path: root/autoopts/tpl/agtexi-cmd.tpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'autoopts/tpl/agtexi-cmd.tpl')
1 files changed, 894 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoopts/tpl/agtexi-cmd.tpl b/autoopts/tpl/agtexi-cmd.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75330a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoopts/tpl/agtexi-cmd.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+[= AutoGen5 template -*- Mode: texinfo -*-
+# Documentation template
+# Time-stamp: "2012-08-11 08:33:08 bkorb"
+# Author: Bruce Korb <>
+# This file is part of AutoOpts, a companion to AutoGen.
+# AutoOpts is free software.
+# AutoOpts is Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
+# AutoOpts is available under any one of two licenses. The license
+# in use must be one of these two and the choice is under the control
+# of the user of the license.
+# The GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later
+# See the files "COPYING.lgplv3" and "COPYING.gplv3"
+# The Modified Berkeley Software Distribution License
+# See the file "COPYING.mbsd"
+# These files have the following md5sums:
+# 43b91e8ca915626ed3818ffb1b71248b COPYING.gplv3
+# 06a1a2e4760c90ea5e1dad8dfaac4d39 COPYING.lgplv3
+# 66a5cedaf62c4b2637025f049f9b826f COPYING.mbsd
+INVOKE initialization =][=
+(out-push-new (string-substitute (out-name) ".texi" ".menu"))
+(ag-fprintf 0 "* %-32s Invoking %s\n"
+ (string-append program-name " Invocation::")
+ program-name )
+(if (exist? "explain")
+ (emit (string-append "\n" (get "explain") "\n")) )
+(set! tmp-str (get "option-doc-format" "texi"))
+(divert-convert tmp-str)
+IF (match-value? == "doc-section.ds-type" "DESCRIPTION") =][=
+ FOR doc-section =][=
+ IF (== (get "ds-type") "DESCRIPTION") =][=
+ (define cvt-fn (get "ds-format" "texi"))
+ (if (not (== cvt-fn "texi"))
+ (divert-convert cvt-fn) ) =][=
+ (emit (string-append "\n" (get "ds-text") "\n"))
+ (convert-divert) =][=
+ BREAK =][=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ ENDFOR =][=
+ELSE =][=
+(join "\n\n"
+ (if (exist? "prog-info-descrip")
+ (stack "prog-info-descrip")
+ (if (exist? "prog-man-descrip")
+ (stack "prog-man-descrip")
+ (if (exist? "prog-descrip")
+ (stack "prog-descrip")
+ (stack "detail")
+) ) ) ) =][=
+ENDIF =][=
+(convert-divert) =]
+This [=(string-downcase doc-level)=] was generated by @strong{AutoGen},
+using the @code{agtexi-cmd} template and the option descriptions for the [=(.
+coded-prog-name)=] program.[= (name-copyright) =]
+ (out-push-new) (out-suspend "menu")
+ (out-push-new) =][=
+INVOKE emit-usage-opt =][=
+;; FOR all options, ...
+(define opt-name "")
+(define extra-ct 0)
+(define extra-text "")
+(define optname-from "A-Z_^")
+(define optname-to "a-z--")
+(define invalid-doc "* INVALID *")
+(if (exist? "preserve-case") (begin
+ (set! optname-from "_^")
+ (set! optname-to "--") ))
+(if (and have-doc-options (not (exist? "flag[].documentation"))) (begin
+ (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt
+ "base-options:: " "Base options")
+ (print-node opt-name "Base options")
+) )
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+FOR flag =][=
+ (set! opt-name (string-tr! (get "name") optname-from optname-to))
+ (if (exist? "documentation")
+ (begin
+ (set! label-str (string-append opt-name " options"))
+ (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt
+ (string-append opt-name ":: ") label-str)
+ (print-node opt-name label-str)
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "\n%s." (get "descrip"))
+ (set! tmp-str (get "documentation"))
+ (if (> (string-length tmp-str) 1)
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "\n%s" tmp-str))
+ )
+ (begin
+ (set! tmp-str (get "doc" invalid-doc))
+ (if (< 0 (string-length tmp-str)) (begin
+ (set! label-str (string-append opt-name " option"
+ (if (exist? "value")
+ (string-append " (-" (get "value") ")")
+ "" ) ))
+ (if have-doc-options
+ (ag-fprintf 0 opt-node-fmt opt-name label-str)
+ (begin
+ (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt
+ (string-append opt-name ":: ") label-str)
+ (print-node opt-name label-str)
+ )
+ )
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "\n@cindex %s-%s" down-prog-name opt-name)
+ ) )
+ )
+ ) =][=
+ IF (and (not (exist? "documentation"))
+ (< 0 (string-length tmp-str)) )
+ =][=
+ IF (exist? "aliases") =][=
+ INVOKE emit-aliases =][=
+ ELSE =][=
+ INVOKE emit-opt-text =][=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ENDFOR flag =][=
+ (define home-rc-files (exist? "homerc"))
+ (define environ-init (exist? "environrc"))
+ (or home-rc-files environ-init)
+ =][=
+ INVOKE emit-presets =][=
+ENDIF =][=
+INVOKE emit-exit-status =][=
+INVOKE emit-doc-sections =][=
+(out-suspend "opt-desc")
+(out-resume "menu")
+(emit (out-pop #t))
+(emit "@end menu\n")
+(out-resume "opt-desc")
+(out-pop #t) =][=#
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-doc-sections =][=
+FOR doc-section =][=
+ IF (define opt-name (string-capitalize! (get "ds-type")))
+ (or (== opt-name "Exit Status")
+ (== opt-name "Description")
+ (exist? "omit-texi")) =][=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt (string-append opt-name "::") opt-name)
+ (set! label-str (string-append
+ down-prog-name " " (string-capitalize opt-name)))
+ (print-node opt-name label-str)
+ (define cvt-fn (get "ds-format" "texi"))
+ (if (not (== cvt-fn "texi"))
+ (divert-convert cvt-fn) ) =][=
+ (emit (string-append "\n" (get "ds-text") "\n"))
+ (convert-divert) =][=
+ENDFOR doc-section =][=
+ENDDEF emit-doc-sections
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-exit-status =][=
+ (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt "exit status::" "exit status")
+ (print-node "exit status" (string-append program-name " exit status")) =]
+One of the following exit values will be returned:
+@table @samp
+@item 0 (EXIT_[=
+ (set! tmp-str (get "exit-name[0]" "SUCCESS"))
+ (string-upcase (string->c-name! tmp-str))
+ =])
+ (define need-ex-noinput (exist? "homerc"))
+ (define need-ex-software #t)
+ (get "exit-desc[0]" "Successful program execution.")=]
+@item 1 (EXIT_[=
+ (set! tmp-str (get "exit-name[1]" "FAILURE"))
+ (string-upcase (string->c-name! tmp-str))=])
+[= (get "exit-desc[1]"
+ "The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.") =][=
+FOR exit-desc (for-from 2) =][=
+ (if (= (for-index) 66)
+ (set! need-ex-noinput #f)
+ (if (= (for-index) 70)
+ (set! need-ex-software #f) ))
+ (set! tmp-str (get (sprintf "exit-name[%d]" (for-index)) "* unnamed *"))
+ (sprintf "\n@item %d (EXIT_%s)\n%s" (for-index)
+ (string-upcase (string->c-name! tmp-str))
+ (get (sprintf "exit-desc[%d]" (for-index))))
+ =][=
+ENDFOR exit-desc =][=
+(if need-ex-noinput
+ (emit "\n@item 66 (EX_NOINPUT)
+A specified configuration file could not be loaded."))
+(if need-ex-noinput
+ (emit "\n@item 70 (EX_SOFTWARE)
+libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
+it to Thank you."))
+@end table[=
+ENDDEF emit-exit-status
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-aliases =]
+This is an alias for the [= aliases =] option,
+[= (sprintf "@pxref{%1$s %2$s, the %2$s option documentation}.\n"
+ down-prog-name (get "aliases")) =][=
+ENDDEF emit-aliases
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-opt-text =]
+This is the ``[=(string-downcase! (get "descrip"))=]'' option.[=
+ IF (exist? "arg-type") =]
+This option takes an [= (if (exist? "arg-optional") "optional " "")
+ =]argument [= arg-type =][=
+(if (exist? "arg-name") (string-append " @file{"
+ (string-substitute (get "arg-name") "@" "@@") "}"))
+ =].[=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ (set! extra-ct 0)
+ (out-push-new) =][=
+ IF (exist? "min") =]@item
+is required to appear on the command line.
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (exist? "max") =]@item
+may appear [=
+ IF % max (== "%s" "NOLIMIT")
+ =]an unlimited number of times[=
+ =]up to [=max=] times[=
+ ENDIF=].
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (exist? "enabled") =]@item
+is enabled by default.
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (exist? "ifdef") =]@item
+must be compiled in by defining @code{[=(get "ifdef")
+ =]} during the compilation.
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ IF (exist? "ifndef") =]@item
+must be compiled in by @strong{un}-defining @code{[=(get "ifndef")
+ =]} during the compilation.
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (exist? "no_preset") =]@item
+may not be preset with environment variables or configuration (rc/ini) files.
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (exist? "equivalence") =]@item
+is a member of the [=equivalence=] class of options.
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (exist? "flags_must") =]@item
+must appear in combination with the following options:
+[= FOR flags_must ", " =][=flags_must=][=
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (exist? "flags_cant") =]@item
+must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
+[= FOR flags_cant ", " =][=flags_cant=][=
+[= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =][=
+ ENDIF=][=
+ IF (~* (get "arg-type") "key|set") =]@item
+This option takes a keyword as its argument[=
+ CASE arg-type =][=
+ =* key =][= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =].
+The argument sets an enumeration value that can be tested by comparing[=
+ =* set =][= (set! extra-ct (+ extra-ct 1)) =] list.
+Each entry turns on or off membership bits. These bits can be tested
+with bit tests against[=
+ ESAC arg-type =] the option value macro ([=
+(string-upcase (string-append
+(if (exist? "prefix") (string-append (get "prefix") "_") "")
+"OPT_VALUE_" (get "name") )) =]).
+The available keywords are:
+[= (shell (string-append
+ "${CLexe:-columns} -I4 --spread=1 -W50 <<\\" heredoc-marker
+ (join "\n" (stack "keyword") "\n")
+ heredoc-marker
+ ) ) =]
+@end example
+ IF (=* (get "arg-type") "key") =]
+or their numeric equivalent.[=
+ ENDIF =][=
+ ENDIF key/set arg =][=
+ IF (> extra-ct 0) =][=
+ (set! extra-text (out-pop #t)) =]
+This option has some usage constraints. It:
+@itemize @bullet
+[=(. extra-text)
+=]@end itemize
+[= ELSE =][=
+ (out-pop) =][=
+ ENDIF =][=
+?% doc "\n%s" "\nThis option has no @samp{doc} documentation." =][=
+ IF (exist? "deprecated") =]
+ ENDIF =][=
+ENDDEF emit-opt-text
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE set-home-rc-vars =][=
+ CASE homerc =][=
+ ==* '$@' =][=
+ (set! explain-pkgdatadir #t)
+ (set! cfg-file-name (string-substitute (get "homerc")
+ "$@" "$(pkgdatadir)")) =][=
+ == '.' =][=
+ (set! cfg-file-name "$PWD")
+ (set! env-var-list (string-append env-var-list "PWD, "))
+ =][=
+ ==* './' =][=
+ (set! explain-pkgdatadir #t)
+ (set! env-var-list (string-append env-var-list "PWD, "))
+ (set! cfg-file-name (string-append "$PWD" (substring (get "homerc") 1)))
+ =][=
+ ~~* '\$[A-Za-z]' =][=
+ (set! cfg-file-name (get "homerc"))
+ (set! env-var-list (string-append env-var-list
+ (shellf "echo '%s' | sed 's/^.//;s#/.*##'" cfg-file-name)
+ ", " ))
+ =][=
+ == "" =][= (set! cfg-file-name "") =][=
+ * =][=
+ (set! cfg-file-name (get "homerc")) =][=
+ ESAC =][=
+ENDDEF set-home-rc-vars
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-multiple-rc \=]
+ (define explain-pkgdatadir #f)
+ (define env-var-list "")
+ rc-count =] places for configuration files:
+@itemize @bullet[=
+FOR homerc =][=
+ INVOKE set-home-rc-vars =][=
+ (if (> (string-length cfg-file-name) 0)
+ (sprintf "\n@item\n%s" cfg-file-name ))
+ =][=
+ENDFOR homerc =]
+@end itemize[=
+ (if explain-pkgdatadir (ag-fprintf 0
+"\nThe value for @code{$(pkgdatadir)} is recorded at package configure time
+and replaced by @file{libopts} when @file{%s} runs." program-name))
+(if (> (string-length env-var-list) 1)
+ (shell (string-append
+"list='@code{'`echo '" env-var-list "' | \
+ sed -e 's#, $##' \
+ -e 's#, #}, @code{#g' \
+ -e 's#, \\([^ ][^ ]*\\)$#, and \\1#'`\\}
+echo 'The environment variables' ${list}
+echo 'are expanded and replaced when @file{" program-name "} runs.'"
+)) ) =]
+For any of these that are plain files, they are simply processed.
+For any that are directories, then a file named @file{[=
+ (if (exist? "rcfile") (get "rcfile")
+ (string-append "." program-name "rc"))=]} is searched for
+within that directory and processed.
+ENDDEF emit-multiple-rc
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-one-rc-dir =][=
+ (define env-var-list "")
+ (define explain-pkgdatadir #f) =][=
+ INVOKE set-home-rc-vars
+=]@file{[=(. cfg-file-name) =]} for configuration (option) data.[=
+ IF (. explain-pkgdatadir) =]
+The value for @code{$(pkgdatadir)} is recorded at package configure time
+and replaced by @file{libopts} when @file{[=prog-name=]} runs.
+(if (> (string-length env-var-list) 1)
+ (sprintf
+"\nThe environment variable @code{%s} is expanded and replaced when
+the program runs" env-var-list)) =]
+If this is a plain file, it is simply processed.
+If it is a directory, then a file named @file{[=
+(if (exist? "rcfile") (get "rcfile")
+ (string-append "." program-name "rc"))
+=]} is searched for within that directory.[=
+ENDDEF emit-one-rc-dir
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-rc-file-info =]
+@code{libopts} will search in [=
+ IF (define rc-count (count "homerc"))
+ (define cfg-file-name "")
+ (> rc-count 1) =][=
+ INVOKE emit-multiple-rc =][=
+ ELSE =][=
+ INVOKE emit-one-rc-dir =][=
+ ENDIF (> rc-count 1)
+Configuration files may be in a wide variety of formats.
+The basic format is an option name followed by a value (argument) on the
+same line. Values may be separated from the option name with a colon,
+equal sign or simply white space. Values may be continued across multiple
+lines by escaping the newline with a backslash.
+Multiple programs may also share the same initialization file.
+Common options are collected at the top, followed by program specific
+segments. The segments are separated by lines like:
+[[=(. UP-PROG-NAME)=]]
+@end example
+or by
+<?program [= prog-name =]>
+@end example
+Do not mix these styles within one configuration file.
+Compound values and carefully constructed string values may also be
+specified using XML syntax:
+ <sub-opt>...&lt;...&gt;...</sub-opt>
+@end example
+yielding an @code{option-name.sub-opt} string value of
+@end example
+@code{AutoOpts} does not track suboptions. You simply note that it is a
+hierarchicly valued option. @code{AutoOpts} does provide a means for searching
+the associated name/value pair list (see: optionFindValue).[=
+ENDDEF emit-rc-file-info
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-presets =]
+ (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt "config::"
+ (string-append "presetting/configuring " down-prog-name) )
+ (print-node "config"
+ (string-append "presetting/configuring " program-name) ) =]
+Any option that is not marked as @i{not presettable} may be preset by
+loading values from [=
+ (if home-rc-files (emit
+ "configuration (\"rc\" or \"ini\") files"))
+ environ-init
+ =][=
+ (if home-rc-files (emit ", and values from "))
+ =]environment variables named @code{[=(. UP-PROG-NAME)=]} and @code{[=
+(. UP-PROG-NAME)=]_<OPTION_NAME>}. @code{<OPTION_NAME>} must be one of
+the options listed above in upper case and segmented with underscores.
+The @code{[=(. UP-PROG-NAME)=]} variable will be tokenized and parsed like
+the command line. The remaining variables are tested for existence and their
+values are treated like option arguments[=
+ ENDIF have environment inits =].
+ IF (. home-rc-files) =][=
+ INVOKE emit-rc-file-info =][=
+ ENDIF home-rc-files =]
+The command line options relating to configuration and/or usage help are:
+IF (exist? "version") =]
+@[= (. head-level) =] version[= (flag-string "version-value" "v") =]
+Print the program version to standard out, optionally with licensing
+information, then exit 0. The optional argument specifies how much licensing
+detail to provide. The default is to print [=
+(if (exist? "gnu-usage") "the license name with the version" "just the version")
+=]. The licensing infomation may be selected with an option argument. Only the
+first letter of the argument is examined:
+@table @samp
+@item version
+Only print the version.[=
+(if (not (exist? "gnu-usage")) " This is the default.")=]
+@item copyright
+Name the copyright usage licensing terms.[=
+(if (exist? "gnu-usage") " This is the default.")=]
+@item verbose
+Print the full copyright usage licensing terms.
+@end table
+ENDIF version =][=
+IF (exist? "usage-opt") =]
+@[= (. head-level) =] usage[= (flag-string "usage-value" "u") =]
+Print abbreviated usage to standard out, then exit 0.
+ENDIF usage-opt =][=
+IF (exist? "vendor-opt") =]
+@[= (. head-level) =] vendor-option (-W)
+Options that do not have flag values specified must be specified with
+@code{-W} and the long option name. That long name is the argument to
+this option. Any options so named that require an argument must have
+that argument attached to the option name either with quoting or an
+equal sign.
+ENDIF vendor-opt =][=
+IF (exist? "resettable") =]
+@[= (. head-level) =] reset-option[= (flag-string "reset-value" "R") =]
+Resets the specified option to the compiled-in initial state.
+This will undo anything that may have been set by configuration files.
+The option argument may be either the option flag character or its long name.
+ENDIF resettable =][=
+IF (exist? "home-rc") =][=
+ IF (exist? "disable-save") =]
+@[= (. head-level) =] save-opts[= (flag-string "save-opts-value" ">") =]
+Saves the final, configured option state to the specified file (the optional
+option argument). If no file is specified, then it will be saved to the
+highest priority (last named) @file{rc-file} in the search list.
+ ENDIF disable-save =][=
+ IF (exist? "disable-load") =]
+@[= (. head-level) =] load-opts[= (flag-string "load-opts-value" "<") =]
+Loads the named configuration file.
+ ENDIF disable-load =][=
+ENDIF home-rc =][=
+ENDDEF emit-presets
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE header \=]
+\input texinfo
+@c -*-texinfo-*-
+@c %**start of header
+@setfilename [= (string-append down-prog-name ".info") =]
+@settitle [= (sprintf (if (exist? "package") "%2$s - %1$s" "%s")
+ (get "package") (get "prog-title")) =]
+@c %**end of header
+@setchapternewpage off
+@sp 10
+@comment The title is printed in a large font.
+@center @titlefont{Sample Title}
+@c The following two commands start the copyright page.
+@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+[= (name-copyright) =][=
+IF (exist? "copyright.type") =]
+[= (license-full (get "copyright.type") program-name ""
+ (get "copyright.owner" (get "" ""))
+ (get "") ) =][=
+@end titlepage
+@node Top, [= prog-name =] usage, , (dir)
+@top [= prog-title =]
+ENDDEF header
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE emit-usage-opt =][=
+ (define label-str (string-append
+ program-name " help/usage (@option{" help-opt "})"))
+ (ag-fprintf "menu" menu-entry-fmt "usage::" label-str)
+ (sprintf node-fmt "usage" label-str) =]
+@cindex [=(. down-prog-name)=] help
+This is the automatically generated usage text for [= prog-name =].
+The text printed is the same whether selected with the @code{help} option
+(@option{[= (. help-opt) =]}) or the @code{more-help} option (@option{[=
+(. more-help-opt) =]}). @code{more-help} will print
+the usage text by passing it through a pager program.
+@code{more-help} is disabled on platforms without a working
+@code{fork(2)} function. The @code{PAGER} environment variable is
+used to select the program, defaulting to @file{more}. Both will exit
+with a status code of 0.
+@exampleindent 0
+[= (out-push-new) =]
+prog_name=[= (. program-name) =]
+test -f ${PROG} || {
+ PROG=`echo $PROG | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
+ test -f ${PROG} || PROG=`echo $PROG | tr x_ x-`
+if [ ! -f ${PROG} ]
+ if [= (string-append program-name " " help-opt) =] > /dev/null 2>&1
+ then PROG=`command -v ${prog_name}`
+ else PROG="echo ${prog_name} is unavailable - no "
+ fi
+${PROG} [=(. help-opt)=] 2>&1 | \
+ sed -e "s/USAGE: lt-${prog_name} /USAGE: ${prog_name} /" \
+ -e 's/@/@@/g;s/{/@{/g;s/}/@}/g' \
+ -e 's/ / /g'
+[= (shell (out-pop #t)) =]
+@end example
+@exampleindent 4
+ENDDEF emit-usage-opt
+@c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =][=
+DEFINE initialization =][=
+ ;;
+ (shell "CLexe=${AGexe%/agen5/*}/columns/columns
+ test -x \"${CLexe}\" || {
+ CLexe=${AGexe%/autogen}/columns
+ test -x \"${CLexe}\" || die 'columns program is not findable'
+ }")
+ (shell "CLexe=${AGexe%/autogen}/columns")
+ ;; divert-convert divert text for conversion to .texi format
+ ;; convert-divert convert the diversion done with divert-convert
+ ;;
+ (define divert-convert (lambda (diversion-type) (begin
+ (set! was-diverted
+ (not (or (== diversion-type "texi") (== diversion-type ""))))
+ (if was-diverted (begin
+ (set! cvt-script
+ (find-file (string-append diversion-type "2texi")))
+ (if (not (defined? 'cvt-script))
+ (error (sprintf "unknown source format type: %s" diversion-type)) )
+ (out-push-new) )) )))
+ (define heredoc-marker "_Unlikely_Here_Doc_Marker_\n")
+ (define convert-divert (lambda ()
+ (if was-diverted (shell (string-append
+ cvt-script "<<\\" heredoc-marker (out-pop #t) "\n" heredoc-marker
+ )) )))
+ (define was-diverted #f)
+ (define diversion-type "")
+ (define cvt-script "")
+ (define tmp-str "")
+ (define name-copyright (lambda ()
+ (if (exist? "copyright")
+ (string-append "\nThis software is released under "
+ (license-name (get "copyright.type" "an unknown copyright"))
+ "." ) ) ))
+ (make-tmp-dir)
+ (define program-name (get "prog-name"))
+ (define down-prog-name (string-downcase program-name))
+ (define UP-PROG-NAME (string-upcase program-name))
+ (shellf "export AG_DEF_PROG_NAME=%s" program-name)
+ (define doc-level (getenv "LEVEL"))
+ (if (not (string? doc-level))
+ (set! doc-level "section"))
+ (define file-name (string-append down-prog-name ".texi"))
+ (define coded-prog-name (string-append "@code{" down-prog-name "}"))
+ (define replace-prog-name (lambda (nm)
+ (string-substitute (get nm) down-prog-name coded-prog-name ) ))
+ (define have-doc-options (exist? "flag.documentation"))
+ (define print-menu #t)
+ (define do-doc-nodes #f)
+ (define menu-entry-fmt (string-append
+ "* " down-prog-name " %-24s %s\n"))
+ (define emit-menu-entry (lambda (is-doc) (not is-doc)))
+ (if have-doc-options
+ (set! emit-menu-entry (lambda (is-doc) is-doc)) )
+ (define chk-flag-val (exist? "flag.value"))
+ (define flag-string (lambda (v-nm v-df) (if (not chk-flag-val) ""
+ (string-append " (-"
+ (if (exist? v-nm) (get v-nm) v-df)
+ ")") )))
+ (define help-opt "")
+ (if (exist? "long-opts")
+ (set! help-opt "--help")
+ (if (not (exist? "flag.value"))
+ (set! help-opt "help")
+ (if (not (exist? "help-value"))
+ (set! help-opt "-?")
+ (begin
+ (set! tmp-str (get "help-value"))
+ (if (> (string-length tmp-str) 0)
+ (set! help-opt (string-append "-" tmp-str))
+ (set! help-opt "--help")
+ ) )
+ )))
+ (define more-help-opt "")
+ (if (exist? "long-opts")
+ (set! more-help-opt "--more-help")
+ (if (not (exist? "flag.value"))
+ (set! more-help-opt "more-help")
+ (if (not (exist? "more-help-value"))
+ (set! more-help-opt "-!")
+ (begin
+ (set! tmp-str (get "more-help-value"))
+ (if (> (string-length tmp-str) 0)
+ (set! help-opt (string-append "-" tmp-str))
+ (set! help-opt "--more-help")
+ ) )
+ )))
+ =][=
+ CASE (. doc-level) =][=
+ == document =][= INVOKE header =][=
+ (define sub-level "chapter")
+ (define head-level "heading") =][=
+ == chapter =][=
+ (define sub-level "section")
+ (define head-level "subheading") =][=
+ == section =][=
+ (define sub-level "subsection")
+ (define head-level "subsubheading") =][=
+ == subsection =][=
+ (define sub-level "subsubsection")
+ (define head-level "subsubheading") =][=
+ * =][=(error (sprintf "invalid doc level: %s\n" doc-level)) =][=
+ ESAC doc level =][=
+ (define node-fmt (string-append
+ "\n@node " down-prog-name " %s\n@" sub-level " %s"))
+ (define print-node (lambda (a b) (ag-fprintf 0 node-fmt a b) ))
+ (define opt-node-fmt (if have-doc-options
+ (string-append "\n@" head-level
+ " %2$s.\n@anchor{" down-prog-name " %1$s}")
+ node-fmt
+ ))
+ (define exit-sts-fmt "\n\n@node %1$s %2$s\n@%3$s %1$s %2$s\n")
+ =][=
+ IF (not (== doc-level "document")) =][=
+ (set! file-name (string-append "invoke-" file-name))
+ \=]
+@node [= prog-name =] Invocation
+@[=(. doc-level) =] Invoking [= prog-name =]
+@pindex [= prog-name =]
+@cindex [= prog-title =][=
+FOR concept =]
+@cindex [= concept =][=
+ENDFOR =][=
+ ENDIF document component
+(out-move file-name)
+(dne "# " "# ")
+@end ignore
+ENDDEF initialization
+@c agtexi-cmd.tpl ends here =]