path: root/baserockimport
diff options
authorRichard Ipsum <>2015-08-19 15:31:18 +0000
committerRichard Ipsum <>2015-08-25 10:45:11 +0000
commitb3ad97e448ea2a1b1d6a3b26d1beed291de9b7a2 (patch)
tree170d83241f35cea1d27341f13f085cd8c1eb19a4 /baserockimport
parent08c531c27d0035897f0212cb3d7aed54d6f804ea (diff)
Add cpan.find_deps extension
Change-Id: I4719d7a15ef133d0dcd72061ac7e612723b828df
Diffstat (limited to 'baserockimport')
1 files changed, 696 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/baserockimport/exts/cpan.find_deps b/baserockimport/exts/cpan.find_deps
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f1e2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/baserockimport/exts/cpan.find_deps
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Find dependencies for a given Perl distribution
+# Copyright © 2015 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+package CPANDistDependencyFinder;
+use 5.020;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+use IO::Async::Process;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use POSIX;
+use JSON; # imports encode_json, decode_json, to_json and from_json
+use Carton::Snapshot;
+use CPAN::Mini::Inject;
+use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
+use Archive::Tar;
+use Archive::Extract;
+use LWP::Simple;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Temp;
+use Hash::Util qw(lock_keys lock_hashref lock_hash_recurse);
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
+use ImporterBase;
+use Moose;
+extends 'ImportExtension';
+my $MINICPAN_MIRROR_PATH = "checkouts/.cpan_import_minicpan";
+my $MINICPAN_STORE_PATH = "checkouts/.cpan_import_minicpan_store";
+my $MINICPAN_MIRROR_CONF_PATH = "checkouts/.cpan_import_minicpan_conf";
+my $logger;
+sub _log_child_output
+ my ($self, $stream, $buffref) = @_;
+ $logger->debug("$1") while ($$buffref =~ s/^(.*)\n//);
+sub _handle_carton_finish
+ my ($self, $process_obj, $status) = @_;
+ my $exit_status = WEXITSTATUS($status);
+ die "carton exited with error: $exit_status" if $exit_status != 0;
+sub _handle_subprocess_exception
+ my ($self, $process_obj, $exception, $errno, $status) = @_;
+ if ($exception) {
+ die "Exception occurred while trying to run subprocess: $exception";
+ }
+ my $exit_status = WEXITSTATUS($status);
+ die "Subprocess failed to exec() - $errno" if ($exit_status == 255);
+ die "Subprocess exited with exit status $exit_status";
+sub _write_cpanfile
+ my ($self, $path, $required_modules_ref, $requirement_version) = @_;
+ my %required_modules = %$required_modules_ref;
+ open(my $fh, '>', $path)
+ or die "Couldn't create Carton cpanfile at `$path': $!";
+ while (my ($module, $module_attrs_ref) = each %required_modules) {
+ my $module_version = $module_attrs_ref->{minimum_version};
+ my $spec = "requires '$module'";
+ $spec = $spec . ", '$module_version'" if $module_version;
+ $logger->debug("Writing spec: $spec");
+ say $fh "$spec;";
+ }
+sub _create_local_mirror_skeleton
+ my ($self, $mirror_path, $store_path) = @_;
+ $logger->debug("Creating local mirror skeleton " .
+ "at $mirror_path and $store_path");
+ mkdir $mirror_path unless (-d $mirror_path);
+ mkdir $store_path unless (-d $store_path);
+ mkdir "$mirror_path/authors" unless (-d "$mirror_path/authors");
+ mkdir "$mirror_path/modules" unless (-d "$mirror_path/modules");
+ my $touch = sub {
+ my $path = shift;
+ open(my $fh, '>>', $path)
+ or die "Couldn't create local mirror skeleton: "
+ . "couldn't open `$path' for writing: $!";
+ };
+ $touch->("$mirror_path/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz");
+ $touch->("$mirror_path/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz");
+ $logger->debug("Mirror skeleton created");
+sub _write_minicpan_conf
+ my ($self, $mirror_path, $store_path, $conf_path) = @_;
+ $logger->debug("Writing minicpan config to $conf_path");
+ open(my $fh, '>', $conf_path)
+ or die "Couldn't write minicpan config: "
+ . "couldn't open `$conf_path' for writing: $!";
+ print $fh <<"END";
+ local: $mirror_path
+ remote:
+ repository: $store_path
+ passive: yes
+ dirmode: 0755
+sub _make_tarball
+ my ($self, $source_dir, $tarball_filename) = @_;
+ my $dh = DirHandle->new(".");
+ my @file_list;
+ my $tarball_store = "checkouts/.cpan_import_minicpan_tarballs";
+ mkdir $tarball_store unless (-d $tarball_store);
+ my $abs_tarball_path = File::Spec->rel2abs(
+ "$tarball_store/$tarball_filename");
+ $logger->debug("Creating tarball from $source_dir at $abs_tarball_path");
+ chdir "$source_dir/..";
+ my @xs = split("/", $source_dir);
+ my $tarball_prefix = $xs[-1];
+ my $wanted = sub {
+ unless ($File::Find::name =~ m|$tarball_prefix/\.git|) {
+ push @file_list, $File::Find::name;
+ }
+ };
+ find(\&$wanted, $tarball_prefix);
+ my $s = join(', ', @file_list);
+ $logger->debug("file_list: $s");
+ my $created = Archive::Tar->create_archive($abs_tarball_path,
+ COMPRESS_GZIP, @file_list);
+ die Archive::Tar->error($created) unless $created;
+ $logger->debug("Tarball created at $tarball_filename");
+ chdir $dh;
+ return ($tarball_prefix, $abs_tarball_path);
+sub _fetch_release_metadata_from_metacpan
+ my ($self, $dist_name, $url) = @_;
+ my $content = get($url);
+ die "Failed to get from $url" unless $content;
+ my $json = decode_json $content;
+ # make hash read only and error if access to non-existent key is made
+ lock_hashref($json);
+ return $json;
+sub _get_dist_tarball_filename_and_authorid
+ my ($self, $dist_name, $dist_version, $dist_meta_ref) = @_;
+ my $pathname = $dist_meta_ref->{pathname};
+ my $dist_authorid;
+ if ($pathname) {
+ my $dist_info = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($pathname);
+ unless (defined $dist_info) {
+ die "Couldn't construct DistInfo from pathname: $pathname";
+ }
+ $dist_version = $dist_info->version;
+ $dist_authorid = $dist_info->cpanid;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $metacpan_url = "$dist_name";
+ my $meta = $self->_fetch_release_metadata_from_metacpan($dist_name,
+ $metacpan_url);
+ $dist_version //= $meta->{version} if exists $meta->{version};
+ $dist_authorid = $meta->{author} if exists $meta->{author};
+ if (!defined $dist_version or !defined $dist_authorid) {
+ $logger->warn("No version present in metadata obtained from "
+ . $metacpan_url) unless defined $dist_version;
+ $logger->warn("No author present in metadata obtained from "
+ . $metacpan_url) unless defined $dist_authorid;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ $logger->debug("dist_version: $dist_version "
+ . "dist_authorid: $dist_authorid");
+ # The filename of this tar should not be arbitrary
+ # it should correspond to the format described by CPAN::DistNameInfo
+ # we should have "dist_name-dist_version.tar.gz"
+ my %h = (author => $dist_authorid,
+ filename => "${dist_name}-${dist_version}.tar.gz");
+ lock_keys(%h); # will make accessing non-existent keys an error
+ return \%h;
+sub _inject
+ my ($self, $minicpan_conf_path, $tarball_path,
+ $module_name, $module_version, $module_authorid) = @_;
+ $logger->debug("Injecting $tarball_path into local cpan mirror");
+ my $str_module_version = $module_version // '(undef)';
+ $logger->debug("Module name: $module_name\t"
+ . "version: $str_module_version\t"
+ . "authorid: $module_authorid");
+ my $mcpi = CPAN::Mini::Inject->new;
+ $mcpi->parsecfg($minicpan_conf_path);
+ if ($module_version) {
+ $mcpi->add(module => $module_name,
+ authorid => $module_authorid,
+ version => $module_version,
+ file => $tarball_path);
+ }
+ else {
+ # CPAN::Mini::Inject can determine version if version is not specified
+ $mcpi->add(module => $module_name,
+ authorid => $module_authorid,
+ file => $tarball_path);
+ }
+ $mcpi->inject;
+sub _inject_modules
+ my ($self, $mirror_conf_path, $dist_meta_ref,
+ $dist_name, $dist_authorid, $source_tarball_path) = @_;
+ $logger->debug("Injecting the following modules...");
+ my $modules_ref = $dist_meta_ref->{modules};
+ my @modules = keys %{$modules_ref};
+ for my $module (@modules) {
+ $logger->debug($module);
+ my $module_version = $modules_ref->{$module}{minimum_version};
+ $self->_inject($mirror_conf_path, $source_tarball_path,
+ $module, $module_version, $dist_authorid);
+ }
+sub _get_provider_dist_name
+ my ($self, $provider_dist_obj,
+ $required_module, $required_module_version) = @_;
+ my $distinfo = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($provider_dist_obj->pathname);
+ my $provider_dist_name = $distinfo->dist;
+ # Check module provided by dist satisfies module requirement
+ my $dist_version_for_module =
+ $provider_dist_obj->version_for($required_module);
+ if ($dist_version_for_module) {
+ if ($dist_version_for_module < $required_module_version) {
+ die "Module `$required_module' requires version "
+ . "$required_module_version but distribution "
+ . "`$provider_dist_name' has $dist_version_for_module";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $logger->warn("Could not verify that $provider_dist_name satisfies "
+ . "requirement for $required_module "
+ . "$required_module_version");
+ }
+ return $provider_dist_name;
+sub _map_module_to_distribution
+ my ($self, $snapshot, $dist_meta_ref, $module, $module_version) = @_;
+ my $provider_dist_obj = $snapshot->find($module);
+ my $provider_dist_name;
+ my $provider_pathname;
+ if ($provider_dist_obj) {
+ $provider_dist_name = $self->_get_provider_dist_name(
+ $provider_dist_obj, $module, $module_version);
+ $provider_pathname = $provider_dist_obj->distfile;
+ }
+ else {
+ $provider_dist_name = '::CORE::';
+ }
+ $logger->debug("$provider_dist_name provides $module");
+ unless (exists $dist_meta_ref->{$provider_dist_name}) {
+ $dist_meta_ref->{$provider_dist_name} = {modules => {},
+ pathname => ""};
+ }
+ if (exists $dist_meta_ref->{$provider_dist_name}{modules}{$module}) {
+ my $dist_meta_modules = $dist_meta_ref->{$provider_dist_name}{modules};
+ my $current = $dist_meta_modules->{$module}{minimum_version};
+ # parse versions so we can compare them
+ my $x = version->parse($module_version);
+ my $y = version->parse($current);
+ if ($x < $y) {
+ $logger->warn("Replacing requirement for $module $current "
+ . "with $module $module_version");
+ $dist_meta_modules->{$module}{minimum_version} = $module_version;
+ }
+ }
+ $dist_meta_ref->{$provider_dist_name}{modules}{$module} = {
+ minimum_version => $module_version
+ };
+ if ($provider_pathname) {
+ $dist_meta_ref->{$provider_dist_name}{pathname} = $provider_pathname;
+ }
+sub _map_modules_to_distributions
+ my ($self, $snapshot, $dist_meta_ref, $required_modules_ref) = @_;
+ $logger->debug("Requires:");
+ for my $module (keys %{$required_modules_ref}) {
+ my $module_version = $required_modules_ref->{$module};
+ $logger->debug("\tRequirement: $module => $module_version");
+ $self->_map_module_to_distribution($snapshot, $dist_meta_ref,
+ $module, $module_version);
+ }
+sub _run_carton
+ my ($self, $source_dir, $mirror_path) = @_;
+ my $mirror_abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs($mirror_path);
+ # This will make cpanm search our local minicpan for a module
+ # before it searches metacpan
+ my $perl_carton_cpanm_opt = "--mirror $mirror_abs_path "
+ . "--mirror "
+ . "--mirror-only "
+ . "--verbose";
+ my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => ['carton', 'install'],
+ # Sadly we need
+ # for this, miyagawa suggested PERL_CARTON_MIRROR but that appears
+ # to only let you set one mirror
+ setup => [chdir => $source_dir,
+ env => {%ENV,
+ PERL_CARTON_CPANM_OPT => $perl_carton_cpanm_opt}],
+ stdout => { on_read => sub { $self->_log_child_output(@_); } },
+ stderr => { on_read => sub { $self->_log_child_output(@_); } },
+ on_finish => sub { $self->_handle_carton_finish(@_); $loop->stop; },
+ on_exception => sub { $self->_handle_subprocess_exception(@_); }
+ );
+ $loop->add($process);
+ $loop->run;
+ $logger->debug('Loading snapshot');
+ my $snapshot = Carton::Snapshot->new(
+ path => "$source_dir/cpanfile.snapshot");
+ $snapshot->load();
+ return $snapshot;
+sub _extract_tarball
+ my ($self, $tarball_path, $dstpath) = @_;
+ my $tar = Archive::Extract->new(archive => $tarball_path);
+ my $ok = $tar->extract(to => $dstpath);
+ unless ($ok) {
+ my $errstr = $tar->error;
+ die "Couldn't extract tarball at `$tarball_path': $errstr";
+ }
+sub _get_buildscript_type
+ my ($self, $source_dir) = @_;
+ if (-e "$source_dir/Makefile.PL") {
+ return 'Makefile.PL';
+ }
+ elsif (-e "$source_dir/Build.PL") {
+ return 'Build.PL';
+ }
+ else {
+ $logger->debug("Couldn't find Makefile.PL or Build.PL");
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub _run_plfile
+ my ($self, $source_dir,
+ $source_tarball_prefix, $source_tarball_path, $pl_file) = @_;
+ # TODO: It may aid debugging to have a flag that disables the automatic
+ # cleanup of this tempdir
+ my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir;
+ $logger->debug("tmpdir: $tmpdir");
+ $self->_extract_tarball($source_tarball_path, $tmpdir);
+ my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+ my $process = IO::Async::Process->new(
+ command => ['perl', $pl_file],
+ setup => [chdir => "$tmpdir/$source_tarball_prefix"],
+ stdin => { from => '' }, # send EOF to child so it doesn't block
+ stdout => { on_read => sub { $self->_log_child_output(@_); } },
+ stderr => { on_read => sub { $self->_log_child_output(@_); } },
+ on_finish => sub { $logger->debug("Finished running $pl_file");
+ $loop->stop;
+ },
+ on_exception => sub { $self->_handle_subprocess_exception(@_); }
+ );
+ $loop->add($process);
+ $loop->run;
+ # no need to check whether this succeeds, lack of MYMETA.json is not fatal
+ open(my $fh, '<', "$tmpdir/$source_tarball_prefix/MYMETA.json");
+ local $/; # set record separator to undef so we can slurp the file
+ my $json = readline $fh;
+ my $metadata_ref = decode_json($json);
+ return $metadata_ref;
+sub find_dependencies
+ my ($self, $root_dist_name, $snapshot,
+ $build_deps_ref, $dist_meta_ref) = @_;
+ for my $dist ($snapshot->distributions) {
+ my $distinfo = CPAN::DistnameInfo->new($dist->pathname);
+ my $dist_name = $distinfo->dist;
+ # Import tool expects "master" if we don't have a version constraint.
+ my $dist_version = $distinfo->version ? $distinfo->version : 'master';
+ $logger->debug("Distribution: $dist_name version: $dist_version");
+ $logger->debug("Name: $root_dist_name");
+ my %required_modules = %{$dist->requirements->as_string_hash};
+ $self->_map_modules_to_distributions($snapshot, $dist_meta_ref,
+ \%required_modules);
+ unless ($dist_name eq $root_dist_name) {
+ $logger->debug("Adding $dist_name to list of build depends");
+ $build_deps_ref->{$dist_name} = $dist_version;
+ }
+ }
+sub _get_distribution_metadata
+ # Returns a reference to a hash containing the modules
+ # the given distribution provides
+ my ($self, $distname) = @_;
+ my $dist_meta_ref;
+ my $input_metadata_path;
+ if (exists $ENV{IMPORT_METAPATH}) {
+ $input_metadata_path = $ENV{IMPORT_METAPATH};
+ }
+ my $msg = $input_metadata_path // '(undef)';
+ $logger->debug("IMPORT_METAPATH: $msg");
+ unless ($input_metadata_path) {
+ die "No import metadata available for `$distname', cannot proceed. "
+ . "(this is most likely a bug, please file a report).";
+ }
+ open(my $fh, '<', $input_metadata_path)
+ or die "Couldn't get distribution metadata for `$distname': "
+ . "couldn't open `$input_metadata_path' for reading";
+ local $/; # set record separator to undef so we can slurp the file
+ my $json = readline $fh;
+ my $metadata_ref = decode_json($json);
+ # FIXME: This is horrible but presently you cannot lock a hash
+ # from a reference due to a bug in perl, this will be fixed by the
+ # next perl release
+ my %distmeta = %{$metadata_ref->{cpan}{'dist-meta'}{$distname}};
+ # locking the hash will make it an error to attempt to
+ # access any key that doesn't already exist, which is safer than the
+ # perl default of returning undef, it will also make the hash read-only
+ lock_hash_recurse(%distmeta);
+ return \%distmeta;
+sub _is_importing_root_package
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $input_metadata_path;
+ if (exists $ENV{IMPORT_METAPATH}) {
+ $input_metadata_path = $ENV{IMPORT_METAPATH};
+ }
+ return $input_metadata_path =~ m/ROOT.meta$/;
+sub _add_root_modules_to_dist_meta
+ # Supplements dist-meta with root package's requirements,
+ # needed since these module requirements for the root won't be specified
+ # in the snapshot file, only the requirements of the root package's
+ # children.
+ my ($self, $snapshot, $dist_meta_ref, $root_metadata_ref) = @_;
+ for my $dep_type ('build', 'configure', 'runtime') {
+ my $deps_ref = $root_metadata_ref->{prereqs}{$dep_type}{requires};
+ $self->_map_modules_to_distributions($snapshot, $dist_meta_ref,
+ $deps_ref);
+ }
+sub run
+ my $self = shift;
+ $logger = get_logger(ref $self);
+ # 1. Setup minicpan if it's not already
+ # 2. Make a tarball of the source checkout
+ # 3. Inject tarball into minicpan
+ # 4. Use metadata supplied by parent to write a cpanfile for carton
+ # 5. Run carton
+ # 6. If this is the root then run its Makefile.PL or Build.PL
+ # to obtain our module dependency data, since this isn't stored
+ # in the carton snapshot
+ # 7. Encode all dependency data as json and print
+ my $argc = @ARGV;
+ if ($argc < 2 or $argc > 3) {
+ }
+ my ($source_dir, $dist_name, $dist_version) = @ARGV;
+ $logger->debug("source_dir: $source_dir");
+ $logger->debug("dist_name: $dist_name");
+ $logger->debug("version: " . ($dist_version // "(no version)"));
+ my $dist_meta_ref = $self->_get_distribution_metadata($dist_name);
+ unless ($dist_meta_ref) {
+ die "No metadata associated with distribution `$dist_name': " .
+ "this is almost certainly a bug, please report it";
+ }
+ $self->_create_local_mirror_skeleton($MINICPAN_MIRROR_PATH,
+ $self->_write_minicpan_conf($MINICPAN_MIRROR_PATH, $MINICPAN_STORE_PATH,
+ my $tarball_data_ref = $self->_get_dist_tarball_filename_and_authorid(
+ $dist_name, $dist_version, $dist_meta_ref);
+ my $dist_authorid = $tarball_data_ref->{author};
+ my $tarball_filename = $tarball_data_ref->{filename};
+ unless ($tarball_data_ref) {
+ my $str_dist_version = $dist_version // '(no version)';
+ die "Couldn't obtain data needed for injection of "
+ . "`$dist_name' `$str_dist_version'";
+ }
+ my ($tarball_prefix,
+ $tarball_path) = $self->_make_tarball($source_dir, $tarball_filename);
+ $self->_inject_modules($MINICPAN_MIRROR_CONF_PATH, $dist_meta_ref,
+ $dist_name, $dist_authorid, $tarball_path);
+ # Using the dist's cpanfile doesn't work,
+ # at least for Log::Any, seemingly due to stuff in on_develop
+ # which we don't need, so we will always write our own cpanfile,
+ # if a cpanfile already exists it will be overwritten
+ my $modules_ref = $dist_meta_ref->{modules};
+ $self->_write_cpanfile("$source_dir/cpanfile", $modules_ref,
+ $dist_version);
+ $logger->debug("Running carton install for $dist_name in $source_dir");
+ my $snapshot = $self->_run_carton($source_dir, $MINICPAN_MIRROR_PATH);
+ my %build_deps;
+ my %dist_meta;
+ $self->find_dependencies($dist_name, $snapshot,
+ \%build_deps, \%dist_meta);
+ # FIXME: There's no simple way to distinguish build deps from runtime deps
+ # given only the snapshot file,
+ # treating all as build deps will work for now
+ my %deps = ('runtime-dependencies' => {},
+ 'build-dependencies' => \%build_deps,
+ 'dist-meta' => \%dist_meta);
+ if ($self->_is_importing_root_package) {
+ $logger->debug("We are the root! ($dist_name)");
+ my $root_metadata_ref;
+ my $plfile = $self->_get_buildscript_type($source_dir);
+ if ($plfile) {
+ $root_metadata_ref = $self->_run_plfile($source_dir,
+ $tarball_prefix,
+ $tarball_path, $plfile);
+ }
+ if ($root_metadata_ref) {
+ $self->_add_root_modules_to_dist_meta($snapshot, \%dist_meta,
+ $root_metadata_ref);
+ }
+ else {
+ $logger->warn("Couldn't get metadata for root package "
+ . "`$dist_name'");
+ }
+ }
+ say encode_json({cpan => \%deps});