path: root/morphlib/plugins/
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Diffstat (limited to 'morphlib/plugins/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/plugins/ b/morphlib/plugins/
index 836b9cfe..82fab13d 100644
--- a/morphlib/plugins/
+++ b/morphlib/plugins/
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ class SimpleBranchAndMergePlugin(cliapp.Plugin):
'branch', self.branch, arg_synopsis='REPO NEW [OLD]')
+ 'edit', self.edit, arg_synopsis='SYSTEM STRATUM [CHUNK]')
'show-system-branch', self.show_system_branch, arg_synopsis='')
'show-branch-root', self.show_branch_root, arg_synopsis='')
@@ -226,6 +228,208 @@ class SimpleBranchAndMergePlugin(cliapp.Plugin):
self._remove_branch_dir_safe(ws.root, root_dir)
+ def _save_dirty_morphologies(self, loader, sb, morphs):
+ logging.debug('Saving dirty morphologies: start')
+ for morph in morphs:
+ if morph.dirty:
+ logging.debug(
+ 'Saving morphology: %s %s %s' %
+ (morph.repo_url, morph.ref, morph.filename))
+ loader.save_to_file(
+ sb.get_filename(morph.repo_url, morph.filename), morph)
+ morph.dirty = False
+ logging.debug('Saving dirty morphologies: done')
+ def _get_stratum_triplets(self, morph):
+ specs = morph.get('build-depends') or morph.get('strata') or []
+ return [
+ (spec['repo'], spec['ref'], '%s.morph' % spec['morph'])
+ for spec in specs
+ ]
+ def _checkout(self, lrc, sb, repo_url, ref):
+ logging.debug(
+ 'Checking out %s (%s) into %s' %
+ (repo_url, ref, sb.root_directory))
+ cached_repo = lrc.get_updated_repo(repo_url)
+ gd = sb.clone_cached_repo(cached_repo, ref)
+ gd.update_submodules(
+ gd.update_remotes()
+ def _load_stratum_morphologies(self, loader, sb, system_morph):
+ logging.debug('Starting to load strata for %s' % system_morph.filename)
+ lrc, rrc = morphlib.util.new_repo_caches(
+ morphset = morphlib.morphset.MorphologySet()
+ queue = self._get_stratum_triplets(system_morph)
+ while queue:
+ repo_url, ref, filename = queue.pop()
+ if not morphset.has(repo_url, ref, filename):
+ logging.debug('Loading: %s %s %s' % (repo_url, ref, filename))
+ dirname = sb.get_git_directory_name(repo_url)
+ if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+ self._checkout(lrc, sb, repo_url, ref)
+ m = loader.load_from_file(sb.get_filename(repo_url, filename))
+ m.repo_url = repo_url
+ m.ref = ref
+ m.filename = filename
+ morphset.add_morphology(m)
+ queue.extend(self._get_stratum_triplets(m))
+ logging.debug('All strata loaded')
+ return morphset
+ def _invent_new_branch(self, cached_repo, default_name):
+ counter = 0
+ candidate = default_name
+ while True:
+ try:
+ cached_repo.resolve_ref(candidate)
+ except morphlib.cachedrepo.InvalidReferenceError:
+ return candidate
+ else:
+ counter += 1
+ candidate = '%s-%s' % (default_name, counter)
+ def edit(self, args):
+ '''Edit or checkout a component in a system branch.
+ Command line arguments:
+ * `SYSTEM` is the name of a system morphology in the root repository
+ of the current system branch.
+ * `STRATUM` is the name of a stratum inside the system.
+ * `CHUNK` is the name of a chunk inside the stratum.
+ This marks the specified stratum or chunk (if given) as being
+ changed within the system branch, by creating the git branches in
+ the affected repositories, and changing the relevant morphologies
+ to point at those branches. It also creates a local clone of
+ the git repository of the stratum or chunk.
+ For example:
+ morph edit devel-system-x86-64-generic devel
+ The above command will mark the `devel` stratum as being
+ modified in the current system branch. In this case, the stratum's
+ morphology is in the same git repository as the system morphology,
+ so there is no need to create a new git branch. However, the
+ system morphology is modified to point at the stratum morphology
+ in the same git branch, rather than the original branch.
+ In other words, where the system morphology used to say this:
+ morph: devel
+ repo: baserock:baserock/morphs
+ ref: master
+ The updated system morphology will now say this instead:
+ morph: devel
+ repo: baserock:baserock/morphs
+ ref: jrandom/new-feature
+ (Assuming the system branch is called `jrandom/new-feature`.)
+ Another example:
+ morph edit devel-system-x86_64-generic devel gcc
+ The above command will mark the `gcc` chunk as being edited in
+ the current system branch. Morph will clone the `gcc` repository
+ locally, into the current workspace, and create a new (local)
+ branch named after the system branch. It will also change the
+ stratum morphology to refer to the new git branch, instead of
+ whatever branch it was referring to originally.
+ If the `gcc` repository already had a git branch named after
+ the system branch, that is reused. Similarly, if the stratum
+ morphology was already pointing that that branch, it doesn't
+ need to be changed again. In that case, the only action Morph
+ does is to clone the chunk repository locally, and if that was
+ also done already, Morph does nothing.
+ '''
+ system_name = args[0]
+ stratum_name = args[1]
+ chunk_name = args[2] if len(args) == 3 else None
+ ws ='.')
+ sb = morphlib.sysbranchdir.open_from_within('.')
+ loader = morphlib.morphloader.MorphologyLoader()
+ # FIXME: The old "morph edit" code did its own morphology validation,
+ # which was much laxer than what MorphologyFactory does, or the
+ # new MorphologyLoader does. This new "morph edit" uses
+ # MorphologyLoader, and the stricter validation breaks the test
+ # suite. However, I want to keep the test suite as untouched as
+ # possible, until all the old code is gone (after which the test
+ # suite will be refactored). Thus, to work around the test suite
+ # breaking, we disable morphology validation for now.
+ loader.validate = lambda *args: None
+ # Load the system morphology, and all stratum morphologies, including
+ # all the strata that are being build-depended on.
+ logging.debug('Loading system morphology')
+ system_morph = loader.load_from_file(
+ sb.get_filename(sb.root_repository_url, system_name + '.morph'))
+ system_morph.repo_url = sb.root_repository_url
+ system_morph.ref = sb.system_branch_name
+ system_morph.filename = system_name + '.morph'
+ logging.debug('Loading stratum morphologies')
+ morphs = self._load_stratum_morphologies(loader, sb, system_morph)
+ morphs.add_morphology(system_morph)
+ logging.debug('morphs: %s' % repr(morphs.morphologies))
+ # Change refs to the stratum to be to the system branch.
+ # Note: this currently only supports strata in root repository.
+ logging.debug('Changing refs to stratum %s' % stratum_name)
+ stratum_morph = morphs.get_stratum_in_system(
+ system_morph, stratum_name)
+ morphs.change_ref(
+ stratum_morph.repo_url, stratum_morph.ref, stratum_morph.filename,
+ sb.system_branch_name)
+ logging.debug('morphs: %s' % repr(morphs.morphologies))
+ # If we're editing a chunk, make it available locally, with the
+ # relevant git branch checked out. This also invents the new branch
+ # name.
+ if chunk_name:
+ logging.debug('Editing chunk %s' % chunk_name)
+ chunk_url, chunk_ref, chunk_morph = morphs.get_chunk_triplet(
+ stratum_morph, chunk_name)
+ chunk_dirname = sb.get_git_directory_name(chunk_url)
+ if not os.path.exists(chunk_dirname):
+ lrc, rrc = morphlib.util.new_repo_caches(
+ cached_repo = lrc.get_updated_repo(chunk_url)
+ # FIXME: This makes the simplifying assumption that
+ # a chunk branch must have the same name as the system
+ # branch.
+ gd = sb.clone_cached_repo(cached_repo, chunk_ref)
+ if chunk_ref != sb.system_branch_name:
+ gd.branch(sb.system_branch_name, chunk_ref)
+ gd.checkout(sb.system_branch_name)
+ gd.update_submodules(
+ gd.update_remotes()
+ # Change the refs to the chunk.
+ if chunk_ref != sb.system_branch_name:
+ morphs.change_ref(
+ chunk_url, chunk_ref, chunk_morph + '.morph',
+ sb.system_branch_name)
+ # Save any modified strata.
+ self._save_dirty_morphologies(loader, sb, morphs.morphologies)
def show_system_branch(self, args):
'''Show the name of the current system branch.'''