diff options
6 files changed, 742 insertions, 1104 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
index 9403f081..830ee1ac 100644
--- a/morphlib/
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -20,8 +20,21 @@ class Artifact(object):
self.source = source = name
self.cache_key = cache_key
+ self.dependencies = []
+ self.dependents = []
+ def add_dependency(self, artifact):
+ '''Add ``artifact`` to the dependency list.'''
+ if artifact not in self.dependencies:
+ self.dependencies.append(artifact)
+ artifact.dependents.append(self)
+ def depends_on(self, artifact):
+ '''Do we depend on ``artifact``?'''
+ return artifact in self.dependencies
def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover
return '%s.%s.%s' % (self.cache_key,
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
index 49f8e17f..faeef879 100644
--- a/morphlib/
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ class ArtifactTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.artifact_name = 'chunk-runtime'
self.artifact = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(
self.source, self.artifact_name, self.cache_key)
+ self.other = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(
+ self.source, self.artifact_name, self.cache_key)
def test_constructor_sets_source(self):
self.assertEqual(self.artifact.source, self.source)
@@ -55,3 +57,26 @@ class ArtifactTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_constructor_sets_cache_key(self):
self.assertEqual(self.artifact.cache_key, self.cache_key)
+ def test_sets_dependencies_to_empty(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.artifact.dependencies, [])
+ def test_sets_dependents_to_empty(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.artifact.dependents, [])
+ def test_does_not_depend_on_other_initially(self):
+ self.assertFalse(self.artifact.depends_on(self.other))
+ def test_adds_dependency(self):
+ self.artifact.add_dependency(self.other)
+ self.assertEqual(self.artifact.dependencies, [self.other])
+ self.assertEqual(self.other.dependents, [self.artifact])
+ self.assertTrue(self.artifact.depends_on(self.other))
+ def test_does_not_add_dependency_twice(self):
+ self.artifact.add_dependency(self.other)
+ self.artifact.add_dependency(self.other)
+ self.assertEqual(self.artifact.dependencies, [self.other])
+ self.assertEqual(self.other.dependents, [self.artifact])
+ self.assertTrue(self.artifact.depends_on(self.other))
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
index 5ad6dcac..f8ae4399 100644
--- a/morphlib/
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -20,6 +20,37 @@ import collections
import morphlib
+class MutualDependencyError(cliapp.AppException):
+ def __init__(self, a, b):
+ cliapp.AppException.__init__(
+ self, 'Cyclic dependency between %s and %s detected' % (a, b))
+class CyclicDependencyChainError(cliapp.AppException):
+ def __init__(self):
+ cliapp.AppException.__init__(
+ self, 'Cyclic dependency chain detected')
+class DependencyOrderError(cliapp.AppException):
+ def __init__(self, stratum, chunk, dependency_name):
+ cliapp.AppException.__init__(
+ self, 'In stratum %s, chunk %s references its dependency %s '
+ 'before it is defined' %
+ (stratum.source, chunk, dependency_name))
+class DependencyFormatError(cliapp.AppException):
+ def __init__(self, stratum, chunk):
+ cliapp.AppException.__init__(
+ self, 'In stratum %s, chunk %s uses an invalid '
+ 'build-depends format' % (stratum.source, chunk))
class UndefinedChunkArtifactError(cliapp.AppException):
'''Exception raised when non-existent artifacts are referenced.
@@ -31,8 +62,8 @@ class UndefinedChunkArtifactError(cliapp.AppException):
def __init__(self, parent, reference):
- self, 'Undefined chunk artifact "%s" referenced in %s' %
- (reference, parent))
+ self, 'Undefined chunk artifact "%s" referenced in '
+ 'stratum %s' % (reference, parent))
class ArtifactResolver(object):
@@ -48,69 +79,215 @@ class ArtifactResolver(object):
def __init__(self, cache_key_computer):
self.cache_key_computer = cache_key_computer
+ self._cached_artifacts = None
+ self._added_artifacts = None
+ self._source_pool = None
def resolve_artifacts(self, source_pool):
+ self._source_pool = source_pool
+ self._cached_artifacts = {}
+ self._added_artifacts = set()
+ artifacts = self._resolve_artifacts_recursively()
+ self._detect_cyclic_dependencies(artifacts)
+ return artifacts
+ def _resolve_artifacts_recursively(self):
artifacts = []
- roots = [x for x in source_pool if not x.dependents]
- queue = collections.deque(roots)
+ queue = self._create_initial_queue()
while queue:
source = queue.popleft()
cache_key = self.cache_key_computer.compute_key(source)
if source.morphology['kind'] == 'system':
- artifact = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(
+ artifact = self._get_artifact(
source, source.morphology['name'], cache_key)
- artifacts.append(artifact)
- for dependency in source.dependencies:
- queue.append(dependency)
+ if not artifact in self._added_artifacts:
+ artifacts.append(artifact)
+ self._added_artifacts.add(artifact)
+ resolved_artifacts = self._resolve_system_dependencies(
+ artifact, queue)
+ for artifact in resolved_artifacts:
+ if not artifact in self._added_artifacts:
+ artifacts.append(artifact)
+ self._added_artifacts.add(artifact)
elif source.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum':
- artifact = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(
+ artifact = self._get_artifact(
source, source.morphology['name'], cache_key)
- artifacts.append(artifact)
- for dependency in source.dependencies:
- if dependency.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum':
- queue.append(dependency)
- elif dependency.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk':
- chunk_artifacts = self._find_required_chunk_artifacts(
- source, dependency, source_pool)
- artifacts.extend(chunk_artifacts)
+ if not artifact in self._added_artifacts:
+ artifacts.append(artifact)
+ self._added_artifacts.add(artifact)
+ resolved_artifacts = self._resolve_stratum_dependencies(
+ artifact, queue)
+ for artifact in resolved_artifacts:
+ if not artifact in self._added_artifacts:
+ artifacts.append(artifact)
+ self._added_artifacts.add(artifact)
elif source.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk':
names = self._chunk_artifact_names(source)
for name in names:
- artifact = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(
- source, name, cache_key)
- artifacts.append(artifact)
+ artifact = self._get_artifact(source, name, cache_key)
+ if not artifact in self._added_artifacts:
+ artifacts.append(artifact)
+ self._added_artifacts.add(artifact)
return artifacts
- def _find_required_chunk_artifacts(self, stratum, chunk, source_pool):
+ def _create_initial_queue(self):
+ if all([x.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk' for x in self._source_pool]):
+ return collections.deque(self._source_pool)
+ else:
+ sources = [x for x in self._source_pool
+ if x.morphology['kind'] != 'chunk']
+ return collections.deque(sources)
+ def _get_artifact(self, source, name, cache_key):
+ info = (source, name, cache_key)
+ if info in self._cached_artifacts:
+ return self._cached_artifacts[info]
+ else:
+ artifact = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(info[0], info[1], info[2])
+ self._cached_artifacts[info] = artifact
+ return artifact
+ def _resolve_system_dependencies(self, system, queue):
artifacts = []
- for source in stratum.morphology['sources']:
- if self._source_matches_chunk(stratum, source, chunk, source_pool):
- cache_key = self.cache_key_computer.compute_key(chunk)
- artifact = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(
- chunk, source['name'], cache_key)
- artifacts.append(artifact)
- return artifacts
- def _source_matches_chunk(self, stratum, source, chunk, source_pool):
- source_from_pool = source_pool.lookup(
- source['repo'],
- source['ref'],
- '%s.morph' % source['morph'])
+ for stratum_name in system.source.morphology['strata']:
+ source = self._source_pool.lookup(
+ system.source.repo,
+ system.source.original_ref,
+ '%s.morph' % stratum_name)
+ cache_key = self.cache_key_computer.compute_key(source)
+ stratum = self._get_artifact(source, stratum_name, cache_key)
- if source_from_pool is not chunk:
- return False
+ system.add_dependency(stratum)
+ queue.append(source)
- chunk_names = self._chunk_artifact_names(chunk)
+ artifacts.append(stratum)
- if source['name'] not in chunk_names:
- raise UndefinedChunkArtifactError(stratum, source['name'])
+ return artifacts
+ def _resolve_stratum_dependencies(self, stratum, queue):
+ artifacts = []
+ strata = []
+ if stratum.source.morphology['build-depends']:
+ for stratum_name in stratum.source.morphology['build-depends']:
+ other_source = self._source_pool.lookup(
+ stratum.source.repo,
+ stratum.source.original_ref,
+ '%s.morph' % stratum_name)
+ cache_key = self.cache_key_computer.compute_key(other_source)
+ other_stratum = self._get_artifact(
+ other_source, stratum_name, cache_key)
+ strata.append(other_stratum)
+ artifacts.append(other_stratum)
+ if other_stratum.depends_on(stratum):
+ raise MutualDependencyError(stratum, other_stratum)
- return True
+ stratum.add_dependency(other_stratum)
+ queue.append(other_source)
- def _chunk_artifact_names(self, chunk):
- if 'artifacts' in chunk.morphology:
- return sorted(chunk.morphology['artifacts'].keys())
+ chunk_artifacts = []
+ processed_artifacts = []
+ name_to_processed_artifact = {}
+ for info in stratum.source.morphology['sources']:
+ chunk_source = self._source_pool.lookup(
+ info['repo'],
+ info['ref'],
+ '%s.morph' % info['morph'])
+ possible_names = self._chunk_artifact_names(chunk_source)
+ if not info['name'] in possible_names:
+ raise UndefinedChunkArtifactError(stratum.source, info['name'])
+ cache_key = self.cache_key_computer.compute_key(chunk_source)
+ chunk_artifact = self._get_artifact(
+ chunk_source, info['name'], cache_key)
+ chunk_artifacts.append(chunk_artifact)
+ artifacts.append(chunk_artifact)
+ stratum.add_dependency(chunk_artifact)
+ for other_stratum in strata:
+ chunk_artifact.add_dependency(other_stratum)
+ build_depends = info.get('build-depends', None)
+ if build_depends is None:
+ for earlier_artifact in processed_artifacts:
+ if earlier_artifact is chunk_artifact:
+ continue
+ if earlier_artifact.depends_on(chunk_artifact):
+ raise MutualDependencyError(
+ chunk_artifact, earlier_artifact)
+ chunk_artifact.add_dependency(earlier_artifact)
+ elif isinstance(build_depends, list):
+ for name in build_depends:
+ other_artifact = name_to_processed_artifact.get(name, None)
+ if other_artifact is chunk_artifact:
+ continue
+ if other_artifact:
+ chunk_artifact.add_dependency(other_artifact)
+ else:
+ raise DependencyOrderError(
+ stratum, info['name'], name)
+ else:
+ raise DependencyFormatError(stratum, info['name'])
+ processed_artifacts.append(chunk_artifact)
+ name_to_processed_artifact[info['name']] = chunk_artifact
+ return artifacts
+ def _chunk_artifact_names(self, source):
+ if 'artifacts' in source.morphology:
+ return sorted(source.morphology['artifacts'].keys())
- return [chunk.morphology['name']]
+ return [source.morphology['name']]
+ def _detect_cyclic_dependencies(self, artifacts):
+ # FIXME This is not well tested and might be incorrect. Better
+ # something based on
+ #
+ visited = set()
+ explored = set()
+ parent = {}
+ roots = []
+ for artifact in artifacts:
+ if len(artifact.dependents) == 0:
+ roots.append(artifact)
+ parent[artifact] = None
+ stack = collections.deque(roots)
+ while stack:
+ artifact = stack.popleft()
+ visited.add(artifact)
+ for dependency in artifact.dependencies:
+ if not (artifact, dependency) in explored:
+ explored.add((artifact, dependency))
+ parent[dependency] = artifact
+ if not dependency in visited:
+ stack.appendleft(dependency)
+ else:
+ raise CyclicDependencyChainError()
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
index e31f58d5..68a2c886 100644
--- a/morphlib/
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -95,8 +95,6 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.cache_key_computer = FakeCacheKeyComputer()
- self.dependency_resolver = \
- morphlib.dependencyresolver.DependencyResolver()
self.resolver = morphlib.artifactresolver.ArtifactResolver(
@@ -120,6 +118,8 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, source)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'chunk')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
def test_resolve_single_chunk_with_one_artifact(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, source)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'chunk-runtime')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
def test_resolve_single_chunk_with_two_artifact(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -151,10 +153,58 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, source)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'chunk-devel')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, source)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'chunk-runtime')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [])
+ def test_resolve_a_single_empty_stratum(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
+ '''
+ {
+ "name": "foo",
+ "kind": "stratum"
+ }
+ ''')
+ stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'foo.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum)
+ artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'FOO')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
+ def test_resolve_a_single_empty_system(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
+ '''
+ {
+ "name": "foo",
+ "kind": "system"
+ }
+ ''')
+ system = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'foo.morph')
+ pool.add(system)
+ artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, system)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'FOO')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
def test_resolve_stratum_and_chunk_with_no_subartifacts(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -170,8 +220,6 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- self.dependency_resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 2)
@@ -179,10 +227,14 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [artifacts[1]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, chunk)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'chunk')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [artifacts[0]])
def test_resolve_stratum_and_chunk_with_two_subartifacts(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -201,8 +253,6 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- self.dependency_resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 3)
@@ -210,14 +260,21 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies,
+ [artifacts[1], artifacts[2]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, chunk)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'chunk-devel')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [artifacts[0], artifacts[2]])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].source, chunk)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].name, 'chunk-runtime')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependencies, [artifacts[1]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependents, [artifacts[0]])
def test_resolve_stratum_and_chunk_with_one_used_subartifacts(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -235,8 +292,6 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- self.dependency_resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 2)
@@ -244,10 +299,14 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [artifacts[1]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, chunk)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'chunk-runtime')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [artifacts[0]])
def test_resolving_two_different_chunk_artifacts_in_a_stratum(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -271,8 +330,6 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- self.dependency_resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 3)
@@ -280,14 +337,21 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies,
+ [artifacts[1], artifacts[2]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, foo_chunk)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'FOO')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [artifacts[0], artifacts[2]])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].source, bar_chunk)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].name, 'bar')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].cache_key, 'BAR')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependencies, [artifacts[1]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependents, [artifacts[0]])
def test_resolving_artifacts_for_a_chain_of_two_strata(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -302,33 +366,88 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
- self.dependency_resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 2)
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum2)
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum2')
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum1)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [artifacts[1]])
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, stratum1)
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'stratum1')
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'STRATUM1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, stratum2)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'stratum2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'STRATUM2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [artifacts[0]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [])
- def test_resolving_artifacts_for_a_system_with_two_strata(self):
+ def test_resolving_with_a_stratum_and_chunk_dependency_mix(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
morph = FakeStratumMorphology('stratum1')
stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
- morph = FakeStratumMorphology('stratum2', [], ['stratum1'])
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology(
+ 'stratum2', [
+ ('chunk1', 'chunk1', 'repo', 'original/ref'),
+ ('chunk2', 'chunk2', 'repo', 'original/ref')
+ ], ['stratum1'])
stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk1')
+ chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk1)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk2')
+ chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk2)
+ artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
+ self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum1)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents,
+ [artifacts[1], artifacts[2], artifacts[3]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, stratum2)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'stratum2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'STRATUM2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies,
+ [artifacts[0], artifacts[2], artifacts[3]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].source, chunk1)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].name, 'chunk1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].cache_key, 'CHUNK1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependencies, [artifacts[0]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependents, [artifacts[1], artifacts[3]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].source, chunk2)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].name, 'chunk2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].cache_key, 'CHUNK2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].dependencies,
+ [artifacts[0], artifacts[2]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].dependents, [artifacts[1]])
+ def test_resolving_artifacts_for_a_system_with_two_strata(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology('stratum1')
+ stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum1)
morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
@@ -344,27 +463,116 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'system.morph')
- self.dependency_resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology('stratum2', [], ['stratum1'])
+ stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum2)
artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
- self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 3)
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, system)
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'system')
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'SYSTEM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum1)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [artifacts[1], artifacts[2]])
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, stratum1)
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'stratum1')
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'STRATUM1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, system)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'system')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'SYSTEM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies,
+ [artifacts[0], artifacts[2]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [])
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].source, stratum2)
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].name, 'stratum2')
self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].cache_key, 'STRATUM2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependencies, [artifacts[0]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependents, [artifacts[1]])
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].source, stratum1)
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].name, 'stratum1')
- self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].cache_key, 'STRATUM1')
+ def test_resolving_stratum_with_explicit_chunk_dependencies(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
+ '''
+ {
+ "name": "stratum",
+ "kind": "stratum",
+ "sources": [
+ {
+ "name": "chunk1",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": []
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chunk2",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": []
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chunk3",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": [
+ "chunk1",
+ "chunk2"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ''')
+ stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk1')
+ chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk1)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk2')
+ chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk2)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk3')
+ chunk3 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk3.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk3)
+ artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
+ self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies,
+ [artifacts[1], artifacts[2], artifacts[3]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, chunk1)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'chunk1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'CHUNK1')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents,
+ [artifacts[0], artifacts[3]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].source, chunk2)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].name, 'chunk2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].cache_key, 'CHUNK2')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[2].dependents, [artifacts[0], artifacts[3]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].source, chunk3)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].name, 'chunk3')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].cache_key, 'CHUNK3')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].dependencies,
+ [artifacts[1], artifacts[2]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[3].dependents, [artifacts[0]])
def test_detection_of_invalid_chunk_artifact_references(self):
pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
@@ -382,8 +590,248 @@ class ArtifactResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
'repo', 'ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- self.dependency_resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
self.resolver.resolve_artifacts, pool)
+ def test_detection_of_mutual_dependency_between_two_strata(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology('stratum1', [], ['stratum2'])
+ stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum1)
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology('stratum2', [], ['stratum1'])
+ stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum2)
+ self.assertRaises(morphlib.artifactresolver.MutualDependencyError,
+ self.resolver.resolve_artifacts, pool)
+ def test_detection_of_mutual_dependency_between_consecutive_chunks(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology(
+ 'stratum1', [
+ ('chunk1', 'chunk1', 'repo', 'original/ref'),
+ ('chunk2', 'chunk2', 'repo', 'original/ref')
+ ], [])
+ stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum1)
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology(
+ 'stratum2', [
+ ('chunk2', 'chunk2', 'repo', 'original/ref'),
+ ('chunk1', 'chunk1', 'repo', 'original/ref')
+ ], ['stratum1'])
+ stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum2)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk1')
+ chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk1)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk2')
+ chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk2)
+ self.assertRaises(morphlib.artifactresolver.MutualDependencyError,
+ self.resolver.resolve_artifacts, pool)
+ def test_graceful_handling_of_self_dependencies_of_chunks(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
+ '''
+ {
+ "name": "stratum",
+ "kind": "stratum",
+ "sources": [
+ {
+ "name": "chunk",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chunk",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chunk",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": [
+ "chunk"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ''')
+ stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk')
+ chunk = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk)
+ artifacts = self.resolver.resolve_artifacts(pool)
+ self.assertEqual(len(artifacts), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].source, stratum)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].name, 'stratum')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].cache_key, 'STRATUM')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependencies, [artifacts[1]])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[0].dependents, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].source, chunk)
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].name, 'chunk')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].cache_key, 'CHUNK')
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependencies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(artifacts[1].dependents, [artifacts[0]])
+ def test_detection_of_cyclic_chunk_dependency_chain(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
+ '''
+ {
+ "name": "stratum1",
+ "kind": "stratum",
+ "sources": [
+ {
+ "name": "chunk1",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chunk2",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": [
+ "chunk1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chunk3",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": [
+ "chunk2"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ''')
+ stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum1)
+ morph = FakeStratumMorphology(
+ 'stratum2', [
+ ('chunk3', 'chunk3', 'repo', 'original/ref'),
+ ('chunk1', 'chunk1', 'repo', 'original/ref')
+ ], ['stratum1'])
+ stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum2)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk1')
+ chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk1)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk2')
+ chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk2)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk3')
+ chunk3 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk3.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk3)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ morphlib.artifactresolver.CyclicDependencyChainError,
+ self.resolver.resolve_artifacts, pool)
+ def test_detection_of_chunk_dependencies_in_invalid_order(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
+ '''
+ {
+ "name": "stratum",
+ "kind": "stratum",
+ "sources": [
+ {
+ "name": "chunk1",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": [
+ "chunk2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chunk2",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ''')
+ stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk1')
+ chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk1)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk2')
+ chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk2)
+ self.assertRaises(morphlib.artifactresolver.DependencyOrderError,
+ self.resolver.resolve_artifacts, pool)
+ def test_detection_of_invalid_build_depends_format(self):
+ pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
+ morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
+ '''
+ {
+ "name": "stratum",
+ "kind": "stratum",
+ "sources": [
+ {
+ "name": "chunk",
+ "repo": "repo",
+ "ref": "original/ref",
+ "build-depends": "whatever"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ''')
+ stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
+ pool.add(stratum)
+ morph = FakeChunkMorphology('chunk')
+ chunk = morphlib.source.Source(
+ 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk.morph')
+ pool.add(chunk)
+ self.assertRaises(morphlib.artifactresolver.DependencyFormatError,
+ self.resolver.resolve_artifacts, pool)
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bf18ded..00000000
--- a/morphlib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import cliapp
-import collections
-class MutualDependencyError(cliapp.AppException):
- def __init__(self, a, b):
- cliapp.AppException.__init__(
- self, 'Cyclic dependency between %s and %s detected' % (a, b))
-class CyclicDependencyChainError(cliapp.AppException):
- def __init__(self):
- cliapp.AppException.__init__(
- self, 'Cyclic dependency chain detected')
-class DependencyOrderError(cliapp.AppException):
- def __init__(self, stratum, chunk, dependency_name):
- cliapp.AppException.__init__(
- self, 'In stratum %s, chunk %s references its dependency %s '
- 'before it is defined' % (stratum, chunk, dependency_name))
-class DependencyFormatError(cliapp.AppException):
- def __init__(self, stratum, chunk):
- cliapp.AppException.__init__(
- self, 'In stratum %s, chunk %s uses an invalid '
- 'build-depends format' % (stratum, chunk))
-class DependencyResolver(object):
- def resolve_dependencies(self, source_pool):
- queue = collections.deque(source_pool)
- while queue:
- source = queue.popleft()
- if source.morphology['kind'] == 'system':
- self._resolve_system_dependencies(source, queue, source_pool)
- elif source.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum':
- self._resolve_stratum_dependencies(source, queue, source_pool)
- self._detect_cyclic_dependencies(source_pool)
- def _resolve_system_dependencies(self, system, queue, source_pool):
- for stratum_name in system.morphology['strata']:
- stratum = source_pool.lookup(
- system.repo,
- system.original_ref,
- '%s.morph' % stratum_name)
- system.add_dependency(stratum)
- queue.append(stratum)
- def _resolve_stratum_dependencies(self, stratum, queue, source_pool):
- strata = []
- if stratum.morphology['build-depends']:
- for stratum_name in stratum.morphology['build-depends']:
- other_stratum = source_pool.lookup(
- stratum.repo,
- stratum.original_ref,
- '%s.morph' % stratum_name)
- strata.append(other_stratum)
- if other_stratum.depends_on(stratum):
- raise MutualDependencyError(stratum, other_stratum)
- stratum.add_dependency(other_stratum)
- queue.append(other_stratum)
- chunks = []
- processed_chunks = []
- name_to_processed_chunk = {}
- for info in stratum.morphology['sources']:
- chunk = source_pool.lookup(
- info['repo'],
- info['ref'],
- '%s.morph' % info['morph'])
- chunks.append(chunk)
- stratum.add_dependency(chunk)
- for other_stratum in strata:
- chunk.add_dependency(other_stratum)
- build_depends = info.get('build-depends', None)
- if build_depends is None:
- for earlier_chunk in processed_chunks:
- if earlier_chunk is chunk:
- continue
- if earlier_chunk.depends_on(chunk):
- raise MutualDependencyError(chunk, earlier_chunk)
- chunk.add_dependency(earlier_chunk)
- elif isinstance(build_depends, list):
- for name in build_depends:
- other_chunk = name_to_processed_chunk.get(name, None)
- if other_chunk is chunk:
- continue
- if other_chunk:
- chunk.add_dependency(other_chunk)
- else:
- raise DependencyOrderError(stratum, info['name'], name)
- else:
- raise DependencyFormatError(stratum, info['name'])
- processed_chunks.append(chunk)
- name_to_processed_chunk[info['name']] = chunk
- def _detect_cyclic_dependencies(self, source_pool):
- # FIXME This is not well tested and might be incorrect. Better
- # something based on
- #
- visited = set()
- explored = set()
- parent = {}
- roots = []
- for source in source_pool:
- if len(source.dependents) == 0:
- roots.append(source)
- parent[source] = None
- stack = collections.deque(roots)
- while stack:
- source = stack.popleft()
- visited.add(source)
- for dependency in source.dependencies:
- if not (source, dependency) in explored:
- explored.add((source, dependency))
- parent[dependency] = source
- if not dependency in visited:
- stack.appendleft(dependency)
- else:
- raise CyclicDependencyChainError()
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d95cd1..00000000
--- a/morphlib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import unittest
-import morphlib
-class DependencyResolverTests(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.resolver = morphlib.dependencyresolver.DependencyResolver()
- def test_create_empty_build_order_for_empty_pool(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- def test_with_a_single_chunk(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "foo",
- "kind": "chunk",
- "artifacts": {
- "foo-runtime": [ "usr/bin" ],
- "foo-devel": [ "usr/lib" ]
- }
- }
- ''')
- chunk = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'foo.morph')
- pool.add(chunk)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependents, [])
- def test_with_a_single_empty_stratum(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "foo",
- "kind": "stratum"
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'foo.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependents, [])
- def test_with_a_single_empty_system(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "foo",
- "kind": "system"
- }
- ''')
- system = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'foo.morph')
- pool.add(system)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(system.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(system.dependents, [])
- def test_with_a_one_chunk_stratum(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk",
- "kind": "chunk",
- "artifacts": {
- "foo-runtime": [ "usr/bin" ],
- "foo-devel": [ "usr/lib" ]
- }
- }
- ''')
- chunk = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk.morph')
- pool.add(chunk)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependents, [stratum])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependencies, [chunk])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependents, [])
- def test_with_a_one_chunk_artifact_stratum(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk-runtime",
- "morph": "chunk",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk",
- "kind": "chunk",
- "artifacts": {
- "foo-runtime": [ "usr/bin" ],
- "foo-devel": [ "usr/lib" ]
- }
- }
- ''')
- chunk = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk.morph')
- pool.add(chunk)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependents, [stratum])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependencies, [chunk])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependents, [])
- def test_with_stratum_and_implicit_dependencies(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk3",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
- pool.add(chunk1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
- pool.add(chunk2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk3",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk3 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk3.morph')
- pool.add(chunk3)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(chunk1.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(chunk1.dependents, [stratum, chunk2, chunk3])
- self.assertEqual(chunk2.dependencies, [chunk1])
- self.assertEqual(chunk2.dependents, [stratum, chunk3])
- self.assertEqual(chunk3.dependencies, [chunk1, chunk2])
- self.assertEqual(chunk3.dependents, [stratum])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependencies, [chunk1, chunk2, chunk3])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependents, [])
- def test_with_explicit_dependencies(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": []
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": []
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk3",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": [
- "chunk1",
- "chunk2"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
- pool.add(chunk1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
- pool.add(chunk2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk3",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk3 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk3.morph')
- pool.add(chunk3)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(chunk1.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(chunk1.dependents, [stratum, chunk3])
- self.assertEqual(chunk2.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(chunk2.dependents, [stratum, chunk3])
- self.assertEqual(chunk3.dependencies, [chunk1, chunk2])
- self.assertEqual(chunk3.dependents, [stratum])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependencies, [chunk1, chunk2, chunk3])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependents, [])
- def test_with_stratum_dependencies(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum1",
- "kind": "stratum"
- }
- ''')
- stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
- pool.add(stratum1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum2",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "build-depends": [
- "stratum1"
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
- pool.add(stratum2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum3",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "build-depends": [
- "stratum2"
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum3 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum3.morph')
- pool.add(stratum3)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(stratum1.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(stratum1.dependents, [stratum2])
- self.assertEqual(stratum2.dependencies, [stratum1])
- self.assertEqual(stratum2.dependents, [stratum3])
- self.assertEqual(stratum3.dependencies, [stratum2])
- self.assertEqual(stratum3.dependents, [])
- def test_with_stratum_and_chunk_dependencies(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum1",
- "kind": "stratum"
- }
- ''')
- stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
- pool.add(stratum1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum2",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "build-depends": [
- "stratum1"
- ],
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
- pool.add(stratum2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
- pool.add(chunk1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
- pool.add(chunk2)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(stratum1.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(stratum1.dependents, [stratum2, chunk1, chunk2])
- self.assertEqual(chunk1.dependencies, [stratum1])
- self.assertEqual(chunk1.dependents, [stratum2, chunk2])
- self.assertEqual(chunk2.dependencies, [stratum1, chunk1])
- self.assertEqual(chunk2.dependents, [stratum2])
- self.assertEqual(stratum2.dependencies, [stratum1, chunk1, chunk2])
- self.assertEqual(stratum2.dependents, [])
- def test_with_a_system_and_two_strata(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum1",
- "kind": "stratum"
- }
- ''')
- stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
- pool.add(stratum1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum2",
- "kind": "stratum"
- }
- ''')
- stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
- pool.add(stratum2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "system",
- "kind": "system",
- "strata": [
- "stratum1",
- "stratum2"
- ]
- }
- ''')
- system = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'system.morph')
- pool.add(system)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(stratum1.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(stratum1.dependents, [system])
- self.assertEqual(stratum2.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(stratum2.dependents, [system])
- self.assertEqual(system.dependencies, [stratum1, stratum2])
- self.assertEqual(system.dependents, [])
- def test_detection_of_mutual_dependency_between_two_strata(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum1",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "build-depends": [
- "stratum2"
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
- pool.add(stratum1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum2",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "build-depends": [
- "stratum1"
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
- pool.add(stratum2)
- self.assertRaises(morphlib.dependencyresolver.MutualDependencyError,
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies, pool)
- def test_graceful_handling_of_self_dependencies_of_chunks(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum1",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk-runtime",
- "repo": "repo",
- "morph": "chunk",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk-devel",
- "repo": "repo",
- "morph": "chunk",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk-doc",
- "repo": "repo",
- "morph": "chunk",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": [
- "chunk-runtime"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk",
- "kind": "chunk",
- "artifacts": {
- "chunk-runtime": [ "usr/lib" ],
- "chunk-devel": [ "usr/include" ],
- "chunk-doc": [ "usr/share/doc" ]
- }
- }
- ''')
- chunk = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk.morph')
- pool.add(chunk)
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies(pool)
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependencies, [])
- self.assertEqual(chunk.dependents, [stratum])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependencies, [chunk])
- self.assertEqual(stratum.dependents, [])
- def test_detection_of_mutual_dependency_between_consecutive_chunks(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum1",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
- pool.add(stratum1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum2",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "build-depends": [
- "stratum1"
- ],
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
- pool.add(stratum2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
- pool.add(chunk1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
- pool.add(chunk2)
- self.assertRaises(morphlib.dependencyresolver.MutualDependencyError,
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies, pool)
- def test_detection_of_cyclic_chunk_dependency_chain(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum1",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": [
- "chunk1"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk3",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": [
- "chunk2"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum1.morph')
- pool.add(stratum1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum2",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "build-depends": [
- "stratum1"
- ],
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk3",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum2.morph')
- pool.add(stratum2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
- pool.add(chunk1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
- pool.add(chunk2)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk3",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk3.morph')
- pool.add(chunk2)
- self.assertRaises(
- morphlib.dependencyresolver.CyclicDependencyChainError,
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies, pool)
- def test_detection_of_chunk_dependencies_in_invalid_order(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": [
- "chunk2"
- ]
- },
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk1",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk1 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk1.morph')
- pool.add(chunk1)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk2",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk2 = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk2.morph')
- pool.add(chunk2)
- self.assertRaises(morphlib.dependencyresolver.DependencyOrderError,
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies, pool)
- def test_detection_of_invalid_build_depends_format(self):
- pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool()
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "stratum",
- "kind": "stratum",
- "sources": [
- {
- "name": "chunk",
- "repo": "repo",
- "ref": "original/ref",
- "build-depends": "whatever"
- }
- ]
- }
- ''')
- stratum = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'stratum.morph')
- pool.add(stratum)
- morph = morphlib.morph2.Morphology(
- '''
- {
- "name": "chunk",
- "kind": "chunk"
- }
- ''')
- chunk = morphlib.source.Source(
- 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha1', morph, 'chunk.morph')
- pool.add(chunk)
- self.assertRaises(morphlib.dependencyresolver.DependencyFormatError,
- self.resolver.resolve_dependencies, pool)