path: root/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2694 deletions
diff --git a/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.cpp b/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f24f05a67..00000000000
--- a/CIAO/tools/IDL3_to_XMI/IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2694 +0,0 @@
-#include "IDL3_to_XMI_visitor.h"
-#include "identifier_helper.h"
-#include "be_sunsoft.h"
-#include "be_extern.h"
-#include "ast_argument.h"
-#include "ast_array.h"
-#include "ast_attribute.h"
-#include "ast_component_fwd.h"
-#include "ast_provides.h"
-#include "ast_uses.h"
-#include "ast_publishes.h"
-#include "ast_emits.h"
-#include "ast_consumes.h"
-#include "ast_enum.h"
-#include "ast_enum_val.h"
-#include "ast_eventtype.h"
-#include "ast_eventtype_fwd.h"
-#include "ast_exception.h"
-#include "ast_factory.h"
-#include "ast_field.h"
-#include "ast_home.h"
-#include "ast_operation.h"
-#include "ast_root.h"
-#include "ast_sequence.h"
-#include "ast_string.h"
-#include "ast_structure_fwd.h"
-#include "ast_template_module.h"
-#include "ast_template_module_inst.h"
-#include "ast_template_module_ref.h"
-#include "ast_typedef.h"
-#include "ast_union.h"
-#include "ast_union_branch.h"
-#include "ast_union_fwd.h"
-#include "ast_union_label.h"
-#include "ast_valuebox.h"
-#include "ast_valuetype_fwd.h"
-#include "ast_native.h"
-#include "utl_exceptlist.h"
-#include "utl_identifier.h"
-#include "utl_idlist.h"
-#include "utl_string.h"
-#include "global_extern.h"
-#include "nr_extern.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h"
-#include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h"
-#include "ace/ACE.h"
-#include "Literals.h"
-#include "ace/XML_Utils/XercesString.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <limits>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp"
-#include "xercesc/util/XMLChar.hpp"
-#include "ace/XML_Utils/XML_Helper.h"
-using XML::XStr;
-#if 0
-struct Foo {
- std::string foo_;
- Foo (const char *foo) : foo_ (foo)
- {
- std::cout << "Entering " << foo_ << std::endl;
- }
- ~Foo ()
- {
- std::cout << "Leaving " << foo_ << std::endl;
- }
-#define XMI_TRACE(X) Foo _foobarbaz (X);
-#define XMI_TRACE(X)
-namespace DAnCE
- namespace XMI
- {
- size_t idl3_to_xmi_visitor::current_id_ = 0;
- template <typename T>
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::number_to_string (T val)
- {
- std::stringstream str;
- str << val;
- return ACE::strnew (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (str.str ().c_str ()));
- }
- template <>
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::number_to_string (bool val)
- {
- if (val)
- return ACE::strnew (LITERALS[CAPS_TRUE]);
- else
- return ACE::strnew (LITERALS[CAPS_FALSE]);
- }
- template <>
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::number_to_string (char val)
- {
- // There is no way to convert any char to xml encoding nicely
- // so we convert it to a decimal integer. This will preserve at
- // least a correct char value instead of some non-printable xml.
- std::stringstream str;
- str << static_cast<unsigned int>(static_cast<unsigned char> (val));
- return ACE::strnew (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (str.str ().c_str ()));
- }
- template <>
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::number_to_string (wchar_t val)
- {
- // There is no way to convert any char to xml encoding nicely
- // so we convert it to a decimal integer. This will preserve at
- // least a correct char value instead of some non-printable xml.
- std::stringstream str;
- str << static_cast<unsigned long>(static_cast<wchar_t> (val));
- return ACE::strnew (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (str.str ().c_str ()));
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::idl3_to_xmi_visitor (bool skip_imported)
- : dom_ (0),
- root_ (0),
- generalizations_ (0),
- associations_ (0),
- base_id_ (idl3_to_xmi_visitor::gen_xmi_id ()),
- skip_imported_ (skip_imported),
- visiting_enum_ (false),
- union_disc_ (0)
- {
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::~idl3_to_xmi_visitor (void)
- {
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_decl (AST_Decl *)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("got a decl");
- return 0;
- }
- char *
- copy_scoped_name (UTL_ScopedName *name)
- {
- ACE_CString fullname;
- for (UTL_ScopedNameActiveIterator si (name);
- !si.is_done ();
- ())
- {
- Identifier *item = si.item ();
- fullname += item->get_string ();
- }
- return fullname.rep ();
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_scope (UTL_Scope *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("got a scope");
- this->order_ = 0;
- for (UTL_ScopeActiveIterator si (node, UTL_Scope::IK_decls);
- !si.is_done ();
- ())
- {
- AST_Decl *d = si.item ();
- d->ast_accept (this);
- ++this->order_;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_type (AST_Type *)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("got a type");
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_predefined_type (AST_PredefinedType *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("predef type");
- char const *local_name = 0;
- switch (node->pt ())
- {
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo:
- // Only a limited number of predefined pseudo types
- // needs our attention.
- local_name = node->original_local_name ()->get_string ();
- if (ACE_OS::strcmp (local_name, "TypeCode") == 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_TC]);
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_module (AST_Module *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("module");
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) == 0)
- {
- // If the module is reopened then put it on the stack.
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- ES_Guard owned_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- this->visit_scope (node);
- // And don't do anything more.
- return 0;
- }
- ES_Guard package_guard (LITERALS[PACKAGE_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_MODULE]);
- {
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- ES_Guard owned_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- // Save ownedElement to add to it later if the module
- // will be reopened.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- // Same save namespace string.
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- this->visit_scope (node);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_template_module (AST_Template_Module *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_template_module_inst (
- AST_Template_Module_Inst *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_template_module_ref (AST_Template_Module_Ref *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_param_holder (AST_Param_Holder *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_finder (AST_Finder *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_interface (AST_Interface *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("interface");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_INTF]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- ES_Guard class_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- { // Operations.
- ES_Guard owned_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- this->cached_type_ = node;
- this->visit_scope (node);
- this->cached_type_ = 0;
- }
- // Inheritance
- for (long i = 0; i < node->n_inherits (); ++i)
- {
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->inherits ()[i]->repoID ())));
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_interface_fwd (AST_InterfaceFwd *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("interface_fwd");
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_INTF]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_valuebox (AST_ValueBox *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("valuebox");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_BOXVALUE]);
- // add a generalization for the value we box
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->boxed_type ()->repoID ())));
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_valuetype_impl (AST_ValueType *node)
- {
- try
- {
- // isAbstract
- if (node->is_abstract ())
- {
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[ABSTRACT], LITERALS[_TRUE]);
- }
- else
- {
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[ABSTRACT], LITERALS[_FALSE]);
- }
- if (node->inherits_concrete () != 0)
- {
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->inherits_concrete ()->repoID ())));
- }
- for (long i = 0; i < node->n_supports (); ++i)
- {
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->supports ()[i]->repoID ())));
- }
- ES_Guard oe_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- this->cached_type_ = node;
- this->visit_scope (node);
- this->cached_type_ = 0;
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_valuetype (AST_ValueType *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("valuetype");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_VALUE]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- ES_Guard class_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- this->visit_valuetype_impl (node);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_valuetype_fwd (AST_ValueTypeFwd *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("valuetype_fwd");
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_VALUE]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_eventtype (AST_EventType *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("eventtype");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_EVENT]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- ES_Guard class_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- this->visit_valuetype_impl (node);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_eventtype_fwd (AST_EventTypeFwd *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("eventtype_fwd");
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_EVENT]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_component (AST_Component *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("component");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_COMP]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- ES_Guard class_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- for (long i = 0; i < node->n_supports (); ++i)
- {
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->supports ()[i]->repoID ())));
- }
- if (node->base_component () != 0)
- {
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->base_component ()->repoID ())));
- }
- ES_Guard oe_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- this->cached_type_ = node;
- this->visit_scope (node);
- this->cached_type_ = 0;
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_component_fwd (AST_ComponentFwd *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("component_fwd");
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_COMP]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_provides (AST_Provides *node)
- {
- this->add_port (LITERALS[ST_PROVIDES], node);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_uses (AST_Uses *node)
- {
- this->add_port (LITERALS[ST_USES], node);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_publishes (AST_Publishes *node)
- {
- this->add_port (LITERALS[ST_PUBLISH], node);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_emits (AST_Emits *node)
- {
- this->add_port (LITERALS[ST_EMITS], node);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_consumes (AST_Consumes *node)
- {
- this->add_port (LITERALS[ST_CONSUMES], node);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_porttype (AST_PortType *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_extended_port (AST_Extended_Port *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_mirror_port (AST_Mirror_Port *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_connector (AST_Connector *)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_home (AST_Home *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("home");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard es_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_HOME]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- for (long i = 0; i < node->n_supports (); ++i)
- {
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->supports ()[i]->repoID ())));
- }
- if (node->base_home () != 0)
- {
- XStr xid (this->add_generalization (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->base_home ()->repoID ())));
- }
- * @@@ (JP) This code will be moved to the appropriate visit_* methods
- *
- if (node->factories ().size () != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard noe_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < node->factories ().size (); ++i)
- {
- AST_Operation **op = 0;
- node->factories ().get (op, i);
- this->visit_operation_impl (*op, LITERALS[ST_HFACT]);
- }
- }
- if (node->finders () .size () != 0)
- {
- throw Error ("home finders not supported", node);
- }
- this->add_managed_component (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->managed_component ()->repoID ()));
- ES_Guard noe_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- // attributes in scope.
- this->cached_type_ = node;
- this->visit_scope (node);
- this->cached_type_ = 0;
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_factory (AST_Factory *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("factory");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- throw Error ("Factories not supported", node);
- return 0;
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_struct_impl (AST_Structure *node)
- {
- try
- {
- ES_Guard ns_oe_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- this->visit_scope (node);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_structure (AST_Structure *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("structure");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_STRUCT]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- ES_Guard class_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- this->visit_struct_impl (node);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_structure_fwd (AST_StructureFwd *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("structure_fwd");
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_STRUCT]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_exception (AST_Exception *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("exception");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[EXCEPTION_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_EX]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- ES_Guard class_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- this->visit_struct_impl (node);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_expression (AST_Expression *)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("expression");
- // we don't particularly care about expressions.
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_enum (AST_Enum *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("enum");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (node);
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard es_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_ENUM]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- ES_Guard oe_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- this->visiting_enum_ = true;
- this->visit_scope (node);
- this->visiting_enum_ = false;
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_operation_impl (AST_Operation *op,
- const ACE_TCHAR *stereotype)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("operation");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && op->imported ())
- {
- this->visit_scope (op);
- return;
- }
- // This is a mess because the operation has so many special cases....
- try
- {
- ES_Guard op_guard (LITERALS[OP_TAG], this);
- // name and visiblity
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (op->original_local_name ()->get_string ()));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[OWNER]);
- // If we have a stereotype, set it
- if (stereotype != 0)
- {
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[STEREO_ATTR],
- stereotype);
- }
- // XMI ID
- this->create_and_store_xmi_id (op);
- // while not strictly a namespace, the repo id goes on the
- // namespace stack as the owner of contained elements.
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (op->repoID ()), this);
- { // we need to generate the tagged value in a custom way here
- ES_Guard me_guard (LITERALS[ME_TV_TAG], this);
- {
- ES_Guard tv_guard (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[TYPEID]);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE],
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (op->repoID ()));
- }
- UTL_ExceptList *exceptions = op->exceptions ();
- if (exceptions != 0 && exceptions->length () > 0)
- {
- for (UTL_ExceptlistActiveIterator ei (exceptions);
- !ei.is_done ();
- ())
- {
- ES_Guard tv_guard (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[RAISES]);
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (ei.item ()->full_name ()));
- }
- }
- }
- ES_Guard bfp_guard (LITERALS[BFP_TAG], this);
- // return value
- {
- ES_Guard param_guard (LITERALS[PARAM_TAG], this);
- // I don't think anything else can refer to the parameter by
- // xid, so I won't store it.
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (op);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[KIND], LITERALS[RETURN]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[BFEATURE]);
- xid = this->lookup_type_xid (op->return_type ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE],
- xid);
- }
- if (op->argument_count () != 0)
- {
- // Visit arguments
- for (UTL_ScopeActiveIterator si (op, UTL_Scope::IK_decls);
- !si.is_done ();)
- {
- si.item ()->ast_accept (this);
- ();
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (op);
- throw;
- }
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_operation (AST_Operation *op)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("operation");
- this->visit_operation_impl (op, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_field (AST_Field *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("field");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard attr_guard (LITERALS[ATTR_TAG], this);
- if (node->field_type ()->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_sequence)
- {
- AST_Sequence* sequence =
- AST_Sequence::narrow_from_decl (node->field_type ());
- sequence->ast_accept (this);
- // There is no need to proceed any further.
- return 0;
- }
- else if (node->field_type ()->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_array)
- {
- AST_Array* array =
- AST_Array::narrow_from_decl (node->field_type ());
- array->ast_accept (this);
- // There is no need to proceed any further.
- return 0;
- }
- // I don't think anything else can refer to the parameter by
- // xid, so I won't store it.
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->original_local_name ()->get_string ()));
- switch (node->visibility ())
- {
- case AST_Field::vis_NA:
- case AST_Field::vis_PUBLIC:
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- break;
- case AST_Field::vis_PRIVATE:
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[_PRIVATE]);
- break;
- default:
- throw Error ("unknown visibility type detected.", node);
- }
- // I think this is fixed.
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], LITERALS[MULT_OTO]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[OWNER]);
- xid = this->lookup_type_xid (node->field_type ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE],
- xid);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_argument (AST_Argument *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("argument");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard param_guard (LITERALS[PARAM_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->original_local_name ()->get_string ()));
- // I don't think anything else can refer to the parameter by
- // xid, so I won't store it.
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- // kind
- switch (node->direction ())
- {
- case AST_Argument::dir_IN:
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[KIND], LITERALS[_IN]);
- break;
- case AST_Argument::dir_INOUT:
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[KIND], LITERALS[INOUT]);
- break;
- case AST_Argument::dir_OUT:
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[KIND], LITERALS[_OUT]);
- break;
- default:
- throw Error ("Unknown argument direction", node);
- }
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[BFEATURE]);
- xid = this->lookup_type_xid (node->field_type ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE],
- xid);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_attribute (AST_Attribute *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("attribute");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (this->cached_type_ == 0)
- {
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "Zounds! %d\n",
- this->cached_type_));
- throw Error ("Internal error - attribute expected "
- "to have a cached type, but didn't");
- }
- try
- {
- // ***
- NS_Guard global_ns (ACE_TEXT ("::"), this);
- ES_Guard assoc_group (this->associations_, this);
- ES_Guard assoc_g (LITERALS[ASSOC_TAG], this);
- // I don't think anything else can refer to the attribute by
- // xid, so I won't store it.
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[NS]);
- if (node->readonly ())
- {
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[STEREO_ATTR],
- }
- ES_Guard assoc_conn (LITERALS[ASSOC_CONN_TAG], this);
- { // Containing type
- ES_Guard assoc_end (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], ACE_TEXT ("1"));
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (this->cached_type_->repoID ()));
- }
- {
- ES_Guard assoc_end (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->original_local_name ()->get_string ()));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], ACE_TEXT ("1"));
- xid = this->lookup_type_xid (node->field_type ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE], xid);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_union (AST_Union *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("union");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_UNION]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- ES_Guard class_guard (ec.elem_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ec.ns_.c_str (), this);
- ES_Guard oe_guard (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG], this);
- // Set discriminator type
- this->union_disc_ = node->disc_type ();
- this->visit_scope (node);
- this->union_disc_ = 0;
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- this->union_disc_ = 0;
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_union_fwd (AST_UnionFwd *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("union_fwd");
- try
- {
- ElementContext ec;
- if (this->repo_id_map_.find (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec) != 0)
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_UNION]);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- // Save in order not to generate same element later.
- this-> (ec.elem_);
- this-> (ec.ns_);
- this->repo_id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), ec);
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_union_branch (AST_UnionBranch *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("union_branch");
- try
- {
- ES_Guard attr_guard (LITERALS[ATTR_TAG], this);
- // I don't think anything else can refer to the parameter by
- // xid, so I won't store it.
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- // name
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->original_local_name ()->get_string ()));
- // visiblity
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[OWNER]);
- // I think this is fixed.
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], LITERALS[MULT_ZTO]);
- xid = this->lookup_type_xid (node->field_type ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE],
- xid);
- {
- ES_Guard me_tv_guard (LITERALS[ME_TV_TAG], this);
- {
- ES_Guard tv_guard (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[IDLORDER]);
- // convert the order value to a string
- // need a buffer, with a little safety padding
- ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr<ACE_TCHAR> buffer
- (this->number_to_string (this->order_));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE], buffer.get ());
- }
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < node->label_list_length (); ++i)
- {
- this->visit_union_label (node->label (i));
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::union_label_value (AST_Expression *exp)
- {
- ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr<ACE_TCHAR> buffer;
- // @@TODO: Yuck, there has got to be a better way....
- AST_Expression::AST_ExprValue *ev = exp->ev ();
- if (exp->ec () != AST_Expression::EC_symbol ||
- this->union_disc_->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_typedef ||
- this->union_disc_->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_pre_defined)
- {
- /*AST_Expression::ExprType type;
- if (this->union_disc_->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_typedef)
- {
- AST_Typedef *td (AST_Typedef::narrow_from_decl (this->union_disc_));
- type = td->base_type ()->node_type ();
- }
- else type = ev->et;*/
- // Decode the type
- switch (ev->et)
- {
- case AST_Expression::EV_long:
- buffer.reset (this->number_to_string (ev->u.lval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_ulong:
- buffer.reset (this->number_to_string (ev->u.ulval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_short:
- buffer.reset (this->number_to_string (ev->u.sval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_ushort:
- buffer.reset (this->number_to_string (ev->u.usval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_bool:
- buffer.reset (this->number_to_string (ev->u.bval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_char:
- buffer.reset (this->number_to_string (ev->u.cval));
- break;
- default:
- throw Error ("Unknown union union label type");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- AST_Enum *desc (0);
- if ((desc = AST_Enum::narrow_from_decl (this->union_disc_)) == 0)
- {
- throw Error ("Descriminator type is not an enum");
- }
- AST_Decl *ev_decl =
- desc->lookup_by_name (exp->n (), 1);
- if (ev_decl == 0)
- {
- throw Error ("Couldn't look up enum name");
- }
- AST_EnumVal *ev = AST_EnumVal::narrow_from_decl (ev_decl);
- if (ev == 0)
- {
- throw Error ("Couldn't look up enum name");
- }
- buffer.reset (ACE::strnew (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (ev->full_name ())));
- //const char *name = desc->lookup_by_value (exp)->full_name ();
- // const char *name = exp->n ();
- //buffer.reset (copy_scoped_name (exp->n ()));
- }
- if (buffer.get () == 0)
- {
- throw Error ("Unable to parse union label");
- }
- return buffer.release ();
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_union_label (AST_UnionLabel *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("union_label");
- ES_Guard tv_guard (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[CASE]);
- if (node->label_kind () == AST_UnionLabel::UL_default)
- {
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE],
- }
- else
- {
- ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr<ACE_TCHAR> buffer (
- this->union_label_value (node->label_val ()));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE], buffer.get ());
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_constant (AST_Constant *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("constant");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard attr_guard (LITERALS[ATTR_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_CONST]);
- // Constant type
- const ACE_TCHAR *exprtype (0);
- AST_Expression::AST_ExprValue *val
- (node->constant_value ()->ev ());
- ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr<ACE_TCHAR> str_value;
- switch (node->et ())
- {
- case AST_Expression::EV_short:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_SHORT];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.sval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_ushort:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_US];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.usval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_long:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_LONG];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.lval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_ulong:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_UL];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.ulval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_longlong:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_LL];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.llval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_ulonglong:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_ULL];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.ullval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_float:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_FLOAT];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.fval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_double:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_DOUBLE];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.dval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_longdouble:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_LD];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.dval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_char:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_CHAR];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.cval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_wchar:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_WCHAR];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.wcval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_octet:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_OCTET];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.dval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_bool:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_BOOL];
- str_value.reset (this->number_to_string (val->u.bval));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_string:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_STR];
- str_value.reset (ACE::strnew (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (val->u.strval->get_string ())));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_wstring:
- exprtype = LITERALS[ST_WSTR];
- str_value.reset (ACE::strnew (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (val->u.wstrval)));
- break;
- case AST_Expression::EV_enum:
- {
- UTL_Scope *s = node->defined_in ();
- AST_Decl *d =
- s->lookup_by_name (node->constant_value ()->n (), 1);
- exprtype = ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (
- ScopeAsDecl (d->defined_in ())->repoID ());
- str_value.reset (ACE::strnew (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (d->full_name ())));
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw Error ("Unsupported constant type", node);
- }
- // type attribute
- XStr xid (this->lookup_xid (exprtype));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE],
- xid);
- {
- ES_Guard me_tv (LITERALS[ME_TV_TAG], this);
- {
- ES_Guard tv (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[INIT_VAL]);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE], str_value.get ());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_enum_val (AST_EnumVal *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("enum val");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!this->visiting_enum_)
- {
- // It makes sence only to process enumvals in enum "scope".
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard att_guard (LITERALS[ATTR_TAG], this);
- this->create_and_store_xmi_id (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()),
- node);
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->original_local_name ()->get_string ()));
- // I think this is fixed.
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], LITERALS[MULT_OTO]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[OWNER]);
- ES_Guard me_guard (LITERALS[ME_TV_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard tv_guard (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[IDLORDER]);
- // convert the enum value to a string
- // need a buffer, with a little safety padding
- ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr<ACE_TCHAR> buffer
- (this->number_to_string (node->constant_value ()->ev ()->u.eval));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE], buffer.get ());
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_array (AST_Array *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("array val");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- this->gen_common_elements (node,
- this->gen_array_associations (node, node);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::gen_array_associations (AST_Decl *node,
- AST_Array *array)
- {
- // <UML:Namespace.ownedElement>
- NS_Guard global_ns (ACE_TEXT ("::"), this);
- // <UML:Association"xmi.1210085542354"
- // visibility="public" namespace="xmi.1210085542350">
- ES_Guard assoc_group (this->associations_, this);
- ES_Guard assoc_g (LITERALS[ASSOC_TAG], this);
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[NS]);
- // <UML:Association.connection>
- ES_Guard assoc_conn (LITERALS[ASSOC_CONN_TAG], this);
- {
- // <UML:AssociationEnd multiplicity="0..1" type="xmi.1210085542353">
- ES_Guard assocend (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], LITERALS[MULT_ZTO]);
- xid = this->lookup_xid (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE], xid);
- // <UML:AssociationEnd.qualifier>
- ES_Guard assoc_qual (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_QUAL_TAG], this);
- for (unsigned long i = 0;
- array != 0 && i < array->n_dims ();
- ++i)
- {
- // <UML:Attribute"xmi.1210085542355"
- // name="index0" type='xmi.1210085542329'>
- // N.B. that type is long.
- ES_Guard attr (LITERALS[ATTR_TAG], this);
- xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- std::stringstream str;
- str << i;
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (str.str ().c_str ()));
- xid = this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_LONG]);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE], xid);
- // <UML:ModelElement.constraint>
- ES_Guard me_c (LITERALS[ME_CONS_TAG], this);
- // <UML:Constraint"xmi.1210085542356">
- ES_Guard cons (LITERALS[CONSTRAINT], this);
- xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- // <UML:ModelElement.taggedValue>
- ES_Guard me_tv (LITERALS[ME_TV_TAG], this);
- // <UML:TaggedValue tag="constraintUpperValue" value="4"/>
- ES_Guard tv (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[CONST_UPPER]);
- ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr<ACE_TCHAR> buffer (
- this->number_to_string (array->dims ()[i]->ev ()->u.ulval));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE], buffer.get ());
- }
- }
- // <UML:AssociationEnd multiplicity="1..1"
- // type="xmi.1210085542346"/> - type is Char for this IDL
- ES_Guard assoc_end (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], LITERALS[MULT_OTO]);
- XStr arr_type = this->lookup_type_xid (array->base_type ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE], arr_type);
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_sequence (AST_Sequence *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("sequence val");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- this->gen_common_elements (node,
- // Generate the bounds and type on the sequence, which is an
- // association in the association tree.
- this->gen_sequence_associations (node, node);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::gen_sequence_associations (AST_Decl *node,
- AST_Sequence *sequence)
- {
- // <UML:Namespace.ownedElement>
- NS_Guard global_ns (ACE_TEXT ("::"), this);
- // <UML:Association"xmi.1210085542354"
- // visibility="public" namespace="xmi.1210085542350">
- ES_Guard assoc_group (this->associations_, this);
- ES_Guard assoc_g (LITERALS[ASSOC_TAG], this);
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[NS]);
- // <UML:Association.connection>
- ES_Guard assoc_conn (LITERALS[ASSOC_CONN_TAG], this);
- {
- // <UML:AssociationEnd multiplicity="0..1" type="xmi.1210085542353">
- ES_Guard assocend (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], LITERALS[MULT_ZTO]);
- xid = this->lookup_xid (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE], xid);
- // <UML:AssociationEnd.qualifier>
- ES_Guard assoc_qual (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_QUAL_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard attr (LITERALS[ATTR_TAG], this);
- xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[NAME], LITERALS[INDEX]);
- xid = this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_LONG]);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE], xid);
- ES_Guard me_c (LITERALS[ME_CONS_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard cons (LITERALS[CONSTRAINT], this);
- ES_Guard me_tv (LITERALS[ME_TV_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard tv (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[CONST_UPPER]);
- // @@TODO: need to extract bound from node.
- if (sequence->unbounded ())
- {
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE],
- }
- else
- { // bounded sequence
- // convert the array bound to a string
- // need a buffer, with a little safety padding
- ACE_Auto_Basic_Array_Ptr<ACE_TCHAR> buffer (
- this->number_to_string (sequence->max_size ()->ev ()->u.ulval));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE], buffer.get ());
- }
- }
- // <UML:AssociationEnd multiplicity="1..1"
- // type="xmi.1210085542346"/> - type is Char for this IDL
- ES_Guard assoc_end (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], LITERALS[MULT_OTO]);
- XStr seq_type = this->lookup_type_xid (sequence->base_type ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TYPE], seq_type);
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_string (AST_String *)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("string");
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_typedef (AST_Typedef *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("typedef");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- // Anonymous Sequences and arrays appear to be a special case
- AST_Decl *base (node->base_type ());
- if (base->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_sequence)
- {
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_SEQ]);
- AST_Sequence* sequence =
- AST_Sequence::narrow_from_decl (base);
- this->gen_sequence_associations (node, sequence);
- }
- else if (base->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_array)
- {
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_ARR]);
- AST_Array* array =
- AST_Array::narrow_from_decl (base);
- this->gen_array_associations (node, array);
- }
- else
- {
- this->gen_common_elements (node,
- // Generalization. Assignment required for memory management.
- XStr xid = this->add_generalization (node,
- node->base_type ());
- }
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_root (AST_Root *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("root");
- try
- {
- ACE_CString fn;
- if ((fn = be_global->filename ()) == "")
- {
- fn = idl_global->stripped_filename ()->get_string ();
- fn = fn.substr (0, fn.rfind ('.'));
- fn += ".xmi";
- }
- const char *path = be_global->output_dir ();
- ACE_CString target_name;
- if (path != 0)
- {
- target_name = path;
- target_name += "/";
- }
- target_name += fn;
- XML::NoOp_Resolver res_func;
- XML::XML_Schema_Resolver<> resolver (res_func);
- XML::XML_Error_Handler handler;
- XML::XML_Helper<> helper (&resolver, &handler);
- // Create XML document
- std::auto_ptr<DOMDocumentType> doctype (
- helper.create_doctype (ACE_TEXT("XMI"),
- 0,
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (be_global->dtd ())));
- if ((this->dom_ = helper.create_dom (ACE_TEXT("XMI"),
- ACE_TEXT(""),
- doctype.get ())) == 0)
- ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Unable to create XML document."), -1);
- this->root_ = this->dom_->getDocumentElement ();
- this->stack_.push (this->root_);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VERSION_TAG],
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[NS_TAG],
- DOMElement *tmp = 0;
- // Pregenerate stereotypes to cache xmi.ids.
- DOMElement *stereotypes = this->generate_stereotypes ();
- // Create XMI header
- {
- ES_Guard ht_g (LITERALS[HEADER_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard d_t (LITERALS[DOC_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard e_t (LITERALS[EXPORTER_TAG], this);
- this->add_text (LITERALS[EXPORTER_VALUE]);
- }
- this->stack_.push (this->create_element (LITERALS[CONTENT_TAG]));
- this->stack_.push (this->create_element (LITERALS[MODEL_TAG]));
- // Store the base model xid
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], this->base_id_);
- this->id_map_.bind (ACE_TEXT ("::"), this->base_id_);
- // Global namespace
- this->stack_.push (this->create_element (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG]));
- this->namespace_.push (ACE_TEXT ("::"));
- // Create generalizations and associations elements, but don't join
- // them to the tree yet
- this->associations_ =
- this->dom_->createElement (XStr (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG]));
- this->generalizations_ =
- this->dom_->createElement (XStr (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG]));
- if (this->visit_scope (node) != 0)
- {
- "idl3_to_idl2_visitor::visit_root - "
- "codegen for scope failed\n"),
- -1);
- }
- this->stack_.pop (tmp);
- this-> (tmp);
- tmp->appendChild (this->generalizations_);
- tmp->appendChild (this->associations_);
- tmp->appendChild (stereotypes);
- helper.write_DOM (this->dom_,
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (target_name.c_str ()));
- this->id_map_.close ();
- this->base_id_.reset ();
- }
- catch (const Error &ex)
- {
- if (ex.node_ != 0)
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%s:%d:error: %s\n",
- ex.node_->file_name ().c_str (),
- ex.node_->line (),
- ex.diag_.c_str ()));
- else
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "::error:%s\n",
- ex.diag_.c_str ()));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::visit_native (AST_Native *node)
- {
- XMI_TRACE ("native");
- if (this->skip_imported_ && node->imported ())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- try
- {
- ES_Guard class_guard (LITERALS[CLASS_TAG], this);
- this->gen_common_elements (node, LITERALS[ST_NATIVE]);
- }
- catch (Error &err)
- {
- err.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::set_attribute (const ACE_TCHAR *name,
- const ACE_TCHAR *value)
- {
- DOMElement *ele = 0;
- this-> (ele);
- ele->setAttribute (XStr (name), XStr (value));
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::set_attribute (const ACE_TCHAR *name,
- const XMLCh *value)
- {
- DOMElement *ele = 0;
- this-> (ele);
- ele->setAttribute (XStr (name), value);
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::add_text (const ACE_TCHAR *text)
- {
- DOMElement *ele = 0;
- this-> (ele);
- DOMText *node = this->dom_->createTextNode (XStr (text));
- ele->appendChild (node);
- }
- DOMElement *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::create_element (const ACE_TCHAR *name)
- {
- DOMElement *ele = 0;
- this-> (ele);
- DOMElement *node = this->dom_->createElement (XStr (name));
- ele->appendChild (node);
- return node;
- }
- DOMElement *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::generate_stereotypes (void)
- {
- DOMElement *retval =
- this->dom_->createElement (XStr (LITERALS[OWNEDELEMENT_TAG]));
- // put it on the stack to subsequent create_element calls refer to it.
- this->stack_.push (retval);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_CONSUMES, ASSOC);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ANON_SEQ, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_PRINC, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_UNION, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_USES, ASSOC);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_SEQ, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ROE, __NULL);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_RO, __NULL);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_OBJ, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_STR, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_LD, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ANON_ARR, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ALIAS, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_NULL, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_VALUE, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_VOID, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_EX, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_OCTET, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_MANAGES, ASSOC);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_WSTR, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_FLOAT, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ENUM, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_VAL_SUP, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_MODULE, PACKAGE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_HFINDER, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_DOUBLE, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_LL, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_HFACT, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ARR, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_COMP, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_SHORT, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_TYPEDEF, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ULL, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_LONG, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_TC, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_HOME, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_STRUCT, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_FIXED, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_US, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_EMITS, ASSOC);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_BOXVALUE, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_BOOL, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_CONST, ATTR);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_PUBLISH, ASSOC);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_CONSTANTS, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_PROVIDES, ASSOC);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_WCHAR, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_UL, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_VAL_FACT, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_EVENT, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_CHAR, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_INTF, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_PRI_KEY, CLASS);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_ANY, DATATYPE);
- this->add_stereotype (ST_NATIVE, CLASS);
- this->stack_.pop (retval);
- return retval;
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::add_stereotype (const LITERAL_T name,
- const LITERAL_T bc)
- {
- // Generate our
- XStr xid (this->gen_xmi_id ());
- // Bind the id in the map
- this->id_map_.bind (LITERALS[name], xid);
- DOMElement *ele = this->create_element (LITERALS[STEREOTYPE_TAG]);
- ele->setAttribute (XStr (LITERALS[XMI_ID]), xid);
- ele->setAttribute (XStr (LITERALS[NAME]), XStr (LITERALS[name]));
- ele->setAttribute (XStr (LITERALS[BASEC]), XStr (LITERALS[bc]));
- return;
- }
- XMLCh *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::gen_xmi_id (const ACE_TCHAR *name, long line)
- {
- if (current_id_ == 0)
- {
- ACE_OS::srand (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ().msec ());
- current_id_ = rand ();
- }
- std::stringstream str;
- // Skip all characters that cannot be a first name char in
- while (name && *name && !XMLChar1_1::isFirstNameChar(*name)) ++name;
- // Since we use a file path as name then let's change all non-name
- // chars for '_'.
- while (name && *name)
- {
- if (XMLChar1_1::isNameChar (*name))
- {
- str << *name;
- }
- else
- {
- str << '_';
- }
- ++name;
- }
- str << ':' << line << '.' << current_id_++;
- XStr retval (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (str.str ().c_str ()));
- return retval.release ();
- }
- XMLCh *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::gen_xmi_id (AST_Decl *node)
- {
- if (current_id_ == 0)
- {
- ACE_OS::srand (ACE_OS::gettimeofday ().msec ());
- current_id_ = rand ();
- }
- // we want these IDs to be unique, but the CDMW
- // code generator sometimes depends
- // on the order these things were declared in IDL,
- // so for cases like that,
- // we generate an ID that will sort to the order it
- // was declared in IDL,
- // no matter which order we visit the nodes.
- if (node != 0)
- {
- return
- gen_xmi_id (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->file_name ().c_str ()),
- node->line ());
- }
- std::stringstream str;
- str << "xmi." << current_id_++;
- XStr retval (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (str.str ().c_str ()));
- return retval.release ();
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::set_containing_element (
- const ACE_TCHAR *cont_name)
- {
- ACE_TString tmp;
- XStr xid;
- this-> (tmp);
- this->id_map_.find (tmp, xid);
- this->set_attribute (cont_name, xid);
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::create_and_store_xmi_id (AST_Decl *node)
- {
- try
- {
- this->create_and_store_xmi_id (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), node);
- }
- catch (Error &ex)
- {
- ex.node (node);
- throw;
- }
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::create_and_store_xmi_id (
- const ACE_TCHAR *name, AST_Decl *node)
- {
- XStr xid = this->gen_xmi_id (node);
- // store xmi_id
- if (this->id_map_.trybind (name, xid) == -1)
- throw Error ("error binding in the XMI ID map");
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- }
- XMLCh *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::lookup_xid (const ACE_TCHAR *name)
- {
- XStr tmp;
- if (this->id_map_.find (name, tmp) == -1)
- {
- ACE_CString err ("unknown XMI ID requested for ");
- err += ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (name);
- throw Error (err.c_str ());
- }
- return tmp.release ();
- }
- XMLCh *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::lookup_type_xid (AST_Type *node)
- {
- AST_PredefinedType *pdt = 0;
- switch (node->node_type ())
- {
- case AST_Decl::NT_string:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_STR]);
- case AST_Decl::NT_wstring:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_WSTR]);
- case AST_Decl::NT_pre_defined:
- pdt = AST_PredefinedType::narrow_from_decl (node);
- switch (pdt->pt ())
- {
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_pseudo:
- return this->lookup_xid (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (pdt->repoID ()));
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_object:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_OBJ]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_any:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_ANY]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_long:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_LONG]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_ulong:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_UL]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_longlong:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_LL]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_ulonglong:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_ULL]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_short:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_SHORT]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_ushort:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_US]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_float:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_FLOAT]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_double:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_DOUBLE]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_longdouble:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_LD]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_char:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_CHAR]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_wchar:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_WCHAR]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_boolean:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_BOOL]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_octet:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_OCTET]);
- case AST_PredefinedType::PT_void:
- return this->lookup_xid (LITERALS[ST_VOID]);
- default:
- throw Error ("Unknown or unsupported predefined type",
- pdt);
- }
- default:
- return this->lookup_xid (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()));
- }
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::find_and_set_xid_as_attr (const ACE_TCHAR *attr_name,
- const ACE_TCHAR *xid_name)
- {
- XStr tmp;
- if (this->id_map_.find (xid_name, tmp) == -1)
- {
- ACE_CString err ("unknown XMI ID when looking up ");
- err += ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (xid_name);
- throw Error (err.c_str ());
- }
- this->set_attribute (attr_name, tmp);
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::gen_tagged_value (AST_Decl *node)
- {
- ES_Guard me_guard (LITERALS[ME_TV_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard tv_guard (LITERALS[TV_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[TAG], LITERALS[TYPEID]);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VALUE],
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()));
- }
- XMLCh *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::add_generalization (const ACE_TCHAR *sub,
- const ACE_TCHAR *super)
- {
- return this->add_generalization (XStr (this->lookup_xid (sub)),
- XStr (this->lookup_xid (super)));
- }
- XMLCh *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::add_generalization (AST_Type *sub, AST_Type *super)
- {
- return this->add_generalization (XStr (this->lookup_type_xid (sub)),
- XStr (this->lookup_type_xid (super)));
- }
- XMLCh *
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::add_generalization (const XMLCh *sub,
- const XMLCh *super)
- {
- // Generate XMI ID
- XStr xid (this->gen_xmi_id ());
- { // add generalization to the 'generalizations' set
- ES_Guard es_guard (this->generalizations_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT ("::"), this);
- ES_Guard gen_guard (LITERALS[GEN_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[NS]);
- { // subtype
- ES_Guard st_guard (LITERALS[GEN_SUB_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard element_guard (LITERALS[GEN_ELEMENT_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[IDREF], sub);
- }
- { // subtype
- ES_Guard st_guard (LITERALS[GEN_SUPER_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard element_guard (LITERALS[GEN_ELEMENT_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[IDREF], super);
- }
- }
- { // Reference generalization in the calling element.
- ES_Guard et_g (LITERALS[GEN_ELEMENT_GEN_TAG], this);
- ES_Guard g_g (LITERALS[GEN_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[IDREF], xid);
- }
- return xid.release ();
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::add_port (const ACE_TCHAR *port_kind,
- AST_Field *port_node)
- {
- if (port_node->node_type () == AST_Decl::NT_uses)
- {
- AST_Uses *u = AST_Uses::narrow_from_decl (port_node);
- if (u->is_multiple ())
- {
- throw Error ("uses multiple not yet supported.");
- }
- }
- ES_Guard es_guard (this->associations_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT ("::"), this);
- ES_Guard assoc_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_TAG], this);
- // Generate XMI ID
- XStr xid (this->gen_xmi_id (port_node));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[STEREO_ATTR], port_kind);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[NS]);
- ES_Guard conn_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_CONN_TAG], this);
- { // component end
- ES_Guard end_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], ACE_TEXT ("1"));
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (this->cached_type_->repoID ()));
- }
- { // component end
- ES_Guard end_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- Identifier *id =
- IdentifierHelper::original_local_name (
- port_node->local_name ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[NAME], ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (id->get_string ()));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[MULT], ACE_TEXT ("1"));
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (port_node->field_type ()->repoID ()));
- id->destroy ();
- delete id;
- id = 0;
- }
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::add_managed_component (const ACE_TCHAR *home,
- const ACE_TCHAR *component)
- {
- ES_Guard es_guard (this->associations_, this);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT ("::"), this);
- ES_Guard assoc_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_TAG], this);
- // Generate XMI ID
- XStr xid (this->gen_xmi_id ());
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[XMI_ID], xid);
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[STEREO_ATTR],
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[NS]);
- ES_Guard conn_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_CONN_TAG], this);
- { // home end
- ES_Guard end_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[STEREO_ATTR],
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[TYPE], home);
- }
- { // component end
- ES_Guard end_guard (LITERALS[ASSOC_END_TAG], this);
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[STEREO_ATTR],
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[TYPE], component);
- }
- }
- void
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::gen_common_elements (AST_Decl *node,
- const ACE_TCHAR *stereotype)
- {
- this->create_and_store_xmi_id (node);
- this->set_attribute (
- ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->original_local_name ()->get_string ()));
- this->set_attribute (LITERALS[VISIBIL], LITERALS[PUBLIC]);
- this->set_containing_element (LITERALS[NS]);
- this->find_and_set_xid_as_attr (LITERALS[STEREO_ATTR],
- stereotype);
- NS_Guard ns_guard (ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (node->repoID ()), this);
- this->gen_tagged_value (node);
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::ES_Guard::ES_Guard (const ACE_TCHAR *name,
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor *vis)
- : vis_ (*vis)
- {
- if (vis_.stack_.push (vis_.create_element (name)))
- throw Error ("element stack error");
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::ES_Guard::ES_Guard (DOMElement *ele,
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor *vis)
- : vis_ (*vis)
- {
- if (vis_.stack_.push (ele) != 0)
- throw Error ("element stack error");
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::ES_Guard::~ES_Guard (void)
- {
- DOMElement *tmp;
- if (vis_.stack_.pop (tmp) != 0)
- {
- vis_.output_dirty_ = true;
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "error: element stack underflow."));
- }
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::NS_Guard::NS_Guard (const ACE_TCHAR *name,
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor *vis)
- : vis_ (*vis)
- {
- int res = vis_.namespace_.push (name);
- if (res == 0) return;
- throw Error ("stack error");
- }
- idl3_to_xmi_visitor::NS_Guard::~NS_Guard (void)
- {
- ACE_TString tmp;
- if (vis_.namespace_.pop (tmp) != 0)
- {
- vis_.output_dirty_ = true;
- ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "error:namespace stack underflow"));
- }
- }
- }