path: root/runtime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime')
23 files changed, 3342 insertions, 1294 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim b/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim
index d8d185709..42439a57d 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/netrw.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" netrw.vim: Handles file transfer and remote directory listing across
-" Date: May 13, 2014
-" Version: 152
+" Date: Jan 05, 2015
+" Version: 153
" Maintainer: Charles E Campbell <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1075 1 :AutoInstall: netrw.vim
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ if v:version < 704 || !has("patch213")
let s:needpatch213= 1
-let g:loaded_netrw = "v152"
+let g:loaded_netrw = "v153"
if !exists("s:NOTE")
let s:NOTE = 0
let s:WARNING = 1
@@ -51,7 +51,10 @@ setl cpo&vim
" 0=note = s:NOTE
" 1=warning = s:WARNING
" 2=error = s:ERROR
-" Apr 16, 2014 : max errnum currently is 97
+" Usage: netrw#ErrorMsg(s:NOTE | s:WARNING | s:ERROR,"some message",error-number)
+" netrw#ErrorMsg(s:NOTE | s:WARNING | s:ERROR,["message1","message2",...],error-number)
+" (this function can optionally take a list of messages)
+" May 15, 2014 : max errnum currently is 98
fun! netrw#ErrorMsg(level,msg,errnum)
" call Dfunc("netrw#ErrorMsg(level=".a:level." msg<".a:msg."> errnum=".a:errnum.") g:netrw_use_errorwindow=".g:netrw_use_errorwindow)
@@ -84,18 +87,31 @@ fun! netrw#ErrorMsg(level,msg,errnum)
exe bufwinnr("NetrwMessage")."wincmd w"
" call Decho("setl ma noro")
setl ma noro
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,level.a:msg)
- keepj $
+ if type(a:msg) == 3
+ for msg in a:msg
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,level.msg)
+ endfor
+ else
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,level.a:msg)
+ endif
+ NetrwKeepj $
" call Decho("create a NetrwMessage buffer window")
bo 1split
sil! call s:NetrwEnew()
- sil! keepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
+ sil! NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
setl bt=nofile
- keepj file NetrwMessage
+ NetrwKeepj file NetrwMessage
" call Decho("setl ma noro")
setl ma noro
- call setline(line("$"),level.a:msg)
+ if type(a:msg) == 3
+ for msg in a:msg
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,level.msg)
+ endfor
+ else
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$"),level.a:msg)
+ endif
+ NetrwKeepj $
" call Decho("wrote msg<".level.a:msg."> to NetrwMessage win#".winnr())
if &fo !~ '[ta]'
@@ -118,7 +134,15 @@ fun! netrw#ErrorMsg(level,msg,errnum)
elseif a:level == s:ERROR
echohl Error
- echomsg level.a:msg
+ if type(a:msg) == 3
+ for msg in a:msg
+ echomsg level.msg
+ endfor
+ else
+ echomsg level.a:msg
+ endif
" call Decho("echomsg ***netrw*** ".a:msg)
echohl None
@@ -127,7 +151,7 @@ fun! netrw#ErrorMsg(level,msg,errnum)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" NetrwInit: initializes variables if they haven't been defined {{{2
+" s:NetrwInit: initializes variables if they haven't been defined {{{2
" Loosely, varname = value.
fun s:NetrwInit(varname,value)
" call Decho("varname<".a:varname."> value=".a:value)
@@ -175,6 +199,13 @@ if !exists("g:netrw_fetch_cmd")
let g:netrw_fetch_cmd = ""
+if !exists("g:netrw_file_cmd")
+ if executable("elinks")
+ call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_file_cmd","elinks")
+ elseif executable("links")
+ call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_file_cmd","links")
+ endif
if !exists("g:netrw_ftp_cmd")
let g:netrw_ftp_cmd = "ftp"
@@ -203,6 +234,7 @@ if !exists("g:netrw_http_cmd")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_http_put_cmd","curl -T")
+call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_keepj","keepj")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_rcp_cmd" , "rcp")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_rsync_cmd", "rsync")
if !exists("g:netrw_scp_cmd")
@@ -300,12 +332,20 @@ if !exists("g:netrw_list_cmd")
" provide a pscp-based listing command
let g:netrw_scp_cmd ="pscp -i C:\\private.ppk"
- let g:netrw_list_cmd= g:netrw_scp_cmd." -ls USEPORT HOSTNAME:"
+ if exists("g:netrw_list_cmd_options")
+ let g:netrw_list_cmd= g:netrw_scp_cmd." -ls USEPORT HOSTNAME: ".g:netrw_list_cmd_options
+ else
+ let g:netrw_list_cmd= g:netrw_scp_cmd." -ls USEPORT HOSTNAME:"
+ endif
elseif executable(g:netrw_ssh_cmd)
" provide a scp-based default listing command
- let g:netrw_list_cmd= g:netrw_ssh_cmd." USEPORT HOSTNAME ls -FLa"
+ if exists("g:netrw_list_cmd_options")
+ let g:netrw_list_cmd= g:netrw_ssh_cmd." USEPORT HOSTNAME ls -FLa ".g:netrw_list_cmd_options
+ else
+ let g:netrw_list_cmd= g:netrw_ssh_cmd." USEPORT HOSTNAME ls -FLa"
+ endif
-" call Decho("g:netrw_ssh_cmd." is not executable")
+" call Decho(g:netrw_ssh_cmd." is not executable")
let g:netrw_list_cmd= ""
@@ -331,6 +371,19 @@ if !exists("g:netrw_localcopycmd")
let g:netrw_localcopycmd= ""
+if !exists("g:netrw_localcopydircmd")
+ if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
+ if g:netrw_cygwin
+ let g:netrw_localcopydircmd= "cp -R"
+ else
+ let g:netrw_localcopycmd= expand("$COMSPEC")." /c xcopy /e /c /h /i /k"
+ endif
+ elseif has("unix") || has("macunix")
+ let g:netrw_localcopydircmd= "cp -R"
+ else
+ let g:netrw_localcopycmd= ""
+ endif
if exists("g:netrw_local_mkdir")
let g:netrw_localmkdir= g:netrw_local_mkdir
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:NOTE,"g:netrw_local_mkdir is deprecated in favor of g:netrw_localmkdir",87)
@@ -399,6 +452,7 @@ else
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_preview" , 0)
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_scpport" , "-P")
+call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_servername" , "NETRWSERVER")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_sshport" , "-p")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_rename_cmd" , g:netrw_ssh_cmd." USEPORT HOSTNAME mv")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_rm_cmd" , g:netrw_ssh_cmd." USEPORT HOSTNAME rm")
@@ -407,16 +461,20 @@ call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_rmf_cmd" , g:netrw_ssh_cmd." USEPORT HOSTNAME rm
" Default values - q-s ---------- {{{3
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_quickhelp",0)
let s:QuickHelp= ["-:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:special",
- \ "%:create new file d:create new directory",
- \ "o:split&open v:vert-split&open",
- \ "i:style qf:file info O:obtain r:reverse p:preview",
- \ "mf:mark file mt:set target mm:move mc:copy",
- \ "-bookmarks- mb:make mB:delete qb:list gb:go to",
- \ "-history- qb:list u:go up U:go down",
- \ "-targets- mt:target Tb:use bookmark Th:use history"]
+ \ "(create new) %:file d:directory",
+ \ "(windows split&open) o:horz v:vert p:preview",
+ \ "i:style qf:file info O:obtain r:reverse",
+ \ "(marks) mf:mark file mt:set target mm:move mc:copy",
+ \ "(bookmarks) mb:make mB:delete qb:list gb:go to",
+ \ "(history) qb:list u:go up U:go down",
+ \ "(targets) mt:target Tb:use bookmark Th:use history"]
" g:netrw_sepchr: picking a character that doesn't appear in filenames that can be used to separate priority from filename
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_sepchr" , (&enc == "euc-jp")? "\<Char-0x01>" : "\<Char-0xff>")
-call s:NetrwInit("s:netrw_silentxfer" , (exists("g:netrw_silent") && g:netrw_silent != 0)? "sil keepj " : "keepj ")
+if !exists("g:netrw_keepj") || g:netrw_keepj == "keepj"
+ call s:NetrwInit("s:netrw_silentxfer" , (exists("g:netrw_silent") && g:netrw_silent != 0)? "sil keepj " : "keepj ")
+ call s:NetrwInit("s:netrw_silentxfer" , (exists("g:netrw_silent") && g:netrw_silent != 0)? "sil " : " ")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_sort_by" , "name") " alternatives: date , size
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_sort_options" , "")
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_sort_direction", "normal") " alternative: reverse (z y x ...)
@@ -488,6 +546,13 @@ if v:version >= 700 && has("balloon_eval") && !exists("s:initbeval") && !exists(
au WinEnter * if &ft == "netrw"|call s:NetrwInsureWinVars()|endif
+if g:netrw_keepj =~ "keepj"
+ com! -nargs=* NetrwKeepj keepj <args>
+ let g:netrw_keepj= ""
+ com! -nargs=* NetrwKeepj <args>
" ==============================
" Netrw Utility Functions: {{{1
" ==============================
@@ -525,7 +590,7 @@ if v:version >= 700 && has("balloon_eval") && has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_
" if v:version < 700 |call Decho("did not load netrw#BalloonHelp(): vim version ".v:version." < 700 -")|endif
" if !has("balloon_eval") |call Decho("did not load netrw#BalloonHelp(): does not have balloon eval") |endif
" if !has("syntax") |call Decho("did not load netrw#BalloonHelp(): syntax disabled") |endif
-" if !exists("g:syntax_on") |call Decho("did not load netrw#BalloonHelp(): g:syntax_on=".g:syntax_on) |endif
+" if !exists("g:syntax_on") |call Decho("did not load netrw#BalloonHelp(): g:syntax_on n/a") |endif
" if exists("g:netrw_nobeval") |call Decho("did not load netrw#BalloonHelp(): g:netrw_nobeval exists") |endif
@@ -655,7 +720,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" else " Decho
" call Decho("case a:dosplit=".a:dosplit." AND modified=".&modified." AND a:style=".a:style." is not 6")
- keepj norm! 0
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
if a:0 > 0
" call Decho("case [a:0=".a:0."] > 0: a:1<".a:1.">")
@@ -751,7 +816,6 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
if dirname =~ '^scp://' || dirname =~ '^ftp://'
call netrw#Nread(2,dirname)
- "call s:NetrwBrowse(0,dirname)
if dirname == ""
let dirname= getcwd()
@@ -778,9 +842,9 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Jan 24, 2013: not sure why the following was present. See P08-Ingelrest
" if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
-" keepj call search('\<'.substitute(curdir,'^.*[/\\]','','e').'\>','cW')
+" NetrwKeepj call search('\<'.substitute(curdir,'^.*[/\\]','','e').'\>','cW')
" else
-" keepj call search('\<'.substitute(curdir,'^.*/','','e').'\>','cW')
+" NetrwKeepj call search('\<'.substitute(curdir,'^.*/','','e').'\>','cW')
" endif
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -811,7 +875,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" Nexplore
" call Decho(" Nexplore with starpat=".starpat.": (indx=".indx.")")
if !exists("w:netrw_explore_list") " sanity check
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"using Nexplore or <s-down> improperly; see help for netrw-starstar",40)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"using Nexplore or <s-down> improperly; see help for netrw-starstar",40)
if has("clipboard")
sil! let @* = keepregstar
sil! let @+ = keepregstar
@@ -836,7 +900,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" Pexplore
" call Decho("case Pexplore with starpat=".starpat.": (indx=".indx.")")
if !exists("w:netrw_explore_list") " sanity check
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"using Pexplore or <s-up> improperly; see help for netrw-starstar",41)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"using Pexplore or <s-up> improperly; see help for netrw-starstar",41)
if has("clipboard")
sil! let @* = keepregstar
sil! let @+ = keepregstar
@@ -861,7 +925,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" Explore -- initialize
" build list of files to Explore with Nexplore/Pexplore
" call Decho("..starpat=".starpat.": case Explore: initialize (indx=".indx.")")
- keepj keepalt call s:NetrwClearExplore()
+ NetrwKeepj keepalt call s:NetrwClearExplore()
let w:netrw_explore_indx= 0
if !exists("b:netrw_curdir")
let b:netrw_curdir= getcwd()
@@ -874,7 +938,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" call Decho(" starpat=".starpat.": build *//pattern list (curdir-only srch for files containing pattern) &hls=".&hls)
" call Decho("....pattern<".pattern.">")
- exe "keepj noautocmd vimgrep /".pattern."/gj ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir)."/*"
+ exe "NetrwKeepj noautocmd vimgrep /".pattern."/gj ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir)."/*"
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E480/
keepalt call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"no match with pattern<".pattern.">",76)
" call Dret("netrw#Explore : unable to find pattern<".pattern.">")
@@ -888,7 +952,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" call Decho(" starpat=".starpat.": build **//pattern list (recursive descent files containing pattern)")
" call Decho("....pattern<".pattern.">")
- exe "sil keepj noautocmd keepalt vimgrep /".pattern."/gj "."**/*"
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj noautocmd keepalt vimgrep /".pattern."/gj "."**/*"
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E480/
keepalt call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,'no files matched pattern<'.pattern.'>',45)
if &hls | let keepregslash= s:ExplorePatHls(pattern) | endif
@@ -927,7 +991,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" call Decho("....w:netrw_explore_listlen=".w:netrw_explore_listlen)
if w:netrw_explore_listlen == 0 || (w:netrw_explore_listlen == 1 && w:netrw_explore_list[0] =~ '\*\*\/')
- keepalt keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"no files matched",42)
+ keepalt NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"no files matched",42)
if has("clipboard")
sil! let @* = keepregstar
sil! let @+ = keepregstar
@@ -947,7 +1011,7 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
" call Decho("....wrap indx (indx=".indx." listlen=".w:netrw_explore_listlen.")")
let indx = (indx < 0)? ( w:netrw_explore_listlen - 1 ) : 0
let w:netrw_explore_indx= indx
- keepalt keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:NOTE,"no more files match Explore pattern",43)
+ keepalt NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:NOTE,"no more files match Explore pattern",43)
exe "let dirfile= w:netrw_explore_list[".indx."]"
@@ -961,20 +1025,20 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
let w:netrw_liststyle= g:netrw_liststyle
if w:netrw_liststyle == s:THINLIST || w:netrw_liststyle == s:LONGLIST
- keepalt keepj call search('^'.substitute(dirfile,"^.*/","","").'\>',"W")
+ keepalt NetrwKeepj call search('^'.substitute(dirfile,"^.*/","","").'\>',"W")
- keepalt keepj call search('\<'.substitute(dirfile,"^.*/","","").'\>',"w")
+ keepalt NetrwKeepj call search('\<'.substitute(dirfile,"^.*/","","").'\>',"w")
let w:netrw_explore_mtchcnt = indx + 1
let w:netrw_explore_bufnr = bufnr("%")
let w:netrw_explore_line = line(".")
- keepalt keepj call s:SetupNetrwStatusLine('%f %h%m%r%=%9*%{NetrwStatusLine()}')
+ keepalt NetrwKeepj call s:SetupNetrwStatusLine('%f %h%m%r%=%9*%{NetrwStatusLine()}')
" call Decho("....explore: mtchcnt=".w:netrw_explore_mtchcnt." bufnr=".w:netrw_explore_bufnr." line#".w:netrw_explore_line)
" call Decho("..your vim does not have +path_extra")
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepalt keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"your vim needs the +path_extra feature for Exploring with **!",44)
+ keepalt NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"your vim needs the +path_extra feature for Exploring with **!",44)
if has("clipboard")
sil! let @* = keepregstar
@@ -993,9 +1057,9 @@ fun! netrw#Explore(indx,dosplit,style,...)
let newdir= dirname
if !exists("b:netrw_curdir")
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(getcwd())
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(getcwd())
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,newdir))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,newdir))
@@ -1057,50 +1121,99 @@ endfun
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" netrw#Lexplore: toggle Explorer window, keeping it on the left of the current tab {{{2
-fun! netrw#Lexplore(...)
-" call Dfunc("netrw#Lexplore() a:0=".a:0)
+fun! netrw#Lexplore(count,rightside,...)
+" call Dfunc("netrw#Lexplore(count=".a:count."rightside=".a:rightside.",...) a:0=".a:0." ft=".&ft)
+ let curwin= winnr()
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 != ""
" if a netrw window is already on the left-side of the tab
" and a directory has been specified, explore with that
" directory.
- let lexwinnr= winnr()
+ let a1 = expand(a:1)
+" call Decho("a:1<".a:1."> curwin#".curwin)
exe "1wincmd w"
if &ft == "netrw"
- exe "Explore ".fnameescape(a:1)
- exe lexwinnr."wincmd w"
+" call Decho("exe Explore ".fnameescape(a:1))
+ exe "Explore ".fnameescape(a1)
+ exe curwin."wincmd w"
+ if exists("t:netrw_lexposn")
+" call Decho("forgetting t:netrw_lexposn")
+ unlet t:netrw_lexposn
+ endif
+" call Dret("netrw#Lexplore")
+ return
- exe lexwinnr."wincmd w"
-" call Dret("netrw#Lexplore")
- return
+ exe curwin."wincmd w"
+ else
+ let a1= ""
if exists("t:netrw_lexbufnr")
- " close down netrw explorer window
+ " check if t:netrw_lexbufnr refers to a netrw window
let lexwinnr = bufwinnr(t:netrw_lexbufnr)
- if lexwinnr != -1
- let curwin = winnr()
- exe lexwinnr."wincmd w"
- close
- exe curwin."wincmd w"
- endif
+ else
+ let lexwinnr= 0
+ endif
+ if lexwinnr > 0
+ " close down netrw explorer window
+" call Decho("t:netrw_lexbufnr#".t:netrw_lexbufnr.": close down netrw window")
+ exe lexwinnr."wincmd w"
+ let g:netrw_winsize = -winwidth(0)
+ let t:netrw_lexposn = netrw#SavePosn()
+" call Decho("saving t:netrw_lexposn")
+ close
+ if lexwinnr < curwin
+ let curwin= curwin - 1
+ endif
+ exe curwin."wincmd w"
unlet t:netrw_lexbufnr
" open netrw explorer window
+" call Decho("t:netrw_lexbufnr<n/a>: open netrw explorer window")
exe "1wincmd w"
let keep_altv = g:netrw_altv
let g:netrw_altv = 0
- if a:0 > 0 && a:1 != ""
- exe "Vexplore ".fnameescape(a:1)
+ if a:count != 0
+ let netrw_winsize = g:netrw_winsize
+ let g:netrw_winsize = a:count
+ endif
+ let curfile= expand("%")
+" call Decho("curfile<".curfile.">")
+ exe (a:rightside? "botright" : "topleft")." vertical ".((g:netrw_winsize > 0)? (g:netrw_winsize*winwidth(0))/100 : -g:netrw_winsize) . " new"
+ if a:0 > 0 && a1 != ""
+" call Decho("case 1: Explore ".a1)
+ exe "Explore ".fnameescape(a1)
+ elseif curfile =~ '^\a\+://'
+" call Decho("case 2: Explore ".substitute(curfile,'[^/\\]*$','',''))
+ exe "Explore ".substitute(curfile,'[^/\\]*$','','')
- Vexplore .
+" call Decho("case 3: Explore .")
+ Explore .
+ if a:count != 0
+ let g:netrw_winsize = netrw_winsize
+ endif
+ setlocal winfixwidth
let g:netrw_altv = keep_altv
let t:netrw_lexbufnr = bufnr("%")
+ if exists("t:netrw_lexposn")
+" call Decho("restoring to t:netrw_lexposn")
+ call netrw#RestorePosn(t:netrw_lexposn)
+ unlet t:netrw_lexposn
+ endif
+ " set up default window for editing via <cr>
if exists("g:netrw_chgwin") && g:netrw_chgwin == -1
- let g:netrw_chgwin= 2
+ if a:rightside
+ let g:netrw_chgwin= 1
+ else
+ let g:netrw_chgwin= 2
+ endif
" call Dret("netrw#Lexplore")
@@ -1261,17 +1374,16 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
let path= ""
let filelist= join(map(deepcopy(fnamelist),'shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".path.v:val,1)'))
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.shellescape(useport,1)." ".filelist." ".shellescape(tgtdir,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.shellescape(useport,1)." ".filelist." ".shellescape(tgtdir,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.shellescape(useport,1)." ".filelist." ".shellescape(tgtdir,1))
elseif b:netrw_method == 2
" obtain file using ftp + .netrc
" call Decho("obtain via ftp+.netrc (method #2)")
- call s:SaveBufVars()|sil keepjumps new|call s:RestoreBufVars()
+ call s:SaveBufVars()|sil NetrwKeepj new|call s:RestoreBufVars()
let tmpbufnr= bufnr("%")
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_ftpmode") && g:netrw_ftpmode != ""
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
@@ -1281,7 +1393,7 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
for fname in fnamelist
@@ -1289,11 +1401,9 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
if getline(1) !~ "^$" && !exists("g:netrw_quiet") && getline(1) !~ '^Trying '
@@ -1306,53 +1416,53 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
elseif b:netrw_method == 3
" obtain with ftp + machine, id, passwd, and fname (ie. no .netrc)
" call Decho("obtain via ftp+mipf (method #3)")
- call s:SaveBufVars()|sil keepjumps new|call s:RestoreBufVars()
+ call s:SaveBufVars()|sil NetrwKeepj new|call s:RestoreBufVars()
let tmpbufnr= bufnr("%")
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && g:netrw_uid != ""
if exists("g:netrw_ftp") && g:netrw_ftp == 1
- keepj put =g:netrw_uid
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_uid
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("s:netrw_passwd") && s:netrw_passwd != ""
- keepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
elseif exists("s:netrw_passwd")
- keepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpmode") && g:netrw_ftpmode != ""
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("b:netrw_fname") && b:netrw_fname != ""
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'cd "'.b:netrw_fname.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'cd "'.b:netrw_fname.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
for fname in fnamelist
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'get "'.fname.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'get "'.fname.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
@@ -1360,14 +1470,13 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
" -i : turns off interactive prompting from ftp
" -n unix : DON'T use <.netrc>, even though it exists
" -n win32: quit being obnoxious about password
- keepj norm! 1Gdd
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 1Gdd
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
if getline(1) !~ "^$"
" call Decho("error<".getline(1).">")
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,getline(1),5)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,getline(1),5)
@@ -1379,8 +1488,7 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
let localfile= a:fname
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_sftp_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1).shellescape(localfile)." ".shellescape(tgtdir))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_sftp_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1).shellescape(localfile)." ".shellescape(tgtdir)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_sftp_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1).shellescape(localfile)." ".shellescape(tgtdir))
elseif !exists("b:netrw_method") || b:netrw_method < 0
" probably a badly formed url; protocol not recognized
@@ -1390,7 +1498,7 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
" protocol recognized but not supported for Obtain (yet?)
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"current protocol not supported for obtaining file",97)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"current protocol not supported for obtaining file",97)
" call Dret("netrw#Obtain : current protocol not supported for obtaining file")
@@ -1398,7 +1506,7 @@ fun! netrw#Obtain(islocal,fname,...)
" restore status line
if type(a:fname) == 1 && exists("s:netrw_users_stl")
- keepj call s:SetupNetrwStatusLine(s:netrw_users_stl)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetupNetrwStatusLine(s:netrw_users_stl)
@@ -1440,7 +1548,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionRestore(vt)
if !exists("{a:vt}netrw_optionsave")
if exists("s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')}")
" call Decho("restoring previous position (s:nbcd_curpos_".bufnr('%')." exists)")
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')})
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')})
" call Decho("win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%")."> winnr($)=".winnr("$"))
" call Decho("unlet s:nbcd_curpos_".bufnr('%'))
unlet s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')}
@@ -1481,7 +1589,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionRestore(vt)
if exists("{a:vt}netrw_cpokeep") |let &l:cpo = {a:vt}netrw_cpokeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_cpokeep |endif
if exists("{a:vt}netrw_diffkeep") |let &l:diff = {a:vt}netrw_diffkeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_diffkeep |endif
if exists("{a:vt}netrw_fenkeep") |let &l:fen = {a:vt}netrw_fenkeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_fenkeep |endif
- if exists("{a:vt}netrw_ffkeep") |let &l:ff = {a:vt}netrw_ffkeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_ffkeep |endif
+ if exists("g:netrw_ffkep") && g:netrw_ffkeep
+ if exists("{a:vt}netrw_ffkeep") |let &l:ff = {a:vt}netrw_ffkeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_ffkeep |endif
+ endif
if exists("{a:vt}netrw_fokeep") |let &l:fo = {a:vt}netrw_fokeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_fokeep |endif
if exists("{a:vt}netrw_gdkeep") |let &l:gd = {a:vt}netrw_gdkeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_gdkeep |endif
if exists("{a:vt}netrw_hidkeep") |let &l:hidden = {a:vt}netrw_hidkeep |unlet {a:vt}netrw_hidkeep |endif
@@ -1535,7 +1645,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionRestore(vt)
if exists("{a:vt}netrw_regslash")|sil! let @/= {a:vt}netrw_regslash|unlet {a:vt}netrw_regslash|endif
if exists("s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')}")
" call Decho("restoring previous position (s:nbcd_curpos_".bufnr('%')." exists)")
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')})
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')})
" call Decho("unlet s:nbcd_curpos_".bufnr('%'))
if exists("s:nbcd_curpos_".bufnr('%'))
unlet s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')}
@@ -1599,7 +1709,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwOptionSave(vt)
let {a:vt}netrw_cpokeep = &l:cpo
let {a:vt}netrw_diffkeep = &l:diff
let {a:vt}netrw_fenkeep = &l:fen
- if !exists("g:netrw_ffkeep") || g:netrw_ffkeep == 1
+ if !exists("g:netrw_ffkeep") || g:netrw_ffkeep
let {a:vt}netrw_ffkeep = &l:ff
let {a:vt}netrw_fokeep = &l:fo " formatoptions
@@ -1686,10 +1796,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwSafeOptions()
" call Decho("ft<".&ft."> ei=".&ei)
if &ft == "netrw"
" call Decho("do any netrw FileType autocmds (doau FileType netrw)")
- sil! keepalt keepj doau FileType netrw
+ sil! keepalt NetrwKeepj doau FileType netrw
-" call Decho("fo=".&fo.(exists("+acd")? " acd=".&acd : " acd doesn't exist")." bh=".&l:bh)
+" call Decho("fo=".&fo.(exists("+acd")? " acd=".&acd : " acd doesn't exist")." bh=".&l:bh." bt<".&bt.">")
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dret("s:NetrwSafeOptions")
@@ -1744,6 +1854,10 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
call s:NetrwOptionSave("w:")
call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
call s:RestoreCursorline()
+ " NetrwSafeOptions sets a buffer up for a netrw listing, which includes buflisting off.
+ " However, this setting is not wanted for a remote editing session. The buffer should be "nofile", still.
+ setl bl
+" call Decho("(netrw#NetRead) buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%")."> bl=".&bl." bt=".&bt." bh=".&bh)
" NetRead: interpret mode into a readcmd {{{3
if a:mode == 0 " read remote file before current line
@@ -1790,6 +1904,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
echomsg ':Nread fetch://machine/path uses fetch'
echomsg ':Nread ftp://[user@]machine[:port]/path uses ftp autodetects <.netrc>'
echomsg ':Nread http://[user@]machine/path uses http wget'
+ echomsg ':Nread file:///path uses elinks'
echomsg ':Nread https://[user@]machine/path uses http wget'
echomsg ':Nread rcp://[user@]machine/path uses rcp'
echomsg ':Nread rsync://machine[:port]/path uses rsync'
@@ -1841,7 +1956,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
" call Decho("checking if NetrwBrowse() should handle choice<".choice."> with netrw_list_cmd<".g:netrw_list_cmd.">")
if choice =~ "^.*[\/]$" && b:netrw_method != 5 && choice !~ '^https\=://'
" call Decho("yes, choice matches '^.*[\/]$'")
- keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,choice)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,choice)
" call Dret("netrw#NetRead :3 getcwd<".getcwd().">")
@@ -1875,8 +1990,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
let uid_machine = g:netrw_machine
-" call Decho("executing: !".g:netrw_rcp_cmd." ".s:netrw_rcpmode." ".shellescape(uid_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rcp_cmd." ".s:netrw_rcpmode." ".shellescape(uid_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rcp_cmd." ".s:netrw_rcpmode." ".shellescape(uid_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
@@ -1885,29 +1999,27 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
elseif b:netrw_method == 2 " read with ftp + <.netrc>
" call Decho("read via ftp+.netrc (method #2)")
let netrw_fname= b:netrw_fname
- keepj call s:SaveBufVars()|new|keepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SaveBufVars()|new|NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
let filtbuf= bufnr("%")
setl ff=unix
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline(line("$")))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline(line("$")))
call setline(line("$")+1,'get "'.netrw_fname.'" '.tmpfile)
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline(line("$")))
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
if getline(1) !~ "^$" && !exists("g:netrw_quiet") && getline(1) !~ '^Trying '
let debugkeep = &debug
setl debug=msg
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,getline(1),4)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,getline(1),4)
let &debug = debugkeep
call s:SaveBufVars()
@@ -1926,49 +2038,48 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
" Construct execution string (four lines) which will be passed through filter
" call Decho("read via ftp+mipf (method #3)")
let netrw_fname= escape(b:netrw_fname,g:netrw_fname_escape)
- keepj call s:SaveBufVars()|new|keepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SaveBufVars()|new|NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
let filtbuf= bufnr("%")
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && g:netrw_uid != ""
if exists("g:netrw_ftp") && g:netrw_ftp == 1
- keepj put =g:netrw_uid
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_uid
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
if exists("s:netrw_passwd")
- keepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
elseif exists("s:netrw_passwd")
- keepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpmode") && g:netrw_ftpmode != ""
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
- keepj put ='get \"'.netrw_fname.'\" '.tmpfile
+ NetrwKeepj put ='get \"'.netrw_fname.'\" '.tmpfile
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
" perform ftp:
" -i : turns off interactive prompting from ftp
" -n unix : DON'T use <.netrc>, even though it exists
" -n win32: quit being obnoxious about password
- keepj norm! 1Gdd
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 1Gdd
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
if getline(1) !~ "^$"
" call Decho("error<".getline(1).">")
@@ -1989,8 +2100,14 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
let useport= ""
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.useport." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.useport." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)
+ " 'C' in 'C:\path\to\file' is handled as hostname on windows.
+ " This is workaround to avoid mis-handle windows local-path:
+ if g:netrw_scp_cmd =~ '^scp' && (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16"))
+ let tmpfile_get = substitute(tr(tmpfile, '\', '/'), '^\(\a\):[/\\]\(.*\)$', '/\1/\2', '')
+ else
+ let tmpfile_get = tmpfile
+ endif
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.useport." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile_get,1))
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
@@ -2010,11 +2127,9 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
" using g:netrw_http_cmd (usually elinks, links, curl, wget, or fetch)
" call Decho('using '.g:netrw_http_cmd.' (# not in b:netrw_fname<'.b:netrw_fname.">)")
if exists("g:netrw_http_xcmd")
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1)." ".g:netrw_http_xcmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1)." ".g:netrw_http_xcmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1)." ".g:netrw_http_xcmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1))
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
@@ -2025,11 +2140,10 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
let netrw_tag = substitute(b:netrw_fname,"^.*#","","")
" call Decho("netrw_html<".netrw_html.">")
" call Decho("netrw_tag <".netrw_tag.">")
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.netrw_html,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.netrw_html,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(b:netrw_http."://".g:netrw_machine.netrw_html,1))
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
" call Decho('<\s*a\s*name=\s*"'.netrw_tag.'"/')
- exe 'keepj norm! 1G/<\s*a\s*name=\s*"'.netrw_tag.'"/'."\<CR>"
+ exe 'NetrwKeepj norm! 1G/<\s*a\s*name=\s*"'.netrw_tag.'"/'."\<CR>"
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
" call Decho("setl ro")
@@ -2046,28 +2160,26 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
if g:netrw_dav_cmd =~ "curl"
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_dav_cmd." ".shellescape("dav://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_dav_cmd." ".shellescape("dav://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_dav_cmd." ".shellescape("dav://".g:netrw_machine.b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
" Construct execution string (four lines) which will be passed through filter
let netrw_fname= escape(b:netrw_fname,g:netrw_fname_escape)
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && exists("s:netrw_passwd") && g:netrw_uid != ""
- keepj put ='user '.g:netrw_uid.' '.s:netrw_passwd
+ NetrwKeepj put ='user '.g:netrw_uid.' '.s:netrw_passwd
- keepj put ='get '.netrw_fname.' '.tmpfile
- keepj put ='quit'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='get '.netrw_fname.' '.tmpfile
+ NetrwKeepj put ='quit'
" perform cadaver operation:
- keepj norm! 1Gdd
-" call Decho("executing: %!".g:netrw_dav_cmd)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".g:netrw_dav_cmd
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 1Gdd
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".g:netrw_dav_cmd)
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
@@ -2077,8 +2189,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
" NetRead: (rsync) NetRead Method #7 {{{3
elseif b:netrw_method == 7
" call Decho("read via rsync (method #7)")
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rsync_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rsync_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rsync_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1))
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd,tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
@@ -2089,7 +2200,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
" call Decho("read via fetch (method #8)")
if g:netrw_fetch_cmd == ""
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"fetch command not available",7)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"fetch command not available",7)
" call Dret("NetRead")
@@ -2102,11 +2213,9 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
" call Decho("read via fetch for ".netrw_option)
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && g:netrw_uid != "" && exists("s:netrw_passwd") && s:netrw_passwd != ""
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_fetch_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(netrw_option."://".g:netrw_uid.':'.s:netrw_passwd.'@'.g:netrw_machine."/".b:netrw_fname,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_fetch_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(netrw_option."://".g:netrw_uid.':'.s:netrw_passwd.'@'.g:netrw_machine."/".b:netrw_fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_fetch_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(netrw_option."://".g:netrw_uid.':'.s:netrw_passwd.'@'.g:netrw_machine."/".b:netrw_fname,1))
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_fetch_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(netrw_option."://".g:netrw_machine."/".b:netrw_fname,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_fetch_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(netrw_option."://".g:netrw_machine."/".b:netrw_fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_fetch_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(netrw_option."://".g:netrw_machine."/".b:netrw_fname,1))
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd,tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
@@ -2118,12 +2227,19 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
" NetRead: (sftp) NetRead Method #9 {{{3
elseif b:netrw_method == 9
" call Decho("read via sftp (method #9)")
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_sftp_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".tmpfile)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_sftp_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".tmpfile
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_sftp_cmd." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)." ".tmpfile)
let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
+ " NetRead: (file) NetRead Method #10 {{{3
+ elseif b:netrw_method == 10 && exists("g:netrw_file_cmd")
+" " call Decho("read via ".b:netrw_file_cmd." (method #10)")
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_file_cmd." ".shellescape(b:netrw_fname,1)." ".tmpfile)
+ let result = s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tmpfile, b:netrw_method)
+ let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
+ ".........................................
" NetRead: Complain {{{3
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"unable to comply with your request<" . choice . ">",8)
@@ -2138,9 +2254,9 @@ fun! netrw#NetRead(mode,...)
if s:FileReadable(tmpfile) && tmpfile !~ '.tar.bz2$' && tmpfile !~ '.tar.gz$' && tmpfile !~ '.zip' && tmpfile !~ '.tar' && readcmd != 't' && tmpfile !~ '.tar.xz$' && tmpfile !~ '.txz'
" call Decho("cleanup by deleting tmpfile<".tmpfile.">")
- keepj call s:NetrwDelete(tmpfile)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwDelete(tmpfile)
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
" call Dret("netrw#NetRead :5 getcwd<".getcwd().">")
@@ -2175,16 +2291,16 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
" (line numbers don't really make sense for that).
" Also supports the writing of tar and zip files.
" call Decho("(write entire file) sil exe w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(tmpfile))
- exe "sil keepj w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(tmpfile)
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(tmpfile)
elseif g:netrw_cygwin
" write (selected portion of) file to temporary
let cygtmpfile= substitute(tmpfile,g:netrw_cygdrive.'/\(.\)','\1:','')
" call Decho("(write selected portion) sil exe ".a:firstline."," . a:lastline . "w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(cygtmpfile))
- exe "sil keepj ".a:firstline."," . a:lastline . "w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(cygtmpfile)
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj ".a:firstline."," . a:lastline . "w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(cygtmpfile)
" write (selected portion of) file to temporary
" call Decho("(write selected portion) sil exe ".a:firstline."," . a:lastline . "w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(tmpfile))
- exe "sil keepj ".a:firstline."," . a:lastline . "w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(tmpfile)
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj ".a:firstline."," . a:lastline . "w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(tmpfile)
if curbufname == ""
@@ -2251,7 +2367,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
" call Decho("choice<" . choice . "> ichoice=".ichoice)
" Determine method of write (ftp, rcp, etc) {{{4
- keepj call s:NetrwMethod(choice)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMethod(choice)
if !exists("b:netrw_method") || b:netrw_method < 0
" call Dfunc("netrw#NetWrite : unsupported method")
@@ -2282,8 +2398,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
let uid_machine = g:netrw_machine
-" call Decho("executing: !".g:netrw_rcp_cmd." ".s:netrw_rcpmode." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(uid_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rcp_cmd." ".s:netrw_rcpmode." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(uid_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rcp_cmd." ".s:netrw_rcpmode." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(uid_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1))
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
@@ -2300,26 +2415,24 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
" call Decho("filter input window#".winnr())
setl ff=unix
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline("$"))
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'put "'.tmpfile.'" "'.netrw_fname.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'put "'.tmpfile.'" "'.netrw_fname.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline("$"))
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
" call Decho("filter input window#".winnr())
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
if getline(1) !~ "^$"
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,getline(1),14)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,getline(1),14)
let mod=1
@@ -2347,32 +2460,32 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && g:netrw_uid != ""
if exists("g:netrw_ftp") && g:netrw_ftp == 1
- keepj put =g:netrw_uid
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_uid
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
if exists("s:netrw_passwd") && s:netrw_passwd != ""
- keepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
elseif exists("s:netrw_passwd") && s:netrw_passwd != ""
- keepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline("$"))
- keepj put ='put \"'.tmpfile.'\" \"'.netrw_fname.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='put \"'.tmpfile.'\" \"'.netrw_fname.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
" save choice/id/password for future use
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
@@ -2381,9 +2494,8 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
" -i : turns off interactive prompting from ftp
" -n unix : DON'T use <.netrc>, even though it exists
" -n win32: quit being obnoxious about password
- keepj norm! 1Gdd
-" call Decho("executing: %!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 1Gdd
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
if getline(1) !~ "^$"
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
@@ -2407,8 +2519,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
let useport= ""
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.useport." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.useport." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.useport." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1))
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
@@ -2418,8 +2529,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
let curl= substitute(g:netrw_http_put_cmd,'\s\+.*$',"","")
if executable(curl)
let url= g:netrw_choice
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_put_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(url,1) )
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_put_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(url,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_http_put_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(url,1) )
elseif !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"can't write to http using <".g:netrw_http_put_cmd".">".",16)
@@ -2440,19 +2550,18 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && exists("s:netrw_passwd") && g:netrw_uid != ""
- keepj put ='user '.g:netrw_uid.' '.s:netrw_passwd
+ NetrwKeepj put ='user '.g:netrw_uid.' '.s:netrw_passwd
- keepj put ='put '.tmpfile.' '.netrw_fname
+ NetrwKeepj put ='put '.tmpfile.' '.netrw_fname
" perform cadaver operation:
- keepj norm! 1Gdd
-" call Decho("executing: %!".g:netrw_dav_cmd)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".g:netrw_dav_cmd
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 1Gdd
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".g:netrw_dav_cmd)
" remove enew buffer (quietly)
let filtbuf= bufnr("%")
@@ -2466,8 +2575,7 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
" NetWrite: (rsync) NetWrite Method #7 {{{3
elseif b:netrw_method == 7
" call Decho("write via rsync (method #7)")
-" call Decho("executing: !".g:netrw_rsync_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rsync_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_rsync_cmd." ".shellescape(tmpfile,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine.":".b:netrw_fname,1))
let b:netrw_lastfile = choice
@@ -2490,9 +2598,8 @@ fun! netrw#NetWrite(...) range
setl ff=unix
call setline(1,'put "'.escape(tmpfile,'\').'" '.netrw_fname)
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
-" call Decho("executing: %!".g:netrw_sftp_cmd.' '.shellescape(uid_machine,1))
let sftpcmd= substitute(g:netrw_sftp_cmd,"%TEMPFILE%",escape(tmpfile,'\'),"g")
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".sftpcmd.' '.shellescape(uid_machine,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".sftpcmd.' '.shellescape(uid_machine,1))
let filtbuf= bufnr("%")
exe curbuf."b!"
let &l:bh = bhkeep
@@ -2670,12 +2777,12 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tfile, method)
call tar#Browse(tfile)
" call Decho("edit temporary file")
- e!
+ NetrwKeepj e!
" rename buffer back to remote filename
" call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(rfile))
- exe "sil! keepj keepalt file ".fnameescape(rfile)
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt file ".fnameescape(rfile)
" Detect filetype of local version of remote file.
" Note that isk must not include a "/" for scripts.vim
@@ -2690,7 +2797,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tfile, method)
elseif !&ma
" attempting to read a file after the current line in the file, but the buffer is not modifiable
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"attempt to read<".a:tfile."> into a non-modifiable buffer!",94)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"attempt to read<".a:tfile."> into a non-modifiable buffer!",94)
" call Dret("NetrwGetFile : attempt to read<".a:tfile."> into a non-modifiable buffer!")
@@ -2700,7 +2807,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tfile, method)
let curline = line(".")
let lastline= line("$")
" call Decho("exe<".a:readcmd." ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(a:tfile)."> line#".curline)
- exe "keepj ".a:readcmd." ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(a:tfile)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj ".a:readcmd." ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(a:tfile)
let line1= curline + 1
let line2= line("$") - lastline + 1
@@ -2708,7 +2815,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tfile, method)
" not readable
" call Decho(" ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
" call Decho("tfile<".a:tfile."> not readable")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"file <".a:tfile."> not readable",9)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"file <".a:tfile."> not readable",9)
" call Dret("NetrwGetFile : tfile<".a:tfile."> not readable")
@@ -2716,14 +2823,14 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetFile(readcmd, tfile, method)
" User-provided (ie. optional) fix-it-up command
if exists("*NetReadFixup")
" call Decho("calling NetReadFixup(method<".a:method."> line1=".line1." line2=".line2.")")
- keepj call NetReadFixup(a:method, line1, line2)
+ NetrwKeepj call NetReadFixup(a:method, line1, line2)
" else " Decho
" call Decho("NetReadFixup() not called, doesn't exist (line1=".line1." line2=".line2.")")
if has("gui") && has("menu") && has("gui_running") && &go =~# 'm' && g:netrw_menu
" update the Buffers menu
- keepj call s:UpdateBuffersMenu()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:UpdateBuffersMenu()
" call Decho("readcmd<".a:readcmd."> cmdarg<".v:cmdarg."> tfile<".a:tfile."> readable=".s:FileReadable(a:tfile))
@@ -2749,6 +2856,7 @@ endfun
" 7: rsync
" 8: fetch
" 9: sftp
+" 10: file
" g:netrw_machine= hostname
" b:netrw_fname = filename
" g:netrw_port = optional port number (for ftp)
@@ -2799,11 +2907,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwMethod(choice)
" rsyncurm : rsync://host[:port]/path Use rsync
" fetchurm : fetch://[user@]host[:http]/filename Use fetch (defaults to ftp, override for http)
" sftpurm : sftp://[user@]host/filename Use scp
+ " fileurm : file://[user@]host/filename Use elinks or links
let mipf = '^\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)$'
let mf = '^\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)$'
-" let ftpurm = '^ftp://\(\([^/@]\{-}\)@\)\=\([^/#:]\{-}\)\([#:]\d\+\)\=/\(.*\)$'
-" let rcpurm = '^rcp://\%(\([^/@]\{-}\)@\)\=\([^/]\{-}\)/\(.*\)$'
-" let fetchurm = '^fetch://\(\([^/@]\{-}\)@\)\=\([^/#:]\{-}\)\(:http\)\=/\(.*\)$'
let ftpurm = '^ftp://\(\([^/]*\)@\)\=\([^/#:]\{-}\)\([#:]\d\+\)\=/\(.*\)$'
let rcpurm = '^rcp://\%(\([^/]*\)@\)\=\([^/]\{-}\)/\(.*\)$'
let rcphf = '^\(\(\h\w*\)@\)\=\(\h\w*\):\([^@]\+\)$'
@@ -2813,6 +2919,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMethod(choice)
let rsyncurm = '^rsync://\([^/]\{-}\)/\(.*\)\=$'
let fetchurm = '^fetch://\(\([^/]*\)@\)\=\([^/#:]\{-}\)\(:http\)\=/\(.*\)$'
let sftpurm = '^sftp://\([^/]\{-}\)/\(.*\)\=$'
+ let fileurm = '^file\=://\(.*\)$'
" call Decho("determine method:")
" Determine Method
@@ -2969,6 +3076,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwMethod(choice)
let g:netrw_uid= userid
+ " Method#10: file://user@hostname/...path-to-file {{{3
+ elseif match(a:choice,fileurm) == 0 && exists("g:netrw_file_cmd")
+" call Decho("http[s]://...")
+ let b:netrw_method = 10
+ let b:netrw_fname = substitute(a:choice,fileurm,'\1',"")
+" call Decho('\1<'.substitute(a:choice,fileurm,'\1',"").">")
" Cannot Determine Method {{{3
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
@@ -3023,7 +3137,7 @@ if has("win95") && exists("g:netrw_win95ftp") && g:netrw_win95ftp
if method == 3 " ftp (no <.netrc>)
let fourblanklines= line2 - 3
if fourblanklines >= line1
- exe "sil keepj ".fourblanklines.",".line2."g/^\s*$/d"
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj ".fourblanklines.",".line2."g/^\s*$/d"
call histdel("/",-1)
@@ -3163,9 +3277,9 @@ endfun
" 0: (user: <mb>) bookmark current directory
" 1: (user: <gb>) change to the bookmarked directory
" 2: (user: <qb>) list bookmarks
-" 3: (browsing) record current directory history
-" 4: (user: <u>) go up (previous) bookmark
-" 5: (user: <U>) go down (next) bookmark
+" 3: (browsing) records current directory history
+" 4: (user: <u>) go up (previous) directory, using history
+" 5: (user: <U>) go down (next) directory, using history
" 6: (user: <mB>) delete bookmark
fun! s:NetrwBookHistHandler(chg,curdir)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwBookHistHandler(chg=".a:chg." curdir<".a:curdir.">) cnt=".v:count." histcnt=".g:netrw_dirhist_cnt." histmax=".g:netrw_dirhistmax)
@@ -3174,26 +3288,26 @@ fun! s:NetrwBookHistHandler(chg,curdir)
- let ykeep= @@
+ let ykeep = @@
+ let curbufnr = bufnr("%")
if a:chg == 0
" bookmark the current directory
" call Decho("(user: <b>) bookmark the current directory")
- if !exists("g:netrw_bookmarklist")
- let g:netrw_bookmarklist= []
- endif
- if index(g:netrw_bookmarklist,a:curdir) == -1
- " curdir not currently in g:netrw_bookmarklist, so include it
- call add(g:netrw_bookmarklist,a:curdir)
- call sort(g:netrw_bookmarklist)
+ if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}")
+ call s:NetrwBookmark(0)
+ echo "bookmarked marked files"
+ else
+ call s:MakeBookmark(a:curdir)
+ echo "bookmarked the current directory"
- echo "bookmarked the current directory"
elseif a:chg == 1
" change to the bookmarked directory
" call Decho("(user: <".v:count."gb>) change to the bookmarked directory")
if exists("g:netrw_bookmarklist[v:count-1]")
" call Decho("(user: <".v:count."gb>) bookmarklist=".string(g:netrw_bookmarklist))
- exe "keepj e ".fnameescape(g:netrw_bookmarklist[v:count-1])
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e ".fnameescape(g:netrw_bookmarklist[v:count-1])
echomsg "Sorry, bookmark#".v:count." doesn't exist!"
@@ -3267,13 +3381,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwBookHistHandler(chg,curdir)
if exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST && exists("b:netrw_curdir")
setl ma noro
" call Decho("setl ma noro")
- sil! keepj %d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %d
setl nomod
" call Decho("setl nomod")
" call Decho(" ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
" call Decho("exe e! ".fnameescape(g:netrw_dirhist_{g:netrw_dirhist_cnt}))
- exe "keepj e! ".fnameescape(g:netrw_dirhist_{g:netrw_dirhist_cnt})
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e! ".fnameescape(g:netrw_dirhist_{g:netrw_dirhist_cnt})
if g:netrw_dirhistmax > 0
let g:netrw_dirhist_cnt= ( g:netrw_dirhist_cnt + v:count1 ) % g:netrw_dirhistmax
@@ -3293,14 +3407,14 @@ fun! s:NetrwBookHistHandler(chg,curdir)
if exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST && exists("b:netrw_curdir")
" call Decho("setl ma noro")
setl ma noro
- sil! keepj %d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %d
" call Decho("removed all lines from buffer (%d)")
" call Decho("setl nomod")
setl nomod
" call Decho("(set nomod) ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
" call Decho("exe e! ".fnameescape(g:netrw_dirhist_{g:netrw_dirhist_cnt}))
- exe "keepj e! ".fnameescape(g:netrw_dirhist_{g:netrw_dirhist_cnt})
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e! ".fnameescape(g:netrw_dirhist_{g:netrw_dirhist_cnt})
let g:netrw_dirhist_cnt= ( g:netrw_dirhist_cnt - 1 ) % g:netrw_dirhistmax
if g:netrw_dirhist_cnt < 0
@@ -3314,17 +3428,17 @@ fun! s:NetrwBookHistHandler(chg,curdir)
elseif a:chg == 6
- " delete the v:count'th bookmark
-" call Decho("delete bookmark#".v:count."<".g:netrw_bookmarklist[v:count-1].">")
- let savefile= s:NetrwHome()."/.netrwbook"
- if filereadable(savefile)
-" call Decho("merge bookmarks (active and file)")
- keepj call s:NetrwBookHistSave() " done here to merge bookmarks first
-" call Decho("bookmark delete savefile<".savefile.">")
- keepj call delete(savefile)
- endif
+ if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}")
+ call s:NetrwBookmark(1)
+ echo "removed marked files from bookmarks"
+ else
+ " delete the v:count'th bookmark
+" call Decho("delete bookmark#".v:count."<".g:netrw_bookmarklist[v:count-1].">")
+ call s:MergeBookmarks()
" call Decho("remove g:netrw_bookmarklist[".(v:count-1)."]")
- keepj call remove(g:netrw_bookmarklist,v:count-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call remove(g:netrw_bookmarklist,v:count-1)
+ echo "removed current directory from bookmarks"
+ endif
" call Decho("resulting g:netrw_bookmarklist=".string(g:netrw_bookmarklist))
call s:NetrwBookmarkMenu()
@@ -3335,6 +3449,7 @@ endfun
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwBookHistRead: this function reads bookmarks and history {{{2
+" Will source the history file (.netrwhist) only if the g:netrw_disthistmax is > 0.
" Sister function: s:NetrwBookHistSave()
fun! s:NetrwBookHistRead()
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwBookHistRead()")
@@ -3348,13 +3463,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwBookHistRead()
let savefile= home."/.netrwbook"
if filereadable(savefile)
" call Decho("sourcing .netrwbook")
- exe "keepalt keepj so ".savefile
+ exe "keepalt NetrwKeepj so ".savefile
if g:netrw_dirhistmax > 0
let savefile= home."/.netrwhist"
if filereadable(savefile)
" call Decho("sourcing .netrwhist")
- exe "keepalt keepj so ".savefile
+ exe "keepalt NetrwKeepj so ".savefile
let s:netrw_initbookhist= 1
au VimLeave * call s:NetrwBookHistSave()
@@ -3369,6 +3484,8 @@ endfun
" Sister function: s:NetrwBookHistRead()
" I used to do this via viminfo but that appears to
" be unreliable for long-term storage
+" If g:netrw_dirhistmax is <= 0, no history or bookmarks
+" will be saved.
fun! s:NetrwBookHistSave()
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwBookHistSave() dirhistmax=".g:netrw_dirhistmax)
if !exists("g:netrw_dirhistmax") || g:netrw_dirhistmax <= 0
@@ -3383,7 +3500,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBookHistSave()
setl nocin noai noci magic nospell nohid wig= noaw
setl ma noro write
if exists("+acd") | setl noacd | endif
- sil! keepj keepalt %d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt %d
" save .netrwhist -- no attempt to merge
sil! keepalt file .netrwhist
@@ -3397,21 +3514,20 @@ fun! s:NetrwBookHistSave()
exe "sil! w! ".savefile
- sil keepj %d
+ sil NetrwKeepj %d
if exists("g:netrw_bookmarklist") && g:netrw_bookmarklist != []
" merge and write .netrwbook
let savefile= s:NetrwHome()."/.netrwbook"
if filereadable(savefile)
let booklist= deepcopy(g:netrw_bookmarklist)
- exe "sil keepj keepalt so ".savefile
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj keepalt so ".savefile
for bdm in booklist
if index(g:netrw_bookmarklist,bdm) == -1
call add(g:netrw_bookmarklist,bdm)
call sort(g:netrw_bookmarklist)
- exe "sil! w! ".savefile
" construct and save .netrwbook
@@ -3436,12 +3552,18 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,dirname)
" call Decho("tab#".tabpagenr()." win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")." modified=".&modified." modifiable=".&modifiable." readonly=".&readonly)
" call Dredir("ls!")
- " s:NetrwBrowse: initialize history {{{3
+ " save alternate-file's filename if w:netrw_rexlocal doesn't exist
+ " This is useful when one edits a local file, then :e ., then :Rex
+ if a:islocal && !exists("w:netrw_rexfile") && bufname("#") != ""
+ let w:netrw_rexfile= bufname("#")
+ endif
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : initialize history {{{3
if !exists("s:netrw_initbookhist")
- keepj call s:NetrwBookHistRead()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBookHistRead()
- " s:NetrwBrowse: simplify the dirname (especially for ".."s in dirnames) {{{3
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : simplify the dirname (especially for ".."s in dirnames) {{{3
if a:dirname !~ '^\a\+://'
let dirname= simplify(a:dirname)
@@ -3455,77 +3577,83 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,dirname)
- " s:NetrwBrowse: sanity checks: {{{3
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : sanity checks: {{{3
if !exists("*shellescape")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"netrw can't run -- your vim is missing shellescape()",69)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"netrw can't run -- your vim is missing shellescape()",69)
" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowse : missing shellescape()")
if !exists("*fnameescape")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"netrw can't run -- your vim is missing fnameescape()",70)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"netrw can't run -- your vim is missing fnameescape()",70)
" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowse : missing fnameescape()")
- " s:NetrwBrowse: save options: {{{3
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : save options: {{{3
call s:NetrwOptionSave("w:")
- " s:NetrwBrowse: re-instate any marked files {{{3
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : re-instate any marked files {{{3
if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}")
" call Decho("clearing marked files")
exe "2match netrwMarkFile /".s:netrwmarkfilemtch_{bufnr("%")}."/"
if a:islocal && exists("w:netrw_acdkeep") && w:netrw_acdkeep
- " s:NetrwBrowse: set up "safe" options for local directory/file {{{3
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : set up "safe" options for local directory/file {{{3
" call Decho("handle w:netrw_acdkeep:")
-" call Decho("keepjumps lcd ".fnameescape(dirname)." (due to w:netrw_acdkeep=".w:netrw_acdkeep." - acd=".&acd.")")
+" call Decho("NetrwKeepj lcd ".fnameescape(dirname)." (due to w:netrw_acdkeep=".w:netrw_acdkeep." - acd=".&acd.")")
call s:NetrwLcd(dirname)
call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
" call Decho("getcwd<".getcwd().">")
elseif !a:islocal && dirname !~ '[\/]$' && dirname !~ '^"'
- " s:NetrwBrowse: looks like a remote regular file, attempt transfer {{{3
-" call Decho("attempt transfer as regular file<".dirname.">")
- " remove any filetype indicator from end of dirname, except for the
- " "this is a directory" indicator (/).
- " There shouldn't be one of those here, anyway.
- let path= substitute(dirname,'[*=@|]\r\=$','','e')
-" call Decho("new path<".path.">")
- call s:RemotePathAnalysis(dirname)
- " s:NetrwBrowse: remote-read the requested file into current buffer {{{3
- keepj mark '
- call s:NetrwEnew(dirname)
- call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
- setl ma noro
-" call Decho("setl ma noro")
- let b:netrw_curdir = dirname
- let url = s:method."://".s:user.s:machine.(s:port ? ":".s:port : "")."/".s:path
-" call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(url)." (bt=".&bt.")")
- exe "sil! keepj keepalt file ".fnameescape(url)
- exe "sil! keepj keepalt doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(s:fname)
- sil call netrw#NetRead(2,url)
- " netrw.vim and tar.vim have already handled decompression of the tarball; avoiding gzip.vim error
-" call Decho("url<".url.">")
-" call Decho("s:path<".s:path.">")
-" call Decho("s:fname<".s:fname.">")
- if s:path =~ '.bz2'
- exe "sil keepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(substitute(s:fname,'\.bz2$','',''))
- elseif s:path =~ '.gz'
- exe "sil keepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(substitute(s:fname,'\.gz$','',''))
- elseif s:path =~ '.gz'
- exe "sil keepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(substitute(s:fname,'\.txz$','',''))
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : remote regular file handler {{{3
+" call Decho("handle remote regular file: dirname<".dirname.">")
+ if bufname(dirname) != ""
+" call Decho("edit buf#".bufname(dirname)." in win#".winnr())
+ exe "NetrwKeepj b ".bufname(dirname)
- exe "sil keepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(s:fname)
+ " attempt transfer of remote regular file
+" call Decho("attempt transfer as regular file<".dirname.">")
+ " remove any filetype indicator from end of dirname, except for the
+ " "this is a directory" indicator (/).
+ " There shouldn't be one of those here, anyway.
+ let path= substitute(dirname,'[*=@|]\r\=$','','e')
+" call Decho("new path<".path.">")
+ call s:RemotePathAnalysis(dirname)
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : remote-read the requested file into current buffer {{{3
+ call s:NetrwEnew(dirname)
+ call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
+ setl ma noro
+" call Decho("setl ma noro")
+ let b:netrw_curdir = dirname
+ let url = s:method."://".((s:user == "")? "" : s:user."@").s:machine.(s:port ? ":".s:port : "")."/".s:path
+" call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(url)." (bt=".&bt.")")
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt file ".fnameescape(url)
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(s:fname)
+ sil call netrw#NetRead(2,url)
+ " netrw.vim and tar.vim have already handled decompression of the tarball; avoiding gzip.vim error
+" call Decho("url<".url.">")
+" call Decho("s:path<".s:path.">")
+" call Decho("s:fname<".s:fname.">")
+ if s:path =~ '.bz2'
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(substitute(s:fname,'\.bz2$','',''))
+ elseif s:path =~ '.gz'
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(substitute(s:fname,'\.gz$','',''))
+ elseif s:path =~ '.gz'
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(substitute(s:fname,'\.txz$','',''))
+ else
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj keepalt doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(s:fname)
+ endif
- " s:NetrwBrowse: save certain window-oriented variables into buffer-oriented variables {{{3
+ " s:NetrwBrowse : save certain window-oriented variables into buffer-oriented variables {{{3
call s:SetBufWinVars()
call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
" call Decho("setl ma nomod")
- setl ma nomod
+ setl ma nomod noro
" call Decho(" ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowse : file<".s:fname.">")
@@ -3541,9 +3669,11 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,dirname)
let s:last_sort_by = g:netrw_sort_by
" set up menu {{{3
- keepj call s:NetrwMenu(1)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMenu(1)
" get/set-up buffer {{{3
+" call Decho("saving position across a buffer refresh")
+ let svpos = netrw#SavePosn()
let reusing= s:NetrwGetBuffer(a:islocal,dirname)
" maintain markfile highlighting
if exists("s:netrwmarkfilemtch_{bufnr('%')}") && s:netrwmarkfilemtch_{bufnr("%")} != ""
@@ -3559,7 +3689,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,dirname)
" call Decho("setl noma nomod nowrap")
setl noma nomod nowrap
" call Decho("(set noma nomod nowrap) ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
-" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowse : re-using buffer")
+" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowse : re-using not-cleared buffer")
@@ -3631,9 +3761,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,dirname)
let dirpat = '^\(\w\{-}\)://\(\w\+@\)\=\([^/]\+\)/\(.*\)$'
if dirname !~ dirpat
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"netrw doesn't understand your dirname<".dirname.">",20)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"netrw doesn't understand your dirname<".dirname.">",20)
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
" call Decho("setl noma nomod nowrap")
setl noma nomod nowrap
" call Decho(" ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
@@ -3647,9 +3777,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,dirname)
" -----------------------
" Directory Listing: {{{3
" -----------------------
- keepj call s:NetrwMaps(a:islocal)
- keepj call s:NetrwCommands(a:islocal)
- keepj call s:PerformListing(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMaps(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwCommands(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:PerformListing(a:islocal)
if v:version >= 700 && has("balloon_eval") && &beval == 0 && &l:bexpr == "" && !exists("g:netrw_nobeval")
let &l:bexpr= "netrw#BalloonHelp()"
" call Decho("set up balloon help: l:bexpr=".&l:bexpr)
@@ -3657,6 +3787,12 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,dirname)
call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
+ " restore position and jumplist entry
+ if !reusing
+" call Decho("restoring position across buffer refresh")
+ call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ endif
" The s:LocalBrowseRefresh() function is called by an autocmd
" installed by s:LocalFastBrowser() when g:netrw_fastbrowse <= 1 (ie. slow, medium speed).
" However, s:NetrwBrowse() causes the FocusGained event to fire the firstt time.
@@ -3738,7 +3874,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetBuffer(islocal,dirname)
exe "sil! noswapfile keepalt b ".w:netrw_treebufnr
let &ei= eikeep
setl ma
- sil! keepj %d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %d
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dret("s:NetrwGetBuffer 0<buffer cleared> : bufnum#".w:netrw_treebufnr."<NetrwTreeListing>")
return 0
@@ -3819,7 +3955,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetBuffer(islocal,dirname)
" get enew buffer and name it -or- re-use buffer {{{3
" call Decho(" get enew buffer and name it OR re-use buffer")
- sil! keepj keepalt mark '
+ sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt mark '
if bufnum < 0 || !bufexists(bufnum)
" call Decho("--get enew buffer and name it (bufnum#".bufnum."<0 OR bufexists(".bufnum.")=".bufexists(bufnum)."==0)")
call s:NetrwEnew(dirname)
@@ -3843,8 +3979,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetBuffer(islocal,dirname)
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :sil call <SID>TreeListMove(']')<cr>
" call Decho(" tree listing#".s:netrw_treelistnum." bufnr=".w:netrw_treebufnr)
-" let v:errmsg= "" " Decho
- let escdirname= fnameescape(dirname)
+" let v:errmsg = "" " Decho
+ let escdirname = fnameescape(dirname)
" call Decho(" errmsg<".v:errmsg."> bufnr(escdirname<".escdirname.">)=".bufnr(escdirname)." bufname()<".bufname(bufnr(escdirname)).">")
" call Decho(' exe sil! keepalt file '.escdirname)
" let v:errmsg= "" " Decho
@@ -3869,25 +4005,30 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetBuffer(islocal,dirname)
exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(getcwd())
let &ei= eikeep
if line("$") <= 1
- keepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dret("s:NetrwGetBuffer 0<buffer empty> : re-using buffer#".bufnr("%").", but its empty, so refresh it")
return 0
elseif g:netrw_fastbrowse == 0 || (a:islocal && g:netrw_fastbrowse == 1)
- keepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
- sil keepj %d
+" call Decho("g:netrw_fastbrowse=".g:netrw_fastbrowse." a:islocal=".a:islocal.": clear buffer")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
+ sil NetrwKeepj %d
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dret("s:NetrwGetBuffer 0<cleared buffer> : re-using buffer#".bufnr("%").", but refreshing due to g:netrw_fastbrowse=".g:netrw_fastbrowse)
return 0
elseif exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST
" call Decho("--re-use tree listing--")
" call Decho(" clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
- sil keepj %d
- keepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
+ sil NetrwKeepj %d
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dret("s:NetrwGetBuffer 0<cleared buffer> : re-using buffer#".bufnr("%").", but treelist mode always needs a refresh")
return 0
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dret("s:NetrwGetBuffer 1<buffer not cleared> : buf#".bufnr("%"))
@@ -3902,14 +4043,14 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetBuffer(islocal,dirname)
" fast 2 H H
" call Decho("--do netrw settings: make this buffer#".bufnr("%")." not-a-file, modifiable, not line-numbered, etc--")
let fname= expand("%")
- keepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwListSettings(a:islocal)
" call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(fname))
- exe "sil! keepj keepalt file ".fnameescape(fname)
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt file ".fnameescape(fname)
" delete all lines from buffer {{{3
" call Decho("--delete all lines from buffer--")
" call Decho(" clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
- sil! keepalt keepj %d
+ sil! keepalt NetrwKeepj %d
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dret("s:NetrwGetBuffer 0<cleared buffer> : tab#".tabpagenr()." win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%"))
@@ -3936,7 +4077,7 @@ endfun
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwGetWord: it gets the directory/file named under the cursor {{{2
fun! s:NetrwGetWord()
-" call Dfunc("s:NetrwGetWord() line#".line(".")." liststyle=".g:netrw_liststyle." virtcol=".virtcol("."))
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwGetWord() line#".line(".")." liststyle=".s:ShowStyle()." virtcol=".virtcol("."))
call s:UseBufWinVars()
" insure that w:netrw_liststyle is set up
@@ -3946,18 +4087,18 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetWord()
let w:netrw_liststyle= s:THINLIST
-" call Decho("w:netrw_liststyle=".w:netrw_liststyle)
+" "call Decho("w:netrw_liststyle=".w:netrw_liststyle)
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line(".") < w:netrw_bannercnt
" Active Banner support
-" call Decho("active banner handling")
- keepj norm! 0
+" "call Decho("active banner handling")
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
let dirname= "./"
let curline= getline('.')
if curline =~ '"\s*Sorted by\s'
- keepj norm s
+ NetrwKeepj norm s
let s:netrw_skipbrowse= 1
echo 'Pressing "s" also works'
@@ -3966,67 +4107,67 @@ fun! s:NetrwGetWord()
echo 'Press "S" to edit sorting sequence'
elseif curline =~ '"\s*Quick Help:'
- keepj norm ?
+ NetrwKeepj norm ?
let s:netrw_skipbrowse= 1
- echo 'Pressing "?" also works'
elseif curline =~ '"\s*\%(Hiding\|Showing\):'
- keepj norm a
+ NetrwKeepj norm a
let s:netrw_skipbrowse= 1
echo 'Pressing "a" also works'
elseif line("$") > w:netrw_bannercnt
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
elseif w:netrw_liststyle == s:THINLIST
-" call Decho("thin column handling")
- keepj norm! 0
- let dirname= getline('.')
+" "call Decho("thin column handling")
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
+ let dirname= substitute(getline('.'),'\t -->.*$','','')
elseif w:netrw_liststyle == s:LONGLIST
-" call Decho("long column handling")
- keepj norm! 0
+" "call Decho("long column handling")
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
let dirname= substitute(getline('.'),'^\(\%(\S\+ \)*\S\+\).\{-}$','\1','e')
elseif w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST
-" call Decho("treelist handling")
+" "call Decho("treelist handling")
let dirname= substitute(getline('.'),'^\('.s:treedepthstring.'\)*','','e')
+ let dirname= substitute(dirname,'\t -->.*$','','')
-" call Decho("obtain word from wide listing")
+" "call Decho("obtain word from wide listing")
let dirname= getline('.')
if !exists("b:netrw_cpf")
let b:netrw_cpf= 0
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./if virtcol("$") > b:netrw_cpf|let b:netrw_cpf= virtcol("$")|endif'
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./if virtcol("$") > b:netrw_cpf|let b:netrw_cpf= virtcol("$")|endif'
call histdel("/",-1)
-" call Decho("computed cpf=".b:netrw_cpf)
+" "call Decho("computed cpf=".b:netrw_cpf)
-" call Decho("buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">")
+" "call Decho("buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">")
let filestart = (virtcol(".")/b:netrw_cpf)*b:netrw_cpf
-" call Decho("filestart= ([virtcol=".virtcol(".")."]/[b:netrw_cpf=".b:netrw_cpf."])*b:netrw_cpf=".filestart." bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt)
-" call Decho("1: dirname<".dirname.">")
+" "call Decho("filestart= ([virtcol=".virtcol(".")."]/[b:netrw_cpf=".b:netrw_cpf."])*b:netrw_cpf=".filestart." bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt)
+" "call Decho("1: dirname<".dirname.">")
if filestart == 0
- keepj norm! 0ma
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0ma
call cursor(line("."),filestart+1)
- keepj norm! ma
+ NetrwKeepj norm! ma
let rega= @a
let eofname= filestart + b:netrw_cpf + 1
if eofname <= col("$")
call cursor(line("."),filestart+b:netrw_cpf+1)
- keepj norm! "ay`a
+ NetrwKeepj norm! "ay`a
- keepj norm! "ay$
+ NetrwKeepj norm! "ay$
let dirname = @a
let @a = rega
-" call Decho("2: dirname<".dirname.">")
+" "call Decho("2: dirname<".dirname.">")
let dirname= substitute(dirname,'\s\+$','','e')
-" call Decho("3: dirname<".dirname.">")
+" "call Decho("3: dirname<".dirname.">")
" symlinks are indicated by a trailing "@". Remove it before further processing.
@@ -4101,7 +4242,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwListStyle(islocal)
let g:netrw_list_cmd = substitute(g:netrw_list_cmd,' -l','','ge')
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"bad value for g:netrw_liststyle (=".w:netrw_liststyle.")",46)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"bad value for g:netrw_liststyle (=".w:netrw_liststyle.")",46)
let g:netrw_liststyle = s:THINLIST
let w:netrw_liststyle = g:netrw_liststyle
let g:netrw_list_cmd = substitute(g:netrw_list_cmd,' -l','','ge')
@@ -4111,7 +4252,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwListStyle(islocal)
" clear buffer - this will cause NetrwBrowse/LocalBrowseCheck to do a refresh
" call Decho("clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
- sil! keepj %d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %d
" following prevents tree listing buffer from being marked "modified"
" call Decho("setl nomod")
setl nomod
@@ -4119,11 +4260,11 @@ fun! s:NetrwListStyle(islocal)
" refresh the listing
" call Decho("refresh the listing")
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call s:NetrwCursor()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwCursor()
" restore position; keep cursor on the filename
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("NetrwListStyle".(exists("w:netrw_liststyle")? ' : w:netrw_liststyle='.w:netrw_liststyle : ""))
@@ -4144,17 +4285,87 @@ fun! s:NetrwBannerCtrl(islocal)
" keep cursor on the filename
let fname= s:NetrwGetWord()
- sil keepj $
+ sil NetrwKeepj $
let result= search('\%(^\%(|\+\s\)\=\|\s\{2,}\)\zs'.escape(fname,'.\[]*$^').'\%(\s\{2,}\|$\)','bc')
" call Decho("search result=".result." w:netrw_bannercnt=".(exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")? w:netrw_bannercnt : 'N/A'))
if result <= 0 && exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")
- exe "keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwBannerCtrl : g:netrw_banner=".g:netrw_banner)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:NetrwBookmark: supports :NetrwMB[!] [file]s {{{2
+" No bang: enters files/directories into Netrw's bookmark system
+" No argument and in netrw buffer:
+" if there are marked files: bookmark marked files
+" otherwise : bookmark file/directory under cursor
+" No argument and not in netrw buffer: bookmarks current open file
+" Has arguments: globs them individually and bookmarks them
+" With bang: deletes files/directories from Netrw's bookmark system
+fun! s:NetrwBookmark(del,...)
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwBookmark(del=".a:del.",...) a:0=".a:0)
+ if a:0 == 0
+ if &ft == "netrw"
+ let curbufnr = bufnr("%")
+ if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}")
+ " for every filename in the marked list
+" call Decho("bookmark every filename in marked list")
+ let svpos = netrw#SavePosn()
+ let islocal= expand("%") !~ '^\a\+://'
+ for fname in s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}
+ if a:del|call s:DeleteBookmark(fname)|else|call s:MakeBookmark(fname)|endif
+ endfor
+ let curdir = exists("b:netrw_curdir")? b:netrw_curdir : getcwd()
+ call s:NetrwUnmarkList(curbufnr,curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ else
+ let fname= s:NetrwGetWord()
+ if a:del|call s:DeleteBookmark(fname)|else|call s:MakeBookmark(fname)|endif
+ endif
+ else
+ " bookmark currently open file
+" call Decho("bookmark currently open file")
+ let fname= expand("%")
+ if a:del|call s:DeleteBookmark(fname)|else|call s:MakeBookmark(fname)|endif
+ endif
+ else
+ " bookmark specified files
+ " attempts to infer if working remote or local
+ " by deciding if the current file begins with an url
+ " Globbing cannot be done remotely.
+ let islocal= expand("%") !~ '^\a\+://'
+" call Decho("bookmark specified file".((a:0>1)? "s" : ""))
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= a:0
+ if islocal
+ let mbfiles= glob(a:{i},0,1)
+ else
+ let mbfiles= [a:{i}]
+ endif
+" call Decho("mbfiles".string(mbfiles))
+ for mbfile in mbfiles
+" call Decho("mbfile<".mbfile.">")
+ if a:del|call s:DeleteBookmark(mbfile)|else|call s:MakeBookmark(mbfile)|endif
+ endfor
+ let i= i + 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ " update the menu
+ call s:NetrwBookmarkMenu()
+" call Dret("s:NetrwBookmark")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwBookmarkMenu: Uses menu priorities {{{2
" .2.[cnt] for bookmarks, and
" .3.[cnt] for history
@@ -4241,8 +4452,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" NetrwBrowseChgDir: save options and initialize {{{3
" call Decho("saving options")
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionSave("s:")
- keepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionSave("s:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
let nbcd_curpos = netrw#SavePosn()
let s:nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')} = nbcd_curpos
" call Decho("setting s:nbcd_curpos_".bufnr('%')." to SavePosn")
@@ -4257,6 +4468,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" call Decho("dirname<".dirname.">")
" ignore <cr>s when done in the banner
+" call Decho('ignore <cr>s when done in banner (g:netrw_banner='.g:netrw_banner.")")
if g:netrw_banner
" call Decho("w:netrw_bannercnt=".(exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")? w:netrw_bannercnt : 'n/a')." line(.)#".line('.')." line($)#".line("#"))
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line(".") < w:netrw_bannercnt && line("$") >= w:netrw_bannercnt
@@ -4265,10 +4477,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
let g:netrw_quickhelp= (g:netrw_quickhelp + 1)%len(s:QuickHelp)
" call Decho("#2: quickhelp=".g:netrw_quickhelp." ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
setl ma noro nowrap
- keepj call setline(line('.'),'" Quick Help: <F1>:help '.s:QuickHelp[g:netrw_quickhelp])
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line('.'),'" Quick Help: <F1>:help '.s:QuickHelp[g:netrw_quickhelp])
setl noma nomod nowrap
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(nbcd_curpos)
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(nbcd_curpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
" call Decho("ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
@@ -4291,8 +4503,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
let dirname= dirname.'/'
" call Decho("adjusting dirname<".dirname.">")
+" call Decho("newdir<".newdir."> !~ dirpat<".dirpat.">? ".((newdir !~ dirpat)? "yes" : "no"))
- if newdir !~ dirpat
+ if newdir !~ dirpat && !(a:islocal && isdirectory(newdir))
" ------------------------------
" NetrwBrowseChgDir: edit a file {{{3
" ------------------------------
@@ -4308,7 +4521,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
if exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST && exists("w:netrw_treedict") && newdir !~ '^\(/\|\a:\)'
" call Decho("edit-a-file: handle tree listing: w:netrw_treedict<".(exists("w:netrw_treedict")? string(w:netrw_treedict) : 'n/a').">")
" call Decho("edit-a-file: newdir<".newdir.">")
- let dirname= s:NetrwTreeDir()
+ let dirname= s:NetrwTreeDir(a:islocal)
if dirname =~ '/$'
let dirname= dirname.newdir
@@ -4322,29 +4535,40 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
let dirname= s:ComposePath(dirname,newdir)
" call Decho("edit-a-file: handling a file: dirname<".dirname."> (a:0=".a:0.")")
- " this lets NetrwBrowseX avoid the edit
+ " this lets netrw#BrowseX avoid the edit
if a:0 < 1
" call Decho("edit-a-file: set up windows for editing<".fnameescape(dirname)."> didsplit=".(exists("s:didsplit")? s:didsplit : "doesn't exist"))
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
if !exists("s:didsplit")
-" call Decho("edit-a-file: s:didsplit does not exist; g:netrw_browse_split=".g:netrw_browse_split." win#".winnr())
- if g:netrw_browse_split == 1
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: s:didsplit does not exist; g:netrw_browse_split=".string(g:netrw_browse_split)." win#".winnr())
+ if type(g:netrw_browse_split) == 3
+ " open file in server
+ " Note that g:netrw_browse_split is a List: [servername,tabnr,winnr]
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: open file in server")
+ call s:NetrwServerEdit(a:islocal,dirname)
+" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowseChgDir")
+ return
+ elseif g:netrw_browse_split == 1
" horizontally splitting the window first
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: horizontally splitting window prior to edit")
keepalt new
if !&ea
keepalt wincmd _
elseif g:netrw_browse_split == 2
" vertically splitting the window first
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: vertically splitting window prior to edit")
keepalt rightb vert new
if !&ea
keepalt wincmd |
elseif g:netrw_browse_split == 3
" open file in new tab
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: opening new tab prior to edit")
keepalt tabnew
elseif g:netrw_browse_split == 4
" act like "P" (ie. open previous window)
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: use previous window for edit")
if s:NetrwPrevWinOpen(2) == 3
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowseChgDir")
@@ -4356,15 +4580,16 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
call s:NetrwMenu(0)
" optional change to window
if g:netrw_chgwin >= 1
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: changing window to #".g:netrw_chgwin)
if winnr("$")+1 == g:netrw_chgwin
" if g:netrw_chgwin is set to one more than the last window, then
" vertically split the last window to make that window available.
let curwin= winnr()
- exe "keepj keepalt ".g:netrw_chgwin."wincmd ".winnr("$")
+ exe "NetrwKeepj keepalt ".g:netrw_chgwin."wincmd ".winnr("$")
- exe "keepj keepalt ".g:netrw_chgwin."wincmd ".curwin
+ exe "NetrwKeepj keepalt ".g:netrw_chgwin."wincmd ".curwin
- exe "keepj keepalt ".g:netrw_chgwin."wincmd w"
+ exe "NetrwKeepj keepalt ".g:netrw_chgwin."wincmd w"
@@ -4377,13 +4602,12 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" some like c-^ to return to the last edited file
" others like c-^ to return to the netrw buffer
if exists("g:netrw_altfile") && g:netrw_altfile
- exe "keepj keepalt e! ".fnameescape(dirname)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj keepalt e! ".fnameescape(dirname)
- exe "keepj e! ".fnameescape(dirname)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e! ".fnameescape(dirname)
-" call Decho("after e! ".dirname.": hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden<".&bufhidden."> mod=".&mod)
+" call Decho("edit-a-file: after e! ".dirname.": hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden<".&bufhidden."> mod=".&mod)
call s:NetrwCursor()
-" call Decho("COMBAK#1: after e! ".dirname.": hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden<".&bufhidden."> mod=".&mod)
if &hidden || &bufhidden == "hide"
" file came from vim's hidden storage. Don't "restore" options with it.
let dorestore= 0
@@ -4392,7 +4616,6 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" call Decho("edit-a-file: remote file: NetrwBrowse will edit it")
let dolockout= 1
-" call Decho("COMBAK#2: after e! ".dirname.": hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden<".&bufhidden."> mod=".&mod)
" handle g:Netrw_funcref -- call external-to-netrw functions
" This code will handle g:Netrw_funcref as an individual function reference
@@ -4402,12 +4625,12 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" call Decho("edit-a-file: handle optional Funcrefs")
if type(g:Netrw_funcref) == 2
" call Decho("edit-a-file: handling a g:Netrw_funcref")
- keepj call g:Netrw_funcref()
+ NetrwKeepj call g:Netrw_funcref()
elseif type(g:Netrw_funcref) == 3
" call Decho("edit-a-file: handling a list of g:Netrw_funcrefs")
for Fncref in g:Netrw_funcref
if type(FncRef) == 2
- keepj call FncRef()
+ NetrwKeepj call FncRef()
@@ -4419,16 +4642,16 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" NetrwBrowseChgDir: just go to the new directory spec {{{3
" ----------------------------------------------------
" call Decho('goto-newdir: case "just go to new directory spec": newdir<'.newdir.'>')
- let dirname = newdir
- keepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
+ let dirname = newdir
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
elseif newdir == './'
" ---------------------------------------------
" NetrwBrowseChgDir: refresh the directory list {{{3
" ---------------------------------------------
" call Decho('refresh-dirlist: case "refresh directory listing": newdir == "./"')
- keepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
elseif newdir == '../'
" --------------------------------------
@@ -4441,7 +4664,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" call Decho("go-up: clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
" call Decho("go-up: setl noro ma")
setl noro ma
- keepj %d
+ NetrwKeepj %d
if has("amiga")
@@ -4483,7 +4706,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" call Decho("go-up: unix: dirname<".dirname."> (go up one dir)")
- keepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
elseif exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST && exists("w:netrw_treedict")
" --------------------------------------
@@ -4495,14 +4718,15 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
setl noro ma
if !(exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST && exists("b:netrw_curdir"))
" call Decho("tree-list: clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
- keepj %d
+ NetrwKeepj %d
- let treedir = s:NetrwTreeDir()
+ let treedir = s:NetrwTreeDir(a:islocal)
let s:treecurpos = nbcd_curpos
- let haskey= 0
+ let haskey = 0
" call Decho("tree-list: w:netrw_treedict<".string(w:netrw_treedict).">")
" search treedict for tree dir as-is
+" call Decho("search treedict for tree dir as-is")
if has_key(w:netrw_treedict,treedir)
" call Decho('tree-list: ....searched for treedir<'.treedir.'> : found it!')
let haskey= 1
@@ -4511,6 +4735,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" search treedict for treedir with a / appended
+" call Decho("search treedict for treedir with a / appended")
if !haskey && treedir !~ '/$'
if has_key(w:netrw_treedict,treedir."/")
let treedir= treedir."/"
@@ -4522,6 +4747,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" search treedict for treedir with any trailing / elided
+" call Decho("search treedict for treedir with any trailing / elided")
if !haskey && treedir =~ '/$'
let treedir= substitute(treedir,'/$','','')
if has_key(w:netrw_treedict,treedir)
@@ -4532,6 +4758,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
+" call Decho("haskey=".haskey)
if haskey
" close tree listing for selected subdirectory
" call Decho("tree-list: closing selected subdirectory<".dirname.">")
@@ -4543,8 +4770,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" go down one directory
let dirname= substitute(treedir,'/*$','/','')
" call Decho("tree-list: go down one dir: treedir<".treedir.">")
+" call Decho("tree-list: ... : dirname<".dirname.">")
- keepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
+" call Decho("setting s:treeforceredraw to true")
let s:treeforceredraw = 1
@@ -4553,22 +4782,20 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" ----------------------------------------
let dirname = s:ComposePath(dirname,newdir)
" call Decho("go down one dir: dirname<".dirname."> newdir<".newdir.">")
- keepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,dirname)
" --------------------------------------
" NetrwBrowseChgDir: Restore and Cleanup {{{3
" --------------------------------------
-" call Decho("COMBAK#3: after e! ".dirname.": hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden<".&bufhidden."> mod=".&mod)
if dorestore
" dorestore is zero'd when a local file was hidden or bufhidden;
" in such a case, we want to keep whatever settings it may have.
" call Decho("doing option restore (dorestore=".dorestore.")")
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
" else " Decho
" call Decho("skipping option restore (dorestore==0): hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden=".&bufhidden." mod=".&mod)
-" call Decho("COMBAK#4: after e! ".dirname.": hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden<".&bufhidden."> mod=".&mod)
if dolockout && dorestore
" call Decho("restore: filewritable(dirname<".dirname.">)=".filewritable(dirname))
if filewritable(dirname)
@@ -4583,7 +4810,6 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,newdir,...)
" call Decho("restore: ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
-" call Decho("COMBAK#5: after e! ".dirname.": hidden=".&hidden." bufhidden<".&bufhidden."> mod=".&mod)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowseChgDir <".dirname."> : curpos<".string(getpos(".")).">")
@@ -4596,9 +4822,18 @@ endfun
" for tree, keeps cursor on current filename
fun! s:NetrwBrowseUpDir(islocal)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwBrowseUpDir(islocal=".a:islocal.")")
+ if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line(".") < w:netrw_bannercnt-1
+ " this test needed because occasionally this function seems to be incorrectly called
+ " when multiple leftmouse clicks are taken when atop the one line help in the banner.
+ " I'm allowing the very bottom line to permit a "-" exit so that one may escape empty
+ " directories.
+" call Dret("s:NetrwBrowseUpDir : cursor not in file area")
+ return
+ endif
norm! 0
if exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST && exists("w:netrw_treedict")
-" call Decho("ftp + treestyle")
+" call Decho("case: treestyle")
let curline= getline(".")
let swwline= winline() - 1
if exists("w:netrw_treetop")
@@ -4611,19 +4846,19 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseUpDir(islocal)
if !search('\c^'.s:treedepthstring.curline,'cw')
if !search('\c^'.curline,'cw')
- sil! keepj 1
+ sil! NetrwKeepj 1
- exe "sil! keepj norm! z\<cr>"
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj norm! z\<cr>"
while winline() < swwline
let curwinline= winline()
- exe "sil! keepj norm! \<c-y>"
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj norm! \<c-y>"
if curwinline == winline()
-" call Decho("ftp + not treestyle")
+" call Decho("case: not treestyle")
if a:islocal
call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,'../'))
@@ -4640,15 +4875,26 @@ fun! s:NetrwBrowseUpDir(islocal)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:NetrwBrowseX: (implements "x") executes a special "viewer" script or program for the {{{2
+" netrw#BrowseX: (implements "x") executes a special "viewer" script or program for the {{{2
" given filename; typically this means given their extension.
" 0=local, 1=remote
-fun! netrw#NetrwBrowseX(fname,remote)
-" call Dfunc("NetrwBrowseX(fname<".a:fname."> remote=".a:remote.")")
+fun! netrw#BrowseX(fname,remote)
+" call Dfunc("netrw#BrowseX(fname<".a:fname."> remote=".a:remote.")")
+ " if its really just a directory, then do a "gf" instead
+ if a:fname =~ '/$'
+ norm! gf
+" call Dret("netrw#BrowseX : did gf instead")
+ endif
let ykeep = @@
let screenposn = netrw#SavePosn()
+ " need to save and restore aw setting as gx can invoke this function from non-netrw buffers
+ let awkeep = &aw
+ set noaw
" special core dump handler
if a:fname =~ '/core\(\.\d\+\)\=$'
if exists("g:Netrw_corehandler")
@@ -4667,7 +4913,8 @@ fun! netrw#NetrwBrowseX(fname,remote)
call netrw#RestorePosn(screenposn)
let @@= ykeep
-" call Dret("NetrwBrowseX : coredump handler invoked")
+ let &aw= awkeep
+" call Dret("netrw#BrowseX : coredump handler invoked")
@@ -4680,21 +4927,6 @@ fun! netrw#NetrwBrowseX(fname,remote)
" call Decho("exten<".exten.">")
- " seems kde systems often have gnome-open due to dependencies, even though
- " gnome-open's subsidiary display tools are largely absent. Kde systems
- " usually have "kdeinit" running, though... (tnx Mikolaj Machowski)
- if !exists("s:haskdeinit")
- if has("unix") && executable("ps") && !has("win32unix")
- let s:haskdeinit= system("ps -e") =~ 'kdeinit'
- if v:shell_error
- let s:haskdeinit = 0
- endif
- else
- let s:haskdeinit= 0
- endif
-" call Decho("setting s:haskdeinit=".s:haskdeinit)
- endif
if a:remote == 1
" create a local copy
" call Decho("remote: a:remote=".a:remote.": create a local copy of <".a:fname.">")
@@ -4769,18 +5001,15 @@ fun! netrw#NetrwBrowseX(fname,remote)
elseif exists("g:netrw_browsex_viewer") && executable(viewer)
" call Decho("g:netrw_browsex_viewer<".g:netrw_browsex_viewer.">")
-" call Decho("exe sil !".viewer." ".viewopt.shellescape(fname,1).redir)
- exe "sil !".viewer." ".viewopt.shellescape(fname,1).redir
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil !".viewer." ".viewopt.shellescape(fname,1).redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("win32") || has("win64")
" call Decho("windows")
if executable("start")
-" call Decho('exe sil !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1))
- exe 'sil !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe('sil! !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1))
elseif executable("rundll32")
-" call Decho('exe sil !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1))
- exe 'sil !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe('sil! !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1))
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"rundll32 not on path",74)
@@ -4791,33 +5020,30 @@ fun! netrw#NetrwBrowseX(fname,remote)
let winfname= 'c:\cygwin'.substitute(fname,'/','\\','g')
" call Decho("cygwin: winfname<".shellescape(winfname,1).">")
if executable("start")
-" call Decho('exe sil !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(winfname,1))
- exe 'sil !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(winfname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe('sil !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(winfname,1))
elseif executable("rundll32")
-" call Decho('exe sil !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(winfname,1))
- exe 'sil !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(winfname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe('sil !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(winfname,1))
+ elseif executable("cygstart")
+ call s:NetrwExe('sil !cygstart '.shellescape(fname,1))
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"rundll32 not on path",74)
call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let ret= v:shell_error
- elseif has("unix") && executable("xdg-open") && !s:haskdeinit
+ elseif has("unix") && executable("xdg-open") && !s:CheckIfKde()
" call Decho("unix and xdg-open")
-" call Decho("exe sil !xdg-open ".shellescape(fname,1)." ".redir)
- exe "sil !xdg-open ".shellescape(fname,1).redir
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil !xdg-open ".shellescape(fname,1).redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
- elseif has("unix") && executable("kfmclient") && s:haskdeinit
+ elseif has("unix") && executable("kfmclient") && s:CheckIfKde()
" call Decho("unix and kfmclient")
-" call Decho("exe sil !kfmclient exec ".shellescape(fname,1)." ".redir)
- exe "sil !kfmclient exec ".shellescape(fname,1)." ".redir
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil !kfmclient exec ".shellescape(fname,1)." ".redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
elseif has("macunix") && executable("open")
" call Decho("macunix and open")
-" call Decho("exe sil !open ".shellescape(fname,1)." ".redir)
- exe "sil !open ".shellescape(fname,1)." ".redir
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil !open ".shellescape(fname,1)." ".redir)
let ret= v:shell_error
@@ -4848,13 +5074,39 @@ fun! netrw#NetrwBrowseX(fname,remote)
if g:netrw_use_noswf
setl noswf
- exe "sil! keepj norm! \<c-o>"
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj norm! \<c-o>"
" redraw!
call netrw#RestorePosn(screenposn)
- let @@= ykeep
+ let @@ = ykeep
+ let &aw= awkeep
-" call Dret("NetrwBrowseX")
+" call Dret("netrw#BrowseX")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" netrw#BrowseXVis: used by gx in visual mode to select a file for browsing {{{2
+fun! netrw#BrowseXVis()
+" call Dfunc("netrw#BrowseXVis()")
+ let atkeep = @@
+ norm! gvy
+" call Decho("@@<".@@.">")
+ call netrw#BrowseX(@@,netrw#CheckIfRemote())
+ let @@ = atkeep
+" call Dret("netrw#BrowseXVis")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" netrw#CheckIfRemote: returns 1 if current file looks like an url, 0 else {{{2
+fun! netrw#CheckIfRemote()
+" call Dfunc("netrw#CheckIfRemote()")
+ if expand("%") =~ '^\a\+://'
+" call Dret("netrw#CheckIfRemote 1")
+ return 1
+ else
+" call Dret("netrw#CheckIfRemote 0")
+ return 0
+ endif
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -4870,16 +5122,41 @@ fun! s:NetrwChgPerm(islocal,curdir)
" call Decho("chgperm<".chgperm.">")
call system(chgperm)
if v:shell_error != 0
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(1,"changing permission on file<".expand("<cfile>")."> seems to have failed",75)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(1,"changing permission on file<".expand("<cfile>")."> seems to have failed",75)
if a:islocal
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwChgPerm")
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:CheckIfKde: checks if kdeinit is running {{{2
+" Returns 0: kdeinit not running
+" 1: kdeinit is running
+fun! s:CheckIfKde()
+" call Dfunc("s:CheckIfKde()")
+ " seems kde systems often have gnome-open due to dependencies, even though
+ " gnome-open's subsidiary display tools are largely absent. Kde systems
+ " usually have "kdeinit" running, though... (tnx Mikolaj Machowski)
+ if !exists("s:haskdeinit")
+ if has("unix") && executable("ps") && !has("win32unix")
+ let s:haskdeinit= system("ps -e") =~ '\<kdeinit'
+ if v:shell_error
+ let s:haskdeinit = 0
+ endif
+ else
+ let s:haskdeinit= 0
+ endif
+" call Decho("setting s:haskdeinit=".s:haskdeinit)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:CheckIfKde ".s:haskdeinit)
+ return s:haskdeinit
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwClearExplore: clear explore variables (if any) {{{2
fun! s:NetrwClearExplore()
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwClearExplore()")
@@ -4994,24 +5271,24 @@ fun! s:NetrwHide(islocal)
" call Decho("hide: g:netrw_list_hide<".g:netrw_list_hide.">")
- keepj call s:NetrwUnmarkList(bufnr("%"),b:netrw_curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwUnmarkList(bufnr("%"),b:netrw_curdir)
let g:netrw_hide= 1
" switch between show-all/show-not-hidden/show-hidden
let g:netrw_hide=(g:netrw_hide+1)%3
- exe "keepj norm! 0"
+ exe "NetrwKeepj norm! 0"
if g:netrw_hide && g:netrw_list_hide == ""
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"your hiding list is empty!",49)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"your hiding list is empty!",49)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("NetrwHide")
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("NetrwHide")
@@ -5034,8 +5311,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwHidden(islocal)
" refresh screen and return to saved position
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwHidden")
@@ -5101,22 +5378,24 @@ fun! s:NetrwLeftmouse(islocal)
" call Dret("s:NetrwLeftmouse : detected a status bar leftmouse click")
- " NOTE: following test is preventing leftmouse selection/deselection of directories and files in treelist mode (Dec 04, 2013)
+ " Dec 04, 2013: following test prevents leftmouse selection/deselection of directories and files in treelist mode
" Windows are separated by vertical separator bars - but the mouse seems to be doing what it should when dragging that bar
- " without this test.
-" if v:mouse_col != col('.')
-" let @@= ykeep
-" call Dret("s:NetrwLeftmouse : detected a vertical separator bar leftmouse click")
-" return
-" endif
+ " without this test when its disabled.
+ " May 26, 2014: edit file, :Lex, resize window -- causes refresh. Reinstated a modified test. See if problems develop.
+" call Decho("v:mouse_col=".v:mouse_col." col#".col('.')." virtcol#".virtcol('.')." col($)#".col("$")." virtcol($)#".virtcol("$"))
+ if v:mouse_col > virtcol('.')
+ let @@= ykeep
+" call Dret("s:NetrwLeftmouse : detected a vertical separator bar leftmouse click")
+ return
+ endif
if a:islocal
if exists("b:netrw_curdir")
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
if exists("b:netrw_curdir")
- keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
let @@= ykeep
@@ -5124,6 +5403,128 @@ fun! s:NetrwLeftmouse(islocal)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:NetrwServerEdit: edit file in a server gvim, usually NETRWSERVER (implements <c-r>){{{2
+" a:islocal=0 : <c-r> not used, remote
+" a:islocal=1 : <c-r> no used, local
+" a:islocal=2 : <c-r> used, remote
+" a:islocal=3 : <c-r> used, local
+fun! s:NetrwServerEdit(islocal,fname)
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwServerEdit(islocal=".a:islocal.",fname<".a:fname.">)")
+ let islocal = a:islocal%2 " =0: remote =1: local
+ let ctrlr = a:islocal >= 2 " =0: <c-r> not used =1: <c-r> used
+ if (islocal && isdirectory(a:fname)) || (!islocal && a:fname =~ '/$')
+ " handle directories in the local window -- not in the remote vim server
+ " user must have closed the NETRWSERVER window. Treat as a normal editing from netrw.
+ let g:netrw_browse_split= 0
+ if exists("s:netrw_browse_split_".winnr())
+ let g:netrw_browse_split= s:netrw_browse_split_{winnr()}
+ unlet s:netrw_browse_split_{winnr()}
+ endif
+ call s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,a:fname))
+" call Dret("s:NetrwServerEdit")
+ return
+ endif
+ if has("clientserver") && executable("gvim")
+" call Decho("has clientserver and gvim")
+ if exists("g:netrw_browse_split") && type(g:netrw_browse_split) == 3
+" call Decho("g:netrw_browse_split=".string(g:netrw_browse_split))
+ let srvrname = g:netrw_browse_split[0]
+ let tabnum = g:netrw_browse_split[1]
+ let winnum = g:netrw_browse_split[2]
+ if serverlist() !~ '\<'.srvrname.'\>'
+" call Decho("server not available; ctrlr=".ctrlr)
+ if !ctrlr
+ " user must have closed the server window and the user did not use <c-r>, but
+ " used something like <cr>.
+" call Decho("user must have closed server AND did not use ctrl-r")
+ if exists("g:netrw_browse_split")
+ unlet g:netrw_browse_split
+ endif
+ let g:netrw_browse_split= 0
+ if exists("s:netrw_browse_split_".winnr())
+ let g:netrw_browse_split= s:netrw_browse_split_{winnr()}
+ endif
+ call s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,a:fname)
+" call Dret("s:NetrwServerEdit")
+ return
+ elseif has("win32") && executable("start")
+ " start up remote netrw server under windows
+" call Decho("starting up gvim server<".srvrname."> for windows")
+ call system("start gvim --servername ".srvrname)
+ else
+ " start up remote netrw server under linux
+" call Decho("starting up gvim server<".srvrname.">")
+ call system("gvim --servername ".srvrname)
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Decho("srvrname<".srvrname."> tabnum=".tabnum." winnum=".winnum." server-editing<".a:fname.">")
+ call remote_send(srvrname,":tabn ".tabnum."\<cr>")
+ call remote_send(srvrname,":".winnum."wincmd w\<cr>")
+ call remote_send(srvrname,":e ".fnameescape(a:fname)."\<cr>")
+ else
+ if serverlist() !~ '\<'.g:netrw_servername.'\>'
+ if !ctrlr
+" call Decho("server<".g:netrw_servername."> not available and ctrl-r not used")
+ if exists("g:netrw_browse_split")
+ unlet g:netrw_browse_split
+ endif
+ let g:netrw_browse_split= 0
+ call s:NetrwBrowse(islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(islocal,a:fname))
+" call Dret("s:NetrwServerEdit")
+ return
+ else
+" call Decho("server<".g:netrw_servername."> not available but ctrl-r used")
+ if has("win32") && executable("start")
+ " start up remote netrw server under windows
+" call Decho("starting up gvim server<".g:netrw_servername."> for windows")
+ call system("start gvim --servername ".g:netrw_servername)
+ else
+ " start up remote netrw server under linux
+" call Decho("starting up gvim server<".g:netrw_servername.">")
+ call system("gvim --servername ".g:netrw_servername)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ while 1
+ try
+" call Decho("remote-send: e ".a:fname)
+ call remote_send(g:netrw_servername,":e ".fnameescape(a:fname)."\<cr>")
+ break
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E241/
+ sleep 200m
+ endtry
+ endwhile
+ if exists("g:netrw_browse_split")
+ if type(g:netrw_browse_split) != 3
+ let s:netrw_browse_split_{winnr()}= g:netrw_browse_split
+ endif
+ unlet g:netrw_browse_split
+ endif
+ let g:netrw_browse_split= [g:netrw_servername,1,1]
+ endif
+ else
+ call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"you need a gui-capable vim and client-server to use <ctrl-r>",98)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:NetrwServerEdit")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwSLeftmouse: marks the file under the cursor. May be dragged to select additional files {{{2
fun! s:NetrwSLeftmouse(islocal)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwSLeftmouse(islocal=".a:islocal.")")
@@ -5177,7 +5578,7 @@ endfun
" s:NetrwListHide: uses [range]g~...~d to delete files that match comma {{{2
" separated patterns given in g:netrw_list_hide
fun! s:NetrwListHide()
-" call Dfunc("NetrwListHide() g:netrw_hide=".g:netrw_hide." g:netrw_list_hide<".g:netrw_list_hide.">")
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwListHide() g:netrw_hide=".g:netrw_hide." g:netrw_list_hide<".g:netrw_list_hide.">")
let ykeep= @@
" find a character not in the "hide" string to use as a separator for :g and :v commands
@@ -5200,23 +5601,23 @@ fun! s:NetrwListHide()
" Prune the list by hiding any files which match
if g:netrw_hide == 1
" call Decho("hiding<".hide."> listhide<".listhide.">")
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g'.sep.hide.sep.'d'
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g'.sep.hide.sep.'d'
elseif g:netrw_hide == 2
" call Decho("showing<".hide."> listhide<".listhide.">")
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g'.sep.hide.sep.'s@^@ /-KEEP-/ @'
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g'.sep.hide.sep.'s@^@ /-KEEP-/ @'
if g:netrw_hide == 2
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$v@^ /-KEEP-/ @d'
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s@^\%( /-KEEP-/ \)\+@@e'
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$v@^ /-KEEP-/ @d'
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s@^\%( /-KEEP-/ \)\+@@e'
" remove any blank lines that have somehow remained.
" This seems to happen under Windows.
- exe 'sil! keepj 1,$g@^\s*$@d'
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj 1,$g@^\s*$@d'
let @@= ykeep
-" call Dret("NetrwListHide")
+" call Dret("s:NetrwListHide")
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -5236,7 +5637,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwHideEdit(islocal)
" call Decho("new g:netrw_list_hide<".g:netrw_list_hide.">")
" refresh the listing
- sil keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,"./"))
+ sil NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,"./"))
" restore cursor position
call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
@@ -5258,8 +5659,8 @@ fun! s:NetSortSequence(islocal)
" refresh the listing
let g:netrw_sort_sequence= newsortseq
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("NetSortSequence")
@@ -5267,6 +5668,7 @@ endfun
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwMakeDir: this function makes a directory (both local and remote) {{{2
+" implements the "d" mapping.
fun! s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost<".a:usrhost.">)")
@@ -5294,7 +5696,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost)
" call Decho("fullnewdir<".fullnewdir.">")
if isdirectory(fullnewdir)
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"<".newdirname."> is already a directory!",24)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"<".newdirname."> is already a directory!",24)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwMakeDir : directory<".newdirname."> exists previously")
@@ -5302,7 +5704,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost)
if s:FileReadable(fullnewdir)
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"<".newdirname."> is already a file!",25)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"<".newdirname."> is already a file!",25)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwMakeDir : file<".newdirname."> exists previously")
@@ -5321,8 +5723,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost)
let netrw_origdir= s:NetrwGetcwd(1)
call s:NetrwLcd(b:netrw_curdir)
" call Decho("netrw_origdir<".netrw_origdir.">: lcd b:netrw_curdir<".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir).">")
-" call Decho("exe sil! !".g:netrw_localmkdir.' '.shellescape(newdirname,1))
- exe "sil! !".g:netrw_localmkdir.' '.shellescape(newdirname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil! !".g:netrw_localmkdir.' '.shellescape(newdirname,1))
if v:shell_error != 0
let @@= ykeep
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"consider setting g:netrw_localmkdir<".g:netrw_localmkdir."> to something that works",80)
@@ -5351,15 +5752,14 @@ fun! s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost)
" call Decho("remote mkdir")
let mkdircmd = s:MakeSshCmd(g:netrw_mkdir_cmd)
let newdirname= substitute(b:netrw_curdir,'^\%(.\{-}/\)\{3}\(.*\)$','\1','').newdirname
-" call Decho("exe sil! !".mkdircmd." ".shellescape(newdirname,1))
- exe "sil! !".mkdircmd." ".shellescape(newdirname,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil! !".mkdircmd." ".shellescape(newdirname,1))
if v:shell_error == 0
" refresh listing
let svpos= netrw#SavePosn()
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
elseif !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"unable to make directory<".newdirname.">",27)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"unable to make directory<".newdirname.">",27)
" redraw!
@@ -5374,8 +5774,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost)
let remotepath= ""
call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(remotepath,g:netrw_remote_mkdir.' "'.newdirname.'"')
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
elseif b:netrw_method == 3
" Remote mkdir: using ftp + machine, id, passwd, and fname (ie. no .netrc)
@@ -5388,8 +5788,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwMakeDir(usrhost)
let remotepath= ""
call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(remotepath,g:netrw_remote_mkdir.' "'.newdirname.'"')
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
let @@= ykeep
@@ -5452,6 +5852,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> C :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwSetChgwin()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> :call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord()))<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <s-cr> :call <SID>TreeSqueezeDir(1)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-r> :call <SID>NetrwServerEdit(3,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d :call <SID>NetrwMakeDir("")<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> - :call <SID>NetrwBrowseUpDir(1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gb :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(1,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
@@ -5477,8 +5878,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mt :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTgt(1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mT :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTag(1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mu :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwUnMarkFile(1)<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mx :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(1)<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mX :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(1)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mv :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(1)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mx :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(1,0)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mX :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(1,1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mz :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileCompress(1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> O :call <SID>NetrwObtain(1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> o :call <SID>NetrwSplit(3)<cr>
@@ -5496,11 +5898,11 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(4,expand("%"))<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> U :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(5,expand("%"))<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> v :call <SID>NetrwSplit(5)<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord(),0),0)"<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call netrw#BrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord(),0),0)"<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> X :call <SID>NetrwLocalExecute(expand("<cword>"))"<cr>
" local insert-mode maps
inoremap <buffer> <silent> a <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwHide(1)<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> c <c-o>:exe "keepjumps lcd ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> c <c-o>:exe "NetrwKeepj lcd ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> c <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwLcd(b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> C <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwSetChgwin()<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> % <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwOpenFile(1)<cr>
@@ -5528,8 +5930,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mT <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTag(1)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mt <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTgt(1)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mu <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwUnMarkFile(1)<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> mx <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(1)<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> mX <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(1)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> mv <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(1)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> mx <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(1,0)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> mX <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(1,1)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mz <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileCompress(1)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> O <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwObtain(1)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> o <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwSplit(3)<cr>
@@ -5547,7 +5950,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
inoremap <buffer> <silent> u <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(4,expand("%"))<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> U <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(5,expand("%"))<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> v <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwSplit(5)<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> x <c-o>:call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord(),0),0)"<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> x <c-o>:call netrw#BrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,<SID>NetrwGetWord(),0),0)"<cr>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwHideEdit')
nmap <buffer> <unique> <c-h> <Plug>NetrwHideEdit
imap <buffer> <unique> <c-h> <Plug>NetrwHideEdit
@@ -5608,6 +6011,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> :call <SID>NetrwBrowse(0,<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord()))<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <s-cr> :call <SID>TreeSqueezeDir(0)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-l> :call <SID>NetrwRefresh(0,<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <c-r> :call <SID>NetrwServerEdit(2,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> - :call <SID>NetrwBrowseUpDir(0)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> a :call <SID>NetrwHide(0)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mb :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(0,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
@@ -5625,8 +6029,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mt :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTgt(0)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mT :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTag(0)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mu :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwUnMarkFile(0)<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mx :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(0)<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mX :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(0)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mv :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(0)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mx :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(0,0)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mX :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(0,1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mz :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileCompress(0)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gb :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(1,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> gd :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwForceChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord())<cr>
@@ -5653,7 +6058,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(4,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> U :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(5,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> v :call <SID>NetrwSplit(2)<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord()),1)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call netrw#BrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord()),1)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> % :call <SID>NetrwOpenFile(0)<cr>
" remote insert-mode maps
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwBrowse(0,<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord()))<cr>
@@ -5675,8 +6080,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mt <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTgt(0)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mT <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileTag(0)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mu <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwUnMarkFile(0)<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> mx <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(0)<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> mX <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(0)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> mv :<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(1)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> mx <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(0,0)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> mX <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileExe(0,1)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> mv <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(0)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> mz <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwMarkFileCompress(0)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> gb <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(1,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> gh <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwHidden(0)<cr>
@@ -5701,7 +6108,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
inoremap <buffer> <silent> u <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(4,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> U <c-o>:<c-u>call <SID>NetrwBookHistHandler(5,b:netrw_curdir)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> v <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwSplit(2)<cr>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> x <c-o>:call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord()),1)<cr>
+ inoremap <buffer> <silent> x <c-o>:call netrw#BrowseX(<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord()),1)<cr>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> % <c-o>:call <SID>NetrwOpenFile(0)<cr>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwHideEdit')
nmap <buffer> <c-h> <Plug>NetrwHideEdit
@@ -5714,7 +6121,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
let mapsafepath = escape(s:path, s:netrw_map_escape)
- let mapsafeusermach = escape(s:user.s:machine, s:netrw_map_escape)
+ let mapsafeusermach = escape(((s:user == "")? "" : s:user."@").s:machine, s:netrw_map_escape)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Plug>NetrwRefresh :call <SID>NetrwRefresh(0,<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))<cr>
if g:netrw_mousemaps == 1
@@ -5755,23 +6162,31 @@ fun! s:NetrwMaps(islocal)
inoremap <buffer> <F1> <c-o>:he netrw-quickhelp<cr>
- keepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,b:netrw_curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetRexDir(a:islocal,b:netrw_curdir)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMaps")
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:NetrwCommands: sets up commands available only in the netrw buffer windows {{{2
+" s:NetrwCommands: sets up commands {{{2
+" If -buffer, the command is only available from within netrw buffers
+" Otherwise, the command is available from any window, so long as netrw
+" has been used at least once in the session.
fun! s:NetrwCommands(islocal)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwCommands(islocal=".a:islocal.")")
+ com! -nargs=* -complete=file -bang NetrwMB call s:NetrwBookmark(<bang>0,<f-args>)
+ com! -nargs=* NetrwC call s:NetrwSetChgwin(<q-args>)
com! Rexplore if exists("w:netrw_rexlocal")|call s:NetrwRexplore(w:netrw_rexlocal,exists("w:netrw_rexdir")? w:netrw_rexdir : ".")|else|call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"not a former netrw window",79)|endif
if a:islocal
- com! -buffer -nargs=+ -complete=file MF call s:NetrwMarkFiles(1,<f-args>)
+ com! -buffer -nargs=+ -complete=file MF call s:NetrwMarkFiles(1,<f-args>)
- com! -buffer -nargs=+ -complete=file MF call s:NetrwMarkFiles(0,<f-args>)
+ com! -buffer -nargs=+ -complete=file MF call s:NetrwMarkFiles(0,<f-args>)
- com! -buffer -nargs=? -complete=file MT call s:NetrwMarkTarget(<q-args>)
+ com! -buffer -nargs=? -complete=file MT call s:NetrwMarkTarget(<q-args>)
+ " the following two commands are intended to be used for testing only, so I'm not advertising them in the manual
+ com! -buffer -nargs=0 CRL call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ com! -buffer -nargs=0 CRR call <SID>NetrwBrowse(0,<SID>NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,<SID>NetrwGetWord()))
" call Dret("s:NetrwCommands")
@@ -5964,7 +6379,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCompress(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCompress")
@@ -5992,10 +6407,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCompress(islocal)
if a:islocal
call system(exe." ".fname)
- keepj call s:RemoteSystem(exe." ".fname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RemoteSystem(exe." ".fname)
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"unable to apply<".exe."> to file<".fname.">",50)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"unable to apply<".exe."> to file<".fname.">",50)
unlet sfx
@@ -6007,13 +6422,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCompress(islocal)
call system(netrw#WinPath(g:netrw_compress)." ".shellescape(s:ComposePath(b:netrw_curdir,fname)))
" fname not a compressed file, so compress it
- keepj call s:RemoteSystem(netrw#WinPath(g:netrw_compress)." ".shellescape(fname))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RemoteSystem(netrw#WinPath(g:netrw_compress)." ".shellescape(fname))
endfor " for every file in the marked list
call s:NetrwUnmarkList(curbufnr,curdir)
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCompress")
@@ -6037,14 +6452,14 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal,...)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy")
" call Decho("sanity chk passed: s:netrwmarkfilelist_".curbufnr."<".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}))
if !exists("s:netrwmftgt")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy 0")
return 0
@@ -6063,14 +6478,17 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal,...)
if simplify(s:netrwmftgt) == simplify(b:netrw_curdir)
if len(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}) == 1
" only one marked file
+" call Decho("case: only one marked file")
let args = shellescape(b:netrw_curdir."/".s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}[0])
let oldname = s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}[0]
elseif a:0 == 1
+" call Decho("case: handling one input argument")
" this happens when the next case was used to recursively call s:NetrwMarkFileCopy()
let args = shellescape(b:netrw_curdir."/".a:1)
let oldname = a:1
" copy multiple marked files inside the same directory
+" call Decho("case: handling a multiple marked files")
let s:recursive= 1
for oldname in s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr("%")}
let ret= s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(a:islocal,oldname)
@@ -6101,18 +6519,34 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal,...)
let args= substitute(args,'/','\\','g')
let tgt = substitute(tgt, '/','\\','g')
+ if args =~ "'"|let args= substitute(args,"'\\(.*\\)'",'\1','')|endif
+ if tgt =~ "'"|let tgt = substitute(tgt,"'\\(.*\\)'",'\1','') |endif
+ if isdirectory(args)
+" call Decho("args<".args."> is a directory")
+ let copycmd= g:netrw_localcopydircmd
+" call Decho("using copydircmd<".copycmd.">")
+ if !g:netrw_cygwin && (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16"))
+ " window's xcopy doesn't copy a directory to a target properly. Instead, it copies a directory's
+ " contents to a target. One must append the source directory name to the target to get xcopy to
+ " do the right thing.
+ let tgt= tgt.'\'.substitute(a:1,'^.*[\\/]','','')
+" call Decho("modified tgt for xcopy")
+ endif
+ else
+ let copycmd= g:netrw_localcopycmd
+ endif
if g:netrw_localcopycmd =~ '\s'
- let copycmd = substitute(g:netrw_localcopycmd,'\s.*$','','')
- let copycmdargs = substitute(g:netrw_localcopycmd,'^.\{-}\(\s.*\)$','\1','')
+ let copycmd = substitute(copycmd,'\s.*$','','')
+ let copycmdargs = substitute(copycmd,'^.\{-}\(\s.*\)$','\1','')
let copycmd = netrw#WinPath(copycmd).copycmdargs
- let copycmd = netrw#WinPath(g:netrw_localcopycmd)
+ let copycmd = netrw#WinPath(copycmd)
" call Decho("args <".args.">")
" call Decho("tgt <".tgt.">")
" call Decho("copycmd<".copycmd.">")
-" call Decho("system(".copycmd." ".args." ".tgt.")")
- call system(copycmd." ".args." ".tgt)
+" call Decho("system(".copycmd." '".args."' '".tgt."')")
+ call system(copycmd." '".args."' '".tgt."'")
if v:shell_error != 0
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"tried using g:netrw_localcopycmd<".g:netrw_localcopycmd.">; it doesn't work!",80)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy 0 : failed: system(".g:netrw_localcopycmd." ".args." ".shellescape(s:netrwmftgt))
@@ -6122,12 +6556,12 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal,...)
elseif a:islocal && !s:netrwmftgt_islocal
" Copy marked files, local directory to remote directory
" call Decho("copy from local to remote")
- keepj call s:NetrwUpload(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')},s:netrwmftgt)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwUpload(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')},s:netrwmftgt)
elseif !a:islocal && s:netrwmftgt_islocal
" Copy marked files, remote directory to local directory
" call Decho("copy from remote to local")
- keepj call netrw#Obtain(a:islocal,s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')},s:netrwmftgt)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#Obtain(a:islocal,s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')},s:netrwmftgt)
elseif !a:islocal && !s:netrwmftgt_islocal
" Copy marked files, remote directory to remote directory
@@ -6140,7 +6574,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal,...)
if exists("*mkdir")
call mkdir(tmpdir)
- exe "sil! !".g:netrw_localmkdir.' '.shellescape(tmpdir,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil! !".g:netrw_localmkdir.' '.shellescape(tmpdir,1))
if v:shell_error != 0
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"consider setting g:netrw_localmkdir<".g:netrw_localmkdir."> to something that works",80)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy : failed: sil! !".g:netrw_localmkdir.' '.shellescape(tmpdir,1) )
@@ -6149,15 +6583,15 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal,...)
if isdirectory(tmpdir)
call s:NetrwLcd(tmpdir)
- keepj call netrw#Obtain(a:islocal,s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')},tmpdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#Obtain(a:islocal,s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')},tmpdir)
let localfiles= map(deepcopy(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}),'substitute(v:val,"^.*/","","")')
- keepj call s:NetrwUpload(localfiles,s:netrwmftgt)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwUpload(localfiles,s:netrwmftgt)
if getcwd() == tmpdir
for fname in s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr('%')}
- keepj call s:NetrwDelete(fname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwDelete(fname)
call s:NetrwLcd(curdir)
- exe "sil !".g:netrw_localrmdir." ".shellescape(tmpdir,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe("sil !".g:netrw_localrmdir." ".shellescape(tmpdir,1))
if v:shell_error != 0
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"consider setting g:netrw_localrmdir<".g:netrw_localrmdir."> to something that works",80)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy : failed: sil !".g:netrw_localrmdir." ".shellescape(tmpdir,1) )
@@ -6183,10 +6617,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(islocal,...)
call s:NetrwRefreshDir(s:netrwmftgt_islocal,s:netrwmftgt)
if a:islocal
- keepj call s:NetrwRefreshDir(a:islocal,curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefreshDir(a:islocal,curdir)
if g:netrw_fastbrowse <= 1
- keepj call s:LocalBrowseRefresh()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:LocalBrowseRefresh()
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy 1")
@@ -6204,7 +6638,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileDiff(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileDiff")
@@ -6217,13 +6651,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileDiff(islocal)
let cnt= cnt + 1
if cnt == 1
" call Decho("diffthis: fname<".fname.">")
- exe "e ".fnameescape(fname)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e ".fnameescape(fname)
elseif cnt == 2 || cnt == 3
wincmd l
" call Decho("diffthis: ".fname)
- exe "e ".fnameescape(fname)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e ".fnameescape(fname)
@@ -6246,7 +6680,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileEdit(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileEdit")
@@ -6298,72 +6732,106 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileQFEL(islocal,qfel)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:NetrwMarkFileExe: (invoked by mx) execute arbitrary system command on marked files, one at a time {{{2
-" Uses the local marked-file list.
-fun! s:NetrwMarkFileExe(islocal)
-" call Dfunc("s:NetrwMarkFileExe(islocal=".a:islocal.")")
+" s:NetrwMarkFileExe: (invoked by mx and mX) execute arbitrary system command on marked files {{{2
+" mx enbloc=0: Uses the local marked-file list, applies command to each file individually
+" mX enbloc=1: Uses the global marked-file list, applies command to entire list
+fun! s:NetrwMarkFileExe(islocal,enbloc)
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwMarkFileExe(islocal=".a:islocal.",enbloc=".a:enbloc.")")
let svpos = netrw#SavePosn()
let curdir = b:netrw_curdir
let curbufnr = bufnr("%")
- " sanity check
- if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
-" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileExe")
- return
- endif
-" call Decho("sanity chk passed: s:netrwmarkfilelist_".curbufnr."<".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}))
- if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}")
- " get the command
- call inputsave()
- let cmd= input("Enter command: ","","file")
- call inputrestore()
-" call Decho("cmd<".cmd.">")
- if cmd == ""
-" " call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileExe : early exit, empty command")
- return
- endif
+ if a:enbloc == 0
+ " individually apply command to files, one at a time
+ " sanity check
+ if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileExe")
+ return
+ endif
+" call Decho("sanity chk passed: s:netrwmarkfilelist_".curbufnr."<".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}))
- " apply command to marked files. Substitute: filename -> %
- " If no %, then append a space and the filename to the command
- for fname in s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}
- if a:islocal
- if g:netrw_keepdir
- let fname= shellescape(netrw#WinPath(s:ComposePath(curdir,fname)))
+ if exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}")
+ " get the command
+ call inputsave()
+ let cmd= input("Enter command: ","","file")
+ call inputrestore()
+" call Decho("cmd<".cmd.">")
+ if cmd == ""
+" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileExe : early exit, empty command")
+ return
- else
- let fname= shellescape(netrw#WinPath(b:netrw_curdir.fname))
- endif
- if cmd =~ '%'
- let xcmd= substitute(cmd,'%',fname,'g')
- else
- let xcmd= cmd.' '.fname
- endif
- if a:islocal
-" call Decho("local: xcmd<".xcmd.">")
- let ret= system(xcmd)
- else
-" call Decho("remote: xcmd<".xcmd.">")
- let ret= s:RemoteSystem(xcmd)
- endif
- if v:shell_error < 0
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"command<".xcmd."> failed, aborting",54)
- break
- else
- echo ret
- endif
- endfor
+ " apply command to marked files, individually. Substitute: filename -> %
+ " If no %, then append a space and the filename to the command
+ for fname in s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}
+ if a:islocal
+ if g:netrw_keepdir
+ let fname= shellescape(netrw#WinPath(s:ComposePath(curdir,fname)))
+ endif
+ else
+ let fname= shellescape(netrw#WinPath(b:netrw_curdir.fname))
+ endif
+ if cmd =~ '%'
+ let xcmd= substitute(cmd,'%',fname,'g')
+ else
+ let xcmd= cmd.' '.fname
+ endif
+ if a:islocal
+" call Decho("local: xcmd<".xcmd.">")
+ let ret= system(xcmd)
+ else
+" call Decho("remote: xcmd<".xcmd.">")
+ let ret= s:RemoteSystem(xcmd)
+ endif
+ if v:shell_error < 0
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"command<".xcmd."> failed, aborting",54)
+ break
+ else
+ echo ret
+ endif
+ endfor
" unmark marked file list
call s:NetrwUnmarkList(curbufnr,curdir)
" refresh the listing
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
+ else " apply command to global list of files, en bloc
+ call inputsave()
+ let cmd= input("Enter command: ","","file")
+ call inputrestore()
+" call Decho("cmd<".cmd.">")
+ if cmd == ""
+" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileExe : early exit, empty command")
+ return
+ endif
+ if cmd =~ '%'
+ let cmd= substitute(cmd,'%',join(map(s:netrwmarkfilelist,'shellescape(v:val)'),' '),'g')
+ else
+ let cmd= cmd.' '.join(map(s:netrwmarkfilelist,'shellescape(v:val)'),' ')
+ endif
+ if a:islocal
+ call system(cmd)
+ if v:shell_error < 0
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"command<".xcmd."> failed, aborting",54)
+ endif
+ else
+ let ret= s:RemoteSystem(cmd)
+ endif
+ call s:NetrwUnmarkAll()
+ " refresh the listing
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ endif
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileExe")
@@ -6416,17 +6884,17 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkHideSfx(islocal)
" refresh the listing
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkHideSfx")
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd: (invoked by mX) execute arbitrary vim command on marked files, one at a time {{{2
+" s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd: (invoked by mv) execute arbitrary vim command on marked files, one at a time {{{2
" Uses the local marked-file list.
fun! s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(islocal)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(islocal=".a:islocal.")")
@@ -6436,7 +6904,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd")
@@ -6459,13 +6927,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(islocal)
" call Decho("fname<".fname.">")
if a:islocal
- exe "sil! keepalt e ".fnameescape(fname)
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt e ".fnameescape(fname)
" call Decho("local<".fname.">: exe ".cmd)
exe cmd
exe "sil! keepalt wq!"
" call Decho("remote<".fname.">: exe ".cmd." : NOT SUPPORTED YET")
- echo "sorry, \"mX\" not supported yet for remote files"
+ echo "sorry, \"mv\" not supported yet for remote files"
@@ -6473,10 +6941,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd(islocal)
call s:NetrwUnmarkList(curbufnr,curdir)
" refresh the listing
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileVimCmd")
@@ -6530,10 +6998,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkHideSfx(islocal)
" refresh the listing
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"no files marked!",59)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkHideSfx")
@@ -6575,16 +7043,16 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileGrep(islocal)
" use vimgrep for both local and remote
" call Decho("exe vimgrep".patbang." ".pat." ".netrwmarkfilelist)
- exe "keepj noautocmd vimgrep".patbang." ".pat." ".netrwmarkfilelist
+ exe "NetrwKeepj noautocmd vimgrep".patbang." ".pat." ".netrwmarkfilelist
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E480/
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"no match with pattern<".pat.">",76)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"no match with pattern<".pat.">",76)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileGrep : unable to find pattern<".pat.">")
echo "(use :cn, :cp to navigate, :Rex to return)"
2match none
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
if exists("nonisi")
" original, user-supplied pattern did not begin with a character from isident
@@ -6609,14 +7077,14 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileMove(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileMove")
" call Decho("sanity chk passed: s:netrwmarkfilelist_".curbufnr."<".string(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}))
if !exists("s:netrwmftgt")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileCopy 0")
return 0
@@ -6666,7 +7134,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileMove(islocal)
" call Decho("move from local to remote")
" call Decho("copy")
let mflist= s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr("%")}
- keepj call s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(a:islocal)
" call Decho("remove")
for fname in mflist
let barefname = substitute(fname,'^\(.*/\)\(.\{-}\)$','\2','')
@@ -6679,7 +7147,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileMove(islocal)
" call Decho("move from remote to local")
" call Decho("copy")
let mflist= s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr("%")}
- keepj call s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(a:islocal)
" call Decho("remove")
for fname in mflist
let barefname = substitute(fname,'^\(.*/\)\(.\{-}\)$','\2','')
@@ -6692,7 +7160,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileMove(islocal)
" call Decho("move from remote to remote")
" call Decho("copy")
let mflist= s:netrwmarkfilelist_{bufnr("%")}
- keepj call s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(a:islocal)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMarkFileCopy(a:islocal)
" call Decho("remove")
for fname in mflist
let barefname = substitute(fname,'^\(.*/\)\(.\{-}\)$','\2','')
@@ -6712,15 +7180,15 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileMove(islocal)
" refresh buffers
if !s:netrwmftgt_islocal
" call Decho("refresh netrwmftgt<".s:netrwmftgt.">")
- keepj call s:NetrwRefreshDir(s:netrwmftgt_islocal,s:netrwmftgt)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefreshDir(s:netrwmftgt_islocal,s:netrwmftgt)
if a:islocal
" call Decho("refresh b:netrw_curdir<".b:netrw_curdir.">")
- keepj call s:NetrwRefreshDir(a:islocal,b:netrw_curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefreshDir(a:islocal,b:netrw_curdir)
if g:netrw_fastbrowse <= 1
" call Decho("since g:netrw_fastbrowse=".g:netrw_fastbrowse.", perform shell cmd refresh")
- keepj call s:LocalBrowseRefresh()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:LocalBrowseRefresh()
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileMove")
@@ -6735,7 +7203,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFilePrint(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFilePrint")
@@ -6755,7 +7223,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFilePrint(islocal)
" the autocmds will handle both local and remote files
" call Decho("exe sil e ".escape(fname,' '))
- exe "sil e ".fnameescape(fname)
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj e ".fnameescape(fname)
" call Decho("hardcopy")
@@ -6788,7 +7256,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileRegexp(islocal)
" mark the list of files
for fname in filelist
" call Decho("fname<".fname.">")
- keepj call s:NetrwMarkFile(a:islocal,substitute(fname,'^.*/','',''))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMarkFile(a:islocal,substitute(fname,'^.*/','',''))
@@ -6797,38 +7265,38 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileRegexp(islocal)
" convert displayed listing into a filelist
let eikeep = &ei
let areg = @a
- sil keepj %y a
+ sil NetrwKeepj %y a
setl ei=all ma
" call Decho("setl ei=all ma")
- keepj call s:NetrwEnew()
- keepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
- sil keepj norm! "ap
- keepj 2
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwEnew()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
+ sil NetrwKeepj norm! "ap
+ NetrwKeepj 2
let bannercnt= search('^" =====','W')
- exe "sil keepj 1,".bannercnt."d"
+ exe "sil NetrwKeepj 1,".bannercnt."d"
setl bt=nofile
if g:netrw_liststyle == s:LONGLIST
- sil keepj %s/\s\{2,}\S.*$//e
+ sil NetrwKeepj %s/\s\{2,}\S.*$//e
call histdel("/",-1)
elseif g:netrw_liststyle == s:WIDELIST
- sil keepj %s/\s\{2,}/\r/ge
+ sil NetrwKeepj %s/\s\{2,}/\r/ge
call histdel("/",-1)
elseif g:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST
- exe 'sil keepj %s/^'.s:treedepthstring.' //e'
- sil! keepj g/^ .*$/d
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj %s/^'.s:treedepthstring.' //e'
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/^ .*$/d
call histdel("/",-1)
call histdel("/",-1)
" convert regexp into the more usual glob-style format
let regexp= substitute(regexp,'\*','.*','g')
" call Decho("regexp<".regexp.">")
- exe "sil! keepj v/".escape(regexp,'/')."/d"
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj v/".escape(regexp,'/')."/d"
call histdel("/",-1)
let filelist= getline(1,line("$"))
for filename in filelist
- keepj call s:NetrwMarkFile(a:islocal,substitute(filename,'^.*/','',''))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwMarkFile(a:islocal,substitute(filename,'^.*/','',''))
unlet filelist
let @a = areg
@@ -6848,7 +7316,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileSource(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileSource")
@@ -6885,7 +7353,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileTag(islocal)
" sanity check
if !exists("s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr}") || empty(s:netrwmarkfilelist_{curbufnr})
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"there are no marked files in this window (:help netrw-mf)",66)
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileTag")
@@ -6908,10 +7376,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileTag(islocal)
call netrw#Obtain(a:islocal,"tags")
let curdir= b:netrw_curdir
- e tags
+ NetrwKeepj e tags
let path= substitute(curdir,'^\(.*\)/[^/]*$','\1/','')
" call Decho("curdir<".curdir."> path<".path.">")
- exe 'keepj %s/\t\(\S\+\)\t/\t'.escape(path,"/\n\r\\").'\1\t/e'
+ exe 'NetrwKeepj %s/\t\(\S\+\)\t/\t'.escape(path,"/\n\r\\").'\1\t/e'
call histdel("/",-1)
@@ -6990,7 +7458,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMarkFileTgt(islocal)
call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
if !hadtgt
- sil! keepj norm! j
+ sil! NetrwKeepj norm! j
" call Dret("s:NetrwMarkFileTgt : netrwmftgt<".(exists("s:netrwmftgt")? s:netrwmftgt : "").">")
@@ -7011,7 +7479,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwOpenFile(islocal)
let g:netrw_quiet = 1
if b:netrw_curdir =~ '/$'
- exe "e ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir.fname)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir.fname)
exe "e ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir."/".fname)
@@ -7022,7 +7490,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwOpenFile(islocal)
- exe "e ".fnameescape(fname)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e ".fnameescape(fname)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("s:NetrwOpenFile")
@@ -7149,6 +7617,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwMenu(domenu)
exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.11.2 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Edit\ File/Dir.Preview\ File/Directory<tab>p p'
exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.11.3 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Edit\ File/Dir.In\ Previous\ Window<tab>P P'
exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.11.4 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Edit\ File/Dir.In\ New\ Window<tab>o o'
+ exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.11.5 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Edit\ File/Dir.In\ New\ Tab<tab>t t'
exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.11.5 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Edit\ File/Dir.In\ New\ Vertical\ Window<tab>v v'
exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.12.1 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Explore.Directory\ Name :Explore '
exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.12.2 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Explore.Filenames\ Matching\ Pattern\ (curdir\ only)<tab>:Explore\ */ :Explore */'
@@ -7249,7 +7718,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwPrevWinOpen(islocal)
let lastwinnr = winnr("$")
let curword = s:NetrwGetWord()
let choice = 0
- let s:treedir = s:NetrwTreeDir()
+ let s:treedir = s:NetrwTreeDir(a:islocal)
let curdir = s:treedir
" call Decho("winnr($)#".lastwinnr." curword<".curword.">")
@@ -7258,10 +7727,12 @@ fun! s:NetrwPrevWinOpen(islocal)
" if only one window, open a new one first
" call Decho("only one window, so open a new one (g:netrw_alto=".g:netrw_alto.")")
if g:netrw_preview
+ " vertically split preview window
let winsz= (g:netrw_winsize > 0)? (g:netrw_winsize*winheight(0))/100 : -g:netrw_winsize
" call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_alto? "top " : "bot ")."vert ".winsz."wincmd s")
exe (g:netrw_alto? "top " : "bot ")."vert ".winsz."wincmd s"
+ " horizontally split preview window
let winsz= (g:netrw_winsize > 0)? (g:netrw_winsize*winwidth(0))/100 : -g:netrw_winsize
" call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s")
exe (g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s"
@@ -7270,7 +7741,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwPrevWinOpen(islocal)
" call Decho("did split")
- keepj call s:SaveBufVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SaveBufVars()
let eikeep= &ei
setl ei=all
wincmd p
@@ -7284,7 +7755,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwPrevWinOpen(islocal)
let prevbufname = bufname("%")
let prevmod = &mod
let bnrcnt = 0
- keepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
" call Decho("after wincmd p: win#".winnr()." win($)#".winnr("$")." origwin#".origwin." &mod=".&mod." bufname(%)<".bufname("%")."> prevbufnr=".prevbufnr)
" if the previous window's buffer has been changed (ie. its modified flag is set),
@@ -7376,7 +7847,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwUpload(fname,tgt,...)
" call Decho("handle uploading a single file via NetWrite")
" call Decho("exe e ".fnameescape(a:fname))
- exe "e ".fnameescape(a:fname)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e ".fnameescape(a:fname)
" call Decho("now locally editing<".expand("%").">, has ".line("$")." lines")
if a:tgt =~ '/$'
let wfname= substitute(a:fname,'^.*/','','')
@@ -7404,8 +7875,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwUpload(fname,tgt,...)
let machine = substitute(a:tgt,'^scp://\([^/:]\+\).*$','\1','')
let tgt = substitute(a:tgt,'^scp://[^/]\+/\(.*\)$','\1','')
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.shellescape(useport,1)." ".args." ".shellescape(machine.":".tgt,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.shellescape(useport,1)." ".args." ".shellescape(machine.":".tgt,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."!".g:netrw_scp_cmd.shellescape(useport,1)." ".args." ".shellescape(machine.":".tgt,1))
call s:NetrwLcd(curdir)
elseif a:tgt =~ '^ftp:'
@@ -7414,41 +7884,39 @@ fun! s:NetrwUpload(fname,tgt,...)
if b:netrw_method == 2
" handle uploading a list of files via ftp+.netrc
let netrw_fname = b:netrw_fname
- sil keepj new
+ sil NetrwKeepj new
" call Decho("filter input window#".winnr())
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpmode
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'lcd "'.fromdir.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'lcd "'.fromdir.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if tgtdir == ""
let tgtdir= '/'
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'cd "'.tgtdir.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'cd "'.tgtdir.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
for fname in a:fname
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'put "'.fname.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'put "'.fname.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
-" call Decho("executing: ".s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
" call Decho("filter input window#".winnr())
-" call Decho("executing: ".s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
- sil keepj g/Local directory now/d
+ sil NetrwKeepj g/Local directory now/d
call histdel("/",-1)
if getline(1) !~ "^$" && !exists("g:netrw_quiet") && getline(1) !~ '^Trying '
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,getline(1),14)
@@ -7459,47 +7927,47 @@ fun! s:NetrwUpload(fname,tgt,...)
elseif b:netrw_method == 3
" upload with ftp + machine, id, passwd, and fname (ie. no .netrc)
let netrw_fname= b:netrw_fname
- keepj call s:SaveBufVars()|sil keepj new|keepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SaveBufVars()|sil NetrwKeepj new|NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreBufVars()
let tmpbufnr= bufnr("%")
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && g:netrw_uid != ""
if exists("g:netrw_ftp") && g:netrw_ftp == 1
- keepj put =g:netrw_uid
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_uid
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("s:netrw_passwd")
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'"'.s:netrw_passwd.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'"'.s:netrw_passwd.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
elseif exists("s:netrw_passwd")
- keepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'lcd "'.fromdir.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'lcd "'.fromdir.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("b:netrw_fname") && b:netrw_fname != ""
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'cd "'.b:netrw_fname.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'cd "'.b:netrw_fname.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
for fname in a:fname
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,'put "'.fname.'"')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,'put "'.fname.'"')
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('$'))
@@ -7507,11 +7975,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwUpload(fname,tgt,...)
" -i : turns off interactive prompting from ftp
" -n unix : DON'T use <.netrc>, even though it exists
" -n win32: quit being obnoxious about password
- keepj norm! 1Gdd
-" call Decho("executing: ".s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 1Gdd
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer."%!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
" If the result of the ftp operation isn't blank, show an error message (tnx to Doug Claar)
- sil keepj g/Local directory now/d
+ sil NetrwKeepj g/Local directory now/d
call histdel("/",-1)
if getline(1) !~ "^$" && !exists("g:netrw_quiet") && getline(1) !~ '^Trying '
let debugkeep= &debug
@@ -7539,8 +8006,8 @@ endfun
fun! s:NetrwPreview(path) range
" call Dfunc("NetrwPreview(path<".a:path.">)")
let ykeep= @@
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionSave("s:")
- keepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionSave("s:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
if has("quickfix")
if !isdirectory(a:path)
if g:netrw_preview && !g:netrw_alto
@@ -7553,12 +8020,12 @@ fun! s:NetrwPreview(path) range
let &pvh= pvhkeep
elseif !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"sorry, cannot preview a directory such as <".a:path.">",38)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"sorry, cannot preview a directory such as <".a:path.">",38)
elseif !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"sorry, to preview your vim needs the quickfix feature compiled in",39)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"sorry, to preview your vim needs the quickfix feature compiled in",39)
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("s:")
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("NetrwPreview")
@@ -7566,7 +8033,7 @@ endfun
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwRefresh: {{{2
fun! s:NetrwRefresh(islocal,dirname)
-" call Dfunc("NetrwRefresh(islocal<".a:islocal.">,dirname=".a:dirname.") hide=".g:netrw_hide." sortdir=".g:netrw_sort_direction)
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwRefresh(islocal<".a:islocal.">,dirname=".a:dirname.") hide=".g:netrw_hide." sortdir=".g:netrw_sort_direction)
" at the current time (Mar 19, 2007) all calls to NetrwRefresh() call NetrwBrowseChgDir() first.
setl ma noro
" call Decho("setl ma noro")
@@ -7577,15 +8044,15 @@ fun! s:NetrwRefresh(islocal,dirname)
let screenposn = netrw#SavePosn()
" call Decho("win#".winnr().": ".winheight(0)."x".winwidth(0)." curfile<".expand("%").">")
" call Decho("clearing buffer prior to refresh")
- sil! keepj %d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %d
if a:islocal
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
- keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(a:islocal,a:dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBrowse(a:islocal,a:dirname)
" restore position
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(screenposn)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(screenposn)
" restore file marks
if exists("s:netrwmarkfilemtch_{bufnr('%')}") && s:netrwmarkfilemtch_{bufnr("%")} != ""
@@ -7598,7 +8065,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRefresh(islocal,dirname)
" restore
let @@= ykeep
-" call Dret("NetrwRefresh")
+" call Dret("s:NetrwRefresh")
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -7618,7 +8085,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRefreshDir(islocal,dirname)
let curwin= winnr()
" call Decho("refresh tgtwin#".tgtwin." (curwin#".curwin.")")
exe tgtwin."wincmd w"
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
exe curwin."wincmd w"
elseif bufnr(a:dirname) > 0
@@ -7629,7 +8096,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRefreshDir(islocal,dirname)
elseif g:netrw_fastbrowse <= 1
" call Decho("medium-speed mode: refresh local buffers only")
- keepj call s:LocalBrowseRefresh()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:LocalBrowseRefresh()
" call Dret("s:NetrwRefreshDir")
@@ -7639,14 +8106,21 @@ endfun
" window number to do its editing in.
" Supports [count]C where the count, if present, is used to specify
" a window to use for editing via the <cr> mapping.
-fun! s:NetrwSetChgwin()
+fun! s:NetrwSetChgwin(...)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwSetChgwin() v:count=".v:count)
- if v:count > 0
+ if a:0 > 0
+" call Decho("a:1<".a:1.">")
+ if a:1 == "" " :NetrwC win#
+ let g:netrw_chgwin= winnr()
+ else " :NetrwC
+ let g:netrw_chgwin= a:1
+ endif
+ elseif v:count > 0 " [count]C
let g:netrw_chgwin= v:count
- else
+ else " C
let g:netrw_chgwin= winnr()
-" call Dret("s:NetrwSetChgwin")
+" call Dret("s:NetrwSetChgwin : g:netrw_chgwin=".g:netrw_chgwin)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -7696,18 +8170,18 @@ fun! s:NetrwSetSort()
if seq == '*'
let starpriority= spriority
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/'.seq.'/s/^/'.spriority.'/'
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/'.seq.'/s/^/'.spriority.'/'
call histdel("/",-1)
" sometimes multiple sorting patterns will match the same file or directory.
" The following substitute is intended to remove the excess matches.
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\d\{3}\//s/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\(\d\{3}\/\).\@=/\1/e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\d\{3}\//s/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\(\d\{3}\/\).\@=/\1/e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
let priority = priority + 1
if exists("starpriority")
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$v/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'/s/^/'.starpriority.'/e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$v/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'/s/^/'.starpriority.'/e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
" Following line associated with priority -- items that satisfy a priority
@@ -7716,8 +8190,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSetSort()
" priority pattern needs to be retained. So, at this point, these excess
" priority prefixes need to be removed, but not directories that happen to
" be just digits themselves.
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\)\%(\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\)\+\ze./\1/e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\)\%(\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'\)\+\ze./\1/e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("SetSort")
@@ -7758,13 +8232,13 @@ endfun
" s:NetrwSortStyle: change sorting style (name - time - size) and refresh display {{{2
fun! s:NetrwSortStyle(islocal)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwSortStyle(islocal=".a:islocal.") netrw_sort_by<".g:netrw_sort_by.">")
- keepj call s:NetrwSaveWordPosn()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwSaveWordPosn()
let svpos= netrw#SavePosn()
let g:netrw_sort_by= (g:netrw_sort_by =~ 'n')? 'time' : (g:netrw_sort_by =~ 't')? 'size' : 'name'
- keepj norm! 0
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(a:islocal,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(a:islocal,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
" call Dret("s:NetrwSortStyle : netrw_sort_by<".g:netrw_sort_by.">")
@@ -7790,8 +8264,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
" call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s")
exe (g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s"
let s:didsplit= 1
- keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
- keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
unlet s:didsplit
elseif a:mode == 1
@@ -7800,8 +8274,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
" call Decho("tabnew")
let s:didsplit= 1
- keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
- keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,newdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,newdir)
unlet s:didsplit
elseif a:mode == 2
@@ -7811,8 +8285,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
" call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").winsz."wincmd v")
exe (g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").winsz."wincmd v"
let s:didsplit= 1
- keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
- keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,s:NetrwGetWord()))
unlet s:didsplit
elseif a:mode == 3
@@ -7822,8 +8296,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
" call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s")
exe (g:netrw_alto? "bel " : "abo ").winsz."wincmd s"
let s:didsplit= 1
- keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
unlet s:didsplit
elseif a:mode == 4
@@ -7833,23 +8307,23 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
let netrw_winnr = winnr()
let netrw_line = line(".")
let netrw_col = virtcol(".")
- keepj norm! H0
+ NetrwKeepj norm! H0
let netrw_hline = line(".")
setl ei=all
- exe "keepj norm! ".netrw_hline."G0z\<CR>"
- exe "keepj norm! ".netrw_line."G0".netrw_col."\<bar>"
+ exe "NetrwKeepj norm! ".netrw_hline."G0z\<CR>"
+ exe "NetrwKeepj norm! ".netrw_line."G0".netrw_col."\<bar>"
let &ei= eikeep
- let netrw_curdir= s:NetrwTreeDir()
+ let netrw_curdir= s:NetrwTreeDir(0)
" call Decho("tabnew")
let b:netrw_curdir = netrw_curdir
let s:didsplit = 1
- keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,cursorword))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,cursorword))
if &ft == "netrw"
setl ei=all
- exe "keepj norm! ".netrw_hline."G0z\<CR>"
- exe "keepj norm! ".netrw_line."G0".netrw_col."\<bar>"
+ exe "NetrwKeepj norm! ".netrw_hline."G0z\<CR>"
+ exe "NetrwKeepj norm! ".netrw_line."G0".netrw_col."\<bar>"
let &ei= eikeep
unlet s:didsplit
@@ -7861,12 +8335,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwSplit(mode)
" call Decho("exe ".(g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").winsz."wincmd v")
exe (g:netrw_altv? "rightb " : "lefta ").winsz."wincmd v"
let s:didsplit= 1
- keepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:RestoreWinVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
+ "call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,s:NetrwGetWord()))
unlet s:didsplit
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"(NetrwSplit) unsupported mode=".a:mode,45)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"(NetrwSplit) unsupported mode=".a:mode,45)
let @@= ykeep
@@ -7926,8 +8401,8 @@ endfun
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwTreeDir: determine tree directory given current cursor position {{{2
" (full path directory with trailing slash returned)
-fun! s:NetrwTreeDir()
-" call Dfunc("s:NetrwTreeDir() getline(".line(".").")"."<".getline('.')."> b:netrw_curdir<".b:netrw_curdir."> tab#".tabpagenr()." win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%")."> ft=".&ft)
+fun! s:NetrwTreeDir(islocal)
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwTreeDir(islocal=".a:islocal.") getline(".line(".").")"."<".getline('.')."> b:netrw_curdir<".b:netrw_curdir."> tab#".tabpagenr()." win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%")."> ft=".&ft)
if exists("s:treedir")
" s:NetrwPrevWinOpen opens a "previous" window -- and thus needs to and does call s:NetrwTreeDir early
@@ -7948,7 +8423,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwTreeDir()
" call Decho("line#".line(".")." getline(.)<".getline('.')."> treecurpos<".string(s:treecurpos).">")
" extract tree directory if on a line specifying a subdirectory (ie. ends with "/")
- if getline('.') =~ '/$'
+ let curline= substitute(getline('.'),"\t -->.*$",'','')
+ if curline =~ '/$'
" call Decho("extract tree subdirectory from current line")
let treedir= substitute(getline('.'),'^\%('.s:treedepthstring.'\)*\([^'.s:treedepthstring.'].\{-}\)$','\1','e')
" call Decho("treedir<".treedir.">")
@@ -7958,24 +8434,38 @@ fun! s:NetrwTreeDir()
" detect user attempting to close treeroot
-" call Decho("win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">")
-" call Decho("getline(".line(".").")<".getline('.').'> '.((getline('.') =~ '^'.s:treedepthstring)? '=~' : '!~').' ^'.s:treedepthstring)
- if getline('.') !~ '^'.s:treedepthstring && getline('.') != '..'
-" call Decho("user may have attempted to close treeroot")
+" call Decho("check if user is attempting to close treeroot")
+" call Decho(".win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">")
+" call Decho(".getline(".line(".").")<".getline('.').'> '.((getline('.') =~ '^'.s:treedepthstring)? '=~' : '!~').' ^'.s:treedepthstring)
+ if curline !~ '^'.s:treedepthstring && getline('.') != '..'
+" call Decho(".user may have attempted to close treeroot")
" now force a refresh
-" call Decho("clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
- sil! keepj %d
+" call Decho(".force refresh: clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %d
" call Dret("s:NetrwTreeDir <".treedir."> : (side effect) s:treecurpos<".string(s:treecurpos).">")
return b:netrw_curdir
" else " Decho
-" call Decho("user did not attempt to close treeroot")
+" call Decho(".user did not attempt to close treeroot")
- let treedir = s:NetrwTreePath(w:netrw_treetop)
+" call Decho("islocal=".a:islocal." curline<".curline.">")
+" call Decho("after subst<".substitute(curline,'^'.s:treedepthstring.'\+ \(.*\)$','\1','').">")
+ let potentialdir= substitute(curline,'^'.s:treedepthstring.'* \(.*\)@$','\1','')
+" call Decho("potentialdir<".potentialdir."> isdir=".isdirectory(potentialdir))
+ if a:islocal && curline =~ '@$' && isdirectory(potentialdir)
+ let newdir = w:netrw_treetop.'/'.potentialdir
+ let treedir = s:NetrwTreePath(newdir)
+ let w:netrw_treetop = newdir
+" call Decho("newdir <".newdir.">")
+ else
+ let treedir = s:NetrwTreePath(w:netrw_treetop)
+ endif
" sanity maintenance: keep those //s away...
let treedir= substitute(treedir,'//$','/','')
+" call Decho("treedir<".treedir.">")
" call Dret("s:NetrwTreeDir <".treedir."> : (side effect) s:treecurpos<".string(s:treecurpos).">")
return treedir
@@ -8022,13 +8512,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwTreeDisplay(dir,depth)
" call Decho("dir<".dir."> entry<".entry."> direntry<".direntry.">")
if entry =~ '/$' && has_key(w:netrw_treedict,direntry)
" call Decho("<".direntry."> is a key in treedict - display subtree for it")
- keepj call s:NetrwTreeDisplay(direntry,depth)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwTreeDisplay(direntry,depth)
elseif entry =~ '/$' && has_key(w:netrw_treedict,direntry.'/')
" call Decho("<".direntry."/> is a key in treedict - display subtree for it")
- keepj call s:NetrwTreeDisplay(direntry.'/',depth)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwTreeDisplay(direntry.'/',depth)
" call Decho("<".entry."> is not a key in treedict (no subtree)")
- sil! keepj call setline(line("$")+1,depth.entry)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,depth.entry)
@@ -8062,10 +8552,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwTreeListing(dirname)
" update the directory listing for the current directory
" call Decho("updating dictionary with ".a:dirname.":[ listing..]")
" call Decho("w:netrw_bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt." line($)=".line("$"))
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g@^\.\.\=/$@d'
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g@^\.\.\=/$@d'
let w:netrw_treedict[a:dirname]= getline(w:netrw_bannercnt,line("$"))
" call Decho("w:treedict[".a:dirname."]= ".string(w:netrw_treedict[a:dirname]))
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$d"
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$d"
" if past banner, record word
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line(".") > w:netrw_bannercnt
@@ -8077,7 +8567,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwTreeListing(dirname)
" call Decho("g:netrw_banner=".g:netrw_banner.": banner ".(g:netrw_banner? "enabled" : "suppressed").": (line($)=".line("$")." byte2line(1)=".byte2line(1)." bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt.")")
" display from treetop on down
- keepj call s:NetrwTreeDisplay(w:netrw_treetop,"")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwTreeDisplay(w:netrw_treetop,"")
" call Decho("s:NetrwTreeDisplay) setl noma nomod ro")
" remove any blank line remaining as line#1 (happens in treelisting mode with banner suppressed)
@@ -8145,8 +8635,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwWideListing()
" call Decho("setl ma noro")
let b:netrw_cpf= 0
if line("$") >= w:netrw_bannercnt
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./if virtcol("$") > b:netrw_cpf|let b:netrw_cpf= virtcol("$")|endif'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./if virtcol("$") > b:netrw_cpf|let b:netrw_cpf= virtcol("$")|endif'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
" call Dret("NetrwWideListing")
@@ -8162,8 +8652,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwWideListing()
" call Decho("fpl= [winwidth=".winwidth(0)."]/[b:netrw_cpf=".b:netrw_cpf.']='.w:netrw_fpl)
" make wide display
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^.*$/\=escape(printf("%-'.b:netrw_cpf.'s",submatch(0)),"\\")/'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^.*$/\=escape(printf("%-'.b:netrw_cpf.'s",submatch(0)),"\\")/'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
let fpc = (line("$") - w:netrw_bannercnt + w:netrw_fpl)/w:netrw_fpl
let newcolstart = w:netrw_bannercnt + fpc
let newcolend = newcolstart + fpc - 1
@@ -8176,20 +8666,20 @@ fun! s:NetrwWideListing()
let newcolqty= newcolend - newcolstart
exe newcolstart
if newcolqty == 0
- exe "sil! keepj norm! 0\<c-v>$hx".w:netrw_bannercnt."G$p"
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj norm! 0\<c-v>$hx".w:netrw_bannercnt."G$p"
- exe "sil! keepj norm! 0\<c-v>".newcolqty.'j$hx'.w:netrw_bannercnt.'G$p'
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj norm! 0\<c-v>".newcolqty.'j$hx'.w:netrw_bannercnt.'G$p'
- exe "sil! keepj ".newcolstart.','.newcolend.'d'
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".newcolstart.','.newcolend.'d'
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
if has("clipboard")
sil! let @*= keepregstar
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/\s\+$//e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- exe "nmap <buffer> <silent> w /^\\\\|\\s\\s\\zs\\S/\<cr>"
- exe "nmap <buffer> <silent> b ?^\\\\|\\s\\s\\zs\\S?\<cr>"
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/\s\+$//e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'nno <buffer> <silent> w :call search(''^.\\|\s\s\zs\S'',''W'')'."\<cr>"
+ exe 'nno <buffer> <silent> b :call search(''^.\\|\s\s\zs\S'',''bW'')'."\<cr>"
" call Decho("NetrwWideListing) setl noma nomod ro")
exe "setl ".g:netrw_bufsettings
" call Decho("(NetrwWideListing) ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
@@ -8213,18 +8703,10 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (enter)")
" set up syntax highlighting {{{3
-" call Decho("set up syntax highlighting")
- if has("syntax")
- if !exists("g:syntax_on") || !g:syntax_on
-" call Decho("but g:syntax_on".(exists("g:syntax_on")? "=".g:syntax_on : "<doesn't exist>"))
- setl ft=
- elseif &ft != "netrw"
-" call Decho("setl ft=netrw")
- setl ft=netrw
- endif
- endif
+" call Decho("set up syntax highlighting (ie. setl ft=netrw)")
+ sil! setl ft=netrw
- keepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwSafeOptions()
setl noro ma
" call Decho("setl noro ma bh=".&bh)
@@ -8236,26 +8718,26 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
if exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST && exists("w:netrw_treedict")
" force a refresh for tree listings
" call Decho("force refresh for treelisting: clear buffer<".expand("%")."> with :%d")
- sil! keepj %d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %d
" save current directory on directory history list
- keepj call s:NetrwBookHistHandler(3,b:netrw_curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBookHistHandler(3,b:netrw_curdir)
" Set up the banner {{{3
if g:netrw_banner
" call Decho("set up banner")
- keepj call setline(1,'" ============================================================================')
- keepj call setline(2,'" Netrw Directory Listing (netrw '.g:loaded_netrw.')')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(1,'" ============================================================================')
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(2,'" Netrw Directory Listing (netrw '.g:loaded_netrw.')')
if exists("g:netrw_bannerbackslash") && g:netrw_bannerbackslash
- keepj call setline(3,'" '.substitute(b:netrw_curdir,'/','\\','g'))
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(3,'" '.substitute(b:netrw_curdir,'/','\\','g'))
- keepj call setline(3,'" '.b:netrw_curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(3,'" '.b:netrw_curdir)
let w:netrw_bannercnt= 3
- keepj exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ NetrwKeepj exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
- keepj 1
+ NetrwKeepj 1
let w:netrw_bannercnt= 1
" call Decho("w:netrw_bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt." win#".winnr())
@@ -8271,16 +8753,16 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
if g:netrw_sort_by =~ "^n"
" call Decho("directories will be sorted by name")
" sorted by name
- keepj put ='\" Sorted by '.sortby
- keepj put ='\" Sort sequence: '.g:netrw_sort_sequence
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\" Sorted by '.sortby
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\" Sort sequence: '.g:netrw_sort_sequence
let w:netrw_bannercnt= w:netrw_bannercnt + 2
" call Decho("directories will be sorted by size or time")
" sorted by size or date
- keepj put ='\" Sorted by '.sortby
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\" Sorted by '.sortby
let w:netrw_bannercnt= w:netrw_bannercnt + 1
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
" else " Decho
" call Decho("g:netrw_banner=".g:netrw_banner.": banner ".(g:netrw_banner? "enabled" : "suppressed").": (line($)=".line("$")." byte2line(1)=".byte2line(1)." bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt.")")
@@ -8289,17 +8771,17 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
if g:netrw_banner
if exists("s:netrwmftgt") && exists("s:netrwmftgt_islocal")
" call Decho("show copy/move target<".s:netrwmftgt.">")
- keepj put =''
+ NetrwKeepj put =''
if s:netrwmftgt_islocal
- sil! keepj call setline(line("."),'" Copy/Move Tgt: '.s:netrwmftgt.' (local)')
+ sil! NetrwKeepj call setline(line("."),'" Copy/Move Tgt: '.s:netrwmftgt.' (local)')
- sil! keepj call setline(line("."),'" Copy/Move Tgt: '.s:netrwmftgt.' (remote)')
+ sil! NetrwKeepj call setline(line("."),'" Copy/Move Tgt: '.s:netrwmftgt.' (remote)')
let w:netrw_bannercnt= w:netrw_bannercnt + 1
" call Decho("s:netrwmftgt does not exist, don't make Copy/Move Tgt")
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
" Hiding... -or- Showing... {{{3
@@ -8307,20 +8789,20 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
" call Decho("handle hiding/showing (g:netrw_hide=".g:netrw_list_hide." g:netrw_list_hide<".g:netrw_list_hide.">)")
if g:netrw_list_hide != "" && g:netrw_hide
if g:netrw_hide == 1
- keepj put ='\" Hiding: '.g:netrw_list_hide
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\" Hiding: '.g:netrw_list_hide
- keepj put ='\" Showing: '.g:netrw_list_hide
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\" Showing: '.g:netrw_list_hide
let w:netrw_bannercnt= w:netrw_bannercnt + 1
- exe "keepjumps ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
" call Decho("ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
let quickhelp = g:netrw_quickhelp%len(s:QuickHelp)
" call Decho("quickhelp =".quickhelp)
- keepj put ='\" Quick Help: <F1>:help '.s:QuickHelp[quickhelp]
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\" Quick Help: <F1>:help '.s:QuickHelp[quickhelp]
" call Decho("ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
- keepj put ='\" =============================================================================='
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\" =============================================================================='
let w:netrw_bannercnt= w:netrw_bannercnt + 2
" else " Decho
" call Decho("g:netrw_banner=".g:netrw_banner.": banner ".(g:netrw_banner? "enabled" : "suppressed").": (line($)=".line("$")." byte2line(1)=".byte2line(1)." bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt.")")
@@ -8329,7 +8811,7 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
" bannercnt should index the line just after the banner
if g:netrw_banner
let w:netrw_bannercnt= w:netrw_bannercnt + 1
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
" call Decho("w:netrw_bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt." (should index line just after banner) line($)=".line("$"))
" else " Decho
" call Decho("g:netrw_banner=".g:netrw_banner.": banner ".(g:netrw_banner? "enabled" : "suppressed").": (line($)=".line("$")." byte2line(1)=".byte2line(1)." bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt.")")
@@ -8338,9 +8820,9 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
" get list of files
" call Decho("Get list of files - islocal=".a:islocal)
if a:islocal
- keepj call s:LocalListing()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:LocalListing()
else " remote
- keepj let badresult= s:NetrwRemoteListing()
+ NetrwKeepj let badresult= s:NetrwRemoteListing()
if badresult
" call Decho("w:netrw_bannercnt=".(exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")? w:netrw_bannercnt : 'n/a')." win#".winnr()." buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">")
" call Dret("s:PerformListing : error detected by NetrwRemoteListing")
@@ -8359,49 +8841,49 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
" call Decho("manipulate directory listing (hide)")
" call Decho("g:netrw_hide=".g:netrw_hide." g:netrw_list_hide<".g:netrw_list_hide.">")
if g:netrw_hide && g:netrw_list_hide != ""
- keepj call s:NetrwListHide()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwListHide()
if !g:netrw_banner || line("$") >= w:netrw_bannercnt
" call Decho("manipulate directory listing (sort) : g:netrw_sort_by<".g:netrw_sort_by.">")
if g:netrw_sort_by =~ "^n"
" sort by name
- keepj call s:NetrwSetSort()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwSetSort()
if !g:netrw_banner || w:netrw_bannercnt < line("$")
" call Decho("g:netrw_sort_direction=".g:netrw_sort_direction." (bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt.")")
if g:netrw_sort_direction =~ 'n'
" normal direction sorting
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
" reverse direction sorting
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort!'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort!'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
" remove priority pattern prefix
" call Decho("remove priority pattern prefix")
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'//e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\d\{3}'.g:netrw_sepchr.'//e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
elseif a:islocal
if !g:netrw_banner || w:netrw_bannercnt < line("$")
" call Decho("g:netrw_sort_direction=".g:netrw_sort_direction)
if g:netrw_sort_direction =~ 'n'
-" call Decho('exe sil keepjumps '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort')
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
+" call Decho('exe sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort')
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
-" call Decho('exe sil keepjumps '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort!')
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort!'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
+" call Decho('exe sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort!')
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$sort!'.' '.g:netrw_sort_options
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\d\{-}\///e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\d\{-}\///e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
elseif g:netrw_sort_direction =~ 'r'
" call Decho('(s:PerformListing) reverse the sorted listing')
if !g:netrw_banner || w:netrw_bannercnt < line('$')
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^/m '.w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^/m '.w:netrw_bannercnt
call histdel("/",-1)
@@ -8411,16 +8893,21 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
" convert to wide/tree listing {{{3
" call Decho("modify display if wide/tree listing style")
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (internal#1)")
- keepj call s:NetrwWideListing()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwWideListing()
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (internal#2)")
- keepj call s:NetrwTreeListing(b:netrw_curdir)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwTreeListing(b:netrw_curdir)
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (internal#3)")
+ " resolve symbolic links if local and (thin or tree)
+ if a:islocal && (w:netrw_liststyle == s:THINLIST || w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST)
+ g/@$/call s:ShowLink()
+ endif
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && (line("$") > w:netrw_bannercnt || !g:netrw_banner)
" place cursor on the top-left corner of the file listing
" call Decho("place cursor on top-left corner of file listing")
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
- sil! keepj norm! 0
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
+ sil! NetrwKeepj norm! 0
" record previous current directory
@@ -8429,9 +8916,9 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
" save certain window-oriented variables into buffer-oriented variables {{{3
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (internal#4)")
- keepj call s:SetBufWinVars()
+ NetrwKeepj call s:SetBufWinVars()
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (internal#5)")
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (internal#6)")
" set display to netrw display settings
@@ -8445,7 +8932,7 @@ fun! s:PerformListing(islocal)
if exists("s:treecurpos")
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo. " (internal#8)")
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:treecurpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:treecurpos)
unlet s:treecurpos
@@ -8526,27 +9013,27 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(path,listcmd)
" clear off any older non-banner lines " {{{3
" note that w:netrw_bannercnt indexes the line after the banner
-" call Decho('exe sil! keepjumps '.w:netrw_bannercnt.",$d (clear off old non-banner lines)")
- exe "sil! keepjumps ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$d"
+" call Decho('exe sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.",$d (clear off old non-banner lines)")
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$d"
if w:netrw_method == 2 || w:netrw_method == 5 " {{{3
" ftp + <.netrc>: Method #2
if a:path != ""
- keepj put ='cd \"'.a:path.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='cd \"'.a:path.'\"'
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,a:listcmd)
-" exe "keepjumps ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./call Decho("ftp#".line(".").": ".getline("."))'
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,a:listcmd)
+" exe "NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./call Decho("ftp#".line(".").": ".getline("."))'
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer.w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer." keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1)
+ exe s:netrw_silentxfer." NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)." ".shellescape(g:netrw_port,1)
" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer.w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1))
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer." keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)
+ exe s:netrw_silentxfer." NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." -i ".shellescape(g:netrw_machine,1)
@@ -8554,9 +9041,9 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(path,listcmd)
" ftp + machine,id,passwd,filename: Method #3
setl ff=unix
if exists("g:netrw_port") && g:netrw_port != ""
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine.' '.g:netrw_port
- keepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
+ NetrwKeepj put ='open '.g:netrw_machine
" handle userid and password
@@ -8567,23 +9054,23 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(path,listcmd)
if exists("g:netrw_uid") && g:netrw_uid != ""
if exists("g:netrw_ftp") && g:netrw_ftp == 1
- keepj put =g:netrw_uid
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_uid
if exists("s:netrw_passwd") && s:netrw_passwd != ""
- keepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='\"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
elseif exists("s:netrw_passwd")
- keepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='user \"'.g:netrw_uid.'\" \"'.s:netrw_passwd.'\"'
if a:path != ""
- keepj put ='cd \"'.a:path.'\"'
+ NetrwKeepj put ='cd \"'.a:path.'\"'
if exists("g:netrw_ftpextracmd")
- keepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
+ NetrwKeepj put =g:netrw_ftpextracmd
" call Decho("filter input: ".getline('.'))
- keepj call setline(line("$")+1,a:listcmd)
+ NetrwKeepj call setline(line("$")+1,a:listcmd)
" perform ftp:
" -i : turns off interactive prompting from ftp
@@ -8591,11 +9078,10 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(path,listcmd)
" -n win32: quit being obnoxious about password
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")
" exe w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./call Decho("ftp#".line(".").": ".getline("."))'
-" call Decho("exe ".s:netrw_silentxfer.w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
- exe s:netrw_silentxfer.w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options
+ call s:NetrwExe(s:netrw_silentxfer.w:netrw_bannercnt.",$!".s:netrw_ftp_cmd." ".g:netrw_ftp_options)
" else " Decho
" call Decho("WARNING: w:netrw_bannercnt doesn't exist!")
-" g/^./call Decho("SKIPPING ftp#".line(".").": ".getline(".")) " COMBAK
+" g/^./call Decho("SKIPPING ftp#".line(".").": ".getline("."))
@@ -8611,34 +9097,34 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(path,listcmd)
else " {{{3
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"unable to comply with your request<" . bufname("%") . ">",23)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"unable to comply with your request<" . bufname("%") . ">",23)
" cleanup for Windows " {{{3
if has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")
- sil! keepj %s/\r$//e
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %s/\r$//e
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
if a:listcmd == "dir"
" infer directory/link based on the file permission string
- sil! keepj g/d\%([-r][-w][-x]\)\{3}/keepj s@$@/@e
- sil! keepj g/l\%([-r][-w][-x]\)\{3}/keepj s/$/@/e
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/d\%([-r][-w][-x]\)\{3}/NetrwKeepj s@$@/@e
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/l\%([-r][-w][-x]\)\{3}/NetrwKeepj s/$/@/e
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
if w:netrw_liststyle == s:THINLIST || w:netrw_liststyle == s:WIDELIST || w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\%(\S\+\s\+\)\{8}//e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\%(\S\+\s\+\)\{8}//e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
" ftp's listing doesn't seem to include ./ or ../ " {{{3
if !search('^\.\/$\|\s\.\/$','wn')
- exe 'keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
- keepj put ='./'
+ exe 'NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
+ NetrwKeepj put ='./'
if !search('^\.\.\/$\|\s\.\.\/$','wn')
- exe 'keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
- keepj put ='../'
+ exe 'NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
+ NetrwKeepj put ='../'
" restore settings " {{{3
@@ -8677,13 +9163,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteListing()
" call Decho("g:netrw_list_cmd<",(exists("g:netrw_list_cmd")? 'n/a' : "-empty-").">")
if !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
if g:netrw_list_cmd == ""
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"your g:netrw_list_cmd is empty; perhaps ".g:netrw_ssh_cmd." is not executable on your system",47)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"your g:netrw_list_cmd is empty; perhaps ".g:netrw_ssh_cmd." is not executable on your system",47)
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"this system doesn't support remote directory listing via ".g:netrw_list_cmd,19)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"this system doesn't support remote directory listing via ".g:netrw_list_cmd,19)
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
" call Dret("s:NetrwRemoteListing -1")
return -1
endif " (remote handling sanity check)
@@ -8706,7 +9192,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteListing()
" call Decho("listcmd<".listcmd."> (using g:netrw_ftp_list_cmd)")
call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(s:path,listcmd)
-" exe "sil! keepalt keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./call Decho("raw listing: ".getline("."))'
+" exe "sil! keepalt NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./call Decho("raw listing: ".getline("."))'
" report on missing file or directory messages
if search('[Nn]o such file or directory\|Failed to change directory')
@@ -8716,7 +9202,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteListing()
exe w:netrw_bannercnt.",$d"
setl noma
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,mesg,96)
" call Dret("s:NetrwRemoteListing : -1")
return -1
@@ -8725,41 +9211,41 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteListing()
if w:netrw_liststyle == s:THINLIST || w:netrw_liststyle == s:WIDELIST || w:netrw_liststyle == s:TREELIST
" shorten the listing
" call Decho("generate short listing")
- exe "sil! keepalt keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "sil! keepalt NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
" cleanup
if g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject != ""
- exe "sil! keepalt keepj g/".g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject."/keepj d"
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe "sil! keepalt NetrwKeepj g/".g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject."/NetrwKeepj d"
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
- sil! keepj %s/\r$//e
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %s/\r$//e
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
" if there's no ../ listed, then put ../ in
let line1= line(".")
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
let line2= search('\.\.\/\%(\s\|$\)','cnW')
" call Decho("search(".'\.\.\/\%(\s\|$\)'."','cnW')=".line2." w:netrw_bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt)
if line2 == 0
" call Decho("netrw is putting ../ into listing")
- sil! keepj put='../'
+ sil! NetrwKeepj put='../'
- exe "sil! keepj ".line1
- sil! keepj norm! 0
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".line1
+ sil! NetrwKeepj norm! 0
" call Decho("line1=".line1." line2=".line2." line(.)=".line("."))
if search('^\d\{2}-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\s','n') " M$ ftp site cleanup
" call Decho("M$ ftp cleanup")
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\d\{2}-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\s\+\d\+:\d\+[AaPp][Mm]\s\+\%(<DIR>\|\d\+\)\s\+//'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\d\{2}-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\s\+\d\+:\d\+[AaPp][Mm]\s\+\%(<DIR>\|\d\+\)\s\+//'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
else " normal ftp cleanup
" call Decho("normal ftp cleanup")
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\%(\S\+\s\+\)\{7}\S\+\)\s\+\(\S.*\)$/\2/e'
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/ -> /s# -> .*/$#/#e'
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/ -> /s# -> .*$#/#e'
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\%(\S\+\s\+\)\{7}\S\+\)\s\+\(\S.*\)$/\2/e'
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/ -> /s# -> .*/$#/#e'
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/ -> /s# -> .*$#/#e'
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
@@ -8769,35 +9255,35 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteListing()
let listcmd= s:MakeSshCmd(g:netrw_list_cmd)
" call Decho("listcmd<".listcmd."> (using g:netrw_list_cmd)")
if g:netrw_scp_cmd =~ '^pscp'
-" call Decho("1: exe sil r! ".shellescape(listcmd.s:path, 1))
- exe "sil! keepj r! ".listcmd.shellescape(s:path, 1)
+" call Decho("1: exe r! ".shellescape(listcmd.s:path, 1))
+ exe "NetrwKeepj r! ".listcmd.shellescape(s:path, 1)
" remove rubbish and adjust listing format of 'pscp' to 'ssh ls -FLa' like
- sil! keepj g/^Listing directory/keepj d
- sil! keepj g/^d[-rwx][-rwx][-rwx]/keepj s+$+/+e
- sil! keepj g/^l[-rwx][-rwx][-rwx]/keepj s+$+@+e
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/^Listing directory/NetrwKeepj d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/^d[-rwx][-rwx][-rwx]/NetrwKeepj s+$+/+e
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/^l[-rwx][-rwx][-rwx]/NetrwKeepj s+$+@+e
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
if g:netrw_liststyle != s:LONGLIST
- sil! keepj g/^[dlsp-][-rwx][-rwx][-rwx]/keepj s/^.*\s\(\S\+\)$/\1/e
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/^[dlsp-][-rwx][-rwx][-rwx]/NetrwKeepj s/^.*\s\(\S\+\)$/\1/e
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
if s:path == ""
-" call Decho("2: exe sil r! ".listcmd)
- exe "sil! keepj keepalt r! ".listcmd
+" call Decho("2: exe r! ".listcmd)
+ exe "NetrwKeepj keepalt r! ".listcmd
-" call Decho("3: exe sil r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(fnameescape(s:path),1))
- exe "sil! keepj keepalt r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(fnameescape(s:path),1)
+" call Decho("3: exe r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(fnameescape(s:path),1))
+ exe "NetrwKeepj keepalt r! ".listcmd.' '.shellescape(fnameescape(s:path),1)
" call Decho("listcmd<".listcmd."> path<".s:path.">")
" cleanup
if g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject != ""
-" call Decho("cleanup: exe sil! g/".g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject."/keepjumps d")
- exe "sil! g/".g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject."/keepj d"
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+" call Decho("cleanup: exe sil! g/".g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject."/NetrwKeepj d")
+ exe "sil! g/".g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject."/NetrwKeepj d"
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
@@ -8807,40 +9293,40 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteListing()
if s:method == "ftp"
" cleanup
- exe "sil! keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
while getline('.') =~ g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject
- sil! keepj d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj d
" if there's no ../ listed, then put ../ in
let line1= line(".")
- sil! keepj 1
- sil! keepj call search('^\.\.\/\%(\s\|$\)','W')
+ sil! NetrwKeepj 1
+ sil! NetrwKeepj call search('^\.\.\/\%(\s\|$\)','W')
let line2= line(".")
if line2 == 0
if b:netrw_curdir != '/'
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt."put='../'"
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt."put='../'"
- exe "sil! keepj ".line1
- sil! keepj norm! 0
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".line1
+ sil! NetrwKeepj norm! 0
if search('^\d\{2}-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\s','n') " M$ ftp site cleanup
" call Decho("M$ ftp site listing cleanup")
- exe 'sil! keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\d\{2}-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\s\+\d\+:\d\+[AaPp][Mm]\s\+\%(<DIR>\|\d\+\)\s\+\)\(\w.*\)$/\2\t\1/'
+ exe 'sil! NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\d\{2}-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\s\+\d\+:\d\+[AaPp][Mm]\s\+\%(<DIR>\|\d\+\)\s\+\)\(\w.*\)$/\2\t\1/'
elseif exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && w:netrw_bannercnt <= line("$")
" call Decho("normal ftp site listing cleanup: bannercnt=".w:netrw_bannercnt." line($)=".line("$"))
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/ -> .*$//e'
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\%(\S\+\s\+\)\{7}\S\+\)\s\+\(\S.*\)$/\2\t\1/e'
- exe 'sil keepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
- keepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/ -> .*$//e'
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt.',$s/^\(\%(\S\+\s\+\)\{7}\S\+\)\s\+\(\S.*\)$/\2\t\1/e'
+ exe 'sil NetrwKeepj '.w:netrw_bannercnt
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
+ NetrwKeepj call histdel("/",-1)
" if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && w:netrw_bannercnt <= line("$") " Decho
-" exe "keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./call Decho("listing: ".getline("."))'
+" exe "NetrwKeepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt.',$g/^./call Decho("listing: ".getline("."))'
" endif " Decho
" call Dret("s:NetrwRemoteListing 0")
@@ -8877,7 +9363,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRm(usrhost,path) range
" remove multiple files and directories
while ctr <= a:lastline
- exe "keepj ".ctr
+ exe "NetrwKeepj ".ctr
let ok= s:NetrwRemoteRmFile(a:path,s:NetrwGetWord(),all)
if ok =~ 'q\%[uit]'
@@ -8890,8 +9376,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRm(usrhost,path) range
" refresh the (remote) directory listing
" call Decho("refresh remote directory listing")
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
" call Dret("s:NetrwRemoteRm")
@@ -8931,14 +9417,14 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRmFile(path,rmfile,all)
if path =~ '^\a\+://'
let path= substitute(path,'^\a\+://[^/]\+/','','')
- sil! keepj .,$d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj .,$d
call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(path,"delete ".'"'.a:rmfile.'"')
" call Decho("case ssh: g:netrw_rm_cmd<".g:netrw_rm_cmd.">")
let netrw_rm_cmd= s:MakeSshCmd(g:netrw_rm_cmd)
" call Decho("netrw_rm_cmd<".netrw_rm_cmd.">")
if !exists("b:netrw_curdir")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"for some reason b:netrw_curdir doesn't exist!",53)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"for some reason b:netrw_curdir doesn't exist!",53)
let ok="q"
let remotedir= substitute(b:netrw_curdir,'^.*//[^/]\+/\(.*\)$','\1','')
@@ -8953,7 +9439,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRmFile(path,rmfile,all)
" call Decho("call system(".netrw_rm_cmd.")")
let ret= system(netrw_rm_cmd)
if ret != 0
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"cmd<".netrw_rm_cmd."> failed",60)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"cmd<".netrw_rm_cmd."> failed",60)
" call Decho("returned=".ret." errcode=".v:shell_error)
@@ -8980,7 +9466,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRmFile(path,rmfile,all)
if all || ok =~ 'y\%[es]' || ok == ""
if exists("w:netrw_method") && (w:netrw_method == 2 || w:netrw_method == 3)
- keepj call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(a:path,"rmdir ".a:rmfile)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(a:path,"rmdir ".a:rmfile)
let rmfile = substitute(a:path.a:rmfile,'/$','','')
let netrw_rmdir_cmd = s:MakeSshCmd(netrw#WinPath(g:netrw_rmdir_cmd)).' '.shellescape(netrw#WinPath(rmfile))
@@ -8996,7 +9482,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRmFile(path,rmfile,all)
" call Decho("returned=".ret." errcode=".v:shell_error)
if v:shell_error != 0 && !exists("g:netrw_quiet")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"unable to remove directory<".rmfile."> -- is it empty?",22)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"unable to remove directory<".rmfile."> -- is it empty?",22)
@@ -9040,7 +9526,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRename(usrhost,path) range
if exists("w:netrw_method") && (w:netrw_method == 2 || w:netrw_method == 3)
- keepj call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(a:path,"rename ".oldname." ".newname)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRemoteFtpCmd(a:path,"rename ".oldname." ".newname)
let oldname= shellescape(a:path.oldname)
let newname= shellescape(a:path.newname)
@@ -9055,7 +9541,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRename(usrhost,path) range
" attempt to rename files/directories
while ctr <= a:lastline
- exe "keepj ".ctr
+ exe "NetrwKeepj ".ctr
let oldname= s:NetrwGetWord()
" call Decho("oldname<".oldname.">")
@@ -9078,8 +9564,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwRemoteRename(usrhost,path) range
" refresh the directory
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(0,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(0,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
" call Dret("NetrwRemoteRename")
@@ -9127,10 +9613,10 @@ fun! netrw#FileUrlRead(fname)
" call Decho("fname2396<".fname2396.">")
" call Decho("plainfname<".plainfname.">")
exe "sil doau BufReadPre ".fname2396e
- exe 'keepj r '.plainfname
+ exe 'NetrwKeepj r '.plainfname
exe 'sil! bdelete '.plainfname
exe 'keepalt file! '.plainfname
- keepj 1d
+ NetrwKeepj 1d
" call Decho("setl nomod")
setl nomod
" call Decho("ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
@@ -9152,26 +9638,28 @@ fun! netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(dirname)
" call Decho("isdir<".a:dirname.">=".isdirectory(a:dirname).((exists("s:treeforceredraw")? " treeforceredraw" : "")))
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
" call Dredir("ls!","ls!")
+ norm! m`
let ykeep= @@
if isdirectory(a:dirname)
" call Decho("is-directory ft<".&ft."> b:netrw_curdir<".(exists("b:netrw_curdir")? b:netrw_curdir : " doesn't exist")."> dirname<".a:dirname.">"." line($)=".line("$")." ft<".&ft."> g:netrw_fastbrowse=".g:netrw_fastbrowse)
let svposn= netrw#SavePosn()
if &ft != "netrw" || (exists("b:netrw_curdir") && b:netrw_curdir != a:dirname) || g:netrw_fastbrowse <= 1
" call Decho("case 1 : ft=".&ft)
- sil! keepj keepalt call s:NetrwBrowse(1,a:dirname)
- keepalt call netrw#RestorePosn(svposn)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt call s:NetrwBrowse(1,a:dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj keepalt call netrw#RestorePosn(svposn)
elseif &ft == "netrw" && line("$") == 1
" call Decho("case 2 (ft≡netrw && line($)≡1)")
- sil! keepj keepalt call s:NetrwBrowse(1,a:dirname)
- keepalt call netrw#RestorePosn(svposn)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt call s:NetrwBrowse(1,a:dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj keepalt call netrw#RestorePosn(svposn)
elseif exists("s:treeforceredraw")
" call Decho("case 3 (treeforceredraw)")
unlet s:treeforceredraw
- sil! keepj keepalt call s:NetrwBrowse(1,a:dirname)
- keepalt call netrw#RestorePosn(svposn)
+ sil! NetrwKeepj keepalt call s:NetrwBrowse(1,a:dirname)
+ NetrwKeepj keepalt call netrw#RestorePosn(svposn)
" call Dret("netrw#LocalBrowseCheck")
@@ -9257,7 +9745,7 @@ fun! s:LocalBrowseRefresh()
let g:netrw_quickhelp= g:netrw_quickhelp - 1
" call Decho("#3: quickhelp=".g:netrw_quickhelp)
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(1,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(1,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,'./'))
let ibl= ibl + 1
@@ -9353,7 +9841,7 @@ fun! s:LocalListing()
let dirnamelen = strlen(b:netrw_curdir)
let filelist = glob(s:ComposePath(dirname,"*"),0,1)
let filelist = filelist + glob(s:ComposePath(dirname,".*"),0,1)
-" call Decho("filelist=".filelist)
+" call Decho("filelist=".string(filelist))
if g:netrw_cygwin == 0 && (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16"))
" call Decho("filelist=".string(filelist))
@@ -9446,29 +9934,29 @@ fun! s:LocalListing()
" call Decho("getftime(".filename.")=".getftime(filename))
let t = getftime(filename)
let ft = strpart("000000000000000000",1,18-strlen(t)).t
-" call Decho("exe keepjumps put ='".ft.'/'.filename."'")
+" call Decho("exe NetrwKeepj put ='".ft.'/'.filename."'")
let ftpfile= ft.'/'.pfile
- sil! keepj put=ftpfile
+ sil! NetrwKeepj put=ftpfile
elseif g:netrw_sort_by =~ "^s"
" sort by size (handles file sizes up to 1 quintillion bytes, US)
" call Decho("getfsize(".filename.")=".getfsize(filename))
let sz = getfsize(filename)
let fsz = strpart("000000000000000000",1,18-strlen(sz)).sz
-" call Decho("exe keepj put ='".fsz.'/'.filename."'")
+" call Decho("exe NetrwKeepj put ='".fsz.'/'.filename."'")
let fszpfile= fsz.'/'.pfile
- sil! keepj put =fszpfile
+ sil! NetrwKeepj put =fszpfile
" sort by name
-" call Decho("exe keepjumps put ='".pfile."'")
- sil! keepj put=pfile
+" call Decho("exe NetrwKeepj put ='".pfile."'")
+ sil! NetrwKeepj put=pfile
" cleanup any windows mess at end-of-line
- sil! keepj g/^$/d
- sil! keepj %s/\r$//e
+ sil! NetrwKeepj g/^$/d
+ sil! NetrwKeepj %s/\r$//e
call histdel("/",-1)
" call Decho("exe setl ts=".(g:netrw_maxfilenamelen+1))
exe "setl ts=".(g:netrw_maxfilenamelen+1)
@@ -9505,7 +9993,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwLocalExecute(cmd)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" s:NetrwLocalRename: rename a remote file or directory {{{2
+" s:NetrwLocalRename: rename a local file or directory {{{2
fun! s:NetrwLocalRename(path) range
" call Dfunc("NetrwLocalRename(path<".a:path.">)")
@@ -9540,7 +10028,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwLocalRename(path) range
" attempt to rename files/directories
while ctr <= a:lastline
- exe "keepj ".ctr
+ exe "NetrwKeepj ".ctr
" sanity checks
if line(".") < w:netrw_bannercnt
@@ -9553,7 +10041,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwLocalRename(path) range
- keepj norm! 0
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
let oldname= s:ComposePath(a:path,curword)
" call Decho("oldname<".oldname.">")
@@ -9570,8 +10058,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwLocalRename(path) range
" refresh the directory
" call Decho("refresh the directory listing")
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(1,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(1,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
let @@= ykeep
" call Dret("NetrwLocalRename")
@@ -9608,7 +10096,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwLocalRm(path) range
let ctr = a:firstline
while ctr <= a:lastline
- exe "keepj ".ctr
+ exe "NetrwKeepj ".ctr
" sanity checks
if line(".") < w:netrw_bannercnt
@@ -9633,8 +10121,8 @@ fun! s:NetrwLocalRm(path) range
" refresh the directory
" call Decho("bufname<".bufname("%").">")
if bufname("%") != "NetrwMessage"
- keepj call s:NetrwRefresh(1,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,'./'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwRefresh(1,s:NetrwBrowseChgDir(1,'./'))
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#RestorePosn(svpos)
let @@= ykeep
@@ -9649,7 +10137,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwLocalRmFile(path,fname,all)
let all= a:all
let ok = ""
- keepj norm! 0
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
let rmfile= s:ComposePath(a:path,a:fname)
" call Decho("rmfile<".rmfile.">")
@@ -9745,7 +10233,7 @@ fun! netrw#Access(ilist)
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" netrw#RestorePosn: restores the cursor and file position as saved by NetrwSavePosn() {{{2
+" netrw#RestorePosn: restores the cursor and file position as saved by netrw#SavePosn() {{{2
fun! netrw#RestorePosn(...)
" call Dfunc("netrw#RestorePosn() a:0=".a:0." winnr=".(exists("w:netrw_winnr")? w:netrw_winnr : -1)." line=".(exists("w:netrw_line")? w:netrw_line : -1)." col=".(exists("w:netrw_col")? w:netrw_col : -1)." hline=".(exists("w:netrw_hline")? w:netrw_hline : -1))
let eikeep= &ei
@@ -9759,60 +10247,60 @@ fun! netrw#RestorePosn(...)
if a:0 > 0
exe "keepj ".a:1
-" call Decho("a:1 = ".((a:0 > 0)? a:1 : 'n/a'))
-" call Decho("liststyle = ".(exists("liststyle")? liststyle : 'n/a'). " w:netrw_liststyle=".(exists("w:netrw_liststyle")? w:netrw_liststyle : 'n/a'))
+" "call Decho("a:1 = ".((a:0 > 0)? a:1 : 'n/a'))
+" "call Decho("liststyle = ".(exists("liststyle")? liststyle : 'n/a'). " w:netrw_liststyle=".(exists("w:netrw_liststyle")? w:netrw_liststyle : 'n/a'))
if exists("liststyle") && exists("w:netrw_liststyle") && liststyle != w:netrw_liststyle
let usesrch= 1
let usesrch= 0
-" call Decho("winh = ".(exists("w:netrw_winh")? w:netrw_winh : -1))
-" call Decho("winw = ".(exists("w:netrw_winw")? w:netrw_winw : -1))
-" call Decho("cur winheight=".winheight(0)." winwidth=".winwidth(0))
-" call Decho("w:netrw_winfile = ".(exists("w:netrw_winfile")? w:netrw_winfile : 'n/a'))
+" "call Decho("winh = ".(exists("w:netrw_winh")? w:netrw_winh : -1))
+" "call Decho("winw = ".(exists("w:netrw_winw")? w:netrw_winw : -1))
+" "call Decho("cur winheight=".winheight(0)." winwidth=".winwidth(0))
+" "call Decho("w:netrw_winfile = ".(exists("w:netrw_winfile")? w:netrw_winfile : 'n/a'))
" restore window
if exists("w:netrw_winnr")
-" call Decho("restore window: exe sil! ".w:netrw_winnr."wincmd w")
+" "call Decho("restore window: exe sil! ".w:netrw_winnr."wincmd w")
exe "sil! ".w:netrw_winnr."wincmd w"
- if v:shell_error == 0
+" if v:shell_error == 0
" as suggested by Bram M: redraw on no error
" allows protocol error messages to remain visible
" redraw!
- endif
+" endif
" restore top-of-screen line
if exists("w:netrw_hline")
-" call Decho("restore topofscreen: exe keepj norm! ".w:netrw_hline."G0z")
+" "call Decho("restore topofscreen: exe keepj norm! ".w:netrw_hline."G0z")
exe "keepj norm! ".w:netrw_hline."G0z\<CR>"
" restore position
" when the window's height x width has changed, the line,col is no longer useful
if w:netrw_winh == winheight(0) && w:netrw_winw == winwidth(0) && exists("w:netrw_line") && exists("w:netrw_col") && !usesrch
-" call Decho("using posn: exe keepj norm! ".w:netrw_line."G0".w:netrw_col."|")
+" "call Decho("using posn: exe keepj norm! ".w:netrw_line."G0".w:netrw_col."|")
exe "keepj norm! ".w:netrw_line."G0".w:netrw_col."\<bar>"
elseif exists("w:netrw_winfile")
if !search('\<'.escape(w:netrw_winfile,g:netrw_fname_escape),'cw')
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")
-" call Decho("using bannercnt: win#".winnr()." ".winheight(0)."x".winwidth(0)." w:netrw_winfile<".w:netrw_winfile.">")
+" "call Decho("using bannercnt: win#".winnr()." ".winheight(0)."x".winwidth(0)." w:netrw_winfile<".w:netrw_winfile.">")
exe "keepj ".w:netrw_bannercnt
norm! 0
" go to upper left corner
-" call Decho("goto ulc: win#".winnr()." ".winheight(0)."x".winwidth(0)." w:netrw_winfile<".w:netrw_winfile.">")
+" "call Decho("goto ulc: win#".winnr()." ".winheight(0)."x".winwidth(0)." w:netrw_winfile<".w:netrw_winfile.">")
keepj 1
norm! 0
-" call Decho("used search: w:netrw_winfile<".w:netrw_winfile.">")
+" "call Decho("used search: w:netrw_winfile<".w:netrw_winfile.">")
-" call Decho("goto ulc: win#".winnr()." ".winheight(0)."x".winwidth(0))
+" "call Decho("goto ulc: win#".winnr()." ".winheight(0)."x".winwidth(0))
keepj 1
norm! 0
@@ -9838,22 +10326,22 @@ fun! netrw#SavePosn()
let w:netrw_winnr= winnr()
let w:netrw_line = line(".")
let w:netrw_col = virtcol(".")
-" call Decho("currently, win#".w:netrw_winnr." line#".w:netrw_line." col#".w:netrw_col)
+" "call Decho("currently, win#".w:netrw_winnr." line#".w:netrw_line." col#".w:netrw_col)
" save filename under cursor
-" call Decho("line#".line(".")." w:netrw_bannercnt=".(exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")? w:netrw_bannercnt : 'n/a'))
+" "call Decho("line#".line(".")." w:netrw_bannercnt=".(exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")? w:netrw_bannercnt : 'n/a'))
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line(".") >= w:netrw_bannercnt && &ft == "netrw"
- let winfile = "|let w:netrw_winfile='".s:NetrwGetWord()."'"
+ let winfile = "|let w:netrw_winfile=\"".fnameescape(s:NetrwGetWord())."\""
let winfile= ""
-" call Decho("winfile<".winfile.">")
+" "call Decho("winfile<".winfile.">")
if exists("w:netrw_liststyle")
let liststyle = "|let liststyle=".w:netrw_liststyle
let liststyle= ""
-" call Decho("liststyle=".liststyle)
+" "call Decho("liststyle=".liststyle)
" Save top-of-screen line
keepj norm! H0
@@ -9951,6 +10439,33 @@ fun! s:ComposePath(base,subdir)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:DeleteBookmark: deletes a file/directory from Netrw's bookmark system {{{2
+" Related Functions: s:MakeBookmark() s:NetrwBookHistHandler() s:NetrwBookmark()
+fun! s:DeleteBookmark(fname)
+" call Dfunc("s:DeleteBookmark(fname<".a:fname.">)")
+ call s:MergeBookmarks()
+ if exists("g:netrw_bookmarklist")
+ let indx= index(g:netrw_bookmarklist,a:fname)
+ if indx == -1
+ let indx= 0
+ while indx < len(g:netrw_bookmarklist)
+ if g:netrw_bookmarklist[indx] =~ a:fname
+ call remove(g:netrw_bookmarklist,indx)
+ let indx= indx - 1
+ endif
+ let indx= indx + 1
+ endwhile
+ else
+ " remove exact match
+ call remove(g:netrw_bookmarklist,indx)
+ endif
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:DeleteBookmark")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:FileReadable: o/s independent filereadable {{{2
fun! s:FileReadable(fname)
" call Dfunc("s:FileReadable(fname<".a:fname.">)")
@@ -9983,13 +10498,13 @@ fun! s:GetTempfile(fname)
" sanity check -- does the temporary file's directory exist?
if !isdirectory(substitute(tmpfile,'[^/]\+$','','e'))
" call Decho("ro=".&l:ro." ma=".&l:ma." mod=".&l:mod." wrap=".&l:wrap." (filename<".expand("%")."> win#".winnr()." ft<".&ft.">)")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"your <".substitute(tmpfile,'[^/]\+$','','e')."> directory is missing!",2)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"your <".substitute(tmpfile,'[^/]\+$','','e')."> directory is missing!",2)
" call Dret("s:GetTempfile getcwd<".getcwd().">")
return ""
" let netrw#NetSource() know about the tmpfile
- let s:netrw_tmpfile= tmpfile " used by netrw#NetSource() and netrw#NetrwBrowseX()
+ let s:netrw_tmpfile= tmpfile " used by netrw#NetSource() and netrw#BrowseX()
" call Decho("tmpfile<".tmpfile."> s:netrw_tmpfile<".s:netrw_tmpfile.">")
" o/s dependencies
@@ -10057,6 +10572,45 @@ fun! s:MakeSshCmd(sshcmd)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:MakeBookmark: enters a bookmark into Netrw's bookmark system {{{2
+fun! s:MakeBookmark(fname)
+" call Dfunc("s:MakeBookmark(fname<".a:fname.">)")
+ if !exists("g:netrw_bookmarklist")
+ let g:netrw_bookmarklist= []
+ endif
+ if index(g:netrw_bookmarklist,a:fname) == -1
+ " curdir not currently in g:netrw_bookmarklist, so include it
+ if isdirectory(a:fname) && a:fname !~ '/$'
+ call add(g:netrw_bookmarklist,a:fname.'/')
+ elseif a:fname !~ '/'
+ call add(g:netrw_bookmarklist,getcwd()."/".a:fname)
+ else
+ call add(g:netrw_bookmarklist,a:fname)
+ endif
+ call sort(g:netrw_bookmarklist)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:MakeBookmark")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:MergeBookmarks: merge current bookmarks with saved bookmarks {{{2
+fun! s:MergeBookmarks()
+" call Dfunc("s:MergeBookmarks()")
+ " get bookmarks from .netrwbook file
+ let savefile= s:NetrwHome()."/.netrwbook"
+ if filereadable(savefile)
+" call Decho("merge bookmarks (active and file)")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBookHistSave()
+" call Decho("bookmark delete savefile<".savefile.">")
+ NetrwKeepj call delete(savefile)
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:MergeBookmarks")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwBMShow: {{{2
fun! s:NetrwBMShow()
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwBMShow()")
@@ -10069,7 +10623,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwBMShow()
if bmshowfuncs != []
let bmshowfunc = substitute(bmshowfuncs[0],'^.*:\(call.*BMShow()\).*$','\1','')
if bmshowfunc =~ '^call.*BMShow()'
- exe "sil! keepj ".bmshowfunc
+ exe "sil! NetrwKeepj ".bmshowfunc
@@ -10176,7 +10730,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwDelete(path)
let result= delete(path)
if result < 0
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"delete(".path.") failed!",71)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"delete(".path.") failed!",71)
" call Dret("s:NetrwDelete ".result)
@@ -10208,13 +10762,13 @@ fun! s:NetrwEnew(...)
if exists("b:netrw_option") |let netrw_option = b:netrw_option |endif
if exists("b:netrw_prvdir") |let netrw_prvdir = b:netrw_prvdir |endif
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
-" call Decho("generate a buffer with keepjumps keepalt enew!")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionRestore("w:")
+" call Decho("generate a buffer with NetrwKeepj keepalt enew!")
let netrw_keepdiff= &l:diff
- noswapfile keepj keepalt enew!
+ noswapfile NetrwKeepj keepalt enew!
let &l:diff= netrw_keepdiff
" call Decho("bufnr($)=".bufnr("$")." winnr($)=".winnr("$"))
- keepj call s:NetrwOptionSave("w:")
+ NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwOptionSave("w:")
" copy function-local-variables to buffer variable equivalents
" call Decho("copy function-local variables back to buffer netrw variables")
@@ -10253,6 +10807,22 @@ fun! s:NetrwEnew(...)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:NetrwExe: executes a string using "!" {{{2
+fun! s:NetrwExe(cmd)
+" call Dfunc("s:NetrwExe(a:cmd)")
+ if has("win32") && &shell !~? 'cmd' && !g:netrw_cygwin
+ let savedShell=[&shell,&shellcmdflag,&shellxquote,&shellxescape,&shellquote,&shellpipe,&shellredir,&shellslash]
+ set shell& shellcmdflag& shellxquote& shellxescape&
+ set shellquote& shellpipe& shellredir& shellslash&
+ exe a:cmd
+ let [&shell,&shellcmdflag,&shellxquote,&shellxescape,&shellquote,&shellpipe,&shellredir,&shellslash] = savedShell
+ else
+ exe a:cmd
+ endif
+" call Dret("s:NetrwExe")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:NetrwInsureWinVars: insure that a netrw buffer has its w: variables in spite of a wincmd v or s {{{2
fun! s:NetrwInsureWinVars()
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwInsureWinVars() win#".winnr())
@@ -10286,7 +10856,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwLcd(newdir)
" call Dfunc("s:NetrwLcd(newdir<".a:newdir.">)")
- exe 'keepj sil lcd '.fnameescape(a:newdir)
+ exe 'NetrwKeepj sil lcd '.fnameescape(a:newdir)
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E344/
" Vim's lcd fails with E344 when attempting to go above the 'root' of a Windows share.
" Therefore, detect if a Windows share is present, and if E344 occurs, just settle at
@@ -10296,7 +10866,7 @@ fun! s:NetrwLcd(newdir)
if (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16")) && !g:netrw_cygwin
if a:newdir =~ '^\\\\\w\+' || a:newdir =~ '^//\w\+'
let dirname = '\'
- exe 'keepj sil lcd '.fnameescape(dirname)
+ exe 'NetrwKeepj sil lcd '.fnameescape(dirname)
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E472/
@@ -10388,9 +10958,9 @@ endfun
fun! s:RemoteSystem(cmd)
" call Dfunc("s:RemoteSystem(cmd<".a:cmd.">)")
if !executable(g:netrw_ssh_cmd)
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"g:netrw_ssh_cmd<".g:netrw_ssh_cmd."> is not executable!",52)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"g:netrw_ssh_cmd<".g:netrw_ssh_cmd."> is not executable!",52)
elseif !exists("b:netrw_curdir")
- keepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"for some reason b:netrw_curdir doesn't exist!",53)
+ NetrwKeepj call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:ERROR,"for some reason b:netrw_curdir doesn't exist!",53)
let cmd = s:MakeSshCmd(g:netrw_ssh_cmd." USEPORT HOSTNAME")
let remotedir= substitute(b:netrw_curdir,'^.*//[^/]\+/\(.*\)$','\1','')
@@ -10447,13 +11017,21 @@ fun! s:NetrwRexplore(islocal,dirname)
" call Decho("ft=".&ft." win#".winnr()." w:netrw_rexfile<".(exists("w:netrw_rexfile")? w:netrw_rexfile : 'n/a').">")
if &ft == "netrw" && exists("w:netrw_rexfile") && w:netrw_rexfile != ""
+ " a :Rex while in a netrw buffer means: edit the file in w:netrw_rexfile
" call Decho("in netrw buffer, will edit file<".w:netrw_rexfile.">")
- exe "e ".w:netrw_rexfile
+ exe "NetrwKeepj e ".w:netrw_rexfile
unlet w:netrw_rexfile
" call Dret("s:NetrwRexplore returning from netrw to buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%")."> (ft=".&ft.")")
+" else " Decho
+" call Decho("treating as not-netrw-buffer: ft=".&ft.((&ft == "netrw")? " == netrw" : "!= netrw"))
+" call Decho("treating as not-netrw-buffer: w:netrw_rexfile<".((exists("w:netrw_rexfile"))? w:netrw_rexfile : 'n/a').">")
+ " ---------------------------
+ " :Rex issued while in a file
+ " ---------------------------
" record current file so :Rex can return to it from netrw
let w:netrw_rexfile= expand("%")
@@ -10463,16 +11041,26 @@ fun! s:NetrwRexplore(islocal,dirname)
" call Decho("settings buf#".bufnr("%")."<".bufname("%").">: ".((&l:ma == 0)? "no" : "")."ma ".((&l:mod == 0)? "no" : "")."mod ".((&l:bl == 0)? "no" : "")."bl ".((&l:ro == 0)? "no" : "")."ro fo=".&l:fo)
if w:netrw_rexlocal
- keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(w:netrw_rexdir)
- else
+ if g:netrw_keepj =~ "keepj"
+ keepj call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(w:netrw_rexdir)
+ else
+ call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(w:netrw_rexdir)
+ endif
+ elseif g:netrw_keepj =~ "keepj"
keepj call s:NetrwBrowse(0,w:netrw_rexdir)
+ else
+ call s:NetrwBrowse(0,w:netrw_rexdir)
if exists("s:initbeval")
setl beval
if exists("s:rexposn_".bufnr("%"))
" call Decho("restore posn, then unlet s:rexposn_".bufnr('%'))
- keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:rexposn_{bufnr('%')})
+ if g:netrw_keepj =~ "keepj"
+ keepj call netrw#RestorePosn(s:rexposn_{bufnr('%')})
+ else
+ call netrw#RestorePosn(s:rexposn_{bufnr('%')})
+ endif
unlet s:rexposn_{bufnr('%')}
" call Decho("s:rexposn_".bufnr('%')." doesn't exist")
@@ -10559,6 +11147,54 @@ fun! s:SetRexDir(islocal,dirname)
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:ShowLink: used to modify thin and tree listings to show links {{{2
+fun! s:ShowLink()
+" " call Dfunc("s:ShowLink()")
+" " call Decho("b:netrw_curdir<".(exists("b:netrw_curdir")? b:netrw_curdir : "doesn't exist").">")
+" " call Decho(printf("line#%4d: %s",line("."),getline(".")))
+ if exists("b:netrw_curdir")
+ norm! $?\a
+ let fname = b:netrw_curdir.'/'.s:NetrwGetWord()
+ let resname = resolve(fname)
+ if resname =~ '^\M'.b:netrw_curdir
+ let dirlen = strlen(b:netrw_curdir)
+ let resname = strpart(resname,dirlen+1)
+" " call Decho("resname<".resname."> (b:netrw_curdir elided)")
+" " else " Decho
+" " call Decho("resname<".fname.">")
+ endif
+ let modline = getline(".")."\t --> ".resname
+" " call Decho("fname <".fname.">")
+" " call Decho("modline<".modline.">")
+ setl noro ma
+ call setline(".",modline)
+ setl ro noma nomod
+ endif
+" " call Dret("s:ShowLink".((exists("fname")? ' : '.fname : 'n/a')))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:ShowStyle: {{{2
+fun! s:ShowStyle()
+ if !exists("w:netrw_liststyle")
+ let liststyle= g:netrw_liststyle
+ else
+ let liststyle= w:netrw_liststyle
+ endif
+ if liststyle == s:THINLIST
+ return s:THINLIST.":thin"
+ elseif liststyle == s:LONGLIST
+ return s:LONGLIST.":long"
+ elseif liststyle == s:WIDELIST
+ return s:WIDELIST.":wide"
+ elseif liststyle == s:TREELIST
+ return s:TREELIST.":tree"
+ else
+ return 'n/a'
+ endif
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:Strlen: this function returns the length of a string, even if its using multi-byte characters. {{{2
" Solution from Nicolai Weibull, vim docs (:help strlen()),
" Tony Mechelynck, and my own invention.
@@ -10593,7 +11229,7 @@ fun! s:Strlen(x)
call setline(line("."),a:x)
let ret= virtcol("$") - 1
- keepj norm! k
+ NetrwKeepj norm! k
let &l:mod= modkeep
@@ -10622,17 +11258,17 @@ fun! s:TreeListMove(dir)
if curline !~ '/$'
" call Decho('regfile')
if a:dir == '[' && prvline != ''
- keepj norm! 0
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
let nl = search('^'.indentm1.'[^'.s:treedepthstring.']','bWe') " search backwards from regular file
" call Decho("regfile srch back: ".nl)
elseif a:dir == ']' && nxtline != ''
- keepj norm! $
+ NetrwKeepj norm! $
let nl = search('^'.indentm1.'[^'.s:treedepthstring.']','We') " search forwards from regular file
" call Decho("regfile srch fwd: ".nl)
elseif a:dir == '[' && prvline != ''
- keepj norm! 0
+ NetrwKeepj norm! 0
let curline= line(".")
let nl = search('^'.curindent.'[^'.s:treedepthstring.']','bWe') " search backwards From directory, same indentation
" call Decho("dir srch back ind: ".nl)
@@ -10644,7 +11280,7 @@ fun! s:TreeListMove(dir)
elseif a:dir == ']' && nxtline != ''
- keepj norm! $
+ NetrwKeepj norm! $
let curline = line(".")
let nl = search('^'.curindent.'[^'.s:treedepthstring.']','We') " search forwards from directory, same indentation
" call Decho("dir srch fwd ind: ".nl)
@@ -10672,7 +11308,7 @@ fun! s:UpdateBuffersMenu()
sil emenu Buffers.Refresh\ menu
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E/
let v:errmsg= ""
- sil keepj call s:NetrwBMShow()
+ sil NetrwKeepj call s:NetrwBMShow()
" call Dret("s:UpdateBuffersMenu")
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/netrwSettings.vim b/runtime/autoload/netrwSettings.vim
index 541ee65cc..4639909ee 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/netrwSettings.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/netrwSettings.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" netrwSettings.vim: makes netrw settings simpler
-" Date: Aug 27, 2013
+" Date: Dec 30, 2014
" Maintainer: Charles E Campbell <drchipNOSPAM at campbellfamily dot biz>
-" Version: 14
+" Version: 15
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
if exists("g:loaded_netrwSettings") || &cp
-let g:loaded_netrwSettings = "v14"
+let g:loaded_netrwSettings = "v15"
if v:version < 700
echohl WarningMsg
echo "***warning*** this version of netrwSettings needs vim 7.0"
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ endif
" NetrwSettings: {{{1
fun! netrwSettings#NetrwSettings()
" this call is here largely just to insure that netrw has been loaded
- call netrw#NetrwSavePosn()
+ call netrw#SavePosn()
if !exists("g:loaded_netrw")
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "***sorry*** netrw needs to be loaded prior to using NetrwSettings" | echohl None
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ fun! netrwSettings#NetrwSettings()
put = 'let g:netrw_sort_direction = '.g:netrw_sort_direction
put = 'let g:netrw_sort_options = '.g:netrw_sort_options
put = 'let g:netrw_sort_sequence = '.g:netrw_sort_sequence
+ put = 'let g:netrw_servername = '.g:netrw_servername
put = 'let g:netrw_special_syntax = '.g:netrw_special_syntax
put = 'let g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject = '.g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject
put = 'let g:netrw_ssh_cmd = '.g:netrw_ssh_cmd
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/netrw_gitignore.vim b/runtime/autoload/netrw_gitignore.vim
index 0de902cbb..da3f50bca 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/netrw_gitignore.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/netrw_gitignore.vim
@@ -61,9 +61,16 @@ function! netrw_gitignore#Hide(...)
" convert gitignore patterns to Netrw/Vim regex patterns
let escaped_lines = []
for line in gitignore_lines
- let escaped = line
- let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\.', '\\.', 'g')
- let escaped = substitute(escaped, '*', '.*', 'g')
+ let escaped = line
+ let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\*\*', '*', 'g')
+ let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\.', '\\.', 'g')
+ let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\$', '\\$', 'g')
+ let escaped = substitute(escaped, '*', '.*', 'g')
+ " correction: dot, dollar and asterisks chars shouldn't be escaped when
+ " within regex matching groups.
+ let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\(\[[^]]*\)\zs\\\.', '\.', 'g')
+ let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\(\[[^]]*\)\zs\\\$', '\$', 'g')
+ let escaped = substitute(escaped, '\(\[[^]]*\)\zs\.\*', '*', 'g')
let escaped_lines = add(escaped_lines, escaped)
diff --git a/runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt b/runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt
index fbe3f35e7..5674bbad0 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/gui_w32.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*gui_w32.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2012 Aug 04
+*gui_w32.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Dec 20
@@ -452,9 +452,10 @@ detailed elsewhere: see |'mouse'|, |win32-hidden-menus|.
You can drag and drop one or more files into the Vim window, where they will
be opened as normal. See |drag-n-drop|.
- *:simalt* *:si*
+ *:simalt* *:sim*
:sim[alt] {key} simulate pressing {key} while holding Alt pressed.
{not in Vi} {only for Win32 versions}
+ Note: ":si" means ":s" with the "i" flag.
Normally, Vim takes control of all Alt-<Key> combinations, to increase the
number of possible mappings. This clashes with the standard use of Alt as the
diff --git a/runtime/doc/index.txt b/runtime/doc/index.txt
index 908b58680..1e0134d68 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/index.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/index.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*index.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Sep 19
+*index.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2015 Jan 07
@@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ tag command action ~
buffer list
|:sbrewind| :sbr[ewind] split window and go to first file in the
buffer list
-|:scriptnames| :scrip[tnames] list names of all sourced Vim scripts
+|:scriptnames| :scr[iptnames] list names of all sourced Vim scripts
|:scriptencoding| :scripte[ncoding] encoding used in sourced Vim script
|:scscope| :scs[cope] split window and execute cscope command
|:set| :se[t] show or set options
diff --git a/runtime/doc/options.txt b/runtime/doc/options.txt
index 72459b0fc..d62bb4e8e 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/options.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/options.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*options.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Nov 05
+*options.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Dec 17
@@ -730,8 +730,6 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
open a file, switch buffers, delete a buffer or open/close a window.
It will change to the directory containing the file which was opened
or selected.
- This option is provided for backward compatibility with the Vim
- released with Sun ONE Studio 4 Enterprise Edition.
Note: When this option is on some plugins may not work.
*'arabic'* *'arab'* *'noarabic'* *'noarab'*
diff --git a/runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt b/runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt
index 32f576af6..5e629aaf4 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_netrw.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pi_netrw.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 May 13
+*pi_netrw.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2015 Jan 05
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Author: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
(remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
-Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Charles E Campbell *netrw-copyright*
+Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Charles E Campbell *netrw-copyright*
The VIM LICENSE applies to the files in this package, including
netrw.vim, pi_netrw.txt, netrwFileHandlers.vim, netrwSettings.vim, and
syntax/netrw.vim. Like anything else that's free, netrw.vim and its
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Charles E Campbell *netrw-copyright*
software. Use at your own risk!
+ *netrw*
*dav* *ftp* *netrw-file* *rcp* *scp*
*davs* *http* *netrw.vim* *rsync* *sftp*
- *fetch* *netrw* *network*
+ *fetch* *network*
1. Contents *netrw-contents* {{{1
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Charles E Campbell *netrw-copyright*
Changing To A Bookmarked Directory..................|netrw-gb|
Changing To A Predecessor Directory.................|netrw-u|
Changing To A Successor Directory...................|netrw-U|
- Customizing Browsing With A User Function...........|netrw-x|
+ Customizing Browsing With A Special Handler.........|netrw-x|
Deleting Bookmarks..................................|netrw-mB|
Deleting Files Or Directories.......................|netrw-D|
Directory Exploring Commands........................|netrw-explore|
@@ -76,7 +77,9 @@ Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Charles E Campbell *netrw-copyright*
Unmarking Files.....................................|netrw-mF|
Marking Files By QuickFix List......................|netrw-qF|
Marking Files By Regular Expression.................|netrw-mr|
- Marked Files: Arbitrary Command.....................|netrw-mx|
+ Marked Files: Arbitrary Shell Command...............|netrw-mx|
+ Marked Files: Arbitrary Shell Command, En Bloc......|netrw-mX|
+ Marked Files: Arbitrary Vim Command.................|netrw-mv|
Marked Files: Compression And Decompression.........|netrw-mz|
Marked Files: Copying...............................|netrw-mc|
Marked Files: Diff..................................|netrw-md|
@@ -209,6 +212,7 @@ EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS AND PROTOCOLS *netrw-externapp* {{{2
rsync: *g:netrw_rsync_cmd* = "rsync -a"
scp: *g:netrw_scp_cmd* = "scp -q"
sftp: *g:netrw_sftp_cmd* = "sftp"
+ file: *g:netrw_file_cmd* = "elinks" or "links"
*g:netrw_http_xcmd* : the option string for http://... protocols are
specified via this variable and may be independently overridden. By
@@ -346,7 +350,7 @@ settings are described below, in |netrw-browser-options|, and in
per-buffer basis (supports plain :Nw )
*g:netrw_bufsettings* the settings that netrw buffers have
- (default) noma nomod nonu nowrap ro nobl
+ (default) noma nomod nonu nowrap ro nobl
*g:netrw_chgwin* specifies a window number where subsequent file edits
will take place. (also see |netrw-C|)
@@ -399,18 +403,26 @@ settings are described below, in |netrw-browser-options|, and in
be available (see |netrw-gx|)
*g:netrw_uid* (ftp) user-id, retained on a per-vim-session basis
- *s:netrw_passwd* (ftp) password, retained on a per-vim-session basis
+ *s:netrw_passwd* (ftp) password, retained on a per-vim-session basis
*g:netrw_preview* =0 (default) preview window shown in a horizontally
split window
=1 preview window shown in a vertically split window.
Also affects the "previous window" (see |netrw-P|)
in the same way.
+ The |g:netrw_alto| variable may be used to provide
+ additional splitting control:
+ g:netrw_preview g:netrw_alto result
+ 0 0 |:aboveleft|
+ 0 1 |:belowright|
+ 1 0 |:topleft|
+ 1 1 |:botright|
+ To control sizing, see |g:netrw_winsize|
*g:netrw_scpport* = "-P" : option to use to set port for scp
*g:netrw_sshport* = "-p" : option to use to set port for ssh
- *g:netrw_sepchr* =\0xff
+ *g:netrw_sepchr* =\0xff
=\0x01 for enc == euc-jp (and perhaps it should be for
others, too, please let me know)
Separates priority codes from filenames internally.
@@ -430,7 +442,7 @@ settings are described below, in |netrw-browser-options|, and in
lines that o/s's ftp "provides" on transfers
=0 force normal ftp behavior (no trailing line removal)
- *g:netrw_cygwin* =1 assume scp under windows is from cygwin. Also
+ *g:netrw_cygwin* =1 assume scp under windows is from cygwin. Also
permits network browsing to use ls with time and
size sorting (default if windows)
=0 assume Windows' scp accepts windows-style paths
@@ -681,6 +693,16 @@ your <.vimrc> customization file: >
filetype plugin indent on
+By also including the following lines in your .vimrc, one may have netrw
+immediately activate when using [g]vim without any filenames, showing the
+current directory: >
+ " Augroup VimStartup:
+ augroup VimStartup
+ au!
+ au VimEnter * if expand("%") == "" | e . | endif
+ augroup END
6. Transparent Remote File Editing *netrw-transparent* {{{1
@@ -838,7 +860,7 @@ variables listed below, and may be modified by the user.
g:netrw_http_cmd var ="fetch -o" if fetch is available
g:netrw_http_cmd var ="wget -O" else if wget is available
g:netrw_http_put_cmd var ="curl -T"
- g:netrw_list_cmd var ="ssh USEPORT HOSTNAME ls -Fa"
+ |g:netrw_list_cmd| var ="ssh USEPORT HOSTNAME ls -Fa"
g:netrw_rcp_cmd var ="rcp"
g:netrw_rsync_cmd var ="rsync -a"
g:netrw_scp_cmd var ="scp -q"
@@ -1042,6 +1064,9 @@ QUICK REFERENCE: MAPS *netrw-browse-maps* {{{2
< <F1> Causes Netrw to issue help
<cr> Netrw will enter the directory or read the file |netrw-cr|
<del> Netrw will attempt to remove the file/directory |netrw-del|
+ <c-h> Edit file hiding list |netrw-ctrl-h|
+ <c-l> Causes Netrw to refresh the directory listing |netrw-ctrl-l|
+ <c-r> Browse using a gvim server |netrw-ctrl-r|
- Makes Netrw go up one directory |netrw--|
a Toggles between normal display, |netrw-a|
hiding (suppress display of files matching g:netrw_list_hide)
@@ -1051,23 +1076,27 @@ QUICK REFERENCE: MAPS *netrw-browse-maps* {{{2
d Make a directory |netrw-d|
D Attempt to remove the file(s)/directory(ies) |netrw-D|
gb Go to previous bookmarked directory |netrw-gb|
+ gd Force treatment as directory |netrw-gd|
+ gf Force treatment as file |netrw-gf|
gh Quick hide/unhide of dot-files |netrw-gh|
- <c-h> Edit file hiding list |netrw-ctrl-h|
i Cycle between thin, long, wide, and tree listings |netrw-i|
- <c-l> Causes Netrw to refresh the directory listing |netrw-ctrl-l|
mb Bookmark current directory |netrw-mb|
mc Copy marked files to marked-file target directory |netrw-mc|
md Apply diff to marked files (up to 3) |netrw-md|
me Place marked files on arg list and edit them |netrw-me|
mf Mark a file |netrw-mf|
+ mF Unmark files |netrw-mF|
+ mg Apply vimgrep to marked files |netrw-mg|
mh Toggle marked file suffices' presence on hiding list |netrw-mh|
mm Move marked files to marked-file target directory |netrw-mm|
mp Print marked files |netrw-mp|
- mr Mark files satisfying a shell-style |regexp| |netrw-mr|
+ mr Mark files using a shell-style |regexp| |netrw-mr|
mt Current browsing directory becomes markfile target |netrw-mt|
mT Apply ctags to marked files |netrw-mT|
mu Unmark all marked files |netrw-mu|
+ mv Apply arbitrary vim command to marked files |netrw-mv|
mx Apply arbitrary shell command to marked files |netrw-mx|
+ mX Apply arbitrary shell command to marked files en bloc|netrw-mX|
mz Compress/decompress marked files |netrw-mz|
o Enter the file/directory under the cursor in a new |netrw-o|
browser window. A horizontal split is used.
@@ -1076,6 +1105,7 @@ QUICK REFERENCE: MAPS *netrw-browse-maps* {{{2
P Browse in the previously used window |netrw-P|
qb List bookmarked directories and history |netrw-qb|
qf Display information on file |netrw-qf|
+ qF Mark files using a quickfix list |netrw-qF|
r Reverse sorting order |netrw-r|
R Rename the designed file(s)/directory(ies) |netrw-R|
s Select sorting style: by name, time, or file size |netrw-s|
@@ -1099,7 +1129,7 @@ QUICK REFERENCE: MAPS *netrw-browse-maps* {{{2
<2-leftmouse> (gvim only) when:
* in a netrw-selected file, AND
- * |g:netrw_retmap| == 1 AND
+ * |g:netrw_retmap| == 1 AND
* the user doesn't already have a <2-leftmouse>
mapping defined before netrw is autoloaded,
then a double clicked leftmouse button will return
@@ -1117,7 +1147,7 @@ QUICK REFERENCE: COMMANDS *netrw-explore-cmds* *netrw-browse-cmds* {{{2
:Explore[!] [dir] Explore directory of current file......|netrw-explore|
:Hexplore[!] [dir] Horizontal Split & Explore.............|netrw-explore|
- :Lexplore [dir] Left Explorer Toggle...................|netrw-explore|
+ :Lexplore[!] [dir] Left Explorer Toggle...................|netrw-explore|
:Nexplore[!] [dir] Vertical Split & Explore...............|netrw-explore|
:Pexplore[!] [dir] Vertical Split & Explore...............|netrw-explore|
:Rexplore Return to Explorer.....................|netrw-explore|
@@ -1125,19 +1155,45 @@ QUICK REFERENCE: COMMANDS *netrw-explore-cmds* *netrw-browse-cmds* {{{2
:Texplore[!] [dir] Tab & Explore..........................|netrw-explore|
:Vexplore[!] [dir] Vertical Split & Explore...............|netrw-explore|
-BOOKMARKING A DIRECTORY *netrw-mb* *netrw-bookmark* *netrw-bookmarks* {{{2
+BOOKMARKING A DIRECTORY *netrw-mb* *netrw-bookmark* *netrw-bookmarks* {{{2
-One may easily "bookmark" a directory by using >
+One may easily "bookmark" the currently browsed directory by using >
+ *.netrwbook*
Bookmarks are retained in between sessions in a $HOME/.netrwbook file, and are
kept in sorted order.
+If there are marked files and/or directories, mb will add them to the bookmark
+Addtionally, one may use :NetrwMB to bookmark files or directories. >
+ :NetrwMB[!] [files/directories]
+< No bang: enters files/directories into Netrw's bookmark system
+ No argument and in netrw buffer:
+ if there are marked files: bookmark marked files
+ otherwise : bookmark file/directory under cursor
+ No argument and not in netrw buffer: bookmarks current open file
+ Has arguments: globs them individually and bookmarks them
+ With bang: deletes files/directories from Netrw's bookmark system
+The :NetrwMB command is available outside of netrw buffers (once netrw has been
+invoked in the session).
+The file ".netrwbook" holds bookmarks when netrw (and vim) is not active. By
+default, its stored on the first directory on the user's |'runtimepath'|.
Related Topics:
|netrw-gb| how to return (go) to a bookmark
|netrw-mB| how to delete bookmarks
|netrw-qb| how to list bookmarks
+ |g:netrw_home| controls where .netrwbook is kept
BROWSING *netrw-cr* {{{2
@@ -1163,7 +1219,7 @@ horizontally or vertically, respectively. When the option is set to three, a
When using the gui (gvim), one may select a file by pressing the <leftmouse>
button. In addition, if
- *|g:netrw_retmap| == 1 AND (its default value is 0)
+ * |g:netrw_retmap| == 1 AND (its default value is 0)
* in a netrw-selected file, AND
* the user doesn't already have a <2-leftmouse> mapping defined before
netrw is loaded
@@ -1181,19 +1237,20 @@ The price for such re-use is that when changes are made (such as new files
are introduced into a directory), the listing may become out-of-date. One may
always refresh directory listing buffers by pressing ctrl-L (see
Squeezing the Current Tree-Listing Directory~
When the tree listing style is enabled (see |netrw-i|) and one is using
gvim, then the <s-cr> mapping may be used to squeeze (close) the
directory currently containing the cursor.
-Related topics: |netrw-o| |netrw-p| |netrw-P| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
-Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_browse_split| |g:netrw_fastbrowse|
- |g:netrw_ftp_list_cmd| |g:netrw_ftp_sizelist_cmd|
- |g:netrw_ftp_timelist_cmd| |g:netrw_ssh_cmd|
- |g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject| |g:netrw_use_noswf|
+Related topics:
+ |netrw-ctrl-r| |netrw-o| |netrw-p|
+ |netrw-P| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
+Associated setting variables:
+ |g:netrw_browse_split| |g:netrw_fastbrowse|
+ |g:netrw_ftp_list_cmd| |g:netrw_ftp_sizelist_cmd|
+ |g:netrw_ftp_timelist_cmd| |g:netrw_ssh_browse_reject|
+ |g:netrw_ssh_cmd| |g:netrw_use_noswf|
@@ -1207,12 +1264,14 @@ cursor at the top.
Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_alto| |g:netrw_winsize|
-Related Actions |netrw-cr| |netrw-p| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
+Related topics:
+ |netrw-ctrl-r| |netrw-o| |netrw-p|
+ |netrw-P| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
Associated setting variables:
|g:netrw_alto| control above/below splitting
|g:netrw_winsize| control initial sizing
+BROWSING WITH A NEW TAB *netrw-t* {{{2
Normally one enters a file or directory using the <cr>. The "t" map
allows one to open a new window holding the new directory listing or file in
@@ -1220,7 +1279,9 @@ a new tab.
If you'd like to have the new listing in a background tab, use |gT|.
-Related Actions |netrw-cr| |netrw-o| |netrw-p| |netrw-v|
+Related topics:
+ |netrw-ctrl-r| |netrw-o| |netrw-p|
+ |netrw-P| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
Associated setting variables:
|g:netrw_winsize| control initial sizing
@@ -1236,13 +1297,30 @@ cursor at the left.
There is only one tree listing buffer; using "v" on a displayed subdirectory
will split the screen, but the same buffer will be shown twice.
-Related Actions: |netrw-cr| |netrw-o| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
+Related topics:
+ |netrw-ctrl-r| |netrw-o| |netrw-p|
+ |netrw-P| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
Associated setting variables:
|g:netrw_altv| control right/left splitting
|g:netrw_winsize| control initial sizing
+BROWSING USING A GVIM SERVER *netrw-ctrl-r* {{{2
+One may keep a browsing gvim separate from the gvim being used to edit.
+Use the <c-r> map on a file (not a directory) in the netrw browser, and it
+will use a gvim server (see |g:netrw_servername|). Subsequent use of <cr>
+(see |netrw-cr|) will re-use that server for editing files.
+Related topics:
+ |netrw-ctrl-r| |netrw-o| |netrw-p|
+ |netrw-P| |netrw-t| |netrw-v|
+Associated setting variables:
+ |g:netrw_servername| : sets name of server
+ |g:netrw_browse_split| : controls how <cr> will open files
The "i" map cycles between the thin, long, wide, and tree listing formats.
@@ -1267,7 +1345,7 @@ name.
One may make a preferred listing style your default; see |g:netrw_liststyle|.
As an example, by putting the following line in your .vimrc, >
- let g:netrw_liststyle= 4
+ let g:netrw_liststyle= 3
the tree style will become your default listing style.
One typical way to use the netrw tree display is to: >
@@ -1321,8 +1399,15 @@ The "u" map also accepts counts to go back in the history several slots.
For your convenience, |netrw-qb| lists the history number which can be
re-used in that count.
+ *.netrwhist*
See |g:netrw_dirhistmax| for how to control the quantity of history stack
+slots. The file ".netrwhist" holds history when netrw (and vim) is not
+active. By default, its stored on the first directory on the user's
+Related Topics:
+ |netrw-U| changing to a successor directory
+ |g:netrw_home| controls where .netrwhist is kept
CHANGING TO A SUCCESSOR DIRECTORY *netrw-U* *netrw-downdir* {{{2
@@ -1337,7 +1422,7 @@ See |g:netrw_dirhistmax| for how to control the quantity of history stack
-CHANGING TREE TOP *netrw-ntree* *:Ntree*
+CHANGING TREE TOP *netrw-ntree* *:Ntree* {{{2
One may specify a new tree top for tree listings using >
@@ -1348,7 +1433,7 @@ information is elided).
With a "dirname", the specified directory name is used.
-NETRW CLEAN *netrw-clean* *:NetrwClean*
+NETRW CLEAN *netrw-clean* *:NetrwClean* {{{2
With :NetrwClean one may easily remove netrw from one's home directory;
more precisely, from the first directory on your |'runtimepath'|.
@@ -1361,17 +1446,16 @@ that the removal is in fact what you want to do. If netrw doesn't have
permission to remove a file, it will issue an error message.
-CUSTOMIZING BROWSING WITH A USER FUNCTION *netrw-x* *netrw-handler* {{{2
(also see |netrw_filehandler|)
Certain files, such as html, gif, jpeg, (word/office) doc, etc, files, are
-best seen with a special handler (ie. a tool provided with your computer).
-Netrw allows one to invoke such special handlers by: >
+best seen with a special handler (ie. a tool provided with your computer's
+operating system). Netrw allows one to invoke such special handlers by: >
* when Exploring, hit the "x" key
* when editing, hit gx with the cursor atop the special filename
-< (not available if the |g:netrw_nogx| variable exists)
+< (latter not available if the |g:netrw_nogx| variable exists)
Netrw determines which special handler by the following method:
* if |g:netrw_browsex_viewer| exists, then it will be used to attempt to
@@ -1379,14 +1463,14 @@ Netrw determines which special handler by the following method:
:let g:netrw_browsex_viewer= "kfmclient exec"
< or >
- :let g:netrw_browsex_viewer= "gnome-open"
+ :let g:netrw_browsex_viewer= "xdg-open"
- If g:netrw_browsex_viewer == '-', then netrwFileHandler() will be
- invoked first (see |netrw_filehandler|).
+ If g:netrw_browsex_viewer == '-', then netrwFileHandlers#Invoke() will be
+ used instead (see |netrw_filehandler|).
* for Windows 32 or 64, the url and FileProtocolHandler dlls are used.
* for Gnome (with gnome-open): gnome-open is used.
- * for KDE (with kfmclient) : kfmclient is used.
+ * for KDE (with kfmclient) : kfmclient is used
* for Mac OS X : open is used.
* otherwise the netrwFileHandler plugin is used.
@@ -1395,17 +1479,31 @@ appropriate application to use to "handle" these files. Such things as
OpenOffice (*.sfx), visualization (*.jpg, *.gif, etc), and PostScript (*.ps,
*.eps) can be handled.
+The gx mapping extends to all buffers; apply "gx" while atop a word and netrw
+will apply a special handler to it (like "x" works when in a netrw buffer).
+One may also use visual mode (see |visual-start|) to select the text that the
+special handler will use. Normally gx uses expand("<cfile>") to pick up the
+text under the cursor; one may change what |expand()| uses via the
+|g:netrw_gx| variable. Alternatively, one may select the text to be used by
+gx via first making a visual selection (see |visual-block|).
+Associated setting variables:
+ |g:netrw_gx| control how gx picks up the text under the cursor
+ |g:netrw_nogx| prevent gx map while editing
-The "x" map applies a function to a file, based on its extension. Of course,
-the handler function must exist for it to be called!
+When |g:netrw_browsex_viewer| exists and is "-", then netrw will attempt to
+handle the special file with a vim function. The "x" map applies a function
+to a file, based on its extension. Of course, the handler function must exist
+for it to be called!
- Ex. mypgm.html x ->
- NFH_html("scp://user@host/some/path/mypgm.html")
-Users may write their own netrw File Handler functions to support more
-suffixes with special handling. See <autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim> for
-examples on how to make file handler functions. As an example: >
+ Ex. mypgm.html x -> NFH_html("scp://user@host/some/path/mypgm.html")
+< Users may write their own netrw File Handler functions to
+ support more suffixes with special handling. See
+ <autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim> for examples on how to make
+ file handler functions. As an example: >
" NFH_suffix(filename)
fun! NFH_suffix(filename)
@@ -1439,7 +1537,14 @@ DELETING BOOKMARKS *netrw-mB* {{{2
To delete a bookmark, use >
+If there are marked files, then mB will remove them from the
+bookmark list.
+Alternatively, one may use :NetrwMB! (see |netrw-:NetrwMB|). >
+ :NetrwMB! [files/directories]
Related Topics:
|netrw-gb| how to return (go) to a bookmark
|netrw-mb| how to make a bookmark
@@ -1498,11 +1603,11 @@ DIRECTORY EXPLORATION COMMANDS {{{2
:[N]Explore[!] [dir]... Explore directory of current file *:Explore*
:[N]Hexplore[!] [dir]... Horizontal Split & Explore *:Hexplore*
- :Rexplore ... Return to/from Explorer *:Rexplore*
+ :[N]Lexplore[!] [dir]... Left Explorer Toggle *:Lexplore*
:[N]Sexplore[!] [dir]... Split&Explore current file's directory *:Sexplore*
- :Texplore [dir]... Tab & Explore *:Texplore*
:[N]Vexplore[!] [dir]... Vertical Split & Explore *:Vexplore*
- :Lexplore [dir]... Left Explorer Toggle *:Lexplore*
+ :Texplore [dir]... Tab & Explore *:Texplore*
+ :Rexplore ... Return to/from Explorer *:Rexplore*
Used with :Explore **/pattern : (also see |netrw-starstar|)
:Nexplore............. go to next matching file *:Nexplore*
@@ -1511,54 +1616,73 @@ DIRECTORY EXPLORATION COMMANDS {{{2
:Explore will open the local-directory browser on the current file's
directory (or on directory [dir] if specified). The window will be
- split only if the file has been modified, otherwise the browsing
- window will take over that window. Normally the splitting is taken
- horizontally.
+ split only if the file has been modified and |'hidden'| is not set,
+ otherwise the browsing window will take over that window. Normally
+ the splitting is taken horizontally.
Also see: |netrw-:Rexplore|
:Explore! is like :Explore, but will use vertical splitting.
- *netrw-:Lexplore*
-:Lexplore [dir] toggles an Explorer window on the left hand side
- of the current tab It will open a netrw window on the current
- directory if [dir] is omitted; a :Lexplore [dir] will show
- the specified directory in the left-hand side browser display
- no matter from which window the command is issued. By default,
- :Lexplore will change an uninitialized |g:netrw_chgwin| to 2;
- edits will thus be preferentially made in window#2.
- Also see: |netrw-C|| |g:netrw_chgwin| |g:netrw_winsize|
- |netrw-p| |netrw-P|| |g:netrw_browse_split|
- *netrw-:Sexplore*
-:Sexplore will always split the window before invoking the local-directory
- browser. As with Explore, the splitting is normally done
- horizontally.
-:Sexplore! [dir] is like :Sexplore, but the splitting will be done vertically.
:Hexplore [dir] does an :Explore with |:belowright| horizontal splitting.
:Hexplore! [dir] does an :Explore with |:aboveleft| horizontal splitting.
- *netrw-:Vexplore*
-:Vexplore [dir] does an :Explore with |:leftabove| vertical splitting.
-:Vexplore! [dir] does an :Explore with |:rightbelow| vertical splitting.
+ *netrw-:Lexplore*
+:[N]Lexplore [dir] toggles a full height Explorer window on the left hand side
+ of the current tab. It will open a netrw window on the current
+ directory if [dir] is omitted; a :Lexplore [dir] will show the
+ specified directory in the left-hand side browser display no matter
+ from which window the command is issued. By default, :Lexplore will
+ change an uninitialized |g:netrw_chgwin| to 2; edits will thus
+ preferentially be made in window#2.
+ The [N] specifies a |g:netrw_winsize| just for the new :Lexplore
+ window.
+ Those who like this method often also like tree style displays;
+ see |g:netrw_liststyle|.
+ Also see: |netrw-C| |g:netrw_chgwin| |g:netrw_winsize|
+ |netrw-p| |netrw-P| |g:netrw_browse_split|
+:[N]Lexplore! is like :Lexplore, except that the full-height Explorer window
+ will open on the right hand side, and an uninitialized |g:netrw_chgwin|
+ will be set to 1.
+ *netrw-:Sexplore*
+:[N]Sexplore will always split the window before invoking the local-directory
+ browser. As with Explore, the splitting is normally done
+ horizontally.
+:[N]Sexplore! [dir] is like :Sexplore, but the splitting will be done vertically.
:Texplore [dir] does a |:tabnew| before generating the browser window
-By default, these commands use the current file's directory. However, one may
-explicitly provide a directory (path) to use.
+ *netrw-:Vexplore*
+:[N]Vexplore [dir] does an :Explore with |:leftabove| vertical splitting.
+:[N]Vexplore! [dir] does an :Explore with |:rightbelow| vertical splitting.
-The [N] will override |g:netrw_winsize| to specify the quantity of rows and/or
-columns the new explorer window should have.
+The optional parameters are:
-Otherwise, the |g:netrw_winsize| variable, if it has been specified by the
-user, is used to control the quantity of rows and/or columns new explorer
-windows should have.
+ [N]: This parameter will override |g:netrw_winsize| to specify the quantity of
+ rows and/or columns the new explorer window should have.
+ Otherwise, the |g:netrw_winsize| variable, if it has been specified by the
+ user, is used to control the quantity of rows and/or columns new
+ explorer windows should have.
+ [dir]: By default, these explorer commands use the current file's directory.
+ However, one may explicitly provide a directory (path) to use instead;
+ ie. >
+ :Explore /some/path
-:Rexplore This command is a little different from the others as it doesn't
- necessarily open an Explorer window.
+:Rexplore This command is a little different from the other Explore commands
+ as it doesn't necessarily open an Explorer window.
Return to Explorer~
- When one edits a file, for example by pressing <cr> when the
- cursor is atop a file in a netrw browser window, :Rexplore will
- return the display to that of the last netrw browser display
- in that window.
+ When one edits a file using netrw which can occur, for example,
+ when pressing <cr> while the cursor is atop a filename in a netrw
+ browser window, a :Rexplore issued while editing that file will
+ return the display to that of the last netrw browser display in
+ that window.
Return from Explorer~
Conversely, when one is editing a directory, issuing a :Rexplore
@@ -1571,11 +1695,11 @@ windows should have.
Also see: |g:netrw_alto| |g:netrw_altv| |g:netrw_winsize|
-*netrw-star* *netrw-starpat* *netrw-starstar* *netrw-starstarpat*
+*netrw-star* *netrw-starpat* *netrw-starstar* *netrw-starstarpat* *netrw-grep*
When Explore, Sexplore, Hexplore, or Vexplore are used with one of the
-following four styles, Explore generates a list of files which satisfy
+following four patterns Explore generates a list of files which satisfy
the request. >
*/filepat files in current directory which satisfy filepat
@@ -1597,7 +1721,7 @@ will clear the explore list.
If your console or gui produces recognizable shift-up or shift-down sequences,
then you'll likely find using shift-downarrow and shift-uparrow convenient.
-They're mapped by netrw:
+They're mapped by netrw as follows:
<s-down> == Nexplore, and
<s-up> == Pexplore.
@@ -1678,7 +1802,7 @@ Related topics: |netrw-s| |netrw-S|
Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_sort_sequence| |g:netrw_sort_options|
Pressing X while the cursor is atop an executable file will yield a prompt
using the filename asking for any arguments. Upon pressing a [return], netrw
@@ -1769,18 +1893,19 @@ Associated topics: |netrw-a| |netrw-ctrl-h| |netrw-mh|
Netrw provides a helper function 'netrw_gitignore#Hide()' that, when used with
|g:netrw_list_hide| automatically hides all git-ignored files.
-'netrw_gitignore#Hide' searches for patterns in the following files:
+'netrw_gitignore#Hide' searches for patterns in the following files: >
global gitignore file: `git config --global core.excludesfile`
system gitignore file: `git config --system core.excludesfile`
Files that do not exist, are ignored.
Git-ignore patterns are taken from existing files, and converted to patterns for
hiding files. For example, if you had '*.log' in your '.gitignore' file, it
would be converted to '.*\.log'.
-To use this function, simply assign it's output to |g:netrw_list_hide| option.
+To use this function, simply assign its output to |g:netrw_list_hide| option. >
Example: let g:netrw_list_hide= netrw_gitignore#Hide()
Git-ignored files are hidden in Netrw.
@@ -1790,7 +1915,7 @@ To use this function, simply assign it's output to |g:netrw_list_hide| option.
Example: g:netrw_list_hide= netrw_gitignore#Hide() . '.*\.swp$'
Combining 'netrw_gitignore#Hide' with custom patterns.
IMPROVING BROWSING *netrw-listhack* *netrw-ssh-hack* {{{2
@@ -1926,7 +2051,7 @@ Associated setting variable: |g:netrw_keepdir|
MARKING FILES *netrw-:MF* *netrw-mf* {{{2
(also see |netrw-mr|)
-Netrw has several ways of marking files:
+Netrw provides several ways to mark files:
* One may mark files with the cursor atop a filename and
then pressing "mf".
@@ -1949,6 +2074,8 @@ The following netrw maps make use of marked files:
|netrw-a| Hide marked files/directories
|netrw-D| Delete marked files/directories
+ |netrw-mb| Append marked files to bookmarks
+ |netrw-mB| Delete marked files from bookmarks
|netrw-mc| Copy marked files to target
|netrw-md| Apply vimdiff to marked files
|netrw-me| Edit marked files
@@ -1958,7 +2085,9 @@ The following netrw maps make use of marked files:
|netrw-mp| Print marked files
|netrw-mt| Set target for |netrw-mm| and |netrw-mc|
|netrw-mT| Generate tags using marked files
+ |netrw-mv| Apply vim command to marked files
|netrw-mx| Apply shell command to marked files
+ |netrw-mX| Apply shell command to marked files, en bloc
|netrw-mz| Compress/Decompress marked files
|netrw-O| Obtain marked files
|netrw-R| Rename marked files
@@ -1982,13 +2111,13 @@ If the mouse is enabled and works with your vim, you may use <s-leftmouse> to
mark one or more files. You may mark multiple files by dragging the shifted
leftmouse. (see |netrw-mouse|)
-*markfilelist* *global_markfilelist* *local_markfilelist*
+ *markfilelist* *global_markfilelist* *local_markfilelist*
All marked files are entered onto the global marked file list; there is only
-one such list. In addition, every netrw buffer also has its own local marked
-file list; since netrw buffers are associated with specific directories, this
-means that each directory has its own local marked file list. The various
-commands which operate on marked files use one or the other of the marked file
+one such list. In addition, every netrw buffer also has its own buffer-local
+marked file list; since netrw buffers are associated with specific
+directories, this means that each directory has its own local marked file
+list. The various commands which operate on marked files use one or the other
+of the marked file lists.
Known Problem: if one is using tree mode (|g:netrw_liststyle|) and several
directories have files with the same name, then marking such a file will
@@ -2004,7 +2133,7 @@ This command will unmark all files in the current buffer. One may also use
mf (|netrw-mf|) on a specific file to unmark just that file.
(also see |netrw-mf|)
One may convert the |quickfix-error-lists| into a marked file list using
@@ -2024,7 +2153,20 @@ future I may make it possible to use |regexp|s instead of glob()-style
expressions (yet-another-option).
+ (See |netrw-mf| and |netrw-mr| for how to mark files)
+ (uses the local marked-file list)
+The "mv" map causes netrw execute an arbitrary vim command on each file
+on the local marked file list, individually:
+ * 1split
+ * sil! keepalt e file
+ * run vim command
+ * sil! keepalt wq!
(See |netrw-mf| and |netrw-mr| for how to mark files)
(uses the local marked-file list)
@@ -2033,6 +2175,37 @@ command to be applied to all marked files. All "%"s in the command will be
substituted with the name of each marked file in turn. If no "%"s are in the
command, then the command will be followed by a space and a marked filename.
+ (mark files)
+ mx
+ Enter command: cat
+ The result is a series of shell commands:
+ cat 'file1'
+ cat 'file2'
+ ...
+ (See |netrw-mf| and |netrw-mr| for how to mark files)
+ (uses the global marked-file list)
+Upon activation of the 'mX' map, netrw will query the user for some (external)
+command to be applied to all marked files on the global marked file list. The
+"en bloc" means that one command will be executed on all the files at once: >
+ command files
+It is useful, for example, to select files and make a tarball:
+ (mark files)
+ mX
+ Enter command: tar cf mynewtarball.tar
+The command that will be run in this example:
+ tar cf mynewtarball.tar 'file1' 'file2' ...
(See |netrw-mf| and |netrw-mr| for how to mark files)
@@ -2046,6 +2219,10 @@ that's "gzip".
For decompression, netrw provides a |Dictionary| of suffices and their
associated decompressing utilities; see |g:netrw_decompress|.
+Remember that one can mark multiple files by regular expression
+(see |netrw-mr|); this is particularly useful to facilitate compressing and
+decompressing a large number of files.
Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_compress| |g:netrw_decompress|
MARKED FILES: COPYING *netrw-mc* {{{2
@@ -2056,7 +2233,16 @@ Select a target directory with mt (|netrw-mt|). Then change directory,
select file(s) (see |netrw-mf|), and press "mc". The copy is done
from the current window (where one does the mf) to the target.
-Associated setting variable: |g:netrw_localcopycmd| |g:netrw_ssh_cmd|
+If one does not have a target directory set with |netrw-mt|, then netrw
+will query you for a directory to copy to.
+One may also copy directories and their contents (local only) to a target
+Associated setting variables:
+ |g:netrw_localcopycmd|
+ |g:netrw_localcopydircmd|
+ |g:netrw_ssh_cmd|
MARKED FILES: DIFF *netrw-md* {{{2
(See |netrw-mf| and |netrw-mr| for how to mark files)
@@ -2090,7 +2276,7 @@ Thus, one may use >
mr ...file-pattern
mg ..contents-pattern
to have a marked file list satisfying the file-pattern but containing the
-desried contents-pattern.
+desired contents-pattern.
(See |netrw-mf| and |netrw-mr| for how to mark files)
@@ -2148,7 +2334,7 @@ Set the marked file copy/move-to target (see |netrw-mc| and |netrw-mm|):
* Also, if the cursor is in the banner, then the netrw window's currently
displayed directory is used for the copy/move-to target.
Unless the target already is the current directory. In which case,
- remove the target.
+ typing "mf" clears the target.
* However, if the cursor is atop a directory name, then that directory is
used for the copy/move-to target
@@ -2157,9 +2343,9 @@ Set the marked file copy/move-to target (see |netrw-mc| and |netrw-mm|):
This command uses |<q-args>|, so spaces in the directory name are
permitted without escaping.
-There is only one copy/move-to target per vim session; ie. the target is a
-script variable (see |s:var|) and is shared between all netrw windows (in an
-instance of vim).
+There is only one copy/move-to target at a time in a vim session; ie. the
+target is a script variable (see |s:var|) and is shared between all netrw
+windows (in an instance of vim).
When using menus and gvim, netrw provides a "Targets" entry which allows one
to pick a target from the list of bookmarks and history.
@@ -2196,7 +2382,7 @@ edit the desired file and go to the tag.
Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_ctags| |g:netrw_ssh_cmd|
Sets the marked file copy/move-to target.
@@ -2214,7 +2400,7 @@ Related topics:
Moving files to target.............................|netrw-mm|
Sets the marked file copy/move-to target.
@@ -2269,15 +2455,13 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
*g:netrw_banner* enable/suppress the banner
=0: suppress the banner
=1: banner is enabled (default)
- NOTE: suppressing the banner is a new feature
- which may cause problems.
*g:netrw_bannerbackslash* if this variable exists and is not zero, the
banner will be displayed with backslashes
rather than forward slashes.
*g:netrw_browse_split* when browsing, <cr> will open the file by:
- =0: re-using the same window
+ =0: re-using the same window (default)
=1: horizontally splitting the window first
=2: vertically splitting the window first
=3: open file in new tab
@@ -2285,10 +2469,19 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
Note that |g:netrw_preview| may be used
to get vertical splitting instead of
horizontal splitting.
+ =[servername,tab-number,window-number]
+ Given a |List| such as this, a remote server
+ named by the "servername" will be used for
+ editing. It will also use the specified tab
+ and window numbers to perform editing
+ (see |clientserver|, |netrw-ctrl-r|)
+ This option does not affect |:Lexplore|
+ windows.
Related topics:
- |netrw-cr| |netrw-C|
- |g:netrw_alto| |g:netrw_altv|
+ |g:netrw_alto| |g:netrw_altv|
+ |netrw-C| |netrw-cr|
+ |netrw-ctrl-r|
*g:netrw_browsex_viewer* specify user's preference for a viewer: >
"kfmclient exec"
@@ -2321,7 +2514,7 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
*g:netrw_cursor* = 2 (default)
- This option controls the use of the
+ This option controls the use of the
|'cursorline'| (cul) and |'cursorcolumn'|
(cuc) settings by netrw:
@@ -2385,7 +2578,7 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
versus speed.
*g:netrw_ffkeep* (default: doesn't exist)
- If this variable exists and is zero, then
+ If this variable exists and is zero, then
netrw will not do a save and restore for
@@ -2428,6 +2621,11 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
These characters in directory names are
escaped before applying glob()
+ *g:netrw_gx* ="<cfile>"
+ This option controls how gx (|netrw-gx|) picks
+ up the text under the cursor. See |expand()|
+ for possibilities.
*g:netrw_hide* Controlled by the "a" map (see |netrw-a|)
=0 : show all
=1 : show not-hidden files
@@ -2447,10 +2645,22 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
The current browsing directory is contained in
b:netrw_curdir (also see |netrw-c|)
+ *g:netrw_keepj* ="keepj" (default) netrw attempts to keep the
+ |:jumps| table unaffected.
+ ="" netrw will not use |:keepjumps| with
+ exceptions only for the
+ saving/restoration of position.
*g:netrw_list_cmd* command for listing remote directories
default: (if ssh is executable)
"ssh HOSTNAME ls -FLa"
+ *g:netrw_list_cmd_options* If this variable exists, then its contents are
+ appended to the g:netrw_list_cmd. For
+ example, use "2>/dev/null" to get rid of banner
+ messages on unix systems.
*g:netrw_liststyle* Set the default listing style:
= 0: thin listing (one file per line)
= 1: long listing (one file per line with time
@@ -2468,7 +2678,7 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
let g:netrw_list_hide= '.*\.swp$'
- let g:netrw_list_hide= netrw_gitignore#Hide().'.*\.swp$'
+ let g:netrw_list_hide= netrw_gitignore#Hide().'.*\.swp$'
default: ""
*g:netrw_localcopycmd* ="cp" Linux/Unix/MacOS/Cygwin
@@ -2476,6 +2686,11 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
Copies marked files (|netrw-mf|) to target
directory (|netrw-mt|, |netrw-mc|)
+ *g:netrw_localcopydircmd* ="cp -R" Linux/Unix/MacOS/Cygwin
+ ="xcopy /e /c /h/ /i /k" Windows
+ Copies directories to target directory.
+ (|netrw-mc|, |netrw-mt|)
*g:netrw_localmkdir* command for making a local directory
default: "mkdir"
@@ -2499,7 +2714,7 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
default: "ssh USEPORT HOSTNAME mkdir"
*g:netrw_mousemaps* =1 (default) enables mouse buttons while
- browsing to:
+ browsing to:
leftmouse : open file/directory
shift-leftmouse : mark file
middlemouse : same as P
@@ -2543,6 +2758,10 @@ your browsing preferences. (see also: |netrw-settings|)
*g:netrw_rmf_cmd* command for removing remote softlinks
default: "ssh USEPORT HOSTNAME rm -f"
+ *g:netrw_servername* use this variable to provide a name for
+ |netrw-ctrl-r| to use for its server.
+ default: "NETRWSERVER"
*g:netrw_sort_by* sort by "name", "time", or "size"
default: "name"
@@ -2731,7 +2950,7 @@ Related topics:
directory, see |g:netrw_keepdir|.
To open a new file in netrw's current directory, press "%". This map
will query the user for a new filename; an empty file by that name will
@@ -2744,9 +2963,9 @@ PREVIEW WINDOW *netrw-p* *netrw-preview* {{{2
One may use a preview window by using the "p" key when the cursor is atop the
desired filename to be previewed. The display will then split to show both
-the browser (where the cursor will remain) and the file (see |:pedit|).
-By default, the split will be taken horizontally; one may use vertical
-splitting if one has set |g:netrw_preview| first.
+the browser (where the cursor will remain) and the file (see |:pedit|). By
+default, the split will be taken horizontally; one may use vertical splitting
+if one has set |g:netrw_preview| first.
An interesting set of netrw settings is: >
@@ -2755,6 +2974,7 @@ An interesting set of netrw settings is: >
let g:netrw_winsize = 30
These will:
1. Make vertical splitting the default for previewing files
2. Make the default listing style "tree"
3. When a vertical preview window is opened, the directory listing
@@ -2817,6 +3037,17 @@ If there are marked files: (see |netrw-mf|)
Marked files will be renamed (moved). You will be queried as above in
order to specify where you want the file/directory to be moved.
+ If you answer a renaming query with a "s/frompattern/topattern/", then
+ subsequent files on the marked file list will be renamed by taking each
+ name, applying that substitute, and renaming each file to the result.
+ As an example : >
+ mr [query: reply with *.c]
+ R [query: reply with s/^\(.*\)\.c$/\1.cpp/]
+ This example will mark all *.c files and then rename them to *.cpp
+ files.
Note that moving files is a dangerous operation; copies are safer. That's
@@ -2843,17 +3074,24 @@ Related topics: |netrw-r| |netrw-S|
Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_sort_by| |g:netrw_sort_sequence|
+SETTING EDITING WINDOW *netrw-C* *netrw-:NetrwC* {{{2
-One may select a netrw window for editing with the "C" mapping, or by setting
-g:netrw_chgwin to the selected window number. Subsequent selection of a file
-to edit (|netrw-cr|) will use that window.
+One may select a netrw window for editing with the "C" mapping, using the
+:NetrwC [win#] command, or by setting g:netrw_chgwin to the selected window
+number. Subsequent selection of a file to edit (|netrw-cr|) will use that
* C by itself, will select the current window for editing via
* [count]C the count will be used as the window number to be used
for editing via |netrw-cr|.
+ * :NetrwC will set |g:netrw_chgwin| to the current window
+ * :NetrwC win# will set |g:netrw_chgwin| to the specified window
+ number
Using >
let g:netrw_chgwin= -1
will restore the default editing behavior (ie. use the current window).
@@ -3107,7 +3345,7 @@ Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_chgwin|
"let g:netrw_scp_cmd = "d:\\dev\\putty\\PSCP.exe"
- P14. I'd would like to speed up writes using Nwrite and scp/ssh
+ P14. I would like to speed up writes using Nwrite and scp/ssh
style connections. How? (Thomer M. Gil)
Try using ssh's ControlMaster and ControlPath (see the ssh_config
@@ -3155,15 +3393,66 @@ Associated setting variables: |g:netrw_chgwin|
directory. Start if from your $HOME or another writable
+ *netrw-p17*
+ P17. Netrw is closing buffers on its own.
+ What steps will reproduce the problem?
+ 1. :Explore, navigate directories, open a file
+ 2. :Explore, open another file
+ 3. Buffer opened in step 1 will be closed. o
+ What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
+ I expect both buffers to exist, but only the last one does.
+ (Lance) Problem is caused by "set autochdir" in .vimrc.
+ (drchip) I am able to duplicate this problem with |'acd'| set.
+ It appears that the buffers are not exactly closed;
+ a ":ls!" will show them (although ":ls" does not).
+ *netrw-P18*
+ P18. How to locally edit a file that's only available via
+ another server accessible via ssh?
+ See
+ "Using Vim to Remotely Edit A File on ServerB Only
+ Accessible From ServerA"
11. Debugging Netrw Itself *netrw-debug* {{{1
-The <netrw.vim> script is typically available as something like:
+Step 1: check that the problem you've encountered hasn't already been resolved
+by obtaining a copy of the latest (often developmental) netrw at:
+The <netrw.vim> script is typically installed on systems as something like:
+ (see output of :echo &rtp)
+which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp). If you
+installed a new netrw, then it will be located at >
+ $HOME/.vim/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
+ $HOME/.vim/autoload/netrw.vim
-which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).
+Step 2: assuming that you've installed the latest version of netrw,
+check that your problem is really due to netrw. Create a file
+called netrw.vimrc with the following contents: >
+ set nocp
+ so $HOME/.vim/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
+Then run netrw as follows: >
+ vim -u netrw.vimrc --noplugins [some path here]
+Perform whatever netrw commands you need to, and check that the problem is
+still present. This procedure sidesteps any issues due to personal .vimrc
+settings and other plugins. If the problem does not appear, then you need
+to determine what setting in your .vimrc is causing the conflict with netrw
+or which plugin.
+Step 3: If the problem still is present, then get a debugging trace from
1. Get the <Decho.vim> script, available as:
@@ -3192,7 +3481,8 @@ which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).
3. Then bring up vim and attempt to evoke the problem by doing a
transfer or doing some browsing. A set of messages should appear
concerning the steps that <netrw.vim> took in attempting to
- read/write your file over the network in a separate tab.
+ read/write your file over the network in a separate tab or
+ server vim window.
To save the file, use >
@@ -3207,14 +3497,82 @@ which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).
debugging trace is due to which command.
Please send that information to <netrw.vim>'s maintainer along
- with the o/s you're using and vim version you're using
+ with the o/s you're using and the vim version that you're using
(see |:version|) >
NdrOchip at ScampbellPfamily.AbizM - NOSPAM
12. History *netrw-history* {{{1
- v152: Apr 08, 2014 * uses the |'noswapfile'| option (requires
+ v153: May 13, 2014 * added another |g:netrw_ffkeep| usage {{{2
+ May 14, 2014 * changed s:PerformListing() so that it
+ always sets ft=netrw for netrw buffers
+ (ie. even when syntax highlighting is
+ off, not available, etc)
+ May 16, 2014 * introduced the |netrw-ctrl-r| functionality
+ May 17, 2014 * introduced the |netrw-:NetrwMB| functionality
+ * mb and mB (|netrw-mb|, |netrw-mB|) will
+ add/remove marked files from bookmark list
+ May 20, 2014 * (Enno Nagel) reported that :Lex <dirname>
+ wasn't working. Fixed.
+ May 26, 2014 * restored test to prevent leftmouse window
+ resizing from causing refresh.
+ (see s:NetrwLeftmouse())
+ * fixed problem where a refresh caused cursor
+ to go just under the banner instead of
+ staying put
+ May 28, 2014 * (László Bimba) provided a patch for opening
+ the |:Lexplore| window 100% high, optionally
+ on the right, and will work with remote
+ files.
+ May 29, 2014 * implemented :NetrwC (see |netrw-:NetrwC|)
+ Jun 01, 2014 * Removed some "silent"s from commands used
+ to implemented scp://... and pscp://...
+ directory listing. Permits request for
+ password to appear.
+ Jun 05, 2014 * (Enno Nagel) reported that user maps "/"
+ caused problems with "b" and "w", which
+ are mapped (for wide listings only) to
+ skip over files rather than just words.
+ Jun 10, 2014 * |g:netrw_gx| introduced to allow users to
+ override default "<cfile>" with the gx
+ (|netrw-gx|) map
+ Jun 11, 2014 * gx (|netrw-gx|), with |'autowrite'| set,
+ will write modified files. s:NetrwBrowseX()
+ will now save, turn off, and restore the
+ |'autowrite'| setting.
+ Jun 13, 2014 * added visual map for gx use
+ Jun 15, 2014 * (Enno Nagel) reported that with having hls
+ set and wide listing style in use, that the
+ b and w maps caused unwanted highlighting.
+ Jul 05, 2014 * |netrw-mv| and |netrw-mX| commands included
+ Jul 09, 2014 * |g:netrw_keepj| included, allowing optional
+ keepj
+ Jul 09, 2014 * fixing bugs due to previous update
+ Jul 21, 2014 * (Bruno Sutic) provided an updated
+ netrw_gitignore.vim
+ Jul 30, 2014 * (Yavuz Yetim) reported that editing two
+ remote files of the same name caused the
+ second instance to have a "temporary"
+ name. Fixed: now they use the same buffer.
+ Sep 18, 2014 * (Yasuhiro Matsumoto) provided a patch which
+ allows scp and windows local paths to work.
+ Oct 07, 2014 * gx (see |netrw-gx|) when atop a directory,
+ will now do |gf| instead
+ Nov 06, 2014 * For cygwin: cygstart will be available for
+ netrw#BrowseX() to use if its executable.
+ Nov 07, 2014 * Began support for file://... urls. Will use
+ |g:netrw_file_cmd| (typically elinks or links)
+ Dec 02, 2014 * began work on having mc (|netrw-mc|) copy
+ directories. Works for linux machines,
+ cygwin+vim, but not for windows+gvim.
+ Dec 02, 2014 * in tree mode, netrw was not opening
+ directories via symbolic links.
+ Dec 02, 2014 * added resolved link information to
+ thin and tree modes
+ Dec 30, 2014 * (issue#231) |:ls| was not showing
+ remote-file buffers reliably. Fixed.
+ v152: Apr 08, 2014 * uses the |'noswapfile'| option (requires {{{2
vim 7.4 with patch 213)
* (Enno Nagel) turn |'rnu'| off in netrw
@@ -3240,7 +3598,7 @@ which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).
chgwin window.
May 09, 2014 * SavePosn was "saving filename under cursor"
from a non-netrw window when using :Rex.
- v151: Jan 22, 2014 * extended :Rexplore to return to buffer
+ v151: Jan 22, 2014 * extended :Rexplore to return to buffer {{{2
prior to Explore or editing a directory
* (Ken Takata) netrw gave error when
clipboard was disabled. Sol'n: Placed
@@ -3287,7 +3645,7 @@ which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).
and it also handles Window's shares
* Fixed |netrw-d| command when applied with ftp
* https: support included for netrw#NetRead()
- v150: Jul 12, 2013 * removed a "keepalt" to allow ":e #" to
+ v150: Jul 12, 2013 * removed a "keepalt" to allow ":e #" to {{{2
return to the netrw directory listing
Jul 13, 2013 * (Jonas Diemer) suggested changing
a <cWORD> to <cfile>.
@@ -3342,7 +3700,7 @@ which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).
style, with a previous window open, that
the wrong directory was being used to open
a file. Fixed. (P21)
- v149: Apr 18, 2013 * in wide listing format, now have maps for
+ v149: Apr 18, 2013 * in wide listing format, now have maps for {{{2
w and b to move to next/previous file
Apr 26, 2013 * one may now copy files in the same
directory; netrw will issue requests for
@@ -3356,133 +3714,9 @@ which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp).
requested by Paul Domaskis.
Jul 03, 2013 * Explore now avoids splitting when a buffer
will be hidden.
- v148: Apr 16, 2013 * changed Netrw's Style menu to allow direct
+ v148: Apr 16, 2013 * changed Netrw's Style menu to allow direct {{{2
choice of listing style, hiding style, and
sorting style
- v147: Nov 24, 2012 * (James McCoy) Even with g:netrw_dirhistmax
- at zero, the .vim/ directory would be
- created to support history/bookmarks. I've
- gone over netrw to suppress history and
- bookmarking when g:netrw_dirhistmax is zero.
- For instance, the menus will display
- (disabled) when attempts to use
- bookmarks/history are made.
- Nov 29, 2012 * (Kim Jang-hwan) reported that with
- g:Align_xstrlen set to 3 that the cursor was
- moved (linewise) after invocation. This
- problem also afflicted netrw.
- (see |g:netrw_xstrlen|) Fixed.
- Jan 21, 2013 * (mattn) provided a patch to insert some
- endifs needed with the code implementing
- |netrw-O|.
- Jan 24, 2013 * (John Szakmeister) found that remote file
- editing resulted in filetype options being
- overwritten by NetrwOptionRestore(). I
- moved filetype detect from NetrwGetFile()
- to NetrwOptionRestore.
- Feb 17, 2013 * (Yukhiro Nakadaira) provided a patch
- correcting some syntax errors.
- Feb 28, 2013 * (Ingo Karkat) provided a patch preventing
- receipt of an |E95| when revisiting a
- file://... style url.
- Mar 18, 2013 * (Gary Johnson) pointed out that changing
- cedit to <Esc> caused problems with visincr;
- the cedit setting is now bypassed in netrw too.
- Apr 02, 2013 * (Paul Domaskis) reported an undefined
- variable error (s:didstarstar) was
- occurring. It is now defined at
- initialization.
- * included additional sanity checking for the
- marked file functions.
- * included |netrw-qF| and special "j" option
- handling for |netrw-mg|
- Apr 12, 2013 * |netrw-u| and |netrw-U| now handle counts
- * the former mapping for "T" has been removed;
- in its place are new maps, |netrw-Tb| and |netrw-Th|.
- * the menu now supports a "Targets" entry for
- easier target selection. (see |netrw-mt|)
- * (Paul Domaskis) reported some problems with
- moving/copying files under Windows' gvim
- (ie. not cygwin). Fixed.
- * (Paul Mueller) provided a patch to get
- start and rundll working via |netrw-gx|
- by bypassing the user's |'shellslash'| option.
- v146: Oct 20, 2012 * (David Kotchan) reported that under Windows,
- directories named with unusual characters
- such as "#" or "$" were not being listed
- properly.
- * (Kenny Lee) reported that the buffer list
- was being populated by netrw buffers.
- Netrw will now |:bwipe| netrw buffers
- upon editing a file if g:netrw_fastbrowse
- is zero and its not in tree listing style.
- * fixed a bug with s:NetrwInit() that
- prevented initialization with |Lists| and
- |Dictionaries|.
- * |netrw-mu| now unmarks marked-file lists
- v145: Apr 05, 2012 * moved some command from a g:netrw_local_...
- format to g:netwr_local... format
- * included some NOTE level messages about
- commands that aren't executable
- * |g:netrw_errorlvl| (default: NOTE=0)
- option introduced
- May 18, 2012 * (Ilya Dogolazky) a scenario where a
- |g:netrw_fastbrowse| of zero did not
- have a local directory refreshed fixed.
- Jul 10, 2012 * (Donatas) |netrw-gb| wasn't working due
- to an incorrectly used variable.
- Aug 09, 2012 * (Bart Baker) netrw was doubling
- of entries after a split.
- * (code by Takahiro Yoshihara) implemented
- |g:netrw_dynamic_maxfilenamelen|
- Aug 31, 2012 * (Andrew Wong) netrw refresh overwriting
- the yank buffer.
- v144: Mar 12, 2012 * when |CTRL-W_s| or |CTRL-W_v| are used,
- or their wincmd equivalents, on a netrw
- buffer, the netrw's w: variables were
- not copied over. Fixed.
- Mar 13, 2012 * nbcd_curpos_{bufnr('%')} was commented
- out, and was mistakenly used during
- RestorePosn. Unfortunately, I'm not
- sure why it was commented out, so this
- "fix" may re-introduce an earlier problem.
- Mar 21, 2012 * included s:rexposn internally to make
- :Rex return the cursor to the same pos'n
- upon restoration of netrw buffer
- Mar 27, 2012 * (sjbesse) s:NetrwGetFile() needs to remove
- "/" from the netrw buffer's usual |'isk'|
- in order to allow "filetype detect" to work
- properly for scripts.
- v143: Jun 01, 2011 * |g:netrw_winsize| will accept a negative
- number; the absolute value of it will then
- be used to specify lines/columns instead of
- a percentage.
- Jul 05, 2011 * the "d" map now supports mkdir via ftp
- See |netrw-d| and |g:netrw_remote_mkdir|
- Jul 11, 2011 * Changed Explore!, Sexplore!, and Vexplore
- to use a percentage of |winwidth()| instead
- of a percentage of |winheight()|.
- Jul 11, 2011 * included support for https://... I'm just
- beginning to test this, however.
- Aug 01, 2011 * changed RestoreOptions to also restore
- cursor position in netrw buffers.
- Aug 12, 2011 * added a note about "%" to the balloon
- Aug 30, 2011 * if |g:netrw_nobeval| exists, then balloon
- evaluation is suppressed.
- Aug 31, 2011 * (Benjamin R Haskell) provided a patch that
- implements non-standard port handling for
- files opened via the remote browser.
- Aug 31, 2011 * Fixed a **//pattern Explorer bug
- Sep 15, 2011 * (reported by Francesco Campana) netrw
- now permits the "@" to be part of the
- user id (if there's an @ that appears
- to the right).
- Nov 21, 2011 * New option: |g:netrw_ftp_options|
- Dec 07, 2011 * (James Sinclair) provided a fix handling
- attempts to use a uid and password when
- they weren't defined. This affected
- NetWrite (NetRead already had that fix).
13. Todo *netrw-todo* {{{1
diff --git a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
index edeef6655..01be75acc 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*repeat.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Oct 29
+*repeat.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2015 Jan 07
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ For writing a Vim script, see chapter 41 of the user manual |usr_41.txt|.
command is ignored.
{not in Vi}
- *:scrip* *:scriptnames*
-:scrip[tnames] List all sourced script names, in the order they were
+ *:scr* *:scriptnames*
+:scr[iptnames] List all sourced script names, in the order they were
first sourced. The number is used for the script ID
{not in Vi} {not available when compiled without the
diff --git a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
index efb7bda66..c4964bcf3 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*syntax.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Nov 19
+*syntax.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2015 Jan 07
@@ -1128,6 +1128,14 @@ to standard by placing this in your vimrc file: >
:let enforce_freedesktop_standard = 1
+DIFF *diff.vim*
+The diff highlighting normally finds translated headers. This can be slow if
+there are very long lines in the file. To disable translations: >
+ :let diff_translations = 0
DIRCOLORS *dircolors.vim* *ft-dircolors-syntax*
The dircolors utility highlighting definition has one option. It exists to
diff --git a/runtime/doc/tags b/runtime/doc/tags
index ae7e22f7d..027df9ac5 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/tags
+++ b/runtime/doc/tags
@@ -1398,6 +1398,8 @@ $VIMRUNTIME starting.txt /*$VIMRUNTIME*
.dic spell.txt /*.dic*
.exrc starting.txt /*.exrc*
.gvimrc gui.txt /*.gvimrc*
+.netrwbook pi_netrw.txt /*.netrwbook*
+.netrwhist pi_netrw.txt /*.netrwhist*
.vimrc starting.txt /*.vimrc*
/ pattern.txt /*\/*
/$ pattern.txt /*\/$*
@@ -2726,7 +2728,7 @@ $VIMRUNTIME starting.txt /*$VIMRUNTIME*
:sbr windows.txt /*:sbr*
:sbrewind windows.txt /*:sbrewind*
:sbuffer windows.txt /*:sbuffer*
-:scrip repeat.txt /*:scrip*
+:scr repeat.txt /*:scr*
:scripte repeat.txt /*:scripte*
:scriptencoding repeat.txt /*:scriptencoding*
:scriptnames repeat.txt /*:scriptnames*
@@ -2761,7 +2763,6 @@ $VIMRUNTIME starting.txt /*$VIMRUNTIME*
:sfirst windows.txt /*:sfirst*
:sh various.txt /*:sh*
:shell various.txt /*:shell*
-:si gui_w32.txt /*:si*
:sig sign.txt /*:sig*
:sign sign.txt /*:sign*
:sign-define sign.txt /*:sign-define*
@@ -2774,6 +2775,7 @@ $VIMRUNTIME starting.txt /*$VIMRUNTIME*
:sign-unplace sign.txt /*:sign-unplace*
:sil various.txt /*:sil*
:silent various.txt /*:silent*
+:sim gui_w32.txt /*:sim*
:simalt gui_w32.txt /*:simalt*
:sl various.txt /*:sl*
:sla windows.txt /*:sla*
@@ -5415,6 +5417,7 @@ diff-options diff.txt /*diff-options*
diff-original-file diff.txt /*diff-original-file*
diff-patchexpr diff.txt /*diff-patchexpr*
diff.txt diff.txt /*diff.txt*
+diff.vim syntax.txt /*diff.vim*
diff_filler() eval.txt /*diff_filler()*
diff_hlID() eval.txt /*diff_hlID()*
digraph digraph.txt /*digraph*
@@ -6008,6 +6011,7 @@ g:netrw_errorlvl pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_errorlvl*
g:netrw_fastbrowse pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_fastbrowse*
g:netrw_fetch_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_fetch_cmd*
g:netrw_ffkeep pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_ffkeep*
+g:netrw_file_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_file_cmd*
g:netrw_fname_escape pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_fname_escape*
g:netrw_ftp pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_ftp*
g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject*
@@ -6019,6 +6023,7 @@ g:netrw_ftp_timelist_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_ftp_timelist_cmd*
g:netrw_ftpextracmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_ftpextracmd*
g:netrw_ftpmode pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_ftpmode*
g:netrw_glob_escape pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_glob_escape*
+g:netrw_gx pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_gx*
g:netrw_hide pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_hide*
g:netrw_home pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_home*
g:netrw_http_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_http_cmd*
@@ -6026,10 +6031,13 @@ g:netrw_http_put_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_http_put_cmd*
g:netrw_http_xcmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_http_xcmd*
g:netrw_ignorenetrc pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_ignorenetrc*
g:netrw_keepdir pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_keepdir*
+g:netrw_keepj pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_keepj*
g:netrw_list_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_list_cmd*
+g:netrw_list_cmd_options pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_list_cmd_options*
g:netrw_list_hide pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_list_hide*
g:netrw_liststyle pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_liststyle*
g:netrw_localcopycmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_localcopycmd*
+g:netrw_localcopydircmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_localcopydircmd*
g:netrw_localmkdir pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_localmkdir*
g:netrw_localmovecmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_localmovecmd*
g:netrw_localrmdir pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_localrmdir*
@@ -6050,6 +6058,7 @@ g:netrw_rsync_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_rsync_cmd*
g:netrw_scp_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_scp_cmd*
g:netrw_scpport pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_scpport*
g:netrw_sepchr pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_sepchr*
+g:netrw_servername pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_servername*
g:netrw_sftp_cmd pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_sftp_cmd*
g:netrw_silent pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_silent*
g:netrw_sort_by pi_netrw.txt /*g:netrw_sort_by*
@@ -6998,6 +7007,8 @@ netrw-:Hexplore pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:Hexplore*
netrw-:Lexplore pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:Lexplore*
netrw-:MF pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:MF*
netrw-:MT pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:MT*
+netrw-:NetrwC pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:NetrwC*
+netrw-:NetrwMB pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:NetrwMB*
netrw-:Rexplore pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:Rexplore*
netrw-:Sexplore pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:Sexplore*
netrw-:Texplore pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-:Texplore*
@@ -7006,6 +7017,7 @@ netrw-C pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-C*
netrw-D pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-D*
netrw-O pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-O*
netrw-P pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-P*
+netrw-P18 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-P18*
netrw-R pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-R*
netrw-S pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-S*
netrw-Tb pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-Tb*
@@ -7035,6 +7047,7 @@ netrw-createfile pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-createfile*
netrw-credits pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-credits*
netrw-ctrl-h pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-ctrl-h*
netrw-ctrl-l pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-ctrl-l*
+netrw-ctrl-r pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-ctrl-r*
netrw-ctrl_l pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-ctrl_l*
netrw-curdir pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-curdir*
netrw-d pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-d*
@@ -7061,6 +7074,7 @@ netrw-gf pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-gf*
netrw-gh pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-gh*
netrw-gitignore pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-gitignore*
netrw-gp pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-gp*
+netrw-grep pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-grep*
netrw-gx pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-gx*
netrw-handler pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-handler*
netrw-help pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-help*
@@ -7082,6 +7096,7 @@ netrw-login pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-login*
netrw-mB pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mB*
netrw-mF pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mF*
netrw-mT pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mT*
+netrw-mX pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mX*
netrw-mb pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mb*
netrw-mc pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mc*
netrw-md pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-md*
@@ -7099,6 +7114,7 @@ netrw-mr pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mr*
netrw-ms pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-ms*
netrw-mt pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mt*
netrw-mu pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mu*
+netrw-mv pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mv*
netrw-mx pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mx*
netrw-mz pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-mz*
netrw-netrc pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-netrc*
@@ -7118,6 +7134,7 @@ netrw-p13 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p13*
netrw-p14 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p14*
netrw-p15 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p15*
netrw-p16 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p16*
+netrw-p17 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p17*
netrw-p2 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p2*
netrw-p3 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p3*
netrw-p4 pi_netrw.txt /*netrw-p4*
diff --git a/runtime/doc/todo.txt b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
index d114d36c5..f0d6668be 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2014 Dec 14
+*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2015 Jan 07
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Regexp problems:
- Using back reference before the capturing group sometimes works with the old
engine, can we do this with the new engine? E.g. with
"/\%(<\1>\)\@<=.*\%(<\/\(\w\+\)>\)\@=" matching text inside HTML tags.
+- Diff highlighting can be very slow. (Issue 309)
Still using freed memory after using setloclist(). (lcd, 2014 Jul 23)
More info Jul 24. Not clear why.
@@ -65,41 +66,24 @@ Breaks test_eval. Inefficient, can we only compute y_width when needed?
Problem that a previous silent ":throw" causes a following try/catch not to
work. (ZyX, 2013 Sep 28)
+Problem using ":try" inside ":execute". (ZyX, 2013 Sep 15)
":cd C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc*" does not work, even though the
directory exists. (Sergio Gallelli, 2013 Dec 29)
Gvim: when both Tab and CTRL-I are mapped, use CTRL-I not for Tab.
-Problem using ":try" inside ":execute". (ZyX, 2013 Sep 15)
Python: ":py raw_input('prompt')" doesn't work. (Manu Hack)
-When window number in Ex range is too high, should give an error:
- :3close " fails if there are only 2 windows.
-Patch from Marcin Szamotulski, 2014 Dec 13.
-Patch to recover from X server restart: hint on Issue 203 (2014 Nov 21 18:44)
-Insert a block with virtualedit set does not work correctly.
-Patch by James McCoy, 2014 Dec 10.
MS-Windows: When editing a file with a leading space, writing it uses the
wrong name. (Aram, 2014 Nov 7) Vim 7.4.
-Add LessCss support. (Jenoma / Alessandro Vioni, 2014 Nov 24)
-Now with updated license, Nov 24.
-Memory leak using :wviminfo. Issue 296. With Patch by Christian.
-patch to remove FEAT_OSFILETYPE from fileio.c. (Christian, 2014 Nov 12)
+Patch to fix unnecessary redraw of vertical separators.
+(Thiago Padilha, 2015 Jan 5, second version)
Value returned by virtcol() changes depending on how lines wrap. This is
inconsistent with the documentation.
-Patch to also support range for :argdo, :bufdo, etc.
-(Marcin Szamotulski, 2014 Dec 7)
-Asked for tests.
Ukrainian vimtutor. (Issue 288)
Regenerate the Unicode tables in mbyte.c.
@@ -108,19 +92,30 @@ Diff from ZyX, 2014 Dec 6.
Patch to fix relative numbers. (Christian Brabandt, 2014 Nov 17)
Update Nov 26.
+Patch to improve config.vim syntax. Issue 305. Maintainer last update was in
Patch to fix that getcurpos() returns a negative number, instead of MAXCOL.
(Hirohito Higashi, 2014 Dec 8)
+Better greek spell checking. Issue 299.
Patch to fix wrong formatting if 'linebreak' is set. (Christian Brabandt, 2014
Nov 12)
Patch to avoid recognizing polkit as hog files. (Issue 292)
+":0argedit foo" puts new argument in second place instead of first.
+Patch from Ingo Karkat, 2014 Dec 19.
Patch 7.4.468 changed how CTRL-C is handled. It does not take care of mapping
CTRL-C in different modes. (Ingo Karkat, 2014 Dec 12)
Patch from Christian Brabandt, 2014 Dec 13.
Needs to be improved.
+Patch for greek characters on MS-Windows console. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2014
+Dec 17)
Patch to support hex values for setting option value.
(Zyx, 2015 Nov 6)
@@ -131,6 +126,16 @@ Update Nov 5.
MS-Windows: Crash opening very long file name starting with "\\".
(Christian Brock, 2012 Jun 29)
+Patch for this from Marcin Szamotulski, 2014 Dec 28:
+8 Make the # register writable, so that it can be restored after jumping
+ around in windows.
+Using CTRL-L while popup menu is visible behaves like CTRL-P, which is wrong.
+Patch by Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2015 Jan 5.
+Is this right? Comment from Amadeus Demarzi.
+Another patch from Christian, Jan 6.
+Comment from Hirohito Higashi, Jan 6.
Cursorline background color not mixed with character highlight.
Patch by Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2014 Dec 3.
@@ -143,9 +148,19 @@ ml_updatechunk() is slow when retrying for another encoding. (John Little,
Patch to add a different escape sequence for replace mode.
(Omar Sandoval, 2014 Nov 30)
+Calling setreg() with an empty list doesn't work.
+Patch by Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2014 Dec 14.
+Extended file attributes lost on write (backupcopy=no). Issue 306.
+Window height computed incorrectly when Vim is minimized.
+Patch to fix this. (Ingo Karkat, 2014 Dec 19)
Patch to allow values greater than 255 for ctermfg/ctermbg on Windows.
(Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2014 Dec 5)
+Mixup of highlighting when there is a match and SpellBad. (ZyX, 2015 Jan 1)
When 'balloonexpr' returns a list the result has a trailing newline.
Just remove one trailing newline. (lcd, 2014 Oct 17)
@@ -190,6 +205,10 @@ was already defined.
Patch to make closed folds line up. (Charles Campbell, 2014 Sep 12)
Remark from Roland Eggner: does it cause crashes? (2014 Dec 12)
+Updated patch by Roland Eggner, Dec 16
+Updated patch from Charles, Dec 29.
+Patch to open folds for 'incsearch'. (Christian Brabandt, 2015 Jan 6)
Patch for building a 32bit Vim with 64bit MingW compiler.
(Michael Soyka, 2014 Oct 15)
@@ -200,6 +219,8 @@ Redo only remembers the last change. Could use "{count}g." to redo an older
change. How does the user know which change? At least have a way to list
them: ":repeats".
+Patch for glob(), adding slash to normal files. (Ingo Karkat, 2014 Dec 22)
Using "." to repeat an Ex command puts that command in history. Probably
should not happen. If the command is the result of a mapping it's not put in
history either. (Jacob Niehus, 2014 Nov 2)
@@ -233,6 +254,9 @@ Spell files use a latin single quote. Unicode also has another single quote:
New OpenOffice spell files support this with ICONV. But they are not
compatible with Vim spell files. The old files can no longer be downloaded.
+Patch to make FocusGained and FocusLost work in modern terminals. (Hayaki
+Saito, 2013 Apr 24)
Win32: patch to use 64 bit stat() if possible. (Ken Takata, 2014 May 12)
More tests May 14. Update May 29. Update Aug 10.
@@ -567,9 +591,6 @@ Patch to improve equivalence classes in regexp patterns.
Patch with suggestions for starting.txt. (Tony Mechelynck, 2012 Oct 24)
But use Gnome instead of GTK?
-Patch to make FocusGained and FocusLost work in modern terminals. (Hayaki
-Saito, 2013 Apr 24)
Should be possible to enable/disable matchparen per window or buffer.
Add a check for b:no_match_paren in Highlight_matching_Pair() (Marcin
Szamotulski, 2012 Nov 8)
@@ -5076,8 +5097,6 @@ Argument list:
8 Don't display empty registers with ":display". (Etienne)
-8 Make the # register writable, so that it can be restored after jumping
- around in windows.
8 Add put command that overwrites existing text. Should also work for
blocks. Useful to move text around in a table. Works like using "R ^R r"
for every line.
diff --git a/runtime/filetype.vim b/runtime/filetype.vim
index e55642d14..019345baf 100644
--- a/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ b/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2014 Dec 06
+" Last Change: 2015 Jan 07
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
@@ -1052,6 +1052,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ldif setf ldif
" Ld loader
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ld setf ld
+" Less
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.less setf less
" Lex
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.lex,*.l,*.lxx,*.l++ setf lex
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/less.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/less.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..637e9d292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/less.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin
+" Language: less
+" Maintainer: Alessandro Vioni <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2014 November 24
+" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
+if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
+ finish
+let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl cms< def< inc< inex< ofu< sua<"
+setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
+setlocal comments=:// commentstring=//\ %s
+setlocal omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
+setlocal suffixesadd=.less
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
index 11b2b0a66..28b7e245b 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: man
" Maintainer: SungHyun Nam <>
-" Last Change: 2014 Nov 12
+" Last Change: 2014 Dec 29
" To make the ":Man" command available before editing a manual page, source
" this script from your startup vimrc file.
@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ func <SID>GetPage(...)
silent exec "r!/usr/bin/man ".s:GetCmdArg(sect, page)." | col -b"
" Remove blank lines from top and bottom.
while getline(1) =~ '^\s*$'
- silent norm ggdd
+ silent keepj norm ggdd
while getline('$') =~ '^\s*$'
- silent norm Gdd
+ silent keepj norm Gdd
setl ft=man nomod
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/matlab.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/matlab.vim
index 6bfb3d761..205111c3c 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/matlab.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/matlab.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: matlab
" Maintainer: Jake Wasserman <jwasserman at gmail dot com>
-" Last Changed: 2006 Jan 12
+" Last Changed: 2014 Dec 30
+" Contributors:
+" Charles Campbell
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
@@ -12,10 +15,11 @@ let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo-=C
if exists("loaded_matchit")
- let s:conditionalEnd = '\(([^()]*\)\@!\<end\>\([^()]*)\)\@!'
- let b:match_words = '\<if\>\|\<while\>\|\<for\>\|\<switch\>:' .
- \ s:conditionalEnd . ',\<if\>:\<elseif\>:\<else\>:' .
- \ s:conditionalEnd
+ let s:conditionalEnd = '\%(([^()]*\)\@!\<end\>\%([^()]*)\)\@!'
+ let b:match_words=
+ \ '\<\%(if\|switch\|for\|while\)\>:\<\%(elseif\|case\|break\|continue\|else\|otherwise\)\>:'.s:conditionalEnd.','.
+ \ '\<function\>:\<return\>:\<endfunction\>'
+ unlet s:conditionalEnd
setlocal suffixesadd=.m
diff --git a/runtime/indent/less.vim b/runtime/indent/less.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82bf2d87f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/less.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language: less
+" Maintainer: Alessandro Vioni <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2014 November 24
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+runtime! indent/css.vim
+" vim:set sw=2:
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim b/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
index e3e79ddea..cad4d31a0 100644
--- a/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
+++ b/runtime/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" netrwPlugin.vim: Handles file transfer and remote directory listing across a network
-" Date: Jan 22, 2014
+" Date: Nov 07, 2014
" Maintainer: Charles E Campbell <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1075 1 :AutoInstall: netrw.vim
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_netrwPlugin")
-let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v152"
+let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = "v153"
if v:version < 702
echohl WarningMsg
echo "***warning*** you need vim version 7.2 for this version of netrw"
@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ augroup END
" Network Browsing Reading Writing: {{{2
augroup Network
- au BufReadCmd file://* call netrw#FileUrlRead(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|call netrw#Nread(2,expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
- au FileReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau FileReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|call netrw#Nread(1,expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau FileReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
- au BufWriteCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau BufWritePre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe 'Nwrite '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau BufWritePost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
- au FileWriteCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau FileWritePre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "'[,']".'Nwrite '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau FileWritePost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
- try
- au SourceCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe 'Nsource '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
- catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E216/
- au SourcePre ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe 'Nsource '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd file://* call netrw#FileUrlRead(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,file://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau BufReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|call netrw#Nread(2,expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau BufReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au FileReadCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,file://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau FileReadPre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|call netrw#Nread(1,expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau FileReadPost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au BufWriteCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,file://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau BufWritePre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe 'Nwrite '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau BufWritePost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ au FileWriteCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,file://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe "sil doau FileWritePre ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "'[,']".'Nwrite '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))|exe "sil doau FileWritePost ".fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ try
+ au SourceCmd ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,file://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe 'Nsource '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E216/
+ au SourcePre ftp://*,rcp://*,scp://*,http://*,file://*,https://*,dav://*,davs://*,rsync://*,sftp://* exe 'Nsource '.fnameescape(expand("<amatch>"))
augroup END
@@ -81,18 +81,26 @@ com! -nargs=* -bar -bang -count=0 -complete=dir Vexplore call netrw#Explore(<cou
com! -nargs=* -bar -count=0 -complete=dir Texplore call netrw#Explore(<count>,0,6 ,<q-args>)
com! -nargs=* -bar -bang Nexplore call netrw#Explore(-1,0,0,<q-args>)
com! -nargs=* -bar -bang Pexplore call netrw#Explore(-2,0,0,<q-args>)
-com! -nargs=* -bar -complete=dir Lexplore call netrw#Lexplore(<q-args>)
+com! -nargs=* -bar -bang -count=0 -complete=dir Lexplore call netrw#Lexplore(<count>,<bang>0,<q-args>)
" Commands: NetrwSettings {{{2
com! -nargs=0 NetrwSettings call netrwSettings#NetrwSettings()
com! -bang NetrwClean call netrw#Clean(<bang>0)
" Maps:
-if !exists("g:netrw_nogx") && maparg('gx','n') == ""
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBrowseX')
- nmap <unique> gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
+if !exists("g:netrw_nogx")
+ if maparg('gx','n') == ""
+ if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBrowseX')
+ nmap <unique> gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
+ endif
+ nno <silent> <Plug>NetrwBrowseX :call netrw#BrowseX(expand((exists("g:netrw_gx")? g:netrw_gx : '<cfile>')),netrw#CheckIfRemote())<cr>
+ endif
+ if maparg('gx','v') == ""
+ if !hasmapto('<Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis')
+ vmap <unique> gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis
+ endif
+ vno <silent> <Plug>NetrwBrowseXVis :<c-u>call netrw#BrowseXVis()<cr>
- nno <silent> <Plug>NetrwBrowseX :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(expand("<cfile>"),0)<cr>
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -119,7 +127,7 @@ fun! s:LocalBrowse(dirname)
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> (isdirectory, amiga)")
if a:dirname != '' && isdirectory(a:dirname)
sil! call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
- if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")
+ if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line('.') < w:netrw_bannercnt
exe w:netrw_bannercnt
@@ -128,7 +136,7 @@ fun! s:LocalBrowse(dirname)
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> ft=".&ft." (isdirectory, not amiga)")
" call Dredir("LocalBrowse ft last set: ","verbose set ft")
sil! call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
- if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt")
+ if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line('.') < w:netrw_bannercnt
exe w:netrw_bannercnt
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/diff.vim b/runtime/syntax/diff.vim
index a0005140b..ff69c5860 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/diff.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/diff.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: Diff (context or unified)
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Translations by Jakson Alves de Aquino.
-" Last Change: 2014 Nov 12
+" Last Change: 2015 Jan 07
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ syn match diffIsA "^File .* is a .* while file .* is a .*"
syn match diffNoEOL "^\\ No newline at end of file .*"
syn match diffCommon "^Common subdirectories: .*"
+" Disable the translations by setting diff_translations to zero.
+if !exists("diff_translations") || diff_translations
" ca
syn match diffOnly "^Només a .*"
syn match diffIdentical "^Els fitxers .* i .* són idèntics$"
@@ -320,6 +323,8 @@ syn match diffIsA "^檔案 .* 是.*而檔案 .* 是.*"
syn match diffNoEOL "^\\ 檔案末沒有 newline 字元"
syn match diffCommon "^.* 和 .* 有共同的副目錄$"
syn match diffRemoved "^-.*"
syn match diffRemoved "^<.*"
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/html.vim b/runtime/syntax/html.vim
index d59126ded..ab1f9b3c1 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/html.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/html.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
" Language: HTML
" Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <>
" URL:
-" Last Change: 2012 Oct 05
+" Last Change: 2015 Jan 07
+" included patch from David Felix
" Please check :help html.vim for some comments and a description of the options
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ if main_syntax != 'java' || exists("java_javascript")
syn include @htmlJavaScript syntax/javascript.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
- syn region javaScript start=+<script\_[^>]*>+ keepend end=+</script>+me=s-1 contains=@htmlJavaScript,htmlCssStyleComment,htmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc
+ syn region javaScript start=+<script\_[^>]*>+ keepend end=+</script\_[^>]*>+me=s-1 contains=@htmlJavaScript,htmlCssStyleComment,htmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc
syn region htmlScriptTag contained start=+<script+ end=+>+ fold contains=htmlTagN,htmlString,htmlArg,htmlValue,htmlTagError,htmlEvent
HtmlHiLink htmlScriptTag htmlTag
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ if main_syntax != 'java' || exists("java_vb")
syn include @htmlVbScript syntax/vb.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
- syn region javaScript start=+<script \_[^>]*language *=\_[^>]*vbscript\_[^>]*>+ keepend end=+</script>+me=s-1 contains=@htmlVbScript,htmlCssStyleComment,htmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc
+ syn region javaScript start=+<script \_[^>]*language *=\_[^>]*vbscript\_[^>]*>+ keepend end=+</script\_[^>]*>+me=s-1 contains=@htmlVbScript,htmlCssStyleComment,htmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc
syn cluster htmlJavaScript add=@htmlPreproc
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/less.vim b/runtime/syntax/less.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cc8c6d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/less.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: less
+" Maintainer: Alessandro Vioni <>
+" URL:
+" Last Change: 2014 November 24
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime! syntax/css.vim
+runtime! after/syntax/css.vim
+syn case ignore
+syn cluster lessCssProperties contains=cssFontProp,cssFontDescriptorProp,cssColorProp,cssTextProp,cssBoxProp,cssGeneratedContentProp,cssPagingProp,cssUIProp,cssRenderProp,cssAuralProp,cssTableProp
+syn cluster lessCssAttributes contains=css.*Attr,lessEndOfLineComment,lessComment,cssValue.*,cssColor,cssURL,lessDefault,cssImportant,cssError,cssStringQ,cssStringQQ,cssFunction,cssUnicodeEscape,cssRenderProp
+syn region lessDefinition matchgroup=cssBraces start="{" end="}" contains=TOP
+syn match lessProperty "\%([{};]\s*\|^\)\@<=\%([[:alnum:]-]\|#{[^{}]*}\)\+\s*:" contains=css.*Prop skipwhite nextgroup=lessCssAttribute contained containedin=lessDefinition
+syn match lessProperty "^\s*\zs\s\%(\%([[:alnum:]-]\|#{[^{}]*}\)\+\s*:\|:[[:alnum:]-]\+\)"hs=s+1 contains=css.*Prop skipwhite nextgroup=lessCssAttribute
+syn match lessProperty "^\s*\zs\s\%(:\=[[:alnum:]-]\+\s*=\)"hs=s+1 contains=css.*Prop skipwhite nextgroup=lessCssAttribute
+syn match lessCssAttribute +\%("\%([^"]\|\\"\)*"\|'\%([^']\|\\'\)*'\|#{[^{}]*}\|[^{};]\)*+ contained contains=@lessCssAttributes,lessVariable,lessFunction,lessInterpolation
+syn match lessDefault "!default\>" contained
+" less variables and media queries
+syn match lessVariable "@[[:alnum:]_-]\+" nextgroup=lessCssAttribute skipwhite
+syn match lessMedia "@media" nextgroup=lessCssAttribute skipwhite
+" Less functions
+syn match lessFunction "\<\%(escape\|e\|unit\)\>(\@=" contained
+syn match lessFunction "\<\%(ceil\|floor\|percentage\|round\|sqrt\|abs\|sin\|asin\|cos\|acos\|tan\|atan\|pi\|pow\|min\|max\)\>(\@=" contained
+syn match lessFunction "\<\%(rgb\|rgba\|argb\|argb\|hsl\|hsla\|hsv\|hsva\)\>(\@=" contained
+syn match lessFunction "\<\%(hue\|saturation\|lightness\|red\|green\|blue\|alpha\|luma\)\>(\@=" contained
+syn match lessFunction "\<\%(saturate\|desaturate\|lighten\|darken\|fadein\|fadeout\|fade\|spin\|mix\|greyscale\|contrast\)\>(\@=" contained
+syn match lessFunction "\<\%(multiply\|screen\|overlay\|softlight\|hardlight\|difference\|exclusion\|average\|negation\)\>(\@=" contained
+" Less id class visualization
+syn match lessIdChar "#[[:alnum:]_-]\@=" nextgroup=lessId,lessClassIdCall
+syn match lessId "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained
+syn match lessClassIdCall "[[:alnum:]_-]\+()" contained
+syn match lessClassChar "\.[[:alnum:]_-]\@=" nextgroup=lessClass,lessClassCall
+syn match lessClass "[[:alnum:]_-]\+" contained
+syn match lessClassCall "[[:alnum:]_-]\+()" contained
+syn match lessAmpersand "&" contains=lessIdChar,lessClassChar
+syn region lessInclude start="@import" end=";\|$" contains=lessComment,cssURL,cssUnicodeEscape,cssMediaType,cssStringQ,cssStringQQ
+syn keyword lessTodo FIXME NOTE TODO OPTIMIZE XXX contained
+syn region lessComment start="^\z(\s*\)//" end="^\%(\z1 \)\@!" contains=lessTodo,@Spell
+syn region lessCssComment start="^\z(\s*\)/\*" end="^\%(\z1 \)\@!" contains=lessTodo,@Spell
+syn match lessEndOfLineComment "//.*" contains=lessComment,lessTodo,@Spell
+hi def link lessEndOfLineComment lessComment
+hi def link lessCssComment lessComment
+hi def link lessComment Comment
+hi def link lessDefault cssImportant
+hi def link lessVariable Identifier
+hi def link lessFunction PreProc
+hi def link lessTodo Todo
+hi def link lessInclude Include
+hi def link lessIdChar Special
+hi def link lessClassChar Special
+hi def link lessAmpersand Character
+hi def link lessId Identifier
+hi def link lessClass Type
+hi def link lessCssAttribute PreProc
+hi def link lessClassCall Type
+hi def link lessClassIdCall Type
+hi def link lessTagName cssTagName
+hi def link lessDeprecated cssDeprecated
+hi def link lessMedia cssMedia
+let b:current_syntax = "less"
+" vim:set sw=2:
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/netrw.vim b/runtime/syntax/netrw.vim
index 16e3c90c4..980fe5dde 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/netrw.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/netrw.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Language : Netrw Remote-Directory Listing Syntax
-" Maintainer : Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-" Last change: Mar 07, 2014
-" Version : 18
+" Maintainer : Charles E. Campbell
+" Last change: Oct 06, 2014
+" Version : 19
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Syntax Clearing: {{{1
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ endif
syn cluster NetrwGroup contains=netrwHide,netrwSortBy,netrwSortSeq,netrwQuickHelp,netrwVersion,netrwCopyTgt
syn cluster NetrwTreeGroup contains=netrwDir,netrwSymLink,netrwExe
-syn match netrwPlain "\(\S\+ \)*\S\+" contains=@NoSpell
+syn match netrwPlain "\(\S\+ \)*\S\+" contains=netrwLink,@NoSpell
syn match netrwSpecial "\%(\S\+ \)*\S\+[*|=]\ze\%(\s\{2,}\|$\)" contains=netrwClassify,@NoSpell
syn match netrwDir "\.\{1,2}/" contains=netrwClassify,@NoSpell
"syn match netrwDir "\%(\S\+ \)*\S\+/" contains=netrwClassify,@NoSpell
@@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ syn match netrwDir "\%(\S\+ \)*\S\+/\ze\%(\s\{2,}\|$\)" contains=netrwClassi
syn match netrwSizeDate "\<\d\+\s\d\{1,2}/\d\{1,2}/\d\{4}\s" skipwhite contains=netrwDateSep,@NoSpell nextgroup=netrwTime
syn match netrwSymLink "\%(\S\+ \)*\S\+@\ze\%(\s\{2,}\|$\)" contains=netrwClassify,@NoSpell
syn match netrwExe "\%(\S\+ \)*\S*[^~]\*\ze\%(\s\{2,}\|$\)" contains=netrwClassify,@NoSpell
+if has("gui_running") && (&enc == 'utf-8' || &enc == 'utf-16' || &enc == 'ucs-4')
syn match netrwTreeBar "^\%([-+|│] \)\+" contains=netrwTreeBarSpace nextgroup=@netrwTreeGroup
+syn match netrwTreeBar "^\%([-+|] \)\+" contains=netrwTreeBarSpace nextgroup=@netrwTreeGroup
syn match netrwTreeBarSpace " " contained
syn match netrwClassify "[*=|@/]\ze\%(\s\{2,}\|$\)" contained
@@ -44,10 +48,11 @@ syn match netrwList ".*$" contained contains=netrwComma,@NoSpell
syn match netrwComma "," contained
syn region netrwQuickHelp matchgroup=Comment start="Quick Help:\s\+" end="$" contains=netrwHelpCmd,netrwQHTopic,@NoSpell keepend contained
syn match netrwHelpCmd "\S\+\ze:" contained skipwhite contains=@NoSpell nextgroup=netrwCmdSep
-syn match netrwQHTopic "-\a\+-" contained skipwhite
+syn match netrwQHTopic "([a-zA-Z &]\+)" contained skipwhite
syn match netrwCmdSep ":" contained nextgroup=netrwCmdNote
syn match netrwCmdNote ".\{-}\ze " contained contains=@NoSpell
syn match netrwVersion "(netrw.*)" contained contains=@NoSpell
+syn match netrwLink "-->" contained skipwhite
" -----------------------------
" Special filetype highlighting {{{1
@@ -95,6 +100,7 @@ if !exists("did_drchip_netrwlist_syntax")
hi default link netrwComma netrwComment
hi default link netrwHide netrwComment
hi default link netrwMarkFile TabLineSel
+ hi default link netrwLink Special
" special syntax highlighting (see :he g:netrw_special_syntax)
hi default link netrwBak NonText
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/r.vim b/runtime/syntax/r.vim
index 85a6eaa2a..9677823fb 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/r.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/r.vim
@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
" Maintainer: Jakson Aquino <>
" Former Maintainers: Vaidotas Zemlys <>
" Tom Payne <>
-" Last Change: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:29PM
+" Last Change: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:36AM
" Filenames: *.R *.r *.Rhistory *.Rt
-" NOTE: The highlighting of R functions is defined in the
-" r-plugin/functions.vim, which is part of vim-r-plugin2:
+" NOTE: The highlighting of R functions is defined in
+" runtime files created by a filetype plugin, if installed.
" syntax folding can be turned on by
@@ -37,9 +36,9 @@ syn match rComment contains=@Spell,rCommentTodo "#.*"
syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(param\|return\|name\|rdname\|examples\|include\|docType\)"
syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(S3method\|TODO\|aliases\|alias\|assignee\|author\|callGraphDepth\|callGraph\)"
syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(callGraphPrimitives\|concept\|exportClass\|exportMethod\|exportPattern\|export\|formals\)"
-syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(format\|importClassesFrom\|importFrom\|importMethodsFrom\|import\|keywords\)"
+syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(format\|importClassesFrom\|importFrom\|importMethodsFrom\|import\|keywords\|useDynLib\)"
syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(method\|noRd\|note\|references\|seealso\|setClass\|slot\|source\|title\|usage\)"
-syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(family\|template\|templateVar\|description\|details\|inheritsParams\)"
+syn match rOKeyword contained "@\(family\|template\|templateVar\|description\|details\|inheritParams\)"
syn match rOComment contains=@Spell,rOKeyword "#'.*"
@@ -79,12 +78,12 @@ syn keyword rRepeat for in repeat while
syn keyword rConstant T F LETTERS letters pi
syn keyword rConstant R.version.string
-syn keyword rNumber NA_integer_ NA_real_ NA_complex_ NA_character_
+syn keyword rNumber NA_integer_ NA_real_ NA_complex_ NA_character_
" Constants
syn keyword rConstant NULL
syn keyword rBoolean FALSE TRUE
-syn keyword rNumber NA Inf NaN
+syn keyword rNumber NA Inf NaN
" integer
syn match rInteger "\<\d\+L"
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ syn match rInteger "\<\d\+[Ee]+\=\d\+L"
" number with no fractional part or exponent
syn match rNumber "\<\d\+\>"
-" hexadecimal number
+" hexadecimal number
syn match rNumber "\<0x\([0-9]\|[a-f]\|[A-F]\)\+"
" floating point number with integer and fractional parts and optional exponent
@@ -111,17 +110,19 @@ syn match rComplex "\<\d\+\.\d*\([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=i"
syn match rComplex "\<\.\d\+\([Ee][-+]\=\d\+\)\=i"
syn match rComplex "\<\d\+[Ee][-+]\=\d\+i"
+syn match rAssign '='
syn match rOperator "&"
syn match rOperator '-'
syn match rOperator '\*'
syn match rOperator '+'
-syn match rOperator '='
if &filetype != "rmd" && &filetype != "rrst"
syn match rOperator "[|!<>^~/:]"
syn match rOperator "[|!<>^~`/:]"
syn match rOperator "%\{2}\|%\S\{-}%"
+syn match rOperator '\([!><]\)\@<=='
+syn match rOperator '=='
syn match rOpError '\*\{3}'
syn match rOpError '//'
syn match rOpError '&&&'
@@ -129,8 +130,8 @@ syn match rOpError '|||'
syn match rOpError '<<'
syn match rOpError '>>'
-syn match rArrow "<\{1,2}-"
-syn match rArrow "->\{1,2}"
+syn match rAssign "<\{1,2}-"
+syn match rAssign "->\{1,2}"
" Special
syn match rDelimiter "[,;:]"
@@ -151,9 +152,14 @@ syn match rBraceError "[)}]" contained
syn match rCurlyError "[)\]]" contained
syn match rParenError "[\]}]" contained
-" Source list of R functions. The list is produced by the Vim-R-plugin
-runtime r-plugin/functions.vim
+" Source list of R functions produced by a filetype plugin (if installed)
+if has("nvim")
+ " Nvim-R
+ runtime R/functions.vim
+ " Vim-R-plugin
+ runtime r-plugin/functions.vim
syn match rDollar display contained "\$"
syn match rDollar display contained "@"
@@ -171,7 +177,7 @@ if &filetype == "rhelp"
" Type
-syn keyword rType array category character complex double function integer list logical matrix numeric vector data.frame
+syn keyword rType array category character complex double function integer list logical matrix numeric vector data.frame
" Name of object with spaces
if &filetype != "rmd" && &filetype != "rrst"
@@ -179,13 +185,19 @@ if &filetype != "rmd" && &filetype != "rrst"
if &filetype == "rhelp"
- syn match rhPreProc "^#ifdef.*"
- syn match rhPreProc "^#endif.*"
+ syn match rhPreProc "^#ifdef.*"
+ syn match rhPreProc "^#endif.*"
syn match rhSection "\\dontrun\>"
+if exists("r_syn_minlines")
+ exe "syn sync minlines=" . r_syn_minlines
+ syn sync minlines=40
" Define the default highlighting.
-hi def link rArrow Statement
+hi def link rAssign Statement
hi def link rBoolean Boolean
hi def link rBraceError Error
hi def link rComment Comment
@@ -204,7 +216,7 @@ hi def link rHelpIdent Identifier
hi def link rhPreProc PreProc
hi def link rhSection PreCondit
hi def link rInteger Number
-hi def link rLstElmt Normal
+hi def link rLstElmt Normal
hi def link rNameWSpace Normal
hi def link rNumber Number
hi def link rOperator Operator
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64982e925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+= Ласкаво простимо в уроки VIM =
+ Vim дуже потужний редактор, що має багато команд. Всі команди неможливо
+ помістити в підручнику на зразок цього, але цих уроків достатньо, щоб
+ ви навчились з легкістю користуватись Vim як універсальним редактором.
+ Уроки цього підручника вимагають зміни тексту. Зробіть копію файлу, щоб
+ практикуватись на ньому.
+ Важливо пам'ятати, що цей підручник має на меті навчання на практиці.
+ Це означає що ви маєте застосовувати команди щоб вивчити їх. Просто
+ прочитавши текст, ви забудете команди.
+ Кнопки на клавіатурі, будемо позначати квадратними дужками: [кнопка].
+ А зараз переконайтесь, що включена англійська розкладка і не затиснутий
+ Caps Lock, і натисніть кнопку j щоб переміститись до першого уроку.
+ ** Щоб переміщати курсор використовуйте кнопки [h],[j],[k],[l],
+ як вказано на схемі:
+ ^
+ [k]
+ <[h] [l]>
+ [j]
+ v
+ Таке розміщення спочатку може видатись трохи дивним. Як наприклад те, що
+ кнопка [l] переміщує курсор вправо. Але клавіші розміщені так, щоб
+ мінімізувати кількість рухів. Найчастіша дія яку користувач робить з
+ текстовим файлом - це читає його. А при читанні прокручують текст вниз.
+ Тому вниз прокручує [j] - вона знаходиться якраз під вказівним пальцем
+ правої руки.
+ Курсор можна переміщувати і класичним способом (курсорними клавішами), але
+ зручніше буде, якщо ви опануєте спосіб Vim. (Особливо якщо ви вже вмієте
+ набирати всліпу).
+ 1. Попереміщуйте курсор по екрану, поки не призвичаїтесь.
+ 2. Перемістіться до наступного уроку.
+ Урок 1.2: Вихід з Vim
+Увага! Перед тим як виконувати цей урок прочитайте його повністю.
+ 1. Натисніть [ESC] (щоб впевнитись що ви в звичайному режимі).
+ 2. Наберіть: :q! [ENTER].
+ Це завершує роботу, відкидаючи всі зміни які ви здійснили.
+ 3. Коли ви побачите привітання терміналу введіть команду яку ви використали
+ щоб відкрити цей підручник. Скоріш за все це було: vim tutor.txt [ENTER]
+ 4. Якщо ви запам'ятали кроки з 1 по 3, виконайте їх, і переходьте до
+ наступного уроку.
+Зауваження: Команда :q! [ENTER] завершує роботу і відкидає всі зміни. Через
+ кілька уроків ви навчитесь зберігати зміни в файл.
+ ** Натисніть [x] щоб видалити символ під курсором. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до лінії нижче, яка позначена так: --->.
+ 2. Щоб виправити помилки перемістіть курсор так, щоб він став над
+ символом який треба видалити.
+ 3. Натисніть [x] щоб видалити непотрібний символ.
+ 4. Повторіть кроки з другого по четвертий, поки речення не стане правильним.
+---> Ккоровва перрестрибнуууууула ччерезз мііісяццць.
+ 5. Тепер, коли речення правильне, можна перейти до уроку 1.4.
+Зауваження: Протягом навчання не старайтесь запам'ятати все.
+ Вчіться практикою.
+ ** Натисніть [i] щоб вставити текст. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор на перший рядок позначений: --->.
+ 2. Перемістіть курсор на символ, ПІСЛЯ якого потрібно вставити текст.
+ 3. Натисніть [i] і наберіть необхідні вставки.
+ 4. Коли всі помилки виправлені натисніть [ESC] щоб повернутись в звичайний
+ режим.
+---> З прав текст.
+---> З цього рядка пропав деякий текст.
+ 5. Коли призвичаїтесь вставляти текст - переходьте до уроку 1.5.
+ ** Натисніть [A] щоб додати текст. **
+Увага! Тут і далі, коли мають наувазі клавішу з буквою в верхньому
+ регістрі, то це означає що її натискають з затиснутою [SHIFT].
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до першої лінії внизу позначеної --->.
+ Не має значення над яким символом знаходиться курсор.
+ 2. Натисніть [A] і введіть необхідне доповнення.
+ 3. Коли додавання завершене натисніть [ESC] щоб повернутись в
+ звичайний режим.
+ 4. Перемістіть курсор до другої лінії позначеної ---> і повторіть
+ кроки 2 і 3 щоб виправити речення.
+---> З цього рядка пропущ
+ З цього рядка пропущений текст.
+---> З цього рядка також
+ З цього рядка також пропущений текст.
+ 5. Після виконання вправ, переходьте до наступного уроку.
+ ** Використайте :wq щоб зберегти файл і вийти.**
+Увага! Перед виконанням уроку прочитайте його повністю.
+ 1. Вийдіть з цього підручника як ви робили в уроці 1.2: :q![ENTER]
+ Або якщо ви маєте доступ до іншого терміналу виконуйте наступні
+ дії в ньому.
+ 2. В терміналі наберіть команду: vim НазваФайлу [ENTER]
+ 'vim' - команда для запуску редактора, НазваФайлу - файл який будемо
+ редагувати. Якщо ввести неіснуючий файл, то він створиться
+ 3. Відредагуйте текст, як навчились у попередніх уроках.
+ 4. Щоб зберегти зміни у файлі, і вийти з Vim наберіть: :wq [ENTER]
+ 5. Якщо ви вийшли з підручника на першому кроці, то зайдіть в нього
+ знову і переходьте до підсумку.
+ 6. Після прочитання і засвоєння попередніх кроків виконайте їх.
+ 1. Курсор керується курсорними клавішами, або клавішами [h][j][k][l]
+ [h] (вліво) [j] (вниз) [k] (вверх) [l] (вправо)
+ 2. Щоб запустити Vim з терміналу наберіть: vim Назва файлу [ENTER]
+ 3. Щоб вийти з Vim наберіть: [ESC] :q! [ENTER] щоб відкинути всі зміни.
+ або наберіть: [ESC] :wq [ENTER] щоб зберегти всі зміни.
+ 4. Щоб видалити символ під курсором натисніть [x].
+ 5. Щоб вставити, чи доповнити текст наберіть:
+ [i] текст що вставляєтсья [ESC] вставиться перед курсором
+ [A] текст до додається [ESC] додасть текст до рядка
+Зауваження: Натискання [ESC] перенесе вас в звичайний режим, чи відмінить
+ не до кінця введену команду.
+Тепер переходьте до уроку 2.
+ ** Введіть dw щоб видалити слово. **
+ 1. Натисніть [ESC], щоб переконатись що ви в звичайному режимі.
+ 2. Перемістіть курсор до лінії нижче позначеної --->.
+ 3. Перемістіть курсор до початку слова що має бути видалене.
+ 4. Введіть dw щоб слово пропало.
+ Зауваження: Буква d з'явиться в останньому рядку екрану, якщо ви її натиснули.
+ Vim чекає введення наступного символа. Якщо з'явилось щось інше
+ значить ви щось не так ввели. Натисніть [ESC] і почніть спочатку.
+---> Є деякі слова весело, які не потрібні папір в цьому реченні.
+ 5. Повторюйте кроки 3 і 4 поки речення не стане правильне, а тоді переходьте
+ до уроку 2.2.
+ ** Наберіть d$ щоб видалити символи від курсора до кінця рядка. **
+ 1. Натисніть [ESC] щоб переконатись що ви в звичайному режимі.
+ 2. Перемістіть курсор до лінії нижче, що позначена --->.
+ 3. Перемістіть курсор до кінця правильного рядка (ПІСЛЯ першої крапки).
+ 4. Введіть d$ щоб видалити все до кінця рядка.
+---> Хтось надрукував кінець цього рядка двічі. кінець цього рядка двічі.
+ 5. Перейдіть до уроку 2.3 щоб розібратись в цьому детальніше.
+ Багато команд що змінюють текст утворені з оператора і переміщення.
+ Формат команди видалення з оператором d подано нижче:
+ d переміщення
+ Де:
+ d - оператор видалення.
+ переміщення - з чим працює оператор (описано нижче).
+ Короткий список переміщень:
+ w - до початку наступного слова, НЕ ВКЛЮЧАЮЧИ його перший символ.
+ e - до кінця поточного слова, ВКЛЮЧАЮЧИ останній символ.
+ $ - до кінця рядка, ВКЛЮЧАЮЧИ останній символ.
+ Тому введення de видалить символи від курсора, до кінця слова.
+Зауваження: Натискання тільки переміщення в звичайному режимі відповідно
+ переміщує курсор.
+ ** Введення числа перед переміщенням повторює його стільки раз. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до початку рядка позначеного --->
+ 2. Введіть 2w щоб перемістити курсор на два слова вперед.
+ 3. Введіть 3e щоб перемістити курсор в кінець третього слова.
+ 4. Введіть 0 (нуль) щоб переміститись на початок рядка.
+ 5. Повторіть кроки 2 і 3 з різними числами.
+---> А це просто рядок зі словами, серед яких можна рухати курсором.
+ 6. Переходьте до уроку 2.5.
+ ** Введення числа з оператором повторює його стільки ж разів. **
+ В комбінації з оператором видалення, і переміщення з лічильника можна
+ видаляти потрібне число елементів.
+ Для цього введіть
+ d число переміщення
+ 1. Перемістіться до першого слова в ВЕРХНЬОМУ РЕГІСТРІ в рядку
+ позначеному --->.
+ 2. Введіть d2w щоб видалити два слова.
+ 3. Повторіть кроки 1 і 2 з різними числами, щоб видалити все зайве.
+---> цей ABC DE рядок FGHI JK LMN OP слів Q RS TUV почищений.
+ ** Введіть dd щоб видалити весь рядок. **
+ Через те, що видалення всього рядка є доволі частою дією розробники Vi
+ вирішили що для цієї операції потрібна проста команда, як dd.
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до другого рядка в вірші нижче.
+ 2. Введіть dd щоб видалити рядок.
+ 3. Потім перемістіться до четвертого рядка.
+ 4. Введіть 2dd щоб видалити два рядки.
+---> 1) Троянди червоні,
+---> 2) Багнюка весела,
+---> 3) Волошки голубі,
+---> 4) В мене є машина,
+---> 5) Годинник каже час,
+---> 6) Цукерки солодкі,
+---> 7) Дарую тобі.
+ ** Натисніть u щоб скасувати останні команди, U щоб виправити ввесь рядок. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до рядка нижче позначеного ---> на місце першої помилки.
+ 2. Натисніть x щоб видалити непотрібний символ.
+ 3. Потім натисніть u щоб відмінити виправлення.
+ 4. Цього разу виправте всі помилки в рядку використовуючи команду x .
+ 5. Після цього введіть U, і відкиньте всі зміни в цілому рядку.
+ 6. Натисніть u кілька разів, щоб відмінити U і попередні команди.
+ 7. Тепер натисніть CTRL-R кілька разів, щоб повторити відмінені команди
+ (відмінити відміну).
+---> Вииправте помилки наа цьоому рядку і вііідмініть їх.
+ 8. Тепер можна переходити до підсумків другого уроку.
+ 1. Щоб видалити все від курсора аж до початку наступного слова введіть: dw
+ 2. Щоб видалити від курсора до кінця рядка: d$
+ 3. Щоб видалити увесь рядок: dd
+ 4. Щоб повторити переміщення, поставте перед ним число повторів: 2w
+ 5. Формат команди зміни:
+ оператор [число] переміщення
+ де:
+ оператор - що робити, як наприклад d для видалення
+ [число] - кількість повторів
+ переміщення - куди переміститись перед виконанням оператора, як
+ як наприклад w (слово), $ (кінець рядка), і т.і.
+ 6. Щоб переміститись до початку рядка використовуйте нуль: 0
+ 7. Щоб відмінити попередню дію введіть: u (u в нижньому регістрі)
+ Щоб відмінити всі зміни рядка введіть: U (U в верхньому регістрі)
+ Щоб скасувати відміну натисніть: CTRL-R
+ Урок 3.1: КОМАНДА PUT
+ ** Введіть p щоб вставити перед тим видалений текст після курсору. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до першої ---> лінії внизу.
+ 2. Введіть dd щоб видалити рядок і зберегти його в регістрі Vim.
+ 3. Перемістіть курсор до рядка в), НАД тим місцем де має бути видалений рядок.
+ 4. Натисніть p щоб вставити рядок під курсором.
+ 5. Повторіть кроки від 2 до 4 щоб вставити всі рядки в правильному порядку.
+---> г) всіх до кузні іззива.
+---> б) а в коваля серце тепле,
+---> в) а він клепче та й співа,
+---> а) А в тій кузні коваль клепле,
+ Урок 3.2: Команда заміни
+ ** Наберіть rx щоб замінити символ під курсором на x . **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до першого рядка нижче, позначеного --->.
+ 2. Помістіть курсор над першою помилкою.
+ 3. Наберіть r а потім символ який має стояти там.
+ 4. Повторіть кроки з 2 по 3 поки перший рядок не стане еквівалентним другому.
+---> Коли ця лігія набираламт. хтось наьтснкв геправмльні унопкм!
+---> Коли ця лінія набиралась, хтось натиснув неправильні кнопки!
+ 5. Зараз переходьте до уроку 3.3.
+Примітка: Ви маєте вчитись діями, а не простим заучуванням, пам'ятаєте?
+ ** Щоб зробити заміну до кінця слова введіть ce . **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до першого рядка позначеного --->.
+ 2. Помістіть курсор над у в слові рукра.
+ 3. Введіть ce і правильне закінчення слова (ядок в цьому випадку).
+ 4. Натисніть [ESC] і переходьте до наступного символа, який потрібно замінити.
+ 5. Повторюйте кроки 3 і 4 поки перше речення не стане таким самим як і друге.
+---> Цей рукра має кілька слів що потретамув заміни за допоцкщшг оператора.
+---> Цей рядок має кілька слів що потребують заміни за допомогою оператора.
+Зауважте що ce видаляє слово, і поміщає вас в режим вставки.
+ Урок 3.4: БІЛЬШЕ ЗМІН З c
+ ** Оператор заміни використовується з тими ж переміщеннями що і видалення. **
+ 1. Оператор заміни працює в такий же спосіб що і видалення. Формат:
+ c [число] переміщення
+ 2. Переміщення ті ж самі, такі як w (слово) і $ (кінець рядка).
+ 3. Перемістіться до першого рядка позначеного --->.
+ 4. Перемістіть курсор до першої помилки.
+ 5. Наберіть c$ і решту рядка, щоб він став таким як другий і натисніть [ESC].
+---> Кінець цього рядка потребує якихось дій щоб стати таким як кінець другого.
+---> Кінець цього рядка можна виправити за допомогою команди c$.
+Примітка: Можна використовувати кнопку Backspace щоб виправляти опечатки при
+ наборі.
+ 1. Щоб вставити текст який був видалений наберіть p . Це вставляє
+ видалений текст ПІСЛЯ курсора (якщо був видалений рядок, вставка
+ продовжиться з рядка під курсором).
+ 2. Щоб замінити символ під курсором наберіть r і необхідний символ.
+ 3. Оператор заміни дозволяє робити заміну тексту від курсору, до потрібного
+ переміщення. Наприклад щоб замінити все від курсора до кінця слова
+ вводять ce . Щоб замінити закінчення рядка тиснуть c$ .
+ 4. Формат заміни:
+ c [число] переміщення
+Почнемо наступний урок.
+ ** Введіть CTRL-G щоб побачити вашу позицію в файлі, і його статус.
+ Введіть G щоб переміститись на потрібний рядок файлу. **
+ ПРИМІТКА: Прочитайте увесь урок перед виконанням будь-яких кроків!!
+ 1. Затисніть кнопку Ctrl і натисніть g . Це називається CTRL-G.
+ Внизу з'явиться повідомлення з назвою файлу, і позицією в файлі.
+ Запам'ятайте номер рядка для кроку 3.
+ПРИМІТКА: Ви бачите позицію курсора в нижньому правому кутку екрану.
+ Це трапляється коли включена опція 'ruler' (читайте :help 'ruler' )
+ 2. Натисніть G щоб переміститись до кінця файлу.
+ Наберіть gg щоб переміститись до початку файлу.
+ 3. Наберіть номер рядка де ви були а потім G. Це перенесе вас до потрібного
+ рядка.
+ 4. Якщо ви запам'ятали три попередні кроки, то виконуйте.
+ ** Введіть / (слеш) і фразу, щоб шукати її в тексті. **
+ 1. В звичайному режимі введіть символ / . Зауважте що він і курсор
+ з'являються в низу екрану, як і з командою : .
+ 2. Тепер введіть 'очепятка' <ENTER>. Це буде словом яке ви шукатимете.
+ 3. Щоб здійснити пошук цієї фрази ще раз введіть n .
+ Щоб шукати в протилежному напрямку введіть N .
+ 4. Щоб шукати фразу в зворотньому напрямку використайте ? замість / .
+ 5. Щоб переміститись назад до того місця звідки прийшли натисніть CTRL-O.
+ Повторіть щоб повернутись ще далі. (Це як кнопка назад в браузері)
+ CTRL-I переміщує вперед.
+---> "очепятка" не є способом написати опечатка; очепятка це опечатка.
+Примітка: Коли пошук досягає кінця файлу він продовжує з початку, хіба що
+ опція 'wrapscan' була виключена.
+ ** Введіть % щоб знайти парну ),], чи } . **
+ 1. Помістіть курсор над будь-якою (, [, чи { в рядку нижче позначеному --->.
+ 2. Тепер введіть символ % .
+ 3. Курсор переміститься до відповідної дужки.
+ 4. Введіть % щоб перемістити курсор до іншої парної дужки.
+ 5. Спробуйте з іншими дужками, і подивіться що вийде.
+---> Це ( тестовий рядок ( з такими [ такими ] і такими { дужками } в ньому. ))
+Примітка: Це корисно при відлагоджуванні програми з неправильними дужками.
+ І взагалі в кожному тексті дужки мають стояти правильно!
+ ** Наберіть :s/старе/нове/g щоб замінити 'старе' на 'нове'. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до лінії нижче позначеної --->.
+ 2. Введіть :s/(біп)/блять [ENTER] . Зауважте що ця команда змінює тільки перше
+ входження (біп) в рядку.
+ 3. Потім наберіть :s/(біп)/блять/g . Додавання g вказує що заміни
+ робляться у всьому рядку глобально.
+---> люди не лю(біп), коли в слові "лю(біп)" "(біп)" заміняють на "(бiп)".
+ 4. Щоб замінити кожне входження послідовності символів між двома рядками
+ наберіть :#,#s/старе/нове/g де #,# діапазон рядків в яких робиться
+ заміна.
+ Введіть :%s/старе/нове/g щоб змінити кожне входження у цілому файлі.
+ Введіть :%s/старе/нове/gc щоб замінити, кожне входження у файлі з
+ підтвердженням кожної заміни.
+ 1. CTRL-G виводить вашу позицію в файлі і назву файлу.
+ G переміщує в кінець файлу.
+ число G переміщує до рядка з вказаним номером.
+ gg переміщує до першого рядка.
+ 2. Ввід / і послідовності символів шукає послідовність ПІСЛЯ курсора.
+ Ввід ? і послідовності символів шукає послідовність ПЕРЕД курсором.
+ Після пошуку введіть n щоб знайти наступне входження в тому ж напрямку
+ або N щоб шукати в протилежному напрямку.
+ CTRL-O відносить вас до старішої позиції, CTRL-I до новішої позиції.
+ 3. Ввід % коли курсор знаходиться над дужкою (,),[,],{, чи } переносить
+ курсор до протилежної дужки.
+ 4. Щоб замінити перше входження старого слова на нове :s/старе/нове
+ Щоб замінити всі старі слова рядка на нові :s/старе/нове/g
+ Щоб замінити фрази між двома рядками :#,#s/старе/нове/g
+ Щоб замінити всі входження в файлі :%s/старе/нове/g
+ Щоб щоразу підтверджувати заміну додайте 'c' :%s/старе/нове/gc
+ ** Введіть :! і зовнішню команду, щоб виконати ту команду. **
+ 1. Введіть відому команду : щоб встановити курсор в низу екрану.
+ Це дозволяє вводити команди командного рядка.
+ 2. Тепер введіть ! (символ знаку оклику) . Це дозволить вам виконати
+ будь-яку зовнішню команду.
+ 3. Як приклад введіть :!ls [ENTER]. Це покаже список файлів каталогу, так
+ так ніби ви знаходитесь в оболонці терміналу. Або використайте :!dir
+ якщо ви раптом знаходитесь в Windows.
+Примітка: Можна запускати будь-яку зовнішню команду таким способом, навіть з
+ аргументами.
+Примітка: Всі команди що починаються з : мають закінчуватись натисканням
+ [ENTER]. Більше на цьому не наголошуватиметься.
+ ** Щоб зберегти змінений текст, введіть :w НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ **
+ 1. Введіть :!dir чи :!ls щоб переглянути вміст вашої директорії.
+ Вам вже казали що після цього тиснуть [ENTER].
+ 2. Виберіть ім'я файлу яке ще не використовується, наприклад TEST.
+ (Взагалі то це не обов'язково, якщо вміст обраного файлу не
+ є цінним)
+ 3. Тепер введіть: :w TEST (де TEST це назва яку ви обрали.)
+ 4. Це зберігає увесь файл (підручник Vim ) під ім'ям TEST.
+ Щоб перевірити знову наберіть :!ls щоб побачити зміни в каталозі.
+Примітка: Якщо ви вийдете з Vim і запустите його знову командою vim TEST,
+ файл що ви відкриєте буде точною копією цього, коли ви його зберегли.
+ 5. Зараз видаліть файл ввівши (Unix): :!rm TEST
+ чи (MS-DOS): :!del TEST
+ ** Щоб зберегти частину файлу, наберіть v переміщення :w НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до цього рядка.
+ 2. Натисніть v і перемістіть курсор на п'ять пунктів нижче. Зауважте, що
+ текст виділяється.
+ 3. Натисніть символ : . Внизу екрану з'являються символи :'<,'> .
+ 4. Введіть w TEST , де TEST назва файлу що ще не використовується.
+ Переконайтесь що ви бачите :'<,'>w TEST перед тим як натиснути [ENTER].
+ 5. Vim запише вибрані рядки в файл TEST. Використайте :!dir чи !ls
+ щоб побачити це. Поки що не видаляйте його! Ми використаємо TEST в
+ наступному уроці.
+Зауваження: Натискання v починає режим візуального виділення. Ви можете
+ переміщувати курсор щоб змінити розмір вибраної частини.
+ Потім можна використати оператор щоб зробити щось з текстом.
+ Наприклад d видалить текст.
+ ** Щоб вставити вміст файлу введіть :r НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ **
+ 1. Помістіть курсор десь над цим рядком.
+Зауваження: Після виконання кроку 2 ви побачите текст з уроку 5.3. Тоді
+ перемістіться вниз, щоб побачити вміст цього уроку знову.
+ 2. Тоді отримайте вміст вашого файлу TEST використавши команду :r TEST ,
+ де TEST назва файлу що ви використали.
+ Файл що ви отримуєте поміщується під рядком курсора.
+ 3. Щоб перевірити що файл вставлено, прокрутіть текст назад, і переконаєтесь
+ що тепер є дві копії урок 5.3, the original and the file version.
+Примітка: Також ви можете вставляти вивід зовнішньої програми. Наприклад
+ :r !ls читає вивід команди ls і вставляє його під курсором.
+ Підсумок 5 уроку
+ 1. :!команда виконує зовнішню команду.
+ 2. :w НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ записує поточний файл на диск під назвою НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ.
+ 3. v переміщення :w НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ зберігає візуально виділену частину тексту
+ в файл НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ.
+ 4. :r НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ отримує з диску файл НАЗВА_ФАЙЛУ і вставляє його під
+ курсором.
+ 5. :r !ls читає вивід команди ls і вставляє її під поточною позицією курсора
+ ** Введіть o щоб вставити новий рядок під курсором. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор на рядок нижче, позначений --->.
+ 2. Натисніть o щоб вставити новий рядок ПІД курсором та перейти в
+ режим вставки.
+ 3. Тепер введіть текст і натисніть [ESC] щоб вийти з режиму вставки.
+---> Після натискання o курсор ставиться на наступний рядок в режимі вставки.
+ 4. Щоб вставити рядок НАД ABOVE курсором пишуть O в верхньому регістрі,
+ замість o. Спробуйте на рядку нижче.
+---> Щоб вставити рядок над цим введіть O .
+ ** Натисніть a щоб вставити текст після курсору. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до початку рядка внизу позначеного --->.
+ 2. Тисніть e поки курсор не буде в кінці ря .
+ 3. Натисніть a (маленьке) щоб додати текст ПІСЛЯ курсору.
+ 4. Допишіть слова як рядок внизу. Натисніть [ESC] щоб вийти з режиму
+ вставки.
+ 5. Використайте e щоб переміститись до наступного неповного слова та
+ to move to the next incomplete word and repeat steps 3 and 4.
+---> Цей ря дозволить вам попрактикува в дописува тексту до рядка.
+---> Цей рядок дозволить вам попрактикуватись в дописуванні тексту до рядка.
+Примітка: a, i і A переходять в один і той же режим вставки, єдиною різницею
+ є тільки те, де вставляються символи.
+ ** Введіть велику R щоб замінити більш ніж один символ. **
+ 1. Перемістіть курсор до першого рядка внизу позначеного --->.
+ Перемістіть курсор до першого xxx .
+ 2. Тепер натисніть R і введіть номер під ним з другого рядка, так що він
+ замінює xxx .
+ 3. Натисніть [ESC] щоб покинути режим заміни. Зауважте, що решта рядка
+ залишається незмінною.
+ 4. Повторіть кроки від 1 до 3 щоб замінити всі xxx на числа з другого рядка.
+---> Додавання 123 до xxx дає xxx.
+---> Додавання 123 до 456 дає 579.
+Зауваження: Режим заміни подібний до режиму вставки, тільки кожен введений
+ символ видаляє символ який стояв на його місці.
+ ** Використайте оператор y щоб копіювати текст і p щоб його вставити **
+ 1. Перейдіть до рядка нижче позначеного ---> і покладіть курсор після "а)".
+ 2. Перейдіть в візуальний режим за допомогою клавіші v і перемістіть курсор
+ якраз перед словом "один".
+ 3. Введіть y щоб копіювати (yank) виділений текст.
+ 4. Перемістіть курсор до кінця наступного рядка: j$
+ 5. Натисніть p щоб вставити (put) текст. Тоді введіть : два [ESC] .
+ 6. так само додайте третій рядочок.
+---> а) це рядок номер один
+ б)
+ Зауваження: також можна використовувати y як оператор;
+ yw копіює одне слово.
+ ** Встановити опцію так що пошук чи заміна буде ігнорувати регістр **
+ 1. Знайдіть слово 'ігнорувати' ввівши : /ігнорувати
+ Повторіть кілька разів натискаючи n .
+ 2. Встановіть опцію ігнорування регістру 'ic' (Ignore case) ввівши: :set ic
+ 3. Тепер пошукайте 'ігнорувати' знову ввівши n
+ Зауважте що Ігнорувати та ІГНОРУВАТИ тепер також знаходяться.
+ 4. Ввімкніть 'hlsearch' (підсвітку пошуку) і 'incsearch' (інтерактивність)
+ командою :set hls is .
+ 5. Тепер пошукайте щось знову і зауважте зміни: /ігнорувати [ENTER]
+ 6. Щоб вимкнути ігнорування регістру напишіть: :set noic
+Примітка: Щоб вимкнути підсвітку співпадінь введіть: :nohlsearch
+Примітка: Якщо ви хочете не брати до уваги регістр тільки під час одного пошуку
+ використайте ключ \c. Наприклад: /ігнорувати\c [ENTER]
+ 1. Введіть о щоб додати рядок ПІД курсором і почати режим вставки.
+ Введіть O щоб додати рядок НАД курсором.
+ 2. Введіть a щоб вставити текст ПІСЛЯ курсора.
+ Введіть A щоб додати текст до рядка.
+ 3. Переміщення e переміщує нас до кінця слова.
+ 4. Оператор y копіює текст, p вставляє його.
+ 5. Введення R переносить нас в режим заміни до натискання [ESC].
+ 6. Набір ":set xxx" встановлює опцію "xxx". Деякі опції:
+ 'ic' 'ignorecase' ігнорувати верхній/нижній регістр при пошуку
+ 'is' 'incsearch' показувати співпадіння пошуку під час введення
+ фрази
+ 'hls' 'hlsearch' пісвічувати всі співпадіння
+ Можна одночасно використовувати і коротку і довгу форму запису опції.
+ 7. Використайте префікс "no" щоб вимкнути опцію: :set noic
+ ** Використання вбудованої довідкової системи **
+ Vim має всеосяжну систему довідки. Щоб ознайомитись з нею спробуйте один з
+ таких способів:
+ - натисніть кнопку [HELP] (якщо така є)
+ - натисніть [F1]
+ - наберіть :help
+ Прочитайте текст в вікні допомоги, щоб вияснити як вона працює.
+ Натисніть CTRL-W двічі щоб змінити вікно
+ Наберіть :q щоб закрити вікно довідки.
+ Можна знайти довідку майже на будь-яку тему додаючи аргумент після команди
+ ":help" . Спробуйте одну з наступних (не забувайте натискати [ENTER]):
+ :help w
+ :help c_CTRL-D
+ :help insert-index
+ :help user-manual
+ ** Ввімкнення додаткових функцій Vim **
+ Vim має набагато більше функцій ніж Vi, але більшість з них відключені за
+ замовчуванням. Щоб почати використання додаткових функцій потрібно створити
+ файл "vimrc".
+ 1. Почніть редагування файлу "vimrc" . Це залежить від вашої системи:
+ :e ~/.vimrc для Unix
+ :e $VIM/_vimrc для MS-Windows
+ 2. Тепер прочитайте приклад вмісту "vimrc" :
+ :r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
+ 3. Збережіть файл:
+ :w
+ Наступного разу коли ви запустите Vim він буде використовувати підсвітку
+ синтаксису. Можна додати всі ваші улюблені налаштування в цей файл. Для більш
+ детальної інформації введіть :help vimrc-intro
+ ** Автодоповнення за допомогою CTRL-D і [TAB] **
+ 1. Переконайтесь що в Vim не включена зворотня сумісність: :set nocp
+ 2. Подивіться що за файли існують в каталозі: :!ls чи :!dir
+ 3. Введіть початок команди: :e
+ 4. Натисніть CTRL-D і Vim покаже список команд що починаються з "e".
+ 5. Натисніть [TAB] і Vim доповнить команду до ":edit".
+ 6. Тепер додайте пропуск і початок існуючого імені файлу: :edit FIL
+ 7. Натисніть [TAB]. Vim доповнить ім'я (якщо воно унікальне).
+Зауваження: Доповнення працює для багатьох команд. Просто натискайте CTRL-D і
+ [TAB]. Це особливо корисно для команди :help .
+ 1. Введіть :help або натисніть [F1] щоб відкрити вікно довідки.
+ 2. Введіть :help тема щоб знайти довідку про тему .
+ 3. Введіть CTRL-W CTRL-W щоб змінити вікно.
+ 4. Наберіть :q щоб закрити вікно
+ 5. Створіть скрипт vimrc щоб змінювати ваші налаштування при запуску.
+ 6. При наборі команди що починається з двокрапки : натисніть CTRL-D
+ щоб побачити можливі доповнення. Натисніть [TAB] щоб побачити одне з
+ доповнень.
+ Це завершує уроки Vim . Вони були націлені щоб дати вам короткий вступ в
+ редактор Vim, достатній для того щоб використовувати редактор комфортно.
+ Ці уроки зовсім далеко від повних, бо Vim має набагато більше команд. Можна
+ прочитати інструкцію користувача : ":help user-manual".
+ Для подальшого читання і вивчення рекомендується така книжка:
+ Vim - Vi Improved - by Steve Oualline
+ Publisher: New Riders
+ Особливо корисна для початківців.
+ Там багато прикладів і ілюстрацій.
+ Дивіться
+ Ці уроки були написані Майклом С. Пірсом та Робертом Уаром.
+ Модифіковано для Vim Бремом Муленаром.
+ Переклад на українську Буник Т.