path: root/agen5/fsm-macro.tlib
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Diffstat (limited to 'agen5/fsm-macro.tlib')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/agen5/fsm-macro.tlib b/agen5/fsm-macro.tlib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24315ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agen5/fsm-macro.tlib
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+[= AutoGen5 Template -*- Mode: Scheme -*-
+#; Time-stamp: "2012-03-31 17:04:56 bkorb"
+#; This file is part of AutoGen.
+#; AutoGen Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
+#; AutoGen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+#; Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#; (at your option) any later version.
+#; AutoGen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+#; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#; See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+#; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+#; with this program. If not, see <>.
+(define exit-proc (get "exit-proc" "exit"))
+DEFINE emit-invalid-msg =][=
+ ;; "defs" indexes will be diverted.
+ (define tmp-text "")
+ (define str-table (string-append "z" Pfx "Strings"))
+ (string-table-new str-table)
+ (define add-tbl-str (lambda (ent-str)
+ (set! index-list (string-append index-list
+ (number->string (string-table-add str-table ent-str)) "\n" )) ))
+ (string-table-add str-table "** OUT-OF-RANGE **")
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "\n#define %sFsmErr_off %d\n" Pfx
+ (string-table-add str-table
+ "FSM Error: in state %d (%s), event %d (%s) is invalid\n"))
+ (define invalid-ix (string-table-add str-table "invalid"))
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "#define %sEvInvalid_off %d\n" Pfx invalid-ix)
+ (define index-list (sprintf "%d\n" (string-table-add str-table "init")))
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "#define %sStInit_off %s\n" Pfx index-list)
+ (out-push-new)
+ FOR state =][=
+ (add-tbl-str (get-down "state")) =][=
+ ENDFOR state =][=
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "\nstatic const size_t asz%sStates[%d] = {\n"
+ Pfx (+ 1 (count "state")) )
+ (emit (shell (string-append
+ "${CLexe-columns} --spread=1 -I4 -S, <<_EOF_\n"
+ index-list
+ "_EOF_"
+ )))
+ (set! index-list "")
+ " };\n" =][=
+ FOR event =][=
+ (set! tmp-text (get "event"))
+ (set! tmp-text
+ (if (exist? tmp-text) (get tmp-text) (string-downcase! tmp-text)))
+ (add-tbl-str tmp-text)
+ =][=
+ ENDFOR event =][=
+ (ag-fprintf 0 "\nstatic const size_t asz%sEvents[%d] = {\n"
+ Pfx (+ 1 (count "event")) )
+ (emit (shell (string-append
+ "${CLexe-columns} --spread=1 -I4 -S, <<_EOF_\n"
+ index-list
+ (sprintf "%d\n" invalid-ix)
+ "_EOF_")))
+ (emit " };\n")
+ (out-suspend "strings")
+ (emit-string-table str-table)
+ (out-resume "strings")
+ (emit (out-pop #t)) =]
+#define [=(. PFX)
+ =]_EVT_NAME(t) ( (((unsigned)(t)) >= [=(+ 1 (count "event"))=]) \
+ ? z[=(. Pfx)=]Strings : z[=(. Pfx)
+ =]Strings + asz[=(. Pfx)=]Events[t])
+#define [=(. PFX)
+ =]_STATE_NAME(s) ( (((unsigned)(s)) >= [=(+ 1 (count "state"))=]) \
+ ? z[=(. Pfx)=]Strings : z[=(. Pfx)
+ =]Strings + asz[=(. Pfx)=]States[s])
+# define EXIT_FAILURE 1
+static int [=(. pfx)=]_invalid_transition( te_[=(. pfx)=]_state st, te_[=
+ (. pfx)=]_event evt );
+ IF (not (exist? "handler-file")) =]
+/* * * * * * * * * THE CODE STARTS HERE * * * * * * * *
+ *
+ * Print out an invalid transition message and return EXIT_FAILURE
+ */
+static int
+[=(. pfx)=]_invalid_transition( te_[=(. pfx)=]_state st, te_[=
+ (. pfx)=]_event evt )
+(set! tmp-text (sprintf "\
+ char const * fmt = z%1$sStrings + %1$sFsmErr_off;
+ fprintf( stderr, fmt, st, %2$s_STATE_NAME(st), evt, %2$s_EVT_NAME(evt));"
+ Pfx PFX ))
+(extract fsm-source " /* %s == INVALID TRANS MSG == %s */" "" tmp-text)=]
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ ENDIF not exist handler-file =][=
+ENDDEF emit-invalid-msg
+;;; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE emit-cookie-args =][=
+ FOR cookie =]
+ [=cookie=],[=
+ ENDFOR =][=
+ENDDEF emit-cookie-args
+;;; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE build-callback =][=
+ CASE cb-name =][=
+ = noop =][=
+ * =]
+static te_[=(. pfx)=]_state
+[=cb_prefix=]_[=cb_name=]([= emit-cookie-args =]
+ te_[=(. pfx)=]_state initial,
+ te_[=(. pfx)=]_state maybe_next,
+ te_[=(. pfx)=]_event trans_evt )
+[= (extract fsm-source (string-append
+"/* %s == " (string-tr! (get "cb_name") "a-z_-" "A-Z ") " == %s */" )
+(if (= (get "cb-name") "invalid")
+ (string-append " " exit-proc "(" pfx
+ "_invalid_transition(initial, trans_evt));")
+ " return maybe_next;" )) =]
+ ESAC =][=
+ENDDEF build-callback
+# # # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE callbacks =][=
+ `set -- \`sed 's/,//' ${tmp_dir}/xlist\`` =][=
+ WHILE `echo $#` =][=
+ INVOKE build-callback
+ cb_prefix = (string-append pfx "_do")
+ cb_name = (shell "echo $1 ; shift") =][=
+ ENDWHILE echo $# =][=
+ENDDEF callbacks
+# # # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE run-callback
+ if (pT != NULL)
+ nxtSt = (*pT)( [=
+ FOR cookie =][=
+ (shellf "echo '%s'|sed 's,.*[ \t*],,'" (get "cookie")) =], [=
+ ENDFOR =][=(. pfx)=]_state, nxtSt, trans_evt );[=
+ENDDEF run-callback
+;;; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE build-switch =]
+ case [=cb_prefix=]_[=cb_name=]:[=
+ IF (== (get "cb_name") "NOOP") =] break;[=
+ ELSE =]
+(set! example-code (if (= (get "cb_name") "invalid") (string-append
+ " " exit-proc "(" pfx "_invalid_transition(" pfx
+ "_state, trans_evt));")
+ (string-append " nxtSt = HANDLE_" (get "cb_name") "();") ))
+(extract fsm-source
+ (string-append " /* %s == " (get "cb_name") " == %s */")
+ "" example-code ) =]
+ break;
+ENDDEF build-switch
+;;; # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE run-switch =][=
+(define example-code "") =]
+ switch (trans) {[=
+ `set -- \`sed 's/,//' ${tmp_dir}/xlist\`` =][=
+ WHILE `echo $#` =][=
+ invoke build-switch
+ cb_prefix = (string-append PFX "_TR")
+ cb_name = (shell "echo $1 ; shift") =][=
+ ENDWHILE echo $# =]
+ default:
+[=(extract fsm-source " /* %s == BROKEN MACHINE == %s */" ""
+ (string-append " " exit-proc "(" pfx "_invalid_transition("
+ pfx "_state, trans_evt));" ))=]
+ }[=
+ENDDEF run-switch
+;;; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE preamble =][=
+IF (emit (dne " * " "/* "))
+ (== (suffix) "c") =][=
+(set! fsm-source (string-append tmp-dir "/fsm.code"))
+(set-writable) =][=
+ELSE =][=
+(define fsm-source (string-append tmp-dir "/fsm.header"))
+(shellf "test -f %1$s-fsm.h && cp %1$s-fsm.h ${tmp_dir}/fsm.header
+ test -f %1$s-fsm.c && cp %1$s-fsm.c ${tmp_dir}/fsm.code" (base-name))
+(define pfx (string->c-name! (string-downcase!
+ (if (exist? "prefix") (get "prefix") (base-name)) )))
+(define PFX (string-upcase pfx))
+(define Pfx (string-capitalize pfx))
+(define t-trans (string-append "t_" pfx "_transition"))
+ *
+ * Automated Finite State Machine
+ *
+[=(license-description "mbsd" "AutoFSM" " * " "Bruce Korb")=]
+ */[=
+ENDDEF preamble
+;;; # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # =][=
+DEFINE compute-transitions =][=
+;;; Initialize every possible transition as invalid
+(define tr-name (if (=* (get "method") "call")
+ (string-append pfx "_do_invalid")
+ (string-append PFX "_TR_INVALID") ))
+ "ev_list='%s' ; st_list='INIT %s'
+ for f in $ev_list ; do for g in $st_list
+ do eval FSM_TRANS_${g}_${f}=\"'{ %s_ST_INVALID, %s }'\"
+ export FSM_TRANS_${g}_${f}
+ done ; done"
+ (stack-up "event")
+ (stack-up "state")
+ PFX tr-name )
+(define tev "")
+(define tst "")
+(define ttype "")
+(define next "")
+(define proc-ptr-type
+ (lambda (tp)
+ (if (= tp "noop") "NULL"
+ (string-downcase! (string-append pfx "_do_" tp)) )))
+;;; Now replace the initial values with proper ones gotten from
+;;; the trasition definitions.
+;;; It is actually possible to have multiple specifications for a
+;;; single state/event pair, however the last state/event assignment
+;;; will supply the value for the transition table. Different
+;;; transitions may also specify the same transition method.
+;;; For that, we unique sort the list and eliminate dups.
+;;; The unique-ified list is used to produce the callout table.
+FOR transition =][=
+ IF (== (get "tst") "*") =][=
+ ;; This transition applies for all states
+ ;;
+ (set! tev (get-up "tev"))
+ (set! ttype (if (exist? "ttype") (get "ttype")
+ (string-append "${f}_" tev) ))
+ (set! tr-name (if (=* (get "method") "call")
+ (proc-ptr-type ttype)
+ (string-upcase! (string-append PFX "_TR_" ttype)) ))
+ (set! next (if (exist? "next") (get-up "next") "${f}"))
+ (shellf
+ "for f in ${st_list} ; do F=${f}
+ eval FSM_TRANS_${f}_%s=\"'{ %s_ST_%s, %s }'\"
+ done"
+ tev PFX next tr-name ) =][=
+ ELIF (== (get "tev") "*") =][=
+ ;; This transition applies for all transitions in a certain state
+ ;;
+ (set! tst (get-up "tst"))
+ (set! ttype (if (exist? "ttype")
+ (get-up "ttype") (string-append tst "_${f}") ))
+ (set! tr-name (if (=* (get "method") "call")
+ (proc-ptr-type ttype)
+ (string-append PFX "_TR_" ttype) ))
+ (set! next (if (exist? "next") (get-up "next") tst))
+ (shellf
+ "for f in ${ev_list} ; do
+ eval FSM_TRANS_%s_${f}=\"'{ %s_ST_%s, %s }'\"
+ done"
+ tst PFX next tr-name) =][=
+ ELSE =][=
+ FOR tst =][=
+ (set! tst (get-up "tst"))
+ (set! next (if (exist? "next") (get-up "next") tst))
+ =][=
+ FOR tev =][=
+ (set! tev (get-up "tev"))
+ (set! ttype (string-downcase! (if (exist? "ttype") (get "ttype")
+ (string-append tst "_" tev) )))
+ (set! tr-name (if (=* (get "method") "call")
+ (proc-ptr-type ttype)
+ (string-upcase! (string-append PFX "_TR_" ttype)) ))
+ (shellf "FSM_TRANS_%s_%s=\"{ %s_ST_%s, %s }\""
+ tst tev PFX next tr-name) =][=
+ ENDFOR tev =][=
+ ENDFOR tst =][=
+ ENDIF tst or ttkn as '*' =][=
+ENDFOR transition =][=
+(define trans-ct
+ (shellf
+ "env | egrep '^FSM_TRANS_' | \
+ sed '/, NULL }/d;s/^.*%s//;s/ .*$/,/' | \
+ sort -u > ${tmp_dir}/xlist
+ echo `wc -l < ${tmp_dir}/xlist` "
+ (if (=* (get "method") "call")
+ (string-append pfx "_do_")
+ (string-append PFX "_TR_"))
+) ) =][=
+ENDDEF compute-transitions
+# end of agen5/fsm-macro.tlib =]