diff options
authorAlex Stephen <>2018-05-04 11:27:29 -0700
committerRyan Brown <>2018-05-04 14:27:29 -0400
commit768a81dd4b45d14eee56daa366093b0a59bc2bb8 (patch)
parentc57d476871791d5b6dcf2354eaf85607ecef0050 (diff)
New module: GCP Compute Routes (#38619)
5 files changed, 581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/google/ b/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/google/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc86892edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/google/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Google
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This file is automatically generated by Magic Modules and manual
+# changes will be clobbered when the file is regenerated.
+# Please read more about how to change this file at
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+# Documentation
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'status': ["preview"],
+ 'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: gcp_compute_route
+ - Represents a Route resource.
+ - A route is a rule that specifies how certain packets should be handled by the virtual
+ network. Routes are associated with virtual machines by tag, and the set of routes
+ for a particular virtual machine is called its routing table. For each packet leaving
+ a virtual machine, the system searches that virtual machine's routing table for
+ a single best matching route.
+ - Routes match packets by destination IP address, preferring smaller or more specific
+ ranges over larger ones. If there is a tie, the system selects the route with the
+ smallest priority value. If there is still a tie, it uses the layer three and four
+ packet headers to select just one of the remaining matching routes. The packet is
+ then forwarded as specified by the next_hop field of the winning route -- either
+ to another virtual machine destination, a virtual machine gateway or a Compute Engine-operated
+ gateway. Packets that do not match any route in the sending virtual machine's routing
+ table will be dropped.
+ - A Routes resources must have exactly one specification of either nextHopGateway,
+ nextHopInstance, nextHopIp, or nextHopVpnTunnel.
+short_description: Creates a GCP Route
+version_added: 2.6
+author: Google Inc. (@googlecloudplatform)
+ - python >= 2.6
+ - requests >= 2.18.4
+ - google-auth >= 1.3.0
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Whether the given object should exist in GCP
+ choices: ['present', 'absent']
+ default: 'present'
+ dest_range:
+ description:
+ - The destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to.
+ - Only IPv4 is supported.
+ required: false
+ name:
+ description:
+ - Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name
+ must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must
+ be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?`
+ which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters
+ must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot
+ be a dash.
+ required: false
+ network:
+ description:
+ - A reference to Network resource.
+ required: false
+ priority:
+ description:
+ - The priority of this route. Priority is used to break ties in cases where there
+ is more than one matching route of equal prefix length.
+ - In the case of two routes with equal prefix length, the one with the lowest-numbered
+ priority value wins.
+ - Default value is 1000. Valid range is 0 through 65535.
+ required: false
+ tags:
+ description:
+ - A list of instance tags to which this route applies.
+ required: false
+ next_hop_gateway:
+ description:
+ - URL to a gateway that should handle matching packets.
+ - 'Currently, you can only specify the internet gateway, using a full or partial valid
+ URL: * U(
+ * projects/project/global/gateways/default-internet-gateway * global/gateways/default-internet-gateway
+ .'
+ required: false
+ next_hop_instance:
+ description:
+ - URL to an instance that should handle matching packets.
+ - 'You can specify this as a full or partial URL. For example: *
+ U(
+ instances/instance *
+ projects/project/zones/zone/instances/instance *
+ zones/zone/instances/instance .'
+ required: false
+ next_hop_ip:
+ description:
+ - Network IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets.
+ required: false
+ next_hop_vpn_tunnel:
+ description:
+ - URL to a VpnTunnel that should handle matching packets.
+ required: false
+extends_documentation_fragment: gcp
+- name: create a network
+ gcp_compute_network:
+ name: 'network-route'
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: present
+ register: network
+- name: create a route
+ gcp_compute_route:
+ name: testObject
+ dest_range: ''
+ next_hop_gateway: 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway'
+ network: "{{ network }}"
+ tags:
+ - backends
+ - databases
+ project: testProject
+ auth_kind: service_account
+ service_account_file: /tmp/auth.pem
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: present
+RETURN = '''
+ dest_range:
+ description:
+ - The destination range of outgoing packets that this route applies to.
+ - Only IPv4 is supported.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ name:
+ description:
+ - Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name
+ must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must
+ be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?`
+ which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters
+ must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot
+ be a dash.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ network:
+ description:
+ - A reference to Network resource.
+ returned: success
+ type: dict
+ priority:
+ description:
+ - The priority of this route. Priority is used to break ties in cases where there
+ is more than one matching route of equal prefix length.
+ - In the case of two routes with equal prefix length, the one with the lowest-numbered
+ priority value wins.
+ - Default value is 1000. Valid range is 0 through 65535.
+ returned: success
+ type: int
+ tags:
+ description:
+ - A list of instance tags to which this route applies.
+ returned: success
+ type: list
+ next_hop_gateway:
+ description:
+ - URL to a gateway that should handle matching packets.
+ - 'Currently, you can only specify the internet gateway, using a full or partial valid
+ URL: * U(
+ * projects/project/global/gateways/default-internet-gateway * global/gateways/default-internet-gateway
+ .'
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ next_hop_instance:
+ description:
+ - URL to an instance that should handle matching packets.
+ - 'You can specify this as a full or partial URL. For example: *
+ U(
+ instances/instance *
+ projects/project/zones/zone/instances/instance *
+ zones/zone/instances/instance .'
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ next_hop_ip:
+ description:
+ - Network IP address of an instance that should handle matching packets.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ next_hop_vpn_tunnel:
+ description:
+ - URL to a VpnTunnel that should handle matching packets.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+# Imports
+from ansible.module_utils.gcp_utils import navigate_hash, GcpSession, GcpModule, GcpRequest, replace_resource_dict
+import json
+import time
+# Main
+def main():
+ """Main function"""
+ module = GcpModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent'], type='str'),
+ dest_range=dict(type='str'),
+ name=dict(type='str'),
+ network=dict(type='dict'),
+ priority=dict(type='int'),
+ tags=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
+ next_hop_gateway=dict(type='str'),
+ next_hop_instance=dict(type='str'),
+ next_hop_ip=dict(type='str'),
+ next_hop_vpn_tunnel=dict(type='str')
+ )
+ )
+ state = module.params['state']
+ kind = 'compute#route'
+ fetch = fetch_resource(module, self_link(module), kind)
+ changed = False
+ if fetch:
+ if state == 'present':
+ if is_different(module, fetch):
+ fetch = update(module, self_link(module), kind)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ delete(module, self_link(module), kind)
+ fetch = {}
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ if state == 'present':
+ fetch = create(module, collection(module), kind)
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ fetch = {}
+ fetch.update({'changed': changed})
+ module.exit_json(**fetch)
+def create(module, link, kind):
+ auth = GcpSession(module, 'compute')
+ return wait_for_operation(module,, resource_to_request(module)))
+def update(module, link, kind):
+ auth = GcpSession(module, 'compute')
+ return wait_for_operation(module, auth.put(link, resource_to_request(module)))
+def delete(module, link, kind):
+ auth = GcpSession(module, 'compute')
+ return wait_for_operation(module, auth.delete(link))
+def resource_to_request(module):
+ request = {
+ u'kind': 'compute#route',
+ u'destRange': module.params.get('dest_range'),
+ u'name': module.params.get('name'),
+ u'network': replace_resource_dict(module.params.get(u'network', {}), 'selfLink'),
+ u'priority': module.params.get('priority'),
+ u'tags': module.params.get('tags'),
+ u'nextHopGateway': module.params.get('next_hop_gateway'),
+ u'nextHopInstance': module.params.get('next_hop_instance'),
+ u'nextHopIp': module.params.get('next_hop_ip'),
+ u'nextHopVpnTunnel': module.params.get('next_hop_vpn_tunnel')
+ }
+ return_vals = {}
+ for k, v in request.items():
+ if v:
+ return_vals[k] = v
+ return return_vals
+def fetch_resource(module, link, kind):
+ auth = GcpSession(module, 'compute')
+ return return_if_object(module, auth.get(link), kind)
+def self_link(module):
+ return "{project}/global/routes/{name}".format(**module.params)
+def collection(module):
+ return "{project}/global/routes".format(**module.params)
+def return_if_object(module, response, kind):
+ # If not found, return nothing.
+ if response.status_code == 404:
+ return None
+ # If no content, return nothing.
+ if response.status_code == 204:
+ return None
+ try:
+ module.raise_for_status(response)
+ result = response.json()
+ except getattr(json.decoder, 'JSONDecodeError', ValueError) as inst:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Invalid JSON response with error: %s" % inst)
+ if navigate_hash(result, ['error', 'errors']):
+ module.fail_json(msg=navigate_hash(result, ['error', 'errors']))
+ if result['kind'] != kind:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Incorrect result: {kind}".format(**result))
+ return result
+def is_different(module, response):
+ request = resource_to_request(module)
+ response = response_to_hash(module, response)
+ # Remove all output-only from response.
+ response_vals = {}
+ for k, v in response.items():
+ if k in request:
+ response_vals[k] = v
+ request_vals = {}
+ for k, v in request.items():
+ if k in response:
+ request_vals[k] = v
+ return GcpRequest(request_vals) != GcpRequest(response_vals)
+# Remove unnecessary properties from the response.
+# This is for doing comparisons with Ansible's current parameters.
+def response_to_hash(module, response):
+ return {
+ u'destRange': response.get(u'destRange'),
+ u'name': response.get(u'name'),
+ u'network': replace_resource_dict(module.params.get(u'network', {}), 'selfLink'),
+ u'priority': module.params.get('priority'),
+ u'tags': module.params.get('tags'),
+ u'nextHopGateway': module.params.get('next_hop_gateway'),
+ u'nextHopInstance': module.params.get('next_hop_instance'),
+ u'nextHopIp': module.params.get('next_hop_ip'),
+ u'nextHopVpnTunnel': module.params.get('next_hop_vpn_tunnel')
+ }
+def async_op_url(module, extra_data=None):
+ if extra_data is None:
+ extra_data = {}
+ url = "{project}/global/operations/{op_id}"
+ combined = extra_data.copy()
+ combined.update(module.params)
+ return url.format(**combined)
+def wait_for_operation(module, response):
+ op_result = return_if_object(module, response, 'compute#operation')
+ if op_result is None:
+ return None
+ status = navigate_hash(op_result, ['status'])
+ wait_done = wait_for_completion(status, op_result, module)
+ return fetch_resource(module, navigate_hash(wait_done, ['targetLink']), 'compute#route')
+def wait_for_completion(status, op_result, module):
+ op_id = navigate_hash(op_result, ['name'])
+ op_uri = async_op_url(module, {'op_id': op_id})
+ while status != 'DONE':
+ raise_if_errors(op_result, ['error', 'errors'], 'message')
+ time.sleep(1.0)
+ if status not in ['PENDING', 'RUNNING', 'DONE']:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Invalid result %s" % status)
+ op_result = fetch_resource(module, op_uri, 'compute#operation')
+ status = navigate_hash(op_result, ['status'])
+ return op_result
+def raise_if_errors(response, err_path, module):
+ errors = navigate_hash(response, err_path)
+ if errors is not None:
+ module.fail_json(msg=errors)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/aliases b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/aliases
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9812f019ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/defaults/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa87a2a8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# defaults file
+resource_name: '{{resource_prefix}}'
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/meta/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/meta/main.yml
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6852d1cc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/gcp_compute_route/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This file is automatically generated by Magic Modules and manual
+# changes will be clobbered when the file is regenerated.
+# Please read more about how to change this file at
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Pre-test setup
+- name: create a network
+ gcp_compute_network:
+ name: 'network-route'
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: present
+ register: network
+- name: delete a route
+ gcp_compute_route:
+ name: "{{ resource_name }}"
+ dest_range: ''
+ next_hop_gateway: 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway'
+ network: "{{ network }}"
+ tags:
+ - backends
+ - databases
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: absent
+- name: create a route
+ gcp_compute_route:
+ name: "{{ resource_name }}"
+ dest_range: ''
+ next_hop_gateway: 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway'
+ network: "{{ network }}"
+ tags:
+ - backends
+ - databases
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: present
+ register: result
+- name: assert changed is true
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == true
+ - "result.kind == 'compute#route'"
+- name: verify that route was created
+ shell: |
+ gcloud compute routes describe --project="{{ gcp_project}}" "{{ resource_name }}"
+ register: results
+- name: verify that command succeeded
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - results.rc == 0
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+- name: create a route that already exists
+ gcp_compute_route:
+ name: "{{ resource_name }}"
+ dest_range: ''
+ next_hop_gateway: 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway'
+ network: "{{ network }}"
+ tags:
+ - backends
+ - databases
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: present
+ register: result
+- name: assert changed is false
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == false
+ - "result.kind == 'compute#route'"
+- name: delete a route
+ gcp_compute_route:
+ name: "{{ resource_name }}"
+ dest_range: ''
+ next_hop_gateway: 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway'
+ network: "{{ network }}"
+ tags:
+ - backends
+ - databases
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: absent
+ register: result
+- name: assert changed is true
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == true
+ - result.has_key('kind') == False
+- name: verify that route was deleted
+ shell: |
+ gcloud compute routes describe --project="{{ gcp_project}}" "{{ resource_name }}"
+ register: results
+ failed_when: results.rc == 0
+- name: verify that command succeeded
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - results.rc == 1
+ - "\"'projects/{{ gcp_project }}/global/routes/{{ resource_name }}' was not found\" in results.stderr"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+- name: delete a route that does not exist
+ gcp_compute_route:
+ name: "{{ resource_name }}"
+ dest_range: ''
+ next_hop_gateway: 'global/gateways/default-internet-gateway'
+ network: "{{ network }}"
+ tags:
+ - backends
+ - databases
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: absent
+ register: result
+- name: assert changed is false
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == false
+ - result.has_key('kind') == False
+# Post-test teardown
+- name: delete a network
+ gcp_compute_network:
+ name: 'network-route'
+ project: "{{ gcp_project }}"
+ auth_kind: "{{ gcp_cred_kind }}"
+ service_account_file: "{{ gcp_cred_file }}"
+ scopes:
+ -
+ state: absent
+ register: network