path: root/ACE/MPC/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ACE/MPC/modules')
79 files changed, 19918 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2be84c51205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package AutomakeProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Automake Project Creator
+# Author : J.T. Conklin & Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/26/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use MakeProjectBase;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(MakeProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub escape_spaces {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub fill_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value;
+ if ($name eq 'am_version') {
+ $value = $self->get_assignment('version');
+ $value .= ':0' if (defined $value && ($value =~ tr/./:/) < 2);
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.am';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'automakeexe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'automakedll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3cdf9c6048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+package AutomakeWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Automake Workspace (Makefile) creator
+# Author : J.T. Conklin & Steve Huston
+# Create Date : 5/13/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use File::Copy;
+use AutomakeProjectCreator;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use WorkspaceHelper;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $acfile = '';
+my $acmfile = '';
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ return 1;
+sub files_are_different {
+ my($self, $old, $new) = @_;
+ my $diff = 1;
+ if (-r $old) {
+ my $lh = new FileHandle();
+ my $rh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($lh, $old)) {
+ if (open($rh, $new)) {
+ my $done = 0;
+ my $lline;
+ my $rline;
+ $diff = 0;
+ do {
+ $lline = <$lh>;
+ $rline = <$rh>;
+ if (defined $lline) {
+ if (defined $rline) {
+ $lline =~ s/#.*//;
+ $rline =~ s/#.*//;
+ $diff = 1 if ($lline ne $rline);
+ }
+ else {
+ $done = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $diff = 1 if (defined $rline);
+ $done = 1;
+ }
+ } while(!$done && !$diff);
+ close($rh);
+ }
+ close($lh);
+ }
+ }
+ return $diff;
+sub workspace_file_name {
+ return $_[0]->get_modified_workspace_name('Makefile', '.am');
+sub workspace_per_project {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '## Process this file with automake to create', $crlf,
+ '##', $crlf,
+ '## ', '$', 'Id', '$', $crlf,
+ '##', $crlf,
+ '## This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '## this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '##', $crlf,
+ '## MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '## ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf, $crlf);
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh, $creator, $toplevel) = @_;
+ my $projects = $self->get_projects();
+ my @list = $self->sort_dependencies($projects);
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my %unique;
+ my @dirs;
+ my @locals;
+ my %proj_dir_seen;
+ my $have_subdirs = 0;
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ my $cond = '--';
+ ## This step writes a list into the starting
+ ## directory. The list contains of all the Makefiles generated down
+ ## the tree. can include this to get an up-to-date list
+ ## of all the involved Makefiles.
+ my $mfh;
+ my $makefile;
+ if ($toplevel) {
+ my $need_acmfile = 1;
+ if (! -e "$outdir/$acfile") {
+ my $acfh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($acfh, ">$outdir/$acfile")) {
+ print $acfh "AC_INIT(", $self->get_workspace_name(), ", 1.0)$crlf",
+ "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9])$crlf",
+ $crlf,
+ "AC_PROG_CXX$crlf",
+ "AC_PROG_CXXCPP$crlf",
+ $crlf;
+ my $fp = $creator->get_feature_parser();
+ my $features = $fp->get_names();
+ my %assoc = %{$self->get_associated_projects()};
+ foreach my $feature (sort @$features) {
+ print $acfh 'AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_', uc($feature),
+ ', ', ($fp->get_value($feature) ? 'true' : 'false'),
+ ')', $crlf;
+ delete $assoc{$feature};
+ }
+ foreach my $akey (keys %assoc) {
+ print $acfh 'AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_', uc($akey), ', true)', $crlf
+ if ($akey ne $cond);
+ }
+ print $acfh $crlf,
+ "m4_include([$acmfile])$crlf",
+ $crlf,
+ "AC_OUTPUT$crlf";
+ close($acfh);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->information("$acfile already exists.");
+ $need_acmfile = !$self->edit_config_ac("$outdir/$acfile", \@list);
+ }
+ if ($need_acmfile) {
+ unlink("$outdir/$acmfile");
+ $mfh = new FileHandle();
+ open($mfh, ">$outdir/$acmfile");
+ ## The top-level is never listed as a dependency, so it needs to be
+ ## added explicitly.
+ $makefile = $self->mpc_basename($self->get_current_output_name());
+ $makefile =~ s/\.am$//;
+ print $mfh "AC_CONFIG_FILES([ $makefile ])$crlf";
+ $proj_dir_seen{'.'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we're writing a file, every seen project
+ ## goes into it. Since we only write this at the starting directory
+ ## level, it'll include all projects processed at this level and below.
+ foreach my $dep (@list) {
+ if ($mfh) {
+ ## There should be a Makefile at each level, but it's not a project,
+ ## it's a workspace; therefore, it's not in the list of projects.
+ ## Since we're consolidating all the project files into one workspace
+ ## per directory level, be sure to add that
+ ## entry at each level there's a project dependency.
+ my $dep_dir = $self->mpc_dirname($dep);
+ if (!defined $proj_dir_seen{$dep_dir}) {
+ $proj_dir_seen{$dep_dir} = 1;
+ ## If there are directory levels between project-containing
+ ## directories (for example, at this time in
+ ## ACE_wrappers/apps/JAWS/server, there are no projects at the
+ ## apps or apps/JAWS level) we need to insert the Makefile
+ ## entries for the levels without projects. They won't be listed
+ ## in @list but are needed for make to traverse intervening directory
+ ## levels down to where the project(s) to build are.
+ my @dirs = split /\//, $dep_dir;
+ my $inter_dir = "";
+ foreach my $dep (@dirs) {
+ $inter_dir .= $dep;
+ if (!defined $proj_dir_seen{$inter_dir}) {
+ $proj_dir_seen{$inter_dir} = 1;
+ print $mfh "AC_CONFIG_FILES([ $inter_dir/$makefile ])$crlf";
+ }
+ $inter_dir .= '/';
+ }
+ print $mfh "AC_CONFIG_FILES([ $dep_dir/$makefile ])$crlf";
+ }
+ }
+ ## Get a unique list of next-level directories for SUBDIRS.
+ ## To make sure we keep the dependencies correct, insert the '.' for
+ ## any local projects in the proper place. Remember if any subdirs
+ ## are seen to know if we need a SUBDIRS entry generated.
+ my $dir = $self->get_first_level_directory($dep);
+ if (!defined $unique{$dir}) {
+ $unique{$dir} = 1;
+ unshift(@dirs, $dir);
+ }
+ if ($dir eq '.') {
+ ## At each directory level, each project is written into a separate
+ ## Makefile.<project>.am file. To bring these back into the build
+ ## process, they'll be sucked back into the workspace file.
+ ## Remember which ones to pull in at this level.
+ unshift(@locals, $dep);
+ }
+ else {
+ $have_subdirs = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($mfh) if ($mfh);
+ # The Makefile.<project>.am files append values to build target macros
+ # for each program/library to build. When using conditionals, however,
+ # a plain empty assignment is done outside the conditional to be sure
+ # that each append can be done regardless of the condition test. Because
+ # automake fails if the first isn't a plain assignment, we need to resolve
+ # these situations when combining the files. The code below makes sure
+ # that there's always a plain assignment, whether it's one outside a
+ # conditional or the first append is changed to a simple assignment.
+ #
+ # We should consider extending this to support all macros that match
+ # automake's uniform naming convention. A true perl wizard probably
+ # would be able to do this in a single line of code.
+ my %seen;
+ my %conditional_targets;
+ my %unconditional_targets;
+ my %first_instance_unconditional;
+ my $installable_headers;
+ my $installable_pkgconfig;
+ my $includedir;
+ my $project_name;
+ ## To avoid unnecessarily emitting blank assignments, rip through the
+ ## Makefile.<project>.am files and check for conditions.
+ if (@locals) {
+ my $pfh = new FileHandle();
+ foreach my $local (reverse @locals) {
+ if ($local =~ /Makefile\.(.*)\.am/) {
+ $project_name = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $project_name = 'nobase';
+ }
+ if (open($pfh, "$outdir/$local")) {
+ my $in_condition = 0;
+ my $regok = $self->escape_regex_special($project_name);
+ my $inc_pattern = $regok . '_include_HEADERS';
+ my $pkg_pattern = $regok . '_pkginclude_HEADERS';
+ while (<$pfh>) {
+ # Don't look at comments
+ next if (/^#/);
+ $in_condition++ if (/^if\s*/);
+ $in_condition-- if (/^endif\s*/);
+ || /(^CLEANFILES)\s*\+=\s*/
+ || /(^EXTRA_DIST)\s*\+=\s*/
+ ) {
+ if ($in_condition) {
+ $conditional_targets{$1}++;
+ } else {
+ if (! $seen{$1} ) {
+ $first_instance_unconditional{$1} = 1;
+ }
+ $unconditional_targets{$1}++;
+ }
+ $seen{$1} = 1;
+ $installable_pkgconfig= 1 if (/^pkgconfig_DATA/);
+ $installable_headers = 1
+ if (/^$inc_pattern\s*\+=\s*/ || /^$pkg_pattern\s*\+=\s*/);
+ }
+ elsif (/includedir\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
+ $includedir = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close($pfh);
+ $in_condition = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->error("Unable to open $local for reading.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # Clear seen hash
+ #
+ %seen = ();
+ ## Print out the
+ my $wsHelper = WorkspaceHelper::get($self);
+ my $convert_header_name;
+ if ((!defined $includedir && $installable_headers)
+ || $installable_pkgconfig) {
+ if (!defined $includedir && $installable_headers) {
+ my $incdir = $wsHelper->modify_value('includedir',
+ $self->get_includedir());
+ if ($incdir ne '') {
+ print $fh "includedir = \@includedir\@$incdir$crlf";
+ $convert_header_name = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($installable_pkgconfig) {
+ print $fh "pkgconfigdir = \@libdir\@/pkgconfig$crlf";
+ }
+ print $fh $crlf;
+ }
+ if (@locals) {
+ my($status, $error) = $wsHelper->write_settings($self, $fh, @locals);
+ if (!$status) {
+ $self->error($error);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create the SUBDIRS setting. If there are associated projects, then
+ ## we will also set up conditionals for it as well.
+ if ($have_subdirs == 1) {
+ my $assoc = $self->get_associated_projects();
+ my @aorder;
+ my %afiles;
+ my $entry = " \\$crlf ";
+ print $fh 'SUBDIRS =';
+ foreach my $dir (reverse @dirs) {
+ my $found;
+ foreach my $akey (keys %$assoc) {
+ if (defined $$assoc{$akey}->{$dir}) {
+ if ($akey eq $cond) {
+ if ($toplevel) {
+ print $fh $entry, '@', $dir, '@';
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@aorder, $akey);
+ push(@{$afiles{$akey}}, $dir);
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($toplevel && defined $$assoc{$akey}->{uc($dir)} &&
+ $akey eq $cond) {
+ print $fh $entry, '@', uc($dir), '@';
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh $entry, $dir if (!$found);
+ }
+ print $fh $crlf;
+ my $second = 1;
+ foreach my $aorder (@aorder) {
+ if (defined $afiles{$aorder}) {
+ $second = undef;
+ print $fh $crlf,
+ 'if BUILD_', uc($aorder), "\n",
+ 'SUBDIRS +=';
+ foreach my $afile (@{$afiles{$aorder}}) {
+ print $fh " $afile";
+ }
+ delete $afiles{$aorder};
+ print $fh $crlf, 'endif', $crlf;
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh $crlf if ($second);
+ }
+ ## Now, for each target used in a conditional, emit a blank assignment
+ ## and mark that we've seen that target to avoid changing the += to =
+ ## as the individual files are pulled in.
+ if (%conditional_targets) {
+ my $primary;
+ my $count;
+ while ( ($primary, $count) = each %conditional_targets) {
+ if (! $first_instance_unconditional{$primary}
+ && ($unconditional_targets{$primary} || ($count > 1)))
+ {
+ print $fh "$primary =$crlf";
+ $seen{$primary} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh $crlf;
+ }
+ ## Take the local Makefile.<project>.am files and insert each one here,
+ ## then delete it.
+ if (@locals) {
+ my $pfh = new FileHandle();
+ my $liblocs = $self->get_lib_locations();
+ my $here = $self->getcwd();
+ my $start = $self->getstartdir();
+ my %explicit;
+ foreach my $local (reverse @locals) {
+ if (open($pfh, "$outdir/$local")) {
+ print $fh "## $local", $crlf;
+ my $look_for_libs = 0;
+ my $prev_line;
+ my $in_explicit;
+ while (<$pfh>) {
+ # Don't emit comments
+ next if (/^#/);
+ # Check for explicit targets
+ if ($in_explicit) {
+ if (/^\t/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ else {
+ $in_explicit = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^([\w\/\.\-\s]+):/) {
+ my $target = $1;
+ $target =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $target =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if (defined $explicit{$target}) {
+ $in_explicit = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ else {
+ $explicit{$target} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($convert_header_name) {
+ if ($local =~ /Makefile\.(.*)\.am/) {
+ $project_name = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $project_name = 'nobase';
+ }
+ my $regok = $self->escape_regex_special($project_name);
+ my $inc_pattern = $regok . '_include_HEADERS';
+ my $pkg_pattern = $regok . '_pkginclude_HEADERS';
+ if (/^$inc_pattern\s*\+=\s*/ || /^$pkg_pattern\s*\+=\s*/) {
+ $_ =~ s/^$regok/nobase/;
+ }
+ }
+ || /(^CLEANFILES)\s*\+=\s*/
+ || /(^EXTRA_DIST)\s*\+=\s*/
+ ) {
+ if (!defined ($seen{$1})) {
+ $seen{$1} = 1;
+ s/\+=/=/;
+ }
+ }
+ ## This scheme relies on automake.mpd emitting the 'la' libs first.
+ ## Look for all the, find out where they are located
+ ## relative to the start of the MPC run, and relocate the reference
+ ## to that location under $top_builddir. Unless the referred-to
+ ## library is in the current directory, then leave it undecorated
+ ## so the automake-generated dependency orders the build correctly.
+ if ($look_for_libs) {
+ my @libs = /\s+(lib(\w+).la)/gm;
+ my $libcount = @libs / 2;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $libcount; ++$i) {
+ my $libfile = $libs[$i * 2];
+ my $libname = $libs[$i * 2 + 1];
+ my $reldir = $$liblocs{$libname};
+ ## If we could not find a relative directory for this
+ ## library, it may be that it is a decorated library name.
+ ## We will search for an approximate match.
+ if (!defined $reldir) {
+ my $tmpname = $libname;
+ while($tmpname ne '') {
+ $tmpname = substr($tmpname, 0, length($tmpname) - 1);
+ if (defined $$liblocs{$tmpname}) {
+ $reldir = $$liblocs{$tmpname};
+ $self->warning("Relative directory for $libname " .
+ "was approximated with $tmpname.");
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $reldir) {
+ my $append = ($reldir eq '' ? '' : "/$reldir");
+ if ("$start$append" ne $here) {
+ my $mod = $wsHelper->modify_libpath($_, $reldir, $libfile);
+ if (defined $mod) {
+ $_ = $mod;
+ }
+ else {
+ s/$libfile/\$(top_builddir)$append\/$libfile/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $mod = $wsHelper->modify_libpath($_, $reldir, $libfile);
+ if (defined $mod) {
+ $_ = $mod;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("No reldir found for $libname ($libfile).");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $look_for_libs = 0 if ($libcount == 0);
+ }
+ $look_for_libs = 1 if (/_LDADD = \\$/ || /_LIBADD = \\$/);
+ ## I have introduced a one line delay so that I can simplify
+ ## the automake template. If our current line is empty, then
+ ## we will remove the trailing backslash before printing the
+ ## previous line. Automake is horribly unforgiving so we must
+ ## avoid this situation at all cost.
+ if (defined $prev_line) {
+ $prev_line =~ s/\s*\\$// if ($_ =~ /^\s*$/);
+ print $fh $prev_line;
+ }
+ $prev_line = $_;
+ }
+ ## The one line delay requires that we print out the previous
+ ## line (if there was one) when we reach the end of the file.
+ if (defined $prev_line) {
+ $prev_line =~ s/\s*\\$//;
+ print $fh $prev_line;
+ }
+ close($pfh);
+ unlink("$outdir/$local");
+ print $fh $crlf;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->error("Unable to open $local for reading.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If this is the top-level, it needs the directives to pass
+ ## autoconf/automake flags down the tree when running autoconf.
+ ## *** This may be too closely tied to how we have things set up in ACE,
+ ## even though it's recommended practice. ***
+ if ($toplevel) {
+ my $m4inc = '-I m4';
+ print $fh $crlf,
+ 'ACLOCAL = @ACLOCAL@', $crlf,
+ (defined $wsHelper ?
+ $wsHelper->modify_value('amflags', $m4inc) : $m4inc), $crlf,
+ 'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign', $crlf, $crlf,
+ (defined $wsHelper ?
+ $wsHelper->modify_value('extra', '') : '');
+ }
+ ## Finish up with the cleanup specs.
+ if (@locals) {
+ ## There is no reason to emit this if there are no local targets.
+ ## An argument could be made that it shouldn't be emitted in any
+ ## case because it could be handled by CLEANFILES or a verbatim
+ ## clause.
+ print $fh '## Clean up template repositories, etc.', $crlf,
+ 'clean-local:', $crlf,
+ "\t-rm -f *~ *.bak *.rpo *.sym lib*.*_pure_* core core.*",
+ $crlf,
+ "\t-rm -f gcctemp.c gcctemp so_locations *.ics", $crlf,
+ "\t-rm -rf cxx_repository ptrepository ti_files", $crlf,
+ "\t-rm -rf templateregistry ir.out", $crlf,
+ "\t-rm -rf ptrepository SunWS_cache Templates.DB", $crlf;
+ }
+sub get_includedir {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = $self->getcwd();
+ my $start = $self->getstartdir();
+ ## Take off the starting directory
+ $value =~ s/\Q$start\E//;
+ return $value;
+sub edit_config_ac {
+ my($self, $file, $files) = @_;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $status = 0;
+ if (open($fh, $file)) {
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my @in;
+ my @lines;
+ my $assoc = $self->get_associated_projects();
+ my $indent = '';
+ my %proj_dir_seen;
+ my $in_config_files = 0;
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $_;
+ push(@lines, $line);
+ ## Remove comments and trailing space
+ $line =~ s/\bdnl\s+.*//;
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s*if\s+test\s+["]?([^"]+)["]?\s*=\s*\w+;\s*then/) {
+ ## Entering an if test, save the name
+ my $name = $1;
+ $name =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $name =~ s/.*_build_//;
+ push(@in, $name);
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s*if\s+test\s+-d\s+(.+);\s*then/) {
+ ## Entering an if test -d, save the name
+ my $name = $1;
+ $name =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $name =~ s/\$srcdir\///;
+ push(@in, $name);
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s*fi$/) {
+ pop(@in);
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(\s*AC_CONFIG_FILES\s*\(\s*\[)/) {
+ ## Entering an AC_CONFIG_FILES section, start ignoring the entries
+ pop(@lines);
+ push(@lines, "$1\n");
+ $indent = ' ';
+ if ($lines[$#lines] =~ /^(\s+)/) {
+ $indent .= $1;
+ }
+ $in_config_files = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($in_config_files) {
+ if ($line =~ /(.*)\]\s*\).*/) {
+ ## We've reached the end of the AC_CONFIG_FILES section
+ my $olast = pop(@lines);
+ if ($olast =~ /^[^\s]+(\s*\]\s*\).*)/) {
+ $olast = $1;
+ }
+ ## Add in the Makefiles for this configuration
+ if ($#in < 0 && !defined $proj_dir_seen{'.'}) {
+ push(@lines, $indent . 'Makefile' . $crlf);
+ $proj_dir_seen{'.'} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $dep (@$files) {
+ ## First things first, see if we've already seen this
+ ## project's directory. If we have, then there's nothing
+ ## else we need to do with it.
+ my $dep_dir = $self->mpc_dirname($dep);
+ if (!defined $proj_dir_seen{$dep_dir}) {
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my @dirs = split(/\//, $dep_dir);
+ my $base = $dep;
+ if ($base =~ s/\/.*//) {
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $akey (keys %$assoc) {
+ if (defined $$assoc{$akey}->{$base} ||
+ defined $$assoc{$akey}->{uc($base)}) {
+ if ($#in >= 0) {
+ if (index($base, $in[0]) >= 0) {
+ if ($#in >= 1) {
+ $found = 1;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#in; $i++) {
+ if (!defined $dirs[$i] ||
+ index($dirs[$i], $in[$i]) < 0) {
+ $found = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We need to see into the future here. :-)
+ ## If the second element of @dirs matches an
+ ## association key, we'll guess that there will
+ ## be a "build" section devoted to it.
+ if (!defined $dirs[1] ||
+ !defined $$assoc{$dirs[1]}) {
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($#in >= 0) {
+ $ok = $found;
+ }
+ else {
+ $ok = !$found;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ok) {
+ $proj_dir_seen{$dep_dir} = 1;
+ my $inter_dir = '';
+ foreach my $dep (@dirs) {
+ $inter_dir .= $dep;
+ if (!defined $proj_dir_seen{$inter_dir}) {
+ $proj_dir_seen{$inter_dir} = 1;
+ push(@lines, $indent . $inter_dir . "/Makefile$crlf");
+ }
+ $inter_dir .= '/';
+ }
+ push(@lines, $indent . $dep_dir . "/Makefile$crlf");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push(@lines, $olast);
+ $in_config_files = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Ignore the entry
+ pop(@lines);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ ## Make a backup and create the new file
+ my $backup = $file . '.bak';
+ if (copy($file, $backup)) {
+ my @buf = stat($file);
+ if (defined $buf[8] && defined $buf[9]) {
+ utime($buf[8], $buf[9], $backup);
+ }
+ if (open($fh, ">$file")) {
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ $status = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to create backup file: $backup");
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..298a09a9a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package BCB2007ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : The Borland C++ Builder 2007 Project Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 14/12/2005
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use BorlandProjectBase;
+use XMLProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XMLProjectBase BorlandProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub crlf {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return "\n";
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.cbproj';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bcb2007exe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bcb2007dll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..50a31cf7d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package BCB2007WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A BCB2007 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 14/12/2005
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use BCB2007ProjectCreator;
+use WinWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub crlf {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return "\n";
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.groupproj';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Borland C++Builder 2007 file
+ print $fh '<Project xmlns="">', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+# $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+# '<!-- $Id$ -->', $crlf,
+# '<!-- MPC Command -->', $crlf,
+# '<!-- ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), ' -->',
+# $crlf);
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $project_info = $self->get_project_info();
+ my @projects = $self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0);
+ ## Print GUID and personality information
+ print $fh ' <PropertyGroup>', $crlf,
+ ' <ProjectGuid>{1946f85e-487f-46b6-8e41-159cd446db35}</ProjectGuid>', $crlf,
+ ' </PropertyGroup>', $crlf,
+ ' <ItemGroup />', $crlf,
+ ' <ItemGroup />', $crlf,
+ ' <ProjectExtensions>', $crlf,
+ ' <Borland.Personality>Default.Personality</Borland.Personality>', $crlf,
+ ' <Borland.ProjectType />', $crlf,
+ ' <BorlandProject>', $crlf,
+ ' <BorlandProject xmlns=""> <Default.Personality> </Default.Personality> </BorlandProject></BorlandProject>', $crlf,
+ ' </ProjectExtensions>', $crlf;
+ ## Print the project targets
+ foreach my $project (@projects) {
+ my $name = $$project_info{$project}->[0];
+ print $fh ' <Target Name="', $name, '">', $crlf,
+ ' <MSBuild Projects="', $self->mpc_basename($project), '" Targets="" />', $crlf,
+ ' </Target>', $crlf,
+ ' <Target Name="', $name, ':Make">', $crlf,
+ ' <MSBuild Projects="', $self->mpc_basename($project), '" Targets="Make" />', $crlf,
+ ' </Target>', $crlf,
+ ' <Target Name="', $name, ':Clean">', $crlf,
+ ' <MSBuild Projects="', $self->mpc_basename($project), '" Targets="Clean" />', $crlf,
+ ' </Target>', $crlf;
+ }
+ ## Print the target build order
+ print $fh ' <Target Name="Build">', $crlf,
+ ' <CallTarget Targets="';
+ foreach my $project (@projects) {
+ print $fh $$project_info{$project}->[0], ';';
+ }
+ ## Print the target make order
+ print $fh '" />', $crlf,
+ ' </Target>', $crlf,
+ ' <Target Name="Make">', $crlf,
+ ' <CallTarget Targets="';
+ foreach my $project (@projects) {
+ print $fh $$project_info{$project}->[0], ':Make;';
+ }
+ ## Print the target clean order
+ print $fh '" />', $crlf,
+ ' </Target>', $crlf,
+ ' <Target Name="Clean">', $crlf,
+ ' <CallTarget Targets="';
+ foreach my $project (@projects) {
+ print $fh $$project_info{$project}->[0], ':Clean;';
+ }
+ print $fh '" />', $crlf,
+ ' </Target>', $crlf,
+ '</Project>', $crlf;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee2970d26bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package BCB2009ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : The Borland C++ Builder 2009 Project Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 17/10/2008
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use BCB2007ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(BCB2007ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bcb2009exe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bcb2009dll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c6c69d805c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package BCB2009WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A BCB2009 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 17/10/2008
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use BCB2007WorkspaceCreator;
+use BCB2009ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(BCB2007WorkspaceCreator);
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Borland C++Builder 2009 file
+ print $fh '<Project xmlns="">', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+# $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+# '<!-- $Id$ -->', $crlf,
+# '<!-- MPC Command -->', $crlf,
+# '<!-- ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), ' -->',
+# $crlf);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3fea2f90ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package BDS4ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : The Borland Developer Studio 4 Project Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 14/12/2005
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use BorlandProjectBase;
+use XMLProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XMLProjectBase BorlandProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub crlf {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return "\n";
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.bdsproj';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bds4exe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bds4dll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b4ce3d4dca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package BDS4WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A BDS 4 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 14/12/2005
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use BDS4ProjectCreator;
+use WinWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub crlf {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return "\n";
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.bdsgroup';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Borland Developer Studio 2006 file
+ print $fh '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '<!-- $Id$ -->', $crlf,
+ '<!-- MPC Command -->', $crlf,
+ '<!-- ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), ' -->',
+ $crlf);
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Print out the guid and the personality information
+ print $fh '<BorlandProject>', $crlf,
+ ' <PersonalityInfo>', $crlf,
+ ' <Option>', $crlf,
+ ' <Option Name="Personality">Default.Personality</Option>', $crlf,
+ ' <Option Name="ProjectType"></Option>', $crlf,
+ ' <Option Name="Version">1.0</Option>', $crlf,
+ ' <Option Name="GUID">{93D77FAD-C603-4FB1-95AB-34E0B6FBF615}</Option>', $crlf,
+ ' </Option>', $crlf,
+ ' </PersonalityInfo>', $crlf,
+ ' <Default.Personality>', $crlf,
+ ' <Projects>', $crlf;
+ ## Print out the projects in the correct build order
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
+ print $fh ' <Projects Name="$project">$project</Projects>', $crlf;
+ }
+ print $fh ' </Projects>', $crlf,
+ ' <Dependencies/>', $crlf,
+ ' </Default.Personality>', $crlf,
+ '</BorlandProject>', $crlf;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ef1e7f1ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package BMakeProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A BMake Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/03/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use BorlandProjectBase;
+use MakeProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(MakeProjectBase BorlandProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %names = ('cppdir' => 'source_files',
+ 'rcdir' => 'resource_files');
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub fill_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ if (defined $names{$name}) {
+ my %dirnames = ('.' => 1);
+ foreach my $file ($self->get_component_list($names{$name}, 1)) {
+ my $dirname = $self->mpc_dirname($file);
+ if ($dirname eq '') {
+ $dirname = '.';
+ }
+ else {
+ $dirname =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ }
+ $dirnames{$dirname} = 1;
+ }
+ ## Sort the directories to ensure that '.' comes first
+ return join(';', sort keys %dirnames);
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_and_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&$(__TRICK_BORLAND_MAKE__)&';
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.bmak';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bmakedllexe';
+sub get_lib_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bmakelibexe';
+sub get_lib_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bmakelib';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'bmakedll';
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Create the map of properties that we support.
+ my $props = {};
+ ## Merge in properties from all base projects
+ foreach my $base (@ISA) {
+ my $func = $base . '::get_properties';
+ my $p = $self->$func();
+ foreach my $key (keys %$p) {
+ $$props{$key} = $$p{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ return $props;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b5b67602b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package BMakeWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Borland Make Workspace (Makefile) creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/03/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use BMakeProjectCreator;
+use MakeWorkspaceBase;
+use WinWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(MakeWorkspaceBase WinWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+## Borland Make's maximum line length
+my $max_line_length = 32767;
+my $targets = 'clean generated realclean $(CUSTOM_TARGETS)';
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.bmak';
+sub workspace_file_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->get_modified_workspace_name('Makefile', '.bmak');
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ $self->workspace_preamble($fh, $self->crlf(),
+ 'Borland Workspace Makefile',
+ '$Id$');
+sub write_project_targets {
+ my($self, $fh, $crlf, $target, $list, $and) = @_;
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ ## Print out a make command for each project
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($project);
+ $dir =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ my $chdir = ($dir ne '.');
+ print $fh "\t", ($chdir ? "\$(COMSPEC) /c \"cd $dir $and " : ''),
+ "\$(MAKE) -\$(MAKEFLAGS) -f ",
+ $self->mpc_basename($project), " $target",
+ ($chdir ? '"' : ''), $crlf;
+ }
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh, $creator) = @_;
+ my %targnum;
+ my $pjs = $self->get_project_info();
+ my @list = $self->number_target_deps($self->get_projects(), $pjs,
+ \%targnum, 0);
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Set up the custom targets
+ print $fh '!ifndef CUSTOM_TARGETS', $crlf,
+ '!endif', $crlf;
+ ## Translate each project name
+ my %trans;
+ foreach my $project (@list) {
+ $trans{$project} = $$pjs{$project}->[0];
+ }
+ ## Send all the information to our base class method
+ $self->write_named_targets($fh, $crlf, \%targnum, \@list,
+ $targets, '', '', \%trans, undef,
+ $creator->get_and_symbol(), $max_line_length);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..396e24ef416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package BorlandProjectBase;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Borland base module for Borland Project Creators
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/5/2009
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use WinProjectBase;
+our @ISA = qw(WinProjectBase);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Get the base class properties and add the properties that we
+ ## support.
+ my $props = $self->WinProjectBase::get_properties();
+ ## All projects that use this base class are for Borland compilers.
+ $$props{'borland'} = 1;
+ return $props;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f154ca46187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package CCProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Code Composer Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 9/18/2006
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use WinProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub override_valid_component_extensions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $comp = shift;
+ my @array = @_;
+ if ($comp eq 'source_files' && $self->languageIs(Creator::cplusplus)) {
+ push(@array, "\\.cdb");
+ }
+ return \@array;
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.pjt';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'ccexe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'cclib';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5cb7bf7200d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package CCWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Code Composer Workspace creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 9/18/2006
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use CCProjectCreator;
+use WinWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.code_composer';
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh, $creator) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Workspace only consists of the name of the project. Really, Code
+ ## Composer doesn't use a workspace. Each project contains the
+ ## dependencies.
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
+ print $fh "$project$crlf";
+ $self->add_dependencies($creator, $project);
+ }
+sub add_dependencies {
+ my($self, $creator, $proj) = @_;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ $outdir = $self->getcwd() if ($outdir eq '.');
+ if (open($fh, "$outdir/$proj")) {
+ my @read;
+ my $write;
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ ## This is a comment found in cc.mpd if the project contains the
+ ## 'after' keyword setting.
+ my @projs;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($proj);
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ my $relative = $self->get_relative_dep_file($creator,
+ "$cwd/$proj", $dep);
+ if (defined $relative) {
+ if (!$write) {
+ ## Indicate that we need to re-write the file and add in
+ ## the start of the project dependencies section
+ $write = 1;
+ push(@read, "[Project Dependencies]$crlf");
+ }
+ ## Add in the dependency and save the project name for later.
+ push(@read, "Source=\"$relative\"$crlf");
+ push(@projs, $relative);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($write) {
+ ## Finish off the dependency information for the current
+ ## project.
+ push(@read, $crlf);
+ foreach my $proj (@projs) {
+ push(@read, "[\"$proj\" Settings]$crlf",
+ "MatchConfigName=true$crlf", $crlf);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We don't need to re-write the file, so we can stop reading
+ ## it.
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Save the line to possibly be written out at the end.
+ push(@read, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ ## If we need to re-write the file, then do so
+ if ($write && open($fh, ">$outdir/$proj")) {
+ foreach my $line (@read) {
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f632944ab8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+package CommandHelper;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Base class and factory for all command helpers.
+# The get() method converts the define custom type
+# provided to uppercase, removes the '_FILES' portion and
+# adds 'Helper' to the end. If a module is found matching
+# that name, it will be used to assist the ProjectCreator
+# in determining which output files will be generated by
+# the command given the file name and command options.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 6/30/2008
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %required;
+my %notfound;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get {
+ ## Create the helper name
+ my $type = uc(shift);
+ $type =~ s/_FILES$/Helper/;
+ ## Don't search the filesystem again if we didn't find one the first
+ ## time we looked.
+ return undef if ($notfound{$type});
+ ## Return the helper if we've already created one
+ return $required{$type} if (defined $required{$type});
+ ## Assist users in figuring out why their helper isn't being picked up.
+ OutputMessage::debug(undef, "Searching @INC for $");
+ ## If we can find a helper with this name, we will
+ ## create a singleton of that type and return it.
+ foreach my $inc (@INC) {
+ if (-r "$inc/$") {
+ require "$";
+ $required{$type} = $type->new();
+ return $required{$type};
+ }
+ }
+ ## We didn't find a helper. Keep track of that fact and return undef.
+ $notfound{$type} = 1;
+ return undef;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless {}, $class;
+sub get_output {
+ ## This method is called with the filename and command options and
+ ## expects an array reference containing filenames that will be
+ ## generated, but can not be described using the normal Define_Custom
+ ## syntax.
+ return [];
+sub get_outputexts {
+ ## This method is expected to return an array reference containing the
+ ## extensions for files returned by the get_output() method. They will
+ ## be used as regular expressions so regular expression characters
+ ## (such as '.', '[', ']', etc.) must be escaped.
+ return [];
+sub get_tied {
+ ## This method is called with a file name and an array reference of
+ ## files. The first expected return value is an array reference of those
+ ## files listed in the passed array reference that are in some way tied
+ ## to the file name passed in. The second is a component name to help
+ ## MPC figure out a way to tie the files together. The result of "tied"
+ ## files is that they may be compiled after the file name passed in.
+ return [], undef;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae90bb35104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package ConfigParser;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Reads a generic config file and store the values
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 6/12/2006
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Parser;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Parser);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $valid) = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
+ ## Set up the internal data members
+ $self->{'values'} = {};
+ $self->{'clean'} = {};
+ $self->{'valid'} = $valid;
+ $self->{'warned'} = {};
+ return $self;
+sub parse_line {
+ my($self, $if, $line) = @_;
+ my $error;
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^([^=]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/) {
+ ## Save the name, removing any trailing white space, and the value
+ ## too.
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $clean = $2;
+ $name =~ s/\s+$//;
+ ## Pre-process the name and value
+ my $value = $self->preprocess($clean);
+ $name = $self->preprocess($name);
+ $name =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ ## Store the name value pair
+ if (!defined $self->{'valid'}) {
+ ## There are no valid names, so all names are valid, except an
+ ## empty name.
+ if ($name ne '') {
+ $self->{'values'}->{$name} = $value;
+ $self->{'clean'}->{$name} = $clean;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (defined $self->{'valid'}->{lc($name)}) {
+ ## This is a valid value, so we can store it.
+ $self->{'values'}->{lc($name)} = $value;
+ $self->{'clean'}->{lc($name)} = $clean;
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Invalid keyword: $name";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ }
+ return (defined $error ? 0 : 1), $error;
+sub get_names {
+ my @names = keys %{$_[0]->{'values'}};
+ return \@names;
+sub get_value {
+ ## Try the tag first and if that doesn't work make it all lower-case.
+ my($self, $tag) = @_;
+ return $self->{'values'}->{$tag} || $self->{'values'}->{lc($tag)};
+sub get_unprocessed {
+ ## Try the tag first and if that doesn't work make it all lower-case.
+ my($self, $tag) = @_;
+ return $self->{'clean'}->{$tag} || $self->{'clean'}->{lc($tag)};
+sub preprocess {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ ## We need to replace $(...) with the equivalent environment variable
+ ## value.
+ while($str =~ /\$([\(\w\)]+)/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ $name =~ s/[\(\)]//g;
+ my $val = $ENV{$name};
+ ## If the environment variable is not set, we will end up removing
+ ## the reference, but we need to warn the user that we're doing so.
+ if (!defined $val) {
+ $val = '';
+ if (!defined $self->{'warned'}->{$name}) {
+ $self->diagnostic("$name was used in the configuration file, " .
+ "but was not defined.");
+ $self->{'warned'}->{$name} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Do the replacement
+ $str =~ s/\$([\(\w\)]+)/$val/;
+ }
+ return $str;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3566b5d1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,1310 @@
+package Creator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Base class for workspace and project creators
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/13/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use File::Compare;
+use Parser;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Parser);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+## Constants for use throughout the project
+use constant cplusplus => 'cplusplus';
+use constant csharp => 'csharp';
+use constant java => 'java';
+use constant vb => 'vb';
+use constant website => 'website';
+## The default language for MPC
+my $deflang = 'cplusplus';
+## A map of all of the allowed languages. The 'website' value
+## is not here because it isn't really a language. It is used
+## as a language internally by some project types though.
+my %languages = (cplusplus => 1,
+ csharp => 1,
+ java => 1,
+ vb => 1,
+ );
+my $assign_key = 'assign';
+my $gassign_key = 'global_assign';
+my %non_convert = ('prebuild' => 1,
+ 'postbuild' => 1,
+ 'postclean' => 1,
+ );
+my @statekeys = ('global', 'include', 'template', 'ti',
+ 'dynamic', 'static', 'relative', 'addtemp',
+ 'addproj', 'progress', 'toplevel', 'baseprojs',
+ 'features', 'feature_file', 'hierarchy',
+ 'name_modifier', 'apply_project', 'into', 'use_env',
+ 'expand_vars', 'language',
+ );
+my %all_written;
+my $onVMS = DirectoryManager::onVMS();
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $global, $inc, $template, $ti, $dynamic, $static, $relative, $addtemp, $addproj, $progress, $toplevel, $baseprojs, $feature, $features, $hierarchy, $nmodifier, $applypj, $into, $language, $use_env, $expandvars, $type) = @_;
+ my $self = Parser::new($class, $inc);
+ $self->{'relative'} = $relative;
+ $self->{'template'} = $template;
+ $self->{'ti'} = $ti;
+ $self->{'global'} = $global;
+ $self->{'grammar_type'} = $type;
+ $self->{'type_check'} = $type . '_defined';
+ $self->{'global_read'} = 0;
+ $self->{'current_input'} = '';
+ $self->{'progress'} = $progress;
+ $self->{'addtemp'} = $addtemp;
+ $self->{'addproj'} = $addproj;
+ $self->{'toplevel'} = $toplevel;
+ $self->{'files_written'} = {};
+ $self->{'real_fwritten'} = [];
+ $self->{'reading_global'} = 0;
+ $self->{$gassign_key} = {};
+ $self->{$assign_key} = {};
+ $self->{'baseprojs'} = $baseprojs;
+ $self->{'dynamic'} = $dynamic;
+ $self->{'static'} = $static;
+ $self->{'feature_file'} = $feature;
+ $self->{'features'} = $features;
+ $self->{'hierarchy'} = $hierarchy;
+ $self->{'name_modifier'} = $nmodifier;
+ $self->{'apply_project'} = $applypj;
+ $self->{'into'} = $into;
+ $self->{'language'} = defined $language ? $language : $deflang;
+ $self->{'use_env'} = $use_env;
+ $self->{'expand_vars'} = $expandvars;
+ $self->{'convert_slashes'} = $self->convert_slashes();
+ $self->{'requires_forward_slashes'} = $self->requires_forward_slashes();
+ $self->{'case_tolerant'} = $self->case_insensitive();
+ return $self;
+sub preprocess_line {
+ my($self, $fh, $line) = @_;
+ $line = $self->strip_line($line);
+ while ($line =~ /\\$/) {
+ $line =~ s/\s*\\$/ /;
+ my $next = $fh->getline();
+ $line .= $self->strip_line($next) if (defined $next);
+ }
+ return $line;
+sub generate_default_input {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($status,
+ $error) = $self->parse_line(undef, "$self->{'grammar_type'} {");
+ ## Parse the finish line if there was no error
+ ($status, $error) = $self->parse_line(undef, '}') if ($status);
+ ## Display the error if there was one
+ $self->error($error) if (!$status);
+ return $status;
+sub parse_file {
+ my($self, $input) = @_;
+ ## Save the last line number so we can put it back later
+ my $oline = $self->get_line_number();
+ ## Read the input file
+ my($status, $errorString) = $self->read_file($input);
+ if (!$status) {
+ $self->error($errorString,
+ "$input: line " . $self->get_line_number() . ':');
+ }
+ elsif ($self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) {
+ ## If we are at the end of the file and the type we are looking at
+ ## is still defined, then we have an error
+ $self->error("Did not " .
+ "find the end of the $self->{'grammar_type'}",
+ "$input: line " . $self->get_line_number() . ':');
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ $self->set_line_number($oline);
+ return $status;
+sub generate {
+ my($self, $input) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ ## Reset the files_written hash array between processing each file
+ $self->{'files_written'} = {};
+ $self->{'real_fwritten'} = [];
+ ## Allow subclasses to reset values before
+ ## each call to generate().
+ $self->reset_values();
+ ## Read the global configuration file
+ if (!$self->{'global_read'}) {
+ $status = $self->read_global_configuration();
+ $self->{'global_read'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ $self->{'current_input'} = $input;
+ ## An empty input file name says that we
+ ## should generate a default input file and use that
+ if ($input eq '') {
+ $status = $self->generate_default_input();
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = $self->parse_file($input);
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+sub parse_known {
+ my($self, $line) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $errorString;
+ my $type = $self->{'grammar_type'};
+ my @values;
+ ##
+ ## Each regexp that looks for the '{' looks for it at the
+ ## end of the line. It is purposely this way to decrease
+ ## the amount of extra lines in each file. This
+ ## allows for the most compact file as human readably
+ ## possible.
+ ##
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^$type\s*(\([^\)]+\))?\s*(:.*)?\s*{$/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $parents = $2;
+ if ($self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) {
+ $errorString = "Did not find the end of the $type";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (defined $parents) {
+ $parents =~ s/^:\s*//;
+ $parents =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my @parents = split(/\s*,\s*/, $parents);
+ if (!defined $parents[0]) {
+ ## The : was used, but no parents followed. This
+ ## is an error.
+ $errorString = 'No parents listed';
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ $parents = \@parents;
+ }
+ push(@values, $type, $name, $parents);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) {
+ if ($self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) {
+ push(@values, $type, $line);
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Did not find the beginning of the $type";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(feature)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*(:.*)?\s*{$/) {
+ my $type = $1;
+ my $name = $2;
+ my $parents = $3;
+ my @names = split(/\s*,\s*/, $name);
+ if (defined $parents) {
+ $parents =~ s/^:\s*//;
+ $parents =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my @parents = split(/\s*,\s*/, $parents);
+ if (!defined $parents[0]) {
+ ## The : was used, but no parents followed. This
+ ## is an error.
+ $errorString = 'No parents listed';
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ $parents = \@parents;
+ }
+ push(@values, $type, \@names, $parents);
+ }
+ elsif (!$self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) {
+ $errorString = "No $type was defined";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($self->parse_assignment($line, \@values)) {
+ ## If this returns true, then we've found an assignment
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*(\([^\)]+\))?\s*{$/) {
+ my $comp = lc($1);
+ my $name = $2;
+ if (defined $name) {
+ $name =~ s/^\(\s*//;
+ $name =~ s/\s*\)$//;
+ }
+ else {
+ $name = $self->get_default_component_name();
+ }
+ push(@values, 'component', $comp, $name);
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ $status = -1;
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString, @values;
+sub parse_scope {
+ my($self, $fh, $name, $type, $validNames, $flags, $elseflags) = @_;
+ my $status = 0;
+ my $errorString = "Unable to process $name";
+ ## Make sure $flags has a hash map reference
+ $flags = {} if (!defined $flags);
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->handle_scoped_end($type, $flags);
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}\s*else\s*{$/) {
+ if (defined $elseflags) {
+ ## From here on out anything after this goes into the $elseflags
+ $flags = $elseflags;
+ $elseflags = undef;
+ ## We need to adjust the type also. If there was a type
+ ## then the first part of the clause was used. If there was
+ ## no type, then the first part was ignored and the second
+ ## part will be used.
+ if (defined $type) {
+ $type = undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ $type = $self->get_default_component_name();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = 'An else is not allowed in this context';
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my @values;
+ if (defined $validNames && $self->parse_assignment($line, \@values)) {
+ if (defined $$validNames{$values[1]}) {
+ ## If $type is not defined, we don't even need to bother with
+ ## processing the assignment as we will be throwing the value
+ ## away anyway.
+ if (defined $type) {
+ if ($values[0] == 0) {
+ $self->process_assignment($values[1], $values[2], $flags);
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] == 1) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($values[1], $values[2], $flags);
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] == -1) {
+ $self->process_assignment_sub($values[1], $values[2], $flags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ($status,
+ $errorString) = $self->handle_unknown_assignment($type,
+ @values);
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->handle_scoped_unknown($fh,
+ $type,
+ $flags,
+ $line);
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub base_directory {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->mpc_basename($self->getcwd());
+sub generate_default_file_list {
+ my($self, $dir, $exclude, $fileexc, $recurse) = @_;
+ my $dh = new FileHandle();
+ my @files;
+ if (opendir($dh, $dir)) {
+ my $prefix = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : '');
+ my $have_exc = (defined $$exclude[0]);
+ my $skip = 0;
+ foreach my $file (grep(!/^\.\.?$/,
+ ($onVMS ? map {$_ =~ s/\.dir$//; $_} readdir($dh) :
+ readdir($dh)))) {
+ ## Prefix each file name with the directory only if it's not '.'
+ my $full = $prefix . $file;
+ if ($have_exc) {
+ foreach my $exc (@$exclude) {
+ if ($full eq $exc) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($skip) {
+ $skip = 0;
+ $$fileexc = 1 if (defined $fileexc);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($recurse && -d $full) {
+ push(@files,
+ $self->generate_default_file_list($full, $exclude,
+ $fileexc, $recurse));
+ }
+ else {
+ # Strip out ^ symbols
+ $full =~ s/\^//g if ($onVMS);
+ push(@files, $full);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->sort_files()) {
+ @files = sort { $self->file_sorter($a, $b) } @files;
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ }
+ return @files;
+sub transform_file_name {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/[\s\-]/_/g;
+ return $name;
+sub file_written {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ return (defined $all_written{$self->getcwd() . '/' . $file});
+sub add_file_written {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ my $key = lc($file);
+ if (defined $self->{'files_written'}->{$key}) {
+ $self->warning("$self->{'grammar_type'} $file " .
+ ($self->{'case_tolerant'} ?
+ "has been overwritten." :
+ "of differing case has been processed."));
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'files_written'}->{$key} = $file;
+ push(@{$self->{'real_fwritten'}}, $file);
+ }
+ $all_written{$self->getcwd() . '/' . $file} = 1;
+sub extension_recursive_input_list {
+ my($self, $dir, $exclude, $ext) = @_;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my @files;
+ if (opendir($fh, $dir)) {
+ my $prefix = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : '');
+ my $skip = 0;
+ foreach my $file (grep(!/^\.\.?$/,
+ ($onVMS ? map {$_ =~ s/\.dir$//; $_} readdir($fh) :
+ readdir($fh)))) {
+ my $full = $prefix . $file;
+ ## Check for command line exclusions
+ if (defined $$exclude[0]) {
+ foreach my $exc (@$exclude) {
+ if ($full eq $exc) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we are not skipping this directory or file, then check it out
+ if ($skip) {
+ $skip = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (-d $full) {
+ push(@files, $self->extension_recursive_input_list($full,
+ $exclude,
+ $ext));
+ }
+ elsif ($full =~ /$ext$/) {
+ push(@files, $full);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($fh);
+ }
+ return @files;
+sub recursive_directory_list {
+ my($self, $dir, $exclude) = @_;
+ my $directories = '';
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (opendir($fh, $dir)) {
+ my $prefix = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : '');
+ my $skip = 0;
+ if (defined $$exclude[0]) {
+ foreach my $exc (@$exclude) {
+ if ($dir eq $exc) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($skip) {
+ $skip = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $directories .= ' ' . $dir;
+ }
+ foreach my $file (grep(!/^\.\.?$/,
+ ($onVMS ? map {$_ =~ s/\.dir$//; $_} readdir($fh) :
+ readdir($fh)))) {
+ my $full = $prefix . $file;
+ if ($file eq '.svn' || $file eq 'CVS') {
+ $skip = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Check for command line exclusions
+ if (defined $$exclude[0]) {
+ foreach my $exc (@$exclude) {
+ if ($full eq $exc) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we are not skipping this directory or file, then check it out
+ if ($skip) {
+ $skip = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (-d $full) {
+ $directories .= $self->recursive_directory_list($full, $exclude);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($fh);
+ }
+ return $directories;
+sub modify_assignment_value {
+ my($self, $name, $value) = @_;
+ if ($self->{'convert_slashes'} &&
+ index($name, 'flags') == -1 && !defined $non_convert{$name}) {
+ $value =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub get_assignment_hash {
+ ## NOTE: If anything in this block changes, then you must make the
+ ## same change in process_assignment.
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{$self->{'reading_global'} ? $gassign_key : $assign_key};
+sub process_assignment {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_;
+ ## If no hash table was passed in
+ if (!defined $assign) {
+ ## NOTE: If anything in this block changes, then you must make the
+ ## same change in get_assignment_hash.
+ $assign = $self->{$self->{'reading_global'} ?
+ $gassign_key : $assign_key};
+ }
+ if (defined $value) {
+ $value =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $value =~ s/\s+$//;
+ ## Modify the assignment value before saving it
+ $$assign{$name} = $self->modify_assignment_value($name, $value);
+ }
+ else {
+ $$assign{$name} = undef;
+ }
+sub addition_core {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $nval, $assign) = @_;
+ if (defined $nval) {
+ if ($self->preserve_assignment_order($name)) {
+ $nval .= " $value";
+ }
+ else {
+ $nval = "$value $nval";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $nval = $value;
+ }
+ $self->process_assignment($name, $nval, $assign, 1);
+sub process_assignment_add {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_;
+ my $nval = $self->get_assignment_for_modification($name, $assign);
+ ## Remove all duplicate parts from the value to be added.
+ ## Whether anything gets removed or not is up to the implementation
+ ## of the sub classes.
+ $value = $self->remove_duplicate_addition($name, $value, $nval);
+ ## If there is anything to add, then do so
+ $self->addition_core($name, $value, $nval, $assign) if ($value ne '');
+sub subtraction_core {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $nval, $assign) = @_;
+ if (defined $nval) {
+ my $last = 1;
+ my $found;
+ ## Escape any regular expression special characters
+ $value = $self->escape_regex_special($value);
+ ## If necessary, split the value into an array
+ my $elements = ($value =~ /\s/ ? $self->create_array($value) : [$value]);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $last; $i++) {
+ if ($i == $last) {
+ ## If we did not find the string to subtract in the original
+ ## value, try again after expanding template variables for
+ ## subtraction.
+ $nval = $self->get_assignment_for_modification($name, $assign, 1);
+ }
+ for(my $j = 0; $j <= $last; $j++) {
+ ## Try to remove each individual element and then set the new
+ ## value if any of the elements were found in the original value
+ foreach my $elem (@$elements) {
+ ## First try with quotes, then try again without them
+ my $re = ($j == 0 ? '"' . $elem . '"' : $elem);
+ if ($nval =~ s/\s+$re\s+/ / || $nval =~ s/\s+$re$// ||
+ $nval =~ s/^$re\s+// || $nval =~ s/^$re$//) {
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($found) {
+ $self->process_assignment($name, $nval, $assign, -1);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ last if ($found);
+ }
+ }
+sub process_assignment_sub {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_;
+ my $nval = $self->get_assignment_for_modification($name, $assign);
+ ## Remove double quotes if there are any
+ $value =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
+ $self->subtraction_core($name, $value, $nval, $assign);
+sub fill_type_name {
+ my($self, $names, $def) = @_;
+ my $array = ($names =~ /\s/ ? $self->create_array($names) : [$names]);
+ $names = '';
+ foreach my $name (@$array) {
+ if ($name =~ /\*/) {
+ my $pre = $def . '_';
+ my $mid = '_' . $def . '_';
+ my $post = '_' . $def;
+ ## Replace the beginning and end first then the middle
+ $name =~ s/^\*/$pre/;
+ $name =~ s/\*$/$post/;
+ $name =~ s/\*/$mid/g;
+ ## Remove any trailing underscore or any underscore that is followed
+ ## by a space. This value could be a space separated list.
+ $name =~ s/_$//;
+ $name =~ s/_\s/ /g;
+ $name =~ s/\s_/ /g;
+ ## If any one word is capitalized then capitalize each word
+ if ($name =~ /[A-Z][0-9a-z_]+/) {
+ ## Do the first word
+ if ($name =~ /^([a-z])([^_]+)/) {
+ my $first = uc($1);
+ my $rest = $2;
+ $name =~ s/^[a-z][^_]+/$first$rest/;
+ }
+ ## Do subsequent words
+ while($name =~ /(_[a-z])([^_]+)/) {
+ my $first = uc($1);
+ my $rest = $2;
+ $name =~ s/_[a-z][^_]+/$first$rest/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $names .= $name . ' ';
+ }
+ $names =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $names;
+sub clone {
+ my($self, $obj) = @_;
+ ## Check for various types of data. Those that are not found to be
+ ## types that we need to deep copy are just assigned to new values.
+ ## All others are copied by recursively calling this method.
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'HASH')) {
+ my $new = {};
+ foreach my $key (keys %$obj) {
+ $$new{$key} = $self->clone($$obj{$key});
+ }
+ return $new;
+ }
+ elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'ARRAY')) {
+ my $new = [];
+ foreach my $o (@$obj) {
+ push(@$new, $self->clone($o));
+ }
+ return $new;
+ }
+ return $obj;
+sub save_state {
+ my($self, $selected) = @_;
+ my %state;
+ ## Make a deep copy of each state value. That way our array
+ ## references and hash references do not get accidentally modified.
+ foreach my $skey (defined $selected ? $selected : @statekeys) {
+ if (defined $self->{$skey}) {
+ ## It is necessary to clone each value so that nested complex data
+ ## types do not get unknowingly modified.
+ $state{$skey} = $self->clone($self->{$skey});
+ }
+ }
+ return %state;
+sub restore_state {
+ my($self, $state, $selected) = @_;
+ ## Make a deep copy of each state value. That way our array
+ ## references and hash references do not get accidentally modified.
+ ## It's not necessary to do a recursive deep copy (i.e., use the
+ ## clone() method) because the value coming in will now be owned by
+ ## this object and will not be modified unknowingly.
+ foreach my $skey (defined $selected ? $selected : @statekeys) {
+ my $old = $self->{$skey};
+ if (defined $state->{$skey} &&
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($state->{$skey}, 'ARRAY')) {
+ my @arr = @{$state->{$skey}};
+ $self->{$skey} = \@arr;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $state->{$skey} &&
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($state->{$skey}, 'HASH')) {
+ my %hash = %{$state->{$skey}};
+ $self->{$skey} = \%hash;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{$skey} = $state->{$skey};
+ }
+ $self->restore_state_helper($skey, $old, $self->{$skey});
+ }
+sub get_global_cfg {
+ return $_[0]->{'global'};
+sub get_template_override {
+ return $_[0]->{'template'};
+sub get_ti_override {
+ return $_[0]->{'ti'};
+sub get_relative {
+ return $_[0]->{'relative'};
+sub get_progress_callback {
+ return $_[0]->{'progress'};
+sub get_addtemp {
+ return $_[0]->{'addtemp'};
+sub get_addproj {
+ return $_[0]->{'addproj'};
+sub get_toplevel {
+ return $_[0]->{'toplevel'};
+sub get_into {
+ return $_[0]->{'into'};
+sub get_use_env {
+ return $_[0]->{'use_env'};
+sub get_expand_vars {
+ return $_[0]->{'expand_vars'};
+sub get_files_written {
+ return $_[0]->{'real_fwritten'};
+sub get_assignment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->resolve_alias(shift);
+ my $assign = shift;
+ ## If no hash table was passed in
+ if (!defined $assign) {
+ $assign = $self->{$self->{'reading_global'} ?
+ $gassign_key : $assign_key};
+ }
+ return $$assign{$name};
+sub get_assignment_for_modification {
+ my($self, $name, $assign, $subtraction) = @_;
+ return $self->get_assignment($name, $assign);
+sub get_baseprojs {
+ return $_[0]->{'baseprojs'};
+sub get_dynamic {
+ return $_[0]->{'dynamic'};
+sub get_static {
+ return $_[0]->{'static'};
+sub get_default_component_name {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'default';
+sub get_features {
+ return $_[0]->{'features'};
+sub get_hierarchy {
+ return $_[0]->{'hierarchy'};
+sub get_name_modifier {
+ return $_[0]->{'name_modifier'};
+sub get_apply_project {
+ return $_[0]->{'apply_project'};
+sub get_language {
+ return $_[0]->{'language'};
+sub get_outdir {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (defined $self->{'into'}) {
+ my $outdir = $self->getcwd();
+ my $re = $self->escape_regex_special($self->getstartdir());
+ $outdir =~ s/^$re//;
+ return $self->{'into'} . $outdir;
+ }
+ else {
+ return '.';
+ }
+sub expand_variables {
+ my($self, $value, $rel, $expand_template, $scope, $expand, $warn) = @_;
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ my $start = 0;
+ my $forward_slashes = $self->{'convert_slashes'} ||
+ $self->{'requires_forward_slashes'};
+ ## Fix up the value for Windows switch the \\'s to /
+ $cwd =~ s/\\/\//g if ($forward_slashes);
+ while(substr($value, $start) =~ /(\$\(([^)]+)\))/) {
+ my $whole = $1;
+ my $name = $2;
+ if (defined $$rel{$name}) {
+ my $val = $$rel{$name};
+ if ($expand) {
+ $val =~ s/\//\\/g if ($forward_slashes);
+ substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$val/;
+ $whole = $val;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Fix up the value for Windows switch the \\'s to /
+ $val =~ s/\\/\//g if ($forward_slashes);
+ my $icwd = ($self->{'case_tolerant'} ? lc($cwd) : $cwd);
+ my $ival = ($self->{'case_tolerant'} ? lc($val) : $val);
+ my $iclen = length($icwd);
+ my $ivlen = length($ival);
+ ## If the relative value contains the current working
+ ## directory plus additional subdirectories, we must pull
+ ## off the additional directories into a temporary where
+ ## it can be put back after the relative replacement is done.
+ my $append;
+ if (index($ival, $icwd) == 0 && $iclen != $ivlen &&
+ substr($ival, $iclen, 1) eq '/') {
+ my $diff = $ivlen - $iclen;
+ $append = substr($ival, $iclen);
+ substr($ival, $iclen, $diff) = '';
+ $ivlen -= $diff;
+ }
+ if (index($icwd, $ival) == 0 &&
+ ($iclen == $ivlen || substr($icwd, $ivlen, 1) eq '/')) {
+ my $current = $icwd;
+ substr($current, 0, $ivlen) = '';
+ my $dircount = ($current =~ tr/\///);
+ if ($dircount == 0) {
+ $ival = '.';
+ }
+ else {
+ $ival = '../' x $dircount;
+ $ival =~ s/\/$//;
+ }
+ $ival .= $append if (defined $append);
+ ## We have to remove the leading ./ if there is one.
+ ## Otherwise, if this value is used as an exclude value it will
+ ## not match up correctly.
+ $ival =~ s!^\./!!;
+ ## Convert the slashes if necessary
+ $ival =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$ival/;
+ $whole = $ival;
+ }
+ elsif ($self->convert_all_variables() && $warn) {
+ ## The user did not choose to expand $() variables directly,
+ ## but we could not convert it into a relative path. So,
+ ## instead of leaving it we will expand it. But, we will only
+ ## get into this section if this is the secondary attempt to
+ ## replace the variable (indicated by the $warn boolean).
+ $val =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$val/;
+ $whole = $val;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $loc = index(substr($value, $start), $whole);
+ $start += $loc if ($loc > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($expand_template ||
+ $self->expand_variables_from_template_values()) {
+ my $ti = $self->get_template_input();
+ my $val = (defined $ti ? $ti->get_value($name) : undef);
+ my $sname = (defined $scope ? $scope . "::$name" : undef);
+ my $arr = $self->adjust_value([$sname, $name],
+ (defined $val ? $val : []));
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($arr, 'HASH')) {
+ $self->warning("$name conflicts with a template variable scope");
+ }
+ elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($arr, 'ARRAY') && defined $$arr[0]) {
+ $val = $self->modify_assignment_value(lc($name), "@$arr");
+ substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$val/;
+ ## We have replaced the template value, but that template
+ ## value may contain a $() construct that may need to get
+ ## replaced too. However, if the name of the template variable
+ ## is the same as the original $() variable name, we need to
+ ## leave it alone to avoid looping infinitely.
+ $whole = '' if ($whole ne $val);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to expand $name.") if ($expand && $warn);
+ my $loc = index(substr($value, $start), $whole);
+ $start += $loc if ($loc > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($self->convert_all_variables() && $warn) {
+ ## We could not find a value to correspond to the variable name.
+ ## Instead of leaving it we will expand it. But, we will only
+ ## get into this section if this is the secondary attempt to
+ ## replace the variable (indicated by the $warn boolean).
+ substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)//;
+ $whole = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ my $loc = index(substr($value, $start), $whole);
+ $start += $loc if ($loc > 0);
+ }
+ $start += length($whole);
+ }
+ $value =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'requires_forward_slashes'});
+ return $value;
+sub replace_env_vars {
+ my($self, $lref) = @_;
+ my $one_empty = undef;
+ ## Loop through the string until we find no more environment variables.
+ while($$lref =~ /\$(\w+)/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $val = '';
+ ## PWD is a special variable. It isn't set on Windows, but in MPC we
+ ## must guarantee that it is always there.
+ if ($name eq 'PWD') {
+ $val = $self->getcwd();
+ }
+ elsif (defined $ENV{$name}) {
+ $val = $ENV{$name};
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Keep track of an environment variable not being set.
+ $one_empty = 1;
+ }
+ $$lref =~ s/\$\w+/$val/;
+ }
+ return $one_empty;
+sub relative {
+ my($self, $value, $expand_template, $scope) = @_;
+ if (defined $value) {
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'ARRAY')) {
+ my @built;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ my $rel = $self->relative($val, $expand_template, $scope);
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($rel, 'ARRAY')) {
+ push(@built, @$rel);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@built, $rel);
+ }
+ }
+ return \@built;
+ }
+ elsif (index($value, '$') >= 0) {
+ ## A form of this code lives in
+ ## ProjectCreator::create_recursive_settings. If you are changing
+ ## something in this area, please look at the method in
+ ## to see if it needs changing too.
+ my $ovalue = $value;
+ my($rel, $how) = $self->get_initial_relative_values();
+ $value = $self->expand_variables($value, $rel,
+ $expand_template, $scope, $how);
+ if ($ovalue eq $value || index($value, '$') >= 0) {
+ ($rel, $how) = $self->get_secondary_relative_values();
+ $value = $self->expand_variables($value, $rel,
+ $expand_template, $scope,
+ $how, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Values that have two or more strings enclosed in double quotes are
+ ## to be interpreted as elements of an array
+ if (defined $value && $value =~ /^"[^"]+"(\s+"[^"]+")+$/) {
+ $value = $self->create_array($value);
+ }
+ return $value;
+## Static function. Returns the default language for MPC.
+sub defaultLanguage {
+ return $deflang;
+## Static function. Returns an array of valid languages.
+sub validLanguages {
+ return keys %languages;
+## Static function. The one and only argument is the language
+## string to check for validity.
+sub isValidLanguage {
+ return defined $languages{$_[0]};
+sub languageIs {
+ #my($self, $language) = @_;
+ return $_[0]->{'language'} eq $_[1];
+# ************************************************************
+# Virtual Methods To Be Overridden
+# ************************************************************
+sub restore_state_helper {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $skey = shift;
+ #my $old = shift;
+ #my $new = shift;
+sub get_initial_relative_values {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return {}, 0;
+sub get_secondary_relative_values {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->{'use_env'} ? \%ENV :
+ $self->{'relative'}), $self->{'expand_vars'};
+sub convert_all_variables {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub expand_variables_from_template_values {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub preserve_assignment_order {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $name = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub files_are_different {
+ my($self, $old, $new) = @_;
+ return !(-r $old && -s $new == -s $old && compare($new, $old) == 0);
+sub handle_scoped_end {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $type = shift;
+ #my $flags = shift;
+ return 1, undef;
+sub handle_unknown_assignment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my @values = @_;
+ return 0, "Invalid assignment name: '$values[1]'";
+sub handle_scoped_unknown {
+ my($self, $fh, $type, $flags, $line) = @_;
+ return 0, "Unrecognized line: $line";
+sub remove_duplicate_addition {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $current) = @_;
+ return $value;
+sub generate_recursive_input_list {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $dir = shift;
+ #my $exclude = shift;
+ return ();
+sub reset_values {
+ #my $self = shift;
+sub sort_files {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub file_sorter {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $left = shift;
+ #my $right = shift;
+ return $_[1] cmp $_[2];
+sub read_global_configuration {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $input = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub set_verbose_ordering {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $value = shift;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f551d64b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package DependencyEditor;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Edits existing dependencies.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/10/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use DependencyGenerator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ return bless {}, $_[0];
+sub process {
+ my($self, $output, $type, $noinline, $macros,
+ $ipaths, $replace, $exclude, $files) = @_;
+ ## Back up the original file and receive the contents
+ my $contents;
+ if (-s $output) {
+ $contents = [];
+ if (!$self->backup($output, $contents)) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Unable to backup $output\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Write out the contents of the file
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($fh, ">$output")) {
+ if (defined $contents) {
+ foreach my $line (@$contents) {
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Write out the new dependency marker
+ print $fh "# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- uses it.\n",
+ ## Generate the new dependencies and write them to the file
+ my $dep = new DependencyGenerator($macros, $ipaths, $replace,
+ $type, $noinline, $exclude);
+ ## Sort the files so the dependencies are reproducible
+ foreach my $file (sort @$files) {
+ ## In some situations we may be passed a directory as part of an
+ ## option. If it is an unknown option, we may think the directory
+ ## needs to be part of the dependencies when it should not.
+ print $fh $dep->process($file), "\n" if (!-d $file);
+ }
+ ## Write out the end of the block warning
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Unable to open $output for output\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub backup {
+ my($self, $source, $contents) = @_;
+ my $status;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $backup = "$source.bak";
+ ## Back up the file. While doing so, keep track of the contents of the
+ ## file and keep everything except the old dependencies.
+ if (open($fh, $source)) {
+ my $oh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($oh, ">$backup")) {
+ my $record = 1;
+ $status = 1;
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ print $oh $_;
+ if ($record) {
+ if (index($_, 'DO NOT DELETE') >= 0) {
+ $record = undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@$contents, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($oh);
+ ## Set file permission so that the backup has the same permissions
+ ## as the original file.
+ my @buf = stat($source);
+ if (defined $buf[8] && defined $buf[9]) {
+ utime($buf[8], $buf[9], $backup);
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ return $status;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..77c0eee81f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package DependencyGenerator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Runs the correct dependency generator on the file.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/10/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Preprocessor;
+use DependencyWriterFactory;
+use ObjectGeneratorFactory;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $macros, $ipaths, $replace, $type, $noinline, $exclude) = @_;
+ my $self = bless {'pre' => new Preprocessor($macros,
+ $ipaths, $exclude),
+ 'replace' => $replace,
+ 'dwrite' => DependencyWriterFactory::create($type),
+ 'objgen' => ObjectGeneratorFactory::create($type),
+ 'noinline' => $noinline,
+ }, $class;
+ ## Set the current working directory, but
+ ## escape regular expression special characters
+ $self->{'cwd'} = Cwd::getcwd() . '/';
+ $self->{'cwd'} =~ s/([\+\-\\\$\[\]\(\)\.])/\\$1/g;
+ ## Sort the replace keys to get the longest key first. This way
+ ## when we are replacing portions of the file path, we replace the
+ ## most we can.
+ my @repkeys = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } keys %$replace;
+ $self->{'repkeys'} = \@repkeys;
+ return $self;
+sub process {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ ## Generate the dependency string
+ my $depstr = $self->{'dwrite'}->process(
+ $self->{'objgen'}->process($file),
+ $self->{'pre'}->process($file, $self->{'noinline'}));
+ ## Perform the replacements on the dependency string
+ $depstr =~ s/$self->{'cwd'}//go;
+ my $replace = $self->{'replace'};
+ foreach my $rep (@{$self->{'repkeys'}}) {
+ $depstr =~ s/$rep/$$replace{$rep}/g;
+ }
+ return $depstr;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f2cc5738af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package DependencyWriter;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Base class for all Dependency Writers.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/10/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ return bless {}, $_[0];
+sub process {
+ #my($self, $objects, $files) = @_;
+ return '';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..558793ea0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package DependencyWriterFactory;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Create DependencyWriter objects.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/23/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use DependencyWriter;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $writers = {};
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub register {
+ $writers = shift;
+sub create {
+ return $$writers{$_[0]}->new() if (defined $$writers{$_[0]});
+ print STDERR "WARNING: Invalid dependency writer type: $_[0]\n";
+ return new DependencyWriter();
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8aac67ca7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+package Driver;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Generate dependencies for Make and NMake.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 3/21/2007
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragma Section
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use DependencyEditor;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $version = '1.2';
+my $os = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'Windows' : 'UNIX');
+my %types;
+my %defaults = ('UNIX' => 'make',
+ 'Windows' => 'nmake',
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub BEGIN {
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my(%writers, %generators);
+ ## Find all the dependency writers and object generators
+ foreach my $dir (@INC) {
+ if (opendir($fh, $dir)) {
+ foreach my $module (readdir($fh)) {
+ if ($module =~ /(.+)DependencyWriter\.pm$/) {
+ my $type = lc($1);
+ my $class = $module;
+ $class =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ require $module;
+ $writers{$type} = $class;
+ $types{$type} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($module =~ /(.+)ObjectGenerator\.pm$/) {
+ my $type = lc($1);
+ my $class = $module;
+ $class =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ require $module;
+ $generators{$type} = $class;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Register them with the right factory
+ DependencyWriterFactory::register(\%writers);
+ ObjectGeneratorFactory::register(\%generators);
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {'automatic' => [],
+ }, $class;
+ foreach my $add (@_) {
+ if ($add =~ /(UNIX|Windows)=(.*)/) {
+ $defaults{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ elsif ($add =~ /automatic=(.*)/) {
+ my @auto = split(/,/, $1);
+ $self->{'automatic'} = \@auto;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "WARNING: Unknown parameter: $add\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub usageAndExit {
+ my($self, $opt) = @_;
+ my $base = basename($0);
+ if (defined $opt) {
+ print "$opt.\n";
+ }
+ print "$base v$version\n" .
+ "Usage: $base [-D<MACRO>[=VALUE]] [-I<include dir>] ",
+ (defined $self->{'automatic'}->[0] ? "[-A] " : ''),
+ "[-R <VARNAME>]\n" .
+ " " . (" " x length($base)) .
+ " [-e <file>] [-f <output file>] [-i] [-t <type>] [-n]\n" .
+ " " . (" " x length($base)) . " <files...>\n" .
+ "\n";
+ if (defined $self->{'automatic'}->[0]) {
+ print "-A Replace paths equal to the following variables with ",
+ "the corresponding \$()\n value: ",
+ join(', ', @{$self->{'automatic'}}), ".\n";
+ }
+ print "-D This option sets a macro to an optional value.\n" .
+ "-I The -I option adds an include directory.\n" .
+ "-R Replace \$VARNAME paths with \$(VARNAME).\n" .
+ "-e Exclude dependencies generated by <file>, but not <file> " .
+ "itself.\n" .
+ "-f Specifies the output file. This file will be edited if it " .
+ "already\n exists.\n" .
+ "-i Do not print an error if no source files are provided.\n" .
+ "-n Do not include inline files (ending in .i or .inl) in the " .
+ "dependencies.\n" .
+ "-t Use specified type (";
+ my @keys = sort keys %types;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; ++$i) {
+ print "$keys[$i]" .
+ ($i != $#keys ? $i == $#keys - 1 ? ' or ' : ', ' : '');;
+ }
+ print ") instead of the default.\n" .
+ " The default is ";
+ @keys = sort keys %defaults;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; ++$i) {
+ my $def = $keys[$i];
+ print $defaults{$def} . " on $def" .
+ ($i != $#keys ? $i == $#keys - 1 ? ' and ' : ', ' : '');
+ }
+ print ".\n";
+ exit(0);
+sub setReplace {
+ my($self, $replace, $name, $value) = @_;
+ if (defined $name) {
+ ## The key will be used in a regular expression.
+ ## So, we need to escape some special characters.
+ $name = File::Spec->canonpath($name);
+ $name =~ s/([\+\-\\\$\[\]\(\)\.])/\\$1/g;
+ $$replace{$name} = $value;
+ }
+sub run {
+ my($self, $args) = @_;
+ my $argc = scalar(@$args);
+ my $type = $defaults{$os};
+ my $output = '-';
+ my $needsrc = 1;
+ my($noinline, @files, %macros, @ipaths, %replace, %exclude);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $argc; ++$i) {
+ my $arg = $$args[$i];
+ if ($arg =~ /^\-D(\w+)(=(.*))?/) {
+ $macros{$1} = $3;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ /^\-I(.*)/) {
+ push(@ipaths, File::Spec->canonpath($1));
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-A') {
+ foreach my $auto (@{$self->{'automatic'}}) {
+ $self->setReplace(\%replace, $ENV{$auto}, '$(' . $auto . ')');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-R') {
+ ++$i;
+ $arg = $$args[$i];
+ if (defined $arg) {
+ my $val = $ENV{$arg};
+ if (defined $val) {
+ $self->setReplace(\%replace, $val, "\$($arg)");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->usageAndExit('Invalid use of -R');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-e') {
+ ++$i;
+ $arg = $$args[$i];
+ if (defined $arg) {
+ $exclude{$arg} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->usageAndExit('Invalid use of -e');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-f') {
+ ++$i;
+ $arg = $$args[$i];
+ if (defined $arg) {
+ $output = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->usageAndExit('Invalid use of -f');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-i') {
+ $needsrc = undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-n') {
+ $noinline = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-h') {
+ $self->usageAndExit();
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-t') {
+ ++$i;
+ $arg = $$args[$i];
+ if (defined $arg && defined $types{$arg}) {
+ $type = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->usageAndExit('Invalid use of -t');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ /^[\-+]/) {
+ ## We will ignore unknown options
+ ## Some options for aCC start with +
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@files, $arg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $files[0]) {
+ if ($needsrc) {
+ $self->usageAndExit('No files specified');
+ }
+ }
+ my $editor = new DependencyEditor();
+ return $editor->process($output, $type, $noinline, \%macros,
+ \@ipaths, \%replace, \%exclude, \@files);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a10d061996b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package MakeDependencyWriter;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Generates generic Makefile dependencies.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/10/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use DependencyWriter;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(DependencyWriter);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $cygwin = (defined $ENV{OS} && $ENV{OS} =~ /windows/i);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub process {
+ ## Replace whitespace with escaped whitespace.
+ map(s/(\s)/\\$1/g, @{$_[2]});
+ ## Replace <drive letter>: with /cygdrive/<drive letter>. The user may
+ ## or may not be using Cygwin, but leaving the colon in there will
+ ## cause make to fail catastrophically on the next invocation.
+ map(s/([A-Z]):/\/cygdrive\/$1/gi, @{$_[2]}) if ($cygwin);
+ ## Sort the dependencies to make them reproducible.
+ return "@{$_[1]}: \\\n " . join(" \\\n ", sort @{$_[2]}) . "\n";
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..397c6a01abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package MakeObjectGenerator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Generates object files for generic Makefiles.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/23/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ObjectGenerator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(ObjectGenerator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub process {
+ my $noext = $_[1];
+ my @exts = ('o');
+ my @dirs = (defined $ENV{VDIR} ? $ENV{VDIR} : '');
+ $noext =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//o;
+ push(@exts, $ENV{SOEXT}) if (defined $ENV{SOEXT});
+ push(@dirs, $ENV{VSHDIR}) if (defined $ENV{VSHDIR});
+ my @objects;
+ foreach my $dirs (@dirs) {
+ foreach my $ext (@exts) {
+ push(@objects, "$dirs$noext.$ext");
+ }
+ }
+ return \@objects;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0428a55c176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package NMakeDependencyWriter;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Generates NMake dependencies.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/10/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use DependencyWriter;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(DependencyWriter);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub process {
+ my $sources = $_[1];
+ my $files = $_[2];
+ my $total = 0;
+ $$sources[0] =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ $$sources[0] =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
+ my $dep = "$$sources[0] :\\\n";
+ ## Sort the dependencies to make them reproducible
+ foreach my $file (sort @$files) {
+ $file =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ $file =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
+ if ($file ne $$sources[0]) {
+ $dep .= "\t\"$file\"\\\n";
+ ++$total;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($total == 0) {
+ $dep = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $dep .= "\n\n";
+ }
+ return $dep;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e718fa34412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Generates object files for NMake Makefiles.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/23/2003
+# ************************************************************
+package WinProjectBaseEx;
+use WinProjectBase;
+use DirectoryManager;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinProjectBase DirectoryManager);
+sub new {
+ return bless {}, $_[0];
+package NMakeObjectGenerator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ObjectGenerator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(ObjectGenerator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $wpb = new WinProjectBaseEx();
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub process {
+ my $noext = $wpb->translate_directory($_[1]);
+ $noext =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//o;
+ return [ "\"\$(INTDIR)\\$noext.obj\"" ];
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1935a5f3b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package ObjectGenerator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Base class for all Object Generators.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/23/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ return bless {}, $_[0];
+sub process {
+ #my($self, $file) = @_;
+ return [];
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f2834a8525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package ObjectGeneratorFactory;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Create ObjectGenerator objects.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/23/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ObjectGenerator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $generators = {};
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub register {
+ $generators = shift;
+sub create {
+ return $$generators{$_[0]}->new() if (defined $$generators{$_[0]});
+ print STDERR "WARNING: Invalid object generator type: $_[0]\n";
+ return new ObjectGenerator();
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4dea2fc4117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/Depgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package Preprocessor;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Preprocesses the supplied file.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/10/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use File::Basename;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $macros, $ipaths, $exclude) = @_;
+ return bless {'macros' => $macros,
+ 'ipaths' => $ipaths,
+ 'exclude' => $exclude,
+ 'files' => {},
+ 'ifound' => {},
+ 'recurse' => 0,
+ }, $class;
+sub process {
+ my($self, $file, $noinline, $noincs) = @_;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ ## Open the file, but if we can't we'll just silently ignore it.
+ if (open($fh, $file)) {
+ my @zero;
+ my $ifcount = 0;
+ my $files = $self->{'files'};
+ my $dir = dirname($file);
+ ## We only need to keep track of recursion inside this block
+ my $recurse = ++$self->{'recurse'};
+ $$files{$file} = [];
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ ## As an optimization, use a very simple regular expression on the
+ ## outside that all of the inner regular expressions have in
+ ## common. That way we go down the path of if elsif only if it is
+ ## even possible due to the outside regular expression.
+ ## index() is faster than a regular expression, so use index first.
+ next if (index($_, '#') == -1 || not /^\s*#/);
+ ## Remove same line c comments (no need to worry about c++
+ ## comments due to the regular expressions) inside this if statement.
+ ## This saves about 5% off of processing the ace directory
+ ## and we only need to strip comments if we are actually
+ ## going to look at the string.
+ $_ =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///o;
+ if (/^\s*#\s*endif/) {
+ --$ifcount;
+ if (defined $zero[0] && $ifcount == $zero[$#zero]) {
+ pop(@zero);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*#\s*if\s+0/) {
+ push(@zero, $ifcount);
+ ++$ifcount;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*#\s*if/) {
+ ++$ifcount;
+ }
+ elsif (!defined $zero[0] &&
+ /^\s*#\s*include\s+[<"]([^">]+)[">]/o) {
+ ## Locate the include file
+ my $inc;
+ if (exists $self->{'ifound'}->{$1}) {
+ $inc = $self->{'ifound'}->{$1};
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $dirp (@{$self->{'ipaths'}}) {
+ if (-r "$dirp/$1") {
+ $inc = "$dirp/$1";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $inc) {
+ ## If the file we're currently looking at contains a
+ ## directory name then, we need to look for include
+ ## files in that directory.
+ if (-r "$dir/$1") {
+ $inc = "$dir/$1";
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'ifound'}->{$1} = $inc;
+ }
+ ## If we've found the include file, then process it too.
+ next if (not defined $inc);
+ $inc =~ s/\\/\//go;
+ if (!$noinline ||
+ ($recurse == 1 || $inc !~ /\.i(nl)?$/o)) {
+ push(@{$$files{$file}}, $inc);
+ if (!defined $$files{$inc}) {
+ ## Process this file, but do not return the include files
+ if (!defined $self->{'exclude'}->{substr($inc, rindex($inc, '/') + 1)}) {
+ $self->process($inc, $noinline, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ ## We only need to keep track of recursion inside this block
+ --$self->{'recurse'};
+ }
+ ## This has to be outside the if (open(...
+ ## If the last file to be processed isn't accessable then
+ ## we still need to return the array reference of includes.
+ if (!$noincs) {
+ my @files = ($file);
+ my %ifiles;
+ foreach my $processed (@files) {
+ foreach my $inc (@{$self->{'files'}->{$processed}}) {
+ if (!defined $ifiles{$inc}) {
+ $ifiles{$inc} = 1;
+ push(@files, $inc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ shift(@files);
+ return \@files;
+ }
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cd9aa993e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+package DirectoryManager;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : This module provides directory related methods
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/13/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Basename;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $onVMS = ($^O eq 'VMS');
+my $case_insensitive = File::Spec->case_tolerant();
+my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
+if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && $cwd !~ /[A-Za-z]:/) {
+ my $cyg = `cygpath -w $cwd`;
+ if (defined $cyg) {
+ $cyg =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ chop($cwd = $cyg);
+ }
+ $case_insensitive = 1;
+elsif ($onVMS) {
+ $cwd = VMS::Filespec::unixify($cwd);
+ $cwd =~ s!/$!!g;
+my $start = $cwd;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub cd {
+ my($self, $dir) = @_;
+ my $status = chdir($dir);
+ if ($status && $dir ne '.') {
+ ## First strip out any /./ or ./ or /.
+ $dir =~ s/\/\.\//\//g;
+ $dir =~ s/^\.\///;
+ $dir =~ s/\/\.$//;
+ ## If the new directory contains a relative directory
+ ## then we just get the real working directory
+ if (index($dir, '..') >= 0) {
+ $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
+ if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && $cwd !~ /[A-Za-z]:/) {
+ ## We're using Cygwin perl, use cygpath to get the windows path
+ ## and then fix up the slashes.
+ my $cyg = `cygpath -w $cwd`;
+ if (defined $cyg) {
+ $cyg =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ chop($cwd = $cyg);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($onVMS) {
+ ## On VMS, we nee to get the UNIX style path and remove the
+ ## trailing slash.
+ $cwd = VMS::Filespec::unixify($cwd);
+ $cwd =~ s!/$!!g;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($dir =~ /^(\/|[a-z]:)/i) {
+ ## It was a full path, just store it.
+ $cwd = $dir;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## This portion was relative, add it onto the current working
+ ## directory.
+ $cwd .= "/$dir";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+sub getcwd {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return $cwd;
+sub getstartdir {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return $start;
+sub mpc_basename {
+ #my $self = $_[0];
+ #my $file = $_[1];
+ return substr($_[1], rindex($_[1], '/') + 1);
+sub mpc_dirname {
+ my($self, $dir) = @_;
+ ## The dirname() on VMS doesn't work as we expect it to.
+ if ($onVMS) {
+ ## If the directory contains multiple parts, we need to get the
+ ## dirname in a UNIX style format and then remove the slash from the
+ ## end.
+ if (index($dir, '/') >= 0) {
+ $dir = VMS::Filespec::unixify(dirname($dir));
+ $dir =~ s!/$!!g;
+ return $dir;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## There's no directory portion, so just return '.'
+ return '.';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return dirname($dir);
+ }
+sub mpc_glob {
+ my($self, $pattern) = @_;
+ ## glob() provided by OpenVMS does not understand [] within
+ ## the pattern. So, we implement our own through recursive calls
+ ## to mpc_glob().
+ if ($onVMS && $pattern =~ /(.*)\[([^\]]+)\](.*)/) {
+ my @files;
+ my($pre, $mid, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < length($mid); $i++) {
+ foreach my $new ($self->mpc_glob($pre . substr($mid, $i, 1) . $post)) {
+ push(@files, $new) if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($new, \@files));
+ }
+ }
+ return @files;
+ }
+ ## Otherwise, we just return the globbed pattern.
+ return glob($pattern);
+sub onVMS {
+ return $onVMS;
+sub path_is_relative {
+ ## To determine if the path is relative, we just determine if it is not
+ ## an absolute path.
+ #my($self, $path) = @_;
+ return (index($_[1], '/') != 0 && $_[1] !~ /^[A-Z]:\//i);
+# ************************************************************
+# Virtual Methods To Be Overridden
+# ************************************************************
+sub translate_directory {
+ my($self, $dir) = @_;
+ ## Remove the current working directory from $dir (if it is contained)
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ $cwd =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->convert_slashes());
+ if (index($dir, $cwd) == 0) {
+ my $cwdl = length($cwd);
+ return '.' if (length($dir) == $cwdl);
+ $dir = substr($dir, $cwdl + 1);
+ }
+ ## Translate .. to $dd
+ if (index($dir, '..') >= 0) {
+ my $dd = 'dotdot';
+ $dir =~ s/^\.\.([\/\\])/$dd$1/;
+ $dir =~ s/([\/\\])\.\.$/$1$dd/;
+ $dir =~ s/([\/\\])\.\.([\/\\])/$1$dd$2/g;
+ $dir =~ s/^\.\.$/$dd/;
+ }
+ return $dir;
+sub convert_slashes {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub case_insensitive {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return $case_insensitive;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..231c7cf6499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+package Driver;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Functionality to call a workspace or project creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/28/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Options;
+use Parser;
+use Version;
+use ConfigParser;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Parser Options);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $index = 0;
+my @progress = ('|', '/', '-', '\\');
+my %valid_cfg = ('command_line' => 1,
+ 'default_type' => 1,
+ 'dynamic_types' => 1,
+ 'includes' => 1,
+ 'logging' => 1,
+ 'main_functions' => 1,
+ 'verbose_ordering' => 1,
+ );
+my @intype = ('', '');
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my @creators = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
+ $self->{'path'} = $path;
+ $self->{'basepath'} = ::getBasePath();
+ $self->{'name'} = $name;
+ $self->{'type'} = (lc($self->{'name'}) eq $intype[0] ?
+ 'WorkspaceCreator' : 'ProjectCreator');
+ $self->{'types'} = {};
+ $self->{'creators'} = \@creators;
+ $self->{'reldefs'} = {};
+ $self->{'relorder'} = [];
+ return $self;
+sub workspaces {
+ return $intype[0];
+sub projects {
+ return $intype[1];
+sub locate_default_type {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = lc(shift) . lc($self->{'type'}) . '.pm';
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ foreach my $dir (@INC) {
+ if (opendir($fh, $dir)) {
+ foreach my $file (readdir($fh)) {
+ if (lc($file) eq $name) {
+ $file =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ return $file;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub locate_dynamic_directories {
+ my($self, $cfg, $label) = @_;
+ my $dtypes = $cfg->get_value($label);
+ if (defined $dtypes) {
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @directories;
+ my @unprocessed = split(/\s*,\s*/, $cfg->get_unprocessed($label));
+ foreach my $dir (split(/\s*,\s*/, $dtypes)) {
+ if (-d $dir) {
+ if (-d "$dir/modules" || -d "$dir/config" || -d "$dir/templates") {
+ push(@directories, $dir);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!(defined $unprocessed[$count] &&
+ $unprocessed[$count] =~ s/\$[\(\w\)]+//g &&
+ $unprocessed[$count] eq $dir)) {
+ $self->diagnostic("'$label' directory $dir not found.");
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ return \@directories;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub add_dynamic_creators {
+ my($self, $dirs) = @_;
+ my $type = $self->{'type'};
+ foreach my $dir (@$dirs) {
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (opendir($fh, "$dir/modules")) {
+ foreach my $file (readdir($fh)) {
+ if ($file =~ /(.+$type)\.pm$/i) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ if (DirectoryManager::onVMS()) {
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($fh, $dir . "/modules/" . $file)) {
+ my $line = <$fh>;
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*package\s+(.+);/) {
+ $name = $1;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ $self->debug("Pulling in $name");
+ push(@{$self->{'creators'}}, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($fh);
+ }
+ }
+sub parse_line {
+ my($self, $ih, $line) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $errorString;
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^([\w\*]+)(\s*,\s*(.*))?$/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $value = $3;
+ if (defined $value) {
+ $value =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $value =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ if ($name =~ s/\*/.*/g) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %ENV) {
+ if ($key =~ /^$name$/ && !exists $self->{'reldefs'}->{$key}) {
+ ## Put this value at the front since it doesn't need
+ ## to be built up from anything else. It is a stand-alone
+ ## relative definition.
+ $self->{'reldefs'}->{$key} = undef;
+ unshift(@{$self->{'relorder'}}, $key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'reldefs'}->{$name} = $value;
+ if (defined $value) {
+ ## This relative definition may need to be built up from an
+ ## existing value, so it needs to be put at the end.
+ push(@{$self->{'relorder'}}, $name);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Put this value at the front since it doesn't need
+ ## to be built up from anything else. It is a stand-alone
+ ## relative definition.
+ unshift(@{$self->{'relorder'}}, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub optionError {
+ my($self, $line) = @_;
+ $self->printUsage($line, $self->{'name'}, Version::get(),
+ keys %{$self->{'types'}});
+ exit(defined $line ? 1 : 0);
+sub find_file {
+ my($self, $includes, $file) = @_;
+ foreach my $inc (@$includes) {
+ if (-r $inc . '/' . $file) {
+ $self->debug("$file found in $inc");
+ return $inc . '/' . $file;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub determine_cfg_file {
+ my($self, $cfg, $odir) = @_;
+ my $ci = $self->case_insensitive();
+ $odir = lc($odir) if ($ci);
+ foreach my $name (@{$cfg->get_names()}) {
+ my $value = $cfg->get_value($name);
+ if (index($odir, ($ci ? lc($name) : $name)) == 0) {
+ $self->warning("$value does not exist.") if (!-d $value);
+ my $cfgfile = $value . '/MPC.cfg';
+ return $cfgfile if (-e $cfgfile);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $cfgfile;
+ ## Save the original directory outside of the loop
+ ## to avoid calling it multiple times.
+ my $orig_dir = $self->getcwd();
+ ## Read the code base config file from the config directory
+ ## under $MPC_ROOT
+ my $cbcfg = new ConfigParser();
+ my $cbfile = "$self->{'basepath'}/config/base.cfg";
+ if (-r $cbfile) {
+ my($status, $error) = $cbcfg->read_file($cbfile);
+ if (!$status) {
+ $self->error("$error at line " . $cbcfg->get_line_number() .
+ " of $cbfile");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $cfgfile = $self->determine_cfg_file($cbcfg, $orig_dir);
+ }
+ ## If no MPC config file was found and
+ ## there is one in the config directory, we will use that.
+ if (!defined $cfgfile) {
+ $cfgfile = $self->{'path'} . '/config/MPC.cfg';
+ $cfgfile = $self->{'basepath'} . '/config/MPC.cfg' if (!-e $cfgfile);
+ $cfgfile = undef if (!-e $cfgfile);
+ }
+ ## Read the MPC config file
+ my $cfg = new ConfigParser(\%valid_cfg);
+ if (defined $cfgfile) {
+ my $ellipses = $cfgfile;
+ $ellipses =~ s!.*(/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+)!...$1!;
+ $self->diagnostic("Using $ellipses");
+ my($status, $error) = $cfg->read_file($cfgfile);
+ if (!$status) {
+ $self->error("$error at line " . $cfg->get_line_number() .
+ " of $cfgfile");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ OutputMessage::set_levels($cfg->get_value('logging'));
+ }
+ $self->debug("CMD: $0 @ARGV");
+ ## After we read the config file, see if the user has provided
+ ## dynamic types
+ my $dynamic = $self->locate_dynamic_directories($cfg, 'dynamic_types');
+ if (defined $dynamic) {
+ ## If so, add in the creators found in the dynamic directories
+ $self->add_dynamic_creators($dynamic);
+ ## Add the each dynamic path to the include paths
+ foreach my $dynpath (@$dynamic) {
+ unshift(@INC, $dynpath . '/modules');
+ unshift(@args, '-include', "$dynpath/config",
+ '-include', "$dynpath/templates");
+ }
+ }
+ ## Add in the creators found in the main MPC/modules directory
+ $self->add_dynamic_creators([$self->{'basepath'}]);
+ ## Dynamically load in each perl module and set up
+ ## the type tags and project creators
+ my $creators = $self->{'creators'};
+ foreach my $creator (@$creators) {
+ my $tag = $self->extractType($creator);
+ $self->{'types'}->{$tag} = $creator;
+ }
+ ## Before we process the arguments, we will prepend the command_line
+ ## config variable.
+ my $cmd = $cfg->get_value('command_line');
+ if (defined $cmd) {
+ my $envargs = $self->create_array($cmd);
+ unshift(@args, @$envargs);
+ }
+ ## Now add in the includes to the command line arguments.
+ ## It is done this way to allow the Options module to process
+ ## the include path as it does all others.
+ my $incs = $cfg->get_value('includes');
+ if (defined $incs) {
+ foreach my $inc (split(/\s*,\s*/, $incs)) {
+ ## We must add it to the front so that options provided at the end
+ ## that require a parameter (but are not given one) do not gobble
+ ## up the -include option.
+ unshift(@args, '-include', $inc);
+ }
+ }
+ my $options = $self->options($self->{'name'},
+ $self->{'types'},
+ 1,
+ @args);
+ ## If options are not defined, that means that calling options
+ ## took care of whatever functionality that was required and
+ ## we can now return with a good status.
+ return 0 if (!defined $options);
+ ## Set up a hash that we can use to keep track of what
+ ## has been 'required'
+ my %loaded;
+ ## Set up the default creator, if no type is selected
+ if (!defined $options->{'creators'}->[0]) {
+ my $utype = $cfg->get_value('default_type');
+ if (defined $utype) {
+ my $default = $self->locate_default_type($utype);
+ if (defined $default) {
+ push(@{$options->{'creators'}}, $default);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->error("Unable to locate the module that corresponds to " .
+ "the '$utype' type.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If there's still no default, issue an error
+ if (!defined $options->{'creators'}->[0]) {
+ $self->error('There is no longer a default project type. Please ' .
+ 'specify one in MPC.cfg or use the -type option.');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ## Set up additional main functions to recognize
+ my $val = $cfg->get_value('main_functions');
+ if (defined $val) {
+ foreach my $main (split(/\s*,\s*/, $val)) {
+ my $err = ProjectCreator::add_main_function($main);
+ if (defined $err) {
+ $self->error("$err at line " . $cfg->get_line_number() .
+ " of $cfgfile");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($options->{'recurse'}) {
+ if (defined $options->{'input'}->[0]) {
+ ## This is an error.
+ ## -recurse was used and input files were specified.
+ $self->optionError('No files should be ' .
+ 'specified when using -recurse');
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We have to load at least one creator here in order
+ ## to call the generate_recursive_input_list virtual function.
+ my $name = $options->{'creators'}->[0];
+ if (!$loaded{$name}) {
+ require "$";
+ $loaded{$name} = 1;
+ }
+ ## Generate the recursive input list
+ my $creator = $name->new();
+ my @input = $creator->generate_recursive_input_list(
+ '.', $options->{'exclude'});
+ $options->{'input'} = \@input;
+ ## If no files were found above, then we issue a warning
+ ## that we are going to use the default input
+ if (!defined $options->{'input'}->[0]) {
+ $self->information('No files were found using the -recurse option. ' .
+ 'Using the default input.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Add the default include paths. If the user has used the dynamic
+ ## types method of adding types to MPC, we need to push the paths
+ ## on. Otherwise, we unshift them onto the front.
+ if ($self->{'path'} ne $self->{'basepath'}) {
+ unshift(@{$options->{'include'}}, $self->{'path'} . '/config',
+ $self->{'path'} . '/templates');
+ }
+ push(@{$options->{'include'}}, $self->{'basepath'} . '/config',
+ $self->{'basepath'} . '/templates');
+ ## All includes (except the current directory) have been added by this time
+ $self->debug("INCLUDES: @{$options->{'include'}}");
+ ## Set the global feature file
+ my $global_feature_file = (defined $options->{'gfeature_file'} &&
+ -r $options->{'gfeature_file'} ?
+ $options->{'gfeature_file'} : undef);
+ if (defined $global_feature_file) {
+ ## If the specified path is relative, expand it based on
+ ## the current working directory.
+ if ($global_feature_file !~ /^[\/\\]/ &&
+ $global_feature_file !~ /^[A-Za-z]:[\/\\]?/) {
+ $global_feature_file = DirectoryManager::getcwd() . '/' .
+ $global_feature_file;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $gf = 'global.features';
+ $global_feature_file = $self->find_file($options->{'include'}, $gf);
+ if (!defined $global_feature_file) {
+ $global_feature_file = $self->{'basepath'} . '/config/' . $gf;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set up default values
+ push(@{$options->{'input'}}, '') if (!defined $options->{'input'}->[0]);
+ $options->{'feature_file'} = $self->find_file($options->{'include'},
+ 'default.features')
+ if (!defined $options->{'feature_file'});
+ $options->{'global'} = $self->find_file($options->{'include'},
+ 'global.mpb')
+ if (!defined $options->{'global'});
+ ## Set the relative
+ my $relative_file = (defined $options->{'relative_file'} &&
+ -r $options->{'relative_file'} ?
+ $options->{'relative_file'} : undef);
+ if (!defined $relative_file) {
+ my $gf = 'default.rel';
+ $relative_file = $self->find_file($options->{'include'}, $gf);
+ if (!defined $relative_file) {
+ $relative_file = $self->{'basepath'} . '/config/' . $gf;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($options->{'reldefs'}) {
+ ## Only try to read the file if it exists
+ if (defined $relative_file) {
+ my($srel, $errorString) = $self->read_file($relative_file);
+ if (!$srel) {
+ $self->error("$errorString\nin $relative_file");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $key (@{$self->{'relorder'}}) {
+ if (defined $ENV{$key} &&
+ !defined $options->{'relative'}->{$key}) {
+ $options->{'relative'}->{$key} = $ENV{$key};
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{'reldefs'}->{$key} &&
+ !defined $options->{'relative'}->{$key}) {
+ my $value = $self->{'reldefs'}->{$key};
+ if ($value =~ /\$(\w+)(.*)?/) {
+ my $var = $1;
+ my $extra = $2;
+ $options->{'relative'}->{$key} =
+ (defined $options->{'relative'}->{$var} ?
+ $options->{'relative'}->{$var} : '') .
+ (defined $extra ? $extra : '');
+ }
+ else {
+ $options->{'relative'}->{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ ## If a relative path is defined, remove all trailing slashes
+ ## and replace any two or more slashes with a single slash.
+ if (defined $options->{'relative'}->{$key}) {
+ $options->{'relative'}->{$key} =~ s/([\/\\])[\/\\]+/$1/g;
+ $options->{'relative'}->{$key} =~ s/[\/\\]$//g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Remove MPC_ROOT since we never want to expand it
+ delete $options->{'relative'}->{'MPC_ROOT'};
+ }
+ ## Always add the current path to the include paths
+ unshift(@{$options->{'include'}}, $orig_dir);
+ ## Set up un-buffered output for the progress callback
+ $| = 1;
+ ## Keep the starting time for the total output
+ my $startTime = time();
+ my $loopTimes = 0;
+ ## Generate the files
+ my $status = 0;
+ foreach my $cfile (@{$options->{'input'}}) {
+ ## To correctly reference any pathnames in the input file, chdir to
+ ## its directory if there's any directory component to the specified path.
+ ## mpc_basename() always expects UNIX file format.
+ $cfile =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ my $base = ($cfile eq '' ? '' : $self->mpc_basename($cfile));
+ $base = '' if (-d $cfile);
+ foreach my $name (@{$options->{'creators'}}) {
+ ++$loopTimes;
+ if (!$loaded{$name}) {
+ require "$";
+ $loaded{$name} = 1;
+ }
+ my $file = $cfile;
+ my $creator = $name->new($options->{'global'},
+ $options->{'include'},
+ $options->{'template'},
+ $options->{'ti'},
+ $options->{'dynamic'},
+ $options->{'static'},
+ $options->{'relative'},
+ $options->{'addtemp'},
+ $options->{'addproj'},
+ (-t 1 ? \&progress : undef),
+ $options->{'toplevel'},
+ $options->{'baseprojs'},
+ $global_feature_file,
+ $options->{'relative_file'},
+ $options->{'feature_file'},
+ $options->{'features'},
+ $options->{'hierarchy'},
+ $options->{'exclude'},
+ $options->{'make_coexistence'},
+ $options->{'name_modifier'},
+ $options->{'apply_project'},
+ $options->{'genins'},
+ $options->{'into'},
+ $options->{'language'},
+ $options->{'use_env'},
+ $options->{'expand_vars'},
+ $options->{'gendot'},
+ $options->{'comments'},
+ $options->{'for_eclipse'});
+ ## Update settings based on the configuration file
+ $creator->set_verbose_ordering($cfg->get_value('verbose_ordering'));
+ if ($base ne $file) {
+ my $dir = ($base eq '' ? $file : $self->mpc_dirname($file));
+ if (!$creator->cd($dir)) {
+ $self->error("Unable to change to directory: $dir");
+ $status++;
+ last;
+ }
+ $file = $base;
+ }
+ my $diag = 'Generating \'' . $self->extractType($name) .
+ '\' output using ';
+ if ($file eq '') {
+ $diag .= 'default input';
+ }
+ else {
+ my $partial = $self->getcwd();
+ my $oescaped = $self->escape_regex_special($orig_dir) . '(/)?';
+ $partial =~ s!\\!/!g;
+ $partial =~ s/^$oescaped//;
+ $diag .= ($partial ne '' ? "$partial/" : '') . $file;
+ }
+ $self->diagnostic($diag);
+ my $start = time();
+ if (!$creator->generate($file)) {
+ $self->error("Unable to process: " .
+ ($file eq '' ? 'default input' : $file));
+ $status++;
+ last;
+ }
+ my $total = time() - $start;
+ $self->diagnostic('Generation Time: ' .
+ (int($total / 60) > 0 ? int($total / 60) . 'm ' : '') .
+ ($total % 60) . 's');
+ $creator->cd($orig_dir);
+ }
+ last if ($status);
+ }
+ ## If we went through the loop more than once, we need to print
+ ## out the total amount of time
+ if ($loopTimes > 1) {
+ my $total = time() - $startTime;
+ $self->diagnostic(' Total Time: ' .
+ (int($total / 60) > 0 ? int($total / 60) . 'm ' : '') .
+ ($total % 60) . 's');
+ }
+ return $status;
+sub progress {
+ ## This method will be called before each output file is written.
+ print "$progress[$index]\r";
+ $index++;
+ $index = 0 if ($index > $#progress);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..280f4cb4f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package EM3ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : An eMbedded Visual C++ 3.00 Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 7/3/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC6ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC6ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.vcp';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'em3vcpdllexe';
+sub get_lib_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'em3vcplibexe';
+sub get_lib_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'em3vcplib';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'em3vcpdll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09e20fdf653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package EM3WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : An eMbedded v3 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 7/3/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use EM3ProjectCreator;
+use VC6WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC6WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.vcw';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Visual C++ for WinCE file
+ print $fh 'Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools Workspace File, Format Version 3.00', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf,
+ $crlf);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0a5ced6843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package FeatureParser;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Reads the feature files and store the values
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/21/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Parser;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Parser);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $features = shift;
+ my @files = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
+ ## Set the values associative array
+ $self->{'values'} = {};
+ ## Process each feature file
+ foreach my $f (@files) {
+ if (defined $f) {
+ my($status, $warn) = $self->read_file($f);
+ if (!$status) {
+ ## We only want to warn the user about problems
+ ## with the feature file.
+ my $lnumber = $self->get_line_number();
+ $self->warning($self->mpc_basename($f) . ": line $lnumber: $warn");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Process each feature definition
+ foreach my $feature (@$features) {
+ my($status, $warn) = $self->parse_line(undef, $feature);
+ ## We only want to warn the user about problems
+ ## with the -feature option.
+ $self->warning("-features parameter: $warn") if (!$status);
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub parse_line {
+ my($self, $if, $line) = @_;
+ my $error;
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+)$/) {
+ ## This is a valid value, so we can store it.
+ $self->{'values'}->{lc($1)} = $2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ }
+ return (defined $error ? 0 : 1), $error;
+sub get_names {
+ my @names = sort keys %{$_[0]->{'values'}};
+ return \@names;
+sub get_value {
+ ## All feature names are case-insensitive.
+ my($self, $tag) = @_;
+ return $self->{'values'}->{lc($tag)};
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab7d9eeea8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+package GHSProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A GHS project creator for version 4.x.
+# By default, this module assumes Multi will
+# be used on Windows. If it is not, you must
+# set the MPC_GHS_UNIX environment variable.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 4/19/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $startre;
+my $ghsunix = 'MPC_GHS_UNIX';
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub convert_slashes {
+ return (defined $ENV{$ghsunix} ? 0 : 1);
+sub case_insensitive {
+ return (defined $ENV{$ghsunix} ? 0 : 1);
+sub use_win_compatibility_commands {
+ return (defined $ENV{$ghsunix} ? 0 : 1);
+sub post_file_creation {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## These special files are only used if it is a custom only project or
+ ## there are no source files in the project.
+ if ((defined $self->get_assignment('custom_only') ||
+ !defined $self->get_assignment('source_files')) &&
+ defined $self->get_assignment('custom_types')) {
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($fh, '>.custom_build_rule')) {
+ print $fh ".empty_html_file\n";
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ if (open($fh, '>.empty_html_file')) {
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.gpj';
+sub fill_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value;
+ if (!defined $startre) {
+ $startre = $self->escape_regex_special($self->getstartdir());
+ }
+ ## The Green Hills project format is strange and needs all paths
+ ## relative to the top directory, no matter where the source files
+ ## reside. The template uses reltop_ in front of the real project
+ ## settings, so we get the value of the real keyword and then do some
+ ## adjusting to get it relative to the top directory.
+ if ($name =~ /^reltop_(\w+)/) {
+ $value = $self->relative($self->get_assignment($1));
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my $part = $self->getcwd();
+ $part =~ s/^$startre[\/]?//;
+ if ($part ne '') {
+ if ($value eq '.') {
+ $value = $part;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value = $part . '/' . $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'reltop') {
+ $value = $self->getcwd();
+ $value =~ s/^$startre[\/]?//;
+ $value = '.' if ($value eq '');
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'slash') {
+ ## We need to override the slash value so that we can give the right
+ ## value for Windows or UNIX.
+ $value = (defined $ENV{$ghsunix} ? '/' : '\\');
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'postmkdir') {
+ ## If we're on Windows, we need an "or" command that will reset the
+ ## errorlevel so that a mkdir on a directory that already exists
+ ## doesn't cause the build to cease.
+ $value = ' || type nul' if (!defined $ENV{$ghsunix});
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'ghsdllexe';
+sub get_lib_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'ghslibexe';
+sub get_lib_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'ghslib';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'ghsdll';
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Get the base class properties and add the properties that we
+ ## support.
+ my $props = $self->ProjectCreator::get_properties();
+ ## This project creator can work for UNIX and Windows. Set the
+ ## property based on the environment variable.
+ $$props{'windows'} = 1 if (!defined $ENV{$ghsunix});
+ return $props;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9236b1cb5d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+package GHSWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A GHS Workspace creator for version 4.x
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 7/3/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use GHSProjectCreator;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %directives = ('I' => 1,
+ 'L' => 1,
+ 'D' => 1,
+ 'l' => 1,
+ 'G' => 1,
+ 'non_shared' => 1,
+ 'bsp' => 1,
+ 'os_dir' => 1,
+ );
+my $tgt;
+my $integrity = '[INTEGRITY Application]';
+my @integ_bsps;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_name {
+ return $_[0]->get_modified_workspace_name('default', '.gpj');
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $prjs = $self->get_projects();
+ ## Take the primaryTarget from the first project in the list
+ if (defined $$prjs[0]) {
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ if (open($fh, "$outdir/$$prjs[0]")) {
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ if (/^#primaryTarget=(.+)$/) {
+ $tgt = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Print out the preliminary information
+ print $fh "#!gbuild$crlf",
+ "primaryTarget=$tgt$crlf",
+ "[Project]$crlf",
+ "\t--one_instantiation_per_object$crlf",
+ "\t:sourceDir=.$crlf",
+ "\t--std$crlf",
+ "\t-language=cxx$crlf",
+ "\t--long_long$crlf",
+ "\t--new_style_casts$crlf";
+sub create_integrity_project {
+ my($self, $int_proj, $project, $type, $target) = @_;
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $int_file = $int_proj;
+ $int_file =~ s/\.gpj$/.int/;
+ if (open($fh, ">$outdir/$int_proj")) {
+ ## First print out the project file
+ print $fh "#!gbuild$crlf",
+ "\t$integrity$crlf",
+ "$project\t\t$type$crlf",
+ "$int_file$crlf";
+ foreach my $bsp (@integ_bsps) {
+ print $fh "$bsp$crlf";
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ ## Next create the integration file
+ if (open($fh, ">$outdir/$int_file")) {
+ print $fh "Kernel$crlf",
+ "\tFilename\t\t\tDynamicDownload$crlf",
+ "EndKernel$crlf$crlf",
+ "AddressSpace$crlf",
+ "\tFilename\t\t\t$target$crlf",
+ "\tLanguage\t\t\tC++$crlf",
+ "\tLibrary\t\t\t\$crlf",
+ "\tLibrary\t\t\t\$crlf",
+ "\tLibrary\t\t\t\$crlf",
+ "\tTask Initial$crlf",
+ "\t\tStackLength\t\t0x8000$crlf",
+ "\tEndTask$crlf",
+ "EndAddressSpace$crlf";
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+sub mix_settings {
+ my($self, $project) = @_;
+ my $rh = new FileHandle();
+ my $mix = $project;
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ ## Things that seem like they should be set in the project
+ ## actually have to be set in the controlling project file.
+ if (open($rh, "$outdir/$project")) {
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $integrity_project = (index($tgt, 'integrity') >= 0);
+ my($int_proj, $int_type, $target);
+ while(<$rh>) {
+ if (/^\s*(\[(Program|Library|Subproject)\])\s*$/) {
+ my $type = $1;
+ if ($integrity_project && $type eq '[Program]') {
+ $int_proj = $project;
+ $int_proj =~ s/(\.gpj)$/_int$1/;
+ $int_type = $type;
+ $mix =~ s/(\.gpj)$/_int$1/;
+ $type = $integrity;
+ }
+ $mix .= "\t\t$type$crlf" .
+ "\t-object_dir=" . $self->mpc_dirname($project) .
+ '/.obj' . $crlf;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s*(\[Shared Object\])\s*$/) {
+ $mix .= "\t\t$1$crlf" .
+ "\t-pic$crlf" .
+ "\t-object_dir=" . $self->mpc_dirname($project) .
+ '/.shobj' . $crlf;
+ }
+ elsif ($integrity_project && /^(.*\.bsp)\s/) {
+ push(@integ_bsps, $1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/^\s*\-((\w)\w*)/) {
+ ## Save the required options into the mixed project string
+ if (defined $directives{$2} || defined $directives{$1}) {
+ $mix .= $_;
+ }
+ ## If this is an integrity project, we need to find out
+ ## what the output file will be for the integrate file.
+ if (defined $int_proj && /^\s*\-o\s+(.*)\s$/) {
+ $target = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $int_proj) {
+ $self->create_integrity_project($int_proj, $project,
+ $int_type, $target);
+ }
+ close($rh);
+ }
+ return $mix;
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ ## Print out each projet
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
+ print $fh $self->mix_settings($project);
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f4a29b709a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package GUID;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Generate GUID's for VC7 projects and workspaces
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/14/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub generate {
+ my($out, $in, $cwd) = @_;
+ my $chash = GUID::hash($cwd);
+ my $nhash = GUID::hash($out);
+ my $ihash = GUID::hash($in);
+ my $val = 0xfeca1bad;
+ return sprintf("%08X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%04X%08X",
+ $nhash & 0xffffffff, ($val >> 16) & 0xffff,
+ ($val & 0xffff), ($ihash >> 16) & 0xffff,
+ $ihash & 0xffff, $chash & 0xffffffff);
+sub hash {
+ my $str = shift;
+ my $value = 0;
+ if (defined $str) {
+ my $length = length($str);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
+ $value = (($value << 4) & 0xffffffff) ^ ($value >> 28)
+ ^ ord(substr($str, $i, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00e49087393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package HTMLProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : An HTML project creator to display all settings
+# Author : Justin Michel & Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 8/25/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use XMLProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XMLProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $style_indent = .5;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub file_sorter {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $left = shift;
+ #my $right = shift;
+ return lc($_[1]) cmp lc($_[2]);
+sub label_nodes {
+ my($self, $hash, $nodes, $level) = @_;
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %$hash) {
+ push(@$nodes, [$level, $key]);
+ $self->label_nodes($$hash{$key}, $nodes, $level + 1);
+ }
+sub count_levels {
+ my($self, $hash, $current, $count) = @_;
+ foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
+ $self->count_levels($$hash{$key}, $current + 1, $count);
+ }
+ $$count = $current if ($current > $$count);
+sub fill_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value;
+ if ($name eq 'inheritance_nodes') {
+ ## Get the nodes with numeric labels for the level
+ my @nodes;
+ $self->label_nodes($self->get_inheritance_tree(), \@nodes, 0);
+ ## Push each node onto the value array
+ $value = [];
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#nodes; ++$i) {
+ my $file = $nodes[$i]->[1];
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($file);
+ my $base = $self->mpc_basename($file);
+ ## Relative paths do not work at all in a web browser
+ $file = $base if ($dir eq '.');
+ my $path = ($base eq $file ? $self->getcwd() . '/' : '');
+ my $name;
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ ## If this is the first node, then replace the base filename
+ ## with the actual project name.
+ $name = $self->project_name();
+ }
+ else {
+ ## This is a base project, so we use the basename and
+ ## remove the file extension.
+ $name = $base;
+ $name =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ }
+ ## Create the div and a tags.
+ push(@$value, '<a href="file://' . $path . $file .
+ '" onClick="return popup(this, \'Project File\')" ' .
+ 'target=_blank>' .
+ '<div class="tree' . $nodes[$i]->[0] . '">' .
+ $name . '</div></a>');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'tree_styles') {
+ ## Count the number of levels deep the inheritance goes
+ my $count = 0;
+ $self->count_levels($self->get_inheritance_tree(), 0, \$count);
+ my $margin = 0;
+ my $start = 100;
+ my $max = 255;
+ my $inc = ($count ne 0 ? int(($max - $start) / $count) : $max);
+ ## Push each tree style onto the value array
+ $value = [];
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
+ push(@$value, ".tree$i { background-color: #" .
+ sprintf("%02x%02x%02x", 0, $start, $start) . ';' .
+ ($margin != 0 ? " margin-left: $margin" . 'in;' : '') .
+ ' }');
+ $start += $inc;
+ $margin += $style_indent;
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.html';
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de4c727bbe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package HTMLWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : An html workspace creator
+# Author : Justin Michel
+# Create Date : 8/25/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use HTMLProjectCreator;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '_workspace.html';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Print the header
+ print $fh '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">', $crlf,
+ '<html>', $crlf;
+ ## Next, goes the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '<!-- $Id$ -->', $crlf,
+ '<!-- MPC Command: -->', $crlf,
+ '<!-- ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV),' -->', $crlf);
+ ## Then, comes the title and the CSS settings.
+ print $fh '<head>', $crlf,
+ '<title>', $self->get_workspace_name(), '</title>', $crlf,
+ ' <style type="text/css">', $crlf,
+ ' a {font: 12pt bold verdana, lucida; color: white; padding: 3px;}', $crlf,
+ ' td {font: 12pt bold verdana, lucida; color: white; padding: 3px; background-color: cadetblue;}', $crlf,
+ ' thead tr td {font: 18pt "trebuchet ms", helvetica; color: white; padding: 3px; background-color: teal;}', $crlf,
+ ' </style>', $crlf,
+ '</head>', $crlf,
+ '<body>', $crlf;
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh, $creator) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Start the table for all of the projects
+ print $fh "<table style=\"table-layout:fixed\" width=\"400\" " .
+ "summary=\"MPC Projects\">$crlf" .
+ "<col style=\"background-color: darkcyan;\">$crlf" .
+ "<thead>$crlf" .
+ "<tr><td>Projects In Build Order</td></tr>$crlf" .
+ "</thead>$crlf" .
+ "<tbody>$crlf";
+ ## Sort the projects in build order instead of alphabetical order
+ my $project_info = $self->get_project_info();
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
+ print $fh "<tr><td>" .
+ "<a href='$project'>$$project_info{$project}->[0]</a>" .
+ "</td></tr>$crlf";
+ }
+ ## End the table
+ print $fh "</tbody></table>";
+sub post_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ print $fh "</body></html>" . $self->crlf();
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7a99498143d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package MPC;
+# ******************************************************************
+# Description : Instantiate a Driver and run it. This is here to
+# maintain backward compatibility.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 1/30/2004
+# ******************************************************************
+# ******************************************************************
+# Pragma Section
+# ******************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Driver;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {'creators' => [],
+ }, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub getCreatorList {
+ return $_[0]->{'creators'};
+sub execute {
+ my($self, $base, $name, $args) = @_;
+ my $driver = new Driver($base, $name, @{$self->{'creators'}});
+ return $driver->run(@$args);
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..85d589b9bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package MWC;
+# ******************************************************************
+# Description : Instantiate a Driver and run it. This is here to
+# maintain backward compatibility.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 1/30/2004
+# ******************************************************************
+# ******************************************************************
+# Pragma Section
+# ******************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Driver;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {'creators' => [],
+ }, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub getCreatorList {
+ return $_[0]->{'creators'};
+sub execute {
+ my($self, $base, $name, $args) = @_;
+ my $driver = new Driver($base, $name, @{$self->{'creators'}});
+ return $driver->run(@$args);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc84ca8f566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+package MakeProjectBase;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Make Project base module
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 1/4/2005
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub dollar_special {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub sort_files {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return (defined $ENV{MPC_ALWAYS_SORT});
+sub project_file_prefix {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'Makefile.';
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Get the base class properties and add the properties that we
+ ## support.
+ my $props = $self->ProjectCreator::get_properties();
+ ## All projects that use this base class are 'make' based.
+ $$props{'make'} = 1;
+ return $props;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c589fed6cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+package MakeProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Generic Make Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/18/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use MakeProjectBase;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(MakeProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %info = (Creator::cplusplus => {'dllexe' => 'makeexe',
+ 'dll' => 'makedll',
+ 'template' => 'make',
+ },
+ Creator::csharp => {'dllexe' => '',
+ 'dll' => '',
+ 'template' => '',
+ },
+ Creator::java => {'dllexe' => 'makeexe',
+ 'dll' => 'makedll',
+ 'template' => 'make',
+ },
+ Creator::vb => {'dllexe' => '',
+ 'dll' => '',
+ 'template' => '',
+ },
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub languageSupported {
+ return defined $info{$_[0]->get_language()};
+sub escape_spaces {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ return $info{$_[0]->get_language()}->{'dllexe'};
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ return $info{$_[0]->get_language()}->{'dll'};
+sub get_template {
+ return $info{$_[0]->get_language()}->{'template'};
+sub fill_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ if ($name eq 'compilers') {
+ ## The default compilers template variable value is determined by the
+ ## language and directly corresponds to a group of settings in the
+ ## .mpt file ( for csharp and makedll.mpt for all
+ ## others).
+ my $language = $self->get_language();
+ if ($language eq Creator::java) {
+ return 'java';
+ }
+ elsif ($language eq Creator::csharp) {
+ return 'gmcs';
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'gcc';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'language') {
+ ## Allow the language to be available to the template. Certain
+ ## things are not used in make.mpd when the language is java.
+ return $self->get_language();
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'main') {
+ ## The main is needed when generating the makefiles for use with gcj.
+ my @sources = $self->get_component_list('source_files', 1);
+ my $exename = $self->find_main_file(\@sources);
+ return $exename if (defined $exename);
+ }
+ return undef;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35a78667191
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+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+package MakeWorkspaceBase;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Make Workspace base module
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 11/21/2006
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub targets {
+ return $_[0]->{'make_targets'};
+sub workspace_file_prefix {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'Makefile';
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '';
+sub supports_make_coexistence {
+ return ($_[0]->workspace_file_extension() ne '');
+sub workspace_file_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->get_modified_workspace_name(
+ $self->workspace_file_prefix(),
+ $self->make_coexistence() ?
+ $self->workspace_file_extension() : '');
+sub workspace_per_project {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_preamble {
+ my($self, $fh, $crlf, $name, $id) = @_;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf,
+ '# ', $name, $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# ', $id, $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf,
+ $crlf);
+sub write_named_targets {
+ my($self, $fh, $crlf, $targnum, $list, $remain, $targpre, $allpre, $trans, $phony, $andsym, $maxline) = @_;
+ ## Save the targets for later
+ $self->{'make_targets'} = $remain;
+ ## Print out the "all" target
+ if (defined $maxline) {
+ my $all = 'all:';
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ $all .= " $$trans{$project}";
+ }
+ if (length($all) < $maxline) {
+ print $fh $crlf, $all;
+ }
+ else {
+ $remain = 'all ' . $remain;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print $fh $crlf . 'all:';
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ print $fh " $$trans{$project}";
+ }
+ }
+ ## Print out all other targets here
+ print $fh "$crlf$crlf$remain:$crlf";
+ $self->write_project_targets($fh, $crlf,
+ $targpre . '$(@)', $list, $andsym);
+ ## Print out each target separately
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ print $fh ($phony ? "$crlf.PHONY: $$trans{$project}" : ''),
+ $crlf, $$trans{$project}, ':';
+ if (defined $$targnum{$project}) {
+ foreach my $number (@{$$targnum{$project}}) {
+ print $fh " $$trans{$$list[$number]}";
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh $crlf;
+ $self->write_project_targets($fh, $crlf,
+ $targpre . $allpre . 'all',
+ [ $project ], $andsym);
+ }
+ ## Print out the project_name_list target
+ print $fh $crlf, "project_name_list:$crlf";
+ foreach my $project (sort @$list) {
+ print $fh "\t\@echo $$trans{$project}$crlf";
+ }
+sub post_workspace {
+ my($self, $wsfh, $creator, $toplevel) = @_;
+ if ($toplevel && $self->{'for_eclipse'}) {
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $outfile = "$outdir/.cdtproject";
+ my $pjt = $self->get_eclipse_cdtproject();
+ if (open($fh, ">$outfile")) {
+ ## We want to set the make command to nmake for the nmake project
+ ## type. As far as stopping on an error, I don't remember why this
+ ## is true only for Borland make.
+ my $cmd = ("$self" =~ /^nmake/i ? 'nmake' : 'make');
+ my $stop = ("$self" =~ /^bmake/i ? 'true' : 'false');
+ print $fh $$pjt[0];
+ foreach my $target ('all',
+ grep(/^[\w\-]+$/, split(/\s+/, $self->targets()))) {
+ print $fh ' <target name="', $target, '" path="" targetID="org.eclipse.cdt.make.MakeTargetBuilder">', $crlf,
+ ' <buildCommand>', $cmd, '</buildCommand>', $crlf,
+ ' <buildArguments></buildArguments>', $crlf,
+ ' <buildTarget>', $target, '</buildTarget> ', $crlf,
+ ' <stopOnError>', $stop, '</stopOnError>', $crlf,
+ ' <useDefaultCommand>false</useDefaultCommand>', $crlf,
+ ' </target>', $crlf;
+ }
+ print $fh $$pjt[1];
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to create $outfile");
+ }
+ ## Create the eclipse project which is unchanging except for the name
+ ## of the starting makefile.
+ $pjt = $self->get_eclipse_project();
+ $outfile = "$outdir/.project";
+ if (open($fh, ">$outfile")) {
+ print $fh $$pjt[0], $self->get_workspace_name(), $$pjt[1];
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to create $outfile");
+ }
+ }
+sub get_eclipse_cdtproject {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (!defined $self->{'eclipse_cdtproject'}) {
+ $self->{'eclipse_cdtproject'} = [
+'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?eclipse-cdt version="2.0"?>
+<cdtproject id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.make">
+ <extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ELF" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.BinaryParser"/>
+ <extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.nullindexer" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.CIndexer"/>
+ <data>
+ <item id="scannerConfiguration">
+ <autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.GCCStandardMakePerProjectProfile"/>
+ <profile id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.GCCStandardMakePerProjectProfile">
+ <buildOutputProvider>
+ <openAction enabled="true" filePath=""/>
+ <parser enabled="true"/>
+ </buildOutputProvider>
+ </profile>
+ <profile id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCManagedMakePerProjectProfile">
+ <buildOutputProvider>
+ <openAction enabled="false" filePath=""/>
+ <parser enabled="false"/>
+ </buildOutputProvider>
+ <scannerInfoProvider id="specsFile">
+ <runAction arguments="-E -P -v -dD ${plugin_state_location}/${specs_file}" command="gcc" useDefault="true"/>
+ <parser enabled="false"/>
+ </scannerInfoProvider>
+ </profile>
+ <profile id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCWinManagedMakePerProjectProfile">
+ <buildOutputProvider>
+ <openAction enabled="false" filePath=""/>
+ <parser enabled="false"/>
+ </buildOutputProvider>
+ <scannerInfoProvider id="specsFile">
+ <runAction arguments="-E -P -v -dD ${plugin_state_location}/${specs_file}" command="gcc" useDefault="true"/>
+ <parser enabled="false"/>
+ </scannerInfoProvider>
+ </profile>
+ <profile id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.GCCStandardMakePerFileProfile">
+ <buildOutputProvider>
+ <openAction enabled="false" filePath=""/>
+ <parser enabled="false"/>
+ </buildOutputProvider>
+ <scannerInfoProvider id="makefileGenerator">
+ <runAction arguments="-f ${project_name}" command="make" useDefault="true"/>
+ <parser enabled="false"/>
+ </scannerInfoProvider>
+ </profile>
+ </item>
+ <item id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry">
+ <pathentry kind="src" path=""/>
+ <pathentry kind="out" path=""/>
+ <pathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.DISCOVERED_SCANNER_INFO"/>
+ </item>
+ <item id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildtargets">
+ <buildTargets>
+' </buildTargets>
+ </item>
+ </data>
+ }
+ return $self->{'eclipse_cdtproject'};
+sub get_eclipse_project {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (!defined $self->{'eclipse_project'}) {
+ $self->{'eclipse_project'} = [
+'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <name>',
+ <comment></comment>
+ <projects>
+ </projects>
+ <buildSpec>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.makeBuilder</name>
+ <triggers>clean,full,incremental,</triggers>
+ <arguments>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key></key>
+ <value></value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.core.errorOutputParser</key>
+ <value>org.eclipse.cdt.core.MakeErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.GCCErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.GASErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.GLDErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.VCErrorParser;</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableAutoBuild</key>
+ <value>false</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.environment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableFullBuild</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key></key>
+ <value>all</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enabledIncrementalBuild</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key></key>
+ <value>clean</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key></key>
+ <value>make</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableCleanBuild</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.append_environment</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key></key>
+ <value>clean all</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.useDefaultBuildCmd</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key></key>
+ <value>all</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.stopOnError</key>
+ <value>false</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.ScannerConfigBuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ </buildSpec>
+ <natures>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature</nature>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.makeNature</nature>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.ScannerConfigNature</nature>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature</nature>
+ </natures>
+ }
+ return $self->{'eclipse_project'};
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe3c0d05c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+package MakeWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Generic Workspace (Makefile) creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/18/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use MakeProjectCreator;
+use MakeWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(MakeWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $targets = 'clean depend generated realclean $(CUSTOM_TARGETS)';
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub write_project_targets {
+ my($self, $fh, $crlf, $target, $list) = @_;
+ ## Print out a make command for each project
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ my $dname = $self->mpc_dirname($project);
+ my $chdir = ($dname ne '.');
+ print $fh "\t\@",
+ ($chdir ? "cd $dname && " : ''),
+ "\$(MAKE) -f ",
+ ($chdir ? $self->mpc_basename($project) : $project),
+ " $target$crlf";
+ }
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ $self->workspace_preamble($fh, $self->crlf(), 'Make Workspace',
+ '$Id$');
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my %targnum;
+ my @list = $self->number_target_deps($self->get_projects(),
+ $self->get_project_info(),
+ \%targnum, 0);
+ ## Send all the information to our base class method
+ $self->write_named_targets($fh, $self->crlf(), \%targnum, \@list,
+ ($self->languageIs(Creator::csharp) ?
+ 'bundle ' : '') . $targets, '', 'generated ',
+ $self->project_target_translation(1), 1);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8371142bdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package NMakeProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : An NMake Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/31/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use WinProjectBase;
+use MakeProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(MakeProjectBase WinProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.mak';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'nmakeexe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'nmakedll';
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Create the map of properties that we support. This is a reproduced
+ ## property from the VCProjectBase and out of laziness I have not made
+ ## a base project for just this property.
+ my $props = {'microsoft' => 1};
+ ## Merge in properties from all base projects
+ foreach my $base (@ISA) {
+ my $func = $base . '::get_properties';
+ my $p = $self->$func();
+ foreach my $key (keys %$p) {
+ $$props{$key} = $$p{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ return $props;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80e39a898f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package NMakeWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A NMake Workspace (Makefile) creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 6/10/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use NMakeProjectCreator;
+use MakeWorkspaceBase;
+use WinWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(MakeWorkspaceBase WinWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $targets = 'clean depend generated realclean $(CUSTOM_TARGETS)';
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.mak';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ $self->workspace_preamble($fh, $self->crlf(), 'NMAKE Workspace',
+ '$Id$');
+sub write_project_targets {
+ my($self, $fh, $crlf, $target, $list) = @_;
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ ## Print out a make command for each project
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($project);
+ my $chdir = ($dir ne '.');
+ print $fh ($chdir ? "\t\@cd $dir$crlf\t\@echo Directory: $dir$crlf" : ''),
+ "\t\@echo Project: ", $self->mpc_basename($project), $crlf,
+ "\t\$(MAKE) /\$(MAKEFLAGS) /f ", $self->mpc_basename($project),
+ " $target$crlf",
+ ($chdir ? "\t\@cd \$(MAKEDIR)$crlf" : '');
+ }
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my %targnum;
+ my $pjs = $self->get_project_info();
+ my @list = $self->number_target_deps($self->get_projects(), $pjs,
+ \%targnum, 0);
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $default = 'Win32 Debug';
+ ## Determine the default configuration. We want to get the Debug
+ ## configuration (if available). It just so happens that Debug comes
+ ## before Release so sorting the configurations works in our favor.
+ foreach my $project (keys %$pjs) {
+ my($name, $deps, $pguid, $lang, $custom_only, $nocross, $managed, @cfgs) = @{$pjs->{$project}};
+ @cfgs = sort @cfgs;
+ if (defined $cfgs[0]) {
+ $default = $cfgs[0];
+ ## The configuration comes out in the form that is usable to Visual
+ ## Studio. We need it to be in the form that was chosen for the
+ ## nmake configuration. So, we just swap the parts and remove the
+ ## '|' character.
+ $default =~ s/(.*)\|(.*)/$2 $1/;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Print out the content
+ print $fh '!IF "$(CFG)" == ""', $crlf,
+ 'CFG=', $default, $crlf,
+ '!MESSAGE No configuration specified. ',
+ 'Defaulting to ', $default, '.', $crlf,
+ '!ENDIF', $crlf, $crlf,
+ '!IF "$(CUSTOM_TARGETS)" == ""', $crlf,
+ '!ENDIF', $crlf;
+ ## Send all the information to our base class method
+ $self->write_named_targets($fh, $crlf, \%targnum, \@list,
+ $targets, 'CFG="$(CFG)" ', '',
+ $self->project_target_translation());
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..130bbe56edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+package Options;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Process mpc command line options
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 3/20/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use DirectoryManager;
+use StringProcessor;
+use ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub printUsage {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $msg = shift;
+ my $base = shift;
+ my $version = shift;
+ my @types = @_;
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n" if (defined $msg);
+ my $spaces = (' ' x (length($base) + 8));
+ print STDERR "$base v$version\n" .
+ "Usage: $base [-global <file>] [-include <directory>] [-recurse]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-ti <dll | lib | dll_exe | lib_exe>:<file>] [-hierarchy]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-template <file>] [-relative NAME=VAL] [-base <project>]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-noreldefs] [-notoplevel] [-static] [-genins] [-use_env]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-value_template <NAME+=VAL | NAME=VAL | NAME-=VAL>]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-value_project <NAME+=VAL | NAME=VAL | NAME-=VAL>]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-make_coexistence] [-feature_file <file name>] [-gendot]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-expand_vars] [-features <feature definitions>]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-exclude <directories>] [-name_modifier <pattern>]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-apply_project] [-version] [-into <directory>]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-gfeature_file <file name>] [-nocomments]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-relative_file <file name>] [-for_eclipse]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[-language <";
+ my $olen = length($spaces) + 12;
+ my $len = $olen;
+ my $mlen = 77;
+ my @keys = sort(Creator::validLanguages());
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) {
+ my $klen = length($keys[$i]);
+ $len += $klen;
+ if ($len > $mlen) {
+ print STDERR "\n$spaces ";
+ $len = $olen + $klen;
+ }
+ print STDERR $keys[$i];
+ if ($i != $#keys) {
+ print STDERR ' | ';
+ $len += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR ">]\n",
+ $spaces, "[-type <";
+ $olen = length($spaces) + 8;
+ $len = $olen;
+ ## Sort the project types, but keep those that are the same with different
+ ## version numbers in the right order (i.e., vc8, vc9, vc10). The vc71
+ ## type is a special case and needs to stay betwen vc7 and vc8.
+ @keys = sort { if ($a ne 'vc71' && $b ne 'vc71' && $a =~ /^([^\d]+)(\d+)$/) {
+ my($a1, $a2) = ($1, $2);
+ if ($b =~ /^([^\d]+)(\d+)$/ && $a1 eq $1) {
+ return $a2 <=> $2;
+ }
+ }
+ return $a cmp $b;
+ } @types;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) {
+ my $klen = length($keys[$i]);
+ $len += $klen;
+ if ($len > $mlen) {
+ print STDERR "\n$spaces ";
+ $len = $olen + $klen;
+ }
+ print STDERR $keys[$i];
+ if ($i != $#keys) {
+ print STDERR ' | ';
+ $len += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR ">]\n" .
+ $spaces . "[files]\n\n";
+ print STDERR
+" -base Add <project> as a base project to each generated\n" .
+" project file. Do not provide a file extension, the\n" .
+" .mpb extension will be tried first; if that fails the\n" .
+" .mpc extension will be tried.\n" .
+" -exclude Use this option to exclude directories or files when\n" .
+" searching for input files.\n" .
+" -expand_vars Perform direct expansion, instead of performing relative\n" .
+" replacement with either -use_env or -relative options.\n" .
+" -feature_file Specifies the feature file to read before processing.\n" .
+" The default feature file is default.features under the\n" .
+" config directory.\n" .
+" -features Specifies the feature list to set before processing.\n" .
+" -for_eclipse Generate files for use with eclipse. This is only\n" .
+" useful for make based project types.\n" .
+" -gendot Generate .dot files for use with Graphviz.\n" .
+" -genins Generate .ins files for use with\n" .
+" -gfeature_file Specifies the global feature file. The\n" .
+" default value is global.features under the\n" .
+" config directory.\n" .
+" -global Specifies the global input file. Values stored\n" .
+" within this file are applied to all projects.\n" .
+" -hierarchy Generate a workspace in a hierarchical fashion.\n" .
+" -include Specifies a directory to search when looking for base\n" .
+" projects, template input files and templates. This\n" .
+" option can be used multiple times to add directories.\n" .
+" -into Place all output files in a mirrored directory\n" .
+" structure starting at <directory>. This should be a\n" .
+" full path.\n" .
+" -language Specify the language preference; possible values are\n",
+" [", join(', ', sort(Creator::validLanguages())), "]. The default is\n".
+" " . Creator::defaultLanguage() . ".\n",
+" -make_coexistence If multiple 'make' based project types are\n" .
+" generated, they will be named such that they can coexist.\n" .
+" -name_modifier Modify output names. The pattern passed to this\n" .
+" parameter will have the '*' portion replaced with the\n" .
+" actual output name. Ex. *_Static\n" .
+" -apply_project When used in conjunction with -name_modifier, it applies\n" .
+" the name modifier to the project name also.\n" .
+" -nocomments Do not place comments in the generated files.\n" .
+" -noreldefs Do not try to generate default relative definitions.\n" .
+" -notoplevel Do not generate the top level target file. Files\n" .
+" are still process, but no top level file is created.\n" .
+" -recurse Recurse from the current directory and generate from\n" .
+" all found input files.\n" .
+" -relative Any \$() variable in an mpc file that is matched to NAME\n" .
+" is replaced by VAL only if VAL can be made into a\n" .
+" relative path based on the current working directory.\n" .
+" This option can be used multiple times to add multiple\n" .
+" variables.\n" .
+" -relative_file Specifies the relative file to read before processing.\n" .
+" The default relative file is default.rel under the\n" .
+" config directory.\n" .
+" -static Specifies that only static projects will be generated.\n" .
+" By default, only dynamic projects are generated.\n" .
+" -template Specifies the template name (with no extension).\n" .
+" -ti Specifies the template input file (with no extension)\n" .
+" for the specific type (ex. -ti dll_exe:vc8exe).\n" .
+" -type Specifies the type of project file to generate. This\n" .
+" option can be used multiple times to generate multiple\n" .
+" types. There is no longer a default.\n" .
+" -use_env Use environment variables for all uses of \$() instead\n" .
+" of the relative replacement values.\n" .
+" -value_project This option allows modification of a project variable\n" .
+" assignment . Use += to add VAL to the NAME's value.\n" .
+" Use -= to subtract and = to override the value.\n" .
+" This can be used to introduce new name value pairs to\n" .
+" a project. However, it must be a valid project\n" .
+" assignment.\n" .
+" -value_template This option allows modification of a template input\n" .
+" name value pair. Use += to add VAL to the NAME's\n" .
+" value. Use -= to subtract and = to override the value.\n" .
+" -version Print the MPC version and exit.\n";
+sub optionError {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $str = shift;
+sub completion_command {
+ my($self, $name, $types) = @_;
+ my $str = "complete $name " .
+ "'c/-/(gendot genins global include type template relative " .
+ "ti static noreldefs notoplevel feature_file use_env " .
+ "value_template value_project make_coexistence language " .
+ "hierarchy exclude name_modifier apply_project version " .
+ "expand_vars gfeature_file nocomments for_eclipse relative_file)/' " .
+ "'c/dll:/f/' 'c/dll_exe:/f/' 'c/lib_exe:/f/' 'c/lib:/f/' " .
+ "'n/-ti/(dll lib dll_exe lib_exe)/:' ";
+ $str .= "'n/-language/(";
+ my @keys = sort(Creator::validLanguages());
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) {
+ $str .= $keys[$i];
+ $str .= " " if ($i != $#keys);
+ }
+ $str .= ")/' 'n/-type/(";
+ @keys = sort keys %$types;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) {
+ $str .= $keys[$i];
+ $str .= " " if ($i != $#keys);
+ }
+ $str .= ")/'";
+ return $str;
+sub options {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $types = shift;
+ my $defaults = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ my @include;
+ my @input;
+ my @creators;
+ my @baseprojs;
+ my %ti;
+ my %relative;
+ my %addtemp;
+ my %addproj;
+ my @exclude;
+ my $global;
+ my $template;
+ my $feature_f;
+ my $gfeature_f;
+ my $relative_f;
+ my @features;
+ my $nmodifier;
+ my $into;
+ my $hierarchy = 0;
+ my $language = ($defaults ? Creator::defaultLanguage() : undef);
+ my $dynamic = ($defaults ? 1 : undef);
+ my $comments = ($defaults ? 1 : undef);
+ my $reldefs = ($defaults ? 1 : undef);
+ my $toplevel = ($defaults ? 1 : undef);
+ my $use_env = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $expandvars = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $static = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $recurse = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $makeco = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $applypj = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $genins = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $gendot = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ my $foreclipse = ($defaults ? 0 : undef);
+ ## Process the command line arguments
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#args; $i++) {
+ my $arg = $args[$i];
+ $arg =~ s/^--/-/;
+ if ($arg eq '-apply_project') {
+ $applypj = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-complete') {
+ print $self->completion_command($name, $types) . "\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-base') {
+ $i++;
+ if (!defined $args[$i]) {
+ $self->optionError('-base requires an argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@baseprojs, $args[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-type') {
+ $i++;
+ if (!defined $args[$i]) {
+ $self->optionError('-type requires an argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ my $type = lc($args[$i]);
+ if (defined $types->{$type}) {
+ my $call = $types->{$type};
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $creator (@creators) {
+ if ($creator eq $call) {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ push(@creators, $call) if (!$found);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->optionError("Invalid type: $args[$i]");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-exclude') {
+ $i++;
+ if (defined $args[$i]) {
+ foreach my $exclude (split(',', $args[$i])) {
+ push(@exclude, DirectoryManager::mpc_glob(undef, $exclude));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->optionError('-exclude requires a ' .
+ 'comma separated list argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-expand_vars') {
+ $expandvars = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-feature_file') {
+ $i++;
+ $feature_f = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $feature_f) {
+ $self->optionError('-feature_file requires a file name argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-features') {
+ $i++;
+ if (defined $args[$i]) {
+ @features = split(',', $args[$i]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->optionError('-features requires a comma separated list argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-for_eclipse') {
+ $foreclipse = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-gfeature_file') {
+ $i++;
+ $gfeature_f = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $gfeature_f) {
+ $self->optionError('-gfeature_file ' .
+ 'requires a file name argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-relative_file') {
+ $i++;
+ $relative_f = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $relative_f) {
+ $self->optionError('-relative_file ' .
+ 'requires a file name argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-gendot') {
+ $gendot = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-genins') {
+ $genins = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-global') {
+ $i++;
+ $global = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $global) {
+ $self->optionError('-global requires a file name argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-help') {
+ $self->optionError();
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-hierarchy') {
+ $hierarchy = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-include') {
+ $i++;
+ my $include = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $include) {
+ $self->optionError('-include requires a directory argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ ## If the specified include path is relative, expand it based on
+ ## the current working directory.
+ if ($include !~ /^[\/\\]/ &&
+ $include !~ /^[A-Za-z]:[\/\\]?/) {
+ $include = DirectoryManager::getcwd() . '/' . $include;
+ }
+ push(@include, $include);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-into') {
+ $i++;
+ $into = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $into) {
+ $self->optionError('-into requires a directory argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-language') {
+ $i++;
+ $language = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $language) {
+ $self->optionError('-language requires a language argument');
+ }
+ elsif (!Creator::isValidLanguage($language)) {
+ $self->optionError("$language is not a valid language");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-make_coexistence') {
+ $makeco = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-name_modifier') {
+ $i++;
+ my $nmod = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $nmod) {
+ $self->optionError('-name_modifier requires a modifier argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ $nmodifier = $nmod;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-nocomments') {
+ $comments = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-noreldefs') {
+ $reldefs = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-notoplevel') {
+ $toplevel = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-recurse') {
+ $recurse = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-template') {
+ $i++;
+ $template = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $template) {
+ $self->optionError('-template requires a file name argument');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-relative') {
+ $i++;
+ my $rel = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $rel) {
+ $self->optionError('-relative requires a variable assignment argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($rel =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $val = $2;
+ $val =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+ ## If the specified path is relative, expand it based on
+ ## the current working directory.
+ if ($val !~ /^[\/\\]/ &&
+ $val !~ /^[A-Za-z]:[\/\\]?/) {
+ $val = DirectoryManager::getcwd() . '/' . $val;
+ }
+ ## Clean up the path as much as possible. For some reason,
+ ## File::Spec->canonpath() on Windows doesn't remove trailing
+ ## /. from the path.
+ $relative{$name} = File::Spec->canonpath($val);
+ $relative{$name} =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $relative{$name} =~ s!/\.$!!;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->optionError('Invalid argument to -relative');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-ti') {
+ $i++;
+ my $tmpi = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $tmpi) {
+ $self->optionError('-ti requires a template input argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($tmpi =~ /((dll|lib|dll_exe|lib_exe):)?(.*)/) {
+ my $key = $2;
+ my $name = $3;
+ if (defined $key) {
+ $ti{$key} = $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $type ('dll', 'lib', 'dll_exe', 'lib_exe') {
+ $ti{$type} = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->optionError("Invalid -ti argument: $tmpi");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-use_env') {
+ $use_env = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-value_template') {
+ $i++;
+ my $value = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ $self->optionError('-value_template requires a variable assignment argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ my @values;
+ my $pc = new ProjectCreator();
+ if ($pc->parse_assignment($value, \@values)) {
+ $addtemp{$values[1]} = [] if (!defined $addtemp{$values[1]});
+ ## The extra parameter (3rd) indicates that this value was
+ ## specified on the command line. This "extra parameter" is
+ ## used in ProjectCreator::update_template_variable().
+ push(@{$addtemp{$values[1]}}, [$values[0], $values[2], 1]);
+ my $keywords = ProjectCreator::getKeywords();
+ if (defined $$keywords{$values[1]}) {
+ $self->warning($values[1] . ' is a project keyword; you ' .
+ 'should use -value_project instead.');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->optionError('Invalid argument to -value_template');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-value_project') {
+ $i++;
+ my $value = $args[$i];
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ $self->optionError('-value_project requires a variable assignment argument');
+ }
+ else {
+ my @values;
+ my $pc = new ProjectCreator();
+ if ($pc->parse_assignment($value, \@values)) {
+ $addproj{$values[1]} = [] if (!defined $addproj{$values[1]});
+ push(@{$addproj{$values[1]}}, [$values[0], $values[2]]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->optionError('Invalid argument to -value_project');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-version') {
+ print 'MPC v', Version::get(), "\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '-static') {
+ $static = 1;
+ $dynamic = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ /^-/) {
+ $self->optionError("Unknown option: $arg");
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@input, $arg);
+ }
+ }
+ return {'global' => $global,
+ 'feature_file' => $feature_f,
+ 'gfeature_file' => $gfeature_f,
+ 'relative_file' => $relative_f,
+ 'features' => \@features,
+ 'for_eclipse' => $foreclipse,
+ 'include' => \@include,
+ 'input' => \@input,
+ 'comments' => $comments,
+ 'creators' => \@creators,
+ 'baseprojs' => \@baseprojs,
+ 'template' => $template,
+ 'ti' => \%ti,
+ 'dynamic' => $dynamic,
+ 'static' => $static,
+ 'relative' => \%relative,
+ 'reldefs' => $reldefs,
+ 'toplevel' => $toplevel,
+ 'recurse' => $recurse,
+ 'addtemp' => \%addtemp,
+ 'addproj' => \%addproj,
+ 'make_coexistence' => $makeco,
+ 'hierarchy' => $hierarchy,
+ 'exclude' => \@exclude,
+ 'name_modifier' => $nmodifier,
+ 'apply_project' => $applypj,
+ 'gendot' => $gendot,
+ 'genins' => $genins,
+ 'into' => $into,
+ 'language' => $language,
+ 'use_env' => $use_env,
+ 'expand_vars' => $expandvars,
+ };
+sub is_set {
+ my($self, $key, $options) = @_;
+ if (defined $options->{$key}) {
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($options->{$key}, 'ARRAY')) {
+ return 'ARRAY' if (defined $options->{$key}->[0]);
+ }
+ elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($options->{$key}, 'HASH')) {
+ my @keys = keys %{$options->{$key}};
+ return 'HASH' if (defined $keys[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'SCALAR';
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58636c7823f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+package OutputMessage;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Prints information, warnings and errors.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/02/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $debugtag = 'DEBUG: ';
+my $infotag = 'INFORMATION: ';
+my $warntag = 'WARNING: ';
+my $errortag = 'ERROR: ';
+my $debug = 0;
+my $information = 0;
+my $warnings = 1;
+my $diagnostic = 1;
+my $details = 1;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless {}, $class;
+sub set_levels {
+ my $str = shift;
+ if (defined $str) {
+ $debug = ($str =~ /debug\s*=\s*(\d+)/i ? $1 : 0);
+ $details = ($str =~ /detail(s)?\s*=\s*(\d+)/i ? $2 : 0);
+ $diagnostic = ($str =~ /diag(nostic)?\s*=\s*(\d+)/i ? $2 : 0);
+ $information = ($str =~ /info(rmation)?\s*=\s*(\d+)/i ? $2 : 0);
+ $warnings = ($str =~ /warn(ing)?\s*=\s*(\d+)/i ? $2 : 0);
+ }
+sub split_message {
+ my($self, $msg, $spc) = @_;
+ $msg =~ s/\.\s+/.\n$spc/g;
+ return $msg . "\n";
+sub details {
+ if ($details) {
+ #my($self, $msg) = @_;
+ print "$_[1]\n";
+ }
+sub diagnostic {
+ if ($diagnostic) {
+ #my($self, $msg) = @_;
+ print "$_[1]\n";
+ }
+sub debug {
+ if ($debug) {
+ #my($self, $msg) = @_;
+ print "$debugtag$_[1]\n";
+ }
+sub information {
+ if ($information) {
+ #my($self, $msg) = @_;
+ print $infotag, $_[0]->split_message($_[1], ' ' x length($infotag));
+ }
+sub warning {
+ if ($warnings) {
+ #my($self, $msg) = @_;
+ print $warntag, $_[0]->split_message($_[1], ' ' x length($warntag));
+ }
+sub error {
+ my($self, $msg, $pre) = @_;
+ print STDERR '', (defined $pre ? "$pre\n" : ''), $errortag,
+ $self->split_message($msg, ' ' x length($errortag));
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bca6dccddf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+package Parser;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A basic parser that requires a parse_line override
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/16/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use OutputMessage;
+use StringProcessor;
+use DirectoryManager;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(OutputMessage StringProcessor DirectoryManager);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %filecache;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $inc) = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
+ ## Set up the internal data members.
+ $self->{'line_number'} = 0;
+ $self->{'include'} = $inc;
+ return $self;
+sub strip_line {
+ my($self, $line) = @_;
+ ## Keep track of our line number
+ ++$self->{'line_number'};
+ ## Remove comments and leading and trailing white-space.
+ $line =~ s/\/\/.*//;
+ $line =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $line;
+sub preprocess_line {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $fh = shift;
+ #my $line = shift;
+ return $_[0]->strip_line($_[2]);
+sub read_file {
+ my($self, $input, $cache) = @_;
+ my $ih = new FileHandle();
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $errorString;
+ $self->{'line_number'} = 0;
+ if (open($ih, $input)) {
+ $self->debug("Open $input");
+ if ($cache) {
+ ## If we don't have an array for this file, then start one
+ $filecache{$input} = [] if (!defined $filecache{$input});
+ while(<$ih>) {
+ ## Preprocess the line
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($ih, $_);
+ ## Push the line onto the array for this file
+ push(@{$filecache{$input}}, $line);
+ ## Parse the line
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_line($ih, $line);
+ ## Stop reading the file if we've encountered an error
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We're not caching, so we just preprocess and parse in one call.
+ while(<$ih>) {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_line(
+ $ih, $self->preprocess_line($ih, $_));
+ ## Stop reading the file if we've encountered an error
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ }
+ $self->debug("Close $input");
+ close($ih);
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Unable to open \"$input\" for reading";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub cached_file_read {
+ my($self, $input) = @_;
+ my $lines = $filecache{$input};
+ if (defined $lines) {
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ $self->{'line_number'} = 0;
+ foreach my $line (@$lines) {
+ ++$self->{'line_number'};
+ ## Since we're "reading" a cached file, we must pass undef as the
+ ## file handle to parse_line().
+ ($status, $error) = $self->parse_line(undef, $line);
+ ## Stop "reading" the file if we've encountered an error
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+ }
+ ## We haven't cached this file yet, read it and cache it.
+ return $self->read_file($input, 1);
+sub get_line_number {
+ return $_[0]->{'line_number'};
+sub set_line_number {
+ my($self, $number) = @_;
+ $self->{'line_number'} = $number;
+sub slash_to_backslash {
+ ## This method is here solely for convenience. It's used to make the
+ ## calling code look cleaner.
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ $file =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ return $file;
+sub get_include_path {
+ return $_[0]->{'include'};
+sub search_include_path {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ foreach my $include ('.', @{$self->{'include'}}) {
+ return "$include/$file" if (-r "$include/$file");
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub escape_regex_special {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/([\+\-\\\$\[\]\(\)\.])/\\$1/g;
+ return $name;
+# ************************************************************
+# Virtual Methods To Be Overridden
+# ************************************************************
+sub parse_line {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $ih = shift;
+ #my $line = shift;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2f68c18183c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,5425 @@
+package ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Base class for all project creators
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 3/13/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use File::Path;
+use Creator;
+use TemplateInputReader;
+use TemplateParser;
+use FeatureParser;
+use CommandHelper;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Creator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+## The basic extensions known to a project creator
+my $BaseClassExtension = 'mpb';
+my $ProjectCreatorExtension = 'mpc';
+my $TemplateExtension = 'mpd';
+my $TemplateInputExtension = 'mpt';
+## This feature is enabled or disabled depending on whether
+## or not the -static option is used.
+my $static_libs_feature = 'static_libs_only';
+## Valid names for assignments within a project
+## Bit Meaning
+## 0 Preserve the order for additions (1) or invert it (0)
+## 1 Add this value to template input value (if there is one)
+## 2 Preserve <% %> settings for evaluation within the template
+my %validNames = ('after' => 1,
+ 'avoids' => 3,
+ 'custom_only' => 1,
+ 'dllout' => 1,
+ 'dynamicflags' => 3,
+ 'exename' => 1,
+ 'exeout' => 1,
+ 'includes' => 3,
+ 'libout' => 1,
+ 'libpaths' => 3,
+ 'libs' => 2,
+ 'lit_libs' => 2,
+ 'macros' => 3,
+ 'managed' => 1,
+ 'pch_header' => 1,
+ 'pch_source' => 1,
+ 'postbuild' => 5,
+ 'postclean' => 5,
+ 'prebuild' => 5,
+ 'pure_libs' => 2,
+ 'recurse' => 1,
+ 'recursive_includes' => 3,
+ 'recursive_libpaths' => 3,
+ 'requires' => 3,
+ 'sharedname' => 1,
+ 'staticflags' => 3,
+ 'staticname' => 1,
+ 'tagchecks' => 1,
+ 'tagname' => 1,
+ 'version' => 1,
+ 'webapp' => 1,
+ );
+## Custom definitions only
+## Bit Meaning
+## 0 Value is always an array
+## 1 Value is an array and name gets 'outputext' converted to 'files'
+## 2 Value is always scalar
+## 3 Name can also be used in an 'optional' clause
+## 4 Needs <%...%> conversion
+my %customDefined = ('automatic_in' => 0x04,
+ 'automatic_out' => 0x04,
+ 'command' => 0x14,
+ 'commandflags' => 0x14,
+ 'dependent' => 0x14,
+ 'precommand' => 0x14,
+ 'postcommand' => 0x14,
+ 'inputext' => 0x01,
+ 'libpath' => 0x04,
+ 'output_follows_input' => 0x04,
+ 'output_option' => 0x14,
+ 'pch_postrule' => 0x04,
+ 'pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'source_pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'template_pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'header_pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'inline_pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'documentation_pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'resource_pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'generic_pre_extension' => 0x08,
+ 'pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'source_pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'template_pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'header_pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'inline_pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'documentation_pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'resource_pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'generic_pre_filename' => 0x08,
+ 'pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'source_pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'template_pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'header_pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'inline_pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'documentation_pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'resource_pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'generic_pre_dirname' => 0x08,
+ 'source_outputext' => 0x0a,
+ 'template_outputext' => 0x0a,
+ 'header_outputext' => 0x0a,
+ 'inline_outputext' => 0x0a,
+ 'documentation_outputext' => 0x0a,
+ 'resource_outputext' => 0x0a,
+ 'generic_outputext' => 0x0a,
+ );
+## Custom sections as well as definitions
+## Value Meaning
+## 0 No modifications
+## 1 Needs <%...%> conversion
+my %custom = ('command' => 1,
+ 'commandflags' => 1,
+ 'dependent' => 1,
+ 'gendir' => 0,
+ 'precommand' => 1,
+ 'postcommand' => 1,
+ );
+## All matching assignment arrays will get these keywords
+my @default_matching_assignments = ('recurse',
+ );
+## Deal with these components in a special way
+my %specialComponents = ('header_files' => 1,
+ 'inline_files' => 1,
+ 'template_files' => 1,
+ );
+my %sourceComponents = ('source_files' => 1,
+ 'template_files' => 1,
+ );
+my $defgroup = 'default_group';
+my $grouped_key = 'grouped_';
+my $tikey = '/ti/';
+## Matches with generic_outputext
+my $generic_key = 'generic_files';
+# ************************************************************
+# C++ Specific Component Settings
+# ************************************************************
+## Resource files tag for C++
+my $cppresource = 'resource_files';
+## Valid component names within a project along with the valid file extensions
+my %cppvc = ('source_files' => [ "\\.cpp", "\\.cxx", "\\.cc", "\\.c", "\\.C", ],
+ 'template_files' => [ "_T\\.cpp", "_T\\.cxx", "_T\\.cc", "_T\\.c", "_T\\.C", "_t\\.cpp", "_t\\.cxx", "_t\\.cc", "_t\\.c", "_t\\.C" ],
+ 'header_files' => [ "\\.h", "\\.hpp", "\\.hxx", "\\.hh", ],
+ 'inline_files' => [ "\\.i", "\\.ipp", "\\.inl", ],
+ 'documentation_files' => [ "README", "readme", "\\.doc", "\\.txt", "\\.html" ],
+ $cppresource => [ "\\.rc", ],
+ );
+## Exclude these extensions when auto generating the component values
+my %cppec = ('source_files' => $cppvc{'template_files'},
+ );
+## These matching assignment arrays will get added, but only to the
+## specific project component types.
+my %cppma = ('source_files' => ['buildflags',
+ 'managed',
+ 'no_pch',
+ ],
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# C# Specific Component Settings
+# ************************************************************
+## Resource files tag for C#
+my $csresource = 'resx_files';
+## Valid component names within a project along with the valid file extensions
+my %csvc = ('source_files' => [ "\\.cs" ],
+ 'config_files' => [ "\\.config" ],
+ $csresource => [ "\\.resx", "\\.resources" ],
+ 'aspx_files' => [ "\\.aspx" ],
+ 'ico_files' => [ "\\.ico" ],
+ 'documentation_files' => [ "README", "readme", "\\.doc", "\\.txt", "\\.html" ],
+ );
+my %csma = ('source_files' => [ 'dependent_upon',
+ 'subtype',
+ ],
+ $csresource => [ 'dependent_upon',
+ 'generates_source',
+ 'subtype',
+ ],
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Java Specific Component Settings
+# ************************************************************
+## Valid component names within a project along with the valid file extensions
+my %jvc = ('source_files' => [ "\\.java" ],
+ 'documentation_files' => [ "README", "readme", "\\.doc", "\\.txt", "\\.html" ],
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Visual Basic Specific Component Settings
+# ************************************************************
+## Resource files tag for VB
+my $vbresource = 'resx_files';
+## Valid component names within a project along with the valid file extensions
+my %vbvc = ('source_files' => [ "\\.vb" ],
+ 'config_files' => [ "\\.config" ],
+ $vbresource => [ "\\.resx" ],
+ 'aspx_files' => [ "\\.aspx" ],
+ 'ico_files' => [ "\\.ico" ],
+ 'documentation_files' => [ "README", "readme", "\\.doc", "\\.txt", "\\.html" ],
+ );
+my %vbma = ('source_files' => [ 'subtype' ],
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Language Specific Component Settings
+# ************************************************************
+# Index Description
+# ----- -----------
+# 0 File types
+# 1 Files automatically excluded from source_files
+# 2 Assignments available in standard file types
+# 3 The entry point for executables
+# 4 The language uses a C preprocessor
+# 5 Name of the tag for 'resource_files' for this language
+# * This is special because it gets treated like source_files in that
+# a project with only these files is a library/exe not "custom only".
+my %language = (Creator::cplusplus => [ \%cppvc, \%cppec, \%cppma, 'main',
+ 1, $cppresource ],
+ Creator::csharp => [ \%csvc, {}, \%csma, 'Main', 0,
+ $csresource ],
+ Creator::java => [ \%jvc, {}, {}, 'main', 0 ],
+ Creator::vb => [ \%vbvc, {}, \%vbma, 'Main', 0,
+ $vbresource ],
+ );
+my %mains;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $global, $inc, $template, $ti, $dynamic, $static, $relative, $addtemp, $addproj, $progress, $toplevel, $baseprojs, $gfeature, $relative_f, $feature, $features, $hierarchy, $exclude, $makeco, $nmod, $applypj, $genins, $into, $language, $use_env, $expandvars, $gendot, $comments, $foreclipse) = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($global, $inc,
+ $template, $ti, $dynamic, $static,
+ $relative, $addtemp, $addproj,
+ $progress, $toplevel, $baseprojs,
+ $feature, $features,
+ $hierarchy, $nmod, $applypj,
+ $into, $language, $use_env,
+ $expandvars,
+ 'project');
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = 0;
+ $self->{'feature_defined'} = 0;
+ $self->{'features_changed'} = undef;
+ $self->{'project_info'} = [];
+ $self->{'lib_locations'} = {};
+ $self->{'reading_parent'} = [];
+ $self->{'dll_exe_template_input'}= {};
+ $self->{'lib_exe_template_input'}= {};
+ $self->{'lib_template_input'} = {};
+ $self->{'dll_template_input'} = {};
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'} = {};
+ $self->{'custom_special_output'} = {};
+ $self->{'custom_special_depend'} = {};
+ $self->{'special_supplied'} = {};
+ $self->{'pctype'} = $self->extractType("$self");
+ $self->{'verbatim'} = {};
+ $self->{'verbatim_accessed'} = {$self->{'pctype'} => {}};
+ $self->{'defaulted'} = {};
+ $self->{'custom_types'} = {};
+ $self->{'parents_read'} = {};
+ $self->{'inheritance_tree'} = {};
+ $self->{'remove_files'} = {};
+ $self->{'expanded'} = {};
+ $self->{'gfeature_file'} = $gfeature;
+ $self->{'relative_file'} = $relative_f;
+ $self->{'feature_parser'} = $self->create_feature_parser($features,
+ $feature);
+ $self->{'sort_files'} = $self->sort_files();
+ $self->{'source_callback'} = undef;
+ $self->{'dollar_special'} = $self->dollar_special();
+ $self->{'generate_ins'} = $genins;
+ $self->{'addtemp_state'} = undef;
+ $self->{'command_subs'} = $self->get_command_subs();
+ $self->{'escape_spaces'} = $self->escape_spaces();
+ $self->{'current_template'} = undef;
+ $self->{'make_coexistence'} = $makeco;
+ $self->add_default_matching_assignments();
+ $self->reset_generating_types();
+ return $self;
+sub is_keyword {
+ ## Is the name passed in a known keyword for a project. This includes
+ ## keywords mapped by Define_Custom or Modify_Custom.
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->{'valid_names'}->{$name};
+sub read_global_configuration {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $input = $self->get_global_cfg();
+ my $status = 1;
+ if (defined $input) {
+ ## If it doesn't contain a path, search the include path
+ if ($input !~ /[\/\\]/) {
+ $input = $self->search_include_path($input);
+ $input = $self->get_global_cfg() if (!defined $input);
+ }
+ ## Read and parse the global project file
+ $self->{'reading_global'} = 1;
+ $status = $self->parse_file($input);
+ $self->{'reading_global'} = 0;
+ }
+ return $status;
+sub convert_to_template_assignment {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $calledfrom) = @_;
+ ## If the value we are going to set for $name has been used as a
+ ## scoped template variable, we need to hijack the whole assignment
+ ## and turn it into a template variable assignment.
+ my $atemp = $self->get_addtemp();
+ foreach my $key (grep(/::$name$/, keys %$atemp)) {
+ $self->update_template_variable(0, $calledfrom, $key, $value);
+ }
+sub create_recursive_settings {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_;
+ ## Handle both recursive_includes and recursive_libpaths in one
+ ## search and replace.
+ if ($name =~ s/^recursive_//) {
+ ## This portion of code was lifted directly from Creator::relative()
+ ## but modified to always expand the variables. We will turn the
+ ## expanded values back into variables below and once they're passed
+ ## off to the assignment processing code, they will be turned into
+ ## relative values (if possible).
+ if (index($value, '$') >= 0) {
+ my $ovalue = $value;
+ my($rel, $how) = $self->get_initial_relative_values();
+ $value = $self->expand_variables($value, $rel, 0, undef, 1);
+ if ($ovalue eq $value || index($value, '$') >= 0) {
+ ($rel, $how) = $self->get_secondary_relative_values();
+ $value = $self->expand_variables($value, $rel, 0, undef, 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create an array out of the recursive directory list. Convert all
+ ## of the relative or full path values back into $() values.
+ my @dirs = ();
+ my $elems = $self->create_array($value);
+ foreach my $elem (@$elems) {
+ my $dlist = $self->recursive_directory_list($elem, []);
+ if ($dlist eq '') {
+ ## This directory doesn't exist, just add the original value
+ push(@dirs, $elem);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Create an array out of the directory list and add it to our
+ ## array.
+ my $array = $self->create_array($dlist);
+ push(@dirs, @$array);
+ }
+ }
+ ## We need to return a string, so we join it all together space
+ ## separated.
+ $value = join(' ', $self->back_to_variable(\@dirs));
+ }
+ return $name, $value;
+sub process_assignment {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $assign, $calledfrom) = @_;
+ $calledfrom = 0 if (!defined $calledfrom);
+ ## See if the name is one of the special "recursive" settings. If so,
+ ## fix up the value and change the name.
+ ($name, $value) = $self->create_recursive_settings($name, $value, $assign);
+ ## Support the '*' mechanism as in the project name, to allow
+ ## the user to correctly depend on another project within the same
+ ## directory.
+ if (defined $value) {
+ if ($name eq 'after' && index($value, '*') >= 0) {
+ $value = $self->fill_type_name($value,
+ $self->get_default_project_name());
+ }
+ ## If this particular project type does not consider the dollar sign
+ ## special and the user has provided two dollarsigns as an escape, we
+ ## will turn it into a single dollar sign.
+ if (!$self->{'dollar_special'} && index($value, '$$') >= 0) {
+ $value =~ s/\$\$/\$/g;
+ }
+ ## If the assignment name is valid and requires parameter (<%...%>)
+ ## replacement, then do so.
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_names'}->{$name} &&
+ ($self->{'valid_names'}->{$name} & 0x04) == 0 &&
+ index($value, '<%') >= 0) {
+ $value = $self->replace_parameters($value, $self->{'command_subs'});
+ }
+ }
+ if ($calledfrom == 0) {
+ $self->convert_to_template_assignment($name, $value, $calledfrom);
+ }
+ ## Call the base process_assigment() after we have modified the name and
+ ## value.
+ $self->SUPER::process_assignment($name, $value, $assign);
+ ## Support keyword mapping here only at the project level scope. The
+ ## scoped keyword mapping is done through the parse_scoped_assignment()
+ ## method.
+ if (!defined $assign || $assign == $self->get_assignment_hash()) {
+ my $mapped = $self->{'valid_names'}->{$name};
+ if (defined $mapped && UNIVERSAL::isa($mapped, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $self->parse_scoped_assignment($$mapped[0], 0,
+ $$mapped[1], $value,
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$$mapped[0]});
+ }
+ }
+sub process_assignment_add {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_;
+ ## See if the name is one of the special "recursive" settings. If so,
+ ## fix up the value and change the name.
+ ($name, $value) = $self->create_recursive_settings($name, $value, $assign);
+ return $self->SUPER::process_assignment_add($name, $value, $assign);
+sub process_assignment_sub {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_;
+ ## See if the name is one of the special "recursive" settings. If so,
+ ## fix up the value and change the name.
+ ($name, $value) = $self->create_recursive_settings($name, $value, $assign);
+ return $self->SUPER::process_assignment_sub($name, $value, $assign);
+sub addition_core {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $nval, $assign) = @_;
+ ## If there is a previous value ($nval) and the keyword is going to be
+ ## evaled, we need to separate the values with a command separator.
+ ## This has to be done at the MPC level because it isn't always
+ ## possible for the user to know if a value has already been added to
+ ## the keyword (prebuild, postbuild and postclean).
+ if (defined $nval &&
+ defined $validNames{$name} && ($validNames{$name} & 4)) {
+ if ($self->preserve_assignment_order($name)) {
+ $value = '<%cmdsep%> ' . $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value .= '<%cmdsep%>';
+ }
+ }
+ ## For an addition, we need to see if it is a project keyword being
+ ## used within a 'specific' section. If it is, we may need to update
+ ## scoped settings for that variable (which are in essence template
+ ## variables).
+ $self->convert_to_template_assignment($name, $value, 1);
+ ## Next, we just give everything to the base class method.
+ $self->SUPER::addition_core($name, $value, $nval, $assign);
+sub subtraction_core {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $nval, $assign) = @_;
+ ## For a subtraction, we need to see if it is a project keyword being
+ ## used within a 'specific' section. If it is, we may need to update
+ ## scoped settings for that variable (which are in essence template
+ ## variables).
+ $self->convert_to_template_assignment($name, $value, -1);
+ ## Next, we just give everything to the base class method.
+ $self->SUPER::subtraction_core($name, $value, $nval, $assign);
+sub get_assignment_for_modification {
+ my($self, $name, $assign, $subtraction) = @_;
+ ## If we weren't passed an assignment hash, then we need to
+ ## look one up that may possibly correctly deal with keyword mappings
+ if (!defined $assign) {
+ my $mapped = $self->{'valid_names'}->{$name};
+ if (defined $mapped && UNIVERSAL::isa($mapped, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $name = $$mapped[1];
+ $assign = $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$$mapped[0]};
+ }
+ }
+ ## Get the assignment value
+ my $value = $self->get_assignment($name, $assign);
+ ## If we are involved in a subtraction, we get back a value and
+ ## it's a scoped or mapped assignment, then we need to possibly
+ ## expand any template variables. Otherwise, the subtractions
+ ## may not work correctly.
+ if ($subtraction && defined $value && defined $assign) {
+ $value = $self->relative($value, 1);
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub begin_project {
+ my($self, $parents) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ ## Deal with the inheritance hierarchy first
+ ## Add in the base projects from the command line
+ if (!$self->{'reading_global'} &&
+ !defined $self->{'reading_parent'}->[0]) {
+ my $baseprojs = $self->get_baseprojs();
+ if (defined $parents) {
+ foreach my $base (@$baseprojs) {
+ push(@$parents, $base) if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($base, $parents));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $parents = $baseprojs;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $parents) {
+ foreach my $parent (@$parents) {
+ ## Read in the parent onto ourself
+ my $file = $self->search_include_path(
+ "$parent.$BaseClassExtension");
+ if (!defined $file) {
+ $file = $self->search_include_path(
+ "$parent.$ProjectCreatorExtension");
+ }
+ if (defined $file) {
+ if (defined $self->{'reading_parent'}->[0]) {
+ if (StringProcessor::fgrep($file, $self->{'reading_parent'})) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = 'Cyclic inheritance detected: ' . $parent;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ if (!defined $self->{'parents_read'}->{$file}) {
+ $self->{'parents_read'}->{$file} = 1;
+ ## Push the base project file onto the parent stack
+ push(@{$self->{'reading_parent'}}, $file);
+ ## Collect up some information about the inheritance tree
+ my $tree = $self->{'current_input'};
+ if (!defined $self->{'inheritance_tree'}->{$tree}) {
+ $self->{'inheritance_tree'}->{$tree} = {};
+ }
+ my $hash = $self->{'inheritance_tree'}->{$tree};
+ foreach my $p (@{$self->{'reading_parent'}}) {
+ $$hash{$p} = {} if (!defined $$hash{$p});
+ $hash = $$hash{$p};
+ }
+ ## Begin reading the parent
+ $status = $self->parse_file($file);
+ ## Take the base project file off of the parent stack
+ pop(@{$self->{'reading_parent'}});
+ $error = "Invalid parent: $parent" if (!$status);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## The base project has already been read. So, if
+ ## we are reading the original project (not a parent base
+ ## project), then the current base project is redundant.
+ if (!defined $self->{'reading_parent'}->[0]) {
+ $file =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ $self->information('Inheriting from \'' .
+ $self->mpc_basename($file) .
+ '\' in ' . $self->{'current_input'} .
+ ' is redundant at line ' .
+ $self->get_line_number() . '.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = "Unable to locate parent: $parent";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Copy each value from global_assign into assign
+ if (!$self->{'reading_global'}) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'global_assign'}}) {
+ if (!defined $self->{'assign'}->{$key}) {
+ $self->{'assign'}->{$key} = $self->{'global_assign'}->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub get_process_project_type {
+ my($self, $types) = @_;
+ my $type = '';
+ my $defcomp = $self->get_default_component_name();
+ foreach my $t (split(/\s*,\s*/, $types)) {
+ my $not = ($t =~ s/^!\s*//);
+ if ($not) {
+ if ($t eq $self->{'pctype'}) {
+ $type = '';
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ $type = $self->{'pctype'};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($t eq $self->{'pctype'} || $t eq $defcomp) {
+ $type = $t;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $type;
+sub matches_specific_scope {
+ my($self, $elements) = @_;
+ ## First check for properties that correspond to the current project
+ ## type. Elements that begin with "prop:" indicate a property.
+ my $list = '';
+ my $props = $self->get_properties();
+ foreach my $prop (split(/\s*,\s*/, $elements)) {
+ my $not = ($prop =~ s/^!\s*//);
+ if ($prop =~/(.+):(.+)/) {
+ if ($1 eq 'prop') {
+ $prop = $2;
+ if ($not) {
+ return $self->{'pctype'} if (!$$props{$prop});
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->{'pctype'} if ($$props{$prop});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("$prop is not recognized.");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $list .= ($not ? '!' : '') . $prop . ',';
+ }
+ }
+ ## If none of the elements match a property, then check the type
+ ## against the current project type or the default component name
+ ## (which is what it would be set to if a specific clause is used with
+ ## out parenthesis).
+ my $type = $self->get_process_project_type($list);
+ return $self->{'pctype'} if ($type eq $self->{'pctype'} ||
+ $type eq $self->get_default_component_name());
+ ## Nothing matched
+ return undef;
+sub parse_line {
+ my($self, $ih, $line) = @_;
+ my($status,
+ $errorString,
+ @values) = $self->parse_known($line);
+ ## parse_known() passes back an array of values
+ ## that make up the contents of the line parsed.
+ ## The array can have 0 to 3 items. The first,
+ ## if defined, is always an identifier of some
+ ## sort.
+ if ($status && defined $values[0]) {
+ if ($values[0] eq $self->{'grammar_type'}) {
+ my $name = $values[1];
+ my $typecheck = $self->{'type_check'};
+ if (defined $name && $name eq '}') {
+ ## Project Ending
+ if (!defined $self->{'reading_parent'}->[0] &&
+ !$self->{'reading_global'}) {
+ ## Fill in all the default values
+ $self->generate_defaults();
+ ## Perform any additions, subtractions
+ ## or overrides for the project values.
+ my $addproj = $self->get_addproj();
+ foreach my $ap (keys %$addproj) {
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_names'}->{$ap}) {
+ foreach my $val (@{$$addproj{$ap}}) {
+ if ($$val[0] > 0) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($ap, $$val[1]);
+ }
+ elsif ($$val[0] < 0) {
+ $self->process_assignment_sub($ap, $$val[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->process_assignment($ap, $$val[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = 'Invalid ' .
+ "assignment modification name: $ap";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ ## Generate default target names after all source files are added
+ ## and after we've added in all of the options from the
+ ## command line. If the user set exename on the command line
+ ## and no "main" is found, sharedname will be set too and
+ ## most templates do not handle that well.
+ $self->generate_default_target_names();
+ ## End of project; Write out the file.
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->write_project();
+ ## write_project() can return 0 for error, 1 for project
+ ## was written and 2 for project was skipped
+ if ($status == 1) {
+ ## Save the library name and location
+ foreach my $name ('sharedname', 'staticname') {
+ my $val = $self->get_assignment($name);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ my $start = $self->getstartdir();
+ my $amount = 0;
+ if ($cwd eq $start) {
+ $amount = length($start);
+ }
+ elsif (index($cwd, $start) == 0) {
+ $amount = length($start) + 1;
+ }
+ $self->{'lib_locations'}->{$val} =
+ substr($cwd, $amount);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Check for unused verbatim markers
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'verbatim'}}) {
+ if (defined $self->{'verbatim_accessed'}->{$key}) {
+ foreach my $ikey (keys %{$self->{'verbatim'}->{$key}}) {
+ if (!defined $self->{'verbatim_accessed'}->{$key}->{$ikey}) {
+ $self->warning("Marker $ikey does not exist.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Reset all of the project specific data
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ delete $self->{$key};
+ $self->{'defaulted'}->{$key} = 0;
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{'addtemp_state'}) {
+ $self->restore_state($self->{'addtemp_state'}, 'addtemp');
+ $self->{'addtemp_state'} = undef;
+ }
+ $self->{'assign'} = {};
+ $self->{'verbatim'} = {};
+ $self->{'verbatim_accessed'} = {$self->{'pctype'} => {}};
+ $self->{'special_supplied'} = {};
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'} = {};
+ $self->{'parents_read'} = {};
+ $self->{'inheritance_tree'} = {};
+ $self->{'remove_files'} = {};
+ $self->{'custom_special_output'} = {};
+ $self->{'custom_special_depend'} = {};
+ $self->{'expanded'} = {};
+ $self->reset_generating_types();
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{$typecheck} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Project Beginning
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->begin_project($values[2]);
+ ## Set up the default project name
+ if ($status) {
+ if (defined $name) {
+ if ($name =~ /[\/\\]/) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = 'Projects can not have a slash ' .
+ 'or a back slash in the name';
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We should only set the project name if we are not
+ ## reading in a parent project.
+ if (!defined $self->{'reading_parent'}->[0]) {
+ $name =~ s/^\(\s*//;
+ $name =~ s/\s*\)$//;
+ $name = $self->transform_file_name($name);
+ ## Replace any *'s with the default name
+ if (index($name, '*') >= 0) {
+ $name = $self->fill_type_name(
+ $name,
+ $self->get_default_project_name());
+ }
+ $self->set_project_name($name);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Ignoring project name " .
+ "$name in a base project.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Signify that we have a valid project
+ $self->{$typecheck} = 1 if ($status);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq '0') {
+ ## $values[1] = name; $values[2] = value
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_names'}->{$values[1]}) {
+ $self->process_assignment($values[1], $values[2]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Invalid assignment name: '$values[1]'";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq '1') {
+ ## $values[1] = name; $values[2] = value
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_names'}->{$values[1]}) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($values[1], $values[2]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Invalid addition name: $values[1]";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq '-1') {
+ ## $values[1] = name; $values[2] = value
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_names'}->{$values[1]}) {
+ $self->process_assignment_sub($values[1], $values[2]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Invalid subtraction name: $values[1]";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq 'component') {
+ my $comp = $values[1];
+ my $name = $values[2];
+ my $vc = $self->{'valid_components'};
+ if (defined $$vc{$comp}) {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_components($ih, $comp, $name);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($comp eq 'verbatim') {
+ my($type, $loc, $add) = split(/\s*,\s*/, $name);
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_verbatim($ih, $type,
+ $loc, $add);
+ }
+ elsif ($comp eq 'specific') {
+ my $type = $self->matches_specific_scope($name);
+ if (defined $type) {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_scope(
+ $ih, $comp, $type,
+ $self->{'valid_names'},
+ $self->get_assignment_hash(),
+ {});
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We still need to parse the scope, but we will be
+ ## throwing away whatever is processed. However, it
+ ## could still be invalid code that will cause an error.
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_scope(
+ $ih, $comp, undef,
+ $self->{'valid_names'},
+ undef,
+ $self->get_assignment_hash());
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($comp eq 'define_custom') {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_define_custom($ih, $name);
+ }
+ elsif ($comp eq 'modify_custom') {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_define_custom($ih, $name, 1);
+ }
+ elsif ($comp eq 'expand') {
+ $self->{'parsing_expand'} = 1;
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->parse_scope($ih, $comp, $name);
+ $self->{'parsing_expand'} = undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Invalid component name: $comp";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq 'feature') {
+ $self->{'feature_defined'} = 1;
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->process_feature($ih,
+ $values[1],
+ $values[2]);
+ if ($status && $self->{'feature_defined'}) {
+ $errorString = "Did not find the end of the feature";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $errorString = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($status == -1) {
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub parse_scoped_assignment {
+ my($self, $tag, $type, $name, $value, $flags) = @_;
+ ## Map the assignment name on a scoped assignment
+ my $mapped = $self->{'valid_names'}->{$name};
+ if (defined $mapped && UNIVERSAL::isa($mapped, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $name = $$mapped[1];
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{'matching_assignments'}->{$tag} &&
+ StringProcessor::fgrep($name, $self->{'matching_assignments'}->{$tag})) {
+ my $over = {};
+ if (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$tag}) {
+ $over = $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$tag};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$tag} = $over;
+ }
+ if ($type == 0) {
+ $self->process_assignment($name, $value, $flags);
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 1) {
+ ## If there is no value in $$flags, then we need to get
+ ## the outer scope value and put it in there.
+ if (!defined $self->get_assignment($name, $flags)) {
+ my $outer = $self->get_assignment($name);
+ $self->process_assignment($name, $outer, $flags);
+ }
+ $self->process_assignment_add($name, $value, $flags);
+ }
+ elsif ($type == -1) {
+ ## If there is no value in $$flags, then we need to get
+ ## the outer scope value and put it in there.
+ if (!defined $self->get_assignment($name, $flags)) {
+ my $outer = $self->get_assignment($name);
+ $self->process_assignment($name, $outer, $flags);
+ }
+ $self->process_assignment_sub($name, $value, $flags);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub update_template_variable {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $check = shift;
+ my @values = @_;
+ ## Save the addtemp state if we haven't done so before
+ if (!defined $self->{'addtemp_state'}) {
+ my %state = $self->save_state('addtemp');
+ $self->{'addtemp_state'} = \%state;
+ }
+ ## If the name that is used within a specific is a mapped keyword
+ ## then we need to translate it into the mapped keyword as it will
+ ## be used by the TemplateParser.
+ my $name;
+ if ($values[1] =~ /(.*::)(.*)/) {
+ my $base = $1;
+ my $mapped = $self->{'valid_names'}->{$2};
+ if (defined $mapped && UNIVERSAL::isa($mapped, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $name = $values[1];
+ $values[1] = $base . 'custom_type->' . $$mapped[1];
+ }
+ }
+ ## Now modify the addtemp values
+ my $atemp = $self->get_addtemp();
+ $self->information("'$values[1]' was used as a template modifier.");
+ if ($check && !defined $atemp->{$values[1]}) {
+ $name = $values[1] if (!defined $name);
+ if ($name =~ s/.*:://) {
+ my $value = $self->get_assignment($name);
+ ## Regardless of whether there was and assignment value, we need to
+ ## look at the template value of the base so that modification of a
+ ## scoped variable includes the base values.
+ if (defined $atemp->{$name}) {
+ foreach my $arr (@{$atemp->{$name}}) {
+ my @copy = @$arr;
+ push(@{$atemp->{$values[1]}}, \@copy);
+ }
+ }
+ unshift(@{$atemp->{$values[1]}},
+ [0, $value, undef, $name]) if (defined $value);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Subsitute all pseudo variables for the project specific characters.
+ $values[2] = $self->replace_parameters($values[2], $self->{'command_subs'})
+ if (index($values[2], '<%') >= 0);
+ if (defined $atemp->{$values[1]}) {
+ ## If there are template variable settings, then we need to add
+ ## this new one to the end of the settings that did not come from
+ ## the command line. That way, adjust_value() does not need to
+ ## sort the values (and have knowledge about which came from the
+ ## command line and which didn't).
+ my $max = scalar(@{$atemp->{$values[1]}});
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
+ if ($atemp->{$values[1]}->[$i]->[2]) {
+ splice(@{$atemp->{$values[1]}}, $i, 0,
+ [$values[0], $values[2], undef, $name]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $atemp->{$values[1]} = [];
+ }
+ ## If the variable name is not scoped, we need to look through existing
+ ## scoped variables that match the base. If we find one, we need to
+ ## propagate this value into the scoped settings.
+ if (index($values[1], '::') == -1) {
+ $name = $values[1] if (!defined $name);
+ foreach my $key (keys %$atemp) {
+ if ($key ne $name) {
+ foreach my $entry (@{$atemp->{$key}}) {
+ if ($$entry[3] eq $name) {
+ push(@{$atemp->{$key}}, [$values[0], $values[2], undef, $name]);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## 0: (0 set, 1 add, -1 subtract)
+ ## 1: The text value
+ ## 2: (true set on command line, false set in project)
+ ## 3: The original variable name if it's scoped or mapped
+ push(@{$atemp->{$values[1]}}, [$values[0], $values[2], undef, $name]);
+sub handle_unknown_assignment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my @values = @_;
+ ## Unknown assignments within a 'specific' section are handled as
+ ## template value modifications. These are handled exactly as the
+ ## -value_template option in
+ ## If $type is not defined, then we are skipping this section
+ $self->update_template_variable(1, @values) if (defined $type);
+ return 1, undef;
+sub handle_scoped_unknown {
+ my($self, $fh, $type, $flags, $line) = @_;
+ if (defined $type && $self->{'parsing_expand'}) {
+ if ($type eq $self->get_default_component_name()) {
+ return 0, 'Can not set expansion in this context';
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!defined $self->{'expanded'}->{$type}) {
+ my $undef = $self->replace_env_vars(\$line);
+ if (!$undef) {
+ ## This is a special concession for Windows. It will not allow
+ ## you to set an empty environment variable. If an empty
+ ## double quoted string is found, we will assume that the user
+ ## wanted an empty string.
+ $line = '' if ($line eq '""');
+ $self->{'expanded'}->{$type} = $line;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1, undef;
+ }
+ }
+ ## If the type is not defined, then this is something other than an
+ ## assignment in a 'specific' section and should be flagged as an error
+ return 0, "Unrecognized line: $line";
+sub process_component_line {
+ my($self, $tag, $line, $flags,
+ $grname, $current, $excarr, $comps, $count) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ my %exclude;
+ my @values;
+ ## If this returns true, then we've found an assignment
+ if ($self->parse_assignment($line, \@values)) {
+ $status = $self->parse_scoped_assignment($tag, @values, $flags);
+ if (!$status) {
+ $error = 'Unknown keyword: ' . $values[1];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## If we successfully remove a '!' from the front, then
+ ## the file(s) listed are to be excluded
+ my $rem = ($line =~ s/^\^\s*//);
+ my $exc = $rem || ($line =~ s/^!\s*//);
+ ## Convert any $(...) in this line before we process any
+ ## wild card characters. If we do not, scoped assignments will
+ ## not work nor will we get the correct wild carded file list.
+ ## We also need to make sure that any back slashes are converted to
+ ## slashes to ensure that later flag_overrides checks will happen
+ ## correctly.
+ $line = $self->relative($line);
+ $line =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ ## Now look for specially listed files.
+ ## Regular expressions are very slow. Searching the line twice with
+ ## index() is 328 times faster than searching with just the regular
+ ## expression when it doesn't match (which is likely to be the case).
+ if ((index($line, '>>') >= 0 || index($line, '<<') >= 0) &&
+ $line =~ /(.*)\s+(>>|<<)\s+(.*)/) {
+ $line = $1;
+ my $oop = $2;
+ my $iop = ($oop eq '>>' ? '<<' : '>>');
+ my $out = ($oop eq '>>' ? $3 : undef);
+ my $dep = ($oop eq '<<' ? $3 : undef);
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if (index($line, $iop) >= 0 && $line =~ /(.*)\s+$iop\s+(.*)/) {
+ $line = $1;
+ $out = $2 if ($iop eq '>>');
+ $dep = $2 if ($iop eq '<<');
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ ## Check for both possible error conditions
+ if (index($line, $oop) >= 0) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = "Duplicate $oop used";
+ }
+ elsif (index($line, $iop) >= 0) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = "Duplicate $iop used";
+ }
+ ## Keys used internally to MPC need to be in forward slash format.
+ my $key = $line;
+ $key =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ if (defined $out) {
+ if (!defined $self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$tag}) {
+ $self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$tag} = {};
+ }
+ ## We can not convert slashes here as we do for dependencies
+ ## (below). The files specified here need to retain the forward
+ ## slashes as they are used elsewhere.
+ $self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$tag}->{$key} = $self->create_array($out);
+ }
+ if (defined $dep) {
+ $self->{'custom_special_depend'}->{$key} = $self->create_array($dep);
+ if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}) {
+ foreach my $depfile (@{$self->{'custom_special_depend'}->{$key}}) {
+ $depfile =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If there is a command helper, we need to add the output files
+ ## here. It is possible that helper determined output files are
+ ## the only files added by this component type.
+ my $cmdHelper = CommandHelper::get($tag);
+ if (defined $cmdHelper) {
+ my $key = $line;
+ $key =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ my $cmdflags = $$flags{'commandflags'};
+ my $add_out = $cmdHelper->get_output($key, $cmdflags);
+ push(@{$self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$tag}->{$key}}, @$add_out);
+ }
+ ## Set up the files array. If the line contains a wild card
+ ## character use CORE::glob() to get the files specified.
+ my @files;
+ if ($line =~ /^"([^"]+)"$/) {
+ push(@files, $1);
+ }
+ ## Don't glob the line if we're wanting to remove the file. Wait
+ ## until later to do the wildcard expansion (in remove_excluded).
+ elsif (!$rem && $line =~ /[\?\*\[\]]/) {
+ @files = $self->mpc_glob($line);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@files, $line);
+ }
+ ## If we want to remove these files at the end too, then
+ ## add them to our remove_files hash array.
+ if ($rem) {
+ if (!defined $self->{'remove_files'}->{$tag}) {
+ $self->{'remove_files'}->{$tag} = {};
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ $self->{'remove_files'}->{$tag}->{$file} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we're excluding these files, then put them in the hash
+ if ($exc) {
+ $$grname = $current;
+ @exclude{@files} = (@files);
+ push(@$excarr, @files);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Set the flag overrides for each file
+ my $over = $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$tag};
+ if (defined $over) {
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ $$over{$file} = $flags;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ ## Add the file if we're not excluding it
+ push(@{$$comps{$current}}, $file) if (!defined $exclude{$file});
+ ## The user listed a file explicitly, whether we
+ ## excluded it or not.
+ ++$$count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub parse_conditional {
+ my($self, $fh, $types, $tag, $flags,
+ $grname, $current, $exclude, $comps, $count) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ my $type = $self->matches_specific_scope($types);
+ my $add = (defined $type ? 1 : 0);
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}\s*else\s*{$/) {
+ $add ^= 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) {
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($add) {
+ ($status, $error) = $self->process_component_line(
+ $tag, $line, $flags,
+ $grname, $current,
+ $exclude, $comps, $count);
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub parse_components {
+ my($self, $fh, $tag, $name) = @_;
+ my $current = $defgroup;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ my $names = {};
+ my $comps = {};
+ my $set;
+ my %flags;
+ my @exclude;
+ my $custom = defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag};
+ my $grtag = $grouped_key . $tag;
+ my $grname;
+ if ($custom) {
+ ## For the custom scoped assignments, we want to put a copy of
+ ## the original custom defined values in our flags associative array.
+ foreach my $key (keys %custom) {
+ if (defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{$key}) {
+ $flags{$key} = $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{$tag}) {
+ $names = $self->{$tag};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{$tag} = $names;
+ }
+ if (defined $$names{$name}) {
+ $comps = $$names{$name};
+ }
+ else {
+ $$names{$name} = $comps;
+ }
+ $$comps{$current} = [] if (!defined $$comps{$current});
+ my $count = 0;
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*{$/) {
+ if (!$set) {
+ $current = $1;
+ $set = 1;
+ $$comps{$current} = [] if (!defined $$comps{$current});
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = 'Can not nest groups';
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^conditional\s*(\(([^\)]+)\))\s*{$/) {
+ ($status, $error) = $self->parse_conditional(
+ $fh, $2, $tag, \%flags, \$grname,
+ $current, \@exclude, $comps,
+ \$count);
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) {
+ if (!defined $$comps{$current}->[0] && !defined $exclude[0]) {
+ ## The default components name was never used
+ ## so we remove it from the components
+ delete $$comps{$current};
+ }
+ else {
+ ## It was used, so we need to add that name to
+ ## the set of group names unless it's already been added.
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grtag, $current);
+ }
+ if ($set) {
+ $current = $defgroup;
+ $set = undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We are at the end of a component. If the only group
+ ## we added was the default group, then we need to remove
+ ## the group setting altogether.
+ my $groups = $self->get_assignment($grtag);
+ if (defined $groups) {
+ my $grarray = $self->create_array($groups);
+ if (scalar(@$grarray) == 1 && $$grarray[0] eq $defgroup) {
+ $self->process_assignment($grtag, undef);
+ }
+ }
+ ## This is not an error,
+ ## this is the end of the components
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ($status, $error) = $self->process_component_line($tag, $line, \%flags,
+ \$grname, $current,
+ \@exclude, $comps,
+ \$count);
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ }
+ ## If this is a "special" component, we need to see if the
+ ## user provided all directories. If they have, then we need to
+ ## store an array of directories that the user supplied. Otherwise,
+ ## we just store a 1.
+ if (defined $specialComponents{$tag}) {
+ my @dirs;
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ my $comps = $$names{$name};
+ foreach my $comp (keys %$comps) {
+ foreach my $item (@{$$comps{$comp}}) {
+ if (-d $item) {
+ push(@dirs, $item);
+ }
+ else {
+ @dirs = ();
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $dirs[0]) {
+ $self->{'special_supplied'}->{$tag} = \@dirs;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'special_supplied'}->{$tag} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we didn't encounter an error, didn't have any files explicitly
+ ## listed and we attempted to exclude files, then we need to find the
+ ## set of files that don't match the excluded files and add them.
+ if ($status && defined $exclude[0] && defined $grname) {
+ my $alldir = $self->get_assignment('recurse') || $flags{'recurse'};
+ my %checked;
+ my @files;
+ foreach my $exc (@exclude) {
+ my $dname = $self->mpc_dirname($exc);
+ if (!defined $checked{$dname}) {
+ $checked{$dname} = 1;
+ push(@files, $self->generate_default_file_list($dname,
+ \@exclude,
+ undef, $alldir));
+ }
+ }
+ $self->sift_files(\@files,
+ $self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag},
+ $self->get_assignment('pch_header'),
+ $self->get_assignment('pch_source'),
+ $tag,
+ $$comps{$grname});
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub parse_verbatim {
+ my($self, $fh, $type, $loc, $add) = @_;
+ if (!defined $loc) {
+ return 0, 'You must provide a location parameter to verbatim';
+ }
+ ## All types are lower case
+ $type = lc($type);
+ if (!defined $self->{'verbatim'}->{$type}) {
+ $self->{'verbatim'}->{$type} = {};
+ }
+ ## Instead of always creating a new array for a particular type and
+ ## location, create a new array if there isn't one already or the user
+ ## does not want to add to the existing verbatim settings.
+ $self->{'verbatim'}->{$type}->{$loc} = []
+ if (!$add || !defined $self->{'verbatim'}->{$type}->{$loc});
+ my $array = $self->{'verbatim'}->{$type}->{$loc};
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ ## This is not an error,
+ ## this is the end of the verbatim
+ last if ($line =~ /^}$/);
+ push(@$array, $line);
+ }
+ return 1, undef;
+sub process_feature {
+ my($self, $fh, $names, $parents) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ my $requires = '';
+ my $avoids = '';
+ foreach my $name (@$names) {
+ if ($name =~ /^!\s*(.*)$/) {
+ $avoids .= ' ' if ($avoids ne '');
+ $avoids .= $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $requires .= ' ' if ($requires ne '');
+ $requires .= $name;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->check_features($requires, $avoids)) {
+ ## The required features are enabled, so we say that
+ ## a project has been defined and we allow the parser to
+ ## find the data held within the feature.
+ ($status, $error) = $self->begin_project($parents);
+ if ($status) {
+ $self->{'feature_defined'} = 0;
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Otherwise, we read in all the lines until we find the
+ ## closing brace for the feature and it appears to the parser
+ ## that nothing was defined.
+ my $curly = 1;
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ ## This is a very simplistic way of finding the end of
+ ## the feature definition. It will work as long as no spurious
+ ## open curly braces are counted.
+ ++$curly if ($line =~ /{$/);
+ --$curly if ($line =~ /^}/);
+ if ($curly == 0) {
+ $self->{'feature_defined'} = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub process_array_assignment {
+ my($self, $aref, $type, $array) = @_;
+ if (!defined $$aref || $type == 0) {
+ if ($type != -1) {
+ $$aref = $array;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($type == 1) {
+ push(@{$$aref}, @$array);
+ }
+ elsif ($type == -1) {
+ my $count = scalar(@{$$aref});
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
+ if (StringProcessor::fgrep($$aref->[$i], $array)) {
+ splice(@{$$aref}, $i, 1);
+ --$i;
+ --$count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub parse_define_custom {
+ my($self, $fh, $tag, $modify) = @_;
+ ## Make the tag something _files
+ $tag = lc($tag) . '_files';
+ ## We can not have a custom type named "generic"
+ return 0, "$tag is reserved" if ($tag eq $generic_key);
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}) {
+ if (!$modify) {
+ return 0, "$tag has already been defined";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($modify) {
+ return 0, "$tag has not yet been defined and can not be modified";
+ }
+ my $status = 0;
+ my $errorString = "Unable to process $tag";
+ ## Update the custom_types assignment
+ $self->process_assignment_add('custom_types', $tag) if (!$modify);
+ if (!defined $self->{'matching_assignments'}->{$tag}) {
+ my @keys = keys %custom;
+ push(@keys, @default_matching_assignments);
+ $self->{'matching_assignments'}->{$tag} = \@keys;
+ }
+ my $optname;
+ my $inscope = 0;
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /optional\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*{/) {
+ $optname = $1;
+ $optname =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $optname =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if (defined $customDefined{$optname} &&
+ ($customDefined{$optname} & 0x08) != 0) {
+ ++$inscope;
+ if ($inscope != 1) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = 'Can not nest \'optional\' sections';
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Invalid optional name: $optname";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($inscope) {
+ if ($line =~ /^}$/) {
+ $optname = undef;
+ --$inscope;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*(\+)?=\s*(.*)/) {
+ my $name = lc($1);
+ my $opt = $2;
+ my $add = $3;
+ my @val = split(/\s*,\s*/, $4);
+ ## Fix $opt spacing
+ $opt =~ s/(\&\&|\|\|)/ $1 /g;
+ $opt =~ s/!\s+/!/g;
+ ## Set up the 'optional' hash table
+ if (!$add || !defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->
+ {'optional'}->{$optname}->{$name}->{$opt}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->
+ {'optional'}->{$optname}->{$name}->{$opt} = \@val;
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'optional'}->
+ {$optname}->{$name}->{$opt}}, @val);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Unrecognized optional line: $line";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) {
+ $status = 1;
+ $errorString = undef;
+ ## Propagate the custom defined values into the mapped values
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'valid_names'}}) {
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{'valid_names'}->{$key}, 'ARRAY')) {
+ my $value = $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{
+ $self->{'valid_names'}->{$key}->[1]};
+ ## Bypass the process_assignment() defined in this class
+ ## to avoid unwanted keyword mapping.
+ $self->SUPER::process_assignment($key, $value) if (defined $value);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set some defaults (if they haven't already been set)
+ if (!defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'pre_filename'}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'pre_filename'} = [ '' ];
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'pre_dirname'}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'pre_dirname'} = [ '' ];
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'pre_extension'}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'pre_extension'} = [ '' ];
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'automatic_in'}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'automatic_in'} = 1;
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'automatic_out'}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'automatic_out'} = 1;
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'output_follows_input'}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{'output_follows_input'} = 1;
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}) {
+ $self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag} = [];
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ my @values;
+ ## If this returns true, then we've found an assignment
+ if ($self->parse_assignment($line, \@values)) {
+ my($type, $name, $value) = @values;
+ ## The 'automatic' keyword has always contained two distinct
+ ## functions. The first is to automatically add input files of
+ ## the specified extension. And the second is to automatically
+ ## add generated files to the right components. It has now been
+ ## split into separate functionality and we map the 'automatic'
+ ## keyword to the two new ones here.
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my @names = $name eq 'automatic' ?
+ ('automatic_in', 'automatic_out') : $name;
+ foreach $name (@names) {
+ if (defined $customDefined{$name}) {
+ if (($customDefined{$name} & 0x01) != 0) {
+ $value = $self->escape_regex_special($value);
+ my @array = split(/\s*,\s*/, $value);
+ $self->process_array_assignment(
+ \$self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}, $type, \@array);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}) {
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag} = {};
+ }
+ ## Try to convert the value into a relative path
+ $value = $self->relative($value);
+ if (($customDefined{$name} & 0x04) != 0) {
+ if ($type == 0) {
+ $self->process_assignment(
+ $name, $value,
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag});
+ }
+ elsif ($type == 1) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add(
+ $name, $value,
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag});
+ }
+ elsif ($type == -1) {
+ $self->process_assignment_sub(
+ $name, $value,
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (($customDefined{$name} & 0x02) != 0) {
+ ## Transform the name from something outputext to
+ ## something files. We expect this to match the
+ ## names of valid_assignments.
+ $name =~ s/outputext/files/g;
+ }
+ ## Get it ready for regular expressions
+ $value = $self->escape_regex_special($value);
+ ## Split the value into an array using a comma as the
+ ## separator. If there are no elements in the array we're
+ ## going to add an empty element to the array. This way,
+ ## assignments of blank values are useful.
+ my @array = split(/\s*,\s*/, $value);
+ push(@array, '') if ($#array == -1);
+ ## Process the array assignment after adjusting the values
+ $self->process_array_assignment(
+ \$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}->{$name},
+ $type, \@array);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $ok = 0;
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Invalid assignment name: '$name'";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ ## $status is zero until the end of the define custom block, so
+ ## we can't use it for this check.
+ last if (!$ok);
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^keyword\s+(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*(\w+)?)?/) {
+ ## Check for keyword mapping here
+ my $newkey = $1;
+ my $mapkey = $2;
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_names'}->{$newkey}) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Cannot map $newkey onto an " .
+ "existing keyword";
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif (!defined $mapkey) {
+ $self->{'valid_names'}->{$newkey} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($newkey ne $mapkey) {
+ if (defined $customDefined{$mapkey}) {
+ $self->{'valid_names'}->{$newkey} = [ $tag, $mapkey ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Cannot map $newkey to an " .
+ "undefined custom keyword: $mapkey";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Cannot map $newkey to $mapkey";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub back_to_variable {
+ my($self, $values) = @_;
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ my $case_tolerant = $self->case_insensitive();
+ my @values = ();
+ ## Get both of the relative value hash maps and put them in an array
+ my @rels = ();
+ my($rel, $how) = $self->get_initial_relative_values();
+ push(@rels, $rel);
+ ($rel, $how) = $self->get_secondary_relative_values();
+ push(@rels, $rel);
+ ## Go through each value and try to convert it to a variable setting
+ foreach my $ovalue (@$values) {
+ ## Fix up the value, replacing '.' with the current working
+ ## directory.
+ my $value = $ovalue;
+ $value =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ if ($value eq '.') {
+ $value = $cwd;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value =~ s/^.\//$cwd\//;
+ }
+ my $valuelen = length($value);
+ ## Go through each relative value hash map and see if any of the
+ ## values match the value that we're currently inspecting.
+ my $found = undef;
+ foreach my $rel (@rels) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %$rel) {
+ ## Get the relative replacement value and convert back-slashes
+ my $val = $$rel{$key};
+ $val =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ ## We only need to check for reverse replacement if the length
+ ## of the value is greater than or equal to the length of our
+ ## replacement value.
+ my $vlen = length($val);
+ if ($valuelen >= $vlen) {
+ ## Cut the string down by the length of the replacement value
+ my $lval = substr($value, 0, $vlen);
+ ## Check for equivalence, taking into account file system
+ ## case-insenitivity.
+ if ($case_tolerant) {
+ $found = (lc($lval) eq lc($val));
+ }
+ else {
+ $found = ($lval eq $val);
+ }
+ ## If they match, replace the value and save it in our array.
+ if ($found) {
+ substr($value, 0, length($val)) = "\$($key)";
+ push(@values, $value);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Once it's been found, there's no reason to continue on through
+ ## the relative hash maps.
+ last if ($found);
+ }
+ push(@values, $ovalue) if (!$found);
+ }
+ return @values;
+sub remove_duplicate_addition {
+ my($self, $name, $value, $nval) = @_;
+ if (defined $nval) {
+ ## If we are modifying the libs, libpaths, macros or includes
+ ## assignment with either addition or subtraction, we are going to
+ ## perform a little fix on the value to avoid multiple
+ ## libraries and to try to insure the correct linking order
+ if ($name eq 'macros' || $name eq 'libpaths' ||
+ $name eq 'includes' || $name =~ /libs$/ ||
+ index($name, $grouped_key) == 0) {
+ my $allowed = '';
+ my %parts;
+ ## Convert the array into keys for a hash table
+ @parts{@{$self->create_array($nval)}} = ();
+ ## In order to ensure that duplicates are correctly removed, we
+ ## need to get the modified assignment value before we attempt to
+ ## do so.
+ $value = $self->modify_assignment_value($name, $value);
+ foreach my $val (@{$self->create_array($value)}) {
+ if (!exists $parts{$val}) {
+ ## We need to supply quotes if there is a space in the value or
+ ## a variable. The variable may contain spaces.
+ my $qt = ($val =~ /\s/ || $val =~ /\$\(.+\)/ ? '"' : '');
+ $allowed .= $qt . $val . $qt . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ $allowed =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $allowed;
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub read_template_input {
+ my($self, $tkey) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $errorString;
+ my $file;
+ my $tag;
+ my $ti = $self->get_ti_override();
+ my $lang = $self->get_language();
+ my $override;
+ if ($self->exe_target()) {
+ if ($self->get_static() == 1) {
+ $tag = 'lib_exe_template_input';
+ ## Check for the TemplateInputReader for the template key provided.
+ if (!defined $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tkey}) {
+ if (defined $$ti{'lib_exe'}) {
+ $file = $$ti{'lib_exe'};
+ $override = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file = $self->get_lib_exe_template_input_file($tkey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $tag = 'dll_exe_template_input';
+ ## Check for the TemplateInputReader for the template key provided.
+ if (!defined $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tkey}) {
+ if (defined $$ti{'dll_exe'}) {
+ $file = $$ti{'dll_exe'};
+ $override = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file = $self->get_dll_exe_template_input_file($tkey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($self->get_static() == 1) {
+ $tag = 'lib_template_input';
+ ## Check for the TemplateInputReader for the template key provided.
+ if (!defined $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tkey}) {
+ if (defined $$ti{'lib'}) {
+ $file = $$ti{'lib'};
+ $override = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file = $self->get_lib_template_input_file($tkey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $tag = 'dll_template_input';
+ ## Check for the TemplateInputReader for the template key provided.
+ if (!defined $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tkey}) {
+ if (defined $$ti{'dll'}) {
+ $file = $$ti{'dll'};
+ $override = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file = $self->get_dll_template_input_file($tkey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tkey}) {
+ ## We have a TemplateInputReader for this template key, so we need
+ ## to set the entry corresponding to $tikey to it for use in the
+ ## get_template_input() method.
+ $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tikey} = $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tkey};
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We haven't read this file yet, so we will create the template
+ ## input reader and store it in the entry for the template key
+ ## ($tkey) and the template input key ($tikey).
+ my $ti = new TemplateInputReader($self->get_include_path());
+ $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tkey} = $ti;
+ $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tikey} = $ti;
+ ## Process the template input file
+ if (defined $file) {
+ my $tfile = $self->search_include_path("$file.$TemplateInputExtension");
+ if (defined $tfile) {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $ti->read_file($tfile);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Not finding a template input file is only an error if the user
+ ## specifically provided a template input file override.
+ if ($override) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Unable to locate template input file: $file";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Now that we've read in the template input file, set up our
+ ## automatic template variables.
+ if ($self->{'make_coexistence'}) {
+ $ti->parse_line(undef,
+ "make_coexistence = $self->{'make_coexistence'}");
+ }
+ }
+ ## We do this regardless of whether or not this parser is cached or
+ ## not. If the features have changed (through a workspace cmdline
+ ## setting), we need to reflect it.
+ if ($status) {
+ ## Put the features into the template input set
+ my $features = $self->{'feature_parser'}->get_names();
+ $self->{$tag}->{$lang}->{$tikey}->parse_line(undef,
+ "features = @$features");
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub already_added {
+ my($self, $array, $name) = @_;
+ ## This method expects that the file name will be unix style
+ $name =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ ## Remove the leading ./
+ $name =~ s/^\.\///;
+ my $dsname = "./$name";
+ foreach my $file (@$array) {
+ return 1 if ($file eq $name || $file eq $dsname);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub get_applied_custom_keyword {
+ my($self, $name, $type, $file) = @_;
+ if (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{$name}) {
+ return $self->relative(
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{$name}, 1);
+ }
+ return $self->relative($self->get_assignment(
+ $name,
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$type}), 1);
+sub evaluate_optional_option {
+ my($self, $opt, $value) = @_;
+ if ($opt =~ /^!\s*(.*)/) {
+ return (!exists $$value{$1} ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ return (exists $$value{$opt} ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+sub process_optional_option {
+ my($self, $opt, $value) = @_;
+ my $status;
+ my @parts = grep(!/^$/, split(/\s+/, $opt));
+ my $pcount = scalar(@parts);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $pcount; $i++) {
+ if ($parts[$i] eq '&&' || $parts[$i] eq '||') {
+ if (defined $status) {
+ if (defined $parts[$i + 1]) {
+ if ($parts[$i] eq '&&') {
+ $status &&= $self->evaluate_optional_option($parts[$i + 1],
+ $value);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We are coming into an '||', if status is already true
+ ## then we can leave immediately
+ last if ($status);
+ $status ||= $self->evaluate_optional_option($parts[$i + 1],
+ $value);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Expected token in optional after $parts[$i]");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unexpected token in optional: $parts[$i]");
+ }
+ ++$i;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!defined $status) {
+ $status = $self->evaluate_optional_option($parts[$i], $value);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unexpected token in optional: $parts[$i]");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+sub add_optional_filename_portion {
+ my($self, $gentype, $tag, $file, $array) = @_;
+ if (defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{'optional'}->{$tag}) {
+ foreach my $name (keys %{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{'optional'}->{$tag}}) {
+ foreach my $opt (keys %{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{'optional'}->{$tag}->{$name}}) {
+ ## Get the name value
+ my $value = $self->get_applied_custom_keyword($name,
+ $gentype, $file);
+ ## Convert the value into a hash map for easy lookup
+ my %values;
+ @values{split(/\s+/, $value)} = () if (defined $value);
+ ## See if the option or options are contained in the value. We
+ ## need to call this even if $value is not defined due to the
+ ## ability to negate optional parameters.
+ if ($self->process_optional_option($opt, \%values)) {
+ ## Add the optional portion
+ push(@$array, @{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{'optional'}->{$tag}->{$name}->{$opt}});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub get_pre_keyword_array {
+ my($self, $keyword, $gentype, $tag, $file) = @_;
+ ## Get the general pre extension array.
+ ## $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{$keyword} is guaranteed to
+ ## be defined due to the defaulting that is done in
+ ## parse_define_custom() and the only three calls to this method use
+ ## valid $keyword values.
+ my @array = @{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{$keyword}};
+ ## Add the component specific pre extension array
+ my @additional;
+ $tag =~ s/files$/$keyword/;
+ if (defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{$tag}) {
+ push(@additional, @{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{$tag}});
+ }
+ ## Add in any optional portion to the array
+ foreach my $itag ($keyword, $tag) {
+ $self->add_optional_filename_portion($gentype, $itag,
+ $file, \@additional);
+ }
+ ## If the current array only has the default,
+ ## then we need to remove it
+ if (defined $additional[0]) {
+ if ($#array == 0 && $array[0] eq '') {
+ pop(@array);
+ }
+ push(@array, @additional);
+ }
+ return @array;
+sub add_explicit_output {
+ my($self, $file, $type, $tag, $array, $arrs) = @_;
+ if (defined $self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$type} &&
+ defined $self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$type}->{$file}) {
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}) {
+ my @files;
+ foreach my $check (@{$self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$type}->{$file}}) {
+ foreach my $regext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}}) {
+ if ($check =~ /$regext$/) {
+ my $add = 1;
+ if ($tag eq 'source_files') {
+ foreach my $tregext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{'template_files'}}) {
+ if ($check =~ /$tregext$/) {
+ $add = undef;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($add) {
+ ## If gendir was specified, then we need to account for that
+ my $dir = '';
+ if (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{'gendir'} &&
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{'gendir'} ne '.') {
+ $dir = $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{'gendir'} . '/';
+ $dir =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ }
+ push(@files, "$dir$check");
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $files[0]) {
+ if ($arrs) {
+ push(@$array, \@files);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@$array, @files);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub generated_filenames {
+ my($self, $part, $type, $tag, $file, $noext, $arrs) = @_;
+ ## A custom type is not allowed to generate it's own input files
+ return () if ($type eq $tag);
+ ## See if the type for which we are generating ($tag) is also a custom
+ ## file type. If it is, we need to do some massaging.
+ my $otag = $tag;
+ if (defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$tag}) {
+ ## If the custom type ($type) doesn't specify that it generates
+ ## generic files, we need to see if there is a command helper for
+ ## this type and see what sort of output it knows about.
+ my $inputexts = $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$type}->{$generic_key};
+ if (!defined $inputexts) {
+ my $cmdHelper = CommandHelper::get($type);
+ $inputexts = $cmdHelper->get_outputexts() if (defined $cmdHelper);
+ }
+ ## We will need to use 'generic_files' instead of $tag if $tag is
+ ## defined in 'generated_exts', but only for the type that will
+ ## actually generate the right type of generic file.
+ my $good;
+ if (defined $inputexts) {
+ foreach my $inputext (@$inputexts) {
+ my $ext = $inputext;
+ $ext =~ s/\\//g;
+ foreach my $extreg (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}}) {
+ if ($ext =~ /$extreg$/) {
+ $tag = $generic_key;
+ $good = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ last if ($good);
+ }
+ }
+ return () if (!$good);
+ }
+ my @pearr = $self->get_pre_keyword_array('pre_extension',
+ $type, $tag, $file);
+ my @pfarr = $self->get_pre_keyword_array('pre_filename',
+ $type, $tag, $file);
+ my @pdarr = $self->get_pre_keyword_array('pre_dirname',
+ $type, $tag, $file);
+ my @exts = (defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$type}->{$tag} ?
+ @{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$type}->{$tag}} : ());
+ if (!defined $exts[0]) {
+ my $backtag = $tag;
+ if ($backtag =~ s/files$/outputext/) {
+ $self->add_optional_filename_portion($type, $backtag,
+ $file, \@exts);
+ }
+ }
+ my @array;
+ if (!defined $exts[0] && $#pearr == 0 && $#pfarr == 0 && $#pdarr == 0 &&
+ $pearr[0] eq '' && $pfarr[0] eq '' && $pdarr[0] eq '') {
+ ## If both arrays are defined to be the defaults, then there
+ ## is nothing for us to do.
+ }
+ else {
+ my $dir = '';
+ my $base;
+ ## Correctly deal with pre filename and directories
+ if ($part =~ /(.*[\/\\])([^\/\\]+)$/) {
+ ## Split the directory and base name of the file. Only set the
+ ## directory if the output follows the input directory.
+ $dir = $1
+ if ($self->{'generated_exts'}->{$type}->{'output_follows_input'});
+ $base = $2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $base = $part;
+ }
+ ## If gendir was specified, then we need to account for that
+ if (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{'gendir'}) {
+ if ($self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{'gendir'} eq '.') {
+ $dir = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $dir = $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$type}->{$file}->{'gendir'} . '/';
+ $dir =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ }
+ }
+ ## Loop through creating all of the possible file names
+ foreach my $pe (@pearr) {
+ my @genfile;
+ $pe =~ s/\\\././g;
+ foreach my $pf (@pfarr) {
+ $pf =~ s/\\\././g;
+ foreach my $pd (@pdarr) {
+ if ($noext) {
+ push(@genfile, "$pd$dir$pf$base$pe");
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $ext (@exts) {
+ $ext =~ s/\\\././g;
+ push(@genfile, "$pd$dir$pf$base$pe$ext");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($arrs) {
+ push(@array, \@genfile);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@array, @genfile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Now add the explicit output. We need to use the original tag value
+ ## ($otag) so that we can find the custom output files.
+ $self->add_explicit_output($file, $type, $otag, \@array, $arrs);
+ return @array;
+sub add_generated_files {
+ my($self, $gentype, $tag, $group, $arr) = @_;
+ ## This method is called by list_default_generated. It performs the
+ ## actual file insertion and grouping.
+ ## Get the generated filenames
+ my @added;
+ foreach my $file (keys %$arr) {
+ foreach my $gen ($self->generated_filenames($$arr{$file}, $gentype,
+ $tag, $file, 1)) {
+ $self->list_generated_file($gentype, $tag, \@added, $gen, $$arr{$file});
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $added[0]) {
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ ## Get all files in one list and save the directory
+ ## and component group in a hashed array.
+ my @all;
+ my %dircomp;
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ push(@all, @{$$names{$name}->{$key}});
+ foreach my $file (@{$$names{$name}->{$key}}) {
+ $dircomp{$self->mpc_dirname($file)} = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create a small array of only the files we want to add.
+ ## We put them all together so we can keep them in order when
+ ## we put them at the front of the main file list.
+ my @oktoadd;
+ foreach my $file (@added) {
+ push(@oktoadd, $file) if (!$self->already_added(\@all, $file));
+ }
+ ## If we have files to add, make sure we add them to a group
+ ## that has the same directory location as the files we're adding.
+ if (defined $oktoadd[0]) {
+ my $key = (defined $group ? $group :
+ $dircomp{$self->mpc_dirname($oktoadd[0])});
+ if (!defined $key) {
+ my $check = $oktoadd[0];
+ foreach my $regext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}}) {
+ last if ($check =~ s/$regext$//);
+ }
+ foreach my $vc (keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ ## If this component name does not match the component name for
+ ## which we are adding files and there are components defined
+ ## for it, we will look to see if we can find a matching group
+ ## name. We have to make sure that we do not use the hash map
+ ## ($self->{$vc}) unless it's defined. Doing so will
+ ## automatically create the map and that will cause MPC to
+ ## think that the user provided the empty setting (when it
+ ## wasn't).
+ if ($vc ne $tag && defined $self->{$vc}) {
+ foreach my $name (keys %{$self->{$vc}}) {
+ foreach my $ckey (keys %{$self->{$vc}->{$name}}) {
+ if ($ckey ne $defgroup) {
+ foreach my $ofile (@{$self->{$vc}->{$name}->{$ckey}}) {
+ my $file = $ofile;
+ foreach my $regext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$vc}}) {
+ last if ($file =~ s/$regext$//);
+ }
+ if ($file eq $check) {
+ $key = $ckey;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ last if (defined $key);
+ }
+ }
+ last if (defined $key);
+ }
+ }
+ $key = $defgroup if (!defined $key);
+ }
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ if (!defined $$names{$name}->{$key}) {
+ if ($key ne $defgroup &&
+ defined $$names{$name}->{$defgroup} &&
+ defined $$names{$name}->{$defgroup}->[0]) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grouped_key . $tag, $defgroup);
+ }
+ $$names{$name}->{$key} = [];
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grouped_key . $tag, $key);
+ }
+ unshift(@{$$names{$name}->{$key}}, @oktoadd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub search_for_entry {
+ my($self, $file, $marray, $preproc) = @_;
+ my $name;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($fh, $file)) {
+ my $poundifed = 0;
+ my $commented = 0;
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ ## Remove c++ style comments
+ $_ =~ s/\/\/.*// if (!$commented);
+ ## Remove one line c style comments
+ $_ =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///g;
+ if ($commented) {
+ if (/\*\//) {
+ ## Found the end of a multi-line c style comment
+ --$commented;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/\/\*/) {
+ ## Found the beginning of a multi-line c style comment
+ ++$commented;
+ }
+ elsif ($preproc) {
+ ## If the current language supports a c preprocessor, we
+ ## will perform a minimal check for #if 0
+ if (/#\s*if\s+0/) {
+ ## Found the beginning of a #if 0
+ ++$poundifed;
+ }
+ elsif ($poundifed) {
+ if (/#\s*if/) {
+ ## We need to keep track of any other #if directives
+ ## to be sure that when we see an #endif we don't
+ ## count the wrong one.
+ ++$poundifed;
+ }
+ elsif (/#\s*endif/) {
+ ## Found a #endif, so decrement our count
+ --$poundifed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Check for main; Make sure it's not #if 0'ed and not commented out
+ if (!$poundifed && !$commented) {
+ my $found = undef;
+ foreach my $main (@$marray) {
+ if (/\s+$main\s*\(/ || /^\s*$main\s*\(/) {
+ ## If we've found a main, set the exename to the basename
+ ## of the cpp file with the extension removed
+ $name = $self->mpc_basename($file);
+ $name =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ last if ($found);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ return $name;
+sub find_main_file {
+ my($self, $sources) = @_;
+ my $lang = $self->get_language();
+ my @main = $language{$lang}->[3];
+ my $preproc = $language{$lang}->[4];
+ ## If additional main's have been supplied by the user for this
+ ## language type, then just push them onto the array.
+ push(@main, @{$mains{$lang}}) if (defined $mains{$lang});
+ ## Now search each source file until we've found a main function.
+ foreach my $file (@$sources) {
+ my $exename = $self->search_for_entry($file, \@main, $preproc);
+ return $exename if (defined $exename);
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub generate_default_target_names {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## If this is a custom_only project, we need not waste time setting the
+ ## sharedname, staticname or exename. Searching all of the files for a
+ ## main function is very time consuming and unnecessary.
+ return undef if ($self->get_assignment('custom_only'));
+ if (!$self->exe_target()) {
+ my $sharedname = $self->get_assignment('sharedname');
+ my $staticname = $self->get_assignment('staticname');
+ my $shared_empty;
+ if (defined $sharedname) {
+ if ($sharedname eq '') {
+ $shared_empty = 1;
+ $sharedname = undef;
+ $self->process_assignment('sharedname', $sharedname);
+ }
+ elsif (!defined $staticname) {
+ $staticname = $sharedname;
+ $self->process_assignment('staticname', $staticname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $staticname && !$shared_empty && !defined $sharedname) {
+ $sharedname = $staticname;
+ $self->process_assignment('sharedname', $sharedname);
+ }
+ ## If it's neither an exe or library target, we will search
+ ## through the source files for a main()
+ if (!$self->lib_target()) {
+ ## Set the exename assignment
+ my @sources = $self->get_component_list('source_files', 1);
+ my $exename = $self->find_main_file(\@sources);
+ $self->process_assignment('exename', $exename) if (defined $exename);
+ ## If we still don't have a project type, then we will
+ ## default to a library if there are source or resource files
+ if (!defined $exename) {
+ if (!defined $sources[0]) {
+ @sources = $self->get_component_list($self->get_resource_tag(), 1);
+ }
+ if (defined $sources[0]) {
+ if (!$shared_empty) {
+ $self->process_assignment('sharedname',
+ $self->{'unmodified_project_name'});
+ }
+ $self->process_assignment('staticname',
+ $self->{'unmodified_project_name'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we are generating only static projects, then we need to
+ ## unset the sharedname, so that we can insure that projects of
+ ## various types only generate static targets.
+ if ($self->get_static() == 1) {
+ my $sharedname = $self->get_assignment('sharedname');
+ if (defined $sharedname) {
+ $self->process_assignment('sharedname', undef);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Check for the use of an asterisk in the name
+ foreach my $key ('exename', 'sharedname', 'staticname') {
+ my $value = $self->get_assignment($key);
+ if (defined $value && index($value, '*') >= 0) {
+ $value = $self->fill_type_name($value,
+ $self->{'unmodified_project_name'});
+ $self->process_assignment($key, $value);
+ }
+ }
+sub generate_default_pch_filenames {
+ my($self, $files) = @_;
+ my $pchhdef = (defined $self->get_assignment('pch_header'));
+ my $pchcdef = (defined $self->get_assignment('pch_source'));
+ if (!$pchhdef || !$pchcdef) {
+ my $pname = $self->get_assignment('project_name');
+ my $hcount = 0;
+ my $ccount = 0;
+ my $hmatching;
+ my $cmatching;
+ foreach my $file (@$files) {
+ ## If the file doesn't even contain _pch, then there's no point
+ ## in looping through all of the extensions
+ if (index($file, '_pch') >= 0) {
+ if (!$pchhdef) {
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{'header_files'}}) {
+ if ($file =~ /(.*_pch$ext)$/) {
+ $self->process_assignment('pch_header', $1);
+ ++$hcount;
+ $hmatching = $file if (index($file, $pname) >= 0);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$pchcdef) {
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{'source_files'}}) {
+ if ($file =~ /(.*_pch$ext)$/) {
+ $self->process_assignment('pch_source', $1);
+ ++$ccount;
+ $cmatching = $file if (index($file, $pname) >= 0);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$pchhdef && $hcount > 1 && defined $hmatching) {
+ $self->process_assignment('pch_header', $hmatching);
+ }
+ if (!$pchcdef && $ccount > 1 && defined $cmatching) {
+ $self->process_assignment('pch_source', $cmatching);
+ }
+ }
+sub fix_pch_filenames {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Unset the precompiled header settings if they are set but empty
+ foreach my $type ('pch_header', 'pch_source') {
+ my $pch = $self->get_assignment($type);
+ $self->process_assignment($type, undef) if (defined $pch && $pch eq '');
+ }
+sub remove_extra_pch_listings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @pchs = ('pch_header', 'pch_source');
+ my @tags = ('header_files', 'source_files');
+ for(my $j = 0; $j < 2; ++$j) {
+ my $pch = $self->get_assignment($pchs[$j]);
+ if (defined $pch) {
+ ## If we are converting slashes, then we need to
+ ## convert the pch file back to forward slashes
+ $pch =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ ## Find out which files are duplicated
+ my $names = $self->{$tags[$j]};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ my $comps = $$names{$name};
+ foreach my $key (keys %$comps) {
+ my $array = $$comps{$key};
+ my $count = scalar(@$array);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
+ if ($pch eq $$array[$i]) {
+ splice(@$array, $i, 1);
+ --$count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub sift_files {
+ my($self, $files, $exts, $pchh, $pchc, $tag, $array, $alldir) = @_;
+ my @saved;
+ my $havec = (defined $self->{'exclude_components'}->{$tag});
+ ## The special actions taken based on $saverc only applies to
+ ## C++ resource files.
+ my $saverc = (!$alldir && $tag eq $self->get_resource_tag() &&
+ $self->languageIs(Creator::cplusplus));
+ foreach my $ext (@$exts) {
+ foreach my $file (grep(/$ext$/, @$files)) {
+ ## Always exclude the precompiled header and cpp
+ if ((!defined $pchh || $file ne $pchh) &&
+ (!defined $pchc || $file ne $pchc)) {
+ if ($havec) {
+ my $exclude = 0;
+ foreach my $exc (@{$self->{'exclude_components'}->{$tag}}) {
+ if ($file =~ /$exc$/) {
+ $exclude = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ next if ($exclude);
+ }
+ elsif ($saverc) {
+ ## Save these files for later. There may
+ ## be more than one and we want to try and
+ ## find the one that corresponds to this project
+ push(@saved, $file);
+ next;
+ }
+ push(@$array, $file) if (!$self->already_added($array, $file));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Now deal with the saved files
+ if (defined $saved[0]) {
+ if (!defined $saved[1]) {
+ ## Theres only one rc file, take it
+ push(@$array, $saved[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $pjname = $self->escape_regex_special(
+ $self->transform_file_name(
+ $self->get_assignment('project_name')));
+ ## Use a case insensitive search.
+ ## After all, this is a Windows specific file type.
+ foreach my $save (@saved) {
+ if ($save =~ /$pjname/i) {
+ if (!$self->already_added($array, $save)) {
+ push(@$array, $save);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub sift_default_file_list {
+ my($self, $tag, $file, $built, $exts, $recurse, $pchh, $pchc) = @_;
+ my $alldir = $recurse ||
+ (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$tag} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$tag}->{$file} &&
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$tag}->{$file}->{'recurse'});
+ my @gen = $self->generate_default_file_list($file, [], undef, $alldir);
+ $self->sift_files(\@gen, $exts, $pchh, $pchc, $tag, $built, $alldir);
+sub correct_generated_files {
+ my($self, $defcomp, $exts, $tag, $array) = @_;
+ if (defined $sourceComponents{$tag}) {
+ my $grtag = $grouped_key . $tag;
+ foreach my $gentype (keys %{$self->{'generated_exts'}}) {
+ ## If we are not automatically adding generated output, then we
+ ## need to skip this component type.
+ next if (!$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{'automatic_out'});
+ ## If we are auto-generating the source_files, then
+ ## we need to make sure that any generated source
+ ## files that are added are put at the front of the list.
+ my $newgroup;
+ my @input;
+ ## If I call keys %{$self->{$gentype}} using perl 5.6.1
+ ## it returns nothing. I have to put it in an
+ ## intermediate variable to ensure that I get the keys.
+ my $names = $self->{$gentype};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ push(@input, @{$$names{$name}->{$key}});
+ $newgroup = $key if ($key ne $defgroup);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $input[0]) {
+ my @front;
+ my @copy = @$array;
+ @$array = ();
+ foreach my $input (@input) {
+ my $part = $self->remove_wanted_extension(
+ $input,
+ $self->{'valid_components'}->{$gentype});
+ my @files = $self->generated_filenames($part, $gentype,
+ $tag, $input);
+ if (defined $copy[0]) {
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@copy); $i++) {
+ my $re = $self->escape_regex_special($copy[$i]);
+ if ($file eq $copy[$i] || $file =~ /[\/\\]$re$/) {
+ ## No need to check for previously added files
+ ## here since there are none.
+ $found = 1;
+ push(@front, $file);
+ splice(@copy, $i, 1);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ last if ($found);
+ }
+ if (!$found) {
+ ## The first file listed in @files is the preferred
+ ## extension for the custom command. Take the first
+ ## file extension and see if it matches one in the accepted
+ ## extensions.
+ if (defined $files[0]) {
+ my $ext;
+ if ($files[0] =~ /.*(\.[^\.]+)$/) {
+ $ext = $self->escape_regex_special($1);
+ }
+ if (defined $ext) {
+ ## If it doesn't match one of the accepted extensions,
+ ## then just use the first extension from the type for
+ ## which we are generating.
+ $ext = $$exts[0] if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($ext, $exts));
+ }
+ ## Add all the files that match the chosen extension
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ push(@front, $file) if ($file =~ /$ext$/);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ext = $$exts[0];
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ push(@front, $file) if ($file =~ /$ext$/);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $copy[0]) {
+ ## No need to check for previously added files
+ ## here since there are none.
+ push(@$array, @copy);
+ if (defined $self->get_assignment($grtag)) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grtag, $defgroup);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $front[0]) {
+ if (defined $newgroup) {
+ if (defined $copy[0]) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grtag, $defgroup);
+ }
+ if (!defined $self->{$tag}->{$defcomp}->{$newgroup}) {
+ $self->{$tag}->{$defcomp}->{$newgroup} = \@front;
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@{$self->{$tag}->{$defcomp}->{$newgroup}}, @front);
+ }
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grtag, $newgroup);
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift(@$array, @front);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub generate_default_components {
+ my($self, $files, $passed) = @_;
+ my $genext = $self->{'generated_exts'};
+ my @gc = reverse sort { $self->sort_generated_types($a, $b)
+ } keys %$genext;
+ my @tags = (defined $passed ? $passed :
+ (@gc, keys %{$language{$self->get_language()}->[0]}));
+ my $pchh = $self->get_assignment('pch_header');
+ my $pchc = $self->get_assignment('pch_source');
+ my $recurse = $self->get_assignment('recurse');
+ my $defcomp = $self->get_default_component_name();
+ my $flo = $self->{'flag_overrides'};
+ my $cmdflags = 'commandflags';
+ ## The order of @tags does make a difference in the way that generated
+ ## files get added. Hence the sort call on the generate_exts keys to
+ ## ensure that user defined types come first. They are reverse sorted
+ ## using the custom sort function to ensure that user defined types
+ ## that rely on other user defined types for input files are processed
+ ## first.
+ foreach my $tag (@tags) {
+ if (!defined $genext->{$tag} ||
+ $genext->{$tag}->{'automatic_in'}) {
+ my $exts = $self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag};
+ if (defined $$exts[0]) {
+ if (defined $self->{$tag}) {
+ ## If the tag is defined, then process directories
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ my $comps = $$names{$name};
+ foreach my $comp (keys %$comps) {
+ my $array = $$comps{$comp};
+ if (defined $passed) {
+ $self->sift_files($files, $exts, $pchh, $pchc, $tag, $array);
+ }
+ else {
+ my @built;
+ my $alldirs = 1;
+ foreach my $file (@$array) {
+ if (-d $file) {
+ my @portion;
+ $self->sift_default_file_list($tag, $file, \@portion,
+ $exts, $recurse, $pchh, $pchc);
+ ## Since the file was actually a directory, we will
+ ## need to propagate the flag overrides (if there are
+ ## any) to the newly located files.
+ if (defined $flo->{$tag} &&
+ defined $flo->{$tag}->{$file}) {
+ foreach my $built (@portion) {
+ $flo->{$tag}->{$built} = $flo->{$tag}->{$file};
+ }
+ }
+ ## Always push the @portion array onto the back of
+ ## @built.
+ push(@built, @portion);
+ }
+ else {
+ $alldirs = undef;
+ if (!$self->already_added(\@built, $file)) {
+ push(@built, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($alldirs) {
+ $self->correct_generated_files($defcomp, $exts,
+ $tag, \@built);
+ }
+ $$comps{$comp} = \@built;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Generate default values for undefined tags
+ $self->{$tag} = {};
+ my $comps = {};
+ $self->{$tag}->{$defcomp} = $comps;
+ $$comps{$defgroup} = [];
+ my $array = $$comps{$defgroup};
+ $self->{'defaulted'}->{$tag} = 1;
+ if (!defined $specialComponents{$tag}) {
+ $self->sift_files($files, $exts, $pchh, $pchc, $tag, $array);
+ $self->correct_generated_files($defcomp, $exts, $tag, $array);
+ }
+ }
+ ## If the type that we're generating defaults for ($tag) is a
+ ## custom type, then we need to see if other custom types
+ ## ($gentype) will generate files that will be used as input. It
+ ## has to be done here so that the built-in types will have all
+ ## of the possible input files that they can.
+ if (defined $genext->{$tag}) {
+ foreach my $gentype (keys %{$genext}) {
+ if ($gentype ne $tag) {
+ $self->list_default_generated($gentype, [$tag]);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Now that we have the files for this type ($tag), we need to
+ ## locate a command helper for the custom command and see if it
+ ## knows about any additional output files based on the file
+ ## name.
+ my $cmdHelper = CommandHelper::get($tag);
+ if (defined $cmdHelper) {
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ my $comps = $$names{$name};
+ foreach my $comp (keys %$comps) {
+ my $array = $$comps{$comp};
+ foreach my $file (@$array) {
+ my $flags = defined $flo->{$tag}->{$file} ?
+ $flo->{$tag}->{$file}->{$cmdflags} :
+ $genext->{$tag}->{$cmdflags};
+ my $add_out = $cmdHelper->get_output($file, $flags);
+ push(@{$self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$tag}->{$file}},
+ @$add_out);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub remove_duplicated_files {
+ my($self, $dest, $source) = @_;
+ my @slist = $self->get_component_list($source, 1);
+ ## There's no point in going on if there's nothing in this component
+ ## list.
+ return undef if ($#slist == -1);
+ ## Convert the array into keys for a hash table
+ my %shash;
+ @shash{@slist} = ();
+ ## Find out which source files are listed
+ my $names = $self->{$dest};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ my $array = $$names{$name}->{$key};
+ my $count = scalar(@$array);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
+ ## Is the source file in the component array?
+ if (exists $shash{$$array[$i]}) {
+ ## Remove the element and fix the index and count
+ splice(@$array, $i, 1);
+ --$count;
+ --$i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub generated_source_listed {
+ my($self, $gent, $tag, $arr, $sext) = @_;
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ ## Find out which generated source files are listed
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ my $comps = $$names{$name};
+ foreach my $key (keys %$comps) {
+ foreach my $val (@{$$comps{$key}}) {
+ foreach my $i (keys %$arr) {
+ ## If $gent doesn't cause $tag files to be generated, then we
+ ## can just return a non-zero value to short-circuit attempting
+ ## to add generated files after the caller continues.
+ my @gfiles = $self->generated_filenames($$arr{$i}, $gent, $tag, $i);
+ return 2 if ($#gfiles == -1);
+ foreach my $re (@gfiles) {
+ $re = $self->escape_regex_special($re);
+ return 1 if ($val =~ /$re$/);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub list_default_generated {
+ my($self, $gentype, $tags) = @_;
+ ## This method is called when the user has custom input files and has
+ ## provided source files. If the user defaults the component (i.e.
+ ## source_files, resource_files, etc.) they are filled in by the
+ ## generate_default_components method.
+ if (defined $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype} &&
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{'automatic_out'}) {
+ ## After all source and headers have been defaulted, see if we
+ ## need to add the generated files
+ if (defined $self->{$gentype}) {
+ ## Build up the list of files
+ my %arr;
+ my $names = $self->{$gentype};
+ my $group;
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ my $array = $$names{$name}->{$key};
+ ## Take the last group name we encounter
+ $group = $key if ($key ne $defgroup);
+ foreach my $val (@$array) {
+ $arr{$val} = $self->remove_wanted_extension(
+ $val,
+ $self->{'valid_components'}->{$gentype});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $type (@$tags) {
+ ## Do not add generated files if they are "special"
+ ## unless they haven't been explicitly supplied.
+ if ($gentype ne $type &&
+ (!$specialComponents{$type} ||
+ (!$self->{'special_supplied'}->{$type} ||
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{'special_supplied'}->{$type}, 'ARRAY')))) {
+ if (!$self->generated_source_listed(
+ $gentype, $type, \%arr,
+ $self->{'valid_components'}->{$gentype})) {
+ $self->add_generated_files($gentype, $type, $group, \%arr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub prepend_gendir {
+ my($self, $created, $ofile, $gentype) = @_;
+ my $key;
+ if (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}) {
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$gentype}}) {
+ my $e = $ext;
+ $e =~ s/\\//g;
+ $key = "$ofile$e";
+ last if (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}->{$key});
+ $key = undef;
+ }
+ if (defined $key) {
+ if (StringProcessor::fgrep('gendir',
+ $self->{'matching_assignments'}->{$gentype})) {
+ my $dir = $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}->{$key}->{'gendir'};
+ if (defined $dir) {
+ ## Convert the file to unix style for basename
+ if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}) {
+ $created =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $dir =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ }
+ return ($dir eq '.' ? '' : "$dir/") . $self->mpc_basename($created);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $created;
+sub list_generated_file {
+ my($self, $gentype, $tag, $array, $file, $ofile) = @_;
+ my $count = 0;
+ ## Go through each file listed in our original type and attempt to find
+ ## out if it is the generated file we may need to add ($file).
+ foreach my $gen ($self->get_component_list($gentype, 1)) {
+ my $input = $gen;
+ ## Take the file and see if it contains an extension that our
+ ## generating type ($gentype) knows about. If it does, remove it and
+ ## stop looking for the extension.
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$gentype}}) {
+ ## Remove the extension.
+ ## If it works, then we can exit this loop.
+ last if ($gen =~ s/$ext$//);
+ }
+ ## If the user provided file does not match any of the
+ ## extensions specified by the custom definition, we need
+ ## to remove the extension or else this file will not be
+ ## added to the project.
+ $gen =~ s/\.[^\.]+$// if ($gen eq $input);
+ ## See if we need to add the file. We always need to check since the
+ ## output file may have absolutely nothing in common with the input
+ ## file.
+ foreach my $created ($self->generated_filenames($gen, $gentype,
+ $tag, $input)) {
+ ## $gen is a file that has a custom definition that generates
+ ## files of the type $tag. The $file passed in is of type
+ ## $gentype and, as far as I can tell, $created will always be
+ ## longer or of the same length of $file. It doesn't really
+ ## matter if $file contains a '.' or not.
+ if (index($created, $file) != -1) {
+ if (defined $ofile) {
+ $created = $self->prepend_gendir($created, $ofile, $gentype);
+ }
+ if (!$self->already_added($array, $created)) {
+ push(@$array, $created);
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $count;
+sub add_corresponding_component_files {
+ my($self, $filecomp, $tag) = @_;
+ my $grname = $grouped_key . $tag;
+ ## Create a hash array keyed off of the existing files of the type
+ ## that we plan on adding.
+ my $fexist = 0;
+ my %scfiles;
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ ## Check to see if files exist in the default group
+ if (defined $$names{$name}->{$defgroup} &&
+ defined $$names{$name}->{$defgroup}->[0]) {
+ $fexist = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $comp (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ @scfiles{@{$$names{$name}->{$comp}}} = ();
+ }
+ }
+ ## Create an array of extensions for the files we want to add
+ my @exts;
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$tag}}) {
+ push(@exts, $ext);
+ $exts[$#exts] =~ s/\\//g;
+ }
+ ## Check each file against a possible new file addition
+ my $adddefaultgroup = 0;
+ my $oktoadddefault = 0;
+ foreach my $sfile (keys %$filecomp) {
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $ext (@exts) {
+ if (exists $scfiles{"$sfile$ext"}) {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$found) {
+ ## Get the array of files for the selected component name
+ my $array = [];
+ my $comp = $$filecomp{$sfile};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ if (defined $$names{$name}->{$comp}) {
+ $array = $$names{$name}->{$comp};
+ }
+ }
+ ## First, see if it will be generated so that we can correctly
+ ## deal with 'gendir' settings.
+ foreach my $gentype (keys %{$self->{'generated_exts'}}) {
+ $found += $self->list_generated_file($gentype, $tag, $array, $sfile);
+ }
+ ## Next check to see if the file exists
+ if (!$found) {
+ foreach my $ext (@exts) {
+ if (-r "$sfile$ext") {
+ my $file = "$sfile$ext";
+ if (!$self->already_added($array, $file)) {
+ push(@$array, $file);
+ ++$found;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we have any files at all in the component array, check
+ ## to see if we need to add a new group name
+ if (defined $$array[0]) {
+ if ($comp eq $defgroup) {
+ $adddefaultgroup = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $grval = $self->get_assignment($grname);
+ if (!defined $grval ||
+ !StringProcessor::fgrep($comp, $self->create_array($grval))) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grname, $comp);
+ }
+ $oktoadddefault = 1;
+ $adddefaultgroup |= $fexist;
+ }
+ ## Put the array back into the component list
+ if ($found) {
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ $$names{$name}->{$comp} = $array;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## We only need to add the default group name if we wanted to
+ ## add the default group when adding new files and we added a group
+ ## by some other name. Otherwise, defaulted files would always be
+ ## in a group, which is not what we want.
+ if ($adddefaultgroup && $oktoadddefault) {
+ $self->process_assignment_add($grname, $defgroup);
+ }
+sub get_default_project_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->{'current_input'};
+ if ($name eq '') {
+ $name = $self->transform_file_name($self->base_directory());
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Since files on UNIX can have back slashes, we transform them
+ ## into underscores.
+ $name =~ s/\\/_/g;
+ ## Convert the name to a usable name
+ $name = $self->transform_file_name($name);
+ ## Take off the extension
+ $name =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ }
+ return $name;
+sub remove_excluded {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @tags = @_;
+ ## Process each file type and remove the excluded files
+ foreach my $tag (@tags) {
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $comp (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ my $count = scalar(@{$$names{$name}->{$comp}});
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
+ my $file = $$names{$name}->{$comp}->[$i];
+ if (defined $self->{'remove_files'}->{$tag}->{$file}) {
+ splice(@{$$names{$name}->{$comp}}, $i, 1);
+ --$i;
+ --$count;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## The file does not match exactly with one of the files to
+ ## remove. Look for wildcard specifications in the files to
+ ## be removed and perform the removal if one of them matches
+ ## the current file.
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'remove_files'}->{$tag}}) {
+ if ($key =~ /[\*\?\[\]]/) {
+ my $regex = $key;
+ $regex =~ s/\./\\./g;
+ $regex =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
+ $regex =~ s/\?/\./g;
+ if ($file =~ /^$regex$/) {
+ splice(@{$$names{$name}->{$comp}}, $i, 1);
+ --$i;
+ --$count;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete $self->{'remove_files'}->{$tag};
+ }
+sub sort_generated_types {
+ ## We need to sort the custom component types such that a custom type
+ ## that generates input for another custom type comes first in the
+ ## list.
+ my($self, $left, $right, $norecurse) = @_;
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$left}}) {
+ if ($key =~ /_files$/) {
+ foreach my $regex (@{$self->{'generated_exts'}->{$left}->{$key}}) {
+ my $ext = $regex;
+ $ext =~ s/\\//g;
+ foreach my $vreg (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$right}}) {
+ return -1 if ($ext =~ /$vreg$/);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$norecurse && $self->sort_generated_types($right, $left, 1) == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub generate_defaults {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Generate default project name
+ if (!defined $self->get_assignment('project_name')) {
+ $self->set_project_name($self->get_default_project_name());
+ }
+ ## Generate the default pch file names (if needed)
+ my @files = $self->generate_default_file_list(
+ '.', [],
+ undef, $self->get_assignment('recurse'));
+ $self->generate_default_pch_filenames(\@files);
+ ## If the pch file names are empty strings then we need to fix that
+ $self->fix_pch_filenames();
+ ## Generate default components, but %specialComponents
+ ## are skipped in the initial default components generation
+ $self->generate_default_components(\@files);
+ ## Remove source files that are also listed in the template files
+ ## If we do not do this, then generated projects can be invalid.
+ $self->remove_duplicated_files('source_files', 'template_files');
+ ## If pch files are listed in header_files or source_files more than
+ ## once, we need to remove the extras
+ $self->remove_extra_pch_listings();
+ ## Generate the default generated list of files only if we defaulted
+ ## the generated file list. I want to ensure that source_files comes
+ ## first in the list to pick up group information (since source_files
+ ## are most likely going to be grouped than anything else).
+ my @vc = sort { return -1 if $a eq 'source_files';
+ return 1 if $b eq 'source_files';
+ return $b cmp $a; } keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}};
+ my @gvc = sort { $self->sort_generated_types($a, $b)
+ } keys %{$self->{'generated_exts'}};
+ foreach my $gentype (@gvc) {
+ $self->list_default_generated($gentype, \@vc);
+ }
+ ## Now that all of the source files have been added
+ ## we need to remove those that have need to be removed
+ $self->remove_excluded('source_files');
+ ## Collect up all of the source files that have already been listed
+ ## with the extension removed for use directly below.
+ my %sourcecomp;
+ foreach my $sourcetag (keys %sourceComponents) {
+ my $names = $self->{$sourcetag};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $comp (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ foreach my $sfile (@{$$names{$name}->{$comp}}) {
+ my $mod = $sfile;
+ $mod =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ $sourcecomp{$mod} = $comp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Add %specialComponents files based on the
+ ## source_components (i.e. .h and .i or .inl based on .cpp)
+ foreach my $tag (keys %specialComponents) {
+ $self->add_corresponding_component_files(\%sourcecomp, $tag);
+ }
+ ## Now, if the %specialComponents are still empty
+ ## then take any file that matches the components extension
+ foreach my $tag (keys %specialComponents) {
+ if (!$self->{'special_supplied'}->{$tag} ||
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{'special_supplied'}->{$tag}, 'ARRAY')) {
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ if (defined $names) {
+ ## We only want to generate default components if we have
+ ## defaulted the source files or we have no files listed
+ ## in the current special component.
+ my $ok = $self->{'defaulted'}->{'source_files'};
+ if (!$ok) {
+ my @all;
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ push(@all, @{$$names{$name}->{$key}});
+ }
+ }
+ $ok = (!defined $all[0]);
+ }
+ if ($ok) {
+ ## If the "special" type was supplied and it was all
+ ## directories, we need to use those directories to generate
+ ## the default components instead of the current directory.
+ my $fileref = \@files;
+ if (defined $self->{'special_supplied'}->{$tag} &&
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{'special_supplied'}->{$tag}, 'ARRAY')) {
+ my @special;
+ foreach my $dir (@{$self->{'special_supplied'}->{$tag}}) {
+ push(@special, $self->generate_default_file_list(
+ $dir, [], undef,
+ $self->get_assignment('recurse')));
+ }
+ $fileref = \@special;
+ }
+ $self->generate_default_components($fileref, $tag);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Now that all of the other files have been added
+ ## we need to remove those that have need to be removed
+ my @rmkeys = keys %{$self->{'remove_files'}};
+ $self->remove_excluded(@rmkeys) if (defined $rmkeys[0]);
+ ## Tie custom files together if need be. This currently only applies
+ ## to types with command helpers. At some point, if it is found to be
+ ## desirous, we could extend the MPC syntax somehow to support this
+ ## sort of thing manually.
+ my $dep = 'dependent';
+ foreach my $gentype (@gvc) {
+ my $cmdHelper = CommandHelper::get($gentype);
+ if (defined $cmdHelper) {
+ ## There has to be at least two files files in order for
+ ## something to be tied together.
+ my @files = $self->get_component_list($gentype, 1);
+ if ($#files >= 1) {
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ my $part = $self->remove_wanted_extension(
+ $file, $self->{'valid_components'}->{$gentype});
+ my($tied, $vc) = $cmdHelper->get_tied($file, \@files);
+ foreach my $tie (@$tied) {
+ my @gen;
+ if (!defined $vc) {
+ foreach $vc (@vc) {
+ @gen = $self->generated_filenames($part, $gentype,
+ $vc, $file);
+ last if ($#gen >= 0);
+ }
+ }
+ ## We have a tied file, now we need to actually perform
+ ## the tieing of the two. We will do this by saying that
+ ## the output of the original is necessary for the
+ ## processing of the tied file.
+ @gen = $self->generated_filenames($part, $gentype,
+ $vc, $file) if (!$gen[0]);
+ ## We have found a set of files that are generated
+ ## based on the component type of the original file
+ ## ($gentype), so we just add the first one and
+ ## we're done.
+ my $first = $gen[0];
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}->{$tie}->{$dep} =
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$gentype}->{$dep}
+ if (!defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}->{$tie}->{$dep});
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}->{$tie}->{$dep} .= " $first"
+ if (!defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}->{$tie}->{$dep} ||
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$gentype}->{$tie}->{$dep} !~ /\b$first\b/);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub set_project_name {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ ## Save the unmodified project name so that when we
+ ## need to determine the default target name, we can use
+ ## what is expected by the user.
+ $self->{'unmodified_project_name'} = $name;
+ ## If we are applying the name modifier to the project
+ ## then we will modify the project name
+ if ($self->get_apply_project()) {
+ my $nmod = $self->get_name_modifier();
+ if (defined $nmod) {
+ $nmod =~ s/\*/$name/g;
+ $name = $nmod;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set the project_name assignment so that the TemplateParser
+ ## can get the project name.
+ $self->process_assignment('project_name', $name);
+sub project_name {
+ return $_[0]->get_assignment('project_name');
+sub lib_target {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return (defined $self->get_assignment('sharedname') ||
+ defined $self->get_assignment('staticname'));
+sub exe_target {
+ return (defined $_[0]->get_assignment('exename'));
+sub get_component_list {
+ my($self, $tag, $noconvert) = @_;
+ my $names = $self->{$tag};
+ my @list;
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ push(@list, @{$$names{$name}->{$key}});
+ }
+ }
+ ## By default, if 'convert_slashes' is true, then we convert slashes
+ ## to backslashes. There are cases where we do not want to convert
+ ## the slashes, in that case get_component_list() was called with
+ ## an additional parameter indicating this.
+ if (!$noconvert && $self->{'convert_slashes'}) {
+ foreach my $item (@list) {
+ $item =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->{'sort_files'}) {
+ @list = sort { $self->file_sorter($a, $b) } @list;
+ }
+ return @list;
+sub check_custom_output {
+ my($self, $based, $cinput, $ainput, $type, $comps) = @_;
+ my @outputs;
+ foreach my $array ($self->generated_filenames($cinput, $based,
+ $type, $ainput, 0, 1)) {
+ foreach my $built (@$array) {
+ if (@$comps == 0) {
+ push(@outputs, $built);
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $specialComponents{$type} &&
+ (!$self->{'special_supplied'}->{$type} ||
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($self->{'special_supplied'}->{$type}, 'ARRAY'))) {
+ push(@outputs, $built);
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $base = $built;
+ $base =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ my $re = $self->escape_regex_special($self->mpc_basename($base));
+ foreach my $c (@$comps) {
+ ## We only match if the built file name matches from
+ ## beginning to end or from a slash to the end.
+ if ($c =~ /^$re$/ || $c =~ /[\/\\]$re$/) {
+ push(@outputs, $built);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @outputs;
+sub get_special_value {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $based = shift;
+ my @params = @_;
+ ## These names (held in $type) are variables that contain various
+ ## commands that will be used in templates within the context of a
+ ## foreach (e.g., <%custom_type->input_files%> or <%feature->value%>).
+ if ($type eq 'feature') {
+ return $self->get_feature_value($cmd, $based);
+ }
+ elsif (index($type, 'custom_type') == 0) {
+ return $self->get_custom_value($cmd, $based, @params);
+ }
+ elsif (index($type, $grouped_key) == 0) {
+ return $self->get_grouped_value($type, $cmd, $based);
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_feature_value {
+ my($self, $cmd, $based) = @_;
+ if ($cmd eq 'value') {
+ my $val = $self->{'feature_parser'}->get_value($based);
+ if (defined $val && $val != 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_grouped_value {
+ my($self, $type, $cmd, $based) = @_;
+ my $value;
+ ## Make it all lower case
+ $type = lc($type);
+ ## Remove the grouped_ part
+ $type =~ s/^$grouped_key//;
+ ## Add the s if it isn't there
+ $type .= 's' if ($type !~ /s$/);
+ my $names = $self->{$type};
+ if ($cmd eq 'files') {
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ my $comps = $$names{$name};
+ my @keys = keys %$comps;
+ if (StringProcessor::fgrep($based, \@keys)) {
+ if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}) {
+ my @converted;
+ foreach my $file (@{$$comps{$based}}) {
+ push(@converted, $self->slash_to_backslash($file));
+ }
+ $value = \@converted;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value = $$comps{$based};
+ }
+ if ($self->{'sort_files'}) {
+ my @sorted = sort { $self->file_sorter($a, $b) } @$value;
+ $value = \@sorted;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'component_name') {
+ ## If there is more than one name, then we will need
+ ## to deal with that at a later time.
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ $value = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub get_command_subs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %valid;
+ ## Add the built-in OS compatibility commands
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($self, 'WinProjectBase') ||
+ $self->use_win_compatibility_commands()) {
+ $valid{'cat'} = 'type';
+ $valid{'cmp'} = 'fc';
+ $valid{'cp'} = 'copy /y';
+ $valid{'mkdir'} = 'mkdir';
+ $valid{'mv'} = 'move /y';
+ $valid{'os'} = 'win32';
+ $valid{'rm'} = 'del /f/s/q';
+ $valid{'rmdir'} = 'rmdir /s/q';
+ $valid{'nul'} = 'nul';
+ $valid{'slash'} = '\\';
+ $valid{'bat'} = '.bat';
+ $valid{'cmd'} = '.cmd';
+ $valid{'exe'} = '.exe';
+ }
+ else {
+ $valid{'cat'} = 'cat';
+ $valid{'cmp'} = 'cmp';
+ $valid{'cp'} = 'cp -f';
+ $valid{'mkdir'} = 'mkdir -p';
+ $valid{'mv'} = 'mv -f';
+ $valid{'os'} = 'unix';
+ $valid{'rm'} = 'rm -rf';
+ $valid{'rmdir'} = 'rm -rf';
+ $valid{'nul'} = '/dev/null';
+ $valid{'slash'} = '/';
+ $valid{'bat'} = '';
+ $valid{'cmd'} = '';
+ $valid{'exe'} = '';
+ }
+ ## Add the project specific compatibility commands
+ $valid{'gt'} = $self->get_gt_symbol();
+ $valid{'lt'} = $self->get_lt_symbol();
+ $valid{'and'} = $self->get_and_symbol();
+ $valid{'or'} = $self->get_or_symbol();
+ $valid{'quote'} = $self->get_quote_symbol();
+ $valid{'equote'} = $self->get_escaped_quote_symbol();
+ $valid{'crlf'} = $self->crlf();
+ $valid{'cmdsep'} = $self->get_cmdsep_symbol();
+ $valid{'temporary'} = 'temp.$$$$.' . int(rand(0xffffffff));
+ $valid{'prj_type'} = $self->{'pctype'};
+ return \%valid;
+sub replace_parameters {
+ my($self, $str, $valid, $nowarn, $input, $output, $always_clear) = @_;
+ my %saved;
+ my $count = 0;
+ while ($str =~ /<%(\w+)(\(\w+\))?%>/) {
+ my $name = $1;
+ my $modifier = $2;
+ if (defined $modifier) {
+ my $tmp = $name;
+ $name = $modifier;
+ $name =~ s/[\(\)]//g;
+ $modifier = $tmp;
+ }
+ ## Support both pseudo variables and project settings
+ if (defined $$valid{$name} || $self->is_keyword($name)) {
+ ## If the pseudo variable is defined or the project setting has a
+ ## value, then we'll need to do the replacement. However, if it's
+ ## a project keyword and it's not defined, we will need to delay
+ ## the replacement until later (unless $always_clear is true).
+ my $replace;
+ my $clear = $always_clear;
+ if (defined $$valid{$name}) {
+ $replace = $$valid{$name};
+ }
+ elsif ($self->is_keyword($name)) {
+ $replace = $self->get_assignment($name);
+ }
+ ## Perform the modification and replacement here
+ if (defined $replace) {
+ if (defined $modifier) {
+ if ($modifier eq 'noextension') {
+ $replace =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unknown parameter modifier $modifier.");
+ }
+ }
+ $str =~ s/<%\w+(\(\w+\))?%>/$replace/;
+ }
+ elsif ($clear) {
+ ## We need to clear out this variable usage.
+ $str =~ s/<%\w+(\(\w+\))?%>//;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Save this variable usage to be put back after we're done
+ ## processing the string.
+ my $key = "\1" . $count++ . "\1";
+ if ($str =~ s/(<%\w+(\(\w+\))?%>)/$key/) {
+ $saved{$key} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $str =~ s/<%\w+(\(\w+\))?%>//;
+ ## We only want to warn the user that we did not recognize the
+ ## pseudo template parameter if there was an input and an output
+ ## file passed to this function. If this variable was used
+ ## without the parenthesis (as in an if statement), then we don't
+ ## want to warn the user.
+ if (defined $input && defined $output) {
+ if (!defined $$nowarn{$name}) {
+ $self->warning("<%$name%> was not recognized.");
+ }
+ ## If we didn't recognize the pseudo template parameter then
+ ## we don't want to return anything back.
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Replace the saved variables so that they may be replaced (or
+ ## removed) later on.
+ foreach my $key (keys %saved) {
+ $str =~ s/$key/$saved{$key}/;
+ }
+ return $str;
+sub convert_command_parameters {
+ my($self, $ktype, $str, $input, $output) = @_;
+ my %nowarn;
+ my %valid = %{$self->{'command_subs'}};
+ ## Add in the values that change for every call to this function
+ $valid{'temporary'} = 'temp.$$$$.' . int(rand(0xffffffff));
+ if (defined $input) {
+ $valid{'input'} = $input;
+ $valid{'input_basename'} = $self->mpc_basename($input);
+ $valid{'input_dirname'} = $self->mpc_dirname($input);
+ $valid{'input_noext'} = $input;
+ ## An input file doesn't always have an extension. If there isn't
+ ## one, then we need to set the 'input_ext' field to an empty string
+ ## ($1 will not necessarily have a valid value).
+ if ($valid{'input_noext'} =~ s/(\.[^\.]+)$//) {
+ $valid{'input_ext'} = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $valid{'input_ext'} = '';
+ }
+ ## Check for the gendir setting associated with this input file. We
+ ## have to check at so many levels so we don't inadvertantly create
+ ## intermediate hash tables.
+ if (defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$ktype} &&
+ defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$ktype}->{$input} &&
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$ktype}->{$input}->{'gendir'}) {
+ $valid{'gendir'} = $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$ktype}->{$input}->{'gendir'};
+ }
+ }
+ ## If there is no gendir setting, just set it to the current directory.
+ $valid{'gendir'} = '.' if (!defined $valid{'gendir'});
+ if (defined $output) {
+ my $first = 1;
+ $valid{'output'} = "@$output";
+ foreach my $out (@$output) {
+ ## An output file doesn't always have an extension. If there isn't
+ ## one, then we need to set the 'output_ext' field to an empty
+ ## string ($1 will not necessarily have a valid value).
+ my $noext = $out;
+ if ($noext =~ s/(\.[^\.]+)$//) {
+ $valid{'output_ext'} = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $valid{'output_ext'} = '';
+ }
+ $valid{'output_noext'} .= (!$first ? ' ' : '') . $noext;
+ ## In order to call basename or dirname, we must make sure that the
+ ## directory separators are forward slashes.
+ my $file = $out;
+ $file =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ $valid{'output_basename'} .= (!$first ? ' ' : '') .
+ $self->mpc_basename($file);
+ $valid{'output_dirname'} .= (!$first ? ' ' : '') .
+ $self->mpc_dirname($file);
+ $first = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Add in the specific types of output files
+ if (defined $output) {
+ foreach my $type (keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ my $key = $type;
+ $key =~ s/s$//gi;
+ $nowarn{$key} = 1;
+ $nowarn{$key . '_noext'} = 1;
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$type}}) {
+ foreach my $out (@$output) {
+ if ($out =~ /$ext$/) {
+ $valid{$key} = $out;
+ $valid{$key . '_noext'} = $out;
+ $valid{$key . '_noext'} =~ s/$ext$//;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->replace_parameters($str, \%valid, \%nowarn, $input, $output, 1);
+sub get_custom_value {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $based = shift;
+ my @params = @_;
+ my $value;
+ if ($cmd eq 'input_files') {
+ ## Get the component list for the component type
+ my @array = $self->get_component_list($based);
+ ## Check for directories in the component list. If the component
+ ## type is not automatic, we may have directories here and will need
+ ## to get the file list for that type.
+ my $once;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@array); ++$i) {
+ if (-d $array[$i]) {
+ if (!defined $once) {
+ $once = {'recurse' => $self->get_assignment('recurse'),
+ 'pchh' => $self->get_assignment('pch_header'),
+ 'pchc' => $self->get_assignment('pch_source'),
+ };
+ }
+ my @built;
+ $self->sift_default_file_list($based, $array[$i], \@built,
+ $self->{'valid_components'}->{$based},
+ $$once{'recurse'},
+ $$once{'pchh'}, $$once{'pchc'});
+ splice(@array, $i, 1, @built);
+ $i += $#built;
+ }
+ }
+ $value = \@array;
+ $self->{'custom_output_files'} = {};
+ my %vcomps;
+ foreach my $vc (keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ my @comps = $self->get_component_list($vc);
+ $vcomps{$vc} = \@comps;
+ }
+ $vcomps{$generic_key} = [];
+ foreach my $input (@array) {
+ my @outputs;
+ my $ainput = $input;
+ my $cinput = $input;
+ ## Remove the extension
+ $cinput =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ ## If we are converting slashes,
+ ## change them back for this parameter
+ $ainput =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ ## Add all of the output files. We can not add $generic_key to the
+ ## list here (as it used to be). It may have been handled by
+ ## generated_filenames.
+ foreach my $vc (keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ ## The output of multiple components could be input for the
+ ## current component type ($based). We need to avoid adding
+ ## duplicates here.
+ foreach my $file ($self->check_custom_output(
+ $based, $cinput, $ainput, $vc, $vcomps{$vc})) {
+ push(@outputs, $file) if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($file, \@outputs));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $file ($self->check_custom_output($based, $cinput,
+ $ainput, $generic_key,
+ $vcomps{$generic_key})) {
+ push(@outputs, $file) if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($file, \@outputs));
+ }
+ ## Add specially listed files avoiding duplicates. We don't want
+ ## to add these files if gendir is set to something besides .
+ if (defined $self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$based} &&
+ defined $self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$based}->{$ainput} &&
+ (!defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$based} ||
+ !defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$based}->{$ainput} ||
+ !defined $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$based}->{$ainput}->{'gendir'} ||
+ $self->{'flag_overrides'}->{$based}->{$ainput}->{'gendir'} eq '.')) {
+ foreach my $file (@{$self->{'custom_special_output'}->{$based}->{$ainput}}) {
+ push(@outputs, $file) if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($file, \@outputs));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}) {
+ foreach my $output (@outputs) {
+ $output =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->{'sort_files'}) {
+ @outputs = sort { $self->file_sorter($a, $b) } @outputs;
+ }
+ $self->{'custom_output_files'}->{$input} = \@outputs;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'output_files') {
+ # Generate output files based on $based
+ if (defined $self->{'custom_output_files'}) {
+ $value = $self->{'custom_output_files'}->{$based};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'source_output_files') {
+ # Generate source output files based on $based
+ if (defined $self->{'custom_output_files'}) {
+ $value = [];
+ foreach my $file (@{$self->{'custom_output_files'}->{$based}}) {
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{'source_files'}}) {
+ if ($file =~ /$ext$/) {
+ ## We've found a file that matches one of the source file
+ ## extensions. Now we have to make sure that it doesn't
+ ## match a template file extension.
+ my $matched = 0;
+ foreach my $text (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{'template_files'}}) {
+ if ($file =~ /$text$/) {
+ $matched = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ push(@$value, $file) if (!$matched);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'non_source_output_files') {
+ # Generate non source output files based on $based
+ if (defined $self->{'custom_output_files'}) {
+ $value = [];
+ foreach my $file (@{$self->{'custom_output_files'}->{$based}}) {
+ my $source = 0;
+ foreach my $ext (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{'source_files'}}) {
+ if ($file =~ /$ext$/) {
+ $source = 1;
+ ## We've found a file that matches one of the source file
+ ## extensions. Now we have to make sure that it doesn't
+ ## match a template file extension.
+ foreach my $text (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{'template_files'}}) {
+ if ($file =~ /$text$/) {
+ $source = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ last if ($source);
+ }
+ }
+ push(@$value, $file) if (!$source);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'inputexts') {
+ my @array = @{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$based}};
+ foreach my $val (@array) {
+ $val =~ s/\\\.//g;
+ }
+ $value = \@array;
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq 'dependencies') {
+ ## If we are converting slashes, change them back for this parameter
+ $based =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'});
+ $value = $self->{'custom_special_depend'}->{$based};
+ }
+ elsif (defined $customDefined{$cmd}) {
+ $value = $self->get_assignment($cmd,
+ $self->{'generated_exts'}->{$based});
+ if (defined $value && ($customDefined{$cmd} & 0x14) != 0) {
+ $value = $self->convert_command_parameters($based, $value, @params);
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub check_features {
+ my($self, $requires, $avoids, $info) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $why;
+ if (defined $requires) {
+ foreach my $require (split(/\s+/, $requires)) {
+ my $fval = $self->{'feature_parser'}->get_value($require);
+ ## By default, if the feature is not listed, then it is enabled.
+ if (defined $fval && !$fval) {
+ $why = "requires $require";
+ $status = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ ## For automakes sake, if we're to this point the feature is
+ ## enabled and we will set it in the feature parser explicitly
+ if (!defined $fval) {
+ $self->{'feature_parser'}->parse_line(undef, "$require = 1");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If it passes the requires, then check the avoids
+ if ($status) {
+ if (defined $avoids) {
+ foreach my $avoid (split(/\s+/, $avoids)) {
+ my $fval = $self->{'feature_parser'}->get_value($avoid);
+ ## By default, if the feature is not listed, then it is enabled.
+ if (!defined $fval || $fval) {
+ $why = "avoids $avoid";
+ $status = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($info && !$status) {
+ $self->details("Skipping " . $self->get_assignment('project_name') .
+ " ($self->{'current_input'}), it $why.");
+ }
+ return $status;
+sub need_to_write_project {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $count = 0;
+ ## We always write a project if the user has provided a verbatim.
+ ## We have no idea what that verbatim clause does, so we need to just
+ ## do what the user tells us to do.
+ return 1 if (defined $self->{'verbatim'}->{$self->{'pctype'}});
+ ## The order here is important, we must check for source or resource
+ ## files first and then for custom input files.
+ foreach my $key ('source_files', $self->get_resource_tag(),
+ keys %{$self->{'generated_exts'}}) {
+ my $names = $self->{$key};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$names->{$name}}) {
+ ## See if the project contains a file that corresponds to this
+ ## component name.
+ if (defined $names->{$name}->{$key}->[0]) {
+ if ($count >= 2) {
+ ## Return 2 if we have found a custom input file (and thus no
+ ## source or resource files due to the foreach order).
+ return 2;
+ }
+ ## We have either source files or resource files, we need to
+ ## see if this project creator supports the current language.
+ ## If it doesn't then we don't need to create the project.
+ elsif ($self->languageSupported()) {
+ ## Return 1 if we have found a source file or a resource file.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ ## Indicate that there is no need to write the project
+ return 0;
+sub write_output_file {
+ my($self, $webapp) = @_;
+ my $status = 0;
+ my $error;
+ my $tover = $self->get_template_override();
+ my @templates = $self->get_template();
+ ## The template override will override all templates
+ @templates = ($tover) if (defined $tover);
+ foreach my $template (@templates) {
+ ## Save the template name for use as a key for various function calls
+ $self->{'current_template'} = $template;
+ ## Create the output file name based on the project name and the
+ ## template that we're currently using.
+ my $name = $self->transform_file_name(
+ $self->project_file_name(undef,
+ $self->{'current_template'}));
+ ## If the template files does not end in the template extension
+ ## then we will add it on.
+ if ($template !~ /$TemplateExtension$/) {
+ $template .= '.' . $TemplateExtension;
+ }
+ ## If the template file does not contain a path, then we
+ ## will search through the include paths for it.
+ my $tfile;
+ if ($template =~ /[\/\\]/i) {
+ $tfile = $template;
+ }
+ else {
+ $tfile = $self->search_include_path($template);
+ }
+ if (defined $tfile) {
+ ## Read in the template values for the specific target and project
+ ## type. The template input file we get may depend upon the
+ ## current template that we're using.
+ ($status, $error) = $self->read_template_input(
+ $self->{'current_template'});
+ last if (!$status);
+ my $tp = new TemplateParser($self);
+ ## Set the project_file assignment for the template parser
+ $self->process_assignment('project_file', $name);
+ ($status, $error) = $tp->parse_file($tfile);
+ last if (!$status);
+ if (defined $self->{'source_callback'}) {
+ my $cb = $self->{'source_callback'};
+ my $pjname = $self->get_assignment('project_name');
+ my @list = $self->get_component_list('source_files');
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($cb, 'ARRAY')) {
+ my @copy = @$cb;
+ my $s = shift(@copy);
+ &$s(@copy, $name, $pjname, \@list);
+ }
+ elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($cb, 'CODE')) {
+ &$cb($name, $pjname, \@list);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Ignoring callback: $cb.");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->get_toplevel()) {
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ my $oname = $name;
+ $name = "$outdir/$name";
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($name);
+ mkpath($dir, 0, 0777) if ($dir ne '.');
+ if ($webapp) {
+ ## At this point in time, webapps do not get a project file,
+ ## but they do appear in the workspace
+ }
+ elsif ($self->compare_output()) {
+ ## First write the output to a temporary file
+ my $tmp = "$outdir/MPC$>.$$";
+ my $different = 1;
+ if (open($fh, ">$tmp")) {
+ my $lines = $tp->get_lines();
+ foreach my $line (@$lines) {
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ $different = 0 if (!$self->files_are_different($name, $tmp));
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unable to open $tmp for output.";
+ $status = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ ## If they are different, then rename the temporary file
+ if ($different) {
+ unlink($name);
+ if (rename($tmp, $name)) {
+ $self->post_file_creation($name);
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unable to open $name for output.";
+ $status = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## We will pretend that we wrote the file
+ unlink($tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (open($fh, ">$name")) {
+ my $lines = $tp->get_lines();
+ foreach my $line (@$lines) {
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ $self->post_file_creation($name);
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unable to open $name for output.";
+ $status = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ ## There may be more than one template associated with this
+ ## project creator. If there is, we can only add one generated
+ ## file and we rely on the project creator to tell us which
+ ## template generates the file that we need to track.
+ $self->add_file_written($oname)
+ if ($self->file_visible($self->{'current_template'}));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unable to locate the template file: $template.";
+ $status = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub write_install_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $insfile = $self->transform_file_name(
+ $self->get_assignment('project_name')) .
+ '.ins';
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ $insfile = "$outdir/$insfile";
+ unlink($insfile);
+ if (open($fh, ">$insfile")) {
+ foreach my $vc (keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ my $names = $self->{$vc};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ my $array = $$names{$name}->{$key};
+ if (defined $$array[0]) {
+ print $fh "$vc:\n";
+ foreach my $file (@$array) {
+ print $fh "$file\n";
+ }
+ print $fh "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->exe_target()) {
+ my $exeout = $self->get_assignment('exeout');
+ print $fh "exe_output:\n",
+ (defined $exeout ? $self->relative($exeout) : ''),
+ ' ', $self->get_assignment('exename'), "\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($self->lib_target()) {
+ my $shared = $self->get_assignment('sharedname');
+ my $static = $self->get_assignment('staticname');
+ my $dllout = $self->relative($self->get_assignment('dllout'));
+ my $libout = $self->relative($self->get_assignment('libout'));
+ print $fh "lib_output:\n";
+ if (defined $shared && $shared ne '') {
+ print $fh (defined $dllout ? $dllout : $libout), " $shared\n";
+ }
+ if ((defined $static && $static ne '') &&
+ (defined $dllout || !defined $shared ||
+ (defined $shared && $shared ne $static))) {
+ print $fh "$libout $static\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ return 1, undef;
+ }
+ return 0, 'Unable write to ' . $insfile;
+sub write_project {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $status = 2;
+ my $error;
+ my $progress = $self->get_progress_callback();
+ &$progress() if (defined $progress);
+ if ($self->check_features($self->get_assignment('requires'),
+ $self->get_assignment('avoids'),
+ 1)) {
+ my $webapp = $self->get_assignment('webapp');
+ my $ntwp = $self->need_to_write_project();
+ if ($webapp || $ntwp) {
+ if ($webapp && !$self->webapp_supported()) {
+ $self->warning("Web Applications are not supported by this type.");
+ }
+ else {
+ ## A return value of 2 from need_to_write_project() indicates
+ ## that the only reason that we need to write the project is that
+ ## there are custom input files (i.e., no source or resource
+ ## files).
+ $self->process_assignment('custom_only', '1') if ($ntwp == 2);
+ if ($self->get_assignment('custom_only')) {
+ $self->remove_non_custom_settings();
+ }
+ if ($self->{'escape_spaces'}) {
+ foreach my $name ('exename', 'sharedname', 'staticname',
+ 'exeout', 'dllout', 'libout') {
+ my $value = $self->get_assignment($name);
+ if (defined $value && $value =~ s/(\s)/\\$1/g) {
+ $self->process_assignment($name, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ my $names = $self->{$key};
+ foreach my $name (keys %$names) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$$names{$name}}) {
+ foreach my $file (@{$$names{$name}->{$key}}) {
+ $file =~ s/(\s)/\\$1/g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## We don't need to pass a file name here. write_output_file()
+ ## will determine the file name for itself.
+ ($status, $error) = $self->write_output_file($webapp);
+ ## Write the .ins file if the user requested it and we were
+ ## successful.
+ if ($self->{'generate_ins'} && $status) {
+ ($status, $error) = $self->write_install_file();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($self->warn_useless_project()) {
+ my $msg = $self->transform_file_name($self->project_file_name()) .
+ " has no useful targets.";
+ if ($self->{'current_input'} eq '') {
+ $self->information($msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning($msg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub get_project_info {
+ return $_[0]->{'project_info'};
+sub get_lib_locations {
+ return $_[0]->{'lib_locations'};
+sub get_inheritance_tree {
+ return $_[0]->{'inheritance_tree'};
+sub set_component_extensions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $vc = $self->{'valid_components'};
+ my $ec = $self->{'exclude_components'};
+ foreach my $key (keys %$vc) {
+ my $ov = $self->override_valid_component_extensions($key,
+ @{$$vc{$key}});
+ $$vc{$key} = $ov if (defined $ov);
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys %$ec) {
+ my $ov = $self->override_exclude_component_extensions($key,
+ @{$$ec{$key}});
+ $$ec{$key} = $ov if (defined $ov);
+ }
+sub get_component_extensions {
+ my($self, $comp) = @_;
+ my @ext;
+ if (defined $self->{'valid_components'}->{$comp}) {
+ ## Build up an array of extensions. Since they are stored as regular
+ ## expressions, we need to remove the escaped period to provide the
+ ## minimal amount of text for each extension to provide maximum
+ ## flexibility within the project template.
+ foreach my $re (@{$self->{'valid_components'}->{$comp}}) {
+ push(@ext, $re);
+ $ext[$#ext] =~ s/\\\.//;
+ }
+ }
+ return @ext;
+sub set_source_listing_callback {
+ my($self, $cb) = @_;
+ $self->{'source_callback'} = $cb;
+sub reset_values {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Only put data structures that need to be cleared
+ ## out when the mpc file is done being read, not at the
+ ## end of each project within the mpc file. Those go in
+ ## the closing curly brace section of parse_line().
+ $self->{'project_info'} = [];
+ $self->{'lib_locations'} = {};
+ $self->reset_generating_types();
+sub add_default_matching_assignments {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lang = $self->get_language();
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$language{$lang}->[0]}) {
+ push(@{$language{$lang}->[2]->{$key}}, @default_matching_assignments)
+ if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($default_matching_assignments[0],
+ $language{$lang}->[2]->{$key}));
+ }
+sub reset_generating_types {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lang = $self->get_language();
+ my %reset = ('valid_components' => $language{$lang}->[0],
+ 'custom_only_removed' => $language{$lang}->[0],
+ 'exclude_components' => $language{$lang}->[1],
+ 'matching_assignments' => $language{$lang}->[2],
+ 'generated_exts' => {},
+ 'valid_names' => \%validNames,
+ );
+ foreach my $r (keys %reset) {
+ $self->{$r} = {};
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$reset{$r}}) {
+ $self->{$r}->{$key} = $reset{$r}->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'custom_types'} = {};
+ ## Allow subclasses to override the default extensions
+ $self->set_component_extensions();
+sub get_template_input {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lang = $self->get_language();
+ ## This follows along the same logic as read_template_input() by
+ ## checking for exe target and then defaulting to a lib target
+ if ($self->exe_target()) {
+ if ($self->get_static() == 1) {
+ return $self->{'lib_exe_template_input'}->{$lang}->{$tikey};
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->{'dll_exe_template_input'}->{$lang}->{$tikey};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->get_static() == 1) {
+ return $self->{'lib_template_input'}->{$lang}->{$tikey};
+ }
+ return $self->{'dll_template_input'}->{$lang}->{$tikey};
+sub update_project_info {
+ my($self, $tparser, $append, $names, $sep) = @_;
+ my $value = '';
+ $sep = '' if (!defined $sep);
+ ## Append the values of all names into one string
+ my $ncount = scalar(@$names) - 1;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $ncount; $i++) {
+ $value .= $self->translate_value(
+ $$names[$i],
+ $tparser->get_value_with_default($$names[$i]));
+ $value .= $sep if ($i != $ncount);
+ }
+ ## There may be more than one template associated with this project
+ ## creator. If there is, we can only add one generated file and we
+ ## rely on the project creator to tell us which template generates the
+ ## file that we need to track.
+ if ($self->file_visible($self->{'current_template'})) {
+ ## If we already have an array, take the one off the top. Otherwise,
+ ## create a new one which will be added below.
+ my $arr = ($append && defined $self->{'project_info'}->[0] ?
+ pop(@{$self->{'project_info'}}) : []);
+ ## Set up the hash table when we are starting a new project_info
+ $self->{'project_info_hash_table'} = {} if (!$append);
+ ## If we haven't seen this value yet, put it on the array
+ if (!defined $self->{'project_info_hash_table'}->{"@$names $value"}) {
+ $self->{'project_info_hash_table'}->{"@$names $value"} = 1;
+ push(@$arr, $value);
+ }
+ ## Always push the array back onto the project_info
+ push(@{$self->{'project_info'}}, $arr);
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub adjust_value {
+ my($self, $names, $value, $tp) = @_;
+ my $atemp = $self->get_addtemp();
+ ## Perform any additions, subtractions
+ ## or overrides for the template values.
+ foreach my $name (@$names) {
+ if (defined $name && defined $atemp->{lc($name)}) {
+ my $lname = lc($name);
+ my $base = $lname;
+ $base =~ s/.*:://;
+ ## If the template variable is a complex name, then we need to make
+ ## sure that the mapped value belongs to the correct type based on
+ ## the base of the complex name. The $tp (TemplateParser) variable
+ ## will, in the majority of all calls to this method, be defined so
+ ## it is checked second to avoid checking it if the name isn't
+ ## complex.
+ if ($base =~ /(.+)\->/ && defined $tp) {
+ my $v = $tp->get_value($1);
+ if (defined $v) {
+ my $found = undef;
+ foreach my $val (@{$atemp->{$lname}}) {
+ if (defined $$val[3]) {
+ my $mapped = $self->{'valid_names'}->{$$val[3]};
+ if (defined $mapped && UNIVERSAL::isa($mapped, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $found = 1 if ($v ne $$mapped[0]);
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ next if ($found);
+ }
+ }
+ my $replace = (defined $self->{'valid_names'}->{$base} &&
+ ($self->{'valid_names'}->{$base} & 0x04) == 0);
+ foreach my $val (@{$atemp->{$lname}}) {
+ if ($replace && index($$val[1], '<%') >= 0) {
+ $$val[1] = $self->replace_parameters($$val[1],
+ $self->{'command_subs'});
+ }
+ my $arr = $self->create_array($$val[1]);
+ if ($$val[0] > 0) {
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ $value = '';
+ }
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'ARRAY')) {
+ ## Avoid adding duplicates. If the existing array contains
+ ## the value already, remove it from the newly created array.
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$value); $i++) {
+ if (StringProcessor::fgrep($$value[$i], $arr)) {
+ splice(@$value, $i, 1);
+ $i--;
+ }
+ }
+ ## We need to make $value a new array reference ($arr)
+ ## to avoid modifying the array reference pointed to by $value
+ unshift(@$arr, @$value);
+ $value = $arr;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value .= " $$val[1]";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($$val[0] < 0) {
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my $parts;
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $parts = $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ $parts = $self->create_array($value);
+ }
+ $value = [];
+ foreach my $part (@$parts) {
+ if ($part ne '') {
+ push(@$value, $part) if (!StringProcessor::fgrep($part, $arr));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## If the user set the variable to empty, then we need to
+ ## set the value to undef
+ $value = (defined $$arr[0] ? $arr : undef);
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub get_verbatim {
+ my($self, $marker) = @_;
+ my $str;
+ my $thash = $self->{'verbatim'}->{$self->{'pctype'}};
+ if (defined $thash) {
+ if (defined $thash->{$marker}) {
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ foreach my $line (@{$thash->{$marker}}) {
+ $str = '' if (!defined $str);
+ $str .= $self->process_special($line) . $crlf;
+ }
+ if (defined $str) {
+ $str .= $crlf;
+ $self->{'verbatim_accessed'}->{$self->{'pctype'}}->{$marker} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $str;
+sub generate_recursive_input_list {
+ my($self, $dir, $exclude) = @_;
+ return $self->extension_recursive_input_list($dir,
+ $exclude,
+ $ProjectCreatorExtension);
+sub get_modified_project_file_name {
+ my($self, $name, $ext) = @_;
+ my $nmod = $self->get_name_modifier();
+ ## We don't apply the name modifier to the project file
+ ## name if we have already applied it to the project name
+ ## since the project file name comes from the project name.
+ if (defined $nmod && !$self->get_apply_project()) {
+ $nmod =~ s/\*/$name/g;
+ $name = $nmod;
+ }
+ return "$name$ext";
+sub get_valid_names {
+ return $_[0]->{'valid_names'};
+sub get_feature_parser {
+ return $_[0]->{'feature_parser'};
+sub preserve_assignment_order {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $mapped = $self->{'valid_names'}->{$name};
+ ## Only return the value stored in the valid_names hash map if it's
+ ## defined and it's not an array reference. The array reference is
+ ## a keyword mapping and all mapped keywords should have preserved
+ ## assignment order.
+ if (defined $mapped && !UNIVERSAL::isa($mapped, 'ARRAY')) {
+ return ($mapped & 1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub add_to_template_input_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $mapped = $self->{'valid_names'}->{$name};
+ ## Only return the value stored in the valid_names hash map if it's
+ ## defined and it's not an array reference. The array reference is
+ ## a keyword mapping and no mapped keywords should be added to
+ ## template input variables.
+ if (defined $mapped && !UNIVERSAL::isa($mapped, 'ARRAY')) {
+ return ($mapped & 2);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub dependency_combined_static_library {
+ #my $self = shift;
+sub translate_value {
+ my($self, $key, $val) = @_;
+ if ($key eq 'after' && $val ne '') {
+ my $arr = $self->create_array($val);
+ $val = '';
+ if ($self->require_dependencies()) {
+ foreach my $entry (@$arr) {
+ if ($self->get_apply_project()) {
+ my $nmod = $self->get_name_modifier();
+ if (defined $nmod) {
+ $nmod =~ s/\*/$entry/g;
+ $entry = $nmod;
+ }
+ }
+ $val .= '"' . ($self->dependency_is_filename() ?
+ $self->project_file_name($entry) : $entry) . '" ';
+ }
+ $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ }
+ return $val;
+sub requires_parameters {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $name = shift;
+ return $custom{$_[1]};
+sub project_file_name {
+ my($self, $name, $template) = @_;
+ ## Fill in the name if one wasn't provided
+ $name = $self->get_assignment('project_name') if (!defined $name);
+ return $self->get_modified_project_file_name(
+ $self->project_file_prefix() . $name,
+ $self->project_file_extension());
+sub remove_non_custom_settings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Remove any files that may have automatically been added
+ ## to this project
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'custom_only_removed'}}) {
+ $self->{$key} = {};
+ }
+ ## Unset the exename, sharedname and staticname
+ $self->process_assignment('exename', undef);
+ $self->process_assignment('sharedname', undef);
+ $self->process_assignment('staticname', undef);
+sub remove_wanted_extension {
+ my($self, $name, $array) = @_;
+ foreach my $wanted (@$array) {
+ return $name if ($name =~ s/$wanted$//);
+ }
+ ## If the user provided file does not match any of the
+ ## extensions specified by the custom definition, we need
+ ## to remove the extension or else this file will not be
+ ## added to the project.
+ $name =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ return $name;
+sub resolve_alias {
+ if (index($_[1], 'install') >= 0) {
+ my $resolved = $_[1];
+ if ($resolved =~ s/(.*::)install$/$1exeout/) {
+ }
+ elsif ($resolved eq 'install') {
+ $resolved = 'exeout';
+ }
+ return $resolved;
+ }
+ return $_[1];
+sub create_feature_parser {
+ my($self, $features, $feature) = @_;
+ my $gfeature = $self->{'gfeature_file'};
+ my $typefeaturef = (defined $gfeature ?
+ $self->mpc_dirname($gfeature) . '/' : '') .
+ $self->{'pctype'} . '.features';
+ $typefeaturef = undef if (! -r $typefeaturef);
+ if (defined $feature && $feature !~ /[\/\\]/i) {
+ my $searched = $self->search_include_path($feature);
+ $feature = $searched if (defined $searched);
+ }
+ my $fp = new FeatureParser($features,
+ $gfeature,
+ $typefeaturef,
+ $feature);
+ my $slo = $fp->get_value($static_libs_feature);
+ if (!defined $slo) {
+ my $sval = $self->get_static() || 0;
+ $fp->parse_line(undef,
+ $static_libs_feature . ' = ' . $sval);
+ }
+ return $fp;
+sub restore_state_helper {
+ my($self, $skey, $old, $new) = @_;
+ if ($skey eq 'feature_file') {
+ if ($self->{'features_changed'} ||
+ !(!defined $old && !defined $new ||
+ (defined $old && defined $new && $old eq $new))) {
+ ## Create a new feature parser. This relies on the fact that
+ ## 'features' is restored first in restore_state().
+ $self->{'feature_parser'} = $self->create_feature_parser(
+ $self->get_features(), $new);
+ $self->{'features_changed'} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($skey eq 'ti') {
+ my $lang = $self->get_language();
+ my @keys = keys %$old;
+ @keys = keys %$new if (!defined $keys[0]);
+ foreach my $key (@keys) {
+ if (!defined $$old{$key} || !defined $$new{$key} ||
+ $$old{$key} ne $$new{$key}) {
+ ## Clear out the template input reader that we're currently set
+ ## to use.
+ $self->{$key . '_template_input'}->{$lang}->{$tikey} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($skey eq 'features') {
+ ## If the user has changed the 'features' setting, then we need to
+ ## make sure that we create a new feature parser regardless of
+ ## whether or not the feature file has changed.
+ $self->{'features_changed'} = ("@$old" ne "@$new");
+ }
+ elsif ($skey eq 'language') {
+ if ($old ne $new) {
+ $self->add_default_matching_assignments();
+ }
+ }
+sub get_initial_relative_values {
+ return $_[0]->{'expanded'}, 1;
+sub add_main_function {
+ my $langmain = shift;
+ ## See if a language was supplied.
+ if ($langmain =~ /([^:]+):(.+)/) {
+ ## If the language supplied is not one that we know about, return an
+ ## error message.
+ return 'Invalid language: ' . $1 if (!defined $language{$1});
+ ## Otherwise, add it to the list for the language.
+ push(@{$mains{$1}}, $2);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## No language was supplied, so add the main to all of the languages
+ ## that we support.
+ foreach my $lang (keys %language) {
+ push(@{$mains{$lang}}, $langmain);
+ }
+ }
+ ## Return no error message.
+ return undef;
+sub get_resource_tag {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lang = $self->get_language();
+ ## Not all entries in the %language map have a resource tag.
+ ## For this, we will just return the tag for C++ since it probably
+ ## doesn't really matter anyway.
+ return defined $language{$lang}->[5] ? $language{$lang}->[5] : $cppresource;
+# ************************************************************
+# Accessors used by support scripts
+# ************************************************************
+sub getKeywords {
+ return \%validNames;
+sub getValidComponents {
+ my $language = shift;
+ return (defined $language{$language} ? $language{$language}->[0] : undef);
+# ************************************************************
+# Virtual Methods To Be Overridden
+# ************************************************************
+sub languageSupported {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return $_[0]->get_language() eq Creator::cplusplus;
+sub file_visible {
+ #my($self, $template) = @_;
+ return 1;
+sub webapp_supported {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub use_win_compatibility_commands {
+ #my $self = shift;
+sub post_file_creation {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $file = shift;
+sub escape_spaces {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub validated_directory {
+ my($self, $dir) = @_;
+ return $dir;
+sub get_quote_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '"';
+sub get_escaped_quote_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '\\\"';
+sub get_gt_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '>';
+sub get_lt_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '<';
+sub get_and_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&&';
+sub get_or_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '||';
+sub get_cmdsep_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return ';';
+sub dollar_special {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub expand_variables_from_template_values {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub require_dependencies {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub dependency_is_filename {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub fill_value {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $name = shift;
+ return undef;
+sub project_file_prefix {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '';
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '';
+sub override_valid_component_extensions {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $comp = shift;
+ return undef;
+sub override_exclude_component_extensions {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $comp = shift;
+ return undef;
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my($self, $tkey) = @_;
+ return undef;
+sub get_lib_exe_template_input_file {
+ my($self, $tkey) = @_;
+ return $self->get_dll_exe_template_input_file($tkey);
+sub get_lib_template_input_file {
+ my($self, $tkey) = @_;
+ return $self->get_dll_template_input_file($tkey);
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my($self, $tkey) = @_;
+ return undef;
+sub get_template {
+ return $_[0]->{'pctype'};
+sub requires_forward_slashes {
+ return 0;
+sub warn_useless_project {
+ return 1;
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return {'static' => $self->get_static(),
+ $self->get_language() => 1};
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a1508beb29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package SLEProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : The SLE Project Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 3/23/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use XMLProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XMLProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.vpj';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'sleexe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'sledll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..52ee2691a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package SLEWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : The SLE Workspace Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 3/23/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use SLEProjectCreator;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.vpw';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ print $fh "<!DOCTYPE Workspace SYSTEM \"\">$crlf" .
+ "<Workspace Version=\"8.1\" VendorName=\"SlickEdit\">$crlf";
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ print $fh "\t<Projects>$crlf";
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
+ print $fh "\t\t<Project File=\"$project\"/>$crlf";
+ }
+ print $fh "\t</Projects>$crlf";
+sub post_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ print $fh '</Workspace>' . $self->crlf();
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc08e97fd2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package StringProcessor;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Perform various algorithms on strings
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 3/07/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub parse_assignment {
+ my($self, $line, $values) = @_;
+ ## In MPC, a scope can have spaces in it. However, it can not end
+ ## in a space.
+ if ($line =~ /^((\w+[\s\w]+\w::)*\w+)\s*([\-+]?=)\s*(.*)?/) {
+ my $op = ($3 eq '+=' ? 1 : $3 eq '-=' ? -1 : 0);
+ push(@$values, $op, $self->resolve_alias(lc($1)), $4);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub extractType {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $type = $name;
+ if ($name =~ /(.*)(Project|Workspace)Creator/) {
+ $type = $1;
+ }
+ return lc($type);
+sub process_special {
+ my($self, $line) = @_;
+ ## Replace all escaped double quotes and escaped backslashes
+ ## with special characters
+ my $escaped = ($line =~ s/\\\\/\01/g);
+ $escaped |= ($line =~ s/\\"/\02/g);
+ ## Un-escape all other characters
+ $line =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
+ ## Remove any non-escaped double quotes
+ $line =~ s/"//g;
+ ## Put the escaped double quotes and backslashes back in
+ if ($escaped) {
+ $line =~ s/\02/"/g;
+ $line =~ s/\01/\\/g;
+ }
+ return $line;
+sub create_array {
+ my($self, $line) = @_;
+ my @array;
+ ## Replace all escaped double and single quotes with special characters
+ my $escaped = ($line =~ s/\\\"/\01/g);
+ $escaped |= ($line =~ s/\\\'/\02/g);
+ $escaped |= ($line =~ s/\\ /\03/g);
+ $escaped |= ($line =~ s/\\\t/\04/g);
+ foreach my $part (grep(!/^\s*$/,
+ split(/(\"[^\"]+\"|\'[^\']+\'|\s+)/, $line))) {
+ ## Remove enclosing double and single quotes
+ $part =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
+ $part =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
+ ## Put any escaped double or single quotes back into the string.
+ if ($escaped) {
+ $part =~ s/\01/\"/g;
+ $part =~ s/\02/\'/g;
+ $part =~ s/\03/ /g;
+ $part =~ s/\04/\t/g;
+ }
+ ## Push it onto the array
+ push(@array, $part);
+ }
+ return \@array;
+sub crlf {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return "\n";
+sub windows_crlf {
+ ## Windows, OS/2 and cygwin require a carriage return and line feed.
+ ## However, at some point cygwin changed the way it does output and can
+ ## be controled through an environment variable.
+ return ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'os2' ||
+ ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
+ ($] < 5.008 || (defined $ENV{PERLIO} && $ENV{PERLIO} eq 'crlf'))) ?
+ "\n" : "\r\n");
+sub resolve_alias {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $name = shift;
+ return $_[1];
+sub fgrep {
+ my($str, $array) = @_;
+ foreach my $target (@$array) {
+ return 1 if ($str eq $target);
+ }
+ return undef;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1fc7c455d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+package TemplateInputReader;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Reads the template input and stores the values
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/16/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Parser;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Parser);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $mpt = 'mpt';
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $inc) = @_;
+ my $self = Parser::new($class, $inc);
+ ## Set up the internal data members
+ $self->{'values'} = {};
+ $self->{'cindex'} = 0;
+ $self->{'current'} = [ $self->{'values'} ];
+ $self->{'realnames'} = {};
+ return $self;
+sub parse_line {
+ my($self, $ih, $line) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $errorString;
+ my $current = $self->{'current'};
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^([\w\s\(\)\.]+)\s*{$/) {
+ ## Entering a new scope, we need to save the real name so that it can
+ ## be accessed at a later time.
+ my $rname = $1;
+ $rname =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my $name = lc($rname);
+ $self->{'realnames'}->{$name} = $rname;
+ ## Scopes are reentrant, so we only create a new map when we haven't
+ ## got one.
+ if (!defined $$current[$self->{'cindex'}]->{$name}) {
+ $$current[$self->{'cindex'}]->{$name} = {};
+ }
+ ## Keep track of the current scope
+ push(@$current, $$current[$self->{'cindex'}]->{$name});
+ $self->{'cindex'}++;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) {
+ ## Maintain the scope and make sure there aren't any unmatched
+ ## braces.
+ if ($self->{'cindex'} > 0) {
+ pop(@$current);
+ $self->{'cindex'}--;
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = 'Unmatched curly brace';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*(\+=|=)\s*(.*)?/) {
+ ## Save the name, operation type and value.
+ my $name = lc($1);
+ my $op = $2;
+ my $value = $3;
+ ## Turn the value into an array
+ if (defined $value) {
+ $value = $self->create_array($value);
+ }
+ else {
+ $value = [];
+ }
+ ## Store the value
+ if ($op eq '+=' && defined $$current[$self->{'cindex'}]->{$name}) {
+ push(@{$$current[$self->{'cindex'}]->{$name}}, @$value);
+ }
+ else {
+ $$current[$self->{'cindex'}]->{$name} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^conditional_include\s+"([\w\s\-\+\/\\\.]+)"$/) {
+ ## Search for the include template file. If it does not exist, we
+ ## don't complain. It's likely that these sort of files won't exist.
+ my $file = $self->search_include_path("$1.$mpt");
+ if (defined $file) {
+ ## Process the file making sure to restore the line number seting
+ ## when we get done.
+ my $ol = $self->get_line_number();
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->read_file($file);
+ $self->set_line_number($ol);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub get_value {
+ ## All template names are case-insensitive.
+ my($self, $tag) = @_;
+ return $self->{'values'}->{lc($tag)};
+sub get_realname {
+ ## Sometimes, we need to get back to the name retaining the case so we
+ ## access the hash map containing them.
+ my($self, $tag) = @_;
+ return $self->{'realnames'}->{lc($tag)};
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22dd49d5c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,2050 @@
+package TemplateParser;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Parses the template and fills in missing values
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/17/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use Parser;
+use WinVersionTranslator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Parser);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+# Valid keywords for use in template files. Each has a handle_
+# method available, but some have other methods too.
+# Bit Meaning
+# 0 means there is a get_ method available (used by if and nested functions)
+# 1 means there is a perform_ method available (used by foreach and nested)
+# 2 means there is a doif_ method available (used by if)
+# 3 means that parameters to perform_ should not be evaluated
+# Perl Function Parameter Type Return Type
+# get_ string string or array
+# perform_ array reference array
+# doif_ array reference boolean
+my %keywords = ('if' => 0,
+ 'else' => 0,
+ 'endif' => 0,
+ 'noextension' => 3,
+ 'dirname' => 7,
+ 'basename' => 0,
+ 'basenoextension' => 0,
+ 'foreach' => 0,
+ 'forfirst' => 0,
+ 'fornotfirst' => 0,
+ 'fornotlast' => 0,
+ 'forlast' => 0,
+ 'endfor' => 0,
+ 'eval' => 0,
+ 'comment' => 0,
+ 'marker' => 0,
+ 'uc' => 3,
+ 'lc' => 3,
+ 'ucw' => 0,
+ 'normalize' => 3,
+ 'flag_overrides' => 1,
+ 'reverse' => 3,
+ 'sort' => 3,
+ 'uniq' => 3,
+ 'multiple' => 5,
+ 'starts_with' => 5,
+ 'ends_with' => 5,
+ 'contains' => 5,
+ 'remove_from' => 0xf,
+ 'compares' => 5,
+ 'duplicate_index' => 5,
+ 'transdir' => 5,
+ 'has_extension' => 5,
+ 'keyname_used' => 0,
+ 'scope' => 0,
+ 'full_path' => 3,
+ 'extensions' => 0xa,
+ );
+my %target_type_vars = ('type_is_static' => 1,
+ 'need_staticflags' => 1,
+ 'type_is_dynamic' => 1,
+ 'type_is_binary' => 1,
+ );
+my %arrow_op_ref = ('custom_type' => 'custom types',
+ 'grouped_.*_file' => 'grouped files',
+ 'feature' => 'features',
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $prjc) = @_;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
+ $self->{'prjc'} = $prjc;
+ $self->{'ti'} = $prjc->get_template_input();
+ $self->{'cslashes'} = $prjc->convert_slashes();
+ $self->{'crlf'} = $prjc->crlf();
+ $self->{'cmds'} = $prjc->get_command_subs();
+ $self->{'vnames'} = $prjc->get_valid_names();
+ $self->{'values'} = {};
+ $self->{'defaults'} = {};
+ $self->{'lines'} = [];
+ $self->{'built'} = '';
+ $self->{'sstack'} = [];
+ $self->{'lstack'} = [];
+ $self->{'if_skip'} = 0;
+ $self->{'eval'} = 0;
+ $self->{'eval_str'} = '';
+ $self->{'dupfiles'} = {};
+ $self->{'override_target_type'} = undef;
+ $self->{'keyname_used'} = {};
+ $self->{'scopes'} = {};
+ $self->{'foreach'} = {};
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'} = -1;
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'nested'} = 0;
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'name'} = [];
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'vars'} = [];
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'text'} = [];
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope'} = [];
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope_name'} = [];
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'temp_scope'} = [];
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'processing'} = 0;
+ return $self;
+sub tp_basename {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ if ($self->{'cslashes'}) {
+ $file =~ s/.*[\/\\]//;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file =~ s/.*\///;
+ }
+ return $file;
+sub validated_dirname {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ my $index = rindex($file, ($self->{'cslashes'} ? '\\' : '/'));
+ if ($index >= 0) {
+ return $self->{'prjc'}->validated_directory(substr($file, 0, $index));
+ }
+ else {
+ return '.';
+ }
+sub tp_dirname {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ my $index = rindex($file, ($self->{'cslashes'} ? '\\' : '/'));
+ if ($index >= 0) {
+ return substr($file, 0, $index);
+ }
+ else {
+ return '.';
+ }
+sub strip_line {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $line = shift;
+ ## Override strip_line() from Parser.
+ ## We need to preserve leading space and
+ ## there is no comment string in templates.
+ ++$_[0]->{'line_number'};
+ $_[1] =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $_[1];
+## Append the current value to the line that is being
+## built. This line may be a foreach line or a general
+## line without a foreach.
+sub append_current {
+ my $value = $_[1];
+ my $scope = $_[0]->{'scopes'};
+ while(defined $$scope{'scope'}) {
+ $scope = $$scope{'scope'};
+ if (defined $$scope{'escape'}) {
+ if ($$scope{'escape'}->[1] < 0 && $_[0]->{'foreach'}->{'count'} >= 0) {
+ ## This scope was created outside of a foreach. If we are
+ ## processing a foreach, we need to skip this at this point as it
+ ## will be handled once the foreach has been completed and is
+ ## appended to the main project body.
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $key = $$scope{'escape'}->[0];
+ if ($key eq '\\') {
+ $value =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ }
+ else {
+ $value =~ s/($key)/\\$1/g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $key (keys %$scope) {
+ $_[0]->warning("Unrecognized scope function: $key.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($_[0]->{'foreach'}->{'count'} >= 0) {
+ $_[0]->{'foreach'}->{'text'}->[$_[0]->{'foreach'}->{'count'}] .= $value;
+ }
+ elsif ($_[0]->{'eval'}) {
+ $_[0]->{'eval_str'} .= $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ $_[0]->{'built'} .= $value;
+ }
+sub split_parameters {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ my @params;
+ while($str =~ /^(\w+\([^\)]+\))\s*,\s*(.*)/) {
+ push(@params, $1);
+ $str = $2;
+ }
+ while($str =~ /^([^,]+)\s*,\s*(.*)/) {
+ push(@params, $1);
+ $str = $2;
+ }
+ ## Return the parameters (which includes whatever is left in the
+ ## string). Just return it instead of pushing it onto @params.
+ return @params, $str;
+sub set_current_values {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $set = 0;
+ ## If any value within a foreach matches the name
+ ## of a hash table within the template input we will
+ ## set the values of that hash table in the current scope
+ if (defined $self->{'ti'}) {
+ my $counter = $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ if ($counter >= 0) {
+ ## Variable names are case-insensitive in MPC, however this can
+ ## cause problems when dealing with template variable values that
+ ## happen to match HASH names only by case-insensitivity. So, we
+ ## now make HASH names match with case-sensitivity.
+ my $value = $self->{'ti'}->get_value($name);
+ if (defined $value && UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'HASH') &&
+ $self->{'ti'}->get_realname($name) eq $name) {
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope_name'}->[$counter] = $name;
+ my %copy;
+ foreach my $key (keys %$value) {
+ $copy{$key} = $self->{'prjc'}->adjust_value(
+ [$name . '::' . $key, $name], $$value{$key}, $self);
+ }
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'temp_scope'}->[$counter] = \%copy;
+ $set = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Since we're not creating a temporary scope for this level, we
+ ## need to empty out the scope that may have been held here from
+ ## a previous foreach.
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'temp_scope'}->[$counter] = {};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $set;
+sub get_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value;
+ my $counter = $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ my $fromprj;
+ my $scope;
+ my $sname;
+ my $adjust = 1;
+ ## $name should always be all lower-case
+ $name = lc($name);
+ ## First, check the temporary scope (set inside a foreach)
+ if ($counter >= 0) {
+ ## Find the outer most scope for our variable name
+ for(my $index = $counter; $index >= 0; --$index) {
+ if (defined $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope_name'}->[$index]) {
+ $scope = $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope_name'}->[$index];
+ $sname = $scope . '::' . $name;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ while(!defined $value && $counter >= 0) {
+ $value = $self->{'foreach'}->{'temp_scope'}->[$counter]->{$name};
+ --$counter;
+ }
+ $counter = $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ if ($self->{'override_target_type'} &&
+ defined $value && defined $target_type_vars{$name}) {
+ $value = $self->{'values'}->{$name};
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ if ($name =~ /^flag_overrides\((.*)\)$/) {
+ $value = $self->get_flag_overrides($1);
+ }
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ ## Next, check for a template value
+ if (defined $self->{'ti'}) {
+ $value = $self->{'ti'}->get_value($name);
+ }
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ ## Calling adjust_value here allows us to pick up template
+ ## overrides before getting values elsewhere.
+ my $uvalue = $self->{'prjc'}->adjust_value([$sname, $name],
+ [], $self);
+ if (defined $$uvalue[0]) {
+ $value = $uvalue;
+ $adjust = 0;
+ $fromprj = 1;
+ }
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ ## Next, check the inner to outer foreach
+ ## scopes for overriding values
+ while(!defined $value && $counter >= 0) {
+ $value = $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope'}->[$counter]->{$name};
+ --$counter;
+ }
+ ## Then get the value from the project creator
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ $fromprj = 1;
+ $value = $self->{'prjc'}->get_assignment($name);
+ ## Then get it from our known values
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ $value = $self->{'values'}->{$name};
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ ## Call back onto the project creator to allow
+ ## it to fill in the value before defaulting to undef.
+ $value = $self->{'prjc'}->fill_value($name);
+ if (!defined $value && $name =~ /^(.*)\->(\w+)/) {
+ my $pre = $1;
+ my $post = $2;
+ my $base = $self->get_value($pre);
+ if (defined $base) {
+ $value = $self->{'prjc'}->get_special_value(
+ $pre, $post, $base,
+ ($self->{'prjc'}->requires_parameters($post) ?
+ $self->prepare_parameters($pre) : undef));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Adjust the value even if we haven't obtained one from an outside
+ ## source.
+ if ($adjust && defined $value) {
+ $value = $self->{'prjc'}->adjust_value([$sname, $name], $value, $self);
+ }
+ ## If the value did not come from the project creator, we
+ ## check the variable name. If it is a project keyword we then
+ ## check to see if we need to add the project value to the template
+ ## variable value. If so, we make a copy of the value array and
+ ## push the project value onto that (to avoid modifying the original).
+ if (!$fromprj && defined $self->{'vnames'}->{$name} &&
+ $self->{'prjc'}->add_to_template_input_value($name)) {
+ my $pjval = $self->{'prjc'}->get_assignment($name);
+ if (defined $pjval) {
+ my @copy = @$value;
+ if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($pjval, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $pjval = $self->create_array($pjval);
+ }
+ push(@copy, @$pjval);
+ $value = \@copy;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'prjc'}->relative($value, undef, $scope);
+sub get_value_with_default {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = lc(shift);
+ my $value = $self->get_value($name);
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ $value = $self->{'defaults'}->{$name};
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my $counter = $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ my $sname;
+ if ($counter >= 0) {
+ ## Find the outer most scope for our variable name
+ for(my $index = $counter; $index >= 0; --$index) {
+ if (defined $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope_name'}->[$index]) {
+ $sname = $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope_name'}->[$index] .
+ '::' . $name;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $self->{'prjc'}->relative(
+ $self->{'prjc'}->adjust_value(
+ [$sname, $name], $value, $self));
+ ## If the user set the variable to empty, we will go ahead and use
+ ## the default value (since we know we have one at this point).
+ $value = $self->{'defaults'}->{$name} if (!defined $value);
+ }
+ else {
+ #$self->warning("$name defaulting to empty string.");
+ $value = '';
+ }
+ }
+ return (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'ARRAY') ? "@$value" : $value);
+sub process_foreach {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $index = $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ my $text = $self->{'foreach'}->{'text'}->[$index];
+ my @values;
+ my $name = $self->{'foreach'}->{'name'}->[$index];
+ my @cmds;
+ my $val = $self->{'foreach'}->{'vars'}->[$index];
+ my $check_for_mixed;
+ if ($val =~ /^((\w+),\s*)?flag_overrides\((.*)\)$/) {
+ ## If the user did not provide a name we have to pick one otherwise
+ ## there would be no way to access the foreach values.
+ $name = (defined $2 ? $2 : '__unnamed__');
+ ## Now check to see if there were overrides for this value. If there
+ ## were, convert them into an array (if necessary) and continue
+ ## processing.
+ $val = $self->get_flag_overrides($3);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ $val = $self->create_array($val) if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'ARRAY'));
+ @values = @$val;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Pull out modifying commands first
+ while ($val =~ /(\w+)\((.+)\)/) {
+ my $cmd = $1;
+ $val = $2;
+ if (($keywords{$cmd} & 0x02) != 0) {
+ push(@cmds, 'perform_' . $cmd);
+ if (($keywords{$cmd} & 0x08) != 0) {
+ my @params = $self->split_parameters($val);
+ $val = \@params;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to use $cmd in foreach (no perform_ method).");
+ }
+ }
+ ## Get the values for all of the variable names
+ ## contained within the foreach
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'ARRAY')) {
+ @values = @$val;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $names = $self->create_array($val);
+ foreach my $n (@$names) {
+ my $vals = $self->get_value($n);
+ if (defined $vals && $vals ne '') {
+ if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($vals, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $vals = $self->create_array($vals);
+ }
+ push(@values, @$vals);
+ }
+ if (!defined $name) {
+ $name = $n;
+ $name =~ s/s$//;
+ }
+ ## We only want to check for the mixing of scalar and hash
+ ## variables if the variable name is not a keyword (or the
+ ## special 'features' template variable).
+ if (!$check_for_mixed &&
+ !$self->{'prjc'}->is_keyword($n) && $n ne 'features') {
+ $check_for_mixed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Perform the commands on the built up @values
+ foreach my $cmd (reverse @cmds) {
+ @values = $self->$cmd(\@values);
+ }
+ ## Reset the text (it will be regenerated by calling parse_line
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'text'}->[$index] = '';
+ if (defined $values[0]) {
+ my $scope = $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope'}->[$index];
+ my $base = $self->{'foreach'}->{'base'}->[$index];
+ $$scope{'forlast'} = '';
+ $$scope{'fornotlast'} = 1;
+ $$scope{'forfirst'} = 1;
+ $$scope{'fornotfirst'} = '';
+ ## If the foreach values are mixed (HASH and SCALAR), then
+ ## remove the SCALAR values.
+ if ($check_for_mixed) {
+ my %mixed;
+ my $mixed = 0;
+ foreach my $mval (@values) {
+ $mixed{$mval} = $self->set_current_values($mval);
+ $mixed |= $mixed{$mval};
+ }
+ if ($mixed) {
+ my @nvalues;
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %mixed) {
+ push(@nvalues, $key) if ($mixed{$key});
+ }
+ ## Set the new values only if they are different
+ ## from the original (except for order).
+ my @sorted = sort(@values);
+ @values = @nvalues if (@sorted != @nvalues);
+ }
+ }
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#values; ++$i) {
+ my $value = $values[$i];
+ ## Set the corresponding values in the temporary scope
+ $self->set_current_values($value);
+ ## Set the special values that only exist
+ ## within a foreach
+ if ($i != 0) {
+ $$scope{'forfirst'} = '';
+ $$scope{'fornotfirst'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($i == $#values) {
+ $$scope{'forlast'} = 1;
+ $$scope{'fornotlast'} = '';
+ }
+ $$scope{'forcount'} = $i + $base;
+ ## We don't use adjust_value here because these names
+ ## are generated from a foreach and should not be adjusted.
+ $$scope{$name} = $value;
+ ## A tiny hack for VC7
+ if ($name eq 'configuration' &&
+ $self->get_value_with_default('platform') ne '') {
+ $self->{'prjc'}->update_project_info($self, 1,
+ ['configuration', 'platform'],
+ '|');
+ }
+ ## Now parse the line of text, each time
+ ## with different values
+ ++$self->{'foreach'}->{'processing'};
+ my($status, $error) = $self->parse_line(undef, $text);
+ --$self->{'foreach'}->{'processing'};
+ return $error if (defined $error);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub generic_handle {
+ my($self, $func, $str) = @_;
+ if (defined $str) {
+ my $val = $self->$func([$str]);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ $self->append_current($val);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->append_current(0);
+ }
+ }
+sub handle_endif {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $end = pop(@{$self->{'sstack'}});
+ pop(@{$self->{'lstack'}});
+ if (!defined $end) {
+ return "Unmatched $name";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $in = index($end, $name);
+ if ($in == 0) {
+ $self->{'if_skip'} = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($in == -1) {
+ return "Unmatched $name";
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_endfor {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $end = pop(@{$self->{'sstack'}});
+ pop(@{$self->{'lstack'}});
+ if (!defined $end) {
+ return "Unmatched $name";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $in = index($end, $name);
+ if ($in == 0) {
+ my $index = $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ my $error = $self->process_foreach();
+ if (!defined $error) {
+ --$self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ $self->append_current($self->{'foreach'}->{'text'}->[$index]);
+ }
+ return $error;
+ }
+ elsif ($in == -1) {
+ return "Unmatched $name";
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_flag_overrides {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $type;
+ ## Split the name and type parameters
+ ($name, $type) = split(/,\s*/, $name);
+ my $file = $self->get_value($name);
+ if (defined $file) {
+ ## Save the name prefix (if there is one) for
+ ## command parameter conversion at the end
+ my $pre;
+ if ($name =~ /^(\w+)->/) {
+ $pre = $1;
+ ## Replace the custom_type key with the actual custom type
+ if ($pre eq 'custom_type') {
+ my $ct = $self->get_value($pre);
+ $name = $ct if (defined $ct);
+ }
+ elsif ($pre =~ /^grouped_(.*_file)$/) {
+ $name = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $fo = $self->{'prjc'}->{'flag_overrides'};
+ my $key = (defined $$fo{$name . 's'} ? $name . 's' :
+ (defined $$fo{$name} ? $name : undef));
+ if (defined $key) {
+ ## Convert the file name into a unix style file name
+ my $ustyle = $file;
+ $ustyle =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'cslashes'});
+ ## Save the directory portion for checking in the foreach
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($ustyle);
+ my $of = (defined $$fo{$key}->{$ustyle} ? $ustyle :
+ (defined $$fo{$key}->{$dir} ? $dir : undef));
+ if (defined $of) {
+ my $prjc = $self->{'prjc'};
+ foreach my $aname (@{$prjc->{'matching_assignments'}->{$key}}) {
+ if ($aname eq $type && defined $$fo{$key}->{$of}->{$aname}) {
+ my $value = $$fo{$key}->{$of}->{$aname};
+ ## If the name that we're overriding has a value and
+ ## requires parameters, then we will convert all of the
+ ## pseudo variables and provide parameters.
+ if (defined $pre && $prjc->requires_parameters($type)) {
+ $value = $prjc->convert_command_parameters(
+ $key, $value,
+ $self->prepare_parameters($pre));
+ }
+ return $prjc->relative($value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_multiple {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_multiple(
+ $self->create_array($self->get_value_with_default($name)));
+sub doif_multiple {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ return defined $value ? (scalar(@$value) > 1) : undef;
+sub handle_multiple {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my $array = $self->create_array($val);
+ $self->append_current(scalar(@$array));
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->append_current(0);
+ }
+sub get_starts_with {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_starts_with([$str]);
+sub doif_starts_with {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my($name, $pattern) = $self->split_parameters("@$val");
+ if (defined $name && defined $pattern) {
+ return ($self->get_value_with_default($name) =~ /^$pattern/);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_starts_with {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ $self->generic_handle('doif_starts_with', $str);
+sub get_ends_with {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_ends_with([$str]);
+sub doif_ends_with {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my($name, $pattern) = $self->split_parameters("@$val");
+ if (defined $name && defined $pattern) {
+ return ($self->get_value_with_default($name) =~ /$pattern$/);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_ends_with {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ $self->generic_handle('doif_ends_with', $str);
+sub handle_keyname_used {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ if (defined $str) {
+ my($name, $key) = $self->split_parameters($str);
+ my $file = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $self->{'keyname_used'}->{$file}->{$key}) {
+ $self->append_current($self->{'keyname_used'}->{$file}->{$key}++);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'keyname_used'}->{$file}->{$key} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+sub handle_scope {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ if (defined $str) {
+ my($state, $func, $param) = $self->split_parameters($str);
+ if (defined $state) {
+ my $pscope;
+ my $scope = $self->{'scopes'};
+ while(defined $$scope{'scope'}) {
+ $pscope = $scope;
+ $scope = $$scope{'scope'};
+ }
+ if ($state eq 'enter') {
+ if (defined $func) {
+ $param = '' if (!defined $param);
+ $$scope{'scope'}->{$func} = [$self->process_special($param),
+ $_[0]->{'foreach'}->{'count'}];
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("The enter scope function requires a parameter.");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($state eq 'leave') {
+ if (defined $pscope) {
+ delete $$pscope{'scope'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("leave scope function encountered without an enter.");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unrecognized scope function parameter: $state.");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("The scope function requires 1 to 3 parameters.");
+ }
+ }
+sub get_has_extension {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_has_extension([$str]);
+sub doif_has_extension {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ if (defined $val) {
+ return ($self->tp_basename(
+ $self->get_value_with_default("@$val")) =~ /\.[^\.]*$/);
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_has_extension {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ $self->generic_handle('doif_has_extension', $str);
+sub get_contains {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_contains([$str]);
+sub doif_contains {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my($name, $pattern) = $self->split_parameters("@$val");
+ if (defined $name && defined $pattern) {
+ return ($self->get_value_with_default($name) =~ /$pattern/);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_contains {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ $self->generic_handle('doif_contains', $str);
+sub get_remove_from {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_remove_from($str);
+sub doif_remove_from {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ my @params = $self->split_parameters($str);
+ my @removed = $self->perform_remove_from(\@params);
+ return (defined $removed[0] ? 1 : undef);
+sub perform_remove_from {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ my($source, $pattern, $target, $tremove) = @$val;
+ ## $source should be a component name (e.g., source_files,
+ ## header_files, etc.) $target is a variable name
+ ## $pattern and $tremove are optional; $pattern is a partial regular
+ ## expression to match the end of the files found from $source. The
+ ## beginning of the regular expression is made from $target by removing
+ ## $tremove from the end of it.
+ if (defined $source && defined $target &&
+ defined $self->{'values'}->{$source}) {
+ my $tval = $self->get_value_with_default($target);
+ if (defined $tval) {
+ $tval =~ s/$tremove$// if (defined $tremove);
+ $tval = $self->escape_regex_special($tval);
+ my @removed;
+ my $max = scalar(@{$self->{'values'}->{$source}});
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $max;) {
+ if ($self->{'values'}->{$source}->[$i] =~ /^$tval$pattern$/) {
+ push(@removed, splice(@{$self->{'values'}->{$source}}, $i, 1));
+ $max--;
+ }
+ else {
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return @removed;
+ }
+ }
+ return ();
+sub handle_remove_from {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ if (defined $str) {
+ my @params = $self->split_parameters($str);
+ my $val = $self->perform_remove_from(\@params);
+ $self->append_current("@$val") if (defined $val);
+ }
+sub get_compares {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_compares([$str]);
+sub doif_compares {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my($name, $pattern) = $self->split_parameters("@$val");
+ if (defined $name && defined $pattern) {
+ return ($self->get_value_with_default($name) eq $pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_compares {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ $self->generic_handle('doif_compares', $str);
+sub get_reverse {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my @array = $self->perform_reverse($self->create_array($value));
+ return \@array;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub perform_reverse {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ return reverse(@$value);
+sub handle_reverse {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my @array = $self->perform_reverse($self->create_array($val));
+ $self->append_current("@array");
+ }
+sub get_sort {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my @array = $self->perform_sort($self->create_array($value));
+ return \@array;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub perform_sort {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ return sort(@$value);
+sub handle_sort {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my @array = $self->perform_sort($self->create_array($val));
+ $self->append_current("@array");
+ }
+sub get_uniq {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my @array = $self->perform_uniq($self->create_array($value));
+ return \@array;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub perform_uniq {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my %value;
+ @value{@$value} = ();
+ return sort(keys %value);
+sub handle_uniq {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ my @array = $self->perform_uniq($self->create_array($val));
+ $self->append_current("@array");
+ }
+sub process_compound_if {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ if (index($str, '||') >= 0) {
+ my $ret = 0;
+ foreach my $v (split(/\s*\|\|\s*/, $str)) {
+ $ret |= $self->process_compound_if($v);
+ return 1 if ($ret != 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ elsif (index($str, '&&') >= 0) {
+ my $ret = 1;
+ foreach my $v (split(/\s*\&\&\s*/, $str)) {
+ $ret &&= $self->process_compound_if($v);
+ return 0 if ($ret == 0);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## See if we need to reverse the return value
+ my $not = 0;
+ if ($str =~ /^!+(.*)/) {
+ $not = 1;
+ $str = $1;
+ }
+ ## Get the value based on the string
+ my @cmds;
+ my $val;
+ while ($str =~ /(\w+)\((.+)\)(.*)/) {
+ if ($3 eq '') {
+ push(@cmds, $1);
+ $str = $2;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## If there is something trailing the closing parenthesis then
+ ## the whole thing is considered a parameter to the first
+ ## function.
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $cmds[0]) {
+ ## Start out calling get_xxx on the string
+ my $type = 0x01;
+ my $prefix = 'get_';
+ $val = $str;
+ foreach my $cmd (reverse @cmds) {
+ if (defined $keywords{$cmd} && ($keywords{$cmd} & $type) != 0) {
+ my $func = "$prefix$cmd";
+ $val = $self->$func($val);
+ ## Now that we have a value, we need to switch over
+ ## to calling doif_xxx
+ $type = 0x04;
+ $prefix = 'doif_';
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to use $cmd in if (no $prefix method).");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $val = $self->get_value($str);
+ }
+ ## See if any portion of the value is defined and not empty
+ my $ret = 0;
+ if (defined $val) {
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'ARRAY')) {
+ foreach my $v (@$val) {
+ if ($v ne '') {
+ $ret = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($val ne '') {
+ $ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($not ? !$ret : $ret);
+ }
+sub handle_if {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ my $name = 'endif';
+ push(@{$self->{'lstack'}},
+ "<%if($val)%> (" . $self->get_line_number() . '?)');
+ if ($self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ push(@{$self->{'sstack'}}, "*$name");
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Determine if we are skipping the portion of this if statement
+ ## $val will always be defined since we won't get into this method
+ ## without properly parsing the if statement.
+ $self->{'if_skip'} = !$self->process_compound_if($val);
+ push(@{$self->{'sstack'}}, $name);
+ }
+sub handle_else {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @scopy = @{$self->{'sstack'}};
+ my $index = index($scopy[$#scopy], 'endif');
+ if ($index >= 0) {
+ if ($index == 0) {
+ $self->{'if_skip'} ^= 1;
+ }
+ $self->{'sstack'}->[$#scopy] .= ':';
+ }
+ return 'Unmatched else' if (($self->{'sstack'}->[$#scopy] =~ tr/:/:/) > 1);
+ return undef;
+sub handle_foreach {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $val = lc(shift);
+ my $name = 'endfor';
+ my $errorString;
+ push(@{$self->{'lstack'}}, $self->get_line_number());
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ my $base = 1;
+ my $vname;
+ if ($val =~ /flag_overrides\([^\)]+\)/) {
+ }
+ elsif ($val =~ /([^,]*),(.*)/) {
+ $vname = $1;
+ $val = $2;
+ $vname =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $vname =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $val =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($vname eq '') {
+ $errorString = 'The foreach variable name is not valid';
+ }
+ if ($val =~ /([^,]*),(.*)/) {
+ $base = $1;
+ $val = $2;
+ $base =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $base =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $val =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($base !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $errorString = 'The forcount specified is not a valid number';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($vname =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $base = $vname;
+ $vname = undef;
+ }
+ ## Due to the way flag_overrides works, we can't allow
+ ## the user to name the foreach variable when dealing
+ ## with variables that can be used with the -> operator
+ if (defined $vname) {
+ foreach my $ref (keys %arrow_op_ref) {
+ my $name_re = $ref . 's';
+ if ($val =~ /^$ref\->/ || $val =~ /^$name_re$/) {
+ $errorString = 'The foreach variable can not be ' .
+ 'named when dealing with ' .
+ $arrow_op_ref{$ref};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push(@{$self->{'sstack'}}, $name);
+ my $index = ++$self->{'foreach'}->{'count'};
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'base'}->[$index] = $base;
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'name'}->[$index] = $vname;
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'vars'}->[$index] = $val;
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'text'}->[$index] = '';
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope'}->[$index] = {};
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'scope_name'}->[$index] = undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@{$self->{'sstack'}}, "*$name");
+ }
+ return $errorString;
+sub handle_special {
+ my($self, $name, $val) = @_;
+ ## If $name (fornotlast, forfirst, etc.) is set to 1
+ ## Then we append the $val onto the current string that's
+ ## being built.
+ $self->append_current($val) if ($self->get_value($name));
+sub get_uc {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return uc($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub handle_uc {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $self->append_current($self->get_uc($name));
+sub perform_uc {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my @val;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ push(@val, uc($val));
+ }
+ return @val;
+sub get_lc {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return lc($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub handle_lc {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $self->append_current($self->get_lc($name));
+sub perform_lc {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my @val;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ push(@val, lc($val));
+ }
+ return @val;
+sub handle_ucw {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ substr($val, 0, 1) = uc(substr($val, 0, 1));
+ while($val =~ /[_\s]([a-z])/) {
+ my $uc = uc($1);
+ $val =~ s/[_\s][a-z]/ $uc/;
+ }
+ $self->append_current($val);
+sub actual_normalize {
+ $_[1] =~ tr/ \t\/\\\-$()./_/;
+ return $_[1];
+sub perform_normalize {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my @val;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ push(@val, $self->actual_normalize($val));
+ }
+ return @val;
+sub get_normalize {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->actual_normalize($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub handle_normalize {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $self->append_current($self->get_normalize($name));
+sub actual_noextension {
+ $_[1] =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
+ return $_[1];
+sub perform_noextension {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my @val;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ push(@val, $self->actual_noextension($val));
+ }
+ return @val;
+sub get_noextension {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->actual_noextension($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub handle_noextension {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $self->append_current($self->get_noextension($name));
+sub perform_full_path {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my @val;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ push(@val, $self->actual_full_path($val));
+ }
+ return @val;
+sub get_full_path {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->actual_full_path($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub actual_full_path {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ ## Expand all defined env vars
+ $value =~ s/\$\((\w+)\)/$ENV{$1} || '$(' . $1 . ')'/ge;
+ ## If we expanded all env vars, get absolute path
+ if ($value =~ /\$\(\w+\)/) {
+ $self->{'error_in_handle'} = "<%full_path%> couldn't expand " .
+ "environment variables in $value";
+ return $value;
+ }
+ ## Always convert the slashes since they may be in the OS native
+ ## format and we need them in UNIX format.
+ $value =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($value);
+ if (-e $dir) {
+ $dir = Cwd::abs_path($dir);
+ }
+ elsif ($self->{'prjc'}->path_is_relative($dir)) {
+ ## If the directory is is not already an absolute path, then we will
+ ## assume that the directory is relative to the current directory
+ ## (which will be the location of the MPC file).
+ $dir = $self->getcwd() . '/' . $dir;
+ }
+ ## Create the full path value and convert the slashes if necessary.
+ $value = $dir . '/' . $self->mpc_basename($value);
+ $value =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'cslashes'});
+ return $value;
+sub handle_full_path {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ $self->append_current($self->actual_full_path($val));
+sub perform_extensions {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my @val;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ push(@val, $self->{'prjc'}->get_component_extensions($val));
+ }
+ return @val;
+sub handle_extensions {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my @val = $self->perform_extensions([$name]);
+ $self->append_current("@val");
+sub evaluate_nested_functions {
+ my($self, $name, $val) = @_;
+ ## Get the value based on the string
+ my @cmds = ($name);
+ while ($val =~ /(\w+)\((.+)\)/) {
+ push(@cmds, $1);
+ $val = $2;
+ }
+ ## Start out calling get_xxx on the string
+ my $type = 0x01;
+ my $prefix = 'get_';
+ foreach my $cmd (reverse @cmds) {
+ if (defined $keywords{$cmd} && ($keywords{$cmd} & $type) != 0) {
+ my $func = "$prefix$cmd";
+ if ($type == 0x01) {
+ $val = $self->$func($val);
+ $val = [ $val ] if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'ARRAY'));
+ }
+ else {
+ my @array = $self->$func($val);
+ $val = \@array;
+ }
+ ## Now that we have a value, we need to switch over
+ ## to calling perform_xxx
+ $type = 0x02;
+ $prefix = 'perform_';
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to use $cmd in nested " .
+ "functions (no $prefix method).");
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $val && UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'ARRAY')) {
+ $self->append_current("@$val");
+ }
+sub perform_dirname {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my @val;
+ foreach my $val (@$value) {
+ push(@val, $self->validated_dirname($val));
+ }
+ return @val;
+sub get_dirname {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_dirname($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub doif_dirname {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ if (defined $value) {
+ $value = $self->validated_dirname($value);
+ return ($value ne '.');
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_dirname {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $self->append_current(
+ $self->validated_dirname($self->get_value_with_default($name)));
+sub handle_basename {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $self->append_current(
+ $self->tp_basename($self->get_value_with_default($name)));
+sub handle_basenoextension {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->tp_basename($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+ $val =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
+ $self->append_current($val);
+sub handle_flag_overrides {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value = $self->get_flag_overrides($name);
+ $self->append_current(UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'ARRAY') ?
+ "@$value" : $value) if (defined $value);
+sub handle_marker {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->{'prjc'}->get_verbatim($name);
+ $self->append_current($val) if (defined $val);
+sub handle_eval {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($name);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ if (index($val, "<%eval($name)%>") >= 0) {
+ $self->warning("Infinite recursion detected in '$name'.");
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Enter the eval state
+ ++$self->{'eval'};
+ ## Parse the eval line
+ my($status, $error) = $self->parse_line(undef, $val);
+ if ($status) {
+ $self->{'built'} .= $self->{'eval_str'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning($error);
+ }
+ ## Leave the eval state
+ --$self->{'eval'};
+ $self->{'eval_str'} = '';
+ }
+ }
+sub handle_pseudo {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ $self->append_current($self->{'cmds'}->{$name});
+sub get_duplicate_index {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_duplicate_index($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub doif_duplicate_index {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my $base = lc($self->tp_basename($value));
+ my $path = $self->validated_dirname($value);
+ if (!defined $self->{'dupfiles'}->{$base}) {
+ $self->{'dupfiles'}->{$base} = [$path];
+ }
+ else {
+ my $index = 1;
+ foreach my $file (@{$self->{'dupfiles'}->{$base}}) {
+ return $index if ($file eq $path);
+ ++$index;
+ }
+ push(@{$self->{'dupfiles'}->{$base}}, $path);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_duplicate_index {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value = $self->doif_duplicate_index(
+ $self->get_value_with_default($name));
+ $self->append_current($value) if (defined $value);
+sub get_transdir {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $self->doif_transdir($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+sub doif_transdir {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ if ($value =~ /([\/\\])/) {
+ return $self->{'prjc'}->translate_directory(
+ $self->tp_dirname($value)) . $1;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub handle_transdir {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $value = $self->doif_transdir($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+ $self->append_current($value) if (defined $value);
+sub prepare_parameters {
+ my($self, $prefix) = @_;
+ my $input = $self->get_value($prefix . '->input_file');
+ my $output;
+ if (defined $input) {
+ $input =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'cslashes'});
+ $output = $self->get_value($prefix . '->input_file->output_files');
+ if (defined $output) {
+ my $size = scalar(@$output);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) {
+ my $fo = $self->get_flag_overrides($prefix . '->input_file, gendir');
+ if (defined $fo) {
+ $$output[$i] = ($fo eq '.' ? '' : $fo . '/') .
+ $self->tp_basename($$output[$i]);
+ }
+ $$output[$i] =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'cslashes'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set the parameters array with the determined input and output files
+ return $input, $output;
+sub process_name {
+ my($self, $line) = @_;
+ my $length = 0;
+ my $errorString;
+ ## Split the line into a name and value
+ if ($line =~ /([^%\(]+)(\(([^%]+)\))?%>/) {
+ my $name = lc($1);
+ my $val = $3;
+ $length += length($name);
+ if (defined $val) {
+ ## Check for the parenthesis
+ if (($val =~ tr/(//) != ($val =~ tr/)//)) {
+ return 'Missing the closing parenthesis', $length;
+ }
+ ## Add the length of the value plus 2 for the surrounding ()
+ $length += length($val) + 2;
+ }
+ if (defined $keywords{$name}) {
+ if ($name eq 'if') {
+ $self->handle_if($val);
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'endif') {
+ $errorString = $self->handle_endif($name);
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'else') {
+ $errorString = $self->handle_else();
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'endfor') {
+ $errorString = $self->handle_endfor($name);
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'foreach') {
+ $errorString = $self->handle_foreach($val);
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'fornotlast' || $name eq 'forlast' ||
+ $name eq 'fornotfirst' || $name eq 'forfirst') {
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ $self->handle_special($name, $self->process_special($val));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'comment') {
+ ## Ignore the contents of the comment
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ if (index($val, '(') >= 0) {
+ $self->evaluate_nested_functions($name, $val);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $func = 'handle_' . $name;
+ $self->$func($val);
+ if ($self->{'error_in_handle'}) {
+ $errorString = $self->{'error_in_handle'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (defined $self->{'cmds'}->{$name}) {
+ $self->handle_pseudo($name) if (!$self->{'if_skip'});
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ if (defined $val && !defined $self->{'defaults'}->{$name}) {
+ $self->{'defaults'}->{$name} = $self->process_special($val);
+ }
+ $self->append_current($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $error = $line;
+ my $length = length($line);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
+ my $part = substr($line, $i, 2);
+ if ($part eq '%>') {
+ $error = substr($line, 0, $i + 2);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $errorString = "Unable to parse line starting at '$error'";
+ }
+ return $errorString, $length;
+sub collect_data {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prjc = $self->{'prjc'};
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ ## Set the current working directory
+ $cwd =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'cslashes'});
+ $self->{'values'}->{'cwd'} = $cwd;
+ ## Collect the components into {'values'} somehow
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$prjc->{'valid_components'}}) {
+ my @list = $prjc->get_component_list($key);
+ $self->{'values'}->{$key} = \@list if (defined $list[0]);
+ }
+ ## If there is a staticname and no sharedname then this project
+ ## 'type_is_static'. If we are generating static projects, let
+ ## all of the templates know that we 'need_staticflags'.
+ ## If there is a sharedname then this project 'type_is_dynamic'.
+ my $sharedname = $prjc->get_assignment('sharedname');
+ my $staticname = $prjc->get_assignment('staticname');
+ if (!defined $sharedname && defined $staticname) {
+ $self->{'override_target_type'} = 1;
+ $self->{'values'}->{'type_is_static'} = 1;
+ $self->{'values'}->{'need_staticflags'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($prjc->get_static() == 1) {
+ $self->{'values'}->{'need_staticflags'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $sharedname) {
+ $self->{'values'}->{'type_is_dynamic'} = 1;
+ }
+ ## If there is a sharedname or exename then this project
+ ## 'type_is_binary'.
+ if (defined $sharedname ||
+ defined $prjc->get_assignment('exename')) {
+ $self->{'values'}->{'type_is_binary'} = 1;
+ }
+ ## A tiny hack (mainly for VC6 projects)
+ ## for the workspace creator. It needs to know the
+ ## target names to match up with the project name.
+ $prjc->update_project_info($self, 0, ['project_name']);
+ ## This is for all projects
+ $prjc->update_project_info($self, 1, ['after']);
+ ## VC7 Projects need to know the GUID.
+ ## We need to save this value in our known values
+ ## since each guid generated will be different. We need
+ ## this to correspond to the same guid used in the workspace.
+ my $guid = $prjc->update_project_info($self, 1, ['guid']);
+ $self->{'values'}->{'guid'} = $guid;
+ ## In order for VC7 to mix languages, we need to keep track
+ ## of the language associated with each project.
+ $prjc->update_project_info($self, 1, ['language']);
+ ## For VC7+ to properly work with wince, which is cross compiled,
+ ## a new platform-specific token is added, nocross, which is used
+ ## to determine if a project is even to be built for non-native
+ ## targets. Additionally, custom-only projects are built but not
+ ## deployed, thus these are added to the project_info mix
+ $prjc->update_project_info($self, 1, ['custom_only']);
+ $prjc->update_project_info($self, 1, ['nocross']);
+ ## For VC8 to be able to add references to managed DLL's to the current
+ ## managed DLL project (if it is one), we need to keep track of whether
+ ## the project is 'managed' or not.
+ $prjc->update_project_info($self, 1, ['managed']);
+ ## Some Windows based projects can't deal with certain version
+ ## values. So, for those we provide a translated version.
+ my $version = $prjc->get_assignment('version');
+ if (defined $version) {
+ $self->{'values'}->{'win_version'} =
+ WinVersionTranslator::translate($version);
+ }
+sub parse_line {
+ my($self, $ih, $line) = @_;
+ my $errorString;
+ my $startempty = ($line eq '');
+ ## If processing a foreach or the line only
+ ## contains a keyword, then we do
+ ## not need to add a newline to the end.
+ if ($self->{'foreach'}->{'processing'} == 0 && !$self->{'eval'} &&
+ ($line !~ /^[ ]*<%(\w+)(?:\((?:(?:\w+\s*,\s*)*[!]?\w+\(.+\)|[^\)]+)\))?%>$/ ||
+ !defined $keywords{$1})) {
+ $line .= $self->{'crlf'};
+ }
+ if ($self->{'foreach'}->{'count'} < 0 && !$self->{'eval'}) {
+ $self->{'built'} = '';
+ }
+ my $start = index($line, '<%');
+ if ($start >= 0) {
+ my $append_name;
+ if ($start > 0) {
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ $self->append_current(substr($line, 0, $start));
+ }
+ $line = substr($line, $start);
+ }
+ my $nlen = 0;
+ foreach my $item (split('<%', $line)) {
+ my $name = 1;
+ my $length = length($item);
+ my $endi = index($item, '%>');
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
+ if ($i == $endi) {
+ ++$i;
+ $endi = index($item, '%>', $i);
+ $name = undef;
+ if ($append_name) {
+ $append_name = undef;
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ $self->append_current('%>');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($length != $i + 1) {
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ $self->append_current(substr($item, $i + 1));
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($name) {
+ my $efcheck = (index($item, 'endfor%>') == 0);
+ my $focheck = ($efcheck ? 0 : (index($item, 'foreach(') == 0));
+ if ($focheck && $self->{'foreach'}->{'count'} >= 0) {
+ ++$self->{'foreach'}->{'nested'};
+ }
+ if ($self->{'foreach'}->{'count'} < 0 ||
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'processing'} > $self->{'foreach'}->{'nested'} ||
+ (($efcheck || $focheck) &&
+ $self->{'foreach'}->{'nested'} == $self->{'foreach'}->{'processing'})) {
+ ($errorString, $nlen) = $self->process_name($item);
+ if (defined $errorString) {
+ return 0, $errorString;
+ }
+ elsif ($nlen == 0) {
+ return 0, "Could not parse this line at column $i";
+ }
+ $i += ($nlen - 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $name = undef;
+ $nlen = ($i < $endi ? $endi : $length) - $i;
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ $self->append_current('<%' . substr($item, $i, $nlen));
+ $append_name = 1;
+ }
+ $i += ($nlen - 1);
+ }
+ if ($efcheck && $self->{'foreach'}->{'nested'} > 0) {
+ --$self->{'foreach'}->{'nested'};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $nlen = ($i < $endi ? $endi : $length) - $i;
+ if (!$self->{'if_skip'}) {
+ $self->append_current(substr($item, $i, $nlen));
+ }
+ $i += ($nlen - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->append_current($line) if (!$self->{'if_skip'});
+ }
+ if ($self->{'foreach'}->{'count'} < 0 && !$self->{'eval'} &&
+ ## If the line started out empty and we're not
+ ## skipping from the start or the built up line is not empty
+ ($startempty ||
+ ($self->{'built'} ne $self->{'crlf'} && $self->{'built'} ne ''))) {
+ push(@{$self->{'lines'}}, $self->{'built'});
+ }
+ return !defined $errorString, $errorString;
+sub parse_file {
+ my($self, $input) = @_;
+ $self->collect_data();
+ my($status, $errorString) = $self->cached_file_read($input);
+ ## If there was no error, check the stack to make sure that we aren't
+ ## missing an <%endif%> or an <%endfor%>.
+ if ($status && defined $self->{'sstack'}->[0]) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Missing an '$self->{'sstack'}->[0]' starting at " .
+ $self->{'lstack'}->[0];
+ }
+ ## Add in the line number if there is an error
+ $errorString = "$input: line " .
+ $self->get_line_number() . ":\n$errorString" if (!$status);
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub get_lines {
+ return $_[0]->{'lines'};
+# ************************************************************
+# Accessors used by support scripts
+# ************************************************************
+sub getKeywords {
+ return \%keywords;
+sub getArrowOp {
+ return \%arrow_op_ref;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..caf93286e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package VC10ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC10 Project Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 11/10/2008
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC9ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC9ProjectCreator);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89c50c5a0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package VC10WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC10 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 11/10/2008
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC10ProjectCreator;
+use VC9WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC9WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ print $fh '', $crlf,
+ 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00', $crlf;
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '# Visual Studio 10', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a28f228c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package VC6ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC6 Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 3/14/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use VCProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VCProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub project_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.dsp';
+sub override_valid_component_extensions {
+ my($self, $comp) = @_;
+ ## Visual C++ 6.0 doesn't understand all of the extensions that MPC
+ ## supports.
+ if ($comp eq 'source_files' && $self->languageIs(Creator::cplusplus)) {
+ return ["\\.cpp", "\\.cxx", "\\.c"];
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub override_exclude_component_extensions {
+ my($self, $comp) = @_;
+ ## Visual C++ 6.0 doesn't understand all of the extensions that MPC
+ ## supports.
+ if ($comp eq 'source_files' && $self->languageIs(Creator::cplusplus)) {
+ return ["_T\\.cpp", "_T\\.cxx"];
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'vc6dspdllexe';
+sub get_lib_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'vc6dsplibexe';
+sub get_lib_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'vc6dsplib';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'vc6dspdll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..714c7ce1673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+package VC6WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC6 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/13/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC6ProjectCreator;
+use WinWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.dsw';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Visual C++ file
+ print $fh 'Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf, $crlf);
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh, $gen) = @_;
+ my $projects = $self->get_projects();
+ my $pjs = $self->get_project_info();
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Sort the project so that they resulting file can be exactly
+ ## reproduced given the same list of projects.
+ foreach my $project (sort { $gen->file_sorter($a, $b) } @$projects) {
+ ## Add the project name and project file information
+ print $fh "###############################################################################$crlf$crlf",
+ "Project: \"$$pjs{$project}->[0]\"=", $self->slash_to_backslash($project),
+ " - Package Owner=<4>$crlf$crlf",
+ "Package=<5>${crlf}{{{$crlf}}}$crlf$crlf",
+ "Package=<4>${crlf}{{{$crlf";
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($project);
+ if (defined $$deps[0]) {
+ ## Add in the project dependencies
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ print $fh " Begin Project Dependency$crlf",
+ " Project_Dep_Name $dep$crlf",
+ " End Project Dependency$crlf";
+ }
+ }
+ ## End the project section
+ print $fh "}}}$crlf$crlf";
+ }
+sub post_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This text is always the same
+ print $fh "###############################################################################$crlf$crlf",
+ "Global:$crlf$crlf",
+ "Package=<5>${crlf}{{{$crlf}}}$crlf$crlf",
+ "Package=<3>${crlf}{{{$crlf}}}$crlf$crlf",
+ "###############################################################################$crlf$crlf";
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5c8d9e5b4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+package VC71ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC7.1 Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 4/17/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC7ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC7ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %config = ('vcversion' => '7.10',
+ 'forloopscope' => 'TRUE',
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get_configurable {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $config{$name};
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c9ecdada1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package VC71WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC7.1 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 4/17/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC71ProjectCreator;
+use VC7WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC7WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Visual Studio 2003 file
+ print $fh 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 8.00', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf);
+sub print_inner_project {
+ my($self, $fh, $gen, $pguid, $deps, $project_name, $name_to_guid_map) = @_;
+ if ($self->allow_empty_dependencies() || defined $$deps[0]) {
+ ## Print out the project dependencies
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ print $fh "\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject$crlf";
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ my $guid = $name_to_guid_map->{$dep};
+ print $fh "\t\t{$guid} = {$guid}$crlf" if (defined $guid);
+ }
+ print $fh "\tEndProjectSection$crlf";
+ }
+sub allow_empty_dependencies {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub print_configs {
+ my($self, $fh, $configs) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %$configs) {
+ print $fh "\t\t$key = $key$crlf";
+ }
+sub print_dependencies {
+ ## These are done in the print_inner_project method
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8182c23f130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+package VC7ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC7 Project Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 4/23/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use GUID;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use VCProjectBase;
+use XMLProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XMLProjectBase VCProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %info = (Creator::cplusplus => {'ext' => '.vcproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc7exe',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc7libexe',
+ 'dll' => 'vc7dll',
+ 'lib' => 'vc7lib',
+ 'template' => 'vc7',
+ },
+ Creator::csharp => {'ext' => '.csproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc7csharp',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc7csharp',
+ 'dll' => 'vc7csharp',
+ 'lib' => 'vc7csharp',
+ 'template' => 'vc7csharp',
+ },
+ Creator::java => {'ext' => '.vjsproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc7java',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc7java',
+ 'dll' => 'vc7java',
+ 'lib' => 'vc7java',
+ 'template' => 'vc7java',
+ },
+ Creator::vb => {'ext' => '.vbproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc7vb',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc7vb',
+ 'dll' => 'vc7vb',
+ 'lib' => 'vc7vb',
+ 'template' => 'vc7vb',
+ },
+ );
+my %config = ('vcversion' => '7.00',
+ 'forloopscope' => 'TRUE',
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub languageSupported {
+ return defined $info{$_[0]->get_language()};
+sub get_info_hash {
+ #my($self, $key) = @_;
+ return $info{$_[1]};
+sub get_configurable {
+ #my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $config{$_[1]};
+sub fill_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ if ($name eq 'guid') {
+ ## Return a repeatable GUID for use within the template. The values
+ ## provided will be hashed and returned in a format expected by
+ ## Visual Studio.
+ return GUID::generate($self->project_file_name(),
+ $self->{'current_input'}, $self->getcwd());
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'language') {
+ ## If this project is a Web Application, the language is website.
+ ## Since Visual Studio 2003 doesn't support Web Applications, this
+ ## will never happen. However, this code is shared by the vc8
+ ## project type, so it can happen then.
+ return Creator::website if ($self->get_assignment('webapp'));
+ ## Also for the vc8 project type, the language is stored in the
+ ## project file as a comment when external C# references need to be
+ ## added to the resulting project. Since a C++ project can mix with
+ ## C#, the particular project language can not be determined by the
+ ## workspace language.
+ return $self->get_language();
+ }
+ ## Consult another method for this template name. This method is
+ ## overrridden by the other project creators that inherit from this
+ ## one.
+ return $self->get_configurable($name);
+sub project_file_extension {
+ return $_[0]->get_info_hash($_[0]->get_language())->{'ext'};
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ return $_[0]->get_info_hash($_[0]->get_language())->{'dllexe'};
+sub get_lib_exe_template_input_file {
+ return $_[0]->get_info_hash($_[0]->get_language())->{'libexe'};
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ return $_[0]->get_info_hash($_[0]->get_language())->{'dll'};
+sub get_lib_template_input_file {
+ return $_[0]->get_info_hash($_[0]->get_language())->{'lib'};
+sub get_template {
+ return $_[0]->get_info_hash($_[0]->get_language())->{'template'};
+sub get_cmdsep_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&amp;';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8de15f83db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+package VC7WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC7 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/14/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC7ProjectCreator;
+use WinWorkspaceBase;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinWorkspaceBase WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %guids = (Creator::cplusplus => '8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942',
+ Creator::csharp => 'FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC',
+ Creator::java => 'E6FDF86B-F3D1-11D4-8576-0002A516ECE8',
+ Creator::vb => 'F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F',
+ Creator::website => 'E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A',
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '.sln';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Visual Studio file
+ print $fh 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 7.00', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf);
+sub print_inner_project {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $fh = shift;
+ #my $gen = shift;
+ #my $pguid = shift;
+ #my $deps = shift;
+ #my $name = shift;
+ #my $name_to_guid_map = shift;
+ #my $proj_language = shift;
+ #my $cfgs = shift;
+sub print_configs {
+ my($self, $fh, $configs) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $count = 0;
+ ## Print out the configurations for the solution
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %$configs) {
+ print $fh "\t\tConfigName.$count = $key$crlf";
+ $count++;
+ }
+sub print_dependencies {
+ my($self, $fh, $gen, $list, $pjs) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## I hate to add yet another loop through all the projects, but
+ ## we must have some way to map plain project names to guids.
+ my %name_to_guid_map;
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ my($name, $deps, $guid) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ $name_to_guid_map{$name} = $guid;
+ }
+ ## Project Dependencies
+ print $fh "\tGlobalSection(ProjectDependencies) = postSolution$crlf";
+ foreach my $project (@$list) {
+ my($name, $rawdeps, $project_guid) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($project);
+ if (defined $$deps[0]) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ my $guid = $name_to_guid_map{$dep};
+ if (defined $guid) {
+ print $fh "\t\t{$project_guid}.$i = {$guid}$crlf";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh "\tEndGlobalSection$crlf";
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh, $gen) = @_;
+ my $projects = $self->get_projects();
+ my $pjs = $self->get_project_info();
+ my @list = sort @$projects;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## I hate to add yet another loop through all the projects, but
+ ## we must have some way to map plain project names to guids.
+ my %name_to_guid_map;
+ foreach my $project (@list) {
+ my($name, $deps, $guid) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ $name_to_guid_map{$name} = $guid;
+ }
+ ## Project Information
+ foreach my $project (@list) {
+ my($pname, $rawdeps, $guid, $language, $custom_only, $nocross, $managed, @cfgs) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ my $pguid = $guids{$language};
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($project);
+ my($name, $proj) = $self->adjust_names($pname, $project, $language);
+ print $fh "Project(\"{$pguid}\") = \"$name\", \"$proj\", \"{$guid}\"$crlf";
+ $self->print_inner_project($fh, $gen, $guid, $deps,
+ $name, \%name_to_guid_map,
+ $language, \@cfgs);
+ print $fh "EndProject$crlf";
+ }
+ ## This block creates the different possible configurations for this
+ ## solution.
+ print $fh "Global$crlf",
+ "\tGlobalSection(",
+ $self->get_solution_config_section_name(),
+ ") = preSolution$crlf";
+ my %configs;
+ foreach my $project (@list) {
+ my($name, $deps, $pguid, $lang, $custom_only, $nocross, $managed, @cfgs) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ foreach my $cfg (@cfgs) {
+ $configs{$self->get_short_config_name($cfg)} = $cfg;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->print_configs($fh, \%configs);
+ print $fh "\tEndGlobalSection$crlf";
+ ## Print dependencies if there are any
+ $self->print_dependencies($fh, $gen, \@list, $pjs);
+ ## Project Configuration Names
+ print $fh "\tGlobalSection(",
+ $self->get_project_config_section_name(),
+ ") = postSolution$crlf";
+ ## See if there is an 'Any CPU' or '.NET' configuration
+ my $anycpu;
+ foreach my $key (keys %configs) {
+ if (index($key, 'Any CPU') >= 0 || index($key, '.NET') >= 0) {
+ $anycpu = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Go through each project and print out the settings per GUID
+ foreach my $project (@list) {
+ my($name, $deps, $pguid, $lang, $custom_only, $nocross, $managed, @cfgs) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ my %all_configs = %configs;
+ foreach my $cfg (sort @cfgs) {
+ my $c = $self->get_short_config_name($cfg);
+ my $deployable = !$nocross;
+ my $buildable = $deployable;
+ if (index($cfg, 'Win32') >= 0 || index($cfg, 'x64') >= 0) {
+ $deployable = 0;
+ $buildable = 1;
+ } elsif ($custom_only) {
+ $deployable = 0;
+ }
+ if (defined $anycpu) {
+ ## There is a non-C++ project; there is no need to explicitly
+ ## enable building of the configurations for this project. So, we
+ ## get rid of the configuration settings from the copy of the
+ ## configs map.
+ delete $all_configs{$c};
+ }
+ else {
+ print $fh "\t\t{$pguid}.$c.ActiveCfg = $cfg$crlf";
+ print $fh "\t\t{$pguid}.$c.Build.0 = $cfg$crlf" if ($buildable == 1);
+ print $fh "\t\t{$pguid}.$c.Deploy.0 = $cfg$crlf" if ($deployable == 1);
+ }
+ }
+ ## If this is a mixed language workspace, we need to explicitly
+ ## enable the building of the non-C++ projects when any platform
+ ## other than Any CPU/.NET is selected.
+ if (defined $anycpu) {
+ my %printed;
+ foreach my $c (sort @cfgs) {
+ if ($c =~ /(.+\|)/) {
+ my $cfg = $1;
+ foreach my $remainder (sort keys %all_configs) {
+ if (index($remainder, $cfg) == 0) {
+ if (!$printed{$pguid.$remainder}) {
+ print $fh "\t\t{$pguid}.$remainder.ActiveCfg = $c$crlf",
+ "\t\t{$pguid}.$remainder.Build.0 = $c$crlf";
+ $printed{$pguid.$remainder} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh "\t\t{$pguid}.$c.ActiveCfg = $c$crlf",
+ "\t\t{$pguid}.$c.Build.0 = $c$crlf";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Non-C++ projects have no configurations
+ if (!defined $cfgs[0]) {
+ foreach my $c (sort keys %configs) {
+ my $cfg = $c . '|.NET';
+ print $fh "\t\t{$pguid}.$c.ActiveCfg = $cfg$crlf",
+ "\t\t{$pguid}.$c.Build.0 = $cfg$crlf";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh "\tEndGlobalSection$crlf";
+ $self->print_additional_sections($fh);
+ print $fh "EndGlobal$crlf";
+sub adjust_names {
+ my($self, $name, $proj, $lang) = @_;
+ $proj =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ return $name, $proj;
+sub get_short_config_name {
+ my($self, $cfg) = @_;
+ $cfg =~ s/\|.*//;
+ return $cfg;
+sub get_solution_config_section_name {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'SolutionConfiguration';
+sub get_project_config_section_name {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'ProjectConfiguration';
+sub print_additional_sections {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ print $fh "\tGlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution$crlf",
+ "\tEndGlobalSection$crlf",
+ "\tGlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution$crlf",
+ "\tEndGlobalSection$crlf";
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..67de189c0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package VC8ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC8 Project Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 4/21/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC7ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC7ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %info = (Creator::cplusplus => {'ext' => '.vcproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc8exe',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc8libexe',
+ 'dll' => 'vc8dll',
+ 'lib' => 'vc8lib',
+ 'template' => 'vc8',
+ },
+ Creator::csharp => {'ext' => '.csproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc8csharp',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc8csharp',
+ 'dll' => 'vc8csharp',
+ 'lib' => 'vc8csharp',
+ 'template' => 'vc8csharp',
+ },
+ Creator::java => {'ext' => '.vjsproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc8java',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc8java',
+ 'dll' => 'vc8java',
+ 'lib' => 'vc8java',
+ 'template' => 'vc8java',
+ },
+ Creator::vb => {'ext' => '.vbproj',
+ 'dllexe' => 'vc8vb',
+ 'libexe' => 'vc8vb',
+ 'dll' => 'vc8vb',
+ 'lib' => 'vc8vb',
+ 'template' => 'vc8vb',
+ },
+ );
+my %config = ('vcversion' => '8.00');
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub languageSupported {
+ return defined $info{$_[0]->get_language()};
+sub webapp_supported {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub require_dependencies {
+ ## With vc8, they fixed it such that static libraries that depend on
+ ## other static libraries will not be included into the target library
+ ## by default. Way to go Microsoft!
+ return 1;
+sub post_file_creation {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ ## VC8 stores information in a .user file that may conflict
+ ## with information stored in the project file. If we have
+ ## created a new project file, we will remove the corresponding
+ ## .user file to avoid strange conflicts.
+ unlink("$file.user");
+sub get_configurable {
+ #my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $config{$_[1]};
+sub get_info_hash {
+ my($self, $key) = @_;
+ ## If we have the setting in our information map, the use it.
+ return $info{$key} if (defined $info{$key});
+ ## Otherwise, see if our parent type can take care of it.
+ return $self->SUPER::get_info_hash($key);
+sub translate_value {
+ my($self, $key, $val) = @_;
+ ## Microsoft uses AnyCPU in the project file, but uses Any CPU in the
+ ## solution file.
+ $val = 'Any CPU' if ($key eq 'platform' && $val eq 'AnyCPU');
+ return $self->SUPER::translate_value($key, $val);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..60dfd7c7187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+package VC8WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC8 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 4/21/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC8ProjectCreator;
+use VC71WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC71WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %lang_map = (Creator::cplusplus => 'Visual C#',
+ Creator::csharp => 'Visual C#',
+ Creator::vb => 'Visual Basic',
+ Creator::java => 'Visual J#');
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## This identifies it as a Visual Studio 2005 file
+ print $fh '', $crlf,
+ 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00', $crlf;
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '# Visual Studio 2005', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf);
+sub post_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh, $creator) = @_;
+ my $pjs = $self->get_project_info();
+ my @projects = $self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0);
+ my %gmap;
+ ## Store a map of the project name to project guid and whether or not
+ ## it is suitable to be referenced. Adding a reference to a
+ ## non-managed c++ library or a "utility" project causes a warning in
+ ## Visual Studio 2008 and higher.
+ foreach my $project (@projects) {
+ my($name, $deps, $guid, $lang, $custom_only, $nocross, $managed) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ $gmap{$name} = [$guid, !$custom_only && ($managed ||
+ $lang ne Creator::cplusplus)];
+ }
+ ## Now go through the projects and check for the need to add external
+ ## references.
+ foreach my $project (@projects) {
+ my $ph = new FileHandle();
+ my $outdir = $self->get_outdir();
+ $outdir = $self->getcwd() if ($outdir eq '.');
+ if (open($ph, "$outdir/$project")) {
+ my $write;
+ my @read;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ my $lang = $$pjs{$project}->[3];
+ my $managed = $$pjs{$project}->[6];
+ while(<$ph>) {
+ ## This is a comment found in vc8.mpd if the project contains the
+ ## 'after' keyword setting and the 'add_references' template
+ ## variable setting.
+ if (/^(\s*)<!\-\-\s+MPC\s+ADD\s+DEPENDENCIES/) {
+ my $spc = $1;
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($project);
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ my $relative = $self->get_relative_dep_file($creator,
+ "$cwd/$project",
+ $dep);
+ if (defined $relative) {
+ if ($lang eq Creator::cplusplus) {
+ ## If the current project is not managed, then we will
+ ## add references (although I doubt that will be useful).
+ ## If the current project is managed, then the reference
+ ## project must be managed or a non-c++ project.
+ if (!$managed || ($managed && $gmap{$dep}->[1])) {
+ push(@read, $spc . '<ProjectReference' . $crlf .
+ $spc . "\tReferencedProjectIdentifier=" .
+ "\"\{$gmap{$dep}->[0]\}\"$crlf" .
+ $spc . "\tRelativePathToProject=\"$relative\"$crlf" .
+ $spc . '/>' . $crlf);
+ }
+ }
+ ## This is a non-c++ language. So, it should not reference
+ ## unmanaged c++ libraries. If it's a managed project or
+ ## it's not a c++ project, it's ok to add a reference.
+ elsif ($gmap{$dep}->[1]) {
+ push(@read, $spc . '<ProjectReference Include="' .
+ $relative . '">' . $crlf,
+ $spc . ' <Project>{' . $gmap{$dep}->[0] .
+ '}</Project>' . $crlf,
+ $spc . ' <Name>' . $dep . '</Name>' . $crlf,
+ $spc . '</ProjectReference>' . $crlf);
+ }
+ ## Indicate that we need to re-write the file
+ $write = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ last if (!$write);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@read, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ close($ph);
+ ## If we need to re-write the file, then do so
+ if ($write && open($ph, ">$outdir/$project")) {
+ foreach my $line (@read) {
+ print $ph $line;
+ }
+ close($ph);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub adjust_names {
+ my($self, $name, $proj, $lang) = @_;
+ ## For websites, the project needs to be the directory of the actual
+ ## project file with a trailing slash. The name needs a trailing slash
+ ## too.
+ if ($lang eq Creator::website) {
+ $proj = $self->mpc_dirname($proj);
+ $proj .= '\\';
+ $name .= '\\';
+ }
+ ## This always needs to be a path with the Windows style directory
+ ## separator.
+ $proj =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ return $name, $proj;
+sub get_short_config_name {
+ #my($self, $cfg) = @_;
+ return $_[1];
+sub get_solution_config_section_name {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'SolutionConfigurationPlatforms';
+sub get_project_config_section_name {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'ProjectConfigurationPlatforms';
+sub print_additional_sections {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ print $fh "\tGlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution$crlf",
+ "\t\tHideSolutionNode = FALSE$crlf",
+ "\tEndGlobalSection$crlf";
+sub allow_empty_dependencies {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub print_inner_project {
+ my($self, $fh, $gen, $currguid, $deps, $name, $name_to_guid_map, $proj_language, $cfgs) = @_;
+ ## We need to perform a lot of work, but only for websites.
+ if ($proj_language eq Creator::website) {
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $directory = ($name eq '.\\' ?
+ $self->get_workspace_name() . '\\' : $name);
+ ## We need the directory name with no trailing back-slash for use
+ ## below.
+ my $notrail = $directory;
+ $notrail =~ s/\\$//;
+ # Print the website project.
+ print $fh "\tProjectSection(WebsiteProperties) = preProject", $crlf;
+ ## Print out the references
+ my $references;
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ if (defined $$name_to_guid_map{$dep}) {
+ $references = "\t\t" .
+ 'ProjectReferences = "' if (!defined $references);
+ $references .= "{$$name_to_guid_map{$dep}}|$dep;";
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh $references, '"', $crlf if (defined $references);
+ ## And now the configurations
+ my %cfg_seen;
+ foreach my $config (@$cfgs) {
+ $config =~ s/\|.*//;
+ if (!$cfg_seen{$config}) {
+ print $fh "\t\t$config.AspNetCompiler.VirtualPath = \"/$notrail\"", $crlf,
+ "\t\t$config.AspNetCompiler.PhysicalPath = \"$directory\"", $crlf,
+ "\t\t$config.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = \"PrecompiledWeb\\$directory\"", $crlf,
+ "\t\t$config.AspNetCompiler.Updateable = \"true\"", $crlf,
+ "\t\t$config.AspNetCompiler.ForceOverwrite = \"true\"", $crlf,
+ "\t\t$config.AspNetCompiler.FixedNames = \"true\"", $crlf,
+ "\t\t$config.AspNetCompiler.Debug = \"",
+ ($config =~ /debug/i ? 'True' : 'False'), "\"", $crlf;
+ $cfg_seen{$config} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh "\t\tVWDPort = \"1573\"", $crlf,
+ "\t\tDefaultWebSiteLanguage = \"",
+ $lang_map{$self->get_language()}, "\"", $crlf,
+ "\tEndProjectSection", $crlf;
+ }
+ else {
+ # We can ignore this project and pass it to the
+ # SUPER since it's not a website.
+ $self->SUPER::print_inner_project($fh, $gen, $currguid, $deps,
+ $name, $name_to_guid_map);
+ }
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fea5ee31fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package VC9ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC9 Project Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 11/22/2007
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC8ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC8ProjectCreator);
+my %config = ('vcversion' => '9.00',
+ 'prversion' => '9.0.30729',
+ 'toolsversion' => '3.5',
+ 'xmlheader' => 1,
+ );
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get_configurable {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ return $config{$name};
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0a5ba6b667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package VC9WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC9 Workspace Creator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 11/22/2007
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use VC9ProjectCreator;
+use VC8WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(VC8WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ print $fh '', $crlf,
+ 'Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00', $crlf;
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '# Visual Studio 2008', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf);
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47786b49dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package VCProjectBase;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A VC Project base module
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 1/4/2005
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use WinProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WinProjectBase);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub compare_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub require_dependencies {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Only write dependencies for non-static projects
+ ## and static exe projects, unless the user wants the
+ ## dependency combined static library.
+ return ($self->get_static() == 0 || $self->exe_target() ||
+ $self->dependency_combined_static_library());
+sub dependency_is_filename {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Get the base class properties and add the properties that we
+ ## support.
+ my $props = $self->WinProjectBase::get_properties();
+ ## All projects that use this base class are for Microsoft compilers.
+ $$props{'microsoft'} = 1;
+ return $props;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7edc61a50f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package Version;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Central location for the MPC version.
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 1/5/2003
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+## This is the starting major and minor version
+my $version = '3.7';
+my $once = 1;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get {
+ if ($once) {
+ ## We only need to do this once
+ $once = 0;
+ ## Here we determine the beta version. The base variable
+ ## is the negated number of existing ChangeLog entries at the
+ ## time of the release of the major and minor version. We then
+ ## add the total number of ChangeLog entries to the base to
+ ## get the beta version.
+ my $base = -1;
+ if (open(CLH, ::getBasePath() . '/ChangeLog')) {
+ while(<CLH>) {
+ if (/^\w\w\w\s\w\w\w\s/) {
+ ++$base;
+ }
+ }
+ close(CLH);
+ ## We then append the beta version number to the version string
+ $version .= ".$base";
+ }
+ else {
+ $version .= '.??';
+ }
+ }
+ return $version;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a59f05038f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package WB26ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Workbench 2.6 / VxWorks 6.4 generator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 07/01/2008
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %templates = ('wb26' => '.project',
+ 'wb26wrproject' => '.wrproject',
+ 'wb26wrmakefile' => '.wrmakefile');
+my @tkeys = sort keys %templates;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub crlf {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return "\n";
+sub project_file_name {
+ my($self, $name, $template) = @_;
+ ## Fill in the name and template if they weren't provided
+ $name = $self->project_name() if (!defined $name);
+ $template = 'wb26' if (!defined $template || !defined $templates{$template});
+ if ($self->{'make_coexistence'}) {
+ return $self->get_modified_project_file_name($name,
+ '/' . $templates{$template});
+ }
+ else {
+ return $templates{$template};
+ }
+sub get_template {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return @tkeys;
+sub dependency_is_filename {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub requires_forward_slashes {
+ return 1;
+sub file_visible {
+ ## We only want the project file visible to the workspace creator.
+ ## There can only be one and this is it.
+ #my($self, $template) = @_;
+ return $_[1] eq 'wb26';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wb26exe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wb26dll';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63ec046ca71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+package WB26WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Workbench 2.6 / VxWorks 6.4 generator
+# Author : Johnny Willemsen
+# Create Date : 07/01/2008
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use WB26ProjectCreator;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub requires_make_coexistence {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub supports_make_coexistence {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_name {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs';
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf,
+ '# WindRiver Workbench generator', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '# This file should be placed in the .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings directory', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ "# $0 @ARGV", $crlf,
+ '#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf);
+ ## Unchanging initial settings
+ print $fh 'version=1', $crlf,
+ 'eclipse.preferences.version=1', $crlf,
+ 'description.defaultbuildorder=false', $crlf;
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $pjs = $self->get_project_info();
+ my @list = $self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0);
+ ## Print out the target
+ print $fh 'description.buildorder=';
+ foreach my $project (@list) {
+ print $fh "$$pjs{$project}->[0]/";
+ }
+ print $fh $self->crlf();
+sub post_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh, $creator) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Clear out the seen dependency hash for use within the
+ ## add_dependencies method.
+ $self->{'seen_deps'} = {};
+ ## Print out the project dependencies
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
+ print $fh "$project$crlf";
+ $self->add_dependencies($creator, $project);
+ }
+sub get_additional_output {
+ ## Create the accompanying list file. It always goes in the same
+ ## directory as the first workspace output file. See
+ ## for a description of the array elements.
+ return [[undef, 'wb26projects.lst', \&list_file_body]];
+sub list_file_body {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ ## Optionally print the workspace comment
+ $self->print_workspace_comment($fh,
+ '#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf,
+ '# WindRiver Workbench generator', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '#', $crlf,
+ '# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
+ '# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
+ '# MPC Command:', $crlf,
+ "# $0 @ARGV", $crlf,
+ '#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf);
+ ## Print out each target separately
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
+ print $fh Cwd::abs_path($self->mpc_dirname($project)), '/.project', $crlf;
+ }
+sub add_dependencies {
+ my($self, $creator, $proj) = @_;
+ my $outdir = $self->mpc_dirname($proj);
+ ## These values will be changed after the first time through the for
+ ## loop below.
+ my $pre = "\t\t" . '<project>';
+ my $post = '</project>';
+ my $outfile = $outdir . '/.project';
+ ## Go through twice to edit both the .project and .wrproject files
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($fh, $outfile)) {
+ ## Get the dependencies and store them based on the directory of
+ ## the project file. We will check them later.
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($proj);
+ my $key = $self->mpc_basename($self->mpc_dirname($proj));
+ $self->{'seen_deps'}->{$key} = {};
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ $self->{'seen_deps'}->{$key}->{$dep} = 1;
+ }
+ my @read = ();
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ ## This is a comment found in wb26.mpd and wb26wrproject.mpd if
+ ## the project is an executable, contains the 'after' keyword
+ ## setting, and the 'enable_subprojects' template variable.
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my %seen = ();
+ my @lines;
+ foreach my $dep (reverse @$deps) {
+ ## If we've seen this dependency, we don't need to add it
+ ## again. The build tool will handle it correctly.
+ if (!$seen{$dep}) {
+ my $relative = $self->get_relative_dep_file($creator,
+ "$cwd/$proj", $dep);
+ ## Since we're looking at the dependencies in reverse order
+ ## now, we need to unshift them into another array to keep
+ ## the correct order.
+ unshift(@lines, "$pre$dep$post$crlf") if (defined $relative);
+ ## We've now seen this dependency and all of the
+ ## projects upon which this one depends.
+ $seen{$dep} = 1;
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'seen_deps'}->{$dep}}) {
+ $seen{$key} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Add the dependency lines to the project file
+ push(@read, @lines);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@read, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ ## We will always rewrite the project file (with or without
+ ## dependencies).
+ if (open($fh, ">$outfile")) {
+ foreach my $line (@read) {
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ }
+ ## The dependencies need to go into the .wrproject too, so transform
+ ## the name and the pre and post values.
+ $outfile = $outdir . '/.wrproject';
+ $pre = ' <subproject project="/';
+ $post = '"/>';
+ }
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ef49418d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package WinProjectBase;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Windows base module for Project Creators
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 1/4/2005
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $max_win_env = 'MPC_MAX_WIN_FILE_LENGTH';
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub convert_slashes {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub case_insensitive {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub translate_directory {
+ my($self, $dir) = @_;
+ ## Call the base class version
+ $dir = $self->DirectoryManager::translate_directory($dir);
+ ## Change drive letters and $() macros
+ $dir =~ s/^([A-Z]):/$1/i;
+ $dir =~ s/\$\(([^\)]+)\)/$1/g;
+ ## We need to make sure that we do not exceed the maximum file name
+ ## limitation (including the cwd (- c:\) and object file name). So, we
+ ## check the total length against a predetermined "acceptable" value.
+ ## This acceptable value is modifiable through the environment.
+ my $maxenv = $ENV{$max_win_env};
+ my $maxlen = (defined $maxenv && $maxenv =~ /^\d+$/ ? $maxenv : 128) + 3;
+ my $dirlen = length($dir);
+ my $diff = (length($self->getcwd()) + $dirlen + 1) - $maxlen;
+ if ($diff > 0) {
+ if ($diff > $dirlen) {
+ $dir = substr($dir, $dirlen - 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $dir = substr($dir, $diff);
+ }
+ while($dir =~ s/^\\//) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $dir;
+sub validated_directory {
+ my($self, $dir) = @_;
+ ## $(...) could contain a drive letter and Windows can not
+ ## make a directory that resembles a drive letter. So, we have
+ ## to exclude those directories with $(...).
+ if ($dir =~ /\$\([^\)]+\)/ || $dir =~ /\.\.\\/ || $dir =~ /^[A-Z]:/i) {
+ return '.';
+ }
+ else {
+ return $dir;
+ }
+sub crlf {
+ return $_[0]->windows_crlf();
+sub get_cmdsep_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&';
+sub file_sorter {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $left = shift;
+ #my $right = shift;
+ return lc($_[1]) cmp lc($_[2]);
+sub get_properties {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Get the base class properties and add the properties that we
+ ## support.
+ my $props = $self->ProjectCreator::get_properties();
+ ## All projects that use this base class are for Windows.
+ $$props{'windows'} = 1;
+ return $props;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ff82a7d2a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package WinVersionTranslator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Translate the version value for Windows.
+# Windows can not handle letters in the version
+# and truncates anything after \d+\.\d+. We
+# will convert letters to numbers, retain
+# trailing numbers and everything else will be
+# converted to a zero.
+# ex. 1.4.3 => 1.403
+# 1.4a.5 => 1.4005
+# 1.4b.4 => 1.4104
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 10/7/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub translate {
+ my $version = shift;
+ ## See if the version contains something other than numbers followed by
+ ## a decimal point and numbers.
+ if ($version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)([^\d].*)$/) {
+ $version = $1;
+ my $post = $2;
+ my $length = length($post);
+ ## Convert the non-conforming value to all numbers
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
+ my $ch = substr($post, $i, 1);
+ if ($ch =~ /[a-z]/i) {
+ my $digit = ord(lc($ch)) - ord('a');
+ $version .= $digit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch =~ /\d/) {
+ $version .= $ch;
+ }
+ else {
+ $version .= '0';
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we have a good version number we need to make sure that the
+ ## minor version number does not exceed the value of a short unsigned
+ ## integer.
+ if ($version =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
+ my($major, $minor) = ($1, $2);
+ $minor =~ s/^\d+\.//;
+ while($minor > 65535) {
+ $minor = substr($minor, 0, length($minor) - 1);
+ }
+ $version = $major . '.' . $minor;
+ }
+ }
+ return $version;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ffd56efb40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package WinWorkspaceBase;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Windows base module for Workspace Creators
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 2/26/2007
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub crlf {
+ return $_[0]->windows_crlf();
+sub convert_slashes {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub case_insensitive {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b349e9711b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package WixProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Wix Project Creator
+# Author : James H. Hill
+# Create Date : 6/23/2009
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use ProjectCreator;
+use WinProjectBase;
+use XMLProjectBase;
+use GUID;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XMLProjectBase WinProjectBase ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub expand_variables_from_template_values {
+ return 1;
+sub warn_useless_project {
+ return 0;
+sub convert_slashes {
+ return 0;
+sub fill_value {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ if ($name eq 'guid') {
+ ## Return a repeatable GUID for use within the template. The values
+ ## provided will be hashed and returned in a format expected by Wix.
+ return GUID::generate($self->project_file_name(),
+ $self->{'current_input'}, $self->getcwd());
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'source_directory') {
+ my $source;
+ if ($self->get_assignment('sharedname')) {
+ $source = $self->get_assignment('dllout');
+ if ($source eq '') {
+ $source = $self->get_assignment('libout');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($self->get_assignment('staticname')) {
+ $source = $self->get_assignment('libout');
+ }
+ else {
+ $source = $self->get_assignment('exeout');
+ }
+ ## Check for a variable in the source directory. We have to make
+ ## sure we transform this correctly for WIX by adding the correct
+ ## prefix. Otherwise, WIX will complain.
+ if (defined $source && $source =~ /.*?\$\((.+?)\).*/) {
+ my $prefix;
+ my $varname = $1;
+ if ($ENV{$varname}) {
+ $prefix = "env";
+ }
+ else {
+ $prefix = "var";
+ }
+ ## Add the correct prefix to the variable.
+ $source =~ s/$varname/$prefix.$varname/g;
+ }
+ return $source;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub project_file_extension {
+ return '.wxi';
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wix';
+sub get_lib_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wix';
+sub get_lib_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wix';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wix';
+sub get_template {
+ return 'wix';
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..60f42b39200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package WixWorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : A Wix Workspace creator
+# Author : James H. Hill
+# Create Date : 6/23/2009
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use WixProjectCreator;
+use WorkspaceCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ return '.wxs';
+sub workspace_file_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->get_modified_workspace_name($self->get_workspace_name(),
+ '.wxi');
+sub pre_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ my $name = $self->get_workspace_name();
+ ## Begin the project definition for the workspace
+ print $fh '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>', $crlf,
+ '<Include>', $crlf;
+sub write_comps {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ # print the target for clean
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects())) {
+ print $fh " <?include $project ?>", $crlf;
+ }
+sub post_workspace {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $info = $self->get_project_info();
+ my $crlf = $self->crlf();
+ # Create a component group consisting of all the projects.
+ print $fh $crlf,
+ ' <Fragment>', $crlf,
+ ' <ComponentGroup Id="',
+ $self->get_workspace_name(), '">', $crlf;
+ foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects())) {
+ print $fh ' <ComponentRef Id="',
+ $$info{$project}->[0], '" />', $crlf;
+ }
+ print $fh ' </ComponentGroup>', $crlf,
+ ' </Fragment>', $crlf,
+ '</Include>', $crlf;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ac462340f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,2354 @@
+package WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Base class for all workspace creators
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 5/13/2002
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use File::Path;
+use Creator;
+use Options;
+use WorkspaceHelper;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Creator Options);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my $wsext = 'mwc';
+my $wsbase = 'mwb';
+## Valid names for assignments within a workspace
+my %validNames = ('cmdline' => 1,
+ 'implicit' => 1,
+ );
+## Singleton hash maps of project information
+my %allprinfo;
+my %allprojects;
+my %allliblocs;
+## Global previous workspace names
+my %previous_workspace_name;
+## Constant aggregated workspace type name
+my $aggregated = 'aggregated_workspace';
+my $onVMS = DirectoryManager::onVMS();
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub new {
+ my($class, $global, $inc, $template, $ti, $dynamic, $static, $relative, $addtemp, $addproj, $progress, $toplevel, $baseprojs, $gfeature, $relative_f, $feature, $features, $hierarchy, $exclude, $makeco, $nmod, $applypj, $genins, $into, $language, $use_env, $expandvars, $gendot, $comments, $foreclipse) = @_;
+ my $self = Creator::new($class, $global, $inc,
+ $template, $ti, $dynamic, $static,
+ $relative, $addtemp, $addproj,
+ $progress, $toplevel, $baseprojs,
+ $feature, $features,
+ $hierarchy, $nmod, $applypj,
+ $into, $language, $use_env, $expandvars,
+ 'workspace');
+ ## These need to be reset at the end of each
+ ## workspace processed within a .mwc file
+ $self->{'workspace_name'} = undef;
+ $self->{'projects'} = [];
+ $self->{'project_info'} = {};
+ $self->{'project_files'} = [];
+ $self->{'modified_count'} = 0;
+ $self->{'exclude'} = {};
+ $self->{'associated'} = {};
+ $self->{'scoped_assign'} = {};
+ ## These are maintained/modified throughout processing
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = 0;
+ $self->{'cacheok'} = 1;
+ $self->{'lib_locations'} = {};
+ $self->{'reading_parent'} = [];
+ $self->{'global_feature_file'} = $gfeature;
+ $self->{'relative_file'} = $relative_f;
+ $self->{'project_file_list'} = {};
+ $self->{'ordering_cache'} = {};
+ $self->{'handled_scopes'} = {};
+ $self->{'scoped_basedir'} = undef;
+ ## These are static throughout processing
+ $self->{'coexistence'} = $self->requires_make_coexistence() ? 1 : $makeco;
+ $self->{'for_eclipse'} = $foreclipse;
+ $self->{'generate_dot'} = $gendot;
+ $self->{'generate_ins'} = $genins;
+ $self->{'verbose_ordering'} = undef;
+ $self->{'wctype'} = $self->extractType("$self");
+ $self->{'workspace_comments'} = $comments;
+ if (defined $$exclude[0]) {
+ my $type = $self->{'wctype'};
+ if (!defined $self->{'exclude'}->{$type}) {
+ $self->{'exclude'}->{$type} = [];
+ }
+ push(@{$self->{'exclude'}->{$type}}, @$exclude);
+ $self->{'orig_exclude'} = $self->{'exclude'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'orig_exclude'} = {};
+ }
+ ## Add a hash reference for our workspace type
+ if (!defined $previous_workspace_name{$self->{'wctype'}}) {
+ $previous_workspace_name{$self->{'wctype'}} = {};
+ }
+ ## Warn users about unnecessary options
+ if ($self->get_hierarchy() && $self->workspace_per_project()) {
+ $self->warning("The -hierarchy option is unnecessary " .
+ "for the " . $self->{'wctype'} . " type.");
+ }
+ if ($self->{'coexistence'} && !$self->supports_make_coexistence()) {
+ $self->warning("Using the -make_coexistence option has " .
+ "no effect on the " . $self->{'wctype'} . " type.");
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub set_verbose_ordering {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ $self->{'verbose_ordering'} = $value;
+sub modify_assignment_value {
+ ## Workspace assignments do not need modification.
+ return $_[2];
+sub parse_line {
+ my($self, $ih, $line, $flags) = @_;
+ my($status, $error, @values) = $self->parse_known($line);
+ ## Was the line recognized?
+ if ($status && defined $values[0]) {
+ if ($values[0] eq $self->{'grammar_type'}) {
+ my $name = $values[1];
+ if (defined $name && $name eq '}') {
+ if (!defined $self->{'reading_parent'}->[0]) {
+ ## Fill in all the default values
+ $self->generate_defaults();
+ ## End of workspace; Have subclass write out the file
+ ## Generate the project files
+ my($gstat, $creator, $err) = $self->generate_project_files();
+ if ($gstat) {
+ ($status, $error) = $self->write_workspace($creator, 1);
+ $self->{'assign'} = {};
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = $err;
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ $self->{'modified_count'} = 0;
+ $self->{'workspace_name'} = undef;
+ $self->{'projects'} = [];
+ $self->{'project_info'} = {};
+ $self->{'project_files'} = [];
+ $self->{'exclude'} = $self->{'orig_exclude'};
+ $self->{'associated'} = {};
+ $self->{'scoped_assign'} = {};
+ }
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Workspace Beginning
+ ## Deal with the inheritance hiearchy first
+ if (defined $values[2]) {
+ foreach my $parent (@{$values[2]}) {
+ ## Read in the parent onto ourself
+ my $file = $self->search_include_path("$parent.$wsbase");
+ if (!defined $file) {
+ $file = $self->search_include_path("$parent.$wsext");
+ }
+ if (defined $file) {
+ push(@{$self->{'reading_parent'}}, 1);
+ $status = $self->parse_file($file);
+ pop(@{$self->{'reading_parent'}});
+ $error = "Invalid parent: $parent" if (!$status);
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = "Unable to locate parent: $parent";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set up some initial values
+ if (defined $name) {
+ if ($name =~ /[\/\\]/) {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = 'Workspaces can not have a slash ' .
+ 'or a back slash in the name';
+ }
+ else {
+ $name =~ s/^\(\s*//;
+ $name =~ s/\s*\)$//;
+ ## Replace any *'s with the default name
+ if (index($name, '*') >= 0) {
+ $name = $self->fill_type_name(
+ $name,
+ $self->get_default_workspace_name());
+ }
+ $self->{'workspace_name'} = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq '0') {
+ if (defined $validNames{$values[1]}) {
+ $self->process_assignment($values[1], $values[2], $flags);
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Invalid assignment name: '$values[1]'";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq '1') {
+ if (defined $validNames{$values[1]}) {
+ ## This code only runs when there is a non-scoped assignment. As
+ ## such, we can safely replace all environment variables here so
+ ## that they are not incorrectly handled in aggregated
+ ## workspaces.
+ $self->replace_env_vars(\$values[2]) if ($values[2] =~ /\$/);
+ $self->process_assignment_add($values[1], $values[2], $flags);
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Invalid addition name: $values[1]";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq '-1') {
+ if (defined $validNames{$values[1]}) {
+ $self->process_assignment_sub($values[1], $values[2], $flags);
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Invalid subtraction name: $values[1]";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($values[0] eq 'component') {
+ my %copy = %{defined $flags ? $flags : $self->get_assignment_hash()};
+ ($status, $error) = $self->parse_scope($ih,
+ $values[1],
+ $values[2],
+ \%validNames,
+ \%copy);
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unrecognized line: $line";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($status == -1) {
+ ## If the line contains a variable, try to replace it with an actual
+ ## value.
+ $line = $self->relative($line) if (index($line, '$') >= 0);
+ foreach my $expfile ($line =~ /[\?\*\[\]]/ ? $self->mpc_glob($line) :
+ $line) {
+ if ($expfile =~ /\.$wsext$/) {
+ my %copy = %{defined $flags ? $flags : $self->get_assignment_hash()};
+ ($status, $error) = $self->aggregated_workspace($expfile, \%copy);
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@{$self->{'project_files'}}, $expfile);
+ $status = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub aggregated_workspace {
+ my($self, $file, $flags) = @_;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ if (open($fh, $file)) {
+ my $oline = $self->get_line_number();
+ my $tc = $self->{$self->{'type_check'}};
+ my $ag = $self->{'handled_scopes'}->{$aggregated};
+ my $psbd = $self->{'scoped_basedir'};
+ my($status, $error, @values) = (0, 'No recognizable lines');
+ $self->{'handled_scopes'}->{$aggregated} = undef;
+ $self->set_line_number(0);
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = 0;
+ $self->{'scoped_basedir'} = $self->mpc_dirname($file);
+ ## If the directory name for the file is the current directory, we
+ ## need to empty it out. If we don't, it will cause the file name to
+ ## not match up with itself later on where scoped_basedir is used.
+ $self->{'scoped_basedir'} = undef if ($self->{'scoped_basedir'} eq '.');
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ ($status, $error, @values) = $self->parse_known($line);
+ ## Was the line recognized?
+ if ($status) {
+ if (defined $values[0]) {
+ if ($values[0] eq $self->{'grammar_type'}) {
+ if (defined $values[2]) {
+ my $name = $self->mpc_basename($file);
+ $name =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = 'Aggregated workspace (' . $name .
+ ') can not inherit from another workspace';
+ }
+ else {
+ ($status, $error) = $self->parse_scope($fh,
+ '',
+ $aggregated,
+ \%validNames,
+ $flags);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = 'Unable to aggregate ' . $file;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close($fh);
+ $self->{'scoped_basedir'} = $psbd;
+ $self->{'handled_scopes'}->{$aggregated} = $ag;
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = $tc;
+ $self->set_line_number($oline);
+ return $status, $error;
+ }
+ return 0, 'Unable to open ' . $file;
+sub parse_scope {
+ my($self, $fh, $name, $type, $validNames, $flags, $elseflags) = @_;
+ if ($type eq $self->get_default_component_name()) {
+ $type = $self->{'wctype'};
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'exclude') {
+ return $self->parse_exclude($fh, $type, $flags);
+ }
+ elsif ($name eq 'associate') {
+ return $self->parse_associate($fh, $type);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->SUPER::parse_scope($fh, $name, $type,
+ $validNames, $flags, $elseflags);
+ }
+sub process_types {
+ my($self, $typestr) = @_;
+ my %types;
+ @types{split(/\s*,\s*/, $typestr)} = ();
+ ## If there is a negation at all, add our
+ ## current type, it may be removed below
+ if (index($typestr, '!') >= 0) {
+ $types{$self->{wctype}} = 1;
+ ## Process negated exclusions
+ foreach my $key (keys %types) {
+ if ($key =~ /^!\s*(\w+)/) {
+ ## Remove the negated key
+ delete $types{$key};
+ ## Then delete the key that was negated in the exclusion.
+ delete $types{$1};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \%types;
+sub parse_exclude {
+ my($self, $fh, $typestr, $flags) = @_;
+ my $status = 0;
+ my $errorString = 'Unable to process exclude';
+ my $negated = (index($typestr, '!') >= 0);
+ my @exclude;
+ my $types = $self->process_types($typestr);
+ my $count = 1;
+ if (exists $$types{$self->{wctype}}) {
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}(.*)$/) {
+ --$count;
+ if (defined $1 && $1 ne '') {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Trailing characters found: '$1'";
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 1;
+ $errorString = undef;
+ }
+ last if ($count == 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*(\([^\)]+\))?\s*{$/) {
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ elsif ($self->parse_assignment($line, [])) {
+ ## Ignore all assignments
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($line =~ /^"([^"]+)"$/) {
+ $line = $1;
+ }
+ ## If the line contains a variable, try to replace it with an
+ ## actual value.
+ $line = $self->relative($line) if (index($line, '$') >= 0);
+ if (defined $self->{'scoped_basedir'} &&
+ $self->path_is_relative($line)) {
+ $line = $self->{'scoped_basedir'} . '/' . $line;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /[\?\*\[\]]/) {
+ push(@exclude, $self->mpc_glob($line));
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@exclude, $line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $type (keys %$types) {
+ if (!defined $self->{'exclude'}->{$type}) {
+ $self->{'exclude'}->{$type} = [];
+ }
+ push(@{$self->{'exclude'}->{$type}}, @exclude);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($negated) {
+ ($status, $errorString) = $self->SUPER::parse_scope($fh,
+ 'exclude',
+ $typestr,
+ \%validNames,
+ $flags);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## If this exclude block didn't match the current type and the
+ ## exclude wasn't negated, we need to eat the exclude block so that
+ ## these lines don't get included into the workspace.
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*(\([^\)]+\))?\s*{$/) {
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}(.*)$/) {
+ --$count;
+ if (defined $1 && $1 ne '') {
+ $status = 0;
+ $errorString = "Trailing characters found: '$1'";
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 1;
+ $errorString = undef;
+ }
+ last if ($count == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub parse_associate {
+ my($self, $fh, $assoc_key) = @_;
+ my $status = 0;
+ my $errorString = 'Unable to process associate';
+ my $count = 1;
+ my @projects;
+ if (!defined $self->{'associated'}->{$assoc_key}) {
+ $self->{'associated'}->{$assoc_key} = {};
+ }
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_);
+ if ($line eq '') {
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^}(.*)$/) {
+ --$count;
+ if (defined $1 && $1 ne '') {
+ $errorString = "Trailing characters found: '$1'";
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 1;
+ $errorString = undef;
+ }
+ last if ($count == 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*(\([^\)]+\))?\s*{$/) {
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ elsif ($self->parse_assignment($line, [])) {
+ $errorString = 'Assignments are not ' .
+ 'allowed within an associate scope';
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($line =~ /^"([^"]+)"$/) {
+ $line = $1;
+ }
+ ## If the line contains a variable, try to replace it with an
+ ## actual value.
+ $line = $self->relative($line) if (index($line, '$') >= 0);
+ if (defined $self->{'scoped_basedir'} &&
+ $self->path_is_relative($line)) {
+ $line = $self->{'scoped_basedir'} . '/' . $line;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /[\?\*\[\]]/) {
+ foreach my $file ($self->mpc_glob($line)) {
+ $self->{'associated'}->{$assoc_key}->{$file} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'associated'}->{$assoc_key}->{$line} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $status, $errorString;
+sub excluded {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ foreach my $excluded (@{$self->{'exclude'}->{$self->{'wctype'}}}) {
+ return 1 if ($excluded eq $file || index($file, "$excluded/") == 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub handle_scoped_end {
+ my($self, $type, $flags) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ ## Replace instances of $PWD with the current directory plus the
+ ## scoped_basedir. We have to do it now otherwise, $PWD will be the
+ ## wrong directory if it's done later.
+ if (defined $$flags{'cmdline'} && defined $self->{'scoped_basedir'} &&
+ index($$flags{'cmdline'}, '$PWD') >= 0) {
+ my $dir = $self->getcwd() . '/' . $self->{'scoped_basedir'};
+ $$flags{'cmdline'} =~ s/\$PWD(\W)/$dir$1/g;
+ $$flags{'cmdline'} =~ s/\$PWD$/$dir/;
+ }
+ if ($type eq $aggregated && !defined $self->{'handled_scopes'}->{$type}) {
+ ## Go back to the previous directory and add the directory contents
+ ($status, $error) = $self->handle_scoped_unknown(undef, $type, $flags, '.');
+ }
+ $self->{'handled_scopes'}->{$type} = undef;
+ return $status, $error;
+sub handle_scoped_unknown {
+ my($self, $fh, $type, $flags, $line) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ my $dupchk;
+ if ($line =~ /^\w+.*{/) {
+ if (defined $fh) {
+ my @values;
+ my $tc = $self->{$self->{'type_check'}};
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = 1;
+ ($status, $error, @values) = $self->parse_line($fh, $line, $flags);
+ $self->{$self->{'type_check'}} = $tc;
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = 0;
+ $error = 'Unhandled line: ' . $line;
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+ }
+ ## If the line contains a variable, try to replace it with an actual
+ ## value.
+ $line = $self->relative($line) if (index($line, '$') >= 0);
+ if (defined $self->{'scoped_basedir'}) {
+ if ($self->path_is_relative($line)) {
+ $line = $self->{'scoped_basedir'} . ($line ne '.' ? "/$line" : '');
+ }
+ }
+ ## We must build up the list of project files and use them as the
+ ## keys in the duplicate hash check. We need to call
+ ## search_for_files() because the user may have just listed
+ ## directories in the workspace and we need to deal with mpc files.
+ my @files;
+ $self->search_for_files($self->{'project_files'}, \@files);
+ my %dup;
+ @dup{@files} = ();
+ $dupchk = \%dup;
+ ## If the aggregated workspace contains a scope (other than exclude)
+ ## it will be processed in the block above and we will eventually get
+ ## here, but by that time $type will no longer be $aggregated. So,
+ ## we just need to set it here to ensure that we don't add everything
+ ## in the scoped_basedir directory in handle_scoped_end()
+ $self->{'handled_scopes'}->{$aggregated} = 1;
+ if (-d $line) {
+ my @files;
+ $self->search_for_files([ $line ], \@files, $$flags{'implicit'});
+ ## If we are generating implicit projects within a scope, then
+ ## we need to remove directories and the parent directories for which
+ ## there is an mpc file. Otherwise, the projects will be added
+ ## twice.
+ if ($$flags{'implicit'}) {
+ my %remove;
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ if ($file =~ /\.mpc$/) {
+ my $exc = $file;
+ do {
+ $exc = $self->mpc_dirname($exc);
+ $remove{$exc} = 1;
+ } while($exc ne '.' && $exc !~ /[a-z]:[\/\\]/i);
+ }
+ }
+ my @acceptable;
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ push(@acceptable, $file) if (!defined $remove{$file});
+ }
+ @files = @acceptable;
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ if (!$self->excluded($file)) {
+ if (defined $dupchk && exists $$dupchk{$file}) {
+ $self->information("Duplicate mpc file ($file) added by an " .
+ 'aggregate workspace. It will be ignored.');
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'scoped_assign'}->{$file} = $flags;
+ push(@{$self->{'project_files'}}, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $expfile ($line =~ /[\?\*\[\]]/ ? $self->mpc_glob($line) :
+ $line) {
+ if ($expfile =~ /\.$wsext$/) {
+ ## An aggregated workspace within an aggregated workspace or scope.
+ ($status, $error) = $self->aggregated_workspace($expfile, $flags);
+ last if (!$status);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!$self->excluded($expfile)) {
+ if (defined $dupchk && exists $$dupchk{$expfile}) {
+ $self->information("Duplicate mpc file ($expfile) added by an " .
+ 'aggregate workspace. It will be ignored.');
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'scoped_assign'}->{$expfile} = $flags;
+ push(@{$self->{'project_files'}}, $expfile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'handled_scopes'}->{$type} = 1;
+ return $status, $error;
+sub search_for_files {
+ my($self, $files, $array, $impl) = @_;
+ my $excluded = 0;
+ foreach my $file (@$files) {
+ if (-d $file) {
+ my @f = $self->generate_default_file_list(
+ $file,
+ $self->{'exclude'}->{$self->{'wctype'}},
+ \$excluded);
+ $self->search_for_files(\@f, $array, $impl);
+ if ($impl) {
+ $file =~ s/^\.\///;
+ # Strip out ^ symbols
+ $file =~ s/\^//g if ($onVMS);
+ unshift(@$array, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($file =~ /\.mpc$/) {
+ $file =~ s/^\.\///;
+ # Strip out ^ symbols
+ $file =~ s/\^//g if ($onVMS);
+ unshift(@$array, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ return $excluded;
+sub remove_duplicate_projects {
+ my($self, $list) = @_;
+ my $count = scalar(@$list);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
+ my $file = $$list[$i];
+ foreach my $inner (@$list) {
+ if ($file ne $inner &&
+ $file eq $self->mpc_dirname($inner) && ! -d $inner) {
+ splice(@$list, $i, 1);
+ --$count;
+ --$i;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub generate_default_components {
+ my($self, $files, $impl, $excluded) = @_;
+ my $pjf = $self->{'project_files'};
+ if (defined $$pjf[0]) {
+ ## If we have files, then process directories
+ my @built;
+ foreach my $file (@$pjf) {
+ if (!$self->excluded($file)) {
+ if (-d $file) {
+ my @found;
+ my @gen = $self->generate_default_file_list(
+ $file,
+ $self->{'exclude'}->{$self->{'wctype'}});
+ $self->search_for_files(\@gen, \@found, $impl);
+ push(@built, @found);
+ if ($impl || $self->{'scoped_assign'}->{$file}->{'implicit'}) {
+ push(@built, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@built, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## If the workspace is set to implicit remove duplicates from this
+ ## list.
+ $self->remove_duplicate_projects(\@built) if ($impl);
+ ## Set the project files
+ $self->{'project_files'} = \@built;
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Add all of the wanted files in this directory
+ ## and in the subdirectories.
+ $excluded |= $self->search_for_files($files, $pjf, $impl);
+ ## If the workspace is set to implicit remove duplicates from this
+ ## list.
+ $self->remove_duplicate_projects($pjf) if ($impl);
+ ## If no files were found, then we push the empty
+ ## string, so the Project Creator will generate
+ ## the default project file.
+ push(@$pjf, '') if (!defined $$pjf[0] && !$excluded);
+ }
+sub get_default_workspace_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->{'current_input'};
+ if ($name eq '') {
+ $name = $self->base_directory();
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Since files on UNIX can have back slashes, we transform them
+ ## into underscores.
+ $name =~ s/\\/_/g;
+ ## Take off the extension
+ $name =~ s/\.[^\.]+$//;
+ }
+ return $name;
+sub generate_defaults {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ## Generate default workspace name
+ if (!defined $self->{'workspace_name'}) {
+ $self->{'workspace_name'} = $self->get_default_workspace_name();
+ }
+ ## Modify the exclude list if we have changed directory from the original
+ ## starting directory. Just take off the difference from the front.
+ my @original;
+ my $top = $self->getcwd() . '/';
+ my $start = $self->getstartdir() . '/';
+ if ($start ne $top && $top =~ s/^$start//) {
+ foreach my $exclude (@{$self->{'exclude'}->{$self->{'wctype'}}}) {
+ push(@original, $exclude);
+ $exclude =~ s/^$top//;
+ }
+ }
+ my $excluded = 0;
+ my @files = $self->generate_default_file_list(
+ '.',
+ $self->{'exclude'}->{$self->{'wctype'}},
+ \$excluded);
+ ## Generate default components
+ $self->generate_default_components(\@files,
+ $self->get_assignment('implicit'),
+ $excluded);
+ ## Return the actual exclude list of we modified it
+ if (defined $original[0]) {
+ $self->{'exclude'}->{$self->{'wctype'}} = \@original;
+ }
+sub get_workspace_name {
+ return $_[0]->{'workspace_name'};
+sub get_current_output_name {
+ return $_[0]->{'current_output'};
+sub write_and_compare_file {
+ my($self, $outdir, $oname, $func, @params) = @_;
+ my $fh = new FileHandle();
+ my $error = undef;
+ ## Set the output directory if one wasn't provided
+ $outdir = $self->get_outdir() if (!defined $outdir);
+ ## Create the full name and pull off the directory. The directory
+ ## portion may not be the same as $outdir, since $name could possibly
+ ## contain a directory portion too.
+ my $name = "$outdir/$oname";
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($name);
+ ## Make the full path if necessary
+ mkpath($dir, 0, 0777) if ($dir ne '.');
+ ## Set the current output data member to our file's full name
+ $self->{'current_output'} = $name;
+ if ($self->compare_output()) {
+ ## First write the output to a temporary file
+ my $tmp = "$outdir/MWC$>.$$";
+ my $different = 1;
+ if (open($fh, ">$tmp")) {
+ &$func($self, $fh, @params);
+ close($fh);
+ $different = 0 if (!$self->files_are_different($name, $tmp));
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unable to open $tmp for output.";
+ }
+ if (!defined $error) {
+ if ($different) {
+ unlink($name);
+ $error = "Unable to open $name for output" if (!rename($tmp, $name));
+ }
+ else {
+ ## There is no need to rename, so remove our temp file.
+ unlink($tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (open($fh, ">$name")) {
+ &$func($self, $fh, @params);
+ close($fh);
+ }
+ else {
+ $error = "Unable to open $name for output.";
+ }
+ }
+ return $error;
+sub write_workspace {
+ my($self, $creator, $addfile) = @_;
+ my $status = 1;
+ my $error;
+ my $duplicates = 0;
+ if ($self->get_toplevel()) {
+ ## There is usually a progress indicator callback provided, but if
+ ## the output is being redirected, there will be no progress
+ ## indicator.
+ my $progress = $self->get_progress_callback();
+ &$progress() if (defined $progress);
+ if ($addfile) {
+ ## To be consistent across multiple project types, we disallow
+ ## duplicate project names for all types, not just VC6.
+ ## Note that these name are handled case-insensitive by VC6
+ my %names;
+ foreach my $project (@{$self->{'projects'}}) {
+ my $name = lc($self->{'project_info'}->{$project}->[0]);
+ if (defined $names{$name}) {
+ ++$duplicates;
+ $self->error("Duplicate case-insensitive project '$name'. " .
+ "Look in " . $self->mpc_dirname($project) .
+ " and " . $self->mpc_dirname($names{$name}) .
+ " for project name conflicts.");
+ }
+ else {
+ $names{$name} = $project;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'per_project_workspace_name'} = 1;
+ }
+ my $name = $self->transform_file_name($self->workspace_file_name());
+ my $abort_creation = 0;
+ if ($duplicates > 0) {
+ $abort_creation = 1;
+ $error = "Duplicate case-insensitive project names are " .
+ "not allowed within a workspace.";
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!defined $self->{'projects'}->[0]) {
+ $self->information('No projects were created.');
+ $abort_creation = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$abort_creation) {
+ ## Verify and possibly modify the dependencies
+ if ($addfile) {
+ $self->verify_build_ordering();
+ }
+ if ($addfile || !$self->file_written($name)) {
+ $error = $self->write_and_compare_file(
+ undef, $name,
+ sub {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ $self->pre_workspace($fh, $creator, $addfile);
+ $self->write_comps($fh, $creator, $addfile);
+ my $wsHelper = WorkspaceHelper::get($self);
+ $wsHelper->perform_custom_processing($fh, $creator, $addfile);
+ $self->post_workspace($fh, $creator, $addfile);
+ });
+ if (defined $error) {
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->add_file_written($name) if ($addfile);
+ }
+ }
+ my $additional = $self->get_additional_output();
+ foreach my $entry (@$additional) {
+ $error = $self->write_and_compare_file(@$entry);
+ if (defined $error) {
+ $status = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($addfile && $self->{'generate_dot'}) {
+ my $dh = new FileHandle();
+ my $wsname = $self->get_workspace_name();
+ if (open($dh, ">$")) {
+ my %targnum;
+ my @list = $self->number_target_deps($self->{'projects'},
+ $self->{'project_info'},
+ \%targnum, 0);
+ print $dh "digraph $wsname {\n";
+ foreach my $project (@{$self->{'projects'}}) {
+ if (defined $targnum{$project}) {
+ my $pname = $self->{'project_info'}->{$project}->[0];
+ foreach my $number (@{$targnum{$project}}) {
+ print $dh " $pname -> ",
+ "$self->{'project_info'}->{$list[$number]}->[0];\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $dh "}\n";
+ close($dh);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->warning("Unable to write to $");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'per_project_workspace_name'} = undef if (!$addfile);
+ }
+ return $status, $error;
+sub save_project_info {
+ my($self, $gen, $gpi, $gll, $dir, $projects, $pi, $ll) = @_;
+ my $c = 0;
+ ## For each file written
+ foreach my $pj (@$gen) {
+ ## Save the full path to the project file in the array
+ my $full = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : '') . $pj;
+ push(@$projects, $full);
+ ## Get the corresponding generated project info and save it
+ ## in the hash map keyed on the full project file name
+ $$pi{$full} = $$gpi[$c];
+ $c++;
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys %$gll) {
+ $$ll{$key} = $$gll{$key};
+ }
+sub topname {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ my $dir = '.';
+ my $rest = $file;
+ if ($file =~ /^([^\/\\]+)[\/\\](.*)/) {
+ $dir = $1;
+ $rest = $2;
+ }
+ return $dir, $rest;
+sub generate_hierarchy {
+ my($self, $creator, $origproj, $originfo) = @_;
+ my $current;
+ my @saved;
+ my %sinfo;
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ ## Make a copy of these. We will be modifying them.
+ ## It is necessary to sort the projects to get the correct ordering.
+ ## Projects in the current directory must come before projects in
+ ## other directories.
+ my @projects = sort { return $self->sort_projects_by_directory($a, $b) + 0;
+ } @{$origproj};
+ my %projinfo = %{$originfo};
+ foreach my $prj (@projects) {
+ my($top, $rest) = $self->topname($prj);
+ if (!defined $current) {
+ $current = $top;
+ push(@saved, $rest);
+ $sinfo{$rest} = $projinfo{$prj};
+ }
+ elsif ($top ne $current) {
+ if ($current ne '.') {
+ ## Write out the hierachical workspace
+ $self->cd($current);
+ $self->generate_hierarchy($creator, \@saved, \%sinfo);
+ $self->{'projects'} = \@saved;
+ $self->{'project_info'} = \%sinfo;
+ $self->{'workspace_name'} = $self->base_directory();
+ my($status, $error) = $self->write_workspace($creator);
+ $self->error($error) if (!$status);
+ $self->cd($cwd);
+ }
+ ## Start the next one
+ $current = $top;
+ @saved = ($rest);
+ %sinfo = ();
+ $sinfo{$rest} = $projinfo{$prj};
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@saved, $rest);
+ $sinfo{$rest} = $projinfo{$prj};
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $current && $current ne '.') {
+ $self->cd($current);
+ $self->generate_hierarchy($creator, \@saved, \%sinfo);
+ $self->{'projects'} = \@saved;
+ $self->{'project_info'} = \%sinfo;
+ $self->{'workspace_name'} = $self->base_directory();
+ my($status, $error) = $self->write_workspace($creator);
+ $self->error($error) if (!$status);
+ $self->cd($cwd);
+ }
+sub generate_project_files {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $status = (scalar @{$self->{'project_files'}} == 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ my @projects;
+ my %pi;
+ my %liblocs;
+ my $creator = $self->project_creator();
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ my $impl = $self->get_assignment('implicit');
+ my $postkey = $creator->get_dynamic() .
+ $creator->get_static() . "-$self";
+ my $previmpl = $impl;
+ my $prevcache = $self->{'cacheok'};
+ my %gstate = $creator->save_state();
+ my $genimpdep = $self->generate_implicit_project_dependencies();
+ ## Save this project creator setting for later use in the
+ ## number_target_deps() method.
+ $self->{'dependency_is_filename'} = $creator->dependency_is_filename();
+ ## Remove the address portion of the $self string
+ $postkey =~ s/=.*//;
+ ## Set the source file callback on our project creator
+ $creator->set_source_listing_callback([\&source_listing_callback, $self]);
+ foreach my $ofile (@{$self->{'project_files'}}) {
+ if (!$self->excluded($ofile)) {
+ my $file = $ofile;
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($file);
+ my $restore = 0;
+ if (defined $self->{'scoped_assign'}->{$ofile}) {
+ ## Handle the implicit assignment
+ my $oi = $self->{'scoped_assign'}->{$ofile}->{'implicit'};
+ if (defined $oi) {
+ $previmpl = $impl;
+ $impl = $oi;
+ }
+ ## Handle the cmdline assignment
+ my $cmdline = $self->{'scoped_assign'}->{$ofile}->{'cmdline'};
+ if (defined $cmdline && $cmdline ne '') {
+ ## Save the cacheok value
+ $prevcache = $self->{'cacheok'};
+ ## Get the current parameters and process the command line
+ my %parameters = $self->current_parameters();
+ $self->process_cmdline($cmdline, \%parameters);
+ ## Set the parameters on the creator
+ $creator->restore_state(\%parameters);
+ $restore = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we are generating implicit projects and the file is a
+ ## directory, then we set the dir to the file and empty the file
+ if ($impl && -d $file) {
+ $dir = $file;
+ $file = '';
+ ## If the implicit assignment value was not a number, then
+ ## we will add this value to our base projects.
+ if ($impl !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ my $bps = $creator->get_baseprojs();
+ push(@$bps, split(/\s+/, $impl));
+ $restore = 1;
+ $self->{'cacheok'} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Generate the key for this project file
+ my $prkey = $self->getcwd() . '/' .
+ ($file eq '' ? $dir : $file) . "-$postkey";
+ ## We must change to the subdirectory for
+ ## which this project file is intended
+ if ($self->cd($dir)) {
+ my $files_written = [];
+ my $gen_proj_info = [];
+ my $gen_lib_locs = {};
+ if ($self->{'cacheok'} && defined $allprojects{$prkey}) {
+ $files_written = $allprojects{$prkey};
+ $gen_proj_info = $allprinfo{$prkey};
+ $gen_lib_locs = $allliblocs{$prkey};
+ $status = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = $creator->generate($self->mpc_basename($file));
+ ## If any one project file fails, then stop
+ ## processing altogether.
+ if (!$status) {
+ ## We don't restore the state before we leave,
+ ## but that's ok since we will be exiting right now.
+ return $status, $creator,
+ "Unable to process " . ($file eq '' ? " in $dir" : $file);
+ }
+ ## Get the individual project information and
+ ## generated file name(s)
+ $files_written = $creator->get_files_written();
+ $gen_proj_info = $creator->get_project_info();
+ $gen_lib_locs = $creator->get_lib_locations();
+ if ($self->{'cacheok'}) {
+ $allprojects{$prkey} = $files_written;
+ $allprinfo{$prkey} = $gen_proj_info;
+ $allliblocs{$prkey} = $gen_lib_locs;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->cd($cwd);
+ $self->save_project_info($files_written, $gen_proj_info,
+ $gen_lib_locs, $dir,
+ \@projects, \%pi, \%liblocs);
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Unable to change to the directory.
+ ## We don't restore the state before we leave,
+ ## but that's ok since we will be exiting soon.
+ return 0, $creator, "Unable to change directory to $dir";
+ }
+ ## Return things to the way they were
+ $impl = $previmpl if (defined $self->{'scoped_assign'}->{$ofile});
+ if ($restore) {
+ $self->{'cacheok'} = $prevcache;
+ $creator->restore_state(\%gstate);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## This one was excluded, so status is ok
+ $status = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Add implict project dependencies based on source files
+ ## that have been used by multiple projects. If we do it here
+ ## before we call generate_hierarchy(), we don't have to call it
+ ## in generate_hierarchy() for each workspace.
+ $self->{'projects'} = \@projects;
+ $self->{'project_info'} = \%pi;
+ if ($status && $genimpdep) {
+ $self->add_implicit_project_dependencies($creator, $cwd);
+ }
+ ## If we are generating the hierarchical workspaces, then do so
+ $self->{'lib_locations'} = \%liblocs;
+ if ($self->get_hierarchy() || $self->workspace_per_project()) {
+ my $orig = $self->{'workspace_name'};
+ $self->generate_hierarchy($creator, \@projects, \%pi);
+ $self->{'workspace_name'} = $orig;
+ }
+ ## Reset the projects and project_info
+ $self->{'projects'} = \@projects;
+ $self->{'project_info'} = \%pi;
+ return $status, $creator;
+sub array_contains {
+ my($self, $left, $right) = @_;
+ my %check;
+ ## Initialize the hash keys with the left side array
+ @check{@$left} = ();
+ ## Check each element on the right against the left.
+ foreach my $r (@$right) {
+ return 1 if (exists $check{$r});
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub non_intersection {
+ my($self, $left, $right, $over) = @_;
+ my $status = 0;
+ my %check;
+ ## Initialize the hash keys with the left side array
+ @check{@$left} = ();
+ ## Check each element on the right against the left.
+ ## Store anything that isn't in the left side in the over array.
+ foreach my $r (@$right) {
+ if (exists $check{$r}) {
+ $status = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@$over, $r);
+ }
+ }
+ return $status;
+sub indirect_dependency {
+ my($self, $dir, $ccheck, $cfile) = @_;
+ $self->{'indirect_checked'}->{$ccheck} = 1;
+ if (index($self->{'project_info'}->{$ccheck}->[1], $cfile) >= 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $deps = $self->create_array(
+ $self->{'project_info'}->{$ccheck}->[1]);
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ if (defined $self->{'project_info'}->{"$dir$dep"} &&
+ !defined $self->{'indirect_checked'}->{"$dir$dep"} &&
+ $self->indirect_dependency($dir, "$dir$dep", $cfile)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub add_implicit_project_dependencies {
+ my($self, $creator, $cwd) = @_;
+ my %bidir;
+ my %save;
+ ## Take the current working directory and regular expression'ize it.
+ $cwd = $self->escape_regex_special($cwd);
+ ## Look at each projects file list and check it against all of the
+ ## others. If any of the other projects file lists contains anothers
+ ## file, then they are dependent (due to build parallelism). So, we
+ ## append the dependency and remove the file in question from the
+ ## project so that the next time around the foreach, we don't find it
+ ## as a dependent on the one that we just modified.
+ my @pflkeys = keys %{$self->{'project_file_list'}};
+ foreach my $key (@pflkeys) {
+ foreach my $ikey (@pflkeys) {
+ ## Not the same project and
+ ## The same directory and
+ ## We've not already added a dependency to this project
+ if ($key ne $ikey &&
+ ($self->{'project_file_list'}->{$key}->[1] eq
+ $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$ikey}->[1]) &&
+ (!defined $bidir{$ikey} ||
+ !$self->array_contains($bidir{$ikey}, [$key]))) {
+ my @over;
+ if ($self->non_intersection(
+ $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$key}->[2],
+ $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$ikey}->[2],
+ \@over)) {
+ ## The project contains shared source files, so we need to
+ ## look into adding an implicit inter-project dependency.
+ $save{$ikey} = $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$ikey}->[2];
+ $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$ikey}->[2] = \@over;
+ if (defined $bidir{$key}) {
+ push(@{$bidir{$key}}, $ikey);
+ }
+ else {
+ $bidir{$key} = [$ikey];
+ }
+ my $append = $creator->translate_value('after', $key);
+ my $file = $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$ikey}->[0];
+ my $dir = $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$ikey}->[1];
+ my $cfile = $creator->translate_value('after', $ikey);
+ ## Remove our starting directory from the projects directory
+ ## to get the right part of the directory to prepend.
+ $dir =~ s/^$cwd[\/\\]*//;
+ ## Turn the append value into a key for 'project_info' and
+ ## prepend the directory to the file.
+ my $ccheck = $append;
+ $ccheck =~ s/"//g;
+ if ($dir ne '') {
+ $dir .= '/';
+ $ccheck = "$dir$ccheck";
+ $file = "$dir$file";
+ }
+ ## If the append value key contains a reference to the project
+ ## that we were going to append the dependency value, then
+ ## ignore the generated dependency. It is redundant and
+ ## quite possibly wrong.
+ $self->{'indirect_checked'} = {};
+ if (defined $self->{'project_info'}->{$file} &&
+ (!defined $self->{'project_info'}->{$ccheck} ||
+ !$self->indirect_dependency($dir, $ccheck, $cfile))) {
+ ## Append the dependency
+ $self->{'project_info'}->{$file}->[1] .= " $append";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Restore the modified values in case this method is called again
+ ## which is the case when using the -hierarchy option.
+ foreach my $skey (keys %save) {
+ $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$skey}->[2] = $save{$skey};
+ }
+sub get_projects {
+ return $_[0]->{'projects'};
+sub get_project_info {
+ return $_[0]->{'project_info'};
+sub get_lib_locations {
+ return $_[0]->{'lib_locations'};
+sub get_first_level_directory {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ if (($file =~ tr/\///) > 0) {
+ my $dir = $file;
+ $dir =~ s/^([^\/]+\/).*/$1/;
+ $dir =~ s/\/+$//;
+ return $dir;
+ }
+ return '.';
+sub get_associated_projects {
+ return $_[0]->{'associated'};
+sub sort_within_group {
+ my($self, $list, $start, $end) = @_;
+ my $deps;
+ my %seen;
+ my $ccount = 0;
+ my $cmax = ($end - $start) + 1;
+ my $previ = -1;
+ my $prevpjs = [];
+ my $movepjs = [];
+ ## Put the projects in the order specified
+ ## by the project dpendencies.
+ for(my $i = $start; $i <= $end; ++$i) {
+ ## If our moved project equals our previously moved project then
+ ## we count this as a possible circular dependency.
+ my $key = "@$list";
+ if ($seen{$key} ||
+ (defined $$movepjs[0] && defined $$prevpjs[0] &&
+ $$movepjs[0] == $$prevpjs[0] && $$movepjs[1] == $$prevpjs[1])) {
+ ++$ccount;
+ }
+ else {
+ $ccount = 0;
+ }
+ ## Detect circular dependencies
+ if ($ccount > $cmax) {
+ my @prjs;
+ foreach my $mvgr (@$movepjs) {
+ push(@prjs, $$list[$mvgr]);
+ }
+ my $other = $$movepjs[0] - 1;
+ if ($other < $start || $other == $$movepjs[1] || !defined $$list[$other]) {
+ $other = undef;
+ }
+ $self->warning('Circular dependency detected while processing the ' .
+ ($self->{'current_input'} eq '' ?
+ 'default' : $self->{'current_input'}) .
+ ' workspace. ' .
+ 'The following projects are involved: ' .
+ (defined $other ? "$$list[$other], " : '') .
+ join(' and ', @prjs));
+ return;
+ }
+ ## Keep track of the previous project movement
+ $seen{$key} = 1;
+ $prevpjs = $movepjs;
+ $movepjs = [] if ($previ < $i);
+ $previ = $i;
+ $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($$list[$i]);
+ if (defined $$deps[0]) {
+ my $baseproj = ($self->{'dependency_is_filename'} ?
+ $self->mpc_basename($$list[$i]) :
+ $self->{'project_info'}->{$$list[$i]}->[0]);
+ my $moved = 0;
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ if ($baseproj ne $dep) {
+ ## See if the dependency is listed after this project
+ for(my $j = $i + 1; $j <= $end; ++$j) {
+ my $ldep = ($self->{'dependency_is_filename'} ?
+ $self->mpc_basename($$list[$j]) :
+ $self->{'project_info'}->{$$list[$j]}->[0]);
+ if ($ldep eq $dep) {
+ $movepjs = [$i, $j];
+ ## If so, move it in front of the current project.
+ ## The original code, which had splices, didn't always
+ ## work correctly (especially on AIX for some reason).
+ my $save = $$list[$j];
+ for(my $k = $j; $k > $i; --$k) {
+ $$list[$k] = $$list[$k - 1];
+ }
+ $$list[$i] = $save;
+ ## Mark that an entry has been moved
+ $moved = 1;
+ $j--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ --$i if ($moved);
+ }
+ }
+sub build_dependency_chain {
+ my($self, $name, $len, $list, $ni, $glen, $groups, $map, $gdeps) = @_;
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($name);
+ if (defined $$deps[0]) {
+ foreach my $dep (@$deps) {
+ ## Find the item in the list that matches our current dependency
+ my $mapped = $$map{$dep};
+ if (defined $mapped) {
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
+ if ($$list[$i] eq $mapped) {
+ ## Locate the group number to which the dependency belongs
+ for(my $j = 0; $j < $glen; $j++) {
+ if ($i >= $$groups[$j]->[0] && $i <= $$groups[$j]->[1]) {
+ if ($j != $ni) {
+ ## Add every project in the group to the dependency chain
+ for(my $k = $$groups[$j]->[0]; $k <= $$groups[$j]->[1]; $k++) {
+ my $ldep = $self->mpc_basename($$list[$k]);
+ if (!exists $$gdeps{$ldep}) {
+ $$gdeps{$ldep} = 1;
+ $self->build_dependency_chain($$list[$k],
+ $len, $list, $j,
+ $glen, $groups,
+ $map, $gdeps);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $$gdeps{$dep} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+sub sort_by_groups {
+ my($self, $list, $grindex) = @_;
+ my @groups = @$grindex;
+ my $llen = scalar(@$list);
+ ## Check for duplicates first before we attempt to sort the groups.
+ ## If there is a duplicate, we quietly return immediately. The
+ ## duplicates will be flagged as an error when creating the main
+ ## workspace.
+ my %dupcheck;
+ foreach my $proj (@$list) {
+ my $base = $self->mpc_basename($proj);
+ return undef if (defined $dupcheck{$base});
+ $dupcheck{$base} = $proj;
+ }
+ my %circular_checked;
+ for(my $gi = 0; $gi <= $#groups; ++$gi) {
+ ## Detect circular dependencies
+ if (!$circular_checked{$gi}) {
+ $circular_checked{$gi} = 1;
+ for(my $i = $groups[$gi]->[0]; $i <= $groups[$gi]->[1]; ++$i) {
+ my %gdeps;
+ $self->build_dependency_chain($$list[$i], $llen, $list, $gi,
+ $#groups + 1, \@groups,
+ \%dupcheck, \%gdeps);
+ if (exists $gdeps{$self->mpc_basename($$list[$i])}) {
+ ## There was a cirular dependency, get all of the directories
+ ## involved.
+ my %dirs;
+ foreach my $gdep (keys %gdeps) {
+ $dirs{$self->mpc_dirname($dupcheck{$gdep})} = 1;
+ }
+ ## If the current directory was involved, translate that into
+ ## a directory relative to the start directory.
+ if (defined $dirs{'.'}) {
+ my $cwd = $self->getcwd();
+ my $start = $self->getstartdir();
+ if ($cwd ne $start) {
+ my $startre = $self->escape_regex_special($start);
+ delete $dirs{'.'};
+ $cwd =~ s/^$startre[\\\/]//;
+ $dirs{$cwd} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ## Display a warining to the user
+ my @keys = sort keys %dirs;
+ $self->warning('Circular directory dependency detected in the ' .
+ ($self->{'current_input'} eq '' ?
+ 'default' : $self->{'current_input'}) .
+ ' workspace. ' .
+ 'The following director' .
+ ($#keys == 0 ? 'y is' : 'ies are') .
+ ' involved: ' . join(', ', @keys));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Build up the group dependencies
+ my %gdeps;
+ for(my $i = $groups[$gi]->[0]; $i <= $groups[$gi]->[1]; ++$i) {
+ my $deps = $self->get_validated_ordering($$list[$i]);
+ @gdeps{@$deps} = () if (defined $$deps[0]);
+ }
+ ## Search the rest of the groups for any of the group dependencies
+ for(my $gj = $gi + 1; $gj <= $#groups; ++$gj) {
+ for(my $i = $groups[$gj]->[0]; $i <= $groups[$gj]->[1]; ++$i) {
+ if (exists $gdeps{$self->mpc_basename($$list[$i])}) {
+ ## Move this group ($gj) in front of the current group ($gi)
+ my @save;
+ for(my $j = $groups[$gi]->[1] + 1; $j <= $groups[$gj]->[1]; ++$j) {
+ push(@save, $$list[$j]);
+ }
+ my $offset = $groups[$gj]->[1] - $groups[$gi]->[1];
+ for(my $j = $groups[$gi]->[1]; $j >= $groups[$gi]->[0]; --$j) {
+ $$list[$j + $offset] = $$list[$j];
+ }
+ for(my $j = 0; $j <= $#save; ++$j) {
+ $$list[$groups[$gi]->[0] + $j] = $save[$j];
+ }
+ ## Update the group indices
+ my $shiftamt = ($groups[$gi]->[1] - $groups[$gi]->[0]) + 1;
+ for(my $j = $gi + 1; $j <= $gj; ++$j) {
+ $groups[$j]->[0] -= $shiftamt;
+ $groups[$j]->[1] -= $shiftamt;
+ }
+ my @grsave = @{$groups[$gi]};
+ $grsave[0] += $offset;
+ $grsave[1] += $offset;
+ for(my $j = $gi; $j < $gj; ++$j) {
+ $groups[$j] = $groups[$j + 1];
+ $circular_checked{$j} = $circular_checked{$j + 1};
+ }
+ $groups[$gj] = \@grsave;
+ $circular_checked{$gj} = 1;
+ ## Start over from the first group
+ $gi = -1;
+ ## Exit from the outter ($gj) loop
+ $gj = $#groups;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub sort_dependencies {
+ my($self, $projects, $groups) = @_;
+ my @list = sort { return $self->sort_projects_by_directory($a, $b) + 0;
+ } @$projects;
+ ## The list above is sorted by directory in order to keep projects
+ ## within the same directory together. Otherwise, when groups are
+ ## created we may get multiple groups for the same directory.
+ ## Put the projects in the order specified
+ ## by the project dpendencies. We only need to do
+ ## this if there is more than one element in the array.
+ if ($#list > 0) {
+ ## If the parameter wasn't passed in or it was passed in
+ ## and was true, sort with directory groups in mind
+ if (!defined $groups || $groups) {
+ ## First determine the individual groups
+ my @grindex;
+ my $previous = [0, undef];
+ for(my $li = 0; $li <= $#list; ++$li) {
+ my $dir = $self->get_first_level_directory($list[$li]);
+ if (!defined $previous->[1]) {
+ $previous = [$li, $dir];
+ }
+ elsif ($previous->[1] ne $dir) {
+ push(@grindex, [$previous->[0], $li - 1]);
+ $previous = [$li, $dir];
+ }
+ }
+ push(@grindex, [$previous->[0], $#list]);
+ ## Next, sort the individual groups
+ foreach my $gr (@grindex) {
+ $self->sort_within_group(\@list, @$gr) if ($$gr[0] != $$gr[1]);
+ }
+ ## Now sort the groups as single entities
+ $self->sort_by_groups(\@list, \@grindex) if ($#grindex > 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->sort_within_group(\@list, 0, $#list);
+ }
+ }
+ return @list;
+sub number_target_deps {
+ my($self, $projects, $pjs, $targets, $groups) = @_;
+ my @list = $self->sort_dependencies($projects, $groups);
+ ## This block of code must be done after the list of dependencies
+ ## has been sorted in order to get the correct project numbers.
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#list; ++$i) {
+ my $project = $list[$i];
+ if (defined $$pjs{$project}) {
+ my($name, $deps) = @{$$pjs{$project}};
+ if (defined $deps && $deps ne '') {
+ my @numbers;
+ my %dhash;
+ @dhash{@{$self->create_array($deps)}} = ();
+ ## For each dependency, search in the sorted list
+ ## up to the point of this project for the projects
+ ## that this one depends on. When the project is
+ ## found, we put the target number in the numbers array.
+ for(my $j = 0; $j < $i; ++$j) {
+ ## If the dependency is a filename, then take the basename of
+ ## the project file. Otherwise, get the project name based on
+ ## the project file from the "project_info".
+ my $key = ($self->{'dependency_is_filename'} ?
+ $self->mpc_basename($list[$j]) :
+ $self->{'project_info'}->{$list[$j]}->[0]);
+ push(@numbers, $j) if (exists $dhash{$key});
+ }
+ ## Store the array in the hash keyed on the project file.
+ $$targets{$project} = \@numbers if (defined $numbers[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @list;
+sub project_target_translation {
+ my($self, $case) = @_;
+ my %map;
+ ## Translate project names to avoid target collision with
+ ## some versions of make.
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'project_info'}}) {
+ my $dir = $self->mpc_dirname($key);
+ my $name = $self->{'project_info'}->{$key}->[0];
+ ## We want to compare to the upper most directory. This will be the
+ ## one that may conflict with the project name.
+ $dir =~ s/[\/\\].*//;
+ if (($case && $dir eq $name) || (!$case && lc($dir) eq lc($name))) {
+ $map{$key} = "$name-target";
+ }
+ else {
+ $map{$key} = $name;
+ }
+ }
+ return \%map;
+sub optionError {
+ my($self, $str) = @_;
+ $self->warning("$self->{'current_input'}: $str.") if (defined $str);
+sub process_cmdline {
+ my($self, $cmdline, $parameters) = @_;
+ ## It's ok to use the cache
+ $self->{'cacheok'} = 1;
+ if (defined $cmdline && $cmdline ne '') {
+ my $args = $self->create_array($cmdline);
+ ## Look for environment variables
+ foreach my $arg (@$args) {
+ $self->replace_env_vars(\$arg) if ($arg =~ /\$/);
+ }
+ my $options = $self->options('MWC', {}, 0, @$args);
+ if (defined $options) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %$options) {
+ my $type = $self->is_set($key, $options);
+ if (!defined $type) {
+ ## This option was not used, so we ignore it
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@{$parameters->{$key}}, @{$options->{$key}});
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $hk (keys %{$options->{$key}}) {
+ $parameters->{$key}->{$hk} = $options->{$key}->{$hk};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $parameters->{$key} = $options->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ ## Some option data members are named consistently with the MPC
+ ## option name. In this case, we can use this foreach loop.
+ foreach my $consistent_opt ('exclude', 'for_eclipse', 'gendot',
+ 'gfeature_file', 'into',
+ 'make_coexistence', 'recurse') {
+ ## Issue warnings for the options provided by the user
+ if ($self->is_set($consistent_opt, $options)) {
+ $self->optionError("-$consistent_opt is ignored");
+ }
+ }
+ ## For those that are inconsistent, we have special code to deal
+ ## with them.
+ if ($self->is_set('reldefs', $options)) {
+ $self->optionError('-noreldefs is ignored');
+ }
+ ## Make sure no input files were specified (we can't handle it).
+ if (defined $options->{'input'}->[0]) {
+ $self->optionError('Command line files ' .
+ 'specified in a workspace are ignored');
+ }
+ ## Determine if it's ok to use the cache
+ my @cacheInvalidating = ('global', 'include', 'baseprojs',
+ 'template', 'ti', 'relative', 'language',
+ 'addtemp', 'addproj', 'feature_file',
+ 'features', 'use_env', 'expand_vars');
+ foreach my $key (@cacheInvalidating) {
+ if ($self->is_set($key, $options)) {
+ $self->{'cacheok'} = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub current_parameters {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %parameters = $self->save_state();
+ ## We always want the project creator to generate a toplevel
+ $parameters{'toplevel'} = 1;
+ return %parameters;
+sub project_creator {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $str = "$self";
+ ## NOTE: If the subclassed WorkspaceCreator name prefix does not
+ ## match the name prefix of the ProjectCreator, this code
+ ## will not work and the subclassed WorkspaceCreator will
+ ## need to override this method.
+ $str =~ s/Workspace/Project/;
+ $str =~ s/=HASH.*//;
+ ## Set up values for each project creator
+ ## If we have command line arguments in the workspace, then
+ ## we process them before creating the project creator
+ my $cmdline = $self->get_assignment('cmdline');
+ my %parameters = $self->current_parameters();
+ $self->process_cmdline($cmdline, \%parameters);
+ ## Create the new project creator with the updated parameters
+ return $str->new($parameters{'global'},
+ $parameters{'include'},
+ $parameters{'template'},
+ $parameters{'ti'},
+ $parameters{'dynamic'},
+ $parameters{'static'},
+ $parameters{'relative'},
+ $parameters{'addtemp'},
+ $parameters{'addproj'},
+ $parameters{'progress'},
+ $parameters{'toplevel'},
+ $parameters{'baseprojs'},
+ $self->{'global_feature_file'},
+ $parameters{'relative_file'},
+ $parameters{'feature_file'},
+ $parameters{'features'},
+ $parameters{'hierarchy'},
+ $self->{'exclude'}->{$self->{'wctype'}},
+ $self->make_coexistence(),
+ $parameters{'name_modifier'},
+ $parameters{'apply_project'},
+ $self->{'generate_ins'} || $parameters{'genins'},
+ $self->get_into(),
+ $parameters{'language'},
+ $parameters{'use_env'},
+ $parameters{'expand_vars'},
+ $self->{'gendot'},
+ $parameters{'comments'},
+ $self->{'for_eclipse'});
+sub sort_files {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub make_coexistence {
+ return $_[0]->{'coexistence'};
+sub get_modified_workspace_name {
+ my($self, $name, $ext, $nows) = @_;
+ my $nmod = $self->get_name_modifier();
+ my $oname = $name;
+ if (defined $nmod) {
+ $nmod =~ s/\*/$name/g;
+ $name = $nmod;
+ }
+ ## If this is a per project workspace, then we should not
+ ## modify the workspace name. It may overwrite another workspace
+ ## but that's ok, it will only be a per project workspace.
+ ## Also, if we don't want the workspace name attached ($nows) then
+ ## we just return the name plus the extension.
+ return "$name$ext" if ($nows || $self->{'per_project_workspace_name'});
+ my $pwd = $self->getcwd();
+ my $type = $self->{'wctype'};
+ my $wsname = $self->get_workspace_name();
+ if (!defined $previous_workspace_name{$type}->{$pwd}) {
+ $previous_workspace_name{$type}->{$pwd} = $wsname;
+ $self->{'current_workspace_name'} = undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $prefix = ($oname eq $wsname ? $name : "$name.$wsname");
+ $previous_workspace_name{$type}->{$pwd} = $wsname;
+ while($self->file_written("$prefix" .
+ ($self->{'modified_count'} > 0 ?
+ ".$self->{'modified_count'}" : '') .
+ "$ext")) {
+ ++$self->{'modified_count'};
+ }
+ $self->{'current_workspace_name'} =
+ "$prefix" . ($self->{'modified_count'} > 0 ?
+ ".$self->{'modified_count'}" : '') . "$ext";
+ }
+ return (defined $self->{'current_workspace_name'} ?
+ $self->{'current_workspace_name'} : "$name$ext");
+sub generate_recursive_input_list {
+ my($self, $dir, $exclude) = @_;
+ return $self->extension_recursive_input_list($dir, $exclude, $wsext);
+sub verify_build_ordering {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $project (@{$self->{'projects'}}) {
+ $self->get_validated_ordering($project);
+ }
+sub get_validated_ordering {
+ my($self, $project) = @_;
+ my $deps;
+ if (defined $self->{'ordering_cache'}->{$project}) {
+ $deps = $self->{'ordering_cache'}->{$project};
+ }
+ else {
+ $deps = [];
+ if (defined $self->{'project_info'}->{$project}) {
+ my($name, $dstr) = @{$self->{'project_info'}->{$project}};
+ if (defined $dstr && $dstr ne '') {
+ $deps = $self->create_array($dstr);
+ my $dlen = scalar(@$deps);
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < $dlen; $i++) {
+ my $dep = $$deps[$i];
+ my $found = 0;
+ ## Avoid circular dependencies
+ if ($dep ne $name && $dep ne $self->mpc_basename($project)) {
+ foreach my $p (@{$self->{'projects'}}) {
+ if ($dep eq $self->{'project_info'}->{$p}->[0] ||
+ $dep eq $self->mpc_basename($p)) {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$found) {
+ if ($self->{'verbose_ordering'}) {
+ $self->warning("'$name' references '$dep' which has " .
+ "not been processed.");
+ }
+ splice(@$deps, $i, 1);
+ --$dlen;
+ --$i;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ## If a project references itself, we must remove it
+ ## from the list of dependencies.
+ splice(@$deps, $i, 1);
+ --$dlen;
+ --$i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'ordering_cache'}->{$project} = $deps;
+ }
+ }
+ return $deps;
+sub source_listing_callback {
+ my($self, $project_file, $project_name, $list) = @_;
+ $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$project_name} = [ $project_file,
+ $self->getcwd(), $list ];
+sub sort_projects_by_directory {
+ my($self, $left, $right) = @_;
+ my $sa = index($left, '/');
+ my $sb = index($right, '/');
+ if ($sa >= 0 && $sb == -1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($sb >= 0 && $sa == -1) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return $left cmp $right;
+sub get_relative_dep_file {
+ my($self, $creator, $project, $dep) = @_;
+ ## If the dependency is a filename, we have to find the key that
+ ## matches the project file.
+ if ($creator->dependency_is_filename()) {
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'project_file_list'}}) {
+ if ($self->{'project_file_list'}->{$key}->[0] eq $dep) {
+ $dep = $key;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$dep}) {
+ my $base = $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$dep}->[1];
+ my @dirs = grep(!/^$/, split('/', $base));
+ my $last = -1;
+ $project =~ s/^\///;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#dirs; $i++) {
+ my $dir = $dirs[$i];
+ if ($project =~ s/^$dir\///) {
+ $last = $i;
+ }
+ else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ my $dependee = $self->{'project_file_list'}->{$dep}->[0];
+ if ($last == -1) {
+ return $base . '/' . $dependee;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $built = '';
+ for(my $i = $last + 1; $i <= $#dirs; $i++) {
+ $built .= $dirs[$i] . '/';
+ }
+ $built .= $dependee;
+ my $dircount = ($project =~ tr/\///);
+ return ('../' x $dircount) . $built;
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub create_command_line_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $str;
+ foreach my $arg (@args) {
+ $arg =~ s/^\-\-/-/;
+ if ($arg =~ /\$/ && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
+ ## If we're not running on Windows and the command line argument
+ ## contains a dollar sign, we need to wrap the argument in single
+ ## quotes so that the UNIX shell does not interpret it.
+ $arg = "'$arg'";
+ }
+ else {
+ ## Unfortunately, the Windows command line shell does not
+ ## understand single quotes correctly. So, we have the distinction
+ ## above and handle dollar signs here too.
+ $arg = "\"$arg\"" if ($arg =~ /[\s\*\$]/);
+ }
+ if (defined $str) {
+ $str .= " $arg";
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ return $str;
+sub print_workspace_comment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fh = shift;
+ if ($self->{'workspace_comments'}) {
+ foreach my $line (@_) {
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+sub get_initial_relative_values {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->get_relative(), $self->get_expand_vars();
+sub get_secondary_relative_values {
+ return \%ENV, $_[0]->get_expand_vars();
+sub convert_all_variables {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 1;
+sub workspace_file_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->get_modified_workspace_name($self->get_workspace_name(),
+ $self->workspace_file_extension());
+sub relative {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $line = $self->SUPER::relative(shift);
+ $line =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ return $line;
+# ************************************************************
+# Virtual Methods To Be Overridden
+# ************************************************************
+sub requires_make_coexistence {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub supports_make_coexistence {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub generate_implicit_project_dependencies {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub workspace_file_extension {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '';
+sub workspace_per_project {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub pre_workspace {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $fh = shift;
+ #my $creator = shift;
+ #my $top = shift;
+sub write_comps {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $fh = shift;
+ #my $creator = shift;
+ #my $top = shift;
+sub post_workspace {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $fh = shift;
+ #my $creator = shift;
+ #my $top = shift;
+sub requires_forward_slashes {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 0;
+sub get_additional_output {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ ## This method should return an array reference of array references.
+ ## For each entry, the array should be laid out as follows:
+ ## [ <directory or undef to use the current output directory>,
+ ## <file name>,
+ ## <function to write body of file, $self and $fh are first params>,
+ ## <optional additional parameter 1>,
+ ## ...,
+ ## <optional additional parameter N>
+ ## ]
+ return [];
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58ff37efdd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package WorkspaceHelper;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Base class and factory for all workspace helpers
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 9/01/2004
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %required;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get {
+ my $type = shift;
+ ## Create the helper name
+ $type =~ s/Creator/Helper/;
+ $type =~ s/=HASH.*//;
+ ## If we can find a helper with this name, we will
+ ## create a singleton of that type and return it.
+ if (!$required{$type}) {
+ foreach my $inc (@INC) {
+ if (-r "$inc/$") {
+ require "$";
+ $required{$type} = $type->new();
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ ## If we can't find the helper, we just create an
+ ## empty helper and return that.
+ $required{$type} = new WorkspaceHelper() if (!$required{$type});
+ }
+ return $required{$type};
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless {}, $class;
+sub modify_value {
+ my($self, $name, $value) = @_;
+ return $value;
+sub modify_libpath {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $str = shift;
+ #my $reldir = shift;
+ #my $libname = shift;
+ return undef;
+sub write_settings {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $fh = shift;
+ #my @locals = @_;
+ return 1, undef;
+sub perform_custom_processing {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #my $fh = shift;
+ #my $creator = shift;
+ #my $toplevel = shift;
diff --git a/ACE/MPC/modules/ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..355c76055bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACE/MPC/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package XMLProjectBase;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : An XML base module for Project Creators
+# Author : Chad Elliott
+# Create Date : 1/30/2006
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get_quote_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&quot;';
+sub get_escaped_quote_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '\\&quot;';
+sub get_gt_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&gt;';
+sub get_lt_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&lt;';
+sub get_and_symbol {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return '&amp;&amp;';