path: root/AudioManagerDaemon/src/CAmCommandSender.cpp
diff options
authorChristian Linke <>2016-02-11 07:28:47 +0100
committerChristian Linke <>2016-02-15 09:00:59 +0100
commit5bcd206b9270d9a79e212f91723ea1a08a4d4859 (patch)
tree55b0cd4d07fbd7ebfd15d58d02e9cae6ae61b127 /AudioManagerDaemon/src/CAmCommandSender.cpp
parent59080ecc2c8840fd85c561adea3f85f5344534a8 (diff)
* rework of the build structure, adopt to standard cmake package structure7.4
* check versions when loading the libs * introduction of the AudioManagerCore * give control plugin as file or directory * remove SQLITE * either find and use gmock or build and install it * fixed [Bug 411] * compile flag gnu11 is now used Signed-off-by: Christian Linke <> Signed-off-by: Christian Linke <>
Diffstat (limited to 'AudioManagerDaemon/src/CAmCommandSender.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/AudioManagerDaemon/src/CAmCommandSender.cpp b/AudioManagerDaemon/src/CAmCommandSender.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c41c01d..0000000
--- a/AudioManagerDaemon/src/CAmCommandSender.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX license identifier: MPL-2.0
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2012, BMW AG
- *
- * This file is part of GENIVI Project AudioManager.
- *
- * Contributions are licensed to the GENIVI Alliance under one or more
- * Contribution License Agreements.
- *
- * \copyright
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the
- * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with
- * this file, You can obtain one at
- *
- *
- * \author Christian Linke, BMW 2011,2012
- *
- * \file CAmCommandSender.cpp
- * For further information see
- *
- */
-#include "CAmCommandSender.h"
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include "CAmCommandReceiver.h"
-#include "TAmPluginTemplate.h"
-#include "CAmDltWrapper.h"
-namespace am
-#define REQUIRED_INTERFACE_VERSION_MAJOR 1 //!< major interface version. All versions smaller than this will be rejected
-#define REQUIRED_INTERFACE_VERSION_MINOR 0 //!< minor interface version. All versions smaller than this will be rejected
- * macro to call all interfaces
- */
-#define CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(...) \
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iter = mListInterfaces.begin(); \
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iterEnd = mListInterfaces.end(); \
- for (; iter<iterEnd;++iter) \
- { \
- (*iter)->__VA_ARGS__; \
- }
-CAmCommandSender::CAmCommandSender(const std::vector<std::string>& listOfPluginDirectories) :
- mListInterfaces(), //
- mListLibraryHandles(), //
- mListLibraryNames(), //
- mCommandReceiver()
- if (listOfPluginDirectories.empty())
- {
- logError("CAmCommandSender::CAmCommandSender: List of commandplugins is empty");
- }
- std::vector<std::string> sharedLibraryNameList;
- std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dirIter = listOfPluginDirectories.begin();
- std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dirIterEnd = listOfPluginDirectories.end();
- // search communicator plugins in configured directories
- for (; dirIter < dirIterEnd; ++dirIter)
- {
- const char* directoryName = dirIter->c_str();
- logInfo("Searching for CommandPlugins in", *dirIter);
- DIR *directory = opendir(directoryName);
- if (!directory)
- {
- logError("Error opening directory ", *dirIter);
- continue;
- }
- // iterate content of directory
- struct dirent *itemInDirectory = 0;
- while ((itemInDirectory = readdir(directory)))
- {
- unsigned char entryType = itemInDirectory->d_type;
- std::string entryName = itemInDirectory->d_name;
- std::string fullName = *dirIter + "/" + entryName;
- bool regularFile = (entryType == DT_REG || entryType == DT_LNK);
- bool sharedLibExtension = ("so" == entryName.substr(entryName.find_last_of(".") + 1));
- // Handle cases where readdir() could not determine the file type
- if (entryType == DT_UNKNOWN) {
- struct stat buf;
- if (stat(fullName.c_str(), &buf)) {
- logInfo(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"Failed to stat file: ", entryName, errno);
- continue;
- }
- regularFile = S_ISREG(buf.st_mode);
- }
- if (regularFile && sharedLibExtension)
- {
- std::string name(directoryName);
- sharedLibraryNameList.push_back(name + "/" + entryName);
- }
- }
- closedir(directory);
- }
- // iterate all communicator plugins and start them
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = sharedLibraryNameList.begin();
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator iterEnd = sharedLibraryNameList.end();
- for (; iter < iterEnd; ++iter)
- {
- logInfo("Loading CommandSender plugin", *iter);
- IAmCommandSend* (*createFunc)();
- void* tempLibHandle = NULL;
- createFunc = getCreateFunction<IAmCommandSend*()>(*iter, tempLibHandle);
- if (!createFunc)
- {
- logInfo("Entry point of CommandPlugin not found", *iter);
- continue;
- }
- IAmCommandSend* commander = createFunc();
- if (!commander)
- {
- logInfo("CommandPlugin initialization failed. Entry Function not callable");
- dlclose(tempLibHandle);
- continue;
- }
- //check libversion
- std::string version;
- commander->getInterfaceVersion(version);
- uint16_t minorVersion, majorVersion;
- std::istringstream(version.substr(0, 1)) >> majorVersion;
- std::istringstream(version.substr(2, 1)) >> minorVersion;
- {
- logInfo("CommandInterface initialization failed. Version of Interface to old");
- dlclose(tempLibHandle);
- continue;
- }
- mListInterfaces.push_back(commander);
- mListLibraryHandles.push_back(tempLibHandle);
- mListLibraryNames.push_back(iter->c_str());
- }
- //unloadLibraries();
-am_Error_e CAmCommandSender::startupInterfaces(CAmCommandReceiver *iCommandReceiver)
- mCommandReceiver = iCommandReceiver;
- am_Error_e returnError = E_OK;
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iter = mListInterfaces.begin();
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iterEnd = mListInterfaces.end();
- for (; iter < iterEnd; ++iter)
- {
- am_Error_e error = (*iter)->startupInterface(iCommandReceiver);
- if (error != E_OK)
- {
- returnError = error;
- }
- }
- return (returnError);
-void CAmCommandSender::cbNumberOfSinkClassesChanged()
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbNumberOfSinkClassesChanged())
-void CAmCommandSender::cbNumberOfSourceClassesChanged()
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbNumberOfSourceClassesChanged())
-void CAmCommandSender::cbMainConnectionStateChanged(const am_mainConnectionID_t connectionID, const am_ConnectionState_e connectionState)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbMainConnectionStateChanged(connectionID,connectionState))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbMainSinkSoundPropertyChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_MainSoundProperty_s& SoundProperty)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbMainSinkSoundPropertyChanged(sinkID,SoundProperty))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbMainSourceSoundPropertyChanged(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_MainSoundProperty_s& SoundProperty)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbMainSourceSoundPropertyChanged(sourceID,SoundProperty))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSinkAvailabilityChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_Availability_s & availability)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSinkAvailabilityChanged(sinkID,availability))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSourceAvailabilityChanged(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_Availability_s & availability)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSourceAvailabilityChanged(sourceID,availability))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbVolumeChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_mainVolume_t volume)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbVolumeChanged(sinkID,volume))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSinkMuteStateChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_MuteState_e muteState)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSinkMuteStateChanged(sinkID,muteState))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSystemPropertyChanged(const am_SystemProperty_s & SystemProperty)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSystemPropertyChanged(SystemProperty))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbTimingInformationChanged(const am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnection, const am_timeSync_t time)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbTimingInformationChanged(mainConnection,time))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbNewMainConnection(const am_MainConnectionType_s mainConnection)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbNewMainConnection(mainConnection))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbRemovedMainConnection(const am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnection)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbRemovedMainConnection(mainConnection))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbNewSink(const am_SinkType_s sink)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbNewSink(sink))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbRemovedSink(const am_sinkID_t sink)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbRemovedSink(sink))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbNewSource(const am_SourceType_s source)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbNewSource(source))
-void CAmCommandSender::cbRemovedSource(const am_sourceID_t source)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbRemovedSource(source))
-void CAmCommandSender::setCommandReady()
- mCommandReceiver->waitOnStartup(false);
- //create a list of handles
- std::vector<uint16_t> listStartupHandles;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mListInterfaces.size(); i++)
- {
- listStartupHandles.push_back(mCommandReceiver->getStartupHandle());
- }
- //set the receiver ready to wait for replies
- mCommandReceiver->waitOnStartup(true);
- //now do the calls
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iter = mListInterfaces.begin();
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iterEnd = mListInterfaces.end();
- std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator handleIter(listStartupHandles.begin());
- for (; iter < iterEnd; ++iter)
- {
- (*iter)->setCommandReady(*(handleIter++));
- }
-void CAmCommandSender::setCommandRundown()
- mCommandReceiver->waitOnRundown(false);
- //create a list of handles
- std::vector<uint16_t> listStartupHandles;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < mListInterfaces.size(); i++)
- {
- listStartupHandles.push_back(mCommandReceiver->getRundownHandle());
- }
- //set the receiver ready to wait for replies
- mCommandReceiver->waitOnRundown(true);
- //now do the calls
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iter = mListInterfaces.begin();
- std::vector<IAmCommandSend*>::iterator iterEnd = mListInterfaces.end();
- std::vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator handleIter(listStartupHandles.begin());
- for (; iter < iterEnd; ++iter)
- {
- (*iter)->setCommandRundown(*(handleIter++));
- }
-void CAmCommandSender::getInterfaceVersion(std::string & version) const
- version = CommandVersion;
-am_Error_e am::CAmCommandSender::getListPlugins(std::vector<std::string> & interfaces) const
- interfaces = mListLibraryNames;
- return (E_OK);
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSinkUpdated(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID, const std::vector<am_MainSoundProperty_s>& listMainSoundProperties)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSinkUpdated(sinkID,sinkClassID,listMainSoundProperties));
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSourceUpdated(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID, const std::vector<am_MainSoundProperty_s>& listMainSoundProperties)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSourceUpdated(sourceID,sourceClassID,listMainSoundProperties));
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSinkNotification(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_NotificationPayload_s& notification)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSinkNotification(sinkID,notification));
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSourceNotification(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_NotificationPayload_s& notification)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbSourceNotification(sourceID,notification));
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSinkMainNotificationConfigurationChanged(const am_sinkID_t sinkID, const am_NotificationConfiguration_s& mainNotificationConfiguration)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbMainSinkNotificationConfigurationChanged(sinkID,mainNotificationConfiguration));
-void CAmCommandSender::cbSourceMainNotificationConfigurationChanged(const am_sourceID_t sourceID, const am_NotificationConfiguration_s& mainNotificationConfiguration)
- CALL_ALL_INTERFACES(cbMainSourceNotificationConfigurationChanged(sourceID,mainNotificationConfiguration));
-void CAmCommandSender::unloadLibraries(void)
- std::vector<void*>::iterator iterator = mListLibraryHandles.begin();
- for (; iterator < mListLibraryHandles.end(); ++iterator)
- {
- dlclose(*iterator);
- }
- mListLibraryHandles.clear();