diff options
authoranasbadaha <>2018-11-01 10:49:51 +0200
committerGanesh Nalawade <>2018-11-01 14:19:51 +0530
commit760e57f87754ea95e813c511af698a6e85659cd0 (patch)
parentdea9e9b4c85e06498a530142e03b595e9b2fbbf4 (diff)
Adinng new module for supporting PTP interface in Onyx switches (#47489)
Signed-off-by: Anas Badaha <>
3 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/onyx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/onyx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0672218066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/onyx/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# Copyright: Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: onyx_ptp_interface
+version_added: '2.8'
+author: 'Anas Badaha(@anasb)'
+short_description: 'Configures PTP on interface'
+ - "This module provides declarative management of PTP interfaces configuration\non Mellanox ONYX network devices."
+ - 'Tested on ONYX 3.6.8130'
+ - 'PTP Protocol must be enabled on switch.'
+ - 'Interface must not be a switch port interface.'
+ name:
+ description:
+ - 'ethernet or vlan interface name that we want to configure PTP on it'
+ required: true
+ state:
+ description:
+ - 'Enable/Disable PTP on Interface'
+ default: enabled
+ choices:
+ - enabled
+ - disabled
+ delay_request:
+ description:
+ - 'configure PTP delay request interval, Range 0-5'
+ announce_interval:
+ description:
+ - 'configure PTP announce setting for interval, Range -3-1'
+ announce_timeout:
+ description:
+ - 'configure PTP announce setting for timeout, Range 2-10'
+ sync_interval:
+ description:
+ - 'configure PTP sync interval, Range -7--1'
+- name: configure PTP interface
+ onyx_ptp_interface:
+ state: enabled
+ name: Eth1/1
+ delay_request: 0
+ announce_interval: -2
+ announce_timeout: 3
+RETURN = """
+ description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device.
+ returned: always
+ type: list
+ sample:
+ - interface ethernet 1/16 ptp enable
+ - interface ethernet 1/16 ptp delay-req interval 0
+ - interface ethernet 1/16 ptp announce interval -1
+import re
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
+from import show_cmd
+from import BaseOnyxModule
+class OnyxPtpInterfaceModule(BaseOnyxModule):
+ IF_ETH_REGEX = re.compile(r"^Eth(\d+\/\d+|Eth\d+\/\d+\d+)$")
+ IF_VLAN_REGEX = re.compile(r"^Vlan (\d+)$")
+ IF_TYPE_ETH = "ethernet"
+ IF_TYPE_VLAN = "vlan"
+ }
+ "delay_request": (0, 5),
+ "announce_interval": (-3, -1),
+ "announce_timeout": (2, 10),
+ "sync_interval": (-7, -1)
+ }
+ _interface_type = None
+ _interface_id = None
+ def init_module(self):
+ """ initialize module
+ """
+ element_spec = dict(
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ state=dict(choices=['enabled', 'disabled'], default='enabled'),
+ delay_request=dict(type=int),
+ announce_interval=dict(type=int),
+ announce_timeout=dict(type=int),
+ sync_interval=dict(type=int)
+ )
+ argument_spec = dict()
+ argument_spec.update(element_spec)
+ self._module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_interface_type(cls, if_name):
+ if_type = None
+ if_id = None
+ for interface_type, interface_regex in iteritems(cls.IF_TYPE_MAP):
+ match = interface_regex.match(if_name)
+ if match:
+ if_type = interface_type
+ if_id =
+ break
+ return if_type, if_id
+ def _set_if_type(self, module_params):
+ if_name = module_params['name']
+ self._interface_type, self._interface_id = self._get_interface_type(if_name)
+ if not self._interface_id:
+ self._module.fail_json(
+ msg='unsupported interface name/type: %s' % if_name)
+ def get_required_config(self):
+ module_params = self._module.params
+ self._required_config = dict(module_params)
+ self._set_if_type(self._required_config)
+ self.validate_param_values(self._required_config)
+ def _validate_attr_is_not_none(self, attr_name, attr_value):
+ if attr_value is not None:
+ self._module.fail_json(msg='Can not set %s value on switch while state is disabled' % attr_name)
+ def validate_param_values(self, obj, param=None):
+ if obj['state'] == 'disabled':
+ for attr_name in self.RANGE_ATTR:
+ self._validate_attr_is_not_none(attr_name, obj[attr_name])
+ super(OnyxPtpInterfaceModule, self).validate_param_values(obj, param)
+ def _validate_range(self, value, attr_name):
+ min_value, max_value = self.RANGE_ATTR[attr_name]
+ if value and not min_value <= int(value) <= max_value:
+ self._module.fail_json(msg='%s value must be between %d and %d' % (attr_name, min_value, max_value))
+ def validate_delay_request(self, value):
+ self._validate_range(value, "delay_request")
+ def validate_announce_interval(self, value):
+ self._validate_range(value, "announce_interval")
+ def validate_announce_timeout(self, value):
+ self._validate_range(value, "announce_timeout")
+ def validate_sync_interval(self, value):
+ self._validate_range(value, "sync_interval")
+ def _set_ptp_interface_config(self, ptp_interface_config):
+ if ptp_interface_config is None:
+ self._current_config['state'] = 'disabled'
+ return
+ ptp_interface_config = ptp_interface_config[0]
+ self._current_config['state'] = 'enabled'
+ self._current_config['delay_request'] = int(ptp_interface_config['Delay request interval(log mean)'])
+ self._current_config['announce_interval'] = int(ptp_interface_config['Announce interval(log mean)'])
+ self._current_config['announce_timeout'] = int(ptp_interface_config['Announce receipt time out'])
+ self._current_config['sync_interval'] = int(ptp_interface_config['Sync interval(log mean)'])
+ def _show_ptp_interface_config(self):
+ cmd = "show ptp interface %s %s" % (self._interface_type, self._interface_id)
+ return show_cmd(self._module, cmd, json_fmt=True, fail_on_error=False)
+ def load_current_config(self):
+ self._current_config = dict()
+ ptp_interface_config = self._show_ptp_interface_config()
+ self._set_ptp_interface_config(ptp_interface_config)
+ def _generate_attr_command(self, attr_name, attr_cmd_name):
+ attr_val = self._required_config.get(attr_name)
+ if attr_val is not None:
+ curr_val = self._current_config.get(attr_name)
+ if attr_val != curr_val:
+ self._commands.append(
+ 'interface %s %s ptp %s %d' % (self._interface_type, self._interface_id, attr_cmd_name, attr_val))
+ def generate_commands(self):
+ state = self._required_config.get("state", "enabled")
+ self._gen_ptp_commands(state)
+ self._generate_attr_command("delay_request", "delay-req interval")
+ self._generate_attr_command("announce_interval", "announce interval")
+ self._generate_attr_command("announce_timeout", "announce timeout")
+ self._generate_attr_command("sync_interval", "sync interval")
+ def _add_if_ptp_cmd(self, req_state):
+ if req_state == 'enabled':
+ if_ptp_cmd = 'interface %s %s ptp enable' % (self._interface_type, self._interface_id)
+ else:
+ if_ptp_cmd = 'no interface %s %s ptp enable' % (self._interface_type, self._interface_id)
+ self._commands.append(if_ptp_cmd)
+ def _gen_ptp_commands(self, req_state):
+ curr_state = self._current_config.get('state')
+ if curr_state != req_state:
+ self._add_if_ptp_cmd(req_state)
+def main():
+ """ main entry point for module execution
+ """
+ OnyxPtpInterfaceModule.main()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/test/units/modules/network/onyx/fixtures/onyx_show_ptp_interface.cfg b/test/units/modules/network/onyx/fixtures/onyx_show_ptp_interface.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..389612e0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/units/modules/network/onyx/fixtures/onyx_show_ptp_interface.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ {
+ "Transport protocol": "UDP IPv4",
+ "PTP interface state": "NONE",
+ "Forced Master": "no",
+ "Port Clock identity": "N/A",
+ "Announce interval(log mean)": "-2",
+ "PTP Port number": "0",
+ "header": "Interface name: Eth1/1",
+ "Delay Mechanism": "End to End",
+ "Sync interval(log mean)": "-3",
+ "Announce receipt time out": "3",
+ "Delay request interval(log mean)": "0"
+ }
diff --git a/test/units/modules/network/onyx/ b/test/units/modules/network/onyx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30c3b02a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/units/modules/network/onyx/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright: Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+# Make coding more python3-ish
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+from units.compat.mock import patch
+from import onyx_ptp_interface
+from units.modules.utils import set_module_args
+from .onyx_module import TestOnyxModule, load_fixture
+class TestOnyxPtpInterface(TestOnyxModule):
+ module = onyx_ptp_interface
+ enabled = False
+ interfaces = {'Eth1/1': ('ethernet', '1/1'), 'Vlan 1': ('vlan', '1')}
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.enabled = False
+ super(TestOnyxPtpInterface, self).setUp()
+ self.mock_get_config = patch.object(
+ onyx_ptp_interface.OnyxPtpInterfaceModule, "_show_ptp_interface_config")
+ self.get_config = self.mock_get_config.start()
+ self.mock_load_config = patch(
+ '')
+ self.load_config = self.mock_load_config.start()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super(TestOnyxPtpInterface, self).tearDown()
+ self.mock_get_config.stop()
+ self.mock_load_config.stop()
+ def load_fixtures(self, commands=None, transport='cli'):
+ config_file = 'onyx_show_ptp_interface.cfg'
+ data = None
+ if self.enabled:
+ data = load_fixture(config_file)
+ self.get_config.return_value = data
+ self.load_config.return_value = None
+ def test_ptp_disabled_no_change(self):
+ for interface in self.interfaces:
+ set_module_args(dict(state='disabled', name=interface))
+ self.execute_module(changed=False)
+ def test_ptp_disabled_with_change(self):
+ self.enabled = True
+ for interface in self.interfaces:
+ set_module_args(dict(state='disabled', name=interface))
+ interface_type, interface_id = self.interfaces.get(interface)
+ commands = ['no interface %s %s ptp enable' % (interface_type, interface_id)]
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ def test_ptp_enabled_no_change(self):
+ self.enabled = True
+ for interface in self.interfaces:
+ set_module_args(dict(state='enabled', name=interface))
+ self.execute_module(changed=False)
+ def test_ptp_enabled_with_change(self):
+ for interface in self.interfaces:
+ set_module_args(dict(state='disabled', name=interface))
+ interface_type, interface_id = self.interfaces.get(interface)
+ set_module_args(dict(state='enabled', name=interface))
+ commands = ['interface %s %s ptp enable' % (interface_type, interface_id)]
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
+ def test_ptp_attributs_no_change(self):
+ self.enabled = True
+ for interface in self.interfaces:
+ set_module_args(dict(state='enabled', name=interface, delay_request=0,
+ announce_interval=-2, announce_timeout=3,
+ sync_interval=-3))
+ self.execute_module(changed=False)
+ def test_ptp_attributs_with_change(self):
+ self.enabled = True
+ for interface in self.interfaces:
+ set_module_args(dict(state='enabled', name=interface, delay_request=2,
+ announce_interval=-1, announce_timeout=5, sync_interval=-1))
+ interface_type, interface_id = self.interfaces.get(interface)
+ commands = ['interface %s %s ptp delay-req interval 2' % (interface_type, interface_id),
+ 'interface %s %s ptp announce interval -1' % (interface_type, interface_id),
+ 'interface %s %s ptp announce timeout 5' % (interface_type, interface_id),
+ 'interface %s %s ptp sync interval -1' % (interface_type, interface_id)]
+ self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)