")
+ (string-append (get "prog-name") "rc") )
+ ) )
+ (set-writable)
+ (exist? "copyright")
+# This source file is copyrighted and licensed under the following terms:
+ CASE copyright.type =][=
+ == "" =][=
+ (sprintf "# %s copyright (c) %s %s - all rights reserved\n# %s"
+ prog-name (get "") (get "copyright.owner")
+ "licensing type not specified" ) =][=
+ = note =][= (prefix "# " (get "copyright.text")) =][=
+ * =][= (license-full (get "copyright.type") prog-name "# "
+ (get "copyright.owner") (get "")) =][=
+ ESAC =][=
+ENDIF "copyright exists" =][=
+FOR flag =][=
+ IF (not (or (exist? "documentation") (exist? "no-preset"))) =]
+# [= name =] -- [= descrip =]
+[= INVOKE emit-description =]
+# Example:
+#[= name =][=
+ IF (exist? "arg-type")
+ =] [= (if (exist? "arg-default") (get "arg-default")
+ (if (exist? "arg-name") (get "arg-name")
+ (get "arg-type") )) =][=
+ ENDIF (exist? "arg-type") =][=
+ ENDIF (not (exist? "documentation")) =][=
+ENDFOR flag
+= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-description =][=
+(out-push-new) =][=
+ IF (~* (get "arg-type") "key|set")
+=]This configuration value takes a keyword as its argument[=
+ IF (=* (get "arg-type") "set")
+=] list. Each entry turns on or off membership bits. The bits are set by [=#
+=]name or numeric value and cleared by preceding the name or number with an [=#
+=]exclamation character ('!'). [=
+=]. [=
+=]The available keywords are: [=
+ (join ", " (stack "keyword")) =]. [=
+ ELIF (=* (get "arg-type") "num")
+ =]This configuration value takes an integer number as its argument. [=
+ IF (exist? "scaled") =]That number may be scaled with a single letter [=#
+=]suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T These will multiply the value by powers of [=#
+=]1000 (lower case) or 1024 (upper case). [=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ (define fill-txt (out-pop #t))
+ (if (defined? 'fill-txt)
+ (string-append
+ (shell (string-append "while read line
+ do echo ${line} | fold -s -w76 | sed 's/^/# /'
+ echo '#'
+ done <<'__EndOfText__'\n" fill-txt "\n__EndOfText__" ))
+ "\n#\n"
+ ) ) =][=
+ (if (exist? "doc") (prefix "# " (get "doc"))) =][=
+ENDDEF emit-description