path: root/docs/manual/vhosts
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15 files changed, 0 insertions, 2923 deletions
diff --git a/docs/manual/vhosts/details.html b/docs/manual/vhosts/details.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d481b7ce68..0000000000
--- a/docs/manual/vhosts/details.html
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-<TITLE>An In-Depth Discussion of Virtual Host Matching</TITLE>
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- TEXT="#000000"
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-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">An In-Depth Discussion of Virtual Host Matching</H1>
-<P>The virtual host code was completely rewritten in
-<STRONG>Apache 1.3</STRONG>.
-This document attempts to explain exactly what Apache does when
-deciding what virtual host to serve a hit from. With the help of the
-new <A HREF="../mod/core.html#namevirtualhost"><SAMP>NameVirtualHost</SAMP></A>
-directive virtual host configuration should be a lot easier and safer
-than with versions prior to 1.3.
-<P>If you just want to <CITE>make it work</CITE> without understanding
-how, here are <A HREF="examples.html">some examples</A>.
-<H3>Config File Parsing</H3>
-<P>There is a <EM>main_server</EM> which consists of all
-the definitions appearing outside of <CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> sections.
-There are virtual servers, called <EM>vhosts</EM>, which are defined by
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#virtualhost"><SAMP>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</SAMP></A>
-<P>The directives
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#port"><SAMP>Port</SAMP></A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#servername"><SAMP>ServerName</SAMP></A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverpath"><SAMP>ServerPath</SAMP></A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveralias"><SAMP>ServerAlias</SAMP></A>
-can appear anywhere within the definition of
-a server. However, each appearance overrides the previous appearance
-(within that server).
-<P>The default value of the <CODE>Port</CODE> field for main_server
-is 80. The main_server has no default <CODE>ServerPath</CODE>, or
-<CODE>ServerAlias</CODE>. The default <CODE>ServerName</CODE> is
-deduced from the servers IP address.
-<P>The main_server Port directive has two functions due to legacy
-compatibility with NCSA configuration files. One function is
-to determine the default network port Apache will bind to. This
-default is overridden by the existence of any
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#listen"><CODE>Listen</CODE></A> directives.
-The second function is to specify the port number which is used
-in absolute URIs during redirects.
-<P>Unlike the main_server, vhost ports <EM>do not</EM> affect what
-ports Apache listens for connections on.
-<P>Each address appearing in the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive
-can have an optional port. If the port is unspecified it defaults to
-the value of the main_server's most recent <CODE>Port</CODE> statement.
-The special port <SAMP>*</SAMP> indicates a wildcard that matches any port.
-Collectively the entire set of addresses (including multiple
-<SAMP>A</SAMP> record
-results from DNS lookups) are called the vhost's <EM>address set</EM>.
-<P>Unless a <A HREF="../mod/core.html#namevirtualhost">NameVirtualHost</A>
-directive is used for a specific IP address the first vhost with
-that address is treated as an IP-based vhost. The IP address can also
-be the wildcard <CODE>*</CODE>.
-<P>If name-based vhosts should be used a <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE>
-directive <EM>must</EM> appear with the IP address set to be used for the
-name-based vhosts. In other words, you must specify the IP address that
-holds the hostname aliases (CNAMEs) for your name-based vhosts via a
-<CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> directive in your configuration file.
-<P>Multiple <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> directives can be used each
-with a set of <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directives but only one
-<CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> directive should be used for each
-specific IP:port pair.
-<P>The ordering of <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> and
-<CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directives is not important which makes the
-following two examples identical (only the order of the
-<CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directives for <EM>one</EM> address set
-is important, see below):
- |
- NameVirtualHost | &lt;VirtualHost;
- &lt;VirtualHost; | # server A
- # server A | &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- ... | &lt;VirtualHost;
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt; | # server C
- &lt;VirtualHost; | ...
- # server B | &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- ... | &lt;VirtualHost;
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt; | # server B
- | ...
- NameVirtualHost | &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost; | &lt;VirtualHost;
- # server C | # server D
- ... | ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt; | &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost; |
- # server D | NameVirtualHost
- ... | NameVirtualHost
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt; |
- |
-<P>(To aid the readability of your configuration you should prefer the
-left variant.)
-<P> After parsing the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive, the vhost server
-is given a default <CODE>Port</CODE> equal to the port assigned to the
-first name in its <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive.
-<P>The complete list of names in the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive
-are treated just like a <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> (but are not overridden by any
-<CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> statement) if all names resolve to the same address
-set. Note that subsequent <CODE>Port</CODE> statements for this vhost will not
-affect the ports assigned in the address set.
-<P>During initialization a list for each IP address
-is generated and inserted into an hash table. If the IP address is
-used in a <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> directive the list contains
-all name-based vhosts for the given IP address. If there are no
-vhosts defined for that address the <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> directive
-is ignored and an error is logged. For an IP-based vhost the list in the
-hash table is empty.
-<P>Due to a fast hashing function the overhead of hashing an IP address
-during a request is minimal and almost not existent. Additionally
-the table is optimized for IP addresses which vary in the last octet.
-<P>For every vhost various default values are set. In particular:
-<LI>If a vhost has no
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveradmin"><CODE>ServerAdmin</CODE></A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#resourceconfig"><CODE>ResourceConfig</CODE></A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#accessconfig"><CODE>AccessConfig</CODE></A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#timeout"><CODE>Timeout</CODE></A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#keepalivetimeout"
- ><CODE>KeepAliveTimeout</CODE></A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#keepalive"><CODE>KeepAlive</CODE></A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#maxkeepaliverequests"
- ><CODE>MaxKeepAliveRequests</CODE></A>,
- or
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#sendbuffersize"><CODE>SendBufferSize</CODE></A>
- directive then the respective value is
- inherited from the main_server. (That is, inherited from whatever
- the final setting of that value is in the main_server.)
-<LI>The &quot;lookup defaults&quot; that define the default directory
- permissions
- for a vhost are merged with those of the main_server. This includes
- any per-directory configuration information for any module.
-<LI>The per-server configs for each module from the main_server are
- merged into the vhost server.
-Essentially, the main_server is treated as &quot;defaults&quot; or a
-&quot;base&quot; on which to build each vhost.
-But the positioning of these main_server
-definitions in the config file is largely irrelevant -- the entire
-config of the main_server has been parsed when this final merging occurs.
-So even if a main_server definition appears after a vhost definition
-it might affect the vhost definition.
-<P> If the main_server has no <CODE>ServerName</CODE> at this point,
-then the hostname of the machine that httpd is running on is used
-instead. We will call the <EM>main_server address set</EM> those IP
-addresses returned by a DNS lookup on the <CODE>ServerName</CODE> of
-the main_server.
-<P> For any undefined <CODE>ServerName</CODE> fields, a name-based vhost
-defaults to the address given first in the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
-statement defining the vhost.
-<P>Any vhost that includes the magic <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> wildcard
-is given the same <CODE>ServerName</CODE> as the main_server.
-<H3>Virtual Host Matching</H3>
-<P>The server determines which vhost to use for a request as follows:
-<H4>Hash table lookup</H4>
-<P>When the connection is first made by a client, the IP address to
-which the client connected is looked up in the internal IP hash table.
-<P>If the lookup fails (the IP address wasn't found) the request is
-served from the <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> vhost if there is such a vhost
-for the port to which the client sent the request. If there is no
-matching <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> vhost the request is served from the
-<P>If the IP address is not found in the hash table then the match
-against the port number may also result in an entry corresponding to a
-<CODE>NameVirtualHost *</CODE>, which is subsequently handled like
-other name-based vhosts.
-<P>If the lookup succeeded (a corresponding list for the IP address was
-found) the next step is to decide if we have to deal with an IP-based
-or a name-base vhost.
-<H4>IP-based vhost</H4>
-<P>If the entry we found has an empty name list then we have found an
-IP-based vhost, no further actions are performed and the request is
-served from that vhost.
-<H4>Name-based vhost</H4>
-<P>If the entry corresponds to a name-based vhost the name list contains
-one or more vhost structures. This list contains the vhosts in the same
-order as the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directives appear in the config
-<P>The first vhost on this list (the first vhost in the config file with
-the specified IP address) has the highest priority and catches any request
-to an unknown server name or a request without a <CODE>Host:</CODE>
-header field.
-<P>If the client provided a <CODE>Host:</CODE> header field the list is
-searched for a matching vhost and the first hit on a <CODE>ServerName</CODE>
-or <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> is taken and the request is served from
-that vhost. A <CODE>Host:</CODE> header field can contain a port number, but
-Apache always matches against the real port to which the client sent
-the request.
-<P>If the client submitted a HTTP/1.0 request without <CODE>Host:</CODE>
-header field we don't know to what server the client tried to connect and
-any existing <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> is matched against the URI
-from the request. The first matching path on the list is used and the
-request is served from that vhost.
-<P>If no matching vhost could be found the request is served from the
-first vhost with a matching port number that is on the list for the IP
-to which the client connected (as already mentioned before).
-<H4>Persistent connections</H4>
-The IP lookup described above is only done <EM>once</EM> for a particular
-TCP/IP session while the name lookup is done on <EM>every</EM> request
-during a KeepAlive/persistent connection. In other words a client may
-request pages from different name-based vhosts during a single
-persistent connection.
-<H4>Absolute URI</H4>
-<P>If the URI from the request is an absolute URI, and its hostname and
-port match the main server or one of the configured virtual hosts
-<EM>and</EM> match the address and port to which the client sent the request,
-then the scheme/hostname/port prefix is stripped off and the remaining
-relative URI is served by the corresponding main server or virtual host.
-If it does not match, then the URI remains untouched and the request is
-taken to be a proxy request.
-<LI>A name-based vhost can never interfere with an IP-base vhost and
- vice versa. IP-based vhosts can only be reached through an IP address
- of its own address set and never through any other address.
- The same applies to name-based vhosts, they can only be reached
- through an IP address of the corresponding address set which must
- be defined with a <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> directive.
- <P>
-<LI><CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> and <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> checks are never
- performed for an IP-based vhost.
- <P>
-<LI>The order of name-/IP-based, the <SAMP>_default_</SAMP>
- vhost and the <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> directive within the config
- file is not important. Only the ordering
- of name-based vhosts for a specific address set is significant. The one
- name-based vhosts that comes first in the configuration file has
- the highest priority for its corresponding address set.
- <P>
-<LI>For security reasons the port number given in a <CODE>Host:</CODE>
- header field is never used during the matching process. Apache always
- uses the real port to which the client sent the request.
- <P>
-<LI>If a <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directive exists which is a prefix of
- another <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directive that appears later in
- the configuration file, then the former will always be matched
- and the latter will never be matched. (That is assuming that no
- <CODE>Host:</CODE> header field was available to disambiguate the two.)
- <P>
-<LI>If two IP-based vhosts have an address in common, the vhost appearing
- first in the config file is always matched. Such a thing might happen
- inadvertently. The server will give a warning in the error
- logfile when it detects this.
- <P>
-<LI>A <CODE>_default_</CODE> vhost catches a request only if there is no
- other vhost with a matching IP address <EM>and</EM> a matching port
- number for the request. The request is only caught if the port number
- to which the client sent the request matches the port number of your
- <CODE>_default_</CODE> vhost which is your standard <CODE>Port</CODE>
- by default. A wildcard port can be specified (<EM>i.e.</EM>,
- <CODE>_default_:*</CODE>) to catch requests to any available port.
- This also applies to <CODE>NameVirtualHost *</CODE> vhosts.
- <P>
-<LI>The main_server is only used to serve a request if the IP address
- and port number to which the client connected is unspecified
- and does not match any other vhost (including a <CODE>_default_</CODE>
- vhost). In other words the main_server only catches a request for an
- unspecified address/port combination (unless there is a
- <CODE>_default_</CODE> vhost which matches that port).
- <P>
-<LI>A <CODE>_default_</CODE> vhost or the main_server is <EM>never</EM>
- matched for a request with an unknown or missing <CODE>Host:</CODE> header
- field if the client connected to an address (and port) which is used
- for name-based vhosts, <EM>e.g.</EM>, in a <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE>
- directive.
- <P>
-<LI>You should never specify DNS names in <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
- directives because it will force your server to rely on DNS to boot.
- Furthermore it poses a security threat if you do not control the
- DNS for all the domains listed.
- There's <A HREF="../dns-caveats.html">more information</A>
- available on this and the next two topics.
- <P>
-<LI><CODE>ServerName</CODE> should always be set for each vhost. Otherwise
- A DNS lookup is required for each vhost.
- <P>
-<P>In addition to the tips on the <A HREF="../dns-caveats.html#tips">DNS
-Issues</A> page, here are some further tips:
-<LI>Place all main_server definitions before any <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
- definitions. (This is to aid the readability of the configuration --
- the post-config merging process makes it non-obvious that definitions
- mixed in around virtual hosts might affect all virtual hosts.)
- <P>
-<LI>Group corresponding <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE> and
- <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> definitions in your configuration to ensure
- better readability.
- <P>
-<LI>Avoid <CODE>ServerPaths</CODE> which are prefixes of other
- <CODE>ServerPaths</CODE>. If you cannot avoid this then you have to
- ensure that the longer (more specific) prefix vhost appears earlier in
- the configuration file than the shorter (less specific) prefix
- (<EM>i.e.</EM>, &quot;ServerPath /abc&quot; should appear after
- &quot;ServerPath /abc/def&quot;).
- <P>
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
diff --git a/docs/manual/vhosts/examples.html b/docs/manual/vhosts/examples.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d00a38a40b..0000000000
--- a/docs/manual/vhosts/examples.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<TITLE>VirtualHost Examples</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Virtual Host examples for common setups</H1>
-<H2>Base configuration</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="#purename">Simple name-based vhosting</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#name">More complicated name-based vhosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#ip">IP-based vhosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#mixed">Mixed name-/IP-based vhosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#port">Port-based vhosts</A>
-<H2>Additional features</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="#default">Using <CODE>_default_</CODE> vhosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#migrate">Migrating a named-based vhost to an IP-based vhost</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#serverpath">Using the <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directive</A>
-<H3><A NAME="purename">Simple name-based vhosting</A></H3>
- The server machine has a primary name <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP>.
- There are two aliases (CNAMEs) <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> and
- <SAMP>www.sub.domain.tld</SAMP> for the address <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP>.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- ServerName server.domain.tld
- NameVirtualHost *
- &lt;VirtualHost *&gt;
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost *&gt;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain
- ServerName www.sub.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- The asterisks match all addresses, so the main server serves no
- requests. Due to the fact that <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> is first
- in the configuration file, it has the highest priority and can be
- seen as the <CITE>default</CITE> or <CITE>primary</CITE> server.
- <P>
-<H3><A NAME="name">More complicated name-based vhosts</A></H3>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 1:</STRONG>
- The server machine has one IP address (<SAMP></SAMP>)
- which resolves to the name <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP>.
- There are two aliases (CNAMEs) <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> and
- <SAMP>www.sub.domain.tld</SAMP> for the address <SAMP></SAMP>.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- ServerName server.domain.tld
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain
- ServerName www.sub.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- Apart from <SAMP>localhost</SAMP> there are no unspecified
- addresses/ports, therefore the main server only serves
- <SAMP>localhost</SAMP> requests. Due to the fact
- that <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> has the highest priority
- it can be seen as the <CITE>default</CITE> or
- <CITE>primary</CITE> server.
- <P>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 2:</STRONG>
- The server machine has two IP addresses (<SAMP></SAMP>
- and <SAMP></SAMP>)
- which resolve to the names <SAMP>server1.domain.tld</SAMP> and
- <SAMP>server2.domain.tld</SAMP> respectively.
- The alias <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> should be used for the
- main server which should also catch any unspecified addresses.
- We want to use a virtual host for the alias
- <SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP> and another virtual host,
- with server name <SAMP>www.sub.domain.tld</SAMP>, should
- catch any request to hostnames of the form
- <SAMP>*.sub.domain.tld</SAMP>.
- The address <SAMP></SAMP> should be
- used for the virtual hosts.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain
- ServerName www.sub.domain.tld
- ServerAlias *.sub.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- Any request to an address other than <SAMP></SAMP>
- will be served from the main server. A request to
- <SAMP></SAMP> with an unknown or no <CODE>Host:</CODE>
- header will be served from <SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP>.
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 3:</STRONG>
- The server machine has two IP addresses (<SAMP></SAMP>
- and <SAMP></SAMP>). The machine is sitting between
- an internal (intranet) network and an external (internet) network.
- Outside of the network, the name <SAMP>server1.domain.tld</SAMP>
- resolves to the external address (<SAMP></SAMP>), but
- inside the network, that same name resolves to the internal
- address (<SAMP></SAMP>).<P>
- The server can be made to respond to internal and external
- requests with the same content, with just one <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
- section.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- NameVirtualHost
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/server1
- ServerName server1.domain.tld
- ServerAlias server1
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- Now requests from both networks will be served from the same
- <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 4:</STRONG>
- You have multiple domains going to the same IP and also want
- to serve multiple ports. By defining the
- ports in the "NameVirtualHost" tag, you can allow this to
- work. If you try using <VirtualHost name:port> without the
- NameVirtualHost name:port or you try to use the Port
- directive, your configuration will not work.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- NameVirtualHost
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/domain-80
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/domain-8080
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain-80
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain-8080
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-<H3><A NAME="ip">IP-based vhosts</A></H3>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 1:</STRONG>
- The server machine has two IP addresses (<SAMP></SAMP>
- and <SAMP></SAMP>)
- which resolve to the names <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP> and
- <SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP> respectively.
- The hostname <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> is an alias (CNAME)
- for <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP> and will represent the
- main server.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- <SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP> can only be reached through the
- address <SAMP></SAMP>, while <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP>
- can only be reached through <SAMP></SAMP>
- (which represents our main server).
- <P>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 2:</STRONG>
- Same as setup 1, but we don't want to have a dedicated main server.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- ServerName server.domain.tld
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- The main server can never catch a request, because all IP addresses
- of our machine are in use for IP-based virtual hosts
- (only <SAMP>localhost</SAMP> requests can hit the main server).
- <P>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 3:</STRONG>
- The server machine has two IP addresses (<SAMP></SAMP>
- and <SAMP></SAMP>)
- which resolve to the names <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP> and
- <SAMP>www-cache.domain.tld</SAMP> respectively.
- The hostname <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> is an alias (CNAME)
- for <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP> and will represent the
- main server.
- <SAMP>www-cache.domain.tld</SAMP> will become our proxy-cache
- listening on port 8080, while the web server itself uses the default
- port 80.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- Listen
- Listen
- ServerName server.domain.tld
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName www-cache.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;Directory proxy:&gt;
- Order Deny,Allow
- Deny from all
- Allow from 111.22.33
- &lt;/Directory&gt;
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- The main server can never catch a request, because all IP addresses
- (apart from <SAMP>localhost</SAMP>) of our machine are in use for IP-based
- virtual hosts. The web server can only be reached on the first address
- through port 80 and the proxy only on the second address through port 8080.
-<H3><A NAME="mixed">Mixed name-/IP-based vhosts</A></H3>
- The server machine has three IP addresses (<SAMP></SAMP>,
- <SAMP></SAMP> and <SAMP></SAMP>)
- which resolve to the names <SAMP>server.domain.tld</SAMP>,
- <SAMP>www.otherdomain1.tld</SAMP> and <SAMP>www.otherdomain2.tld</SAMP>
- respectively.
- The address <SAMP></SAMP> should we used for a couple
- of name-based vhosts and the other addresses for IP-based vhosts.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- ServerName server.domain.tld
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain1
- ServerName www.sub1.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain2
- ServerName www.sub2.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain1
- ServerName www.otherdomain1.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain2
- ServerName www.otherdomain2.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-<H3><A NAME="port">Port-based vhosts</A></H3>
- The server machine has one IP address (<SAMP></SAMP>)
- which resolves to the name <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP>.
- If we don't have the option to get another address or alias
- for our server we can use port-based vhosts if we need
- a virtual host with a different configuration.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Listen 80
- Listen 8080
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/domain2
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- A request to <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> on port 80 is served
- from the main server and a request to port 8080 is served from
- the virtual host.
-<H3><A NAME="default">Using <CODE>_default_</CODE> vhosts</A></H3>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 1:</STRONG>
- Catching <EM>every</EM> request to any unspecified IP address and port,
- <EM>i.e.</EM>, an address/port combination that is not used for any other
- virtual host.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- &lt;VirtualHost _default_:*&gt;
- DocumentRoot /www/default
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- Using such a default vhost with a wildcard port effectively
- prevents any request going to the main server.<BR>
- A default vhost never serves a request that was sent to an
- address/port that is used for name-based vhosts. If the request
- contained an unknown or no <CODE>Host:</CODE> header it is
- always served from the primary name-based vhost (the
- vhost for that address/port appearing first in the configuration
- file).<BR>
- You can use
- <A HREF="../mod/mod_alias.html#aliasmatch"><CODE>AliasMatch</CODE></A>
- or
- <A HREF="../mod/mod_rewrite.html#RewriteRule"><CODE>RewriteRule</CODE></A>
- to rewrite any request to a single information page (or script).
- <P>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 2:</STRONG>
- Same as setup 1, but the server listens on several ports and
- we want to use a second <CODE>_default_</CODE> vhost for port 80.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- &lt;VirtualHost _default_:80&gt;
- DocumentRoot /www/default80
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost _default_:*&gt;
- DocumentRoot /www/default
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- The default vhost for port 80 (which <EM>must</EM> appear before
- any default vhost with a wildcard port) catches all requests that
- were sent to an unspecified IP address. The main server is
- never used to serve a request.
- <P>
-<LI><STRONG>Setup 3:</STRONG>
- We want to have a default vhost for port 80, but no other default vhosts.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- &lt;VirtualHost _default_:80&gt;
- DocumentRoot /www/default
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- A request to an unspecified address on port 80 is served from the
- default vhost any other request to an unspecified address and port
- is served from the main server.
-<H3><A NAME="migrate">Migrating a name-based vhost to an IP-based vhost</A></H3>
- The name-based vhost with the hostname
- <SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP> (from our <A HREF="#name">name-based</A>
- example, setup 2) should get its own IP address.
- To avoid problems with name servers or proxies who cached the old
- IP address for the name-based vhost we want to provide both variants
- during a migration phase.<BR>
- The solution is easy, because we can simply add the new IP address
- (<SAMP></SAMP>) to the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- Port 80
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain
- ServerName www.sub.domain.tld
- ServerAlias *.sub.domain.tld
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- The vhost can now be accessed through the new address (as an IP-based
- vhost) and through the old address (as a name-based vhost).
-<H3><A NAME="serverpath">Using the <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directive</A></H3>
- We have a server with two name-based vhosts. In order to match the correct
- virtual host a client must send the correct <CODE>Host:</CODE> header.
- Old HTTP/1.0 clients do not send such a header and Apache has no clue
- what vhost the client tried to reach (and serves the request from
- the primary vhost). To provide as much backward compatibility
- as possible we create a primary vhost which returns a single page
- containing links with an URL prefix to the name-based virtual hosts.
- <P>
- <STRONG>Server configuration:</STRONG>
- ...
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- # primary vhost
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain
- RewriteEngine On
- RewriteRule ^/.* /www/subdomain/index.html
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain/sub1
- ServerName www.sub1.domain.tld
- ServerPath /sub1/
- RewriteEngine On
- RewriteRule ^(/sub1/.*) /www/subdomain$1
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- DocumentRoot /www/subdomain/sub2
- ServerName www.sub2.domain.tld
- ServerPath /sub2/
- RewriteEngine On
- RewriteRule ^(/sub2/.*) /www/subdomain$1
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- </PRE>
- Due to the <A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverpath"><CODE>ServerPath</CODE></A>
- directive a request to the
- URL <SAMP>http://www.sub1.domain.tld/sub1/</SAMP> is <EM>always</EM>
- served from the sub1-vhost. <BR>
- A request to the URL <SAMP>http://www.sub1.domain.tld/</SAMP>
- is only served from the sub1-vhost if the client sent a correct
- <CODE>Host:</CODE> header.
- If no <CODE>Host:</CODE> header is sent the client gets the
- information page from the primary host.<BR>
- Please note that there is one oddity: A request to
- <SAMP>http://www.sub2.domain.tld/sub1/</SAMP> is also served from
- the sub1-vhost if the client sent no <CODE>Host:</CODE> header. <BR>
- The <CODE>RewriteRule</CODE> directives are used to make sure that
- a client which sent a correct <CODE>Host:</CODE> header can use
- both URL variants, <EM>i.e.</EM>, with or without URL prefix.
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Apache Server Virtual Host Support</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">File Descriptor Limits</H1>
-When using a large number of Virtual Hosts, Apache may run out of available
-file descriptors (sometimes called <CITE>file handles</CITE> if each Virtual
-Host specifies different log files.
-The total number of file descriptors used by Apache is one for each distinct
-error log file, one for every other log file directive, plus 10-20 for
-internal use. Unix operating systems limit the number of file descriptors that
-may be used by a process; the limit is typically 64, and may usually be
-increased up to a large hard-limit.
-Although Apache attempts to increase the limit as required, this
-may not work if:
-<LI>Your system does not provide the setrlimit() system call.
-<LI>The setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) call does not function on your system
- (such as Solaris 2.3)
-<LI>The number of file descriptors required exceeds the hard limit.
-<LI>Your system imposes other limits on file descriptors, such as a limit
-on stdio streams only using file descriptors below 256. (Solaris 2)
-In the event of problems you can:
-<LI>Reduce the number of log files; don't specify log files in the VirtualHost
-sections, but only log to the main log files.
-<LI>If you system falls into 1 or 2 (above), then increase the file descriptor
-limit before starting Apache, using a script like
-#!/bin/sh <BR>
-ulimit -S -n 100 <BR>
-exec httpd</CODE></BLOCKQUOTE>
-Please see the
-<A HREF="../misc/descriptors.html">Descriptors and Apache</A>
-document containing further details about file descriptor problems and how
-they can be solved on your operating system.
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
diff --git a/docs/manual/vhosts/fd-limits.html.en b/docs/manual/vhosts/fd-limits.html.en
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-<TITLE>Apache Server Virtual Host Support</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">File Descriptor Limits</H1>
-When using a large number of Virtual Hosts, Apache may run out of available
-file descriptors (sometimes called <CITE>file handles</CITE> if each Virtual
-Host specifies different log files.
-The total number of file descriptors used by Apache is one for each distinct
-error log file, one for every other log file directive, plus 10-20 for
-internal use. Unix operating systems limit the number of file descriptors that
-may be used by a process; the limit is typically 64, and may usually be
-increased up to a large hard-limit.
-Although Apache attempts to increase the limit as required, this
-may not work if:
-<LI>Your system does not provide the setrlimit() system call.
-<LI>The setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) call does not function on your system
- (such as Solaris 2.3)
-<LI>The number of file descriptors required exceeds the hard limit.
-<LI>Your system imposes other limits on file descriptors, such as a limit
-on stdio streams only using file descriptors below 256. (Solaris 2)
-In the event of problems you can:
-<LI>Reduce the number of log files; don't specify log files in the VirtualHost
-sections, but only log to the main log files.
-<LI>If you system falls into 1 or 2 (above), then increase the file descriptor
-limit before starting Apache, using a script like
-#!/bin/sh <BR>
-ulimit -S -n 100 <BR>
-exec httpd</CODE></BLOCKQUOTE>
-Please see the
-<A HREF="../misc/descriptors.html">Descriptors and Apache</A>
-document containing further details about file descriptor problems and how
-they can be solved on your operating system.
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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- Apache HTTP Server Version 2.0
-<A HREF="./"><IMG SRC="../images/index.gif" ALT="Index"></A>
-<A HREF="../"><IMG SRC="../images/home.gif" ALT="Home"></A>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9533b02bda..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- <IMG SRC="../images/sub.gif" ALT="[APACHE DOCUMENTATION]">
- <H3>
- Apache HTTP Server Version 2.0
- </H3>
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-<TITLE>Apache non-IP Virtual Hosts</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Apache non-IP Virtual Hosts</H1>
-<A HREF="virtual-host.html">Virtual Host Support</A>
-<H2>What is a Virtual Host</H2>
-<P>The "Virtual Host" refers to the practice of maintaining more than
-one server on one machine, as differentiated by their apparent
-hostname. For example, it is often desirable for companies sharing a
-web server to have their own domains, with web servers accessible as
-<CODE></CODE> and <CODE></CODE>,
-without requiring the user to know any extra path information.</P>
-<P>Apache was one of the first servers to support virtual hosts right
-out of the box, but since the base <CODE>HTTP</CODE> (HyperText
-Transport Protocol) standard does not allow any method for the server
-to determine the hostname it is being addressed as, Apache's virtual
-host support has required a separate IP address for each
-server. Documentation on using this approach (which still works very
-well) <A HREF="virtual-host.html">is available</A>.
-<P>While the approach described above works, with the available IP
-address space growing smaller, and the number of domains increasing,
-it is not the most elegant solution, and is hard to implement on some
-machines. The <CODE>HTTP/1.1</CODE> protocol contains a method for the
-server to identify what name it is being addressed as. Apache 1.1 and
-later support this approach as well as the traditional
-IP-address-per-hostname method.</P>
-<P>The benefits of using the new virtual host support is a practically
-unlimited number of servers, ease of configuration and use, and
-requires no additional hardware or software. The main disadvantage is
-that the user's browser must support this part of the protocol. The
-latest versions of many browsers (including Netscape Navigator 2.0 and
-later) do, but many browsers, especially older ones, do not. This can
-cause problems, although a possible solution is addressed below.</P>
-<H2>Using non-IP Virtual Hosts</H2>
-<P>Using the new virtual hosts is quite easy, and superficially looks
-like the old method. You simply add to one of the Apache configuration
-files (most likely <CODE>httpd.conf</CODE> or <CODE>srm.conf</CODE>)
-code similar to the following:</P>
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName
- DocumentRoot /usr/web/apache
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-<P>Of course, any additional directives can (and should) be placed
-into the <CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> section. To make this work,
-all that is needed is to make sure that the <CODE></CODE>
-DNS entry points to the same IP address as the main
-server. Optionally, you could simply use that IP address in the
-&lt;VirtualHost&gt; entry.</P>
-<P>Additionally, many servers may wish to be accessible by more than
-one name. For example, the Apache server might want to be accessible
-as <CODE></CODE>, or <CODE></CODE>, assuming
-the IP addresses pointed to the same server. In fact, one might want it
-so that all addresses at <CODE></CODE> were picked up by the
-server. This is possible with the <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE>
-directive, placed inside the &lt;VirtualHost&gt; section. For
- ServerAlias *
-<P>Note that you can use <CODE>*</CODE> and <CODE>?</CODE> as wild-card
-<P>You also might need ServerAlias if you are serving local users who
-do not always include the domain name. For example, if local users are
-familiar with typing "www" or "www.physics" then you will need to add
-<CODE>ServerAlias www www.physics</CODE>. It isn't possible for the
-server to know what domain the client uses for their name resolution
-because the client doesn't provide that information in the request.</P>
-<H2>Security Considerations</H2>
-Apache allows all virtual hosts to be made accessible via the
-<CODE>Host:</CODE> header through all IP interfaces, even those which
-are configured to use different IP interfaces. For example, if the
-configuration for <CODE></CODE> contained a virtual host
-section for <CODE></CODE>, and <CODE></CODE> was
-a separate IP interface, such that
-non-<CODE>Host:</CODE>-header-supporting browsers can use it, as
-before with Apache 1.0. If a request is made to
-<CODE></CODE> and the request includes the header
-<CODE>Host:</CODE>, a page from <CODE></CODE>
-will be sent.
-This is a security concern if you are controlling access to a
-particular server based on IP-layer controls, such as from within a
-firewall or router. Let's say <CODE></CODE> in the above
-example was instead an intra-net server called
-<CODE></CODE>, and the router used by only let
-internal users access <CODE></CODE>. Obviously,
-<CODE>Host:</CODE> header functionality now allows someone who has
-access to <CODE></CODE> to get
-<CODE></CODE>, if they send a <CODE>Host:</CODE> header. It is important to note that this
-condition exists only if you only implement this policy at the IP
-layer - all security controls used by Apache (<EM>i.e.</EM>, <A
-HREF="../mod/mod_access.html">Allow, Deny from,</A> <EM>etc.</EM>) are
-consistently respected.
-<H2>Compatibility with Older Browsers</H2>
-<P>As mentioned earlier, a majority of browsers do not send the
-required data for the new virtual hosts to work properly. These
-browsers will always be sent to the main server's pages. There is a
-workaround, albeit a slightly cumbersome one:</P>
-<P>To continue the <CODE></CODE> example (Note: Apache's
-web server does not actually function in this manner), we might use the
-new <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directive in the <CODE></CODE>
-virtual host, for example:
- ServerPath /apache
-<P>What does this mean? It means that a request for any file beginning
-with "<CODE>/apache</CODE>" will be looked for in the Apache
-docs. This means that the pages can be accessed as
-<CODE></CODE> for all browsers, although
-new browsers can also access it as
-<P>In order to make this work, put a link on your main server's page
-to <CODE></CODE> (Note: Do not use
-<CODE></CODE> - this would create an endless
-loop). Then, in the virtual host's pages, be sure to use either purely
-relative links (<EM>e.g.</EM>, "<CODE>file.html</CODE>" or
-"<CODE>../icons/image.gif</CODE>" or links containing the prefacing
-(<EM>e.g.</EM>, "<CODE></CODE>" or
-<P>This requires a bit of
-discipline, but adherence to these guidelines will, for the most part,
-ensure that your pages will work with all browsers, new and old. When
-a new browser contacts <CODE></CODE>, they will
-be directly taken to the Apache pages. Older browsers will be able to
-click on the link from the main server, go to
-<CODE></CODE>, and then access the
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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deleted file mode 100644
index bb4a0f8931..0000000000
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-<TITLE>Apache Virtual Host documentation</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Apache Virtual Host documentation</H1>
-<P>The term <CITE>Virtual Host</CITE> refers to the practice of maintaining
-more than one server on one machine, as differentiated by their apparent
-hostname. For example, it is often desirable for companies sharing a
-web server to have their own domains, with web servers accessible as
-<SAMP></SAMP> and <SAMP></SAMP>,
-without requiring the user to know any extra path information.</P>
-<P>Apache was one of the first servers to support IP-based
-virtual hosts right out of the box. Versions 1.1 and later of
-Apache support both, IP-based and name-based virtual hosts (vhosts).
-The latter variant of virtual hosts is sometimes also called host-based or
-non-IP virtual hosts.</P>
-<P>Below is a list of documentation pages which explain all details
-of virtual host support in Apache version 1.3 and later.</P>
-<H2>Virtual Host Support</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="name-based.html">Name-based Virtual Hosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="ip-based.html">IP-based Virtual Hosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="examples.html">Virtual Host examples for common setups</A>
-<LI><A HREF="details.html">In-Depth Discussion of Virtual Host Matching</A>
-<LI><A HREF="fd-limits.html">File Descriptor Limits</A>
-<LI><A HREF="mass.html">Dynamically Configured Mass Virtual Hosting</A>
-<H2>Configuration directives</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#virtualhost">&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#namevirtualhost">NameVirtualHost</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#servername">ServerName</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveralias">ServerAlias</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverpath">ServerPath</A>
-<P>Folks trying to debug their virtual host configuration may find the
-Apache <CODE>-S</CODE> command line switch useful. It will dump out a
-description of how Apache parsed the configuration file. Careful
-examination of the IP addresses and server names may help uncover
-configuration mistakes.
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Apache Virtual Host documentation</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Apache Virtual Host documentation</H1>
-<P>The term <CITE>Virtual Host</CITE> refers to the practice of maintaining
-more than one server on one machine, as differentiated by their apparent
-hostname. For example, it is often desirable for companies sharing a
-web server to have their own domains, with web servers accessible as
-<SAMP></SAMP> and <SAMP></SAMP>,
-without requiring the user to know any extra path information.</P>
-<P>Apache was one of the first servers to support IP-based
-virtual hosts right out of the box. Versions 1.1 and later of
-Apache support both, IP-based and name-based virtual hosts (vhosts).
-The latter variant of virtual hosts is sometimes also called host-based or
-non-IP virtual hosts.</P>
-<P>Below is a list of documentation pages which explain all details
-of virtual host support in Apache version 1.3 and later.</P>
-<H2>Virtual Host Support</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="name-based.html">Name-based Virtual Hosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="ip-based.html">IP-based Virtual Hosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="examples.html">Virtual Host examples for common setups</A>
-<LI><A HREF="details.html">In-Depth Discussion of Virtual Host Matching</A>
-<LI><A HREF="fd-limits.html">File Descriptor Limits</A>
-<LI><A HREF="mass.html">Dynamically Configured Mass Virtual Hosting</A>
-<H2>Configuration directives</H2>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#virtualhost">&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#namevirtualhost">NameVirtualHost</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#servername">ServerName</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveralias">ServerAlias</A>
-<LI><A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverpath">ServerPath</A>
-<P>Folks trying to debug their virtual host configuration may find the
-Apache <CODE>-S</CODE> command line switch useful. It will dump out a
-description of how Apache parsed the configuration file. Careful
-examination of the IP addresses and server names may help uncover
-configuration mistakes.
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
diff --git a/docs/manual/vhosts/ip-based.html b/docs/manual/vhosts/ip-based.html
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-<TITLE>Apache IP-based Virtual Host Support</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Apache IP-based Virtual Host Support</H1>
-<STRONG>See also:</STRONG>
-<A HREF="name-based.html">Name-based Virtual Hosts Support</A>
-<H2>System requirements</H2>
-As the term <CITE>IP-based</CITE> indicates, the server <STRONG>must have a
-different IP address for each IP-based virtual host</STRONG>.
-This can be achieved by the machine having several physical network connections,
-or by use of virtual interfaces which are supported by most modern
-operating systems (see system documentation for details, these are
-frequently called "ip aliases", and the "ifconfig" command
-is most commonly used to set them up).
-<H2>How to set up Apache</H2>
-There are two ways of configuring apache to support multiple hosts.
-Either by running a separate httpd daemon for each hostname, or by running a
-single daemon which supports all the virtual hosts.
-Use multiple daemons when:
-<LI>There are security partitioning issues, such as company1 does not want
- anyone at company2 to be able to read their data except via the web.
- In this case you would need two daemons, each running with different
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#user">User</A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#group">Group</A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#listen">Listen</A>, and
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverroot">ServerRoot</A> settings.
-<LI>You can afford the memory and
- <A HREF="../misc/descriptors.html">file descriptor requirements</A> of
- listening to every IP alias on the machine. It's only possible to
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#listen">Listen</A>
- to the "wildcard" address, or to specific addresses. So if you have
- a need to listen to a specific address for whatever reason, then you
- will need to listen to all specific addresses. (Although one httpd
- could listen to N-1 of the addresses, and another could listen to
- the remaining address.)
-Use a single daemon when:
-<LI>Sharing of the httpd configuration between virtual hosts is acceptable.
-<LI>The machine services a large number of requests, and so the performance
- loss in running separate daemons may be significant.
-<H2>Setting up multiple daemons</H2>
-Create a separate httpd installation for each virtual host.
-For each installation, use the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#listen">Listen</A> directive in the configuration
-file to select which IP address (or virtual host) that daemon services.
- Listen
-It is recommended that you use an IP address instead of a hostname
-(see <A HREF="../dns-caveats.html">DNS caveats</A>).
-<H2>Setting up a single daemon with virtual hosts</H2>
-For this case, a single httpd will service requests for the main server
-and all the virtual hosts.
-The <A HREF="../mod/core.html#virtualhost">VirtualHost</A> directive in the
- configuration file is used to set the values of
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveradmin">ServerAdmin</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#servername">ServerName</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#documentroot">DocumentRoot</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#errorlog">ErrorLog</A> and
-<A HREF="../mod/mod_log_config.html#transferlog">TransferLog</A> or
-<A HREF="../mod/mod_log_config.html#customlog">CustomLog</A>
-configuration directives to different values for each virtual host.
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerAdmin
- DocumentRoot /groups/smallco/www
- ServerName
- ErrorLog /groups/smallco/logs/error_log
- TransferLog /groups/smallco/logs/access_log
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerAdmin
- DocumentRoot /groups/baygroup/www
- ServerName
- ErrorLog /groups/baygroup/logs/error_log
- TransferLog /groups/baygroup/logs/access_log
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-It is recommended that you use an IP address instead of a hostname
-(see <A HREF="../dns-caveats.html">DNS caveats</A>).
-Almost <STRONG>any</STRONG> configuration directive can be put in the
-VirtualHost directive, with the exception of directives that control
-process creation and a few other directives. To find out if a
-directive can be used in the VirtualHost directive, check the
-<A HREF="../mod/directive-dict.html#Context">Context</A> using the
-<A HREF="../mod/directives.html">directive index</A>.
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#user">User</A> and
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#group">Group</A> may be used inside a VirtualHost
-directive if the <A HREF="../suexec.html">suEXEC wrapper</A> is used.
-<EM>SECURITY:</EM> When specifying where to write log files, be aware
-of some security risks which are present if anyone other than the
-user that starts Apache has write access to the directory where they
-are written. See the <A HREF="../misc/security_tips.html">security
-tips</A> document for details.
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Dynamically configured mass virtual hosting</TITLE>
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-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Dynamically configured mass virtual hosting</H1>
-<P>This document describes how to efficiently serve an arbitrary number
-of virtual hosts with Apache 1.3.
-Written by Tony Finch ( (
-Some examples were derived from Ralf S. Engleschall's document
-Some suggestions were made by Brian Behlendorf.
-<H2><A NAME="contents">Contents:</A></H2>
-<LI><A HREF="#motivation">Motivation</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#overview">Overview</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#simple">Simple dynamic virtual hosts</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#homepages">A virtually hosted homepages system</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#combinations">Using more than one virtual hosting system on the same server</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#ipbased">More efficient IP-based virtual hosting</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#oldversion">Using older versions of Apache</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#simple.rewrite">Simple dynamic virtual hosts using <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE></A>
-<LI><A HREF="#homepages.rewrite">A homepages system using <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE></A>
-<LI><A HREF="#xtra-conf">Using a separate virtual host configuration file</A>
-<HR><H2><A NAME="motivation">Motivation</A></H2>
-<P>The techniques described here are of interest if your
-<CODE>httpd.conf</CODE> contains many
-<CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> sections that are substantially the
-same, for example:
- ServerName
- DocumentRoot /www/hosts/
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/hosts/
- ServerName
- DocumentRoot /www/hosts/
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/hosts/
-# blah blah blah
- ServerName
- DocumentRoot /www/hosts/
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/hosts/
-<P>The basic idea is to replace all of the static
-<CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> configuration with a mechanism that
-works it out dynamically. This has a number of advantages:
- <LI>Your configuration file is smaller so Apache starts faster and
- uses less memory.
- <LI>Adding virtual hosts is simply a matter of creating the
- appropriate directories in the filesystem and entries in the DNS -
- you don't need to reconfigure or restart Apache.
-<P>The main disadvantage is that you cannot have a different log file
-for each virtual host; however if you have very many virtual hosts
-then doing this is dubious anyway because it eats file descriptors. It
-is better to log to a pipe or a fifo and arrange for the process at
-the other end to distribute the logs to the customers (it can also
-accumulate statistics, etc.).</P>
-<HR><H2><A NAME="overview">Overview</A></H2>
-<P>A virtual host is defined by two pieces of information: its IP
-address, and the contents of the <CODE>Host:</CODE> header in the HTTP
-request. The dynamic mass virtual hosting technique is based on
-automatically inserting this information into the pathname of the file
-that is used to satisfy the request. This is done most easily using
-<A HREF="../mod/mod_vhost_alias.html"><CODE>mod_vhost_alias</CODE></A>,
-but if you are using a version of Apache up to 1.3.6 then you must use
-<A HREF="../mod/mod_rewrite.html"><CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE></A>. Both
-of these modules are disabled by default; you must enable one of them
-when configuring and building Apache if you want to use this technique.</P>
-<P>A couple of things need to be `faked' to make the dynamic virtual
-host look like a normal one. The most important is the server name
-which is used by Apache to generate self-referential URLs, etc. It
-is configured with the <CODE>ServerName</CODE> directive, and it is
-available to CGIs via the <CODE>SERVER_NAME</CODE> environment
-variable. The actual value used at run time is controlled by the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#usecanonicalname"><CODE>UseCanonicalName</CODE></A>
-setting. With <CODE>UseCanonicalName Off</CODE> the server name
-comes from the contents of the <CODE>Host:</CODE> header in the
-request. With <CODE>UseCanonicalName DNS</CODE> it comes from a
-reverse DNS lookup of the virtual host's IP address. The former
-setting is used for name-based dynamic virtual hosting, and the latter
-is used for IP-based hosting. If Apache cannot work out the server
-name because there is no <CODE>Host:</CODE> header or the DNS lookup
-fails then the value configured with <CODE>ServerName</CODE> is used
-<P>The other thing to `fake' is the document root (configured
-with <CODE>DocumentRoot</CODE> and available to CGIs via the
-<CODE>DOCUMENT_ROOT</CODE> environment variable). In a normal
-configuration this setting is used by the core module when mapping
-URIs to filenames, but when the server is configured to do dynamic
-virtual hosting that job is taken over by another module (either
-<CODE>mod_vhost_alias</CODE> or <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE>) which has
-a different way of doing the mapping. Neither of these modules is
-responsible for setting the <CODE>DOCUMENT_ROOT</CODE> environment
-variable so if any CGIs or SSI documents make use of it they will
-get a misleading value.</P>
-<HR><H2><A NAME="simple">Simple dynamic virtual hosts</A></H2>
-<P>This extract from <CODE>httpd.conf</CODE> implements the virtual
-host arrangement outlined in the <A HREF="#motivation">Motivation</A>
-section above, but in a generic fashion using
-# get the server name from the Host: header
-UseCanonicalName Off
-# this log format can be split per-virtual-host based on the first field
-LogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b" vcommon
-CustomLog logs/access_log vcommon
-# include the server name in the filenames used to satisfy requests
-VirtualDocumentRoot /www/hosts/%0/docs
-VirtualScriptAlias /www/hosts/%0/cgi-bin
-<P>This configuration can be changed into an IP-based virtual hosting
-solution by just turning <CODE>UseCanonicalName Off</CODE> into
-<CODE>UseCanonicalName DNS</CODE>. The server name that is inserted
-into the filename is then derived from the IP address of the virtual
-<HR><H2><A NAME="homepages">A virtually hosted homepages system</A></H2>
-<P>This is an adjustment of the above system tailored for an ISP's
-homepages server. Using a slightly more complicated configuration we
-can select substrings of the server name to use in the filename so
-that e.g. the documents for <SAMP></SAMP> are found in
-<CODE>/home/user/</CODE>. It uses a single <CODE>cgi-bin</CODE>
-directory instead of one per virtual host.</P>
-# all the preliminary stuff is the same as above, then
-# include part of the server name in the filenames
-VirtualDocumentRoot /www/hosts/%2/docs
-# single cgi-bin directory
-ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/std-cgi/
-<P>There are examples of more complicated
-<CODE>VirtualDocumentRoot</CODE> settings in
-<A HREF="../mod/mod_vhost_alias.html">the
-<CODE>mod_vhost_alias</CODE> documentation</A>.</P>
-<HR><H2><A NAME="combinations">Using more than one virtual hosting
-system on the same server</A></H2>
-<P>With more complicated setups you can use Apache's normal
-<CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> directives to control the scope of
-the various virtual hosting configurations. For example, you could
-have one IP address for homepages customers and another for commercial
-customers with the following setup. This can of course be combined
-with conventional <CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> configuration
-UseCanonicalName Off
-LogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b" vcommon
-&lt;Directory /www/commercial&gt;
- Options FollowSymLinks
- AllowOverride All
-&lt;Directory /www/homepages&gt;
- Options FollowSymLinks
- AllowOverride None
- ServerName
- CustomLog logs/access_log.commercial vcommon
- VirtualDocumentRoot /www/commercial/%0/docs
- VirtualScriptAlias /www/commercial/%0/cgi-bin
- ServerName
- CustomLog logs/access_log.homepages vcommon
- VirtualDocumentRoot /www/homepages/%0/docs
- ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/std-cgi/
-<HR><H2><A NAME="ipbased">More efficient IP-based virtual hosting</A></H2>
-<P>After <A HREF="#simple">the first example</A> I noted that it is
-easy to turn it into an IP-based virtual hosting setup. Unfortunately
-that configuration is not very efficient because it requires a DNS
-lookup for every request. This can be avoided by laying out the
-filesystem according to the IP addresses themselves rather than the
-corresponding names and changing the logging similarly. Apache will
-then usually not need to work out the server name and so incur a DNS
-# get the server name from the reverse DNS of the IP address
-UseCanonicalName DNS
-# include the IP address in the logs so they may be split
-LogFormat "%A %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b" vcommon
-CustomLog logs/access_log vcommon
-# include the IP address in the filenames
-VirtualDocumentRootIP /www/hosts/%0/docs
-VirtualScriptAliasIP /www/hosts/%0/cgi-bin
-<HR><H2><A NAME="oldversion">Using older versions of Apache</A></H2>
-<P>The examples above rely on <CODE>mod_vhost_alias</CODE> which
-appeared after version 1.3.6. If you are using a version of Apache
-without <CODE>mod_vhost_alias</CODE> then you can implement this
-technique with <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE> as illustrated below, but
-only for Host:-header-based virtual hosts.</P>
-<P>In addition there are some things to beware of with logging. Apache
-1.3.6 is the first version to include the <CODE>%V</CODE> log format
-directive; in versions 1.3.0 - 1.3.3 the <CODE>%v</CODE> option did
-what <CODE>%V</CODE> does; version 1.3.4 has no equivalent. In
-all these versions of Apache the <CODE>UseCanonicalName</CODE>
-directive can appear in <CODE>.htaccess</CODE> files which means that
-customers can cause the wrong thing to be logged. Therefore the best
-thing to do is use the <CODE>%{Host}i</CODE> directive which logs the
-<CODE>Host:</CODE> header directly; note that this may include
-<CODE>:port</CODE> on the end which is not the case for
-<HR><H2><A NAME="simple.rewrite">Simple dynamic virtual hosts
-using <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE></A></H2>
-<P>This extract from <CODE>httpd.conf</CODE> does the same thing as
-<A HREF="#simple">the first example</A>. The first half is very
-similar to the corresponding part above but with some changes for
-backward compatibility and to make the <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE> part
-work properly; the second half configures <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE> to
-do the actual work.</P>
-<P>There are a couple of especially tricky bits: By default,
-<CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE> runs before the other URI translation modules
-(<CODE>mod_alias</CODE> etc.) so if they are used then
-<CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE> must be configured to accommodate them.
-Also, mome magic must be performed to do a per-dynamic-virtual-host
-equivalent of <CODE>ScriptAlias</CODE>.</P>
-# get the server name from the Host: header
-UseCanonicalName Off
-# splittable logs
-LogFormat "%{Host}i %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b" vcommon
-CustomLog logs/access_log vcommon
-&lt;Directory /www/hosts&gt;
- # ExecCGI is needed here because we can't force
- # CGI execution in the way that ScriptAlias does
- Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
-# now for the hard bit
-RewriteEngine On
-# a ServerName derived from a Host: header may be any case at all
-RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
-## deal with normal documents first:
-# allow Alias /icons/ to work - repeat for other aliases
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
-# allow CGIs to work
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/cgi-bin/
-# do the magic
-RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /www/hosts/${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}}/docs/$1
-## and now deal with CGIs - we have to force a MIME type
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/cgi-bin/
-RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /www/hosts/${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}}/cgi-bin/$1 [T=application/x-httpd-cgi]
-# that's it!
-<HR><H2><A NAME="homepages.rewrite">A homepages system
-using <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE></A></H2>
-<P>This does the same thing as <A HREF="#homepages">the
-second example</A>.</P>
-RewriteEngine on
-RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
-# allow CGIs to work
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/cgi-bin/
-# check the hostname is right so that the RewriteRule works
-RewriteCond ${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}} ^www\.[a-z-]+\.isp\.com$
-# concatenate the virtual host name onto the start of the URI
-# the [C] means do the next rewrite on the result of this one
-RewriteRule ^(.+) ${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}}$1 [C]
-# now create the real file name
-RewriteRule ^www\.([a-z-]+)\.isp\.com/(.*) /home/$1/$2
-# define the global CGI directory
-ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/std-cgi/
-<HR><H2><A NAME="xtra-conf">Using a separate virtual host configuration file</A></H2>
-<P>This arrangement uses more advanced <CODE>mod_rewrite</CODE>
-features to get the translation from virtual host to document root
-from a separate configuration file. This provides more flexibility but
-requires more complicated configuration.</P>
-<P>The <CODE></CODE> file contains something like this:
-<PRE> /www/customers/1 /www/customers/2
-# ... /www/customers/N
-<P>The <CODE>http.conf</CODE> contains this:
-RewriteEngine on
-RewriteMap lowercase int:tolower
-# define the map file
-RewriteMap vhost txt:/www/conf/
-# deal with aliases as above
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/cgi-bin/
-RewriteCond ${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}} ^(.+)$
-# this does the file-based remap
-RewriteCond ${vhost:%1} ^(/.*)$
-RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ %1/docs/$1
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/cgi-bin/
-RewriteCond ${lowercase:%{SERVER_NAME}} ^(.+)$
-RewriteCond ${vhost:%1} ^(/.*)$
-RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ %1/cgi-bin/$1
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Apache name-based Virtual Hosts</TITLE>
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- ALINK="#FF0000"
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-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Apache name-based Virtual Host Support</H1>
-<A HREF="ip-based.html">IP-based Virtual Host Support</A>
-<H2>Name-based vs. IP-based virtual hosts</H2>
-<P>Early versions of HTTP (like many other protocols, e.g. FTP)
-required a different IP address for each virtual host on the server.
-On some platforms this can limit the number of virtual hosts you can
-run, and because there are concerns about the availability of IP
-addresses it is strongly discouraged by the registraries (ARIN, RIPE,
-and APNIC).</P>
-<P>The <CODE>HTTP/1.1</CODE> protocol, and a common extension to
-<CODE>HTTP/1.0</CODE>, includes a method for the server to identify
-what name it is being addressed as. Apache 1.1 and later support this
-approach as well as the old IP-address-per-hostname method.</P>
-<P>The benefits of using the name-based virtual hosts is a practically
-unlimited number of servers, ease of configuration and use, and it
-requires no additional hardware or software. The main disadvantage is
-that the client must support this part of the protocol. Almost all
-browsers do, but there are still tiny numbers of very old browsers in
-use which do not. This can cause problems, although a possible
-solution is addressed below.</P>
-<H2>Using name-based virtual hosts</H2>
-<P>Using name-based virtual hosts is quite easy, and superficially looks
-like the old method. The notable difference between IP-based and
-name-based virtual host configuration is the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#namevirtualhost"><CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE></A>
-directive which specifies an IP address that should be used as a
-target for name-based virtual hosts, or the wildcard <CODE>*</CODE> to
-indicate that the server only does name-based virtual hosting (no
-IP-based virtual hosting).</P>
-<P>For example, suppose that both <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> and
-<SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP> point at the IP address of your
-server. Then you simply add to one of the Apache configuration files
-(most likely <CODE>httpd.conf</CODE> or <CODE>srm.conf</CODE>) code
-similar to the following:</P>
- NameVirtualHost *
- &lt;VirtualHost *&gt;
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost *&gt;
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-<P>Of course, any additional directives can (and should) be placed
-into the <CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> section. To make this work,
-all that is needed is to make sure that the names
-<SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> and <SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP>
-are pointing to the right IP address.
-<P>Note: When you specify an IP address in a <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE>
-directive then requests to that IP address will only ever be served
-by matching &lt;VirtualHost&gt;s. The "main server" will
-<STRONG>never</STRONG> be served from the specified IP address.
-If you specify a wildcard then the "main server" isn't used at all.
-If you start to use virtual hosts you should stop using the "main server"
-as an independent server and rather use it as a place for
-configuration directives that are common for all your virtual hosts.
-In other words, you should add a &lt;VirtualHost&gt; section for
-<EM>every</EM> server (hostname) you want to maintain on your server.
-<P>Additionally, many servers may wish to be accessible by more than
-one name. For example, the example server might want to be accessible
-as <CODE>domain.tld</CODE>, or <CODE>www2.domain.tld</CODE>, assuming
-the IP addresses pointed to the same server. In fact, one might want it
-so that all addresses at <CODE>domain.tld</CODE> were picked up by the
-server. This is possible with the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveralias"><CODE>ServerAlias</CODE></A>
-directive, placed inside the &lt;VirtualHost&gt; section. For
- ServerAlias domain.tld *.domain.tld
-<P>Note that you can use <CODE>*</CODE> and <CODE>?</CODE> as wild-card
-<P>You also might need <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> if you are
-serving local users who do not always include the domain name.
-For example, if local users are
-familiar with typing "www" or "www.foobar" then you will need to add
-<CODE>ServerAlias www www.foobar</CODE>. It isn't possible for the
-server to know what domain the client uses for their name resolution
-because the client doesn't provide that information in the request.
-The <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> directive is generally a way to have different
-hostnames pointing to the same virtual host.
-<H2>Compatibility with Older Browsers</H2>
-<P>As mentioned earlier, there are still some clients in use who
-do not send the required data for the name-based virtual hosts to work
-properly. These clients will always be sent the pages from the
-first virtual host listed for that IP address (the
-<CITE>primary</CITE> name-based virtual host).</P>
-<P>There is a possible workaround with the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverpath"><CODE>ServerPath</CODE></A>
-directive, albeit a slightly cumbersome one:</P>
-<P>Example configuration:
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- ServerPath /domain
- DocumentRoot /web/domain
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-<P>What does this mean? It means that a request for any URI beginning
-with "<SAMP>/domain</SAMP>" will be served from the virtual host
-<SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> This means that the pages can be accessed as
-<CODE>http://www.domain.tld/domain/</CODE> for all clients, although
-clients sending a <SAMP>Host:</SAMP> header can also access it as
-<P>In order to make this work, put a link on your primary virtual host's page
-to <SAMP>http://www.domain.tld/domain/</SAMP>
-Then, in the virtual host's pages, be sure to use either purely
-relative links (<EM>e.g.</EM>, "<SAMP>file.html</SAMP>" or
-"<SAMP>../icons/image.gif</SAMP>" or links containing the prefacing
-(<EM>e.g.</EM>, "<SAMP>http://www.domain.tld/domain/misc/file.html</SAMP>" or
-<P>This requires a bit of
-discipline, but adherence to these guidelines will, for the most part,
-ensure that your pages will work with all browsers, new and old.</P>
-<P>See also: <A HREF="examples.html#serverpath">ServerPath configuration
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Apache name-based Virtual Hosts</TITLE>
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-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Apache name-based Virtual Host Support</H1>
-<A HREF="ip-based.html">IP-based Virtual Host Support</A>
-<H2>Name-based vs. IP-based virtual hosts</H2>
-<P>Early versions of HTTP (like many other protocols, e.g. FTP)
-required a different IP address for each virtual host on the server.
-On some platforms this can limit the number of virtual hosts you can
-run, and because there are concerns about the availability of IP
-addresses it is strongly discouraged by the registraries (ARIN, RIPE,
-and APNIC).</P>
-<P>The <CODE>HTTP/1.1</CODE> protocol, and a common extension to
-<CODE>HTTP/1.0</CODE>, includes a method for the server to identify
-what name it is being addressed as. Apache 1.1 and later support this
-approach as well as the old IP-address-per-hostname method.</P>
-<P>The benefits of using the name-based virtual hosts is a practically
-unlimited number of servers, ease of configuration and use, and it
-requires no additional hardware or software. The main disadvantage is
-that the client must support this part of the protocol. Almost all
-browsers do, but there are still tiny numbers of very old browsers in
-use which do not. This can cause problems, although a possible
-solution is addressed below.</P>
-<H2>Using name-based virtual hosts</H2>
-<P>Using name-based virtual hosts is quite easy, and superficially looks
-like the old method. The notable difference between IP-based and
-name-based virtual host configuration is the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#namevirtualhost"><CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE></A>
-directive which specifies an IP address that should be used as a
-target for name-based virtual hosts, or the wildcard <CODE>*</CODE> to
-indicate that the server only does name-based virtual hosting (no
-IP-based virtual hosting).</P>
-<P>For example, suppose that both <SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> and
-<SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP> point at the IP address of your
-server. Then you simply add to one of the Apache configuration files
-(most likely <CODE>httpd.conf</CODE> or <CODE>srm.conf</CODE>) code
-similar to the following:</P>
- NameVirtualHost *
- &lt;VirtualHost *&gt;
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/domain
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost *&gt;
- ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
- DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-<P>Of course, any additional directives can (and should) be placed
-into the <CODE>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</CODE> section. To make this work,
-all that is needed is to make sure that the names
-<SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> and <SAMP>www.otherdomain.tld</SAMP>
-are pointing to the right IP address.
-<P>Note: When you specify an IP address in a <CODE>NameVirtualHost</CODE>
-directive then requests to that IP address will only ever be served
-by matching &lt;VirtualHost&gt;s. The "main server" will
-<STRONG>never</STRONG> be served from the specified IP address.
-If you specify a wildcard then the "main server" isn't used at all.
-If you start to use virtual hosts you should stop using the "main server"
-as an independent server and rather use it as a place for
-configuration directives that are common for all your virtual hosts.
-In other words, you should add a &lt;VirtualHost&gt; section for
-<EM>every</EM> server (hostname) you want to maintain on your server.
-<P>Additionally, many servers may wish to be accessible by more than
-one name. For example, the example server might want to be accessible
-as <CODE>domain.tld</CODE>, or <CODE>www2.domain.tld</CODE>, assuming
-the IP addresses pointed to the same server. In fact, one might want it
-so that all addresses at <CODE>domain.tld</CODE> were picked up by the
-server. This is possible with the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveralias"><CODE>ServerAlias</CODE></A>
-directive, placed inside the &lt;VirtualHost&gt; section. For
- ServerAlias domain.tld *.domain.tld
-<P>Note that you can use <CODE>*</CODE> and <CODE>?</CODE> as wild-card
-<P>You also might need <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> if you are
-serving local users who do not always include the domain name.
-For example, if local users are
-familiar with typing "www" or "www.foobar" then you will need to add
-<CODE>ServerAlias www www.foobar</CODE>. It isn't possible for the
-server to know what domain the client uses for their name resolution
-because the client doesn't provide that information in the request.
-The <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> directive is generally a way to have different
-hostnames pointing to the same virtual host.
-<H2>Compatibility with Older Browsers</H2>
-<P>As mentioned earlier, there are still some clients in use who
-do not send the required data for the name-based virtual hosts to work
-properly. These clients will always be sent the pages from the
-first virtual host listed for that IP address (the
-<CITE>primary</CITE> name-based virtual host).</P>
-<P>There is a possible workaround with the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverpath"><CODE>ServerPath</CODE></A>
-directive, albeit a slightly cumbersome one:</P>
-<P>Example configuration:
- NameVirtualHost
- &lt;VirtualHost;
- ServerName www.domain.tld
- ServerPath /domain
- DocumentRoot /web/domain
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-<P>What does this mean? It means that a request for any URI beginning
-with "<SAMP>/domain</SAMP>" will be served from the virtual host
-<SAMP>www.domain.tld</SAMP> This means that the pages can be accessed as
-<CODE>http://www.domain.tld/domain/</CODE> for all clients, although
-clients sending a <SAMP>Host:</SAMP> header can also access it as
-<P>In order to make this work, put a link on your primary virtual host's page
-to <SAMP>http://www.domain.tld/domain/</SAMP>
-Then, in the virtual host's pages, be sure to use either purely
-relative links (<EM>e.g.</EM>, "<SAMP>file.html</SAMP>" or
-"<SAMP>../icons/image.gif</SAMP>" or links containing the prefacing
-(<EM>e.g.</EM>, "<SAMP>http://www.domain.tld/domain/misc/file.html</SAMP>" or
-<P>This requires a bit of
-discipline, but adherence to these guidelines will, for the most part,
-ensure that your pages will work with all browsers, new and old.</P>
-<P>See also: <A HREF="examples.html#serverpath">ServerPath configuration
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>An In-Depth Discussion of VirtualHost Matching</TITLE>
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-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">An In-Depth Discussion of VirtualHost Matching</H1>
-<P>This is a very rough document that was probably out of date the moment
-it was written. It attempts to explain exactly what the code does when
-deciding what virtual host to serve a hit from. It's provided on the
-assumption that something is better than nothing. The server version
-under discussion is Apache 1.2.
-<P>If you just want to &quot;make it work&quot; without understanding
-how, there's a <A HREF="#whatworks">What Works</A> section at the bottom.
-<H3>Config File Parsing</H3>
-<P>There is a main_server which consists of all the definitions appearing
-outside of <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> sections. There are virtual servers,
-called <EM>vhosts</EM>, which are defined by
- HREF="../mod/core.html#virtualhost"
-<P>The directives
- HREF="../mod/core.html#port"
- HREF="../mod/core.html#servername"
- HREF="../mod/core.html#serverpath"
- HREF="../mod/core.html#serveralias"
-can appear anywhere within the definition of
-a server. However, each appearance overrides the previous appearance
-(within that server).
-<P>The default value of the <CODE>Port</CODE> field for main_server
-is 80. The main_server has no default <CODE>ServerName</CODE>,
-<CODE>ServerPath</CODE>, or <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE>.
-<P>In the absence of any
- HREF="../mod/core.html#listen"
-directives, the (final if there
-are multiple) <CODE>Port</CODE> directive in the main_server indicates
-which port httpd will listen on.
-<P> The <CODE>Port</CODE> and <CODE>ServerName</CODE> directives for
-any server main or virtual are used when generating URLs such as during
-<P> Each address appearing in the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive
-can have an optional port. If the port is unspecified it defaults to
-the value of the main_server's most recent <CODE>Port</CODE> statement.
-The special port <SAMP>*</SAMP> indicates a wildcard that matches any port.
-Collectively the entire set of addresses (including multiple
-<SAMP>A</SAMP> record
-results from DNS lookups) are called the vhost's <EM>address set</EM>.
-<P> The magic <CODE>_default_</CODE> address has significance during
-the matching algorithm. It essentially matches any unspecified address.
-<P> After parsing the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive, the vhost server
-is given a default <CODE>Port</CODE> equal to the port assigned to the
-first name in its <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive. The complete
-list of names in the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive are treated
-just like a <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> (but are not overridden by any
-<CODE>ServerAlias</CODE> statement). Note that subsequent <CODE>Port</CODE>
-statements for this vhost will not affect the ports assigned in the
-address set.
-All vhosts are stored in a list which is in the reverse order that
-they appeared in the config file. For example, if the config file is:
- &lt;VirtualHost A&gt;
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost B&gt;
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
- &lt;VirtualHost C&gt;
- ...
- &lt;/VirtualHost&gt;
-Then the list will be ordered: main_server, C, B, A. Keep this in mind.
-After parsing has completed, the list of servers is scanned, and various
-merges and default values are set. In particular:
-<LI>If a vhost has no
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#serveradmin"
- ><CODE>ServerAdmin</CODE></A>,
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#resourceconfig"
- ><CODE>ResourceConfig</CODE></A>,
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#accessconfig"
- ><CODE>AccessConfig</CODE></A>,
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#timeout"
- ><CODE>Timeout</CODE></A>,
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#keepalivetimeout"
- ><CODE>KeepAliveTimeout</CODE></A>,
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#keepalive"
- ><CODE>KeepAlive</CODE></A>,
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#maxkeepaliverequests"
- ><CODE>MaxKeepAliveRequests</CODE></A>,
- or
- <A
- HREF="../mod/core.html#sendbuffersize"
- ><CODE>SendBufferSize</CODE></A>
- directive then the respective value is
- inherited from the main_server. (That is, inherited from whatever
- the final setting of that value is in the main_server.)
-<LI>The &quot;lookup defaults&quot; that define the default directory
- permissions
- for a vhost are merged with those of the main server. This includes
- any per-directory configuration information for any module.
-<LI>The per-server configs for each module from the main_server are
- merged into the vhost server.
-Essentially, the main_server is treated as &quot;defaults&quot; or a
-&quot;base&quot; on
-which to build each vhost. But the positioning of these main_server
-definitions in the config file is largely irrelevant -- the entire
-config of the main_server has been parsed when this final merging occurs.
-So even if a main_server definition appears after a vhost definition
-it might affect the vhost definition.
-<P> If the main_server has no <CODE>ServerName</CODE> at this point,
-then the hostname of the machine that httpd is running on is used
-instead. We will call the <EM>main_server address set</EM> those IP
-addresses returned by a DNS lookup on the <CODE>ServerName</CODE> of
-the main_server.
-<P> Now a pass is made through the vhosts to fill in any missing
-<CODE>ServerName</CODE> fields and to classify the vhost as either
-an <EM>IP-based</EM> vhost or a <EM>name-based</EM> vhost. A vhost is
-considered a name-based vhost if any of its address set overlaps the
-main_server (the port associated with each address must match the
-main_server's <CODE>Port</CODE>). Otherwise it is considered an IP-based
-<P> For any undefined <CODE>ServerName</CODE> fields, a name-based vhost
-defaults to the address given first in the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
-statement defining the vhost. Any vhost that includes the magic
-<SAMP>_default_</SAMP> wildcard is given the same <CODE>ServerName</CODE> as
-the main_server. Otherwise the vhost (which is necessarily an IP-based
-vhost) is given a <CODE>ServerName</CODE> based on the result of a reverse
-DNS lookup on the first address given in the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
-<H3>Vhost Matching</H3>
-<P><STRONG>Apache 1.3 differs from what is documented
-here, and documentation still has to be written.</STRONG>
-The server determines which vhost to use for a request as follows:
-<P> <CODE>find_virtual_server</CODE>: When the connection is first made
-by the client, the local IP address (the IP address to which the client
-connected) is looked up in the server list. A vhost is matched if it
-is an IP-based vhost, the IP address matches and the port matches
-(taking into account wildcards).
-<P> If no vhosts are matched then the last occurrence, if it appears,
-of a <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> address (which if you recall the ordering of the
-server list mentioned above means that this would be the first occurrence
-of <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> in the config file) is matched.
-<P> In any event, if nothing above has matched, then the main_server is
-<P> The vhost resulting from the above search is stored with data
-about the connection. We'll call this the <EM>connection vhost</EM>.
-The connection vhost is constant over all requests in a particular TCP/IP
-session -- that is, over all requests in a KeepAlive/persistent session.
-<P> For each request made on the connection the following sequence of
-events further determines the actual vhost that will be used to serve
-the request.
-<P> <CODE>check_fulluri</CODE>: If the requestURI is an absoluteURI, that
-is it includes <CODE>http://hostname/</CODE>, then an attempt is made to
-determine if the hostname's address (and optional port) match that of
-the connection vhost. If it does then the hostname portion of the URI
-is saved as the <EM>request_hostname</EM>. If it does not match, then the
-URI remains untouched. <STRONG>Note</STRONG>: to achieve this address
-the hostname supplied goes through a DNS lookup unless it matches the
-<CODE>ServerName</CODE> or the local IP address of the client's socket.
-<P> <CODE>parse_uri</CODE>: If the URI begins with a protocol
-(<EM>i.e.</EM>, <CODE>http:</CODE>, <CODE>ftp:</CODE>) then the request is
-considered a proxy request. Note that even though we may have stripped
-an <CODE>http://hostname/</CODE> in the previous step, this could still
-be a proxy request.
-<P> <CODE>read_request</CODE>: If the request does not have a hostname
-from the earlier step, then any <CODE>Host:</CODE> header sent by the
-client is used as the request hostname.
-<P> <CODE>check_hostalias</CODE>: If the request now has a hostname,
-then an attempt is made to match for this hostname. The first step
-of this match is to compare any port, if one was given in the request,
-against the <CODE>Port</CODE> field of the connection vhost. If there's
-a mismatch then the vhost used for the request is the connection vhost.
-(This is a bug, see observations.)
-If the port matches, then httpd scans the list of vhosts starting with
-the next server <STRONG>after</STRONG> the connection vhost. This scan does not
-stop if there are any matches, it goes through all possible vhosts,
-and in the end uses the last match it found. The comparisons performed
-are as follows:
-<LI>Compare the request hostname:port with the vhost
- <CODE>ServerName</CODE> and <CODE>Port</CODE>.
-<LI>Compare the request hostname against any and all addresses given in
- the <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE> directive for this vhost.
-<LI>Compare the request hostname against the <CODE>ServerAlias</CODE>
- given for the vhost.
-<CODE>check_serverpath</CODE>: If the request has no hostname
-(back up a few paragraphs) then a scan similar to the one
-in <CODE>check_hostalias</CODE> is performed to match any
-<CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directives given in the vhosts. Note that the
-<STRONG>last match</STRONG> is used regardless (again consider the ordering of
-the virtual hosts).
-<LI>It is difficult to define an IP-based vhost for the machine's
- &quot;main IP address&quot;. You essentially have to create a bogus
- <CODE>ServerName</CODE> for the main_server that does not match the
- machine's IPs.
- <P>
-<LI>During the scans in both <CODE>check_hostalias</CODE> and
- <CODE>check_serverpath</CODE> no check is made that the vhost being
- scanned is actually a name-based vhost. This means, for example, that
- it's possible to match an IP-based vhost through another address. But
- because the scan starts in the vhost list at the first vhost that
- matched the local IP address of the connection, not all IP-based vhosts
- can be matched.
- <P>
- Consider the config file above with three vhosts A, B, C. Suppose
- that B is a named-based vhost, and A and C are IP-based vhosts. If
- a request comes in on B or C's address containing a header
- &quot;<SAMP>Host: A</SAMP>&quot; then
- it will be served from A's config. If a request comes in on A's
- address then it will always be served from A's config regardless of
- any Host: header.
- </P>
-<LI>Unless you have a <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> vhost,
- it doesn't matter if you mix name-based vhosts in amongst IP-based
- vhosts. During the <CODE>find_virtual_server</CODE> phase above no
- named-based vhost will be matched, so the main_server will remain the
- connection vhost. Then scans will cover all vhosts in the vhost list.
- <P>
- If you do have a <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> vhost, then you cannot place
- named-based vhosts after it in the config. This is because on any
- connection to the main server IPs the connection vhost will always be
- the <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> vhost since none of the name-based are
- considered during <CODE>find_virtual_server</CODE>.
- </P>
-<LI>You should never specify DNS names in <CODE>VirtualHost</CODE>
- directives because it will force your server to rely on DNS to boot.
- Furthermore it poses a security threat if you do not control the
- DNS for all the domains listed.
- <A HREF="dns-caveats.html">There's more information
- available on this and the next two topics</A>.
- <P>
-<LI><CODE>ServerName</CODE> should always be set for each vhost. Otherwise
- A DNS lookup is required for each vhost.
- <P>
-<LI>A DNS lookup is always required for the main_server's
- <CODE>ServerName</CODE> (or to generate that if it isn't specified
- in the config).
- <P>
-<LI>If a <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directive exists which is a prefix of
- another <CODE>ServerPath</CODE> directive that appears later in
- the configuration file, then the former will always be matched
- and the latter will never be matched. (That is assuming that no
- Host header was available to disambiguate the two.)
- <P>
-<LI>If a vhost that would otherwise be a name-vhost includes a
- <CODE>Port</CODE> statement that doesn't match the main_server
- <CODE>Port</CODE> then it will be considered an IP-based vhost.
- Then <CODE>find_virtual_server</CODE> will match it (because
- the ports associated with each address in the address set default
- to the port of the main_server) as the connection vhost. Then
- <CODE>check_hostalias</CODE> will refuse to check any other name-based
- vhost because of the port mismatch. The result is that the vhost
- will steal all hits going to the main_server address.
- <P>
-<LI>If two IP-based vhosts have an address in common, the vhost appearing
- later in the file is always matched. Such a thing might happen
- inadvertently. If the config has name-based vhosts and for some reason
- the main_server <CODE>ServerName</CODE> resolves to the wrong address
- then all the name-based vhosts will be parsed as ip-based vhosts.
- Then the last of them will steal all the hits.
- <P>
-<LI>The last name-based vhost in the config is always matched for any hit
- which doesn't match one of the other name-based vhosts.
-<H3><A NAME="whatworks">What Works</A></H3>
-<P>In addition to the tips on the <A HREF="dns-caveats.html#tips">DNS
-Issues</A> page, here are some further tips:
-<LI>Place all main_server definitions before any VirtualHost definitions.
-(This is to aid the readability of the configuration -- the post-config
-merging process makes it non-obvious that definitions mixed in around
-virtualhosts might affect all virtualhosts.)
-<LI>Arrange your VirtualHosts such
-that all name-based virtual hosts come first, followed by IP-based
-virtual hosts, followed by any <SAMP>_default_</SAMP> virtual host
-<LI>Avoid <CODE>ServerPaths</CODE> which are prefixes of other
-<CODE>ServerPaths</CODE>. If you cannot avoid this then you have to
-ensure that the longer (more specific) prefix vhost appears earlier in
-the configuration file than the shorter (less specific) prefix
-(<EM>i.e.</EM>, &quot;ServerPath /abc&quot; should appear after
-&quot;ServerPath /abcdef&quot;).
-<LI>Do not use <EM>port-based</EM> vhosts in the same server as
-name-based vhosts. A loose definition for port-based is a vhost which
-is determined by the port on the server (<EM>i.e.</EM>, one server with
-ports 8000, 8080, and 80 - all of which have different configurations).
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Apache Server Virtual Host Support</TITLE>
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-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Virtual Host Support</H1>
-<A HREF="host.html">Non-IP based virtual hosts</A>
-<H2>What are virtual hosts?</H2>
-This is the ability of a single machine to be a web server for multiple
-domains. For example, an Internet service provider might have a machine
-called <CODE></CODE> which provides Web space for several
-organizations including, say, <EM>smallco</EM> and <EM>baygroup</EM>.
-Ordinarily, these groups would be given parts of the Web tree on
-So smallco's home page would have the URL
-and baygroup's home page would have the URL
-For esthetic reasons, however, both organizations would rather their home
-pages appeared under their own names rather than that of the service
-provider's; but they do not want to set up their own Internet links and
-Virtual hosts are the solution to this problem. smallco and baygroup would
-have their own Internet name registrations, <CODE></CODE> and
-<CODE></CODE> respectively. These hostnames would both
-correspond to the service provider's machine ( Thus
-smallco's home page would now have the URL
-and baygroup's home page would would have the URL
-<H2>System requirements</H2>
-Due to limitations in the HTTP/1.0 protocol, the web server <STRONG>must have a
-different IP address for each virtual host</STRONG>. This can be achieved
-by the machine having several physical network connections, or by use
-of a <A HREF="../misc/vif-info.html">virtual interface</A> on some operating
-<H2>How to set up Apache</H2>
-There are two ways of configuring apache to support multiple hosts.
-Either by running a separate httpd daemon for each hostname, or by running a
-single daemon which supports all the virtual hosts.
-Use multiple daemons when:
-<LI>The different virtual hosts need very different httpd configurations, such
- as different values for:
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#servertype">ServerType</A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#user">User</A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#group">Group</A>,
- <A HREF="../mod/mod_mime.html#typesconfig">TypesConfig</A> or
- <A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverroot">ServerRoot</A>.
-<LI>The machine does not process a very high request rate.
-Use a single daemon when:
-<LI>Sharing of the httpd configuration between virtual hosts is acceptable.
-<LI>The machine services a large number of requests, and so the performance
- loss in running separate daemons may be significant.
-<H2>Setting up multiple daemons</H2>
-Create a separate httpd installation for each virtual host.
-For each installation, use the
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#bindaddress">BindAddress</A> directive in the
-file to select which IP address (or virtual host) that daemon services.
-This hostname can also be given as an IP address.
-<H2>Setting up a single daemon</H2>
-For this case, a single httpd will service requests for all the virtual hosts.
-The <A HREF="../mod/core.html#virtualhost">VirtualHost</A> directive in the
- configuration file is used to set the values of
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serveradmin">ServerAdmin</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#servername">ServerName</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#documentroot">DocumentRoot</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#errorlog">ErrorLog</A> and
-<A HREF="../mod/mod_log_config.html#transferlog">TransferLog</A> configuration
-directives to different values for each virtual host.
-DocumentRoot /groups/smallco/www<BR>
-ErrorLog /groups/smallco/logs/error_log<BR>
-TransferLog /groups/smallco/logs/access_log<BR>
-DocumentRoot /groups/baygroup/www<BR>
-ErrorLog /groups/baygroup/logs/error_log<BR>
-TransferLog /groups/baygroup/logs/access_log<BR>
-This VirtualHost hostnames can also be given as IP addresses.
-Almost <STRONG>ANY</STRONG> configuration directive can be put
-in the VirtualHost directive, with the exception of
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#servertype">ServerType</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#user">User</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#group">Group</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#startservers">StartServers</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#maxspareservers">MaxSpareServers</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#minspareservers">MinSpareServers</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#maxrequestsperchild">MaxRequestsPerChild</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#bindaddress">BindAddress</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#pidfile">PidFile</A>,
-<A HREF="../mod/mod_mime.html#typesconfig">TypesConfig</A>, and
-<A HREF="../mod/core.html#serverroot">ServerRoot</A>.
-<EM>SECURITY:</EM> When specifying where to write log files, be aware
-of some security risks which are present if anyone other than the
-user that starts Apache has write access to the directory where they
-are written. See the <A HREF="../misc/security_tips.html">security
-tips</A> document for details.
-<H2>File Handle/Resource Limits:</H2>
-When using a large number of Virtual Hosts, Apache may run out of available
-file descriptors if each Virtual Host specifies different log files.
-The total number of file descriptors used by Apache is one for each distinct
-error log file, one for every other log file directive, plus 10-20 for
-internal use. Unix operating systems limit the number of file descriptors that
-may be used by a process; the limit is typically 64, and may usually be
-increased up to a large hard-limit.
-Although Apache attempts to increase the limit as required, this
-may not work if:
-<LI>Your system does not provide the setrlimit() system call.
-<LI>The setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) call does not function on your system
- (such as Solaris 2.3)
-<LI>The number of file descriptors required exceeds the hard limit.
-<LI>Your system imposes other limits on file descriptors, such as a limit
-on stdio streams only using file descriptors below 256. (Solaris 2)
-In the event of problems you can:
-<LI>Reduce the number of log files; don't specify log files in the VirtualHost
-sections, but only log to the main log files.
-<LI>If you system falls into 1 or 2 (above), then increase the file descriptor
-limit before starting Apache, using a script like
-#!/bin/sh <BR>
-ulimit -S -n 100 <BR>
-exec httpd</CODE></BLOCKQUOTE>
-The have been reports that Apache may start running out of resources allocated
-for the root process. This will exhibit itself as errors in the error log like
-"unable to fork". There are two ways you can bump this up:
-<LI>Have a <CODE>csh</CODE> script wrapper around httpd which sets the
-"rlimit" to some large number, like 512.
-<LI>Edit http_main.c to add calls to setrlimit() from main(), along the lines
- struct rlimit rlp;
- rlp.rlim_cur = rlp.rlim_max = 512;
- if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NPROC, &rlp)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "setrlimit(RLIMIT_NPROC) failed.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
-(thanks to "Aaron Gifford &lt;agifford@InfoWest.COM&gt;" for the patch)
-The latter will probably manifest itself in a later version of Apache.
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