path: root/autoopts/tpl/bits.tpl
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Diffstat (limited to 'autoopts/tpl/bits.tpl')
1 files changed, 721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoopts/tpl/bits.tpl b/autoopts/tpl/bits.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6de0458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoopts/tpl/bits.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+[= AutoGen5 Template -*- Mode: C -*-
+## Time-stamp: "2011-12-30 08:28:20 bkorb"
+## Author: Bruce Korb <>
+## This file is part of AutoOpts, a companion to AutoGen.
+## AutoOpts is free software.
+## AutoOpts is Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
+## AutoOpts is available under any one of two licenses. The license
+## in use must be one of these two and the choice is under the control
+## of the user of the license.
+## The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later
+## See the files "COPYING.lgplv3" and "COPYING.gplv3"
+## The Modified Berkeley Software Distribution License
+## See the file "COPYING.mbsd"
+## These files have the following md5sums:
+## 43b91e8ca915626ed3818ffb1b71248b COPYING.gplv3
+## 06a1a2e4760c90ea5e1dad8dfaac4d39 COPYING.lgplv3
+## 66a5cedaf62c4b2637025f049f9b826f COPYING.mbsd
+ (define base-name "")
+ (define BASE-NAME "")
+ (define element-type "")
+ (define init-done #f)
+ (define is-64-bit #f)
+ (define is-array #f)
+ (define name-width 0)
+ (define desc-width 0)
+ (define bit-list "")
+ (define bit-name "")
+ (define tmp-name "")
+ (define id-name (lambda (sfx)
+ (string-append
+ prefix "_" (string-upcase! (string->c-name! (get "b-name"))) sfx
+ ) ))
+ (define mask-name (lambda (sfx)
+ (string-append
+ prefix "_" (string-upcase! (string->c-name! (get "m-name"))) sfx
+ ) ))
+INVOKE preamble
+CASE (suffix) =][=
+# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+== h
+ (shell "sedcmd='s/$/_val} +/;s/^/${/'")
+ (make-header-guard "bit_mask") =]
+#include [= (if (exist? "stdint-hdr")
+ (string-append "\"" (get "stdint-hdr") "\"")
+ "<stdint.h>" ) =]
+typedef [=
+ (define type-name (string-append base-name "_bits_t"))
+ (define tmp
+ (if (< (high-lim "bit") 32) (begin
+ (set! element-type "uint32_t")
+ "uint32_t %s_bits_t")
+ (if (< (high-lim "bit") 64) (begin
+ (set! element-type "uint64_t")
+ (set! is-64-bit #t)
+ "uint64_t %s_bits_t" )
+ (begin
+ (set! element-type "uint32_t")
+ (set! is-array #t)
+ (sprintf "uint32_t %%s_bits_t[%s]"
+ (shellf "mask_ct=`calc '( %d + 32 ) / 32'` ; echo $mask_ct"
+ (high-lim "bit")) ) )) ))
+ (sprintf tmp base-name)
+typedef enum {[=
+FOR bit =][=
+ (set! bit-name (string->c-name! (get "b-name")))
+ (shellf
+ "%1$s_val=`calc '2 ^ %2$d'`\nmask_val=`calc \"${mask_val} + ${%1$s_val}\"`"
+ bit-name (for-index))
+ (set! tmp (string-length bit-name))
+ (if (> tmp name-width)
+ (set! name-width tmp))
+ (set! tmp (string-length (get "b-what")))
+ (if (> tmp desc-width)
+ (set! desc-width tmp)) =][=
+ENDFOR bit =][=
+ (define define-width (+ name-width 6 (string-length prefix)))
+ (define enum-fmt (sprintf "\n %%-%ds =%%4d%%s /* %%-%ds */"
+ define-width desc-width))
+FOR bit =][=
+ (sprintf enum-fmt (id-name "_ID") (for-index)
+ (if (last-for?) " " ",") (get "b-what")) =][=
+= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+IF (ag-fprintf 0 "\n} %s_enum_t;\n" base-name)
+ (define def-fmt (sprintf "\n#define %%-%ds " define-width))
+ (< (high-lim "bit") 32) =][=
+ INVOKE emit-word-macro one = 'U' mask-fmt = "%08XU" =][=
+ELIF (< (high-lim "bit") 64) =][=
+ INVOKE emit-word-macro one = 'ULL' mask-fmt = "%016XULL" =][=
+ELSE more than 64 bits =][=
+ INVOKE emit-multi-macros =][=
+ENDIF how many bits =][=
+IF (if (exist? "extra-defs")
+ (emit (string-append "\n\n" (get "extra-defs") "\n")))
+ (not (exist? "no-code")) =]
+ * Return a string containing the names of the bits set.
+ */
+extern char *
+[= (. base-name) =]_names([= (. type-name) =] bits);
+#define INV_[= (. BASE-NAME) =] -1
+#define DUP_[= (. BASE-NAME) =] -2
+ * Set the bits in "bits" as specified by the input string "str".
+ * If any names are untranslatable (not in the name list or are
+ * ambiguous in that they match the initial portion of more than
+ * one entry), it will return -1 or -2, respectively.
+ * Otherwise, it returns the number of bits set in "bits".
+ */
+extern int
+[= (. base-name) =]_bits(
+ [= (. type-name) =] * const bits,
+ char const * str);
+[= ENDIF =]
+#endif /* [= (. header-guard) =] */[=
+# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+== c
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ (if (exist? "no-code") (out-delete))
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "#include \"%s\"\n" header-file)
+ (string-table-new "nm")
+ (string-table-add "nm" "* INVALID *")
+ (define ix 0)
+ (define offset-list "")
+ (define sorted-off "") =][=
+FOR bit (for-from 0) (for-by 1) =][=
+ (if (exist? "b-name")
+ (begin
+ (set! tmp (string-downcase! (string->c-name! (get "b-name"))))
+ (set! ix (string-table-add "nm" tmp))
+ (set! offset-list (string-append offset-list (sprintf "%d\n" ix)))
+ (set! sorted-off (string-append sorted-off
+ (sprintf "%-40s { %3d, %3d }\n" tmp ix (for-index))))
+ )
+ (set! offset-list (string-append offset-list "0\n" ))
+ ) =][=
+ENDFOR bit =][=
+ (emit-string-table "nm")
+ (sprintf "\nchar *\n%1$s_names(%1$s_bits_t bits)\n{" base-name)
+ static int const nm_ixa[ [= (+ 1 (high-lim "bit")) =] ] = {
+ (define string-table-size (lambda (st-name)
+ (hash-ref (hash-ref stt-table st-name) "current-index") ))
+ (emit (shellf "columns -I8 -S, --spread=1 <<_EOF_\n%s_EOF_" offset-list))
+=] };
+ static char buf[ [= (+ (string-table-size "nm") (count "bit")) =] ];
+ char * buf_p = buf;
+ int ix = 0;
+IF (< (high-lim "bit") 64)
+ while (bits != 0) {
+ if ((bits & 1) != 0) {
+ char const * p = nm + nm_ixa[ix];
+ if (buf_p > buf) {
+ *(buf_p++) = ',';
+ *(buf_p++) = ' ';
+ }
+ if (p == nm) {
+ Oops:
+ strncpy(buf_p, nm, sizeof (buf) - (buf_p - buf));
+ break;
+ }
+ while ((*(buf_p++) = *(p++)) != '\0') ;
+ buf_p--;
+ }
+ bits >>= 1;
+ if (++ix > [= (high-lim "bit") =]) {
+ if (bits != 0)
+ goto Oops;
+ break;
+ }
+ }[=
+ELSE more than 64:
+ int bix = 0;
+ int bit_lim = 32;
+ do {
+ uint32_t bit_word = bits[bix];
+ int ix = bix * 32;
+ while (bit_word != 0) {
+ if ((bit_word & 1) != 0) {
+ char const * p = nm + nm_ixa[ix];
+ if (buf_p > buf) {
+ *(buf_p++) = ',';
+ *(buf_p++) = ' ';
+ }
+ if (p == nm) {
+ Oops:
+ strncpy(buf_p, nm, sizeof (buf) - (buf_p - buf));
+ break;
+ }
+ while ((*(buf_p++) = *(p++)) != '\0') ;
+ buf_p--;
+ }
+ bit_word >>= 1;
+ if (++ix > [= (high-lim "bit") =]) {
+ if (bit_word != 0)
+ goto Oops;
+ return buf;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (++bix < [= `echo $mask_ct` =]);[=
+ return buf;
+static int
+str_to_id(char const * str, char const ** p_str)
+ static char nm_buf[ [= (+ 1 name-width) =] ];
+ int res = -1;
+ int part = 1;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ /*
+ * Extract the lower cased name with '-' replaced with '_'
+ */
+ {
+ char * p = nm_buf;
+ for (;;) {
+ char ch = *(str++);
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '-':
+ ch = '_';
+ case '_':
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (isupper(ch))
+ ch = _tolower(ch);
+ else if (! isalnum(ch)) {
+ str--;
+ goto have_name;
+ }
+ }
+ if (++len > [= (. name-width) =])
+ return -1;
+ *(p++) = ch;
+ } have_name :;
+ *p = '\0';
+ len = p - nm_buf;
+ if (len == 0)
+ return INV_[= (. BASE-NAME) =];
+ }
+ /*
+ * Search the alphabetized table
+ */
+ do {
+ static struct {
+ unsigned short const nm_off, val;
+ } nm_ixa[ [= (count "bit") =] ] = {
+ (shellf (string-append
+ "(sort | sed 's/.*{/{/' | columns -I8 -S, --spread=1)<<_EOF_\n"
+ sorted-off "_EOF_"
+ ))
+=] };
+ int av;
+ int lo = 0;
+ int hi = [= (- (count "bit") 1) =];
+ /*
+ * Binary search for first match
+ */
+ do {
+ char const * p;
+ int df;
+ av = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ p = nm + nm_ixa[av].nm_off;
+ df = strncmp(p, nm_buf, len);
+ if (df == 0) {
+ res = nm_ixa[av].val;
+ if (p[len] == '\0')
+ part = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (df > 0)
+ hi = av - 1;
+ else lo = av + 1;
+ } while (lo <= hi);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return INV_[= (. BASE-NAME) =];
+ if (part == 0)
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Partial match. Look for an earlier match. One may be a full match.
+ */
+ lo = av;
+ while (lo > 0) {
+ char const * p = nm + nm_ixa[--lo].nm_off;
+ int df = strncmp(p, nm_buf, len);
+ if (df != 0)
+ break;
+ if (p[len] == '\0') {
+ part = 0;
+ res = nm_ixa[lo].val;
+ break;
+ }
+ part++;
+ }
+ if (part > 1) {
+ *p_str = nm_buf;
+ return DUP_[= (. BASE-NAME) =];
+ }
+ if ((part == 0) || (av == [= (- (count "bit") 1) =]))
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Look for a successor match. No full match possible.
+ */
+ {
+ char const * p = nm + nm_ixa[av+1].nm_off;
+ int df = strncmp(p, nm_buf, len);
+ if (df == 0) {
+ *p_str = nm_buf;
+ return DUP_[= (. BASE-NAME) =];
+ }
+ }
+ } while (0);
+ while (isspace(*str)) str++;
+ *p_str = str;
+ return res;
+# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+(. base-name) =]_bits(
+ [= (. type-name) =] * const bits[= (if is-array "_p")=],
+ char const * str)
+ IF (. is-array) =]
+ [= (. element-type) =] * const bits = (void*)bits_p;[=
+ ENDIF =]
+ int ct = 0;
+ int res = 0;
+ memset(bits, '\0', sizeof([= (. type-name) =]));
+ another_bit:
+ while (isspace(*str) || (*str == ',')) str++;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (isdigit(*str)) {
+ [=(. element-type) =] num =
+ ([=(. element-type) =])strtoull(str, &str, 0);
+ *bits |= num;
+ ct += (num != 0);
+ } else if (isalpha(*str)) {
+ res = str_to_id(str, &str);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ if (res == DUP_[= (. BASE-NAME) =])
+ fprintf(stderr, "duplicate matches for '%s'\n", str);
+ goto fail_exit;
+ }
+ ct++;
+ IF (. is-array) =]
+ bits[res/32] |= 1 << (res & 0x1F);[=
+ ELIF (. is-64-bit) =]
+ *bits |= 1ULL << res;[=
+ ELSE =]
+ *bits |= 1 << res;[=
+ } else switch (*str) {
+ case ',':
+ goto another_bit;
+ case '\0':
+ return ct;
+ default:
+ res = INV_[= (. BASE-NAME) =];
+ goto fail_exit;
+ }
+ }
+ fail_exit:
+ memset(bits, '\0', sizeof(*bits));
+ return res;
+#ifdef TEST_BITS
+static char const bit_names[] =
+(kr-string (string-append "The known " base-name " bit names are:\n"
+ (shellf (string-append
+ "(sort | columns -I2 --spread=1\n) <<_EOF_\n"
+ (string-downcase! (join "\n" (stack "bit.b-name")))
+ "\n_EOF_"))
+ "\n" ))
+ =];
+main(int argc, char** argv)
+ static char const fmt_z[] = "'%s' yields: %s\n";
+ [= (. type-name) =] bts;
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ fputs(bit_names, stderr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ {
+ int ct = [= (. base-name) =]_bits(&bts, argv[1]);
+ if (ct <= 0) {
+ char const * pz;
+ switch (ct) {
+ case 0: pz = "no results"; break;
+ case INV_[= (. BASE-NAME) =]: pz = "invalid name"; break;
+ case DUP_[= (. BASE-NAME) =]: pz = "multiple match"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, fmt_z, argv[1], pz);
+ fputs(bit_names, stderr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ char * pz = [= (. base-name) =]_names(bts);
+ printf(fmt_z, argv[1], pz);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ESAC =]
+/* end of [= (out-name) =] */
+= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE preamble =][=
+ (if (not init-done) (begin
+ (if (not (exist? "mask-name"))
+ (error "no defined bit mask name"))
+ (shell "calc() { bc <<_EOF_
+ mask_val=0")
+ (set! init-done #t)
+ (set! base-name (string-downcase! (string->c-name! (get "mask-name"))))
+ (set! BASE-NAME (string-upcase base-name))
+ (set! prefix (string-upcase (string->c-name!
+ (if (exist? "prefix") (get "prefix") base-name) )))
+ ) )
+ (dne " * " "/* ") =]
+ */
+ENDDEF preamble
+= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-bit-list =][=
+ (if (exist? "b-name")
+ (set! bit-list (string-append (join "\n" (stack "b-name")) "\n"))
+ (set! bit-list "")
+ ) =][=
+ FOR m-inc =][=
+ (set! tmp (string->c-name! (get "m-inc")))
+ (set! bit-list (string-append bit-list
+ (shellf "echo \"${%s}\"" tmp) "\n"))
+ =][=
+ ENDFOR m-inc=][=
+ (set! bit-list (string->c-name! bit-list))
+ (shellf "%s='%s'" (string->c-name! (get "m-name")) bit-list)
+ (emit (shell (string-append
+ "(sort -u | columns -I8 --spread=1 -S' |' --format=" prefix "_%s_BIT "
+ "--line=' \\'\n) <<\\_EOF_\n"
+ (string-upcase bit-list)
+ "_EOF_"
+ )))
+ (shell (string-append
+ "sum=`(sort -u | \
+ sed -e \"${sedcmd}\"\n) <<\\_EOF_\n"
+ bit-list
+ "_EOF_\n`\n"
+ "sum=`eval calc ${sum} 0`\n"
+ "printf "
+ (if (>= (high-lim "bit") 32)
+ "' \\\\\\n /* 0x%016XULL */\\n'"
+ (if (>= (high-lim "bit") 16)
+ "' \\\\\\n /* 0x%08XU */\\n'"
+ "' \\\\\\n /* 0x%04XU */\\n'" ))
+ " ${sum}"
+ ))
+ENDDEF emit-bit-list
+= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-word-macro =][=
+ (set! tmp-name (string-upcase! (string-append prefix "_"
+ (if (exist? "zero-name") (get "zero-name") "NO_BITS") )))
+ (sprintf def-fmt tmp-name) =]0[= one =][=
+ FOR bit =][=
+ (sprintf def-fmt (id-name "_BIT")) =](1[=one=] << [= (id-name "_ID") =])[=
+ ENDFOR =][=
+ (ag-fprintf 0 def-fmt (string-append BASE-NAME "_MASK"))
+ (shellf "printf 0x%s ${mask_val}" (get "mask-fmt"))
+ =][=
+ FOR mask
+ =]
+[= (sprintf def-fmt (mask-name "_MASK")) =]( \
+[= INVOKE emit-bit-list =] )[=
+ ENDFOR mask =][=
+ FOR un-mask
+ =]
+[= (sprintf def-fmt (mask-name "_MASK")) =]([=
+ (string-append BASE-NAME "_MASK") =] & ~( \
+[= INVOKE emit-bit-list =]))[=
+ ENDFOR un-mask=][=
+ (if (exist? "defined") (string-append "\n\n" (get "defined")))
+=][= IF (not (exist? "omit-test-n-set")) =]
+#define SET_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_m, _b) \
+ do { (_m) |= 1[= one =] << _b; } while (0)
+#define CLEAR_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_m, _b) \
+ do { (_m) &= ~(1[= one =] << _b); } while (0)
+#define TEST_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_m, _b) (((_m) & (1[= one =] << _b)) != 0)
+#define AND_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_d, _s1, _s2) \
+ do { (_d) = (_s1) & (_s2); } while (0)
+#define OR_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_d, _s1, _s2) \
+ do { (_d) = (_s1) | (_s2); } while (0)
+#define XOR_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_d, _s1, _s2) \
+ do { (_d) = (_s1) ^ (_s2); } while (0)
+#define NOT_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_d, _s) \
+ do { (_d) = ~(_s); } while (0)
+[= ENDIF omit-test-n-set =][=
+ENDDEF emit-word-macro
+= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-loop-macro
+ (sprintf "#define %5s_%s" (get "mac-name") BASE-NAME) =][=
+ CASE op-code =][=
+ == "~" =](_d, _s)[= (set! tmp one-arg-op)=][=
+ * =](_d, _s1, _s2)[= (set! tmp two-arg-op)=][=
+ ESAC op-code =] \
+ [= (. iterate) =] \
+ [= (sprintf tmp (get "op-code")) =][=
+ENDDEF emit-loop-macro
+= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-multi-macros
+=][= IF (not (exist? "omit-test-n-set")) =]
+#define SET_[=
+(define iterate (sprintf "do { int _ix_ = 0; for (;_ix_ < %s; _ix_++) {"
+ (shell "echo $mask_ct") ))
+(define two-arg-op "(_d)[_ix_] = (_s1)[_ix_] %s (_s2)[_ix_]; } } while (0)")
+(define one-arg-op "(_d)[_ix_] = %s(_s)[_ix_]; } } while (0)")
+ BASE-NAME =](_m, _b) \
+ do { (_m)[(_b)/32] |= 1U << ((_b) % 32); } while (0)
+#define CLEAR_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_m, _b) \
+ do { (_m)[(_b)/32] &= ~(1U << ((_b) % 32)); } while (0)
+#define TEST_[= (. BASE-NAME) =](_m, _b) \
+ (((_m)[(_b)/32] & (1U << ((_b) % 32))) != 0)
+[= INVOKE emit-loop-macro op-code = "&" mac-name = AND =]
+[= INVOKE emit-loop-macro op-code = "|" mac-name = OR =]
+[= INVOKE emit-loop-macro op-code = "^" mac-name = XOR =]
+[= INVOKE emit-loop-macro op-code = "~" mac-name = NOT =]
+[= ENDIF omit-test-n-set =][=
+ENDDEF emit-multi-macros =][=
+# End of bits.tpl \=]