path: root/lib/ansible/modules/network/openswitch/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/openswitch/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/openswitch/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00073ac67d..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/openswitch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: ops_config
-version_added: "2.1"
-author: "Peter Sprygada (@privateip)"
-short_description: Manage OpenSwitch configuration using CLI
- - OpenSwitch configurations use a simple block indent file syntax
- for segmenting configuration into sections. This module provides
- an implementation for working with ops configuration sections in
- a deterministic way.
-extends_documentation_fragment: openswitch
- lines:
- description:
- - The ordered set of commands that should be configured in the
- section. The commands must be the exact same commands as found
- in the device running-config. Be sure to note the configuration
- command syntax as some commands are automatically modified by the
- device config parser.
- required: false
- default: null
- parents:
- description:
- - The ordered set of parents that uniquely identify the section
- the commands should be checked against. If the parents argument
- is omitted, the commands are checked against the set of top
- level or global commands.
- required: false
- default: null
- src:
- description:
- - The I(src) argument provides a path to the configuration file
- to load into the remote system. The path can either be a full
- system path to the configuration file if the value starts with /
- or relative to the root of the implemented role or playbook.
- This argument is mutually exclusive with the I(lines) and
- I(parents) arguments.
- required: false
- default: null
- version_added: "2.2"
- before:
- description:
- - The ordered set of commands to push on to the command stack if
- a change needs to be made. This allows the playbook designer
- the opportunity to perform configuration commands prior to pushing
- any changes without affecting how the set of commands are matched
- against the system.
- required: false
- default: null
- after:
- description:
- - The ordered set of commands to append to the end of the command
- stack if a change needs to be made. Just like with I(before) this
- allows the playbook designer to append a set of commands to be
- executed after the command set.
- required: false
- default: null
- match:
- description:
- - Instructs the module on the way to perform the matching of
- the set of commands against the current device config. If
- match is set to I(line), commands are matched line by line. If
- match is set to I(strict), command lines are matched with respect
- to position. If match is set to I(exact), command lines
- must be an equal match. Finally, if match is set to I(none), the
- module will not attempt to compare the source configuration with
- the running configuration on the remote device.
- required: false
- default: line
- choices: ['line', 'strict', 'exact', 'none']
- replace:
- description:
- - Instructs the module on the way to perform the configuration
- on the device. If the replace argument is set to I(line) then
- the modified lines are pushed to the device in configuration
- mode. If the replace argument is set to I(block) then the entire
- command block is pushed to the device in configuration mode if any
- line is not correct.
- required: false
- default: line
- choices: ['line', 'block']
- force:
- description:
- - The force argument instructs the module to not consider the
- current devices running-config. When set to true, this will
- cause the module to push the contents of I(src) into the device
- without first checking if already configured.
- - Note this argument should be considered deprecated. To achieve
- the equivalent, set the C(match=none) which is idempotent. This argument
- will be removed in a future release.
- required: false
- default: false
- choices: ['yes', 'no']
- config:
- description:
- - The module, by default, will connect to the remote device and
- retrieve the current running-config to use as a base for comparing
- against the contents of source. There are times when it is not
- desirable to have the task get the current running-config for
- every task in a playbook. The I(config) argument allows the
- implementer to pass in the configuration to use as the base
- config for comparison.
- required: false
- default: null
- save:
- description:
- - The C(save) argument instructs the module to save the running-
- config to the startup-config at the conclusion of the module
- running. If check mode is specified, this argument is ignored.
- required: false
- default: no
- choices: ['yes', 'no']
- version_added: "2.2"
-# Note: examples below use the following provider dict to handle
-# transport and authentication to the node.
- cli:
- host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- username: netop
- password: netop
-- name: configure hostname over cli
- ops_config:
- lines:
- - "hostname {{ inventory_hostname }}"
- provider: "{{ cli }}"
-- name: configure vlan 10 over cli
- ops_config:
- lines:
- - no shutdown
- parents:
- - vlan 10
- provider: "{{ cli }}"
-- name: load config from file
- ops_config:
- src: ops01.cfg
- backup: yes
- provider: "{{ cli }}"
-RETURN = """
- description: The set of commands that will be pushed to the remote device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ['...', '...']
- description: The full path to the backup file
- returned: when backup is yes
- type: string
- sample: /playbooks/ansible/backup/ops_config.2016-07-16@22:28:34
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils.openswitch import NetworkModule, NetworkError
-from ansible.module_utils.netcfg import NetworkConfig, dumps
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-def check_args(module, warnings):
- if module.params['force']:
- warnings.append('The force argument is deprecated, please use '
- 'match=none instead. This argument will be '
- 'removed in the future')
-def get_config(module, result):
- contents = module.params['config']
- if not contents:
- contents = module.config.get_config()
- return NetworkConfig(indent=4, contents=contents)
-def get_candidate(module):
- candidate = NetworkConfig(indent=4)
- if module.params['src']:
- candidate.load(module.params['src'])
- elif module.params['lines']:
- parents = module.params['parents'] or list()
- candidate.add(module.params['lines'], parents=parents)
- return candidate
-def load_config(module, commands, result):
- if not module.check_mode:
- module.config(commands)
- result['changed'] = True
-def run(module, result):
- match = module.params['match']
- replace = module.params['replace']
- path = module.params['parents']
- candidate = get_candidate(module)
- if match != 'none':
- config = get_config(module, result)
- configobjs = candidate.difference(config, path=path, match=match,
- replace=replace)
- else:
- configobjs = candidate.items
- if configobjs:
- commands = dumps(configobjs, 'commands').split('\n')
- if module.params['lines']:
- if module.params['before']:
- commands[:0] = module.params['before']
- if module.params['after']:
- commands.extend(module.params['after'])
- result['updates'] = commands
- # send the configuration commands to the device and merge
- # them with the current running config
- if not module.check_mode:
- module.config.load_config(commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- if module.params['save']:
- if not module.check_mode:
- module.config.save_config()
- result['changed'] = True
-def main():
- argument_spec = dict(
- src=dict(type='path'),
- lines=dict(aliases=['commands'], type='list'),
- parents=dict(type='list'),
- before=dict(type='list'),
- after=dict(type='list'),
- match=dict(default='line', choices=['line', 'strict', 'exact', 'none']),
- replace=dict(default='line', choices=['line', 'block']),
- # this argument is deprecated in favor of setting match: none
- # it will be removed in a future version
- force=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
- config=dict(),
- save=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- # ops_config is only supported over Cli transport so force
- # the value of transport to be cli
- transport=dict(default='cli', choices=['cli'])
- )
- mutually_exclusive = [('lines', 'src')]
- required_if = [('match', 'strict', ['lines']),
- ('match', 'exact', ['lines']),
- ('replace', 'block', ['lines'])]
- module = NetworkModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- connect_on_load=False,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- required_if=required_if,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- if module.params['force'] is True:
- module.params['match'] = 'none'
- warnings = list()
- check_args(module, warnings)
- result = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)
- if module.params['backup']:
- result['__backup__'] = module.config.get_config()
- try:
- run(module, result)
- except NetworkError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()