path: root/src-util/anthy.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src-util/anthy.el')
1 files changed, 930 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src-util/anthy.el b/src-util/anthy.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0270d83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src-util/anthy.el
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+;;; anthy.el -- Anthy
+;; Copyright (C) 2001 - 2007 KMC(Kyoto University Micro Computer Club)
+;; Author: Yusuke Tabata<>
+;; Tomoharu Ugawa
+;; Norio Suzuki <>
+;; Keywords: japanese
+;; This file is part of Anthy
+;;; Commentary:
+;; $B$+$J4A;zJQ49%(%s%8%s(B Anthy$B$r(B emacs$B$+$i;H$&$?$a$N%W%m%0%i%`(B
+;; Anthy$B%i%$%V%i%j$r;H$&$?$a$N%3%^%s%I(Banthy-agent$B$r5/F0$7$F!"(B
+;; anthy-agent$B$H%Q%$%W$GDL?.$r$9$k$3$H$K$h$C$FJQ49$NF0:n$r9T$&(B
+;; Funded by IPA$BL$F'%=%U%H%&%'%"AOB$;v6H(B 2001 10/10
+;; $B3+H/$O(Bemacs21.2$B>e$G9T$C$F$$$F(Bminor-mode
+;; $B$b$7$/$O(Bleim$B$H$7$F$b;HMQ$G$-$k(B
+;; (set-input-method 'japanese-anthy)
+;; emacs19(mule),20,21,xemacs$B$GF0:n$9$k(B
+;; 2003-08-24 XEmacs $B$N8uJdA*Br%b!<%I%P%0$KBP1~(B(suzuki)
+;; 2001-11-16 EUC-JP -> ISO-2022-JP
+;; TODO
+;; $B8uJdA*Br%b!<%I$G8uJd$r$$$C$-$K<!$N%Z!<%8$K$$$+$J$$$h$&$K$9$k(B(2ch$B%9%l(B78)
+;; minibufffer$B$N07$$(B
+;; isearch$BBP1~(B
+;; $BMQ8l(B
+;; commit $BJ8;zNs$r3NDj$9$k$3$H(B
+;; preedit($B%W%j%(%G%#%C%H(B) $B3NDjA0$NJ8;zNs%"%s%@!<%i%$%s$d6/D4$NB0@-$b4^$`(B
+;; segment($BJ8@a(B) $BJ8K!E*$JJ8@a$G$O$J$/!$F1$8B0@-$NJ8;zNs$N$+$?$^$j(B
+;;; Code:
+;(setq debug-on-error t)
+(defvar anthy-default-enable-enum-candidate-p t
+ "$B$3$l$r@_Dj$9$k$H<!8uJd$r?t2s2!$7$?:]$K8uJd$N0lMw$+$iA*Br$9$k%b!<%I$K$J$j$^$9!%(B")
+(defvar anthy-personality ""
+ "$B%Q!<%=%J%j%F%#(B")
+(defvar anthy-preedit-begin-mark "|"
+ "$BJQ49;~$N@hF,$KIU$/J8;zNs(B")
+(defvar anthy-preedit-delim-mark "|"
+ "$BJQ49;~$NJ8@a$N6h@Z$j$K;H$o$l$kJ8;zNs(B")
+(defvar anthy-accept-timeout 50)
+(if (string-match "^22\." emacs-version)
+ (setq anthy-accept-timeout 1))
+(defconst anthy-working-buffer " *anthy*")
+(defvar anthy-agent-process nil
+ "anthy-agent$B$N%W%m%;%9(B")
+(defvar anthy-use-hankaku-kana t)
+(defvar anthy-agent-command-list '("anthy-agent")
+ "anthy-agent$B$N(BPATH$BL>(B")
+;; face
+(defvar anthy-highlight-face nil)
+(defvar anthy-underline-face nil)
+(copy-face 'highlight 'anthy-highlight-face)
+(set-face-underline-p 'anthy-highlight-face t)
+(copy-face 'underline 'anthy-underline-face)
+(defvar anthy-xemacs
+ (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+ t nil))
+(if anthy-xemacs
+ (require 'overlay))
+(defvar anthy-mode-map nil
+ "Anthy$B$N(BASCII$B%b!<%I$N%-!<%^%C%W(B")
+(or anthy-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-keymap))
+ (i 32))
+ (define-key map (char-to-string 10) 'anthy-insert)
+ (define-key map (char-to-string 17) 'anthy-insert)
+ (while (< i 127)
+ (define-key map (char-to-string i) 'anthy-insert)
+ (setq i (+ 1 i)))
+ (setq anthy-mode-map map)))
+(defvar anthy-preedit-keymap nil
+ "Anthy$B$N(Bpreedit$B$N%-!<%^%C%W(B")
+(or anthy-preedit-keymap
+ (let ((map (make-keymap))
+ (i 0))
+ ;; $BDL>o$NJ8;z$KBP$7$F(B
+ (while (< i 128)
+ (define-key map (char-to-string i) 'anthy-insert)
+ (setq i (+ 1 i)))
+ ;; $BJ8@a$N?-=L(B
+ (define-key map [(shift left)] 'anthy-insert)
+ (define-key map [(shift right)] 'anthy-insert)
+ ;; $BJ8@a$N0\F0(B
+ (define-key map [left] 'anthy-insert)
+ (define-key map [right] 'anthy-insert)
+ (define-key map [backspace] 'anthy-insert)
+ (setq anthy-preedit-keymap map)))
+;; anthy-agent$B$KAw$k:]$K%-!<$r%(%s%3!<%I$9$k$?$a$N%F!<%V%k(B
+(defvar anthy-keyencode-alist
+ '((1 . "(ctrl A)") ;; \C-a
+ (2 . "(left)") ;; \C-b
+ (4 . "(ctrl D)") ;; \C-d
+ (5 . "(ctrl E)") ;; \C-e
+ (6 . "(right)") ;; \C-f
+ (7 . "(esc)") ;; \C-g
+ (8 . "(ctrl H)") ;; \C-h
+ (9 . "(shift left)") ;; \C-i
+ (10 . "(ctrl J)")
+ (11 . "(ctrl K)")
+ (13 . "(enter)") ;; \C-m
+ (14 . "(space)") ;; \C-n
+ (15 . "(shift right)") ;; \C-o
+ (16 . "(up)") ;; \C-p
+ (32 . "(space)")
+ (40 . "(opar)") ;; '('
+ (41 . "(cpar)") ;; ')'
+ (127 . "(ctrl H)")
+ ;; emacs map
+ (S-right . "(shift right)")
+ (S-left . "(shift left)")
+ (right . "(right)")
+ (left . "(left)")
+ (up . "(up)")
+ (backspace . "(ctrl H)")
+ ;; xemacs
+ ((shift right) . "(shift right)")
+ ((shift left) . "(shift left)")
+ ((right) . "(right)")
+ ((left) . "(left)")
+ ((up) . "(up)"))
+ "$B%-!<$N%$%Y%s%H$r(Banthy-agent$B$KAw$k$?$a$NBP1~I=(B")
+;; $B%b!<%I%i%$%s$NJ8;zNs(B
+(defvar anthy-mode-line-string-alist
+ '(("hiragana" . " $B$"(B")
+ ("katakana" . " $B%"(B")
+ ("alphabet" . " A")
+ ("walphabet" . " $B#A(B")
+ ("hankaku_kana" . " (I1(B")
+ )
+ "$B%b!<%IL>$H%b!<%I%i%$%s$NJ8;zNs$NBP1~I=(B")
+;; $B:G8e$K3d$jEv$F$?(Bcontext id
+(defvar anthy-last-context-id 1)
+;; From skk-macs.el From viper-util.el. Welcome!
+(defmacro anthy-deflocalvar (var default-value &optional documentation)
+ (` (progn
+ (defvar (, var) (, default-value)
+ (, (format "%s\n\(buffer local\)" documentation)))
+ (make-variable-buffer-local '(, var))
+ )))
+;; buffer local variables
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-context-id nil "$B%3%s%F%-%9%H$N(Bid")
+; $B%b!<%I$N4IM}(B
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-minor-mode nil)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-mode nil)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-leim-active-p nil)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-saved-mode nil)
+; $B%W%j%(%G%#%C%H(B
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-preedit "")
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-preedit-start 0)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-preedit-overlays '())
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-mode-line-string " A")
+; $B8uJdNs5s(B
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-enum-candidate-p nil)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-enum-rcandidate-p nil)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-candidate-minibuffer "")
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-enum-candidate-list '()
+ "$B:#Ns5s$7$F$$$k8uJd$N>pJs(B(($B2hLLFb$N(Bindex $B8uJd$N(Bindex . $B8uJdJ8;zNs(B) ..)")
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-enable-enum-candidate-p
+ (cons anthy-default-enable-enum-candidate-p nil)
+ "$B$3$N%P%C%U%!$G8uJd$NNs5s$r9T$&$+$I$&$+(B")
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-current-candidate-index 0)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-current-candidate-layout-begin-index 0)
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-current-candidate-layout-end-index 0)
+; $BF~NO>uBV(B
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-current-rkmap "hiragana")
+; undo
+(anthy-deflocalvar anthy-buffer-undo-list-saved nil)
+(defvar anthy-wide-space "$B!!(B" "$B%9%Z!<%9$r2!$7$?;~$K=P$FMh$kJ8;z(B")
+;;; setup minor-mode
+;; minor-mode-alist
+(if (not
+ (assq 'anthy-minor-mode minor-mode-alist))
+ (setq minor-mode-alist
+ (cons
+ (cons 'anthy-minor-mode '(anthy-mode-line-string))
+ minor-mode-alist)))
+;; minor-mode-map-alist
+(if (not
+ (assq 'anthy-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist))
+ (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+ (cons
+ (cons 'anthy-minor-mode anthy-mode-map)
+ minor-mode-map-alist)))
+(defun anthy-process-sentinel (proc stat)
+ "$B%W%m%;%9$N>uBV$,JQ2=$7$?$i;2>H$r>C$7$F!$<!$K:F5/F0$G$-$k$h$&$K$9$k(B"
+ (message "%s" stat)
+ (anthy-mode-off)
+ (setq anthy-agent-process nil))
+;;; status
+(defun anthy-update-mode-line ()
+ "$B%b!<%I%i%$%s$r99?7$9$k(B"
+ (let ((a (assoc anthy-current-rkmap anthy-mode-line-string-alist)))
+ (if a
+ (progn
+ (setq anthy-mode-line-string (cdr a))
+ (setq current-input-method-title
+ (concat "<Anthy:" (cdr a) ">")))))
+ (force-mode-line-update))
+;;; preedit control
+(defun anthy-erase-preedit ()
+ "$B%W%j%(%G%#%C%H$rA4It>C$9(B"
+ (if (> (string-width anthy-preedit) 0)
+ (let* ((str anthy-preedit)
+ (len (length str))
+ (start anthy-preedit-start))
+ (delete-region start (+ start len))
+ (goto-char start)))
+ (setq anthy-preedit "")
+ (mapcar 'delete-overlay anthy-preedit-overlays)
+ (setq anthy-preedit-overlays nil))
+(defun anthy-select-face-by-attr (attr)
+ "$BJ8@a$NB0@-$K1~$8$?(Bface$B$rJV$9(B"
+ (if (memq 'RV attr)
+ 'anthy-highlight-face
+ 'anthy-underline-face))
+(defun anthy-enable-preedit-keymap ()
+ "$B%-!<%^%C%W$r%W%j%(%G%#%C%H$NB8:_$9$k;~$N$b$N$K@ZBX$($k(B"
+; (setq anthy-saved-buffer-undo-list buffer-undo-list)
+; (buffer-disable-undo)
+ (setcdr
+ (assq 'anthy-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+ anthy-preedit-keymap))
+(defun anthy-disable-preedit-keymap ()
+ "$B%-!<%^%C%W$r%W%j%(%G%#%C%H$NB8:_$7$J$$;~$N$b$N$K@ZBX$($k(B"
+; (buffer-enable-undo)
+; (setq buffer-undo-list anthy-saved-buffer-undo-list)
+ (setcdr
+ (assq 'anthy-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+ anthy-mode-map)
+ (anthy-update-mode-line))
+(defun anthy-insert-preedit-segment (str attr)
+ "$B%W%j%(%G%#%C%H$r0lJ8@aJ8DI2C$9$k(B"
+ (let ((start (point))
+ (end) (ol))
+ (cond ((or (memq 'ENUM attr) (memq 'ENUMR attr))
+ (setq str (concat "<" str ">")))
+ ((memq 'RV attr)
+ (setq str (concat "[" str "]"))))
+ ; $B%W%j%(%G%#%C%H$NJ8;zNs$rDI2C$9$k(B
+ (insert-and-inherit str)
+ (setq end (point))
+ ;; overlay$B$K$h$C$FB0@-$r@_Dj$9$k(B
+ (setq ol (make-overlay start end))
+ (overlay-put ol 'face (anthy-select-face-by-attr attr))
+ (setq anthy-preedit-overlays
+ (cons ol anthy-preedit-overlays))
+ str))
+(defvar anthy-select-candidate-keybind
+ '((0 . "a")
+ (1 . "s")
+ (2 . "d")
+ (3 . "f")
+ (4 . "g")
+ (5 . "h")
+ (6 . "j")
+ (7 . "k")
+ (8 . "l")
+ (9 . ";")))
+;;; auto fill controll
+;;; from egg.el
+(defun anthy-do-auto-fill ()
+ (if (and auto-fill-function (> (current-column) fill-column))
+ (let ((ocolumn (current-column)))
+ (funcall auto-fill-function)
+ (while (and (< fill-column (current-column))
+ (< (current-column) ocolumn))
+ (setq ocolumn (current-column))
+ (funcall auto-fill-function)))))
+(defun anthy-check-context-id ()
+ "$B%P%C%U%!$K%3%s%F%-%9%H(Bid$B$,3d$j?6$i$l$F$$$k$+$r%A%'%C%/$9$k(B"
+ (if (null anthy-context-id)
+ (progn
+ (setq anthy-context-id anthy-last-context-id)
+ (setq anthy-last-context-id
+ (+ anthy-last-context-id 1)))))
+(defun anthy-get-candidate (idx)
+ "agent$B$+$i8uJd$r0l$D<hF@$9$k(B"
+ (anthy-send-recv-command
+ (concat " GET_CANDIDATE "
+ (number-to-string idx) "\n")))
+;; $B8uJd%j%9%H$+$i%_%K%P%C%U%!$KI=<($9$kJ8;zNs$r9=@.$9$k(B
+(defun anthy-make-candidate-minibuffer-string ()
+ (let ((cand-list anthy-enum-candidate-list)
+ (cur-elm)
+ (str))
+ (while cand-list
+ (setq cur-elm (car cand-list))
+ (let ((cand-str (cdr (cdr cur-elm)))
+ (cand-idx (car (cdr cur-elm)))
+ (sel-idx (car cur-elm)))
+ (setq str (format (if (= anthy-current-candidate-index cand-idx)
+ "%s:[%s] "
+ "%s: %s ")
+ (cdr (assoc sel-idx anthy-select-candidate-keybind))
+ cand-str)))
+ (setq anthy-candidate-minibuffer
+ (concat str
+ anthy-candidate-minibuffer))
+ (setq cand-list (cdr cand-list)))))
+;; $BI=<($9$k8uJd$N%j%9%H$K2hLLFb$G$N%$%s%G%C%/%9$rIU$1$k(B
+(defun anthy-add-candidate-index (lst)
+ (let ((i 0)
+ (res nil))
+ (while lst
+ (setq res
+ (cons
+ (cons i (car lst))
+ res))
+ (setq i (1+ i))
+ (setq lst (cdr lst)))
+ res))
+;; $BJ8;z$NI}$r7W;;$7$F!"I=<($9$k8uJd$N%j%9%H$r:n$k(B
+(defun anthy-make-candidate-index-list (base nr l2r)
+ (let ((width (frame-width))
+ (errorp nil)
+ (i 0)
+ (repl)
+ (cand-idx)
+ (lst))
+ ;; loop
+ (while (and
+ (if l2r
+ (< (+ base i) nr)
+ (<= 0 (- base i)))
+ (> width 0)
+ (< i (length anthy-select-candidate-keybind))
+ (not errorp))
+ (if l2r
+ (setq cand-idx (+ base i))
+ (setq cand-idx (- base i)))
+ (setq repl (anthy-get-candidate cand-idx))
+ (if (listp repl)
+ ;; append candidate
+ (let ((cand-str (car repl)))
+ (setq width (- width (string-width cand-str) 5))
+ (if (or (> width 0) (null lst))
+ (setq lst
+ (cons
+ (cons cand-idx cand-str)
+ lst))))
+ ;; erroneous candidate
+ (setq errorp t))
+ (setq i (1+ i)))
+ (if errorp
+ nil
+ lst)))
+;; $BI=<($9$k8uJd$N%j%9%H$r:n$k(B
+(defun anthy-calc-candidate-layout (base nr l2r)
+ (let
+ ((lst (anthy-make-candidate-index-list base nr l2r)))
+ ;;$B%+%l%s%H$N8uJdHV9f$r@_Dj$9$k(B
+ (if l2r
+ (progn
+ ;; $B:8$+$i1&$N>l9g(B
+ ;; index$B$r0lHV1&$N8uJd$K@_Dj$9$k(B
+ (anthy-get-candidate (car (car lst)))
+ (setq lst (reverse lst))
+ (setq anthy-current-candidate-index (car (car lst))))
+ (progn
+ ;; $B1&$+$i:8$N>l9g(B
+ (setq anthy-current-candidate-index (car (car (reverse lst))))))
+ ;;$B7k2L$r%;%C%H(B
+ (setq anthy-enum-candidate-list
+ (if lst
+ (anthy-add-candidate-index lst)
+ nil))))
+(defun anthy-layout-candidate (idx nr)
+ "$B8uJd%j%9%H$r(Bminibuffer$B$X%l%$%"%&%H$9$k(B"
+ (setq anthy-candidate-minibuffer "")
+ (setq anthy-enum-candidate-list '())
+ ;; $B:8(B->$B1&(B or $B1&(B->$B:8$K%l%$%"%&%H$9$k(B
+ (if anthy-enum-candidate-p
+ (anthy-calc-candidate-layout idx nr 't)
+ (anthy-calc-candidate-layout idx nr nil))
+ (anthy-make-candidate-minibuffer-string)
+ ;; $B7k2L$rI=<($9$k(B
+ (if anthy-enum-candidate-list
+ (progn
+ (message "%s" anthy-candidate-minibuffer)
+ (setq anthy-current-candidate-layout-begin-index
+ (car (cdr (car (reverse anthy-enum-candidate-list)))))
+ (setq anthy-current-candidate-layout-end-index
+ (car (cdr (car anthy-enum-candidate-list)))))
+ nil))
+(defun anthy-update-preedit (stat ps)
+ "$B%W%j%(%G%#%C%H$r99?7$9$k(B"
+ (let ((cursor-pos nil)
+ (num-candidate 0)
+ (idx-candidate 0)
+ (enum-candidate
+ (or anthy-enum-candidate-p
+ anthy-enum-rcandidate-p)))
+ ;; erase old preedit
+ (anthy-erase-preedit)
+ ;; $BF~NO%-%c%s%;%k;~$K(Bundo$B%j%9%H$r7R$2$k(B
+ (if (and (= (length ps) 0) anthy-buffer-undo-list-saved )
+ (progn
+; (message "enable")
+ (buffer-enable-undo)
+ (setq buffer-undo-list anthy-buffer-undo-list)
+ (setq anthy-buffer-undo-list-saved nil)
+ ))
+ (anthy-disable-preedit-keymap)
+ ;; insert new preedit
+ (setq anthy-preedit-start (point))
+ (setq anthy-enum-candidate-p nil)
+ (setq anthy-enum-rcandidate-p nil)
+ (if (member stat '(2 3 4))
+ (progn
+ (setq anthy-preedit
+ (concat anthy-preedit anthy-preedit-begin-mark))
+ (anthy-insert-preedit-segment anthy-preedit-begin-mark '())
+ ;; $BF~NO3+;O$HF1;~$K(Bundo$B%j%9%H$rL58z2=(B
+ (if (not anthy-buffer-undo-list-saved)
+ (progn
+ ;(message "disable")
+ (setq anthy-buffer-undo-list (cdr buffer-undo-list))
+ (buffer-disable-undo)
+ (setq anthy-buffer-undo-list-saved 't)
+ )
+ ;(message "not saved")
+ )
+ ))
+ ;; $B3FJ8@a$KBP$7$F(B
+ (while ps
+ (let ((cur (car ps)))
+ (setq ps (cdr ps))
+ (cond
+ ((eq cur 'cursor)
+ (setq cursor-pos (point)))
+ ((string-equal (car (cdr cur)) "")
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (let ((nr (car (cdr (cdr (cdr cur)))))
+ (idx (car (cdr (cdr cur))))
+ (str (car (cdr cur)))
+ (attr (car cur)))
+ (setq str (anthy-insert-preedit-segment str attr))
+ (cond ((and (car anthy-enable-enum-candidate-p) (memq 'ENUM attr))
+ ;; $B=gJ}8~$N8uJdNs5s(B
+ (setq anthy-enum-candidate-p t)
+ (setq idx-candidate idx)
+ (setq num-candidate nr))
+ ((and (car anthy-enable-enum-candidate-p) (memq 'ENUMR attr))
+ ;; $B5UJ}8~$N8uJdNs5s(B
+ (setq anthy-enum-rcandidate-p t)
+ (setq idx-candidate idx)
+ (setq num-candidate nr)))
+ (setq anthy-preedit
+ (concat anthy-preedit str))
+ (if (and (member stat '(3 4)) (not (eq ps '())))
+ (progn
+ (setq anthy-preedit
+ (concat anthy-preedit anthy-preedit-delim-mark))
+ (anthy-insert-preedit-segment anthy-preedit-delim-mark '()))))))))
+ ;; $B8uJd0lMw$NI=<(3+;O%A%'%C%/(B
+ (if (and (not enum-candidate)
+ (or anthy-enum-candidate-p anthy-enum-rcandidate-p))
+ (setq anthy-current-candidate-layout-begin-index 0))
+ ;; $B8uJd$NNs5s$r9T$&(B
+ (if (or anthy-enum-candidate-p anthy-enum-rcandidate-p)
+ (anthy-layout-candidate idx-candidate num-candidate))
+ ;; preedit$B$N(Bkeymap$B$r99?7$9$k(B
+ (if (member stat '(2 3 4))
+ (anthy-enable-preedit-keymap))
+ (if cursor-pos (goto-char cursor-pos))))
+; suzuki : Emacs / XEmacs $B$G6&DL$N4X?tDj5A(B
+(defun anthy-encode-key (ch)
+ (let ((c (assoc ch anthy-keyencode-alist)))
+ (if c
+ (cdr c)
+ (if (and
+ (integerp ch)
+ (> ch 32))
+ (char-to-string ch)
+ nil))))
+(defun anthy-restore-undo-list (commit-str)
+ (let* ((len (length commit-str))
+ (beginning (point))
+ (end (+ beginning len)))
+ (setq buffer-undo-list
+ (cons (cons beginning end)
+ (cons nil anthy-saved-buffer-undo-list)))
+ ))
+(defun anthy-proc-agent-reply (repl)
+ (let*
+ ((stat (car repl))
+ (body (cdr repl))
+ (commit "")
+ (commitlen nil)
+ (preedit nil))
+ ;; $B3FJ8@a$r=hM}$9$k(B
+ (while body
+ (let* ((cur (car body))
+ (pe nil))
+ (setq body (cdr body))
+ (if (and
+ (listp cur)
+ (listp (car cur)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq (car (car cur)) 'COMMIT)
+ (setq commit (concat commit (car (cdr cur)))))
+ ((eq (car (car cur)) 'CUTBUF)
+ (let ((len (length (car (cdr cur)))))
+ (copy-region-as-kill (point) (+ (point) len))))
+ ((memq 'UL (car cur))
+ (setq pe (list cur))))
+ (setq pe (list cur)))
+ (if pe
+ (setq preedit (append preedit pe)))))
+ ;; $B%3%_%C%H$5$l$?J8@a$r=hM}$9$k(B
+; (anthy-restore-undo-list commit)
+ (if (> (string-width commit) 0)
+ (progn
+ (setq commitlen (length commit))
+ (anthy-erase-preedit)
+ (anthy-disable-preedit-keymap)
+ ; $B@h$K%3%_%C%H$5$;$F$*$/(B
+ (insert-and-inherit commit)
+ (anthy-do-auto-fill)
+ ;; $B%3%_%C%H;~$K7R$2$k(B
+ (if anthy-buffer-undo-list-saved
+ (progn
+ ;(message "enable")
+ ; $BI|5"$5$;$kA0$K!$:#(Bcommit$B$7$?FbMF$r%j%9%H$KDI2C(B
+ (setq anthy-buffer-undo-list
+ (cons (cons anthy-preedit-start
+ (+ anthy-preedit-start commitlen))
+ anthy-buffer-undo-list))
+ (setq anthy-buffer-undo-list (cons nil anthy-buffer-undo-list))
+ (buffer-enable-undo)
+ (setq buffer-undo-list anthy-buffer-undo-list)
+ (setq anthy-buffer-undo-list-saved nil)
+ ))
+ (run-hooks 'anthy-commit-hook)
+ ))
+ (anthy-update-preedit stat preedit)
+ (anthy-update-mode-line)))
+(defun anthy-insert-select-candidate (ch)
+ (let* ((key-idx (car (rassoc (char-to-string ch)
+ anthy-select-candidate-keybind)))
+ (idx (car (cdr (assq key-idx
+ anthy-enum-candidate-list)))))
+ (if idx
+ (progn
+ (let ((repl (anthy-send-recv-command
+ (format " SELECT_CANDIDATE %d\n" idx))))
+ (anthy-proc-agent-reply repl))
+ (setq anthy-enum-candidate-p nil)
+ (setq anthy-enum-rcandidate-p nil))
+ (message "%s" anthy-candidate-minibuffer))))
+(defvar anthy-default-rkmap-keybind
+ '(
+ ;; q
+ (("hiragana" . 113) . "katakana")
+ (("katakana" . 113) . "hiragana")
+ ;; l
+ (("hiragana" . 108) . "alphabet")
+ (("katakana" . 108) . "alphabet")
+ ;; L
+ (("hiragana" . 76) . "walphabet")
+ (("katakana" . 76) . "walphabet")
+ ;; \C-j
+ (("alphabet" . 10) . "hiragana")
+ (("walphabet" . 10) . "hiragana")
+ ;; \C-q
+ (("hiragana" . 17) . "hankaku_kana")
+ (("hankaku_kana" . 17) . "hiragana")
+ ))
+(defvar anthy-rkmap-keybind anthy-default-rkmap-keybind)
+(defun anthy-find-rkmap-keybind (ch)
+ (let ((res
+ (assoc (cons anthy-current-rkmap ch) anthy-rkmap-keybind)))
+ (if (and res (string-equal (cdr res) "hankaku_kana"))
+ (if anthy-use-hankaku-kana res nil)
+ res)))
+(defun anthy-handle-normal-key (chenc)
+ (let* ((repl
+ (if chenc (anthy-send-recv-command
+ (concat chenc "\n"))
+ nil)))
+ (if repl
+ (anthy-proc-agent-reply repl))))
+(defun anthy-handle-enum-candidate-mode (chenc)
+ (anthy-handle-normal-key chenc))
+(defun anthy-insert (&optional arg)
+ "Anthy$B$N%-!<%O%s%I%i(B"
+ (interactive "*p")
+ ;; suzuki : last-command-char $B$r(B (anthy-last-command-char) $B$KJQ99(B
+ (let* ((ch (anthy-last-command-char))
+ (chenc (anthy-encode-key ch)))
+ (anthy-handle-key ch chenc)))
+(defun anthy-handle-key (ch chenc)
+ (cond
+ ;; $B8uJdA*Br%b!<%I$+$i8uJd$rA*$V(B
+ ((and (or anthy-enum-candidate-p anthy-enum-rcandidate-p)
+ (integerp ch)
+ (assq (car (rassoc (char-to-string ch)
+ anthy-select-candidate-keybind))
+ anthy-enum-candidate-list))
+ (anthy-insert-select-candidate ch))
+ ;; $B%-!<%^%C%W$rJQ99$9$k%3%^%s%I$r=hM}$9$k(B
+ ((and (anthy-find-rkmap-keybind ch)
+ (string-equal anthy-preedit ""))
+ (let ((mapname (cdr (anthy-find-rkmap-keybind ch))))
+ (let ((repl (anthy-send-recv-command
+ (concat " MAP_SELECT " mapname "\n"))))
+ (if (eq repl 'OK)
+ (progn
+ (setq anthy-current-rkmap
+ (cdr (assoc (cons anthy-current-rkmap ch)
+ anthy-rkmap-keybind)))
+ (anthy-update-mode-line))))))
+ ;; $B%"%k%U%!%Y%C%H%b!<%I$N>l9g$OD>@\F~NO(B
+ ((and (string-equal anthy-current-rkmap "alphabet")
+ (string-equal anthy-preedit ""))
+ (self-insert-command 1))
+ ;; $B%W%j%(%G%#%C%H$,$J$/$F%9%Z!<%9$,2!$5$l$?(B
+ ((and
+ (string-equal anthy-preedit "")
+ (= ch 32)
+ (not
+ (string-equal anthy-current-rkmap "alphabet")))
+ (progn
+ (insert-and-inherit anthy-wide-space)
+ (anthy-do-auto-fill)))
+ ((or anthy-enum-candidate-p anthy-enum-rcandidate-p)
+ (anthy-handle-enum-candidate-mode chenc))
+ ;; $BIaDL$NF~NO(B
+ (t
+ (anthy-handle-normal-key chenc))))
+(defun anthy-do-invoke-agent (cmd)
+ (if (and (stringp anthy-personality)
+ (> (length anthy-personality) 0))
+ (start-process "anthy-agent"
+ anthy-working-buffer
+ cmd
+ (concat " --personality=" anthy-personality))
+ (start-process "anthy-agent"
+ anthy-working-buffer
+ cmd)))
+(defun anthy-invoke-agent ()
+ (let ((list anthy-agent-command-list)
+ (proc nil))
+ (while (and list (not proc))
+ (setq proc
+ (anthy-do-invoke-agent (car list)))
+ (if (not (boundp 'proc))
+ (setq proc nil))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ proc))
+(defun anthy-check-agent ()
+ ;; check and do invoke
+ (if (not anthy-agent-process)
+ (let
+ ((proc (anthy-invoke-agent)))
+ (if anthy-agent-process
+ (kill-process anthy-agent-process))
+ (setq anthy-agent-process proc)
+ (process-kill-without-query proc)
+ (if anthy-xemacs
+ (if (coding-system-p (find-coding-system 'euc-japan))
+ (set-process-coding-system proc 'euc-japan 'euc-japan))
+ (cond ((coding-system-p 'euc-japan)
+ (set-process-coding-system proc 'euc-japan 'euc-japan))
+ ((coding-system-p '*euc-japan*)
+ (set-process-coding-system proc '*euc-japan* '*euc-japan*))))
+ (set-process-sentinel proc 'anthy-process-sentinel))))
+(defun anthy-do-send-recv-command (cmd)
+ (if (not anthy-agent-process)
+ (anthy-check-agent))
+ (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (set-buffer anthy-working-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (process-send-string anthy-agent-process cmd)
+ (while (= (buffer-size) 0)
+ (accept-process-output nil 0 anthy-accept-timeout))
+ (read (buffer-string)))
+ (set-buffer old-buffer))))
+(defun anthy-send-recv-command (cmd)
+ (if anthy-context-id
+ (anthy-do-send-recv-command
+ (concat " SELECT_CONTEXT "
+ (number-to-string anthy-context-id)
+ "\n")))
+ (anthy-do-send-recv-command cmd))
+(defun anthy-minibuffer-enter ()
+ (setq anthy-saved-mode anthy-mode)
+ (setq anthy-mode nil)
+ (setq anthy-enable-enum-candidate-p
+ (cons nil anthy-enable-enum-candidate-p))
+ (anthy-update-mode))
+(defun anthy-minibuffer-exit ()
+ (setq anthy-mode anthy-saved-mode)
+ (setq anthy-enable-enum-candidate-p
+ (cdr anthy-enable-enum-candidate-p))
+ (anthy-update-mode))
+(defun anthy-kill-buffer ()
+ (if anthy-context-id
+ (anthy-send-recv-command
+(defun anthy-mode-on ()
+ (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'anthy-minibuffer-enter)
+ (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'anthy-minibuffer-exit)
+ (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'anthy-kill-buffer)
+ (anthy-check-context-id)
+ (setq anthy-minor-mode t)
+ (anthy-update-mode-line))
+(defun anthy-mode-off ()
+ (setq anthy-minor-mode nil)
+ (anthy-update-mode-line))
+(defun anthy-update-mode ()
+ (if (or anthy-mode anthy-leim-active-p)
+ (progn
+ (anthy-check-agent)
+ (anthy-mode-on))
+ (anthy-mode-off))
+ (run-hooks 'anthy-mode-hook))
+(defun anthy-mode (&optional arg)
+ "Start Anthy conversion system."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq anthy-mode
+ (if (null arg)
+ (not anthy-mode)
+ (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
+ (anthy-update-mode))
+(defun anthy-select-map (map)
+ (anthy-send-recv-command (concat " MAP_SELECT " map "\n"))
+ (setq anthy-current-rkmap map)
+ (anthy-update-mode-line))
+(defun anthy-hiragana-map (&optional arg)
+ "Hiragana mode"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (anthy-select-map "hiragana"))
+(defun anthy-katakana-map (&optional arg)
+ "Katakana mode"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (anthy-select-map "katakana"))
+(defun anthy-alpha-map (arg)
+ "Alphabet mode"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (anthy-select-map "alphabet"))
+(defun anthy-wide-alpha-map (arg)
+ "Wide Alphabet mode"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (anthy-select-map "walphabet"))
+(defun anthy-hankaku-kana-map (arg)
+ "Hankaku Katakana mode"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (anthy-select-map "hankaku_kana"))
+;; leim $B$N(B inactivate
+(defun anthy-leim-inactivate ()
+ (setq anthy-leim-active-p nil)
+ (anthy-update-mode))
+;; leim $B$N(B activate
+(defun anthy-leim-activate (&optional name)
+ (setq inactivate-current-input-method-function 'anthy-leim-inactivate)
+ (setq anthy-leim-active-p t)
+ (anthy-update-mode)
+ (when (eq (selected-window) (minibuffer-window))
+ (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'anthy-leim-exit-from-minibuffer)))
+;; emacs$B$N%P%0Hr$1$i$7$$$G$9(B
+(defun anthy-leim-exit-from-minibuffer ()
+ (inactivate-input-method)
+ (when (<= (minibuffer-depth) 1)
+ (remove-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'anthy-leim-exit-from-minibuffer)))
+;; Emacs / XEmacs $B%3%s%Q%A%V%k$J(B last-command-char
+;; suzuki : $B?7@_(B
+(defun anthy-last-command-char ()
+ "$B:G8e$NF~NO%$%Y%s%H$rJV$9!#(BXEmacs $B$G$O(B int $B$KJQ49$9$k(B"
+ (if anthy-xemacs
+ (let ((event last-command-event))
+ (cond
+ ((event-matches-key-specifier-p event 'left) 2)
+ ((event-matches-key-specifier-p event 'right) 6)
+ ((event-matches-key-specifier-p event 'backspace) 8)
+ (t
+ (char-to-int (event-to-character event)))))
+ last-command-char))
+;(global-set-key [(meta escape)] 'anthy-mode)
+(provide 'anthy)
+(require 'anthy-dic)
+(require 'anthy-conf)
+;; is it ok for i18n?
+(set-language-info "Japanese" 'input-method "japanese-anthy")
+(if (equal current-language-environment "Japanese")
+ (progn
+ (if (boundp 'default-input-method)
+ (setq-default default-input-method "japanese-anthy"))
+ (setq default-input-method "japanese-anthy")))
+(defun anthy-default-mode ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq anthy-rkmap-keybind anthy-default-rkmap-keybind)
+ (anthy-send-recv-command " MAP_CLEAR 1\n")
+ (anthy-send-recv-command " SET_PREEDIT_MODE 0\n")
+ (anthy-hiragana-map))
+(defun anthy-insert-and-convert (ch)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (< 0 (length anthy-preedit))
+ (progn
+ (anthy-insert ch)
+ (anthy-handle-normal-key "(space)"))
+ (anthy-insert ch)))
+;;; anthy.el ends here