path: root/runtime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime')
93 files changed, 8134 insertions, 1777 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/ada.vim b/runtime/autoload/ada.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46257010d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/ada.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+" Description: Perform Ada specific completion & tagging.
+" Language: Ada (2005)
+" $Id$
+" Maintainer: Martin Krischik
+" Neil Bird <>
+" $Author$
+" $Date$
+" Version: 4.2
+" $Revision$
+" $HeadURL: $
+" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+" 26.05.2006 MK ' should not be in iskeyword.
+" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
+" 02.10.2006 MK Better folding.
+" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
+" autoload
+" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
+" Help Page: ft-ada-functions
+if version < 700
+ finish
+" Section: Constants {{{1
+let g:ada#DotWordRegex = '\a\w*\(\_s*\.\_s*\a\w*\)*'
+let g:ada#WordRegex = '\a\w*'
+let g:ada#Comment = "\\v^(\"[^\"]*\"|'.'|[^\"']){-}\\zs\\s*--.*"
+let g:ada#Keywords = []
+" Section: g:ada#Keywords {{{1
+" Section: add Ada keywords {{{2
+for Item in ['abort', 'else', 'new', 'return', 'abs', 'elsif', 'not', 'reverse', 'abstract', 'end', 'null', 'accept', 'entry', 'select', 'access', 'exception', 'of', 'separate', 'aliased', 'exit', 'or', 'subtype', 'all', 'others', 'synchronized', 'and', 'for', 'out', 'array', 'function', 'overriding', 'tagged', 'at', 'task', 'generic', 'package', 'terminate', 'begin', 'goto', 'pragma', 'then', 'body', 'private', 'type', 'if', 'procedure', 'case', 'in', 'protected', 'until', 'constant', 'interface', 'use', 'is', 'raise', 'declare', 'range', 'when', 'delay', 'limited', 'record', 'while', 'delta', 'loop', 'rem', 'with', 'digits', 'renames', 'do', 'mod', 'requeue', 'xor']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'keyword',
+ \ 'info': 'Ada keyword.',
+ \ 'kind': 'k',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+" Section: GNAT Project Files {{{3
+if exists ('g:ada_with_gnat_project_files')
+ for Item in ['project']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'keyword',
+ \ 'info': 'GNAT projectfile keyword.',
+ \ 'kind': 'k',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+ endfor
+" Section: add standart exception {{{2
+for Item in ['Constraint_Error', 'Program_Error', 'Storage_Error', 'Tasking_Error', 'Status_Error', 'Mode_Error', 'Name_Error', 'Use_Error', 'Device_Error', 'End_Error', 'Data_Error', 'Layout_Error', 'Length_Error', 'Pattern_Error', 'Index_Error', 'Translation_Error', 'Time_Error', 'Argument_Error', 'Tag_Error', 'Picture_Error', 'Terminator_Error', 'Conversion_Error', 'Pointer_Error', 'Dereference_Error', 'Update_Error']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'exception',
+ \ 'info': 'Ada standart exception.',
+ \ 'kind': 'x',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+" Section: add GNAT exception {{{3
+if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
+ for Item in ['Assert_Failure']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'exception',
+ \ 'info': 'GNAT exception.',
+ \ 'kind': 'x',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+ endfor
+" Section: add Ada buildin types {{{2
+for Item in ['Boolean', 'Integer', 'Natural', 'Positive', 'Float', 'Character', 'Wide_Character', 'Wide_Wide_Character', 'String', 'Wide_String', 'Wide_Wide_String', 'Duration']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'type',
+ \ 'info': 'Ada buildin type.',
+ \ 'kind': 't',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+" Section: add GNAT buildin types {{{3
+if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
+ for Item in ['Short_Integer', 'Short_Short_Integer', 'Long_Integer', 'Long_Long_Integer', 'Short_Float', 'Short_Short_Float', 'Long_Float', 'Long_Long_Float']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'type',
+ \ 'info': 'GNAT buildin type.',
+ \ 'kind': 't',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+ endfor
+" Section: add Ada Attributes {{{2
+for Item in ['''Access', '''Address', '''Adjacent', '''Aft', '''Alignment', '''Base', '''Bit_Order', '''Body_Version', '''Callable', '''Caller', '''Ceiling', '''Class', '''Component_Size', '''Compose', '''Constrained', '''Copy_Sign', '''Count', '''Definite', '''Delta', '''Denorm', '''Digits', '''Emax', '''Exponent', '''External_Tag', '''Epsilon', '''First', '''First_Bit', '''Floor', '''Fore', '''Fraction', '''Identity', '''Image', '''Input', '''Large', '''Last', '''Last_Bit', '''Leading_Part', '''Length', '''Machine', '''Machine_Emax', '''Machine_Emin', '''Machine_Mantissa', '''Machine_Overflows', '''Machine_Radix', '''Machine_Rounding', '''Machine_Rounds', '''Mantissa', '''Max', '''Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements', '''Min', '''Mod', '''Model', '''Model_Emin', '''Model_Epsilon', '''Model_Mantissa', '''Model_Small', '''Modulus', '''Output', '''Partition_ID', '''Pos', '''Position', '''Pred', '''Priority', '''Range', '''Read', '''Remainder', '''Round', '''Rounding', '''Safe_Emax', '''Safe_First', '''Safe_Large', '''Safe_Last', '''Safe_Small', '''Scale', '''Scaling', '''Signed_Zeros', '''Size', '''Small', '''Storage_Pool', '''Storage_Size', '''Stream_Size', '''Succ', '''Tag', '''Terminated', '''Truncation', '''Unbiased_Rounding', '''Unchecked_Access', '''Val', '''Valid', '''Value', '''Version', '''Wide_Image', '''Wide_Value', '''Wide_Wide_Image', '''Wide_Wide_Value', '''Wide_Wide_Width', '''Wide_Width', '''Width', '''Write']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'attribute',
+ \ 'info': 'Ada attribute.',
+ \ 'kind': 'a',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+" Section: add GNAT Attributes {{{3
+if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
+ for Item in ['''Abort_Signal', '''Address_Size', '''Asm_Input', '''Asm_Output', '''AST_Entry', '''Bit', '''Bit_Position', '''Code_Address', '''Default_Bit_Order', '''Elaborated', '''Elab_Body', '''Elab_Spec', '''Emax', '''Enum_Rep', '''Epsilon', '''Fixed_Value', '''Has_Access_Values', '''Has_Discriminants', '''Img', '''Integer_Value', '''Machine_Size', '''Max_Interrupt_Priority', '''Max_Priority', '''Maximum_Alignment', '''Mechanism_Code', '''Null_Parameter', '''Object_Size', '''Passed_By_Reference', '''Range_Length', '''Storage_Unit', '''Target_Name', '''Tick', '''To_Address', '''Type_Class', '''UET_Address', '''Unconstrained_Array', '''Universal_Literal_String', '''Unrestricted_Access', '''VADS_Size', '''Value_Size', '''Wchar_T_Size', '''Word_Size']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'attribute',
+ \ 'info': 'GNAT attribute.',
+ \ 'kind': 'a',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+ endfor
+" Section: add Ada Pragmas {{{2
+for Item in ['All_Calls_Remote', 'Assert', 'Assertion_Policy', 'Asynchronous', 'Atomic', 'Atomic_Components', 'Attach_Handler', 'Controlled', 'Convention', 'Detect_Blocking', 'Discard_Names', 'Elaborate', 'Elaborate_All', 'Elaborate_Body', 'Export', 'Import', 'Inline', 'Inspection_Point', 'Interface (Obsolescent)', 'Interrupt_Handler', 'Interrupt_Priority', 'Linker_Options', 'List', 'Locking_Policy', 'Memory_Size (Obsolescent)', 'No_Return', 'Normalize_Scalars', 'Optimize', 'Pack', 'Page', 'Partition_Elaboration_Policy', 'Preelaborable_Initialization', 'Preelaborate', 'Priority', 'Priority_Specific_Dispatching', 'Profile', 'Pure', 'Queueing_Policy', 'Relative_Deadline', 'Remote_Call_Interface', 'Remote_Types', 'Restrictions', 'Reviewable', 'Shared (Obsolescent)', 'Shared_Passive', 'Storage_Size', 'Storage_Unit (Obsolescent)', 'Suppress', 'System_Name (Obsolescent)', 'Task_Dispatching_Policy', 'Unchecked_Union', 'Unsuppress', 'Volatile', 'Volatile_Components']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'pragma',
+ \ 'info': 'Ada pragma.',
+ \ 'kind': 'p',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+" Section: add GNAT Pragmas {{{3
+if exists ('g:ada_gnat_extensions')
+ for Item in ['Abort_Defer', 'Ada_83', 'Ada_95', 'Ada_05', 'Annotate', 'Ast_Entry', 'C_Pass_By_Copy', 'Comment', 'Common_Object', 'Compile_Time_Warning', 'Complex_Representation', 'Component_Alignment', 'Convention_Identifier', 'CPP_Class', 'CPP_Constructor', 'CPP_Virtual', 'CPP_Vtable', 'Debug', 'Elaboration_Checks', 'Eliminate', 'Export_Exception', 'Export_Function', 'Export_Object', 'Export_Procedure', 'Export_Value', 'Export_Valued_Procedure', 'Extend_System', 'External', 'External_Name_Casing', 'Finalize_Storage_Only', 'Float_Representation', 'Ident', 'Import_Exception', 'Import_Function', 'Import_Object', 'Import_Procedure', 'Import_Valued_Procedure', 'Initialize_Scalars', 'Inline_Always', 'Inline_Generic', 'Interface_Name', 'Interrupt_State', 'Keep_Names', 'License', 'Link_With', 'Linker_Alias', 'Linker_Section', 'Long_Float', 'Machine_Attribute', 'Main_Storage', 'Obsolescent', 'Passive', 'Polling', 'Profile_Warnings', 'Propagate_Exceptions', 'Psect_Object', 'Pure_Function', 'Restriction_Warnings', 'Source_File_Name', 'Source_File_Name_Project', 'Source_Reference', 'Stream_Convert', 'Style_Checks', 'Subtitle', 'Suppress_All', 'Suppress_Exception_Locations', 'Suppress_Initialization', 'Task_Info', 'Task_Name', 'Task_Storage', 'Thread_Body', 'Time_Slice', 'Title', 'Unimplemented_Unit', 'Universal_Data', 'Unreferenced', 'Unreserve_All_Interrupts', 'Use_VADS_Size', 'Validity_Checks', 'Warnings', 'Weak_External']
+ let g:ada#Keywords += [{
+ \ 'word': Item,
+ \ 'menu': 'pragma',
+ \ 'info': 'GNAT pragma.',
+ \ 'kind': 'p',
+ \ 'icase': 1}]
+ endfor
+" 1}}}
+" Section: g:ada#Ctags_Kinds {{{1
+let g:ada#Ctags_Kinds = {
+ \ 'P': ["packspec", "package specifications"],
+ \ 'p': ["package", "packages"],
+ \ 'T': ["typespec", "type specifications"],
+ \ 't': ["type", "types"],
+ \ 'U': ["subspec", "subtype specifications"],
+ \ 'u': ["subtype", "subtypes"],
+ \ 'c': ["component", "record type components"],
+ \ 'l': ["literal", "enum type literals"],
+ \ 'V': ["varspec", "variable specifications"],
+ \ 'v': ["variable", "variables"],
+ \ 'f': ["formal", "generic formal parameters"],
+ \ 'n': ["constant", "constants"],
+ \ 'x': ["exception", "user defined exceptions"],
+ \ 'R': ["subprogspec", "subprogram specifications"],
+ \ 'r': ["subprogram", "subprograms"],
+ \ 'K': ["taskspec", "task specifications"],
+ \ 'k': ["task", "tasks"],
+ \ 'O': ["protectspec", "protected data specifications"],
+ \ 'o': ["protected", "protected data"],
+ \ 'E': ["entryspec", "task/protected data entry specifications"],
+ \ 'e': ["entry", "task/protected data entries"],
+ \ 'b': ["label", "labels"],
+ \ 'i': ["identifier", "loop/declare identifiers"],
+ \ 'a': ["autovar", "automatic variables"],
+ \ 'y': ["annon", "loops and blocks with no identifier"]}
+" Section: ada#Word (...) {{{1
+" Extract current Ada word across multiple lines
+" AdaWord ([line, column])\
+function ada#Word (...)
+ if a:0 > 1
+ let l:Line_Nr = a:1
+ let l:Column_Nr = a:2 - 1
+ else
+ let l:Line_Nr = line('.')
+ let l:Column_Nr = col('.') - 1
+ endif
+ let l:Line = substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
+ " Cope with tag searching for items in comments; if we are, don't loop
+ " backards looking for previous lines
+ if l:Column_Nr > strlen(l:Line)
+ " We were in a comment
+ let l:Line = getline(l:Line_Nr)
+ let l:Search_Prev_Lines = 0
+ else
+ let l:Search_Prev_Lines = 1
+ endif
+ " Go backwards until we find a match (Ada ID) that *doesn't* include our
+ " location - i.e., the previous ID. This is because the current 'correct'
+ " match will toggle matching/not matching as we traverse characters
+ " backwards. Thus, we have to find the previous unrelated match, exclude
+ " it, then use the next full match (ours).
+ " Remember to convert vim column 'l:Column_Nr' [1..n] to string offset [0..(n-1)]
+ " ... but start, here, one after the required char.
+ let l:New_Column = l:Column_Nr + 1
+ while 1
+ let l:New_Column = l:New_Column - 1
+ if l:New_Column < 0
+ " Have to include previous l:Line from file
+ let l:Line_Nr = l:Line_Nr - 1
+ if l:Line_Nr < 1 || !l:Search_Prev_Lines
+ " Start of file or matching in a comment
+ let l:Line_Nr = 1
+ let l:New_Column = 0
+ let l:Our_Match = match (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex )
+ break
+ endif
+ " Get previous l:Line, and prepend it to our search string
+ let l:New_Line = substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
+ let l:New_Column = strlen (l:New_Line) - 1
+ let l:Column_Nr = l:Column_Nr + l:New_Column
+ let l:Line = l:New_Line . l:Line
+ endif
+ " Check to see if this is a match excluding 'us'
+ let l:Match_End = l:New_Column +
+ \ matchend (strpart (l:Line,l:New_Column), g:ada#WordRegex ) - 1
+ if l:Match_End >= l:New_Column &&
+ \ l:Match_End < l:Column_Nr
+ " Yes
+ let l:Our_Match = l:Match_End+1 +
+ \ match (strpart (l:Line,l:Match_End+1), g:ada#WordRegex )
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ " Got anything?
+ if l:Our_Match < 0
+ return ''
+ else
+ let l:Line = strpart (l:Line, l:Our_Match)
+ endif
+ " Now simply add further lines until the match gets no bigger
+ let l:Match_String = matchstr (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex)
+ let l:Last_Line = line ('$')
+ let l:Line_Nr = line ('.') + 1
+ while l:Line_Nr <= l:Last_Line
+ let l:Last_Match = l:Match_String
+ let l:Line = l:Line .
+ \ substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '')
+ let l:Match_String = matchstr (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex)
+ if l:Match_String == l:Last_Match
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ " Strip whitespace & return
+ return substitute (l:Match_String, '\s\+', '', 'g')
+endfunction ada#Word
+" Section: ada#List_Tag (...) {{{1
+" List tags in quickfix window
+function ada#List_Tag (...)
+ if a:0 > 1
+ let l:Tag_Word = ada#Word (a:1, a:2)
+ elseif a:0 > 0
+ let l:Tag_Word = a:1
+ else
+ let l:Tag_Word = ada#Word ()
+ endif
+ echo "Searching for" l:Tag_Word
+ let l:Pattern = '^' . l:Tag_Word . '$'
+ let l:Tag_List = taglist (l:Pattern)
+ let l:Error_List = []
+ "
+ " add symbols
+ "
+ for Tag_Item in l:Tag_List
+ if l:Tag_Item['kind'] == ''
+ let l:Tag_Item['kind'] = 's'
+ endif
+ let l:Error_List += [
+ \ l:Tag_Item['filename'] . '|' .
+ \ l:Tag_Item['cmd'] . '|' .
+ \ l:Tag_Item['kind'] . "\t" .
+ \ l:Tag_Item['name'] ]
+ endfor
+ set errorformat=%f\|%l\|%m
+ cexpr l:Error_List
+ cwindow
+endfunction ada#List_Tag
+" Section: ada#Jump_Tag (Word, Mode) {{{1
+" Word tag - include '.' and if Ada make uppercase
+function ada#Jump_Tag (Word, Mode)
+ if a:Word == ''
+ " Get current word
+ let l:Word = ada#Word()
+ if l:Word == ''
+ throw "NOT_FOUND: no identifier found."
+ endif
+ else
+ let l:Word = a:Word
+ endif
+ echo "Searching for " . l:Word
+ try
+ execute a:Mode l:Word
+ catch /.*:E426:.*/
+ let ignorecase = &ignorecase
+ set ignorecase
+ execute a:Mode l:Word
+ let &ignorecase = ignorecase
+ endtry
+ return
+endfunction ada#Jump_Tag
+" Section: ada#Insert_Backspace () {{{1
+" Backspace at end of line after auto-inserted commentstring '-- ' wipes it
+function ada#Insert_Backspace ()
+ let l:Line = getline ('.')
+ if col ('.') > strlen (l:Line) &&
+ \ match (l:Line, '-- $') != -1 &&
+ \ match (&comments,'--') != -1
+ return "\<bs>\<bs>\<bs>"
+ else
+ return "\<bs>"
+ endif
+ return
+endfunction ada#InsertBackspace
+" Section: Insert Completions {{{1
+" Section: ada#User_Complete(findstart, base) {{{2
+" This function is used for the 'complete' option.
+function! ada#User_Complete(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart == 1
+ "
+ " locate the start of the word
+ "
+ let line = getline ('.')
+ let start = col ('.') - 1
+ while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\i\|'''
+ let start -= 1
+ endwhile
+ return start
+ else
+ "
+ " look up matches
+ "
+ let l:Pattern = '^' . a:base . '.*$'
+ "
+ " add keywords
+ "
+ for Tag_Item in g:ada#Keywords
+ if l:Tag_Item['word'] =~? l:Pattern
+ if complete_add (l:Tag_Item) == 0
+ return []
+ endif
+ if complete_check ()
+ return []
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return []
+ endif
+endfunction ada#User_Complete
+" Section: ada#Completion (cmd) {{{2
+" Word completion (^N/^R/^X^]) - force '.' inclusion
+function ada#Completion (cmd)
+ set iskeyword+=46
+ return a:cmd . "\<C-R>=ada#Completion_End ()\<CR>"
+endfunction ada#Completion
+" Section: ada#Completion_End () {{{2
+function ada#Completion_End ()
+ set iskeyword-=46
+ return ''
+endfunction ada#Completion_End
+" Section: ada#Create_Tags {{{1
+function ada#Create_Tags (option)
+ if a:option == 'file'
+ let l:Filename = fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p')
+ elseif a:option == 'dir'
+ let l:Filename =
+ \ fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p:h') . "*.ada " .
+ \ fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p:h') . "*.adb " .
+ \ fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p:h') . "*.ads"
+ else
+ let l:Filename = a:option
+ endif
+ execute '!ctags --excmd=number ' . l:Filename
+endfunction ada#Create_Tags
+function ada#Switch_Session (New_Session) "{{{1
+ if a:New_Session != v:this_session
+ "
+ " We actualy got a new session - otherwise there
+ " is nothing to do.
+ "
+ if strlen (v:this_session) > 0
+ execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session
+ endif
+ let v:this_session = a:New_Session
+ if filereadable (v:this_session)
+ execute 'source ' . v:this_session
+ endif
+ augroup ada_session
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd VimLeavePre * execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session
+ augroup END
+ endif
+ return
+endfunction ada#Switch_Session "}}}1
+" Section: GNAT Pretty Printer folding {{{1
+if exists('g:ada_folding') && g:ada_folding[0] == 'g'
+ "
+ " Lines consisting only of ')' ';' are due to a gnat pretty bug and
+ " have the same level as the line above (can't happen in the first
+ " line).
+ "
+ let s:Fold_Collate = '^\([;)]*$\|'
+ "
+ " some lone statements are folded with the line above
+ "
+ if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'i') >= 0
+ let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<is\>$\|'
+ endif
+ if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'b') >= 0
+ let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<begin\>$\|'
+ endif
+ if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'p') >= 0
+ let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<private\>$\|'
+ endif
+ if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'x') >= 0
+ let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<exception\>$\|'
+ endif
+ " We also handle empty lines and
+ " comments here.
+ let s:Fold_Collate .= '--\)'
+ function ada#Pretty_Print_Folding (Line) " {{{2
+ let l:Text = getline (a:Line)
+ if l:Text =~ s:Fold_Collate
+ "
+ " fold with line above
+ "
+ let l:Level = "="
+ elseif l:Text =~ '^\s\+('
+ "
+ " gnat outdents a line which stards with a ( by one characters so
+ " that parameters which follow are aligned.
+ "
+ let l:Level = (indent (a:Line) + 1) / &shiftwidth
+ else
+ let l:Level = indent (a:Line) / &shiftwidth
+ endif
+ return l:Level
+ endfunction ada#Pretty_Print_Folding " }}}2
+" Section: Options and Menus {{{1
+" Section: ada#Switch_Syntax_Options {{{2
+function ada#Switch_Syntax_Option (option)
+ syntax off
+ if exists ('g:ada_' . a:option)
+ unlet g:ada_{a:option}
+ echo a:option . 'now off'
+ else
+ let g:ada_{a:option}=1
+ echo a:option . 'now on'
+ endif
+ syntax on
+endfunction ada#Switch_Syntax_Option
+" Section: ada#Map_Menu {{{2
+function ada#Map_Menu (Text, Keys, Command)
+ if a:Keys[0] == ':'
+ execute
+ \ "50amenu " .
+ \ "Ada." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
+ \ "<Tab>" . a:Keys .
+ \ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
+ execute
+ \ "command -buffer " .
+ \ a:Keys[1:] .
+ \" :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
+ elseif a:Keys[0] == '<'
+ execute
+ \ "50amenu " .
+ \ "Ada." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
+ \ "<Tab>" . a:Keys .
+ \ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
+ execute
+ \ "nnoremap <buffer> " .
+ \ a:Keys .
+ \" :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
+ execute
+ \ "inoremap <buffer> " .
+ \ a:Keys .
+ \" <C-O>:" . a:Command . "<CR>"
+ else
+ execute
+ \ "50amenu " .
+ \ "Ada." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
+ \ "<Tab>" . escape(g:mapleader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
+ \ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
+ execute
+ \ "nnoremap <buffer>" .
+ \ escape(g:mapleader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
+ \" :" . a:Command
+ execute
+ \ "inoremap <buffer>" .
+ \ escape(g:mapleader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
+ \" <C-O>:" . a:Command
+ endif
+ return
+" Section: ada#Map_Popup {{{2
+function ada#Map_Popup (Text, Keys, Command)
+ execute
+ \ "50amenu " .
+ \ "PopUp." . escape(a:Text, ' ') .
+ \ "<Tab>" . escape(g:mapleader . "a" . a:Keys , '\') .
+ \ " :" . a:Command . "<CR>"
+ call ada#Map_Menu (a:Text, a:Keys, a:Command)
+ return
+endfunction ada#Map_Popup
+" }}}1
+lockvar g:ada#WordRegex
+lockvar g:ada#DotWordRegex
+lockvar g:ada#Comment
+lockvar! g:ada#Keywords
+lockvar! g:ada#Ctags_Kinds
+finish " 1}}}
+" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
+" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
+" vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/gnat.vim b/runtime/autoload/gnat.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f99450ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/gnat.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+" Description: Vim Ada/GNAT compiler file
+" Language: Ada (GNAT)
+" $Id$
+" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Maintainer: Martin Krischik
+" $Author$
+" $Date$
+" Version: 4.2
+" $Revision$
+" $HeadURL: $
+" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
+" 05.08.2006 MK Add session support
+" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
+" autoload
+" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
+" Help Page: compiler-gnat
+if version < 700
+ finish
+function gnat#Make () dict " {{{1
+ let &l:makeprg = self.Get_Command('Make')
+ let &l:errorformat = self.Error_Format
+ wall
+ make
+ copen
+ set wrap
+ wincmd W
+endfunction gnat#Make " }}}1
+function gnat#Pretty () dict " {{{1
+ execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Pretty')
+endfunction gnat#Make " }}}1
+function gnat#Find () dict " {{{1
+ execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Find')
+endfunction gnat#Find " }}}1
+function gnat#Tags () dict " {{{1
+ execute "!" . self.Get_Command('Tags')
+ edit tags
+ call gnat#Insert_Tags_Header ()
+ update
+ quit
+endfunction gnat#Tags " }}}1
+function gnat#Set_Project_File (...) dict " {{{1
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let self.Project_File = a:1
+ if ! filereadable (self.Project_File)
+ let self.Project_File = findfile (
+ \ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ':r'),
+ \ 1)
+ endif
+ elseif strlen (self.Project_File) > 0
+ let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', self.Project_File)
+ elseif expand ("%:e") == 'gpr'
+ let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', expand ("%:e"))
+ else
+ let self.Project_File = browse (0, 'GNAT Project File?', '', 'default.gpr')
+ endif
+ if strlen (v:this_session) > 0
+ execute 'mksession! ' . v:this_session
+ endif
+ if strlen (self.Project_File) > 0
+ call ada#Switch_Session (
+ \ expand('~') . "/vimfiles/session/" .
+ \ fnamemodify (self.Project_File, ":t:r") . ".vim")
+ else
+ call ada#Switch_Session ('')
+ endif
+ return
+endfunction gnat#Set_Project_File " }}}1
+function gnat#Get_Command (Command) dict " {{{1
+ let l:Command = eval ('self.' . a:Command . '_Command')
+ return eval (l:Command)
+endfunction gnat#Get_Command " }}}1
+function gnat#Set_Session (...) dict " {{{1
+ if argc() == 1 && fnamemodify (argv(0), ':e') == 'gpr'
+ call self.Set_Project_File (argv(0))
+ elseif strlen (v:servername) > 0
+ call self.Set_Project_File (v:servername . '.gpr')
+ endif
+endfunction gnat#Set_Session " }}}1
+function gnat#New () " {{{1
+ let l:Retval = {
+ \ 'Make' : function ('gnat#Make'),
+ \ 'Pretty' : function ('gnat#Pretty'),
+ \ 'Find' : function ('gnat#Find'),
+ \ 'Tags' : function ('gnat#Tags'),
+ \ 'Set_Project_File' : function ('gnat#Set_Project_File'),
+ \ 'Set_Session' : function ('gnat#Set_Session'),
+ \ 'Get_Command' : function ('gnat#Get_Command'),
+ \ 'Project_File' : '',
+ \ 'Make_Command' : '"gnat make -P " . self.Project_File . " -F -gnatef "',
+ \ 'Pretty_Command' : '"gnat pretty -P " . self.Project_File . " "',
+ \ 'Find_Program' : '"gnat find -P " . self.Project_File . " -F "',
+ \ 'Tags_Command' : '"gnat xref -P " . self.Project_File . " -v *.AD*"',
+ \ 'Error_Format' : '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,' .
+ \ '%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,' .
+ \ '%f:%l:%c: (%ttyle) %m'}
+ return l:Retval
+endfunction gnat#New " }}}1
+function gnat#Insert_Tags_Header () " {{{1
+ 1insert
+!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 1 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
+!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
+!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME gnatxref //
+!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
+ return
+endfunction gnat#Insert_Tags_Header " }}}1
+finish " 1}}}
+" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
+" vim: textwidth=0 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
+" vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim b/runtime/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim
index 895cd99d3..5fb05bad3 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" netrwFileHandlers: contains various extension-based file handlers for
" netrw's browsers' x command ("eXecute launcher")
" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
-" Date: May 01, 2006
-" Version: 8
+" Date: May 30, 2006
+" Version: 9
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1
" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
@@ -22,16 +22,41 @@ if exists("g:loaded_netrwFileHandlers") || &cp
let s:keepcpo= &cpo
set cpo&vim
-let g:loaded_netrwFileHandlers= "v8"
+let g:loaded_netrwFileHandlers= "v9"
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" netrwFileHandlers#Invoke: {{{1
fun! netrwFileHandlers#Invoke(exten,fname)
" call Dfunc("netrwFileHandlers#Invoke(exten<".a:exten."> fname<".a:fname.">)")
+ let fname= a:fname
+ " list of supported special characters. Consider rcs,v --- that can be
+ " supported with a NFH_rcsCOMMAv() handler
+ if a:fname =~ '[@:,$!=\-+%?;~]'
+ let specials= {
+\ '@' : 'AT',
+\ ':' : 'COLON',
+\ ',' : 'COMMA',
+\ '$' : 'DOLLAR',
+\ '!' : 'EXCLAMATION',
+\ '=' : 'EQUAL',
+\ '-' : 'MINUS',
+\ '+' : 'PLUS',
+\ '%' : 'PERCENT',
+\ '?' : 'QUESTION',
+\ ';' : 'SEMICOLON',
+\ '~' : 'TILDE'}
+ let fname= substitute(a:fname,'[@:,$!=\-+%?;~]','\=specials[submatch(0)]','ge')
+" call Decho('fname<'.fname.'> done with dictionary')
+ endif
- if a:exten != "" && exists("*s:NFH_".a:exten)
-" call Decho("let ret= netrwFileHandlers#NFH_".a:exten.'("'.a:fname.'")')
- exe "let ret= s:NFH_".a:exten.'("'.a:fname.'")'
+ if a:exten != "" && exists("*NFH_".a:exten)
+ " support user NFH_*() functions
+" call Decho("let ret= netrwFileHandlers#NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")')
+ exe "let ret= NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")'
+ elseif a:exten != "" && exists("*s:NFH_".a:exten)
+ " use builtin-NFH_*() functions
+" call Decho("let ret= netrwFileHandlers#NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")')
+ exe "let ret= s:NFH_".a:exten.'("'.fname.'")'
" call Dret("netrwFileHandlers#Invoke 0 : ret=".ret)
@@ -48,10 +73,10 @@ fun! s:NFH_html(pagefile)
if executable("mozilla")
" call Decho("executing !mozilla ".page)
- exe "!mozilla \"".page.'"'
+ exe "!mozilla "
elseif executable("netscape")
" call Decho("executing !netscape ".page)
- exe "!netscape \"".page.'"'
+ exe "!netscape "
" call Dret("s:NFH_html 0")
return 0
@@ -71,10 +96,10 @@ fun! s:NFH_htm(pagefile)
if executable("mozilla")
" call Decho("executing !mozilla ".page)
- exe "!mozilla \"".page.'"'
+ exe "!mozilla "
elseif executable("netscape")
" call Decho("executing !netscape ".page)
- exe "!netscape \"".page.'"'
+ exe "!netscape "
" call Dret("s:NFH_htm 0")
return 0
@@ -90,10 +115,10 @@ fun! s:NFH_jpg(jpgfile)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_jpg(jpgfile<".a:jpgfile.">)")
if executable("gimp")
- exe "silent! !gimp -s ".a:jpgfile
+ exe "silent! !gimp -s ".g:netrw_shq.a:jpgfile.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE")
" call Decho("silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".escape(a:jpgfile," []|'"))
- exe "!".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT \"".a:jpgfile.'"'
+ exe "!".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".g:netrw_shq.a:jpgfile.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_jpg 0")
return 0
@@ -109,9 +134,9 @@ fun! s:NFH_gif(giffile)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_gif(giffile<".a:giffile.">)")
if executable("gimp")
- exe "silent! !gimp -s ".a:giffile
+ exe "silent! !gimp -s ".g:netrw_shq.a:giffile.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE")
- exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT \"".a:giffile.'"'
+ exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".g:netrw_shq.a:giffile.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_gif 0")
return 0
@@ -127,9 +152,9 @@ fun! s:NFH_png(pngfile)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_png(pngfile<".a:pngfile.">)")
if executable("gimp")
- exe "silent! !gimp -s ".a:pngfile
+ exe "silent! !gimp -s ".g:netrw_shq.a:pngfile.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE")
- exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT \"".a:pngfile.'"'
+ exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".g:netrw_shq.a:pngfile.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_png 0")
return 0
@@ -145,9 +170,9 @@ fun! s:NFH_pnm(pnmfile)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_pnm(pnmfile<".a:pnmfile.">)")
if executable("gimp")
- exe "silent! !gimp -s ".a:pnmfile
+ exe "silent! !gimp -s ".g:netrw_shq.a:pnmfile.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE")
- exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT \"".a:pnmfile.'"'
+ exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".g:netrw_shq.a:pnmfile.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_pnm 0")
return 0
@@ -165,7 +190,7 @@ fun! s:NFH_bmp(bmpfile)
if executable("gimp")
exe "silent! !gimp -s ".a:bmpfile
elseif executable(expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT.EXE")
- exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT \"".a:bmpfile.'"'
+ exe "silent! !".expand("$SystemRoot")."/SYSTEM32/MSPAINT ".g:netrw_shq.a:bmpfile.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_bmp 0")
return 0
@@ -180,7 +205,9 @@ endfun
fun! s:NFH_pdf(pdf)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_pdf(pdf<".a:pdf.">)")
if executable("gs")
- exe 'silent! !gs "'.a:pdf.'"'
+ exe 'silent! !gs '.g:netrw_shq.a:pdf.g:netrw_shq
+ elseif executable("pdftotext")
+ exe 'silent! pdftotext -nopgbrk '.g:netrw_shq.a:pdf.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_pdf 0")
return 0
@@ -196,7 +223,7 @@ fun! s:NFH_doc(doc)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_doc(doc<".a:doc.">)")
if executable("oowriter")
- exe 'silent! !oowriter "'.a:doc.'"'
+ exe 'silent! !oowriter '.g:netrw_shq.a:doc.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_doc 0")
@@ -213,7 +240,7 @@ fun! s:NFH_sxw(sxw)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_sxw(sxw<".a:sxw.">)")
if executable("oowriter")
- exe 'silent! !oowriter "'.a:sxw.'"'
+ exe 'silent! !oowriter '.g:netrw_shq.a:sxw.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_sxw 0")
@@ -230,7 +257,7 @@ fun! s:NFH_xls(xls)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_xls(xls<".a:xls.">)")
if executable("oocalc")
- exe 'silent! !oocalc "'.a:xls.'"'
+ exe 'silent! !oocalc '.g:netrw_shq.a:xls.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_xls 0")
@@ -247,15 +274,15 @@ fun! s:NFH_ps(ps)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_ps(ps<".a:ps.">)")
if executable("gs")
" call Decho("exe silent! !gs ".a:ps)
- exe "silent! !gs ".a:ps
+ exe "silent! !gs ".g:netrw_shq.a:ps.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable("ghostscript")
" call Decho("exe silent! !ghostscript ".a:ps)
- exe "silent! !ghostscript ".a:ps
+ exe "silent! !ghostscript ".g:netrw_shq.a:ps.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable("gswin32")
-" call Decho("exe silent! !gswin32 \"".a:ps.'"')
- exe "silent! !gswin32 \"".a:ps.'"'
+" call Decho("exe silent! !gswin32 ".g:netrw_shq.a:ps.g:netrw_shq)
+ exe "silent! !gswin32 ".g:netrw_shq.a:ps.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_ps 0")
@@ -271,16 +298,16 @@ endfun
fun! s:NFH_eps(eps)
" call Dfunc("s:NFH_eps()")
if executable("gs")
- exe "silent! !gs ".a:eps
+ exe "silent! !gs ".g:netrw_shq.a:eps.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable("ghostscript")
- exe "silent! !ghostscript ".a:eps
+ exe "silent! !ghostscript ".g:netrw_shq.a:eps.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable("ghostscript")
- exe "silent! !ghostscript ".a:eps
+ exe "silent! !ghostscript ".g:netrw_shq.a:eps.g:netrw_shq
elseif executable("gswin32")
- exe "silent! !gswin32 \"".a:eps.'"'
+ exe "silent! !gswin32 ".g:netrw_shq.a:eps.g:netrw_shq
" call Dret("s:NFH_eps 0")
@@ -325,4 +352,4 @@ endfun
let &cpo= s:keepcpo
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Modelines: {{{1
-" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker
+" vim: fdm=marker
diff --git a/runtime/autoload/tar.vim b/runtime/autoload/tar.vim
index 9004f3935..6c172386c 100644
--- a/runtime/autoload/tar.vim
+++ b/runtime/autoload/tar.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" tar.vim: Handles browsing tarfiles
-" Date: May 02, 2006
-" Version: 9
-" Maintainer: Charles E Campbell, Jr <drchipNOSPAM at campbellfamily dot biz>
+" Date: Sep 29, 2006
+" Version: 11
+" Maintainer: Charles E Campbell, Jr <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM-NOSPAM>
" License: Vim License (see vim's :help license)
" Contains many ideas from Michael Toren's <tar.vim>
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
" of this software.
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Initialization: {{{1
+" Load Once: {{{1
let s:keepcpo= &cpo
set cpo&vim
-if exists("g:loaded_tar")
+if &cp || exists("g:loaded_tar") || v:version < 700
-let g:loaded_tar= "v9"
+let g:loaded_tar= "v11"
"call Decho("loading autoload/tar.vim")
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@ endif
if !exists("g:tar_writeoptions")
let g:tar_writeoptions= "uf"
+if !exists("g:tar_shq")
+ if has("unix")
+ let g:tar_shq= "'"
+ else
+ let g:tar_shq= '"'
+ endif
" ----------------
" Functions: {{{1
@@ -55,8 +62,9 @@ fun! tar#Browse(tarfile)
" sanity checks
if !executable(g:tar_cmd)
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo '***error*** (tar#Browse) "'.g:tar_cmd.'" not available on your system'
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let &report= repkeep
" call Dret("tar#Browse")
@@ -65,8 +73,9 @@ fun! tar#Browse(tarfile)
" call Decho('a:tarfile<'.a:tarfile.'> not filereadable')
if a:tarfile !~# '^\a\+://'
" if its an url, don't complain, let url-handlers such as vim do its thing
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo "***error*** (tar#Browse) File not readable<".a:tarfile.">" | echohl None
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let &report= repkeep
" call Dret("tar#Browse : file<".a:tarfile."> not readable")
@@ -99,30 +108,26 @@ fun! tar#Browse(tarfile)
let curlast= line("$")
if tarfile =~# '\.\(gz\|tgz\)$'
-" call Decho("exe silent r! gzip -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
- exe "silent r! gzip -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
+" call Decho("exe silent r! gzip -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
+ exe "silent r! gzip -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
elseif tarfile =~# '\.bz2$'
-" call Decho("exe silent r! bzip2 -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
- exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
+" call Decho("exe silent r! bzip2 -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - ")
+ exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." - "
-" call Decho("exe silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." '".tarfile."'")
- exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." '".tarfile."'"
+" call Decho("exe silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq)
+ exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_browseoptions." ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq
if v:shell_error != 0
+ redraw!
echohl WarningMsg | echo "***warning*** (tar#Browse) please check your g:tar_browseoptions<".g:tar_browseoptions.">"
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
" call Dret("tar#Browse : a:tarfile<".a:tarfile.">")
- silent %d
- let eikeep= &ei
- set ei=BufReadCmd,FileReadCmd
- exe "r ".a:tarfile
- let &ei= eikeep
- 1d
- if line("$") == curlast || ( line("$") == (curlast + 1) && getline("$") =~? '\c\%(warning\|error\|inappropriate\|unrecognized\)')
+ if line("$") == curlast || ( line("$") == (curlast + 1) && getline("$") =~ '\c\%(warning\|error\|inappropriate\|unrecognized\)')
+ redraw!
echohl WarningMsg | echo "***warning*** (tar#Browse) ".a:tarfile." doesn't appear to be a tar file" | echohl None
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
silent %d
let eikeep= &ei
set ei=BufReadCmd,FileReadCmd
@@ -190,14 +195,14 @@ fun! tar#Read(fname,mode)
" call Decho("fname<".fname.">")
if tarfile =~# '\.\(gz\|tgz\)$'
-" call Decho("exe silent r! gzip -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -OPxf - '".fname."'")
- exe "silent r! gzip -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'"
+" call Decho("exe silent r! gzip -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -OPxf - '".fname."'")
+ exe "silent r! gzip -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'"
elseif tarfile =~# '\.bz2$'
-" call Decho("exe silent r! bzip2 -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'")
- exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c '".tarfile."'| tar -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'"
+" call Decho("exe silent r! bzip2 -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'")
+ exe "silent r! bzip2 -d -c ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq."| ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." - '".fname."'"
-" call Decho("exe silent r! tar -".g:tar_readoptions." '".tarfile."' '".fname."'")
- exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." '".tarfile."' '".fname."'"
+" call Decho("exe silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq." ".g:tar_shq.fname.g:tar_shq)
+ exe "silent r! ".g:tar_cmd." -".g:tar_readoptions." ".g:tar_shq.tarfile.g:tar_shq." ".g:tar_shq.fname.g:tar_shq
let w:tarfile= a:fname
exe "file tarfile:".fname
@@ -219,15 +224,17 @@ fun! tar#Write(fname)
" sanity checks
if !executable(g:tar_cmd)
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo '***error*** (tar#Browse) "'.g:tar_cmd.'" not available on your system'
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let &report= repkeep
" call Dret("tar#Write")
if !exists("*mkdir")
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo "***error*** (tar#Write) sorry, mkdir() doesn't work on your system" | echohl None
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let &report= repkeep
" call Dret("tar#Write")
@@ -246,8 +253,9 @@ fun! tar#Write(fname)
exe "cd ".escape(tmpdir,' \')
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E344/
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo "***error*** (tar#Write) cannot cd to temporary directory" | Echohl None
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
let &report= repkeep
" call Dret("tar#Write")
@@ -282,8 +290,9 @@ fun! tar#Write(fname)
if v:shell_error != 0
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo "***error*** (tar#Write) sorry, unable to update ".tarfile." with ".fname | echohl None
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
" call Decho("tarfile<".tarfile."> fname<".fname.">")
@@ -309,16 +318,18 @@ fun! tar#Write(fname)
" call Decho("tar --delete -f '".tarfile."' '".fname."'")
call system("tar --delete -f '".tarfile."' '".fname."'")
if v:shell_error != 0
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo "***error*** (tar#Write) sorry, unable to update ".tarfile." with ".fname | echohl None
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
" update tarfile with new file
" call Decho("tar -".g:tar_writeoptions." '".tarfile."' '".fname."'")
call system("tar -".g:tar_writeoptions." '".tarfile."' '".fname."'")
if v:shell_error != 0
+ redraw!
echohl Error | echo "***error*** (tar#Write) sorry, unable to update ".tarfile." with ".fname | echohl None
- call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
+" call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
elseif exists("compress")
" call Decho("call system(".compress.")")
call system(compress)
@@ -376,4 +387,4 @@ endfun
" Modelines And Restoration: {{{1
let &cpo= s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
-" vim:ts=8 fdm=marker
+" vim:ts=8 fdm=marker
diff --git a/runtime/colors/koehler.vim b/runtime/colors/koehler.vim
index cc0a1724c..6aaa2441e 100644
--- a/runtime/colors/koehler.vim
+++ b/runtime/colors/koehler.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Ron Aaron <>
-" Last Change: 2006 Mar 26
+" Last Change: 2006 Dec 10
hi clear
set background=dark
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ let g:colors_name = "koehler"
hi Normal guifg=white guibg=black
hi Scrollbar guifg=darkcyan guibg=cyan
hi Menu guifg=black guibg=cyan
-hi SpecialKey term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=darkred guifg=Blue
-hi NonText term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=darkred gui=bold guifg=Blue
-hi Directory term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=brown guifg=Blue
-hi ErrorMsg term=standout cterm=bold ctermfg=grey ctermbg=blue guifg=White guibg=Red
-hi Search term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=Red
+hi SpecialKey term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=darkred guifg=#cc0000
+hi NonText term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=darkred gui=bold guifg=#cc0000
+hi Directory term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=brown guifg=#cc8000
+hi ErrorMsg term=standout cterm=bold ctermfg=grey ctermbg=red guifg=White guibg=Red
+hi Search term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=Red
hi MoreMsg term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=darkgreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
hi ModeMsg term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Blue
hi LineNr term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=Yellow
@@ -26,20 +26,20 @@ hi StatusLine term=bold,reverse cterm=bold ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=white gu
hi StatusLineNC term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=lightblue guifg=white guibg=blue
hi Title term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=darkmagenta gui=bold guifg=Magenta
hi Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
-hi WarningMsg term=standout cterm=bold ctermfg=darkblue guifg=Red
+hi WarningMsg term=standout cterm=bold ctermfg=darkred guifg=Red
hi Cursor guifg=bg guibg=Green
hi Comment term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=cyan guifg=#80a0ff
hi Constant term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta guifg=#ffa0a0
hi Special term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=red guifg=Orange
hi Identifier term=underline ctermfg=brown guifg=#40ffff
hi Statement term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=yellow gui=bold guifg=#ffff60
-hi PreProc term=underline ctermfg=darkblue guifg=#ff80ff
+hi PreProc term=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta guifg=#ff80ff
hi Type term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=lightgreen gui=bold guifg=#60ff60
hi Error term=reverse ctermfg=darkcyan ctermbg=black guifg=Red guibg=Black
hi Todo term=standout ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkcyan guifg=Blue guibg=Yellow
-hi CursorLine term=underline guibg=#555555
-hi CursorColumn term=underline guibg=#555555
-hi MatchParen term=reverse guibg=Blue
+hi CursorLine term=underline guibg=#555555 cterm=underline
+hi CursorColumn term=underline guibg=#555555 cterm=underline
+hi MatchParen term=reverse ctermfg=blue guibg=Blue
hi TabLine term=bold,reverse cterm=bold ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=white gui=bold guifg=blue guibg=white
hi TabLineFill term=bold,reverse cterm=bold ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=white gui=bold guifg=blue guibg=white
hi TabLineSel term=reverse ctermfg=white ctermbg=lightblue guifg=white guibg=blue
diff --git a/runtime/compiler/decada.vim b/runtime/compiler/decada.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b09d390f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/compiler/decada.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+" Description: Vim Ada/Dec Ada compiler file
+" Language: Ada (Dec Ada)
+" $Id$
+" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Maintainer: Martin Krischik
+" $Author$
+" $Date$
+" Version: 4.2
+" $Revision$
+" $HeadURL: $
+" History: 21.07.2006 MK New Dec Ada
+" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+" Help Page: compiler-decada
+if (exists("current_compiler") &&
+ \ current_compiler == "decada") ||
+ \ version < 700
+ finish
+let current_compiler = "decada"
+if !exists("g:decada")
+ let g:decada = decada#New ()
+if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
+ "
+ " plugin loaded by other means then the "compiler" command
+ "
+ command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
+call g:decada.Set_Session ()
+execute "CompilerSet makeprg=" . escape (g:decada.Make_Command, ' ')
+execute "CompilerSet errorformat=" . escape (g:decada.Error_Format, ' ')
+call ada#Map_Menu (
+ \'Dec Ada.Build',
+ \'<F7>',
+ \'call decada.Make ()')
+finish " 1}}}
+" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
+" vim: textwidth=78 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
+" vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/runtime/compiler/gnat.vim b/runtime/compiler/gnat.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58e9ce831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/compiler/gnat.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+" Description: Vim Ada/GNAT compiler file
+" Language: Ada (GNAT)
+" $Id$
+" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Maintainer: Martin Krischik
+" $Author$
+" $Date$
+" Version: 4.2
+" $Revision$
+" $HeadURL: $
+" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
+" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+" Help Page: compiler-gnat
+if (exists("current_compiler") &&
+ \ current_compiler == "gnat") ||
+ \ version < 700
+ finish
+let current_compiler = "gnat"
+if !exists("g:gnat")
+ let g:gnat = gnat#New ()
+ call ada#Map_Menu (
+ \ 'GNAT.Build',
+ \ '<F7>',
+ \ 'call gnat.Make ()')
+ call ada#Map_Menu (
+ \ 'GNAT.Pretty Print',
+ \ ':GnatPretty',
+ \ 'call gnat.Pretty ()')
+ call ada#Map_Menu (
+ \ 'GNAT.Tags',
+ \ ':GnatTags',
+ \ 'call gnat.Tags ()')
+ call ada#Map_Menu (
+ \ 'GNAT.Find',
+ \ ':GnatFind',
+ \ 'call gnat.Find ()')
+ call ada#Map_Menu (
+ \ 'GNAT.Set Projectfile\.\.\.',
+ \ ':SetProject',
+ \ 'call gnat.Set_Project_File ()')
+if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
+ "
+ " plugin loaded by other means then the "compiler" command
+ "
+ command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
+call g:gnat.Set_Session ()
+execute "CompilerSet makeprg=" . escape (g:gnat.Get_Command('Make'), ' ')
+execute "CompilerSet errorformat=" . escape (g:gnat.Error_Format, ' ')
+finish " 1}}}
+" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
+" vim: textwidth=0 wrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
+" vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/runtime/compiler/mcs.vim b/runtime/compiler/mcs.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d85da7d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/compiler/mcs.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+" Vim compiler file
+" Compiler: Mono C# Compiler
+" Maintainer: Jarek Sobiecki <>
+" Latest Revision: 2006-06-18
+if exists("current_compiler")
+ finish
+let current_compiler = "mcs"
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo-=C
+setlocal errorformat=
+ \%E%f(%l\\,%c):\ error\ CS%n:%m,
+ \%W%f(%l\\,%c):\ warning\ CS%n:%m,
+ \%E%>syntax\ error\\,%m,%Z%f(%l\\,%c):\ error\ CS%n:%m,
+ \%D%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Entering\ directory\ `%f',
+ \%X%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Leaving\ directory\ `%f',
+ \%DMaking\ %*\\a\ in\ %f,
+ \%G-%.%#
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
diff --git a/runtime/doc/ada.txt b/runtime/doc/ada.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4367ae012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/doc/ada.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+*ada.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Nov 12
+ADA *ada.vim*
+1. Syntax Highlighting |ft-ada-syntax|
+2. Plug-in |ft-ada-plugin|
+3. Omni Completion |ft-ada-omni|
+ 3.1 Omni Completion with "gnat xref" |gnat-xref|
+ 3.2 Omni Completion with "ctags" |ada-ctags|
+4. Compiler Support |ada-compiler|
+ 4.1 GNAT |compiler-gnat|
+ 4.1 Dec Ada |compiler-decada|
+5. References |ada-reference|
+ 5.1 Options |ft-ada-options|
+ 5.2 Functions |ft-ada-functions|
+ 5.3 Commands |ft-ada-commands|
+ 5.4 Variables |ft-ada-variables|
+ 5.5 Constants |ft-ada-constants|
+8. Extra Plug-ins |ada-extra-plugins|
+1. Syntax Highlighting ~
+ *ft-ada-syntax*
+This mode is designed for the 2005 edition of Ada ("Ada 2005"), which includes
+support for objected-programming, protected types, and so on. It handles code
+written for the original Ada language ("Ada83", "Ada87", "Ada95") as well,
+though code which uses Ada 2005-only keywords will be wrongly colored (such
+code should be fixed anyway). For more information about Ada, see
+The Ada mode handles a number of situations cleanly.
+For example, it knows that the "-" in "-5" is a number, but the same character
+in "A-5" is an operator. Normally, a "with" or "use" clause referencing
+another compilation unit is coloured the same way as C's "#include" is coloured.
+If you have "Conditional" or "Repeat" groups coloured differently, then "end
+if" and "end loop" will be coloured as part of those respective groups.
+You can set these to different colours using vim's "highlight" command (e.g.,
+to change how loops are displayed, enter the command ":hi Repeat" followed by
+the colour specification; on simple terminals the colour specification
+ctermfg=White often shows well).
+There are several options you can select in this Ada mode. See|ft-ada-options|
+for a complete list.
+To enable them, assign a value to the option. For example, to turn one on:
+ >
+ > let g:ada_standard_types = 1
+To disable them use ":unlet". Example:
+ > unlet g:ada_standard_types
+You can just use ":" and type these into the command line to set these
+temporarily before loading an Ada file. You can make these option settings
+permanent by adding the "let" command(s), without a colon, to your "~/.vimrc"
+Even on a slow (90Mhz) PC this mode works quickly, but if you find the
+performance unacceptable, turn on |g:ada_withuse_ordinary|.
+Syntax folding instructions (|fold-syntax|) are added when |g:ada_folding| is
+2. File type Plug-in ~
+ *ft-ada-indent* *ft-ada-plugin*
+The Ada plug-in provides support for:
+ - auto indenting (|indent.txt|)
+ - insert completion (|i_CTRL-N|)
+ - user completion (|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U|)
+ - tag searches (|tagsrch.txt|)
+ - Quick Fix (|quickfix.txt|)
+ - backspace handling (|'backspace'|)
+ - comment handling (|'comments'|, |'commentstring'|)
+The plug-in only activates the features of the Ada mode whenever an Ada
+files is opened and add adds Ada related entries to the main and pop-up menu.
+3. Omni Completion ~
+ *ft-ada-omni*
+The Ada omni-completions (|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|) uses tags database created either
+by "gnat xref -v" or the "exuberant Ctags ( The
+complete function will automatically detect which tool was used to create the
+tags file.
+3.1 Omni Completion with "gnat xref" ~
+ *gnat-xref*
+GNAT XREF uses the compiler internal informations (ali-files) to produce the
+tags file. This has the advantage to be 100% correct and the option of deep
+nested analysis. However the code must compile, the generator is quite
+slow and the created tags file contains only the basic Ctags informations for
+each entry - not enough for some of the more advanced Vim code browser
+NOTE: "gnat xref -v" is very tricky to use as it has almost no diagnostic
+ output - If nothing is printed then usually the parameters are wrong.
+ Here some important tips:
+1) You need to compile your code first and use the "-aO" option to point to
+ your .ali files.
+2) "gnat xref -v ../Include/" won't work - use the "gnat xref -v
+ -aI../Include" instead.
+3) "gnat xref -v -aI../Include *.ad?" won't work - use "cd ../Include" and
+ then "gnat xref -v *.ad?"
+4) Project manager support is completely broken - don't even try "gnat xref
+ -Padacl.gpr".
+5) VIM is faster when the tags file is sorted - use "sort --unique
+ --ignore-case --output=tags tags" .
+6) Remember to insert "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 2 %sort ui" as first line to mark
+ the file assorted.
+3.2 Omni Completion with "ctags"~
+ *ada-ctags*
+Exuberant Ctags uses it's own multi-language code parser. The parser is quite
+fast, produces a lot of extra informations (hence the name "Exuberant Ctags")
+and can run on files which currently do not compile.
+There are also lots of other Vim-tools which use exuberant Ctags.
+You will need to install a version of the Exuberant Ctags which has Ada
+support patched in. Such a version is available from the GNU Ada Project
+The Ada parser for Exuberant Ctags is fairly new - don't expect complete
+support yet.
+4. Compiler Support ~
+ *ada-compiler*
+The Ada mode supports more then one Ada compiler and will automatically load the
+compiler set in|g:ada_default_compiler|whenever an Ada source is opened. The
+provided compiler plug-ins are split into the actual compiler plug-in and a
+collection of support functions and variables. This allows the easy
+development of specialized compiler plug-ins fine tuned to your development
+4.1 GNAT ~
+ *compiler-gnat*
+GNAT is the only free (beer and speech) Ada compiler available. There are
+several version available which differentiate in the licence terms used.
+The GNAT compiler plug-in will perform a compile on pressing <F7> and then
+immediately shows the result. You can set the project file to be used by
+ >
+ > call g:gnat.Set_Project_File ('my_project.gpr')
+Setting a project file will also create a Vim session (|views-sessions|) so -
+like with the GPS - opened files, window positions etc. will remembered
+separately for all projects.
+ *gnat_members*
+ *g:gnat.Make()*
+ Calls|g:gnat.Make_Command|and displays the result inside a
+ |quickfix| window.
+ *g:gnat.Pretty()*
+ Calls|g:gnat.Pretty_Command|
+ *g:gnat.Find()*
+ Calls|g:gnat.Find_Command|
+ *g:gnat.Tags()*
+ Calls|g:gnat.Tags_Command|
+ *g:gnat.Set_Project_File()*
+ Set gnat project file and load associated session. An open
+ project will be closed and the session written. If called
+ without file name the file selector opens for selection of a
+ project file. If called with an empty string then the project
+ and associated session are closed.
+ *g:gnat.Project_File*
+g:gnat.Project_File string
+ Current project file.
+ *g:gnat.Make_Command*
+g:gnat.Make_Command string
+ External command used for|g:gnat.Make()| (|'makeprg'|).
+ *g:gnat.Pretty_Program*
+g:gnat.Pretty_Program string
+ External command used for|g:gnat.Pretty()|
+ *g:gnat.Find_Program*
+g:gnat.Find_Program string
+ External command used for|g:gnat.Find()|
+ *g:gnat.Tags_Command*
+g:gnat.Tags_Command string
+ External command used for|g:gnat.Tags()|
+ *g:gnat.Error_Format*
+g:gnat.Error_Format string
+ Error format (|'errorformat'|)
+4.2 Dec Ada ~
+ *compiler-hpada* *compiler-decada*
+ *compiler-vaxada* *compiler-compaqada*
+Dec Ada (also known by - in chronological order - VAX Ada, Dec Ada, Compaq Ada
+and HP Ada) is a fairly dated Ada 83 compiler. Support is basic: <F7> will
+compile the current unit.
+The Dec Ada compiler expects the package name and not the file name to be
+passed a parameter. The compiler plug-in supports the usual file name
+convention to convert the file into a unit name. For separates both '-' and
+'__' are allowed.
+ *decada_members*
+ *g:decada.Make()*
+g:decada.Make() function
+ Calls|g:decada.Make_Command|and displays the result inside a
+ |quickfix| window.
+ *g:decada.Unit_Name()*
+g:decada.Unit_Name() function
+ Get the Unit name for the current file.
+ *g:decada.Make_Command*
+g:decada.Make_Command string
+ External command used for|g:decadat.Make()| (|'makeprg'|).
+ *g:decada.Error_Format*
+g:decada.Error_Format| string
+ Error format (|'errorformat'|).
+5. References ~
+ *ada-reference*
+5.1 Options ~
+ *ft-ada-options*
+ *g:ada_standard_types*
+g:ada_standard_types bool (true when exists)
+ Highlight types in package Standard (e.g., "Float")
+ *g:ada_space_errors*
+ *g:ada_no_trail_space_error*
+ *g:ada_no_tab_space_error*
+ *g:ada_all_tab_usage*
+g:ada_space_errors bool (true when exists)
+ Highlight extraneous errors in spaces ...
+ g:ada_no_trail_space_error
+ - but ignore trailing spaces at the end of a line
+ g:ada_no_tab_space_error
+ - but ignore tabs after spaces
+ g:ada_all_tab_usage
+ - highlight all tab use
+ *g:ada_line_errors*
+g:ada_line_errors bool (true when exists)
+ Highlight lines which are to long. Note: This highlighting
+ option is quite CPU intensive.
+ *g:ada_rainbow_color*
+g:ada_rainbow_color bool (true when exists)
+ Use rainbow colours for '(' and ')'. You need the
+ rainbow_parenthesis for this to work
+ *g:ada_folding*
+g:ada_folding set ('sigpft')
+ Use folding for Ada sources.
+ 's': activate syntax folding on load
+ 'p': fold packages
+ 'f': fold functions and procedures
+ 't': fold types
+ 'c': fold conditionals
+ 'g': activate gnat pretty print folding on load
+ 'i': lone 'is' folded with line above
+ 'b': lone 'begin' folded with line above
+ 'p': lone 'private' folded with line above
+ 'x': lone 'exception' folded with line above
+ 'i': activate indent folding on load
+ Note: Syntax folding is in an early (unuseable) stage and
+ indent or gnat pretty folding is suggested.
+ For gnat pretty folding to work the following settings are
+ suggested: -cl3 -M79 -c2 -c3 -c4 -A1 -A2 -A3 -A4 -A5
+ For indent folding to work the following settings are
+ suggested: shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3
+ *g:ada_abbrev*
+g:ada_abbrev bool (true when exists)
+ Add some abbreviations. This feature more or less superseded
+ by the various completion methods.
+ *g:ada_withuse_ordinary*
+g:ada_withuse_ordinary bool (true when exists)
+ Show "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords (when used to
+ reference other compilation units they're normally highlighted
+ specially).
+ *g:ada_begin_preproc*
+g:ada_begin_preproc bool (true when exists)
+ Show all begin-like keywords using the colouring of C
+ preprocessor commands.
+ *g:ada_omni_with_keywords*
+ Add Keywords, Pragmas, Attributes to omni-completions
+ (|compl-omni|). Note: You can always complete then with user
+ completion (|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U|).
+ *g:ada_extended_tagging*
+g:ada_extended_tagging enum ('jump', 'list')
+ use extended tagging, two options are available
+ 'jump': use tjump to jump.
+ 'list': add tags quick fix list.
+ Normal tagging does not support function or operator
+ overloading as these features are not available in C and
+ tagging was originally developed for C.
+ *g:ada_extended_completion*
+ Uses extended completion for <C-N> and <C-R> completions
+ (|i_CTRL-N|). In this mode the '.' is used as part of the
+ identifier so that 'Object.Method' or 'Package.Procedure' are
+ completed together.
+ *g:ada_gnat_extensions*
+g:ada_gnat_extensions bool (true when exists)
+ Support GNAT extensions.
+ *g:ada_with_gnat_project_files*
+g:ada_with_gnat_project_files bool (true when exists)
+ Add gnat project file keywords and Attributes.
+ *g:ada_default_compiler*
+g:ada_default_compiler string
+ set default compiler. Currently supported is 'gnat' and
+ 'decada'.
+An "exists" type is a boolean is considered true when the variable is defined
+and false when the variable is undefined. The value which the variable is
+set makes no difference.
+5.3 Commands ~
+ *ft-ada-commands*
+:AdaRainbow *:AdaRainbow*
+ Toggles rainbow colour (|g:ada_rainbow_color|) mode for
+ '(' and ')'
+:AdaLines *:AdaLines*
+ Toggles line error (|g:ada_line_errors|) display
+:AdaSpaces *:AdaSpaces*
+ Toggles space error (|g:ada_space_errors|) display.
+:AdaTagDir *:AdaTagDir*
+ Creates tags file for the directory of the current file.
+:AdaTagFile *:AdaTagFile*
+ Creates tags file for the current file.
+:AdaTypes *:AdaTypes*
+ Toggles standard types (|g:ada_standard_types|) colour.
+:GnatFind *:GnatFind*
+ Calls |g:gnat.Find()|
+:GnatPretty *:GnatPretty*
+ Calls |g:gnat.Pretty()|
+:GnatTags *:GnatTags*
+ Calls |g:gnat.Tags()|
+5.3 Variables ~
+ *ft-ada-variables*
+ *g:gnat*
+g:gnat object
+ Control object which manages GNAT compiles. The object
+ is created when the first Ada source code is loaded provided
+ that |g:ada_default_compiler|is set to 'gnat'. See|gnat_members|
+ for details.
+ *g:decada*
+g:decada object
+ Control object which manages Dec Ada compiles. The object
+ is created when the first Ada source code is loaded provided
+ that |g:ada_default_compiler|is set to 'decada'. See
+ |decada_members|for details.
+5.4 Constants ~
+ *ft-ada-constants*
+All constants are locked. See |:lockvar| for details.
+ *g:ada#WordRegex*
+g:ada#WordRegex string
+ Regular expression to search for Ada words
+ *g:ada#DotWordRegex*
+g:ada#DotWordRegex string
+ Regular expression to search for Ada words separated by dots.
+ *g:ada#Comment*
+g:ada#Comment string
+ Regular expression to search for Ada comments
+ *g:ada#Keywords*
+g:ada#Keywords list of dictionaries
+ List of keywords, attributes etc. pp. in the format used by
+ omni completion. See |complete-items| for details.
+ *g:ada#Ctags_Kinds*
+g:ada#Ctags_Kinds dictionary of lists
+ Dictionary of the various kinds of items which the Ada support
+ for Ctags generates.
+5.2 Functions ~
+ *ft-ada-functions*
+ada#Word([{line}, {col}]) *ada#Word()*
+ Return full name of Ada entity under the cursor (or at given
+ line/column), stripping white space/newlines as necessary.
+ada#List_Tag([{line}, {col}]) *ada#Listtags()*
+ List all occurrences of the Ada entity under the cursor (or at
+ given line/column) inside the quick-fix window
+ada#Jump_Tag ({ident}, {mode}) *ada#Jump_Tag()*
+ List all occurrences of the Ada entity under the cursor (or at
+ given line/column) in the tag jump list. Mode can either be
+ 'tjump' or 'stjump'.
+ada#Create_Tags ({option}) *ada#Create_Tags()*
+ Creates tag file using Ctags. The option can either be 'file'
+ for the current file, 'dir' for the directory of the current
+ file or a file name.
+gnat#Insert_Tags_Header() *gnat#Insert_Tags_Header()*
+ Adds the tag file header (!_TAG_) informations to the current
+ file which are missing from the GNAT XREF output.
+ada#Switch_Syntax_Option ({option}) *ada#Switch_Syntax_Option()*
+ Toggles highlighting options on or off. Used for the Ada menu.
+ *gnat#New()*
+gnat#New ()
+ Create a new gnat object. See |g:gnat| for details.
+8. Extra Plugins ~
+ *ada-extra-plugins*
+You can optionally install the following extra plug-in. They work well with Ada
+and enhance the ability of the Ada mode.:
+ Keeps as many backups as you like so you don't have to.
+ Very helpful since Ada uses only '(' and ')'.
+ Excellent commenting and uncommenting support for almost any
+ programming language.
+ '%' jumping for any language. The normal '%' jump only works for '{}'
+ style languages. The Ada mode will set the needed search patters.
+ Source code explorer sidebar. There is a patch for Ada available.
+The GNU Ada Project distribution ( of Vim
+contains all of the above.
+vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab
+vim: filetype=help encoding=latin1
diff --git a/runtime/doc/arabic.txt b/runtime/doc/arabic.txt
index 2dda3ca0e..95ce20fe7 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/arabic.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/arabic.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*arabic.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2005 Mar 29
+*arabic.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2005 Mar 29
diff --git a/runtime/doc/farsi.txt b/runtime/doc/farsi.txt
index d655caf0c..dd57c5c84 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/farsi.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/farsi.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*farsi.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2005 Mar 29
+*farsi.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2005 Mar 29
VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Mortaza Ghassab Shiran
diff --git a/runtime/doc/filetype.txt b/runtime/doc/filetype.txt
index 58b33b889..4b8bfafd1 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/filetype.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/filetype.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*filetype.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 28
+*filetype.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Mar 24
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Detail: The ":filetype on" command will load one of these files:
BufNewFile and BufRead events. If the file type is not found by the
name, the file $VIMRUNTIME/scripts.vim is used to detect it from the
contents of the file.
+ When the GUI is running or will start soon, the menu.vim script is
+ also sourced. See |'go-M'| about avoiding that.
To add your own file types, see |new-filetype| below. To search for help on a
filetype prepend "ft-" and optionally append "-syntax", "-indent" or
@@ -304,24 +306,28 @@ all loaded. For example, if this command: >
set runtimepath
-produces this output: >
+produces this output:
- runtimepath=/etc/vim,~/.vim,/usr/local/share/vim/vim60
+ runtimepath=/etc/vim,~/.vim,/usr/local/share/vim/vim60 ~
-then Vim will load all plugins in these directories: >
+then Vim will load all plugins in these directories and below:
- /etc/vim/plugin/
- ~/.vim/plugin/
- /usr/local/share/vim/vim60/plugin/
+ /etc/vim/plugin/ ~
+ ~/.vim/plugin/ ~
+ /usr/local/share/vim/vim60/plugin/ ~
Note that the last one is the value of $VIMRUNTIME which has been expanded.
What if it looks like your plugin is not being loaded? You can find out what
happens when Vim starts up by using the |-V| argument: >
- vim -V1
+ vim -V2
You will see a lot of messages, in between them is a remark about loading the
-plugins. It starts with: >
- Searching for "plugin/*.vim" in
+plugins. It starts with:
+ Searching for "plugin/**/*.vim" in ~
There you can see where Vim looks for your plugin scripts.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/hebrew.txt b/runtime/doc/hebrew.txt
index fde57bc26..231d77641 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/hebrew.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/hebrew.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*hebrew.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2003 May 11
+*hebrew.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2003 May 11
VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Ron Aaron (and Avner Lottem)
diff --git a/runtime/doc/howto.txt b/runtime/doc/howto.txt
index 59878b8fd..ac69d55d8 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/howto.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/howto.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*howto.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 02
+*howto.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 02
diff --git a/runtime/doc/intro.txt b/runtime/doc/intro.txt
index 0dcbeb7f3..2deb3ccfb 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/intro.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/intro.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*intro.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 20
+*intro.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 20
diff --git a/runtime/doc/os_amiga.txt b/runtime/doc/os_amiga.txt
index dfc40b7f2..655e6fc19 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/os_amiga.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/os_amiga.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*os_amiga.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2005 Mar 29
+*os_amiga.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2005 Mar 29
diff --git a/runtime/doc/os_dos.txt b/runtime/doc/os_dos.txt
index d44755acf..09d6cbdca 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/os_dos.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/os_dos.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*os_dos.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Mar 30
+*os_dos.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Mar 30
diff --git a/runtime/doc/os_win32.txt b/runtime/doc/os_win32.txt
index a1b1b831b..bf66f9dfd 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/os_win32.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/os_win32.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*os_win32.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 30
+*os_win32.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Apr 22
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ A. When writing a file Vim renames the original file, this is a backup (in
Q. How do I get to see the output of ":make" while it's running?
A. Basically what you need is to put a tee program that will copy its input
(the output from make) to both stdout and to the errorfile. You can find a
- copy of tee (and a number of other GNU tools tools) at
+ copy of tee (and a number of other GNU tools) at or
Alternatively, try the more recent Cygnus version of the GNU tools at Other Unix-style tools for Win32 are listed at
diff --git a/runtime/doc/pattern.txt b/runtime/doc/pattern.txt
index 4e0049359..0efd52253 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/pattern.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pattern.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pattern.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 30
+*pattern.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Apr 24
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ overview.
{Vi does not have any of these}
n and m are positive decimal numbers or zero
+ *non-greedy*
If a "-" appears immediately after the "{", then a shortest match
first algorithm is used (see example below). In particular, "\{-}" is
the same as "*" but uses the shortest match first algorithm. BUT: A
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ x A single character, with no special meaning, matches itself
[xyz] any 'x', 'y' or 'z'
[a-zA-Z]$ any alphabetic character at the end of a line
\c[a-z]$ same
+ */[\n]*
With "\_" prepended the collection also includes the end-of-line.
The same can be done by including "\n" in the collection. The
end-of-line is also matched when the collection starts with "^"! Thus
@@ -1042,6 +1042,7 @@ x A single character, with no special meaning, matches itself
\t <Tab>
\r <CR> (NOT end-of-line!)
\b <BS>
+ \n line break, see above |/[\n]|
\d123 decimal number of character
\o40 octal number of character up to 0377
\x20 hexadecimal number of character up to 0xff
@@ -1068,6 +1069,8 @@ x A single character, with no special meaning, matches itself
You don't often have to use it, but it is possible. Example: >
< Matches the words "r", "re", "ro", "rea", "roa", "read" and "road".
+ There can be no \(\), \%(\) or \z(\) items inside the [] and \%[] does
+ not nest.
{not available when compiled without the +syntax feature}
*/\%d* */\%x* */\%o* */\%u* */\%U* *E678*
@@ -1145,7 +1148,7 @@ composing character by itself, except that it doesn't matter what comes before
The order of composing characters matters, even though changing the order
-doen't change what a character looks like. This may change in the future.
+doesn't change what a character looks like. This may change in the future.
9. Compare with Perl patterns *perl-patterns*
@@ -1219,6 +1222,10 @@ Finally, these constructs are unique to Perl:
'ignorecase' does not apply, use |/\c| in the pattern to
ignore case. Otherwise case is not ignored.
+ When matching end-of-line and Vim redraws only part of the
+ display you may get unexpected results. That is because Vim
+ looks for a match in the line where redrawing starts.
Also see |matcharg()|, it returns the highlight group and
pattern of a previous :match command.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/pi_spec.txt b/runtime/doc/pi_spec.txt
index 9effbe8ba..b075873c4 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/pi_spec.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/pi_spec.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*pi_spec.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*pi_spec.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
by Gustavo Niemeyer ~
diff --git a/runtime/doc/quotes.txt b/runtime/doc/quotes.txt
index ed62ac2f4..0fbd8bfb5 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/quotes.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/quotes.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*quotes.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*quotes.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
diff --git a/runtime/doc/remote.txt b/runtime/doc/remote.txt
index 44d82ccdd..5b87cc0e0 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/remote.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/remote.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*remote.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 30
+*remote.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 30
diff --git a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
index d70f78a30..4a108b6ce 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/repeat.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*repeat.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 30
+*repeat.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Jan 07
@@ -53,6 +53,13 @@ selection, the same SIZE of area is used, see |visual-repeat|.
Same as :g!.
+Instead of the '/' which surrounds the {pattern}, you can use any other
+single byte character, but not an alphanumeric character, '\', '"' or '|'.
+This is useful if you want to include a '/' in the search pattern or
+replacement string.
+For the definition of a pattern, see |pattern|.
The global commands work by first scanning through the [range] lines and
marking each line where a match occurs (for a multi-line pattern, only the
start of the match matters).
@@ -656,4 +663,7 @@ mind there are various things that may clobber the results:
- Profiling may give weird results on multi-processor systems, when sleep
mode kicks in or the processor frequency is reduced to save power.
+- The "self" time is wrong when a function is used recursively.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/scroll.txt b/runtime/doc/scroll.txt
index c1774f575..2cf0bec73 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/scroll.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/scroll.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*scroll.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*scroll.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Aug 27
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ jump to a location where the current window's relative offset is valid. This
behavior can be changed by clearing the 'jump' flag from the 'scrollopt'
- *syncbind* *:syncbind*
+ *syncbind* *:syncbind* *:sync*
:syncbind Force all 'scrollbind' windows to have the same
relative offset. I.e., when any of the 'scrollbind'
windows is scrolled to the top of its buffer, all of
diff --git a/runtime/doc/spell.txt b/runtime/doc/spell.txt
index a80ceaf95..b6f0c1ff5 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/spell.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/spell.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*spell.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 30
+*spell.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Apr 22
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ Spell checking *spell*
Spell checking is not available when the |+syntax| feature has been disabled
at compile time.
+Note: There also is a vimspell plugin. If you have it you can do ":help
+vimspell" to find about it. But you will probably want to get rid of the
+plugin and use the 'spell' option instead, it works better.
1. Quick start *spell-quickstart*
@@ -409,6 +413,7 @@ done:
For the second method adding the @NoSpell cluster will disable spell checking
again. This can be used, for example, to add @Spell to the comments of a
program, and add @NoSpell for items that shouldn't be checked.
+Also see |:syn-spell| for text that is not in a syntax item.
@@ -465,7 +470,7 @@ the word list and keeps it small.
You can create a Vim spell file from the .aff and .dic files that Myspell
uses. Myspell is used by and Mozilla. You should be able to
find them here:
You can also use a plain word list. The results are the same, the choice
depends on what word lists you can find.
@@ -546,7 +551,7 @@ following procedure is recommended:
2. Make a copy of these files to xx_YY.orig.aff and xx_YY.orig.dic.
3. Change the xx_YY.aff and xx_YY.dic files to remove bad words, add missing
words, define word characters with FOL/LOW/UPP, etc. The distributed
- "src/spell/*.diff" files can be used.
+ "*.diff" files can be used.
4. Start Vim with the right locale and use |:mkspell| to generate the Vim
spell file.
5. Try out the spell file with ":set spell spelllang=xx" if you wrote it in
@@ -646,7 +651,7 @@ exceptions:
only ASCII letters for most of the words.
The default "spellfile.vim" plugin uses this autocommand, if you define your
-autocommand afterwars you may want to use ":au! SpellFileMissing" to overrule
+autocommand afterwards you may want to use ":au! SpellFileMissing" to overrule
it. If you define your autocommand before the plugin is loaded it will notice
this and not do anything.
@@ -1332,7 +1337,7 @@ With the example "ideeen" has three syllables, counted by "i", "ee" and "e".
Only case-folded letters need to be included.
-Above another way to restrict compounding was mentioned above: Adding the
+Another way to restrict compounding was mentioned above: Adding the
|spell-COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG| flag to an affix causes all words that are made
with that affix not be be used for compounding.
@@ -1510,7 +1515,7 @@ COMPLEXPREFIXES (Hunspell) *spell-COMPLEXPREFIXES*
Enables using two prefixes. Not supported.
COMPOUND (Hunspell) *spell-COMPOUND*
- This is one line with the count of COMPOUND items, followd by
+ This is one line with the count of COMPOUND items, followed by
that many COMPOUND lines with a pattern.
Remove the first line with the count and rename the other
diff --git a/runtime/doc/sql.txt b/runtime/doc/sql.txt
index 9d541f87e..079c3949a 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/sql.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/sql.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*sql.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: Wed Apr 26 2006 3:05:33 PM
+*sql.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: Wed Apr 26 2006 3:05:33 PM
by David Fishburn
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ your |vimrc|: >
- When completing tables, procedure or views and using dbext.vim 3.00
or higher the list of objects will also include the owner name.
When completing these objects and omni_sql_include_owner is enabled
- the owner name will be be replaced. >
+ the owner name will be replaced. >
< - Default:
diff --git a/runtime/doc/starting.txt b/runtime/doc/starting.txt
index b676c5a7c..60d8cb235 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/starting.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/starting.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*starting.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 25
+*starting.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Apr 22
@@ -311,12 +311,16 @@ a slash. Thus "-R" means recovery and "-/R" readonly.
Messages will be given for each file that is ":source"d and
for reading or writing a viminfo file. Can be used to find
out what is happening upon startup and exit. {not in Vi}
+ Example: >
+ vim -V8 foobar
Like -V and set 'verbosefile' to {filename}. The result is
that messages are not displayed but written to the file
{filename}. {filename} must not start with a digit.
+ Example: >
+ vim -V20vimlog foobar
-D Debugging. Go to debugging mode when executing the first
command from a script. |debug-mode|
@@ -537,7 +541,7 @@ a slash. Thus "-R" means recovery and "-/R" readonly.
See |--remote-expr|. {not in Vi}
--serverlist Output a list of Vim server names and exit. See
- See |--serverlist|. {not in Vi}
+ |--serverlist|. {not in Vi}
--socketid {id} *--socketid*
GTK+ GUI Vim only. Make gvim try to use GtkPlug mechanism, so
@@ -905,9 +909,10 @@ set, it will be set to 'nocompatible'. This has the side effect of setting or
resetting other options (see 'compatible'). But only the options that have
not been set or reset will be changed. This has the same effect like the
value of 'compatible' had this value when starting Vim. Note that this
-doesn't happen for the system-wide vimrc file. It does also happen for gvimrc
-files. The $MYVIMRC or $MYGVIMRC file will be set to the first found vimrc
-and/or gvimrc file.
+doesn't happen for the system-wide vimrc file nor when Vim was started with
+the |-u| command line argument. It does also happen for gvimrc files. The
+$MYVIMRC or $MYGVIMRC file will be set to the first found vimrc and/or gvimrc
But there is a side effect of setting or resetting 'compatible' at the moment
a .vimrc file is found: Mappings are interpreted the moment they are
@@ -1200,8 +1205,8 @@ resulting file, when executed with a ":source" command:
including hidden and unloaded buffers. Otherwise only buffers in windows
are restored.
8. Restores all windows with the same layout. If 'sessionoptions' contains
- contains "help", help windows are restored. If 'sessionoptions' contains
- "blank", windows editing a buffer without a name will be restored.
+ "help", help windows are restored. If 'sessionoptions' contains "blank",
+ windows editing a buffer without a name will be restored.
If 'sessionoptions' contains "winsize" and no (help/blank) windows were
left out, the window sizes are restored (relative to the screen size).
Otherwise, the windows are just given sensible sizes.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
index fa7b0439f..372b7a9fc 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/syntax.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*syntax.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 30
+*syntax.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 May 03
@@ -467,52 +467,9 @@ abel_obsolete_ok obsolete keywords are statements, not errors
abel_cpp_comments_illegal do not interpret '//' as inline comment leader
-ADA *ada.vim* *ft-ada-syntax*
-This mode is designed for the 1995 edition of Ada ("Ada95"), which
-includes support for objected-programming, protected types, and so on.
-It handles code written for the original Ada language
-("Ada83" or "Ada87") as well, though Ada83 code which uses Ada95-only
-keywords will be wrongly colored (such code should be fixed anyway).
-For more information about Ada, see
-The Ada mode handles a number of situations cleanly.
-For example, it knows that the "-" in "-5" is a number, but the same
-character in "A-5" is an operator. Normally, a "with" or "use" clause
-referencing another compilation unit is colored the same way as C's
-"#include" is colored. If you have "Conditional" or "Repeat"
-groups colored differently, then "end if" and "end loop" will be
-colored as part of those respective groups.
-You can set these to different colors using vim's "highlight" command
-(e.g., to change how loops are displayed, enter the command
-":hi Repeat" followed by the color specification; on simple terminals
-the color specification ctermfg=White often shows well).
-There are several options you can select in this Ada mode.
-To enable them, assign a value to the option. For example, to turn one on:
- let ada_standard_types = 1
-To disable them use ":unlet". Example:
- unlet ada_standard_types = 1
-You can just use ":" and type these into the command line to set these
-temporarily before loading an Ada file. You can make these option settings
-permanent by adding the "let" command(s), without a colon,
-to your "~/.vimrc" file.
-Here are the Ada mode options:
-Variable Action ~
-ada_standard_types Highlight types in package Standard (e.g., "Float")
-ada_space_errors Highlight extraneous errors in spaces...
-ada_no_trail_space_error but ignore trailing spaces at the end of a line
-ada_no_tab_space_error but ignore tabs after spaces
-ada_withuse_ordinary Show "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords
- (when used to reference other compilation units
- they're normally highlighted specially).
-ada_begin_preproc Show all begin-like keywords using the coloring
- of C preprocessor commands.
-Even on a slow (90Mhz) PC this mode works quickly, but if you find
-the performance unacceptable, turn on ada_withuse_ordinary.
+See |ft-ada-syntax|
ANT *ant.vim* *ft-ant-syntax*
@@ -903,10 +860,6 @@ or in a modeline by appending '.doxygen' to the syntax of the file. Example: >
or >
// vim:syntax=c.doxygen
-To use doxygen formatting on top of any filetype, add the following to your
-.vimrc for each filetype, replacing {filetype} with the relevent value. >
- :let g:syntax_extra_{filetype}='doxygen'
It can also be done automaticly for c, cpp and idl files by setting the global
or buffer-local variable load_doxygen_syntax. This is done by adding the
following to your .vimrc. >
@@ -2339,6 +2292,8 @@ Folding can be enabled by defining "ruby_fold": >
This will set the 'foldmethod' option to "syntax" and allow folding of
classes, modules, methods, code blocks, heredocs and comments.
SCHEME *scheme.vim* *ft-scheme-syntax*
By default only R5RS keywords are highlighted and properly indented.
@@ -2598,6 +2553,16 @@ If you have a slow computer, you may wish to reduce the values for >
increase them. This primarily affects synchronizing (i.e. just what group,
if any, is the text at the top of the screen supposed to be in?).
+*tex-morecommands* *tex-package*
+Wish To Highlight More Commmands? ~
+LaTeX is a programmable language, and so there are thousands of packages full
+of specialized LaTeX commands, syntax, and fonts. If you're using such a
+package you'll often wish that the distributed syntax/tex.vim would support
+it. However, clearly this is impractical. So please consider using the
+techniques in |mysyntaxfile-add| to extend or modify the highlighting provided
+by syntax/tex.vim.
Excessive Error Highlighting? ~
@@ -4396,7 +4361,7 @@ Put these lines in your Makefile:
# Make a highlight file for types. Requires Exuberant ctags and awk
types: types.vim
types.vim: *.[ch]
- ctags -i=gstuS -o- *.[ch] |\
+ ctags --c-kinds=gstu -o- *.[ch] |\
awk 'BEGIN{printf("syntax keyword Type\t")}\
{printf("%s ", $$1)}END{print ""}' > $@
@@ -4504,7 +4469,7 @@ You probably want to use these X resources (in your ~/.Xdefaults file):
[Note: The cursorColor is required to work around a bug, which changes the
cursor color to the color of the last drawn text. This has been fixed by a
-newer version of xterm, but not everybody is it using yet.]
+newer version of xterm, but not everybody is using it yet.]
To get these right away, reload the .Xdefaults file to the X Option database
Manager (you only need to do this when you just changed the .Xdefaults file): >
@@ -4520,7 +4485,7 @@ these resources:
XTerm*cursorColor: White
-These settings work (more or less) for a hpterm, which only supports 8
+These settings work (more or less) for an hpterm, which only supports 8
foreground colors: >
:if has("terminfo")
: set t_Co=8
diff --git a/runtime/doc/tagsrch.txt b/runtime/doc/tagsrch.txt
index 0acdf2c39..71bba08e9 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/tagsrch.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/tagsrch.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*tagsrch.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*tagsrch.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
diff --git a/runtime/doc/todo.txt b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
index 13016f6c6..a1c85f2fc 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/todo.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/todo.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 May 07
+*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 May 05
@@ -30,9 +30,476 @@ be worked on, but only if you sponsor Vim development. See |sponsor|.
-------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
+Patch to make virtcol([123, '$']) do the right thing. (Michael Schaap)
+Insert mode completion: CTRL-N and CTRL-P work differently and they both don't
+work as expected. (Bernhard Walle, 2007 Feb 27)
+glob() doesn't work correctly with single quotes and 'shell' set to /bin/sh.
+(Adri Verhoef, Charles Campbell 2007 Mar 26)
+Splitting quickfix window messes up window layout. (Marius Gedminas, 2007 Apr
+Replace ccomplete.vim by cppcomplete.vim from script 1520
+(Martin Stubenschrott)
+ ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .
+Making the German sharp s uppercase doesn't work properly: one character less
+is uppercased in "gUe".
+Also: latin2 has the same character but it isn't uppercased there.
+Mac: After a ":vsplit" the left scrollbar doesn't appear until 'columns' is
+changed or the window is resized.
+Mac: Patch for Mac GUI tabline. (Nicolas Weber, 2006 Jul 18, Update 2007 Feb)
+ New update v6 ~/tmp/guitab.v6.diff (Kyle Wheeler)
+When 'virtualedit' is set a "p" of a block just past the end of the line
+inserts before the cursor. (Engelke)
+Using Aap to build Vim: add remarks about how to set personal preferences.
+Example on
+GTK: 'bsdir' doesn't work. Sometimes get a "gtk critical error".
+Moved some code to append file name to further down in gui_gtk.c
+gui_mch_browse(), but "last" value of 'bsdir' still doesn't work.
+C syntax: "#define x {" The macro should terminate at the end of the line,
+not continue in the next line. (Kelvin Lee, 2006 May 24)
+C syntax: {} inside () causes following {} to be highlighted as error.
+(Michalis Giannakidis, 2006 Jun 1)
+Gnome improvements: Edward Catmur, 2007 Jan 7
+ Also use Save/Discard for other GUIs
+New PHP syntax file, use it? (Peter Hodge)
+'foldcolumn' in modeline applied to wrong window when using a session. (Teemu
+Likonen, March 19)
+Syntax highlighting wrong for transparent region. (Doug Kearns, 2007 Feb 26)
+More AmigaOS4 patches. (Peter Bengtsson, Nov 9)
+Add v:searchforward variable. Patch by Yakov Lerner, 2006 Nov 18.
+Redraw problem in loop. (Yakov Lerner, 2006 Sep 7)
+Add option settings to help ftplugin. (David Eggum, 2006 Dec 18)
+Use new dutch wordlist for spelling?
+See remarks from Adri, 2007 Feb 9.
+When opening quickfix window, disable spell checking?
+Win32: When 'encoding' is "latin1" 'ignorecase' doesn't work for characters
+with umlaut. (Joachim Hofmann) toupper_tab[] and tolower_tab[] are not filled
+Completion: Scanning for tags doesn't check for typed key now and then?
+Hangs for about 5 seconds. Appears to be caused by finding include files with
+"foo/**" in 'path'. (Kalisiak, 2006 July 15)
+Completion: When 'completeopt' has "longest" and there is one match the
+message is "back at original" and typing a char doesn't leave completion mode.
+(Igor Prischepoff, 2006 Oct 5)
+Completion: When using CTRL-X O and there is only "struct." before the cursor,
+typing one char to reduce the matches, then BS completion stops. Should keep
+completion if still no less than what we started with.
+Completion: don't stop completion when typing a space when completing full
+lines? Also when completing file names? Only stop completion when there are
+no matches?
+After using BS completion only stops when typing a space. Many people want to
+stop at non-word characters, e.g., '('. Add an option for this? Or check
+vim_iswordc() before calling ins_compl_addleader()?
+searchpos() doesn't use match under cursor at start of line. (Viktor
+Kojouharov, 2006 Nov 16)
+When FEAT_BYTEOFF is defined but FEAT_NETBEANS_INTG is not compiling fails.
+Add FEAT_BYTEOFF to the check at line 1180 in feature.h
+Color for cUserLabel should differ from case label, so that a mistake in a
+switch list is noticed:
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ foobar:
+ }
+":s" command removes combining characters. (Ron Aaron, 2006 May 17, 2006 Dec 7)
+Look at . It has a Vim script implementation.
+Changes for Win32 makefile. (Mike Williams, 2007 Jan 22, Alexei Alexandrov,
+2007 Feb 8)
+Patch for Win32 clipboard under Cygwin. (Frodak Baksik, Feb 15)
+ Sutcliffe says it works well.
+Win32: Patch for convert_filterW(). (Taro Muraoka, 2007 Mar 2)
+Win32: XPM support only works with path without spaces. Patch by Mathias
+Michaelis, 2006 Jun 9. Another patch for more path names, 2006 May 31.
+New version: (also for other
+patches by Mathias, see mail Feb 22)
+Win32: compiling with normal features and OLE fails. Patch by Mathias
+Michaelis, 2006 Jun 4.
+Win32: echo doesn't work for gvim.exe.mnf. Use inline file. Patch by Mathias
+Patch that includes this and does more by George Reilly, 2007 Feb 12
+Win16: include patches to make Win16 version work. (Vince Negri, 2006 May 22)
+Win32: after "[I" showing matches, scroll wheel messes up screen. (Tsakiridis,
+2007 Feb 18)
+Win32: using CTRL-S in Insert mode doesn't remove the "+" from the tab pages
+label. (Tsakiridis, 2007 Feb 18)
+Win32: remote editing doesn't work when the current directory name contains
+"[]". (Ivan Tishchenko, 2007 March 1)
+Win64: diff.exe crashes on Win64. (Julianne Bailey, 2006 Dec 12)
+Build another diff.exe somehow?
+Win64: Seek error in swap file for a very big file (3 Gbyte). Check storing
+pointer in long and seek offset in 64 bit var.
+When doing "gvim --remote-tab foo" while gvim is minimized the tab pages line
+only shows the current label, not the others.
+Problem finding swap file for recovery. (Gautam Iyer, 2006 May 16)
+When setting 'keymap' twice the b:keymap_name variable isn't set. (Milan
+Berta, 2007 Mar 9) Has something to do with 'iminsert'.
+Problem with CursorHoldI? (Max Dyckhoff, 2006 Nov 10)
+UTF-8: mapping a multi-byte key where the second byte is 0x80 doesn't appear
+to work. (Tony Mechelynck, 2007 March 2)
+The str2special() function doesn't handle multi-byte characters properly.
+Patch from Vladimir Vichniakov, 2007 Apr 24.
+find_special_key() also has this problem.
+In debug mode, using CTRL-R = to evaluate a function causes stepping through
+the function. (Hari Krishna Dara, 2006 Jun 28)
+":let &shiftwidth = 'asdf'" doesn't produce an error message.
+C++ indenting wrong with "=". (James Kanze, 2007 Jan 26)
+"zug" reports wrong file. problem with Namebuff? (Lawrence Kesteloot, 2006 Sep
+":lockvar" should use copyID to avoid endless loop.
+Gvim: dialog for closing Vim should check if Vim is busy writing a file. Then
+use a different dialog: "busy saving, really quit? yes / no".
+Win32: editing remote file d:\a[1]\aa.txt doesn't work. (Liu Yubao, 2006 May
+"zw" doesn't appear to work. (Luis A Florit, 2006 Jun 23, 24)
+"dw" in a line with one character deletes the line. Vi and nvi don't do this.
+Is it intentional or not? (Kjell Arne Rekaa)
+Check other interfaces for changing curbuf in a wrong way. Patch like for
+Spell checking in popup menu: If the only problem is the case of the first
+character, don't offer "ignore" and "add to word list".
+":helpgrep" should use the directory from 'helpfile'.
+The need_fileinfo flag is messy. Instead make the message right away and put
+it in keep_msg?
+More-prompt is skipped when doing this; (Randall W. Morris, Jun 17)
+ :au
+ <Space>
+ b
+ <Space>
+Editing a file remotely that matches 'wildignore' results in a "no match"
+error. Should only happen when there are wildards, not when giving the file
+name literally, and esp. if there is only one name.
+When 'expandtab' is set then a Tab copied for 'copyindent' is expanded to
+spaces, even when 'preserveindent' is set. (Alexei Alexandrov, Mar 7)
Test 61 fails sometimes. This is a timing problem: "sleep 2" sometimes takes
longer than 2 seconds.
+VMS: while editing a file found in complex, Vim will save file into the first
+directory of the path and not to the original location of the file.
+(Zoltan Arpadffy)
+input() completion should not insert a backslash to escape a space in a file
+getpos()/setpos() don't include curswant. getpos() could return a fifth
+element. setpos() could accept an optional fifth element.
+Ruby completion is insecure. Can this be fixed?
+":confirm w" does give a prompt when 'readonly' is set, but not when the file
+permissions are read-only. Both can be overruled by ":w!" thus it would be
+logical to get a prompt for both. (Michael Schaap)
+When 'backupskip' is set from $TEMP special characters need to be escaped.
+(patch by Grembowietz, 2007 Feb 26, not quite right)
+Another problem is that file_pat_to_reg_pat() doesn't recognize "\\", so "\\("
+will be seen as a path separator plus "\(".
+":python os.chdir('/tmp')" makes short buffer names invalid. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Check directory and call shorten_fnames()?
+aucmd_prepbuf() should also use a window in another tab page.
+Substituting an area with a line break with almost the same area does change
+the Visual area. Can this be fixed? (James Vega, 2006 Sept 15)
+Windows installer could add a "open in new tab of existing Vim" menu entry.
+:s/e/E/l not only lists but also shows line number. Is that right?
+(Yakov Lerner, 2006 Jul 27)
+GUI: When combining fg en bg make sure they are not equal.
+Use different pt_br dictionary for spell checking. (Jackson A. Aquino, 2006
+Jun 5)
+Mac: Using gvim: netrw window disappears. (Nick Lo, 2006 Jun 21)
+When 'bomb' is set or reset the file should be considered modified. (Tony
+Mechelynck) Handle like 'endofline'.
+Add an option to specify the character to use when a double-width character is
+moved to the next line. Default '>', set to a space to blank it out. Check
+that char is single width when it's set (compare with 'listchars').
+Update main.aap for installing on the Mac.
+The generated vim.bat can avoid the loop for NT. (Carl Zmola, 2006 Sep 3)
+Session file creation: 'autochdir' causes trouble. Keep it off until after
+loading all files.
+C completion: doesn't work after aa[0]->, where aa is an array of structures.
+(W. de Hoog, 2006 Aug 12)
+The spellfile plugin checks for a writable "spell" directory. A user may have
+a writable runtime directory without a "spell" directory, it could be created
+These two abbreviations don't give the same result:
+ let asdfasdf = "xyz\<Left>"
+ cabbr XXX <C-R>=asdfasdf<CR>
+ cabbr YYY xyz<Left>
+Michael Dietrich: maximized gvim sometimes displays output of external command
+partly. (2006 Dec 7)
+In FileChangedShell command it's no longer allowed to switch to another
+buffer. But the changed buffer may differ from the current buffer, how to
+reload it then?
+New syntax files for fstab and resolv from Radu Dineiu, David Necas did
+previous version.
+For Aap: include a config.arg.example file with hints how to use config.arg.
+Linux distributions:
+- Suggest compiling xterm with --enable-tcap-query, so that nr of colors is
+ known to Vim. 88 colors instead of 16 works better. See ":help
+ xfree-xterm".
+- Suggest including bare "vi" and "vim" with X11, syntax, etc.
+Completion menu: For a wrapping line, completing a long file name, only the
+start of the path is shown in the menu. Should move the menu to the right to
+show more text of the completions. Shorten the items that don't fit in the
+When running inside screen it's possible to kill the X server and restart it
+(using pty's the program can keep on running). Vim dies because it looses the
+connection to the X server. Can Vim simply quit using the X server instead of
+dying? Also relevant when running in a console.
+Accessing file#var in a function should not need the g: prepended.
+When ":cn" moves to an error in the same line the message isn't shortened.
+Only skip shortening for ":cc"?
+Win32: The matchparen plugin doesn't update the match when scrolling with the
+mouse wheel. (Ilya Bobir, 2006 Jun 27)
+Write "making vim work better" for the docs (mostly pointers): *nice*
+ - sourcing $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
+ - setting 'mouse' to "a"
+ - getting colors in xterm
+ - compiling Vim with X11, GUI, etc.
+Problem with ":call" and dictionary function. Hari Krishna Dara, Charles
+Campbell 2006 Jul 06.
+Syntax HL error caused by "containedin". (Peter Hodge, 2006 Oct 6)
+GTK: When maximizing Vim the result is slightly smaller, the filler border is
+not there, and the "maximize" button is still there. Clicking it again does
+give a maximized window. (Darren Hiebert)
+Problem is that gui_mch_set_text_area_pos() is invoked to change the text area
+size, which causes the toplevel window to resize. When doing this while the
+size is already right the filler remains there.
+Detect using the maximize button (GdkWindowState bit
+GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED) and set it again?
+Another resizing problem when setting 'columns' and 'lines' to a very large
+number. (Tony Mechelynck, 2007 Feb 6)
+Mutt files are not always recognized. Change pattern to include
+non-alphanumeric characters. (Gary Johnson, 2006 Jul 25)
+Problem with using :redir in user command completion function? (Hari Krishna
+Dara, 2006 June 21)
+After starting Vim, using '0 to jump somewhere in a file, ":sp" doesn't center
+the cursor line. It works OK after some other commands.
+Screen redrawing when continuously updating the buffer and resizing the
+terminal. (Yakov Lerner, 2006 Sept 7)
+Win32: Is it possible to have both postscript and Win32 printing?
+Does multi-byte printing with ":hardcopy" work? Add remark in documentation
+about this.
+'thesaurus' doesn't work when 'infercase' is set. (Mohsin, 2006 May 30)
+There should be something about spell checking in the user manual.
+Check: Running Vim in a console and still having connect to the X server for
+copy/paste: is stopping the X server handled gracefully? Should catch the X
+error and stop using the connection to the server.
+Problem with 'cdpath' on MS-Windows when a directory is equal to $HOME. (2006
+Jul 26, Gary Johnson)
+In the Netbeans interface add a "vimeval" function, so that the other side can
+check the result of has("patch13").
+":py" asks for an argument, ":py asd" then gives the error that ":py" isn't
+implemented. Should already happen for ":py".
+Add command modifier that skips wildcard expansion, so that you don't need to
+put backslashes before special chars, only for white space.
+Win32 GUI: confirm() with zero default should not have a choice selected.
+Win32: When the GUI tab pages line is displayed Vim jumps from the secondary
+to the primary monitor. (Afton Lewis, 2007 Mar 9) Old resizing problem?
+GTK GUI: When the completion popup menu is used scrolling another window by
+the scrollbar is OK, but using the scroll wheel it behaves line <Enter>.
+"cit" used on <foo></foo> deletes <foo>. Should not delete anything and start
+insertion, like "ci'" does on "". (Michal Bozon)
+Allow more than 3 ":match" items.
+The magic clipboard format "VimClipboard2" appears in several places. Should
+be only one.
+It's difficult to debug numbered functions (function in a Dictionary). Print
+the function name before resolving it to a number?
+ let d = {}
+ fun!
+ echo "here"
+ endfun
+ call
+Add a mark for the other end of the Visual area (VIsual pos). '< and '> are
+only set after Visual moded is ended.
+Small problem displaying diff filler line when opening windows with a script.
+(David Luyer, 2007 Mar 1 ~/Mail/oldmail/mool/in.15872 )
+When pattern for ":sort" is empty, use last search pattern. Allows trying out
+the pattern first. (Brian McKee)
+Is it allowed that 'backupext' is empty? Problems when backup is in same dir
+as original file? If it's OK don't compare with 'patchmode'. (Thierry Closen)
+Patch for supporting count before CR in quickfix window. (AOYAMA Shotaro, 2007
+Jan 1)
+Patch for adding ":lscscope". (Navdeep Parhar, 2007 Apr 26; update Apr 28)
+Patch for improving regexp speed by not freeing memory. (Alexei Alexandrov,
+2007 Feb 6)
+xterm should be able to pass focus changes to Vim, so that Vim can check for
+buffers that changed. Perhaps in misc.c, function selectwindow().
+Xterm 224 supports it!
+Omni completion takes the wrong structure for variable arguments. (Bill
+McCarthy, 2007 Feb 18)
+When completing from another file that uses a different encoding completion
+text has the wrong encoding. E.g., when 'encoding' is utf-8 and file is
+latin1. Example from Gombault Damien, 2007 Mar 24.
+Completing ":echohl" argument should include "None". (Ori Avtalion)
+Vim 7.2:
+- Search offset doesn't work for multibyte character. Patch from Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira, 2006 Jul 18.
+ Changes the offset from counting bytes to counting characters.
+- Rename the tutor files from* to tutor.el.*. Greece vs Greek.
+ Make all tutor files available in utf-8.
+- Remove ! for ":cgetfile" and ":lgetfile". (patch from Yegappan Lakshmanan,
+ 2007 Mar 9)
+- Add blowfish encryption. Openssl has an implementation. Also by Paul
+ Kocher (LGPL), close to original. Mohsin also has some ideas.
+ Take four bytes and turn them into unsigned to avoid byte-order problems.
+ Need to buffer up to 7 bytes to align on 8 byte boundaries.
+- Rename doc/sql.vim doc/ft_sql.vim.
+- Change "command-line" to "[Command Line]" for the command line buffer
+ name in ex_window().
+- Move including fcntl.h to vim.h, before O_NOFOLLOW, and remove it from all
+ .c files.
+- ":{range}source": source the lines from the file.
+ You can already yank lines and use :@" to execute them.
+ Most of do_source() would not be used, need a new function.
+ It's easy when not doing breakpoints or profiling.
+- Add 'cscopeignorecase' option. (Liang Wenzhi, 2006 Sept 3)
+- Argument for feedkeys() to prepend to typeahead (Yakov Lerner, 2006 Oct
+ 21)
+- Load intl.dll too, not only libintl.dll. (Mike Williams, 2006 May 9, docs
+ patch May 10)
+- Extra argument to strtrans() to translate special keys to their name (Eric
+ Arnold, 2006 May 22)
+- 'threglookexp' option: only match with first word in thesaurus file.
+ (Jakson A. Aquino, 2006 Jun 14)
+- Mac: indicate whether a buffer was modified. (Nicolas Weber, 2006 Jun 30)
+- Allow negative 'nrwidth' for left aligning. (Nathan Laredo, 2006 Aug 16)
+- ml_append_string(): efficiently append to an existing line. (Brad
+ Beveridge, 2006 Aug 26) Use in some situations, e.g., when pasting a
+ character at a time?
+- gettabvar() and settabvar() functions. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2006 Sep 8)
+- recognize hex numbers better. (Mark Manning, 2006 Sep 13)
Awaiting updated patches:
9 Mac unicode patch (Da Woon Jung, Eckehard Berns):
@@ -44,6 +511,8 @@ Awaiting updated patches:
- With 'nopaste' pasting is wrong, with 'paste' Command-V doesn't work.
(Alan Schmitt)
- remove 'macatsui' option when this has been fixed.
+ - when 'macatsui' is off should we always convert to "macroman" and ignore
+ 'termencoding'?
9 HTML indenting can be slow. Caused by using searchpair(). Can search()
be used instead?
8 Win32: Add minidump generation. (George Reilly, 2006 Apr 24)
@@ -89,6 +558,8 @@ Awaiting updated patches:
(2003 May 13)
raisewin() raise gvim window (see HierAssist patch for
Tcl implementation ~/vim/HierAssist/ )
+ taglist() add argument to specify maximum number of matches.
+ useful for interactive things or completion.
7 Make globpath() also work with upwards search. (Brian Medley)
7 Add patch from Benoit Cerrina to integrate Vim and Perl functions
better. Now also works for Ruby (2001 Nov 10)
@@ -211,6 +682,8 @@ GTK+ GUI known bugs:
Win32 GUI known bugs:
- Win32: tearoff menu window should have a scrollbar when it's taller than
the screen.
+8 non-ASCII font names don't work. Need to convert from 'encoding' and use
+ the wide functions.
8 On Windows 98 the unicows library is needed to support functions with UCS2
file names. Can we load unicows.dll dynamically?
8 When the primary monitor is below or right of the secondary monitor and
@@ -252,7 +725,6 @@ Win32 GUI known bugs:
mouse position. Catch WM_MOUSEACTIVATE. (Luevelsmeyer)
8 Win32: When mouse is hidden and in the toolbar, moving it won't make it
appear. (Sami Salonen)
-8 Windows NT: writing to aux.* makes Vim hang. (Acevedo)
8 Win32 GUI: With maximized window, ":set go-=r" doesn't use the space that
comes available. (Poucet) It works OK on Win 98 but doesn't work on Win
NT 4.0. Leaves a grey area where the scrollbar was. ":set go+=r" also
@@ -569,12 +1041,16 @@ Macintosh:
8 Inputting Unicode characters does not work in the terminal. They appear
to arrive as upper and lower bytes. (David Brown, 2004 April 17)
8 Typing Unicode characters doesn't work at all in the GUI.
+8 inputdialog() doesn't resize when giving more text lines. (David Fishburn,
+ 2006 Sept 28)
9 Problems in Carbon version for OS X: (Benji Fisher)
- keyboard shortcuts in the menus get lost.
8 The Vim/About menu doesn't work.
8 ":gui" doesn't fork. Enabling the code in gui.c to fork causes a SEGV.
8 Define vim_mkdir() for Macintosh.
8 Define mch_writable() for Macintosh.
+8 Some file systems are case-sensitive, some are not. Turn
+ CASE_INSENSITIVE_FILENAME into an option, at least for completion.
9 When DiskLock is running, using a swap file causes a crash. Appears to be
a problem with writing a file that starts with a dot. (Giacalone)
9 On G3 Mac, OS version 8, control strip causes characters messed up when
@@ -587,6 +1063,10 @@ Macintosh:
"Small" problems:
+- When using e_secure in do_one_cmd() mention the command being executed,
+ otherwise it's not clear where it comes from.
+8 When disabling FEAT_CMDL_COMPL compilation fails. Would need to avoid
+ using parse_compl_arg() in eval.c and uc_scan_attr().
9 For Turkish vim_tolower() and vim_toupper() also need to use utf_
functions for characters below 0x80. (Sertacyildiz)
9 When the last edited file is a help file, using '0 in a new Vim doesn't
@@ -606,11 +1086,10 @@ Macintosh:
8 When redirecting and using ":silent" the current column for displaying and
redirection can be different. Use a separate variable to hold the column
for redirection.
-7 There is no way to change directory and go back without changing the local
- and/or global directory. Add a way to find out if the current window uses
- a local directory. Add cdcmd() that returns ":cd" or ":lcd"?
7 The messages for "vim --help" and "vim --version" don't use
+- Could the hit-enter prompt be avoided when a message only overlaps the
+ 'showcmd' area? Clear that area when the next cmd is typed.
8 When 'scrollbind' is set, a window won't scroll horizontally if the cursor
line is too short. Add a word in 'scrollopt' to allow moving the cursor
to longer line that is visible. A similar thing is done for the GUI when
@@ -629,6 +1108,7 @@ Macintosh:
8 When doing Insert mode completion a mapping cannot recursively call
edit(), because the completion information is global. Put everything in
an allocated structure?
+6 Python: ":py raw_input('prompt')" doesn't work. (Manu Hack)
8 Command line completion: buffers "foo.txt" and "../b/foo.txt", completing
":buf foo<Tab>" doesn't find the second one. (George V. Reilly)
7 Output for ":scriptnames" and ":breaklist" should shorten the file names:
@@ -650,9 +1130,6 @@ Macintosh:
7 "[p" doesn't work in Visual mode. (David Brown)
7 The Cygwin and MingW makefiles define "PC", but it's not used anywhere.
Remove? (Dan Sharp)
-9 The argument <f-args> of a user command doesn't handle backslashes
- properly. "Cmd \ e" is one argument, "Cmd \\ e" still is one argument.
- "Cmd \ e" is two arguments, first one ending in space. (Kontra Gergely)
9 User commands use the context of the script they were defined in. This
causes a "s:var" argument to unexpectedly use a variable in the defining
script, not the calling script. Add an argument to ":command":
@@ -684,6 +1161,8 @@ Macintosh:
flag to to the command. Same for ":snomagic". (Johan Spetz)
8 Using ":s" in a function changes the previous replacement string. Save
"old_sub" in save_search_patterns()?
+8 Should allow multi-byte characters for the delimiter: ":s+a+b+" where "+"
+ is a multi-byte character.
8 When appending to a file and 'patchmode' isn't empty, a backup file is
always written, even when the original file already exists.
7 When using "daw" on the last word in a file and this is a single letter,
@@ -699,6 +1178,8 @@ Macintosh:
'foldlevel' is set from 'foldlevelstart'.
8 Also store the line number with the script ID and use it for ":verbose",
so that "set nocompatible" is found when it changes other option values.
+ When an option is set indirectly mention the command? E.g. when
+ ":diffsplit" sets 'foldmethod'.
8 In the fileformat dialog, "Cancel" isn't translated. Add a global
variable for this. (Eduardo Fernandez)
9 When editing a file with 'readonly' set, there is no check for an existing
@@ -831,6 +1312,8 @@ Macintosh:
8 Dragging the status line doesn't scroll but redraw.
9 Evaluating 'statusline' in build_stl_str_hl() does not properly check for
reaching the end of the available buffer.
+ Patch to dynamically allocate the buffer for % items. (Eric Arnold, 2006
+ May 14)
8 When performing incremental search, should abort searching as soon as a
character is typed.
8 When the value of $MAKE contains a path, configure can't handle this.
@@ -890,6 +1373,7 @@ Problems that will (probably) not be solved:
XtOpenDisplay() prints this directly, there is no way to avoid it.
- X windows: Setting 'guifontset' to an illegal value sometimes crashes Vim.
This is caused by a fault in a X library function, can't be solved in Vim.
+- Win32 tcl: has("tcl") hangs when the tcl84.dll is from cygwin.
- Motif: When adding a menu item "Find this &Symbol", the "s" in "this" will
be underlined, instead of in "Symbol". Motif doesn't let us specify which
character gets the highlighting.
@@ -987,6 +1471,7 @@ Didn't make it into Vim 7.0:
198 standard
Eclim does it: (Eric Van Dewoestine)
Plugin that uses a terminal emulator:
+ And another one:
- STICKY CURSOR: Add a way of scrolling that leaves the cursor where it is.
Especially when using the scrollbar. Typing a cursor-movement command
scrolls back to where the cursor is.
@@ -1003,6 +1488,8 @@ Didn't make it into Vim 7.0:
+8 List of Vim runtime directories. dotvim.txt from Charles Campbell, 2007
+ Feb 20.
8 The GUI help should explain the Find and Find/Replace dialogs. Add a link
to it from ":promptrepl" and ":promptfind".
8 List of options should mention whether environment variables are expanded
@@ -1084,6 +1571,10 @@ User Friendlier:
Tab pages:
9 GUI implementation for the tab pages line for other systems.
+7 GUI: Control over the appearance of the text in the labels (bold, color,
+ font, etc.)
+9 Make it possible to drag a tab page label to another position with the
+ mouse.
8 Make GUI menu in tab pages line configurable. Like the popup menu.
8 balloons for the tab page labels that are shortened to show the full path.
8 :tabmove +N move tab page N pages forward
@@ -1095,15 +1586,27 @@ Tab pages:
8 Add local options for each tab page? E.g., 'diffopt' could differ between
tab pages.
7 Add local highlighting for each tab page?
+7 Add local directory for tab pages? How would this interfere with
+ window-local directories?
Spell checking:
+- Support more regions? Caolan McNamara argues it's needed for es_XX.
+- Unicode defines another quote character: 0x2019. Use it as an equivalent
+ of a single quote, thus use it as a word character like a quote and match
+ with words, replacing the curly quote with a single quote.
+- Could filter &eacute; things for HTML before doing spell checking.
+ Similarly for TeX.
- The Hungarian spell file uses four extra characters in the FOL/UPP/LOW
items than other spell files with the ISO-8859-2 encoding, that causes
problem when changing 'spelllang'. There is no obvious way to fix this.
- Considering Hunspell 1.1.4:
What does MAXNGRAMSUGS do?
Is COMPLEXPREFIXES necessary when we have flags for affixes?
+- There is no Finnish spell checking file. For openoffic Voikko is now
+ used, which is based on Malaga:
+ (Teemu Likonen)
8 ":mkspell" still takes much too long in Hungarian dictionary from
hunspell. Only solution appears to be to postpone secondary suffixes.
@@ -1190,7 +1693,11 @@ Diff mode:
(commands still available: zI zJ zK zp zP zq zQ zV zy zY;
secondary: zB zS zT zZ, z=)
+8 Vertical folds: looks like vertically split windows, but the cursor moves
+ through the vertical separator, separator moves when scrolling.
8 Add "z/" and "z?" for searching in not folded text only.
+9 Add search pattern item to only match in closed or open fold and/or fold
+ with certain level. Allows doing ":g/pat/cmd" to work on closed folds.
8 Add different highlighting for a fold line depending on the fold level.
(Noel Henson)
7 Use "++--", "+++--" for different levels instead of "+---" "+----".
@@ -1292,6 +1799,7 @@ Multi-byte characters:
7 In "-- INSERT (lang) --" show the name of the keymap used instead of
"lang". (Ilya Dogolazky)
- Make 'langmap' accept multi-byte characters.
+ Patch from Konstantin Korikov, 2006 Oct 15.
- Make 'breakat' accept multi-byte characters. Problem: can't use a lookup
table anymore (breakat_flags[]).
Simplistic solution: when 'formatoptions' contains "m" also break a line
@@ -1317,8 +1825,8 @@ Printing:
- Win32: when 'printfont' is empty use 'guifont'.
- Unix: Use some dialog box to do the obvious settings (paper size, printer
name, portrait/landscape, etc).
-- PostScript: only works for 7-bit ASCII and EBCDIC. Should support
- different 'encoding' values somehow.
+- PostScript: Only works for text that can be converted to an 8-bit
+ character set. How to support Unicode fully?
- Allow specifying the paper size, instead of using a standard size. Same
units as for the margins.
- Support right-to-left text?
@@ -1338,6 +1846,9 @@ Syntax highlighting:
8 When editing a new file without a name and giving it a name (by writing
it) and 'filetype' is not set, detect the filetype. Avoid doing it for
":wq file".
+7 For "nextgroup" we have skipwhite, skipnl and skipempty. It would be
+ really nice to be able to skip with a pattern. Or skip with a syntax
+ group. (Nikolai Weibull, 2007 Feb 27)
8 Make conversion to HTML faster (Write it in C or pre-compile the script).
9 There is still a redraw bug somewhere. Probably because a cached state is
used in a wrong way. I can't reproduce it...
@@ -1415,6 +1926,9 @@ Syntax highlighting:
8 When using a regexp for "contains=", should delay matching with it until
redrawing happens. Set a flag when a group is added, check this flag when
highlighting starts.
+8 Some terminals can display colors like the GUI. Add some setting to use
+ GUI colors for the terminal? With something to define the escape
+ sequence.
7 It's possible for an item to be transparent, so that the colors of an item
lower on the stack is used. Also do this with highlighting, so that the
user can set transparent highlighting? E.g. a number in a C comment would
@@ -1483,24 +1997,14 @@ Syntax highlighting:
Built-in script language:
-9 Autoload: Add a Vim script in $VIMRUNTIME/tools that takes a file with a
- list of script names and a help file and produces a script that can be
- sourced to install the scripts in the user's directories.
- Use findfile(), so that only file names need to be given:
- script plugin/myscript.vim
- script autoload/mylib.vim
- script autoload/yourlib.vim
- helpfile doc/myscript.txt
- For the "helpfile" item ":helptags" is run.
7 Execute a function with standard option values. No need to save and
restore option values. Especially useful for new options. Problem: how
to avoid a performance penalty (esp. for string options)?
8 Add referring to key options with "&t_xx". Both for "echo &t_xx" and
":let &t_xx =". Useful for making portable mappings.
-- Add "{range}source": execute lines from a buffer.
- Alternative: Allow range for ":exec", pass it on to the executed command.
- (Webb)
- You can already yank lines and use :@" to execute them.
+- Add ":let var ?= value", conditional assignment. Patch by Dave Eggum,
+ 2006 Dec 11.
+- range for ":exec", pass it on to the executed command. (Webb)
7 ":include" command: just like ":source" but doesn't start a new scriptID?
Will be tricky for the list of script names.
8 Have a look at VSEL. Would it be useful to include? (Bigham)
@@ -1523,7 +2027,16 @@ Built-in script language:
file belongs to a sourced script?
7 Add argument to winwidth() to subtract the space taken by 'foldcolumn',
signs and/or 'number'.
+6 Add ++ and -- operators? They only work on variables (lvals), how to
+ implement this?
8 Add functions:
+ has(":command") Check if ":command" works. compare function
+ with "ex_ni". E.g. for ":simalt".
+ system() With a List argument. Bypasses the shell, use
+ exec() directly. (Bob Hiestand)
+ escape() Add argument to specify what to escape with.
+ modestack() Instead of just the current mode return the
+ stack of Insert / CTRL-O / :normal things.
realname() Get user name (first, last, full)
user_fullname() patch by Nikolai Weibull, Nov
3 2002
@@ -1561,7 +2074,8 @@ Built-in script language:
column and line number? col("'0") currently returns zero.
8 argc() returns 0 when using "vim -t tag". How to detect that no file was
specified in any way? To be able to jump to the last edited file.
-8 Pass the executable name to the Vim scripts in some way. As v:argv0?
+8 Pass the command line arguments to Vim scripts in some way. As v:args
+ List? Or extra parameter to argv()?
8 Add command arguments with three dashes, passed on to Vim scripts.
7 Add optional arguments to user functions:
:func myFunc(arg1, arg2, arg3 = "blah", arg4 = 17)
@@ -1571,6 +2085,7 @@ Built-in script language:
8 The "= register should be writable, if followed by the name of a variable,
option or environment variable.
8 ":let &option" should list the value of the option.
+8 ":let Func().foo = value" should work, also when "foo" doesn't exist.
7 Add synIDlist(), making the whole list of syntax items on the syntax stack
available as a List.
8 Add autocommand-event for when a variable is changed:
@@ -1606,6 +2121,9 @@ Robustness:
7 For strings up to 3 bytes don't allocate memory, use v_list itself as a
character array. Use VAR_SSTRING (short string).
+8 Instead of loading rgb.txt every time a color wasn't recognized load it
+ once and keep it in memory. Move the code to a common place to avoid
+ repeating it in various system files.
8 Turn b_syn_ic and b_syn_containedin into b_syn_flags.
9 Loading menu.vim still takes quite a bit of time. How to make it faster?
8 in_id_list() takes much time for syntax highlighting. Cache the result?
@@ -1719,6 +2237,8 @@ Messages:
- Delete message after new command has been entered and have waited for key.
Perhaps after ten seconds?
- Make message history available in "msg" variables: msg1, msg2, .. msg9.
+8 When reading from stdin allow suppressing the "reading from stdin"
+ message.
9 Check handling of overwriting of messages and delays:
Very wrong: errors while redrawing cause endless loop.
When switching to another file and screen scrolls because of the long
@@ -1840,6 +2360,9 @@ Tags:
before the previous ":tag" command. (Webb)
- When doing "[^I" or "[^D" add position to tag stack.
- Add command to put current position to tag stack: ":tpush".
+- Add functions to save and restore the tag stack? Or a command to switch
+ to another tag stack? So that you can do something else and come back to
+ what you were working on.
7 When using CTRL-] on someClass::someMethod, separate class from method and
use ":ta class:someClass someMethod".
Include C++ tags changes (Bertin). Change "class::func" tag into "func"
@@ -2000,6 +2523,8 @@ Autocommands:
8 Autocommand for when modified files have been found, when getting input
focus again (e.g., FileChangedFocus).
Check when: getting focus, jumping to another buffer, ...
+7 Autocommand for when an option is changed. Match buffer name or option
+ name?
8 Autocommands should not change registers. And marks? And the jumplist?
And anything else? Add a command to save and restore these things.
8 Add autocommands, user functions and user commands to ":mkvimrc".
@@ -2029,6 +2554,7 @@ Autocommands:
*Leave - Leaving a mode (in pair with the above *Enter)
VimLeaveCheck - Before Vim decides to exit, so that it can be cancelled
when exiting isn't a good idea.
+ CursorHoldC - CursorHold while command-line editing
WinMoved - when windows have been moved around, e.g, ":wincmd J"
CmdUndefined - Like FuncUndefined but for user commands.
SearchPost - After doing a search command (e.g. to do "M")
@@ -2053,7 +2579,10 @@ Autocommands:
the position and number of inserted/deleted lines, so
that marks can be updated. HierAssist has patch to add
BufChangePre, BufChangePost and RevertBuf. (Shah)
- WinResized - When a window has been resized
+ ViewChanged - triggered when the text scrolls and when the window size
+ changes.
+ WinResized - After a window has been resized
+ WinClose - Just before closing a window
- Write the file now and then ('autosave'):
*'autosave'* *'as'* *'noautosave'* *'noas'*
'autosave' 'aw' number (default 0)
@@ -2070,8 +2599,6 @@ Omni completion:
Should work for Java (Eclipse does this), Python, Tcl, etc.
Richard Emberson mentioned working on an interface to Java.
- Check Readline for its completion interface.
- - Use ctags for other languages. Writing a file could trigger running
- ctags, merging the tags of the changed file.
- Ideas from others:
@@ -2106,6 +2633,12 @@ Insert mode completion/expansion:
8 Add option to set different behavior for Insert mode completion:
- ignore/match case
- different characters than 'iskeyword'
+8 Add option 'isexpand', containing characters when doing expansion (so that
+ "." and "\" can be included, without changing 'iskeyword'). (Goldfarb)
+ Also: 'istagword': characters used for CTRL-].
+ When 'isexpand' or 'istagword' are empty, use 'iskeyword'.
+ Alternative: Use a pattern so that start and end of a keyword can be
+ defined, only allow dash in the middle, etc.
8 Add a command to undo the completion, go back to the original text.
7 Completion of an abbreviation: Can leave letters out, like what Instant
text does:
@@ -2136,10 +2669,6 @@ Insert mode completion/expansion:
- CTRL-X CTRL-F: Use 'path' to find completions.
- CTRL-X CTRL-F: Option to use forward slashes on MS-Windows?
- CTRL-X CTRL-F: Don't replace "$VIM" with the actual value. (Kelly)
-8 Add option 'isexpand', containing characters when doing expansion (so that
- "." and "\" can be included, without changing 'iskeyword'). (Goldfarb)
- Also: 'istagword': characters used for CTRL-].
- When 'isexpand' or 'istagword' are empty, use 'iskeyword'.
- Allow listing all matches in some way (and picking one from the list).
@@ -2255,6 +2784,7 @@ Insert mode:
'cindent', 'smartindent':
+8 Lisp indenting: "\\" confuses the indenter. (Dorai Sitaram, 2006 May 17)
8 Java: Inside an anonymous class, after an "else" or "try" the indent is
too small. (Vincent Bergbauer)
Problem of using {} inside (), 'cindent' doesn't work then.
@@ -2265,6 +2795,11 @@ Insert mode:
+6 Add 'cino' flag for this function argument layout: (Spencer Collyer)
+ func( arg1
+ , arg2
+ , arg3
+ );
7 Add separate "(0" option into inside/outside a function (Zellner):
int x) // indent like "(4"
@@ -2439,7 +2974,6 @@ Visual mode:
6 In non-Block mode, "I" should insert the same text in front of each line,
before the first non-blank, "gI" in column 1.
6 In non-Block mode, "A" should append the same text after each line.
-6 ":'<,'>source" should read the selected lines and ":source" them.
6 When in blockwise visual selection (CTRL-V), allow cursor to be placed
right of the line. Could also allow cursor to be placed anywhere on a TAB
or other special character.
@@ -2549,7 +3083,9 @@ Incsearch:
8 Add "g/" and "gb" to search for a pattern in the Visually selected text?
"g?" is already used for rot13.
+ The vis.vim script has a ":S" command that does something like this.
Can use "g/" in Normal mode, uses the '< to '> area.
+ Use "&/" for searching the text in the Visual area?
8 Add a mechanism for recursiveness: "\@(([^()]*\@g[^()]*)\)". \@g stands
for "go recursive here" and \@( \) marks the recursive part.
Perl does it this way:
@@ -2557,6 +3093,9 @@ Searching:
Here $paren is evaluated when it's encountered. This is like a regexp
inside a regexp. In the above terms it would be:
+8 Show the progress every second. Could use the code that checks for CTRL-C
+ to find out how much time has passed. Or use SIGALRM. Where to show the
+ number?
7 Support for approximate-regexps to find similar words (agrep tre:
8 Add an item for a big character range, so that one can search for a
@@ -2661,6 +3200,13 @@ Searching:
+8 Undo tree: visually show the tree somehow (Damian Conway)
+ Show only the leaves, indicating how many changed from the branch and the
+ timestamp?
+ Put branch with most recent change on the left, older changes get more
+ indent?
+8 Search for pattern in undo tree, showing when it happened and the text
+ state, so that you can jump to it.
- Persistent undo: store undo in a file.
Use timestamps, so that a version a certain time ago can be found and info
before some time/date can be flushed. 'undopersist' gives maximum time to
@@ -3033,8 +3579,13 @@ Various improvements:
next <li>, ]< to next </li>, [< to previous </li>.
8 Add ":rename" command: rename the file of the current buffer and rename
the buffer. Buffer may be modified.
+7 Instead of filtering errors with a shell script it should be possible to
+ do this with Vim script. A function that filters the raw text that comes
+ from the 'makeprg'?
- Add %b to 'errorformat': buffer number. (Yegappan Lakshmanan / Suresh
+7 Add a command that goes back to the position from before jumping to the
+ first quickfix location. ":cbefore"?
6 In the quickfix window statusline add the command used to get the list of
errors, e.g. ":make foo", ":grep something *.c".
6 Python interface: add vim.message() function. (Michal Vitecek, 2002 Nov 5)
@@ -3047,7 +3598,6 @@ Various improvements:
to manipulate text without changing the window layout.
8 Add a command to revert to the saved version of file; undo or redo until
all changes are gone.
-7 Add a ":cpfile", go in the other direction as ":cnfile".
6 "vim -q -" should read the list of errors from stdin. (Gautam Mudunuri)
8 Add "--remote-fail": When contacting the server fails, exit Vim.
Add "--remote-self": When contacting the server fails, do it in this Vim.
@@ -3068,7 +3618,6 @@ Various improvements:
etc. Combinations of Alt, Ctrl and Shift are also possible. Recognize
these to avoid inserting the raw byte sequence, handle like the key
without modifier (unless mapped).
-8 Add ":breakdel *": delete all breakpoints.
7 Support ":browse edit" in console, using explorer.vim?
6 Add "gG": like what "gj" is to "j": go to the N'th window line.
8 Add command like ":normal" that accepts <Key> notation like ":map".
@@ -3107,13 +3656,6 @@ Various improvements:
7 Have a look at viH (Hellenic or Greek version of Vim). But a solution
outside of Vim might be satisfactory (Haritsis).
3 Make "2d%" work like "d%d%" instead of "d2%"?
-8 Make "more" prompt accept command characters, like "hit-enter" prompt?
- Or extend it with more commands, like "less": 'b' for back, 'j' for one
- line down, etc.
-8 For the "--more--" prompt, support the 'b'ack command for more commands.
- Possible implementation: Do it at a very low level, caching the lines that
- are on the screen (with highlight attributes). Avoids that changes have
- to be made for all functions that list something.
7 "g CTRL-O" jumps back to last used buffer. Skip CTRL-O jumps in the same
buffer. Make jumplist remember the last ten accessed buffers?
- Keep a list of most recently used files for each window, use "[o" to go
@@ -3146,8 +3688,6 @@ Various improvements:
of the files. Only check when an event occurs (e.g., character typed,
mouse moved). Useful for non-GUI versions where keyboard focus isn't
-9 When using ":w <fname>" it's possible that this file is loaded in another
- buffer. Give a warning right away, don't wait for a shell command.
- Make 'smartcase' work even though 'ic' isn't set (Webb).
7 When formatting text, allow to break the line at a number of characters.
Use an option for this: 'breakchars'? Useful for formatting Fortran code.
@@ -3156,8 +3696,8 @@ Various improvements:
paragraphs). Complements the '2' flag. Use '>' flag when larger indent
starts a new paragraph, use '<' flag when smaller indent starts a new
paragraph. Both start a new paragraph on any indent change.
-7 Add a way to define an item list with a pattern in 'formatoptions'. The
- 'n' flag doesn't work for "6.3" or "6a.".
+8 The 'a' flag in 'formatoptions' is too dangerous. In some way only do
+ auto-formatting in specific regions, e.g. defined by syntax highlighting.
8 Allow using a trailing space to signal a paragraph that continues on the
next line (MIME text/plain; format=flowed, RFC 2646). Can be used for
continuous formatting. Could use 'autoformat' option, which specifies a
@@ -3358,8 +3898,6 @@ Various improvements:
- Amiga: test for 'w' flag when reading a file.
- :table command (Webb)
- Add new operator: clear, make area white (replace with spaces): "g ".
-- Make it possible for a user to define a new operator. Implementation with
- internal scripting language or Perl?
- Add command to ":read" a file at a certain column (blockwise read?).
- Add sort of replace mode where case is taken from the old text (Goldfarb).
- Allow multiple arguments for ":read", read all the files.
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_01.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_01.txt
index fc3b3ee7f..971490333 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_01.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_01.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_01.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_01.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Oct 08
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ installation: |usr_90.txt|.
The manuals often assume you are using Vim with Vi-compatibility switched
off. For most commands this doesn't matter, but sometimes it is important,
-e.g., for multi-level undo. An easy way to make sure you are using the right
-setup, copy the example vimrc file. By doing this inside Vim you don't have
-to check out where it is located. How to do this depends on the system you
-are using:
+e.g., for multi-level undo. An easy way to make sure you are using a nice
+setup is to copy the example vimrc file. By doing this inside Vim you don't
+have to check out where it is located. How to do this depends on the system
+you are using:
Unix: >
:!cp -i $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ The Vim user manual and reference manual are Copyright (c) 1988-2003 by Bram
Moolenaar. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later. The
latest version is presently available at:
People who contribute to the manuals must agree with the above copyright
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ Parts of the user manual come from the book "Vi IMproved - Vim" by Steve
Oualline (published by New Riders Publishing, ISBN: 0735710015). The Open
Publication License applies to this book. Only selected parts are included
and these have been modified (e.g., by removing the pictures, updating the
-text for Vim 6.0 and fixing mistakes). The omission of the |frombook| tag
-does not mean that the text does not come from the book.
+text for Vim 6.0 and later, fixing mistakes). The omission of the |frombook|
+tag does not mean that the text does not come from the book.
Many thanks to Steve Oualline and New Riders for creating this book and
publishing it under the OPL! It has been a great help while writing the user
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_04.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_04.txt
index 403a86146..29a9ec8e4 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_04.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_04.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_04.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_04.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Jun 21
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ the clipboard in section |09.3| and here: |clipboard|.
*04.8* Text objects
-If the cursor is in the middle of a word and want to delete that word, you
+If the cursor is in the middle of a word and you want to delete that word, you
need to move back to its start before you can do "dw". There is a simpler way
to do this: "daw".
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_05.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_05.txt
index 8d2b88e28..a9780c0d3 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_05.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_05.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_05.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_05.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Jul 10
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ actually two parts here. "autocmd FileType text" is an autocommand. This
defines that when the file type is set to "text" the following command is
automatically executed. "setlocal textwidth=78" sets the 'textwidth' option
to 78, but only locally in one file.
+ *restore-cursor* >
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
\ exe "normal g`\"" |
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_06.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_06.txt
index cd40be477..d9c0bcdeb 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_06.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_06.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_06.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_06.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
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index 1fb7b5fda..4108e40ae 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_07.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_07.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_07.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_07.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
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index 01e3155f4..e3adf4687 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_11.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_11.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_11.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_11.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
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index 1e2ee2475..919cd4fe5 100644
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+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_12.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_12.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_12.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Nov 18
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ match the start of a word: >
-Obviously, this still goes wrong on "fourty". Use "\>" to match the end of a
-word: >
+Obviously, this still goes wrong on "fourteen". Use "\>" to match the end of
+a word: >
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_20.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_20.txt
index 78e7a5660..a4320f16f 100644
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+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_20.txt
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-*usr_20.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_20.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
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index 120fe73d2..c6c38ea85 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_23.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_23.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_23.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_23.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
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index 1e61f9378..9d904a59a 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_27.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_27.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_27.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_27.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
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index ad4f0242a..bb8da7f67 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_28.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_28.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_28.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_28.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
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index 4e76b3dcb..ca8cbab39 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_30.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_30.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_30.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_30.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Apr 22
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ like this:
2 returned ~
"main.c" 11L, 111C ~
(3 of 6): too many arguments to function 'do_sub' ~
- Hit ENTER or type command to continue ~
+ Press ENTER or type command to continue ~
From this you can see that you have errors in the file "main.c". When you
press <Enter>, Vim displays the file "main.c", with the cursor positioned on
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ More about these modifiers here: |filename-modifiers|.
-Suppose you ":make" a program. There is an warning message in one file and an
+Suppose you ":make" a program. There is a warning message in one file and an
error message in another. You fix the error and use ":make" again to check if
it was really fixed. Now you want to look at the warning message. It doesn't
show up in the last error list, since the file with the warning wasn't
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ form is: >
This indents the current line. Like with all operators, there are three ways
to use it. In Visual mode "=" indents the selected lines. A useful text
object is "a{". This selects the current {} block. Thus, to re-indent the
-code code block the cursor is in: >
+code block the cursor is in: >
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ In this file the output is:
filetype=help ~
-This you would use "help" for {filetype}.
+Thus you would use "help" for {filetype}.
For the {directory} part you need to use your runtime directory. Look at
the output of this command: >
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ How to do that is explained here: |indent-expression|.
The most simple form of automatic indenting is with the 'autoindent' option.
It uses the indent from the previous line. A bit smarter is the 'smartindent'
option. This is useful for languages where no indent file is available.
-'smartindent'is not as smart as 'cindent', but smarter than 'autoindent'.
+'smartindent' is not as smart as 'cindent', but smarter than 'autoindent'.
With 'smartindent' set, an extra level of indentation is added for each {
and removed for each }. An extra level of indentation will also be added for
any of the words in the 'cinwords' option. Lines that begin with # are
diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_40.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_40.txt
index 879d1456b..30c86a037 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_40.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_40.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_40.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*usr_40.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Jun 21
VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -605,8 +605,9 @@ like "doautocmd" except it executes on all the buffers.
-The commands executed by an autocommand are Command-line command. If you want
-to use a Normal mode command, the ":normal" command can be used. Example: >
+The commands executed by an autocommand are Command-line commands. If you
+want to use a Normal mode command, the ":normal" command can be used.
+Example: >
:autocmd BufReadPost *.log normal G
diff --git a/runtime/doc/various.txt b/runtime/doc/various.txt
index 2f1d3fff6..d2cf073d3 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/various.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/various.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*various.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 25
+*various.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 Jan 14
@@ -121,6 +121,12 @@ g8 Print the hex values of the bytes used in the
:[range]# [count] [flags]
synonym for :number.
+ *:#!*
+:#!{anything} Ignored, so that you can start a Vim script with: >
+ #!/usr/bin/env vim -S
+ echo "this is a Vim script"
+ quit
*:z* *E144*
:{range}z[+-^.=]{count} Display several lines of text surrounding the line
specified with {range}, or around the current line
@@ -163,6 +169,7 @@ g8 Print the hex values of the bytes used in the
it possible to execute Normal mode commands typed on
the command-line. {commands} is executed like it is
typed. For undo all commands are undone together.
+ Execution stops when an error is encountered.
If the [!] is given, mappings will not be used.
{commands} should be a complete command. If
{commands} does not finish a command, the last one
@@ -377,7 +384,7 @@ m *+tcl/dyn* Tcl interface |tcl-dynamic| |/dyn|
N *+termresponse* support for |t_RV| and |v:termresponse|
N *+textobjects* |text-objects| selection
*+tgetent* non-Unix only: able to use external termcap
-N *+title* Setting the window title |'title'|
+N *+title* Setting the window 'title' and 'icon'
N *+toolbar* |gui-toolbar|
N *+user_commands* User-defined commands. |user-commands|
N *+viminfo* |'viminfo'|
@@ -434,10 +441,14 @@ N *+X11* Unix only: can restore window title |X11|
after the register name can be omitted. {not in Vi}
:redi[r] @{a-z}>> Append messages to register {a-z}. {not in Vi}
-:redi[r] @*> Redirect messages to the clipboard. For backward
- compatibility, the ">" after the register name can be
- omitted. {not in Vi}
-:redi[r] @*>> Append messages to the clipboard. {not in Vi}
+:redi[r] @*>
+:redi[r] @+> Redirect messages to the selection or clipboard. For
+ backward compatibility, the ">" after the register
+ name can be omitted. See |quotestar| and |quoteplus|.
+ {not in Vi}
+:redi[r] @*>>
+:redi[r] @+>> Append messages to the selection or clipboard.
+ {not in Vi}
:redi[r] @"> Redirect messages to the unnamed register. For
backward compatibility, the ">" after the register
@@ -447,6 +458,7 @@ N *+X11* Unix only: can restore window title |X11|
:redi[r] => {var} Redirect messages to a variable. If the variable
doesn't exist, then it is created. If the variable
exists, then it is initialized to an empty string.
+ The variable will remain empty until redirection ends.
Only string variables can be used. After the
redirection starts, if the variable is removed or
locked or the variable type is changed, then further
diff --git a/runtime/doc/version7.txt b/runtime/doc/version7.txt
index 4a6059c3c..682dcfaee 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/version7.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/version7.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-*version7.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 May 07
+*version7.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2007 May 05
+ *vim7*
Welcome to Vim 7! A large number of features has been added. This file
mentions all the new items, changes to existing features and bug fixes
since Vim 6.x. Use this command to see the version you are using: >
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ COMPILE TIME CHANGES |compile-changes-7|
BUG FIXES |bug-fixes-7|
+VERSION 7.1 |version-7.1|
+Changed |changed-7.1|
+Added |added-7.1|
+Fixed |fixed-7.1|
@@ -464,7 +469,7 @@ problems have been fixed to make Vim more POSIX compatible. Some of them
conflict with traditional Vi or expected behavior. The $VIM_POSIX environment
variable can be set to get POSIX compatibility. See |posix|.
-Items that were fixed for both Vi and POSIX compatibilty:
+Items that were fixed for both Vi and POSIX compatibility:
- repeating "R" with a count only overwrites text once; added the 'X' flag to
'cpoptions' |cpo-X|
- a vertical movement command that moves to a non-existing line fails; added
@@ -856,8 +861,8 @@ New and extended functions: ~
|getreg()| get contents of a register
|gettabwinvar()| get variable from window in specified tab page.
|has_key()| check whether a key appears in a Dictionary
+|haslocaldir()| check if current window used |:lcd|
|hasmapto()| check for a mapping to a string
-|inputlist()| select an entry from a list
|index()| index of item in List
|inputlist()| prompt the user to make a selection from a list
|insert()| insert an item somewhere in a List
@@ -937,7 +942,7 @@ New Vim variables: ~
|v:beval_text| text under the mouse pointer for 'balloonexpr'
|v:scrollstart| what caused the screen to be scrolled up
|v:swapname| name of the swap file for the |SwapExists| event
-|v:swapchoice| what do do for an existing swap file
+|v:swapchoice| what to do for an existing swap file
|v:swapcommand| command to be executed after handling |SwapExists|
|v:char| argument for evaluating 'formatexpr'
@@ -1105,7 +1110,6 @@ prolog ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
protocols syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
quake ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
racc syntax and ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
-rd syntax file. (Johannes Ranke)
readline ftplugin file. (Nikolai Weibull)
rhelp syntax file. (Johannes Ranke)
rnoweb syntax file. (Johannes Ranke)
@@ -1152,7 +1156,7 @@ Tamil in TSCII encoding (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
Greek in cp737 (Panagiotis Louridas)
Polish-slash (HS6_06)
Ukrainian-jcuken (Anatoli Sakhnik)
-Kana (Edward L. Fo)
+Kana (Edward L. Fox)
New message translations: ~
@@ -1983,7 +1987,7 @@ unicodepdy[] as for UTF-8. (Taro Muraoka)
":w fname" didn't work for files with 'buftype' set to "nofile".
The method used to locate user commands for completion differed from when they
-are executed. Abiguous command names were not completed properly.
+are executed. Ambiguous command names were not completed properly.
Incremental search may cause a crash when there is a custom statusline that
indirectly invokes ":normal".
@@ -2023,7 +2027,7 @@ Starting with an argument "+cmd" or "-S script" causes the cursor the be moved
to the first line. That breaks a BufReadPost autocommand that uses g`".
Don't move the cursor if it's somewhere past the first line.
-"gg=G" while 'modifiable' is off was uninterruptable.
+"gg=G" while 'modifiable' is off was uninterruptible.
When 'encoding' is "sjis" inserting CTRL-V u d800 a few times causes a crash.
Don't insert a DBCS character with a NUL second byte.
@@ -2175,7 +2179,7 @@ Unix: ":w a;b~c" caused an error in expanding wildcards.
When appending to a file with ":w >>fname" in a buffer without a name, causing
the buffer to use "fname", the modified flag was reset.
-When appending to to current file the "not edited" flag would be reset.
+When appending to the current file the "not edited" flag would be reset.
":w" would overwrite the file accidentally.
Unix: When filtering text with an external command Vim would still read input,
@@ -2392,7 +2396,7 @@ install directory.
To make the 16 bit DOS version compile exclude not used highlight
initializations and build a tiny instead of small version.
-finddir() and findfile() accept a negative cound and return a List then.
+finddir() and findfile() accept a negative count and return a List then.
The Python indent file contained a few debugging statements, removed.
@@ -2731,7 +2735,7 @@ Added CTRL-W gF: open file under cursor in new tab page and jump to the line
number following the file name.
Added 'guitabtooltip'. Implemented for Win32 (Yegappan Lakshmanan).
-Added "throw" to 'debug' option: thow an exception for error messages even
+Added "throw" to 'debug' option: throw an exception for error messages even
whey they would otherwise be ignored.
When 'keymap' is set and a line contains an invalid entry could get a "No
@@ -2969,4 +2973,1587 @@ Fixed a few things for Insert mode completion, especially when typing BS,
CTRL-N or a printable character while still searching for matches.
+VERSION 7.1 *version-7.1*
+This section is about improvements made between version 7.0 and 7.1.
+This is a bug-fix release, there are no fancy new features.
+Changed *changed-7.1*
+Added setting 'mouse' in vimrc_example.vim.
+When building with MZscheme also look for include files in the "plt"
+subdirectory. That's where they are for FreeBSD.
+Added *added-7.1*
+New syntax files:
+ AutoIt v3 (Jared Breland)
+ Bazaar commit file "bzr". (Dmitry Vasiliev)
+ Cmusrc (Nikolai Weibull)
+ FreeBasic (Mark Manning)
+ Hamster (David Fishburn)
+ IBasic (Mark Manning)
+ initng (Elan Ruusamae)
+ /var/log/messages (Yakov Lerner)
+ Privoxy actions file (Doug Kearns)
+ Streaming Descriptors "sd" (Puria Nafisi Azizi)
+New tutor files:
+ Hungarian (Arpad Horvath)
+ Czech (Lubos Turek)
+ Turkish (Serkan kkk)
+ utf-8 version of Greek tutor.
+ utf-8 version of Russian tutor.
+ utf-8 version of Slowak tutor.
+New filetype plugins:
+ Bst (Tim Pope)
+ Cobol (Tim Pope)
+ Fvwm (Gautam Iyer)
+ Hamster (David Fishburn)
+ Django HTML template (Dave Hodder)
+New indent files:
+ Bst (Tim Pope)
+ Cobol (Tim Pope)
+ Hamster (David Fishburn)
+ Django HTML template (Dave Hodder)
+ Javascript
+ JSP (David Fishburn)
+New keymap files:
+ Bulgarian (Boyko Bantchev)
+ Mongolian (Natsagdorj Shagdar)
+ Thaana (Ibrahim Fayaz)
+ Vietnamese (Samuel Thibault)
+Other new runtime files:
+ Ada support files. (Neil Bird, Martin Krischik)
+ Slovenian menu translations (Mojca Miklavec)
+ Mono C# compiler plugin (Jarek Sobiecki)
+Fixed *fixed-7.1*
+Could not build the Win32s version. Added a few structure definitions in
+Patch 7.0.001
+Problem: ":set spellsuggest+=10" does not work. (Suresh Govindachar)
+Solution: Add P_COMMA to the 'spellsuggest' flags.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.002
+Problem: C omni completion has a problem with tags files with a path
+ containing "#" or "%".
+Solution: Escape these characters. (Sebastian Baberowski)
+Files: runtime/autoload/ccomplete.vim
+Patch 7.0.003
+Problem: GUI: clicking in the lower part of a label in the tab pages line
+ while 'mousefocus' is set may warp the mouse pointer. (Robert
+ Webb)
+Solution: Check for a negative mouse position.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.004
+Problem: Compiler warning for debug_saved used before set. (Todd Blumer)
+Solution: Remove the "else" for calling save_dbg_stuff().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.005 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: The installer doesn't remove the "autoload" and "spell"
+ directories. (David Fishburn)
+Solution: Add the directories to the list to be removed.
+Files: nsis/gvim.nsi
+Patch 7.0.006
+Problem: Mac: "make shadow" doesn't make a link for infplist.xml. (Axel
+ Kielhorn)
+Solution: Make the link.
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.0.007
+Problem: AIX: compiling fails for message.c. (Ruediger Hornig)
+Solution: Move the #if outside of memchr().
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.0.008
+Problem: Can't call a function that uses both <SID> and {expr}. (Thomas)
+Solution: Check both the expanded and unexpanded name for <SID>.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.009
+Problem: ml_get errors with both 'sidescroll' and 'spell' set.
+Solution: Use ml_get_buf() instead of ml_get(), get the line from the right
+ buffer, not the current one.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.010
+Problem: The spellfile plugin required typing login name and password.
+Solution: Use "anonymous" and "vim7user" by default. No need to setup a
+ .netrc file.
+Files: runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim
+Patch 7.0.011
+Problem: Can't compile without the folding and with the eval feature.
+Solution: Add an #ifdef. (Vallimar)
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.012
+Problem: Using the matchparen plugin, moving the cursor in Insert mode to a
+ shorter line that ends in a brace, changes the preferred column
+Solution: Use winsaveview()/winrestview() instead of getpos()/setpos().
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.0.013
+Problem: Insert mode completion: using CTRL-L to add an extra character
+ also deselects the current match, making it impossible to use
+ CTRL-L a second time.
+Solution: Keep the current match. Also make CTRL-L work at the original
+ text, using the first displayed match.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.014
+Problem: Compiling gui_xmebw.c fails on Dec Alpha Tru64. (Rolfe)
+Solution: Disable some code for Motif 1.2 and older.
+Files: src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.0.015
+Problem: Athena: compilation problems with modern compiler.
+Solution: Avoid type casts for lvalue. (Alexey Froloff)
+Files: src/gui_at_fs.c
+Patch 7.0.016
+Problem: Printing doesn't work for "dec-mcs" encoding.
+Solution: Add "dec-mcs", "mac-roman" and "hp-roman8" to the list of
+ recognized 8-bit encodings. (Mike Williams)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.017 (after 7.0.014)
+Problem: Linking gui_xmebw.c fails on Dec Alpha Tru64. (Rolfe)
+Solution: Adjust defines for Motif 1.2 and older.
+Files: src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.0.018
+Problem: VMS: plugins are not loaded on startup.
+Solution: Remove "**" from the path. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.019
+Problem: Repeating "VjA789" may cause a crash. (James Vega)
+Solution: Check the cursor column after moving it to another line.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.020
+Problem: Crash when using 'mousefocus'. (William Fulton)
+Solution: Make buffer for mouse coordinates 2 bytes longer. (Juergen Weigert)
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.021
+Problem: Crash when using "\\[" and "\\]" in 'errorformat'. (Marc Weber)
+Solution: Check for valid submatches after matching the pattern.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.022
+Problem: Using buffer.append() in Ruby may append the line to the wrong
+ buffer. (Alex Norman)
+Solution: Properly switch to the buffer to do the appending. Also for
+ buffer.delete() and setting a buffer line.
+Files: src/if_ruby.c
+Patch 7.0.023
+Problem: Crash when doing spell completion in an empty line and pressing
+Solution: Check for a zero pointer. (James Vega)
+ Also handle a situation without a matching pattern better, report
+ "No matches" instead of remaining in undefined CTRL-X mode. And
+ get out of CTRL-X mode when typing a letter.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.024
+Problem: It is possible to set arbitrary "v:" variables.
+Solution: Disallow setting "v:" variables that are not predefined.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.025
+Problem: Crash when removing an element of a:000. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Solution: Mark the a:000 list with VAR_FIXED.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.026
+Problem: Using libcall() may show an old error.
+Solution: Invoke dlerror() to clear a previous error. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.027 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: When compiled with SNIFF gvim may hang on exit.
+Solution: Translate and dispatch the WM_USER message. (Mathias Michaelis)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.028 (extra)
+Problem: OS/2: Vim doesn't compile with gcc 3.2.1.
+Solution: Add argument to after_pathsep(), don't define vim_handle_signal(),
+ define HAVE_STDARG_H. (David Sanders)
+Files: src/os_unix.c, src/vim.h, src/os_os2_cfg.h
+Patch 7.0.029
+Problem: getchar() may not position the cursor after a space.
+Solution: Position the cursor explicitly.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.030
+Problem: The ":compiler" command can't be used in a FileChangedRO event.
+ (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Add the CMDWIN flag to the ":compiler" command.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.0.031
+Problem: When deleting a buffer the buffer-local mappings for Select mode
+ remain.
+Solution: Add the Select mode bit to MAP_ALL_MODES. (Edwin Steiner)
+Files: src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.032 (extra, after 7.0.027)
+Problem: Missing semicolon.
+Solution: Add the semicolon.
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.033
+Problem: When pasting text, with the menu or CTRL-V, autoindent is removed.
+Solution: Use "x<BS>" to avoid indent to be removed. (Benji Fisher)
+Files: runtime/autoload/paste.vim
+Patch 7.0.034
+Problem: After doing completion and typing more characters or using BS
+ repeating with "." didn't work properly. (Martin Stubenschrott)
+Solution: Don't put BS and other characters in the redo buffer right away,
+ do this when finishing completion.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.035
+Problem: Insert mode completion works when typed but not when replayed from
+ a register. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+ Also: Mappings for Insert mode completion don't always work.
+Solution: When finding a non-completion key in the input don't interrupt
+ completion when it wasn't typed.
+ Do use mappings when checking for typeahead while still finding
+ completions. Avoids that completion is interrupted too soon.
+ Use "compl_pending" in a different way.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.036
+Problem: Can't compile with small features and syntax highlighting or the
+ diff feature.
+Solution: Define LINE_ATTR whenever syntax highlighting or the diff feature
+ is enabled.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.037
+Problem: Crash when resizing the GUI window vertically when there is a line
+ that doesn't fit.
+Solution: Don't redraw while the screen data is invalid.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.038
+Problem: When calling complete() from an Insert mode expression mapping
+ text could be inserted in an improper way.
+Solution: Make undo_allowed() global and use it in complete().
+Files: src/undo.c, src/proto/, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.039
+Problem: Calling inputdialog() with a third argument in the console doesn't
+ work.
+Solution: Make a separate function for input() and inputdialog(). (Yegappan
+ Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.040
+Problem: When 'cmdheight' is larger than 1 using inputlist() or selecting
+ a spell suggestion with the mouse gets the wrong entry.
+Solution: Start listing the first alternative on the last line of the screen.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.041
+Problem: cursor([1, 1]) doesn't work. (Peter Hodge)
+Solution: Allow leaving out the third item of the list and use zero for the
+ virtual column offset.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.042
+Problem: When pasting a block of text in Insert mode Vim hangs or crashes.
+ (Noam Halevy)
+Solution: Avoid that the cursor is positioned past the NUL of a line.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.043
+Problem: Using "%!" at the start of 'statusline' doesn't work.
+Solution: Recognize the special item when the option is being set.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.044
+Problem: Perl: setting a buffer line in another buffer may result in
+ changing the current buffer.
+Solution: Properly change to the buffer to be changed.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.0.045 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Warnings when compiling OLE version with MSVC 2005.
+Solution: Move including vim.h to before windows.h. (Ilya Bobir)
+Files: src/if_ole.cpp
+Patch 7.0.046
+Problem: The matchparen plugin ignores parens in strings, but not in single
+ quotes, often marked with "character".
+Solution: Also ignore parens in syntax items matching "character".
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.0.047
+Problem: When running configure the exit status is wrong.
+Solution: Handle the exit status properly. (Matthew Woehlke)
+Files: configure, src/configure
+Patch 7.0.048
+Problem: Writing a compressed file fails when there are parens in the name.
+ (Wang Jian)
+Solution: Put quotes around the temp file name.
+Files: runtime/autoload/gzip.vim
+Patch 7.0.049
+Problem: Some TCL scripts are not recognized. (Steven Atkinson)
+Solution: Check for "exec wish" in the file.
+Files: runtime/scripts.vim
+Patch 7.0.050
+Problem: After using the netbeans interface close command a stale pointer
+ may be used.
+Solution: Clear the pointer to the closed buffer. (Xaview de Gaye)
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.0.051 (after 7.0.44)
+Problem: The Perl interface doesn't compile or doesn't work properly.
+Solution: Remove the spaces before #ifdef and avoid an empty line above it.
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.0.052
+Problem: The user may not be aware that the Vim server allows others more
+ functionality than desired.
+Solution: When running Vim as root don't become a Vim server without an
+ explicit --servername argument.
+Files: src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.053
+Problem: Shortening a directory name may fail when there are multi-byte
+ characters.
+Solution: Copy the correct bytes. (Titov Anatoly)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.054
+Problem: Mac: Using a menu name that only has a mnemonic or accelerator
+ causes a crash. (Elliot Shank)
+Solution: Check for an empty menu name. Also delete empty submenus that
+ were created before detecting the error.
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.0.055
+Problem: ":startinsert" in a CmdwinEnter autocommand doesn't take immediate
+ effect. (Bradley White)
+Solution: Put a NOP key in the typeahead buffer. Also avoid that using
+ CTRL-C to go back to the command line moves the cursor left.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.056
+Problem: "#!something" gives an error message.
+Solution: Ignore this line, so that it can be used in an executable Vim
+ script.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.057 (extra, after 7.0.45)
+Problem: Win32: Compilation problem with Borland C 5.5.
+Solution: Include vim.h as before. (Mark S. Williams)
+Files: src/if_ole.cpp
+Patch 7.0.058
+Problem: The gbk and and gb18030 encodings are not recognized.
+Solution: Add aliases to cp936. (Edward L. Fox)
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.059
+Problem: The Perl interface doesn't compile with ActiveState Perl 5.8.8.
+Solution: Remove the __attribute__() items. (Liu Yubao)
+Files: src/if_perl.xs
+Patch 7.0.060 (after 7.0.51)
+Problem: Code for temporarily switching to another buffer is duplicated in
+ quite a few places.
+Solution: Use aucmd_prepbuf() and aucmd_restbuf() also when FEAT_AUTOCMD is
+ not defined.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/eval.c, src/fileio.c, src/if_ruby.c,
+ src/if_perl.xs, src/quickfix.c, src/structs.h
+Patch 7.0.061
+Problem: Insert mode completion for Vim commands may crash if there is
+ nothing to complete.
+Solution: Instead of freeing the pattern make it empty, so that a "not
+ found" error is given. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.062
+Problem: Mac: Crash when using the popup menu for spell correction. The
+ popup menu appears twice when letting go of the right mouse button
+ early.
+Solution: Don't show the popup menu on the release of the right mouse
+ button. Also check that a menu pointer is actually valid.
+Files: src/proto/, src/menu.c, src/normal.c, src/term.c
+Patch 7.0.063
+Problem: Tiny chance for a memory leak. (coverity)
+Solution: Free pointer when next memory allocation fails.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.064
+Problem: Using uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: When not used set "temp" to zero. Also avoid a warning for
+ "files" in ins_compl_dictionaries().
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.065 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: left-right movement of the scrollwheel causes up-down
+ scrolling.
+Solution: Ignore mouse wheel events that are not up-down. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.066
+Problem: After the popup menu for Insert mode completion overlaps the tab
+ pages line it is not completely removed.
+Solution: Redraw the tab pages line after removing the popup menu. (Ori
+ Avtalion)
+Files: src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.0.067
+Problem: Undo doesn't always work properly when using "scim" input method.
+ Undo is split up when using preediting.
+Solution: Reset xim_has_preediting also when preedit_start_col is not
+ MAXCOL. Don't split undo when <Left> is used while preediting.
+ (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/edit.c, src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.068
+Problem: When 'ignorecase' is set and using Insert mode completion,
+ typing characters to change the list of matches, case is not
+ ignored. (Hugo Ahlenius)
+Solution: Store the 'ignorecase' flag with the matches where needed.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/search.c, src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.069
+Problem: Setting 'guitablabel' to %!expand(\%) causes Vim to free an
+ invalid pointer. (Kim Schulz)
+Solution: Don't try freeing a constant string pointer.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.0.070
+Problem: Compiler warnings for shadowed variables and uninitialized
+ variables.
+Solution: Rename variables such as "index", "msg" and "dup". Initialize
+ variables.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/eval.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/ex_cmds2.c,
+ src/ex_docmd.c, src/gui_beval.c, src/gui_gtk.c, src/gui_gtk_x11.c,
+ src/hardcopy.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/main.c, src/mbyte.c,
+ src/memline.c, src/netbeans.c, src/normal.c, src/option.c,
+ src/os_unix.c, src/quickfix.c, src/regexp.c, src/screen.c,
+ src/search.c, src/spell.c, src/ui.c, src/undo.c, src/window.c,
+ src/version.c
+Patch 7.0.071
+Problem: Using an empty search pattern may cause a crash.
+Solution: Avoid using a NULL pointer.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.072
+Problem: When starting the GUI fails there is no way to adjust settings or
+ do something else.
+Solution: Add the GUIFailed autocommand event.
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/gui.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.073
+Problem: Insert mode completion: Typing <CR> sometimes selects the original
+ text instead of keeping what was typed. (Justin Constantino)
+Solution: Don't let <CR> select the original text if there is no popup menu.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.074 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: tooltips were not converted from 'encoding' to Unicode.
+Solution: Set the tooltip to use Unicode and do the conversion. Also
+ cleanup the code for the tab pages tooltips. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c, src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.075
+Problem: winsaveview() did not store the actual value of the desired cursor
+ column. This could move the cursor in the matchparen plugin.
+Solution: Call update_curswant() before using the value w_curswant.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.076 (after 7.0.010)
+Problem: Automatic downloading of spell files only works for ftp.
+Solution: Don't add login and password for non-ftp URLs. (Alexander Patrakov)
+Files: runtime/autoload/spellfile.vim
+Patch 7.0.077
+Problem: ":unlet v:this_session" causes a crash. (Marius Roets)
+Solution: When trying to unlet a fixed variable give an error message.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.078
+Problem: There are two error messages E46.
+Solution: Change the number for the sandbox message to E794.
+Files: src/globals.h
+Patch 7.0.079
+Problem: Russian tutor doesn't work when 'encoding' is "utf-8".
+Solution: Use as the master, and generate the other encodings
+ from it. Select the right tutor depending on 'encoding'. (Alexey
+ Froloff)
+Files: runtime/tutor/Makefile, runtime/tutor/tutor.vim,
+ runtime/tutor/
+Patch 7.0.080
+Problem: Generating auto/pathdef.c fails for CFLAGS with a backslash.
+Solution: Double backslashes in the string. (Alexey Froloff)
+Files: src/Makefile
+Patch 7.0.081
+Problem: Command line completion doesn't work for a shell command with an
+ absolute path.
+Solution: Don't use $PATH when there is an absolute path.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.082
+Problem: Calling a function that waits for input may cause List and
+ Dictionary arguments to be freed by the garbage collector.
+Solution: Keep a list of all arguments to internal functions.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.083
+Problem: Clicking with the mouse on an item for inputlist() doesn't work
+ when 'compatible' is set and/or when 'cmdheight' is more than one.
+ (Christian J. Robinson)
+Solution: Also decrement "lines_left" when 'more' isn't set. Set
+ "cmdline_row" to zero to get all mouse events.
+Files: src/message.c, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.084
+Problem: The garbage collector may do its work while some Lists or
+ Dictionaries are used internally, e.g., by ":echo" that runs into
+ the more-prompt or ":echo [garbagecollect()]".
+Solution: Only do garbage collection when waiting for a character at the
+ toplevel. Let garbagecollect() set a flag that is handled at the
+ toplevel before waiting for a character.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/getchar.c, src/globals.h, src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.085
+Problem: When doing "make test" the viminfo file is modified.
+Solution: Use another viminfo file after setting 'compatible.
+Files: src/testdir/
+Patch 7.0.086
+Problem: getqflist() returns entries for pattern and text with the number
+ zero. Passing these to setqflist() results in the string "0".
+Solution: Use an empty string instead of the number zero.
+Files: src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.087
+Problem: After ":file fname" and ":saveas fname" the 'autochdir' option
+ does not take effect. (Yakov Lerner)
+ Commands for handling 'autochdir' are repeated many times.
+Solution: Add the DO_AUTOCHDIR macro and do_autochdir(). Use it for
+ ":file fname" and ":saveas fname".
+Files: src/proto/, src/buffer.c, src/ex_cmds.c, src/macros.h,
+ src/netbeans.c, src/option.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.088
+Problem: When compiled with Perl the generated prototypes have "extern"
+ unnecessarily added.
+Solution: Remove the "-pipe" argument from PERL_CFLAGS.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.0.089
+Problem: "ga" does not work properly for a non-Unicode multi-byte encoding.
+Solution: Only check for composing chars for utf-8. (Taro Muraoka)
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.0.090
+Problem: Cancelling the conform() dialog on the console with Esc requires
+ typing it twice. (Benji Fisher)
+Solution: When the start of an escape sequence is found use 'timeoutlen' or
+ 'ttimeoutlen'.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.091
+Problem: Using winrestview() while 'showcmd' is set causes the cursor to be
+ displayed in the wrong position. (Yakov Lerner)
+Solution: Set the window topline properly.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.092 (after 7.0.082 and 7.0.084)
+Problem: The list of internal function arguments is obsolete now that
+ garbage collection is only done at the toplevel.
+Solution: Remove the list of all arguments to internal functions.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.093
+Problem: The matchparen plugin can't handle a 'matchpairs' value where a
+ colon is matched.
+Solution: Change the split() that is used to change 'matchpairs' into a
+ List.
+Files: runtime/plugin/matchparen.vim
+Patch 7.0.094
+Problem: When a hidden buffer is made the current buffer and another file
+ edited later, the file message will still be given. Using
+ ":silent" also doesn't prevent the file message. (Marvin Renich)
+Solution: Reset the need_fileinfo flag when reading a file. Don't set
+ need_fileinfo when msg_silent is set.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.095
+Problem: The Greek tutor is not available in utf-8. "el" is used for the
+ language, only "gr" for the country is recognized.
+Solution: Add the utf-8 Greek tutor. Use it for conversion to iso-8859-7
+ and cp737. (Lefteris Dimitroulakis)
+Files: runtime/tutor/Makefile, runtime/tutor/,
+ runtime/tutor/tutor.vim
+Patch 7.0.096
+Problem: taglist() returns the filename relative to the tags file, while
+ the directory of the tags file is unknown. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Expand the file name. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/tag.c
+Patch 7.0.097
+Problem: ":tabclose N" that closes another tab page does not remove the tab
+ pages line. Same problem when using the mouse.
+Solution: Adjust the tab pages line when needed in tabpage_close_other().
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.098
+Problem: Redirecting command output in a cmdline completion function
+ doesn't work. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+Solution: Enable redirection when redirection is started.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.099
+Problem: GUI: When the popup menu is visible using the scrollbar messes up
+ the display.
+Solution: Disallow scrolling the current window. Redraw the popup menu
+ after scrolling another window.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.100
+Problem: "zug" may report the wrong filename. (Lawrence Kesteloot)
+Solution: Call home_replace() to fill NameBuff[].
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.101
+Problem: When the "~/.vim/spell" directory does not exist "zg" may create
+ a wrong directory. "zw" doesn't work.
+Solution: Use the directory of the file name instead of NameBuff. For "zw"
+ not only remove a good word but also add the word with "!".
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.102
+Problem: Redrawing cmdline is not correct when using SCIM.
+Solution: Don't call im_get_status(). (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.103 (after 7.0.101)
+Problem: Compiler warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Init variable.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.104
+Problem: The CursorHoldI event only triggers once in Insert mode. It also
+ triggers after CTRL-V and other two-key commands.
+Solution: Set "did_cursorhold" before getting a second key. Reset
+ "did_cursorhold" after handling a command.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.105
+Problem: When using incremental search the statusline ruler isn't updated.
+ (Christoph Koegl)
+Solution: Update the statusline when it contains the ruler.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.106
+Problem: The spell popup menu uses ":amenu", triggering mappings. Other
+ PopupMenu autocommands are removed. (John Little)
+Solution: Use ":anoremenu" and use an autocmd group.
+Files: runtime/menu.vim
+Patch 7.0.107
+Problem: Incremental search doesn't redraw the text tabline. (Ilya Bobir)
+ Also happens in other situations with one window in a tab page.
+Solution: Redraw the tabline after clearing the screen.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.108 (extra)
+Problem: Amiga: Compilation problem.
+Solution: Have mch_mkdir() return a failure flag. (Willy Catteau)
+Files: src/os_amiga.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.109
+Problem: Lisp indenting is confused by escaped quotes in strings. (Dorai
+ Sitaram)
+Solution: Check for backslash inside strings. (Sergey Khorev)
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.110
+Problem: Amiga: Compilation problems when not using libnix.
+Solution: Change a few #ifdefs. (Willy Catteau)
+Files: src/memfile.c
+Patch 7.0.111
+Problem: The gzip plugin can't handle filenames with single quotes.
+Solution: Add and use the shellescape() function. (partly by Alexey Froloff)
+Files: runtime/autoload/gzip.vim, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c,
+ src/mbyte.c, src/misc2.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.112
+Problem: Python interface does not work with Python 2.5.
+Solution: Change PyMem_DEL() to Py_DECREF(). (Sumner Hayes)
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.0.113
+Problem: Using CTRL-L in Insert completion when there is no current match
+ may cause a crash. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Check for compl_leader to be NULL
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.114
+Problem: When aborting an insert with CTRL-C an extra undo point is
+ created in the GUI. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Solution: Call gotchars() only when advancing.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.0.115
+Problem: When 'ignorecase' is set, Insert mode completion only adds "foo"
+ and not "Foo" when both are found.
+ A found match isn't displayed right away when 'completeopt' does
+ not have "menu" or "menuone".
+Solution: Do not ignore case when checking if a completion match already
+ exists. call ins_compl_check_keys() also when not using a popup
+ menu. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.116
+Problem: 64 bit Windows version reports "32 bit" in the ":version" output.
+ (M. Veerman)
+Solution: Change the text for Win64.
+Files: src/version.c
+Patch 7.0.117
+Problem: Using "extend" on a syntax item inside a region with "keepend", an
+ intermediate item may be truncated.
+ When applying the "keepend" and there is an offset to the end
+ pattern the highlighting of a contained item isn't adjusted.
+Solution: Use the seen_keepend flag to remember when to apply the "keepend"
+ flag. Adjust the keepend highlighting properly. (Ilya Bobir)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.0.118
+Problem: printf() does not do zero padding for strings.
+Solution: Do allow zero padding for strings.
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.0.119
+Problem: When going back from Insert to Normal mode the CursorHold event
+ doesn't trigger. (Yakov Lerner)
+Solution: Reset "did_cursorhold" when leaving Insert mode.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.120
+Problem: Crash when using CTRL-R = at the command line and entering
+ "getreg('=')". (James Vega)
+Solution: Avoid recursiveness of evaluating the = register.
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.121
+Problem: GUI: Dragging the last status line doesn't work when there is a
+ text tabline. (Markus Wolf)
+Solution: Take the text tabline into account when deciding to start modeless
+ selection.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.122
+Problem: GUI: When clearing after a bold, double-wide character half a
+ character may be drawn.
+Solution: Check for double-wide character and redraw it. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.123
+Problem: On SCO Openserver configure selects the wrong terminal library.
+Solution: Put terminfo before the other libraries. (Roger Cornelius)
+ Also fix a small problem compiling on Mac without Darwin.
+Files: src/, src/auto/configure
+Patch 7.0.124
+Problem: getwinvar() obtains a dictionary with window-local variables, but
+ it's always for the current window.
+Solution: Get the variables of the specified window. (Geoff Reedy)
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.125
+Problem: When "autoselect" is in the 'clipboard' option then the '< and '>
+ marks are set while Visual mode is still active.
+Solution: Don't set the '< and '> marks when yanking the selected area for
+ the clipboard.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.126
+Problem: When 'formatexpr' uses setline() and later internal formatting is
+ used undo information is not correct. (Jiri Cerny, Benji Fisher)
+Solution: Set ins_need_undo after using 'formatexpr'.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.127
+Problem: Crash when swap files has invalid timestamp.
+Solution: Check return value of ctime() for being NULL.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.128
+Problem: GUI: when closing gvim is cancelled because there is a changed
+ buffer the screen isn't updated to show the changed buffer in the
+ current window. (Krzysztof Kacprzak)
+Solution: Redraw when closing gvim is cancelled.
+Files: src/gui.c
+Patch 7.0.129
+Problem: GTK GUI: the GTK file dialog can't handle a relative path.
+Solution: Make the initial directory a full path before passing it to GTK.
+ (James Vega) Also postpone adding the default file name until
+ after setting the directory.
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.0.130 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Trying to edit or write devices may cause Vim to get stuck.
+Solution: Add the 'opendevice' option, default off. Disallow
+ reading/writing from/to devices when it's off.
+ Also detect more devices by the full name starting with "\\.\".
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/fileio.c, src/option.c, src/option.h,
+ src/os_win32.c
+Patch 7.0.131
+Problem: Win32: "vim -r" does not list all the swap files.
+Solution: Also check for swap files starting with a dot.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.132 (after 7.0.130)
+Problem: Win32: Crash when Vim reads from stdin.
+Solution: Only use mch_nodetype() when there is a file name.
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.133
+Problem: When searching included files messages are added to the history.
+Solution: Set msg_hist_off for messages about scanning included files.
+ Set msg_silent to avoid message about wrapping around.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/globals.h, src/message.c, src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.134
+Problem: Crash when comparing a recursively looped List or Dictionary.
+Solution: Limit recursiveness for comparing to 1000.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.135
+Problem: Crash when garbage collecting list or dict with loop.
+Solution: Don't use DEL_REFCOUNT but don't recurse into Lists and
+ Dictionaries when freeing them in the garbage collector.
+ Also add allocated Dictionaries to the list of Dictionaries to
+ avoid leaking memory.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/proto/, src/tag.c
+Patch 7.0.136
+Problem: Using "O" while matching parens are highlighted may not remove the
+ highlighting. (Ilya Bobir)
+Solution: Also trigger CursorMoved when a line is inserted under the cursor.
+Files: src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.137
+Problem: Configure check for big features is wrong.
+Solution: Change "==" to "=". (Martti Kuparinen)
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/
+Patch 7.0.138 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: modifiers don't work with function keys.
+Solution: Use GetEventParameter() to obtain modifiers. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.139
+Problem: Using CTRL-PageUp or CTRL-PageDown in Insert mode to go to another
+ tab page does not prepare for undo properly. (Stefano Zacchiroli)
+Solution: Call start_arrow() before switching tab page.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.140 (after 7.0.134)
+Problem: Comparing recursively looped List or Dictionary doesn't work well.
+Solution: Detect comparing a List or Dictionary with itself.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.141
+Problem: When pasting a while line on the command line an extra CR is added
+ literally.
+Solution: Don't add the trailing CR when pasting with the mouse.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c, src/proto/, src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.142
+Problem: Using the middle mouse button in Select mode to paste text results
+ in an extra "y". (Kriton Kyrimis)
+Solution: Let the middle mouse button replace the selected text with the
+ contents of the clipboard.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.143
+Problem: Setting 'scroll' to its default value was not handled correctly.
+Solution: Compare the right field to PV_SCROLL.
+Files: src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.144
+Problem: May compare two unrelated pointers when matching a pattern against
+ a string. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Avoid calling reg_getline() when REG_MULTI is false.
+Files: src/regexp.c
+Patch 7.0.145 (after 7.0.142)
+Problem: Compiler warning.
+Solution: Add type cast.
+Files: src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.146
+Problem: When 'switchbuf' is set to "usetab" and the current tab has only a
+ quickfix window, jumping to an error always opens a new window.
+ Also, when the buffer is open in another tab page it's not found.
+Solution: Check for the "split" value of 'switchbuf' properly. Search in
+ other tab pages for the desired buffer. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.147
+Problem: When creating a session file and there are several tab pages and
+ some windows have a local directory a short file name may be used
+ when it's not valid. (Marius Roets)
+ A session with multiple tab pages may result in "No Name" buffers.
+ (Bill McCarthy)
+Solution: Don't enter tab pages when going through the list, only use a
+ pointer to the first window in each tab page.
+ Use "tabedit" instead of "tabnew | edit" when possible.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.148
+Problem: When doing "call" and "xyz" does not exist in dictionary
+ "a" there is no error message. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Solution: Add the error message.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.149
+Problem: When resizing a window that shows "~" lines the text sometimes
+ jumps down.
+Solution: Remove code that uses "~" lines in some situations. Fix the
+ computation of the screen line of the cursor. Also set w_skipcol
+ to handle very long lines.
+Files: src/misc1.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.150
+Problem: When resizing the Vim window scrollbinding doesn't work. (Yakov
+ Lerner)
+Solution: Do scrollbinding in set_shellsize().
+Files: src/term.c
+Patch 7.0.151
+Problem: Buttons in file dialog are not according to Gnome guidelines.
+Solution: Swap Cancel and Open buttons. (Stefano Zacchiroli)
+Files: src/gui_gtk.c
+Patch 7.0.152
+Problem: Crash when using lesstif 2.
+Solution: Fill in the extension field. (Ben Hutchings)
+Files: src/gui_xmebw.c
+Patch 7.0.153
+Problem: When using cscope and opening the temp file fails Vim crashes.
+ (Kaya Bekiroglu)
+Solution: Check for NULL pointer returned from mch_open().
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.154
+Problem: When 'foldnextmax' is negative Vim can hang. (James Vega)
+Solution: Avoid the fold level becoming negative.
+Files: src/fold.c, src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.0.155
+Problem: When getchar() returns a mouse button click there is no way to get
+ the mouse coordinates.
+Solution: Add v:mouse_win, v:mouse_lnum and v:mouse_col.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.156 (extra)
+Problem: Vim doesn't compile for Amiga OS 4.
+Solution: Various changes for Amiga OS4. (Peter Bengtsson)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/mbyte.c, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c,
+ src/os_amiga.c, src/os_amiga.h, src/pty.c
+Patch 7.0.157
+Problem: When a function is used recursively the profiling information is
+ invalid. (Mikolaj Machowski)
+Solution: Put the start time on the stack instead of in the function.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.158
+Problem: In a C file with ":set foldmethod=syntax", typing {<CR> on the
+ last line results in the cursor being in a closed fold. (Gautam
+ Iyer)
+Solution: Open fold after inserting a new line.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.159
+Problem: When there is an I/O error in the swap file the cause of the error
+ cannot be seen.
+Solution: Use PERROR() instead of EMSG() where possible.
+Files: src/memfile.c
+Patch 7.0.160
+Problem: ":@a" echoes the command, Vi doesn't do that.
+Solution: Set the silent flag in the typeahead buffer to avoid echoing the
+ command.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.161
+Problem: Win32: Tab pages line popup menu isn't using the right encoding.
+ (Yongwei Wu)
+Solution: Convert the text when necessary. Also fixes the Find/Replace
+ dialog title. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.162
+Problem: "vim -o a b" when file "a" triggers the ATTENTION dialog,
+ selecting "Quit" exits Vim instead of editing "b" only.
+ When file "b" triggers the ATTENTION dialog selecting "Quit" or
+ "Abort" results in editing file "a" in that window.
+Solution: When selecting "Abort" exit Vim. When selecting "Quit" close the
+ window. Also avoid hit-enter prompt when selecting Abort.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.163
+Problem: Can't retrieve the position of a sign after it was set.
+Solution: Add the netbeans interface getAnno command. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Files: runtime/doc/netbeans.txt, src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.0.164
+Problem: ":redir @+" doesn't work.
+Solution: Accept "@+" just like "@*". (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.165
+Problem: Using CTRL-L at the search prompt adds a "/" and other characters
+ without escaping, causing the pattern not to match.
+Solution: Escape special characters with a backslash.
+Files: src/ex_getln.c
+Patch 7.0.166
+Problem: Crash in cscope code when connection could not be opened.
+ (Kaya Bekiroglu)
+Solution: Check for the file descriptor to be NULL.
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.167
+Problem: ":function" redefining a dict function doesn't work properly.
+ (Richard Emberson)
+Solution: Allow a function name to be a number when it's a function
+ reference.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.168
+Problem: Using uninitialized memory and memory leak. (Dominique Pelle)
+Solution: Use alloc_clear() instead of alloc() for w_lines. Free
+ b_ml.ml_stack after recovery.
+Files: src/memline.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.169
+Problem: With a Visual block selection, with the cursor in the left upper
+ corner, pressing "I" doesn't remove the highlighting. (Guopeng
+ Wen)
+Solution: When checking if redrawing is needed also check if Visual
+ selection is still active.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.170 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Using "gvim --remote-tab foo" when gvim is minimized while
+ it previously was maximized, un-maximizing doesn't work properly.
+ And the labels are not displayed properly when 'encoding' is
+ utf-8.
+Solution: When minimized check for SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. When updating the tab
+ pages line use TCM_SETITEMW instead of TCM_INSERTITEMW. (Liu
+ Yubao)
+Files: src/gui_w48.c
+Patch 7.0.171 (extra)
+Problem: VMS: A file name with multiple paths is written in the wrong file.
+Solution: Get the actually used file name. (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+ Also add info to the :version command about compilation.
+Files: src/Make_vms.mms, src/buffer.c, src/os_unix.c, src/version.c
+Patch 7.0.172
+Problem: Crash when recovering and quitting at the "press-enter" prompt.
+Solution: Check for "msg_list" to be NULL. (Liu Yubao)
+Files: src/ex_eval.c
+Patch 7.0.173
+Problem: ":call f().TT()" doesn't work. (Richard Emberson)
+Solution: When a function returns a Dictionary or another composite continue
+ evaluating what follows.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.174
+Problem: ":mksession" doesn't restore window layout correctly in tab pages
+ other than the current one. (Zhibin He)
+Solution: Use the correct topframe for producing the window layout commands.
+Files: src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.175
+Problem: The result of tr() is missing the terminating NUL. (Ingo Karkat)
+Solution: Add the NUL.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.176
+Problem: ":emenu" isn't executed directly, causing the encryption key
+ prompt to fail. (Life Jazzer)
+Solution: Fix wrong #ifdef.
+Files: src/menu.c
+Patch 7.0.177
+Problem: When the press-enter prompt gets a character from a non-remappable
+ mapping, it's put back in the typeahead buffer as remappable,
+ which may cause an endless loop.
+Solution: Restore the non-remappable flag and the silent flag when putting a
+ char back in the typeahead buffer.
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/message.c, src/normal.c
+Patch 7.0.178
+Problem: When 'enc' is "utf-8" and 'ignorecase' is set the result of ":echo
+ ("\xe4" == "\xe4")" varies.
+Solution: In mb_strnicmp() avoid looking past NUL bytes.
+Files: src/mbyte.c
+Patch 7.0.179
+Problem: Using ":recover" or "vim -r" without a swapfile crashes Vim.
+Solution: Check for "buf" to be unequal NULL. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.180 (extra, after 7.0.171)
+Problem: VMS: build failed. Problem with swapfiles.
+Solution: Add "compiled_arch". Always expand path and pass it to
+ buf_modname(). (Zoltan Arpadffy)
+Files: src/globals.h, src/memline.c, src/os_unix.c, runtime/menu.vim
+Patch 7.0.181
+Problem: When reloading a file that starts with an empty line, the reloaded
+ buffer has an extra empty line at the end. (Motty Lentzitzky)
+Solution: Delete all lines, don't use bufempty().
+Files: src/fileio.c
+Patch 7.0.182
+Problem: When using a mix of undo and "g-" it may no longer be possible to
+ go to every point in the undo tree. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Correctly update pointers in the undo tree.
+Files: src/undo.c
+Patch 7.0.183
+Problem: Crash in ":let" when redirecting to a variable that's being
+ displayed. (Thomas Link)
+Solution: When redirecting to a variable only do the assignment when
+ stopping redirection to avoid that setting the variable causes a
+ freed string to be accessed.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.184
+Problem: When the cscope program is called "mlcscope" the Cscope interface
+ doesn't work.
+Solution: Accept "\S*cscope:" instead of "cscope:". (Frodak D. Baksik)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.185
+Problem: Multi-byte characters in a message are displayed with attributes
+ from what comes before it.
+Solution: Don't use the attributes for a multi-byte character. Do use
+ attributes for special characters. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/message.c
+Patch 7.0.186
+Problem: Get an ml_get error when 'encoding' is "utf-8" and searching for
+ "/\_s*/e" in an empty buffer. (Andrew Maykov)
+Solution: Don't try getting the line just below the last line.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.187
+Problem: Can't source a remote script properly.
+Solution: Add the SourceCmd event. (Charles Campbell)
+Files: runtime/doc/autocmd.txt, src/ex_cmds2.c, src/fileio.c, src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.188 (after 7.0.186)
+Problem: Warning for wrong pointer type.
+Solution: Add a type cast.
+Files: src/search.c
+Patch 7.0.189
+Problem: Translated message about finding matches is truncated. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Solution: Enlarge the buffer. Also use vim_snprintf().
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.190
+Problem: "syntax spell default" results in an error message.
+Solution: Change 4 to 7 for STRNICMP(). (Raul Nunez de Arenas Coronado)
+Files: src/syntax.c
+Patch 7.0.191
+Problem: The items used by getqflist() and setqflist() don't match.
+Solution: Support the "bufnum" item for setqflist(). (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/quickfix.c
+Patch 7.0.192
+Problem: When 'swapfile' is switched off in an empty file it is possible
+ that not all blocks are loaded into memory, causing ml_get errors
+ later.
+Solution: Rename "dont_release" to "mf_dont_release" and also use it to
+ avoid using the cached line and locked block.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/memfile.c, src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.193
+Problem: Using --remote or --remote-tab with an argument that matches
+ 'wildignore' causes a crash.
+Solution: Check the argument count before using ARGLIST[0].
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.0.194
+Problem: Once an ml_get error is given redrawing part of the screen may
+ cause it again, resulting in an endless loop.
+Solution: Don't give the error message for a recursive call.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.195
+Problem: When a buffer is modified and 'autowriteall' is set, ":quit"
+ results in an endless loop when there is a conversion error while
+ writing. (Nikolai Weibull)
+Solution: Make autowrite() return FAIL if the buffer is still changed after
+ writing it.
+ /* put the cursor on the last char, for 'tw' formatting */
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.0.196
+Problem: When using ":vert ball" the computation of the mouse pointer
+ position may be off by one column. (Stefan Karlsson)
+Solution: Recompute the frame width when moving the vertical separator from
+ one window to another.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.197 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Compiling with EXITFREE doesn't work.
+Solution: Adjust a few #ifdefs. (Alexei Alexandrof)
+Files: src/misc2.c, src/os_mswin.c
+Patch 7.0.198 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Compiler warnings. No need to generate gvim.exe.mnf.
+Solution: Add type casts. Use "*" for processorArchitecture. (George Reilly)
+Files: src/Make_mvc.mak, src/eval.c, src/gvim.exe.mnf, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.0.199
+Problem: When using multi-byte characters the combination of completion and
+ formatting may result in a wrong cursor position.
+Solution: Don't decrement the cursor column, use dec_cursor(). (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira) Also check for the column to be zero.
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.200
+Problem: Memory leaks when out of memory.
+Solution: Free the memory.
+Files: src/edit.c, src/diff.c
+Patch 7.0.201
+Problem: Message for ":diffput" about buffer not being in diff mode may be
+ wrong.
+Solution: Check for buffer in diff mode but not modifiable.
+Files: src/diff.c
+Patch 7.0.202
+Problem: Problems on Tandem systems while compiling and at runtime.
+Solution: Recognize root uid is 65535. Check select() return value for it
+ not being supported. Avoid wrong function prototypes. Mention
+ use of -lfloss. (Matthew Woehlke)
+Files: src/Makefile, src/ex_cmds.c, src/fileio.c, src/main.c,
+ src/, src/, src/os_unix.c, src/pty.c,
+ src/vim.h
+Patch 7.0.203
+Problem: 0x80 characters in a register are not handled correctly for the
+ "@" command.
+Solution: Escape CSI and 0x80 characters. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/ops.c
+Patch 7.0.204
+Problem: Cscope: Parsing matches for listing isn't done properly.
+Solution: Check for line number being found. (Yu Zhao)
+Files: src/if_cscope.c
+Patch 7.0.205 (after 7.0.203)
+Problem: Can't compile.
+Solution: Always include the vim_strsave_escape_csi function.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.0.206 (after 7.0.058)
+Problem: Some characters of the "gb18030" encoding are not handled
+ properly.
+Solution: Do not use "cp936" as an alias for "gb18030" encoding. Instead
+ initialize 'encoding' to "cp936".
+Files: src/mbyte.c, src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.207
+Problem: After patch 2.0.203 CSI and K_SPECIAL characters are escaped when
+ recorded and then again when the register is executed.
+Solution: Remove escaping before putting the recorded characters in a
+ register. (Yukihiro Nakadaira)
+Files: src/getchar.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.208 (after 7.0.171 and 7.0.180)
+Problem: VMS: changes to path handling cause more trouble than they solve.
+Solution: Revert changes.
+Files: src/buffer.c, src/memline.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.209
+Problem: When replacing a line through Python the cursor may end up beyond
+ the end of the line.
+Solution: Check the cursor column after replacing the line.
+Files: src/if_python.c
+Patch 7.0.210
+Problem: ":cbuffer" and ":lbuffer" always fail when the buffer is modified.
+ (Gary Johnson)
+Solution: Support adding a !. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
+Files: runtime/doc/quickfix.txt, src/ex_cmds.h
+Patch 7.0.211
+Problem: With ":set cindent noai bs=0" using CTRL-U in Insert mode will
+ delete auto-indent. After ":set ai" it doesn't.
+Solution: Also check 'cindent' being set. (Ryan Lortie)
+Files: src/edit.c
+Patch 7.0.212
+Problem: The GUI can't be terminated with SIGTERM. (Mark Logan)
+Solution: Use the signal protection in the GUI as in the console, allow
+ signals when waiting for 100 msec or longer.
+Files: src/ui.c
+Patch 7.0.213
+Problem: When 'spellfile' has two regions that use the same sound folding
+ using "z=" will cause memory to be freed twice. (Mark Woodward)
+Solution: Clear the hashtable properly so that the items are only freed once.
+Files: src/spell.c
+Patch 7.0.214
+Problem: When using <f-args> in a user command it's not possible to have an
+ argument end in '\ '.
+Solution: Change the handling of backslashes. (Yakov Lerner)
+Files: runtime/doc/map.txt, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.215 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: Scrollbar size isn't set. Context menu has disabled useless
+ Help entry. Call to MoreMasterPointers() is ignored.
+Solution: Call SetControlViewSize() in gui_mch_set_scrollbar_thumb(). Use
+ kCMHelpItemRemoveHelp for ContextualMenuSelect(). Remove call to
+ MoreMasterPointers(). (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.216
+Problem: ":tab wincmd ]" does not open a tab page. (Tony Mechelynck)
+Solution: Copy the value to postponed_split_tab and use it.
+Files: src/globals.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/if_cscope.c, src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.217
+Problem: This hangs when pressing "n": ":%s/\n/,\r/gc". (Ori Avtalion)
+Solution: Set "skip_match" to advance to the next line.
+Files: src/ex_cmds.c
+Patch 7.0.218
+Problem: "%B" in 'statusline' always shows zero in Insert mode. (DervishD)
+Solution: Remove the exception for Insert mode, check the column for being
+ valid instead.
+Files: src/buffer.c
+Patch 7.0.219
+Problem: When using the 'editexisting.vim' script and a file is being
+ edited in another tab page the window is split. The "+123"
+ argument is not used.
+Solution: Make the tab page with the file the current tab page. Set
+ v:swapcommand when starting up to the first "+123" or "-c" command
+ line argument.
+Files: runtime/macros/editexisting.vim, src/main.c
+Patch 7.0.220
+Problem: Crash when using winnr('#') in a new tab page. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Check for not finding the window.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.221
+Problem: finddir() uses 'path' by default, where "." means relative to the
+ current file. But it works relative to the current directory.
+ (Tye Zdrojewski)
+Solution: Add the current buffer name to find_file_in_path_option() for the
+ relative file name.
+Files: runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.222
+Problem: Perl indenting using 'cindent' works almost right.
+Solution: Recognize '#' to start a comment. (Alex Manoussakis) Added '#'
+ flag in 'cinoptions'.
+Files: runtime/doc/indent.txt, src/misc1.c
+Patch 7.0.223
+Problem: Unprintable characters in completion text mess up the popup menu.
+ (Gombault Damien)
+Solution: Use strtrans() to make the text printable.
+Files: src/charset.c, src/popupmnu.c
+Patch 7.0.224
+Problem: When expanding "##" spaces are escaped twice. (Pavol Juhas)
+Solution: Don't escape the spaces that separate arguments.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/ex_docmd.c, src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.225
+Problem: When using setline() in an InsertEnter autocommand and doing "A"
+ the cursor ends up on the last byte in the line. (Yukihiro
+ Nakadaira)
+Solution: Only adjust the column when using setline() for the cursor line.
+ Move it back to the head byte if necessary.
+Files: src/eval.c, src/misc2.c
+Patch 7.0.226
+Problem: Display flickering when updating signs through the netbeans
+ interface. (Xavier de Gaye)
+Solution: Remove the redraw_later(CLEAR) call.
+Files: src/netbeans.c
+Patch 7.0.227
+Problem: Crash when closing a window in the GUI. (Charles Campbell)
+Solution: Don't call out_flush() from win_free().
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.228
+Problem: Cygwin: problem with symlink to DOS style path.
+Solution: Invoke cygwin_conv_to_posix_path(). (Luca Masini)
+Files: src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.229
+Problem: When 'pastetoggle' starts with Esc then pressing Esc in Insert
+ mode will not time out. (Jeffery Small)
+Solution: Use KL_PART_KEY instead of KL_PART_MAP, so that 'ttimeout' applies
+ to the 'pastetoggle' key.
+Files: src/getchar.c
+Patch 7.0.230
+Problem: After using ":lcd" a script doesn't know how to restore the
+ current directory.
+Solution: Add the haslocaldir() function. (Bob Hiestand)
+Files: runtime/doc/usr_41.txt, runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.231
+Problem: When recovering from a swap file the page size is likely to be
+ different from the minimum. The block used for the first page
+ then has a buffer of the wrong size, causing a crash when it's
+ reused later. (Zephaniah Hull)
+Solution: Reallocate the buffer when the page size changes. Also check that
+ the page size is at least the minimum value.
+Files: src/memline.c
+Patch 7.0.232 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: doesn't support GUI tab page labels.
+Solution: Add GUI tab page labels. (Nicolas Weber)
+Files: src/feature.h, src/gui.c, src/gui.h, src/gui_mac.c,
+ src/proto/
+Patch 7.0.233 (extra)
+Problem: Mac: code formatted badly.
+Solution: Fix code formatting
+Files: src/gui_mac.c
+Patch 7.0.234
+Problem: It's possible to use feedkeys() from a modeline. That is a
+ security issue, can be used for a trojan horse.
+Solution: Disallow using feedkeys() in the sandbox.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.235
+Problem: It is possible to use writefile() in the sandbox.
+Solution: Add a few more checks for the sandbox.
+Files: src/eval.c
+Patch 7.0.236
+Problem: Linux 2.4 uses sysinfo() with a mem_unit field, which is not
+ backwards compatible.
+Solution: Add an autoconf check for sysinfo.mem_unit. Let mch_total_mem()
+ return Kbyte to avoid overflow.
+Files: src/auto/configure, src/, src/,
+ src/option.c, src/os_unix.c
+Patch 7.0.237
+Problem: For root it is recommended to not use 'modeline', but in
+ not-compatible mode the default is on.
+Solution: Let 'modeline' default to off for root.
+Files: runtime/doc/options.txt, src/option.c
+Patch 7.0.238
+Problem: Crash when ":match" pattern runs into 'maxmempattern'. (Yakov
+ Lerner)
+Solution: Don't free the regexp program of match_hl.
+Files: src/screen.c
+Patch 7.0.239
+Problem: When using local directories and tab pages ":mksession" uses a
+ short file name when it shouldn't. Window-local options from a
+ modeline may be applied to the wrong window. (Teemu Likonen)
+Solution: Add the did_lcd flag, use the full path when it's set. Don't use
+ window-local options from the modeline when using the current
+ window for another buffer in ":doautoall".
+Files: src/fileio.c, src/ex_docmd.c
+Patch 7.0.240
+Problem: Crash when splitting a window in the GUI. (opposite of 7.0.227)
+Solution: Don't call out_flush() from win_alloc(). Also avoid this for
+ win_delete(). Also block autocommands while the window structure
+ is invalid.
+Files: src/window.c
+Patch 7.0.241
+Problem: ":windo throw 'foo'" loops forever. (Andy Wokula)
+Solution: Detect that win_goto() doesn't work.
+Files: src/ex_cmds2.c
+Patch 7.0.242 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: Using "-register" in a Vim that does not support OLE causes
+ a crash.
+Solution: Don't use EMSG() but mch_errmsg(). Check p_go for being NULL.
+ (partly by Michael Wookey)
+Files: src/gui_w32.c
+Patch 7.0.243 (extra)
+Problem: Win32: When GvimExt is built with MSVC 2005 or later, the "Edit
+ with vim" context menu doesn't appear in the Windows Explorer.
+Solution: Embed the linker manifest file into the resources of GvimExt.dll.
+ (Mathias Michaelis)
+Files: src/GvimExt/Makefile
diff --git a/runtime/doc/workshop.txt b/runtime/doc/workshop.txt
index 21b80cec1..a0502cc5b 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/workshop.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/workshop.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*workshop.txt* For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
+*workshop.txt* For Vim version 7.1a. Last change: 2006 Apr 24
diff --git a/runtime/doc/xxd-it.UTF-8.1 b/runtime/doc/xxd-it.UTF-8.1
index 9e3742d36..52114eb26 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/xxd-it.UTF-8.1
+++ b/runtime/doc/xxd-it.UTF-8.1
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Stampa 3 linee (0x30 bytes esadecimali) alla fine di
\fI% xxd \-s \-0x30 file
-Stampa 120 bytes come immagine esadecimale continua con 40 bytes per linea.
+Stampa 120 bytes come immagine esadecimale continua con 20 bytes per linea.
\fI% xxd \-l 120 \-ps \-c 20 xxd.1\fR
diff --git a/runtime/doc/xxd-ru.1 b/runtime/doc/xxd-ru.1
index 9c2f92d3d..111946ab5 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/xxd-ru.1
+++ b/runtime/doc/xxd-ru.1
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ xxd strace(1) truss(1) ,
- 40 :
+ 20 :
\fI% xxd \-l 120 \-ps \-c 20 xxd.1\fR
diff --git a/runtime/doc/xxd.1 b/runtime/doc/xxd.1
index d6e782a4e..e8f735859 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/xxd.1
+++ b/runtime/doc/xxd.1
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ added to file positions found in hexdump.
start at
.RI < seek >
bytes abs. (or rel.) infile offset.
-\fI+ fRindicates that the seek is relative to the current stdin file position
+\fI+ \fRindicates that the seek is relative to the current stdin file position
(meaningless when not reading from stdin). \fI\- \fRindicates that the seek
should be that many characters from the end of the input (or if combined with
\fI+\fR: before the current stdin file position).
@@ -172,17 +172,17 @@ The following examples may help to clarify (or further confuse!)...
Rewind stdin before reading; needed because the `cat' has already read to the
end of stdin.
-\fI% sh \-c "cat > plain_copy; xxd \-s 0 > hex_copy" < file
+\fI% sh \-c "cat > plain_copy; xxd \-s 0 > hex_copy" < file\fR
Hexdump from file position 0x480 (=1024+128) onwards.
The `+' sign means "relative to the current position", thus the `128' adds to
the 1k where dd left off.
-\fI% sh \-c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +128 > hex_snippet" < file
+\fI% sh \-c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +128 > hex_snippet" < file\fR
Hexdump from file position 0x100 ( = 1024\-768) on.
-\fI% sh \-c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +\-768 > hex_snippet" < file
+\fI% sh \-c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +\-768 > hex_snippet" < file\fR
However, this is a rare situation and the use of `+' is rarely needed.
The author prefers to monitor the effect of xxd with strace(1) or truss(1), whenever \-s is used.
@@ -192,16 +192,16 @@ The author prefers to monitor the effect of xxd with strace(1) or truss(1), when
Print everything but the first three lines (hex 0x30 bytes) of
.BR file .
-\fI% xxd \-s 0x30 file
+\fI% xxd \-s 0x30 file\fR
Print 3 lines (hex 0x30 bytes) from the end of
.BR file .
-\fI% xxd \-s \-0x30 file
+\fI% xxd \-s \-0x30 file\fR
-Print 120 bytes as continuous hexdump with 40 octets per line.
+Print 120 bytes as continuous hexdump with 20 octets per line.
\fI% xxd \-l 120 \-ps \-c 20 xxd.1\fR
diff --git a/runtime/filetype.vim b/runtime/filetype.vim
index c457262e7..cd4be755f 100644
--- a/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ b/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2006 May 02
+" Last Change: 2007 Apr 26
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
@@ -88,6 +88,11 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.wrm setf acedb
" Ada (83, 9X, 95)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.adb,*.ads,*.ada setf ada
+if has("vms")
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.gpr,*.ada_m,*.adc setf ada
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.gpr setf ada
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tdf setf ahdl
@@ -194,6 +199,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mar setf vmasm
" Atlas
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.atl,*.as setf atlas
+" Autoit v3
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.au3 setf autoit
" Automake
au BufNewFile,BufRead [mM], setf automake
@@ -225,6 +233,12 @@ endfun
" Visual Basic Script (close to Visual Basic)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.vbs,*.dsm,*.ctl setf vb
+" IBasic file (similar to QBasic)
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.iba,*.ibi setf ibasic
+" FreeBasic file (similar to QBasic)
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.fb,*.bi setf freebasic
" Batch file for MSDOS.
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.bat,*.sys setf dosbatch
" *.cmd is close to a Batch file, but on OS/2 Rexx files also use *.cmd.
@@ -303,6 +317,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead cfengine.conf setf cfengine
" Comshare Dimension Definition Language
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cdl setf cdl
+" Conary Recipe
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.recipe setf conaryrecipe
" Controllable Regex Mutilator
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.crm setf crm
@@ -436,6 +453,10 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.prg
" Cmake
au BufNewFile,BufRead CMakeLists.txt,*.cmake,* setf cmake
+" Cmusrc
+au BufNewFile,BufRead ~/.cmus/{autosave,rc,command-history,*.theme} setf cmusrc
+au BufNewFile,BufRead */cmus/{rc,*.theme} setf cmusrc
" Cobol
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cbl,*.cob,*.lib setf cobol
" cobol or zope form controller python script? (heuristic)
@@ -614,7 +635,10 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mas,*.master setf master
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.fs,*.ft setf forth
" Fortran
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.f,*.F,*.for,*.fpp,*.FPP,*.ftn,*.f77,*.F77,*.f90,*.F90,*.f95,*.F95 setf fortran
+if has("fname_case")
+ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.F,*.FOR,*.FPP,*.FTN,*.F77,*.F90,*.F95 setf fortran
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.f,*.for,*.fpp,*.ftn,*.f77,*.f90,*.f95 setf fortran
" FStab
au BufNewFile,BufRead fstab,mtab setf fstab
@@ -660,6 +684,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/group setf group
au BufNewFile,BufRead .gtkrc,gtkrc setf gtkrc
+" Hamster Classic | Playground files
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.hsc,*.hsm setf hamster
" Haskell
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.hs setf haskell
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.lhs setf lhaskell
@@ -744,8 +771,11 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead setf indent
" Inform
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.inf,*.INF setf inform
+" Initng
+au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/initng/**/*.i,*.ii setf initng
" Ipfilter
-au BufNewFile,BufRead ipf.conf,ipf.rules setf ipfilter
+au BufNewFile,BufRead ipf.conf,ipf6.conf,ipf.rules setf ipfilter
" Informix 4GL (source - canonical, include file, I4GL+M4 preproc.)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.4gl,*.4gh,*.m4gl setf fgl
@@ -771,8 +801,8 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.java,*.jav setf java
" JavaCC
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jj,*.jjt setf javacc
-" JavaScript
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js,*.javascript setf javascript
+" JavaScript, ECMAScript
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js,*.javascript,*.es setf javascript
" Java Server Pages
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jsp setf jsp
@@ -876,7 +906,7 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.m4
" MaGic Point
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mgp setf mgp
-" Mail (for Elm, trn, mutt, rn, slrn)
+" Mail (for Elm, trn, mutt, muttng, rn, slrn)
au BufNewFile,BufRead snd.\d\+,.letter,.letter.\d\+,.followup,.article,.article.\d\+,pico.\d\+,mutt{ng,}-*-\w\+,mutt\w\{6\},ae\d\+.txt,/tmp/SLRN[0-9A-Z.]\+,*.eml setf mail
" Mail aliases
@@ -934,6 +964,9 @@ endfun
" Maya Extension Language
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mel setf mel
+" Messages
+au BufNewFile,BufRead /var/log/messages,/var/log/messages.*[0-9] setf messages
" Metafont
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mf setf mf
@@ -1015,7 +1048,7 @@ au BufRead,BufNewFile *.mu setf mupad
" Mush
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mush setf mush
-" Mutt setup file
+" Mutt setup file (also for Muttng)
au BufNewFile,BufRead Mutt{ng,}rc setf muttrc
au BufNewFile,BufRead .mutt{ng,}rc*,*/.mutt{ng,}/mutt{ng,}rc* call s:StarSetf('muttrc')
@@ -1232,6 +1265,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.it,*.ih setf ppwiz
" Oracle Pro*C/C++
au BufNewFile,BufRead .pc setf proc
+" Privoxy actions file
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.action setf privoxy
" Procmail
au BufNewFile,BufRead .procmail,.procmailrc setf procmail
@@ -1371,31 +1407,31 @@ endif
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.r,*.R call s:FTr()
fun! s:FTr()
- if getline(1) =~ '^REBOL'
- setf rebol
- else
- let n = 1
- let max = line("$")
- if max > 50
- let max = 50
+ let max = line("$") > 50 ? 50 : line("$")
+ for n in range(1, max)
+ " Rebol is easy to recognize, check for that first
+ if getline(n) =~ '\<REBOL\>'
+ setf rebol
+ return
- while n < max
- " R has # comments
- if getline(n) =~ '^\s*#'
- setf r
- break
- endif
- " Rexx has /* comments */
- if getline(n) =~ '^\s*/\*'
- setf rexx
- break
- endif
- let n = n + 1
- endwhile
- if n >= max
+ endfor
+ for n in range(1, max)
+ " R has # comments
+ if getline(n) =~ '^\s*#'
+ setf r
+ return
+ endif
+ " Rexx has /* comments */
+ if getline(n) =~ '^\s*/\*'
setf rexx
+ return
- endif
+ endfor
+ " Nothing recognized, assume Rexx
+ setf rexx
" Remind
@@ -1443,6 +1479,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sa setf sather
" Scilab
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sci,*.sce setf scilab
+" SD: Streaming Descriptors
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sd setf sd
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sdl,*.pr setf sdl
@@ -1922,6 +1961,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.web
" Windows Scripting Host and Windows Script Component
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ws[fc] setf wsh
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.xhtml,*.xht setf xhtml
" X Pixmap (dynamically sets colors, use BufEnter to make it work better)
au BufEnter *.xpm
\ if getline(1) =~ "XPM2" |
@@ -1973,6 +2015,9 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.csproj,*.csproj.user setf xml
" Qt Linguist translation source and Qt User Interface Files are XML
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ts,*.ui setf xml
+" TPM's are RDF-based descriptions of TeX packages (Nikolai Weibull)
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.tpm setf xml
" Xdg menus
au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/xdg/menus/*.menu setf xml
@@ -2052,6 +2097,9 @@ au StdinReadPost * if !did_filetype() | runtime! scripts.vim | endif
au BufNewFile,BufRead *asterisk/*.conf* call s:StarSetf('asterisk')
au BufNewFile,BufRead *asterisk*/*voicemail.conf* call s:StarSetf('asteriskvm')
+" Bazaar version control
+au BufNewFile,BufRead bzr_log.* setf bzr
" BIND zone
au BufNewFile,BufRead */named/db.*,*/bind/db.* call s:StarSetf('bindzone')
@@ -2073,6 +2121,7 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* call s:StarSetf('debsources')
au BufNewFile,BufRead drac.* call s:StarSetf('dracula')
" Fvwm
+au BufNewFile,BufRead */.fvwm/* call s:StarSetf('fvwm')
au BufNewFile,BufRead *fvwmrc*,*fvwm95*.hook
\ let b:fvwm_version = 1 | call s:StarSetf('fvwm')
au BufNewFile,BufRead *fvwm2rc*
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/fvwm.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/fvwm.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89e1a8317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/fvwm.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+" Created : Tue 09 May 2006 02:07:31 PM CDT
+" Modified : Tue 09 May 2006 02:07:31 PM CDT
+" Author : Gautam Iyer <>
+" Description : ftplugin for fvwm config files
+if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
+ finish
+let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< fo<"
+setlocal comments=:# commentstring=#\ %s
+setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/help.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/help.vim
index 7e82081a5..46c844ca2 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/help.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/help.vim
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-let b:undo_plugin = "setl fo< tw<"
+let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl fo< tw<"
setlocal formatoptions+=tcroql textwidth=78
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/htmldjango.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/htmldjango.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40e9429f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/htmldjango.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin file
+" Language: Django HTML template
+" Maintainer: Dave Hodder <>
+" Last Change: 2007 Jan 25
+" Only use this filetype plugin when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
+ finish
+" Use HTML and Django template ftplugins.
+runtime! ftplugin/html.vim
+runtime! ftplugin/django.vim
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/javascript.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/javascript.vim
index 3ac4bbf9d..1ba440041 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/javascript.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/javascript.vim
@@ -1,13 +1,38 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Javascript
-" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar (for now)
-" Last Change: 2006 Jan 30
+" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <>
+" Last Change: 2007 Feb 21
+" URL:
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo-=C
+" Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines,
+" " and insert the comment leader when hitting <CR> or using "o".
+setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql
+" Set completion with CTRL-X CTRL-O to autoloaded function.
if exists('&ofu')
- setlocal ofu=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
+ setlocal omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
+" Set 'comments' to format dashed lists in comments.
+setlocal comments=sO:*\ -,mO:*\ \ ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://
+setlocal commentstring=//%s
+" Change the :browse e filter to primarily show Java-related files.
+if has("gui_win32")
+ let b:browsefilter="Javascript Files (*.js)\t*.js\n"
+ \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl fo< ofu< com< cms<"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
index 04964a549..88d7bca25 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/man.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: man
" Maintainer: Nam SungHyun <>
-" Last Change: 2006 Mar 28
+" Last Change: 2006 Dec 04
" To make the ":Man" command available before editing a manual page, source
" this script from your startup vimrc file.
@@ -119,9 +119,7 @@ func <SID>GetPage(...)
if &filetype != "man"
let thiswin = winnr()
exe "norm! \<C-W>b"
- if winnr() == 1
- new
- else
+ if winnr() > 1
exe "norm! " . thiswin . "\<C-W>w"
while 1
if &filetype == "man"
@@ -129,11 +127,14 @@ func <SID>GetPage(...)
exe "norm! \<C-W>w"
if thiswin == winnr()
- new
+ if &filetype != "man"
+ new
+ setl nonu fdc=0
+ endif
silent exec "edit $HOME/".page.".".sect."~"
" Avoid warning for editing the dummy file twice
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/php.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/php.vim
index f0b3e02c7..86cf89c08 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/php.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/php.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: php
" Maintainer: Dan Sharp <dwsharp at hotmail dot com>
-" Last Changed: 2005 Sep 05
+" Last Changed: 2006 Jul 15
" URL:
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ endif
if exists("b:match_words")
let s:match_words = b:match_words
+if exists("b:match_skip")
+ unlet b:match_skip
" Change the :browse e filter to primarily show PHP-related files.
if has("gui_win32")
@@ -41,12 +44,13 @@ endif
setlocal include=\\\(require\\\|include\\\)\\\(_once\\\)\\\?
setlocal iskeyword+=$
if exists("loaded_matchit")
- let b:match_words = '<php?:?>,\<switch\>:\<endswitch\>,' .
+ let b:match_words = '<?php:?>,\<switch\>:\<endswitch\>,' .
\ '\<if\>:\<elseif\>:\<else\>:\<endif\>,' .
\ '\<while\>:\<endwhile\>,' .
\ '\<do\>:\<while\>,' .
\ '\<for\>:\<endfor\>,' .
\ '\<foreach\>:\<endforeach\>,' .
+ \ '(:),[:],{:},' .
\ s:match_words
" ###
diff --git a/runtime/ftplugin/vim.vim b/runtime/ftplugin/vim.vim
index 698d3ee87..78fb6ec3a 100644
--- a/runtime/ftplugin/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/ftplugin/vim.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: Vim
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2005 Feb 14
+" Last Change: 2006 Sep 26
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_words =
\ '\<fu\%[nction]\>:\<retu\%[rn]\>:\<endf\%[unction]\>,' .
\ '\<wh\%[ile]\>:\<brea\%[k]\>:\<con\%[tinue]\>:\<endw\%[hile]\>,' .
+ \ '\<for\>:\<brea\%[k]\>:\<con\%[tinue]\>:\<endfo\%[r]\>,' .
\ '\<if\>:\<el\%[seif]\>:\<en\%[dif]\>,' .
\ '\<try\>:\<cat\%[ch]\>:\<fina\%[lly]\>:\<endt\%[ry]\>,' .
\ '\<aug\%[roup]\s\+\%(END\>\)\@!\S:\<aug\%[roup]\s\+END\>,' .
diff --git a/runtime/indent/bst.vim b/runtime/indent/bst.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5933d8067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/bst.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language: bst
+" Author: Tim Pope <>
+" $Id$
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal expandtab
+setlocal indentexpr=GetBstIndent(v:lnum)
+"setlocal smartindent
+setlocal cinkeys&
+setlocal cinkeys-=0#
+setlocal indentkeys&
+"setlocal indentkeys+=0%
+" Only define the function once.
+if exists("*GetBstIndent")
+ finish
+function! s:prevgood(lnum)
+ " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
+ " Skip over comments.
+ let lnum = a:lnum
+ while lnum > 0
+ let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
+ if getline(lnum) !~ '^\s*%.*$'
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return lnum
+function! s:strip(lnum)
+ let line = getline(a:lnum)
+ let line = substitute(line,'"[^"]*"','""','g')
+ let line = substitute(line,'%.*','','')
+ let line = substitute(line,'^\s\+','','')
+ return line
+function! s:count(string,char)
+ let str = substitute(a:string,'[^'.a:char.']','','g')
+ return strlen(str)
+function! GetBstIndent(lnum) abort
+ if a:lnum == 1
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let lnum = s:prevgood(a:lnum)
+ if lnum <= 0
+ return indent(a:lnum - 1)
+ endif
+ let line = s:strip(lnum)
+ let cline = s:strip(a:lnum)
+ if cline =~ '^}' && exists("b:current_syntax")
+ call cursor(a:lnum,indent(a:lnum))
+ if searchpair('{','','}','bW',"synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') =~? 'comment\\|string'")
+ if col('.')+1 == col('$')
+ return indent('.')
+ else
+ return virtcol('.')-1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ let fakeline = substitute(line,'^}','','').matchstr(cline,'^}')
+ let ind = indent(lnum)
+ let ind = ind + &sw * s:count(line,'{')
+ let ind = ind - &sw * s:count(fakeline,'}')
+ return ind
diff --git a/runtime/indent/cobol.vim b/runtime/indent/cobol.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ed8a470e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/cobol.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language: cobol
+" Author: Tim Pope <>
+" $Id$
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal expandtab
+setlocal indentexpr=GetCobolIndent(v:lnum)
+setlocal indentkeys&
+setlocal indentkeys+=0<*>,0/,0$,0=01,=~division,=~section,0=~end,0=~then,0=~else,0=~when,*<Return>,.
+" Only define the function once.
+if exists("*GetCobolIndent")
+ finish
+let s:skip = 'getline(".") =~ "^.\\{6\\}[*/$-]\\|\"[^\"]*\""'
+function! s:prevgood(lnum)
+ " Find a non-blank line above the current line.
+ " Skip over comments.
+ let lnum = a:lnum
+ while lnum > 0
+ let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
+ let line = getline(lnum)
+ if line !~? '^\s*[*/$-]' && line !~? '^.\{6\}[*/$CD-]'
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return lnum
+function! s:stripped(lnum)
+ return substitute(strpart(getline(a:lnum),0,72),'^\s*','','')
+function! s:optionalblock(lnum,ind,blocks,clauses)
+ let ind = a:ind
+ let clauses = '\c\<\%(\<NOT\s\+\)\@<!\%(NOT\s\+\)\=\%('.a:clauses.'\)'
+ let begin = '\c-\@<!\<\%('.a:blocks.'\)\>'
+ let beginfull = begin.'\ze.*\%(\n\%(\s*\%([*/$-].*\)\=\n\)*\)\=\s*\%('.clauses.'\)'
+ let end = '\c\<end-\%('.a:blocks.'\)\>\|\%(\.\%( \|$\)\)\@='
+ let cline = s:stripped(a:lnum)
+ let line = s:stripped(s:prevgood(a:lnum))
+ if cline =~? clauses "&& line !~? '^search\>'
+ call cursor(a:lnum,1)
+ let lastclause = searchpair(beginfull,clauses,end,'bWr',s:skip)
+ if getline(lastclause) =~? clauses && s:stripped(lastclause) !~? '^'.begin
+ let ind = indent(lastclause)
+ elseif lastclause > 0
+ let ind = indent(lastclause) + &sw
+ "let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ elseif line =~? clauses && cline !~? end
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ return ind
+function! GetCobolIndent(lnum) abort
+ let minshft = 6
+ let ashft = minshft + 1
+ let bshft = ashft + 4
+ " (Obsolete) numbered lines
+ if getline(a:lnum) =~? '^\s*\d\{6\}\%($\|[ */$CD-]\)'
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let cline = s:stripped(a:lnum)
+ " Comments, etc. must start in the 7th column
+ if cline =~? '^[*/$-]'
+ return minshft
+ elseif cline =~# '^[CD]' && indent(a:lnum) == minshft
+ return minshft
+ endif
+ " Divisions, sections, and file descriptions start in area A
+ if cline =~? '\<\(DIVISION\|SECTION\)\%($\|\.\)' || cline =~? '^[FS]D\>'
+ return ashft
+ endif
+ " Fields
+ if cline =~? '^0*\(1\|77\)\>'
+ return ashft
+ endif
+ if cline =~? '^\d\+\>'
+ let cnum = matchstr(cline,'^\d\+\>')
+ let default = 0
+ let step = -1
+ while step < 2
+ let lnum = a:lnum
+ while lnum > 0 && lnum < line('$') && lnum > a:lnum - 500 && lnum < a:lnum + 500
+ let lnum = step > 0 ? nextnonblank(lnum + step) : prevnonblank(lnum + step)
+ let line = getline(lnum)
+ let lindent = indent(lnum)
+ if line =~? '^\s*\d\+\>'
+ let num = matchstr(line,'^\s*\zs\d\+\>')
+ if 0+cnum == num
+ return lindent
+ elseif 0+cnum > num && default < lindent + &sw
+ let default = lindent + &sw
+ endif
+ elseif lindent < bshft && lindent >= ashft
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let step = step + 2
+ endwhile
+ return default ? default : bshft
+ endif
+ let lnum = s:prevgood(a:lnum)
+ " Hit the start of the file, use "zero" indent.
+ if lnum == 0
+ return ashft
+ endif
+ " Initial spaces are ignored
+ let line = s:stripped(lnum)
+ let ind = indent(lnum)
+ " Paragraphs. There may be some false positives.
+ if cline =~? '^\(\a[A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\|\d[A-Z0-9-]*\a\)\.' "\s*$'
+ if cline !~? '^EXIT\s*\.' && line =~? '\.\s*$'
+ return ashft
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Paragraphs in the identification division.
+ "if cline =~? '^\(PROGRAM-ID\|AUTHOR\|INSTALLATION\|' .
+ "return ashft
+ "endif
+ if line =~? '\.$'
+ " XXX
+ return bshft
+ endif
+ if line =~? '^PERFORM\>'
+ let perfline = substitute(line, '\c^PERFORM\s*', "", "")
+ if perfline =~? '^\%(\k\+\s\+TIMES\)\=\s*$'
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ elseif perfline =~? '^\%(WITH\s\+TEST\|VARYING\|UNTIL\)\>.*[^.]$'
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ endif
+ if line =~? '^\%(IF\|THEN\|ELSE\|READ\|EVALUATE\|SEARCH\|SELECT\)\>'
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ let ind = s:optionalblock(a:lnum,ind,'ADD\|COMPUTE\|DIVIDE\|MULTIPLY\|SUBTRACT','ON\s\+SIZE\s\+ERROR')
+ let ind = s:optionalblock(a:lnum,ind,'STRING\|UNSTRING\|ACCEPT\|DISPLAY\|CALL','ON\s\+OVERFLOW\|ON\s\+EXCEPTION')
+ if cline !~? '^AT\s\+END\>' || line !~? '^SEARCH\>'
+ let ind = s:optionalblock(a:lnum,ind,'DELETE\|REWRITE\|START\|WRITE\|READ','INVALID\s\+KEY\|AT\s\+END\|NO\s\+DATA\|AT\s\+END-OF-PAGE')
+ endif
+ if cline =~? '^WHEN\>'
+ call cursor(a:lnum,1)
+ " We also search for READ so that contained AT ENDs are skipped
+ let lastclause = searchpair('\c-\@<!\<\%(SEARCH\|EVALUATE\|READ\)\>','\c\<\%(WHEN\|AT\s\+END\)\>','\c\<END-\%(SEARCH\|EVALUATE\|READ\)\>','bW',s:skip)
+ let g:foo = s:stripped(lastclause)
+ if s:stripped(lastclause) =~? '\c\<\%(WHEN\|AT\s\+END\)\>'
+ "&& s:stripped(lastclause) !~? '^\%(SEARCH\|EVALUATE\|READ\)\>'
+ let ind = indent(lastclause)
+ elseif lastclause > 0
+ let ind = indent(lastclause) + &sw
+ endif
+ elseif line =~? '^WHEN\>'
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ "I'm not sure why I had this
+ "if line =~? '^ELSE\>-\@!' && line !~? '\.$'
+ "let ind = indent(s:prevgood(lnum))
+ "endif
+ if cline =~? '^\(END\)\>-\@!'
+ " On lines with just END, 'guess' a simple shift left
+ let ind = ind - &sw
+ elseif cline =~? '^\(END-IF\|THEN\|ELSE\)\>-\@!'
+ call cursor(a:lnum,indent(a:lnum))
+ let match = searchpair('\c-\@<!\<IF\>','\c-\@<!\%(THEN\|ELSE\)\>','\c-\@<!\<END-IF\>\zs','bnW',s:skip)
+ if match > 0
+ let ind = indent(match)
+ endif
+ elseif cline =~? '^END-[A-Z]'
+ let beginword = matchstr(cline,'\c\<END-\zs[A-Z0-9-]\+')
+ let endword = 'END-'.beginword
+ let first = 0
+ let suffix = '.*\%(\n\%(\%(\s*\|.\{6\}\)[*/].*\n\)*\)\=\s*'
+ if beginword =~? '^\%(ADD\|COMPUTE\|DIVIDE\|MULTIPLY\|SUBTRACT\)$'
+ let beginword = beginword . suffix . '\<\%(NOT\s\+\)\=ON\s\+SIZE\s\+ERROR'
+ let g:beginword = beginword
+ let first = 1
+ elseif beginword =~? '^\%(STRING\|UNSTRING\)$'
+ let beginword = beginword . suffix . '\<\%(NOT\s\+\)\=ON\s\+OVERFLOW'
+ let first = 1
+ elseif beginword =~? '^\%(ACCEPT\|DISPLAY\)$'
+ let beginword = beginword . suffix . '\<\%(NOT\s\+\)\=ON\s\+EXCEPTION'
+ let first = 1
+ elseif beginword ==? 'CALL'
+ let beginword = beginword . suffix . '\<\%(NOT\s\+\)\=ON\s\+\%(EXCEPTION\|OVERFLOW\)'
+ let first = 1
+ elseif beginword =~? '^\%(DELETE\|REWRITE\|START\|READ\|WRITE\)$'
+ let first = 1
+ let beginword = beginword . suffix . '\<\%(NOT\s\+\)\=\(INVALID\s\+KEY'
+ if beginword =~? '^READ'
+ let first = 0
+ let beginword = beginword . '\|AT\s\+END\|NO\s\+DATA'
+ elseif beginword =~? '^WRITE'
+ let beginword = beginword . '\|AT\s\+END-OF-PAGE'
+ endif
+ let beginword = beginword . '\)'
+ endif
+ call cursor(a:lnum,indent(a:lnum))
+ let match = searchpair('\c-\@<!\<'.beginword.'\>','','\c\<'.endword.'\>\zs','bnW'.(first? 'r' : ''),s:skip)
+ if match > 0
+ let ind = indent(match)
+ elseif cline =~? '^\(END-\(READ\|EVALUATE\|SEARCH\|PERFORM\)\)\>'
+ let ind = ind - &sw
+ endif
+ endif
+ return ind < bshft ? bshft : ind
diff --git a/runtime/indent/fortran.vim b/runtime/indent/fortran.vim
index 94b9da177..7a6b04f28 100644
--- a/runtime/indent/fortran.vim
+++ b/runtime/indent/fortran.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: Fortran95 (and Fortran90, Fortran77, F and elf90)
" Version: 0.37
" URL:
-" Last Change: 2006 Apr. 22
+" Last Change: 2006 Nov 16
" Maintainer: Ajit J. Thakkar <>; <>
" Usage: Do :help fortran-indent from Vim
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function FortranGetIndent(lnum)
let prevstat=substitute(prevline, '!.*$', '', '')
"Indent do loops only if they are all guaranteed to be of do/end do type
- if exists("b:fortran_do_enddo") || exists("fortran_do_enddo")
+ if exists("b:fortran_do_enddo") || exists("g:fortran_do_enddo")
if prevstat =~? '^\s*\(\d\+\s\)\=\s*\(\a\w*\s*:\)\=\s*do\>'
let ind = ind + &sw
diff --git a/runtime/indent/hamster.vim b/runtime/indent/hamster.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93e7db486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/indent/hamster.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+" Vim indent file
+" Language: Hamster Script
+" Version:
+" Last Change: Wed Nov 08 2006 12:02:42 PM
+" Maintainer: David Fishburn <>
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+let b:did_indent = 1
+setlocal indentkeys+==~if,=~else,=~endif,=~endfor,=~endwhile
+setlocal indentkeys+==~do,=~until,=~while,=~repeat,=~for,=~loop
+setlocal indentkeys+==~sub,=~endsub
+" Define the appropriate indent function but only once
+setlocal indentexpr=HamGetFreeIndent()
+if exists("*HamGetFreeIndent")
+ finish
+function HamGetIndent(lnum)
+ let ind = indent(a:lnum)
+ let prevline=getline(a:lnum)
+ " Add a shiftwidth to statements following if, else, elseif,
+ " case, select, default, do, until, while, for, start
+ if prevline =~? '^\s*\<\(if\|else\%(if\)\?\|for\|repeat\|do\|while\|sub\)\>'
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ endif
+ " Subtract a shiftwidth from else, elseif, end(if|while|for), until
+ let line = getline(v:lnum)
+ if line =~? '^\s*\(else\|elseif\|loop\|until\|end\%(if\|while\|for\|sub\)\)\>'
+ let ind = ind - &sw
+ endif
+ return ind
+function HamGetFreeIndent()
+ " Find the previous non-blank line
+ let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
+ " Use zero indent at the top of the file
+ if lnum == 0
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let ind=HamGetIndent(lnum)
+ return ind
+" vim:sw=2 tw=80
diff --git a/runtime/lang/menu_chinese_gb.936.vim b/runtime/lang/menu_chinese_gb.936.vim
index cfb2769b5..193826bdc 100644
--- a/runtime/lang/menu_chinese_gb.936.vim
+++ b/runtime/lang/menu_chinese_gb.936.vim
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ menutrans &Keymap ӳ(&K)
menutrans &Tools (&T)
menutrans &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] ת\ tag(&J)<Tab>g^]
menutrans Jump\ &back<Tab>^T ת(&B)<Tab>^T
-menutrans Build\ &Tags\ File Tags ļ(&T)
+menutrans Build\ &Tags\ File \ Tags\ ļ(&T)
" Tools.Spelling Menu
menutrans &Spelling ƴд(&S)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ menutrans Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| С(&H)<Tab>^W1\|
menutrans &Undo (&U)
menutrans Cu&t (&T)
menutrans &Copy (&C)
-menutrans &Paste ճ(&P)
+menutrans &Paste ճ(&P)
menutrans &Delete ɾ(&D)
menutrans Select\ Blockwise ѡ
menutrans Select\ &Word ѡ񵥴(&W)
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ if has("toolbar")
tmenu ToolBar.Redo
tmenu ToolBar.Cut е
tmenu ToolBar.Copy Ƶ
- tmenu ToolBar.Paste Ӽճ
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Ӽճ
tmenu ToolBar.Find ...
tmenu ToolBar.FindNext һ
tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev һ
diff --git a/runtime/lang/menu_pt_br.vim b/runtime/lang/menu_pt_br.vim
index eaad26fb9..28a62b78d 100644
--- a/runtime/lang/menu_pt_br.vim
+++ b/runtime/lang/menu_pt_br.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-" Menu Translations: Portugus
-" Maintainer: Jos de Paula <>
-" Last Change: 2003 Jun 12
+" Menu Translations: Portugus do Brasil
+" Maintainer: Jos de Paula <>
+" Last Change: 2006-09-19 02:30:00-03:00
" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ menutrans &Find\.\.\. &Procurar\.\.\.
menutrans &Credits &Crditos
menutrans O&rphans &rfos
menutrans Co&pying &Licena
+menutrans &Sponsor/Register &Doar/Registrar
menutrans &Version &Verso
menutrans &About &Sobre
@@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ menutrans Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. Procurar\ e\ substit&uir\.\.\.
menutrans Find\ and\ Rep&lace<Tab>:%s Procurar\ e\ substit&uir<Tab>:%s
menutrans Find\ and\ Rep&lace Procurar\ e\ substit&uir
menutrans Find\ and\ Rep&lace<Tab>:s Procurar\ e\ substituir<Tab>:s
-menutrans Settings\ &Window Op&es
+menutrans Settings\ &Window &Opes
+menutrans Startup\ &Settings &Inicializao
" Edit/Global Settings
menutrans &Global\ Settings Opes\ &Globais
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ menutrans default padro
menutrans Select\ Fo&nt\.\.\. Selecionar\ fo&nte\.\.\.
-menutrans &Keymap Mapa\ de\ teclado
+menutrans &Keymap &Mapa\ de\ teclado
menutrans None Nenhum
" Programming menu
@@ -125,6 +127,7 @@ menutrans &Tools &Ferramentas
menutrans &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] &Pular\ para\ este\ tag<Tab>g^]
menutrans Jump\ &back<Tab>^T &Voltar<Tab>^T
menutrans Build\ &Tags\ File &Construir\ Arquivo\ de\ tags
+menutrans &Spelling &Ortografia
menutrans &Folding &Dobra
menutrans &Make<Tab>:make &Make<Tab>:make
menutrans &List\ Errors<Tab>:cl &Lista\ de\ erros<Tab>:cl
@@ -134,10 +137,27 @@ menutrans &Previous\ Error<Tab>:cp &Erro\ anterior<Tab>:cp
menutrans &Older\ List<Tab>:cold Listar\ erros\ &antigos<Tab>:cold
menutrans N&ewer\ List<Tab>:cnew Listar\ erros\ &novos<Tab>:cnew
menutrans Error\ &Window &Janela\ de\ erros
-menutrans &Set\ Compiler Def&inir\ Compilador
+menutrans Se&T\ Compiler Def&inir\ Compilador
menutrans &Convert\ to\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd Converter\ para\ hexadecimal<Tab>:%!xxd
menutrans Conve&rt\ back<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r Conver&ter\ de\ volta<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r
+" Tools.Spelling menu
+menutrans &Spell Check On &Ativar Correo Ortogrfica
+menutrans &Spell Check Off &Desativar Correo Ortogrfica
+menutrans To &Next error<Tab>]s &Prximo Erro<Tab>]s
+menutrans To &Previous Error<Tab>[s Erro A&nterior<Tab>[s
+menutrans Suggest &Corrections<Tab>z= &Sugerir Correes<Tab>z=
+menutrans &Repeat correction<Tab>:spellrepall &Repetir Correo<Tab>:spellrepall
+menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en" Ingls
+menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_au" Ingls\ (en_au)
+menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_ca" Ingls\ (en_ca)
+menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_gb" Ingls\ (en_gb)
+menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_nz" Ingls\ (en_nz)
+menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_us" Ingls\ (en_us)
+menutrans &Find\ More\ Languages &Buscar mais idiomas
" Tools.Fold Menu
menutrans &Enable/Disable\ folds<Tab>zi &Ativar/Desativar\ dobras<Tab>zi
menutrans &View\ Cursor\ Line<Tab>zv &Ver\ linha\ do\ cursor<Tab>zv
diff --git a/runtime/lang/menu_sl_si.utf-8.vim b/runtime/lang/menu_sl_si.utf-8.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..306e449ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/lang/menu_sl_si.utf-8.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+" Menu Translations: Slovenian / Slovensko
+" Maintainer: Mojca Miklavec <>
+" Originally By: Mojca Miklavec <>
+" Last Change: Sat, 17 Jun 2006
+" vim:set foldmethod=marker tabstop=8:
+" TODO: add/check all '&'s
+" Quit when menu translations have already been done.
+if exists("did_menu_trans")
+ finish
+let did_menu_trans = 1
+scriptencoding utf-8
+menutrans &File &Datoteka
+menutrans &Open\.\.\.<Tab>:e &Odpri\ \.\.\.<Tab>:e
+menutrans Sp&lit-Open\.\.\.<Tab>:sp Odpri\ de&ljeno\ \.\.\.<Tab>:sp
+menutrans Open\ Tab\.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew Odpri\ v\ zavi&hku\ \.\.\.<Tab>:tabnew
+menutrans &New<Tab>:enew &Nova<Tab>:enew
+menutrans &Close<Tab>:close &Zapri<Tab>:close
+menutrans &Save<Tab>:w &Shrani<Tab>:w
+menutrans Save\ &As\.\.\.<Tab>:sav Shrani\ &kot\ \.\.\.<Tab>:sav
+menutrans &Print Na&tisni
+menutrans Sa&ve-Exit<Tab>:wqa Shrani\ in\ &končaj<Tab>:wqa
+menutrans E&xit<Tab>:qa &Izhod<Tab>:qa
+if has("diff")
+ menutrans Split\ &Diff\ with\.\.\. Primerjaj\ z\ (di&ff)\ \.\.\.
+ menutrans Split\ Patched\ &By\.\.\. &Popravi\ z\ (patch)\ \.\.\.
+" {{{ EDIT / UREDI
+menutrans &Edit &Uredi
+menutrans &Undo<Tab>u &Razveljavi<Tab>u
+menutrans &Redo<Tab>^R &Obnovi<Tab>^R
+menutrans Rep&eat<Tab>\. Po&novi<Tab>\.
+menutrans Cu&t<Tab>"+x &Izreži<Tab>"+x
+menutrans &Copy<Tab>"+y &Kopiraj<Tab>"+y
+menutrans &Paste<Tab>"+gP &Prilepi<Tab>"+gP
+menutrans Put\ &Before<Tab>[p Vrini\ pred<Tab>[p
+menutrans Put\ &After<Tab>]p Vrini\ za<Tab>]p
+menutrans &Delete<Tab>x Iz&briši<Tab>x
+menutrans &Select\ all<Tab>ggVG Izberi\ vse<Tab>ggVG
+menutrans &Find\.\.\. Po&išči\ \.\.\.
+menutrans Find\ and\ Rep&lace\.\.\. Poišči\ in\ &zamenjaj\ \.\.\.
+" [-- SETTINGS --]
+menutrans Settings\ &Window Nastavitve\ \.\.\.
+menutrans Startup\ &Settings Začetne\ nastavitve
+menutrans &Global\ Settings &Globalne\ nastavitve
+menutrans Toggle\ Pattern\ &Highlight<Tab>:set\ hls! Vključi/izključi\ poudarjanje\ iskanega\ niza<Tab>:set\ hls!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Ignore-case<Tab>:set\ ic! Vključi/izključi\ ločevanje\ velikih\ in\ malih\ črk<Tab>:set\ ic!
+menutrans Toggle\ &Showmatch<Tab>:set\ sm! Vključi/izključi\ kratek\ skok\ na\ pripadajoči\ oklepaj<Tab>:set\ sm!
+menutrans &Context\ lines Št\.\ vidnih\ vrstic\ pred/za\ kurzorjem
+menutrans &Virtual\ Edit Dovoli\ položaj\ kazalčka,\ kjer\ ni\ besedila
+menutrans Never Nikoli
+menutrans Block\ Selection Le\ med\ izbiranjem\ bloka
+menutrans Insert\ mode Le\ v\ načinu\ za\ pisanje
+menutrans Block\ and\ Insert Pri\ obojem
+menutrans Always Vedno
+menutrans Toggle\ Insert\ &Mode<Tab>:set\ im! Vključi/izključi\ način\ za\ pisanje<Tab>:set\ im!
+menutrans Toggle\ Vi\ C&ompatible<Tab>:set\ cp! Vključi/izključi\ združljivost\ z\ Vi-jem<Tab>:set\ cp!
+menutrans Search\ &Path\.\.\. Pot\ za\ iskanje\ \.\.\.
+menutrans Ta&g\ Files\.\.\. Ta&g-datoteke\.\.\.
+menutrans Toggle\ &Toolbar Pokaži/skrij\ Orodja
+menutrans Toggle\ &Bottom\ Scrollbar Pokaži/skrij\ spodnji\ drsnik
+menutrans Toggle\ &Left\ Scrollbar Pokaži/skrij\ levi\ drsnik
+menutrans Toggle\ &Right\ Scrollbar Pokaži/skrij\ desni\ drsnik
+" Edit/File Settings
+menutrans F&ile\ Settings &Nastavitve\ datoteke
+" Boolean options
+menutrans Toggle\ Line\ &Numbering<Tab>:set\ nu! Pokaži/skrij\ številke\ vrstic<Tab>:set\ nu!
+menutrans Toggle\ &List\ Mode<Tab>:set\ list! Pokaži/skrij\ nevidne\ znake<Tab>:set\ list! " space/tab
+menutrans Toggle\ Line\ &Wrap<Tab>:set\ wrap! Vključi/izključi\ prelome\ vrstic<Tab>:set\ wrap!
+menutrans Toggle\ W&rap\ at\ word<Tab>:set\ lbr! Vključi/izključi\ prelome\ vrstic\ med\ besedami<Tab>:set\ lbr!
+menutrans Toggle\ &expand-tab<Tab>:set\ et! Vključi/izključi\ zamenjavo\ tabulatorjev\ s\ presledki<Tab>:set\ et!
+menutrans Toggle\ &auto-indent<Tab>:set\ ai! Vključi/izključi\ avtomatsko\ zamikanje\ vrstic<Tab>:set\ ai!
+menutrans Toggle\ &C-indenting<Tab>:set\ cin! Vključi/izključi\ C-jevski\ način\ zamikanja\ vrstic<Tab>:set\ cin!
+" other options
+menutrans &Shiftwidth Širina\ zamika\ vrstic
+menutrans Soft\ &Tabstop Širina\ &tabulatorja
+menutrans Te&xt\ Width\.\.\. Širina\ besedila\ \.\.\.
+menutrans &File\ Format\.\.\. Format\ &datoteke\ \.\.\.
+menutrans C&olor\ Scheme &Barvna\ shema\ \.\.\.
+menutrans &Keymap &Keymap
+menutrans Select\ Fo&nt\.\.\. Pisava\ \.\.\.
+" }}} EDIT / UREDI
+menutrans &Tools &Orodja
+menutrans &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] &Skoči\ k\ tej\ znački<Tab>g^]
+menutrans Jump\ &back<Tab>^T Skoči\ Na&zaj<Tab>^T
+menutrans Build\ &Tags\ File Napravi\ datoteke\ z\ značkami\ (tag)
+if has("spell")
+ menutrans &Spelling Črkovalnik
+ menutrans &Spell\ Check\ On &Vključi
+ menutrans Spell\ Check\ &Off &Izključi
+ menutrans To\ &Next\ error<Tab>]s K\ &naslednji\ napaki<Tab>]s
+ menutrans To\ &Previous\ error<Tab>[s K\ &prejšnji\ napaki<Tab>[s
+ menutrans Suggest\ &Corrections<Tab>z= Predlagaj\ popravek<Tab>z=
+ menutrans &Repeat\ correction<Tab>:spellrepall Po&novi\ popravke\ na\ vseh\ besedah<Tab>:spellrepall
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en" Angleški\ "en"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_au" Angleški\ "en_au"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_ca" Angleški\ "en_ca"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_gb" Angleški\ "en_gb"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_nz" Angleški\ "en_nz"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "en_us" Angleški\ "en_us"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "sl" Slovenski\ "sl"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ "de" Nemški\ "de"
+ menutrans Set\ language\ to\ Črkovalnik:\
+ menutrans &Find\ More\ Languages &Ostali\ jeziki
+if has("folding")
+ menutrans &Folding Zvijanje\ kode
+ " open close folds
+ menutrans &Enable/Disable\ folds<Tab>zi Omogoči/onemogoči\ zvijanje<Tab>zi " Omogoči/onemogoči\ zavihke
+ menutrans &View\ Cursor\ Line<Tab>zv Pokaži\ vrstico\ s\ kazalčkom<Tab>zv " kjer je kazalec
+ menutrans Vie&w\ Cursor\ Line\ only<Tab>zMzx Pokaži\ samo\ vrstico\ s\ kazalčkom<Tab>zMzx
+ menutrans C&lose\ more\ folds<Tab>zm Zvij\ naslednji\ nivo<Tab>zm " Zapri\ več\ zavihkov
+ menutrans &Close\ all\ folds<Tab>zM Zvij\ vso\ kodo<Tab>zM " Zapri\ vse\ zavihke
+ menutrans O&pen\ more\ folds<Tab>zr Razvij\ en\ nivo<Tab>zr " Odpri\ več\ zavihkov
+ menutrans &Open\ all\ folds<Tab>zR Razvij\ vso\ kodo<Tab>zR " Odpri\ vse\ zavihke
+ " fold method
+ menutrans Fold\ Met&hod Kriterij\ za\ zvijanje " Ustvarjanje\ zavihkov
+ menutrans M&anual &Ročno
+ menutrans I&ndent Glede\ na\ &poravnavo
+ menutrans E&xpression Z\ &izrazi\ (foldexpr)
+ menutrans S&yntax Glede\ na\ &sintakso
+ menutrans &Diff Razlike\ (&diff)
+ menutrans Ma&rker Z\ &markerji/označbami
+ " create and delete folds
+ " TODO accelerators
+ menutrans Create\ &Fold<Tab>zf Ustvari\ zvitek<Tab>zf
+ menutrans &Delete\ Fold<Tab>zd Izbriši\ zvitek<Tab>zd
+ menutrans Delete\ &All\ Folds<Tab>zD Izbriši\ vse\ zvitke<Tab>zD
+ " moving around in folds
+ menutrans Fold\ column\ &width Širina\ drevesa\ z\ zvitki
+endif " has folding
+if has("diff")
+ menutrans &Diff Razlike\ (&Diff)
+ menutrans &Update &Posodobi<Tab>
+ menutrans &Get\ Block &Sprejmi\ (spremeni\ to\ okno) " XXX: check if translation is OK
+ menutrans &Put\ Block &Pošlji\ (spremeni\ drugo\ okno)
+menutrans &Make<Tab>:make Napravi\ (&make)<Tab>:make
+menutrans &List\ Errors<Tab>:cl Pokaži\ napake<Tab>:cl
+menutrans L&ist\ Messages<Tab>:cl! Pokaži\ sporočila<Tab>:cl!
+menutrans &Next\ Error<Tab>:cn K\ &naslednji\ napaki<Tab>:cn
+menutrans &Previous\ Error<Tab>:cp K\ &prejšnji\ napaki<Tab>:cp
+menutrans &Older\ List<Tab>:cold K\ &starejšemu\ seznamu\ napak<Tab>:cold
+menutrans N&ewer\ List<Tab>:cnew K\ &novejšemu\ seznamu\ napak<Tab>:cnew
+menutrans Error\ &Window Okno\ z\ napakami
+menutrans &Update<Tab>:cwin &Posodobi<Tab>:cwin
+menutrans &Open<Tab>:copen &Odpri<Tab>:copen
+menutrans &Close<Tab>:cclose &Zapri<Tab>:cclose
+menutrans &Set\ Compiler Nastavi\ &prevajalnik
+menutrans Se&T\ Compiler Nastavi\ &prevajalnik " bug in original translation?
+menutrans &Convert\ to\ HEX<Tab>:%!xxd Pretvori\ v\ HE&X<Tab>:%!xxd
+menutrans Conve&rt\ back<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r Pretvori\ nazaj<Tab>:%!xxd\ -r
+menutrans &Syntax &Barvanje\ kode
+menutrans &Show\ filetypes\ in\ menu Podprte\ vrste\ datotek
+menutrans Set\ '&syntax'\ only Samo\ barvanje\ ('&syntax')
+menutrans Set\ '&filetype'\ too Tudi\ obnašanje\ ('&filetype')
+menutrans &Off &Izključeno
+menutrans &Manual &Ročno
+menutrans A&utomatic &Avtomatsko
+menutrans on/off\ for\ &This\ file Vključi/izključi\ za\ to\ datoteko
+menutrans Co&lor\ test Preizkus\ barv
+menutrans &Highlight\ test Preizkus\ barvanja\ kode
+menutrans &Convert\ to\ HTML Pretvori\ v\ &HTML
+menutrans &Buffers &Medpomnilnik " XXX: ni najbolje: okno bi bolj pristajalo, ampak okno je že
+menutrans &Refresh\ menu &Osveži
+menutrans Delete &Briši
+menutrans &Alternate &Menjaj
+menutrans &Next &Naslednji
+menutrans &Previous &Prejšnji
+menutrans [No\ File] [Brez\ datoteke]
+" {{{ WINDOW / OKNO
+menutrans &Window &Okno
+menutrans &New<Tab>^Wn &Novo<Tab>^Wn
+menutrans S&plit<Tab>^Ws Razdeli<Tab>^Ws
+menutrans Split\ &Vertically<Tab>^Wv Razdeli\ navpično<Tab>^Ws
+menutrans Split\ File\ E&xplorer Razdeli:\ Vsebina\ mape
+menutrans Sp&lit\ To\ #<Tab>^W^^ Razdeli\ v\ #<Tab>^W^^
+menutrans &Close<Tab>^Wc &Zapri<Tab>^Wc
+menutrans Close\ &Other(s)<Tab>^Wo Zapri\ &ostala<Tab>^Wo
+menutrans Move\ &To Premakni
+menutrans &Top<Tab>^WK &Gor<Tab>^WK
+menutrans &Bottom<Tab>^WJ &Dol<Tab>^WJ
+menutrans &Left\ side<Tab>^WH &Levo<Tab>^WH
+menutrans &Right\ side<Tab>^WL &Desno<Tab>^WL
+menutrans Rotate\ &Up<Tab>^WR Zavrti\ navzgor<Tab>^WR
+menutrans Rotate\ &Down<Tab>^Wr Zavrti\ navzdol<Tab>^Wr
+menutrans &Equal\ Size<Tab>^W= &Enaka\ velikost<Tab>^W=
+menutrans &Max\ Height<Tab>^W_ Najvišje<Tab>^W_
+menutrans M&in\ Height<Tab>^W1_ Najnižje<Tab>^W1_
+menutrans Max\ &Width<Tab>^W\| Najširše<Tab>^W\|
+menutrans Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| Najožje<Tab>^W1\|
+" }}} WINDOW / OKNO
+" {{{ HELP / POMOČ
+menutrans &Help &Pomoč
+menutrans &Overview<Tab><F1> Hitri\ pregled<Tab><F1>
+menutrans &User\ Manual P&riročnik
+menutrans &How-to\ links &How-to\ kazalo
+menutrans &Find\.\.\. Po&išči\ \.\.\. " conflicts with Edit.Find
+menutrans &Credits &Avtorji
+menutrans Co&pying &Licenca
+menutrans &Sponsor/Register Registracija\ in\ &donacije
+menutrans O&rphans &Sirotam
+menutrans &Version &Verzija
+menutrans &About &O\ programu
+" }}} HELP / POMOČ
+" {{{ POPUP
+menutrans &Undo &Razveljavi
+menutrans Cu&t &Izreži
+menutrans &Copy &Kopieraj
+menutrans &Paste &Prilepi
+menutrans &Delete &Zbriši
+menutrans Select\ Blockwise Izbiraj\ po\ blokih
+menutrans Select\ &Word Izberi\ &besedo
+menutrans Select\ &Sentence Izberi\ &stavek
+menutrans Select\ Pa&ragraph Izberi\ &odstavek
+menutrans Select\ &Line Izberi\ vrs&tico
+menutrans Select\ &Block Izberi\ b&lok
+menutrans &Select\ All<Tab>ggVG Izberi\ &vse<Tab>ggVG
+" }}} POPUP
+" {{{ TOOLBAR
+if has("toolbar")
+ if exists("*Do_toolbar_tmenu")
+ delfun Do_toolbar_tmenu
+ endif
+ fun Do_toolbar_tmenu()
+ tmenu ToolBar.Open Odpri datoteko
+ tmenu ToolBar.Save Shrani datoteko
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveAll Shrani vse datoteke
+ tmenu ToolBar.Print Natisni
+ tmenu ToolBar.Undo Razveljavi
+ tmenu ToolBar.Redo Obnovi
+ tmenu ToolBar.Cut Izreži
+ tmenu ToolBar.Copy Kopiraj
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Prilepi
+ tmenu ToolBar.Find Najdi ...
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindNext Najdi naslednje
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev Najdi prejšnje
+ tmenu ToolBar.Replace Najdi in zamenjaj ...
+ tmenu ToolBar.LoadSesn Naloži sejo
+ tmenu ToolBar.SaveSesn Shrani trenutno sejo
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunScript Izberi Vim skripto za izvajanje
+ tmenu ToolBar.Make Napravi trenutni projekt (:make)
+ tmenu ToolBar.RunCtags Napravi značke v trenutnem direktoriju (!ctags -R.)
+ tmenu ToolBar.TagJump Skoči k znački pod kurzorjem
+ tmenu ToolBar.Help Pomoč za Vim
+ tmenu ToolBar.FindHelp Išči v pomoči za Vim
+ endfun
+" }}} TOOLBAR
+let g:menutrans_no_file = "[Brez datoteke]"
+let g:menutrans_help_dialog = "Vnesite ukaz ali besedo, za katero želite pomoč:\n\nUporabite predpono i_ za ukaze v načinu za pisanje (npr.: i_CTRL-X)\nUporabite predpono c_ za ukaze v ukazni vrstici (command-line) (npr.: c_<Del>)\nUporabite predpono ' za imena opcij (npr.: 'shiftwidth')"
+let g:menutrans_path_dialog = "Vnesite poti za iskanje datotek.\nImena direktorijev ločite z vejico."
+let g:menutrans_tags_dialog = "Vnesite imena datotek z značkami ('tag').\nImana ločite z vejicami."
+let g:menutrans_textwidth_dialog = "Vnesite novo širino besedila (ali 0 za izklop formatiranja): "
+let g:menutrans_fileformat_dialog = "Izberite format datoteke"
+let g:menutrans_fileformat_choices = "&Unix\n&Dos\n&Mac\n&Prekliči"
+" }}}
diff --git a/runtime/lang/menu_zh_cn.gb2312.vim b/runtime/lang/menu_zh_cn.gb2312.vim
index 6819f4605..3ec825ce9 100644
--- a/runtime/lang/menu_zh_cn.gb2312.vim
+++ b/runtime/lang/menu_zh_cn.gb2312.vim
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@ if exists("did_menu_trans")
let did_menu_trans = 1
-scriptencoding gb2312
+" This causes trouble for a broken iconv (symptom: last character is always
+" ??). Without this it works fine anyway, because gbk/cp936 is a superset of
+" gb2312. (suggested by Edward L. Fox)
+" scriptencoding gb2312
" Help menu
menutrans &Help (&H)
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ menutrans &Keymap ӳ(&K)
menutrans &Tools (&T)
menutrans &Jump\ to\ this\ tag<Tab>g^] ת\ tag(&J)<Tab>g^]
menutrans Jump\ &back<Tab>^T ת(&B)<Tab>^T
-menutrans Build\ &Tags\ File Tags ļ(&T)
+menutrans Build\ &Tags\ File \ Tags\ ļ(&T)
" Tools.Spelling Menu
menutrans &Spelling ƴд(&S)
@@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ menutrans Min\ Widt&h<Tab>^W1\| С(&H)<Tab>^W1\|
menutrans &Undo (&U)
menutrans Cu&t (&T)
menutrans &Copy (&C)
-menutrans &Paste ճ(&P)
+menutrans &Paste ճ(&P)
menutrans &Delete ɾ(&D)
menutrans Select\ Blockwise ѡ
menutrans Select\ &Word ѡ񵥴(&W)
@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ if has("toolbar")
tmenu ToolBar.Redo
tmenu ToolBar.Cut е
tmenu ToolBar.Copy Ƶ
- tmenu ToolBar.Paste Ӽճ
+ tmenu ToolBar.Paste Ӽճ
tmenu ToolBar.Find ...
tmenu ToolBar.FindNext һ
tmenu ToolBar.FindPrev һ
diff --git a/runtime/macros/less.vim b/runtime/macros/less.vim
index bbd74fbf4..959a5d735 100644
--- a/runtime/macros/less.vim
+++ b/runtime/macros/less.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" Vim script to work like "less"
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last Change: 2006 May 07
+" Last Change: 2006 Dec 05
" Avoid loading this file twice, allow the user to define his own script.
if exists("loaded_less")
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ fun! s:Forward()
noremap <script> N Hg0Nzt<SID>L
- cnoremap <script> <CR> <CR>:cunmap <lt>CR><CR>zt<SID>L
+ cnoremap <silent> <script> <CR> <CR>:cunmap <lt>CR><CR>zt<SID>L
fun! s:Backward()
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ fun! s:Backward()
noremap <script> n Hg0nzt<SID>L
noremap <script> N H$Nzt<SID>L
- cnoremap <script> <CR> <CR>:cunmap <lt>CR><CR>zt<SID>L
+ cnoremap <silent> <script> <CR> <CR>:cunmap <lt>CR><CR>zt<SID>L
call s:Forward()
diff --git a/runtime/macros/matchit.vim b/runtime/macros/matchit.vim
index a2f205076..7fcc53e80 100644
--- a/runtime/macros/matchit.vim
+++ b/runtime/macros/matchit.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" matchit.vim: (global plugin) Extended "%" matching
-" Last Change: Sun Feb 26 10:00 AM 2006 EST
+" Last Change: Mon May 15 10:00 PM 2006 EDT
" Maintainer: Benji Fisher PhD <>
-" Version: 1.10, for Vim 6.3
+" Version: 1.11, for Vim 6.3+
" URL:
" Documentation:
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
" Support for many languages by Johannes Zellner
" Suggestions for improvement, bug reports, and support for additional
" languages by Jordi-Albert Batalla, Neil Bird, Servatius Brandt, Mark
-" Collett, Stephen Wall, Dany St-Amant, and Johannes Zellner.
+" Collett, Stephen Wall, Dany St-Amant, Yuheng Xie, and Johannes Zellner.
" Debugging:
" If you'd like to try the built-in debugging commands...
@@ -172,9 +172,10 @@ function! s:Match_wrapper(word, forward, mode) range
else " Find the match that ends on or after the cursor and set curcol.
let regexp = s:Wholematch(matchline, s:all, startcol-1)
let curcol = match(matchline, regexp)
- let suf = strlen(matchline) - matchend(matchline, regexp)
- let prefix = (curcol ? '^.\{' . curcol . '}\%(' : '^\%(')
- let suffix = (suf ? '\).\{' . suf . '}$' : '\)$')
+ let endcol = matchend(matchline, regexp)
+ let suf = strlen(matchline) - endcol
+ let prefix = (curcol ? '^.*\%' . (curcol + 1) . 'c\%(' : '^\%(')
+ let suffix = (suf ? '\)\%' . (endcol + 1) . 'c.*$' : '\)$')
" If the match comes from the defaults, bail out.
if matchline !~ prefix .
\ substitute(s:pat, s:notslash.'\zs[,:]\+', '\\|', 'g') . suffix
@@ -262,10 +263,11 @@ function! s:Match_wrapper(word, forward, mode) range
normal! H
let restore_cursor = "normal!" . line(".") . "Gzt" . restore_cursor
execute restore_cursor
- normal! 0
- if curcol
- execute "normal!" . curcol . "l"
- endif
+ call cursor(0, curcol + 1)
+ " normal! 0
+ " if curcol
+ " execute "normal!" . curcol . "l"
+ " endif
if skip =~ 'synID' && !(has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on"))
let skip = "0"
@@ -415,9 +417,9 @@ endfun
" let match = matchstr(getline("."), regexp)
fun! s:Wholematch(string, pat, start)
let group = '\%(' . a:pat . '\)'
- let prefix = (a:start ? '\(^.\{,' . a:start . '}\)\zs' : '^')
+ let prefix = (a:start ? '\(^.*\%<' . (a:start + 2) . 'c\)\zs' : '^')
let len = strlen(a:string)
- let suffix = (a:start+1 < len ? '\(.\{,'.(len-a:start-1).'}$\)\@=' : '$')
+ let suffix = (a:start+1 < len ? '\(\%>'.(a:start+1).'c.*$\)\@=' : '$')
if a:string !~ prefix . group . suffix
let prefix = ''
diff --git a/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim b/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2464c9888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/plugin/getscriptPlugin.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" getscriptPlugin.vim
+" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
+" Date: Jul 18, 2006
+" Installing: :help glvs-install
+" Usage: :help glvs
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 642 1 :AutoInstall: GetLatestVimScripts.vim
+" (Rom 15:11 WEB) Again, "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Let
+" all the peoples praise Him."
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Initialization: {{{1
+" if you're sourcing this file, surely you can't be
+" expecting vim to be in its vi-compatible mode
+if &cp || exists("g:loaded_getscriptPlugin")
+ if &verbose
+ echo "GetLatestVimScripts is not vi-compatible; not loaded (you need to set nocp)"
+ endif
+ finish
+let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = 1
+let s:keepfo = &fo
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Public Interface: {{{1
+com! -nargs=0 GetLatestVimScripts call getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
+com! -nargs=0 GetScripts call getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
+silent! com -nargs=0 GLVS call getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
+" Restore Options: {{{1
+let &fo = s:keepfo
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" vim: ts=8 sts=2 fdm=marker nowrap
diff --git a/runtime/spell/pt/main.aap b/runtime/spell/pt/main.aap
index 91c689bf7..9256a9b2b 100644
--- a/runtime/spell/pt/main.aap
+++ b/runtime/spell/pt/main.aap
@@ -1,4 +1,19 @@
# Aap recipe for Portuguese Vim spell files.
+# Based on a shell script by Leonardo Fontenelle.
+# His remarks:
+# Makes a Vim pt dictionary from's pt_BR and pt_PT.
+# AFAIK, will have to update the script every time a new dictionary is
+# released for pt_BR. I asked the maintainer to update OOo's FTP site,
+# but it didn't happen yet. As for the pt_PT dictionary, they won't be
+# in OOo's FTP site for some time, because the Portuguese OOo project
+# decided to adapt the pt_BR dictionary, which is much more extensive.
+# I picked the Natura project unofficial dictionary, because it has been
+# developed by a team with linguists, and for a longer time. At least the
+# pt_PT dictionary has a "latest" file to make our lives easier.
# Use a freshly compiled Vim if it exists.
@if os.path.exists('../../../src/vim'):
@@ -10,15 +25,31 @@ SPELLDIR = ..
FILES = pt_PT.aff pt_PT.dic
pt_BR.aff pt_BR.dic
+# Fetching the pt_PT files from the Natura project.
+:attr {fetch = $PT_DIR/%file%} $PT_FNAME
+# Fetching the pt_BR files from (Brazilian OOo) 2.1. Should be
+# updated really soon.
+:attr {fetch = $BR_DIR} $BR_FNAME
all: $SPELLDIR/pt.latin1.spl $SPELLDIR/pt.utf-8.spl \
$SPELLDIR/pt.latin1.spl : $FILES
- :sys env LANG=pt_PT.ISO8859-1
+ :sys env LANG=pt_PT.ISO8859-1 LC_ALL=pt_PT.ISO8859-1
$VIM -u NONE -e -c "mkspell! $SPELLDIR/pt pt_PT pt_BR" -c q
$SPELLDIR/pt.utf-8.spl : $FILES
- :sys env LANG=pt_PT.UTF-8
+ :sys env LANG=pt_PT.UTF-8 LC_ALL=pt_PT.UTF-8
$VIM -u NONE -e -c "mkspell! $SPELLDIR/pt pt_PT pt_BR" -c q
../README_pt.txt: README_pt_PT.txt README_pt_BR.txt
@@ -26,23 +57,21 @@ $SPELLDIR/pt.utf-8.spl : $FILES
:cat README_pt_PT.txt | :eval re.sub('\r', '', stdin) >>$target
:print =================================================== >>$target
:print pt_BR: >>$target
- :cat README_pt_BR.txt | :eval re.sub('\r', '', stdin) >>$target
-# Fetching the files from
-:attr {fetch = $OODIR/%file%}
+ :print Information is in Leia-me.pdf, see $BR_DIR >>$target
+ :cat README_pt_BR.txt >>$target
# The files don't depend on the .zip file so that we can delete it.
# Only download the zip file if the targets don't exist.
pt_PT.aff pt_PT.dic: {buildcheck=}
:assertpkg unzip patch
- :fetch
- :sys $UNZIP
- :delete
- :sys $VIM pt_PT.dic -e -c "set ff=unix" -c update -c q
- :sys $VIM README_pt_PT.txt -e -c "set ff=unix" -c update -c q
+ :fetch $PT_FNAME
+ :delete $PT_FNAME
+ :move*/pt_PT.dic .
+ :move*/pt_PT.aff .
+ :move*/README_pt_PT.txt .
+ :move*/COPYING COPYING_pt_PT.txt
+ :deldir*
@if not os.path.exists('pt_PT.orig.aff'):
:copy pt_PT.aff pt_PT.orig.aff
@if not os.path.exists('pt_PT.orig.dic'):
@@ -52,12 +81,22 @@ pt_PT.aff pt_PT.dic: {buildcheck=}
pt_BR.aff pt_BR.dic: {buildcheck=}
:assertpkg unzip patch
- :fetch
- :sys $UNZIP
- :delete
- :sys $VIM pt_BR.aff -e -c "set ff=unix" -c update -c q
- :sys $VIM pt_BR.dic -e -c "set ff=unix" -c update -c q
- :sys $VIM README_pt_BR.txt -e -c "set ff=unix" -c update -c q
+ :fetch $BR_FNAME
+ :delete $BR_FNAME
+ :move Leia-me.pdf Leia-me_pt_BR.pdf
+# 1. pt_BR.dic contains a cp1252-specific character.
+# Changing it to its latin1 equivalent.
+# 2. Vim seems to ignore the dots from the word list.
+# Removing words with dot to avoid misbehaviour.
+ :sys $VIM pt_BR.dic -e -c "set ff=unix" -c "%s/\%x92/'/g" -c "/\./d" -c update -c q
+# Removing /* ... */ header to avoid warnings. Write it to the README file, it
+# contains the copyright notice.
+ :sys $VIM pt_BR.aff -e -c "set ff=unix" -c "/\/\*/,/\*\//w README_pt_BR.txt" -c "/\/\*/,/\*\//+1d" -c update -c q
+ #:sys $VIM README_pt_BR.txt -e -c "set ff=unix" -c update -c q
@if not os.path.exists('pt_BR.orig.aff'):
:copy pt_BR.aff pt_BR.orig.aff
@if not os.path.exists('pt_BR.orig.dic'):
@@ -79,10 +118,11 @@ diff:
# Check for updated OpenOffice spell files. When there are changes the
# ".new.aff" and ".new.dic" files are left behind for manual inspection.
-check: check-us check-au
+check: check-pt check-br
:assertpkg unzip diff
:mkdir tmp
@@ -101,7 +141,7 @@ check-us:
:delete {r}{f}{q} tmp
:assertpkg unzip diff
:mkdir tmp
diff --git a/runtime/spell/pt/pt_BR.diff b/runtime/spell/pt/pt_BR.diff
index 10b1d7aac..dc7825bf4 100644
--- a/runtime/spell/pt/pt_BR.diff
+++ b/runtime/spell/pt/pt_BR.diff
@@ -1,46 +1,12 @@
-*** pt_BR.orig.aff Wed Aug 31 20:05:18 2005
---- pt_BR.aff Wed Aug 31 20:05:18 2005
+*** pt_BR.orig.aff Mon Apr 16 15:38:54 2007
+--- pt_BR.aff Mon Apr 16 15:49:01 2007
*** 3,4 ****
---- 3,22 ----
+--- 3,9 ----
-+ SOFOTO ebctefghejklnnepkrstevvkesebctefghejklnnepkrstevvkeseeeeeeeceeeeeeeedneeeeeeeeeeepseeeeeeeeceeeeeeeedneeeeeeeeeeep?
-+ MAP 9
-+ MAP a
-+ MAP e
-+ MAP i
-+ MAP o
-+ MAP u
-+ MAP n
-+ MAP c
-+ MAP y
-+ MAP s
- # Plural apenas
-*** 526,534 ****
- SFX I ar s dar
-! SFX I iar eia [^]iar
-! SFX I iar eiam [^]iar
-! SFX I iar eias [^]iar
-! SFX I iar eie [^]iar
-! SFX I iar eiem [^]iar
-! SFX I iar eies [^]iar
-! SFX I iar eio [^]iar
- SFX I oiar ia oiar
---- 544,552 ----
- SFX I ar s dar
-! SFX I iar eia [^o]iar
-! SFX I iar eiam [^o]iar
-! SFX I iar eias [^o]iar
-! SFX I iar eie [^o]iar
-! SFX I iar eiem [^o]iar
-! SFX I iar eies [^o]iar
-! SFX I iar eio [^o]iar
- SFX I oiar ia oiar
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/ada.vim b/runtime/syntax/ada.vim
index 7a7b2a077..f31770077 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/ada.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/ada.vim
@@ -1,287 +1,367 @@
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language: Ada (95)
-" Maintainer: David A. Wheeler <>
-" URL:
-" Last Change: 2001-11-02
-" Former Maintainer: Simon Bradley <>
-" (was <>)
-" Other contributors: Preben Randhol.
-" The formal spec of Ada95 (ARM) is the "Ada95 Reference Manual".
-" For more Ada95 info, see and
-" This vim syntax file works on vim 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 6.x.
-" It implements Bram Moolenaar's April 25, 2001 recommendations to make
-" the syntax file maximally portable across different versions of vim.
-" If vim 6.0+ is available,
-" this syntax file takes advantage of the vim 6.0 advanced pattern-matching
-" functions to avoid highlighting uninteresting leading spaces in
-" some expressions containing "with" and "use".
-" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
-" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
-if version < 600
- syntax clear
-elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
+" Description: Vim Ada syntax file
+" Language: Ada (2005)
+" $Id$
+" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Maintainer: Martin Krischik
+" David A. Wheeler <>
+" Simon Bradley <>
+" Contributors: Preben Randhol.
+" $Author$
+" $Date$
+" Version: 4.2
+" $Revision$
+" $HeadURL: $
+" History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+" 26.05.2006 MK ' should not be in iskeyword.
+" 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
+" 02.10.2006 MK Better folding.
+" 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+" 05.11.2006 MK Spell check for comments and strings only
+" 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
+" Help Page: help ft-ada-syntax
+" The formal spec of Ada 2005 (ARM) is the "Ada 2005 Reference Manual".
+" For more Ada 2005 info, see and
+" This vim syntax file works on vim 7.0 only and makes use of most of Voim 7.0
+" advanced features.
+if exists("b:current_syntax") || version < 700
+ finish
-" Ada is entirely case-insensitive.
-syn case ignore
+let b:current_syntax = "ada"
-" We don't need to look backwards to highlight correctly;
-" this speeds things up greatly.
-syn sync minlines=1 maxlines=1
+" Section: Ada is entirely case-insensitive. {{{1
+syntax case ignore
+setlocal nosmartcase
+setlocal ignorecase
-" Highlighting commands. There are 69 reserved words in total in Ada95.
-" Some keywords are used in more than one way. For example:
+" Section: Highlighting commands {{{1
+" There are 72 reserved words in total in Ada2005. Some keywords are
+" used in more than one way. For example:
" 1. "end" is a general keyword, but "end if" ends a Conditional.
" 2. "then" is a conditional, but "and then" is an operator.
-" Standard Exceptions (including I/O).
-" We'll highlight the standard exceptions, similar to vim's Python mode.
-" It's possible to redefine the standard exceptions as something else,
-" but doing so is very bad practice, so simply highlighting them makes sense.
-syn keyword adaException Constraint_Error Program_Error Storage_Error
-syn keyword adaException Tasking_Error
-syn keyword adaException Status_Error Mode_Error Name_Error Use_Error
-syn keyword adaException Device_Error End_Error Data_Error Layout_Error
-syn keyword adaException Length_Error Pattern_Error Index_Error
-syn keyword adaException Translation_Error
-syn keyword adaException Time_Error Argument_Error
-syn keyword adaException Tag_Error
-syn keyword adaException Picture_Error
-" Interfaces
-syn keyword adaException Terminator_Error Conversion_Error
-syn keyword adaException Pointer_Error Dereference_Error Update_Error
-" This isn't in the Ada spec, but a GNAT extension.
-syn keyword adaException Assert_Failure
-" We don't list ALL exceptions defined in particular compilers (e.g., GNAT),
-" because it's quite reasonable to define those phrases as non-exceptions.
-" We don't normally highlight types in package Standard
-" (Integer, Character, Float, etc.). I don't think it looks good
-" with the other type keywords, and many Ada programs define
-" so many of their own types that it looks inconsistent.
-" However, if you want this highlighting, turn on "ada_standard_types".
-" For package Standard's definition, see ARM section A.1.
-if exists("ada_standard_types")
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType Boolean Integer Natural Positive Float
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType Character Wide_Character
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType String Wide_String
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType Duration
- " These aren't listed in ARM section A.1's code, but they're noted as
- " options in ARM sections 3.5.4 and 3.5.7:
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType Short_Integer Short_Short_Integer
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType Long_Integer Long_Long_Integer
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType Short_Float Short_Short_Float
- syn keyword adaBuiltinType Long_Float Long_Long_Float
+for b:Item in g:ada#Keywords
+ " Standard Exceptions (including I/O).
+ " We'll highlight the standard exceptions, similar to vim's Python mode.
+ " It's possible to redefine the standard exceptions as something else,
+ " but doing so is very bad practice, so simply highlighting them makes sense.
+ if b:Item['kind'] == "x"
+ execute "syntax keyword adaException " . b:Item['word']
+ endif
+ if b:Item['kind'] == "a"
+ execute 'syntax match adaAttribute "\V' . b:Item['word'] . '"'
+ endif
+ " We don't normally highlight types in package Standard
+ " (Integer, Character, Float, etc.). I don't think it looks good
+ " with the other type keywords, and many Ada programs define
+ " so many of their own types that it looks inconsistent.
+ " However, if you want this highlighting, turn on "ada_standard_types".
+ " For package Standard's definition, see ARM section A.1.
+ if b:Item['kind'] == "t" && exists ("g:ada_standard_types")
+ execute "syntax keyword adaBuiltinType " . b:Item['word']
+ endif
+" Section: others {{{1
+syntax keyword adaLabel others
+" Section: Operatoren {{{1
+syntax keyword adaOperator abs mod not rem xor
+syntax match adaOperator "\<and\>"
+syntax match adaOperator "\<and\s\+then\>"
+syntax match adaOperator "\<or\>"
+syntax match adaOperator "\<or\s\+else\>"
+syntax match adaOperator "[-+*/<>&]"
+syntax keyword adaOperator **
+syntax match adaOperator "[/<>]="
+syntax keyword adaOperator =>
+syntax match adaOperator "\.\."
+syntax match adaOperator "="
+" Section: <> {{{1
+" Handle the box, <>, specially:
+syntax keyword adaSpecial <>
+" Section: rainbow color {{{1
+if exists("g:ada_rainbow_color")
+ syntax match adaSpecial "[:;.,]"
+ runtime plugin/Rainbow_Parenthsis.vim
+ syntax match adaSpecial "[:;().,]"
-" There are MANY other predefined types; they've not been added, because
-" determining when they're a type requires context in general.
-" One potential addition would be Unbounded_String.
-syn keyword adaLabel others
-syn keyword adaOperator abs mod not rem xor
-syn match adaOperator "\<and\>"
-syn match adaOperator "\<and\s\+then\>"
-syn match adaOperator "\<or\>"
-syn match adaOperator "\<or\s\+else\>"
-syn match adaOperator "[-+*/<>&]"
-syn keyword adaOperator **
-syn match adaOperator "[/<>]="
-syn keyword adaOperator =>
-syn match adaOperator "\.\."
-syn match adaOperator "="
+" Section: := {{{1
" We won't map "adaAssignment" by default, but we need to map ":=" to
" something or the "=" inside it will be mislabelled as an operator.
" Note that in Ada, assignment (:=) is not considered an operator.
-syn match adaAssignment ":="
-" Handle the box, <>, specially:
-syn keyword adaSpecial <>
-" Numbers, including floating point, exponents, and alternate bases.
-syn match adaNumber "\<\d[0-9_]*\(\.\d[0-9_]*\)\=\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\=\>"
-syn match adaNumber "\<\d\d\=#\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\(\.\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\)\=#\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\="
-" Identify leading numeric signs. In "A-5" the "-" is an operator,
-" but in "A:=-5" the "-" is a sign. This handles "A3+-5" (etc.) correctly.
-" This assumes that if you put a don't put a space after +/- when it's used
-" as an operator, you won't put a space before it either -- which is true
-" in code I've seen.
-syn match adaSign "[[:space:]<>=(,|:;&*/+-][+-]\d"lc=1,hs=s+1,he=e-1,me=e-1
-" Labels for the goto statement.
-syn region adaLabel start="<<" end=">>"
+syntax match adaAssignment ":="
+" Section: Numbers, including floating point, exponents, and alternate bases. {{{1
+syntax match adaNumber "\<\d[0-9_]*\(\.\d[0-9_]*\)\=\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\=\>"
+syntax match adaNumber "\<\d\d\=#\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\(\.\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\)\=#\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\="
+" Section: Identify leading numeric signs {{{1
+" In "A-5" the "-" is an operator, " but in "A:=-5" the "-" is a sign. This
+" handles "A3+-5" (etc.) correctly. " This assumes that if you put a
+" don't put a space after +/- when it's used " as an operator, you won't
+" put a space before it either -- which is true " in code I've seen.
+syntax match adaSign "[[:space:]<>=(,|:;&*/+-][+-]\d"lc=1,hs=s+1,he=e-1,me=e-1
+" Section: Labels for the goto statement. {{{1
+syntax region adaLabel start="<<" end=">>"
+" Section: Boolean Constants {{{1
" Boolean Constants.
-syn keyword adaBoolean true false
+syntax keyword adaBoolean true false
+" Section: Warn C/C++ {{{1
" Warn people who try to use C/C++ notation erroneously:
-syn match adaError "//"
-syn match adaError "/\*"
-syn match adaError "=="
-if exists("ada_space_errors")
- if !exists("ada_no_trail_space_error")
- syn match adaSpaceError excludenl "\s\+$"
- endif
- if !exists("ada_no_tab_space_error")
- syn match adaSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1
- endif
+syntax match adaError "//"
+syntax match adaError "/\*"
+syntax match adaError "=="
+" Section: Space Errors {{{1
+if exists("g:ada_space_errors")
+ if !exists("g:ada_no_trail_space_error")
+ syntax match adaSpaceError excludenl "\s\+$"
+ endif
+ if !exists("g:ada_no_tab_space_error")
+ syntax match adaSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1
+ endif
+ if !exists("g:ada_all_tab_usage")
+ syntax match adaSpecial "\t"
+ endif
+" Section: end {{{1
" Unless special ("end loop", "end if", etc.), "end" marks the end of a
" begin, package, task etc. Assiging it to adaEnd.
-syn match adaEnd "\<end\>"
+syntax match adaEnd "\<end\>"
-syn keyword adaPreproc pragma
+syntax keyword adaPreproc pragma
-syn keyword adaRepeat exit for loop reverse while
-syn match adaRepeat "\<end\s\+loop\>"
+syntax keyword adaRepeat exit for loop reverse while
+syntax match adaRepeat "\<end\s\+loop\>"
-syn keyword adaStatement accept delay goto raise requeue return
-syn keyword adaStatement terminate
-syn match adaStatement "\<abort\>"
+syntax keyword adaStatement accept delay goto raise requeue return
+syntax keyword adaStatement terminate
+syntax match adaStatement "\<abort\>"
-" Handle Ada's record keywords.
+" Section: Handle Ada's record keywords. {{{1
" 'record' usually starts a structure, but "with null record;" does not,
" and 'end record;' ends a structure. The ordering here is critical -
" 'record;' matches a "with null record", so make it a keyword (this can
" match when the 'with' or 'null' is on a previous line).
" We see the "end" in "end record" before the word record, so we match that
" pattern as adaStructure (and it won't match the "record;" pattern).
-syn match adaStructure "\<record\>"
-syn match adaStructure "\<end\s\+record\>"
-syn match adaKeyword "\<record;"me=e-1
-syn keyword adaStorageClass abstract access aliased array at constant delta
-syn keyword adaStorageClass digits limited of private range tagged
-syn keyword adaTypedef subtype type
-" Conditionals. "abort" after "then" is a conditional of its own.
-syn match adaConditional "\<then\>"
-syn match adaConditional "\<then\s\+abort\>"
-syn match adaConditional "\<else\>"
-syn match adaConditional "\<end\s\+if\>"
-syn match adaConditional "\<end\s\+case\>"
-syn match adaConditional "\<end\s\+select\>"
-syn keyword adaConditional if case select
-syn keyword adaConditional elsif when
-syn keyword adaKeyword all do exception in is new null out
-syn keyword adaKeyword separate until
+syntax match adaStructure "\<record\>" contains=adaRecord
+syntax match adaStructure "\<end\s\+record\>" contains=adaRecord
+syntax match adaKeyword "\<record;"me=e-1
+" Section: type classes {{{1
+syntax keyword adaStorageClass abstract access aliased array at constant delta
+syntax keyword adaStorageClass digits limited of private range tagged
+syntax keyword adaStorageClass interface synchronized
+syntax keyword adaTypedef subtype type
+" Section: Conditionals {{{1
+" "abort" after "then" is a conditional of its own.
+syntax match adaConditional "\<then\>"
+syntax match adaConditional "\<then\s\+abort\>"
+syntax match adaConditional "\<else\>"
+syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+if\>"
+syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+case\>"
+syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+select\>"
+syntax keyword adaConditional if case select
+syntax keyword adaConditional elsif when
+" Section: other keywords {{{1
+syntax match adaKeyword "\<is\>" contains=adaRecord
+syntax keyword adaKeyword all do exception in new null out
+syntax keyword adaKeyword separate until overriding
+" Section: begin keywords {{{1
" These keywords begin various constructs, and you _might_ want to
" highlight them differently.
-syn keyword adaBegin begin body declare entry function generic
-syn keyword adaBegin package procedure protected renames task
+syntax keyword adaBegin begin body declare entry generic
+syntax keyword adaBegin protected renames task
+syntax match adaBegin "\<function\>" contains=adaFunction
+syntax match adaBegin "\<procedure\>" contains=adaProcedure
+syntax match adaBegin "\<package\>" contains=adaPackage
+if exists("ada_with_gnat_project_files")
+ syntax keyword adaBegin project
+" Section: with, use {{{1
if exists("ada_withuse_ordinary")
-" Don't be fancy. Display "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords in all cases.
- syn keyword adaKeyword with use
+ " Don't be fancy. Display "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords in all cases.
+ syntax keyword adaKeyword with use
- " Highlight "with" and "use" clauses like C's "#include" when they're used
- " to reference other compilation units; otherwise they're ordinary keywords.
- " If we have vim 6.0 or later, we'll use its advanced pattern-matching
- " capabilities so that we won't match leading spaces.
- syn match adaKeyword "\<with\>"
- syn match adaKeyword "\<use\>"
- if version < 600
- syn match adaBeginWith "^\s*\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
- syn match adaSemiWith ";\s*\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>"lc=1 contains=adaInc
- else
- syn match adaBeginWith "^\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
- syn match adaSemiWith ";\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
- endif
- syn match adaInc "\<with\>" contained contains=NONE
- syn match adaInc "\<with\s\+type\>" contained contains=NONE
- syn match adaInc "\<use\>" contained contains=NONE
- " Recognize "with null record" as a keyword (even the "record").
- syn match adaKeyword "\<with\s\+null\s\+record\>"
- " Consider generic formal parameters of subprograms and packages as keywords.
- if version < 600
- syn match adaKeyword ";\s*with\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
- syn match adaKeyword "^\s*with\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
- else
- syn match adaKeyword ";\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
- syn match adaKeyword "^\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
- endif
+ " Highlight "with" and "use" clauses like C's "#include" when they're used
+ " to reference other compilation units; otherwise they're ordinary keywords.
+ " If we have vim 6.0 or later, we'll use its advanced pattern-matching
+ " capabilities so that we won't match leading spaces.
+ syntax match adaKeyword "\<with\>"
+ syntax match adaKeyword "\<use\>"
+ syntax match adaBeginWith "^\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
+ syntax match adaSemiWith ";\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
+ syntax match adaInc "\<with\>" contained contains=NONE
+ syntax match adaInc "\<with\s\+type\>" contained contains=NONE
+ syntax match adaInc "\<use\>" contained contains=NONE
+ " Recognize "with null record" as a keyword (even the "record").
+ syntax match adaKeyword "\<with\s\+null\s\+record\>"
+ " Consider generic formal parameters of subprograms and packages as keywords.
+ syntax match adaKeyword ";\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
+ syntax match adaKeyword "^\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
+" Section: String and character constants. {{{1
+syntax region adaString contains=@Spell start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+
+syntax match adaCharacter "'.'"
+" Section: Todo (only highlighted in comments) {{{1
+syntax keyword adaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
+" Section: Comments. {{{1
+syntax region adaComment
+ \ oneline
+ \ contains=adaTodo,adaLineError,@Spell
+ \ start="--"
+ \ end="$"
+" Section: line errors {{{1
+" Note: Line errors have become quite slow with Vim 7.0
+if exists("g:ada_line_errors")
+ syntax match adaLineError "\(^.\{79}\)\@<=." contains=ALL containedin=ALL
+" Section: syntax folding {{{1
+" Syntax folding is very tricky - for now I still suggest to use
+" indent folding
+if exists("g:ada_folding") && g:ada_folding[0] == 's'
+ if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'p') >= 0
+ syntax region adaPackage
+ \ start="\(\<package\s\+body\>\|\<package\>\)\s*\z(\k*\)"
+ \ end="end\s\+\z1\s*;"
+ \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
+ endif
+ if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'f') >= 0
+ syntax region adaProcedure
+ \ start="\<procedure\>\s*\z(\k*\)"
+ \ end="\<end\>\s\+\z1\s*;"
+ \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
+ syntax region adaFunction
+ \ start="\<procedure\>\s*\z(\k*\)"
+ \ end="end\s\+\z1\s*;"
+ \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
+ endif
+ if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'f') >= 0
+ syntax region adaRecord
+ \ start="\<is\s\+record\>"
+ \ end="\<end\s\+record\>"
+ \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
+ endif
-" String and character constants.
-syn region adaString start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+
-syn match adaCharacter "'.'"
-" Todo (only highlighted in comments)
-syn keyword adaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
-" Comments.
-syn region adaComment oneline contains=adaTodo start="--" end="$"
-" Define the default highlighting.
-" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
-" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
-if version >= 508 || !exists("did_ada_syn_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_ada_syn_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later.
- HiLink adaCharacter Character
- HiLink adaComment Comment
- HiLink adaConditional Conditional
- HiLink adaKeyword Keyword
- HiLink adaLabel Label
- HiLink adaNumber Number
- HiLink adaSign Number
- HiLink adaOperator Operator
- HiLink adaPreproc PreProc
- HiLink adaRepeat Repeat
- HiLink adaSpecial Special
- HiLink adaStatement Statement
- HiLink adaString String
- HiLink adaStructure Structure
- HiLink adaTodo Todo
- HiLink adaType Type
- HiLink adaTypedef Typedef
- HiLink adaStorageClass StorageClass
- HiLink adaBoolean Boolean
- HiLink adaException Exception
- HiLink adaInc Include
- HiLink adaError Error
- HiLink adaSpaceError Error
- HiLink adaBuiltinType Type
- if exists("ada_begin_preproc")
+" Section: The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later. {{{1
+highlight def link adaCharacter Character
+highlight def link adaComment Comment
+highlight def link adaConditional Conditional
+highlight def link adaKeyword Keyword
+highlight def link adaLabel Label
+highlight def link adaNumber Number
+highlight def link adaSign Number
+highlight def link adaOperator Operator
+highlight def link adaPreproc PreProc
+highlight def link adaRepeat Repeat
+highlight def link adaSpecial Special
+highlight def link adaStatement Statement
+highlight def link adaString String
+highlight def link adaStructure Structure
+highlight def link adaTodo Todo
+highlight def link adaType Type
+highlight def link adaTypedef Typedef
+highlight def link adaStorageClass StorageClass
+highlight def link adaBoolean Boolean
+highlight def link adaException Exception
+highlight def link adaAttribute Tag
+highlight def link adaInc Include
+highlight def link adaError Error
+highlight def link adaSpaceError Error
+highlight def link adaLineError Error
+highlight def link adaBuiltinType Type
+highlight def link adaAssignment Special
+" Subsection: Begin, End {{{2
+if exists ("ada_begin_preproc")
" This is the old default display:
- HiLink adaBegin PreProc
- HiLink adaEnd PreProc
- else
+ highlight def link adaBegin PreProc
+ highlight def link adaEnd PreProc
" This is the new default display:
- HiLink adaBegin Keyword
- HiLink adaEnd Keyword
- endif
- delcommand HiLink
+ highlight def link adaBegin Keyword
+ highlight def link adaEnd Keyword
-let b:current_syntax = "ada"
-" vim: ts=8
+" Section: formatoptions {{{1
+setlocal formatoptions+=ron
+" Section: sync {{{1
+" We don't need to look backwards to highlight correctly;
+" this speeds things up greatly.
+syntax sync minlines=1 maxlines=1
+finish " 1}}}
+" Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+" Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
+"vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
+"vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/bst.vim b/runtime/syntax/bst.vim
index 3feefec37..8fdcd43f2 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/bst.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/bst.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: BibTeX Bibliography Style
-" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
-" Last Change: 2006 Apr 27
+" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
" Filenames: *.bst
" $Id$
@@ -23,7 +22,11 @@ delcommand SetIsk
syn case ignore
-syn region bstString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=bstField,bstType
+syn match bstString +"[^"]*\%("\|$\)+ contains=bstField,bstType,bstError
+" Highlight the last character of an unclosed string, but only when the cursor
+" is not beyond it (i.e., it is still being edited). Imperfect.
+syn match bstError '[^"]\%#\@!$' contained
syn match bstNumber "#-\=\d\+\>"
syn keyword bstNumber entry.max$ global.max$
syn match bstComment "%.*"
@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_bst_syn_inits")
HiLink bstNumber Number
HiLink bstType Type
HiLink bstIdentifier Identifier
+ HiLink bstError Error
delcommand HiLink
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/cobol.vim b/runtime/syntax/cobol.vim
index 0b59f720b..dce2d3659 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/cobol.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/cobol.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
" Vim syntax file
-" Language: COBOL
-" Maintainers: Davyd Ondrejko <>
+" Language: COBOL
+" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
+" (formerly Davyd Ondrejko <>)
" (formerly Sitaram Chamarty <> and
" James Mitchell <>)
-" Last change: 2001 Sep 02
+" $Id$
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
@@ -22,77 +23,97 @@ endif
syn case ignore
-syn match cobolKeys "^\a\{1,6\}" contains=cobolReserved
+syn cluster cobolStart contains=cobolAreaA,cobolAreaB,cobolComment,cobolCompiler
+syn cluster cobolAreaA contains=cobolParagraph,cobolSection,cobolDivision
+"syn cluster cobolAreaB contains=
+syn cluster cobolAreaAB contains=cobolLine
+syn cluster cobolLine contains=cobolReserved
+syn match cobolMarker "^\%( \{,5\}[^ ]\)\@=.\{,6}" nextgroup=@cobolStart
+syn match cobolSpace "^ \{6\}" nextgroup=@cobolStart
+syn match cobolAreaA " \{1,4\}" contained nextgroup=@cobolAreaA,@cobolAreaAB
+syn match cobolAreaB " \{5,\}\|- *" contained nextgroup=@cobolAreaB,@cobolAreaAB
+syn match cobolComment "[/*C].*$" contained
+syn match cobolCompiler "$.*$" contained
+syn match cobolLine ".*$" contained contains=cobolReserved,@cobolLine
+syn match cobolDivision "[A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\s\+DIVISION\."he=e-1 contained contains=cobolDivisionName
+syn keyword cobolDivisionName contained IDENTIFICATION ENVIRONMENT DATA PROCEDURE
+syn match cobolSection "[A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\s\+SECTION\."he=e-1 contained contains=cobolSectionName
+syn match cobolParagraph "\a[A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z0-9]\.\|\d[A-Z0-9-]*[A-Z]\."he=e-1 contained contains=cobolParagraphName
+"syn match cobolKeys "^\a\{1,6\}" contains=cobolReserved
+syn keyword cobolReserved contained IN INDEX INDEXED INDICATE INITIAL INITIALIZE
+syn keyword cobolReserved contained SORT-MERGE SOURCE STANDARD
-syn keyword cobolReserved contained VARYING WHEN WITH WORDS WORKING-STORAGE WRITE
+syn keyword cobolReserved contained VARYING WHEN WITH WORDS WRITE
syn match cobolReserved contained "\<CONTAINS\>"
syn match cobolReserved contained "\<\(IF\|INVALID\|END\|EOP\)\>"
syn match cobolReserved contained "\<ALL\>"
+syn cluster cobolLine add=cobolConstant,cobolNumber,cobolPic
-syn match cobolMarker "^.\{6\}"
-syn match cobolBadLine "^.\{6\}[^ D\-*$/].*"hs=s+6
-" If comment mark somehow gets into column past Column 7.
-syn match cobolBadLine "^.\{6\}\s\+\*.*"
-syn match cobolNumber "\<-\=\d*\.\=\d\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment
-syn match cobolPic "\<S*9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment
-syn match cobolPic "\<$*\.\=9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment
-syn match cobolPic "\<Z*\.\=9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment
-syn match cobolPic "\<V9\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment
-syn match cobolPic "\<9\+V\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment
-syn match cobolPic "\<-\+[Z9]\+\>" contains=cobolMarker,cobolComment
-syn match cobolTodo "todo" contained
-syn match cobolComment "^.\{6\}\*.*"hs=s+6 contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker
-syn match cobolComment "^.\{6\}/.*"hs=s+6 contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker
-syn match cobolComment "^.\{6\}C.*"hs=s+6 contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker
-syn match cobolCompiler "^.\{6\}$.*"hs=s+6
+syn match cobolNumber "\<-\=\d*\.\=\d\+\>" contained
+syn match cobolPic "\<S*9\+\>" contained
+syn match cobolPic "\<$*\.\=9\+\>" contained
+syn match cobolPic "\<Z*\.\=9\+\>" contained
+syn match cobolPic "\<V9\+\>" contained
+syn match cobolPic "\<9\+V\>" contained
+syn match cobolPic "\<-\+[Z9]\+\>" contained
+syn match cobolTodo "todo" contained containedin=cobolComment
" For MicroFocus or other inline comments, include this line.
" syn region cobolComment start="*>" end="$" contains=cobolTodo,cobolMarker
+syn match cobolBadLine "[^ D\*$/-].*" contained
+" If comment mark somehow gets into column past Column 7.
+syn match cobolBadLine "\s\+\*.*" contained
+syn cluster cobolStart add=cobolBadLine
syn keyword cobolGoTo GO GOTO
syn keyword cobolCopy COPY
" cobolBAD: things that are BAD NEWS!
syn keyword cobolBAD ALTER ENTER RENAMES
+syn cluster cobolLine add=cobolGoTo,cobolCopy,cobolBAD,cobolWatch,cobolEXECs
" cobolWatch: things that are important when trying to understand a program
syn keyword cobolWatch REPLACING RUN
@@ -101,39 +122,38 @@ syn match cobolWatch "COMP-[123456XN]"
syn keyword cobolEXECs EXEC END-EXEC
-syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \{1,4}\(0\=1\|77\|78\) "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker
-syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \+[1-4]\d "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker
-syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \+0\=[2-9] "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker
-syn match cobolDecl "^.\{6} \+66 "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker
+syn cluster cobolAreaA add=cobolDeclA
+syn cluster cobolAreaAB add=cobolDecl
+syn match cobolDeclA "\(0\=1\|77\|78\) " contained nextgroup=cobolLine
+syn match cobolDecl "[1-4]\d " contained nextgroup=cobolLine
+syn match cobolDecl "0\=[2-9] " contained nextgroup=cobolLine
+syn match cobolDecl "66 " contained nextgroup=cobolLine
-syn match cobolWatch "^.\{6} \+88 "hs=s+7,he=e-1 contains=cobolMarker
+syn match cobolWatch "88 " contained nextgroup=cobolLine
-syn match cobolBadID "\k\+-\($\|[^-A-Z0-9]\)"
+"syn match cobolBadID "\k\+-\($\|[^-A-Z0-9]\)" contained
+syn cluster cobolLine add=cobolCALLs,cobolString,cobolCondFlow
syn match cobolCALLs "EXIT \+PROGRAM"
syn match cobolExtras /\<VALUE \+\d\+\./hs=s+6,he=e-1
syn match cobolString /"[^"]*\("\|$\)/
syn match cobolString /'[^']*\('\|$\)/
-syn region cobolLine start="^.\{6} " end="$" contains=ALL
+"syn region cobolLine start="^.\{6}[ D-]" end="$" contains=ALL
+syn match cobolIndicator "\%7c[D-]" contained
if exists("cobol_legacy_code")
-syn region cobolCondFlow contains=ALLBUT,cobolLine start="\<\(IF\|INVALID\|END\|EOP\)\>" skip=/\('\|"\)[^"]\{-}\("\|'\|$\)/ end="\." keepend
-if ! exists("cobol_legacy_code")
- " catch junk in columns 1-6 for modern code
- syn match cobolBAD "^ \{0,5\}[^ ].*"
+ syn region cobolCondFlow contains=ALLBUT,cobolLine start="\<\(IF\|INVALID\|END\|EOP\)\>" skip=/\('\|"\)[^"]\{-}\("\|'\|$\)/ end="\." keepend
" many legacy sources have junk in columns 1-6: must be before others
" Stuff after column 72 is in error - must be after all other "match" entries
if exists("cobol_legacy_code")
- syn match cobolBadLine "^.\{6}[^*/].\{66,\}"
+ syn match cobolBadLine "\%73c.*" containedin=ALLBUT,cobolComment
- syn match cobolBadLine "^.\{6}.\{67,\}"
+ syn match cobolBadLine "\%73c.*" containedin=ALL
" Define the default highlighting.
@@ -150,7 +170,11 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cobol_syntax_inits")
HiLink cobolBAD Error
HiLink cobolBadID Error
HiLink cobolBadLine Error
- HiLink cobolMarker Comment
+ if exists("g:cobol_legacy_code")
+ HiLink cobolMarker Comment
+ else
+ HiLink cobolMarker Error
+ endif
HiLink cobolCALLs Function
HiLink cobolComment Comment
HiLink cobolKeys Comment
@@ -158,6 +182,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cobol_syntax_inits")
HiLink cobolCompiler PreProc
HiLink cobolCondFlow Special
HiLink cobolCopy PreProc
+ HiLink cobolDeclA cobolDecl
HiLink cobolDecl Type
HiLink cobolExtras Special
HiLink cobolGoTo Special
@@ -165,9 +190,16 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cobol_syntax_inits")
HiLink cobolNumber Constant
HiLink cobolPic Constant
HiLink cobolReserved Statement
+ HiLink cobolDivision Label
+ HiLink cobolSection Label
+ HiLink cobolParagraph Label
+ HiLink cobolDivisionName Keyword
+ HiLink cobolSectionName Keyword
+ HiLink cobolParagraphName Keyword
HiLink cobolString Constant
HiLink cobolTodo Todo
HiLink cobolWatch Special
+ HiLink cobolIndicator Special
delcommand HiLink
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/dosini.vim b/runtime/syntax/dosini.vim
index 73744183a..219384fc7 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/dosini.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/dosini.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Configuration File (ini file) for MSDOS/MS Windows
-" Maintainer: Sean M. McKee <>
-" Last Change: 2001 May 09
-" Version Info: @(#)dosini.vim 1.6 97/12/15 08:54:12
+" Version Info: @(#)dosini.vim 1.6 97/12/15 08:54:12
+" Author: Sean M. McKee <>
+" Maintainer: Nima Talebi <>
+" Last Change: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 22:07:28 +1000
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ endif
syn case ignore
syn match dosiniLabel "^.\{-}="
-syn region dosiniHeader start="\[" end="\]"
+syn region dosiniHeader start="^\[" end="\]"
syn match dosiniComment "^;.*$"
" Define the default highlighting.
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/doxygen.vim b/runtime/syntax/doxygen.vim
index 5e3126ea4..4916b4d36 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/doxygen.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/doxygen.vim
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
" DoxyGen syntax hilighting extension for c/c++/idl/java
" Language: doxygen on top of c, cpp, idl, java
-" Maintainer: Michael Geddes <>
+" Maintainer: Michael Geddes <>
" Author: Michael Geddes
-" Last Change: 12 December 2005
-" Version: 1.15
+" Last Change: April 2007
+" Version: 1.20
-" Copyright 2004 Michael Geddes
+" Copyright 2004-2006 Michael Geddes
" Please feel free to use, modify & distribute all or part of this script,
" providing this copyright message remains.
" I would appreciate being acknowledged in any derived scripts, and would
@@ -13,26 +13,27 @@
" NOTE: Comments welcome!
-" There are two variables that control the syntax hilighting produced by this
+" There are two variables that control the syntax highlighting produced by this
" script:
-" doxygen_enhanced_colour - Use the (non-standard) original colours designed for this hilighting.
+" doxygen_enhanced_colour - Use the (non-standard) original colours designed
+" for this highlighting.
" doxygen_my_rendering - Disable the HTML bold/italic/underline rendering.
" A brief description without '.' or '!' will cause the end comment
" character to be marked as an error. You can define the colour of this using
" the highlight doxygenErrorComment.
-" A \link without an \endlink will cause an error hilight on the end-comment.
+" A \link without an \endlink will cause an error highlight on the end-comment.
" This is defined by doxygenLinkError
" The variable g:doxygen_codeword_font can be set to the guifont for marking \c
" words - a 'typewriter' like font normally. Spaces must be escaped. It can
-" also be set to any hilight attribute. Alternatively, a hilight for doxygenCodeWord
+" also be set to any highlight attribute. Alternatively, a highlight for doxygenCodeWord
" can be used to override it.
-" By default, hilighting is done assumng you have the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF
-" setting tunred on in your Doxygen configuration. If you don't, you
+" By default, highlighting is done assumng you have the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF
+" setting turned on in your Doxygen configuration. If you don't, you
" can set the variable g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief to 0 to have the
-" hilighting more accurately reflect the way Doxygen will interpret your
+" highlighting more accurately reflect the way Doxygen will interpret your
" comments.
" Special thanks to: Wu Yongwei, Toby Allsopp
@@ -55,13 +56,13 @@ try
" C/C++ Style line comments
- syn region doxygenComment start=+/\*\(\*/\)\@![*!]+ end=+\*/+ contains=doxygenSyncStart,doxygenStart,doxygenTODO keepend
- syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//[/!]<\@!+me=e-1 end=+$+ contains=doxygenStartL keepend skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=doxygenComment2
- syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//[/!]<+me=e-2 end=+$+ contains=doxygenStartL keepend skipwhite skipnl
- syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//@\ze[{}]+ end=+$+ contains=doxygenGroupDefine,doxygenGroupDefineSpecial
+ syn region doxygenComment start=+/\*\(\*/\)\@![*!]+ end=+\*/+ contains=doxygenSyncStart,doxygenStart,doxygenTODO keepend fold
+ syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//[/!]<\@!+me=e-1 end=+$+ contains=doxygenStartL keepend skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=doxygenComment2 fold
+ syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//[/!]<+me=e-2 end=+$+ contains=doxygenStartL keepend skipwhite skipnl fold
+ syn region doxygenCommentL start=+//@\ze[{}]+ end=+$+ contains=doxygenGroupDefine,doxygenGroupDefineSpecial fold
" Single line brief followed by multiline comment.
- syn region doxygenComment2 start=+/\*\(\*/\)\@![*!]+ end=+\*/+ contained contains=doxygenSyncStart2,doxygenStart2,doxygenTODO keepend
+ syn region doxygenComment2 start=+/\*\(\*/\)\@![*!]+ end=+\*/+ contained contains=doxygenSyncStart2,doxygenStart2,doxygenTODO keepend fold
" This helps with sync-ing as for some reason, syncing behaves differently to a normal region, and the start pattern does not get matched.
syn match doxygenSyncStart2 +[^*/]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenPrev,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenSkipComment,doxygenStartSkip2 skipwhite skipnl
@@ -70,46 +71,56 @@ try
syn match doxygenStartSkip2 +^\s*\*$+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenStartSpecial,,doxygenStartSkip skipwhite skipnl
syn match doxygenStart2 +/\*[*!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenPrev,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenStartSkip2 skipwhite skipnl
" Match the Starting pattern (effectively creating the start of a BNF)
if !exists('g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief') || g:doxygen_javadoc_autobrief
syn match doxygenStart +/\*[*!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenPrev,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
+ syn match doxygenStartL +//[/!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenPrevL,doxygenBriefL,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
+ " Match the first sentence as a brief comment
+ if ! exists('g:doxygen_end_punctuation')
+ let g:doxygen_end_punctuation='[.]'
+ endif
+ exe 'syn region doxygenBrief contained start=+[\\@]\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@*]+ start=+\(^\s*\)\@<!\*/\@!+ start=+\<\k+ skip=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\S\@=+ end=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'+ end=+\(\s*\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\)[@\\]\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\@=+ contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenBriefEndComment,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup,doxygenTODO,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@Spell skipnl nextgroup=doxygenBody'
+ syn match doxygenBriefEndComment +\*/+ contained
+ exe 'syn region doxygenBriefL start=+@\k\@!\|[\\@]\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@]+ start=+\<+ skip=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\S+ end=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\|$+ contained contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup,@Spell keepend'
+ syn match doxygenPrevL +<+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBriefL,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
syn match doxygenStart +/\*[*!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBody,doxygenPrev,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
+ syn match doxygenStartL +//[/!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenPrevL,doxygenLine,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
+ syn region doxygenLine start=+@\k\@!\|[\\@]\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@<]+ start=+\<+ end='$' contained contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup,@Spell keepend
+ syn match doxygenPrevL +<+ contained nextgroup=doxygenLine,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
- syn match doxygenStartL +//[/!]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenPrevL,doxygenBriefL,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
" This helps with sync-ing as for some reason, syncing behaves differently to a normal region, and the start pattern does not get matched.
syn match doxygenSyncStart +\ze[^*/]+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenPrev,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenStartSkip,doxygenPage skipwhite skipnl
- " Match the first sentence as a brief comment
- if ! exists('g:doxygen_end_punctuation')
- let g:doxygen_end_punctuation='[.]'
- endif
- exe 'syn region doxygenBrief contained start=+[\\@]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@*]+ start=+\(^\s*\)\@<!\*/\@!+ start=+\<\k+ skip=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\S+ end=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'+ end=+\(\s*\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\)[@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\@=+ contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenBriefEndComment,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup,doxygenTODO,doxygenOtherLink,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink skipnl nextgroup=doxygenBody'
- syn match doxygenBriefEndComment +\*/+ contained
- exe 'syn region doxygenBriefL start=+@\k\@!\|[\\@]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@]+ start=+\<+ skip=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\S+ end=+'.doxygen_end_punctuation.'\|$+ contained contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend'
- syn region doxygenBriefLine contained start=+\<\k+ end=+\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\([@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\|\s*$\)\@=+ contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup,doxygenTODO,doxygenOtherLink,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink skipwhite keepend
+ syn region doxygenBriefLine contained start=+\<\k+ end=+\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\([@\\]\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\|\s*$\)\@=+ contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup,doxygenTODO,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink skipwhite keepend
" Match a '<' for applying a comment to the previous element.
- syn match doxygenPrev +<+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenSpecial,doxygenStartSkip skipwhite
- syn match doxygenPrevL +<+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBriefL,doxygenSpecial skipwhite
+ syn match doxygenPrev +<+ contained nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenBody,doxygenSpecial,doxygenStartSkip skipwhite
- " These are anti-doxygen comments. If there are more than two asterisks or 3 '/'s
+if exists("c_comment_strings")
+ " These are anti-Doxygen comments. If there are more than two asterisks or 3 '/'s
" then turn the comments back into normal C comments.
syn region cComment start="/\*\*\*" end="\*/" contains=@cCommentGroup,cCommentString,cCharacter,cNumbersCom,cSpaceError
syn region cCommentL start="////" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=@cCommentGroup,cComment2String,cCharacter,cNumbersCom,cSpaceError
+ syn region cComment start="/\*\*\*" end="\*/" contains=@cCommentGroup,cSpaceError
+ syn region cCommentL start="////" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=@cCommentGroup,cSpaceError
" Special commands at the start of the area: starting with '@' or '\'
- syn region doxygenStartSpecial contained start=+[@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!+ end=+$+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=doxygenSpecial nextgroup=doxygenSkipComment skipnl keepend
+ syn region doxygenStartSpecial contained start=+[@\\]\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!+ end=+$+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=doxygenSpecial nextgroup=doxygenSkipComment skipnl keepend
syn match doxygenSkipComment contained +^\s*\*/\@!+ nextgroup=doxygenBrief,doxygenStartSpecial,doxygenFindBriefSpecial,doxygenPage skipwhite
"syn region doxygenBodyBit contained start=+$+
" The main body of a doxygen comment.
- syn region doxygenBody contained start=+.\|$+ matchgroup=doxygenEndComment end=+\*/+re=e-2,me=e-2 contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygenTODO,doxygenSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup
+ syn region doxygenBody contained start=+\(/\*[*!]\)\@<!<\|[^<]\|$+ matchgroup=doxygenEndComment end=+\*/+re=e-2,me=e-2 contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygenTODO,doxygenSpecial,doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup,@Spell
" These allow the skipping of comment continuation '*' characters.
syn match doxygenContinueComment contained +^\s*\*/\@!\s*+
@@ -133,7 +144,7 @@ try
" syn match doxygenBriefLine contained
syn match doxygenBriefSpecial contained +[@\\]+ nextgroup=doxygenBriefWord skipwhite
- syn region doxygenFindBriefSpecial start=+[@\\]brief\>+ end=+\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\([@\\]\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\|\s*$\)\@=+ keepend contains=doxygenBriefSpecial nextgroup=doxygenBody keepend skipwhite skipnl contained
+ syn region doxygenFindBriefSpecial start=+[@\\]brief\>+ end=+\(\n\s*\*\=\s*\([@\\]\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\>\|link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!\)\|\s*$\)\@=+ keepend contains=doxygenBriefSpecial nextgroup=doxygenBody keepend skipwhite skipnl contained
" Create the single word matching special identifiers.
@@ -142,7 +153,7 @@ try
let mx='[-:0-9A-Za-z_%=&+*/!~>|]\@<!\([-0-9A-Za-z_%=+*/!~>|#]\+[-0-9A-Za-z_%=+*/!~>|]\@!\|\\[\\<>&.]@\|[.,][0-9a-zA-Z_]\@=\|::\|([^)]*)\|&[0-9a-zA-Z]\{2,7};\)\+'
exe 'syn region doxygenSpecial'.a:name.'Word contained start=+'.a:kword.'+ end=+\(\_s\+'.mx.'\)\@<=[-a-zA-Z_0-9+*/^%|~!=&\\]\@!+ skipwhite contains=doxygenContinueComment,doxygen'.a:name.'Word'
- exe 'syn match doxygen'.a:name.'Word contained "\_s\@<='.mx.'" contains=doxygenHtmlSpecial keepend'
+ exe 'syn match doxygen'.a:name.'Word contained "\_s\@<='.mx.'" contains=doxygenHtmlSpecial,@Spell keepend'
call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('p', 'Code')
call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('c', 'Code')
@@ -153,10 +164,10 @@ try
call s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial('ref', 'Ref')
delfun s:DxyCreateSmallSpecial
- syn match doxygenSmallSpecial contained +[@\\]\(\<[pcbea]\>\|\<em\>\|\<ref\>\|\<link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@=+ nextgroup=doxygenOtherLink,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,doxygenFormula,doxygenSymbol,doxygenSpecial.*Word
+ syn match doxygenSmallSpecial contained +[@\\]\(\<[npcbea]\>\|\<em\>\|\<ref\>\|\<link\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@=+ nextgroup=doxygenOtherLink,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,doxygenFormula,doxygenSymbol,doxygenSpecial.*Word
" Now for special characters
- syn match doxygenSpecial contained +[@\\]\(\<[pcbea]\>\|\<em\>\|\<ref\|\<link\>\>\|\<f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!+ nextgroup=doxygenParam,doxygenRetval,doxygenBriefWord,doxygenBold,doxygenBOther,doxygenOther,doxygenOtherTODO,doxygenOtherWARN,doxygenOtherBUG,doxygenPage,doxygenGroupDefine,doxygenCodeRegion,doxygenVerbatimRegion,doxygenDotRegion
+ syn match doxygenSpecial contained +[@\\]\(\<[npcbea]\>\|\<em\>\|\<ref\|\<link\>\>\|\<f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\@!+ nextgroup=doxygenParam,doxygenRetval,doxygenBriefWord,doxygenBold,doxygenBOther,doxygenOther,doxygenOtherTODO,doxygenOtherWARN,doxygenOtherBUG,doxygenPage,doxygenGroupDefine,doxygenCodeRegion,doxygenVerbatimRegion,doxygenDotRegion
" doxygenOtherLink,doxygenSymbol,doxygenFormula,doxygenErrorSpecial,doxygenSpecial.*Word
syn match doxygenGroupDefine contained +@\@<=[{}]+
@@ -164,8 +175,8 @@ try
syn match doxygenErrorSpecial contained +\s+
- " Match Parmaters and retvals (hilighting the first word as special).
- syn match doxygenParamDirection contained +\[\(\<in\>\|\<out\>\|,\)\+\]+ nextgroup=doxygenParamName skipwhite
+ " Match parameters and retvals (highlighting the first word as special).
+ syn match doxygenParamDirection contained "\v\[(\s*in>((]\s*\[|\s*,\s*)out>)=|out>((]\s*\[|\s*,\s*)in>)=)\]" nextgroup=doxygenParamName skipwhite
syn keyword doxygenParam contained param nextgroup=doxygenParamName,doxygenParamDirection skipwhite
syn match doxygenParamName contained +[A-Za-z0-9_:]\++ nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc skipwhite
syn keyword doxygenRetval contained retval throw exception nextgroup=doxygenParamName skipwhite
@@ -179,10 +190,10 @@ try
\ xmlonly endxmlonly
\ nextgroup=doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc
- syn region doxygenCodeRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<code\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<endcode\>+ contains=doxygenCodeRegionSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenErrorComment
+ syn region doxygenCodeRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<code\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<endcode\>+ contains=doxygenCodeRegionSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenErrorComment,@NoSpell
syn match doxygenCodeRegionSpecial contained +[\\@]\(endcode\>\)\@=+
- syn region doxygenVerbatimRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<verbatim\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<endverbatim\>+ contains=doxygenVerbatimRegionSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenErrorComment
+ syn region doxygenVerbatimRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<verbatim\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<endverbatim\>+ contains=doxygenVerbatimRegionSpecial,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenErrorComment,@NoSpell
syn match doxygenVerbatimRegionSpecial contained +[\\@]\(endverbatim\>\)\@=+
if exists('b:current_syntax')
@@ -199,7 +210,7 @@ try
unlet b:current_syntax
- syn region doxygenDotRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<dot\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<enddot\>+ contains=doxygenDotRegionSpecial,doxygenErrorComment,doxygenContinueComment,@Dotx
+ syn region doxygenDotRegion contained matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<dot\>+ matchgroup=doxygenOther end=+[\\@]\@<=\<enddot\>+ contains=doxygenDotRegionSpecial,doxygenErrorComment,doxygenContinueComment,@NoSpell,@Dotx
syn match doxygenDotRegionSpecial contained +[\\@]\(enddot\>\)\@=+
" Match single line identifiers.
@@ -210,13 +221,13 @@ try
syn keyword doxygenOther contained par nextgroup=doxygenHeaderLine
syn region doxygenHeaderLine start=+.+ end=+^+ contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
- syn keyword doxygenOther contained arg author date deprecated li return see invariant note post pre remarks since test nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
+ syn keyword doxygenOther contained arg author date deprecated li return returns see invariant note post pre remarks since test nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
syn keyword doxygenOtherTODO contained todo attention nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
syn keyword doxygenOtherWARN contained warning nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
syn keyword doxygenOtherBUG contained bug nextgroup=doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc
- " Handle \link, \endlink, hilighting the link-to and the link text bits separately.
- syn region doxygenOtherLink matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+link+ end=+[\@]\@<=endlink\>+ contained contains=doxygenLinkWord,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenLinkError,doxygenEndlinkSpecial
+ " Handle \link, \endlink, highlighting the link-to and the link text bits separately.
+ syn region doxygenOtherLink matchgroup=doxygenOther start=+\<link\>+ end=+[\@]\@<=endlink\>+ contained contains=doxygenLinkWord,doxygenContinueComment,doxygenLinkError,doxygenEndlinkSpecial
syn match doxygenEndlinkSpecial contained +[\\@]\zeendlink\>+
syn match doxygenLinkWord "[_a-zA-Z:#()][_a-z0-9A-Z:#()]*\>" contained skipnl nextgroup=doxygenLinkRest,doxygenContinueLinkComment
@@ -232,12 +243,12 @@ try
syn match doxygenPage "[\\@]page\>"me=s+1 contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenPagePage
syn keyword doxygenPagePage page contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenPageIdent
syn region doxygenPageDesc start=+.\++ end=+$+ contained skipwhite contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=doxygenBody
- syn match doxygenPageIdent "\<[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>" contained nextgroup=doxygenPageDesc
+ syn match doxygenPageIdent "\<[a-zA-Z_0-9]\+\>" contained nextgroup=doxygenPageDesc
" Handle section
syn keyword doxygenOther defgroup section subsection subsubsection weakgroup contained skipwhite nextgroup=doxygenSpecialIdent
syn region doxygenSpecialSectionDesc start=+.\++ end=+$+ contained skipwhite contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend skipwhite skipnl nextgroup=doxygenContinueComment
- syn match doxygenSpecialIdent "\<[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\>" contained nextgroup=doxygenSpecialSectionDesc
+ syn match doxygenSpecialIdent "\<[a-zA-Z_0-9]\+\>" contained nextgroup=doxygenSpecialSectionDesc
" Does the one-line description for the one-line type identifiers.
syn region doxygenSpecialTypeOnelineDesc start=+.\++ end=+$+ contained skipwhite contains=doxygenSmallSpecial,@doxygenHtmlGroup keepend
@@ -246,7 +257,7 @@ try
" Handle the multiline description for the multiline type identifiers.
" Continue until an 'empty' line (can contain a '*' continuation) or until the
" next whole-line @ command \ command.
- syn region doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc start=+.\++ skip=+^\s*\(\*/\@!\s*\)\=\(\<\|[@\\]\<\([pcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\|link\>\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@*]\)+ end=+^+ contained contains=doxygenSpecialContinueComment,doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup skipwhite keepend
+ syn region doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc start=+.\++ skip=+^\s*\(\*/\@!\s*\)\=\(\<\|[@\\]\<\([npcbea]\>\|em\>\|ref\|link\>\>\|f\$\|[$\\&<>#]\)\|[^ \t\\@*]\)+ end=+^+ contained contains=doxygenSpecialContinueComment,doxygenSmallSpecial,doxygenHyperLink,doxygenHashLink,@doxygenHtmlGroup,@Spell skipwhite keepend
syn match doxygenSpecialContinueComment contained +^\s*\*/\@!\s*+ nextgroup=doxygenSpecial skipwhite
" Handle special cases 'bold' and 'group'
@@ -257,7 +268,7 @@ try
syn keyword doxygenGroupName contained +\k\++ nextgroup=doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc skipwhite
" Handle special symbol identifiers @$, @\, @$ etc
- syn match doxygenSymbol contained +[$\\&<>#]+
+ syn match doxygenSymbol contained +[$\\&<>#n]+
" Simplistic handling of formula regions
syn region doxygenFormula contained matchgroup=doxygenFormulaEnds start=+f\$+ end=+[@\\]f\$+ contains=doxygenFormulaSpecial,doxygenFormulaOperator
@@ -289,37 +300,37 @@ try
syn region doxygenHtmlLink contained start=+<[aA]\>\s*\(\n\s*\*\s*\)\=\(\(name\|href\)=\("[^"]*"\|'[^']*'\)\)\=\s*>+ end=+</[aA]>+me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
hi link doxygenHtmlLink Underlined
- syn region doxygenHtmlBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline,doxygenHtmlBoldItalic
- syn region doxygenHtmlBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline,doxygenHtmlBoldItalic
- syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
- syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline
- syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline
- syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold,doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,htmUnderlineItalicBold
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,htmUnderlineItalicBold
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalicBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalicBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBold,doxygenHtmlItalicUnderline
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- syn region doxygenHtmlCode contained start="\c<code\>" end="\c</code>"me=e-7 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop
- " Prevent the doxygen contained matches from leaking into the c groups.
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline,doxygenHtmlBoldItalic,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline,doxygenHtmlBoldItalic,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlBoldItalicUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlBoldUnderlineItalic,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold,doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,htmUnderlineItalicBold,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,htmUnderlineItalicBold,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalicBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineItalicBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlUnderlineBoldItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalic contained start="\c<i\>" end="\c</i>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBold,doxygenHtmlItalicUnderline,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalic contained start="\c<em\>" end="\c</em>"me=e-5 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalicBoldUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderline contained start="\c<u\>" end="\c</u>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold contained start="\c<b\>" end="\c</b>"me=e-4 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlItalicUnderlineBold contained start="\c<strong\>" end="\c</strong>"me=e-9 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@Spell
+ syn region doxygenHtmlCode contained start="\c<code\>" end="\c</code>"me=e-7 contains=@doxygenHtmlTop,@NoSpell
+ " Prevent the doxygen contained matches from leaking into the c/rc groups.
syn cluster cParenGroup add=doxygen.*
syn cluster cParenGroup remove=doxygenComment,doxygenCommentL
syn cluster cPreProcGroup add=doxygen.*
@@ -389,10 +400,16 @@ try
elseif has('gui_win32') || has('gui_win16') || has('gui_win95')
+ if exists('g:doxygen_use_bitsream_vera') && g:doxygen_use_bitsream_vera
+ let font_base='Bitstream_Vera_Sans_Mono'
+ else
+ let font_base='Lucida_Console'
+ endif
if &guifont == ''
- let font='font=Lucida_Console:h10'
+ let font='font='.font_base.':h10'
- let font='font='.substitute(&guifont, '^[^:]*', 'Lucida_Console','')
+ let font='font='.matchstr(substitute(&guifont, '^[^:]*', font_base,''),'[^,]*')
elseif has('gui_athena') || has('gui_gtk') || &guifont=~'^\(-[^-]\+\)\{14}'
if &guifont == ''
@@ -458,6 +475,7 @@ try
SynLink doxygenBody Comment
+ SynLink doxygenLine doxygenBody
SynLink doxygenTODO Todo
SynLink doxygenOtherTODO Todo
SynLink doxygenOtherWARN Todo
@@ -473,6 +491,7 @@ try
SynLink doxygenEndlinkSpecial doxygenSpecial
SynLink doxygenCodeRegionSpecial doxygenSpecial
SynLink doxygenVerbatimRegionSpecial doxygenSpecial
+ SynLink doxygenDotRegionSpecial doxygenSpecial
SynLink doxygenGroupDefine doxygenParam
SynLink doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/freebasic.vim b/runtime/syntax/freebasic.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bce7f9ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/freebasic.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: FreeBasic
+" Maintainer: Mark Manning <>
+" Updated: 10/22/2006
+" Description:
+" Based originally on the work done by Allan Kelly <>
+" Updated by Mark Manning <>
+" Applied FreeBasic support to the already excellent support
+" for standard basic syntax (like QB).
+" First version based on Micro$soft QBASIC circa
+" 1989, as documented in 'Learn BASIC Now' by
+" Halvorson&Rygmyr. Microsoft Press 1989. This syntax file
+" not a complete implementation yet. Send suggestions to
+" the maintainer.
+" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded (Taken from c.vim)
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Be sure to turn on the "case ignore" since current versions
+" of freebasic support both upper as well as lowercase
+" letters. - MEM 10/1/2006
+syn case ignore
+" This list of keywords is taken directly from the FreeBasic
+" user's guide as presented by the FreeBasic online site.
+syn keyword freebasicArrays ERASE LBOUND REDIM PRESERVE UBOUND
+syn keyword freebasicCompilerSwitches DEFUBYTE DEFUINT DEFULNGINT DEFUSHORT
+syn match freebasicCompilerSwitches "\<option\s+\(BASE\|BYVAL\|DYNAMIC\|ESCAPE\|EXPLICIT\|NOKEYWORD\)\>"
+syn match freebasicCompilerSwitches "\<option\s+\(PRIVATE\|STATIC\)\>"
+syn region freebasicConditional start="\son\s+" skip=".*" end="gosub"
+syn region freebasicConditional start="\son\s+" skip=".*" end="goto"
+syn match freebasicConditional "\<select\s+case\>"
+syn keyword freebasicConditional if iif then case else elseif with
+syn match freebasicConsole "\<open\s+\(CONS\|ERR\|PIPE\|SCRN\)\>"
+syn keyword freebasicDateTime TIMER YEAR WEEKDAY WEEKDAYNAME
+syn keyword freebasicDebug ASSERT STOP
+syn keyword freebasicErrorHandling ERR ERL ERROR LOCAL RESUME
+syn match freebasicErrorHandling "\<resume\s+next\>"
+syn match freebasicErrorHandling "\<on\s+error\>"
+syn match freebasicFiles "\<get\s+#\>"
+syn match freebasicFiles "\<input\s+#\>"
+syn match freebasicFiles "\<line\s+input\s+#\>"
+syn match freebasicFiles "\<put\s+#\>"
+syn keyword freebasicFunctions VA_ARG VA_FIRST VA_NEXT
+syn match freebasicGraphics "\<palette\s+get\>"
+syn keyword freebasicGraphics ALPHA CIRCLE CLS COLOR CUSTOM DRAW FLIP GET
+syn keyword freebasicGraphics TRANS USING VIEW WINDOW
+syn match freebasicHardware "\<open\s+com\>"
+syn keyword freebasicHardware INP OUT WAIT LPT LPOS LPRINT
+syn keyword freebasicLogical AND EQV IMP OR NOT XOR
+syn keyword freebasicMath RND SGN SIN SQR TAN
+syn keyword freebasicModularizing PRIVATE PUBLIC
+syn keyword freebasicEnviron SHELL SYSTEM WINDOWTITLE POINTERS
+syn keyword freebasicLoops FOR LOOP WHILE WEND DO CONTINUE STEP UNTIL next
+syn match freebasicInclude "\<#\s*\(inclib\|include\)\>"
+syn match freebasicInclude "\<\$\s*include\>"
+syn keyword freebasicPointer PROCPTR PTR SADD STRPTR VARPTR
+syn keyword freebasicPredefined __DATE__ __FB_DOS__ __FB_LINUX__ __FB_MAIN__ __FB_MIN_VERSION__
+syn keyword freebasicPredefined __FB_SIGNATURE__ __FB_VERSION__ __FB_WIN32__ __FB_VER_MAJOR__
+syn keyword freebasicPredefined __FB_VER_MINOR__ __FB_VER_PATCH__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__
+syn keyword freebasicPredefined __LINE__ __TIME__
+syn match freebasicPreProcessor "\<^#\s*\(define\|undef\)\>"
+syn match freebasicPreProcessor "\<^#\s*\(ifdef\|ifndef\|else\|elseif\|endif\|if\)\>"
+syn match freebasicPreProcessor "\<#\s*error\>"
+syn match freebasicPreProcessor "\<#\s*\(print\|dynamic\|static\)\>"
+syn keyword freebasicPreProcessor DEFINED ONCE
+syn keyword freebasicProgramFlow END EXIT GOSUB GOTO
+syn keyword freebasicProgramFlow IS RETURN SCOPE SLEEP
+syn match freebasicUserInput "\<line\s+input\>"
+" Do the Basic variables names first. This is because it
+" is the most inclusive of the tests. Later on we change
+" this so the identifiers are split up into the various
+" types of identifiers like functions, basic commands and
+" such. MEM 9/9/2006
+syn match freebasicIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>"
+syn match freebasicGenericFunction "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>\s*("me=e-1,he=e-1
+" Function list
+syn keyword freebasicTodo contained TODO
+" Catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis
+syn region freebasicParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,@freebasicParenGroup
+syn match freebasicParenError ")"
+syn match freebasicInParen contained "[{}]"
+syn cluster freebasicParenGroup contains=freebasicParenError,freebasicSpecial,freebasicTodo,freebasicUserCont,freebasicUserLabel,freebasicBitField
+" Integer number, or floating point number without a dot and with "f".
+syn region freebasicHex start="&h" end="\W"
+syn region freebasicHexError start="&h\x*[g-zG-Z]" end="\W"
+syn match freebasicInteger "\<\d\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
+" Floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
+syn match freebasicFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
+" Floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
+syn match freebasicFloat "\.\d\+\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
+" Floating point number, without dot, with exponent
+syn match freebasicFloat "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>"
+" Hex number
+syn case match
+syn match freebasicOctal "\<0\o*\>"
+syn match freebasicOctalError "\<0\o*[89]"
+" String and Character contstants
+syn region freebasicString start='"' end='"' contains=freebasicSpecial,freebasicTodo
+syn region freebasicString start="'" end="'" contains=freebasicSpecial,freebasicTodo
+" Comments
+syn match freebasicSpecial contained "\\."
+syn region freebasicComment start="^rem" end="$" contains=freebasicSpecial,freebasicTodo
+syn region freebasicComment start=":\s*rem" end="$" contains=freebasicSpecial,freebasicTodo
+syn region freebasicComment start="\s*'" end="$" contains=freebasicSpecial,freebasicTodo
+syn region freebasicComment start="^'" end="$" contains=freebasicSpecial,freebasicTodo
+" Now do the comments and labels
+syn match freebasicLabel "^\d"
+syn match freebasicLabel "\<^\w+:\>"
+syn region freebasicLineNumber start="^\d" end="\s"
+" Create the clusters
+syn cluster freebasicNumber contains=freebasicHex,freebasicOctal,freebasicInteger,freebasicFloat
+syn cluster freebasicError contains=freebasicHexError,freebasicOctalError
+" Used with OPEN statement
+syn match freebasicFilenumber "#\d\+"
+syn match freebasicMathOperator "[\+\-\=\|\*\/\>\<\%\()[\]]" contains=freebasicParen
+" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
+hi def link freebasicArrays StorageClass
+hi def link freebasicBitManipulation Operator
+hi def link freebasicCompilerSwitches PreCondit
+hi def link freebasicConsole Special
+hi def link freebasicDataTypes Type
+hi def link freebasicDateTime Type
+hi def link freebasicDebug Special
+hi def link freebasicErrorHandling Special
+hi def link freebasicFiles Special
+hi def link freebasicFunctions Function
+hi def link freebasicGraphics Function
+hi def link freebasicHardware Special
+hi def link freebasicLogical Conditional
+hi def link freebasicMath Function
+hi def link freebasicMemory Function
+hi def link freebasicMisc Special
+hi def link freebasicModularizing Special
+hi def link freebasicMultithreading Special
+hi def link freebasicShell Special
+hi def link freebasicEnviron Special
+hi def link freebasicPointer Special
+hi def link freebasicPredefined PreProc
+hi def link freebasicPreProcessor PreProc
+hi def link freebasicProgramFlow Statement
+hi def link freebasicString String
+hi def link freebasicTypeCasting Type
+hi def link freebasicUserInput Statement
+hi def link freebasicComment Comment
+hi def link freebasicConditional Conditional
+hi def link freebasicError Error
+hi def link freebasicIdentifier Identifier
+hi def link freebasicInclude Include
+hi def link freebasicGenericFunction Function
+hi def link freebasicLabel Label
+hi def link freebasicLineNumber Label
+hi def link freebasicMathOperator Operator
+hi def link freebasicNumber Number
+hi def link freebasicSpecial Special
+hi def link freebasicTodo Todo
+let b:current_syntax = "freebasic"
+" vim: ts=8
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/help.vim b/runtime/syntax/help.vim
index 32e223124..e600de73a 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/help.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/help.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Vim help file
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar (
-" Last Change: 2006 Apr 13
+" Last Change: 2006 May 13
" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/html.vim b/runtime/syntax/html.vim
index 85f9a0254..137c13c5b 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/html.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/html.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: HTML
" Maintainer: Claudio Fleiner <>
" URL:
-" Last Change: 2006 April 13
+" Last Change: 2006 Jun 19
" Please check :help html.vim for some comments and a description of the options
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ else
command! -nargs=+ HtmlHiLink hi def link <args>
+syntax spell toplevel
syn case ignore
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/htmldjango.vim b/runtime/syntax/htmldjango.vim
index a3c65fd47..4b13863c0 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/htmldjango.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/htmldjango.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Django HTML template
" Maintainer: Dave Hodder <>
-" Last Change: 2006 Mar 06
+" Last Change: 2007 Jan 26
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
@@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ else
unlet b:current_syntax
-syntax cluster htmlPreproc add=djangoPlaceHolder
-syntax cluster htmlString add=djangoPlaceHolder
+syn cluster djangoBlocks add=djangoTagBlock,djangoVarBlock,djangoComment,djangoComBlock
+syn region djangoTagBlock start="{%" end="%}" contains=djangoStatement,djangoFilter,djangoArgument,djangoTagError display containedin=ALLBUT,@djangoBlocks
+syn region djangoVarBlock start="{{" end="}}" contains=djangoFilter,djangoArgument,djangoVarError display containedin=ALLBUT,@djangoBlocks
+syn region djangoComment start="{%\s*comment\s*%}" end="{%\s*endcomment\s*%}" contains=djangoTodo containedin=ALLBUT,@djangoBlocks
+syn region djangoComBlock start="{#" end="#}" contains=djangoTodo containedin=ALLBUT,@djangoBlocks
let b:current_syntax = "htmldjango"
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/lisp.vim b/runtime/syntax/lisp.vim
index 61792d110..cd800e720 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/lisp.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/lisp.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Lisp
" Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change: Oct 12, 2005
-" Version: 17a
+" Last Change: Apr 12, 2007
+" Version: 19
" URL:
" Thanks to F Xavier Noria for a list of 978 Common Lisp symbols
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ else
syn cluster lispListCluster contains=@lispBaseListCluster,lispString
+syn case ignore
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Lists: {{{1
syn match lispSymbol contained ![^()'`,"; \t]\+!
@@ -436,7 +438,7 @@ syn keyword lispVar *gensym-counter* *print-miser-width* *trace-output*
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Strings: {{{1
-syn region lispString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
+syn region lispString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell
if exists("g:lisp_instring")
syn region lispInString keepend matchgroup=Delimiter start=+"(+rs=s+1 skip=+|.\{-}|+ matchgroup=Delimiter end=+)"+ contains=@lispBaseListCluster,lispInStringString
syn region lispInStringString start=+\\"+ skip=+\\\\+ end=+\\"+ contained
@@ -454,14 +456,15 @@ syn keyword lispDecl do* flet multiple-value-bind
" Numbers: supporting integers and floating point numbers {{{1
syn match lispNumber "-\=\(\.\d\+\|\d\+\(\.\d*\)\=\)\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\="
-syn match lispSpecial "\*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9-]*\*"
+syn match lispSpecial "\*\w[a-z_0-9-]*\*"
syn match lispSpecial !#|[^()'`,"; \t]\+|#!
-syn match lispSpecial !#x[0-9a-fA-F]\+!
-syn match lispSpecial !#o[0-7]\+!
+syn match lispSpecial !#x\x\+!
+syn match lispSpecial !#o\o\+!
syn match lispSpecial !#b[01]\+!
-syn match lispSpecial !#\\[ -\~]!
+syn match lispSpecial !#\\[ -}\~]!
syn match lispSpecial !#[':][^()'`,"; \t]\+!
syn match lispSpecial !#([^()'`,"; \t]\+)!
+syn match lispSpecial !#\\\%(Space\|Newline\|Tab\|Page\|Rubout\|Linefeed\|Return\|Backspace\)!
syn match lispConcat "\s\.\s"
syn match lispParenError ")"
@@ -471,9 +474,7 @@ syn match lispParenError ")"
syn cluster lispCommentGroup contains=lispTodo,@Spell
syn match lispComment ";.*$" contains=@lispCommentGroup
syn region lispCommentRegion start="#|" end="|#" contains=lispCommentRegion,@lispCommentGroup
-syn case ignore
syn keyword lispTodo contained combak combak: todo todo:
-syn case match
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Synchronization: {{{1
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/mail.vim b/runtime/syntax/mail.vim
index 291daa25c..7717cd970 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/mail.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/mail.vim
@@ -22,13 +22,15 @@ syn cluster mailQuoteExps contains=mailQuoteExp1,mailQuoteExp2,mailQuoteExp3,mai
syn case match
" For "From " matching case is required. The "From " is not matched in quoted
" emails
-syn region mailHeader contains=@mailHeaderFields,@NoSpell start="^From " skip="^\s" end="\v^[-A-Za-z0-9]*([^-A-Za-z0-9:]|$)"me=s-1
+" According to RFC 2822 any printable ASCII character can appear in a field
+" name, except ':'.
+syn region mailHeader contains=@mailHeaderFields,@NoSpell start="^From " skip="^\s" end="\v^[!-9;-~]*([^!-~]|$)"me=s-1
syn match mailHeaderKey contained contains=mailEmail,@NoSpell "^From\s.*$"
syn case ignore
" Nothing else depends on case. Headers in properly quoted (with "> " or ">")
" emails are matched
-syn region mailHeader keepend contains=@mailHeaderFields,@mailQuoteExps,@NoSpell start="^\z(\(> \?\)*\)\v(newsgroups|from|((in-)?reply-)?to|b?cc|subject|return-path|received|date|replied):" skip="^\z1\s" end="\v^\z1[-a-z0-9]*([^-a-z0-9:]|$)"me=s-1 end="\v^\z1@!"me=s-1 end="\v^\z1(\> ?)+"me=s-1
+syn region mailHeader keepend contains=@mailHeaderFields,@mailQuoteExps,@NoSpell start="^\z(\(> \?\)*\)\v(newsgroups|from|((in-)?reply-)?to|b?cc|subject|return-path|received|date|replied):" skip="^\z1\s" end="\v^\z1[!-9;-~]*([^!-~]|$)"me=s-1 end="\v^\z1@!"me=s-1 end="\v^\z1(\> ?)+"me=s-1
syn region mailHeaderKey contained contains=mailHeaderEmail,mailEmail,@mailQuoteExps,@NoSpell start="\v(^(\> ?)*)@<=(to|b?cc):" skip=",$" end="$"
syn match mailHeaderKey contained contains=mailHeaderEmail,mailEmail,@NoSpell "\v(^(\> ?)*)@<=(from|reply-to):.*$"
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/messages.vim b/runtime/syntax/messages.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2dbaa5ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/messages.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: /var/log/messages file
+" Maintainer: Yakov Lerner <>
+" Latest Revision: 2006-06-19
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+syn match messagesBegin display '^' nextgroup=messagesDate
+syn match messagesDate contained display '\a\a\a [ 0-9]\d *'
+ \ nextgroup=messagesHour
+syn match messagesHour contained display '\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s*'
+ \ nextgroup=messagesHost
+syn match messagesHost contained display '\S*\s*'
+ \ nextgroup=messagesLabel
+syn match messagesLabel contained display '\s*[^:]*:\s*'
+ \ nextgroup=messagesText contains=messagesKernel,messagesPID
+syn match messagesPID contained display '\[\zs\d\+\ze\]'
+syn match messagesKernel contained display 'kernel:'
+syn match messagesIP '\d\+\.\d\+\.\d\+\.\d\+'
+syn match messagesURL '\w\+://\S\+'
+syn match messagesText contained display '.*'
+ \ contains=messagesNumber,messagesIP,messagesURL,messagesError
+syn match messagesNumber contained '0x[0-9a-fA-F]*\|\[<[0-9a-f]\+>\]\|\<\d[0-9a-fA-F]*'
+syn match messagesError contained '\c.*\<\(FATAL\|ERROR\|ERRORS\|FAILED\|FAILURE\).*'
+hi def link messagesDate Constant
+hi def link messagesHour Type
+hi def link messagesHost Identifier
+hi def link messagesLabel Operator
+hi def link messagesPID Constant
+hi def link messagesKernel Special
+hi def link messagesError ErrorMsg
+hi def link messagesIP Constant
+hi def link messagesURL Underlined
+hi def link messagesText Normal
+hi def link messagesNumber Number
+let b:current_syntax = "messages"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/mrxvtrc.vim b/runtime/syntax/mrxvtrc.vim
index d3e312931..d86f8e42a 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/mrxvtrc.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/mrxvtrc.vim
@@ -1,129 +1,254 @@
" Created : Wed 26 Apr 2006 01:20:53 AM CDT
-" Modified : Thu 27 Apr 2006 02:29:25 PM CDT
+" Modified : Mon 20 Nov 2006 12:14:16 AM PST
" Author : Gautam Iyer <>
-" Description : Syntax file for mrxvtrc
+" Description : Vim syntax file for mrxvtrc (for mrxvt-0.5.0 and up)
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
-" Define options.
-let s:boolOpts = '(highlightTabOnBell|syncTabTitle|hideTabbar|autohideTabbar|bottomTabbar|hideButtons|syncTabIcon|veryBoldFont|maximized|fullscreen|reverseVideo|loginShell|jumpScroll|scrollBar|scrollbarRight|scrollbarFloating|scrollTtyOutputInhibit|scrollTtyKeypress|scrollWithBuffer|transparent|transparentForce|transparentScrollbar|transparentMenubar|transparentTabbar|tabUsePixmap|utmpInhibit|visualBell|mapAlert|meta8|mouseWheelScrollPage|multibyte_cursor|tripleclickwords|showMenu|xft|xftNomFont|xftSlowOutput|xftAntialias|xftHinting|xftAutoHint|xftGlobalAdvance|tabShell|cmdAllTabs|cmdInitTabs|protectSecondary|thai|borderLess|overrideRedirect|holdExit|broadcast|smartResize|smoothResize|pointerBlank|cursorBlink|noSysConfig|disableMacros|linuxHomeEndKey|sessionMgt)'
-let s:colorOpts = '(vt\d+.(foreground|background)|background|foreground|ufBackground|textShadow|i?tab(Foreground|Background)|color([0-9]|1[0-5]|BD|UL|RV)|(scroll|trough|highlight|cursor|pointer|border|tint)Color|cursorColor2)'
-let s:numOpts = '(vt\d+.saveLines|maxTabWidth|minVisibleTabs|saveLines|scrollbarThickness|xftmSize|xftSize|desktop|externalBorder|internalBorder|lineSpace|pointerBlankDelay|cursorBlinkInterval|initTermNumber|shading|backgroundFade|bgRefreshInterval|fading|opacity|opacityDegree|xftPSize)'
-let s:strOpts = '(vt\d+\.(tabTitle|command)|tabTitle|termName|title|clientName|iconName|bellCommand|holdExitText|backspaceKey|deleteKey|printPipe|cutChars|answerbackString|smClientID|geometry|confFileSave|path|boldFont|m?font[1-5]?|xftFont|xftmFont|xftPFont|inputMethod|greektoggle_key|menu|menubarPixmap|vt\d+\.Pixmap|Pixmap|scrollbarPixmap|tabbarPixmap|appIcon|multichar_encoding)'
syn case match
-syn match mrxvtrcComment contains=@Spell '^\s*!.*$'
-syn match mrxvtrcComment '\v^\s*!\s*\w+[.*]\w+.*:.*'
+" Errors
+syn match mrxvtrcError contained '\v\S+'
+" Comments
+syn match mrxvtrcComment contains=@Spell '^\s*[!#].*$'
+syn match mrxvtrcComment '\v^\s*[#!]\s*\w+[.*]\w+.*:.*'
-" Generic options (string / color / number / boolean)
+" Options.
-syn match mrxvtrcOptErr '\v^\s*\w+[.*]?.{-}(:|$)'
-exec 'syn match mrxvtrcBoolOpts nextgroup=mrxvtrcBoolVal,mrxvtrcValErr'
- \ '"\v^\w+[.*]'.s:boolOpts.':\s*"'
-exec 'syn match mrxvtrcNumOpts nextgroup=mrxvtrcNumVal,mrxvtrcValErr'
- \ '"\v^\w+[.*]'.s:numOpts.':\s*"'
-exec 'syn match mrxvtrcColorOpts nextgroup=mrxvtrcColorVal'
- \ '"\v^\w+[.*]'.s:colorOpts.':\s*"'
-exec 'syn match mrxvtrcStrOpts nextgroup=mrxvtrcStrVal,mrxvtrcValErr'
- \ '"\v^\w+[.*]'.s:strOpts.':\s*"'
+syn match mrxvtrcClass '\v^\s*\w+[.*]'
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcOptions,mrxvtrcProfile,@mrxvtrcPOpts,mrxvtrcError
+" Boolean options
+syn keyword mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcBColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ highlightTabOnBell syncTabTitle hideTabbar
+ \ autohideTabbar bottomTabbar hideButtons
+ \ syncTabIcon veryBoldFont maximized
+ \ fullscreen reverseVideo loginShell
+ \ jumpScroll scrollBar scrollbarRight
+ \ scrollbarFloating scrollTtyOutputInhibit
+ \ scrollTtyKeypress scrollWithBuffer
+ \ transparentForce transparentScrollbar
+ \ transparentMenubar transparentTabbar
+ \ tabUsePixmap utmpInhibit visualBell mapAlert
+ \ meta8 mouseWheelScrollPage multibyte_cursor
+ \ tripleclickwords showMenu xft xftNomFont
+ \ xftSlowOutput xftAntialias xftHinting
+ \ xftAutoHint xftGlobalAdvance cmdAllTabs
+ \ protectSecondary thai borderLess
+ \ overrideRedirect broadcast
+ \ smartResize smoothResize pointerBlank
+ \ cursorBlink noSysConfig disableMacros
+ \ linuxHomeEndKey sessionMgt
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcBColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<transparent>'
+syn match mrxvtrcBColon contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcBoolVal,mrxvtrcError ':'
syn case ignore
-syn match mrxvtrcValErr contained '\v.+$'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcBoolVal contained 0 1 yes no on off true false
-syn match mrxvtrcStrVal contained '\v.+$'
-syn match mrxvtrcColorVal contained '\v#[0-9a-f]{6}\s*$'
-syn match mrxvtrcNumVal contained '\v[+-]?(0[0-7]+|\d+|0x[0-9a-f]+)$'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcBoolVal contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ 0 1 yes no on off true false
syn case match
-" Options with special values
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcSBstyle,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]scrollbarStyle:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcSBstyle contained plain xterm rxvt next sgi
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcSBalign,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]scrollbarAlign:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcSBalign contained top bottom
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcTSmode,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]textShadowMode:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcTSmode contained
+" Color options
+syn keyword mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcCColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ ufBackground textShadow tabForeground
+ \ itabForeground tabBackground itabBackground
+ \ scrollColor troughColor highlightColor
+ \ cursorColor cursorColor2 pointerColor
+ \ borderColor tintColor
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcCColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<color([0-9]|1[0-5]|BD|UL|RV)>'
+syn match mrxvtrcCColon contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcColorVal ':'
+syn match mrxvtrcColorVal contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}'
+" Numeric options
+syn keyword mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcNColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ maxTabWidth minVisibleTabs
+ \ scrollbarThickness xftmSize xftSize desktop
+ \ externalBorder internalBorder lineSpace
+ \ pointerBlankDelay cursorBlinkInterval
+ \ shading backgroundFade bgRefreshInterval
+ \ fading focusDelay opacity opacityDegree
+ \ xftPSize
+syn match mrxvtrcNColon contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcNumVal,mrxvtrcError ':'
+syn match mrxvtrcNumVal contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v[+-]?<(0[0-7]+|\d+|0x[0-9a-f]+)>'
+" String options
+syn keyword mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcSColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ tabTitle termName title clientName iconName
+ \ bellCommand backspaceKey deleteKey
+ \ printPipe cutChars answerbackString
+ \ smClientID geometry path boldFont xftFont
+ \ xftmFont xftPFont inputMethod
+ \ greektoggle_key menu menubarPixmap
+ \ scrollbarPixmap tabbarPixmap appIcon
+ \ multichar_encoding initProfileList
+ \ winTitleFormat
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcSColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<m?font[1-5]?>'
+syn match mrxvtrcSColon contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcStrVal ':'
+syn match mrxvtrcStrVal contained '\v\S.*'
+" Profile options
+syn cluster mrxvtrcPOpts contains=mrxvtrcPSOpts,mrxvtrcPCOpts,mrxvtrcPNOpts
+syn match mrxvtrcProfile contained nextgroup=@mrxvtrcPOpts,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\vprofile\d+\.'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcPSOpts contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcSColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ tabTitle command holdExitText holdExitTitle
+ \ Pixmap workingDirectory titleFormat
+syn keyword mrxvtrcPCOpts contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcCColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ background foreground
+syn keyword mrxvtrcPNOpts contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcNColon,mrxvtrcError
+ \ holdExit saveLines
+" scrollbarStyle
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcSBstyle,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<scrollbarStyle:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcSBstyle contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ plain xterm rxvt next sgi
+" scrollbarAlign
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcSBalign,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<scrollbarAlign:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcSBalign contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ top bottom
+" textShadowMode
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcTSmode,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<textShadowMode:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcTSmode contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
\ none top bottom left right topleft topright
\ botleft botright
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcGrkKbd,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]greek_keyboard:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcGrkKbd contained iso ibm
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftWt,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]xftWeight:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcXftWt contained light medium bold
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftSl,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]xftSlant:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcXftSl contained roman italic oblique
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftWd,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]xftWidth:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcXftWd contained
+" greek_keyboard
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcGrkKbd,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<greek_keyboard:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcGrkKbd contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ iso ibm
+" xftWeight
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftWt,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<(xftWeight|xftBoldWeight):'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcXftWt contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ light medium demibold bold black
+" xftSlant
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftSl,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<xftSlant:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcXftSl contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ roman italic oblique
+" xftWidth
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftWd,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<xftWidth:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcXftWd contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
\ ultracondensed ultraexpanded
\ condensed expanded normal
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftHt,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]xftRGBA:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcXftHt contained rgb bgr vrgb vbgr none
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcPedit,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]preeditType:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcPedit contained OverTheSpot OffTheSpot Root
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcMod,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]modifier:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcMod contained
+" xftRGBA
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcXftHt,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<xftRGBA:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcXftHt contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ rgb bgr vrgb vbgr none
+" preeditType
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcPedit,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<preeditType:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcPedit contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ OverTheSpot OffTheSpot Root
+" modifier
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcMod,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<modifier:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcMod contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
\ alt meta hyper super mod1 mod2 mod3 mod4 mod5
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcSelSty,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v^\w+[.*]selectStyle:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcSelSty contained old oldword
+" selectStyle
+syn match mrxvtrcOptions contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcSelSty,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v<selectStyle:'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcSelSty contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ old oldword
" Macros
-syn match mrxvtrcOptions nextgroup=mrxvtrcMacro,mrxvtrcValErr
- \ '\v\c^\w+[.*]macro.(primary\+)?((ctrl|alt|meta|shift)\+)*\w+:\s*'
-syn keyword mrxvtrcMacro contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcMacroArg
- \ Dummy Esc Str NewTab Close GotoTab MoveTab
- \ Scroll Copy Paste ToggleSubwin ResizeFont
- \ ToggleVeryBold ToggleTransparency
- \ ToggleBroadcast ToggleHold SetTitle
- \ PrintScreen SaveConfig ToggleMacros
-syn match mrxvtrcMacroArg contained '.\+$'
+syn keyword mrxvtrcOptions contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcKey,mrxvtrcError
+ \ macro
+syn case ignore
+syn match mrxvtrcKey contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcMacro,mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v\.((primary|add|ctrl|alt|meta|shift)\+)*\w+:'
+syn case match
-unlet s:strOpts s:boolOpts s:colorOpts s:numOpts
+" Macros without arguments
+syn keyword mrxvtrcMacro contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ Dummy Copy Paste ToggleVeryBold
+ \ ToggleTransparency ToggleBroadcast
+ \ ToggleHold SetTitle ToggleMacros
+ \ ToggleFullscreen
+" Macros with a string argument
+syn keyword mrxvtrcMacro contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcStrVal
+ \ Esc Str Exec Scroll PrintScreen SaveConfig
+" Macros with a numeric argument
+syn keyword mrxvtrcMacro contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcNumVal,mrxvtrcError
+ \ Close GotoTab MoveTab ResizeFont
+" NewTab macro
+syn keyword mrxvtrcMacro contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcTitle,mrxvtrcShell,mrxvtrcCmd
+ \ NewTab
+syn region mrxvtrcTitle contained oneline skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcShell,mrxvtrcCmd
+ \ start='"' end='"'
+syn match mrxvtrcShell contained nextgroup=mrxvtrcCmd '!'
+syn match mrxvtrcCmd contained '\v[^!" \t].*'
+" ToggleSubwin macro
+syn keyword mrxvtrcMacro contained skipwhite
+ \ nextgroup=mrxvtrcSubwin,mrxvtrcError
+ \ ToggleSubwin
+syn match mrxvtrcSubwin contained skipwhite nextgroup=mrxvtrcError
+ \ '\v[-+]?[bmst]>'
" Highlighting groups
+hi def link mrxvtrcError Error
hi def link mrxvtrcComment Comment
-hi def link mrxvtrcBoolOpts Statement
-hi def link mrxvtrcColorOpts mrxvtrcBoolOpts
-hi def link mrxvtrcNumOpts mrxvtrcBoolOpts
-hi def link mrxvtrcStrOpts mrxvtrcBoolOpts
-hi def link mrxvtrcOptions mrxvtrcBoolOpts
+hi def link mrxvtrcClass Statement
+hi def link mrxvtrcOptions mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcBColon mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcCColon mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcNColon mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcSColon mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcProfile mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcPSOpts mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcPCOpts mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcPNOpts mrxvtrcClass
hi def link mrxvtrcBoolVal Boolean
hi def link mrxvtrcStrVal String
@@ -143,9 +268,10 @@ hi def link mrxvtrcMod mrxvtrcStrVal
hi def link mrxvtrcSelSty mrxvtrcStrVal
hi def link mrxvtrcMacro Identifier
-hi def link mrxvtrcMacroArg String
-hi def link mrxvtrcOptErr Error
-hi def link mrxvtrcValErr Error
+hi def link mrxvtrcKey mrxvtrcClass
+hi def link mrxvtrcTitle mrxvtrcStrVal
+hi def link mrxvtrcShell Special
+hi def link mrxvtrcCmd PreProc
+hi def link mrxvtrcSubwin mrxvtrcStrVal
let b:current_syntax = "mrxvtrc"
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/pod.vim b/runtime/syntax/pod.vim
index 38fa18f3f..9809d00b5 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/pod.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/pod.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Perl POD format
" Maintainer: Scott Bigham <>
-" Last Change: 2005 Jul 05
+" Last Change: 2007 Jan 21
" To add embedded POD documentation highlighting to your syntax file, add
" the commands:
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ syn match podSpecial "[$@%]\I\i*\(::\I\i*\)*\>" contains=@NoSpell
" Special formatting sequences
syn region podFormat start="[IBSCLFX]<[^<]"me=e-1 end=">" oneline contains=podFormat,@NoSpell
+syn region podFormat start="[IBSCLFX]<<\s" end="\s>>" oneline contains=podFormat,@NoSpell
syn match podFormat "Z<>"
syn match podFormat "E<\(\d\+\|\I\i*\)>" contains=podEscape,podEscape2,@NoSpell
syn match podEscape "\I\i*>"me=e-1 contained contains=@NoSpell
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/python.vim b/runtime/syntax/python.vim
index 7496c3db1..5288d9bdc 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/python.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/python.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Python
" Maintainer: Neil Schemenauer <>
-" Updated: 2002-10-18
+" Updated: 2006-10-15
" Added Python 2.4 features 2006 May 4 (Dmitry Vasiliev)
" Options to control Python syntax highlighting:
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ endif
syn keyword pythonStatement break continue del
syn keyword pythonStatement except exec finally
syn keyword pythonStatement pass print raise
-syn keyword pythonStatement return try
+syn keyword pythonStatement return try with
syn keyword pythonStatement global assert
syn keyword pythonStatement lambda yield
syn keyword pythonStatement def class nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ syn keyword pythonConditional if elif else
syn keyword pythonOperator and in is not or
" AS will be a keyword in Python 3
syn keyword pythonPreCondit import from as
-syn match pythonComment "#.*$" contains=pythonTodo
+syn match pythonComment "#.*$" contains=pythonTodo,@Spell
syn keyword pythonTodo TODO FIXME XXX contained
" Decorators (new in Python 2.4)
syn match pythonDecorator "@" display nextgroup=pythonFunction skipwhite
" strings
-syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\='+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ contains=pythonEscape
-syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\="+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=pythonEscape
-syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\="""+ end=+"""+ contains=pythonEscape
-syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\='''+ end=+'''+ contains=pythonEscape
-syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+
-syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+
-syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]"""+ end=+"""+
-syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]'''+ end=+'''+
+syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\='+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ contains=pythonEscape,@Spell
+syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\="+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=pythonEscape,@Spell
+syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\="""+ end=+"""+ contains=pythonEscape,@Spell
+syn region pythonString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\='''+ end=+'''+ contains=pythonEscape,@Spell
+syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]'+ end=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ contains=@Spell
+syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=@Spell
+syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]"""+ end=+"""+ contains=@Spell
+syn region pythonRawString matchgroup=Normal start=+[uU]\=[rR]'''+ end=+'''+ contains=@Spell
syn match pythonEscape +\\[abfnrtv'"\\]+ contained
syn match pythonEscape "\\\o\{1,3}" contained
syn match pythonEscape "\\x\x\{2}" contained
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/tcl.vim b/runtime/syntax/tcl.vim
index 145da9087..e9562d650 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/tcl.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/tcl.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: TCL/TK
-" Maintainer: Dean Copsey <>
+" Maintainer: Brett Cannon <>
+" (previously Dean Copsey <>)
" (previously Matt Neumann <>)
" (previously Allan Kelly <>)
" Original: Robin Becker <>
-" Last Change: 2004 May 16
+" Last Change: 2006 Nov 17
" Keywords TODO: format clock click anchor
@@ -17,9 +18,16 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" A bunch of useful keywords
-syn keyword tclStatement proc global return lindex
-syn keyword tclStatement llength lappend lreplace lrange list concat incr
-syn keyword tclStatement upvar set
+syn keyword tclStatement tell socket subst open eof pwd glob list exec pid
+syn keyword tclStatement auto_load_index time unknown eval lrange fblocked
+syn keyword tclStatement lsearch auto_import gets lappend proc variable llength
+syn keyword tclStatement auto_execok return linsert error catch clock info
+syn keyword tclStatement split array fconfigure concat join lreplace source
+syn keyword tclStatement fcopy global auto_qualify update close cd auto_load
+syn keyword tclStatement file append format read package set binary namespace
+syn keyword tclStatement scan trace seek flush after vwait uplevel lset rename
+syn keyword tclStatement fileevent regexp upvar unset encoding expr load regsub
+syn keyword tclStatement interp exit puts incr lindex lsort tclLog string
syn keyword tclLabel case default
syn keyword tclConditional if then else elseif switch
syn keyword tclRepeat while for foreach break continue
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim b/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim
index 83763a627..761e3ac02 100644
--- a/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim
@@ -1,118 +1,194 @@
" Vim syntax file
-" Language: Z shell (zsh)
-" Maintainer: Felix von Leitner <>
-" Heavily based on sh.vim by Lennart Schultz
-" Last Change: 2003 May 11
-" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
-" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
-if version < 600
- syntax clear
-elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+" Language: Zsh shell script
+" Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <>
+" Latest Revision: 2006-08-06
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
-" String and Character contstants
-" Highlight special characters (those which have a backslash) differently
-syn match zshSpecial "\\\d\d\d\|\\[abcfnrtv\\']"
-syn region zshSinglequote start=+'+ skip=+\\'+ end=+'+
-" A bunch of useful zsh keywords
-" syn keyword zshFunction function
-syn keyword zshStatement bg break cd chdir continue echo eval exec
-syn keyword zshStatement exit export fg getopts hash jobs kill
-syn keyword zshStatement pwd read readonly return set zshift function
-syn keyword zshStatement stop suspend test times trap type ulimit
-syn keyword zshStatement umask unset wait setopt compctl source
-syn keyword zshStatement whence disown shift which unhash unalias
-syn keyword zshStatement alias functions unfunction getln disable
-syn keyword zshStatement vared getopt enable unsetopt autoload
-syn keyword zshStatement bindkey pushln command limit unlimit fc
-syn keyword zshStatement print builtin noglob sched r time
-syn keyword zshStatement typeset declare local integer
-syn keyword zshConditional if else esac case then elif fi in
-syn keyword zshRepeat while for do done
-" Following is worth to notice: command substitution, file redirection and functions (so these features turns red)
-syn match zshFunctionName "\h\w*\s*()"
-syn region zshCommandSub start=+`+ skip=+\\`+ end=+`+
-" contains=ALLBUT,zshFunction
-syn match zshRedir "\d\=\(<\|<<\|>\|>>\)\(|\|&\d\)\="
-syn keyword zshTodo contained TODO
-syn keyword zshShellVariables USER LOGNAME HOME PATH CDPATH SHELL
-syn keyword zshShellVariables LC_TYPE LC_MESSAGE MAIL MAILCHECK
-syn keyword zshShellVariables PS1 PS2 IFS EGID EUID ERRNO GID UID
-syn keyword zshShellVariables HOST LINENO MACHTYPE OLDPWD OPTARG
-syn keyword zshShellVariables OPTIND OSTYPE PPID PWD RANDOM SECONDS
-syn keyword zshShellVariables SHLVL TTY signals TTYIDLE USERNAME
-syn keyword zshShellVariables VENDOR ZSH_NAME ZSH_VERSION ARGV0
-syn keyword zshShellVariables BAUD COLUMNS cdpath DIRSTACKSIZE
-syn keyword zshShellVariables FCEDIT fignore fpath histchars HISTCHARS
-syn keyword zshShellVariables HISTFILE HISTSIZE KEYTIMEOUT LANG
-syn keyword zshShellVariables LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_MESSAGES
-syn keyword zshShellVariables LC_TIME LINES LISTMAX LOGCHECK mailpath
-syn keyword zshShellVariables MAILPATH MANPATH manpath module_path
-syn keyword zshShellVariables MODULE_PATH NULLCMD path POSTEDIT
-syn keyword zshShellVariables PS3 PS4 PROMPT PROMPT2 PROMPT3 PROMPT4
-syn keyword zshShellVariables psvar PSVAR prompt READNULLCMD
-syn keyword zshShellVariables REPORTTIME RPROMPT RPS1 SAVEHIST
-syn keyword zshShellVariables watch WATCH WATCHFMT WORDCHARS ZDOTDIR
-syn match zshSpecialShellVar "\$[-#@*$?!0-9]"
-syn keyword zshSetVariables ignoreeof noclobber
-syn region zshDerefOpr start="\${" end="}" contains=zshShellVariables
-syn match zshDerefIdentifier "\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>"
-syn match zshOperator "[][}{&;|)(]"
-syn match zshNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>"
-syn match zshComment "#.*$" contains=zshNumber,zshTodo
-syn match zshTestOpr "-\<[oeaznlg][tfqet]\=\>\|!\==\|-\<[b-gkLprsStuwjxOG]\>"
-"syn region zshTest start="\[" skip="\\$" end="\]" contains=zshString,zshTestOpr,zshDerefIdentifier,zshDerefOpr
-syn region zshString start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=zshSpecial,zshOperator,zshDerefIdentifier,zshDerefOpr,zshSpecialShellVar,zshSinglequote,zshCommandSub
-" Define the default highlighting.
-" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
-" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
-if version >= 508 || !exists("did_zsh_syntax_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_zsh_syntax_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink zshSinglequote zshString
- HiLink zshConditional zshStatement
- HiLink zshRepeat zshStatement
- HiLink zshFunctionName zshFunction
- HiLink zshCommandSub zshOperator
- HiLink zshRedir zshOperator
- HiLink zshSetVariables zshShellVariables
- HiLink zshSpecialShellVar zshShellVariables
- HiLink zshTestOpr zshOperator
- HiLink zshDerefOpr zshSpecial
- HiLink zshDerefIdentifier zshShellVariables
- HiLink zshOperator Operator
- HiLink zshStatement Statement
- HiLink zshNumber Number
- HiLink zshString String
- HiLink zshComment Comment
- HiLink zshSpecial Special
- HiLink zshTodo Todo
- HiLink zshShellVariables Special
-" hi zshOperator term=underline ctermfg=6 guifg=Purple gui=bold
-" hi zshShellVariables term=underline ctermfg=2 guifg=SeaGreen gui=bold
-" hi zshFunction term=bold ctermbg=1 guifg=Red
- delcommand HiLink
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,-
+syn keyword zshTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
+syn region zshComment display oneline start='\%(^\|\s\)#' end='$'
+ \ contains=zshTodo,@Spell
+syn match zshPreProc '^\%1l#\%(!\|compdef\|autoload\).*$'
+syn match zshQuoted '\\.'
+syn region zshString matchgroup=zshStringDelimiter start=+"+ end=+"+
+ \ contains=zshQuoted,@zshDerefs,@zshSubst
+syn region zshString matchgroup=zshStringDelimiter start=+'+ end=+'+
+" XXX: This should probably be more precise, but Zsh seems a bit confused about it itself
+syn region zshPOSIXString matchgroup=zshStringDelimiter start=+\$'+
+ \ end=+'+ contains=zshQuoted
+syn match zshJobSpec '%\(\d\+\|?\=\w\+\|[%+-]\)'
+syn keyword zshPrecommand noglob nocorrect exec command builtin - time
+syn keyword zshDelimiter do done
+syn keyword zshConditional if then elif else fi case in esac select
+syn keyword zshRepeat for while until repeat foreach
+syn keyword zshException always
+syn keyword zshKeyword function nextgroup=zshKSHFunction skipwhite
+syn match zshKSHFunction contained '\k\+'
+syn match zshFunction '^\s*\k\+\ze\s*()'
+syn match zshOperator '||\|&&\|;\|&!\='
+syn match zshRedir '\d\=\(<\|<>\|<<<\|<&\s*[0-9p-]\=\)'
+syn match zshRedir '\d\=\(>\|>>\|>&\s*[0-9p-]\=\|&>\|>>&\|&>>\)[|!]\='
+syn match zshRedir '|&\='
+syn region zshHereDoc matchgroup=zshRedir start='<<\s*\z(\S*\)'
+ \ end='^\z1\>' contains=@zshSubst
+syn region zshHereDoc matchgroup=zshRedir start='<<-\s*\z(\S*\)'
+ \ end='^\s*\z1\>' contains=@zshSubst
+syn region zshHereDoc matchgroup=zshRedir
+ \ start=+<<\s*\(["']\)\z(\S*\)\1+ end='^\z1\>'
+syn region zshHereDoc matchgroup=zshRedir
+ \ start=+<<-\s*\(["']\)\z(\S*\)\1+
+ \ end='^\s*\z1\>'
+syn match zshVariable '\<\h\w*\ze+\=='
+" XXX: how safe is this?
+syn region zshVariable oneline
+ \ start='\$\@<!\<\h\w*\[' end='\]\ze+\=='
+ \ contains=@zshSubst
+syn cluster zshDerefs contains=zshShortDeref,zshLongDeref,zshDeref
+if !exists("g:zsh_syntax_variables")
+ let s:zsh_syntax_variables = 'all'
+ let s:zsh_syntax_variables = g:zsh_syntax_variables
+if s:zsh_syntax_variables =~ 'short\|all'
+ syn match zshShortDeref '\$[!#$*@?_-]\w\@!'
+ syn match zshShortDeref '\$[=^~]*[#+]*\d\+\>'
+if s:zsh_syntax_variables =~ 'long\|all'
+ syn match zshLongDeref '\$\%(ARGC\|argv\|status\|pipestatus\|CPUTYPE\|EGID\|EUID\|ERRNO\|GID\|HOST\|LINENO\|LOGNAME\)'
+if s:zsh_syntax_variables =~ 'all'
+ syn match zshDeref '\$[=^~]*[#+]*\h\w*\>'
+ syn match zshDeref transparent '\$[=^~]*[#+]*\h\w*\>'
+syn match zshCommands '\%(^\|\s\)[.:]\ze\s'
+syn keyword zshCommands alias autoload bg bindkey break bye cap cd
+ \ chdir clone comparguments compcall compctl
+ \ compdescribe compfiles compgroups compquote
+ \ comptags comptry compvalues continue dirs
+ \ disable disown echo echotc echoti emulate
+ \ enable eval exec exit export false fc fg
+ \ functions getcap getln getopts hash history
+ \ jobs kill let limit log logout popd print
+ \ printf pushd pushln pwd r read readonly
+ \ rehash return sched set setcap setopt shift
+ \ source stat suspend test times trap true
+ \ ttyctl type ulimit umask unalias unfunction
+ \ unhash unlimit unset unsetopt vared wait
+ \ whence where which zcompile zformat zftp zle
+ \ zmodload zparseopts zprof zpty zregexparse
+ \ zsocket zstyle ztcp
+syn keyword zshTypes float integer local typeset declare
+" XXX: this may be too much
+" syn match zshSwitches '\s\zs--\=[a-zA-Z0-9-]\+'
+syn match zshNumber '[+-]\=\<\d\+\>'
+syn match zshNumber '[+-]\=\<0x\x\+\>'
+syn match zshNumber '[+-]\=\<0\o\+\>'
+syn match zshNumber '[+-]\=\d\+#[-+]\=\w\+\>'
+syn match zshNumber '[+-]\=\d\+\.\d\+\>'
+syn cluster zshSubst contains=zshSubst,zshOldSubst,zshMathSubst
+syn region zshSubst matchgroup=zshSubstDelim transparent
+ \ start='\$(' skip='\\)' end=')' contains=TOP
+syn region zshParentheses transparent start='(' skip='\\)' end=')'
+syn region zshMathSubst matchgroup=zshSubstDelim transparent
+ \ start='\$((' skip='\\)'
+ \ matchgroup=zshSubstDelim end='))'
+ \ contains=zshParentheses,@zshSubst,zshNumber,
+ \ @zshDerefs,zshString
+syn region zshBrackets contained transparent start='{' skip='\\}'
+ \ end='}'
+syn region zshSubst matchgroup=zshSubstDelim start='\${' skip='\\}'
+ \ end='}' contains=@zshSubst,zshBrackets,zshQuoted
+syn region zshOldSubst matchgroup=zshSubstDelim start=+`+ skip=+\\`+
+ \ end=+`+ contains=TOP,zshOldSubst
+hi def link zshTodo Todo
+hi def link zshComment Comment
+hi def link zshPreProc PreProc
+hi def link zshQuoted SpecialChar
+hi def link zshString String
+hi def link zshStringDelimiter zshString
+hi def link zshPOSIXString zshString
+hi def link zshJobSpec Special
+hi def link zshPrecommand Special
+hi def link zshDelimiter Keyword
+hi def link zshConditional Conditional
+hi def link zshException Exception
+hi def link zshRepeat Repeat
+hi def link zshKeyword Keyword
+hi def link zshFunction None
+hi def link zshKSHFunction zshFunction
+hi def link zshHereDoc String
+if 0
+ hi def link zshOperator Operator
+ hi def link zshOperator None
+if 1
+ hi def link zshRedir Operator
+ hi def link zshRedir None
+hi def link zshVariable None
+hi def link zshDereferencing PreProc
+if s:zsh_syntax_variables =~ 'short\|all'
+ hi def link zshShortDeref zshDereferencing
+ hi def link zshShortDeref None
+if s:zsh_syntax_variables =~ 'long\|all'
+ hi def link zshLongDeref zshDereferencing
+ hi def link zshLongDeref None
+if s:zsh_syntax_variables =~ 'all'
+ hi def link zshDeref zshDereferencing
+ hi def link zshDeref None
+hi def link zshCommands Keyword
+hi def link zshTypes Type
+hi def link zshSwitches Special
+hi def link zshNumber Number
+hi def link zshSubst PreProc
+hi def link zshMathSubst zshSubst
+hi def link zshOldSubst zshSubst
+hi def link zshSubstDelim zshSubst
let b:current_syntax = "zsh"
-" vim: ts=8
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
index ba8343fe7..7438c96ba 100644
--- a/runtime/tutor/
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
@@ -1,84 +1,77 @@
-= W i l l k o m m e n z u m V I M T u t o r - Version 1.5D =
+= W i l l k o m m e n im V I M T u t o r - Version 1.7D =
Vim ist ein sehr mchtiger Editor, der viele Befehle bereitstellt; zu viele,
um alle in einem Tutor wie diesem zu erklren. Dieser Tutor ist so
- gestaltet, um genug Befehle vorzustellen, so dass Du die Fhigkeit erlangst,
+ gestaltet, um genug Befehle vorzustellen, dass Du die Fhigkeit erlangst,
Vim mit Leichtigkeit als einen Allzweck-Editor zu benutzen.
Die Zeit fr das Durcharbeiten dieses Tutors betrgt ca. 25-30 Minuten,
abhngig davon, wie viel Zeit Du mit Experimentieren verbringst.
Die in den Lektionen angewendeten Kommandos werden den Text modifizieren.
- Erstelle eine Kopie dieser Datei, in der Du ben willst (falls Du
- "vimtutor.bat" aufgerufen hast, ist dies bereits eine Kopie).
+ Erstelle eine Kopie dieser Datei, in der Du ben willst (falls Du "vimtutor"
+ aufgerufen hast, ist dies bereits eine Kopie).
- Es ist wichtig, sich zu vergegenwrtigen, dass dieser Tutor angelegt ist, um
- ber das Anwenden zu lehren. Das bedeutet, dass Du die Befehle ausfhren
- musst, um sie richtig zu lernen. Wenn Du nur den Text liest, vergisst Du die
- Befehle!
+ Es ist wichtig, sich zu vergegenwrtigen, dass dieser Tutor fr das Anwenden
+ konzipiert ist. Das bedeutet, dass Du die Befehle ausfhren musst, um sie
+ richtig zu lernen. Wenn Du nur den Text liest, vergisst Du die Befehle!
- Jetzt stelle sicher, dass Deine Umstelltaste NICHT gedrckt ist, und
- bettige die j Taste gengend Male, um den Cursor nach unten zu bewegen,
- so dass Lektion 1.1 den Bildschirm vollkommen ausfllt.
+ Jetzt stelle sicher, dass Deine Umstelltaste NICHT gedrckt ist und bettige
+ die j Taste gengend Male, um den Cursor nach unten zu bewegen, so dass
+ Lektion 1.1 den Bildschirm vollkommen ausfllt.
** Um den Cursor zu bewegen, drcke die h,j,k,l Tasten wie unten gezeigt. **
^ Hilfestellung:
k Die h Taste befindet sich links und bewegt nach links.
< h l > Die l Taste liegt rechts und bewegt nach rechts.
j Die j Taste hnelt einem Pfeil nach unten.
- 1. Bewege den Cursor auf dem Bildschirm herum, bis Du Dich sicher fhlst.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor auf dem Bildschirm umher, bis Du Dich sicher fhlst.
2. Halte die Nach-Unten-Taste (j) gedrckt, bis sie sich wiederholt.
----> Jetzt weit Du, wie Du Dich zur nchsten Lektion bewegen kannst.
+ Jetzt weit Du, wie Du Dich zur nchsten Lektion bewegen kannst.
3. Benutze die Nach-Unten-Taste, um Dich zu Lektion 1.2 zu bewegen.
Bemerkung: Immer, wenn Du Dir unsicher bist ber das, was Du getippt hast,
- drcke <ESC> , um Dich in den Normal-Modus zu begeben.
+ drcke <ESC> , um Dich in den Normalmodus zu begeben.
Dann gib das gewnschte Kommando noch einmal ein.
Bemerkung: Die Cursor-Tasten sollten ebenfalls funktionieren. Aber wenn Du
hjkl benutzt, wirst Du in der Lage sein, Dich sehr viel schneller
- umherzubewegen, wenn Du Dich erst einmal daran gewhnt hast.
+ umherzubewegen, wenn Du Dich einmal daran gewhnt hast. Wirklich!
+ Lektion 1.2: VIM BEENDEN
!! ACHTUNG: Bevor Du einen der unten aufgefhrten Schritte ausfhrst, lies
diese gesamte Lektion!!
- 1. Drcke die <ESC> Taste (um sicherzustellen, dass Du im Normal-Modus bist).
- 2. Tippe: :q! <ENTER>.
+ 1. Drcke die <ESC> Taste (um sicherzustellen, dass Du im Normalmodus bist).
----> Dies beendet den Editor OHNE jedwelche nderungen, die Du gemacht hast.
- Wenn Du die nderungen speichern und beenden willst, tippe:
- :wq <ENTER>
+ 2. Tippe: :q! <ENTER>.
+ Dies beendet den Editor und VERWIRFT alle nderungen, die Du gemacht hast.
- 3. Wenn Du die Eingabeaufforderung siehst, tippe das Kommando, das Dich zu
- diesem Tutor gefhrt hat. Das knnte sein: vimtutor <ENTER>
- Im Normalfall wrdest Du eingeben Vim tutor <ENTER>
+ 3. Wenn Du die Eingabeaufforderung siehst, gib das Kommando ein, das Dich zu
+ diesem Tutor gefhrt hat. Dies wre: vimtutor <ENTER>
----> 'Vim' ist der Aufruf des Editors, 'tutor' ist die zu editierende Datei.
- 4. Wenn Du Dir diese Schritte eingeprgt hast und Du Dich sicher genug fhlst,
+ 4. Wenn Du Dir diese Schritte eingeprgt hast und Du Dich sicher fhlst,
fhre Schritte 1 bis 3 aus, um den Editor zu verlassen und wieder
- hineinzugelangen. Dann bewege den Cursor nach unten zur Lektion 1.3.
+ hineinzugelangen.
+Bemerkung: :q! <ENTER> verwirft alle nderungen, die Du gemacht hast. In
+ einigen Lektionen lernst Du , die nderungen in einer Datei zu speichern.
+ 5. Bewege den Cursor abwrts zu Lektion 1.3.
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ** Im Normal-Modus, drcke x um das Zeichen unter dem Cursor zu lschen. **
+ ** Drcke x um das Zeichen unter dem Cursor zu lschen. **
1. Bewege den Cursor zu der mit ---> markierten Zeile unten.
@@ -101,89 +94,130 @@ Anmerkung: Whrend Du durch diesen Tutor gehst, versuche nicht, auswendig zu
- ** Whrend Du im Normal-Modus bist, drcke i , um Text einzufgen. **
+ ** Drcke i , um Text einzufgen. **
- 1.Bewege den Cursor zu der mit ---> markierten Zeile unten.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden mit ---> markierten Zeile.
2. Um die erste Zeile mit der zweiten gleichzumachen, bewege den Cursor auf
das erste Zeichen NACH der Stelle, wo der Text eingefgt werden soll.
- 3. Drcke i und gib die notwendige Ergnzung ein.
+ 3. Drcke i und gib die notwendigen Ergnzungen ein.
- 4. Wenn jeweils ein Fehler beseitigt ist, drcke <ESC> , um zum Normal-Modus
+ 4. Wenn jeweils ein Fehler beseitigt ist, drcke <ESC> , um zum Normalmodus
Wiederhole die Schritte 2 bis 4, um den Satz zu korrigieren.
---> In dieser ft etwas .
---> In dieser Zeile fehlt etwas Text.
- 5. Wenn Du Dich mit dem Einfgen von Text sicher fhlst, bewege den Cursor zur
- untenstehenden Zusammenfassung.
+ 5. Wenn Du Dich mit dem Einfgen von Text sicher fhlst, gehe zu Lektion 1.5.
- 1. Der Cursor wird bewegt, indem man entweder die Pfeiltasten oder die
- hjkl Tasten benutzt.
- h (links) j (unten) k (aufwrts) l (rechts)
+ ** Drcke A , um Text anzufgen. **
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden mit ---> markierten Zeile.
+ Es ist gleichgltig, auf welchem Zeichen der Zeile der Cursor steht.
- 2. Um Vim aufzurufen (vom % prompt) tippe: vim DATEINAME <ENTER>
+ 2. Drcke A und gib die ntigen Ergnzungen ein.
- 3. Um Vim zu verlassen, tippe: <ESC> :q! <ENTER> ,
- um alle nderungen zu verwerfen.
- ODER tippe: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> ,
- um die nderungen zu speichern.
+ 3. Wenn das Anfgen abgeschlossen ist, drcke <ESC>, um in den Normalmodus
+ zurckzukehren.
- 4. Um ein Zeichen im Normal-Modus zu lschen, tippe: x
+ 4. Bewege den Cursor zur zweiten mit ---> markierten Zeile und wiederhole
+ die Schritte 2 und 3, um den Satz zu korrigieren.
- 5. Um Text beim Cursor einzugeben, whrend Du im Normal-Modus bist, tippe:
- i Text eingeben <ESC>
+---> In dieser Zeile feh
+ In dieser Zeile fehlt etwas Text.
+---> Auch hier steh
+ Auch hier steht etwas Unvollstndiges.
-Bemerkung: Drcken von <ESC> bringt Dich in den Normal-Modus oder bricht ein
- ungewolltes, erst teilweise eingegebenes Kommando ab.
+ 5. Wenn Du dich mit dem Anfgen von Text sicher fhlst, gehe zu Lektion 1.6.
+ ** Benutze :wq , um eine Datei zu speichern und Vim zu verlassen. **
+ !! ACHTUNG: Bevor Du einen der unten aufgefhrten Schritte ausfhrst, lies
+ diese gesamte Lektion!!
+ 1. Verlasse den Editor so wie in Lektion 1.2: :q!
+ 2. Gib dieses Kommando in die Eingabeaufforderung ein: vim tutor <ENTER>
+ 'vim' ist der Aufruf des Editors, 'tutor' ist die zu editierende Datei.
+ Benutze eine Datei, die gendert werden kann.
+ 3. Fge Text ein oder lsche ihn, wie Du in den vorigen Lektionen gelernt
+ hast.
-Nun fahre mit Lektion 2 fort.
+ 4. Speichere die genderte Datei und verlasse Vim mit: :wq <ENTER>
+ 5. Starte den vimtutor neu und bewege Dich zu der folgenden Zusammenfassung.
+ 6. Nachdem Du obige Schritte gelesen und verstanden hast, fhre sie durch.
+ 1. Der Cursor wird mit den Pfeiltasten oder den Tasten hjkl bewegt.
+ h (links) j (unten) k (aufwrts) l (rechts)
+ 2. Um Vim von der Eingabeaufforderung auszufhren, tippe: vim DATEI <ENTER>
+ 3. Um Vim zu verlassen und alle nderungen zu verwerfen, tippe:
+ <ESC> :q! <ENTER> .
+ ODER tippe: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> , um die nderungen zu speichern.
+ 4. Um das Zeichen unter dem Cursor zu lschen, tippe: x
+ 5. Um Text einzufgen oder anzufgen, tippe:
+ i Einzufgenden Text eingeben <ESC> Einfgen vor dem Cursor
+ A Anzufgenden Text eingeben <ESC> Anfgen nach dem Zeilendene
+Bemerkung: Drcken von <ESC> bringt Dich in den Normalmodus oder bricht ein
+ ungewolltes, erst teilweise eingegebenes Kommando ab.
+ Nun fahre mit Lektion 2 fort.
- ** Tippe dw , um bis zum Ende des Wortes zu lschen **
+ ** Tippe dw , um ein Wort zu lschen. **
- 1. Drcke <ESC> um sicherzustellen, dass Du im Normal-Modus bist.
+ 1. Drcke <ESC> um sicherzustellen, dass Du im Normalmodus bist.
2. Bewege den Cursor zu der mit ---> markierten Zeile unten.
3. Bewege den Cursor zum Anfang eines Wortes, das gelscht werden soll.
- 4. Tippe dw , um das Wort zu entfernen.
+ 4. Tippe dw , um das Wort zu entfernen.
- Bemerkung: Die Buchstaben dw erscheinen auf der letzten Zeile des
- Bildschirms, wenn Du sie eingibst. Wenn Du etwas falsch eingetippt hast,
- drcke <ESC> und fahre fort.
+ Bemerkung: Der Buchstabe d erscheint auf der letzten Zeile des Bildschirms,
+ wenn Du ihn eingibst. Vim wartet darauf, da Du w eingibst. Wenn Du
+ ein anderes Zeichen als d siehst, hast Du etwas falsches getippt;
+ drcke <ESC> und beginne neu.
---> Einige Wrter lustig gehren nicht Papier in diesen Satz.
5. Wiederhole die Schritte 3 und 4, bis der Satz korrekt ist und gehe
danach zur Lektion 2.2.
** Tippe d$ , um bis zum Ende der Zeile zu lschen. **
- 1. Drcke <ESC> ,um sicherzustellen, dass Du im Normal-Modus bist.
+ 1. Drcke <ESC> , um sicherzustellen, dass Du im Normalmodus bist.
2. Bewege den Cursor zu der mit ---> markierten Zeile unten.
3. Bewege den Cursor zum Ende der korrekten Zeile (NACH dem ersten . ).
- 4. Tippe d$ ,um bis zum Ende der Zeile zu lschen.
+ 4. Tippe d$ , um bis zum Ende der Zeile zu lschen.
---> Jemand hat das Ende der Zeile doppelt eingegeben. doppelt eingegeben.
@@ -191,57 +225,103 @@ Nun fahre mit Lektion 2 fort.
5. Gehe weiter zur Lektion 2.3 , um zu verstehen, was hierbei passiert.
+ Viele Kommandos, die Text ndern, setzen sich aus einem Operator und einer
+ Bewegung zusammen. Das Format fr ein Lschkommando mit dem Lschoperator d
+ lautet wie folgt:
+ d Bewegung
+ wobei:
+ d - der Lschoperator
+ Bewegung - worauf der Lschoperator angewandt wird (unten aufgelistet).
+ Eine kleine Auflistung von Bewegungen:
+ w - bis zum Beginn des nchsten Wortes OHNE dessen erstes Zeichen.
+ e - zum Ende des aktuellen Wortes MIT dessen letztem Zeichen.
+ $ - zum Ende der Zeile MIT dem letzen Zeichen.
+ Dementsprechend lscht die Eingabe von de vom Cursor an bis zum Wortende.
+Bemerkung: Die Eingabe lediglich des Bewegungsteils im Normalmodus bewegt den
+ Cursor entsprechend.
+ ** Die Eingabe einer Zahl vor einem Bewegungsschritt wiederholt diesen. **
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zum Beginn der mit ---> markierten Zeile unten.
+ 2. Tippe 2w , um den Cursor zwei Wrter vorwrts zu bewegen.
+ 3. Tippe 3e , um den Cursor zum Ende des dritten Wortes zu bewegen.
+ 4. Tippe 0 (Null) , um zum Anfang der Zeile zu gelangen.
- Das Format fr das Lschkommando d ist folgendermaen:
+ 5. Wiederhole Schritte 2 und 3 mit verschiedenen Zhlern.
- [Nummer] d Objekt ODER d [Nummer] Objekt
+ ---> Dies ist nur eine Zeile aus Wrten um sich darin herumzubewegen.
- Wobei:
- Nummer - gibt an, wie viele Male das Kommando ausgefhrt werden soll
- (optional, standardmig 1).
- d - ist das Lschkommando.
- Objekt - bedeutet, worauf das Kommando angewendet wird (unten aufgefhrt).
+ 6. Gehe weiter zu Lektion 2.5.
- Eine kurze Liste von Objekten:
- w - vom Cursor an bis zum Ende des Wortes, inklusive dem Leerzeichen.
- e - vom Cursor an bis zum Ende des Wortes, OHNE das Leerzeichen.
- $ - vom Cursor an bis zum Ende der Zeile.
-Bemerkung: Fr die Wagemutigen: die Eingabe lediglich des Objekt-Teils im
- Normal-Modus ohne ein Kommando bewegt den Cursor so,
- wie in der Objektliste angegeben ist.
+ ** Die Eingabe einer Zahl mit einem Operator wiederholt diesen mehrfach. **
+ Fr die Kombination des Lschoperators und einem Bewegungsschritt (siehe
+ oben) stellt man dem Bewegungsschritt einen Zhler voran, um mehr zu lschen:
+ d Nummer Bewegungsschritt
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zum ersten Wort in GROSSBUCHSTABEN in der mit --->
+ markieren Zeile.
+ 2. Tippe d2w , um die zwei Wrter in GROSSBUCHSTABEN zu lschen.
+ 3. Wiederhole Schritte 1 und 2 mit einem anderen Zhler, um die
+ darauffolgenden Wrter in GROSSBUCHSTABEN mit einem einzigen Kommando
+ zu lschen.
+---> Diese ABC DE Zeile FGHI JK LMN OP mit Wrtern ist Q RS TUV bereinigt.
** Tippe dd , um eine ganze Zeile zu lschen. **
- Wegen der Hufigkeit, dass man ganze Zeilen lscht, kamen die
- Entwickler von Vim darauf, dass es leichter wre, zwei d's hintereinander
- einzugeben, um eine Zeile zu lschen.
+ Wegen der Hufigkeit, dass man ganze Zeilen lscht, kamen die Entwickler von
+ Vi darauf, dass es leichter wre, einfach zwei d's einzugeben, um eine Zeile
+ zu lschen.
1. Bewege den Cursor zur zweiten Zeile in der unten stehenden Redewendung.
2. Tippe dd , um die Zeile zu lschen.
3. Nun bewege Dich zur vierten Zeile.
- 4. Tippe 2dd (erinnere Dich an Nummer-Kommando-Objekt),
- um die berflssigen Zeilen zu lschen.
- 1) Rosen sind rot,
- 2) Matsch ist lustig,
- 3) Veilchen sind blau,
- 4) Ich habe ein Auto,
- 5) Die Uhr sagt die Zeit,
- 6) Zucker ist s,
- 7) So wie Du auch.
+ 4. Tippe 2dd , um zwei Zeilen zu lschen.
+---> 1) Rosen sind rot,
+---> 2) Matsch ist lustig,
+---> 3) Veilchen sind blau,
+---> 4) Ich habe ein Auto,
+---> 5) Die Uhr sagt die Zeit,
+---> 6) Zucker ist s,
+---> 7) So wie Du auch.
** Tippe u , um die letzten Kommandos rckgngig zu machen **
@@ -249,88 +329,82 @@ Bemerkung: Fr die Wagemutigen: die Eingabe lediglich des Objekt-Teils im
1. Bewege den Cursor zu der mit ---> markierten Zeile unten
und setze ihn auf den ersten Fehler.
- 2. Tippe x , um das erste berflssige Zeichen zu lschen.
+ 2. Tippe x , um das erste unerwnschte Zeichen zu lschen.
3. Nun tippe u um das soeben ausgefhrte Kommando rckgngig zu machen.
- 4. Dieses Mal behebe alle Fehler auf der Zeile, indem Du das x Kommando
- anwendest.
+ 4. Jetzt behebe alle Fehler auf der Zeile mit Hilfe des x Kommandos.
5. Nun tippe ein groes U , um die Zeile in ihren Ursprungszustand
- 6. Nun tippe u mehrere Male, um das U und die vorhergehenden Kommandos
+ 6. Nun tippe u einige Male, um das U und die vorhergehenden Kommandos
rckgngig zu machen.
- 7. Nun tippe CTRL-R (halte die CTRL-Taste gedrckt und drcke R )
- mehrere Male, um die Kommandos rckgngig zu machen
- (die Rckgngigmachungen rckgngig machen).
+ 7. Nun tippe CTRL-R (halte CTRL gedrckt und drcke R) mehrere Male, um die
+ Kommandos wiederherzustellen (die Rckgngigmachungen rckgngig machen).
---> Beehebe die Fehller diesser Zeile und sttelle sie mitt 'undo' wieder her.
- 8. Dieses sind sehr ntzliche Kommandos.
+ 8. Dies sind sehr ntzliche Kommandos.
Nun gehe weiter zur Zusammenfassung von Lektion 2.
- 1. Um vom Cursor bis zum Ende eines Wortes zu lschen, tippe: dw
+ 1. Um vom Cursor bis zum nchsten Wort zu lschen, tippe: dw
2. Um vom Cursor bis zum Ende einer Zeile zu lschen, tippe: d$
3. Um eine ganze Zeile zu lschen, tippe: dd
- 4. Das Format fr ein Kommandos im Normal-Modus ist:
+ 4. Um eine Bewegung zu wiederholen, stelle eine Nummer voran: 2w
+ 5. Das Format fr ein nderungskommando ist:
+ Operator [Anzahl] Bewegungsschritt
+ wobei:
+ Operator - gibt an, was getan werden soll, zum Beispiel d fr delete
+ [Anzahl] - ein optionaler Zhler, um den Bewegungsschritt zu wiederholen
+ Bewegungsschritt - Bewegung ber den zu ndernden Text, so wie
+ w (Wort), $ (zum Ende der Zeile), etc.
- [Nummer] Kommando Objekt ODER Kommando [Nummer] Objekt
- wobei:
- Nummer - gibt an, wie oft das Kommando wiederholt wird
- Kommando - gibt an, was getan werden soll, zum Beispiel d fr delete
- Objekt - gibt an, worauf das Kommando angewendet werden soll,
- zum Beispiel w (Wort), $ (zum Ende der Zeile), etc.
+ 6. Um Dich zum Anfang der Zeile zu begeben, benutze die Null: 0
- 5. Um vorherige Aktionen rckgngig zu machen, tippe: u (kleines u)
+ 7. Um vorherige Aktionen rckgngig zu machen, tippe: u (kleines u)
Um alle nderungen auf einer Zeile rckgngig zu machen: U (groes U)
Um die Rckgngigmachungen rckgngig zu machen, tippe: CTRL-R
Lektion 3.1: ANFGEN (PUT)
- ** Tippe p , um das zuletzt Gelschte nach dem Cursor anzufgen. **
- 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten Zeile des unten stehenden Sinnspruchs.
- 2. Tippe dd , um die Zeile zu lschen und sie in Vims Puffer zu speichern.
+ ** Tippe p , um vorher gelschten Text nach dem Cursor anzufgen. **
- 3. Bewege den Cursor zur Zeile BER derjenigen,
- wo die gelschte Zeile platziert werden soll.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden mit ---> markierten Zeile.
- 4. Im Normal-Modus, tippe p , um die Zeile zu platzieren.
+ 2. Tippe dd , um die Zeile zu lschen und sie in eimem Vim-Register zu
+ speichern.
- 5. Wiederhole die Schritte 2 bis 4, um alle Zeilen in die richtige Reihenfolge
- zu bringen.
+ 3. Bewege den Cursor zur Zeile c), BER derjenigen, wo die gelschte Zeile
+ platziert werden soll.
- d) Kannst Du das auch?
- b) Veilchen sind blau,
- c) Intelligenz ist erlernbar,
- a) Rosen sind rot,
+ 4. Tippe p , um die Zeile unterhalb des Cursors zu platzieren.
+ 5. Wiederhole die Schritte 2 bis 4, um alle Zeilen in die richtige
+ Reihenfolge zu bringen.
+---> d) Kannst Du das auch?
+---> b) Veilchen sind blau,
+---> c) Intelligenz ist erlernbar,
+---> a) Rosen sind rot,
- ** Tippe r und ein Zeichen, um das Zeichen unter dem Cursor zu ersetzen. **
+ ** Tippe rx , um das Zeichen unter dem Cursor durch x zu ersetzen. **
- 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden, mit ---> markierten Zeile.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden mit ---> markierten Zeile.
2. Bewege den Cursor, bis er sich auf dem ersten Fehler befindet.
- 3. Tippe r und anschlieend das Zeichen, welches den Fehler beheben sollte.
+ 3. Tippe r und anschlieend das Zeichen, welches dort stehen sollte.
- 4. Wiederhole die Schritte 2 und 3, bis die erste Zeile korrekt ist.
+ 4. Wiederhole Schritte 2 und 3, bis die erste Zeile gleich der zweiten ist.
----> Als diese Zeite eingegoben wurde, wurden einike falsche Tasten gelippt.
----> Als diese Zeile eingegeben wurde, wurden einige falsche Tasten getippt.
+---> Als diese Zeite eingegoben wurde, wurden einike falsche Tasten gelippt!
+---> Als diese Zeile eingegeben wurde, wurden einige falsche Tasten getippt!
5. Nun fahre fort mit Lektion 3.2.
@@ -342,427 +416,442 @@ Bemerkung: Erinnere Dich, dass Du durch Anwenden lernen solltest, nicht durch
Lektion 3.3: NDERN (CHANGE)
- ** Um ein Wortteil oder ein ganzes Wort zu ndern, tippe cw . **
+ ** Um eine nderung bis zum Wortende durchzufhren, tippe ce . **
- 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden, mit ---> markierten Zeile.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden mit ---> markierten Zeile.
- 2. Platziere den Cursor auf das s von Wstwr.
+ 2. Platziere den Cursor auf das s von Wstwr.
- 3. Tippe cw und die Wortkorrektur ein (in diesem Fall, tippe 'rter'.)
+ 3. Tippe ce und die Wortkorrektur ein (in diesem Fall tippe rter ).
- 4. Drcke <ESC> und bewege den Cursor zum nchsten Fehler
- (Das erste zu ndernde Zeichen.)
+ 4. Drcke <ESC> und bewege den Cursor zum nchsten zu ndernden Zeichen.
5. Wiederhole Schritte 3 und 4 bis der erste Satz gleich dem zweiten ist.
----> Einige Wstwr dieser Zlaww lasdjlaf mit dem ndern-Kommando gaaauu werden.
----> Einige Wrter dieser Zeile sollen mit dem ndern-Kommando gendert werden.
+---> Einige Wstwr dieser Zlaww lasdjlaf mit dem ndern-Operator gaaauu werden.
+---> Einige Wrter dieser Zeile sollen mit dem ndern-Operator gendert werden.
+Bemerke, dass ce das Wort lscht und Dich in den Eingabemodus versetzt.
-Bemerke, dass cw nicht nur das Wort ersetzt, sondern Dich auerdem in den
- Eingabemodus versetzt.
- ** Das change-Kommando arbeitet mit denselben Objekten wie delete **
- 1. Das change Kommando arbeitet in gleicher Weise wie delete. Das Format ist:
+ ** Das change-Kommando arbeitet mit denselben Bewegungen wie delete. **
- [Nummer] c Objekt ODER c [Nummer] Objekt
+ 1. Der change Operator arbeitet in gleicher Weise wie delete. Das Format ist:
- 2. Auch sind die Objekte gleich, so wie w (Wort), $ (Ende der Zeile), etc.
+ c [Anzahl] Bewegungsschritt
- 3. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden, mit ---> markierten Zeile.
+ 2. Die Bewegungsschritte sind die gleichen , so wie w (Wort) und $
+ (Zeilenende).
- 4. Bewege den Cursor zum ersten Unterschied zur anderen Zeile.
+ 3. Bewege Dich zur ersten unten stehenden mit ---> markierten Zeile.
- 5. Tippe c$ , um den Rest der Zeile an die zweite anzugleichen
- und drcke abschlieend <ESC> .
+ 4. Bewege den Cursor zum ersten Fehler.
----> Das Ende dieser Zeile sollte an die zweite Zeile angeglichen werden.
----> Das Ende dieser Zeile sollte mit dem 'c$' Kommando korrigiert werden.
+ 5. Tippe c$ , gib den Rest der Zeile wie in der zweiten ein, drcke <ESC> .
+---> Das Ende dieser Zeile soll an die zweite Zeile angeglichen werden.
+---> Das Ende dieser Zeile soll mit dem c$ Kommando korrigiert werden.
+Bemerkung: Du kannst die Rcktaste benutzen, um Tippfehler zu korrigieren.
- 1. Um einen vorher gelschten Text anzufgen, tippe p . Dies fgt den
- gelschten Text NACH dem Cursor an (wenn es sich um eine ganze Zeile
- handelt, wird ab der Zeile unter dem Cursor eingefgt).
+ 1. Um einen vorher gelschten Text anzufgen, tippe p . Dies fgt den
+ gelschten Text NACH dem Cursor an (wenn eine ganze Zeile gelscht wurde,
+ wird diese in die Zeile unter dem Cursor eingefgt).
- 2. Um das Zeichen unter dem Cursor zu ersetzen, tippe r ; das danach
- eingegebene Zeichen ersetzt das Original.
+ 2. Um das Zeichen unter dem Cursor zu ersetzen, tippe r und das an dieser
+ Stelle gewnschte Zeichen.
- 3. Das nderungs- (change) Kommando erlaubt, das angegebene Objekt vom Cursor
- bis zum Ende des Objektes zu ndern. Tippe z.B. cw , um eine nderung vom
- Cursor bis zum Ende des Wortes vorzunehmen; c$ bis zum Ende der Zeile.
+ 3. Der nderungs- (change) Operator erlaubt, vom Cursor bis zum Ende des
+ Bewegungsschrittes zu ndern. Tippe ce , um eine nderung vom Cursor bis
+ zum Ende des Wortes vorzunehmen; c$ bis zum Ende einer Zeile.
4. Das Format fr change ist:
- [Nummer] c Objekt ODER c [Nummer] Objekt
+ c [Anzahl] Bewegungsschritt
-Nun fahre mit der nchsten Lektion fort.
+ Nun fahre mit der nchsten Lektion fort.
- ** Tippe CTRL-g , um Deine Dateiposition sowie den Dateistatus anzuzeigen. **
- ** Tippe SHIFT-G , um Dich zu einer Zeile in der Datei zu bewegen. **
- Bemerkung: Lies diese gesamte Lektion, bevor Du irgendeinen Schritt ausfhrst!!
+ ** Tippe CTRL-G , um Deine Dateiposition sowie den Dateistatus anzuzeigen. **
+ ** Tippe G , um Dich zu einer Zeile in der Datei zu begeben. **
- 1. Halte die Ctrl Taste unten und drcke g . Eine Statuszeile erscheint in
- der untersten Zeile des Fensters mit dem Dateinamen und der Zeile,
- auf der Du Dich befindest. Prge Dir die Zeilennummer fr Schritt 3 ein.
+Bemerkung: Lies diese gesamte Lektion, bevor Du irgendeinen Schritt ausfhrst!!
- 2. Drcke Shift-G , um Dich zum Ende der Datei zu begeben.
+ 1. Halte die Ctrl Taste unten und drcke g . Dies nennen wir wir CTRL-G.
+ Eine Statusmeldung am Fu der Seite erscheint mit dem Dateinamen und der
+ Position innerhalb der Datei. Merke Dir die Zeilennummer fr Schritt 3.
- 3. Gib die Nummer der Zeile ein, auf der Du vorher warst, gefolgt von Shift-G.
- Dieses bringt Dich zurck zu der Zeile, auf der Du gestanden hast, als Du
- das erste Mal Ctrl-g gedrckt hast.
- (Wenn Du die Ziffern eingibst, werden sie NICHT auf dem Schirm angezeigt.)
+Bemerkung: Mglicherweise siehst Du die Cursorposition in der unteren rechten
+ Bildschirmecke. Dies ist Folge der 'ruler' Option (siehe :help 'ruler')
- 4. Wenn Du sicher genug fhlst, fhre die Schritte 1 bis 3 aus.
+ 2. Drcke G , um Dich zum Ende der Datei zu begeben.
+ Tippe gg , um Dich zum Anfang der Datei zu begeben.
+ 3. Gib die Nummer der Zeile ein, auf der Du vorher warst, gefolgt von G .
+ Dies bringt Dich zurck zu der Zeile, auf der Du gestanden hast, als Du
+ das erste Mal CTRL-G gedrckt hast.
+ 4. Wenn Du Dich sicher genug fhlst, fhre die Schritte 1 bis 3 aus.
** Tippe / gefolgt von einem Ausdruck, um nach dem Ausdruck zu suchen. **
- 1. Wenn Du im Normal-Modus bist, tippe das / Zeichen. Beachte, dass das /
- und der Cursor auf der untersten Zeile des Schirms erscheinen,
- so wie beim : Kommando.
- 2. Nun tippe 'Fehhler' <ENTER>. Dies ist das Wort, nach dem Du suchen willst.
+ 1. Im Normalmodus, tippe das / Zeichen. Bemerke, dass das / und der
+ Cursor am Fu des Schirms erscheinen, so wie beim : Kommando.
- 3. Um nach demselben Ausdruck weiterzusuchen, tippe einfach n (fr *n*ext).
- Um nach demselben Ausdruck in der anderen Richtung zu suchen, Shift-N .
+ 2. Nun tippe 'Fehhler' <ENTER>. Dies ist das Wort, nach dem Du suchen willst.
- 4. Wenn Du nach einem Ausdruck rckwrts in der Datei suchen willst,
- benutze das Kommando ? statt / .
+ 3. Um nach demselben Ausdruck weiterzusuchen, tippe einfach n (fr next).
+ Um nach demselben Ausdruck in der Gegenrichtung zu suchen, tippe N .
----> Wenn die Suche das Dateiende erreicht hat, wird sie am Anfang fortgesetzt.
- Fehler schreibt sich nicht "Fehhler"; "Fehhler" ist ein Fehler
+ 4. Um nach einem Ausdruck rckwrts zu suchen , benutze ? statt / .
+ 5. Um dahin zurckzukehren, von wo Du gekommen bist, drcke CTRL-O (Halte
+ Ctrl unten und drcke den Buchstaben o). Wiederhole dies, um weiter
+ zurckzugehen. CTRL-I bringt dich vorwrts.
+---> Fehler schreibt sich nicht "Fehhler"; Fehhler ist ein Fehler
+Bemerkung: Wenn die Suche das Dateiende erreicht hat, wird sie am Anfang
+ fortgesetzt, es sei denn, die 'wrapscan' Option wurde abgeschaltet.
** Tippe % , um eine korrespondierende Klammer ),], oder } zu finden. **
- 1. Platziere den Cursor auf irgendeinem der Zeichen (, [, oder {
- in der unten stehenden Zeile, die mit ---> markiert ist.
+ 1. Platziere den Cursor auf irgendeines der Zeichen (, [, oder { in der unten
+ stehenden Zeile, die mit ---> markiert ist.
2. Nun tippe das % Zeichen.
- 3. Der Cursor sollte sich nun auf der gegenberliegenden Klammer befinden.
+ 3. Der Cursor bewegt sich zur passenden gegenberliegenden Klammer.
+ 4. Tippe % , um den Cursor zur anderen passenden Klammer zu bewegen.
- 4. Tippe % , um den Cursor zurck auf die erste Gegenklammer zurckzubewegen.
+ 5. Setze den Cursor auf ein anderes (,),[,],{ oder } und probiere % aus.
----> Dies ( ist eine Testzeile mit ( verschiedenen [ Klammern ] { xx } darin. ))
+---> Dies ( ist eine Testzeile ( mit [ verschiedenen ] { Klammern } darin. ))
Bemerkung: Diese Funktionalitt ist sehr ntzlich bei der Fehlersuche in einem
- Programmtext, in dem eine passende Klammer fehlt!
+ Programmtext, in dem passende Klammern fehlen!
- ** Tippe :s/alt/neu/g , um 'alt' durch 'neu' zu ersetzen. **
+ ** Tippe :s/alt/neu/g , um 'alt' durch 'neu' zu ersetzen. **
1. Bewege den Cursor zu der unten stehenden mit ---> markierten Zeile.
2. Tippe :s/diee/die <ENTER> . Bemerke, dass der Befehl nur das erste
- Vorkommen auf der Zeile ersetzt.
+ Vorkommen von "diee" ersetzt.
- 3. Nun tippe :s/diee/die/g , welches bedeutet, eine zeilenweite
- (*g*lobale) Ersetzung vorzunehmen.
- Dies ersetzt alle Vorkommen auf der Zeile.
+ 3. Nun tippe :s/diee/die/g . Das Zufgen des Flags g bedeutet, eine
+ globale Ersetzung ber die Zeile durchzufhren, was alle Vorkommen von
+ "diee" auf der Zeile ersetzt.
---> diee schnste Zeit, um diee Blumen anzuschauen, ist diee Frhlingszeit.
- 4. Um alle Vorkommen einer Zeichenkette zwischen zwei Zeilen zu ndern,
- tippe :#,#s/alt/neu/g , wobei #,# die zwei Nummern der Zeilen sind.
- Tippe :%s/alt/neu/g , um alle Vorkommen in der gesamten Datei zu ndern.
+ 4. Um alle Vorkommen einer Zeichenkette innerhalb zweier Zeilen zu ndern,
+ tippe :#,#s/alt/neu/g wobei #,# die Zeilennummern des Zeilenbereiches
+ sind, in dem die Ersetzung durchgefhrt werden soll.
+ Tippe :%s/alt/neu/g um alle Vorkommen in der gesamten Datei zu ndern.
+ Tippe :%s/alt/neu/gc um alle Vorkommen in der gesamten Datei zu finden
+ mit einem Fragedialog, ob ersetzt werden soll oder nicht.
+ 1. CTRL-G zeigt die aktuelle Dateiposition sowie den Dateistatus.
+ G bringt Dich zum Ende der Datei.
+ Nummer G bringt Dich zur entsprechenden Zeilennummer.
+ gg bringt Dich zur ersten Zeile.
- 1. Ctrl-g zeigt die aktuelle Dateiposition sowie den Dateistatus.
- Shift-G bringt Dich bis zum Ende der Datei. Eine Zeilennummer
- gefolgt von Shift-G bewegt den Cursor zu der Zeilennummer.
- 2. Die Eingabe von / gefolgt von einem Ausdruck sucht VORWRTS nach dem
- Ausdruck.
- Die Eingabe von ? gefolgt von einem Ausdruck sucht RCKWRTS nach dem
- Ausdruck.
+ 2. Die Eingabe von / plus einem Ausdruck sucht VORWRTS nach dem Ausdruck.
+ Die Eingabe von ? plus einem Ausdruck sucht RCKWRTS nach dem Ausdruck.
Tippe nach einer Suche n , um das nchste Vorkommen in der gleichen
- Richtung zu finden; oder Shift-N , um in der entgegengesetzten Richtung
- zu suchen.
- 3. Die Eingabe von % , wenn der Cursor sich auf (,),[,],{, oder }
- befindet, findet die korrespondierende Gegenklammer.
- 4. Um das ERSTE Vorkommen von alt in eine Zeile durch neu zu ersetzen, tippe
- :s/alt/neu
- Um ALLE Vorkommen von alt in eine Zeile durch neu zu ersetzen, tippe
- :s/alt/neu/g
- Um Ausdrcke innerhalb von zwei Zeilen zu ersetzen, tippe
- :#,#s/alt/neu/g
- Um alle Vorkommen in der ganzen Datei zu ersetzen, tippe
- :%s/alt/neu/g
- Um jedes Mal nach einer Besttigung gefragt zu werden, fge 'c' hinzu.
- :%s/alt/neu/gc (*c*onfirm)
+ Richtung zu finden; oder N , um in der Gegenrichtung zu suchen.
+ CTRL-O bringt Dich zurck zu lteren Positionen, CTRL-I zu neueren.
+ 3. Die Eingabe von % , wenn der Cursor sich auf (,),[,],{, oder }
+ befindet, bringt Dich zur Gegenklammer.
+ 4. Um das erste Vorkommen von "alt" in einer Zeile durch "neu" zu ersetzen,
+ tippe :s/alt/neu
+ Um alle Vorkommen von "alt" in der Zeile ersetzen, tippe :s/alt/neu/g
+ Um Ausdrcke innerhalb zweier Zeilennummern zu ersetzen, :#,#s/alt/neu/g
+ Um alle Vorkommen in der ganzen Datei zu ersetzen, tippe :%s/alt/neu/g
+ Fr eine jedmalige Besttigung, addiere 'c' (confirm) :%s/alt/neu/gc
** Gib :! , gefolgt von einem externen Kommando ein, um es auszufhren. **
- 1. Tippe das vertraute Kommando : , um den Cursor auf die unterste Zeile
- des Fensters zu setzen. Dies erlaubt Dir, ein Kommando einzugeben.
+ 1. Tippe das vertraute Kommando : , um den Cursor auf den Fu des Schirms
+ zu setzen. Dies erlaubt Dir, ein Kommandozeilen-Kommando einzugeben.
- 2. Nun tippe ein ! (Ausrufezeichen). Dieses ermglicht Dir, ein
- beliebiges, externes Shellkommando auszufhren.
+ 2. Nun tippe ein ! (Ausrufezeichen). Dies ermglicht Dir, ein beliebiges,
+ externes Shellkommando auszufhren.
3. Als Beispiel tippe ls nach dem ! und drcke <ENTER>. Dies zeigt
eine Auflistung Deines Verzeichnisses; genauso, als wenn Du auf der
- Eingabeaufforderung wrst.
- Verwende :!dir , falls ls nicht funktioniert.
+ Eingabeaufforderung wrst. Oder verwende :!dir , falls ls nicht geht.
----> Bemerkung: Mit dieser Methode kann jedes beliebige externe Kommando
- ausgefhrt werden.
+Bemerkung: Mit dieser Methode kann jedes beliebige externe Kommando
+ ausgefhrt werden, auch mit Argumenten.
----> Bemerkung: Alle : Kommandos mssen durch Eingabe von <ENTER>
- abgeschlossen werden.
+Bemerkung: Alle : Kommandos mssen durch Eingabe von <ENTER>
+ abgeschlossen werden. Von jetzt an erwhnen wir dies nicht jedesmal.
-** Um an der Datei durchgefhrte nderungen zu sichern , tippe :w DATEINAME. **
- 1. Tippe :!ls oder :!dir , um eine Auflistung Deines Verzeichnisses
- zu erhalten.
- Du weit nun bereits, dass Du danach <ENTER> eingeben musst.
+** Um am Text durchgefhrte nderungen zu speichern, tippe :w DATEINAME. **
- 2. Whle einen Dateinamen, der dort noch nicht existiert, z.B. TEST.
+ 1. Tippe :!dir oder :!ls , um eine Auflistung Deines Verzeichnisses zu
+ erhalten. Du weit nun bereits, dass Du danach <ENTER> eingeben musst.
- 3. Nun tippe: :w TEST (wobei TEST der gewhlte Dateiname ist.)
+ 2. Whle einen Dateinamen, der noch nicht existiert, z.B. TEST.
- 4. Dieses speichert diese ganze Datei (Vim Tutor) unter dem Namen TEST.
- Um dieses zu berprfen, tippe nochmals :!ls bzw. !dir,
- um Deinen Verzeichnisinhalt zu sehen.
+ 3. Nun tippe: :w TEST (wobei TEST der gewhlte Dateiname ist).
----> Beachte: wrdest Du Vim jetzt beenden und danach wieder mit dem Dateinamen
- TEST ffnen, dann wre diese Datei eine exakte Kopie des Tutors zu dem
- Zeitpunkt, als Du ihn gespeichert hast.
- 5. Nun entferne die Datei durch Eingabe von :!rm TEST bzw. :!del TEST.
+ 4. Dies speichert die ganze Datei (den Vim Tutor) unter dem Namen TEST.
+ Um dies zu berprfen, tippe nochmals :!ls bzw. !dir, um Deinen
+ Verzeichnisinhalt zu sehen.
+Bemerkung: Wrdest Du Vim jetzt beenden und danach wieder mit vim TEST
+ starten, dann wre diese Datei eine exakte Kopie des Tutors zu dem
+ Zeitpunkt, als Du ihn gespeichert hast.
+ 5. Nun entferne die Datei durch Eingabe von (MS-DOS): :!del TEST
+ oder (Unix): :!rm TEST
- ** Um einen Abschnitt der Datei zu speichern tippe :#,# w DATEINAME **
+** Um einen Abschnitt der Datei zu speichern, tippe v Bewegung :w DATEI **
- 1. Gib nochmals :!ls bzw :!dir ein, um eine Auflistung Deines
- Verzeichnisses zu erhalten und whle einen geeigneten Dateinamen wie TEST.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zu dieser Zeile.
- 2. Bewege den Cursor zum Anfang dieses Kapitels und tippe Ctrl-g , um die
- Nummer dieser Zeile zu erhalten. PRGE DIR DIESE NUMMER EIN!
+ 2. Tippe v und bewege den Cursor zum fnften Auflistungspunkt unten.
+ Bemerke, da der Text hervorgehoben wird.
- 3. Nun bewege Dich zum Ende dieses Kapitels und tippe wieder Ctrl-g .
+ 3. Drcke das Zeichen : . Am Fu des Schirms erscheint :'<,'> .
- 4. Um NUR einen Abschnitt einer Datei zu speichern, tippe :#,# w TEST
- wobei #,# die zwei Nummern sind, die Du im Gedchtnis hast (oben, unten);
- und TEST Dein Dateiname ist.
- 5. berprfe wiederum mit :!ls oder :!dir nach, dass die Datei
- existiert, aber lsche sie NICHT.
+ 4. Tippe w TEST , wobei TEST ein noch nicht vorhandener Dateiname ist.
+ Vergewissere Dich, da Du :'<,'>w TEST siehst, bevor Du Enter drckst.
+ 5. Vim schreibt die ausgewhlten Zeilen in die Datei TEST. Benutze :!dir
+ oder :!ls , um sie zu sehen. Lsche sie noch nicht! Wir werden sie in
+ der nchsten Lektion benutzen.
+Bemerkung: Drcken von v startet die Visuelle Auswahl. Du kannst den Cursor
+ umherbewegen, um die Auswahl grer oder kleiner zu machen. Anschlieend
+ kann man einen Operator anwenden, um mit dem Text etwas zu tun. Zum
+ Beispiel lscht d den Text.
- ** Um den Inhalt einer Datei einzulesen, tippe :r DATEINAME **
- 1. Tippe :!ls bzw. !dir , um sicherzustellen, dass Deine Datei TEST
- von vorhin vorhanden ist.
+ ** Um den Inhalt einer Datei einzulesen, tippe :r DATEINAME **
- 2. Platziere den Cursor auf der ersten Zeile dieses Kapitels.
+ 1. Platziere den Cursor berhalb dieser Zeile.
-BEACHTE: Nachdem Du Schritt 3 ausgefhrt hast, wirst Du Lektion 5.3 sehen.
- An diesem Punkt bewege Dich wieder ABWRTS zu dieser Lektion.
+BEACHTE: Nachdem Du Schritt 2 ausgefhrt hast, wirst Du Text aus Lektion 5.3
+ sehen. Dann bewege Dich wieder ABWRTS, um diese Lektion wiederzusehen.
- 3. Nun lies Deine Datei TEST ein indem Du das Kommando :r TEST ausfhrst,
- wobei TEST der Name der Datei ist.
+ 2. Nun lies Deine Datei TEST ein indem Du das Kommando :r TEST ausfhrst,
+ wobei TEST der von Dir verwendete Dateiname ist.
+ Die eingelesene Datei wird unterhalb der Cursorzeile eingefgt.
-BEMERKUNG: Die Datei, die Du einliest, wird an der Stelle eingefgt, an der
- sich der Cursor befindet.
- 4. Um zu berprfen, dass eine Datei eingelesen wurde, gehe zurck und
- sehe, dass es jetzt zwei Kopien von Lektion 5.3 gibt, das Original und die
- eingefgte Version.
+ 3. Um zu berprfen, dass die Datei eingelesen wurde, gehe zurck und siehe,
+ dass es jetzt zwei Kopien von Lektion 5.3 gibt, das Original und die
+ eingefgte Dateiversion.
+Bemerkung: Du kannst auch die Ausgabe eines externen Kommandos einlesen. Zum
+ Beispiel liest :r !ls die Ausgabe des Kommandos ls ein und platziert
+ sie unterhalb des Cursors.
- 1. :!Kommando fhrt ein externes (Shell-)Kommando aus.
+ 1. :!Kommando fhrt ein externes Kommando aus.
Einige ntzliche Beispiele sind
- :!ls - Auflistung des aktuellen Verzeichnisses
- :!rm DATEINAME - entfernt Datei DATEINAME
- MS-DOS/Windows:
- :!dir - Auflistung des aktuellen Verzeichnisses
- :!del DATEINAME - entfernt Datei DATEINAME
+ (MS-DOS) (Unix)
+ :!dir :!ls - zeigt eine Verzeichnisauflistung.
+ :!del DATEINAME :!rm DATEINAME - entfernt Datei DATEINAME.
+ 2. :w DATEINAME speichert die aktuelle Vim-Datei unter dem Namen DATEINAME.
- 2. :w DATEINAME schreibt die aktuelle Vim-Datei als DATEINAME auf die
- Platte.
+ 3. v Bewegung :w DATEINAME schreibt die Visuell ausgewhlten Zeilen in
+ die Datei DATEINAME.
- 3. :#,#w DATEINAME speichert die Zeilen # bis # in der Datei DATEINAME.
+ 4. :r DATEINAME ldt die Datei DATEINAME und fgt sie unterhalb der
+ Cursorposition ein.
- 4. :r DATEINAME ldt die Datei DATEINAME von der Platte und fgt sie in
- die aktuelle Datei nach der Cursorposition ein.
+ 5. :r !dir liest die Ausgabe des Kommandos dir und fgt sie unterhalb der
+ Cursorposition ein.
Lektion 6.1: ZEILEN FFNEN (OPEN)
- ** Tippe o , um eine Zeile unter dem Cursor zu ffnen und Dich in den **
- ** Einfgemodus zu begeben. **
+ ** Tippe o , um eine Zeile unterhalb des Cursors zu ffnen und Dich in **
+ ** den Einfgemodus zu begeben. **
- 1. Bewege den Cursor zu der unten stehenden Zeile, die mit ---> markiert ist.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zu der ersten mit ---> markierten Zeile unten.
- 2. Tippe o (klein geschrieben), um eine Zeile UNTER dem Cursor aufzumachen
+ 2. Tippe o (klein geschrieben), um eine Zeile UNTERHALB des Cursos zu ffnen
und Dich in den Einfgemodus zu begeben.
- 3. Nun tippe den Text der mit ---> markierte Zeile ab und drcke <ESC> , um
- den Einfgemodus zu verlassen.
+ 3. Nun tippe etwas Text und drcke <ESC> , um den Einfgemodus zu verlassen.
----> Mit o wird der Cursor auf der geffneten Zeile im Eingabemodus platziert.
+---> Mit o wird der Cursor auf der offenen Zeile im Einfgemodus platziert.
+ 4. Um eine Zeile BERHALB des Cursos aufzumachen, gib einfach ein groes O
+ statt einem kleinen o ein. Versuche dies auf der unten stehenden Zeile.
+---> ffne eine Zeile ber dieser mit O , wenn der Cursor auf dieser Zeile ist.
- 4. Um eine Zeile BER dem Cursor aufzumachen, gib einfach ein groes O
- anstelle eines kleinen o ein. Versuche dies auf der unten stehenden
- Zeile.
-ffne eine Zeile ber dieser mit Shift-O , wenn der Cursor auf dieser Zeile ist.
- ** Tippe a , um Text NACH dem Cursor einzufgen. **
+ ** Tippe a , um Text NACH dem Cursor einzufgen. **
- 1. Bewege den Cursor zum Ende der unten stehenden Zeile, die mit --->
- markiert ist, indem Du im Normal-Modus $ eingibst.
+ 1. Bewege den Cursor zum Anfang der ersten bungszeile mit ---> unten.
- 2. Tippe ein a (klein geschrieben), um Text NACH dem Zeichen unter dem
- Cursor einzugeben. (Ein groes A fgt nach dem Ende der Zeile an.)
+ 2. Drcke e , bis der Cursor am Ende von Zei steht.
-Bemerkung: Dies macht es berflssig, erst i zu tippen, dann das letzte
- Zeichen, den anzuhngenden Text, <ESC>, Cursor-Rechts,
- und schlielich, x, nur um Text an eine Zeile anzuhngen!
+ 3. Tippe ein kleines a , um Text NACH dem Cursor anzufgen.
- 3. Nun vervollstndige die erste Zeile. Beachte auerdem , dass Anfgen
- (Append) genau das gleiche ist, wie der Einfge- (Insert-) Modus,
- abgesehen von der Stelle, an dem der Text eingefgt wird.
+ 4. Vervollstndige das Wort so wie in der Zeile darunter. Drcke <ESC> ,
+ um den Einfgemodus zu verlassen.
----> Diese Zeile bietet Gelegenheit
----> Diese Zeile bietet Gelegenheit, Text an ihr Ende anzufgen.
+ 5. Bewege Dich mit e zum nchsten unvollstndigen Wort und wiederhole
+ Schritte 3 und 4.
+---> Diese Zei bietet Gelegen , Text in einer Zeile anzuf.
+---> Diese Zeile bietet Gelegenheit, Text in einer Zeile anzufgen.
+Bemerkung: a, i und A gehen alle gleichermaen in den Einfgemodus; der
+ einzige Unterschied ist, wo die Zeichen eingefgt werden.
** Tippe ein groes R , um mehr als ein Zeichen zu ersetzen. **
1. Bewege den Cursor zur ersten unten stehenden, mit ---> markierten Zeile.
+ Bewege den Cursor zum Anfang des ersten xxx .
- 2. Platziere den Cursor auf den Anfang des ersten Wortes, welches sich von
- der zweiten mit ---> markierten Zeile unterscheidet (das Wort 'benutze').
+ 2. Nun drcke R und tippe die Nummer, die darunter in der zweiten Zeile
+ steht, so das diese das xxx ersetzt.
- 3. Nun gib ein R ein, und ersetze den Rest des Textes auf der ersten
- Zeile, um diese gleich der zweiten zu machen, indem Du den alten Text
- berschreibst.
+ 3. Drcke <ESC> , um den Ersetzungsmodus zu verlassen. Bemerke, da der Rest
+ der Zeile unverndert bleibt.
----> Um die erste Zeile gleich der zweiten zu machen, benutze die Tastatur.
----> Um die erste Zeile gleich der zweiten zu machen, tippe R und neuen Text.
+ 4. Wiederhole die Schritte, um das verbliebene xxx zu ersetzen.
- 4. Beachte, dass, wenn Du zum Verlassen <ESC> drckst, smtlicher
- ungenderte Text bestehen bleibt.
+---> Das Addieren von 123 zu xxx ergibt xxx.
+---> Das Addieren von 123 zu 456 ergibt 579.
+Bemerkung: Der Ersetzungsmodus ist wie der Einfgemodus, aber jedes eingetippte
+ Zeichen lscht ein vorhandenes Zeichen.
- Lektion 6.4: OPTIONEN SETZEN
+ ** Benutze den y Operator, um Text zu kopieren; p , um ihn einzufgen **
+ 1. Gehe zu der mit ---> markierten Zeile unten, setze den Cursor hinter "a)".
+ 2. Starte den Visuellen Modus mit v , bewege den Cursor genau vor "erste".
+ 3. Tippe y , um den hervorgehoben Text zu kopieren.
+ 4. Bewege den Cursor zum Ende der nchsten Zeile: j$
+ 5. Tippe p , um den Text einzufgen und anschlieend: a zweite <ESC> .
+ 6. Benutze den Visuellen Modus, um " Eintrag." auszuwhlen, kopiere mittels
+ y , bewege Dich zum Ende der nchsten Zeile mit j$ und fge den Text
+ dort mit p an.
+---> a) dies ist der erste Eintrag.
+ b)
+Bemerkung: Du kannst y auch als Operator verwenden; yw kopiert ein Wort.
+ Lektion 6.5: OPTIONEN SETZEN
** Setze eine Option so, dass eine Suche oder eine Ersetzung Gro- **
** und Kleinschreibung ignoriert **
- 1. Suche nach 'igno', indem Du /igno eingibst.
+ 1. Suche nach 'ignoriere', indem Du /ignoriere eingibst.
Wiederhole die Suche einige Male, indem Du die n - Taste drckst.
- 2. Setze die 'ic' (ignorecase; Ignoriere Gro-/Kleinschreibung) - Option,
- indem Du :set ic eingibst.
+ 2. Setze die 'ic' (Ignore case) - Option, indem Du :set ic eingibst.
- 3. Nun suche wieder nach 'igno', indem Du n tippst.
- Wiederhole dieses noch einige Male, indem Du die n Taste drckst.
+ 3. Nun suche wieder nach 'ignoriere', indem Du n tippst.
+ Bemerke, da jetzt Ignoriere und auch IGNORIERE gefunden wird.
- 4. Setze die 'hlsearch' (Suche hervorheben) und 'incsearch' (Inkrementelle
- Suche) - Optionen:
- :set hls is
+ 4. Setze die 'hlsearch' und 'incsearch' - Optionen: :set hls is
- 5. Jetzt gib den Suchen-Befehl noch einmal ein und beobachte, was passiert:
- /igno
+ 5. Wiederhole die Suche und beobachte, was passiert: /ignoriere <ENTER>
+ 6. Um das Ignorieren von Gro/Kleinschreibung abzuschalten, tippe: :set noic
+Bemerkung: Um die Hervorhebung der Treffer zu enfernen, gib ein: :nohlsearch
+Bemerkung: Um die Schreibweise fr eine einzige Suche zu ignorieren, benutze
+ \c im Suchausdruck: /ignoriere\c <ENTER>
+ 1. Tippe o , um eine Zeile UNTER dem Cursor zu ffnen und den Einfgemodus
+ zu starten.
+ Tippe O , um eine Zeile BER dem Cursor zu ffnen.
- 1. Die Eingabe von o macht eine Zeile UNTER dem Cursor auf und
- platziert den Cursor auf der geffneten Zeile im Einfgemodus.
- Die Eingabe eines groen O ffnet eine Zeile BER derjenigen,
- auf der sich der Cursor befindet.
+ 2. Tippe a , um Text NACH dem Cursor anzufgen.
+ Tippe A , um Text nach dem Zeilenende anzufgen.
- 2. Gib ein a ein, um Text NACH dem Zeichen, auf dem sich der Cursor
- befindet, einzufgen.
- Die Eingabe eines groen A erlaubt das Anfgen von Text nach dem
- Ende der Zeile.
+ 3. Das Kommando e bringt Dich zum Ende eines Wortes.
- 3. Die Eingabe eines groen R wechselt in den Ersetzungs-(Replace)-Modus,
- bis zum Verlassen <ESC> eingegeben wird.
+ 4. Der Operator y (yank) kopiert Text, p (put) fgt ihn ein.
- 4. Die Eingabe von ":set xxx" setzt die Option "xxx"
+ 5. Ein groes R geht in den Ersetzungsmodus bis zum Drcken von <ESC> .
+ 6. Die Eingabe von ":set xxx" setzt die Option "xxx". Einige Optionen sind:
+ 'ic' 'ignorecase' Ignoriere Gro/Kleinschreibung bei einer Suche
+ 'is' 'incsearch' Zeige Teilbereinstimmungen fr einen Suchausdruck
+ 'hls' 'hlsearch' Hebe alle passenden Ausdrcke hervor
+ Der Optionsname kann in der Kurz- oder der Langform angegeben werden.
+ 7. Stelle einer Option "no" voran, um sie abzuschalten: :set noic
- Lektion 7 : DIE ONLINE-HILFE
+ Lektion 7.1 : AUFRUFEN VON HILFE
** Nutze das eingebaute Hilfesystem **
@@ -772,82 +861,120 @@ Bemerkung: Dies macht es berflssig, erst i zu tippen, dann das letzte
- Drcke die <F1> Taste (falls Du eine besitzt)
- Tippe :help <ENTER>
+ Lies den Text im Hilfefenster, um zu verstehen wie die Hilfe funktioniert.
+ Tippe CTRL-W CTRL-W , um von einem Fenster zum anderen zu springen.
Tippe :q <ENTER> , um das Hilfefenster zu schlieen.
- Du kannst Hilfe ber praktisch jedes Thema finden, indem Du dem ":help"
+ Du kannst Hilfe zu praktisch jedem Thema finden, indem Du dem ":help"-
Kommando ein Argument gibst. Probiere folgendes (<ENTER> nicht vergessen):
- :help w
- :help c_<T
- :help insert-index
- :help user-manual
+ :help w
+ :help c_CTRL-D
+ :help insert-index
+ :help user-manual
+ ** Aktiviere die eingebauten Funktionalitten von Vim **
+ Vim besitzt viele Funktionalitten, die ber Vi hinausgehen, aber die meisten
+ von ihnen sind standardmig deaktiviert. Um mehr Funktionalitten zu nutzen,
+ musst Du eine "vimrc" - Datei erstellen.
+ 1. Starte das Editieren der "vimrc"-Datei, abhngig von Deinem System:
+ :e ~/.vimrc fr Unix
+ :e $VIM/_vimrc fr MS-Windows
+ 2. Nun lies den Inhalt der Beispiel-"vimrc"-Datei ein:
+ :r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
+ 3. Speichere die Datei mit:
+ :w
+ Beim nchsten Start von Vim wird die Syntaxhervorhebung aktiviert sein.
+ Du kannst all Deine bevorzugten Optionen zu dieser "vimrc"-Datei zufgen.
+ Fr mehr Informationen tippe :help vimrc-intro
- ** Aktiviere die Funktionalitten von Vim **
- Vim besitzt viele Funktionalitten, die ber Vi hinausgehen, aber die meisten
- von ihnen sind standardmig deaktiviert.
- Um diese zu aktivieren, musst Du eine "vimrc" - Datei erstellen.
+ ** Kommandozeilenvervollstndigung mit CTRL-D and <TAB> **
-1. Starte das Editieren der "vimrc"-Datei, dies ist von Deinem System abhngig:
- :edit ~/.vimrc fr Unix
- :edit $VIM/_vimrc fr MS-Windows
+ 1. Stelle sicher, da Vim nicht im vi-Kompatibilittsmodus ist: :set nocp
-2. Nun lies die Beispiel - "vimrc" ein:
+ 2. Siehe nach, welche Dateien im Verzeichnis existieren: :!ls oder :dir
+ 3. Tippe den Beginn eines Komandos: :e
+ 4. Drcke CTRL-D und Vim zeigt eine Liste mit "e" beginnender Kommandos.
+ 5. Drcke <TAB> und Vim vervollstndigt den Kommandonamen zu ":edit".
+ 6. Nun fge ein Leerzeichen und den Beginn einer existierenden Datei an:
+ :edit DAT
+ 7. Drcke <TAB>. Vim vervollstndigt den Namen (falls er eindeutig ist).
+Bemerkung: Vervollstndigung funktioniert fr viele Kommandos. Versuche
+ einfach CTRL-D und <TAB>. Dies ist insbesondere ntzlich fr :help .
+ 1. Tippe :help oder drcke <F1> oder <Help>, um ein Hilfefenster zu ffnen.
+ 2. Tippe :help Kommando , um Hilfe ber Kommando zu erhalten.
+ 3. Tippe CTRL-W CTRL-W , um zum anderen Fenster zu springen.
+ 4. Tippe :q , um das Hilfefenster zu schlieen.
+ 5. Erstelle ein vimrc - Startskript zur Sicherung bevorzugter Einstellungen.
+ 6. Drcke CTRL-D nach dem Tippen eines Kommandos : , um mgliche
+ Vervollstndigungen zu sehen.
+ Drcke <TAB> fr eine einzige Vervollstndigung.
- :read $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
-3. Speichere die Datei mit:
- :write
-Das nchste Mal, wenn Du Vim startest, wird die Syntax-Hervorhebung
-aktiviert sein.
-Du kannst all Deine Lieblingsoptionen zu dieser "vimrc" - Datei zufgen.
Damit ist der Vim Tutor beendet. Die Intention war, einen kurzen und
bndigen berblick ber den Vim Editor zu liefern; gerade genug, um relativ
- leicht mit ihm umgehen zu knnen.
- Der Vim Tutor hat nicht den geringsten Anspruch auf Vollstndigkeit;
- Vim hat noch weitaus mehr Kommandos.
- Wage Dich als nchstes an das User Manual: ":help user-manual".
+ leicht mit ihm umgehen zu knnen. Der Vim Tutor hat nicht den geringsten
+ Anspruch auf Vollstndigkeit; Vim hat noch weitaus mehr Kommandos. Lies als
+ nchstes das User Manual: ":help user-manual".
- Fr weiteres Lesen und Lernen kann folgendes Buch empfohlen werden:
+ Fr weiteres Lesen und Lernen ist folgendes Buch empfohlen :
Vim - Vi Improved - von Steve Oualline
Verlag: New Riders
- Das erste Buch, das durchgngig Vim gewidmet ist. Besonders ntzlich
- fr Anfnger.
- Viele Beispiele und Bilder sind enthalten.
- Siehe
- Als aktuelle Referenz f�r Version 6.2 und knappe Einf�hrung dient das
- folgende Buch:
- vim ge-packt von Reinhard Wobst
- mitp-Verlag, ISBN 3-8266-1425-9
- Trotz der kompakten Darstellung ist es durch viele n�tzliche Beispiele auch
- f�r Einsteiger empfehlenswert. Probekapitel und die Beispielskripte sind
- online erh�ltlich. Siehe
+ Das erste Buch, welches durchgngig Vim gewidmet ist. Besonders ntzlich
+ fr Anfnger. Viele Beispiele und Bilder sind enthalten.
+ Siehe
Folgendes Buch ist lter und mehr ber Vi als Vim, aber auch empfehlenswert:
- Linda Lamb und Arnold Robbins
- Textbearbeitung mit dem vi-Editor
+ Textbearbeitung mit dem vi-Editor - von Linda Lamb und Arnold Robbins
Verlag O'Reilly - ISBN: 3897211262
In diesem Buch kann man fast alles finden, was man mit Vi tun mchte.
Die sechste Ausgabe enthlt auch Informationen ber Vim.
+ Als aktuelle Referenz fr Version 6.2 und knappe Einfhrung dient das
+ folgende Buch:
+ vim ge-packt von Reinhard Wobst
+ mitp-Verlag, ISBN 3-8266-1425-9
+ Trotz der kompakten Darstellung ist es durch viele ntzliche Beispiele auch
+ fr Einsteiger empfehlenswert. Probekapitel und die Beispielskripte sind
+ online erhltlich. Siehe
Dieses Tutorial wurde geschrieben von Michael C. Pierce and Robert K. Ware,
- Colorado School of Mines. Es benutzt Ideen, die Charles Smith,
- Colorado State University, zur Verfgung stellte.
- E-mail:
+ Colorado School of Mines. Es benutzt Ideen, die Charles Smith, Colorado State
+ University, zur Verfgung stellte. E-mail:
Bearbeitet fr Vim von Bram Moolenaar.
+ Deutsche bersetzung von Joachim Hofmann 2007. E-mail:
- Deutsche bersetzung von Joachim Hofmann, September 2002.
- E-mail:
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
index 528977b04..d402bc8ad 100644
--- a/runtime/tutor/
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
** , :#,# w **
- 1. , :!dir :!ls
+ 1. , :!dir :!ls
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
- ** a Ԣ . **
+ ** a . **
---> $ .
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
index 6ad372e3c..69ceff11f 100644
--- a/runtime/tutor/
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
---> The ccow jumpedd ovverr thhe mooon.
- 5. 騘 夘 ੫, 夜 ៞ 1.4.
+ 5. 騘 夘 ੫, 夫 ៞ 1.4.
: ⮜ 㚞, 㩫
眫, 夜 㩞.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
2. 嫜 Vim ( %) ᯫ: vim <ENTER>
3. 嫜 ᯫ: <ESC> :q! <ENTER> 樨 .
- ᯫ: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> 㡜 .
+ ᯫ: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> 㡜 .
4. ᯜ ⤘ 㨘
ᩫ 㩫: x
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
---> There are a some words fun that don't belong paper in this sentence.
5. ᙜ 㣘 3 4 ⮨ 櫘 夘 ੫
- 夫 ៞ 2.2.
+ 夜 ៞ 2.2.
៞ 2.2:
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@
៞ 3.1:
** 㩫 p 㩜 . **
1. 婫 髞 ᛘ.
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@
** 㩫 r 㨘 ᥜ 夘
. **
- 1. 婫 髞 飜 --->.
+ 1. 婫 髞 ⤞ --->.
2. 婫 ⫩ 驫 夘 髦 ៦.
@@ -603,7 +604,7 @@
1. :! ૜ .
㩠 嚣 夘 (MS-DOS):
- :!dir - ᤠ 婫 暦.
+ :!dir - ᤠ 婫 暦.
:!del - ᭜ .
2. :w ᭜ Vim 婡 椦 .
@@ -645,7 +646,7 @@
៞ 6.2:
- ** 㩫 a ᚜ 壜 . **
+ ** 㩫 a ᚜ 壜 . **
1. 婫 ⢦ 髞
⤞ ---> 餫 $ ᩫ.
@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@
3. 驫 騘 髞 . 驫 婞 櫠 㡞 夘
因 ᩫ ⤦ ᩫ ,
- ⩞ ᚜ 壜.
+ ⩞ ᚜ 壜.
---> This line will allow you to practice
---> This line will allow you to practice appending text to the end of a line.
@@ -812,4 +813,3 @@
Vim Bram Moolenaar.
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
index 2e036042e..17178df78 100644
--- a/runtime/tutor/
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
-= V e l k o m m e n t i l i n n f r i n g e n i V i m -- Ver. 1.5 =
+= V e l k o m m e n t i l i n n f r i n g e n i V i m -- Ver. 1.7 =
- Vim er en meget kraftig editor med mange kommandoer, alt for mange
- til kunne g gjennom alle i en innfring som denne. Den er beregnet
- p sette deg inn i bruken av nok kommandoer s du vil vre i stand
- til lett kunne bruke Vim som en editor til alle forml.
+ Vim er en meget kraftig editor med mange kommandoer, alt for mange til
+ kunne g gjennom alle i en innfring som denne. Den er beregnet p
+ sette deg inn i bruken av nok kommandoer s du vil vre i stand til lett
+ kunne bruke Vim som en editor til alle forml.
Tiden som kreves for g gjennom denne innfringen tar ca. 25-30
minutter, avhengig av hvor mye tid du bruker til eksperimentering.
Kommandoene i leksjonene vil modifisere teksten. Lag en kopi av denne
filen som du kan ve deg p (hvis du kjrte vimtutor-kommandoen, er
dette allerede en kopi).
- Det er viktig huske at denne innfringen er beregnet p lring
- gjennom bruk. Det betyr at du m utfre kommandoene for lre dem
- skikkelig. Hvis du bare leser teksten, vil du glemme kommandoene!
+ Det er viktig huske at denne innfringen er beregnet p lring gjennom
+ bruk. Det betyr at du m utfre kommandoene for lre dem skikkelig.
+ Hvis du bare leser teksten, vil du glemme kommandoene!
- Frst av alt, sjekk at Caps Lock IKKE er aktiv og trykk j-tasten
- helt til leksjon 1.1 fyller skjermen.
+ Frst av alt, sjekk at Caps Lock IKKE er aktiv og trykk j-tasten for
+ flytte markren helt til leksjon 1.1 fyller skjermen.
@@ -33,46 +34,46 @@
1. Flytt markren rundt p skjermen til du har ftt det inn i fingrene.
2. Hold inne nedovertasten (j) til den repeterer.
----> N vet du hvordan du beveger deg til neste leksjon.
+ N vet du hvordan du beveger deg til neste leksjon.
3. G til leksjon 1.2 ved hjelp av nedovertasten.
-MERK: Hvis du blir usikker p noe du har skrevet, trykk <ESC> for g til
- normalmodus. Skriv deretter kommandoen du nsket.
+Merk: Hvis du blir usikker p noe du har skrevet, trykk <ESC> for g til
+ normalmodus. Skriv deretter kommandoen du nsket p nytt.
-MERK: Piltastene skal ogs virke. Men ved bruke hjkl vil du vre i stand til
- bevege markren mye raskere nr du er blitt vant til det.
+Merk: Piltastene skal ogs virke. Men ved bruke hjkl vil du vre i stand til
+ bevege markren mye raskere nr du er blitt vant til det. Helt sant!
+ Leksjon 1.2: AVSLUTTE VIM
- !! MERK: Fr du utfrer noen av punktene nedenfor, les hele leksjonen!
+ !! MERK: Fr du utfrer noen av punktene nedenfor, les hele leksjonen!!
1. Trykk <ESC>-tasten (for forsikre deg om at du er i normalmodus).
- 2. Skriv: :q! <ENTER>
----> Dette avslutter editoren UTEN at endringer blir lagret.
- Hvis du vil lagre endringene og avslutte, skriver du:
- :wq <ENTER>
+ 2. Skriv: :q! <ENTER>.
+ Dette avslutter editoren og FORKASTER alle forandringer som du har gjort.
3. Nr du ser kommandolinjen i skallet, skriv kommandoen som startet denne
- innfringen. Det kan vre: vimtutor <ENTER>
- Normalt vil du bruke: vim tutor <ENTER>
----> Med vim menes Vim-editoren, tutor er filen som du vil redigere.
+ innfringen. Den er: vimtutor <ENTER>
4. Hvis du er sikker p at du husker dette, utfr punktene 1 til 3 for
- avslutte og starte editoren p nytt. Deretter flytter du markren ned til
- leksjon 1.3.
+ avslutte og starte editoren p nytt.
+MERK: :q! <ENTER> forkaster alle forandringer som du gjorde. I lpet av noen
+ f leksjoner vil du lre hvordan du lagrer forandringene til en fil.
+ 5. Flytt markren ned til leksjon 1.3.
- ** Trykk tasten x for slette tegnet under markren. **
+ ** Trykk x for slette tegnet under markren. **
- 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen merket med ---> .
+ 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen merket med --->.
2. For ordne feilene p linjen, flytt markren til den er opp tegnet som
skal slettes.
@@ -81,21 +82,21 @@ MERK: Piltastene skal ogs virke. Men ved bruke hjkl vil du vre i stand til
4. Repeter punkt 2 til 4 til setningen er lik den som er under.
----> Kkua hoppett ovverr mnenn.
----> Kua hoppet over mnen.
+---> Hessstennnn brrrsnudddde ii gaaata.
+---> Hesten brsnudde i gata.
5. N som linjen er korrekt, g til leksjon 1.4.
-HUSK: Nr du gr gjennom innfringen, ikke bare prv huske kommandoene, men
+MERK: Nr du gr gjennom innfringen, ikke bare prv huske kommandoene, men
bruk dem helt til de sitter.
- ** Nr du er i normalmodus, trykk i for sette inn tekst. **
+ ** Trykk i for sette inn tekst. **
- 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen som er merket med ---> .
+ 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen som er merket med --->.
2. For gjre den frste linjen lik den andre, flytt markren til den str
p tegnet ETTER posisjonen der teksten skal settes inn.
@@ -113,45 +114,91 @@ HUSK: Nr du gr gjennom innfringen, ikke bare prv huske kommandoene, men
+ ** Trykk A for legge til tekst. **
+ 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor merket --->.
+ Det har ikke noe si hvor markren er plassert p den linjen.
+ 2. Trykk A og skriv inn det som skal legges til.
+ 3. Nr teksten er lagt til, trykk <ESC> for returnere til normalmodusen.
+ 4. Flytt markren til den andre linjen markert med ---> og repeter steg 2 og
+ 3 for reparere denne setningen.
+---> Det mangler noe tekst p
+ Det mangler noe tekst p denne linjen.
+---> Det mangler ogs litt tek
+ Det mangler ogs litt tekst p denne linjen.
+ 5. Nr du fler at du behersker legge til tekst, g til leksjon 1.6.
+ Leksjon 1.6: REDIGERE EN FIL
+ ** Bruk :wq for lagre en fil og avslutte. **
+ !! MERK: Fr du utfrer noen av stegene nedenfor, les hele denne leksjonen!!
+ 1. Avslutt denne innfringen som du gjorde i leksjon 1.2: :q!
+ 2. Skriv denne kommandoen p kommandolinja: vim tutor <ENTER>
+ vim er kommandoen for starte Vim-editoren, tutor er navnet p fila
+ som du vil redigere. Bruk en fil som kan forandres.
+ 3. Sett inn og slett tekst som du lrte i de foregende leksjonene.
+ 4. Lagre filen med forandringene og avslutt Vim med: :wq <ENTER>
+ 5. Start innfringen p nytt og flytt ned til oppsummeringen som flger.
+ 6. Etter ha lest og forsttt stegene ovenfor: Sett i gang.
1. Markren beveges ved hjelp av piltastene eller hjkl-tastene.
h (venstre) j (ned) k (opp) l (hyre)
- 2. For starte Vim (fra skall-kommandolinjen), skriv: vim FILNAVN <ENTER>
+ 2. For starte Vim fra skall-kommandolinjen, skriv: vim FILNAVN <ENTER>
- 3. For avslutte Vim, skriv: <ESC> :q! <ENTER> for forkaste forandringer.
+ 3. For avslutte Vim, skriv: <ESC> :q! <ENTER> for forkaste endringer.
ELLER skriv: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> for lagre forandringene.
- 4. For slette et tegn under markren nr du er i normalmodus, trykk x
+ 4. For slette tegnet under markren, trykk: x
- 5. For sette inn tekst ved markren nr du er i normalmodus, trykk:
- i [skriv inn teksten] <ESC>
+ 5. For sette inn eller legge til tekst, trykk:
+ i skriv innsatt tekst <ESC> sett inn fr markren
+ A skriv tillagt tekst <ESC> legg til p slutten av linjen
MERK: Nr du trykker <ESC> gr du til normalmodus eller du avbryter en unsket
og delvis fullfrt kommando.
N kan du g videre til leksjon 2.
- ** Trykk dw for slette til slutten av et ord. **
+ ** Trykk dw for slette et ord. **
1. Trykk <ESC> for vre sikker p at du er i normalmodus.
- 2. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor merket ---> .
+ 2. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor merket --->.
3. Flytt markren til begynnelsen av ordet som skal slettes.
4. Trykk dw og ordet vil forsvinne.
-MERK: Bokstavene vil komme til syne p den nederste linjen p skjermen
- etterhvert som du skriver dem. Hvis du skriver feil, trykk <ESC> og
- start p nytt.
+MERK: Bokstaven d vil komme til syne p den nederste linjen p skjermen nr
+ du skriver den. Vim venter p at du skal skrive w . Hvis du ser et annet
+ tegn enn d har du skrevet noe feil; trykk <ESC> og start p nytt.
---> Det er agurk tre ord eple som ikke hrer pre hjemme i denne setningen.
---> Det er tre ord som ikke hrer hjemme i denne setningen.
@@ -166,13 +213,13 @@ MERK: Bokstavene vil komme til syne p den nederste linjen p skjermen
1. Trykk <ESC> for vre sikker p at du er i normalmodus.
- 2. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor merket ---> .
+ 2. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor merket --->.
3. Flytt markren til punktet der linjen skal kuttes (ETTER frste punktum).
4. Trykk d$ for slette alt til slutten av linjen.
----> Noen skrev slutten p linjen en gang for mye. p linjen en gang for mye.
+---> Noen skrev slutten p linjen en gang for mye. linjen en gang for mye.
5. G til leksjon 2.3 for forst hva som skjer.
@@ -182,65 +229,112 @@ MERK: Bokstavene vil komme til syne p den nederste linjen p skjermen
- Formatet for slettekommandoen d er som flger:
+ Mange kommandoer som forandrer teksten er laget ut i fra en operator og en
+ bevegelse. Formatet for en slettekommando med sletteoperatoren d er:
- [nummer] d objekt ELLER d [nummer] objekt
+ d bevegelse
- nummer -- hvor mange ganger kommandoen utfres (valgfri, standard=1).
- d -- selve slettekommandoen.
- objekt -- hva kommandoen vil operere p (listet ut nedenfor).
+ d - er sletteoperatoren.
+ bevegelse - er hva operatoren vil opere p (listet nedenfor).
+ En kort liste med bevegelser:
+ w - til starten av det neste ordet, UNNTATT det frste tegnet.
+ e - til slutten av det nvrende ordet, INKLUDERT det siste tegnet.
+ $ - til slutten av linjen, INKLUDERT det siste tegnet.
- En kort liste med objekter:
- w -- fra markren til slutten av ordet, inkludert mellomrom.
- e -- fra markren til slutten av ordet, IKKE inkludert mellomrom.
- $ -- fra markren til slutten av linjen.
+ Ved skrive de vil alts alt fra markren til slutten av ordet bli
+ slettet.
-MERK: For den eventyrlystne: Skriving av kun objektet i normalmodus uten en
- kommando vil flytte markren til objektet i listen.
+MERK: Ved skrive kun bevegelsen i normalmodusen uten en operator vil
+ markren flyttes som spesifisert.
+ ** Ved skrive et tall foran en bevegelse repeterer den s mange ganger. **
+ 1. Flytt markren til starten av linjen markert ---> nedenfor.
+ 2. Skriv 2w for flytte markren to ord framover.
+ 3. Skriv 3e for flytte markren framover til slutten av det tredje
+ ordet.
+ 4. Skriv 0 (null) for flytte til starten av linjen.
+ 5. Repeter steg 2 og 3 med forskjellige tall.
+---> Dette er en linje med noen ord som du kan bevege deg rundt p.
+ 6. G videre til leksjon 2.5.
+ ** Et tall sammen med en operator repeterer den s mange ganger. **
+ I kombinasjonen med sletteoperatoren og en bevegelse nevnt ovenfor setter du
+ inn antall fr bevegelsen for slette mer:
+ d nummer bevegelse
+ 1. Flytt markren til det frste ordet med STORE BOKSTAVER p linjen markert
+ med --->.
+ 2. Skriv 2dw for slette de to ordene med store bokstaver.
+ 3. Repeter steg 1 og 2 med forskjelling antall for slette de etterflgende
+ ordene som har store bokstaver.
+---> Denne ABC DE linjen FGHI JK LMN OP er n Q RS TUV litt mer lesbar.
+MERK: Et antall mellom operatoren d og bevegelsen virker p samme mte som
+ bruke bevegelsen uten en operator.
+ Leksjon 2.6: OPERERE P LINJER
** Trykk dd for slette en hel linje. **
P grunn av at sletting av linjer er mye brukt, fant utviklerne av Vi ut at
- det vil vre lettere rett og slett trykke to d-er etter hverandre for
- slette en linje.
+ det vil vre lettere rett og slett trykke to d-er for slette en linje.
1. Flytt markren til den andre linjen i verset nedenfor.
- 2. Trykk dd for slette linjen.
+ 2. Trykk dd slette linjen.
3. Flytt deretter til den fjerde linjen.
- 4. Trykk 2dd (husk nummer-kommando-objekt) for slette disse to
- linjene.
+ 4. Trykk 2dd for slette to linjer.
+---> 1) Roser er rde,
+---> 2) Gjrme er gy,
+---> 3) Fioler er bl,
+---> 4) Jeg har en bil,
+---> 5) Klokker viser tiden,
+---> 6) Druer er ste
+---> 7) Og du er likes.
- 1) Roser er rde
- 2) Gjrme er gy,
- 3) Fioler er bl,
- 4) Jeg har en bil,
- 5) Klokker viser tiden,
- 6) Druer er ste
- 7) Og du er likes.
** Trykk u for angre siste kommando, U for fikse en hel linje. **
- 1. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor merket ---> og plasser den p den
+ 1. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor merket ---> og plasser den p den
frste feilen.
2. Trykk x for slette det frste unskede tegnet.
3. Trykk s u for angre den siste utfrte kommandoen.
- 4. Deretter ordner du alle feilene p linjene ved bruke x kommandoen.
- 5. Trykk n en stor U for sette linjen tilbake til det den var.
+ 4. Deretter ordner du alle feilene p linjene ved bruke kommandoen x .
+ 5. Trykk n en stor U for sette linjen tilbake til det den var
+ originalt.
6. Trykk u noen ganger for angre U og foregende kommandoer.
- 7. Deretter trykker du Ctrl-r (hold Ctrl nede mens du trykker r) noen
+ 7. Deretter trykker du CTRL-R (hold CTRL nede mens du trykker R) noen
ganger for gjenopprette kommandoene (omgjre angrekommandoene).
---> RReparer feiilene p denne linnnjen oog erssstatt dem meed angre.
@@ -249,50 +343,49 @@ MERK: For den eventyrlystne: Skriving av kun objektet i normalmodus uten en
leksjon 2.
- 1. For slette fra markren til slutten av et ord, trykk: dw
+ 1. For slette fra markren fram til det neste ordet, trykk: dw
2. For slette fra markren til slutten av en linje, trykk: d$
3. For slette en hel linje, trykk: dd
- 4. Formatet for en kommando i normalmodus er:
- [nummer] kommando objekt ELLER kommando [nummer] objekt
+ 4. For repetere en bevegelse, sett et nummer foran: 2w
+ 5. Formatet for en forandringskommando er:
+ operator [nummer] bevegelse
- nummer -- hvor mange ganger kommandoen skal repeteres
- kommando -- hva som skal gjres, f.eks. d for slette
- objekt -- hva kommandoen skal operere p, eksempelvis w (ord),
+ operator - hva som skal gjres, f.eks. d for slette
+ [nummer] - et valgfritt antall for repetere bevegelsen
+ bevegelse - hva kommandoen skal operere p, eksempelvis w (ord),
$ (til slutten av linjen) og s videre.
- 5. For angre tidligere kommandoer, skriv u (liten u)
- For angre alle forandringer p en linje, skriv U (stor U)
- For omgjre angringen, trykk Ctrl-r
+ 6. For g til starten av en linje, bruk en null: 0
+ 7. For angre tidligere endringer, skriv: u (liten u)
+ For angre alle forandringer p en linje, skriv: U (stor U)
+ For omgjre angringen, trykk: CTRL-R
- ** Trykk p for lime inn den siste slettede teksten etter markren **
+ ** Trykk p for lime inn tidligere slettet tekst etter markren **
- 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen i listen nedenfor.
+ 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen med ---> nedenfor.
- 2. Trykk dd for slette linjen og lagre den i utklippstavlen til Vim.
+ 2. Trykk dd for slette linjen og lagre den i et Vim-register.
- 3. Flytt markren til linjen OVER posisjonen linjen skal settes inn.
+ 3. Flytt markren til c)-linjen, OVER posisjonen linjen skal settes inn.
- 4. Mens du er i normalmodus, trykk p for erstatte linjen.
+ 4. Trykk p for legge linjen under markren.
5. Repeter punkt 2 til 4 helt til linjene er i riktig rekkeflge.
- d) Kan du ogs lre?
- b) Fioler er bl,
- c) Intelligens m lres,
- a) Roser er rde,
+---> d) Kan du ogs lre?
+---> b) Fioler er bl,
+---> c) Intelligens m lres,
+---> a) Roser er rde,
@@ -300,17 +393,17 @@ MERK: For den eventyrlystne: Skriving av kun objektet i normalmodus uten en
- ** Trykk r og et tegn for erstatte tegnet under markren. **
+ ** Trykk rx for erstatte tegnet under markren med x. **
- 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor merket ---> .
+ 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor merket --->.
2. Flytt markren s den str opp den frste feilen.
- 3. Trykk r og deretter tegnet som skal erstatte det som er feil.
+ 3. Trykk r og deretter tegnet som skal vre der.
- 4. Repeter punkt 2 og 3 til den frste linjen er korrekt.
+ 4. Repeter punkt 2 og 3 til den frste linjen er lik den andre.
----> Da dfnne lynjxn ble zkrevet, var det nen som trykket feite taster!
+---> Da dfnne lynjxn ble zkrevet, var det nen som tjykket feite taster!
---> Da denne linjen ble skrevet, var det noen som trykket feile taster!
5. G videre til leksjon 3.2.
@@ -320,189 +413,189 @@ MERK: Husk at du br lre ved BRUKE, ikke pugge.
- ** For forandre en del av eller et helt ord, trykk cw . **
+ ** For forandre til slutten av et ord, trykk ce . **
- 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor som er merket ---> .
+ 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor som er merket --->.
- 2. Plasser markren p u-en i lubjwr.
+ 2. Plasser markren p u i lubjwr.
- 3. Trykk cw og det korrekte ordet (i dette tilfellet, skriv injen.)
+ 3. Trykk ce og det korrekte ordet (i dette tilfellet, skriv injen).
- 4. Trykk <ESC> og g til den neste feilen (det frste tegnet som skal
- forandres).
+ 4. Trykk <ESC> og g til det neste tegnet som skal forandres.
5. Repeter punkt 3 og 4 helt til den frste setningen er lik den andre.
---> Denne lubjwr har noen wgh som m forkwp med forkzryas-kommandoen.
---> Denne linjen har noen ord som m forandres med forandre-kommandoen.
- Vr oppmerksom p at cw ikke bare forandrer ordet, men ogs gr inn i
- innsettingsmodus.
+Vr oppmerksom p at ce sletter ordet og gr inn i innsettingsmodus.
- ** Forandre-kommandoen blir brukt med de samme objektene som slett. **
+ ** Forandringskommandoen blir brukt med de samme bevegelser som slett. **
- 1. Forandre-kommandoen fungerer p samme mte som slett. Formatet er:
+ 1. Forandringsoperatoren fungerer p samme mte som slett. Formatet er:
- [nummer] c objekt ELLER c [nummer] objekt
+ c [nummer] bevegelse
- 2. Objektene er ogs de samme, som for eksempel w (ord), $ (slutten av
- en linje) og s videre.
+ 2. Bevegelsene er de samme, som for eksempel w (ord) og $ (slutten av en
+ linje).
- 3. G til den frste linjen nedenfor som er merket ---> .
+ 3. G til den frste linjen nedenfor som er merket --->.
4. Flytt markren til den frste feilen.
- 5. Skriv c$ for forandre resten av linjen lik den andre og trykk <ESC>.
+ 5. Skriv c$ og skriv resten av linjen lik den andre og trykk <ESC>.
---> Slutten p denne linjen trenger litt hjelp for gjre den lik den neste.
----> Slutten p denne linjen trenger bli rettet ved bruk av c$-kommandoen.
+---> Slutten p denne linjen trenger bli rettet ved bruk av c$-kommandoen.
+MERK: Du kan bruke slettetasten for rette feil mens du skriver.
- 1. For erstatte tekst som allerede er blitt slettet, trykk p . Dette
+ 1. For legge tilbake tekst som nettopp er blitt slettet, trykk p . Dette
limer inn den slettede teksten ETTER markren (hvis en linje ble slettet
vil den bli limt inn p linjen under markren).
2. For erstatte et tegn under markren, trykk r og deretter tegnet som
- skal erstatte det originale tegnet.
+ du vil ha der.
- 3. Forandre-kommandoen lar deg forandre det spesifiserte objektet fra
- markren til slutten av objektet, f.eks.: Trykk cw for forandre fra
- markren til slutten av ordet, c$ for forandre til slutten av linjen.
+ 3. Forandringsoperatoren lar deg forandre fra markren til dit bevegelsen
+ tar deg. Det vil si, skriv ce for forandre fra markren til slutten
+ av ordet, c$ for forandre til slutten av linjen.
4. Formatet for forandre er:
- [nummer] c objekt ELLER c [nummer] objekt
+ c [nummer] bevegelse
- N kan du g til neste leksjon.
+N kan du g til neste leksjon.
+ ** Trykk CTRL-G for vise posisjonen i filen og filstatusen.
+ Trykk G for g til en spesifikk linje i filen. **
- ** Trykk Ctrl-g for vise posisjonen i filen og filstatusen.
- Trykk Shift-G for g til en spesifikk linje i filen. **
+ Merk: Les hele leksjonen fr du utfrer noen av punktene!
-MERK: Les hele leksjonen fr du utfrer noen av punktene!
+ 1. Hold nede Ctrl-tasten og trykk g . Vi kaller dette CTRL-G. En melding
+ vil komme til syne p bunnen av skjermen med filnavnet og posisjonen i
+ filen. Husk linjenummeret for bruk i steg 3.
- 1. Hold nede Ctrl-tasten og trykk g . En statuslinje vil komme til syne p
- bunnen av skjermen med filnavnet og hvilken linje markren er p. Husk
- linjenummeret for bruk i steg 3.
+Merk: Du kan se markrposisjonen i nederste hyre hjrne av skjermen. Dette
+ skjer nr ruler-valget er satt (forklart i leksjon 6).
- 2. Trykk Shift-G for g til bunnen av filen.
+ 2. Trykk G for g til bunnen av filen.
+ Skriv gg for g til begynnelsen av filen.
- 3. Skriv inn linjenummeret du var p og deretter Shift-G. Dette vil fre deg
- tilbake til linjen du var p da du trykket Ctrl-g. (Nr du skriver inn
- nummeret, vil det IKKE bli vist p skjermen.)
+ 3. Skriv inn linjenummeret du var p og deretter G . Dette vil fre deg
+ tilbake til linjen du var p da du frst trykket CTRL-G.
4. Utfr steg 1 til 3 hvis du fler deg sikker p prosedyren.
** Skriv / etterfulgt av en skestreng som du vil lete etter. **
1. Trykk / nr du er i normalmodusen. Legg merke til at skrstreken og
markren kommer til syne p bunnen av skjermen i likhet med
- 2. Skriv feeeiil og trykk ENTER. Dette er teksten du vil lete etter.
+ 2. Skriv feeeiil og trykk <ENTER>. Dette er teksten du vil lete etter.
- 3. For finne neste forekomst av skestrengen, trykk n . For lete etter
- samme sketeksten i motsatt retning, trykk Shift-N .
+ 3. For finne neste forekomst av skestrengen, trykk n .
+ For lete etter samme sketeksten i motsatt retning, trykk N .
- 4. Hvis du vil lete etter en tekst bakover i filen, bruk kommandoen ?
- istedenfor / .
+ 4. For lete etter en tekst bakover i filen, bruk ? istedenfor / .
-MERK: Nr sket treffer slutten av filen vil det fortsette fra den andre enden
- av filen.
+ 5. For g tilbake til der du kom fra, trykk CTRL-O (Hold Ctrl nede mens
+ du trykker bokstaven o ). Repeter for g enda lengre tilbake. CTRL-I
+ gr framover.
---> feeeiil er ikke mten skrive feil p, feeeiil er helt feil.
+Merk: Nr skingen nr slutten av filen, vil den fortsette fra starten unntatt
+ hvis wrapscan-valget er resatt.
** Trykk % for finne en samsvarende ), ] eller } . **
- 1. Plasser markren p en (, [ eller { p linjen nedenfor merket ---> .
+ 1. Plasser markren p en (, [ eller { p linjen nedenfor merket --->.
2. Trykk % .
- 3. Markren flytter seg n til parentesen som samsvarer med den du stod p.
- 4. Trykk % for flytte markren tilbake til den frste parentesen.
+ 3. Markren vil g til den samsvarende parentesen eller hakeparentesen.
----> Dette ( er en testlinje med (, [ ] og { } i den ))
+ 4. Trykk % for flytte markren til den andre samsvarende parentesen.
-MERK: Dette er meget god hjelp til feilsking i programmer som har ubalansert
- antall parenteser!
+ 5. Flytt markren til en annen (, ), [, ], { eller } og se hva % gjr.
+---> Dette ( er en testlinje med (, [ ] og { } i den )).
+Merk: Dette er veldig nyttig til feilsking i programmer som har ubalansert
+ antall parenteser!
** Skriv :s/gammel/ny/g for erstatte gammel med ny. **
- 1. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor som begynner med ---> .
+ 1. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor som er merket med --->.
2. Skriv :s/deen/den/ <ENTER> . Legg merke til at denne kommandoen bare
- forandrer den frste forekomsten av ordet p linjen.
+ forandrer den frste forekomsten av deen p linjen.
- 3. Skriv :s/deen/den/g som betyr global erstatning p linjen. Dette vil
- erstatte alle forekomster av sketeksten p linjen du str p.
+ 3. Skriv :s/deen/den/g . Nr g-flagget legges til, betyr dette global
+ erstatning p linjen og erstatter alle forekomster av deen p linjen.
----> deen beste er deen som kan kaste deen tyngste steinen lengst
+---> deen som kan kaste deen tyngste steinen lengst er deen beste
- 4. Skriv :#,#s/gammel/ny/g for erstatte tekst mellom to linjer, der #,#
- er linjenumrene p de to linjene.
+ 4. For erstatte alle forekomster av en tekststreng mellom to linjer,
+ skriv :#,#s/gammel/ny/g der #,# er linjenumrene p de to linjene for
+ linjeomrdet erstatningen skal gjres.
Skriv :%s/gammel/ny/g for erstatte tekst i hele filen.
+ Skriv :%s/gammel/ny/gc for finne alle forekomster i hele filen, og
+ deretter sprre om teksten skal erstattes eller
+ ikke.
- 1. Ctrl-g viser nvrende posisjon i filen og filstatusen. Shift-G gr til
- slutten av filen. Et linjenummer etterfulgt av Shift-G gr til denne
- linjen.
+ 1. Ctrl-G viser nvrende posisjon i filen og filstatusen.
+ G gr til slutten av filen.
+ nummer G gr til det linjenummeret.
+ gg gr til den frste linjen.
2. Skriv / etterfulgt av en sketekst for lete FRAMOVER etter teksten.
Skriv ? etterfulgt av en sketekst for lete BAKOVER etter teksten.
Etter et sk kan du trykke n for finne neste forekomst i den samme
- retningen eller Shift-N for lete i motsatt retning.
+ retningen eller N for lete i motsatt retning.
+ CTRL-O tar deg tilbake til gamle posisjoner, CTRL-I til nyere posisjoner.
- 3. Skriv % nr markren str p en (, ), [, ], { eller } for finne
- parentesten som samsvarer med den markren str p.
+ 3. Skriv % nr markren str p en (, ), [, ], { eller } for finne den
+ som samsvarer.
4. Erstatte gammel med frste ny p en linje: :s/gammel/ny
Erstatte alle gammel med ny p en linje: :s/gammel/ny/g
Erstatte tekst mellom to linjenumre: :#,#s/gammel/ny/g
Erstatte alle forekomster i en fil: :%s/gammel/ny/g
For godkjenne hver erstatning, legg til c: :%s/gammel/ny/gc
@@ -510,88 +603,88 @@ MERK: Dette er meget god hjelp til feilsking i programmer som har ubalansert
** Skriv :! etterfulgt av en ekstern kommando for utfre denne. **
1. Skriv den velkjente kommandoen : for plassere markren p bunnen av
- skjermen. Dette lar deg skrive en kommando.
+ skjermen. Dette lar deg skrive en kommandolinjekommando.
- 2. N kan du skrive tegnet ! . Dette lar deg utfre en hvilken som helst
+ 2. N kan du skrive tegnet ! . Dette lar deg utfre en hvilken som helst
ekstern kommando.
3. Som et eksempel, skriv ls etter utropstegnet og trykk <ENTER>. Du vil
n f en liste over filene i katalogen, akkurat som om du hadde kjrt
- kommandoen direkte fra skallet. Eller bruk :!dir hvis ls ikke virker.
----> MERK: Det er mulig kjre alle mulige eksterne kommandoer p denne
- mten.
----> MERK: Alle :-kommandoer m avsluttes med <ENTER>.
+ kommandoen direkte fra kommandolinjen i skallet. Eller bruk :!dir hvis
+ ls ikke virker.
+MERK: Det er mulig kjre alle eksterne kommandoer p denne mten, ogs med
+ parametere.
+MERK: Alle :-kommandoer m avsluttes med <ENTER>. Fra dette punktet er det
+ ikke alltid vi nevner det.
- ** For lagre endringene gjort i en fil, skriv :w FILNAVN . **
+ ** For lagre endringene gjort i en tekst, skriv :w FILNAVN. **
1. Skriv :!dir eller :!ls for f en liste over filene i katalogen. Du
vet allerede at du m trykke <ENTER> etter dette.
- 2. Velg et filnavn p en fil som ikke finnes, som for eksempel TEST .
+ 2. Velg et filnavn p en fil som ikke finnes, som for eksempel TEST .
3. Skriv :w TEST (der TEST er filnavnet du velger).
4. Dette lagrer hele filen (denne innfringen) under navnet TEST . For
- sjekke dette, skriv :!dir igjen for se innholdet av katalogen.
+ sjekke dette, skriv :!dir eller :!ls igjen for se innholdet av
+ katalogen.
----> Hvis du n hadde avsluttet Vim og startet p nytt igjen med filnavnet
- TEST, ville filen vrt en eksakt kopi av innfringen da du lagret den.
+Merk: Hvis du n hadde avsluttet Vim og startet p nytt igjen med vim TEST,
+ ville filen vrt en eksakt kopi av innfringen da du lagret den.
- 5. Fjern filen ved skrive :!rm TEST hvis du er p et UNIX-lignende
+ 5. Fjern filen ved skrive :!rm TEST hvis du er p et Unix-lignende
operativsystem, eller :!del TEST hvis du bruker MS-DOS.
- ** For lagre en del av en fil, skriv :#,# w FILNAVN **
- 1. En gang til: Skriv :!dir eller :!ls for f en liste over filene i
- katalogen. Velg et passende filnavn, som TEST .
+ ** For lagre en del av en fil, skriv v bevegelse :w FILNAVN **
- 2. Flytt markren til toppen av denne siden og trykk Ctrl-g for finne
- nummeret p denne linjen. HUSK DETTE NUMMERET!
+ 1. Flytt markren til denne linjen.
- 3. G til nederste linje p skjermen og trykk Ctrl-g igjen. HUSK DETTE
+ 2. Trykk v og flytt markren til det femte elementet nedenfor. Legg merke
+ til at teksten blir markert.
- 4. For lagre BARE en del av filen, skriv :#,# w TEST hvor #,# er de to
- numrene du skulle huske (topp og bunn) og TEST er filnavnet.
- 5. Sjekk med :!dir om filen er der, men IKKE slett den.
+ 3. Trykk : (kolon). P bunnen av skjermen vil :'<,'> komme til syne.
+ 4. Trykk w TEST , der TEST er et filnavn som ikke finnes enda. Kontroller
+ at du ser :'<,'>w TEST fr du trykker Enter.
+ 5. Vim vil skrive de valgte linjene til filen TEST. Bruk :!dir eller !ls
+ for se den. Ikke slett den enda! Vi vil bruke den i neste leksjon.
+MERK: Ved trykke v startes visuelt valg. Du kan flytte markren rundt for
+ gjre det valgte omrdet strre eller mindre. Deretter kan du bruke en
+ operator for gjre noe med teksten. For eksempel sletter d teksten.
-** For lese inn en annen fil inn i nvrende buffer, skriv :r FILNAVN . **
+ ** For lese inn en annen fil inn i nvrende buffer, skriv :r FILNAVN **
- 1. Skriv :!dir for forsikre deg om at filen TEST finnes.
+ 1. Plasser markren like over denne linjen.
- 2. Plasser markren p toppen av denne siden.
+MERK: Etter ha utfrt steg 2 vil du se teksten fra leksjon 5.3. G deretter
+ NED for se denne leksjonen igjen.
-MERK: Etter at du har utfrt steg 3 vil du se leksjon 5.3. G nedover forbi
- den og til denne posisjonen igjen.
+ 2. Hent TEST-filen ved bruke kommandoen :r TEST der TEST er navnet p
+ filen du brukte. Filen du henter blir plassert nedenfor markrlinjen.
- 3. Hent TEST-filen din med kommandoen :r TEST der TEST er navnet p
- filen.
+ 3. For sjekke at filen ble hentet, g tilbake og se at det er to kopier av
+ leksjon 5.3, originalen og denne versjonen.
-MERK: Filen du henter vil bli plassert der markren str.
+MERK: Du kan ogs lese utdataene av en ekstern kommando. For eksempel, :r !ls
+ leser utdataene av ls-kommandoen og legger dem nedenfor markren.
- 4. For sjekke at filen ble hentet, g tilbake og se at det er to kopier av
- leksjon 5.3, originalen og denne versjonen.
@@ -599,45 +692,45 @@ MERK: Filen du henter vil bli plassert der markren str.
- 1. :!KOMMANDO utfrer en ekstern kommandio.
- Noen nyttige eksempler er:
- (MS-DOS) (Unix)
- :!dir :!ls -- List filene i katalogen
- :!del FIL :!rm FIL -- Slett filen FIL
+ 1. :!kommando utfrer en ekstern kommandio.
- 2. :w FILNAVN skriver den filen du str i til disken med navnet FILNAVN .
+ Noen nyttige eksempler er:
+ (MS-DOS) (Unix)
+ :!dir :!ls - List filene i katalogen.
+ :!del FILNAVN :!rm FILNAVN - Slett filen FILNAVN.
- 3. :#,#w FILNAVN lagrer linjene # til # til filen FILNAVN .
- 4. :r FILNAVN henter inn en annen fil og legger den inn like etter
- markren.
+ 2. :w FILNAVN skriver den nvrende Vim-filen disken med navnet FILNAVN .
+ 3. v bevegelse :w FILNAVN lagrer de visuelt valgte linjene til filen
+ 4. :r FILNAVN henter filen FILNAVN og legger den inn nedenfor markren.
+ 5. :r !dir leser utdataene fra dir-kommandoen og legger dem nedenfor
+ markrposisjonen.
- ** Skriv o for pne opp for en ny linje etter markren og g i
- innsettingsmodus **
+ ** Skriv o for pne opp for en ny linje etter markren og g til
+ innsettingsmodus **
- 1. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor merket ---> .
+ 1. Flytt markren til linjen nedenfor merket --->.
- 2. Skriv o (liten o) for starte p en ny linje nedenfor markren og g
- over til innsettingsmodus.
+ 2. Skriv o (liten o) for pne opp en linje NEDENFOR markren og g inn i
+ innsettingsmodus.
- 3. Kopier linjen som er merket ---> og trykk <ESC> for avslutte
- innsettingsmodusen.
+ 3. Skriv litt tekst og trykk <ESC> for g ut av innsettingsmodusen.
---> Etter at o er skrevet blir markren plassert p den tomme linjen.
- 4. For lage en ny linje OVER markren, trykk rett og slett en stor O
- istedenfor en liten o . Prv dette p linjen nedenfor.
----> Lag en ny, tom linje over denne med Shift-O mens markren str p den.
+ 4. For pne en ny linje OVER markren, trykk rett og slett en stor O
+ istedenfor en liten o . Prv dette p linjen nedenfor.
+---> Lag ny linje over denne ved trykke O mens markren er p denne linjen.
@@ -647,139 +740,209 @@ MERK: Filen du henter vil bli plassert der markren str.
** Skriv a for legge til tekst ETTER markren. **
- 1. Flytt markren til slutten av den frste linjen merket ---> ved
- trykke $ i normalmodusen.
+ 1. Flytt markren til starten av linjen merket ---> nedenfor.
- 2. Trykk a (liten a) for legge til tekst ETTER tegnet under markren.
- (Stor A legger til p slutten av linjen.)
+ 2. Trykk e til markren er p slutten av li.
-MERK: Dette gjr at du slipper trykke i , det siste tegnet, teksten som
- skal settes inn, <ESC>, hyrepil og til sist, x bare for legge til
- p slutten av en linje!
+ 3. Trykk a (liten a) for legge til tekst ETTER markren.
- 3. Gjr ferdig den verste linjen. Legg merke til at legg til er det samme
- som innsettingsmodusen, med den forskjellen hvor teksten settes inn.
+ 4. Fullfr ordet snn som p linjen nedenfor. Trykk <ESC> for g ut av
+ innsettingsmodusen.
----> P denne linjen m det legges
----> P denne linjen m det legges til tekst p slutten.
+ 5. Bruk e for g til det neste ufullstendige ordet og repeter steg 3 og
+ 4.
+---> Denne li lar deg ve p leg til tek p en linje.
+---> Denne linjen lar deg ve p legge til tekst p en linje.
+Merk: a, i og A gr alle til den samme innsettingsmodusen, den eneste
+ forskjellen er hvor tegnene blir satt inn.
- ** Skriv R for erstatte mer enn ett tegn. **
+ ** Skriv en stor R for erstatte mer enn ett tegn. **
- 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor merket ---> .
+ 1. Flytt markren til den frste linjen nedenfor merket --->. Flytt markren
+ til begynnelsen av den frste xxx-en.
- 2. Plasser markren p begynnelsen av det frste ordet som er forskjellig
- fra den andre linjen merket ---> (ordet siste).
+ 2. Trykk R og skriv inn tallet som str nedenfor p den andre linjen s
+ det erstatter xxx.
- 3. Trykk R og erstatt resten av linjen med den samme teksten som str p
- den andre linjen.
+ 3. Trykk <ESC> for g ut av erstatningsmodusen. Legg merke til at resten
+ av linjen forblir uforandret.
----> For gjre den frste linjen lik den andre, m bokstaven stor R brukes.
----> For gjre den frste linjen lik den andre, trykk R og den nye teksten.
+ 4. Repeter stegene for erstatte den gjenvrende xxx.
- 4. Legg merke til at nr du trykker <ESC> for avslutte, bevares teksten
- som ikke er redigert.
+---> Ved legge 123 til xxx fr vi xxx.
+---> Ved legge 123 til 456 fr vi 579.
+MERK: Erstatningsmodus er lik insettingsmodus, men hvert tegn som skrives
+ erstatter et eksisterende tegn.
- Leksjon 6.4: SETT VALG
+ ** Bruk y-operatoren for kopiere tekst og p for lime den inn **
+ 1. G til linjen merket ---> nedenfor og plasser markren etter a).
- ** Sett et valg s et sk eller erstatning ignorerer store/sm bokstaver. **
+ 2. G inn i visuell modus med v og flytt markren til like fr frste.
- 1. Let etter ignore ved skrive:
- /ignore <ENTER>
- Repeter flere ganger ved trykke n .
+ 3. Trykk y for kopiere (engelsk: yank) den uthevede teksten.
- 2. Sett ic-valget (Ignore Case) ved skrive:
- :set ic
+ 4. Flytt markren til slutten av den neste linjen: j$
- 3. Let etter ignore igjen ved skrive: n
- Repeter sket flere ganger ved trykke n .
+ 5. Trykk p for lime inn teksten. Trykk deretter: a andre <ESC> .
- 4. Sett hlsearch- og incsearch-valgene:
- :set hls is
+ 6. Bruk visuell modus for velge valget., kopier det med y , g til
+ slutten av den neste linjen med j$ og legg inn teksten der med p .
- 5. Skriv skekommandoen igjen, og se hva som skjer:
- /ignore <ENTER>
+---> a) Dette er det frste valget.
+ b)
- 6. Hvis du vil sl av uthevingen p sketeksten, skriv :nohlsearch
+Merk: Du kan ogs bruke y som en operator; yw kopierer ett ord.
+ Leksjon 6.5: SETT VALG
+ ** Sett et valg s sk eller erstatning ignorerer store/sm bokstaver. **
- 1. Trykk o for legge til en linje NEDENFOR markren og plassere markren
- p den nye linjen i innsettingsmodus.
- Hvis du trykker en stor O pnes linjen OVER linjen markren str p.
+ 1. Let etter ignore ved skrive: /ignore <ENTER>
+ Repeter flere ganger ved trykke n .
- 2. Skriv en a for sette inn tekst ETTER tegnet markren er p.
- En stor A vil legge til tekst p slutten av linjen.
+ 2. Sett ic-valget (Ignore Case) ved skrive: :set ic
- 3. Ved trykke R for gr inn i erstatningsmodus helt til <ESC> trykkes
- for avslutte modusen.
+ 3. Sk etter ignore igjen ved trykke n .
+ Legg merke til at bde Ignore og IGNORE blir funnet.
- 4. Skriv :set xxx for sette valget xxx.
+ 4. Sett hlsearch- og incsearch-valgene: :set hls is
+ 5. Skriv skekommandoen igjen og se hva som skjer: /ignore <ENTER>
+ 6. For sl av ignorering av store/sm bokstaver, skriv: :set noic
+Merk: For fjerne uthevingen av treff, skriv: :nohlsearch
+Merk: Hvis du vil ignorere store/sm bokstaver for kun en skekommando, bruk
+ \c i uttrykket: /ignore\c <ENTER>
+ 1. Trykk o for legge til en linje NEDENFOR markren og g inn i
+ innsettingsmodus.
+ Trykk O for pne en linje OVER markren.
+ 2. Skriv a for sette inn tekst ETTER markren.
+ Skriv A for sette inn tekst etter slutten av linjen.
+ 3. Kommandoen e gr til slutten av et ord.
+ 4. Operatoren y (yank) kopierer tekst, p (paste) limer den inn.
+ 5. Ved trykke R gr du inn i erstatningsmodus helt til <ESC> trykkes.
+ 6. Skriv :set xxx for sette valget xxx. Noen valg er:
+ ic ignorecase ignorer store/sm bokstaver under sk
+ is incsearch vis delvise treff for en sketekst
+ hls hlsearch uthev alle sketreff
+ 7. Legg til no foran valget for sl det av: :set noic
+ Leksjon 7.1: F HJELP
- ** Bruk det innebyggede hjelpesystemet. **
+ ** Bruk det innebygde hjelpesystemet. **
Vim har et omfattende innebygget hjelpesystem. For starte det, prv en av
disse mtene:
- - Trykk Hjelp-tasten (hvis du har noen)
- - Trykk F1-tasten (hvis du har noen)
+ - Trykk Hjelp-tasten (hvis du har en)
+ - Trykk F1-tasten (hvis du har en)
- Skriv :help <ENTER>
- Skriv :q <ENTER> for lukke hjelpevinduet.
+ Les teksten i hjelpevinduet for finne ut hvordan hjelpen virker.
+ Skriv CTRL-W CTRL-W for hoppe fra et vindu til et annet
+ Skriv :q <ENTER> for lukke hjelpevinduet.
- Du kan f hjelp p omtrent alle temaer om Vim ved skrive et parameter til
- :help-kommandoen. Prv disse (ikke glem Enter etter hver):
+ Du kan f hjelp for omtrent alle temaer om Vim ved skrive et parameter til
+ :help-kommandoen. Prv disse (ikke glem trykke <ENTER>):
:help w
- :help c<T
+ :help c_CTRL-D
:help insert-index
:help user-manual
- ** Sl p funksjoner i Vim. **
+ ** Sl p funksjoner i Vim **
Vim har mange flere funksjoner enn Vi, men flesteparten av dem er sltt av
- som standard. For begynne bruke dem kan du lage en vimrc-fil.
+ som standard. For begynne bruke flere funksjoner m du lage en
+ vimrc-fil.
- 1. Start redigeringen av vimrc-filen, dette avhenger av systemet ditt:
- :edit ~/.vimrc for UNIX
- :edit $VIM/_vimrc for MS Windows
+ 1. Start redigeringen av vimrc-filen. Dette avhenger av systemet ditt:
+ :e ~/.vimrc for Unix
+ :e $VIM/_vimrc for MS Windows
2. Les inn eksempelfilen for vimrc:
- :read $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
+ :r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
3. Lagre filen med:
- :write
+ :w
+ Neste gang du starter Vim vil den bruke syntaks-utheving. Du kan legge til
+ alle dine foretrukne oppsett i denne vimrc-filen.
+ For mer informasjon, skriv :help vimrc-intro
+ Leksjon 7.3: FULLFRING
+ ** Kommandolinjefullfring med CTRL-D og <TAB> **
+ 1. Vr sikker p at Vim ikke er i Vi-kompatibel modus: :set nocp
+ 2. Se hvilke filer som er i katalogen: :!ls eller :!dir
+ 3. Skriv starten p en kommando: :e
+ 4. Trykk CTRL-D og Vim vil vise en liste over kommandoer som starter med
+ e.
+ 5. Trykk <TAB> og Vim vil fullfre kommandonavnet til :edit.
+ 6. Legg til et mellomrom og starten p et eksisterende filnavn: :edit FIL
+ 7. Trykk <TAB>. Vim vil fullfre navnet (hvis det er unikt).
+MERK: Fullfring fungerer for mange kommandoer. Prv ved trykke CTRL-D og
+ <TAB>. Det er spesielt nyttig for bruk sammen med :help .
+ 1. Skriv :help eller trykk <F1> eller <Help> for pne et hjelpevindu.
+ 2. Skriv :help kommando for f hjelp om kommando .
+ 3. Trykk CTRL-W CTRL-W for hoppe til et annet vindu.
+ 4. Trykk :q for lukke hjelpevinduet.
+ 5. Opprett et vimrc-oppstartsskript for lagre favorittvalgene dine.
+ 6. Nr du skriver en :-kommando, trykk CTRL-D for se mulige
+ fullfringer. Trykk <TAB> for bruke en fullfring.
- Neste gang du starter Vim vil den bruke farger og utheving i henhold til
- syntaksen i filen. Ved legge inn forskjellige valg i vimrc-filen, kan du
- forandre oppsettet i Vim til det du foretrekker.
Her slutter innfringen i Vim. Den var ment som en rask oversikt over
editoren, akkurat nok til la deg sette i gang med enkel bruk. Den er p
langt nr komplett, da Vim har mange flere kommandoer. Les bruksanvisningen
@@ -788,8 +951,8 @@ MERK: Dette gjr at du slipper trykke i , det siste tegnet, teksten som
For videre lesing og studier, kan denne boken anbefales:
Vim - Vi Improved av Steve Oualline
Utgiver: New Riders
- Den frstnevnte boken er fullt og helt dedikert til Vim. Spesielt nyttig
- for nybegynnere. Inneholder mange eksempler og illustrasjoner.
+ Den frste boken som er fullt og helt dedisert til Vim. Spesielt nyttig for
+ nybegynnere. Inneholder mange eksempler og illustrasjoner.
Denne boken er eldre og handler mer om Vi enn Vim, men anbefales ogs:
@@ -800,11 +963,11 @@ MERK: Dette gjr at du slipper trykke i , det siste tegnet, teksten som
Denne innfringen er skrevet av Michael C. Pierce og Robert K. Ware,
Colorado School of Mines med ider av Charles Smith, Colorado State
- University. Email: .
+ University. E-mail: .
Modifisert for Vim av Bram Moolenaar.
- Oversatt av yvind A. Holm -- sunny _AT_
- 279 2004-05-12 09:21:53Z sunny
+ Oversatt av yvind A. Holm. E-mail: vimtutor _AT_
+ Id: 406 2007-03-18 22:48:36Z sunny
vim: set ts=8 :
diff --git a/runtime/tutor/ b/runtime/tutor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4e0c4f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tutor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+= V i t a j t e v o V I M T u t o r i a l i - Verzia 1.7 =
+ Vim je veľmi výkonný editor, ktorý má príliž veľa príkazov na to aby
+ mohli byt všetky popísané vo výuke akou je táto. Táto výuka
+ popisuje dostatočné množstvo príkazov nato aby bolo možné používať
+ Vim ako viacúčelový editor.
+ Približný čas potrebný na prebratie tejto výuky je 25-30 minút,
+ závisí na tom, koľko je stráveného času s preskúšavaním.
+ Príkazy v lekciách modifikujú text. Vytvor kópiu tohto súboru aby
+ sa mohlo precvičovať na ňom (pri štarte "vimtutor" je toto kópia).
+ Je dôležité zapamätať si, že táto výuka je vytvorená pre výuku
+ používaním. To znamená, že je potrebné si príkazy vyskúšať, aby bolo
+ učenie správne. Ak len čitas text, príkazy zabudneš!
+ Presvedč sa, že Shift-Lock NIEJE stlačený a stlačt klávesu
+ j niekoľko krát, aby sa kurzor posunul natoľko, že lekcia 1.1
+ celkom zaplní obrazovku.
+ Lekcia 1.1: POHYB KURZOROM
+ ** Pre pohyb kurzorum stlač klávesy h,j,k,l ako je znázornené. **
+ ^
+ k Funkcia: Klávesa h je naľavo a vykoná pohyb doľava.
+ < h l > Klávesa l je napravo a vykoná pohyb doprava.
+ j Klávesa j vyzerá ako šípka dole
+ v
+ 1. Pohybuj kurzorom po obrazovke, kým si na to nezvykneš.
+ 2. Drž stlačenú klávesu pre pohyb dole (j), kým sa jej funkcia nezopakuje.
+---> Teraz sa už vieš pohybovať na nasledujúcu lekciu.
+ 3. Použitím klávesy pre pohyb dole prejdi na Lekciu 1.2.
+Poznámka: Ak si niesi istý tým čo si napísal, stlač <ESC>
+ na prechod do normálneho módu.
+Poznámka: Kurzorové klávesy sú tiež funkčné. Ale používaním hjkl sa budeš
+ schopný pohybovať rýchlejšie, keď si zvykneš ich používať. Naozaj!
+ !! POZNÁMKA: Pred vykonaním týchto krokov si prečítaj celú túto lekciu !!
+ 1. Stlač klávesu <ESC> (aby si sa učite nachádzal v normálnom móde)
+ 2. Napíš: :q! <ENTER>.
+ Tým ukončíš prácu s editorom BEZ uloženia zmien, ktoré si vykonal.
+ 3. Keď sa dostaneš na príkazový riadok, napíš príkaz, ktorým sa dostaneš
+ speť do tejto výuky. To môže byť: vimtutor <ENTER>
+ 4. Ak si si tieto kroky spoľahlivo zapamätal, vykonaj kroky 1 až 3, pre
+ ukončenie a znovu spustenie editora.
+POZNÁMKA: :q! <ENTER> neuloží zmeny, ktoré si vykonal. O niekoľko lekcií
+ sa naučíš ako uložiť zmeny do súboru
+ 5. presuň kurzor dole na lekciu 1.3.
+** Stlačenie klávesy x v normálnom móde zmaže znak na mieste kurzora. **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na riadok označený značkou --->.
+ 2. Aby si mohol odstrániť chyby, pohybuj kurzorom kým neprejde na znak,
+ ktorý chceš zmazať.
+ 3. Stlač klávesu x aby sa zmazal nechcený znak.
+ 4. Zopakuj kroky 2 až 4 až kým veta nieje správna.
+---> Kraava skoočilla ccezz mesiiac.
+ 5. Ak je veta správna, prejdi na lekciu 1.4.
+POZNÁMKA: Neskúšaj si zapamätať obsah tejto výuky, ale sa uč používaním.
+ ** Stlačenie klávesy i umožňuje vkladanie textu. **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na prvý riadok za značku --->.
+ 2. Pre upravenie prvého riadku do rovnakého tvaru ako je druhý riadok,
+ presuň kurzor na prvý znak za misto, kde má byť text vložený.
+ 3. Stlač klávesu i a napíš potrebný text.
+ 4. Po opravení každej chyby, stlač <ESC> pre návrat do normálneho módu.
+ Zopakuj kroky 2 až 4 kým nieje veta správna.
+---> Tu je text chýbajúci tejto.
+---> Tu je nejaký text chýbajúci od tejto čiary.
+ 5. Keď sa dostatočne naučíš vkladať text, prejdi na nasledujúce zhrnutie.
+ ** Stlačenie klávesy A umožňuje pridávať text. **
+ 1. Presuň kurozr nižšie na prvý riadok za značkou --->.
+ Nezáleží na tom, na ktorom znaku sa kurzor v tom riadku nachádza.
+ 2. Stlač klávesu A a napíš potrebný text.
+ 3. Po pridaní textu stlač klávesu <ESC> pre návrat do Normálneho módu.
+ 4. Presuň kurozr na druhý riadok označený ---> a zopakuj
+ kroky 2 a 3 kým nieje veta správna.
+---> Tu je nejaký text chýbajúci o
+ Tu je nejaký text chýbajúci od tiaľto.
+---> Tu tiež chýba nej
+ Tu tiež chýba nejaký text.
+ 5. Keď sa dostatočne naučíš pridávať text, prejdi na lekciu 1.6.
+ ** Napísaním :wq sa súbor uloží a zavrie **
+!! POZNÁMKA: Pred vykonaním týchto krokov si prečítaj celú lekciu!!
+1. Opusti túto výuku, ako si to urobil v lekcii 1.2: :q!
+2. Do príkazového riadku napíš príkaz: vim tutor <ENTER>
+ 'vim' je príkaz, ktorý spustí editor Vim, 'tutor' je meno súboru,
+ ktorý chceš editovať. Použi taký súbor, ktorý môžeš meniť.
+3. Vlož a zmaž text tak, ako si sa naučil v predošlých lekciach.
+4. Ulož súbor so zmenami a opusti Vim príkazom: :wq <ENTER>
+5. Reštartuj vimtutor a presuň sa dole na nasledujúce zhrnutie.
+6. Urob tak po prečítaní predošlých krokov a porozumeniu im.
+ 1. Kurzor sa pohybuje použitím kláves so šípkami alebo klávesmi hjkl.
+ h (do lava) j (dole) k (hore) l (doprava)
+ 2. Pre spustenie Vimu (z príkazového riadku) napíš: vim FILENAME <ENTER>
+ 3. Na ukončenie Vimu napíš: <ESC> :q! <ENTER> pre zrušenie všetkých zmien
+ alebo napíš: <ESC> :wq <ENTER> pre uloženie zmien.
+ 4. Na zmazanie znaku na mieste kurzora napíš: x
+ 5. Pre vloženie textu na mieste kurzora v normálnom móde napíš:
+ i napíš vkladaný text <ESC> vkladanie pred kurzor
+ A napíš pridávaný text <EXC> vkladanie za riadok
+POZNÁMKA: Stlačenie <ESC> ťa premiestní do normálneho módu alebo zruší
+ nejaký nechcený a čiastočne dokončený príkaz.
+Teraz pokračuj lekciou 2.
+ Lekcia 2.1: Mazacie príkazy
+ ** Napísanie príkazu dw zmaže znaky do konca slova. **
+1. Stlač <ESC> aby si bol bezpečne v normálnom móde.
+2. Presuň kurzor nižšie na riadok označený značkou --->.
+3. Presuň kurzor na začiatok slova, ktoré je potrebné zmazať.
+4. Napíš dw aby slovo zmizlo.
+POZNÁMKA: Písmeno d sa zobrazí na poslednom riadku obrazovky keď ho
+ napíšeš. Vim na teba počká, aby si mohol napísať
+ písmeno w. Ak vidíš niečo iné ako d , tak si napísal
+ nesprávny znak; stlač <ESC> a začni znova.
+---> Tu je niekoľko slov zábava, ktoré nie patria list do tejto vety.
+5. Zopakuj kroky 3 až 4 kým veta nieje správna a prejdi na lekciu 2.2.
+ ** Napísanie príkazu d$ zmaže znaky do konca riadku **
+1. Stlač <ESC> aby si bol bezpečne v normálnom móde.
+2. Presuň kurzor nižšie na riadok označený značkou --->.
+3. Presuň kurzor na koniec správnej vety (ZA prvú bodku).
+4. Napíš d$ aby sa zmazali znaky do konca riadku.
+---> Niekto napísal koniec tohto riadku dvakrát. koniec tohot riadku dvakrát.
+5. Prejdi na lekciu 2.3 pre pochopenie toho čo sa stalo.
+ Veľa príkazov, ktoré menia text sú odvodené od operátorov a pohybov.
+ Formát pre príkaz mazania klávesou d je nasledovný:
+ d pohyb
+ kde:
+ d - je mazací operátor
+ pohyb - je to čo operátor vykonáva (vypísané nižšie)
+ Krátky list pohybov:
+ w - do začiatku ďalšieho slova, okrem jeho prvého písmena.
+ e - do konca terajšieho slova, vrátane posledného znaku.
+ $ - do konca riadku, vrátane posledného znaku
+ Takže napísaním de sa zmaže všetko od kurzora do konca slova.
+POZNÁMKA: Stlačením iba pohybu v normálnom móde bez operátora
+ sa presunie kurzor tak ako je to špecivikované.
+ Lekcia 2.4: Použitie viacnásobného pohybu
+ ** Napísaním čísla pred pohyb ho zopakuje zadný počet krát **
+ 1. Presuň kurozr nižšie na začiatok riadku označeného --->.
+ 2. Napíš 2w a kurozr sa presunie o dve slová vpred.
+ 3. Napíš 3e a kurozr sa presunie vpred na koniec tretieho slova.
+ 4. Napíš 0 (nula) a kurozr sa presunie na začiatok riadku.
+ 5. Zopakuj kroky 2 a 3 s rôznymi číslami.
+---> Toto je riadok so slovami po kotrých sa môžete pohybovať.
+ 6. Prejdi na lekciu 2.5.
+ ** Napísanie čísla spolu s operátorom ho zopakuje zadaný počet krát **
+ V kombinácii operátorov mazania a pohybu spomínaného vyššie vlož počet
+ pred pohyb pre docielenie hromadného mazania:
+ d číslo pohyb
+ 1. Presuň kurzor na prvé slovo písané VEĽKÝMI PÍSMENAMI
+ v riadku označenom --->.
+ 2. Napíš 2dw a zmažeš dve slová písané VEĽKÝMI PÍSMENAMI
+ 3. Zopakuj kroky 1 a 2 s použitím rôzneho čísla tak aby si zmazal slová
+ písané veľkými písmenami jedným príkazom.
+---> Tento ABC DE riadok FGHI JK LMN OP so slovamI je Q RS TUV vycisteny.
+POZNÁMKA: Číslo medzi operátorom d a pohybom funguje podobne ako pri
+ použití s pohybom bez operátora.
+ ** Napísanie príkazu dd zmaže celý riadok. **
+Vzhľadom na frekvenciu mazania celého riadku, sa autori Vimu rozhodli,
+že bude jednoduchšie mazať celý riadok napísaním dvoch písmen d.
+1. Presuň kurzor na druhý riadok v texte na spodu.
+2. Napíš dd aby si zmazal riadok.
+3. Prejdi na štvrtý riadok.
+4. Napíš 2dd aby si zmazal dva riadky.
+ 1) Ruže sú červené,
+ 2) Blato je zábavné,
+ 3) Fialky sú modré,
+ 4) Mám auto,
+ 5) Hodinky ukazujú čas,
+ 6) Cukor je sladký,
+ 7) A to si ty.
+ Lekcia 2.7: PRÍKAZ UNDO
+** Stlač u pre vrátenie posledného príkazu, U pre úpravu celého riadku. **
+1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na riadok označený značkou ---> a premiestni ho na
+ prvú chybu.
+2. Napíš x pre zmazanie prvého nechceného riadku.
+3. Teraz napíš u čím vrátíš späť posledne vykonaný príkaz.
+4. Teraz oprav všetky chyby na riadku použitím príkazu x .
+5. Teraz napíš veľké U čím vrátíš riadok do pôvodného stavu.
+6. Teraz napíš u niekoľko krát, čím vrátíš späť príkaz U.
+7. Teraz napíš CTRL-R (drž klávesu CTRL stlačenú kým stláčaš R) niekoľko
+ krát, čím vrátíš späť predtým vrátené príkazy (undo z undo).
+---> Opprav chybby nna toomto riadku a zmeeň ich pommocou undo.
+ 8. Tieto príkazy sú často používané. Teraz prejdi na zhrnutie lekcie 2.
+ 1. Pre zmazanie znakov od kurzora do konca slova napíš: dw
+ 2. Pre zmazanie znakov od kurzora do konca riadku napíš: d$
+ 3. Pre zmazanie celého riadku napíš: dd
+ 4. Pre zopakovanie pohybu, napíš pred neho číslo: 2w
+ 5. Formát pre píkaz:
+ operátor [číslo] pohyb
+ kde:
+ operátor - čo treba robiť, napríklad d pre zmazanie
+ [číslo] - je voliteľný počet pre opakovanie pohybu
+ pohyb - pohyb po texte vzhľadom na operátor, napríklad w (slovo),
+ $ (do konca riadku), atď.
+ 6. Pre pohyb na začiatok riadku použi nulu: 0
+ 7. Pre vrátenie späť predošlej operácie napíš: u (malé u)
+ Pre vrátenie všetkých úprav na riadku napíš: U (veľké U)
+ Pre vrátenie vrátených úprav napíš: CTRL-R
+ Lekcia 3.1: PRÍKAZ VLOŽIŤ
+ ** Napísanie príkazu p vloží psledný výmaz za kurzor. **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na prvý riadok textu.
+ 2. Napíš dd čím zmažeš riadok a uložíš ho do buffera editora Vim.
+ 3. Presuň kurzor vyššie tam, kam zmazaný riadok patrí.
+ 4. Ak napíšeš v normálnom móde p zmazaný riadk sa vloží.
+ 5. Zopakuj kroky 2 až 4, kým riadky niesú v správnom poradí.
+---> d) Tiež sa dokážeš vzdelávať?
+---> b) Fialky sú modré,
+---> c) Inteligencia sa vzdeláva,
+---> a) Ruže sú červené,
+ ** Napísaním rx sa nahradí znak na mieste kurzora znakom x . **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na prví riadok textu označeného značkou --->.
+ 2. Presuň kurzor na začiatok prvej chyby.
+ 3. napíš r a potom znak, ktorý tam má byť.
+ 4. Zopakuj kroky 2 a 3, kým prvý riadok nieje zhodný s druhým.
+---> Kaď bol tento riasok píaaný, niekro stlašil nesprábne klávesy!
+---> Keď bol tento riadok písaný, niekto stlačil nesprávne klávesy!
+ 5. Teraz prejdi na lekciu 3.2.
+POZNÁMKA: Pamätaj si, že naučiť sa môžeš len používanim, nie pamätaním.
+ Lekcia 3.3. PRÍKAZ ÚPRAVY
+ ** Ak chceš zmeniť časť slova do konca slova, napíš ce . **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na prvý riadok označený značkou --->.
+ 2. Umiestni kurzor na písmeno o v slove rosfpl.
+ 3. Napíš ce a oprav slovo (v tomto prípade napíš 'iadok'.)
+ 4. Stlač <ESC> a prejdi na ďalší znak, ktorý treba zmeniť.
+ 5. Zopakuj kroky 3 a 4, kým prvá veta nieje rovnaká ako druhá.
+---> Tento rosfpl má niekoľko skic, ktoré je pirewvbí zmeniť piyťučán príkazu.
+---> Tento riadok má niekoľko slov, ktoré je potrebné zmeniť použitím príkazu.
+Poznámka, že ce zmaže slovo a nastaví vkladací mód.
+ ** Príkaz pre úpravy sa používa s rovnakými pohybmi ako pre mazanie **
+ 1. Príkaz pre úpravy pracuje rovnako ako pre mazanie. Formát je:
+ c [číslo] pohyb
+ 2. Pohyby sú rovnaké, ako napríklad w (slovo) a $ (koniec riadku).
+ 3. Presuň kurzor nižšie na prvý riadok označený značkou --->.
+ 4. Presuň kurzor na prvú chybu.
+ 5. napíš c$ aby si mohol upraviť zvyšok riadku podľa druhého
+ a stlač <ESC>.
+---> Koniec tohto riadku potrebuje pomoc, aby bol ako druhy.
+---> Koniec tohto riadku potrebuje opraviť použitím príkazu c$ .
+POZNÁMKA: Môžeš použiť klávesu backspace na úpravu zmien počas písania.
+ 1. Na vloženie textu, ktorý už bol zmazaný, napíš p . To vloží zmazaný
+ text ZA kurzor (ak bol riadok zmazaný prejde na riadok pod kurzorom).
+ 2. Pre naradenie znaku na mieste kurzora, napíš r a potom znak, ktorý
+ nahradí pôvodný znak.
+ 3. Príkaz na upravenie umožňuje zmeniť od kurzora až po miesto, ktoré
+ určuje pohyb. napr. Napíš ce čím zmníš text od pozície
+ kurzora do konca slova, c$ zmení text do konca riadku.
+ 4. Formát pre nahradenie je:
+ c [číslo] pohyb
+Teraz prejdi na nalsedujúcu lekciu.
+ ** Stlač CTRL-g pre zobrazenie svojej pozície v súbore a statusu súboru.
+ Napíš G pre presun na riadok v súbore. **
+ Poznámka: Prečítaj si celú túto lekciu skôr ako začneš vykonávať kroky!!
+ 1. Drž stlačenú klávesu Ctrl a stlač g . Toto nazývame CTRL-G.
+ Na spodu obrazovky sa zobrazí správa s názvom súboru a pozíciou
+ v súbore. Zapamätajsi si číslo riadku pre použitie v kroku 3.
+ 2. Stlač G čím sa dostaneš na spodok súboru.
+ Napíš gg čím sa dostaneš na začiatok súboru.
+ 3. Napíš číslo riadku na ktorom si sa nachádzal a stlač G. To ťa
+ vráti na riadok, na ktorom si prvý krát stlačil CTRL-G.
+ 4. Ak sa cítíš schopný vykonať teto kroky, vykonaj kroky 1 až 3.
+ ** Napíš / nasledované reťazcom pre vyhľadanie príslušného reťazca. **
+ 1. Napíš znak / v normálnom móde. Poznámka, že tento znak sa spolu
+ s kurzorom zobrazí v dolnej časti obrazovky s : príkazom.
+ 2. Teraz napíš 'errroor' <ENTER>. To je slovo, ktoré chceš vyhľadať.
+ 3. Pre vyhľadanie ďalšieho výskytu rovnakého reťazca, stlač jednoducho n.
+ Pre vyhľadanie ďalšieho výskytu rovnakého reťazca opačným smerom,
+ N.
+ 4. Ak chceš vyhľadať reťazec v spätnom smere, použí príkaz ? miesto
+ príkazu /.
+ 5. Pre návrat na miesto z ktorého si prišiel stlač CTRL-O (drž stlačenú
+ klávesu Ctrl počas stlačenia klávesy o). Zopakuj pre ďalší návrat
+ späť. CTRL-I ide vpred.
+POZNÁMKA: "errroor" nieje spôsob hláskovania error; errroor je error.
+POZNÁMKA: Keď vyhľadávanie dosiahne koniec tohto súboru, bude pokračovať na
+ začiatku, dokiaľ nieje resetované nastavenie 'wrapscan' .
+ ** Napíš % pre vyhľadanie príslušného znaku ),], alebo } . **
+ 1. Premiestni kurzor na hocaký zo znakov (, [, alebo { v riadku nižšie
+ označeného značkou --->.
+ 2. Teraz napíš znak % .
+ 3. Kurzor sa premiestni na zodpovedajúcu zátvorku.
+ 4. Napíš % pre presun kurzoru späť na otvárajúcu zátvorku.
+ 5. Presuň kurzor na iný zo znakov (,),[,],{ alebo } a všimni si
+ čo % vykonáva.
+---> Toto ( je testovací riadok s ('s, ['s ] a {'s } v riadku. ))
+Poznámka: Toto je veľmi výhodné použíť pri ladení programu s chýbajúcimi
+ uzatvárajúcimi zátvorkami!
+ ** Napíš :s/starý/nový/g pre nahradenie slova 'starý' za slovo 'nový'. **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na riadok označený značkou --->.
+ 2. Napíš :s/thee/the <ENTER> . Poznamka, že tento príkaz zmení len prvý
+ výskyt "thee" v riadku.
+ 3. Teraz napíš :s/thee/the/g čo znamená celkové nahradenie v riadku.
+ Toto nahradí všetky výskyty v riadku.
+---> Thee best time to see thee flowers in thee spring.
+ 4. Pre zmenu všetkých výskytov daného reťazca medzi dvomi ridakami,
+ napíš :#,#s/starý/nový/g kde #,# sú čísla dvoch riadkov, v rozsahu
+ ktorých sa nahradenie vykoná.
+ napíš :%s/starý/nový/g pre zmenu všetkých výskytov v celom riadku
+ napíš :%s/starý/nový/gc nájde všetky výskyty v celom súbore,
+ s otázkou či nahradiť alebo nie
+ 1. CTRL-g vypíše tvoju pozíciu v súbore a status súboru.
+ G ťa premiestni na koniec riadku.
+ číslo G ťa premiestni na riadok s číslom.
+ gg ťa presunie na prvý riadok
+ 2. Napísanie / nasledované reťazcom vyhľadá reťazec smerom DOPREDU.
+ Napísanie ? nasledované reťazcom vyhľada reťazec smerom DOZADU.
+ Napísanie n po vyhľadávaní, vyhľadá nasledujúci výskyt reťazca
+ v rovnakom smere, pričom N vyhľadá v opačnom smere.
+ CTRL-O ťa vráti späť na staršiu pozíciu, CTRL-I na novšiu pozíciu.
+ 3. Napísanie % keď kurzor je na (,),[,],{, alebo } nájde zodpovdajúcu
+ párnu zátvorku.
+ 4. Pre nahradenie nového za prvý starý v riadku napíš :s/starý/nový
+ Pre nahradenie nového za všetky staré v riadku napíš :s/starý/nový/g
+ Pre nahradenie reťazcov medzi dvoma riadkami 3 napíš :#,#/starý/nový/g
+ Pre nahradenie všetkých výskytov v súbore napíš :%s/starý/nový/g
+ Pre potvrdenie každého nahradenia pridaj 'c' :%s/starý/nový/gc
+ ** Napíš príkaz :! nasledovaný vonkajším príkazom pre spustenie príkazu **
+ 1. Napíš obvyklý píkaz : ktorý nastaví kurzor na spodok obrazovky.
+ To umožní napísať príkaz.
+ 2. Teraz napíš ! (výkričník). To umožní spustiť hociaký vonkajší príkaz
+ z príkazového riadku.
+ 3. Ako príklad napíš ls za ! a stlač <ENTER>. Tento príkaz
+ zobrazí obsah tvojho adresára rovnako ako na príkazovom riadku.
+ Alebo použi :!dir ak ls nefunguje.
+Poznámka: Takto je možné spustiť hociaký vonkajší príkaz s argumentami.
+Poznámka: Všetky príkazy : musia byť dokončené stlačením <ENTER>
+ ** Pre uloženie zmien v súbore, napíš :w FILENAME. **
+ 1. Napíš :!dir alebo :!ls pre výpis aktuálneho adresára.
+ Už vieš, že musíš za týmto stlačiť <ENTER> .
+ 2. Vyber názov súboru, ktorý ešte neexistuje, ako napr. TEST.
+ 3. Teraz napíš: :w TEST (kde TEST je názov vybratého súboru.)
+ 4. To uloží celý súbor (Vim Tutor) pod názovm TEST.
+ Pre overenie napíš :!dir , čím zobrazíš obsah adresára.
+Poznámka: že ak ukončíš prácu s editorom Vim a znovu ho spustíš príkazom
+ vim TEST, súbor bude kópia výuky, keď si ho uložil.
+ 5. Teraz odstráň súbor napísaním (MS-DOS): :!del TEST
+ alebo (Unix): :!rm TEST
+ ** Pre uloženie časti súboru, napíš v pohyb :w FILENAME **
+ 1. Presuň kurozr na tento riadok.
+ 2. Stlač v a presuň kurozr na piatu položku dole. Poznámka, že
+ tento text je vyznačený (highlighted).
+ 3. Stlač klávesu : . V spodnej časti okna sa objaví :'<,'>.
+ 4. Napíš w TEST , kde TEST je meno súboru, ktorý zatial neexistuje.
+ Skontroluj, e vidíš :'<,'>w TEST predtým než stlačíš Enter.
+ 5. Vim zapíše označené riadky do súboru TEST. Použi :!dir alebo !ls
+ pre overenie. Zatial ho ešte nemaž! Použijeme ho v ďalšej lekcii.
+POZNÁMKA: Stlačením klávesy v sa spustí vizuálne označovanie.
+ Môžeš pohybovať kurzorom pre upresnenie vyznačeného textu.
+ Potom môžeš použiť operátor pre vykonanie nejakej akcie
+ s textom. Napríklad d zmaže vyznačený text.
+ ** Pre vloženie obsahu súboru, napíš :r FILENAME **
+ 1. Premiestni kurzor nad tento riadok.
+POZNÁMKA: Po vykonaní kroku 2 uvidíš text z lekcie 5.3. Potom sa presuň
+ dole, aby si videl túto lekciu.
+ 3. Teraz vlož súbor TEST použitím príkazu :r TEST kde TEST je názov
+ súboru. Súbor, ktorý si použil je umiestnený pod riadkom s kurzorom.
+POZNÁMKA: Môžeš tiež načítať výstup vonkajšieho príkazu. Napríklad :r !ls
+ načíta výstup príkazu ls a umiestni ho za pozíciu kurzora.
+ 1. :!príkaz spustí vonkajší príkaz.
+ Niektoré využiteľné príklady sú:
+ :!dir :!ls - zobrazí obsah adresára
+ :!del FILENAME :!rm FILENAME - odstráni súbor FILENAME
+ 2. :w FILENAME uloží aktuálny súbor na disk pod menom FILENAME.
+ 3. v pohyb :w FILENAME uloží vizuálne označené riadky do
+ súboru FILENAME.
+ 4. :r FILENAME vyberie z disku súbor FILENAME a vloží ho do aktuálneho
+ súboru za pozíciou kurzora.
+ 5. :r !dir načíta výstup z príkazu dir a vloží ho za pozíciu kurzora.
+ Lekcia 6.1: PRÍKAZ OTVORIŤ
+** Napíš o pre vloženie riadku pod kurzor a prepnutie do vkladacieho módu **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na riadok označený značkou --->.
+ 2. Napíš o (malé písmeno) pre vloženie čistého riadku pod kurzorm
+ a prepnutie do vkladacieho módu.
+ 3. Teraz skopíruj riadok označený ---> a stlač <ESC> pre ukončenie
+ vkladacieho módu.
+---> Po napísaní o sa kurzor premiestní na vložený riadok do vkladacieho
+ módu.
+ 4. Pre otvorenie riadku nad kurzorom, jednotucho napíš veľké O ,
+ namiesto malého o. Vyskúšaj si to na riadku dole.
+---> Vlož riadok nad týmto napísaním O, keď kurzor je na tomto riadku.
+ Lekcia 6.2: PRÍKAZ PRIDAŤ
+ ** Napíš a pre vloženie textu ZA kurzor. **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na koniec prvého riadku označeného značkou --->
+ 2. Stlač klávesu e dokiaľ kurozr nieje na konci riadku.
+ 3. Napíš a (malé písmeno) pre pridanie textu ZA kurzorom.
+ 4. Dokončí slovo tak ako je to v druhom riadku. Stlaš <ESC> pre
+ opustenie vkladacieho módu.
+ 5. Použi e na presun na ďalšie nedokončené slovo a zopakuj kroky 3 a 4.
+---> Tento ri ti dovoľuje nácv priávan testu na koniec riadku.
+---> Tento riadok ti dovoľuje nácvik pridávania textu na koniec riadku.
+POZNÁMKA: a, i, A štartujú rovnaký vkladací mód, jediný rozidel je, kde
+ sa znaky vkladajú.
+ ** Napíš veľké R pre nahradenie viac ako jedného znaku. **
+ 1. Presuň kurzor nižšie na prvý riadok označený značkou --->. Premiestni
+ kurzor na začiatok prvého výskytu xxx.
+ 2. Teraz napíš R a napíš číslo uvedené v druhom riadku, takže
+ sa ním nahradí pôvodné xxx.
+ 3. Stlač <ESC> pre opustenie nahradzovacieho módu. Poznámka, že zvyšok
+ riadku zostane nezmenený.
+ 4. Zopakuj tieto kroky pre nahradenie zvyšných xxx.
+---> Pridaním 123 ku xxx dostaneš xxx.
+---> Pridaním 123 ku 456 dostaneš 579.
+POZNÁMKA: Nahradzovací mód je ako vkladací mód, ale každý napísaný znak
+ zmaže existujúci znak.
+ Lekcia 6.4: Copy Paste textu
+ ** použí operátor y pre copy textku a p pre jeho paste **
+ 1. Choď nižšie na riadok označený ---> a umiestni kurozr za "a)".
+ 2. Naštartuj vizuálny mód použitím v a presuň kurozr pred "first".
+ 3. Napíš y pre vystrihnutie (copy) označeného textu.
+ 4. Presuň kurozr na koniec ďalšieho riadku: j$
+ 5. Napíš p pre vložnie (paste) textu. Potom napíš: a druha <ESC>.
+ 6. Použi vizuálny mód pre označenie "položka.", vystrihni to
+ použitím y, presuň sa na koniec nasledujúceho riadku použitím j$
+ a vlož sem text použitím p.
+---> a) toto je prvá položka
+---> b)
+POZNÁMKA: Môžeš použiť tiež y ako operátor; yw vystrihne jedno slovo.
+** Nastav možnosti, takže vyhľadávanie alebo nahradzovanie ignoruje
+ rozlišovanie **
+ 1. Vyhľadaj reťazec 'ignore' napísaním:
+ /ignore <ENTER>
+ Zopakuj vyhľadávanie niekoľko krát stlačením klávesy n .
+ 2. Nastav možnosť 'ic' (Ignore case) napísaním príkazu:
+ :set ic
+ 3. Teraz vyhľadaj reťazec 'ingore' znova stlačením klávesy n
+ Poznámka, že teraz sú vyhľadané aj Ignore a IGNORE.
+ 4. Nastav možnosťi 'hlsearch' a 'incsearch':
+ :set hls is
+ 5. Teraz spusti vyhľadávací príkaz znovu, a pozri čo sa stalo:
+ /ignore <ENTER>
+ 6. Pre opetovné zapnutie rozlyšovania veľkých a malých písmen
+ napíš: :set noic
+POZNÁMKA: Na odstránenie zvýraznenia výrazov napíš: :nohlsearch
+POZNÁMKA: Ak chceš nerozlyšovať veľkosť písmen len pre jedno
+ použitie vyhľadávacieho príkazu, použi \c: /ignore\c <ENTER>
+ 1. Napíš o pre otvorenie riadku pod kurzorom a štart vkladacieho módu.
+ Napíš O pre otvorenie riadku nad kurzorom.
+ 2. Napíš a pre vkladanie textu ZA kurzor.
+ Napíš A pre vkladanie textu za koncom riadku.
+ 3. Príkaz e presunie kurozr na koniec slova
+ 4. Operátor y vystrihne (skopíruje) text, p ho vloží.
+ 5. Napísanie veľkého R prepne do nahradzovacieho módu, kým nieje
+ stlačené <ESC>.
+ 6. Napísanie ":set xxx" nastaví možnosť "xxx". Niektoré nastavenia sú:
+ 'ic' 'ignorecase' ignoruje veľké a malé písmená počas vyhľadávania.
+ 'is' 'incsearch' zobrazuje čiastočné reťazce vyhľadávaného reťazca.
+ 'hls' 'hlsearch' vyznačí všetky vyhľadávané reťazce.
+ Môžeš použiť hociktorý z dlhých a krátkych názvov možností.
+ 7. Vlož "no" pred nastavenie pre jeho vypnutie: :set noic
+ ** Používaj on-line systém nápovedy **
+ Vim má obsiahly on-line systém nápovedy. Pre odštartovanie, vyskúšaj jeden
+ z týchto troch:
+ - stlač klávesu <HELP> (ak nejakú máš)
+ - stlač klávesu <F1> (ak nejakú máš)
+ - napíš :help <ENTER>
+ Čítaj text v okne nápovedy pre získanie predstavy ako nápoveda funguje.
+ Napíš CTRL-W CTRL-W pre skok z jedného okna do druhého.
+ Napíš :q <ENTER> čím zatvoríš okno nápovedy.
+ Môžeš nájsť help ku hociakej téme pridaním argumentu ku príkazu ":help".
+ Vyskúšaj tieto (nezabudni stlačiť <ENTER>):
+ :help w
+ :help c_CTRL-D
+ :help insert-index
+ :help user-manual
+ ** Zapni funkcie editora Vim **
+ Vim má omnoho viac funkcii než Vi, ale večšina z nich je implicitne
+ vypnutá. Pre používanie viac Vim funkcii vytvor "vimrc" súbor.
+ 1. Začni editovať "vimrc" súbor, to závisí na použitom systéme:
+ :e ~/.vimrc pre Unix
+ :e $VIM/_vimrc pre MS-Windows
+ 2. Teraz si prečítaj text príkladu "vimrc" súboru:
+ :r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
+ 3. Ulož súbor:
+ :w
+ Pri nasledujúcom štarte editora Vim sa použije zvýrazňovanie syntaxe.
+ Do "vimrc" súboru môžeš pridať všetky svoje uprednostňované nastavenia.
+ Pre viac informácii napíš :help vimrc-intro
+ ** Dokonči príkaz na príkazovom riadku použitím CTRL-D a <TAB> **
+ 1. Uisti sa, že Vim nieje v kompatibilnom móde: :set nocp
+ 2. Pozri sa aké súbory sa nachádzajú v adresári: :!ls alebo :!dir
+ 3. Napíš začiatok príkazu: :e
+ 4. Stlač CTRL-D a Vim zobrazí zoznam príkazov začínajúcich "e".
+ 5. Stlač <TAB> a Vim dokončí meno príkazu na ":edit".
+ 6. Teraz pridaj medzerník a začiatok mena existujúceho súboru:
+ :edit FIL
+ 7. Stlač <TAB>. Vim dokončí meno (ak je jedinečné).
+POZNÁMKA: Dokončovanie funguje pre veľa príkazov. Vyskúšaj stlačenie
+ CTRL-D a <TAB>. Špeciálne je to užitočné pre príkaz :help.
+ 1. Napíš :help alebo stlač <F1> alebo <Help> pre otvorenie okna nápovedy.
+ 2. Napíš :help príkaz pre vyhľadanie nápovedy ku príkazu príkaz.
+ 3. Napíš CTRL-W CTRL-W na preskočenie do iného okna.
+ 4. Napíš :q pre zatvorenie okna nápovedy
+ 5. Vytvor štartovací skript vimrc pre udržanie uprednostňovaných nastavení.
+ 6. Počas písania príkazu : stlač CTRL-D pre zobrazenie dokončení.
+ Stlač <TAB> pre použitie jedného z dokončení.
+ Toto vymedzuje výuku Vimu. Toto je určené pre strucný prehľad o editore
+ Vim, úplne postačujúce pre ľahké a obstojné používanie tohto editora.
+ Táto výuka je ďaleko od kompletnosti, pretože Vim má omnoho viacej príkazov.
+ Ako ďalšie si prečítaj užívatľský manuál: ":help user-manual".
+ Pre ďalšie čítanie a štúdium je odporúčaná kniha:
+ Vim - Vi Improved - od Steve Oualline
+ Vydavateľ: New Riders
+ Prvá kniha určená pre Vim. Špeciálne vhodná pre začiatočníkov.
+ Obsahuje množstvo príkladov a obrázkov.
+ Pozri na
+ Táto kniha je staršia a je viac o Vi ako o Vim, ale je tiež odporúčaná:
+ Learning the Vi Editor - od Linda Lamb
+ Vydavateľ: O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
+ Je to dobrá kniha pre získanie vedomostí o práci s editorom Vi.
+ Šieste vydanie obsahuje tiež informácie o editore Vim.
+ Táto výuka bola napísaná autormi Michael C. Pierce a Robert K. Ware,
+ Colorado School of Mines s použitím myšlienok dodanými od Charles Smith,
+ Colorado State University. E-mail:
+ Modifikované pre Vim od Bram Moolenaar.
+ Preklad do Slovenčiny: Ľuboš Čelko
+ e-mail:
+ Last Change: 2006 Apr 18
+ encoding: iso8859-2
diff --git a/runtime/vimrc_example.vim b/runtime/vimrc_example.vim
index f69e3d690..eaf3fd6ba 100644
--- a/runtime/vimrc_example.vim
+++ b/runtime/vimrc_example.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" An example for a vimrc file.
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
-" Last change: 2002 Sep 19
+" Last change: 2006 Nov 16
" To use it, copy it to
" for Unix and OS/2: ~/.vimrc
@@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ set incsearch " do incremental searching
" Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting
map Q gq
-" This is an alternative that also works in block mode, but the deleted
-" text is lost and it only works for putting the current register.
-"vnoremap p "_dp
+" In many terminal emulators the mouse works just fine, thus enable it.
+set mouse=a
" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
" Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ if has("autocmd")
" (happens when dropping a file on gvim).
autocmd BufReadPost *
\ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
- \ exe "normal g`\"" |
+ \ exe "normal! g`\"" |
\ endif
augroup END
@@ -79,3 +78,8 @@ else
set autoindent " always set autoindenting on
endif " has("autocmd")
+" Convenient command to see the difference between the current buffer and the
+" file it was loaded from, thus the changes you made.
+command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis
+ \ | wincmd p | diffthis