path: root/src/testdir/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testdir/')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testdir/ b/src/testdir/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a757dae12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testdir/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Tests for List and Dictionary types. vim: set ft=vim :
+:so small.vim
+:fun Test()
+:" Creating List directly with different types
+:let l = [1, 'as''d', [1, 2, function("strlen")], {'a': 1},]
+:$put =string(l)
+:$put =string(l[-1])
+:$put =string(l[-4])
+: $put =string(l[-5])
+: $put =v:exception[:14]
+:" List identity
+:let ll = l
+:let lx = copy(l)
+: $put =(l == ll) . (l isnot ll) . (l is ll) . (l == lx) . (l is lx) . (l isnot lx)
+: $put =v:exception
+:" Creating Dictionary directly with different types
+:let d = {001: 'asd', 'b': [1, 2, function('strlen')], -1: {'a': 1},}
+:$put =string(d) . d.1
+:$put =string(sort(keys(d)))
+:$put =string(values(d))
+:for [key, val] in items(d)
+: $put =key . ':' . string(val)
+: unlet key val
+:call extend(d, {3:33, 1:99})
+:call extend(d, {'b':'bbb', 'c':'ccc'}, "keep")
+: call extend(d, {3:333,4:444}, "error")
+: $put =v:exception[:15] . v:exception[-1:-1]
+:$put =string(d)
+:call filter(d, 'v:key =~ ''[ac391]''')
+:$put =string(d)
+:" Dictionary identity
+:let dd = d
+:let dx = copy(d)
+: $put =(d == dd) . (d isnot dd) . (d is dd) . (d == dx) . (d is dx) . (d isnot dx)
+: $put =v:exception
+:" Changing var type should fail
+: let d = []
+: $put =v:exception[:14] . v:exception[-1:-1]
+: let l = {}
+: $put =v:exception[:14] . v:exception[-1:-1]
+:" removing items with :unlet
+:unlet l[2]
+:$put =string(l)
+:let l = range(8)
+:unlet l[:3]
+:unlet l[1:]
+:$put =string(l)
+:unlet d.c
+:unlet d[-1]
+:$put =string(d)
+:" manipulating a big Dictionary
+:let d = {}
+:for i in range(15000)
+: let d[i] = 30000 - i
+:$put =d[0] . ' ' . d[100] . ' ' . d[999] . ' ' . d[14000] . ' ' . d[14999]
+: let n = d[15000]
+: $put =v:exception[:14] . v:exception[-5:-1]
+:" lookup each items
+:for i in range(15000)
+: if d[i] != 30000 - i
+: $put =d[i]
+: endif
+: let i += 1
+:" delete even items
+:while i >= 2
+: let i -= 2
+: unlet d[i]
+:$put =get(d, 15000 - 100, 'NONE') . ' ' . d[1]
+:" delete odd items, checking value, one intentionally wrong
+:let d[33] = 999
+:let i = 1
+:while i < 15000
+: if d[i] != 30000 - i
+: $put =i . '=' . d[i]
+: else
+: unlet d[i]
+: endif
+: let i += 2
+:$put =string(d) " must be almost empty now
+:unlet d
+:" Dictionary function
+:let dict = {}
+:func dict.func(a) dict
+: $put =a:a . len(
+:let = [1,2,3]
+:call dict.func("len: ")
+:echo dict.func("again: ")
+: let Fn = dict.func
+: call Fn('xxx')
+: $put =v:exception[:15]
+:sleep 5
+:" Nasty: remove func from Dict that's being called (works)
+:let d = {1:1}
+:func d.func(a)
+: return "a:". a:a
+:$put = d.func(string(remove(d, 'func')))
+:" Nasty: deepcopy() dict that refers to itself (fails)
+:let d = {1:1, 2:2}
+:let l = [4, d, 6]
+:let d[3] = l
+: let x = deepcopy(d)
+: $put =v:exception[:14]
+:call Test()
+:/^start:/,$wq! test.out