path: root/docs/manual/misc/security_tips.html
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-<TITLE>Apache HTTP Server: Security Tips</TITLE>
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-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Security Tips for Server Configuration</H1>
-<P>Some hints and tips on security issues in setting up a web server. Some of
-the suggestions will be general, others specific to Apache.
-<H2><A NAME="serverroot">Permissions on ServerRoot Directories</A></H2>
-<P>In typical operation, Apache is started by the root
-user, and it switches to the user defined by the <A
-HREF="../mod/core.html#user"><STRONG>User</STRONG></A> directive to serve hits.
-As is the case with any command that root executes, you must take care
-that it is protected from modification by non-root users. Not only
-must the files themselves be writeable only by root, but so must the
-directories, and parents of all directories. For example, if you
-choose to place ServerRoot in <CODE>/usr/local/apache</CODE> then it is
-suggested that you create that directory as root, with commands
-like these:
- mkdir /usr/local/apache
- cd /usr/local/apache
- mkdir bin conf logs
- chown 0 . bin conf logs
- chgrp 0 . bin conf logs
- chmod 755 . bin conf logs
-It is assumed that /, /usr, and /usr/local are only modifiable by root.
-When you install the httpd executable, you should ensure that it is
-similarly protected:
- cp httpd /usr/local/apache/bin
- chown 0 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
- chgrp 0 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
- chmod 511 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
-<P>You can create an htdocs subdirectory which is modifiable by other
-users -- since root never executes any files out of there, and shouldn't
-be creating files in there.
-<P>If you allow non-root users to modify any files that root either
-executes or writes on then you open your system to root compromises.
-For example, someone could replace the httpd binary so that the next
-time you start it, it will execute some arbitrary code. If the logs
-directory is writeable (by a non-root user), someone
-could replace a log file with a symlink to some other system file,
-and then root might overwrite that file with arbitrary data. If the
-log files themselves are writeable (by a non-root user), then someone
-may be able to overwrite the log itself with bogus data.
-<H2>Server Side Includes</H2>
-<P>Server side includes (SSI) can be configured so that users can execute
-arbitrary programs on the server. That thought alone should send a shiver
-down the spine of any sys-admin.<P>
-One solution is to disable that part of SSI. To do that you use the
-IncludesNOEXEC option to the <A HREF="../mod/core.html#options">Options</A>
-<H2>Non Script Aliased CGI</H2>
-<P>Allowing users to execute <STRONG>CGI</STRONG> scripts in any directory
-should only
-be considered if;
- <LI>You trust your users not to write scripts which will deliberately or
-accidentally expose your system to an attack.
- <LI>You consider security at your site to be so feeble in other areas, as to
-make one more potential hole irrelevant.
- <LI>You have no users, and nobody ever visits your server.
-<H2>Script Alias'ed CGI</H2>
-<P>Limiting <STRONG>CGI</STRONG> to special directories gives the admin
-control over
-what goes into those directories. This is inevitably more secure than
-non script aliased CGI, but <STRONG>only if users with write access to the
-directories are trusted</STRONG> or the admin is willing to test each new CGI
-script/program for potential security holes.<P>
-Most sites choose this option over the non script aliased CGI approach.<P>
-<H2>CGI in general</H2>
-<P>Always remember that you must trust the writers of the CGI script/programs
-or your ability to spot potential security holes in CGI, whether they were
-deliberate or accidental.<P>
-All the CGI scripts will run as the same user, so they have potential to
-conflict (accidentally or deliberately) with other scripts <EM>e.g.</EM>
-User A hates User B, so he writes a script to trash User B's CGI
-database. One program which can be used to allow scripts to run
-as different users is <A HREF="../suexec.html">suEXEC</A> which is
-included with Apache as of 1.2 and is called from special hooks in
-the Apache server code. Another popular way of doing this is with
-<A HREF="">CGIWrap</A>. <P>
-<H2>Stopping users overriding system wide settings...</H2>
-<P>To run a really tight ship, you'll want to stop users from setting
-up <CODE>.htaccess</CODE> files which can override security features
-you've configured. Here's one way to do it...<P>
-In the server configuration file, put
-&lt;Directory /&gt; <BR>
-AllowOverride None <BR>
-Options None <BR>
-allow from all <BR>
-&lt;/Directory&gt; <BR>
-Then setup for specific directories<P>
-This stops all overrides, Includes and accesses in all directories apart
-from those named.<P>
- Protect server files by default
-One aspect of Apache which is occasionally misunderstood is the feature
-of default access. That is, unless you take steps to change it, if the
-server can find its way to a file through normal URL mapping rules, it
-can serve it to clients.
-For instance, consider the following example:
- <LI><SAMP># cd /; ln -s / public_html</SAMP>
- </LI>
- <LI>Accessing <SAMP>http://localhost/~root/</SAMP>
- </LI>
-This would allow clients to walk through the entire filesystem. To work
-around this, add the following block to your server's configuration:
- &lt;Directory /&gt;
- Order deny,allow
- Deny from all
- &lt;/Directory&gt;
-This will forbid default access to filesystem locations. Add
- HREF="../mod/core.html#directory"
-blocks to allow access only
-in those areas you wish. For example,
- &lt;Directory /usr/users/*/public_html&gt;
- Order deny,allow
- Allow from all
- &lt;/Directory&gt;
- &lt;Directory /usr/local/httpd&gt;
- Order deny,allow
- Allow from all
- &lt;/Directory&gt;
-Pay particular attention to the interactions of
- HREF="../mod/core.html#location"
- HREF="../mod/core.html#directory"
-directives; for instance, even if <SAMP>&lt;Directory /&gt;</SAMP>
-denies access, a <SAMP>&lt;Location /&gt;</SAMP> directive might
-overturn it.
-Also be wary of playing games with the
- HREF="../mod/mod_userdir.html#userdir"
-directive; setting it to something like <SAMP>&quot;./&quot;</SAMP>
-would have the same effect, for root, as the first example above.
-If you are using Apache 1.3 or above, we strongly recommend that you
-include the following line in your server configuration files:
- <DD><SAMP>UserDir&nbsp;disabled&nbsp;root</SAMP>
- </DD>
-<P>Please send any other useful security tips to The Apache Group
-by filling out a
-<A HREF="">problem report</A>.
-If you are confident you have found a security bug in the Apache
-source code itself, <A
-HREF="">please let us
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